Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas 20240704

the first republican primary debate. hope the weekend was grand. we have a big week here. i'm bill hemmer. >> dana: i'm dana perino. this is "america's newsroom." i'm excited about the week. are you? >> bill: big time? >> dana: are you packed? >> bill: 50%. >> dana: i have it all planned out because this is a big week. this morning a big day. brand-new polling out of iowa this morning. a state that is small in size but holds a mighty influence over presidential primaries. voters there give former president trump a solid early advantage in the nation's first nominating contest. you would have to go back more than 20 years to find the last time a candidate held this large of a lead over his rivals among iowa caucus goers. >> bill: 48 hours from now will be the arena in milwaukee. the center of the political universe and the political event of the summer. the first republican primary duel on stage. it is all going down in battleground state wisconsin. ten electoral votes on the line there. eight candidates have met the threshold to qualify for the debate. even though they share the stage they see it as a rare chance to seize the spotlight. >> i look to introduce myself to the country. six months ago many people in the country did not know who i was. >> i will be me. i feel like i've been preparing for this first republican presidential debate my whole life. >> we feel really good going into the debate. i love debates and looking forward to it. i think it is a great opportunity for americans to start focusing who will lead us. >> we know america is looking for alternative. >> bill: team fox coverage. marc thiessen with a big picture analysis. peter doocy on the democrats keeping their eye on the first debate. alexis mcadams is live in milwaukee and we begin there now. alexis, good morning. >> bill, good morning from wisconsin. as we just get ready with some of the preps underway in the downtown area ahead of the debate wednesday. the first big opportunity and the largest audience those candidates have to get on the stage and tell americans why they think they are the best option. >> i think this is the beginning of the general election. a lot of families have been out in the summer. getting their kids back in school. now they are dialing into the fact that we're going to be electing a new president within a year. >> those preparations underway again in milwaukee, bill and dana. debate stage is inside pfizer forum. the home of the milwaukee bucks. the main event will be politics here. the eight candidates who have qualified to debate are up on the screen hitting the mark for polling, fundraising and signing that pledge that says they'll support whoever the nominee is. asa hutchinson qualified on sunday and said he believes america is ready to go in a new direction. >> i signed the pledge. i'm confident donald trump won't be the nominee of the party. >> former president donald trump says he is not coming to these debates because he is so ahead in the polls. some competitors are pushing back. >> i think everyone should debate. if you qualify, i think you owe it to the people to put out your vision, to talk about your record, answer questions about your record and decisions that you may have made or not made. >> he is a coward. there is no other conclusion to come to. he is afraid of me and afraid of defending his record. if i had his record i would be nervous about showing up, too. >> trump will not be on stage according to his latest post on truth social. his name will be a hot topic among the candidates as bret and martha hit them with questions and americans will listen closely. >> bill: see you soon in milwaukee. dana. >> dana: democrats are prepping for the gop debate with a multi-million ad blast. >> the biden team is telling us they're specifically trying to appeal to black and hispanic voters in seven battleground states. arizona, georgia, michigan, nevada, north carolina, pennsylvania, and wisconsin. and the ads look like this. >> he believes our best days are ahead because he believes in the american people. >> those who bet against america are learning how wrong they are. >> the biden campaign manager rodriguez is saying the 2024 republican primary is a race for the maga base, not an effort to earn the support of the voters they need. our campaign will be making that stark contrast and the important choice before voters very clear. most basic fundamental of any re-election campaign the con of the economy. only 20 percent say it is excellent or good. 80% say it is only fair or poor. despite positive economic news lately people aren't feeling it. the biden campaign has surrogates trying to convince people the economy is not struggling. >> the economy is getting better. remember a few weeks ago we were all anticipating a few months ago a terrible recession. that has not happened. i think that's indication of the strength of the biden administration's policies. >> an update to the president's public schedule. his vacation has been extended. the white house eventually told us he would come back on thursday. now come back on saturday. we know he is renting a house in the lake tahoe area from the climate activist tom steyer we're told for fair market value. >> dana: beautiful day there. thank you. >> bill: the numbers from iowa. des moines register, said to be the gold standard in iowa. here is where donald trump is. 42%. ron desantis 23 points behind. everybody else in single digits. take note of tim scott, the upper part of that single digit. what are the issues you find in iowa among the electorate. evangelicals hold a lot of sway. there was a lot of concern for trump the first time he went out in 2016. among evangelicals now in this polling trump is at 47%. ron desantis 20%. remember the history now. from 2016 there was concern evangelicals would they be swayed by donald trump. ted cruz won by three points. cruz first place, trump second place in 2016. somewhat impressive but if i go back one time here at this poll is reflective of where we are now, donald trump easily beats all others among evangelicals. a little history, right? three points here and way back in the time machine. interesting now. this is what the polling has shown now going back decades. trump has the biggest lead among republicans since going back to 2000 when george bush was up 27 points and won the state by 11. trump lost it by three. bob dole in nearby kansas in 1996 had a whopping 46 point edge in the iowa caucus. history. for today's modern look marc thiessen has more. good morning to you. waiting to talk to you. good morning, sir. you did a deep dive in the numbers. what do you come away with and what is your analysis? >> if you look at the poll 48 trump is way ahead with 42%. the other way to look at that is that 58% of republicans in iowa want somebody else. it's the same thing in new hampshire. he has 42% in the real clear politics average, 58% of republicans want somebody else. south carolina 43%. 57% want somebody else. this is way open. we haven't had the first debate yet. the players haven't taken the field. this is all pre-game discussion. we'll see what happens in the debate if somebody emerges from that debate as a favorite. right now no one has consolidated that 58% majority that want a different nominee. >> dana: only the speech writer could carry that sports met -- they are looking for someone closest to them on the issues. only 29% said that they are looking for basically the electability argument. best chance of defeat. call for number three, please. this is what the poll says the best chance of defeating joe biden. trump there at 38%. no, sir as commanding a lead as he has overall. desantis at 28%. you go down from there. electability. it sounds logical but it is not necessarily how people think about choosing their candidate. >> they first look at who they agree with because they want to elect the candidate who shares their views. but there is not that much difference except on some issues like ukraine and foreign policy. there is not that much difference between the candidates among -- on the issues. they all agree on the broad swath of things. it's really looking at who sings to them. who is going to -- candidate quality matters a lot. electability will be a big issue. there seems to be a disconnect between the republican voters and the country at large on whether trump can win this election. an a.p. poll that showed 64% of americans say they won't vote for donald trump in november 2024. 64%. 53% say no how, no way, no chance. another 11% say probably not. that's a bad sign. there is not another republican candidate who has those kind of numbers. so in the end the republicans have to decide who can beat joe biden, because biden and harris -- if biden gets another term he won't probably make it through that other term. he is 86 years old at the end of his term. in actual tables you have a 43% chance of making it to 85 as an american male. that means kamala harris on the ballot. do you want kamala harris in the white house, republicans? if you do, don't make electability the centerpiece of your choice. >> bill: time for one more point. kim reynolds a very popular governor in iowa on with shannon over the weekend says the plate is full in iowa. watch. >> i think we have a great field of candidates right now. i think we don't need more candidates in the field. we probably needless. that's kind of what we do with the iowa caucus. our role is not to protect the winner but start to narrow the field. >> bill: that's iowa's job. axios big gop donors push for trump alternative. glenn youngkin has a big election coming up in the fall. they want to win the senate side of the state house. if he does that, very impressive. talk about brian kemp from georgia, rumors are he would like to be a u.s. senator. do you see either as viable or do you think what we have right now is what the field will be? >> first of all i'm looking forward when kim reynolds is on that stage running for president. one of the best governors in america and love to see here as a presidential nominee one day or at least a vice presidential nominee. anybody should pick her as their vp whoever the republican nominee is. we're having the first debate in fwo days. a second debate in a few weeks after that. let's see what happens in those debates and if nobody emerges to consolidate that 58% that want somebody else, then we can start talking about whether somebody else should get in the race. glenn youngkin is focused on the off year elections. he has to win the legislature in virginia. after that if he is successful we can talk about whether somebody else ought to get in. let's give these candidates a chance to make their place with republican voters. >> dana: sounds good. >> bill: mark your calendar wednesday night. set your dvr. 9:00 eastern. we'll kick it off in milwaukee. bret and martha will be the moderators and we'll be there as well during the morning show and the pre-game at 8:30 p.m. check it out august 23rd and wednesday and thursday of this week from milwaukee. interesting stuff. an interview earlier today. we did the polling right after the fulton county indictment. trump's numbers went higher suggesting there is a small number of people within the polling there that gave him more support when they saw more indictments add up. just something to watch over the coming months and we'll see how it goes. >> dana: so much excitement for the week. also, much of the southwest is drenched in record breaking rainfall from a storm called hillary. the first tropical store. some parts of california and nevada may get a year's worth of rain in just one day. jeff paul live in l.a. >> tropical storm hillary delivering non-stop rain over the past 24 hours. only now it is showing signs of slowing down. the impacts from the storm are still very real this is the l.a. river. normally bone dry. as you can see it is a fast-flowing river now from all of that rain. of course, it is causing flooding throughout the greater los angeles area. parking lots are underwater and streets are filling up making driving difficult and dangerous. palm springs and surrounding california desert communities they got a heavy dose of non-stop rain. at one point the flooding was so bad crews had to pump water out of a local hospital in the area. but it is not just the flooding. all of that rain combined with loose dry ground is only a recipe for disaster. we saw mudslides and mud flows throughout the region as a result of tropical storm hillary and some folks have been rescued. so far thankfully no reports of any serious injuries or deaths in this storm. >> it sucks to see it go but liefshts can't be replaced. material objects can. it is better just to replace a house, fix whatever gets damaged than risk somebody drowning over somebody avoidable. >> in the middle of this storm if things weren't already bad enough, a lot of people throughout the los angeles area in the afternoon got an alert on their phone about a possible earthquake. i can say i felt the shaking. it was a magnitude 5.1 earthquake followed by several after shocks. no reports of any injuries or damage as of yet in terms of this storm. they have will need a couple more hours once the sun comes out to get a grasp of how bad hillary was for southern california. >> dana: jeff paul, thank you. >> bill: we mentioned this moments ago. the president and first lady travel to hawaii today and meet with first responders and survivors and inspect the devastate. a heartbreaking sight. people are getting upset about the federal response. 114 people confirmed dead. 1,000 still missing. twice on camera in the last week half or so the president was asked about any comments about maui and i think he was 0 for two. both times declined to comment on that. that didn't sit well with a lot of people. >> dana: going to a place still reeling and have hundreds of people missing still. a delicate situation and they will need a lot of support. check this out as well. >> powerful foreign brokers were not forking over millions of dollars to the biden family because of a crack addict who wrote off prostitutes on his tax returns. they were doing so because of his father who had a lot of influence in regards to u.s. policy. >> bill: what the scoop this was. the hunter headache that won't go away. "politico" obtained a 32 page letter from hunter biden's defense team. they would put the president on the stand if he were tried. how would that work? andy mccarthy takes us through it in a moment. >> dana: president biden promises a new era of cooperation with japan and south korea. will that make relations with china more tense? general jack keane on that next. also this. ♪ >> bill: he had their attention over the weekend. north carolina, thousands attend a free concert by oliver anthony. took the country by storm overnight success. he has the number one song everywhere. we'll get reaction in a moment coming up. edit card debt piling? great news. you can use your va benefit to pay off your high rate credit card debt with a lower rate va home loan from newday. rates on credit cards have gone up to 22%. for late payments, as much as 30%, more than three times higher than a newday va loan. so pay off your high rate debt with a lower rate newday home loan, and you can save $500 or more every month. okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. yaaay! woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ this is the all-new ergo smart base from tempur-pedic. and it responds to snoring, so you don't have to. so, no more nudging your partner. or sleeping on the other side... of the house. because the tempur-ergo smart base actually detects snoring... ...then automatically adjusts to help reduce it. all night, every night. don't miss our biggest sale of the year, with savings up to $700 on select adjustable mattress sets, and experience the deep, undisturbed rest of tempur-pedic. learn more at i'm patriotic kenny. and, hi, i'm amanda on tiktok. my scooter broke down. i went into a depression. how do you feel about that? pretty sad. and i posted it to show that kenny's not always happy. within 24 hours people had donated over $5,000. no, you're kidding. we set up the patriotic kenny foundation to give mobility scooters to veterans. it has changed my life tremendously. none of this would've happened without tiktok. 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[ting] ♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. >> president biden: this summit was not about china. we share concerns about the economic coercion and heightened tensions caused by china. >> dana: will president xi buy it? the camp david summit bringing south korea and japan together. retired general jack keane joins us now. everybody knows you are the most important general for us today. great to have you here. i saw a lot of people saying it was a good move bringing south korea and japan together and trying to form a deeper bond there to help us in the future. what do you think? >> i totally agree with that. one of the strengths of biden's china policy is bringing the allies and partners together with the united states. this one is another step in the right direction. look, we already have security guarantees with south korea and with japan bilaterally. by bringing south korea and japan together given their historical differences for decades that have been sealed in that relationship for some time is a good move. now, why is that really happening? one is north korea's aggression supported by china. and china's aggression in the region. that's why they have come together. i disagree with the president. i think he should have used the opportunity to say that it is china's aggression in the region that is bringing us together. this is defensive but china's offensive aggression that's causing the problem. we don't plant that seed enough because china always says you are surrounding us and containing us. it is you who are the aggressors. that's not the case. we want status quo in the region and china is changing the status quo. >> bill: i listened to the a lot of analysis late on friday and to a person it is interesting we went for an hour of statements and press conference and never heard the word china mentioned one time. obviously that's done by design. but this is an expert on korean peninsula issues, went to school in shanghai and did an interview with the couple nifty newspaper. the camp david summit is possibly a starting shot for a new cold war. do you believe, general, that might be the moment? >> now remember the global times is state rag sheet for propaganda for the chinese communist party to their own people. when you try to talk about a cold war, this is very different than a cold war that we went through for 45 years with the soviet union. the reason is china and the united states are the two major economies in the world. we're intertwined with them. major trading partner for south korea and japan is who? china. so i don't think it's similar in that respect. is the tension high? is there a potential threat of war that we experienced during the cold war? certainly that similarity is real. >> the japanese leader goes there and don't mention china and get icbhs thrown over north korea and you know who is backing the north koreans is china. >> no doubt about that. china cannot control everything that goes on in north korea but they have huge influence over them. they actually welcome this aggression and belligerence north korea displays principally against the united states. they believe it intimidates us and also puts the united states on defensive on the world stage as a result. every time he fires a ballistic missile we get spun up about what's going on. what the concerns are. the american people are listening to all of that. china tolerates it. but china does not want a war on the korean peninsula. they will not in my judgment permit north korea to ever take a provocative action like that. they also know full well that he is not totally controllable, which is the very reason why we're concerned about north korea's belligerence. >> dana: are you paying attention -- i'm sure you are -- to china's economic woes and how it fits into the geopolitical strategy of japan, korea, united states and even russia? >> that's a great point, dana. most economists who look at china on a daily basis believe that china would rebound quickly after their lockdowns during covid and they haven't. it's revealed serious issues that they are having. youth unemployment is north of 20% and they don't talk about it anymore. their economy has slowly recovered nowhere near what they thought it would be. real estate debt is off the charts and they have overdeveloped property. exports are down. manufacturing is down. most analysts now looking at it, economic experts are saying this will be more long term than short term. now, what does that mean geo politically and national security? does this invite president xi, who has this social compact with his people, we'll provide a decent quality of life experience for you. in return, you are going to submit to chinese communist control. the thing that xi and his predecessors have always feared and that is their own people. they fear their own people more than they fear the united states. if that prosperity starts to go south where quality of life is being impacted, that gives them concern. would they change the venue then and actually take aggression against taiwan to shift the story line and narrative saying we're being threatened, you have to come together and support us nationalisticly. is that an incentive? we don't know. >> dana: let's keep talking about it. very interesting. >> bill: you won't like this story either, by the way. southern border the number of migrants caught on the terror watch list is off the charts. as the school year gets underway the fight over parents rights heating up again. a ruling that could keep parents in the dark about their children's gender identity. >> only parents can protect their own children. the schools have to work with the parents to protect the kid from harm. n our family's cotton farm in north alabama. the heartland of america. we rely on hard work and honest manufacturing to deliver high quality, heirloom inspired bedding, bath towels and more, all made in the usa. experience the farm to home difference for yourself. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 15% off your order with code fox news. more shopping? you should watch your spending honey. i'm saving with liberty mutual, mom. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. check it out, you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, i'll look into that. let me put a reminder on my phone. save $700 dollars. pick up dad from airport? 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what was going on? what was the result? >> well, i hope what they take from it on capitol hill, bill, is the way that this kind of intertwines with the scheme that they are looking at. it is all very interesting about what happened with hunter biden, why they didn't prosecute him. what they'll do now that the deal collapsed. that stuff is all interesting. but you know in the big scheme, the biden family influence peddling business, people are hand wringing about where is the quid pro quo? was he in business? did they discuss this? in the meantime in the hunter biden case here you have exhibit a of how the scheme worked. you have these big bad justice department prosecutors who aren't supposed to be afraid of anything. they got this guy dead to rights on a 10-year gun felony and tax evasion charges and they are afraid to charge him. they won't charge him. the case is disappearing. the statute of limitations is running but they are scared to death to charge him because they don't want to charge joe biden's son. they are afraid to do it. they are being told it would career suicide to pull a trigger on a case like that. this is what access to joe biden is. this is why people were willing to pay millions of dollars to get it. that's what the scheme was. >> dana: our most recent poll for fox news when it comes to his foreign business dealings hunter biden did something illegal. well, in february that number was 37%. in april it was 44%. today it is 50%. i have to imagine the collapse of the plea deal was maybe something. what about this idea that hunter biden's lawyers floated maybe the threat or the idea that they would call the president of the united states to the stand? how do you think that went over with the president's lawyers? >> well, i think we know how it went over, dana. he was never charged. i know i'm like a broken record on this now. every week we talk about this and every week i say another week has gone by and no indictment. and the charges are disappearing. 2016, 2015, 2014 is gone. most crimes prior to 2018 are gone because they never indicted. all the tax charges prior to 2017 are gone. this scheme only runs until 2019. they had to rein in their sales once biden's 2020 presidential campaign got into full swing. so the case is disappearing day-by-day. what we see in the stories that were reported over the weekend is they are intimidated by joe biden. they are afraid to charge a case they would charge in any other instance because of what the blowback is going to be against them career-wise, professional-wise etc. if they mess with joe biden's son. again, this is what these foreign actors were paying for. >> bill: shaking my head, andy, is what i'm doing. >> i know. >> bill: do you think david weiss testifies in october or september or will that happen at all? >> he will say now that he is a special counsel, now it's very different. it's an ongoing investigation. an ongoing investigation into charges that no longer exist because the statute has run. >> bill: thank you, andy, nice to see you, andy mccarthy. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: bill, there was a tennis rivalry and getting even more intense. djokovic storms back wins the western and southern open. that is in cincinnati, a place you know well. the match lasted nearly four hours. when it was over, djokovic ripped off his shirt in joy and relief after saving a match point against the number one ranked player in the world. one of the toughest and most exciting matches of his career and avenges his loss to him last month. >> bill: the reason why they play in mason, ohio north of cincinnati. they have the same surface as the u.s. open in new york. that's where you go to get all jacked up for the u.s. open. okay, we're nearly seven months after the toxic train derailment northeastern ohio. little progress in the cleanup effort. live for a look today. flash point in culture wars in america overnight sensation number one across the board, thousands turned out over the weekend to oliver anthony. we talk about it after the break. nice to see the two of you. ♪ >> woman: why did we choose safelite? 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you turned $8 million down. >> i want to go back to the woods honestly. but what i really want in the bigger scheme of things is just people to start appreciating each other for human beings and look beyond political differences and ideologies and a lot of things i see. corporate media and education doing, making everyone identify each other's differences and not their similarities. >> bill: wow. >> amazing guy. i love this interview because it is really cool. i love the song. it is cool to hear him speak and he clearly has a lot to say. in that interview he was born in 1992. you are so young and you know what is going on. i think one of the reasons why his song is resonating isn't just because of what he is saying but how he is saying it. he has so much passion and conviction but his lyrics are the thing. the reaction video. i hope everybody gets a chance to watch it. it shows people listening to the song for first time, men, women, young, old, black, white, and they all have a same reaction. that's really what this is all about. it is people that are listening to these lyrics and saying this is exactly how i felt my entire adult life. this guy is saying it better than i could. >> not just the message in the lyrics of the song but it is his voice. if i sang the song nobody would be moved and i'm a good singer. this guy has passion. i remember i lived in cambridge when tracy chatman was singing, she would sing on the streets of cambridge. people would stop. it was a talent story. this is a talent story. when you hear his voice he has it. not just the thing. not just the message. what's the magic line in the song? it is not. this is talent. >> he is tangible. >> bill: with social media and technology and everybody on apple tunes, spotify or both. songs can catch fire quickly. this is a really good example of how that just shot to number one. i don't know how long it stays there but there now. >> bill: it took one day. an overnight success. as griff was reporting earlier. i think his music manager or seasoned who owns a radio station found out about oliver anthony. went to virginia. recorded the song. put it online one day and this is what happened. it had a large part to do with joe rogan talking about it. one more thing about this song that i'm dying to get out. maybe somebody else has made this point before. the media's reaction to it. a lot of these liberal organizations have written negative headlines and stories about this song. it shows how far the democratic liberal party has come from being the party of the working class. this is a working class blue collar. they should have championing this song. >> dana: howard dean's anthem in iowa back then. him deciding not to pursue a career in music. >> i think he will change his mind. he wants to perform. thousands want to come out. what he said in the video, come out to my show and said i'm performing from 8:00 to 10:00. i will stay there until every fan -- he wants to meet every one of them. he wants to be in touch with his fans. >> dana: we wish him the best. >> bill: he touched a nerve as we say. back to the woods you go. thank you, tom and carley. >> this isn't a democrat or republican problem. this is a problem with our government that's lost touch with the american people. >> bill: you have the first debate two days away, right? what the latest fox news polling shows voters are most concerned about and what that means for the race in 2024. as the school year kicks off in the state of virginia several counties ignoring governor youngkin's guidelines on gender in the commonwealth. we'll take you there live. call newday. pay off your high rate credit cards and car loan with an affordable va home loan from newday. you can save $500 every month. rates on credit cards have gone up to 22%. for late payments, as much as 30%, more than three times higher than a newday va loan. pay off your credit cards and car with a newday100 va loan and save. after switching to the farmer's dog we noticed so many improvements in remi's health. his allergies were going away and he just had amazing energy. it looks like nutritious food, and it is. i'm investing in my dog's health and happiness. get started at some wireless companies think they can inflate one of these and distract you from their inflated prices. but at mint mobile, we thought you'd prefer if we deflate the cost of unlimited. this one will never see the light of day. all right. ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit >> dana: it's been over six months since the toxic train derailment in ohio. families are still unable to get to their homes. president biden has not visited there yet even though he promised he would. >> good morning to you. it has been 170 days since president biden said he would visit east palestine. are are still no specific plans for him to do that. frustrating to a lot of folks but more frustrating is the process of the cleanup being handled by the biden administration's epa. they said the toxic chemicals in the ground and water around the derailment site would be gone by june. then july, then august. now it is not expected to be done until sometime next year. all while some folks here in town, especially near the derailment, are having issues even now almost seven months later. others like this family are living in fear wondering whether or not it is safe for them to still be here. >> i am waking up thinking you don't know if your environment is safe. >> when you have a fear of the unknown every day waking up, how do you ever expect to feel good about any decision you make when you have three children? they've asked us several times is it safe? and we don't know how to answer that question. >> so far norfolk southern hasn't paid for the indoor air monitoring that many want to see. the epa says it doesn't believe it is necessary since the data from their outdoor testing doesn't show any concerning levels of toxins. testing by several university researchers this summer have suggested there are reasons to be concerned. the town's mayor says he wants this cleanup to be done and done right. there is probably more president biden and the white house could do to help cut red tape and make it happen. last month ohio's governor sent a presidential disaster declaration request for east palestine to the white house. so far they have not indicated whether or not the president will sign that. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: meanwhile the debate over trans fender policies ramp up in virginia. they refuse to follow guidelines on youngkin's gender identity issues. >> good morning to you. multiple school districts across northern virginia are not following the statewide policies governing how transgender students should be treated inside virginia public schools. we see five school districts across the commonwealth refuse to comply with the policies requiring students to use a bathroom which corresponds to their sex assigned at birth as opposed to the gender they currently identify with. the virginia department of education approved the changes this summer. some district say they will ignore this so they can follow federal anti-discrimination statutes. prince william county schools outside d.c. says its policy of treatment of transgender non-conforming students is the district employees will continue to follow the regulation. governor youngkin who campaigned heavily on education reform supported the changes on the state level. a spokesperson says he expects schools to follow the rules. youngkin, many people speculate may decide to jump in for the presidential race next year, told a conservative group over the weekend education remains a huge issue for him personally. >> we've got to continue to recognize that the role of the teachers unions in america is not to progress the children and families, it is literally to be a political organization. we need to all recognize that. it is no secret but that's what they do. >> bill: watchdog groups say they're following each school district ignoring these policies and believe it is possible if not likely that this whole matter could end up in court sooner rather than later. >> bill: mark, meredith on that. bill mcgurn is coming up from the "wall street journal." it is not just the commonwealth of virginia but also in the state of new jersey as well. stand by for that coming up in moments. >> dana: the first republican presidential debate is two days away. americans are voicing strong concerns about the state of the u.s. economy and how president biden is handling it. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. good morning. >> bill: bill hemmer. how do you feel about this? >> dana: the debate? let's go. i'm ready. >> bill: let's rumble. president biden is scrambling to convince americans his policies are improving the economy. people seem worried about their own financial future saying the economy is not in great shape. majority 52% think biden has made the economy worse. only 25% say it is

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School , Preparations , Fact , Dialing , Politics , Debate Stage , Home , Screen , Mark , The Main Event , Pfizer Forum , Milwaukee Bucks , Donald Trump , Nominee , Pledge , Party , Asa Hutchinson , Direction , Won T , On Sunday , Polls , Competitors , Record , Questions , Conclusion , Coward , Vision , Decisions , Answer , Showing Up , Name , Truth , Post , Topic , Martha , Bret , Biden Team , Battleground States , Blast , Georgia , North Carolina , Arizona , Michigan , Nevada , Seven , Joe Biden , Rodriguez , Bet , Ads , Learning , Who , Pennsylvania , Race , Campaign , Support , Base , Contrast , Choice , Primary , Effort , 2024 , Economy , News , Fundamental , Con , 80 , Aren T , Biden Campaign , Surrogates , Recession , Feeling It , Administration , Policies , White House , Strength , Indication , Update , Vacation , Public Schedule , Numbers , House , Area , Tom Steyer , Fair Market Value , Beautiful Day , Lake Tahoe , Everybody , Points , Digits , Note , Ron Desantis , Gold Standard , Des Moines Register , Tim Scott , 23 , 42 , Issues , Part , Evangelicals , Concern , Trump , Time , Electorate , Digit , Sway , 2016 , Polling Trump , Ted Cruz , Three , 47 , Place , Poll , History , Trump Second Place , Cruz First , Others , 2016 Somewhat , One , Republicans , Time Machine , George Bush , 27 , 2000 , Edge , Bob Dole , Kansas , 11 , 46 , 1996 , Analysis , Sir , Dive , Way , Somebody Else , Thing , New Hampshire , Real Clear Politics Average , 58 , Somebody , Players Haven T , Discussion , We Haven T , The Field , South Carolina , 43 , 57 , Majority , Speech Writer , Favorite , Sports Met , Someone , Number , Defeat , Electability Argument , 29 , 38 , Don T Make Electability , 28 , Difference , Foreign Policy , Views , Ukraine , Things , Issue , Disconnect , Swath , November 2024 , 64 , Kind , Say , Sign , How , Beat , The End , 53 , Term , Tables , Kamala Harris , 86 , Centerpiece , Ballot , American Male , 85 , Point , Governor , Field , Watch , Kim 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Pro Quo , Hunter Biden Case , Hand Wringing , Exhibit A , Guy , Statute , Limitations , Disappearing , Tax Evasion Charges , Anything , Gun Felony , 10 , Son , Death , Career Suicide , Trigger , Business Dealings , Idea , Lawyers , Collapse , 44 , 37 , Charges , Crimes , 2014 , 2015 , 2018 , Tax Charges , Sales , Swing , 2019 , 2020 , 2017 , Stories , Instance , Blowback , Head , Actors , Them Career Wise , Professional Wise Etc , Special Counsel , David Weiss , Investigation , Exist , Nice , Run , Sports , Tennis Rivalry , Cincinnati , Western And Southern Open , Djokovic Storms Back , Djokovic , Match , Match Point , Player , Relief , Joy , Shirt , Four , Career , Matches , Loss , Ohio , North , Surface , U S Open , Mason , New York , Northeastern Ohio , Flash Point , Progress , Culture Wars , Board , Cleanup Effort , America Overnight Sensation , Break , Safelite , Suv , Woman , Singers , Replacement , Service , Safelite Repair , Rhino , Baby , Sleep Number , Bed , Home Delivery , 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Spotify , Apple Tunes , Radio Station , Reporting , Success , Music Manager , Joe Rogan , Democratic Liberal Party , Headlines , Organizations , Working Class , Anthem , Blue Collar , Howard Dean , Show , Video , Mind , Best , Fan , Fans , Nerve , Carley , Government , Touch , Isn T A Democrat , Gender , Guidelines , Counties , Commonwealth , Car Loan , Call Newday , Affordable Va Home Loan , Car , Save , Newday100 Va Loan , Improvements , Energy , Happiness , Remi , Allergies , Light , Prices , Cost , Mint Mobile , Goldmine , Bills , Life Insurance Policy , Cash , Call Coventry , 100000 , 00000 , Visit Coventrydirect Com , Train Derailment , Homes , East Palestine , 170 , Cleanup , Process , Epa , Town , Derailment Site , Chemicals , June , Fear , Safe , Derailment , Environment , It Safe , Question , Decision , Testing , Want , Hair , Toxins , Data , Hasn T , Levels , Mayor , University Researchers , Red Tape , Request , Declaration , Ramp Up , Gender Identity Issues , Fender , Students , School Districts , Virginia Public Schools , Refuse , Five , Bathroom , District , Sex , Birth , Virginia Department Of Education , Statutes , Employees , Treatment , Regulation , Prince William County Schools Outside D C , Spokesperson , Changes , Level , Rules , Youngkin Who , Education Reform , Group , Teachers Unions , School District , Organization , Watchdog Groups , Matter , Meredith , That , Bill Mcgurn , Wall Street Journal , New Jersey , Stand By , Let S Rumble , Let S Go , Future , Shape ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas 20240704

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the first republican primary debate. hope the weekend was grand. we have a big week here. i'm bill hemmer. >> dana: i'm dana perino. this is "america's newsroom." i'm excited about the week. are you? >> bill: big time? >> dana: are you packed? >> bill: 50%. >> dana: i have it all planned out because this is a big week. this morning a big day. brand-new polling out of iowa this morning. a state that is small in size but holds a mighty influence over presidential primaries. voters there give former president trump a solid early advantage in the nation's first nominating contest. you would have to go back more than 20 years to find the last time a candidate held this large of a lead over his rivals among iowa caucus goers. >> bill: 48 hours from now will be the arena in milwaukee. the center of the political universe and the political event of the summer. the first republican primary duel on stage. it is all going down in battleground state wisconsin. ten electoral votes on the line there. eight candidates have met the threshold to qualify for the debate. even though they share the stage they see it as a rare chance to seize the spotlight. >> i look to introduce myself to the country. six months ago many people in the country did not know who i was. >> i will be me. i feel like i've been preparing for this first republican presidential debate my whole life. >> we feel really good going into the debate. i love debates and looking forward to it. i think it is a great opportunity for americans to start focusing who will lead us. >> we know america is looking for alternative. >> bill: team fox coverage. marc thiessen with a big picture analysis. peter doocy on the democrats keeping their eye on the first debate. alexis mcadams is live in milwaukee and we begin there now. alexis, good morning. >> bill, good morning from wisconsin. as we just get ready with some of the preps underway in the downtown area ahead of the debate wednesday. the first big opportunity and the largest audience those candidates have to get on the stage and tell americans why they think they are the best option. >> i think this is the beginning of the general election. a lot of families have been out in the summer. getting their kids back in school. now they are dialing into the fact that we're going to be electing a new president within a year. >> those preparations underway again in milwaukee, bill and dana. debate stage is inside pfizer forum. the home of the milwaukee bucks. the main event will be politics here. the eight candidates who have qualified to debate are up on the screen hitting the mark for polling, fundraising and signing that pledge that says they'll support whoever the nominee is. asa hutchinson qualified on sunday and said he believes america is ready to go in a new direction. >> i signed the pledge. i'm confident donald trump won't be the nominee of the party. >> former president donald trump says he is not coming to these debates because he is so ahead in the polls. some competitors are pushing back. >> i think everyone should debate. if you qualify, i think you owe it to the people to put out your vision, to talk about your record, answer questions about your record and decisions that you may have made or not made. >> he is a coward. there is no other conclusion to come to. he is afraid of me and afraid of defending his record. if i had his record i would be nervous about showing up, too. >> trump will not be on stage according to his latest post on truth social. his name will be a hot topic among the candidates as bret and martha hit them with questions and americans will listen closely. >> bill: see you soon in milwaukee. dana. >> dana: democrats are prepping for the gop debate with a multi-million ad blast. >> the biden team is telling us they're specifically trying to appeal to black and hispanic voters in seven battleground states. arizona, georgia, michigan, nevada, north carolina, pennsylvania, and wisconsin. and the ads look like this. >> he believes our best days are ahead because he believes in the american people. >> those who bet against america are learning how wrong they are. >> the biden campaign manager rodriguez is saying the 2024 republican primary is a race for the maga base, not an effort to earn the support of the voters they need. our campaign will be making that stark contrast and the important choice before voters very clear. most basic fundamental of any re-election campaign the con of the economy. only 20 percent say it is excellent or good. 80% say it is only fair or poor. despite positive economic news lately people aren't feeling it. the biden campaign has surrogates trying to convince people the economy is not struggling. >> the economy is getting better. remember a few weeks ago we were all anticipating a few months ago a terrible recession. that has not happened. i think that's indication of the strength of the biden administration's policies. >> an update to the president's public schedule. his vacation has been extended. the white house eventually told us he would come back on thursday. now come back on saturday. we know he is renting a house in the lake tahoe area from the climate activist tom steyer we're told for fair market value. >> dana: beautiful day there. thank you. >> bill: the numbers from iowa. des moines register, said to be the gold standard in iowa. here is where donald trump is. 42%. ron desantis 23 points behind. everybody else in single digits. take note of tim scott, the upper part of that single digit. what are the issues you find in iowa among the electorate. evangelicals hold a lot of sway. there was a lot of concern for trump the first time he went out in 2016. among evangelicals now in this polling trump is at 47%. ron desantis 20%. remember the history now. from 2016 there was concern evangelicals would they be swayed by donald trump. ted cruz won by three points. cruz first place, trump second place in 2016. somewhat impressive but if i go back one time here at this poll is reflective of where we are now, donald trump easily beats all others among evangelicals. a little history, right? three points here and way back in the time machine. interesting now. this is what the polling has shown now going back decades. trump has the biggest lead among republicans since going back to 2000 when george bush was up 27 points and won the state by 11. trump lost it by three. bob dole in nearby kansas in 1996 had a whopping 46 point edge in the iowa caucus. history. for today's modern look marc thiessen has more. good morning to you. waiting to talk to you. good morning, sir. you did a deep dive in the numbers. what do you come away with and what is your analysis? >> if you look at the poll 48 trump is way ahead with 42%. the other way to look at that is that 58% of republicans in iowa want somebody else. it's the same thing in new hampshire. he has 42% in the real clear politics average, 58% of republicans want somebody else. south carolina 43%. 57% want somebody else. this is way open. we haven't had the first debate yet. the players haven't taken the field. this is all pre-game discussion. we'll see what happens in the debate if somebody emerges from that debate as a favorite. right now no one has consolidated that 58% majority that want a different nominee. >> dana: only the speech writer could carry that sports met -- they are looking for someone closest to them on the issues. only 29% said that they are looking for basically the electability argument. best chance of defeat. call for number three, please. this is what the poll says the best chance of defeating joe biden. trump there at 38%. no, sir as commanding a lead as he has overall. desantis at 28%. you go down from there. electability. it sounds logical but it is not necessarily how people think about choosing their candidate. >> they first look at who they agree with because they want to elect the candidate who shares their views. but there is not that much difference except on some issues like ukraine and foreign policy. there is not that much difference between the candidates among -- on the issues. they all agree on the broad swath of things. it's really looking at who sings to them. who is going to -- candidate quality matters a lot. electability will be a big issue. there seems to be a disconnect between the republican voters and the country at large on whether trump can win this election. an a.p. poll that showed 64% of americans say they won't vote for donald trump in november 2024. 64%. 53% say no how, no way, no chance. another 11% say probably not. that's a bad sign. there is not another republican candidate who has those kind of numbers. so in the end the republicans have to decide who can beat joe biden, because biden and harris -- if biden gets another term he won't probably make it through that other term. he is 86 years old at the end of his term. in actual tables you have a 43% chance of making it to 85 as an american male. that means kamala harris on the ballot. do you want kamala harris in the white house, republicans? if you do, don't make electability the centerpiece of your choice. >> bill: time for one more point. kim reynolds a very popular governor in iowa on with shannon over the weekend says the plate is full in iowa. watch. >> i think we have a great field of candidates right now. i think we don't need more candidates in the field. we probably needless. that's kind of what we do with the iowa caucus. our role is not to protect the winner but start to narrow the field. >> bill: that's iowa's job. axios big gop donors push for trump alternative. glenn youngkin has a big election coming up in the fall. they want to win the senate side of the state house. if he does that, very impressive. talk about brian kemp from georgia, rumors are he would like to be a u.s. senator. do you see either as viable or do you think what we have right now is what the field will be? >> first of all i'm looking forward when kim reynolds is on that stage running for president. one of the best governors in america and love to see here as a presidential nominee one day or at least a vice presidential nominee. anybody should pick her as their vp whoever the republican nominee is. we're having the first debate in fwo days. a second debate in a few weeks after that. let's see what happens in those debates and if nobody emerges to consolidate that 58% that want somebody else, then we can start talking about whether somebody else should get in the race. glenn youngkin is focused on the off year elections. he has to win the legislature in virginia. after that if he is successful we can talk about whether somebody else ought to get in. let's give these candidates a chance to make their place with republican voters. >> dana: sounds good. >> bill: mark your calendar wednesday night. set your dvr. 9:00 eastern. we'll kick it off in milwaukee. bret and martha will be the moderators and we'll be there as well during the morning show and the pre-game at 8:30 p.m. check it out august 23rd and wednesday and thursday of this week from milwaukee. interesting stuff. an interview earlier today. we did the polling right after the fulton county indictment. trump's numbers went higher suggesting there is a small number of people within the polling there that gave him more support when they saw more indictments add up. just something to watch over the coming months and we'll see how it goes. >> dana: so much excitement for the week. also, much of the southwest is drenched in record breaking rainfall from a storm called hillary. the first tropical store. some parts of california and nevada may get a year's worth of rain in just one day. jeff paul live in l.a. >> tropical storm hillary delivering non-stop rain over the past 24 hours. only now it is showing signs of slowing down. the impacts from the storm are still very real this is the l.a. river. normally bone dry. as you can see it is a fast-flowing river now from all of that rain. of course, it is causing flooding throughout the greater los angeles area. parking lots are underwater and streets are filling up making driving difficult and dangerous. palm springs and surrounding california desert communities they got a heavy dose of non-stop rain. at one point the flooding was so bad crews had to pump water out of a local hospital in the area. but it is not just the flooding. all of that rain combined with loose dry ground is only a recipe for disaster. we saw mudslides and mud flows throughout the region as a result of tropical storm hillary and some folks have been rescued. so far thankfully no reports of any serious injuries or deaths in this storm. >> it sucks to see it go but liefshts can't be replaced. material objects can. it is better just to replace a house, fix whatever gets damaged than risk somebody drowning over somebody avoidable. >> in the middle of this storm if things weren't already bad enough, a lot of people throughout the los angeles area in the afternoon got an alert on their phone about a possible earthquake. i can say i felt the shaking. it was a magnitude 5.1 earthquake followed by several after shocks. no reports of any injuries or damage as of yet in terms of this storm. they have will need a couple more hours once the sun comes out to get a grasp of how bad hillary was for southern california. >> dana: jeff paul, thank you. >> bill: we mentioned this moments ago. the president and first lady travel to hawaii today and meet with first responders and survivors and inspect the devastate. a heartbreaking sight. people are getting upset about the federal response. 114 people confirmed dead. 1,000 still missing. twice on camera in the last week half or so the president was asked about any comments about maui and i think he was 0 for two. both times declined to comment on that. that didn't sit well with a lot of people. >> dana: going to a place still reeling and have hundreds of people missing still. a delicate situation and they will need a lot of support. check this out as well. >> powerful foreign brokers were not forking over millions of dollars to the biden family because of a crack addict who wrote off prostitutes on his tax returns. they were doing so because of his father who had a lot of influence in regards to u.s. policy. >> bill: what the scoop this was. the hunter headache that won't go away. "politico" obtained a 32 page letter from hunter biden's defense team. they would put the president on the stand if he were tried. how would that work? andy mccarthy takes us through it in a moment. >> dana: president biden promises a new era of cooperation with japan and south korea. will that make relations with china more tense? general jack keane on that next. also this. ♪ >> bill: he had their attention over the weekend. north carolina, thousands attend a free concert by oliver anthony. took the country by storm overnight success. he has the number one song everywhere. we'll get reaction in a moment coming up. edit card debt piling? great news. you can use your va benefit to pay off your high rate credit card debt with a lower rate va home loan from newday. rates on credit cards have gone up to 22%. for late payments, as much as 30%, more than three times higher than a newday va loan. so pay off your high rate debt with a lower rate newday home loan, and you can save $500 or more every month. okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. yaaay! woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ this is the all-new ergo smart base from tempur-pedic. and it responds to snoring, so you don't have to. so, no more nudging your partner. or sleeping on the other side... of the house. because the tempur-ergo smart base actually detects snoring... ...then automatically adjusts to help reduce it. all night, every night. don't miss our biggest sale of the year, with savings up to $700 on select adjustable mattress sets, and experience the deep, undisturbed rest of tempur-pedic. learn more at i'm patriotic kenny. and, hi, i'm amanda on tiktok. my scooter broke down. i went into a depression. how do you feel about that? pretty sad. and i posted it to show that kenny's not always happy. within 24 hours people had donated over $5,000. no, you're kidding. we set up the patriotic kenny foundation to give mobility scooters to veterans. it has changed my life tremendously. none of this would've happened without tiktok. 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[ting] ♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. >> president biden: this summit was not about china. we share concerns about the economic coercion and heightened tensions caused by china. >> dana: will president xi buy it? the camp david summit bringing south korea and japan together. retired general jack keane joins us now. everybody knows you are the most important general for us today. great to have you here. i saw a lot of people saying it was a good move bringing south korea and japan together and trying to form a deeper bond there to help us in the future. what do you think? >> i totally agree with that. one of the strengths of biden's china policy is bringing the allies and partners together with the united states. this one is another step in the right direction. look, we already have security guarantees with south korea and with japan bilaterally. by bringing south korea and japan together given their historical differences for decades that have been sealed in that relationship for some time is a good move. now, why is that really happening? one is north korea's aggression supported by china. and china's aggression in the region. that's why they have come together. i disagree with the president. i think he should have used the opportunity to say that it is china's aggression in the region that is bringing us together. this is defensive but china's offensive aggression that's causing the problem. we don't plant that seed enough because china always says you are surrounding us and containing us. it is you who are the aggressors. that's not the case. we want status quo in the region and china is changing the status quo. >> bill: i listened to the a lot of analysis late on friday and to a person it is interesting we went for an hour of statements and press conference and never heard the word china mentioned one time. obviously that's done by design. but this is an expert on korean peninsula issues, went to school in shanghai and did an interview with the couple nifty newspaper. the camp david summit is possibly a starting shot for a new cold war. do you believe, general, that might be the moment? >> now remember the global times is state rag sheet for propaganda for the chinese communist party to their own people. when you try to talk about a cold war, this is very different than a cold war that we went through for 45 years with the soviet union. the reason is china and the united states are the two major economies in the world. we're intertwined with them. major trading partner for south korea and japan is who? china. so i don't think it's similar in that respect. is the tension high? is there a potential threat of war that we experienced during the cold war? certainly that similarity is real. >> the japanese leader goes there and don't mention china and get icbhs thrown over north korea and you know who is backing the north koreans is china. >> no doubt about that. china cannot control everything that goes on in north korea but they have huge influence over them. they actually welcome this aggression and belligerence north korea displays principally against the united states. they believe it intimidates us and also puts the united states on defensive on the world stage as a result. every time he fires a ballistic missile we get spun up about what's going on. what the concerns are. the american people are listening to all of that. china tolerates it. but china does not want a war on the korean peninsula. they will not in my judgment permit north korea to ever take a provocative action like that. they also know full well that he is not totally controllable, which is the very reason why we're concerned about north korea's belligerence. >> dana: are you paying attention -- i'm sure you are -- to china's economic woes and how it fits into the geopolitical strategy of japan, korea, united states and even russia? >> that's a great point, dana. most economists who look at china on a daily basis believe that china would rebound quickly after their lockdowns during covid and they haven't. it's revealed serious issues that they are having. youth unemployment is north of 20% and they don't talk about it anymore. their economy has slowly recovered nowhere near what they thought it would be. real estate debt is off the charts and they have overdeveloped property. exports are down. manufacturing is down. most analysts now looking at it, economic experts are saying this will be more long term than short term. now, what does that mean geo politically and national security? does this invite president xi, who has this social compact with his people, we'll provide a decent quality of life experience for you. in return, you are going to submit to chinese communist control. the thing that xi and his predecessors have always feared and that is their own people. they fear their own people more than they fear the united states. if that prosperity starts to go south where quality of life is being impacted, that gives them concern. would they change the venue then and actually take aggression against taiwan to shift the story line and narrative saying we're being threatened, you have to come together and support us nationalisticly. is that an incentive? we don't know. >> dana: let's keep talking about it. very interesting. >> bill: you won't like this story either, by the way. southern border the number of migrants caught on the terror watch list is off the charts. as the school year gets underway the fight over parents rights heating up again. a ruling that could keep parents in the dark about their children's gender identity. >> only parents can protect their own children. the schools have to work with the parents to protect the kid from harm. n our family's cotton farm in north alabama. the heartland of america. we rely on hard work and honest manufacturing to deliver high quality, heirloom inspired bedding, bath towels and more, all made in the usa. experience the farm to home difference for yourself. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 15% off your order with code fox news. more shopping? you should watch your spending honey. i'm saving with liberty mutual, mom. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. check it out, you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, i'll look into that. let me put a reminder on my phone. save $700 dollars. pick up dad from airport? 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what was going on? what was the result? >> well, i hope what they take from it on capitol hill, bill, is the way that this kind of intertwines with the scheme that they are looking at. it is all very interesting about what happened with hunter biden, why they didn't prosecute him. what they'll do now that the deal collapsed. that stuff is all interesting. but you know in the big scheme, the biden family influence peddling business, people are hand wringing about where is the quid pro quo? was he in business? did they discuss this? in the meantime in the hunter biden case here you have exhibit a of how the scheme worked. you have these big bad justice department prosecutors who aren't supposed to be afraid of anything. they got this guy dead to rights on a 10-year gun felony and tax evasion charges and they are afraid to charge him. they won't charge him. the case is disappearing. the statute of limitations is running but they are scared to death to charge him because they don't want to charge joe biden's son. they are afraid to do it. they are being told it would career suicide to pull a trigger on a case like that. this is what access to joe biden is. this is why people were willing to pay millions of dollars to get it. that's what the scheme was. >> dana: our most recent poll for fox news when it comes to his foreign business dealings hunter biden did something illegal. well, in february that number was 37%. in april it was 44%. today it is 50%. i have to imagine the collapse of the plea deal was maybe something. what about this idea that hunter biden's lawyers floated maybe the threat or the idea that they would call the president of the united states to the stand? how do you think that went over with the president's lawyers? >> well, i think we know how it went over, dana. he was never charged. i know i'm like a broken record on this now. every week we talk about this and every week i say another week has gone by and no indictment. and the charges are disappearing. 2016, 2015, 2014 is gone. most crimes prior to 2018 are gone because they never indicted. all the tax charges prior to 2017 are gone. this scheme only runs until 2019. they had to rein in their sales once biden's 2020 presidential campaign got into full swing. so the case is disappearing day-by-day. what we see in the stories that were reported over the weekend is they are intimidated by joe biden. they are afraid to charge a case they would charge in any other instance because of what the blowback is going to be against them career-wise, professional-wise etc. if they mess with joe biden's son. again, this is what these foreign actors were paying for. >> bill: shaking my head, andy, is what i'm doing. >> i know. >> bill: do you think david weiss testifies in october or september or will that happen at all? >> he will say now that he is a special counsel, now it's very different. it's an ongoing investigation. an ongoing investigation into charges that no longer exist because the statute has run. >> bill: thank you, andy, nice to see you, andy mccarthy. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: bill, there was a tennis rivalry and getting even more intense. djokovic storms back wins the western and southern open. that is in cincinnati, a place you know well. the match lasted nearly four hours. when it was over, djokovic ripped off his shirt in joy and relief after saving a match point against the number one ranked player in the world. one of the toughest and most exciting matches of his career and avenges his loss to him last month. >> bill: the reason why they play in mason, ohio north of cincinnati. they have the same surface as the u.s. open in new york. that's where you go to get all jacked up for the u.s. open. okay, we're nearly seven months after the toxic train derailment northeastern ohio. little progress in the cleanup effort. live for a look today. flash point in culture wars in america overnight sensation number one across the board, thousands turned out over the weekend to oliver anthony. we talk about it after the break. nice to see the two of you. ♪ >> woman: why did we choose safelite? 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you turned $8 million down. >> i want to go back to the woods honestly. but what i really want in the bigger scheme of things is just people to start appreciating each other for human beings and look beyond political differences and ideologies and a lot of things i see. corporate media and education doing, making everyone identify each other's differences and not their similarities. >> bill: wow. >> amazing guy. i love this interview because it is really cool. i love the song. it is cool to hear him speak and he clearly has a lot to say. in that interview he was born in 1992. you are so young and you know what is going on. i think one of the reasons why his song is resonating isn't just because of what he is saying but how he is saying it. he has so much passion and conviction but his lyrics are the thing. the reaction video. i hope everybody gets a chance to watch it. it shows people listening to the song for first time, men, women, young, old, black, white, and they all have a same reaction. that's really what this is all about. it is people that are listening to these lyrics and saying this is exactly how i felt my entire adult life. this guy is saying it better than i could. >> not just the message in the lyrics of the song but it is his voice. if i sang the song nobody would be moved and i'm a good singer. this guy has passion. i remember i lived in cambridge when tracy chatman was singing, she would sing on the streets of cambridge. people would stop. it was a talent story. this is a talent story. when you hear his voice he has it. not just the thing. not just the message. what's the magic line in the song? it is not. this is talent. >> he is tangible. >> bill: with social media and technology and everybody on apple tunes, spotify or both. songs can catch fire quickly. this is a really good example of how that just shot to number one. i don't know how long it stays there but there now. >> bill: it took one day. an overnight success. as griff was reporting earlier. i think his music manager or seasoned who owns a radio station found out about oliver anthony. went to virginia. recorded the song. put it online one day and this is what happened. it had a large part to do with joe rogan talking about it. one more thing about this song that i'm dying to get out. maybe somebody else has made this point before. the media's reaction to it. a lot of these liberal organizations have written negative headlines and stories about this song. it shows how far the democratic liberal party has come from being the party of the working class. this is a working class blue collar. they should have championing this song. >> dana: howard dean's anthem in iowa back then. him deciding not to pursue a career in music. >> i think he will change his mind. he wants to perform. thousands want to come out. what he said in the video, come out to my show and said i'm performing from 8:00 to 10:00. i will stay there until every fan -- he wants to meet every one of them. he wants to be in touch with his fans. >> dana: we wish him the best. >> bill: he touched a nerve as we say. back to the woods you go. thank you, tom and carley. >> this isn't a democrat or republican problem. this is a problem with our government that's lost touch with the american people. >> bill: you have the first debate two days away, right? what the latest fox news polling shows voters are most concerned about and what that means for the race in 2024. as the school year kicks off in the state of virginia several counties ignoring governor youngkin's guidelines on gender in the commonwealth. we'll take you there live. call newday. pay off your high rate credit cards and car loan with an affordable va home loan from newday. you can save $500 every month. rates on credit cards have gone up to 22%. for late payments, as much as 30%, more than three times higher than a newday va loan. pay off your credit cards and car with a newday100 va loan and save. after switching to the farmer's dog we noticed so many improvements in remi's health. his allergies were going away and he just had amazing energy. it looks like nutritious food, and it is. i'm investing in my dog's health and happiness. get started at some wireless companies think they can inflate one of these and distract you from their inflated prices. but at mint mobile, we thought you'd prefer if we deflate the cost of unlimited. this one will never see the light of day. all right. ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit >> dana: it's been over six months since the toxic train derailment in ohio. families are still unable to get to their homes. president biden has not visited there yet even though he promised he would. >> good morning to you. it has been 170 days since president biden said he would visit east palestine. are are still no specific plans for him to do that. frustrating to a lot of folks but more frustrating is the process of the cleanup being handled by the biden administration's epa. they said the toxic chemicals in the ground and water around the derailment site would be gone by june. then july, then august. now it is not expected to be done until sometime next year. all while some folks here in town, especially near the derailment, are having issues even now almost seven months later. others like this family are living in fear wondering whether or not it is safe for them to still be here. >> i am waking up thinking you don't know if your environment is safe. >> when you have a fear of the unknown every day waking up, how do you ever expect to feel good about any decision you make when you have three children? they've asked us several times is it safe? and we don't know how to answer that question. >> so far norfolk southern hasn't paid for the indoor air monitoring that many want to see. the epa says it doesn't believe it is necessary since the data from their outdoor testing doesn't show any concerning levels of toxins. testing by several university researchers this summer have suggested there are reasons to be concerned. the town's mayor says he wants this cleanup to be done and done right. there is probably more president biden and the white house could do to help cut red tape and make it happen. last month ohio's governor sent a presidential disaster declaration request for east palestine to the white house. so far they have not indicated whether or not the president will sign that. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: meanwhile the debate over trans fender policies ramp up in virginia. they refuse to follow guidelines on youngkin's gender identity issues. >> good morning to you. multiple school districts across northern virginia are not following the statewide policies governing how transgender students should be treated inside virginia public schools. we see five school districts across the commonwealth refuse to comply with the policies requiring students to use a bathroom which corresponds to their sex assigned at birth as opposed to the gender they currently identify with. the virginia department of education approved the changes this summer. some district say they will ignore this so they can follow federal anti-discrimination statutes. prince william county schools outside d.c. says its policy of treatment of transgender non-conforming students is the district employees will continue to follow the regulation. governor youngkin who campaigned heavily on education reform supported the changes on the state level. a spokesperson says he expects schools to follow the rules. youngkin, many people speculate may decide to jump in for the presidential race next year, told a conservative group over the weekend education remains a huge issue for him personally. >> we've got to continue to recognize that the role of the teachers unions in america is not to progress the children and families, it is literally to be a political organization. we need to all recognize that. it is no secret but that's what they do. >> bill: watchdog groups say they're following each school district ignoring these policies and believe it is possible if not likely that this whole matter could end up in court sooner rather than later. >> bill: mark, meredith on that. bill mcgurn is coming up from the "wall street journal." it is not just the commonwealth of virginia but also in the state of new jersey as well. stand by for that coming up in moments. >> dana: the first republican presidential debate is two days away. americans are voicing strong concerns about the state of the u.s. economy and how president biden is handling it. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. good morning. >> bill: bill hemmer. how do you feel about this? >> dana: the debate? let's go. i'm ready. >> bill: let's rumble. president biden is scrambling to convince americans his policies are improving the economy. people seem worried about their own financial future saying the economy is not in great shape. majority 52% think biden has made the economy worse. only 25% say it is

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Standard , Des Moines Register , Tim Scott , 23 , 42 , Issues , Part , Evangelicals , Concern , Trump , Time , Electorate , Digit , Sway , 2016 , Polling Trump , Ted Cruz , Three , 47 , Place , Poll , History , Trump Second Place , Cruz First , Others , 2016 Somewhat , One , Republicans , Time Machine , George Bush , 27 , 2000 , Edge , Bob Dole , Kansas , 11 , 46 , 1996 , Analysis , Sir , Dive , Way , Somebody Else , Thing , New Hampshire , Real Clear Politics Average , 58 , Somebody , Players Haven T , Discussion , We Haven T , The Field , South Carolina , 43 , 57 , Majority , Speech Writer , Favorite , Sports Met , Someone , Number , Defeat , Electability Argument , 29 , 38 , Don T Make Electability , 28 , Difference , Foreign Policy , Views , Ukraine , Things , Issue , Disconnect , Swath , November 2024 , 64 , Kind , Say , Sign , How , Beat , The End , 53 , Term , Tables , Kamala Harris , 86 , Centerpiece , Ballot , American Male , 85 , Point , Governor , Field , Watch , Kim Reynolds , Plate , Shannon , Role , Job , Donors , Winner , Axios , Glenn Youngkin , Brian Kemp , Side , Rumors , State House , Senate , U S Senator , Wall , Governors , Stage Running , Love , Vp , Anybody , Fwo , Nobody , Elections , Let , Northern Virginia , Legislature , Moderators , Calendar , The Morning Show , Dvr , 00 , 9 , Interview , Stuff , 30 , 8 , August 23rd , Something , Indictment , Indictments , Fulton County , Store , Southwest , Rainfall , Excitement , Storm Called Hillary , Parts , L A Tropical Storm Hillary Delivering Non Stop Rain Over , Jeff Paul , Storm , Signs , Impacts , Normally Bone Dry , 24 , Flooding , Streets , River , Parking Lots , Greater Los Angeles Area , Crews , Hospital , Dose , Palm Springs , California Desert , Region , Reports , Folks , Ground , Disaster , Injuries , Recipe , Deaths , Mud , Mudslides , Tropical Storm Hillary , We Saw , Liefshts Can T , Material , Risk , Fix , Earthquake , Phone , Shaking , Middle , Enough , Afternoon , Los Angeles , Alert , 5 1 , Terms , Several , Grasp , Shocks , Damage , Bad Hillary , The Sun , Responders , Meet , Survivors , First Lady Travel To Hawaii Today , Comments , Camera , Devastate , Sight , Upset , Half , Response , 114 , 1000 , Times , Didn T , Maui , Sit , Hundreds , Situation , Two , 0 , Family , Millions , Crack Addict , Prostitutes , Tax Returns , Brokers , Policy , Politico , Scoop , Hunter Biden , Letter , Father , Defense Team , Page , Regards , Hunter Headache , Won T Go Away , 32 , It , Andy Mccarthy , Work , Stand , South Korea , Japan , Relations , Cooperation , Oliver Anthony , Thousands , China , Attention , Jack Keane , Concert , Next , Song , Reaction , Number One , Card , Everywhere , Debt Piling , Storm Overnight Success , Home Loan , Newday , Credit Cards , Rates , Payments , Debt , Va Loan , Va , Credit Card Debt , Va Home Loan , 22 , 500 , Nutrients , Nutrition , Mission , Support Immune , Snoring , Heart Health , Muscle , Protein , Minerals , Vitamins , Tempur Pedic , Smart , Bone , Yaaay , Woo Hoo , 25 , Partner , Sleeping , Nudging , Don T , Miss , Sale , Patriotic Kenny , Undisturbed Rest Of Tempur Pedic , Amanda On Tiktok , The Deep , Mattress Sets , 700 , Depression , Scooter , Sad , Patriotic Kenny Foundation , 000 , 5000 , Mobility Scooters , Veterans , None , Car Screech , Tiktok , City Ambience Sounds , Car Door Slam , Plaque Psoriasis , Flaky , Otezla , Ned S Plaque Psoriasis , Patches , Camera Shutter Sfx , Ned , 1 , Skin , Blood Tests , Flaking , Doctors , Itching , Psoriatic Arthritis , Reactions , Thoughts , Headache , Weight Loss , Nausea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Crowd Gasp , Doctor , Movie , Ting , Summit , Concerns , President Xi , Tensions , Coercion , Camp David Summit , South Korea And Japan , General , Move , Strengths , Bond , Partners , Step , Security Guarantees , Japan Bilaterally , Allies , Aggression , Differences , Relationship , Problem , Case , Aggressors , Seed , Status Quo , Statements , Word , Press Conference , Person , Newspaper , Design , Korean Peninsula , Shanghai , Cold War , State Rag Sheet , Propaganda , Chinese Communist Party , Reason , Soviet Union , 45 , World , Trading Partner , Economies , Respect , Threat , War , Leader , Similarity , Mention China , Everything , North Korea , Doubt , China Cannot , Belligerence , The World Stage , Missile , What S Going On , Listening , Judgment , Action , Strategy , Woes , Russia , Economists , They Haven T , Youth Unemployment , Basis , Lockdowns , Charts , Property , Nowhere , Exports , Real Estate , Experts , Analysts , Manufacturing , Security , Geo , Quality , Xi , Control , Compact , Experience , Return , South , Predecessors , Prosperity , Quality Of Life , Incentive , Story Line , Venue , Narrative , Nationalisticly , Taiwan , School Year , Story , Migrants , Terror Watch List , Norfolk Southern , Parents , Children , Schools , Ruling , Gender Identity , Fight , Harm , Kid , Heartland , Bedding , Cotton Farm , North Alabama , Bath Towels , Fox News , More , Code , Order , Made In The Usa , The Farm , Go To Red Land Cotton , Dot Com , Liberty Mutual , Spending Honey , Car Insurance , Switching , Reminder , Shopping , Mom , 00 Dollars , Pay , Airport , Dad , Ohhhhhh , Essays , Writing , Rule , Course Menu , Gel Ink Pen , 6 , Dog , Magic , Farmer , Food , Puppy , Kibble , Brand New , 2 , Dog Bark , Health , Vegetables , Fresh Meat , Dogs , Packs , Dried Pellets , Dave , He Wasn T , Gain , Flings , Scent , Mall , Massage Chair , Boost , Febreze , Gain Flings , But , Oxi , Agents , Southern Border Show Migrant Encounters Jumping Last Month , 40000 , Wow , Terrorist Watch List , Justice , Can T Go On , 146 , Plea Deal , Department , Scenario , Negotiations , Former , Assistant U S Attorney , Article , Contributor , Pages , Betsy Swan , Scheme , Intertwines , Capitol Hill , Deal , Family Influence Peddling Business , Big Bad Justice Department Prosecutors , Business , Quid Pro Quo , Hunter Biden Case , Hand Wringing , Exhibit A , Guy , Statute , Limitations , Disappearing , Tax Evasion Charges , Anything , Gun Felony , 10 , Son , Death , Career Suicide , Trigger , Business Dealings , Idea , Lawyers , Collapse , 44 , 37 , Charges , Crimes , 2014 , 2015 , 2018 , Tax Charges , Sales , Swing , 2019 , 2020 , 2017 , Stories , Instance , Blowback , Head , Actors , Them Career Wise , Professional Wise Etc , Special Counsel , David Weiss , Investigation , Exist , Nice , Run , Sports , Tennis Rivalry , Cincinnati , Western And Southern Open , Djokovic Storms Back , Djokovic , Match , Match Point , Player , Relief , Joy , Shirt , Four , Career , Matches , Loss , Ohio , North , Surface , U S Open , Mason , New York , Northeastern Ohio , Flash Point , Progress , Culture Wars , Board , Cleanup Effort , America Overnight Sensation , Break , Safelite , Suv , Woman , Singers , Replacement , Service , Safelite Repair , Rhino , Baby , Sleep Number , Bed , Home Delivery , Music , Contact , Automation , Message , Satellite , Constant Contact , Plans , Satellite Internet , Diets , Viasat , Golo , Viasat Com Hi , Sharon , 52 , 27 , Nfl Sunday Ticket , Plan , Verizon , Body Weight , Thanks , Neighbors , Josh Allen , Hero Fan , Myplan , Value , Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 , Youtubetv , Vo , 449 , 49 , Duckduckgo , Device , Doesn T , Engine , Searches , Built , Fro , Spy , Google , Chrome , Pri , Companies , Privacy , Devices , Catch , Money , Positive , Dirt , Lieutenant , Griff , Hit , Tom Shillue , Friends First Co Host Carley Shimkus , Sound Bite , Back To The Woods , Materialistic Guy , Million , 8 Million , Media , Education , Each Other , Human Beings , Ideologies , Doing , Similarities , Lyrics , Passion , Reasons , Resonating Isn T , Conviction , 1992 , White , Reaction Video , Women , Black , Men , Young , Old , Adult , Voice , Tracy Chatman , Singer , Cambridge , Talent Story , Talent , Magic Line , Songs , Example , Both , Technology , Social Media , Spotify , Apple Tunes , Radio Station , Reporting , Success , Music Manager , Joe Rogan , Democratic Liberal Party , Headlines , Organizations , Working Class , Anthem , Blue Collar , Howard Dean , Show , Video , Mind , Best , Fan , Fans , Nerve , Carley , Government , Touch , Isn T A Democrat , Gender , Guidelines , Counties , Commonwealth , Car Loan , Call Newday , Affordable Va Home Loan , Car , Save , Newday100 Va Loan , Improvements , Energy , Happiness , Remi , Allergies , Light , Prices , Cost , Mint Mobile , Goldmine , Bills , Life Insurance Policy , Cash , Call Coventry , 100000 , 00000 , Visit Coventrydirect Com , Train Derailment , Homes , East Palestine , 170 , Cleanup , Process , Epa , Town , Derailment Site , Chemicals , June , Fear , Safe , Derailment , Environment , It Safe , Question , Decision , Testing , Want , Hair , Toxins , Data , Hasn T , Levels , Mayor , University Researchers , Red Tape , Request , Declaration , Ramp Up , Gender Identity Issues , Fender , Students , School Districts , Virginia Public Schools , Refuse , Five , Bathroom , District , Sex , Birth , Virginia Department Of Education , Statutes , Employees , Treatment , Regulation , Prince William County Schools Outside D C , Spokesperson , Changes , Level , Rules , Youngkin Who , Education Reform , Group , Teachers Unions , School District , Organization , Watchdog Groups , Matter , Meredith , That , Bill Mcgurn , Wall Street Journal , New Jersey , Stand By , Let S Rumble , Let S Go , Future , Shape ,

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