Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240704

biden'e. russi from russia, kazakhstan, romania, ukraine and china. most of those countries really love us, don't they? they made fortune. >> beyond $20 million, they were able to tracweree. >> chairman komar will join us in a few minutes and talk about it. boutand just the sean solomon will be here to break it all down. bul do t let me some this up for you. and this is serious. this is massive of money. proshunter biden at the height his crack addiction and addiction was in millions and millions of dollars from corrupt foreign nationals. now, these are in many cases corrupt foreign countries.our and our number one number two,ol geopolitical foe, russia and china, are the opposite. china and russia. and then facilitating meetings and phone calls an meetid favors between these corrupt foreign nationalnations and. then vice president of the united states of america,nts joe biden. in other words, that was hunter's job. connect them to joe the bigguy. guy, the guy who has given halfg his income to popsiven h. >> anyway, hunter at the time wa was an admitted crack addictn and it begs the question, what did hunter the crack addict, personally do or even nove to offer countries for what is now tens of millions of dollars? well, what was he giving them? what work did he perform ork di the granhed children that they'e traced money to? what did they do for the money that was funneled to themnneled through these shell corporations o theser quote llct had no businesses in them. now, hunter admitted he himself had no experience in energy at wil annod no business with experience with countries that were paying himountries ale millions, you know. soe the countries paying him millions of dollars for? what did he do for that money? now, joe's proclamation, both jo candidate joe biden and now president joe biden, he said over and over and over again fore he never once discussed foreign business dealings anyo hunter, his brother, or quote anyone else, for that matter. that is nor thatw been proven te a massive lie. we know through text messages, we know through emails, we have photographic evidence, we have raphiceyewitness e accounts, anv have tonight bank records. but according to joe biden, none of this ever happened. and today, again, our own peter doocy asked very important questions. he vehemently denies yet again ever talking with hunter, but extehe's meeting with hunter and, russian and kazakhstan oligarchs and all these rich people from all these countries that don't particularly like us. ntries t like usand then, by tht he exploded at our very own peter doocy. our vepeter deserves a raise fos for daring to ask this question . wsonsere's this testimony no where one of your son's former business associates is claiming ess assoaimingthat you were on e a lot with them talking business. is that what never talk business? and i know you got a lousyn. question. >> well, what do you it's why is that a lousy question? a e it's not true. >> oh, that's what devin archer said. that wouldhat is wt devo be huns partner. that would be the guy that you sent a note to personally, you know, handwritten, a little lower at the bottom of it. minury old peter deuce is going to join us in a minute. he'll respond, telling us what was going on behinll respos wha. great question. so joe biden is flat , a lie that he repeats with regularity as here's joe every time he was president lying to you, how involved were you in your son? we chinese shakedown text message. were you sitting therere you? were you all right? and i all where are you? >> no, no. the only thing i can do is make. up things about my family. >> it's not going to go very t far. >> no, it's going far anyway. a lie repeated over and over. ad during the 2020 campaign. he continues the big lie, whilen continuing, sadly, to yell at anllmy friend and, colleague peter doocy and other reporters. >> take a look. mrr reports.. vice president, hv times have you ever spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings? i've never spoken my son about overseasoken t mercenarien i have never discussed with mygn evson or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with their busineses, period. and what i will do is thes same thing we dithd in our administration. i will be an absolute wall between in ou personal and private and the government. you stand by your statement that you did not discuss any of your overseas business. >> yes, i stand by that statement. ha yes the last two and a half weeks did that evolve into i never was in withr in hunter. oh, a very different scenario. ask yourself, well, what do you trust more career politician like joe biden, a serial plagiarizitician e or ? liar? or hard evidence in form of photographs, text messages, and now bank recordsphs, tex? ne because tonight we now have access to some of the most compelling to date. a new report from the housem th committee on oversight and accountabilityhouse has now identified, quote, over $20paymn million in payments from foreign sourcesources to biden y and their business associates. for the democratmilys who beliem this is all some kind of collusion. well, here are the banktake a records. take a look on your screen right there. this showson you a $3.5 millione from the former lady of moscow, a russian oligarch that went in right into an account owned by hunter biden and by h. , a shor and by the way, a short time later, and she also invested ine 120 million in real estate. joe biden, then vice president,u the united states, after the three and a half million dollar wire, had dinner with the russian oligarch elena to rayner, is her name, and cafe milano in beautiful washington, d.c.é, just as badd a sewer as new york city. confalso last, devon archer, he confirmed the same russian oligarch did indeed thd invest 0 million in hunter's real estate fund. okay. meanwhile, following russia's invasionmeanwh of ukraine, this, particular russian oligarch, paa reyna, received no sanctions from the biden administration. cidence? i guess just a lucky coincidence. i don't know that in 2014 and 2015, then vice n also allegedlyh his so attended dinners with his son, kazakh business partners.usines >> oddly enough,s in april 201, one of those kazakhstan business partner0141, ofs wired a whopping $142,300 into one of his hunter. biden's accounts0 to . way by the way, a mere coincidence, i'm sure the exact price of a brand new porsche sports car that hunter purchased. i'm sure it was accidental. that figure. now, what did hunter at the the time and admitted crackdo to addict do to earn that money?mo what did all of these countriene expect for the millionsan and millions of millions of dollar millions? we now know that the bidens the were paid. now, why did joe biden lie over and over againdi and say never, ever discussed any of these matters? and yet,scusse devon archer sayr 20 times that he can recall he calle20 timd into meetings with with these foreign business associates. nk anyway, now we have bank records showing millions of dollars in payments from the ukrainian oligarch. you know, the guy that owns burism a holdings. once again, hunter facilitated discussions between burismaexect exactly. and dc and a short time late an joe forced out the prosecutor that was investigating joe for e the oil and gas giant in ukraine and his own son forn corruption. they were being investigatedcorr this after burisma was begging hunter, please, weggin d.c. helh on the issue. on this issuon thee and others. oh, help came when joe biden gave the prosecutor or y the government leverage a billion of your tax dollarx ds and gave them 6 hours to fire the prosecutor and son of a . they fired that prosecutorhu and hunter continued to get paid moneye , which he admitted he had no experience on good morning america. and by way, the prosecutornt hunter, who was describeer wasd on the 1023 form by the burisma executive, they though t hunter was dumb and stupid. the guy actually said he thought his dog was smarter than hunter. >> so not making it up. this is all one big coincidence. i'm sure they were just lookinig for a crackhead and they just felt like that giving millions dollars to. and it wasn't just one country, it was numerous countries. comi or as the committee reports, quote, president biden's familte is the vehicle to receive bribery payments. vehiclthe report continues.the e indeed, the law recognizes thata payment of payments to family members to corruptly influencet others can constitute a bribe. so keep in mind who the bidens were conducting business with. we're not talking about deals tr with the royal bank of canada or switzerland ooyr. japan. instead, hunter's raking in money froinstr is rm a oligam moscow. another oligarch from ukraine, a romanian businessman convicted of bribery. a romanian busa chinese partnerf economic crimes and bribery. m and a kazakh politician convicted of treason. and according emails and textst' from hunter's laptop, hunter was forced to handr wa 50% of% h his salary to pops. he hated it, had to pay for all perhaps his home repairs. and he pitched about that. and another email listed a 10% stake in one deal for the bigned gueay. tony bobulinski said the big guy was joe biden. everybodg guy way knew.dible never mind the credible fbfbi source in the 1023 form3 form accusing joe biden of acceptingg a $5 million bribe from burisma execs. ribe froand it will take us tenh to find out how they paid him. now we supposed to act like this is all business as usual, all while joe lies to our faces and we have all this evidence. face there are any democratsts left in washington with any integritty, they need to speak out. this is not business as usual in it reeks of nothing but corruption. here now with the full report, fox news white house correspondent peter dooce y. pru know i beg to differ with the president of our country, but i don't think your question was lousy at all. i thought it was very goodgood question, peter or i congratulate you and sean today. it was a lousy question. lousalmost four years ago when i asked him for the first time,o how many times have you spoken to your son about his overseas businessto? he eventually got throughgot th his answer and hroe told me to ask the right question. and tonight i'm wondering what i.night i s the right ques? i heard from a white house official just a few minutes after my exchange with the president today here in new mexico exchapresid, who said the issue with the premise of question. they said, my question is wrong because. ed spe i referenced speakerphone conversations with business associatesakkerphoneith about b. they say that question is wrong and that the president's answer is right, that they never talked at on speakerphone about business. if that's truet is tru, it's not proven. but that is what they are saying. howeves whr, that is a big heade because they are no longer saying that he did not have these speaker phone conversations with the associates, period. so it now seems like there weree conversations. we don't know exactly what they werere e don't . they're pointing to these thvon archer transcripts poi with the house oversight committee where he says they talked about kind of justt polite pleasantries, including the weather. but devon archer later went on to say in an interview that ito is categorically false that hunter did that. hunter and joe did not talk at the time about business. and so that's where we're at ish today out here in new mexico.e r the president moves on. he wants to be talkingesid about green energy and not anything in the past.. but i and i am going to sayo sa something and this might be dangerous with the studio audience because they might not all likence beca what i'm about to say. but president biden deserves actu credit today because quesctually called me over to ask a question. he has told me in the past, after some of our exchanges and our exch he doesn't mind a d question. and so he knew it was goingometi to be something probably like this. bungt he feels guilty because he once called you an s.o.b. if i remember correctly. >> i think he feels guilty. yet you remember correctly. yeah. but he he did stand patiently pt and heie he let me come up. i had to hop a bike rack to gete to him, but he stood therek th and took the question. so if you're watching. mr. president, thanks. oh, peter doocy. thank you. pcy right.g us joining us now with more, editor in chief justin ,our friend, investigative reporter jon solomon. jon, you've beenhnolomon all ov. >> you got a great collins all the money. now, it's interesting that ian simms sam's rather issuedin a scathing memo when we had kevin mccarthy on monday night . now, they issued a scathing memo tonight against issueathing james comer, who will join us in a minute. and they are furiousnute.. lik, seems like, well, number one, thank them for watching. hannitr one,y every night, 9 to, please set your dvr in the white house so you never miss an episode:00.. but it seems to me that thisit s is beginning to get to them,rra that the narrative is not sticking anymore. the lie is and stick. >> yeah. now, listen to chairman colmer has done the old fashioned thing that investigators who want the truth, do they follow the money? when you follow the money, you folyot to see a veryme and clear pattern. time and again, there's a business partner again t is e money into a hunter biden related account. and soon after have access to their father. it's not much different than bill clinton getting $250,000 checks back in the 90s from chinese interest. up at t and they showed up at the white house coffees and teas and the joncoln bedrooth coffem. people understood it then joe biden trying to pretend that, well, that's not what's going on here biden pree. it's exactly what's going on here. i'll give you one good example. you mentioned the russian oligarch yellen about to rename. shshe drops a $3.5e drops a $3.n payment into a hunter biden related account in february. in march, in aprilin of 2014.eri the conversations are continuing. hunter biden's checkinone contin about arena going to invest in our new real estate project inin our new york.gned off he gets an answer. yep. she signed off on it a couple of days later. douple day you know where you ln about arenas? she's having dinner with joe biden atg dinner, the cafe milaa this is a pattern that repeatsts itself. the guy who gave him the gu car rightmoney go there. the money that goes from there then to the car. hunternde car. biden is going, to be a pain in the derriere, but where's my push? wellwhere , gets a portion.ha >> son of a gun.ppen what happens? his dad's meeting with that gu y in the same month. the pattern is very clear. what james comey has don ce is followed the money, then put a timeline together. it is very clear is what's going on. hunter biden was selling access to his father. ts fathere's nothing his fathen say tonight. he went to the dinners he go t on the phone calls. it wasn't the illusion of access. it wasn't th access.t and if you have any doubt, we can just maybe send this over to congressman goldman tomorrow. there's an email from vadym pozharskyi. the ukraine, burismathere rain l who said, great seeing your dad last night. that is an actually, he saw joe biden at the dinner. he stayed fo.r the whole dinner, by the way. joe biden stayed for the whole dinner. it's no longer illusio n all of s these spin jobs that the biden white house and their acolytesby been giving. they're being pierced by things called facts, stubborn facts. that'ss called. the white house is getting testy. >> oh, great reporting, as alway s. , just >> john solomon, just the thank you. newsy shame chairman cuomo's investigation is now striking a nerve at the white house and they're now lashing out. first, they were lashing out about this program on monday about kevin mccarthy. abt atey're lashing oun mond james colmer today and he's d now.s report to respon they're claiming his report is old news that does nothing to implicated news t the big gui is here to respond. house oversight committeeght co james palmer, sir, how aremm yo i'm well. >> old news. and you're admitting thatu ar you have note ad uncovered any proof implicating the president. well, first of all, we know he lied through his teeth when he said he never talked to huntelkedr, his brother or anybody else, for that matter, about these foreign business deale fothat mats. and he was an active participant. now, i have a question parti. >> was joe biden the brand ore r is hunter the crack addictute gd and frequent guy? the the brand. what brand was what it? it was joe biden's brand. and that'st was jo in the wordsf devon archer, who was also in on the schemes with hunter biden. i mean, there's no reason anyone would sin.. hunter biden, millions and millions of dollars. they did it for his fatherllars his father was the brand. and that's the question we've been asking for a longuestion . and devin archer is the first associate that had the opportunit hy answer thatqui question. the question is, what exactly did the bidens. do to receive that money? and the answers joe biden, they provide it. >> joe biden, they gave these crooks and they're all crooks, all people that sent the bidens money. well, are either incarceratederd or on the run from obein being incarcerated. the countries where they were sending the original wire froms ,these are bad people from bad countries that were usinging ou our government to profit through the biderrnmentn family. all right. let me ask you this. now that we havee as this evide that joe biden was up to his eyeballs here. notow the question is, what are the next steps now? n i don't think hunter, we know he had no experience in energy, buoperiencet cfc, the chinese ey company, was paying them a lot of money. ct we know that's a fact. we know that burisma paid the money, he admitted on good morning america. he had no experience with an amy of these countries or any anytr experience in energy. >> so the questionieor and we know he admitted that he was a drug addict at the time. okayadmitted. what did he possibly havee to offer these countries, many of which that don't like us. what service did he perform for these these massive sums of money, these tens of millions dollars? is there anything. what is the servic here anye he provided them and the grandchildren that got paid? what did they do to get the large sums of money they had funneled to thethey ha? >> they didn't do anything. they used joe biden. and what we're seeing is joen ac biden actually provided things of value in return for that money. look at ukrainn fore. i mean, it's becoming crystal clear that he went and fired he the prosecutor who was investigatin fg his son's corrun energy company over there. i mean, he braggeder about it. he's on tape admitting he did it. we know now fromit devon archers that the burisma owners were putting pressure on hunter biden to deliver. as you said earlier, sean, he wasn't on the board because ofaid earl his or his knowledge off energy. he was on the board because ene, biden and he hado th access to the vice president. we seece inside and they were begging, we need d.c. help. that >> was that hunter in d.c. or joe, the vice president in d.c. ? >> that was joe biden, the vice president. i don't think anyone could argue that. and you look a could a t with the russian the wife of the former mayor, the russian oligarch her name was left off the the sanctions list. now thatt of happened while he w president. but we're seeing decisions that joe bideasn as president, that's counter to every hardworking american. hasyou trace that back ineivedh his family, received money from some of these people that are receiving these favors likee the russian oligarch that we highlighted in the bank memo todad in they. the co is the country now looking aunt the possibility thatat current president, then vice president, was involved in a bribery scandal with foreign countries that he took as a 1023 form, alleged that he took specificacn as vice president of this country for the enrichment os of his the financial enrichment of his family. do you believe that that is prove enrichn and that that is what happened? >> i believe that all the pieces are there, and i believe there's a pattern with romania, with ukraine p, with russia, with china, with kazakh, kazak, kazakhstan. i mean, you're seeing wherekaza joe biden communicate with these people, even though he lied about it and you're seeing things benefit that were delivered to these countries and these people in exchangeies for the money. so we're going to continue to follow the money and we're going to get closer and closer to the bidens bank accounts. i think we're making the case to where we can win in court when we go after the bidens personal accounts, because remember, hunter biden complained about having to spend.member hn co so much oy on his father. >> oh, yeah. thesei don't think these counts or these these companies were paid tens of millions dollars without expecting something wie. y profound in exchang and they got that in the casebu of burisma, didn't they? all right, congressmanrisma,, gt to see you. >> thank you. coming up, the white house, they keep toutin g biden-nomicsl give y ,but horrific new numbers about the economy just came out. we'll explain. we'll check in with the great larry kudlow next. k in with but first, programingh tomorrow night, another live audience show. just audienc go to hannity aeco. tickets are free. wow. >> hope you'll join us. mysteries, plots, secrets. join me as fox nation investigates some of the biggest ones around in fox files. part one. from a tragedy with potential political implications. you know, if it did happen on purpose, we need to know. >> to a bizarre theory. trying to find out if the moon landing is real or fake. out of this world 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owed on mortgages 1.6 trillion in car loans, another 1.6 trillion in studento loans that joe wants to forgive that we didn't take ouantst. how did we get here? reckless government spending a war on the energy sector or oil and gas has causedn to inflation to skyrocket. and now, in order to curb inflatio n rates, their rising mortgage today,r mort 30 year mortgage carries what, ca 7% interest 3% an rate? well, it was 3% and below 3% just a couple of years ago. meanwhile, the federal o. is over $37 trillion in debt and our credit rating, we just got downgraded as a country. so as , joey, solution? who knows? but he keeps obsessingergy green energy. even though an electric bus company, he prayectrics two yeao is the future of transportation. agafter $1.9 billion bigger than the 500 million for solyndra. the place went bankrupt.. there. we gavwee the $1.9 billion. how do you go bankrupt? >> you have to be dumb as dirt.t here with reactionh reac, the ho the top rated show on the fox business network. larrw usy kudlowiness . one word, one question. biden-nomics. tha >> it's not consumer debt that bothers me right now. consumermes smart and they got a lot of net worth inspired nomics destroying our energy. you're running up to oil nowto 4 back to $84. gasoline at the pump is going to be paider gasol a barrel. $84 a barrel. hethe pump is going to be $4. he's too busy with the weather channeo busy wl. and he's looking. you can't spend and tax and regulate the way he has done and grow the economy and. you know me growth is everything. i'm a supply sider. gr. the economy should be growing at three 4% or more. happe >> what's happened in the lastnr six quarters, 18 months. okay.te we have grown at 1.3%. that's the problem with the econome proby. th there's no growth potential. people are very discouraged. weential lack the opportunities to climb the ladder. that's the biggest problem. rit >> now, let me ask you this. 61% of our fellow americans, i started my adult life out this way, living paychecouk to paycheck. they're living paycheck to paycheck. that's painful. that's harth living d that's scary ford sc a lot of people. and then the averagearfor amer, $54,000 in debt. that's real money fo$54,000 r people you know, are real. well, really working hard for a living. re reallthe problem is, incomese gone up and inflation has gone yego more year to year. inflation has come down off the high base,e 9%. . but actually, since he was inaugurated, inflation is up 16%. the level of the cpi, energys is up over 30%.ov groceries at home up 20%. those are what's real wages are coming down. >> that's what's really hurting the economy. and heat is wh is stifling oppoe with his overregulation and we need to grow this economy by 3 to 4% to solve the problems of social security and medicare and dissolve the problem of debt growth is everything and be energy dominant. >> we have so much we can an energy rich country and reduce. of course, he is the lifeblood of the world. and heib he's and he's taken bribes. they're all producinesg fossil fuels. every one of these countries are producing fossil these c fu. he is giving america away, making our countries rich. how stupid. and that's a problem, too. larry kudlow, great to see you. coming up, did the fbiris wr director, chris wray, lie under oath for a documentary anti-catholic memoayout th suggs he might have. >> chairman jim jordan next, as wmight e. with >> thankuss for being with us. >> hey, joe. how come you're department goes after trump endlessly yet they cover for your family hunter's laptop. yeah. that was censored. but we know that laptops are real. and it's not just filled with photos of hunter's drug fueled debauchery, either. nah, it showed. hunter pocketed millions from foreign partners, cash from ukrainian and chinese interests accused of bribery and fraud. and remember when you claimed your family never made money from china? well, hunter admitted in court he took their cash. his business partner was tied to the communist party. how did hunter's get meetings at the white house? your brother, grandkids, even and nephews got paid from foreign deals. your family and their cronies raked in over 17 million from these schemes. and you, yu-gi-oh, went from being one of the poorest in congress to a millionaire in the white house. come on, joe. all this a coincidence or corrupt should make america great again. inc is responsible for the content of this advertisinei . are you frustrated with your weight and health before considerinongolo? g drastic meass with side effects? why not try a healthy and sustainable solution with golo? i was on the verge of gettings. gastric bypass surgery and i saw the golo commercial and it was the last thing i triedshirtf because it worked. >> goal has changed my life in so many ways. beforego out i i was over £300. now i literally havere the ability to take a shirt offs and go out in the sun. i just don't have to worry about the weight 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createwa drich by the richmond field office. well, here's what directormotheb chris wray at the fbi actually told congress, i believe under oathi told. >> well, your fbi wrote a memo talking about radical, traditional catholics. t for i'm just wondering if you can define it for us. well, what i can tell you isus y you're referringou are to the richmond product, which was a single product by a single field office, whicwhich ish as d as i found out about it, i was aghast and ordered it withdrawn and removed from the fbi system. >> well, now the fbi is changin sysm.g their and teln us director ray's testimony on this matter hasg us beennt. accurate and consistent, but apparently that is not the casae . this was not just one document in the richmond fbi officeins, l in portland and then los angeles. they were alsoanangele involvedy similar conduct. and by the way, this isn't eve k the first time this week that jim jordan has caught the fbi lyin tm hasg. you also found out they misled us. we, the american people, the about the contacts they had with social media companies, about hundredsth. the chairman of the judiciary committee,e chairm jim jordan. >> congressman, ohio's with us. how are you, sir? i'm fine, thank you.od t >>l right. since chris wray lied about the issue involving catholics, well, he can be as aghast as he wants to be, but it sure looks like now it was much broaderbroe than the richmond field office. i mean, weond fiel got a less ro version. that's a problem in and of itself. whn.that's a probly they redacto give it give it a just give us the open document. the first place. but it now now shows that fbit portland wasth involved, fbi, ll angeles was involved. d so it wasn't just one off. it wasn't just richmond. it was broader than that. and never forget the term they used, sean, radical traditio tern, no catholic, a tm they just created. and then they defined it the asf you're pro-life, if you're for a strong border and you're opposed to action, then then are you're a radical, traditional cat. that sounds like just a regular republican to me in so many ways. so they define in so this term, create this term, and but for a whistle blower. >> butand but for these numbert whistleblowers who've come to us over the last year and a half yead a half, last two yee would not have known this. so this is this is scary.w it i >> but now it's becoming a pattern with the fbi. they tel the fbil us one thing that turns out not to be so accurate when we finally get the documentthes. >> now, the fbi knew about hunter, his laptop. they had a copy in december of 2019. john solomony in, as reported tt by march of 2020, the veryry latest, they had verify the authenticity of that laptoyp . then why was the fbi meeting weekly with big techwaekly in te weeks every week, in the weeks leading up to ths lee 2020 elecn ? and specifically, i want to ask you about elvis chan , becausean. he testified under oath, i believnder oate. >> i was not confident that i was not a party to any meeting of social media companies where hunter ociadid. discusse and yet we find out from a facebook and others that,thati in fact, he was did he lie under oath? >> so it looks that wayan bur as well, sean, because he said he hadke one conversationer with facebook when they asked him directly, ask the fbi directlysationhen. is the laptop story real? and they said no comment frory the fbi. turns out the very next day, october 15th day, 2020, he's on the phone with folks from facebook saying he's abreast of wherhee frome hunter biden investigation is. there's no indication that the new yorke post story is is is false. there's no indication that is ao russian information operation. and yet they let facebook go aheadn. and, censor that story, and let the american people believe that, in facteri was even though we point this out all the time, sean, even though they had the laptop. fore a year and spent so much time pre bonking this idea becausepo they knew at some point this was going to break, this story was going to getof e story they knew it was going to happen. so they're pre bunking that with the these big tech companies and they're primed and ready to censo r. they still ask the question and the fbi knew the answer, >>t they sai the kned no commen. >> and then the integrity side had a twitter at the time you'lla, rath confirmed in the missouri case with the attorney general. now,torney geral senator eric s, that, in fact, the that big, big tech was warned repeatedly that the missive informationormi campaign may be about joe or hunter biden. >> is that correct, sir? ony unter biweekly meetings, thd ,be ready for a hack and dumpdu operation. it'll happen in october. it'll likelymp opetion tha hunter biden.ey know? how did they know these are what these guys were predicting the future for? going to say they knew because they had the laptop. so what they've toldout th us initially about this story. >> looks like it wasn't accurate. justis l wa like what they told us initially about the catholic memorandum. doesn't look initiall like that's accurate. again, this is, i think, becoming a pattern now is k bece fbi, not the agentso on the ground who do good work. bu rk, but the higher ups in what they tell the congress and what they tell the american people. >> you believe that the fbiople. is politicized and the dojaponi is being weaponized against conservative s and republicans. i do. i think thatth the facts are there. and then you can also look at what the doj did with this hunter biden ples hua agreement. god bless this court and this judge. you saw through it. it but it just it continues this unequal application of the lawa and, this pattern of not being square with the congress and more importantlyof, with we, the people of this great country. chairman jim jordan, thank you fot co r update. coming up next, democrats once weain putting politics to real people on the plane. it's been a disastrous wplai tr by the way, for joey this week. he's been out and about. not good about. nt >> we'll show you the lowlights. you don't want to miss it straight aheadmiss it.. >> hello, i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee. did you know that a lack of sleep can lead to very serious health problems? i know it's scary. you can't fall asleep or you're tossing and turning all night. you can't get the sleep. you need to stay healthy unless you use relaxium sleep. relaxium. sleep is a product made from natural ingredients and it usually works from the very first night. you try it, it helps you fall asleep. stay and wake up refreshed, earning your body those quality hours of sleep that it desperately needs to prevent many health issues. i'm dr. eric ciliberti and i developed relaxium sleep, a clinically tested sleep supplement to contain proven ingredients that help patients fall asleep, stay asleep and wake refreshed their mornings no longer hearing that he doesn't want to even begin his day. i'm telling you, relaxium 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moving his beach chair on his vacation on the beach bne during his trip to the southwest. >> take a look. this is what he disouthwest, ta >> it's not hyperbole. hyperbole suggests that there's no nationa hl treasure, none the is grander than the grand canyon . the grand canyon of the earth.d canyonnine wonders. the problem was too many people are working or working people are working, making too much money. that's not the problem because a major wind tower is that makeg of go into turbines made by gvrm verona va.unced it excuse me, i mispronounced it. imagine it for long time.ephone roosevelt and telephones came along saying, we're not going to help invest telephones. come on, man man. >> full of. full of energy and vigor, isn't it? joining us now, the host of the monica crowley podcast, monica crowley, fox news contributor, dr. siegel. news c oni don't know. >> i didn't go to a public school so. >> i'm sure i got this wrong,e but i thought there were seven wonders of the world. nowere thet and i don't remembert re the grand canyon, which is pretty spectaculamembr. ther. >> i've been there as being one of the seven. do it you know? but apparently joe biden does talk about telephones.s >> he's old enough to have known alexander graham belolwnlr apparently. >> look, there's a very serious point to to make here. and we all sort of laugh at there's some people think somey that he's inat h a significant mental and physical decline. i actually don't think it's sad at all. i think this is infuriating that the country is in this position where we have a president of the uniteositiona states commander in chief who is not only justte completen out to lunch and demented, he's always been a corrupt hacke . now he's a corrupt hack with dementia. so this countr's ay is in a very precarious position. joe biden is a national security threat. we have mountains of evidence to impeach him on corruption. forget about the dementia. the real issuehe is the mountaie of evidence of corruption, bribery, and maybevidenc even treason. >> i agree. between this these briberyd. scandal. e br biden bribes. joe biden, bribery scandal, s. egationib >> and i would argue, dr. siegel, he's one major fall away from the democratice ma pay saying, you just got to get out now. i look at what's happening . g i don't have anything bad to say about diane feinstein. somebodyd her family, pleasee love her and take her home. it's notho right to me that's. elder abuse. ane frankly, if somebody in th biden family really cared about him, they would tell him, no, joe, you're no telt up to another four years of this. you're not going to make it. it's not faitherisr to them. where are those people? do you see what i see? i'm not the doctor. you're the wha doctor. >> i agree with you. look, i haven't examined them, but i don't like the word gaffesexaminedm bu. usi why are we using the word gaffes for joe biden? what is a gaffe? it's a mistake. it'syou make and you get a littt bit embarrassed and then you correct it. verona versus vern nova when he's trying to talk green energy with g g ver nova, and he talks a city that's from the middle ages. do you have confidence that he understands what he's from? >> the middle ages. so, so so again, and this is being officiated where's the mri? where's the cognitive test? i've seen his yearly physicari? they show us. we all know he can't pass a cognitive tests. >> right. i agree with you, which is why e what wasing to tak my exact question. will they keep him on the ticket? no, i don'y keepet think so. >> he's not going to make it. a i don't think he will either. i'm worried about the false by the way. the falsm worry aboue. orrela the stiff legged gait can alsoti be correlating with something goin. on up hereg but i don't think that he's going to make it either. and ther.i think they know it. >> three, four, three. i don't think he's going to be the guy. thanh gavin newsom for. all right. thank you all. straight ahead, the climate 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america. humanityso you've already declat national? practically speaking, yes. if hum you don't think that the left's climate alarmists s agenda is crazy enough while in canada, they are now tryinnough,g to brd climate friendly cows by getting them, by getting them to burp and the other. one less? you heard me right herear with reactiod me rn. washington examiner op-ed editor kelly mcgee white foxll and friends weekend co-host will cain. haley i'm very there really are these people that that want us to stop consuming deep beef because of the methane thatse these cows produce. i'm sorry, but i'm not giving up my b for you. hey, as long as my state comes out medium rare, i'm not going to ask anyot going questions.pek but i do think that this speaks to a larger problem within lae alarmism movement,hat which is that for people who think that climate change is sucfor wh immediate existenl threat, they're focused on the most immaterial . as and this is not going to come to us that come as a surprise anyoe, because thesesame are the same people who glue themselves to historic pieceplek of art who block traffic for hours on end, forcing cars to sit in idle and produce more emissions, and who jet all the world in their private jets, which produce more carbon theyide than any dairy farm ever could. they're not focused on the things that matte notr, which which seems to me as if they don't actually think that this is an issue athink tht all. >> i think that's well said. and by the way, why does t our federal governmenthey do, o0 a thousand private jets and helicopters combined. 0we paid for.o fl we bought them. they get to fly in them. people to judge ishem. one offr the frequent flier miles will. yeah. joe biden just said in that clip that you play tha said intx is the existential threat to humanity. it is definitively not ann existential threat to humanity. climate change does not threatenexistent to to wipe hut off the face of the planet. and that's what's meant by existential threa s whatt. but if you pretend like itik will, then you can cover all manner of any policy you want, any control over humanity or the bovine speciess on this planet. let' this just not gloss over t. right, sean? so they want to genetically alte want r cows to burp. and i think i don't know which u word you certainly censored yourself to not burp, i think, or not. >> that's right. >> iyou do that. >> i like it. thank you, sean. it sounds smarter that. way. get rid of flatulence. okay. there's not going to be any at l all. unforeseen consequences here. any unintended consequencelsgeni by genetically altering our beef. i thought we were in the midst of a movemenur beef?t that was g somewhat bipartisan to eat more organic, less genetically modified eat food. and now we're going to do this. if you're going to genetically modified things to reduce flatulence. you could start with locker rooms. i've got a coupl start e of teenage boys. you can start there. and how long until wives are you know what? vasectomies and genetically altered so that you don'hat,es e this a problem in our household or car anymore? >> thihousehs right here is a problem, and i'm making a joke. but you think it's going to stop the cows? thinkthno, wil >> this will move to humans. maybe not this precise thing, but how cal to hu n we alter humanss to in the future to be more planet friendly? well, i got to give you credit. >> you've done a lot of research into this topic. resethank you. >> okay, kelly. thank you. programing note before wgh, tha go another live audience show tomorrow night in new york n, harliell have jimmy falloli charlie arnot, dagen mcdowell, brian greenberg. tickets are free, . m an go to hannity, icom register. come joiregistn us two rowdy fue was brought a lot of footballs and have fun please set your dvr so you never ever ever ever miss an episode of hannity . in the meantime, let not your hearts be troubled. ed. >> why? greg gutfeld is next. he's going to put a smile on your face gutfeld . >> thank you for being with us,a gentlemen. grant kennedy, one of the first nine wonders wonders of the worlndthd, literally. thank you. ngt you know, it's amazing, the enduring symbol of america for in t world. entduri >> nine wonders. actual >> the real wonder is thatly he actually knew where he wa

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Say Tonight , Doubt , Congressman Goldman , Illusio , Burismathere Rain L , Vadym Pozharskyi , Facts , Great Reporting , Acolytesby , That Ss , Spin Jobs , John Solomon , Alway S , Newsy Shame Chairman Cuomo , Abt Atey , Investigation , First , Program , Lashing , Nerve , D Now S , Lashing Oun , News , James Palmer , News T , House Oversight Committeeght Co , Big Gui , Huntelkedr , Else , Proof , Anybody , Teeth , Deale , Thatu Ar , Fothat Mats , Brand , Participant , Gd , That St , Brand Ore R , Addictute , Schemes , Fatherllars , Longuestion , Reason , Crooks , Associate , Opportunit Hy , On The Run , Froms , Usinging Ou , Obein , Biderrnmentn , Notow The Question , Evide , Eyeballs , We Havee , Steps , Fact , Ey Company , Buoperiencet Cfc , Drug Addict , Many , Anytr , Amy , Questionieor , Okayadmitted , Servic , Sums , Grandchildren , Service , Joen Ac Biden , Return , Value , Thethey Ha , Ukrainn Fore , Crystal Clear , Tape , His Son S Corrun Energy Company , Fromit Devon Archers , Investigatin Fg , Pressure , Knowledge , He Wasn T , Owners , Ene , Th Access , D C , Begging , Wife , Decisions , Trace , Hardworking American , Mayor , He W , Hasyou , Bank Memo Todad , Co , Aunt , Possibility Thatat Current , Bribery Scandal , Enrichment , Enrichment Os , Specificacn , Pieces , Ukraine P , Exchangeies , Kazak , Wherekaza , Case , Bank Accounts , Member , Hn Co So Much Oy , Counts , Thesei Don T , Didn T , Exchang , Congressmanrisma , Right , Casebu Of Burisma , Companies , Gt , Show , Economy , Numbers , Audience , Programingh Tomorrow Night , Toutin G , Give Y , Coming Up , Larry Kudlow , Just Audienc , Biden Nomicsl , Hannity Aeco , Tickets , Part , Secrets , Plots , Mysteries , Ones , Tragedy , Implications , Fox Nation , Fox Files , Purpose , Theory , Encounters , Out Of This World , Moon Landing , Sworn To Secrecy , Grandmother , Got To Go , Mother , My Name , Nature , Shipping , Com , Ofhe , Balance , Fg , 800 , 35 , 1 , 2468751 , 1 800 2468751 , Rick , Heuy Marathot , Marathons , Discount Code , 76 , Conversation , Haveetting , Abo5 A Month Plan , Coverage , Tod , Weou Need Life Insurance Conversation , Ca5 , Lan , Plan , Colonial Pen Company , Reminder , Colonial Penn , 995 , Health Questions , O , Health Reasontn , Life Insurance Startin Rg , You Canh , 9 95 , 95 , 85 , Life , E , 0 35 , 35 , Gift , Beneficiary Planner , Information , Hello Colonial Pan , 90860600 , 0860604 , 90860601 , 809 , Voters , Civics , Jesse Watters , Goals , Sellers , Go To Ship Station , Com Slash , Pocket , Everybodley , White House Press Secretary , Wolf , Jean Pierre Notonighw , Karine , Getof E , Poll Numbers , Watch , Th , Disparityry , Story , Polls Don T Showas We , Debt , Ca Trillion , Credit Card Debt , Mortgages , Thatn , Car Loans , Disaster , Numberrd Befo , Studento , Arllion , 1 6 Trillion , 2 , 7 Trillion , 12 , 17 Trillion , Inflatio N Rates , Order , Energy Sector , War , Take Ouantst , Interest , Mortgage , Couple , Mortgage Today , Credit Rating , R , Federal O , 30 , 7 , 37 Trillion , Solution , Company , Obsessingergy Green Energy , Bus , Yeao , Joey , Place , Transportation , Agafter , Solyndra , 9 Billion , 500 Million , 1 9 Billion , Word , The Top Rated , Reactionh Reac , Usy Kudlowiness , Larrw , Biden Nomics , Fox Business Network , Dirt T , Barrel , Gasoline , Pump , Consumermes , Net Worth , Oil Nowto , Paider , 84 , 4 , Hethe Pump , Busy Wl , Everything , Growth , More , Supply Sider , Lastnr , Gr , Problem , Opportunities , Econome Proby , Growth Potential , Ladder , Okay Te , Weential , Rit , 1 3 , Six , 18 , Paycheck , Harth Living D , Americans , Averagearfor Amer , Adult , Living Paychecouk , Ford , 61 , Inflation , Working Hard For A Living , Base , Incomese , Re Reallthe , 54000 , 4000 , Level , Energys , Wages , Cpi , 16 , Problems , Wh , Overregulation , Heat , Social Security , Stifling Oppoe , Medicare , Lifeblood , Bribes , The , Debt Growth , Course , Heib , Energy Dominant , Producinesg Fossil Fuels , C Fu , America Away , Fbiris Wr , Directormotheb Chris Wray , Oath , Department , Jim Jordan Next , Wmight E With Thankuss , Documentary Anti Catholic Memoayout Th Suggs , Fueled Debauchery , Family Hunter , Laptops , Photos , Either , Trump , Censored , Court , Cash , Partners , Interests , Fraud , Hunter Pocketed , Grandkids , Communist Party , Nephews , Cronies , Hunter S Get Meetings , 17 Million , Congress , Inc Is Responsible , Millionaire , Come On , Corrupt , Content , Poorest , Advertisinei , Yu Gi Oh , Weight , Gastric Bypass Surgery , Health , Side Effects , Meass , Verge , Golo , Considerinongolo , Gettings , Control , Goal , Ways , Out In The Sun , Supplement , Shirt Offs , Meal , Angl E You , Ability , Beforego Out Ii , 300 , Havee Maintaloss , Hunger , Sugar , Cravings , Metabolic Anff , 80 , 75 , 5 , Prescription , You Keepere Is N , Weight Star , Starvation , Dieting , Product , In My Life , Release , Jitters , An Amact , Insulin Levels , Me , Key , Bestie , Hormones , Lean , Doctor , Change , I Don T Remembert Re , Shirt , Tt To Go Oi Don T , Ed Weighwhat , Weight Loss Surgery , Wan Tt To Go O , Meto , Made Ss , Break , Go Low , Stairs , That S G Hollow Com , Sohundred , 100 , Ten , Whiffle , Gutters , Kinds , Debris , Gutter , Spinners , Waves , Elements , Lee Filter , Heights , Shake , Technology , Wobble , Ths Lee 2020 Elecn , Stress , Heartbeat , Coffee , It Rains , Porch , Roofers , Home Inspectors , Peace Of Mind , General Contractors , Pros , Filter , Call A33 Lee , News Business , News Headlines , Anywhere , Fox News Radio , Sirius Xm , Bece Fbi , Bureau , Jim Jordan , Documents , Whtholics , Politicized , House Judiciary Committee , Document , Traditionalra Catholics , Richmond Field Office , Documentatt Th Branding , Violent Extremistd , Createwa Drich , Radical , Whicwhich Ish , Field , Richmond , Oathi , Traditional Catholics , Changin Sysm G , System , Director Ray , Casae , Hasg , Beennt , Teln , Fbi Officeins , Portland , Isn T Eve K The First Time , Conduct , Lyin , Los Angeles , Tm Hasg , Alsoanangele Involvedy , Social Media Companies , Contacts , Chairman , Congressman , E Chairm , Hundredsth , Ohio , Catholics , Looks , Thank You Od Tl Right , Probly , Whn , Portland Wasth , Open Document , Ll Angeles , Got A Less Ro Version , Weond , Fbit , Term , Asf , It Wasn T Just Richmond , D , No Catholic , Radical Traditio Tern , Republican , Cat , Action , Border , Numbert , Whistle Blower , Butand , Whistleblowers , Half , Documentthes , Yee , Fbil , Copy , Authenticity , John Solomony In , Laptoyp , Big Techwaekly , Veryry Latest , December Of 2019 , March Of 2020 , 2019 , Party , Elvis Chan , Becausean , Believnder Oate , Facebook , Thati , Discusse , Hunter Ociadid , Laptop Story , Comment , Phone , Turns , Folks , Conversationer , Directlysationhen , Wayan Bur , October 15th , 15 , Indication , Hunter Biden Investigation , Yorke , Information Operation , Wherhee Frome , Go Aheadn , Point , Fore A Year , Becausepo , Facteri , Integrity , Side , Twitter , Big Tech Companies , Pre Bunking , Kned , Censo R , Rath , You Lla , Eric S , Attorney General , Big Tech , Missive Informationormi , Joe Or , Missouri , Torney , Geral , Ony Unter , Hack , Guys , Likelymp Opetion Tha , Dumpdu Operation , Hunter Biden Ey , Doesn T Look Initiall , Work , Memorandum , Toldout Th , Ground , Ups , Justis L , Bu Rk , Conservative , Republicans , Fbiople , Dojaponi , God , Thatth , Hunter Biden Ples Hua Agreement , Doj , Judge , Application , Lawa , Importantlyof , Democrats , Politics , Plane , Co R Update , Weain , Wplai Tr , Mike Huckabee , Arkansas , Lowlights , Sleep , Relaxium Try , Health Problems , Black , Tossing , Ingredients , Body , Night , Refreshed , Stay , Dr , Issues , Eric Ciliberti , Hearing , Mornings , Double Blind Placebo Clinical Trial , 140 , Feeling Refreshed , Risk , Marriage , Nick Relaxium , Lives , Miracle , 200 , Bottles , Fears , 1000 , 1286 , 419 , Relaxium Com At Jones , Nine , Backs , Store , Experts , Back Pain Relief , Hobbies , Weekend Chores , Quarterback Stones , Nail Fungus , Formula , Fungus , Nail , Makeover , Appearance , Toenails , Results , Events , Nail Give Fungus , Martha Maccallum , Down Everk , Winds Of Change , Diane Feinstein , Who Th , Health Issue , Yesterdayyesterda , Growingf List , Absences , California , Gaffes , Franci Democratstrugg , San Francisco , Know A Seriy Bizarre Sayings , Mishapvery Bs , Sufferedlingwe , Grand Canyon , Hyperbole , Hl Treasure , On The Beach Bne , Beach Chair , Hars , Southwest , Trip , Ta , Disouthwest , Makeg , Wind Tower , Turbines , Canyonnine Wonders , Earth D , Saying , Telephones , Invest Telephones , Verona , Man , Gvrm , Unced , Long Time Ephone Roosevelt , Monica Crowley , Isn T , Vigor , Monica Crowley Podcast , Wrong , Public School , News C Oni , Don T Know , Seven Wonders Of The World , Siegel , Nowere Thet , Seven , Talk , Ther , Pretty Spectaculamembr , Alexander Graham Belolwnlr , Position , Decline , Sort , Laugh , Sad , Inat Ha Significant Mental , Dementia , States , Justte Completen , Out To Lunch , Demented , Countr S Ay , Uniteositiona , Corrupt Hacke , Threat , Mountaie , Real Issuehe , Security , Mountains , Maybevidenc , Briberyd , Scandal , Biden Bribes , E Br , S Egationib , Democratice Ma Pay , Ane Frankly , Somebody , Th Biden Family , Pleasee , Somebodyd , Elder Abuse , Telt , Gaffesexaminedm Bu , Haven T , Gaffe , Usi , Mistake , Wha , Vern Nova , City , It Syou , Littt , Gg Ver Nova , Cognitive Test , Tests , Mri , Physicari , Don Y Keepet , Ticket , False , Ai , Gait , Falsm Worry Aboue , Orrela , Climate Alarmist Religiousu Alstraight Ta , Gavin Newsom , Proposal , Thanh , On Up Hereg , Zs , At Night Relieves , Staylatest , Dog Food , Relief , Wise Old Take Zone At Night , Fridge , Pepper , Veggies , Meat , 24 , Pistachios , Blueberries , Chocolate , Mouth , Shower , Bath , Jacuzzi , Old , Remodel , Offer , Embezzling , Installation Costs , 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240704

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biden'e. russi from russia, kazakhstan, romania, ukraine and china. most of those countries really love us, don't they? they made fortune. >> beyond $20 million, they were able to tracweree. >> chairman komar will join us in a few minutes and talk about it. boutand just the sean solomon will be here to break it all down. bul do t let me some this up for you. and this is serious. this is massive of money. proshunter biden at the height his crack addiction and addiction was in millions and millions of dollars from corrupt foreign nationals. now, these are in many cases corrupt foreign countries.our and our number one number two,ol geopolitical foe, russia and china, are the opposite. china and russia. and then facilitating meetings and phone calls an meetid favors between these corrupt foreign nationalnations and. then vice president of the united states of america,nts joe biden. in other words, that was hunter's job. connect them to joe the bigguy. guy, the guy who has given halfg his income to popsiven h. >> anyway, hunter at the time wa was an admitted crack addictn and it begs the question, what did hunter the crack addict, personally do or even nove to offer countries for what is now tens of millions of dollars? well, what was he giving them? what work did he perform ork di the granhed children that they'e traced money to? what did they do for the money that was funneled to themnneled through these shell corporations o theser quote llct had no businesses in them. now, hunter admitted he himself had no experience in energy at wil annod no business with experience with countries that were paying himountries ale millions, you know. soe the countries paying him millions of dollars for? what did he do for that money? now, joe's proclamation, both jo candidate joe biden and now president joe biden, he said over and over and over again fore he never once discussed foreign business dealings anyo hunter, his brother, or quote anyone else, for that matter. that is nor thatw been proven te a massive lie. we know through text messages, we know through emails, we have photographic evidence, we have raphiceyewitness e accounts, anv have tonight bank records. but according to joe biden, none of this ever happened. and today, again, our own peter doocy asked very important questions. he vehemently denies yet again ever talking with hunter, but extehe's meeting with hunter and, russian and kazakhstan oligarchs and all these rich people from all these countries that don't particularly like us. ntries t like usand then, by tht he exploded at our very own peter doocy. our vepeter deserves a raise fos for daring to ask this question . wsonsere's this testimony no where one of your son's former business associates is claiming ess assoaimingthat you were on e a lot with them talking business. is that what never talk business? and i know you got a lousyn. question. >> well, what do you it's why is that a lousy question? a e it's not true. >> oh, that's what devin archer said. that wouldhat is wt devo be huns partner. that would be the guy that you sent a note to personally, you know, handwritten, a little lower at the bottom of it. minury old peter deuce is going to join us in a minute. he'll respond, telling us what was going on behinll respos wha. great question. so joe biden is flat , a lie that he repeats with regularity as here's joe every time he was president lying to you, how involved were you in your son? we chinese shakedown text message. were you sitting therere you? were you all right? and i all where are you? >> no, no. the only thing i can do is make. up things about my family. >> it's not going to go very t far. >> no, it's going far anyway. a lie repeated over and over. ad during the 2020 campaign. he continues the big lie, whilen continuing, sadly, to yell at anllmy friend and, colleague peter doocy and other reporters. >> take a look. mrr reports.. vice president, hv times have you ever spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings? i've never spoken my son about overseasoken t mercenarien i have never discussed with mygn evson or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with their busineses, period. and what i will do is thes same thing we dithd in our administration. i will be an absolute wall between in ou personal and private and the government. you stand by your statement that you did not discuss any of your overseas business. >> yes, i stand by that statement. ha yes the last two and a half weeks did that evolve into i never was in withr in hunter. oh, a very different scenario. ask yourself, well, what do you trust more career politician like joe biden, a serial plagiarizitician e or ? liar? or hard evidence in form of photographs, text messages, and now bank recordsphs, tex? ne because tonight we now have access to some of the most compelling to date. a new report from the housem th committee on oversight and accountabilityhouse has now identified, quote, over $20paymn million in payments from foreign sourcesources to biden y and their business associates. for the democratmilys who beliem this is all some kind of collusion. well, here are the banktake a records. take a look on your screen right there. this showson you a $3.5 millione from the former lady of moscow, a russian oligarch that went in right into an account owned by hunter biden and by h. , a shor and by the way, a short time later, and she also invested ine 120 million in real estate. joe biden, then vice president,u the united states, after the three and a half million dollar wire, had dinner with the russian oligarch elena to rayner, is her name, and cafe milano in beautiful washington, d.c.é, just as badd a sewer as new york city. confalso last, devon archer, he confirmed the same russian oligarch did indeed thd invest 0 million in hunter's real estate fund. okay. meanwhile, following russia's invasionmeanwh of ukraine, this, particular russian oligarch, paa reyna, received no sanctions from the biden administration. cidence? i guess just a lucky coincidence. i don't know that in 2014 and 2015, then vice n also allegedlyh his so attended dinners with his son, kazakh business partners.usines >> oddly enough,s in april 201, one of those kazakhstan business partner0141, ofs wired a whopping $142,300 into one of his hunter. biden's accounts0 to . way by the way, a mere coincidence, i'm sure the exact price of a brand new porsche sports car that hunter purchased. i'm sure it was accidental. that figure. now, what did hunter at the the time and admitted crackdo to addict do to earn that money?mo what did all of these countriene expect for the millionsan and millions of millions of dollar millions? we now know that the bidens the were paid. now, why did joe biden lie over and over againdi and say never, ever discussed any of these matters? and yet,scusse devon archer sayr 20 times that he can recall he calle20 timd into meetings with with these foreign business associates. nk anyway, now we have bank records showing millions of dollars in payments from the ukrainian oligarch. you know, the guy that owns burism a holdings. once again, hunter facilitated discussions between burismaexect exactly. and dc and a short time late an joe forced out the prosecutor that was investigating joe for e the oil and gas giant in ukraine and his own son forn corruption. they were being investigatedcorr this after burisma was begging hunter, please, weggin d.c. helh on the issue. on this issuon thee and others. oh, help came when joe biden gave the prosecutor or y the government leverage a billion of your tax dollarx ds and gave them 6 hours to fire the prosecutor and son of a . they fired that prosecutorhu and hunter continued to get paid moneye , which he admitted he had no experience on good morning america. and by way, the prosecutornt hunter, who was describeer wasd on the 1023 form by the burisma executive, they though t hunter was dumb and stupid. the guy actually said he thought his dog was smarter than hunter. >> so not making it up. this is all one big coincidence. i'm sure they were just lookinig for a crackhead and they just felt like that giving millions dollars to. and it wasn't just one country, it was numerous countries. comi or as the committee reports, quote, president biden's familte is the vehicle to receive bribery payments. vehiclthe report continues.the e indeed, the law recognizes thata payment of payments to family members to corruptly influencet others can constitute a bribe. so keep in mind who the bidens were conducting business with. we're not talking about deals tr with the royal bank of canada or switzerland ooyr. japan. instead, hunter's raking in money froinstr is rm a oligam moscow. another oligarch from ukraine, a romanian businessman convicted of bribery. a romanian busa chinese partnerf economic crimes and bribery. m and a kazakh politician convicted of treason. and according emails and textst' from hunter's laptop, hunter was forced to handr wa 50% of% h his salary to pops. he hated it, had to pay for all perhaps his home repairs. and he pitched about that. and another email listed a 10% stake in one deal for the bigned gueay. tony bobulinski said the big guy was joe biden. everybodg guy way knew.dible never mind the credible fbfbi source in the 1023 form3 form accusing joe biden of acceptingg a $5 million bribe from burisma execs. ribe froand it will take us tenh to find out how they paid him. now we supposed to act like this is all business as usual, all while joe lies to our faces and we have all this evidence. face there are any democratsts left in washington with any integritty, they need to speak out. this is not business as usual in it reeks of nothing but corruption. here now with the full report, fox news white house correspondent peter dooce y. pru know i beg to differ with the president of our country, but i don't think your question was lousy at all. i thought it was very goodgood question, peter or i congratulate you and sean today. it was a lousy question. lousalmost four years ago when i asked him for the first time,o how many times have you spoken to your son about his overseas businessto? he eventually got throughgot th his answer and hroe told me to ask the right question. and tonight i'm wondering what i.night i s the right ques? i heard from a white house official just a few minutes after my exchange with the president today here in new mexico exchapresid, who said the issue with the premise of question. they said, my question is wrong because. ed spe i referenced speakerphone conversations with business associatesakkerphoneith about b. they say that question is wrong and that the president's answer is right, that they never talked at on speakerphone about business. if that's truet is tru, it's not proven. but that is what they are saying. howeves whr, that is a big heade because they are no longer saying that he did not have these speaker phone conversations with the associates, period. so it now seems like there weree conversations. we don't know exactly what they werere e don't . they're pointing to these thvon archer transcripts poi with the house oversight committee where he says they talked about kind of justt polite pleasantries, including the weather. but devon archer later went on to say in an interview that ito is categorically false that hunter did that. hunter and joe did not talk at the time about business. and so that's where we're at ish today out here in new mexico.e r the president moves on. he wants to be talkingesid about green energy and not anything in the past.. but i and i am going to sayo sa something and this might be dangerous with the studio audience because they might not all likence beca what i'm about to say. but president biden deserves actu credit today because quesctually called me over to ask a question. he has told me in the past, after some of our exchanges and our exch he doesn't mind a d question. and so he knew it was goingometi to be something probably like this. bungt he feels guilty because he once called you an s.o.b. if i remember correctly. >> i think he feels guilty. yet you remember correctly. yeah. but he he did stand patiently pt and heie he let me come up. i had to hop a bike rack to gete to him, but he stood therek th and took the question. so if you're watching. mr. president, thanks. oh, peter doocy. thank you. pcy right.g us joining us now with more, editor in chief justin ,our friend, investigative reporter jon solomon. jon, you've beenhnolomon all ov. >> you got a great collins all the money. now, it's interesting that ian simms sam's rather issuedin a scathing memo when we had kevin mccarthy on monday night . now, they issued a scathing memo tonight against issueathing james comer, who will join us in a minute. and they are furiousnute.. lik, seems like, well, number one, thank them for watching. hannitr one,y every night, 9 to, please set your dvr in the white house so you never miss an episode:00.. but it seems to me that thisit s is beginning to get to them,rra that the narrative is not sticking anymore. the lie is and stick. >> yeah. now, listen to chairman colmer has done the old fashioned thing that investigators who want the truth, do they follow the money? when you follow the money, you folyot to see a veryme and clear pattern. time and again, there's a business partner again t is e money into a hunter biden related account. and soon after have access to their father. it's not much different than bill clinton getting $250,000 checks back in the 90s from chinese interest. up at t and they showed up at the white house coffees and teas and the joncoln bedrooth coffem. people understood it then joe biden trying to pretend that, well, that's not what's going on here biden pree. it's exactly what's going on here. i'll give you one good example. you mentioned the russian oligarch yellen about to rename. shshe drops a $3.5e drops a $3.n payment into a hunter biden related account in february. in march, in aprilin of 2014.eri the conversations are continuing. hunter biden's checkinone contin about arena going to invest in our new real estate project inin our new york.gned off he gets an answer. yep. she signed off on it a couple of days later. douple day you know where you ln about arenas? she's having dinner with joe biden atg dinner, the cafe milaa this is a pattern that repeatsts itself. the guy who gave him the gu car rightmoney go there. the money that goes from there then to the car. hunternde car. biden is going, to be a pain in the derriere, but where's my push? wellwhere , gets a portion.ha >> son of a gun.ppen what happens? his dad's meeting with that gu y in the same month. the pattern is very clear. what james comey has don ce is followed the money, then put a timeline together. it is very clear is what's going on. hunter biden was selling access to his father. ts fathere's nothing his fathen say tonight. he went to the dinners he go t on the phone calls. it wasn't the illusion of access. it wasn't th access.t and if you have any doubt, we can just maybe send this over to congressman goldman tomorrow. there's an email from vadym pozharskyi. the ukraine, burismathere rain l who said, great seeing your dad last night. that is an actually, he saw joe biden at the dinner. he stayed fo.r the whole dinner, by the way. joe biden stayed for the whole dinner. it's no longer illusio n all of s these spin jobs that the biden white house and their acolytesby been giving. they're being pierced by things called facts, stubborn facts. that'ss called. the white house is getting testy. >> oh, great reporting, as alway s. , just >> john solomon, just the thank you. newsy shame chairman cuomo's investigation is now striking a nerve at the white house and they're now lashing out. first, they were lashing out about this program on monday about kevin mccarthy. abt atey're lashing oun mond james colmer today and he's d now.s report to respon they're claiming his report is old news that does nothing to implicated news t the big gui is here to respond. house oversight committeeght co james palmer, sir, how aremm yo i'm well. >> old news. and you're admitting thatu ar you have note ad uncovered any proof implicating the president. well, first of all, we know he lied through his teeth when he said he never talked to huntelkedr, his brother or anybody else, for that matter, about these foreign business deale fothat mats. and he was an active participant. now, i have a question parti. >> was joe biden the brand ore r is hunter the crack addictute gd and frequent guy? the the brand. what brand was what it? it was joe biden's brand. and that'st was jo in the wordsf devon archer, who was also in on the schemes with hunter biden. i mean, there's no reason anyone would sin.. hunter biden, millions and millions of dollars. they did it for his fatherllars his father was the brand. and that's the question we've been asking for a longuestion . and devin archer is the first associate that had the opportunit hy answer thatqui question. the question is, what exactly did the bidens. do to receive that money? and the answers joe biden, they provide it. >> joe biden, they gave these crooks and they're all crooks, all people that sent the bidens money. well, are either incarceratederd or on the run from obein being incarcerated. the countries where they were sending the original wire froms ,these are bad people from bad countries that were usinging ou our government to profit through the biderrnmentn family. all right. let me ask you this. now that we havee as this evide that joe biden was up to his eyeballs here. notow the question is, what are the next steps now? n i don't think hunter, we know he had no experience in energy, buoperiencet cfc, the chinese ey company, was paying them a lot of money. ct we know that's a fact. we know that burisma paid the money, he admitted on good morning america. he had no experience with an amy of these countries or any anytr experience in energy. >> so the questionieor and we know he admitted that he was a drug addict at the time. okayadmitted. what did he possibly havee to offer these countries, many of which that don't like us. what service did he perform for these these massive sums of money, these tens of millions dollars? is there anything. what is the servic here anye he provided them and the grandchildren that got paid? what did they do to get the large sums of money they had funneled to thethey ha? >> they didn't do anything. they used joe biden. and what we're seeing is joen ac biden actually provided things of value in return for that money. look at ukrainn fore. i mean, it's becoming crystal clear that he went and fired he the prosecutor who was investigatin fg his son's corrun energy company over there. i mean, he braggeder about it. he's on tape admitting he did it. we know now fromit devon archers that the burisma owners were putting pressure on hunter biden to deliver. as you said earlier, sean, he wasn't on the board because ofaid earl his or his knowledge off energy. he was on the board because ene, biden and he hado th access to the vice president. we seece inside and they were begging, we need d.c. help. that >> was that hunter in d.c. or joe, the vice president in d.c. ? >> that was joe biden, the vice president. i don't think anyone could argue that. and you look a could a t with the russian the wife of the former mayor, the russian oligarch her name was left off the the sanctions list. now thatt of happened while he w president. but we're seeing decisions that joe bideasn as president, that's counter to every hardworking american. hasyou trace that back ineivedh his family, received money from some of these people that are receiving these favors likee the russian oligarch that we highlighted in the bank memo todad in they. the co is the country now looking aunt the possibility thatat current president, then vice president, was involved in a bribery scandal with foreign countries that he took as a 1023 form, alleged that he took specificacn as vice president of this country for the enrichment os of his the financial enrichment of his family. do you believe that that is prove enrichn and that that is what happened? >> i believe that all the pieces are there, and i believe there's a pattern with romania, with ukraine p, with russia, with china, with kazakh, kazak, kazakhstan. i mean, you're seeing wherekaza joe biden communicate with these people, even though he lied about it and you're seeing things benefit that were delivered to these countries and these people in exchangeies for the money. so we're going to continue to follow the money and we're going to get closer and closer to the bidens bank accounts. i think we're making the case to where we can win in court when we go after the bidens personal accounts, because remember, hunter biden complained about having to spend.member hn co so much oy on his father. >> oh, yeah. thesei don't think these counts or these these companies were paid tens of millions dollars without expecting something wie. y profound in exchang and they got that in the casebu of burisma, didn't they? all right, congressmanrisma,, gt to see you. >> thank you. coming up, the white house, they keep toutin g biden-nomicsl give y ,but horrific new numbers about the economy just came out. we'll explain. we'll check in with the great larry kudlow next. k in with but first, programingh tomorrow night, another live audience show. just audienc go to hannity aeco. tickets are free. wow. >> hope you'll join us. mysteries, plots, secrets. join me as fox nation investigates some of the biggest ones around in fox files. part one. from a tragedy with potential political implications. you know, if it did happen on purpose, we need to know. >> to a bizarre theory. trying to find out if the moon landing is real or fake. out of this world 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owed on mortgages 1.6 trillion in car loans, another 1.6 trillion in studento loans that joe wants to forgive that we didn't take ouantst. how did we get here? reckless government spending a war on the energy sector or oil and gas has causedn to inflation to skyrocket. and now, in order to curb inflatio n rates, their rising mortgage today,r mort 30 year mortgage carries what, ca 7% interest 3% an rate? well, it was 3% and below 3% just a couple of years ago. meanwhile, the federal o. is over $37 trillion in debt and our credit rating, we just got downgraded as a country. so as , joey, solution? who knows? but he keeps obsessingergy green energy. even though an electric bus company, he prayectrics two yeao is the future of transportation. agafter $1.9 billion bigger than the 500 million for solyndra. the place went bankrupt.. there. we gavwee the $1.9 billion. how do you go bankrupt? >> you have to be dumb as dirt.t here with reactionh reac, the ho the top rated show on the fox business network. larrw usy kudlowiness . one word, one question. biden-nomics. tha >> it's not consumer debt that bothers me right now. consumermes smart and they got a lot of net worth inspired nomics destroying our energy. you're running up to oil nowto 4 back to $84. gasoline at the pump is going to be paider gasol a barrel. $84 a barrel. hethe pump is going to be $4. he's too busy with the weather channeo busy wl. and he's looking. you can't spend and tax and regulate the way he has done and grow the economy and. you know me growth is everything. i'm a supply sider. gr. the economy should be growing at three 4% or more. happe >> what's happened in the lastnr six quarters, 18 months. okay.te we have grown at 1.3%. that's the problem with the econome proby. th there's no growth potential. people are very discouraged. weential lack the opportunities to climb the ladder. that's the biggest problem. rit >> now, let me ask you this. 61% of our fellow americans, i started my adult life out this way, living paychecouk to paycheck. they're living paycheck to paycheck. that's painful. that's harth living d that's scary ford sc a lot of people. and then the averagearfor amer, $54,000 in debt. that's real money fo$54,000 r people you know, are real. well, really working hard for a living. re reallthe problem is, incomese gone up and inflation has gone yego more year to year. inflation has come down off the high base,e 9%. . but actually, since he was inaugurated, inflation is up 16%. the level of the cpi, energys is up over 30%.ov groceries at home up 20%. those are what's real wages are coming down. >> that's what's really hurting the economy. and heat is wh is stifling oppoe with his overregulation and we need to grow this economy by 3 to 4% to solve the problems of social security and medicare and dissolve the problem of debt growth is everything and be energy dominant. >> we have so much we can an energy rich country and reduce. of course, he is the lifeblood of the world. and heib he's and he's taken bribes. they're all producinesg fossil fuels. every one of these countries are producing fossil these c fu. he is giving america away, making our countries rich. how stupid. and that's a problem, too. larry kudlow, great to see you. coming up, did the fbiris wr director, chris wray, lie under oath for a documentary anti-catholic memoayout th suggs he might have. >> chairman jim jordan next, as wmight e. with >> thankuss for being with us. >> hey, joe. how come you're department goes after trump endlessly yet they cover for your family hunter's laptop. yeah. that was censored. but we know that laptops are real. and it's not just filled with photos of hunter's drug fueled debauchery, either. nah, it showed. hunter pocketed millions from foreign partners, cash from ukrainian and chinese interests accused of bribery and fraud. and remember when you claimed your family never made money from china? well, hunter admitted in court he took their cash. his business partner was tied to the communist party. how did hunter's get meetings at the white house? your brother, grandkids, even and nephews got paid from foreign deals. your family and their cronies raked in over 17 million from these schemes. and you, yu-gi-oh, went from being one of the poorest in congress to a millionaire in the white house. come on, joe. all this a coincidence or corrupt should make america great again. inc is responsible for the content of this advertisinei . are you frustrated with your weight and health before considerinongolo? g drastic meass with side effects? why not try a healthy and sustainable solution with golo? i was on the verge of gettings. gastric bypass surgery and i saw the golo commercial and it was the last thing i triedshirtf because it worked. >> goal has changed my life in so many ways. beforego out i i was over £300. now i literally havere the ability to take a shirt offs and go out in the sun. i just don't have to worry about the weight 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createwa drich by the richmond field office. well, here's what directormotheb chris wray at the fbi actually told congress, i believe under oathi told. >> well, your fbi wrote a memo talking about radical, traditional catholics. t for i'm just wondering if you can define it for us. well, what i can tell you isus y you're referringou are to the richmond product, which was a single product by a single field office, whicwhich ish as d as i found out about it, i was aghast and ordered it withdrawn and removed from the fbi system. >> well, now the fbi is changin sysm.g their and teln us director ray's testimony on this matter hasg us beennt. accurate and consistent, but apparently that is not the casae . this was not just one document in the richmond fbi officeins, l in portland and then los angeles. they were alsoanangele involvedy similar conduct. and by the way, this isn't eve k the first time this week that jim jordan has caught the fbi lyin tm hasg. you also found out they misled us. we, the american people, the about the contacts they had with social media companies, about hundredsth. the chairman of the judiciary committee,e chairm jim jordan. >> congressman, ohio's with us. how are you, sir? i'm fine, thank you.od t >>l right. since chris wray lied about the issue involving catholics, well, he can be as aghast as he wants to be, but it sure looks like now it was much broaderbroe than the richmond field office. i mean, weond fiel got a less ro version. that's a problem in and of itself. whn.that's a probly they redacto give it give it a just give us the open document. the first place. but it now now shows that fbit portland wasth involved, fbi, ll angeles was involved. d so it wasn't just one off. it wasn't just richmond. it was broader than that. and never forget the term they used, sean, radical traditio tern, no catholic, a tm they just created. and then they defined it the asf you're pro-life, if you're for a strong border and you're opposed to action, then then are you're a radical, traditional cat. that sounds like just a regular republican to me in so many ways. so they define in so this term, create this term, and but for a whistle blower. >> butand but for these numbert whistleblowers who've come to us over the last year and a half yead a half, last two yee would not have known this. so this is this is scary.w it i >> but now it's becoming a pattern with the fbi. they tel the fbil us one thing that turns out not to be so accurate when we finally get the documentthes. >> now, the fbi knew about hunter, his laptop. they had a copy in december of 2019. john solomony in, as reported tt by march of 2020, the veryry latest, they had verify the authenticity of that laptoyp . then why was the fbi meeting weekly with big techwaekly in te weeks every week, in the weeks leading up to ths lee 2020 elecn ? and specifically, i want to ask you about elvis chan , becausean. he testified under oath, i believnder oate. >> i was not confident that i was not a party to any meeting of social media companies where hunter ociadid. discusse and yet we find out from a facebook and others that,thati in fact, he was did he lie under oath? >> so it looks that wayan bur as well, sean, because he said he hadke one conversationer with facebook when they asked him directly, ask the fbi directlysationhen. is the laptop story real? and they said no comment frory the fbi. turns out the very next day, october 15th day, 2020, he's on the phone with folks from facebook saying he's abreast of wherhee frome hunter biden investigation is. there's no indication that the new yorke post story is is is false. there's no indication that is ao russian information operation. and yet they let facebook go aheadn. and, censor that story, and let the american people believe that, in facteri was even though we point this out all the time, sean, even though they had the laptop. fore a year and spent so much time pre bonking this idea becausepo they knew at some point this was going to break, this story was going to getof e story they knew it was going to happen. so they're pre bunking that with the these big tech companies and they're primed and ready to censo r. they still ask the question and the fbi knew the answer, >>t they sai the kned no commen. >> and then the integrity side had a twitter at the time you'lla, rath confirmed in the missouri case with the attorney general. now,torney geral senator eric s, that, in fact, the that big, big tech was warned repeatedly that the missive informationormi campaign may be about joe or hunter biden. >> is that correct, sir? ony unter biweekly meetings, thd ,be ready for a hack and dumpdu operation. it'll happen in october. it'll likelymp opetion tha hunter biden.ey know? how did they know these are what these guys were predicting the future for? going to say they knew because they had the laptop. so what they've toldout th us initially about this story. >> looks like it wasn't accurate. justis l wa like what they told us initially about the catholic memorandum. doesn't look initiall like that's accurate. again, this is, i think, becoming a pattern now is k bece fbi, not the agentso on the ground who do good work. bu rk, but the higher ups in what they tell the congress and what they tell the american people. >> you believe that the fbiople. is politicized and the dojaponi is being weaponized against conservative s and republicans. i do. i think thatth the facts are there. and then you can also look at what the doj did with this hunter biden ples hua agreement. god bless this court and this judge. you saw through it. it but it just it continues this unequal application of the lawa and, this pattern of not being square with the congress and more importantlyof, with we, the people of this great country. chairman jim jordan, thank you fot co r update. coming up next, democrats once weain putting politics to real people on the plane. it's been a disastrous wplai tr by the way, for joey this week. he's been out and about. not good about. nt >> we'll show you the lowlights. you don't want to miss it straight aheadmiss it.. >> hello, i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee. did you know that a lack of sleep can lead to very serious health problems? i know it's scary. you can't fall asleep or you're tossing and turning all night. you can't get the sleep. you need to stay healthy unless you use relaxium sleep. relaxium. sleep is a product made from natural ingredients and it usually works from the very first night. you try it, it helps you fall asleep. stay and wake up refreshed, earning your body those quality hours of sleep that it desperately needs to prevent many health issues. i'm dr. eric ciliberti and i developed relaxium sleep, a clinically tested sleep supplement to contain proven ingredients that help patients fall asleep, stay asleep and wake refreshed their mornings no longer hearing that he doesn't want to even begin his day. i'm telling you, relaxium 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moving his beach chair on his vacation on the beach bne during his trip to the southwest. >> take a look. this is what he disouthwest, ta >> it's not hyperbole. hyperbole suggests that there's no nationa hl treasure, none the is grander than the grand canyon . the grand canyon of the earth.d canyonnine wonders. the problem was too many people are working or working people are working, making too much money. that's not the problem because a major wind tower is that makeg of go into turbines made by gvrm verona va.unced it excuse me, i mispronounced it. imagine it for long time.ephone roosevelt and telephones came along saying, we're not going to help invest telephones. come on, man man. >> full of. full of energy and vigor, isn't it? joining us now, the host of the monica crowley podcast, monica crowley, fox news contributor, dr. siegel. news c oni don't know. >> i didn't go to a public school so. >> i'm sure i got this wrong,e but i thought there were seven wonders of the world. nowere thet and i don't remembert re the grand canyon, which is pretty spectaculamembr. ther. >> i've been there as being one of the seven. do it you know? but apparently joe biden does talk about telephones.s >> he's old enough to have known alexander graham belolwnlr apparently. >> look, there's a very serious point to to make here. and we all sort of laugh at there's some people think somey that he's inat h a significant mental and physical decline. i actually don't think it's sad at all. i think this is infuriating that the country is in this position where we have a president of the uniteositiona states commander in chief who is not only justte completen out to lunch and demented, he's always been a corrupt hacke . now he's a corrupt hack with dementia. so this countr's ay is in a very precarious position. joe biden is a national security threat. we have mountains of evidence to impeach him on corruption. forget about the dementia. the real issuehe is the mountaie of evidence of corruption, bribery, and maybevidenc even treason. >> i agree. between this these briberyd. scandal. e br biden bribes. joe biden, bribery scandal, s. egationib >> and i would argue, dr. siegel, he's one major fall away from the democratice ma pay saying, you just got to get out now. i look at what's happening . g i don't have anything bad to say about diane feinstein. somebodyd her family, pleasee love her and take her home. it's notho right to me that's. elder abuse. ane frankly, if somebody in th biden family really cared about him, they would tell him, no, joe, you're no telt up to another four years of this. you're not going to make it. it's not faitherisr to them. where are those people? do you see what i see? i'm not the doctor. you're the wha doctor. >> i agree with you. look, i haven't examined them, but i don't like the word gaffesexaminedm bu. usi why are we using the word gaffes for joe biden? what is a gaffe? it's a mistake. it'syou make and you get a littt bit embarrassed and then you correct it. verona versus vern nova when he's trying to talk green energy with g g ver nova, and he talks a city that's from the middle ages. do you have confidence that he understands what he's from? >> the middle ages. so, so so again, and this is being officiated where's the mri? where's the cognitive test? i've seen his yearly physicari? they show us. we all know he can't pass a cognitive tests. >> right. i agree with you, which is why e what wasing to tak my exact question. will they keep him on the ticket? no, i don'y keepet think so. >> he's not going to make it. a i don't think he will either. i'm worried about the false by the way. the falsm worry aboue. orrela the stiff legged gait can alsoti be correlating with something goin. on up hereg but i don't think that he's going to make it either. and ther.i think they know it. >> three, four, three. i don't think he's going to be the guy. thanh gavin newsom for. all right. thank you all. straight ahead, the climate 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america. humanityso you've already declat national? practically speaking, yes. if hum you don't think that the left's climate alarmists s agenda is crazy enough while in canada, they are now tryinnough,g to brd climate friendly cows by getting them, by getting them to burp and the other. one less? you heard me right herear with reactiod me rn. washington examiner op-ed editor kelly mcgee white foxll and friends weekend co-host will cain. haley i'm very there really are these people that that want us to stop consuming deep beef because of the methane thatse these cows produce. i'm sorry, but i'm not giving up my b for you. hey, as long as my state comes out medium rare, i'm not going to ask anyot going questions.pek but i do think that this speaks to a larger problem within lae alarmism movement,hat which is that for people who think that climate change is sucfor wh immediate existenl threat, they're focused on the most immaterial . as and this is not going to come to us that come as a surprise anyoe, because thesesame are the same people who glue themselves to historic pieceplek of art who block traffic for hours on end, forcing cars to sit in idle and produce more emissions, and who jet all the world in their private jets, which produce more carbon theyide than any dairy farm ever could. they're not focused on the things that matte notr, which which seems to me as if they don't actually think that this is an issue athink tht all. >> i think that's well said. and by the way, why does t our federal governmenthey do, o0 a thousand private jets and helicopters combined. 0we paid for.o fl we bought them. they get to fly in them. people to judge ishem. one offr the frequent flier miles will. yeah. joe biden just said in that clip that you play tha said intx is the existential threat to humanity. it is definitively not ann existential threat to humanity. climate change does not threatenexistent to to wipe hut off the face of the planet. and that's what's meant by existential threa s whatt. but if you pretend like itik will, then you can cover all manner of any policy you want, any control over humanity or the bovine speciess on this planet. let' this just not gloss over t. right, sean? so they want to genetically alte want r cows to burp. and i think i don't know which u word you certainly censored yourself to not burp, i think, or not. >> that's right. >> iyou do that. >> i like it. thank you, sean. it sounds smarter that. way. get rid of flatulence. okay. there's not going to be any at l all. unforeseen consequences here. any unintended consequencelsgeni by genetically altering our beef. i thought we were in the midst of a movemenur beef?t that was g somewhat bipartisan to eat more organic, less genetically modified eat food. and now we're going to do this. if you're going to genetically modified things to reduce flatulence. you could start with locker rooms. i've got a coupl start e of teenage boys. you can start there. and how long until wives are you know what? vasectomies and genetically altered so that you don'hat,es e this a problem in our household or car anymore? >> thihousehs right here is a problem, and i'm making a joke. but you think it's going to stop the cows? thinkthno, wil >> this will move to humans. maybe not this precise thing, but how cal to hu n we alter humanss to in the future to be more planet friendly? well, i got to give you credit. >> you've done a lot of research into this topic. resethank you. >> okay, kelly. thank you. programing note before wgh, tha go another live audience show tomorrow night in new york n, harliell have jimmy falloli charlie arnot, dagen mcdowell, brian greenberg. tickets are free, . m an go to hannity, icom register. come joiregistn us two rowdy fue was brought a lot of footballs and have fun please set your dvr so you never ever ever ever miss an episode of hannity . in the meantime, let not your hearts be troubled. ed. >> why? greg gutfeld is next. he's going to put a smile on your face gutfeld . >> thank you for being with us,a gentlemen. grant kennedy, one of the first nine wonders wonders of the worlndthd, literally. thank you. ngt you know, it's amazing, the enduring symbol of america for in t world. entduri >> nine wonders. actual >> the real wonder is thatly he actually knew where he wa

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Position , Decline , Sort , Laugh , Sad , Inat Ha Significant Mental , Dementia , States , Justte Completen , Out To Lunch , Demented , Countr S Ay , Uniteositiona , Corrupt Hacke , Threat , Mountaie , Real Issuehe , Security , Mountains , Maybevidenc , Briberyd , Scandal , Biden Bribes , E Br , S Egationib , Democratice Ma Pay , Ane Frankly , Somebody , Th Biden Family , Pleasee , Somebodyd , Elder Abuse , Telt , Gaffesexaminedm Bu , Haven T , Gaffe , Usi , Mistake , Wha , Vern Nova , City , It Syou , Littt , Gg Ver Nova , Cognitive Test , Tests , Mri , Physicari , Don Y Keepet , Ticket , False , Ai , Gait , Falsm Worry Aboue , Orrela , Climate Alarmist Religiousu Alstraight Ta , Gavin Newsom , Proposal , Thanh , On Up Hereg , Zs , At Night Relieves , Staylatest , Dog Food , Relief , Wise Old Take Zone At Night , Fridge , Pepper , Veggies , Meat , 24 , Pistachios , Blueberries , Chocolate , Mouth , Shower , Bath , Jacuzzi , Old , Remodel , Offer , Embezzling , Installation Costs , Bath Remodel , Water , 65 , Mess , Safer , Tab , Waiting , Nightmare , 348286 , Kitchen Nightmares , Tomorrow Night In Primetime On Fox , September 25th On Fox , Fifa Women S World Cup , Showdown Game On February , Monday September 25th , 25 , Run , Performance , Races , Notice , Netherlands , Spain , Planet , Eastern On Fox , Superstars , Bed , Eight , Nation , Mention , Schools , Classroom , Friday Night Smackdown , Hi , Fun , Rights , Kids , History , Team , One Nation Under God , Bundle , It S Time , Testosterone , Solutions , Mail , God Bundle , Max , Hair Growth , Hair , Science , Stories , Breaks , Longer , Indictment , Farmland , Retailers , China Scooping , Cable News , Weather Channel , January 6th , Big Hard Hitting , Emergency , Climate , Climate Change , Respect , See , Natiith Resp , Hum , Humanityso , Climate Alarmists S Agenda , Canada , Examiner , Op Ed , Editor Kelly Mcgee White Foxll , Reactiod Me Rn , Methane , Friends Weekend Co Host Will Cain , Lae Alarmism Movement , Cows , Estate , B , Anyot , Thesesame , Pieceplek , Immaterial , Hat , Surprise Anyoe , Sucfor Wh , Immediate Existenl , Jets , Emissions , Art , Sit , Traffic , Cars , Carbon , Jet , Who , Dairy Farm , Matte Notr , Helicopters , O0 A Thousand , 0we , A Thousand , Humanity , Miles Will , Flier , Tha , Intx , Ishem , Face , Policy , Speciess , Existential Threa S Whatt , Bovine , Itik Will , Manner , Hut , Burp , Sean , Flatulence , Beef , Consequences , Midst , Consequencelsgeni , Iyou , Eat Food , Locker Rooms , Coupl , Start E , Movemenur , Teenage Boys , Household , Humans , Thinkthno , Es E , Joke , Vasectomies , Wives , No Is Wil This , Thihousehs , You Don Hat , Research , Topic , Resethank You , Hu N , We Alter Humanss , Tha Go Another Live Audience , Programing Note , Wgh , Footballs , M An Go To Hannity , Brian Greenberg , Harliell Have Jimmy Falloli , Joiregistn Us Two Rowdy Fue , Dagen Mcdowell , Charlie Arnot , Icom Register , Wonders , Greg Gutfeld , Worlndthd , Hearts , Gutfeld , Smile , Gentlemen , Grant Kennedy , Ngt You , Thatly , Wonder , He Wa , Entduri Nine , Enduring Symbol Of America For In T World ,

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