Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240704

all right. we begin tonight with this news bombshell. new developments with th, jamess investigation into the possible biden syndicate or enterprise. if you live in georgiaerpris, i. you prefer, very real allegations ofallegati briberyd and money laundering. are a lot of new details tonighlaunderit. >> anyone, any of you ever hear of a guy named robert petersguy ask yourself, anyone know that name? anybody. raise your hand if you kno anybody?w you do. okay. according to documents we've now uncovered, the national archives and emails retrieved from zero experience at huntercu biden's laptop. robert peternt s appears to be a pseudonym for your president. >> joe biden, when he was usings as vice president to conduct official government business. biden likely trying to hid busit these communications from prying eyes or public recordiosi requests. now, the chairman of the house oversight and accountability committermf the, james colmer, s now demanding that the national archives turn over all doc all documents and communications featuringts o othe robert l peters and to other pseudonyms that were used by joe biden. now, colmer is especially interested in emails that included hunter biden and two of his closest business partnersn , devon archer and erc schwerin. now chairman colmer is also requesting drafts from biden's b 2015 speech to the ukrainian ukr parliament. aini that's because hunter's business email was seenocumen on numerous government documents sent by roberttsby rob peters, including at least two emails involving ukrainers and it looks like the big guy was possibly sending drafts ofeh a speech to the ukrainian parliament, to histhe ukra son s who at the time we know was addicted to drugs and, had noero experience in ukraine, energy or oil., very strange, to sayae the least. at the very same tim vere, was getting paid big bucks to serve on that oil giant in ukraine . as burisma. that's the oil and gas company . and we all know his background he has done and with.e. the othh suffering that he had from his addictions. thw was he capable to make all these million dollar deals in a business that he had noeal? experience? and that's a great country. if you have grea t job of, he can grab that one. now, the owner of burisma even reported he thought, according to that 1023 form, that he believed that hunter biden was stupidthat and, that his dog was smarter than hunter. and don't forget that i didn't say it. the guy di d. his father, joe biden, claimed to have no involvement a claimt. he never once discussed onc with his son hunter, brother ors anyone else, for that matter. their foreign business dealse .u but the timeline we're about to show you suggests the otherwise . let's start the date. december four, 2015. now hunter is in dubai and he's with the bosses at burisma and at that point, they're putting a lot of pressure on hunter and his business partner s that d.c they need to call d.c. they need help from d.c. to address pressure that the company was facing. s presand according to testimonm devon archer, quote, they requested that hunter help them with some of that pressure. archer said, quoteressure., you, government pressure from the ukrainian government investigation. r, now, five days later, exactly five days later, december ninth same year, 2015. then vice president joe. biden in ukraine. how convenient. that's where he delivered remarks to the ukrainian parliament. >> now, this was a speec hgovern carefully crafted to put pressure on the government to, take action against individuals who biden deemed corrupt. >> take a look. it is not enough to set up a a corruption bureau and establish a special prosecutor fighting corruptionni . >> the office of the general prosecutor desperately reform. the judiciary should be overhauled. the energy sector needs to be competitiv the judie and shrewdcompetit by market principles, not sweetheart deals. sweetheit's not enough to pushh laws to increase transparency with regard to official ofincome income. >> elected officials have to remove all conflictseniors bn their business interests and the government responsibilitiest and th. r demr >> every other democracy in the world. that system for ten years. >> now, the irony is on that very same day after that speecho on december the nine, 2015,ur hours before returning to the u.s., joe biden. t is t that's the moment we got himhe on tape bragging that's when he leveraged 1 billion u.s. tax dollars in and loan guarantees to force ukraine to fire a prosecutor and get rid of him out of office. the prosecutor was the very guy that was investigating not burisma, the oil giant, buta th also his sonoi and his son'ss company for corruption. and son ofy a b, they fired him. him. remember? i'm leaving here in 6 hours. lif that prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money. wellt prosecutor is , son of a . he got fired. and according to archer, thiss kept the doors open at burisma. or he thought they would go bankruptheyt for at least a w more years. and hunter, he benefited from that firing because he continued to get paid. in other words, biden familyenrh enrichment. and likeme the 1023 form, he said, did official actions as vice president resulting in money for the biden family, for a guy that was addictedexpei to drugs, that had noent experience. does that make sense to anybody? make senseo anybdoes that soundr talked to hunter or anybody for that matter about their foreigng business dealings? now, a few monthns, but now in may of 2016, hunter's business account was included on a government email to robert peters about an upcoming biden phone call with ukraine's president. quot upe boss. 8:45 a.m.. prep for phone call presi with poroshenko, the president at the time, and hunteder biden was the only person see it on the email. >> why would would he be telling his son about a discussion with the ukrainian president? keep in mind, this is not a one off incident. there are pictures of joe biden hanging out with numerous hunter's foreign business partnersou dinners at cafe milano. one case with the former first lady of moscow, a russian oligarch. three and a half million dollarians did in business with the hunter biden company. then later, $120 million divestment in their real estatde division. over 20 phone calls,on. devon archer testified to the house oversight committee with hunter and his son's foreign business hunter and a shakedown whatsapp message. you recall, between huntercall and a chinese partner. remember the one i'm sitting here with my fathe r and would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled , hunteri will m continued. i will make certain that between the man sittinakcertaigt to me and every person that he knows and my ability to a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. itin i am sitting here waiting forth the call with my fathecallr a ft days later. hunter received a generouser $5 million wire from these very same chinese business partnersbs in the oil business yet again. hunter's lawyers say the whatsapp message is fake. well, congressman komar, who will joi n in a minute,t he says that's called evidence. and that experience thatthat evidence shows that joe biden b and the biden brand, as devins archer called it, was for a sale and that the brannd thad it wasn't hunter, it was the big guy. it was tme ande president of this country at the time. and apparently his family was sgetting one way or the other. the house oversight committee has identifiede house nine bidn family members that got money, including the grandkids. that gotwhat did they do for the money? what did hunter do for all these millions of dollarr ds in tax and in emails? hunter talked about havingts to for andrk over half his incos to pops. biden was also reportedly 10%, 10%, a cut for. the big guy in one of these wor deals. hunter worked closely with the companiekes manager to pay largo very specific sums of money to pay for joe's home repairs. and onirs. this issue breaking s week, a newly uncovered 2018 text from hunter complaining, quote, my dad has been using most lines of my account, which i've through the gracious offerings of eric schwerinh , have paid for the past 11 years. in other words, joe's getting his cut. >> now, eric schwerin was hunter's maihis cun u.s. busines partner in this lucrative a lot of these lucrative deals, ok go including with china. this does not look good for joe biden, who's nowjoe not president or should i say, robert peters. shous what? it's about to get a lot worse as commerce investigation continueworss. but by the way, without a diversion agreement, the president's son hunter,n be he might soon be headed for prison for a gund fo law violatn that his father enthusiastically supported. now, colmer will be here in a moment, but first, here with the very latest juvelopments editor in chief, just the newscom john solomon. >> how arejohn you there, charl? all right. is that. meline that's my timeline. is that an accurate timeline? >> it is an accurate timeline. and i thin>> it k as you as peoe dig in, you're going to see the word commingling is going n a lot becausemer ha james colmer has relentlessly gone through these evidence and he's shown commingling. first, it was a commingling of a phongline. hunter biden paid for a phone for his dad. his dad would call a phone every so oftenul th and get dial in and talk to his business partners. they commingled some private dinnerivats and brought his business partners along. today, we learned they commingled privat eddress addresses. and, of course, hunter biden is learning things that werese really were reserved forit the vice president and national security staff and the real question left for james coleman, i know he's digging. he said last weemer, and digging to go get the bank records. did they commingledid they their finances? that 2018 text message suggests that maybe joe biden washunter a beneficiary of all of hunter biden's foreign business oreignrevenues that were coming. we've known about these private email addresses since the twoo e years ago when i first reported on them. there are other instancear ags you see joe biden using a private email address to forward sensitive government information to hunter biden. there's a time where a u.s. hostagion to hu.s. hose is abouo from turkey. it's not public yet. joe d and, has it forwardet his private email address at work. he then sends it to hunter biden's son, hunte sr r biden wd be in the know this email system that james looking at, i think is going to be very instructive. joe biden frome very time to tim feeding his son information about foreign matters. >> why would hunter why would joe share with hunter a speech given before the ukrainian parliament by his father? ukfive days after joe bidenen gotten a call when hunter was in dubai with burisma executives? what did huntewith burisma exerr the money? what did the grandchildren do for the money? do we have any specific detailfs of what helped earn them millions of dollars? >> welhel, devon archer is very clear why hunter biden was being paid by burisma. it was bei was to buy them proth the brand was going to make iten so that no one would mess dev with them. that's what devin archer said. they were buying protectioon an from viktor shokin. and when viktor shokin, the prosecutor, didn'twheno follow the plan, he started to escalate the investigation. that's when thingsestigati got o and i think next week we'll be able to make public a lot of new emails. ke publiyou're going to see what happened. did joe biden really carry out u.s.d jo policy or did he change u.s. policy when he fired shokin? we're going to give you thatpolf answer next week. we got a lot of new documents. we're putting together, are new timeline. these are going to be brand new documents that were kept from president trump's impeachmen. t and from the congress in the multiple investigations, including james comey. >> james comey still doesn't have these documents today. it's remarkabl doesn'tthese. i think i have a pretty goodde idea where you're headed, john. and in other words, o it's -- it's going to be all blown up. the whole big lie about this money being withheld fori expe one reason and i expect another reason will be proven. will bis that a fair guess?ss >> i think you got a very good guess. don >> john solomon, just to, editor in chief soe now, here was more reaction, chairman of the house oversight ghcommittee, james comer is with us. >> okay. did that call, sirus., on decemd 4th of 2015 take place with hunter, with burisma, burisma partners in dubaiiden to joe biden. di placed ? l take yes. five days or understating five days later, on decemberh do 9th, a joe biden go to ukraine and give a speech before the parliament. >> yes, he did. is that the same day that joe biden bragged about beforewn the council of foreign relations when he said,ion do you're not getting $1,000,000,000, you'vellyou havd 6 hours and you're going to fire this prosecutor orou ar i'm not giving you the money. is that the same day that ? that's it. and that would be the day. >>f of thatesult o firing. did his son continue to be enriched financially and get paid on the burisma board fora o a job at a he was a drug addictl at a time that he was also in ttted in hiso as own words. >> he had no experience in that field at all. >> yes, it was.. it's all a pattern here, this is something we've been talking about for a longg we haf the democrats and their friends in the media try to sady there's no connection to joe biden. every day there's more connectio.n. and i think these emails today are consistent with the timelinee that shows exactly what the real quid pro quo was in ukraine. it was joe biden, not donald trump. the what'sitt donald at messagey revealing. i'm sitting here with my fathero . >> why didn't you keep your commitment? we expect a call frour m't tha wasn't that wasn't that sent t to a oil executive with cfc? the chinese energy giant? yes, it was. and remember that whatsapp. message produced by the irs whistleblowers? this was the irs international tax crimes team. this was the a-teanationalm investigating all these suspicious wires to suspicious ing all that the bidens were getting from foreign nationals around the world whileeign joe biden was sitting vice president influencing foreign policy biden. s that's why the whistle blowers were so frustrated when they were told thi when theys dy and down because they said their investigation was clearlyt going straight to joe biden. >> let me ask you this.n. that 1023 form that the fbibi desperately tried to keep fromhe you the one that used an fbi informant and an informant was was trusted by the fbi. they had paid him hundreds of thousands of dollars in thetheyb past. right. so they believed in what he said. correcelinhat het. yo and they didn't want to give this to. that's correct. and you had a copy and you and charles grassley released it. and charles e informant that met with the ceo of met w burisma and chronicled that conversation and gave that information to the fbi?i? and in that information, didn't it say that that that's wheree d he said that he thought the head of burisma said that o he thought hunter was stupid, dw his dog was smarter. but didn't they also say that he didn't want to giveha the bidens money, but he had to wasto and forced to 5 millior one, biden, 5 million for another. andbiden and it will takehow tt ten years to find out how that money was paid. did that happe wasn? yes, sir. h and so you at that. 1023 for him that alleged the bribery. it allege t consistent with what w. seen in romania. it's consistent with the timeline solo and john solomon have documented on your show tonight. and i believd on youe that one s that hunter was cc on those emails where the joe biden was using a fake name is so hunterul could prove to the ukrainianis oligarch. look help is on the way because we heard fron the wam devin sayt the owners of burisma werenter d squeezing hunter biden saying we need help from washington. neednow who do you think they we referring to when they were talking to huntetalkinr biden,ar who they said was dumber than their dogs? he was a drug addicte dogs and e experience. we need help from washington. who do you think from was they were talking about? and here we see now evidence that shows joe biden didn't a wl have a wall between the government and, his son,buss shady business dealings. >> he was copying him on foreign to let him know ahead of time. help is on the way. we'relp is oe going to go in tht and we're going to fire that prosecutor who's trying to busu for corruption, son. >> and we're looking at a president of the united states who's now being investigated by your committee for allegations of bribery and money laundering. is that a fair statement >> t >> that's a very fair statement. james colmer, thank you for being with us. >> appreciate it. here with reaction, fox news lega l analyst gregg jarrett, former senior trump adviser stephen miller. >> walls are closing in, aren'tr they? they are. there's alreaden'ty more thancrn enough evidence to bring a criminal case against biden for bribery. influence peddling definedned in in the bribery statute. 18 u.s.c. 201 as briberyhe and know he's aiding and abetting his son. >> he's an accessorybettin. >> he is a beneficiary and a beneficiary. but you don'e is at even have tr to prove that he's a beneficiary. again, read the statut ie. if the money goes to another person or entitys , it is stilll bribery. devon archer made it abundantl ytl clear that joe biden was not biw only involved but they were selling access to and promises of influencess and, runningnd protection for burisma. you know, get your runni dad on the phone. the next thing we know, joe biden travels to ukraine jo fires the prosecutor who had many ofs ofed the assets of zelenskiy, the ceo, burisma, they were in a panic. they turned to hunter and joe biden to get rid of their problem, which vanished. probet's get your take stephen miller. this is becoming a bigger n iscandal by the day. you know, it's interesting. the media mob is trying to ignore this and the little acknowledgment they make is only about hunter. this isn't h about hunter anymore, is it? >> it's about joe. it's always been about joe. look, these new revelations from james colmer and god bless that manw re are an earthquake t you are using a pseudonym to pass along advanced foreign holicy informationpa of the united states whenever i used to work in the white house. the idea that you would shar e ideaeign po foreign policy information for cash is unthinkable. liit's criminal, and to use a pseudonym proves consciousness of guilt. t i will go one step further. not only is this a briberyis a brischeme, but the biden crime family is engage in a textbook rico crime.. you have extortion, racketeering. you have fraud, you have conspiracy. >> you have the use of elaboratu havee webs and networl shell corporations and lies that continue this day to conceal this criminal enterpriseis day, to shake down foreign countries for cash at the expense of our nationa l security. and because of the continuing lies, that crime continuesbe to this very day, it is an ongoing conspiracy. sean yes or no? will this bring joe biden? the >> will this be the end of o his presidential ambitions? it is heading in that way. and i agree with stephen. this isn't racketeering in georgia, contesting an election which the lawerin allo. >> this would joe and hunterjo biden and the other biden family members. that is an ongoing criminal for money. that's racketeering. steve millermoney., last word. will this will this force the democrats to try and push him out or will it be too late if house republicans and senate republicans do their job? >> that will, but that remains to be seen. all right. tho be sk you both. >> gregg jarrett, steve miller. coming up, donald trump sat downming u with our friend and colleague larry kudlow for an exclusive interview on biden's disaster.e we got those highlights. steve moore, clay traviswe, they're next. >> glad you're with us. withg us. for joinin >> the thought of getting >> the thought of getting screened for colon cance ♪r made♪ me queasy, but now i've founday a way that's right for m's e fes more easy. my doc and i agreed. >> today is a good day. i screened with guard and did it my way. it my way. >> cologuard is a one of a kin way to screeocn for colon cancer that is effective ♪ i people 45 plus an average risk, not high risk. false, positive and negative results may occur. >> ask your provider for cologuard. i did it my way. hi, i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas. and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american. >> sleep deprivation. and that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep. you see, getting a good night's sleep helps support healthy immune system, helps maintain a healthy blood pressure. healthy cardiovascular system, and a double blind placebo. clinical trial relaxium sleep help people fall asleep faster ,stay asleep longer and wake up feeling refreshed. >> when i take relaxium sleep, i sleep better than i have in years. i wake up feeling alert like i've had the best night's sleep. >> call today and get your very own risk free bottle of relaxium sleep. >> take control of your health. stop struggling with restless nights, sleep like you were meant to with relaxium relaxium sleep is so confident that it will work for you. they're giving away 1000 bottles. call 800 3220404 or go to try relaxium dot com. >> i know you think we can't afford it, but we need life insurance. you're right. life can change quickly. that's why? 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go through the list of lies that he's been tellinglies thats the economy why when he says biden-nomics is not going ine anybody in the real world? >> well, look, let me justes. give you a good example of one of these lies. you knowe wher, the one that hes he's created more jobs than ronald reagated moren and donalr trump and every other president since abraham lincoln. and, you kno ham lincoln.w what he did, there are shorthand. he's counting that four ormill 5 million jobs that wereio created under trump that creat e back back. obviously, when we reopen the economy and, thene back the businesses reopen and obviously those jobs came back. but look, even if donald duck had been elected president, those jobsent, tho have happene. so if you look at his real job record, it's way below the the numbers that steve that. yeah, if the choice is donald oi duck or biden. >> i go with donald duckde wit.y i like it. by the way, the other one, trump very quickly and quickly is when he says that he's, you know, on the inflation front, let's not forget and you know what the inflatio forget yn rate, sean, was when trump left office. one and a half percent, they're right now the inflation rate is about three and a half percent. you got a live audience there. i'm not there's nobody in thatla audience who thinks inflation is only three and a half percent. most people thintion is only 3.n is three times that high. >> well, if we go back hey, travis, when donald trump was president, gas priceonals never3 reached $3 a gallon. did not want tha p t any point on average. now we're headed back towards an average of $4 a gallon and many states over $5y. already. and you look at these numbers and you sau y the average i family's paying about 80 $500t 0 more for the same items they would hav0 e bought the dat donald trump left office. how do you victory on that? e tt you lie and you hope thatare du your voters are dumb enough lookot realize enoug what's actually the truth. look at this. when you're talking about joe economic record. you know, we just hit a 22 year high for mortgage rates right now in this country, s con 7.16% today. and you think about th ebiden inflation rate i saw yesterday, yet and said, i haven't raised taxes on anybody making less than $400,000 a year. that's a lie. yearthat's what? we're stephen made a good point on that 3%, bu t it's 3% on top of 9%. you can'p of 9t go through a fas food restaurant in mcdonald's hardly for a familta mcdonaly at of there for less than 40 or 50 bucks. everybody seess the real cost.e and i just keep hammering this home. homjohn. how many people in h your audience right now, how many people out therowe watching who run a business? >> could joe biden do a singlejo job at your business wherever? you go and buy gas? could joe biden run the gas station that you buy gas at? joe biden has the most important job in america, and he couldn't even do a job at 99.9% of american businesses becaus9.9% ofe he doesn't havepc the mental or physical capacity to do it, john. alit's joke. tru donald trump's right aboutmp everything on the economyryone and everyone agrees that joe biden's been the biggest economicag disaster in any of our lives as president. >> what a what a great. i don'lack i dt even think he cd be a greeter at wal-mart. if you know, if you go green, if you if you watch him, steve moore, if you are he doesn't know which way to tur n. >> all right. yeah. sean, a greeter could get of gff the stage without having to ask which way to go. exactlkh way toy. all right. steve moore, clay travis, thank you both. up nex stept question tonight, que swirling about who will be donald trump's mate. and south dakota governor kristi noem appears be a serious contender. we will ask the governor if she'd be ope n that when shetraigh joins us straight ahead. america, can we talk? this is a talk show because nobody does it better than talk nation on fox nation. just imagine this scenario. talk nation is the only place you can get all of these shows. let's be really clear. i think gone a little bit too far. will cain podcast. the scandal feels like it's . talk nation has all the outkick shows cheerleader clay travis. welcome back to the game four girls podcast. tomi lahren is fearless, startss right now and so muchtr more wildly unscripted to me, more wildly unscripted to me, the good news talkin health? only on fox nation are you frustrated with your weighsth gt and health before considering drastic measures with side drastic measures with side effect why not try a healthy and sustainable solution? and sustainable solution? with gol i was on the verge of gettingli gastric bypass surgery and. i saw the google commercial and it was the last thing and it was the last thing i tried because it worke ly have gold has changed my life in so w many ways. before i wasorry now i literally have the ability to take a shirt off and go out in the sun. i just don't have to worry about the weight coming back anymore. angulo you take one really supplement with each balanced meal to take control ofwork. your hunger and sugar cravings and increase metabolic efficiency an. after i got married, i really struggled to lose weight. nothing seemedve lost to work. >> i've lost £75 with galoth and i've kept it off. golo, weight i have tried to lt in the past and i've lost £80 several times, but i was able to maintain it. with golo. i've maintained this weight i've maintained this weight loss for >> istt just works. o with golo. you keepther no pres the weightf and eliminate starvation, dieting and best all there is no prescription required is no prescription required go and phenomenal in my life. ngit's all natural. >> it's not something that >> it's not something that gives you the jitters is an amazing product. before golo, i fel back sluggish. since being on golo, i trulythe, feel like i'm back to the best me i can the key to losing weight and keeping it off is managing n hormones, maintaining healthy hormones, maintaining healthy insulin levels and maintaining lean muscle as you lose weight, go low. worked for me when i thoughti kw nothing would work. what a change it made so fast ie becaus a cha i don'e i was £42. becaus a cha i don'e i was £42. so when my doctor told me i neso i a weight loss surgery, i knew i had to make a change.'m i don't ever want to goouncer back to wearin)g a four xl shirt and not being able to climb stairs without taking a break. stairs without taking a break. , life. whether you need to lose ten, 20, 50 or over £100, lose it the right way with goal low, go, go low., that's >> we planned well fort they retirement, but i wish we had c more cash. >> you think those two have any idea that they can sell their life insurances crazy! fos >> so they're basically sitting on a gold mine. ventry'si don't think they have. that's crazy. well, not everyone knows coventry's helped thousands ofna people sell their policies for cash, even term policies. re, y >> i can't believe they're just sitting up there sitting on all this cash., >> if you own a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more, you can sell all or part of it to coventry. eveniums. someone ne a term poln a combination of cash and coveragee, with no future premiums. >> someone needs to tell them they're sittina goldmig on a goe and you have no idea. hey, guys, you're sitting on aog goldmine. >> do you hear that? 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>> correct. and you've been a welder, a plumber or electrician in these ads. >> what else these? oh, i don't remember. it my very first day in that ad. that's right. but i think this one might be my favorite . the lights did come back on in our state capitol, thankfully. but be glae statd i'm not there with my tools tonight in your studio. i am not sf you keep the lights on. >> so here's the amazing thing >> hd me.over and i still can't get over thisi if. well, first of allfirs, people e a license in a profession that's transferable that they don'td a profis trans havey license in your state. they can bring their license st from another state, right? >> correct. if they're realtor, a cosmetologist, a barber, you know, if they are an electrician, plumber, dentist, plt and theyd they can get right to work. and we're also training c people on the job so thatan they can come here, fill a job position and immediatelynsed get licensed while they're working. so it's a fantastic opportunit i ysout to start a new life here in south dakota, where people enjoyh dakoer being freey single day. >> so i was an apprentice carpenter until i fell off a roof, three stories and busted u rp my arm and mymy face and my teeth, which is not how my television career, but i was i was getting paid $5 an hour. you're you told me that apprentice apprenticeships are available that will start people out to teach them at 80 and a craft $85,000 a year. >> yeah it's the average the is close to $80,000 perpe year according to the u.s. labor statistics. forand here in south dakota.opt we have opportunities just like that. in fact, sean, wune are trainint teachers and getting them their licenses while they're in the classroom, teachinin licens we've got an incredible shortage of nurses have an in og these apprenticeships is a great opportunity for people ton get that career and maybe do it a little later in life when they still havdt life e to havb and put food on the table for their kids. they can still get that license and move up. it's a fantastic opportunity that we've streamline the process and made it possible for so many people. soand madet possib wherever i ge have audience shows, people will ask meo , you know, and i'll ask them who? what do they think would be good viceul presidential candidates? a little different question than the horse racfferene and yr name comes up every singles solitary timup evee. you ha now you've tried to dodge duck.e we've and a joe biden on me. you don't like this question, however, if you were asked to be vice president, would somebody maybe donald trump, would you do it? well, number one, what you've always asked me is if i'm running foi amr president. so this is a different question. and i will tell you that, of courseu that, i would consider d i think everybody should consider it. our country is breaking right in front of our very eyes today, and everybody should be a part of putting it back on its foundation. and if president trump is going to be back in the white house, i do all i can to help himto hel be successful. >> wow. good answer. but now i'll ask the question everyone else haveks you have ae future presidential ambitions at this time? oh, i'm focused here. you know that, sean. i'm consistent i am but this is this. is the goal is is to continue to live a life of significance. i think we all should get up every single dayevery and do we can to protect this greatest experiment in history. our founders gave us an incredible gift. let's not drop the ball on our on herh. >> governor, it's an inspiring story. south dakota, what's going on with your economy that is? by the way, the lowest unemployment in the country, if i'm not mistaken, and i think the lowest in the history of any state, if i'm no t mistaken. right? that is correct. and thousands of people are moving to south dakota right now. it is incredible to watch them it's incredi up their families o for our opportunities. we invite everybody to give us a calrties.we invl. s here >> freedom works here become for all you people from new york and new jerse.c>> fory who won't pay any state income tax. thank you, governor. straight ahead, our friend curtis lila is going to force against the illegal immigrant crisis all throughout new york citmigrant y. got it has gotten so out otef control. last night he got arrested. curtis will be in studio. carlos, what life in jail was like. straight aheadus what life, mant survivors are impoverished and suffering today in their final years at this holocaust museum in israel. you see the names, the faces ofs that were brutally murdered. this great cloud of witnessese a crie rs to us. >> comfort, comfort my people. >> comfort, comfort my people. to reach every holocaust survivor in israel and the former soviet union. many are poor and hungry. and they have nowhere to turn from personal appeal. >> it's not my call now.her >> raj has had such a hard life from the day that she was bornuk into the holocaust. >> we were so hungryup and e the would go with my mother would go with my mother and find the leaves and gras >> we would pick them up and eat it. >> still today, she's suffering with no one there to help her.fx dare we turn our back her now for $25? 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campaign talk talk. after more than two yearsn two bearing the burden of biden's border crisiyebearins, we're gol to have, what, 8 million people after three years? illegal immigrants. anyway, communities are now breaking, and that includesity. new york city. that's right, the beautiful sanctuary state of new york. thht in new york city is now seeing 100,000 illegal cm immigrants come to town in a year and a halef. the city's latest bright idea for dealing with the influx was to build a tent city in queens, new york, to house 1000 single male illegal immigrants. obviousl1000y, families, they're not too thrilled. and they staged multiple duriestsnd the. and during one of them last night, our friend curtis levi, l former republican mayoral candidate, this wouldn't be happeningic candida . te he was mayor, was arrested last night. a great example of nig misplaces priorities of new york city. now, he has since released from prison and police custody. thanks to new york city's no bail laws, which for once actually work very well. >> let's give a warm welcome,m e curtis levlcomi. nice throw. what's up? grab a seat. first of all, how many timesyouf you been arrested in your life? 78. and this was the absolute best. i'm to do it again and again and again because americans before illegals were going to take care of our owwe all right. >> and it's an absolute adam schiff show when it comesgoin to what's going on in new york. >> now, we have veterans that ih are homeless in this country, and they never weris e given $350e a night. hotel rooms,give four star hotes that the mayor now the mayor is saying is going to be $12 billion for the city. it wouldn't have happened if you wereve elected. >> i mean, this is he said hes t wanted a sanctuary city. this is what they got. nl?, what's going to happe tt. to the schools in the fall? >> they're going to be jam engled with kids t who can't evn speak english. the public schools are bad enoughools are to with. >> it's going to make it that much worse. and, you know, it's going f thise to pay for all o ,john. we the at taxpayers while the politicians, sandy, close with our money. >> hey, i'm your puppet all come to new york city, right? >> it's like, wait a second. where are you going to get the money? and by the way mo, his hero is joe biden, but he won't name and shame joe biden. f th and joe biden started all of this. you remember he said, who's he sai? erica. >> come to america. and boy, they haven't stopped since. >> mil millions and millions. and it's getting worse. isl you, we're atons and a breaking point, literally, in new york. okay. i have to ask this questiolitei so. so you get handcuffs? yes. mug shott and. no mug shot. they have enough 70. exactly. yes. mug shots.n and yet i'm getting kind of gray in the teeth here. so you get handcuffed. handcuffed. okay. so they bring it down to the precinct. e what walk me through what life is like for curtis sliwa. lifwhat when you walk in into 4 prison. >> all right. now, 40 four years ago when i starte4 yeartartedd, the guare and the cops thought that we were the hells angelre the helst the guardian angels. >> i get a wooden shampoo and a concrete. >> thank you. wow. now i'm walking into the hundred and 50 precinct. high five. high five. precive, mr.r. mr. mayor, can i take a selfie and have. the othe now what are the other prisoners? how do they treat you? the othe ou?r prisoners were looking to me like. >> what's up? you're supposed to be the mayor. you are be the what the are you doing in jail here for? >> and you explain it now. explainy is it important thatao you decided to handcuff yourself to this facilit decidy? >> so important? because these politicians, they're used to demonstratiompon and they figure, okay, you give a speech, you go away. no, no, no. we're going to become these politicians worst nightmare. they're going to have to find preparation h to rub all over me and hope thatr me and i dry p and blow away because we are leading an army of leading americans, black, white, hispanic, asian. >> we're coming all together. we're not askinghite, hiic a you republican and democrat? >> we're asking you, are the american stand up for america migrants get to the backd up for of the lie ando back to where you came from. you don't belongcame f. i'll say last i will say this, if they ever rescind no bail laws, give mee l a call. i'll put up the bail bond. all right. you're all set. the best i don't know if we got the beste fighting blunders. d blundeare for you. and the president actually made up a brand new word. we're going to show you get reaction jimmy fallon, as we continue. >> thank s for being with us. >> hi, i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas. and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american. sleep deprivation. and that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep. you see, getting a good sleep helps support a healthy immune system, helps maintain healthy blood pressure, healthy cardiovascular system, and a double blind placebo clinical trial relaxium sleep help people fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake up feeling refreshed. >> relaxium triple action formula was developed by renowned neurologist and sleep expert dr. eric ciliberti. >> it'll regulate your natural sleep cycle, relax your body and calm the mind for better sleep through the whole night. call today and get your very own risk free. bottle of relaxium. sleep relaxium. sleep doesn't have any harmful chemicals like many prescription sleeping pills with relaxium sleep, you can expect to start sleeping better the very night, the very first night after being relaxium customer for at least three years now, because i'm getting a better night's sleep, it's making everything else about my life more enjoyable when. >> i take relaxium sleep. i sleep better than i have in years. i wake up feeling alert like i've had the best night's sleep. if you're like i was and you've got trouble sleeping at night, give relaxium sleep a call. >> get your very own risk free bottle. take control of your health. stop struggling with restless nights, sleep you were meant to with relaxium relaxium is giving away a thousand bottles of proven relaxium sleep fall asleep, stay asleep, wake refreshed relaxium sleep is so confident that it will work for you. >> they're giving away 1000 bottles. >> call 804 one seven 3773 800 417 3773 or go to tried try sleep risk free for 30 days. that's 800 for one seven 3773 or go to tried the summer fun means one thing it's time to visibly say goodbye to crow's feet lines, wrinkles and under-eye bags and say hello to smooth, beautiful younger looking skin with plaques order plaques and germs smoothes away wrinkles without foundation, without makeup, and without expensive procedures. best of all you can try it for only $14.95 this summer. >> this the first time i've been on tv raving about this product. it's amazing. my friends, my family, they can't believe it. nothing works like this. i've under-eye bags for a very long time and . finally i tried something called black suiter. i put it on my face and i'm not joking. it works. so take action this summer and pack up your under-eye bags and wrinkles and put them on vacation with plexus derm. try our summertime and get it for only $14.95 plus get free shipping visit plex at derm trial .com or call the number on your screen lab diamonds factory direct three carat diamonds are just 2995 carat fixed hues 5991 carat studs 599 to care at 1490 the jewelry exchange will be at anyone's price on lab diamonds period. the jewelry exchange direct. >> what's this? that's for pepper. you keep dog in your fridge. it's not dog food, it's fresh food. real meat or veggies. >> it's dog food. you were so right about her. >> itch. itch. scratch must not itch. stop the itch. sanity with cortisone tents for bug bites, ivy and other itches. cortisone ten is number one. doctor recommended. it works fast and lasts 4 hours. cortisone ten fox news at night has you covered. we begin with breaking information from critical events here at home to the global conflicts shaping our world. we will cover it in full. don't miss trace gallagher weeknights at 11 on fox news at night. i have a surprise here on tuesday, your president, joe biden, he tripped over his words shockingly yet again. wordstake a look. >> so this year, this companyny make't think it made sense to make chargers for electric vehicles in the united states. but when i signed the bipartisan reaction again was me, which ron johnson is french didn't vote. they all voted againstagains. >> can you rerack that and going to give you a test? >> what did he say after did h bipartisan? what was that? there's a lesson to be learned here. never play scrabbl's alearnee we biden. wow. you got a big problecrabble jon head. >> i want to rerack that. tell me when they got it all quoted. all right. let's play it again after bipartisan. see if you can determine what thit to rerac is word is. >> go. so this year, this company didn't it made sense to make chargers for electric vehicles in the united states.. but then when i signed the bipartisan for auction was me, which ron johnson was trying to do, didn't vote. they all voted againstted agai. i can't make it out. the best part of the video inter is if you see a wide shot, the sign language interpreter has to come up with the word and it's just like, i don't know what that word got out ofwt a flask. you know, we talked about this before. i mean, our friend gre>> sean: g gutfeld is number one in late night. >> he beats all the networks, whicght. networkh is like the gl story in all of cable news, right? >> sure. e newsand it's the i mean, colbt and kimmel and fallon. >> and because they're a bunch of partisan hacks, they're not even funny. that's a b of part what?s. i mean, your loyalty in this situation should always be to the joke, because it's funny. right, exactly. i'll correct you. okay. earlier you were joking about bidect you.about bin beino greeter. >> can actually be a really good walmart greeter. if you didn't minduld hao be a r being welcome to target, you don't. all right. house gop is demanding more records from the nationalwc archives after email emails they previously released from hunter's laptop reportedlyr pr revealed that your president used a pseudonym while viced a e president. so he's got these phony emails and he's writing hunter and sending him copies off hi a speech to the ukrainian parliament. how convenient. but let's be honest here. speethe shock of the story is tt joe biden knows how to send an email. biden knoww what i'm saying?i' can you imagine being the tech support guy on tham t one?pportu >> says it's in my outbox, but i'm in any. i don't know what's going on, man'n i know it's a mess. and you know what's even worse about this scandal is kamala a stamp on her email because she's so dumb she didn't even know. but here's the problem, okay? the level of denial. you put a stamp, an email, shawn, there is no you spend all day thinking it is smart. i'm just really, just good at this man. but stic, k kamala is so dumb. >> she studied for a covid test. okay i, this is. oh, man. and. tw oh, the twohought lines meant she was having twins. >> she was like, oh, my god, dougo , get here.amazin >> this is amazing. we're led by clowns, shawn. we'rg.e led by clowns this way. every late night comic who cares about this countryes has an obligation to call thist out for what it is they do, and they don't care what is goinfo it iswhatg on right now.. >> listen, if they're leaving the material for me, we doe a seriouleavines political show >> i can't not run it.shi ca it is gold angel. >> we have a president who's offering little kids to take them out for ice cream preside. not even kids at the event. yeah, i know, but can you imagine being a kiu imagindg out for ice cream with biden? you've got to give up 10% ofm your cone to the big guywithgot you're like, mom, this. well, what if he starts sniffing the kid's hair, which he has a habit of doing, h herubbing girl's shoulders? >> creepy. joe. they have a shock collar on him. now, if he get s a little close, they give him a little they give a little zap. by the way, that might actually, you know, maybe when he's done giving a speech, when th doesn't knoen he isw whethero left or right, you just shock him on the side. >> it's supposed to turne side , but i don't think that would work. i love it. we got to look at the upside woi you're a little kid hanging out with biden. it's like you get to teach him how to ridut wiidene a bike. you know, it's a different animal. we enjoy it. bike. it's whole different world. >> all right. what if people go to see your show? people go to se. to vegas see, i'm in vegas next friday at the green valley ranch. nice. but fridayy. friday night, october the 13th, i'm taping my one hour stand up special at the paramount in huntington.are tickets are on sale now, shawn,n let's go. this is not a drill. all right, jimmy fallon, thank you, my friend. all right. unfortunately, that's all the time we have left this evening. next week, live shows on thursday. but this wednesday, i'll be at the debatebecaus, the republican debate. tickets are free. hannity .com. thate republ is all the time wee left this evening. thank you for joining us. set your dvr so you neve r miss an episode. what got your heart to travel steak to break up first and why? to put a smile on your face. have a great nightread guton yo. all right. yeah. , that's all right. that's. the you shut up over there. happy thursday. i believe it's thursday. so there's a curiouse it i

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Income , Judiciary , Laws , Transparency , Regard , Sweetheit , Judie , Shrewdcompetit By Market Principles , World , System , Officials , Business Interests , Democracy , Irony , Responsibilitiest , Conflictseniors , Demr , Ten , Himhe On Tape Bragging About Th , Speecho On December The Nine , T Is , Ur , 1 Billion , Nine , Loan , Buta Th , Son Ss , Sonoi , Bidens Money , Thiss , Corruption , Ofy Ab , Son Of A , Lif , Wellt , Him , 6 , Words , Doors , Bankruptheyt , Firing , Likeme , Biden Familyenrh Enrichment , Family , Senseo Anybdoes , Sense , Actions , Foreigng , Noent , Soundr , Government Email , Phone Call , Business Dealings , May , Hunter S Business Account , Few Monthns , Quot Upe , May Of 2016 , 2016 , Email , Prep , Phone Call Presi , Person , Hunteder Biden , Poroshenko , 8 , 45 , Case , Mind , Incident , Discussion , Business Partnersou , Dinners , First Lady , Pictures , Russian Oligarch , Cafe Milano , Moscow , Half , Phone Calls , Dollarians , On , Hunter Biden Company , Estatde Division , 20 , Three , 20 Million , 120 Million , House Oversight Committee With Hunter , Business Hunter , Partner , Huntercall , Shakedown Whatsapp Message , Fathe , Chinese , Ability , Man , Commitment , Sittinakcertaigt , Direction , Hunteri Will M , Grudge , Itin , Call , Oil Business , Business Partnersbs , Fathecallr , Generouser , Lawyers , 5 Million , Million , Evidence , Message , Who Will Joi N , Thatthat , Whatsapp , Sale , Devins Archer , Biden Brand , Congressman Komar , Brannd Thad , Way , Mother , Family Members , Got Money , Grandkids , Identifiede House Nine Bidn , Gotwhat , Millions , Tax , Pops , Havingts To , Incos , Dollarr Ds , Andrk , 10 , Deals , Joe S , Issue Breaking , Manager , Home Repairs , Sums , Wor , Companiekes , Onirs , 2018 , Dad , Hunter Complaining , Lines , Account , Text , Offerings , Eric Schwerinh , 11 , Busines , Cut , Ok Go , Eric Schwerin , China , Shous , Maihis Cun , Nowjoe , Son Hunter , Father , Prison , Diversion Agreement , Commerce Investigation Continueworss , Gund Fo Law Violatn , Don John Solomon , Newscom , Chief , Charl , Juvelopments , Meline , Commingling , Word , Phongline , First , Peoe Dig In , Becausemer , Things , Business Partners , Phone , Course , Phone Every , Addresses , Dial , Dinnerivats , Oftenul Th , Eddress , Question , Security , Bank Records , Forit The Vice President , Text Message , Staff , Digging , Finances , Washunter , James Coleman , Weemer , Wall , Beneficiary , Email Address , Government Information , Email Addresses , Twoo E , Business Oreignrevenues , Instancear Ags , Joe D , Where , Work , Email System , Abouo , Hu S Hose , Hostagion , Turkey , Hunte Sr , Biden Wd , Information , Shar E , Joe Bidenen , Matters , Hunter A , Ukfive , Dollars , Grandchildren , Detailfs , Welhel , Burisma Executives , Huntewith Burisma Exerr , Brand , Bei , Viktor Shokin , Devin Archer , Didn Twheno , Iten , O , Jo Policy , Policy , Thingsestigati , Ke Publiyou , Public , Plan , Tru Donald Trump , Doesn T , Investigations , Congress , Documents Today , James Comey , Remarkabl Doesn Tthese , Impeachmen , Lie , Idea , O It S , Reason , Guess , Up , Goodde , Fori , Will Bis , Reaction , On Decemd 4th , Place , News Com , Soe , James Comer , Oversight Ghcommittee , 4 , Yes , Di , Decemberh , Do 9th , Council , Relations , Parliament , Ion , Beforewn , 9 , Orou Ar , Thatesult , F , You Vellyou Havd , 000000000 , 1000000000 , Drug , Field , Oa Job , Burisma Board Fora , Ttted , Hiso , Something , Sean Mn , Democrats , Friends , Connection , Media , Pattern , Connectio , Longg , We Haf , Timelinee , What Sitt Donald , My Fathero , Messagey Revealing , Quid Pro Quo , Didn T , Frour M You Sn T Tha Wasn , Wasn T , Oil Executive , Energy Giant , Cfc , Bidens , Irs International Tax Crimes Team , Whistle Blowers , Wires , Ing , Irs , Dy , Foreign Policy Biden , Nationals , Whileeign , Thi , Informant , Fbibi , Fromhe , Hundreds , Fbi , Thousands , Ceo , Copy , Yo , Charles E , Charles Grassley , Correcelinhat Het , Dw His Dog , Thought Hunter , O He , Head , Conversation , Smarter , Wheree D , Another , Wasn , Sir , Millior One , Wasto , Andbiden , 5 , Bribery , Show , One S , Youe , What W , Romania , Help , Devin Sayt , Burisma Werenter D , Fron , Ukrainianis Oligarch , Wam , Dogs , Neednow , Huntetalkinr Biden , Washington , Addicte , Ar , Joe Biden Didn T A Wl , Oe , Buss Shady Business Dealings , We Relp , President Of The United States , Statement , Committee , Busu , Stephen Miller , Fox News , Walls , Gregg Jarrett , Lega L , Closing In , Alreaden Ty , Biden For Bribery , Bribery Statute , Influence Peddling Definedned , Usc , 18 , 201 , Statut Ie , Entitys , Accessorybettin , Aiding And Abetting , Access , Promises , Influencess , Runni , Abundantl Ytl , Runningnd Protection For Burisma , Thing , The Assets Of Zelenskiy , Panic , Ukraine Jo , Ofs Ofed , Problem , Acknowledgment , The Day , Probet , Media Mob , Bigger N Iscandal , God , Earthquake T , Isn T H About Hunter Anymore , Revelations , Holicy Informationpa , Manw , Cash , Criminal , Ti Will Go One Step Further , Foreign Policy , White House , Guilt , Consciousness , Briberyis A Brischeme , Ideaeign Po , Liit , Conspiracy , Crime , Racketeering , Use , Elaboratu Havee , Textbook , Biden Crime Family , Rico , Fraud , Networl Shell Corporations , Lies , Countries , Expense , Enterpriseis Day , Ambitions , End , Isn T Racketeering In Georgia , Hunterjo Biden , Would Joe , Election , Last Word , Steve Millermoney , Lawerin Allo , Job , Friend , House Republicans , Sat , Force , Will , Steve Miller , Coming Up , Downming U , Senate , Tho Be Sk , Larry Kudlow , Interview , Steve Moore , Disaster E , Withg Us , Clay Traviswe , Joinin , Highlights , Thought , Colon Cance , Me Queasy , M S E Fes , Unemployment , Risk , Colon Cancer , Guard , Cologuard , Mike Huckabee , Health Crisis , Results , Arkansas , Sleep Deprivation , Provider , Relaxium Sleep , Blood Pressure , Immune System , Night , Double Blind Placebo , Clinical Trial , Feeling Refreshed , Bottle , Control , Health , Bottles , 3220404 , 800 , 800 3220404 , 1000 , Life , Life Insurance , Life Insurance Coverage , Dot Com , Selectquote , Life Policy , 00000 , 50 , 500000 , Body , It S , Inflammation , Joints , Toll , Skating , Worldcom , Qnol , More , Bank , Bcom , Joint Health , Apparel Company , Smart Biz Loans , Collagen , Turmeric , Sherry , Women , Sba , Meet Keri , Wouldn T , Rate , Smart Biz , Focus , Harris Faulkner , Business Second Class , Hearing Health Check Ery , Wel L , Price , Biden Nomics , Economist , Worst , American Workerss , Jobs A S He , Failures , Misinformatio , Orstcording Conomistbiden , Gas , Record , Amount , Deficisaid , Distortion , Bl , Productionhi , Tri , 1 7 , 7 , Prices , Colleague , Walmar T , Administration , Fox W , Gasde , Thise , Biden Slow Wher , Thoughts , No Matter What , Weguy , Ways , Gold , Feet , Energy Unde , Goingy Dominant , Energy Independent , Part , History , Drilling , Incompetent , Countr Y , Thisg , Incompeten , Havthe Mostt , Thanr Fo Russia , Fortun E , Europe , Seeee , Saudi Arabia , Uld , Nobody , Numskulls , Money , Doing Thingss , Country Doeen , Combinen D , H Debtave , Somethin Can T G , Dollar , Overul , Stock , Lad , Verypowerf Powerful , Notno , Steve Moort , Clay Travis , E , Reallist , Outkick , Economy , Example , Ine Anybody , List , Briefly , Me Justes , Tellinglies , Jobs , Trump , The One , Creat E , Donalr Trump , Hes , Ham , Shorthand , Reagated Moren , Knowe Wher , Wereio , Abraham Lincoln , Look , Businesses , Job Record , Those Jobsent , Tho Have Happene , Donald Duck , Thene , Numbers , Oi Duck , Choice , Donald Duckde , Inflation Rate , Audience , Left , Inflation Front , Inflatio Forget Yn Rate , Times , Inflation , Gallon , Thatla , Travis , Tha Pt , Gas Priceonals Never3 , , 3 , Average , Items , Point On Average , Sau Y , 00 , 0 , 500 , 80 , Dat , Victory , Hav0 E , Voters , Truth , Lookot , You Lie , E Tt , Thatare Du , Haven T , Mortgage Rates , S Con , Th Ebiden , 22 , 7 16 , Bu T , Yearthat , Taxes , Fas Food Restaurant , 400000 , Mcdonald S , Everybody Seess The Real Cost E , Familta Mcdonaly , Homjohn , Therowe , 40 , 50 Bucks , Singlejo Job , Wherever , Gas Station , Everything , Joke , Doesn T Havepc , Capacity , Economyryone , Aboutmp , Ofe , Alit , 99 9 , Greeter , Lives , Everyone , Green , Disaster , Economicag , Way To Go , Stage , Gff , Stept Question , Tur N , Exactlkh Way Toy , Up Nex , Que Swirling About Who , South Dakota , Ope N , Kristi Noem , Contender , Mate , Shetraigh , Nation , Talk Show , Nation On Fox , Scenario , Shows , Scandal , Girls Podcast , Bit , Game , Startss , Will Cain Podcast , Outkick Shows Cheerleader , Tomi Lahren , Solution , Measures , News , Side , Gol , Gt , Side Effect , Weighsth , Shirt Off , Gastric Bypass Surgery , Verge , Gettingli , It Worke Ly Have Gold , My Life In So W , Google , Weight , Nothing , Meal , Efficiency , Hunger , Cravings , Sugar , Seemedve , Control Ofwork , The Sun , Angulo , Golo , Works , Weight Loss , Lt , Weightf , Galoth , 75 , Prescription , In My Life , Natural , Jitters , Starvation , Dieting , Ngit , Product , Hormones , Doctor , Go Low , Insulin Levels , Weight Loss Surgery , Muscle , Ie Becaus A Cha , 42 , 2 , Break , Stairs , Wearin , Goal Low , Change , Goouncer , 100 , Life Insurances , Retirement , Goal Com , Well Fort , Policies , Term , Mine , Ventry Si Don T , Yi Can T , Call Coventry , Fos , Re , Someone , Life Insurance Policy , Coveragee , Combination , Premiums , Sittina Goldmig , Eveniums , Poln , 100000 , Ci Don T , Anything , Goe , Aog Goldmine , Oldmine , Guys , Nature , Balance , Fruits , Bounce , Coventry Comm , Vegetables , Shape , 7986 , 200 , Everybody , It Work , Workouts , Audio , News Headlines , Anywhere , Listen , Discount Code , Listening Now W , Com , Sirius Xm , News Business End , Governor , Front Row , Estate , Growingd Trump , Donaldal Trump , Continuo , Running Mate , Ticket , Visit , Possiblen , Buzz , Fr , 2024 , Open For Business , Pandemic , Jobsn , Brighttake Asa , Licenses , Electricians , Ste , South Dakota Freedom Works , Americakota , Ove Profr 20000 Open Jobs , Ve , 20000 , Electrician , Kristm , Ad Campaign , Questio A Questn , Wel Right , State Income Tax , Plumber , Ads , Correct , Studio , Lights , Glae Statd , The Lights On , Favorite , Tools , Sf , Hd , Capitol , License , People Ea , Profession , License St From Another State , Realtor , Thisi , Profis Trans Havey , Allfirs , Immediatelynsed , Cosmetologist , Theyd , Dentist , Job Position , Training C , Plt , Stories , Opportunit , Roof , People Enjoyh Dakoer Being Freey , Apprentice Carpenter , Busted U Rp My Arm , Teeth , Apprentice Apprenticeships , Television Career , Mymy , Opportunities , Statistics , Craft , Labor , Forand , South Dakota Opt , 85000 , 5000 , 0000 , 80000 , Teachers , Career , Opportunity , Apprenticeships , Classroom , Fact , Shortage , Nurses , Og , Teachinin Licens , Trainint , Wune , Kids , Food , Audience Shows , Life E , Process , Table , Meo , Soand Madet Possib , Havb , Viceul , Candidates , Singles , Duck E , You Ha , Horse Racfferene , Timup Evee , Somebody , Running Foi Amr , Number One , Front , Courseu , Foundation , Hel , Answer , Goal , Dayevery , Significance , Single , Ae Future , Story , What S Going On , Founders , Experiment , Gift , Ball , On Herh , Families , Lowest , Calrties , We Invl , New York , Freedom , You , Immigrant , Crisis , Citmigrant Y , Fory , Last Night , Curtis Levi , Life In Jail , Otef Control , Carlos , Straight Aheadus , Survivors , Suffering , Ofs , Names , Holocaust Museum , Israel , Holocaust , Survivor , Comfort , Many , Cloud , Witnessese A Crie , Soviet Union , Appeal , Leaves , There , Gras , Dare , Back , Food Box , Fellowship , Ande Elderld Foody , Christiancos , 25 , Number , Organization , Screen , Elderly , Jewish , Hate , Love , Rushonal Fa , Christians , Holocauselt Survivor , Johnson And , Products , Ovarian Cancer , Loved One , Baby Powder , Settlement , Castle Rock Group , Claim , Compensation , Shelf , Cancer Victims , Juries , 1 800 8852233 , 1 , 8852233 , 2020 , Workplaces , Benefit , Fox And Friends , Mental Health , Talk , Campaign , Immigrants , Communities , Bearing , Burden , Border Crisiyebearins , Includesity , 8 Million , City , Tent City , Influx , Queens , Cm , Halef , Beautiful Sanctuary , Thht , Candidate , Duriestsnd , Obviousl1000y , Mayor , Te He , Police Custody , Priorities , Nig , L , Wouldn T Be Happeningic Candida , Republican , Bail Laws , Me Curtis Levlcomi , Best , Timesyouf , Throw , Seat , 78 , Care , Veterans , Illegals , Owwe , Adam Schiff , It Wouldn T , Saying , Ea Night , Weris E , Hotel Rooms , Ih , Star Hotes , 2 Billion , 12 Billion , 350 , Kids T , Schools , Enoughools , Hes T Wanted A Sanctuary City , Happe Tt , Jam Engled , English , Nl , Can T Evn , Politicians , Second , Taxpayers , Puppet , Sandy , Hero , Shame , Boy , Erica , Mo , He Sai , Since , Questiolitei , Mug Shot , Mug Shots N , Isl You , Breaking Point , Mug Shott , 70 , Starte4 Yeartartedd , Precinct , Gray , Kind , Handcuffed , Curtis Sliwa , Lifwhat , Guare , R Mr , Shampoo , Selfie , Cops , Concrete , High Five , Hells Angelre The Helst Guardian Angels , Precive , Othe , Prisoners , Thatao , Jail , Explainy , Nightmare , Demonstratiompon , Facilit Decidy , Preparation H , Blow , Black , Army , White , Hispanic , Asian , Hope Thatr Me And I Dry P , Hiic , Mee La Call , Migrants , The American , Backd , Belongcame F , Thank S For , Jimmy Fallon , Bail Bond , Set , D Blundeare , Beste Fighting Blunders , Cardiovascular System , Double Blind Placebo Clinical Trial , Dr , Neurologist , Sleep Cycle , Triple Action Formula , Eric Ciliberti , Sleep , Sleep Doesn T , Sleeping Pills , Chemicals , Customer , Trouble Sleeping , Sleep A Call , Relaxium , Wake , A Thousand , Sleep Risk , 417 , 804 , 3773 , Seven , 800 417 3773 , 30 , Wrinkles Without Foundation , Bags , Goodbye , Feet Lines , Crow , Plaques , Time , Makeup , Summer , Procedures , Germs , Skin , 4 95 , 14 95 , Tv , Face , Vacation , Black Suiter , Plexus Derm , Visit Plex At Derm Trial Com , Diamonds , Carat , Carat Diamonds , Screen Lab , Carat Studs , 2995 , 5991 , Exchange , Dog Food , Jewelry , Fridge , Pepper , Veggies , Meat , 1490 , 599 , Itch , Scratch , Sanity , Bug Bites , Cortisone Tents , Ivy , Itches , Events , Conflicts , Cortisone Ten , At Night , Surprise , Trace Gallagher Weeknights , Companyny Make T , Vehicles , Chargers , Wordstake , Againstagains , Ron Johnson , Lesson , Test , Is French Didn T Vote , Scrabbl , Rerac , Big Problecrabble Jon Head , Inter , Auction , Video , Didn T Vote , Againstted Agai , Shot , Interpreter , Friend Gre , Language , Ofwt A Flask , G Gutfeld , Cable News , Gl Story , E Newsand , Hacks , Bunch , Networkh , Networks , Whicght , Kimmel , Colbt , Ab , Bidect , Loyalty , Situation , Bin Beino Greeter , Walmart Greeter , Minduld Hao Be Ar Being , Target , Writing Hunter , Records , Nationalwc Archives , Viced Ae , Laptop Reportedlyr Pr , Shock , Tech Support Guy On Tham T One , Speethe , Biden Knoww , My Outbox , Stamp , Mess , Level , Denial , Shawn , Man N , Stic , Covid Test , Twohought Lines , K Kamala , Tw Oh , Thist , Iswhatg On , We Rg E , Comic , Countryes , Twins , Clowns , Led , Obligation , Get Here Amazin This , Goinfo , Dougo , Ice Cream , We Doe A Seriouleavines , Material , Angel , Event , Kid , Mom , Cone , Hair , Imagindg , Kiu , Big Guywithgot , Ofm , Joe , H Herubbing Girl , Little , Close , Shock Collar , Doing , Shoulders , Habit , Creepy , Isw Whethero , Th Doesn T Knoen , Zap , Turne Side , Bike , Animal , Ridut Wiidene A Bike , Upside Woi , Friday Night , Tickets , Huntington , Drill , Paramount , Fridayy , To Vegas , I M In Vegas , Green Valley Ranch , Nice , October The 13th , 13 , Evening , Debatebecaus , Thate Republ , Hannity , Miss , Great Nightread Guton Yo , Episode , Dvr , Steak , Smile , Heart , It I , Curiouse ,

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