Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts S

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240708

>> sandra: begin with the supreme court safety fencing is now up around the high court's perimeter following the leaked draft ruling on roe vs. wade. far left activists call for protests at the home of conservative justices. hello, welcome, everyone. sandra smith in new york. hello, john. >> bill: like the dow, fencing goes up, down, and back up again. i'm john roberts in washington. good to spend thursday with you. the rare breach of supreme court secrecy sparking protests nationwide. justice samuel alito who wrote the february opinion cancelling a planned public appearance at a legal conference after the draft went public and increasing concerns about the safety and security of the justices themselves. >> sandra: complete coverage begins now. >> bill: peter doocy is at the white house. who is organizing the protests at the justices' homes? >> website one known for now financial backing and posted announcing walk by wednesday, may 11, 2022, at the homes of the six extremist justices, three in virginia and three in maryland. if you would like to join or lead a peaceful protest, let us know. that set off all kinds of alarm bells for lawmakers, concerned in this environment, supreme court justices do not have enough security. so bipartisan support to get additional federal funding and let the supreme court go about the process of around the clock protection for the justices and families, and the request, the way this would happen comes in a bill filed by democrat senator chris coons and john cornyn. >> we deal on these matters on a daily basis, to make that kind of threat to the supreme court is an attempt to intimidation the justices and a threat to judicial independence. >> peter: of note, this white house still has not tried to lower the temperature and they have not condemned the leak. >> you guys think, does the president think the leaker should be punished? >> again, that's up for the department of justice and others to determine. what our focus is on is not getting our distracted or eye off the ball of what is most important to people across the country here, which is not the leak and the story of the leak is the fact that women's healthcare is at risk for millions across the country. >> peter: she's saying the story is not about the leak. last year talking about an irs leak, she said anyunauthorized disclosure of confidential government information by a person with access is illegal and we take this very seriously. but apparently times have changed, john. >> john: all depends what the tone and tenor of the political debate is. peter doocy at 1600 pennsylvania, thank you. >> sandra: charlie hurt, and mike davis, mike also have worked on the confirmation processes for many of these conservative justices who are in this moment having their lives threatened and violence is called for against them. i'll bring you on to tell us what you are hearing, but most importantly, based on peter's report, why we are not hearing this white house condemn calls for violence against these justices in the most aggressive terms. >> yeah, the attorney general merrick garland needs to step up. he is a former federal judge. these justices are in danger this opinion leaked before it was released publicly. there are people making threats against justices online and elsewhere. the attorney general needs to step up, he needs to make a very strong public denouncement of this. this is obstruction of justice for people to show up at a federal judge's home to try to influence the outcome of a pending case. it's 18usc 1507, judge solis had her son murdered because a crazy showed up at her house and they need to step up today. >> sandra: charlie, this is serious stuff. why are there not more or any calls for the white house for calm in this moment? >> well, it's really astonishing, sandra, and mike is exactly right. this is -- and this, of course, we don't know exactly how the draft opinion got leaked out, but this is certainly the best theory going, and this was completely what it appears the intent was was to terror eyes sitting members of the court, and that is a grave, grave threat to the republic and the conveyance of justice in this particular case. and, but you know, why don't we hear anything from the white house? to this white house the ends justfies the means. the exact same people for what years we had riots around this country leading up to the last election and because the people rioting were in political alignment were with the current occupants of the white house, they condoned it, raised money to get rioters out of jail to go back and participate in the deadly riots, this is politics by thuggery, and until somebody stops this they will continue to do it. >> sandra: they have been docked, home addresses published. there are continued calls to show up at their homes. mike, this is jen psaki when asked about the leak and why this hasn't been a primary or more important focus for the white house. >> our focus is not on losing sight from what the content is in the draft, and what is at risk here, and well, we have heard a number, raised concerns about the leak, our focus is on highlighting what the content in there would, would risk for women across the country. >> sandra: let's not lose sight of the actual content of the draft, from the actual leak from the supreme court itself. i want to put up on the screen this is a threat, or portions of it from the judicial crisis network and i'll get your response toit, mike, obviously with a clear announcement for a walk by wednesday, may 11, 2022, saying there are still a number of unanswered questions about the root sent us group, organizing protests at six extremist justices. stipends are available for protestors, who is paying for it, who is funding the threat against supreme court justices, this and more are very serious questions that should be answered soon, mike. >> yeah, conspiracy to violate 18usc 1507, obstruction of justice, fbi, u.s. attorney's offices in maryland and the eastern district of virginia, the attorney general garland, deputy attorney general, the fbi director, they need to get on this. this is -- this is a dereliction of their duties, they are putting justices in grave danger. >> sandra: finish up with this, charlie, poll finding 0% have abortion as the most important issue in the country, but this is the moment that we are in right now. people are primarily concerned about poor leadership, top of the list. inflation, the economy in general, we'll get to in a moment as the dow continues to sell off here. and immigration, of course, but here we are as this leak happened and now continued calls for violence and how it's going to be handled and shut down, potentially, as mike is calling for from this white house. final thoughts. >> well, you know, not only is jen psaki basically encouraging this behavior, encouraging what could lead to violence against sitting justices, she's also lying about the particulars of the case. she's, you know, the point of justice alito's opinion is that abortion should be something that is put up to the voters. i think it's very interesting, the white house is so -- that voters would be in charge of deciding such a thing, and i also think it's really interesting with the post you just put up that, and this is kind of a silver lining, activists have at that pay people to come and protest this, and that right there tells you all you need to know about how this issue is going to go, this month and in november. >> sandra: ok, we are going to keep following for everybody. very serious issue as we top our hour with that news. mike, charlie, thank you very much. thanks to you for being here. tough, tough position. we have seen cameras showing up at the homes of those justices, lives threatened, calls for violence against them. this is the moment we are in and as we remind everybody, this is a white house, a president who promised unity on the campaign trail that he was going to unify this country and you have not seen him call for the violence or call for it to stop. >> john: this is a moment for the federal government, you have supreme court justices, likely six of them, maybe five, potentially six, clearly trying to be intimidated by the left that doesn't like this draft decision and what is the government going to do to stop this and offer them protection? why is the department of justice not jumping in. i agree with mike davis. >> sandra: see if the white house gives any clear answer on that. >> john: military analysts stunned by the number of russian generals kill in action in ukraine. a new report may explain why and how u.s. intelligence may have aided in that. greg, what's the latest on the ground there? >> hey, john, more on that story in a moment as the war enters the tenth week and the horrors build. still hiding out beneath the steel mill, 200 civilians, maybe 2,000 ukrainian soldiers, some civilians got out earlier this week, russians were supposed to stop their bombardment to allow the rest to flee, and tens of thousands more are in the battered city. elsewhere in the east, russian and ukrainian forces are slugging it out. new focus of moscow aggression. jane also making gains, including the second biggest city of kharkiv. across the country, russia is targeting infrastructure like rail lines and bridges to try to break the flow of much needed military aid for ukraine and forces from the u.s. and other countries in the west. defense officials say for now at least the arms are still getting through. and, yes, a new report claims intelligence provided by the u.s. was instrumental in ukrainian forces killing as many as 12 russian generals out in the field. on the record, pentagon says it won't speak to the details of the "new york times" story, just that it is providing intelligence for the defense of ukraine. finally, john, a very unusual climb down we just heard about from president putin. according to the israeli government, he apologized for anti-semitic comments made earlier this week about ukraine, and the president zelenskyy, by lavrov. small victory by putin. >> john: and putin says he's going after nazis in ukraine. does not seem to add up. good to have you back on the ground there in kyiv. sandra. >> sandra: a live look at the big board with the dow down nearly 1,000 points in today's trading session. it has been a volatile week for the american stock market, as the president ramps up attacks on republicans. bob nardelli will be our guest shortly. >> john: and poll numbers, mark warner will join us coming up next. >> even from the sitting president of the united states of your party whom you voted with 100% of the time. >> we'll make that decision as the campaign continues. the campaign continues. cler clevercause after all these emails . ike a combo of stressed, dry and sandpaper. luckily, there's biotrue hydration boost eye drops for instant moisture. biotrue uses naturally inspired ingredients. and no preservatives. try biotrue veteran homeowners, this is the best time in history to turn your home equity into cash. and no preservatives. because home values have climbed to all time highs. and so has your equity. turn it into cash now. the newday 100 va cash out loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value. you could take out more than $60,000. use it to improve your home. pay off high rate debt. pay for big expenses. or put it in the bank for real peace of mind. turn your equity into cash with the newday100 va cash out loan call now. shhhh. i think she's still awake. don't worry. the lexus rx built for modern families. $1,500 lease cash available on 30 month 2022 rx lease programs. bonnie boon i'm calling you out. everybody be cool, alright? 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>> well, listen, i think as we saw in the recent elections in france, you had a sitting president there, but i think was about 35% approval rating, he got 58% of the vote. i think one of the things that biden has made clear and he's got to do more of a contrast, if you are testing biden against the perfect solution here nobody else is going to do that well, g but you've got to at some point make a contrast to what the other team is putting up. let me be the first to acknowledge. we have issues around crime, we have to fund the police, put laws into place to make sure criminals are prosecuted. we have to deal with inflation, and candidly i think the fed waited too long to raise interest rates. as we navigate inflation, you know, we have to understand that everybody is calling for the fed to have higher interest rates and i'm part of those, that's gonna have a direct effect on the market. we are looking at markets down 4 to 5%, a huge hit. but decrease demand, one of the prices and the tradeoffs we have to take place. and get this in quickly, john, broad bipartisan agreement. we just have to get our stuff together and get it done to make the kind of investments in american made supply chains around semi conductors. build ten new manufacturing facilities in ohio, and that will go a long way at least toward auto prices coming down. we had a lot of autos made, cannot get access to a semiconductor. it's crazy. >> john: you do not have to run for re-election for another four years, but if you were up for re-election this year, would you want president biden campaigning for you? >> listen, i would always welcome the president of the united states into my state. there were a lot of areas i disagreed with president trump, but we always welcomed him to virginia. there is one of our congress women in a swing district in hampton roads, our navy installations, she had the president in recently. again, people will make their decisions but i actually think it would be a good thing if we got back to measuring one candidate against another as opposed to kind of nationalizing every issue in the politics. >> john: i want to ask you of the supreme court, three justices are constituents of yours by virtue of living in the commonwealth of virginia. increased police presence at their home following the leak. should the government be doing more to take on the threats against the supreme court justices and doing more to protect them? >> john, i think everyone in public life, whether you are a supreme court justice under threat, whether you are some of the people who senators who voted for the impeachment of mr. trump whose lives were put in threat, that kind of action is outrageous. either end of the political spectrum and we need to do all we can, and if there are more secret service or other security entities that need to protect our justices, amen. people should not serve in public life and feel outrageous extremists have license to physically and verbally attack officials. >> john: public pressure brought to bear on the justices from a leak that even the white house won't condemn. >> john, i completely condemn the leak and whoever leaked it, you know, should be prosecuted. i do hope your network, and i have no idea who did it, but if it ends up coming out it was leaked by somebody actually from the right wing of the agenda that wanted to try to lock in these five votes,s i hope you'll continue to express outrage and make sure that person who leaked is fully prosecuted. >> john: so you believe that's potential, that theory have been floated. >> i don't have the foggiest idea who did it. whoever did it ought to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law but let's not jump to the conclusion, i've seen the theories, and this is the kind of, i think, cheapening of america where rules, morals, undermined on a constant basis. and the thing americans are saying, they are sick and tired of it, whether it's coming from either end of the political agenda. >> john: you won't find any argument for me on that. senator mark warner, appreciate it. >> thank you, john as always. >> john: why isn't the government as we pointed out a moment ago doing more to address these threats. they seem to be sitting back and the fact that jen psaki could not condemn the leak as senator mark warner just did is really telling. >> sandra: and obviously somebody on the left saying it should be condemned in the strongest terms and the justices should in this moment be protected in the most significant way. why the white house, and the government is not acting do both those fronts is beyond many who are watching. >> john: a lot of people on the left are championing the person who leaked this. and as mark warner pointed out, it could be somebody on the left or the right to try to lock in votes, we don't know at this point. >> sandra: and thank you for mark warner coming on. >> john: i always appreciate a chance to question my senator. >> sandra: absolutely, absolutely, i hope he comes back soon. dow now, almost half past the hour, a heck of a day, a week for wall street. dow is down about 1,000 points. not just growing concern of a u.s. recession, there is growing concern of a global slowdown as well. so, president biden taking a lot of heat for certain economic figures that continue to come out from the u.s. economy and they are going into attack mode. not on themselves but the republicans and the maga agenda. former home depot c.e.o. bob nardelli joining us on that. >> john: and backlash on a slew of information, including the self-proclaimed mary poppins of disinformation, and stay with us. >> critical race theory has become one of those hot button issues that the republicans and other, you know, disinformers who are engaged in disinformation for profit. one? 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>> well, listen, i have utmost respect for larry, he's a dear friend and always shares his wisdom, his years of wisdom when he shares, when he's on air. listen, it's pretty easy. what we have to do is undo some of the things that this administration did on inaugural day. one, let's open up the fracking fields. let's start producing more oil. again, it's at the base of everything we do, whether it's fuel, petroleum or plastics, it's in almost everything we touch in our lives today. so that would be a major, a major accomplishment. two, let's get the ports, resolve the port issues resolved. we have hundreds of container ships. >> sandra: that's a big one for you. supply chain crisis, they promised they were going to get control of the situation, they did not. bob, can you bring a little calm to the situation with the dow down 915 points? i get asked the question, what should i do, in stock, go to cash, what is your thought and guidance as we look at volatile trading? >> well, the dow does not -- it's not giving us any disinformation, is it, today, sandra, it's a fact. facts are friendly. so for me, i'm kind of staying put. i'm not trying to react. yesterday was up 1,000, today down 1,000, you know, i think if you are just an average day trader you ought to stay pat, not get involved in the ups and downs. i think we are at the peak on inflation. some of the people on the program said we will get to ten, i don't know. my first home was 18% interest and if you look at today, $368,000, average monthly mortgage is 1400, add a couple more points of interest rate, it's going to be -- we are not going to be able to get that reached by a lot of people that want to own their own home. i think we are in for a lot of turbulence for a longer period. >> did bob nardelli just forecast 10% inflation? that's tough, that's tough. >> it's there, it's there. >> sandra: thank you very much. hope the fed can get a handle on it, thank you. john. >> john: i had a mortgage just like bob's a long time ago. we are learning more about another leaked audio recording of house minority leader kevin mccarthy's phone calls in the days following the january 6th capitol hill riot. chad, what's the latest? >> good afternoon, john. most significant issue is cutting the president's term short, latest tapes leaked to the "new york times" reveal kevin mccarthy wanting to talk to president-elect biden after the riot, he hoped for a smooth transition of power and expressed his concern about the second impeachment of president trump. >> i do think the impeachment provides the nation -- [inaudible] i want to reach out to biden, i wanted the president to meet with biden, that's not going to happen. >> the new tapes demonstrate how serious the conversations were among top g.o.p. members about bouncing mr. trump from office. there was talk about the 25th amendment, allows for the removal of a president. >> you know, i think the options that have been cited by the democrats so far are the 25th amendment, which is not exactly a solution here. >> go back to the house, right. >> and -- correct, mr. president were to submit a letter overruling the cabinet and the vice president, two third house to overrule the president. >> legal scholars question if the 25th amendment would have been the proper remedy at that particular moment. >> the 25th amendment addresses mental disability. it doesn't address a president who is viewed as obnoxious or deeply wrong in actions that he may have taken. >> so far the tapes don't appear to jeopardize mccarthy's standing with former president trump. mccarthy had a standing ovation, and donald trump, jr. spoke this week. public hearings in the middle of june. final hearing in september, coincide with the release of the 1/6 committee report. john. >> john: seems to be doing all right with his fellow republicans right now, see what happens if they take back the house and he actually has to run for speaker. >> it would be a tight vote, depending on the size of the majority. if it's a larger majority, he's probably ok. >> john: as always, thanks for your expertise, thank you. >> sandra: the white house refusing to denounce the unprecedented supreme court leak that sparked protests all over the country. will they condemn a terrifying call for action by far left activists to take the protests to the home of conservative justices? kayleigh mcenany will join us on that. >> john: in the next hour, new information on the murder suspect and the jail guard that helped him break out of prison. what was their relationship and authorities think it may be a while before they track them down. >> obvious she participated in this and my guess she probably orchestrated the whole thing. 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90% of profits go to the out of state corporations permanently. only eight and a half cents is left for the homeless. and in virginia, arizona, and other states, fanduel and draftkings use loopholes to pay far less than was promised. sound familiar? it should. it's another bad scheme for california. >> john: media slamming florida governor desantis for the parental rights education bill but new fox polling suggests desantis' bill may have support nationwide. josh is a senior columnist for the national journal. take a look at the new fox news poll we asked if teachers should be banned from discussing sexual orientation and gender identity from kindergarten to third grade. 55% of respondents favor such a ban, 41% oppose it. supporters of sexual orientation and gender would seem to be sailing into a head wind here. >> yeah, john, a big silent majority, and showed what kids are being taught in school, one of the most important issues for voters heading into the midterms. one of the other things i saw from the poll, john, parents are more critical of some of the gender identity and sexual orientation issues taught in elementary school. so, this is a popular issue. it's one of the classic issues that sometimes the traditional media gloms on and thinks it's unpopular, and when you look at the polling a big silent majority in favor of what ron desantis did in florida and other republican elected officials are looking to implement in their own home states. so, it's an issue education, big issue in virginia in the governor's race this past year and i expect to hear more from other elected officials. >> and when you consider how it may play out in the midterm elections, it's always very informative to look at the cross tabs of the poll. republicans 72% supported a ban, to be expected. 60% of catholics, 60% of hispanics, and 58% of parents. this is a parental rights issue, it played very big in november of last year. and democrats did not do too well whether it came to this issue. so, why would they continue to draw water from that well? >> well, they may be changing their tune as they see some of this polling, john. but two other cross tabs i thought were really interesting in the fox poll, 52% of moderates, a lot of the moderate democrats also agree with desantis's position on the parental rights issues, and 37% of democrats. this is an issue that splits the democratic party, more on the progressive side of the equation, and unites the republican party. a winning issue for the party that's united. this one of the classic, culture war issues, and quality of life issues, you are a parent you see what your kids are learning in school, those are potent issues politically and economy is the top issue in the midterms but these issues will drive turnout and also swing some moderate voters the republican's way. >> john: what i'm trying to figure out what people are thinking about this, i go to my 11-year-old twins, my wife and i have spoken to them, they are in 5th grade and i said what do you think about teaching this kindergarten to third grade? from the mouth of 11-year-olds, they didn't think it was appropriate, and the school should wait until later to get into issues like this or it should be the parents who discuss it with children as my wife and i did with them. >> right, i think a lot of folks believe it can be, you know, should be teaching this in high school or middle school. but elementary school it's not appropriate. it's age inappropriate. and interesting gender gap. dads almost 70% of dads are very opposed to this type of curriculum. moms were a little more evenly divided. you see the gender gap in all politics, very apparent in this question as well. >> all right, as always, josh, great to get your take on things, appreciate it. >> sandra: the white house and biden's justice department refusing to condemn the supreme court leak. we will have a brand-new hour coming up. 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"america reports" rolls into hour two. sandra, they liked what they saw yesterday. today not so much. >> sandra: can you believe it, the markets not knowing which direction they want to move in. we'll keep an eye on the markets as they enter their final two hours of trading. even more surfacing from the past about the self-proclaimed mary poppins of disinformation. >> john: biden administration under fire for disinformation of her own. nina jankowicz dismissing parents' concerns what their own kids are being taught as the woke agenda creeps into classroom. >> critical race theory has become one of those hot button issues that the republicans and other, you know, disinformers who are engaged in disinformation for profit. >> sandra: those comments on c.r.t. the latest from jankowicz that are raising questions about her qualifications to be determining what is true and what is not. remember that story behind hunter biden's so-called laptop from hell was not true, even though it is. she talked up the steele dossier on trump as if it was true, even though it was not. >> john: might think the agency for rooting out terrorists might have known about her background but seems her boss, secretary alejandro mayorkas did not try as much as a google search. watch this. >> was the department aware of her tiktok videos? >> senator -- >> they are really quite precocious. >> senator, i was not aware. >> john: the florida attorney general says mayorkas needs to go and she's been saying that for a while. she'll tell us why in moments. >> sandra: first, john, peter doocy is live at the white house, looks like the briefing has been pushed to the 3:00 eastern time hour. >> about an hour from right now we may learn more about this, and white house official, biden officials are very supportive of that official, nina jankowicz, saying she's an expert at online disinformation, who has testified before congress. as you heard there, new reason to wonder why they are so supportive and what they knew before they hired her. some of those tiktok videos referenced by senator kennedy are very partisan and that's something d.h.s. does not seem they are aware of either. >> why don't you fire. >> so i am going to -- she is going to execute her responsibilities in a non-partisan way and accomplish the mission for which she has been hired. >> and it's not just republicans. democrat congressman jim heims adding skepticism as well. >> as far as i'm concerned the government has no business saying this is disinformation and this is information. >> officials don't like the worse censor when it comes to this. describe what her job is going to be and the board will do as more countering disinformation or accurately, things online she thinks are disinformation. >> sandra. >> sandra: briefing to begin at 3:00, thank you. >> john: florida attorney general for more on this. nina jankowicz is the gift that keeps on giving when it comes to video, not the mary poppins video but what she said republicans of purveyors of misinformation. >> critical race theory is one of the hot button issues the republicans and other, you know, disinformers who are engaged in disinformation for profit, frankly, plenty of, you know, media outlets. >> jen psaki said she is bipartisan and apolitical. >> disinformers, she defines it as republicans. and secretary mayor was pressed what is disinformation, give us a definition. he wanted to say, we know what he was thinking but refused to say, it's whatever makes us look bad. that's going to be disinformation. because as you know i had to pull out documents, i had in my possession to show that he was lying under oath to congress. he says hey, people are coming here because of our favorable welcoming immigration policies but yet in his own agency there is a report that says they are coming here because of the favorable information policies. you know, it's astounding. all this is is biden administration and mayorkas building it so you don't see what's behind the curtain and that's failing miserably at their jobs. >> sandra: it got a little play, here is the entirety of the exchange from senator john kennedy and mayorkas. >> she said mr. hunter biden's laptop, russian disinformation? >> i was not aware of that. >> she had vouched for the veracity of the steele dossier? >> i was not aware of that. >> was the department aware of her tiktok videos? they are really quite precocious. >> senator, i was not aware. >> sandra: to john's point earlier, it would appear the department did not run as much as a google search on her. >> they want someone to come in and push out information that is misleading and in many times as i proved false. this secretary under oath to congress said we have effectively managed the border. 2 million people have flooded in under his administration, more than the total population of 15 of our states. that's just since he's been secretary. they have to do this, if you look at what's happening under this administration, the american people understand the truth. they are incompetent and ill purposed. that's not what we need under the department of homeland security. >> john: in february you were the first of what is now 14 states to call for mayorkas to resign from his position. the charge back then was that he was not enforcing federal law as it related to the border. when you add the rest of the stuff that's happened in the last couple weeks up, what are you thinking now? >> the charge remains the same and it's only gotten worse. this is a man supposed to be leading an agency to protect our homeland. drug traffickers at the border have skyrocketed, sexual offenders, terror watch list skyrocketed. this week a district court judge said under mayorkas, under biden, the southern border is nothing more than a speed bump. americans are less safe under this administration and mayorkas, he's got to go. >> sandra: ok, so we hear your calls for him to go. here is dan henninger and the wall street journal saying pull the plug on the disinformation governance board, jen psaki says the board will be apolitical. if you believe that, you think mary poppins and the children climbed a stairway made of smoke. how do you plan to stand up and act on this? >> ask yourself if this administration needs to be setting up a disinformation board when they are spreading disinformation themselves every day. jen psaki herself broke down in tears and accused our governor, florida governor ron desantis and our state leaders of bullying and harming children when we are trying to protect them and give parents rights in the classroom up to third grade. they themselves are spreading disinformation to project as though they are following the law, accomplishing the mission of their agencies, when in fact they are doing directly the opposite. >> john: let me ask you about that as i could as a final question here, madam attorney general. a segment a moment ago, the fox news poll found 55% of americans favor banning discussions about sexual orientation and gender from kindergarten to third grade. there are a number of other states, alabama, arizona, georgia, iowa, louisiana, south carolina, missouri, tennessee, oklahoma and ohio tried to follow florida's lead, georgia and louisiana have not gone anywhere, but broad public sentiment for what the governor did. >> i think you are seeing around the nation parents, i am a mother of a young school age child, i think parents are waking up and paying attention to what is being taught in the classroom. often times at a very young inappropriate age. we need to give parents a say in either refusing instruction, allowing the parents to have the often times delicate complex discussions with their children. governor desantis has been clear, he's going to stand up for parents, protect the children and fight back if people try and stop him and leaders in florida from doing that. >> sandra: do you believe there will be significant political consequences for what you are speaking out about right now and against? >> about the disinformation board, look, i think you are going to see elections in this country show that common sense and a need and demand for the safety of our country and our state will win out. i think everyone sees that. everyone sees it coming. and at this point it's for the safety of america. >> john: ashley moody, attorney general of florida. good to catch up with you today. thank you. your favorite thing to do, the dow, a massive selloff continues. off 1100, not the worst of the day. coming back, oh, no, go down, oh, no, it's back again. >> sandra: wiped out yesterday's gains, that's safe to say. >> john: why? why? >> sandra: my take is global slowdown. if you watch the bank of england and germany, there was developments overnight. i'll talk to you at the commercial break, john. >> john: all right, school me. >> sandra: dow is down 1100 points and seems to be falling more as it works it way into the final hours of trading. president biden touts what he says are his economic suck -- successes. grover norquist in a moment. that's right, robert. and it's never too early to learn you could save with america's number one motorcycle insurer. that's right, jamie. but it's not just about savings. it's about the friends we make along the way. you said it, flo. and don't forget to floss before you brush. your gums will thank you. -that's right, dr. gary. -jamie? 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>> well, because the president spent so much money and printed so much money, the money supply shot up over the last year. we are having inflation, and the fed is trying to say well, could we bring that down. you remember with jimmy carter, the democrats spent too much, printed money, got inflation over 10% and then they started to bring it down, and that gave you a recession. and so you've got two challenges, inflation is damaging the economy, making americans poorer, even though they get pay increases. pay increases on average this last year were not as bad as inflation, so the average lost ground. you are poorer today than last year because the president inflated the currency you are getting paid in. and now they are going to pull back and they end up with a recession. in addition to inflation, jimmy carter pointed out you can do both. >> sandra: it doesn't help there are calls for inflation to get a whole lot worse here in the meantime, while the fed tries to tackle the high prices. bob nardelli, former c.e.o. of home depot and businessman made this forecast last hour. >> i don't think we are at the peak yet on inflation. some of the people on the programs have said maybe we will get to 10. i think we are in for a lot of turbulence for a longer period. >> sandra: 10% inflation, grover, that is serious pain inflicted on the american people. >> and were the president, while he's talking about the budget deficit, the real cost of government is total spending. whether you borrow it or take it in taxes, it's gone from the real economy. so the cost is spending and he did that 2 trillion overspending billion which according to his own numbers didn't give any jobs at all, they were expecting a certain recovery because you get a recovery after a recession and you let people go back to work. they didn't get more people to work after the 2 trillion than before the 2 trillion. >> sandra: great point. 11.5 million job openings in the country, that's a serious situation, getting people to fill the jobs. president biden, right on cue has just put out a new tweet and said looking ahead, i have a plan to reduce the deficit even more, which will help reduce inflationary pressures and lower everyone's costs. sounds great, grover. can it work? >> his plan is to dramatically increase taxes, which slows the economy down. what jimmy carter did, richard nixon did, and you end up with slow economy and inflation at the same time. the president wants a very large tax increase, when he ran for office he said he wanted to take our corporate rate back to where it was under obama, which is higher than china. so, he wants to make us uncompetitive with china and europe. european average is 19%. he wants to go up to 28 or more. we would start every conversation competing with the rest of the world behind the eight ball on taxes alone. and he's driving up our energy costs. >> sandra: that's a big warning. meanwhile, as you mentioned earlier, people don't feel good about their financial situation right now, not just from a year ago, but from two years ago. this is the latest fox news polling when asked compared to two years ago, 44% say they are worse off today than we were in 2020. fox polling also revealing how long people believe inflation will be a major issue. obviously, grover, this will play a big part in the midterm elections, but not just a couple months, several months, another year. 45% believe that it will be around for more than a year. so, being there is likely to be some political fallout from that, grover. final thoughts. >> it's not -- the inflation now for november is very bad for the incumbent. but when you start to have a recession to squash the inflation, it's not very good for the next presidential election for biden or whoever runs as a democrat. into good news anywhere. >> sandra: i like to finish off with this. looking at the american stock market and people are scared, when you turn on the tv and the dow down 1100 points, people have a lot of their money tied up in savings, 401(k) and other accounts. leave us off with a thought on that and you know, if somebody is asking their hedge, should i adjust their savings, adjusting their 401(k), what do you tell them grover? >> adjusting things that do better under inflation or less poorly under inflation. biden is old enough he remembers when 10% of americans owned stock. we are now over half in 401(k), ira, the stock market hit hurts most americans and biden does not take it seriously. >> sandra: he seems to be blaming republicans for it. >> that's it, good try. >> sandra: thank you very much. john, did that help, now clarity to how we are looking at the markets today? >> john: absolutely, i understand the whole thing, top to bottom, soup to nuts, i've got it. >> sandra: it's anybody's guess. a lot has to do with how the fed manages this, and how aggressive they'll be, how much pain it inflictshort-term for engerhorte ermgain >> john: tap the brakes i think is the old adage, right? >> sandra: there you go. >> john: don't go into a screaming four wheel lock slide like in nascar, unless you slide across the finish line. white house briefing set for the top of the hour. the white house will not condemn the leak of that draft of the supreme court ruling even though democratic senator from virginia mark warner just did on the program. today will the white house condemn the latest call from far left activists to take the fight against opposing opinions to the supreme court justices homes? >> sandra: we will speak to someone very familiar with what goes on in that briefing room, and what happens when political disagreements turn personal. kayleigh mcenany next. >> people should not serve in public life and feel outrageous extremists have license to physically and verbally attack public officials. 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>> john: nobody better to ask than kayleigh mcenany just ahead. >> sandra: who is behind the groups attacking the supreme court. kelly o'grady has that for us. >> hi, sandra, about dark money. liberals have long accused conservatives are funding, but now their own agenda and playing out how groups are targeting the supreme court. white house linked dark money group demand justice pushing to expand the court and a number of groups like ruth sent us and for choice, aim at the pending decision and you find yourself down a rabbit hole hopping from organization to organization, some dark money experts say the source is the george soros' backed arabella advisors. an they can produce little pop-up entities that are based on the issues of today. so, whether or not, if today we are dealing with the supreme court draft leak, in a week we might be dealing with something else. >> it's not a new tactic, just a new focus. hundreds of millions were raised in 2020, majority donated by dems, and now coming for free speech as well, and urging twitter to boycott if elon musk will not have the censorship standards, questioning who is behind it and and he tweeted interesting. i wonder if those sending organizations are fully aware of what they are doing. if you follow the funds, dems are leveraging dark money, if not more. >> sandra: kelly, thank you, john. >> john: "outnumbered" co-host kayleigh mcenany. >> good to see you, john. >> john: jen psaki was asked if she would denounce the leak draft from the supreme court. >> does the white house condemn explicitly condemn this leak and seeing this draft -- [inaudible] >> i don't think we have a particular view on that other than to say we certainly note the unprecedented nature of it. >> john: i don't think we have a particular view on that. should we view it as tacit support? >> kayleigh: yes, and if you don't give a specific answer to a question, it's a hypothetical i'm not going to answer that, it leaves room for television networks, newspaper reporters, to inject a nondenial in there, and this is indeed tacit approval of this, she could have said what mark warner said, dick durbin, we don't like the leak, first time in modern supreme court, nevertheless, we don't like roe vs. wade being overturned and hope it's not the case, she could have said that but didn't. >> john: in total, you have the white house talking about not so much the leak as the substance of the opinion, the leak is a significant part of this, and garland saying we fully support a woman's right to choose, without commenting on the threats against the supreme court justices. >> kayleigh: it begs the question. if you don't have a particular view of the leak, the question should be do you have a particular view of these calls by left wing activists who marched in the homes of justices, three of which are in virginia, as mark hemingway points out, it's illegal to protest in front of a private home in virginia. if you are not going to denounce the leak you must provide protection for the supreme court justices, do something, at least a verbal denouncing of the leak, and sinema was chased into a bathroom and joe biden said it was part of the process. is marching to the supreme court homes now just another part of the process. >> john: we mentioned senator mark warner from virginia on the program a little while ago i asked him about the lack of denouncing the leak and he came out full throated in condemning the leak. let's rewind the tape and show you what he said just a minute ago. >> i completely condemn the leak and whoever leaked it, you know, should be prosecuted. i don't have the foggiest idea who did it. whoever did it ought to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. but let's not jump to the conclusion, i've seen all the theories, and again, this is the kind of, i think, cheapening of america where rules, morals, morrays, undermine on a constant basis. >> john: why can't the white house do the same thing? >> kayleigh: it a fair question, why can't they? the court, venerable, and unprecedented in nature, the early leak of justice breyer's retirement, i don't know if it came from the white house, i don't know if it came from the supreme court but definitely was a leak there, they should say something, not only that, jen psaki was asked twice yesterday about whether the white house will accept the legitimacy of the supreme court opinion, a dodge there, and not accepting the legitimacy of the opinion, not condemning the leak, and today, what are you going to say about the protestors marching to private homes. >> john: this seems to happen to conservatives. during the trump administration, sarah sanders was kicked out of a restaurant in charlottesville, and another was mocked and her home protested, you ran into problems as well. this happens by and large when far left protestors say we are going to take it personal and remember what maxine waters said, get up in their face. >> kayleigh: that's right, i had to leave my private home in florida, unfortunately, amid the summer of unrest, got a call from the police, i had to leave my apartment in d.c. after the knights of st. john's church burned, so yeah, absolutely, if you are on the right you have experienced it, and the left has experienced it, but a problem almost exclusively of late trump administration officials and now supreme court justices. >> john: kayleigh mcenany, great of you to spend time with us today. see you tomorrow on "outnumbered." sandra, it does seem to happen with greater frequency to people on the right than the left. >> sandra: you ask yourself, what if it was liberal justices in the court that were targeted at this moment, what would be said, what would be done about it today. just put in a request to our d.o.j. producers, asked them any statement, any comment from the department of justice on the conservative justices being docked, their home addresses published? unfortunately, they have not heard anything. there is no statement, no comment, nothing. and, there was a presser that just happened but no one asked the attorney general about that, just about the investigation into the leak and then there was a nonanswer that resulted. can you imagine that, not even a question on it in that room, or a statement from the d.o.j. >> john: see if jen psaki gets something. >> sandra: twist in the attack on comedian dave chappelle, the attacker rushed the stage and the comedian with a gun. wait until you hear what he has been charged with from the infamous district attorney george gascon. there's a powerful va benefit that veterans have earned, but many don't even know about. it's the va home loan benefit. as a veteran, you're eligible to apply for a refinance loan for up to 100% of your home's value. not just 80% like other loans. the newday 100 va loan lets you refinance your mortgage, consolidate your high-rate credit card debt, get cash and lower your payments an average of $600 a month. so if you need money to take care of your family, use the valuable va home loan benefit you've earned with your service. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit out-of-state corporations wrote matchinan online sportsiption. betting plan they call "solutions for the homeless". really? 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>> yes, because when you have the u.s. marshals involved in any case, they are the best in the world. i've handled cases with them and fugitives think they can get away with things. marshals will track you down and a lot of the stuff is behind the scenes. using cash is -- using the cash is what normally they will try to do, thinking the marshals will not be able to catch up with them. but they will look at electronics, everything she's done six months and a wide dragnet on all family members, his and hers, this is going to be multi-state jurisdiction for the marshals looking out for them. >> you know, when you look at the surveillance tape, seeps as though she was trying to make it look like a prisoner transfer when she brought him out, he was still shackled, she put him in the back of the car and she got in driver's seat and drove away. i'm not sure what she was thinking trying to throw people off the trail. it did seem as she planned for this quite a while. people say she had a stack of cash and told her house a couple weeks before all of this took place, maybe thinking of heading to florida, but you know, tremendous amount of law enforcement in florida, places you can hide, but some point she will pop up, i would think. >> the first thing you do when you look at the way she put him in the car, normal transport you are grabbing his arm, you are controlling him. she let him basically open the door, walk in the car and get in. right there immediately you knew something was up. and coming to florida, that's doubtful. i would say she's heading south towards the border, more so than coming to florida. here in florida the sheriff's office, the fdle are on top of everything. so -- he's going to stand out. >> john: you think headed to texas and then south to mexico? >> my guess is go to texas. a lot more wide open. florida, a possibility you'll get stopped, like i said, he's very noticeable. 6'9", and she's 5'5", that's the disadvantage they have. somebody spots that combination, she can change the color of her hair, he can shave his hair, but the height disadvantage will bring tips in. >> sandra: tip line, 800-336-0102. this is a dangerous person we are dealing with, 2015, a jealous rage over an ex-girlfriend, he rushed into the house where she was staying, according to court documents. he brandished two pistols after a confrontation with her roommates, opened fire. she escaped unharmed but he killed a pet dog in the process. and two children were hiding in the basement. then led police on a chase across state lines. ultimately sentenced to 75 years in prison. seven felony counts in that case. so you reference the u.s. marshals on the case, sir, and just got the news a short time ago from our producer at the d.o.j. saying the u.s. marshals are the lead agency seeking to capture both fugitives. they are armed and regarded as extremely dangerous says the d.o.j. we need help from the community. if anybody sees them, they should not approach them but report it to the police immediately. that's an important part of finding them, sir. >> i agree, i agree. she apparently had an ar-15 on duty weapon she may be in possession with. no doubt it may be a shootout situation if they are stopped. i don't believe he's going to go back willingly. not this time around. >> john: pat, one thing i'm wondering is the special relationship the two of them had. apparently it was not a physical relationship, at least according to the local sheriff there, and i'm wondering, did casey white potentially cultivate the relationship with her in hopes that he could curry favor with her to get more meals or maybe get sprung and now that they are out, do you think her life might be in danger? >> without a doubt. i've seen this in my career where these criminals are hardened. they know how to get to people, emails to her, crying to her all day long about how he's innocent, making her feel sorry for him, that he's the innocent victim, no doubt that she could have been under his spell and very fearful of him, period. >> sandra: ok, pat diaz, appreciate you joining us. we had the tip line up there, hopefully more tips come in and get to the bottom of this. thank you very much, sir. >> john: back to israel, live pictures at the scene, this is in ilad, just east of tel aviv, medics say at least three people were killed in a stabbing attack. they believe this was a militant attack. we have not heard much about that in israel for a while now. used to happen with stunning regularity. apparently the assailant fled in a vehicle. the local police forces and security forces have roadblocks up in the area. they are pretty good at tracking these folks down. so maybe they have a suspect in mind already, perhaps they will have one soon. apparently three people killed, four others wounded in this attack and two of those wounded remain in serious condition. >> sandra: and some color from the "new york times," the third attack on israeli jews in less than a week. there was just an update, briefing from the police commander on the ground saying this was four israelis killed in a knife and car ramming attack. attacker rammed and killed a cyclist with his car outside of a gas station before entering the station and stabbing a woman to death. attacker returned to his car, drove to a nearby shopping center and stabbed three women, one of whom died, the commander said. attacker then drove to a nearby roundabout, crashed into a second car, stabbed to debt a fourth civilian. and two tried to stop him, and they shot him. the attacker later died of his wounds. that is the update from a police spokesman a short time ago, john. >> john: this would appear to be a multi-location attack, not just in this one area here where we see the ambulances and the police services. of course ilad is known as an ultra orthodox town, authorities believe it was a militant attack. not that the people were specifically targeted, but maybe this was something that was a random act of opportunity. as you mentioned, sandra, there was a vehicle, a ramming that was involved here. did the ramming lead to the attack, was the ramming part of the attack, these are details we don't yet know at this point. >> sandra: and we will keep our eye on that, obviously, the situation on the ground there in israel, with an update coming up. and before we finish off here, john, a quick look at the markets. we have been following the dow, promising we would do so. down about 1200 points at this hour. and john, you and i were talking that what has not gone away since the fed made its aggressive moves yesterday, resulted in a rally and inflation is still here and seen in polling, most americans expect it to stay around for quite system time. oil is over $108 barrel. natural gas, all-time high. diesel prices, also at an all-time high. so until you actually see the prices of those types of commodities come down, john, this is an extremely challenging economic environment. and you are seeing that. >> john: we were chatting a short time ago, fuel prices not to come down until there is a resolution to the situation in ukraine, given the fact that russia is a giant gas station with a government attached to it. and how long that's going to go on is anybody's guess. vladimir putin's hopes for a swift takeover of ukraine and decapitation of its government and puppet regime likely not to happen any time soon. a long and grinding fight. does putin have designs on the entirety of ukraine, a long time to answer and until they are answered and there is an end to all of this, fuel prices likely to stay up near where they are. >> sandra: and the uncertainty is pushing up the wall street fear gauge as they call it. the vics, we have used to watch where the fear level is in the marketplace. john, it's up 22% today on pace to finish above a level of 30. that's pretty remarkable. but if you are a contrarian, that could be a buying sign. just saying. >> john: down on tuesday, up on wednesday, and now down again today. what will tomorrow hold, anybody's guess. market seems to be looking for both good news and bad news here. >> sandra: and the white house briefing room, big questions. i'm sandra smith. >> john: i'm john roberts. "the >> martha: thanks. good afternoon. i'm martha maccallum. it appears the strategy is this, blame president trump and his supporters. that's what is emerging as democrats and president biden struggle under the weight of problems that are too complex to fix in the short term. >> let me tell you about this maga crowd. they're really the most extreme political organization that has existed in american hiy.

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Relationships , Alabama Jail , Hundreds , Steve , Manhunt , Pair , Atlanta , Seven , Parking Lot , Suv , Patrol Car , Courthouse Area , Guard , Swap , Ford , Vicky White , Sheriff , Food , Casey White , Convict , Front , Back Seat , Evidence , Inmates , On The Run , Facility , Escape , 200000 , 00000 , 5000 , 95000 , Ban , Gender Identity , Corrections Officer , Homicide Detective , Teachingdown Kids , Pete Diaz , Miami , Classroom , Sexual Orientation , States , Half , Suit , Mom , Journal , Success , Senior Columnnist , Kayak Denier , Next , Kayak , Deals , Hundreds Of Travel Sites , Cars , Research , Flights , Hotels , Todd , Graduations , Arr , Holidays , Cards , Chase Freedom Unlimited , Search One , Seaat Drugstoresone , Big Time With Chase Freedom Unlimited , Confidence , Drugstore , Fee , Drink , Protein , Landowner , Glucose Control , Blood Sugar Levels , Muscle Health , Hunger , Hunter , Landscaper , Kubota , Walking , Equipment , Cosentyx , Infections , Infection , Tuberculosis , Ability , Vaccine , Rheumatologist , Crohn S Disease , State Corporations , Profits , Math , Promises , Californians , Sports Betting , Draftkings , Ballot Measure , Fanduel , 90 , Homeless , Loopholes , Scheme , Arizona , Eight , Ron Desantis , Rights , Education , Media Slamming Florida , California , Polling , Poll , Kindergarten , Teachers , Columnist , Josh , Bill May Have Support Nationwide , Gender , Supporters , Respondents , Head , Sailing , Wind , 55 , 41 , Parents , Middle School , Kids , Midterms , Silent Majority , Elementary School , Traditional Media Gloms On , Favor , Race , Tabs , 72 , Rights Issue , Hispanics , Catholics , 60 , Water , Tune , Position , Moderates , Cross Tabs , 52 , 37 , Side , Classic , Culture War Issues , Equation , Parent , Quality , Turnout , Learning , Wife , 5th Grade , Grade , Mouth , Gender Gap , Folks , High School , Teaching , 70 , Type , Curriculum , Dads , Always , Moms , Department Of Homeland Security , Investment Ideas , Stats , Merrill , Baby , Tracks , Moderate , Ulcerative Colitis , Stelara , Cancer , Move , Serious , Injections , Dose , Lung Inflammation , Pres , Brain Condition , Skin Growths , Sores , Tb , Remission , Cost Support Options , Janssen , Mission , Nutrition , Strength , Energy , Woo Hoo , Line , Ubrelvy , Migraine Attacks , Minerals , Vitamins , 27 , Migraine , Older Medicines , Cause , Inhibitors , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Tiredness , Migraine Pain Relief Starts , Master , Staffing , Job Description , Indeed Instant Match , Home Prices , Records , Average , Veterans , Retirement , Bills , Breaking News , Track , Nasdaq , S P 500 , 401 , Averages , Each , Investors , Rate Hike , Red Flag , Markets , Direction , Surfacing , Nina Jankowicz , Hell , Jankowicz , Laptop , Hunter Biden , Qualifications , Crt , Dossier , Agency , Background , Terrorists , Steele , Alejandro Mayorkas , Google Search , Videos , Florida Attorney General , Briefing , Official , Reason , Expert , Either , Why Don T You Fire , Jim Heims , Responsibilities , Skepticism , Censor , Board , Gift , Hot Button , Misinformation , Purveyors , Plenty Of , Media Outlets , Secretary , Definition , Apolitical , Oath , Possession , Documents , Look Bad , Immigration Policies , Information Policies , Administration , Curtain , Jobs , Entirety , Exchange , Play , Veracity , Someone , Population , 2 Million , Truth , Mayorkas , 14 , Same , Homeland , Offenders , Drug Traffickers , District Court Judge , Terror Watch List , Nothing , Safe , Speed Bump , Southern Border , Dan Henninger , Disinformation Governance Board , Wall Street Journal , Act , Stairway , Smoke , Governor , State Leaders , Bullying , Tears , Agencies , Madam Attorney General , Opposite , Segment , Discussions , Georgia , Missouri , Louisiana , Alabama , Tennessee , Oklahoma , South Carolina , Iowa , Mother , Anywhere , Lead , Sentiment , Child , Attention , Instruction , School Age , Age , Leaders , Consequences , Show , Common Sense , Selloff , Ashley Moody , 1100 , Go Down , Worst , Break , Developments , Bank Of England , Germany , Successes , Motorcycle Insurer , Number One , Suck , Robert , Jamie , Savings , Gums , That S Right , Friends , Dr , Flo , Gary , Memories , Spin , Show Mom , Anti Fatigue Comfortmat , Round , Weathertech , Vehicle , Protector , Best , Colors , Finishes , Seat , Variety , Floorliner , Cargoliner , Cupfone , Gonna , Stop Rybelsus , Mother S Day , My A1c Wasn T At Goal , Ruby , Study , Rybelsus , Don T Take Rybelsus , Healthcare Provider , Turn , Newday 100 , Cash Out , Payments , Loan , Credit Union , Call Newday , Couldn T , Wifi , Girl , Devices , Bandwidth , Xfinity , Riding A Cheetah Fast , Unison , Slaying , Gaming , Mud , Stock Trading , Corner , June 2020 , Polls , Problems , Surprise , Budget Deficit , Grady , 350 Billion , 50 Billion , Restaurant Relief Bill , Chart , Context , Credit , Office Of Management And Budget , Biden S First Term , 1 5 Trillion , 5 Trillion , Programs , Spending , Pandemic , Trend , Committee , Competition Bill , Budget , Student Loan Debt Cancellation , Policy Proposals , China , Speech , Worth , World , Pressures , Gas Prices , Consequence , Federal Budget Deficit , Conversation , Nine , Disapproval Rating , American Tax Reform , 67 , What S Going On , Rally , 800 , Money Supply , Jimmy Carter , Poorer , Challenges , Pay Increases , Currency , It Doesn T , Addition , Businessman , Forecast , Grover , Cost , 2 Trillion , Recovery , Numbers , Great Point , Job Openings , Tweet , Cue , 11 5 Million , Costs , Sounds Great , Tax Increase , Richard Nixon , Europe , Obama , Warning , Energy Costs , European Average , 28 , 19 , 44 , Believe , Fallout , 45 , Incumbent , Accounts , Tv , Leave , Hedge , Stock Market Hit , Ira , Clarity , It S Anybody Guess , Soup To Nuts , Slide Like In Nascar , Engerhorte Ermgain John , Adage , Brakes , John Don T Go Into A Screaming , Top , Briefing Set , Draft Of The Supreme Court , Justices Homes , Opinions , Disagreements , Briefing Room , Fight , Not Checki , Helen , Exercise , Activity , Libre 2 , Glucose Levels , Glucose , Mystery , Medicare , Topic Of The Supreme Court , Groups , 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue , Kelly O Grady , Conservatives , Liberals , Dark Money , Dark Money Group , Organization , Experts , Rabbit Hole , Ruth , Aim , Pop Up Entities , Source , Arabella Advisors , George Soros , Supreme Court Draft Leak , Tactic , Something Else , Questioning , Well , Free Speech , Censorship Standards , Twitter , Elon Musk , Sending Organizations , Funds , John S Church Burned , Leak Draft , View , Nature , Inaudible , Kayleigh , Room , Newspaper Reporters , Television Networks , Nondenial , First Time In Modern Supreme Court , Approval , Dick Durbin , Wade Being , Substance , Supreme Court Justices , Woman , Left Wing , Mark Hemingway , Supreme Court Homes , Joe Biden , Bathroom , Sinema , Tape , Throated , Lack , Morrays , Fair Question , Venerable , Justice Breyer , Legitimacy , Dodge , Supreme Court Opinion , Sarah Sanders , Restaurant , Charlottesville , Maxine Waters , Of St , Apartment , Unrest , D C , Summer , Knights , Frequency , Comment , Producers , Presser , Doj John , Investigation , Nonanswer , Dave Chappelle , On Stage , Gun , Attacker , Twist , George Gascon , Powerful Va Benefit , Va Home Loan Benefit , Refinance Loan , Loans , Newday 100 Va Loan , 80 , Care , Va Home Loan , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Corporations , Visit Indeed Com Hire Out , Matchinan , Online Sportsiption , Bets , Solutions For The Homeless , Homeless Funds , Refund , License Fee , 00 Million , 100 Million , Stabbing Attack , Tel Aviv , Security Forces , Area , Scene , Assailant , Roadblocks , Pictures , Ambulances , Town , Condition , Wounded , Emergency Service , Bureau , Jerusalem , Felony Charges , Sure , Isaiah Lee , Weapon , Suspicion , Jonathan , 23 , Reporting , Knife , L A Times , Reasoning , Charges , L A City Attorney , Bag , In The City Of L A , Misdemeanor Charge , Mill , Lenient , Grit , District Attorney , Critics , L A , The Hollywood Bowl , Jail Boss , Newsroom , Fair , Tips , This , Vicky White Prepurchased , Route , Prepositioned , Prisoner , Murderer , Proof , Department Of Corrections , White , Contact , Building , State Penitentiary , Discount , Operation , Pat Diaz , Miami Dade , Marshals , Fugitives , Cases , Scenes , Dragnet , Electronics , Surveillance Tape , Family Members , Jurisdiction , Hers , Seeps , Car , Back , Driver S Seat , Heading , Stack , Law Enforcement , Amount , Something , South , Arm , Fdle , The Sheriff , Texas , Possibility , Mexico , 9 , Hair , Height Disadvantage , Disadvantage , Color , Combination , Tip Line , Confrontation , Court Documents , Rage , Ex Girlfriend , Pistols , 336 , 0102 , 2015 , 800 336 0102 , State Lines , Roommates , Chase , Basement , Pet Dog , Hiding , Opened Fire , Sir , Felony Counts , Lead Agency , Producer , 75 , Community , Doubt , Shootout Situation , Ar 15 , Hopes , Meals , Career , Victim , Spell , No Doubt , Medics , Ilad , Stunning Regularity , 1200 , 08 , 108 , 22 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240708

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>> sandra: begin with the supreme court safety fencing is now up around the high court's perimeter following the leaked draft ruling on roe vs. wade. far left activists call for protests at the home of conservative justices. hello, welcome, everyone. sandra smith in new york. hello, john. >> bill: like the dow, fencing goes up, down, and back up again. i'm john roberts in washington. good to spend thursday with you. the rare breach of supreme court secrecy sparking protests nationwide. justice samuel alito who wrote the february opinion cancelling a planned public appearance at a legal conference after the draft went public and increasing concerns about the safety and security of the justices themselves. >> sandra: complete coverage begins now. >> bill: peter doocy is at the white house. who is organizing the protests at the justices' homes? >> website one known for now financial backing and posted announcing walk by wednesday, may 11, 2022, at the homes of the six extremist justices, three in virginia and three in maryland. if you would like to join or lead a peaceful protest, let us know. that set off all kinds of alarm bells for lawmakers, concerned in this environment, supreme court justices do not have enough security. so bipartisan support to get additional federal funding and let the supreme court go about the process of around the clock protection for the justices and families, and the request, the way this would happen comes in a bill filed by democrat senator chris coons and john cornyn. >> we deal on these matters on a daily basis, to make that kind of threat to the supreme court is an attempt to intimidation the justices and a threat to judicial independence. >> peter: of note, this white house still has not tried to lower the temperature and they have not condemned the leak. >> you guys think, does the president think the leaker should be punished? >> again, that's up for the department of justice and others to determine. what our focus is on is not getting our distracted or eye off the ball of what is most important to people across the country here, which is not the leak and the story of the leak is the fact that women's healthcare is at risk for millions across the country. >> peter: she's saying the story is not about the leak. last year talking about an irs leak, she said anyunauthorized disclosure of confidential government information by a person with access is illegal and we take this very seriously. but apparently times have changed, john. >> john: all depends what the tone and tenor of the political debate is. peter doocy at 1600 pennsylvania, thank you. >> sandra: charlie hurt, and mike davis, mike also have worked on the confirmation processes for many of these conservative justices who are in this moment having their lives threatened and violence is called for against them. i'll bring you on to tell us what you are hearing, but most importantly, based on peter's report, why we are not hearing this white house condemn calls for violence against these justices in the most aggressive terms. >> yeah, the attorney general merrick garland needs to step up. he is a former federal judge. these justices are in danger this opinion leaked before it was released publicly. there are people making threats against justices online and elsewhere. the attorney general needs to step up, he needs to make a very strong public denouncement of this. this is obstruction of justice for people to show up at a federal judge's home to try to influence the outcome of a pending case. it's 18usc 1507, judge solis had her son murdered because a crazy showed up at her house and they need to step up today. >> sandra: charlie, this is serious stuff. why are there not more or any calls for the white house for calm in this moment? >> well, it's really astonishing, sandra, and mike is exactly right. this is -- and this, of course, we don't know exactly how the draft opinion got leaked out, but this is certainly the best theory going, and this was completely what it appears the intent was was to terror eyes sitting members of the court, and that is a grave, grave threat to the republic and the conveyance of justice in this particular case. and, but you know, why don't we hear anything from the white house? to this white house the ends justfies the means. the exact same people for what years we had riots around this country leading up to the last election and because the people rioting were in political alignment were with the current occupants of the white house, they condoned it, raised money to get rioters out of jail to go back and participate in the deadly riots, this is politics by thuggery, and until somebody stops this they will continue to do it. >> sandra: they have been docked, home addresses published. there are continued calls to show up at their homes. mike, this is jen psaki when asked about the leak and why this hasn't been a primary or more important focus for the white house. >> our focus is not on losing sight from what the content is in the draft, and what is at risk here, and well, we have heard a number, raised concerns about the leak, our focus is on highlighting what the content in there would, would risk for women across the country. >> sandra: let's not lose sight of the actual content of the draft, from the actual leak from the supreme court itself. i want to put up on the screen this is a threat, or portions of it from the judicial crisis network and i'll get your response toit, mike, obviously with a clear announcement for a walk by wednesday, may 11, 2022, saying there are still a number of unanswered questions about the root sent us group, organizing protests at six extremist justices. stipends are available for protestors, who is paying for it, who is funding the threat against supreme court justices, this and more are very serious questions that should be answered soon, mike. >> yeah, conspiracy to violate 18usc 1507, obstruction of justice, fbi, u.s. attorney's offices in maryland and the eastern district of virginia, the attorney general garland, deputy attorney general, the fbi director, they need to get on this. this is -- this is a dereliction of their duties, they are putting justices in grave danger. >> sandra: finish up with this, charlie, poll finding 0% have abortion as the most important issue in the country, but this is the moment that we are in right now. people are primarily concerned about poor leadership, top of the list. inflation, the economy in general, we'll get to in a moment as the dow continues to sell off here. and immigration, of course, but here we are as this leak happened and now continued calls for violence and how it's going to be handled and shut down, potentially, as mike is calling for from this white house. final thoughts. >> well, you know, not only is jen psaki basically encouraging this behavior, encouraging what could lead to violence against sitting justices, she's also lying about the particulars of the case. she's, you know, the point of justice alito's opinion is that abortion should be something that is put up to the voters. i think it's very interesting, the white house is so -- that voters would be in charge of deciding such a thing, and i also think it's really interesting with the post you just put up that, and this is kind of a silver lining, activists have at that pay people to come and protest this, and that right there tells you all you need to know about how this issue is going to go, this month and in november. >> sandra: ok, we are going to keep following for everybody. very serious issue as we top our hour with that news. mike, charlie, thank you very much. thanks to you for being here. tough, tough position. we have seen cameras showing up at the homes of those justices, lives threatened, calls for violence against them. this is the moment we are in and as we remind everybody, this is a white house, a president who promised unity on the campaign trail that he was going to unify this country and you have not seen him call for the violence or call for it to stop. >> john: this is a moment for the federal government, you have supreme court justices, likely six of them, maybe five, potentially six, clearly trying to be intimidated by the left that doesn't like this draft decision and what is the government going to do to stop this and offer them protection? why is the department of justice not jumping in. i agree with mike davis. >> sandra: see if the white house gives any clear answer on that. >> john: military analysts stunned by the number of russian generals kill in action in ukraine. a new report may explain why and how u.s. intelligence may have aided in that. greg, what's the latest on the ground there? >> hey, john, more on that story in a moment as the war enters the tenth week and the horrors build. still hiding out beneath the steel mill, 200 civilians, maybe 2,000 ukrainian soldiers, some civilians got out earlier this week, russians were supposed to stop their bombardment to allow the rest to flee, and tens of thousands more are in the battered city. elsewhere in the east, russian and ukrainian forces are slugging it out. new focus of moscow aggression. jane also making gains, including the second biggest city of kharkiv. across the country, russia is targeting infrastructure like rail lines and bridges to try to break the flow of much needed military aid for ukraine and forces from the u.s. and other countries in the west. defense officials say for now at least the arms are still getting through. and, yes, a new report claims intelligence provided by the u.s. was instrumental in ukrainian forces killing as many as 12 russian generals out in the field. on the record, pentagon says it won't speak to the details of the "new york times" story, just that it is providing intelligence for the defense of ukraine. finally, john, a very unusual climb down we just heard about from president putin. according to the israeli government, he apologized for anti-semitic comments made earlier this week about ukraine, and the president zelenskyy, by lavrov. small victory by putin. >> john: and putin says he's going after nazis in ukraine. does not seem to add up. good to have you back on the ground there in kyiv. sandra. >> sandra: a live look at the big board with the dow down nearly 1,000 points in today's trading session. it has been a volatile week for the american stock market, as the president ramps up attacks on republicans. bob nardelli will be our guest shortly. >> john: and poll numbers, mark warner will join us coming up next. >> even from the sitting president of the united states of your party whom you voted with 100% of the time. >> we'll make that decision as the campaign continues. the campaign continues. cler clevercause after all these emails . ike a combo of stressed, dry and sandpaper. luckily, there's biotrue hydration boost eye drops for instant moisture. biotrue uses naturally inspired ingredients. and no preservatives. try biotrue veteran homeowners, this is the best time in history to turn your home equity into cash. and no preservatives. because home values have climbed to all time highs. and so has your equity. turn it into cash now. the newday 100 va cash out loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value. you could take out more than $60,000. use it to improve your home. pay off high rate debt. pay for big expenses. or put it in the bank for real peace of mind. turn your equity into cash with the newday100 va cash out loan call now. shhhh. i think she's still awake. don't worry. the lexus rx built for modern families. $1,500 lease cash available on 30 month 2022 rx lease programs. bonnie boon i'm calling you out. everybody be cool, alright? 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>> well, listen, i think as we saw in the recent elections in france, you had a sitting president there, but i think was about 35% approval rating, he got 58% of the vote. i think one of the things that biden has made clear and he's got to do more of a contrast, if you are testing biden against the perfect solution here nobody else is going to do that well, g but you've got to at some point make a contrast to what the other team is putting up. let me be the first to acknowledge. we have issues around crime, we have to fund the police, put laws into place to make sure criminals are prosecuted. we have to deal with inflation, and candidly i think the fed waited too long to raise interest rates. as we navigate inflation, you know, we have to understand that everybody is calling for the fed to have higher interest rates and i'm part of those, that's gonna have a direct effect on the market. we are looking at markets down 4 to 5%, a huge hit. but decrease demand, one of the prices and the tradeoffs we have to take place. and get this in quickly, john, broad bipartisan agreement. we just have to get our stuff together and get it done to make the kind of investments in american made supply chains around semi conductors. build ten new manufacturing facilities in ohio, and that will go a long way at least toward auto prices coming down. we had a lot of autos made, cannot get access to a semiconductor. it's crazy. >> john: you do not have to run for re-election for another four years, but if you were up for re-election this year, would you want president biden campaigning for you? >> listen, i would always welcome the president of the united states into my state. there were a lot of areas i disagreed with president trump, but we always welcomed him to virginia. there is one of our congress women in a swing district in hampton roads, our navy installations, she had the president in recently. again, people will make their decisions but i actually think it would be a good thing if we got back to measuring one candidate against another as opposed to kind of nationalizing every issue in the politics. >> john: i want to ask you of the supreme court, three justices are constituents of yours by virtue of living in the commonwealth of virginia. increased police presence at their home following the leak. should the government be doing more to take on the threats against the supreme court justices and doing more to protect them? >> john, i think everyone in public life, whether you are a supreme court justice under threat, whether you are some of the people who senators who voted for the impeachment of mr. trump whose lives were put in threat, that kind of action is outrageous. either end of the political spectrum and we need to do all we can, and if there are more secret service or other security entities that need to protect our justices, amen. people should not serve in public life and feel outrageous extremists have license to physically and verbally attack officials. >> john: public pressure brought to bear on the justices from a leak that even the white house won't condemn. >> john, i completely condemn the leak and whoever leaked it, you know, should be prosecuted. i do hope your network, and i have no idea who did it, but if it ends up coming out it was leaked by somebody actually from the right wing of the agenda that wanted to try to lock in these five votes,s i hope you'll continue to express outrage and make sure that person who leaked is fully prosecuted. >> john: so you believe that's potential, that theory have been floated. >> i don't have the foggiest idea who did it. whoever did it ought to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law but let's not jump to the conclusion, i've seen the theories, and this is the kind of, i think, cheapening of america where rules, morals, undermined on a constant basis. and the thing americans are saying, they are sick and tired of it, whether it's coming from either end of the political agenda. >> john: you won't find any argument for me on that. senator mark warner, appreciate it. >> thank you, john as always. >> john: why isn't the government as we pointed out a moment ago doing more to address these threats. they seem to be sitting back and the fact that jen psaki could not condemn the leak as senator mark warner just did is really telling. >> sandra: and obviously somebody on the left saying it should be condemned in the strongest terms and the justices should in this moment be protected in the most significant way. why the white house, and the government is not acting do both those fronts is beyond many who are watching. >> john: a lot of people on the left are championing the person who leaked this. and as mark warner pointed out, it could be somebody on the left or the right to try to lock in votes, we don't know at this point. >> sandra: and thank you for mark warner coming on. >> john: i always appreciate a chance to question my senator. >> sandra: absolutely, absolutely, i hope he comes back soon. dow now, almost half past the hour, a heck of a day, a week for wall street. dow is down about 1,000 points. not just growing concern of a u.s. recession, there is growing concern of a global slowdown as well. so, president biden taking a lot of heat for certain economic figures that continue to come out from the u.s. economy and they are going into attack mode. not on themselves but the republicans and the maga agenda. former home depot c.e.o. bob nardelli joining us on that. >> john: and backlash on a slew of information, including the self-proclaimed mary poppins of disinformation, and stay with us. >> critical race theory has become one of those hot button issues that the republicans and other, you know, disinformers who are engaged in disinformation for profit. one? 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>> well, listen, i have utmost respect for larry, he's a dear friend and always shares his wisdom, his years of wisdom when he shares, when he's on air. listen, it's pretty easy. what we have to do is undo some of the things that this administration did on inaugural day. one, let's open up the fracking fields. let's start producing more oil. again, it's at the base of everything we do, whether it's fuel, petroleum or plastics, it's in almost everything we touch in our lives today. so that would be a major, a major accomplishment. two, let's get the ports, resolve the port issues resolved. we have hundreds of container ships. >> sandra: that's a big one for you. supply chain crisis, they promised they were going to get control of the situation, they did not. bob, can you bring a little calm to the situation with the dow down 915 points? i get asked the question, what should i do, in stock, go to cash, what is your thought and guidance as we look at volatile trading? >> well, the dow does not -- it's not giving us any disinformation, is it, today, sandra, it's a fact. facts are friendly. so for me, i'm kind of staying put. i'm not trying to react. yesterday was up 1,000, today down 1,000, you know, i think if you are just an average day trader you ought to stay pat, not get involved in the ups and downs. i think we are at the peak on inflation. some of the people on the program said we will get to ten, i don't know. my first home was 18% interest and if you look at today, $368,000, average monthly mortgage is 1400, add a couple more points of interest rate, it's going to be -- we are not going to be able to get that reached by a lot of people that want to own their own home. i think we are in for a lot of turbulence for a longer period. >> did bob nardelli just forecast 10% inflation? that's tough, that's tough. >> it's there, it's there. >> sandra: thank you very much. hope the fed can get a handle on it, thank you. john. >> john: i had a mortgage just like bob's a long time ago. we are learning more about another leaked audio recording of house minority leader kevin mccarthy's phone calls in the days following the january 6th capitol hill riot. chad, what's the latest? >> good afternoon, john. most significant issue is cutting the president's term short, latest tapes leaked to the "new york times" reveal kevin mccarthy wanting to talk to president-elect biden after the riot, he hoped for a smooth transition of power and expressed his concern about the second impeachment of president trump. >> i do think the impeachment provides the nation -- [inaudible] i want to reach out to biden, i wanted the president to meet with biden, that's not going to happen. >> the new tapes demonstrate how serious the conversations were among top g.o.p. members about bouncing mr. trump from office. there was talk about the 25th amendment, allows for the removal of a president. >> you know, i think the options that have been cited by the democrats so far are the 25th amendment, which is not exactly a solution here. >> go back to the house, right. >> and -- correct, mr. president were to submit a letter overruling the cabinet and the vice president, two third house to overrule the president. >> legal scholars question if the 25th amendment would have been the proper remedy at that particular moment. >> the 25th amendment addresses mental disability. it doesn't address a president who is viewed as obnoxious or deeply wrong in actions that he may have taken. >> so far the tapes don't appear to jeopardize mccarthy's standing with former president trump. mccarthy had a standing ovation, and donald trump, jr. spoke this week. public hearings in the middle of june. final hearing in september, coincide with the release of the 1/6 committee report. john. >> john: seems to be doing all right with his fellow republicans right now, see what happens if they take back the house and he actually has to run for speaker. >> it would be a tight vote, depending on the size of the majority. if it's a larger majority, he's probably ok. >> john: as always, thanks for your expertise, thank you. >> sandra: the white house refusing to denounce the unprecedented supreme court leak that sparked protests all over the country. will they condemn a terrifying call for action by far left activists to take the protests to the home of conservative justices? kayleigh mcenany will join us on that. >> john: in the next hour, new information on the murder suspect and the jail guard that helped him break out of prison. what was their relationship and authorities think it may be a while before they track them down. >> obvious she participated in this and my guess she probably orchestrated the whole thing. 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90% of profits go to the out of state corporations permanently. only eight and a half cents is left for the homeless. and in virginia, arizona, and other states, fanduel and draftkings use loopholes to pay far less than was promised. sound familiar? it should. it's another bad scheme for california. >> john: media slamming florida governor desantis for the parental rights education bill but new fox polling suggests desantis' bill may have support nationwide. josh is a senior columnist for the national journal. take a look at the new fox news poll we asked if teachers should be banned from discussing sexual orientation and gender identity from kindergarten to third grade. 55% of respondents favor such a ban, 41% oppose it. supporters of sexual orientation and gender would seem to be sailing into a head wind here. >> yeah, john, a big silent majority, and showed what kids are being taught in school, one of the most important issues for voters heading into the midterms. one of the other things i saw from the poll, john, parents are more critical of some of the gender identity and sexual orientation issues taught in elementary school. so, this is a popular issue. it's one of the classic issues that sometimes the traditional media gloms on and thinks it's unpopular, and when you look at the polling a big silent majority in favor of what ron desantis did in florida and other republican elected officials are looking to implement in their own home states. so, it's an issue education, big issue in virginia in the governor's race this past year and i expect to hear more from other elected officials. >> and when you consider how it may play out in the midterm elections, it's always very informative to look at the cross tabs of the poll. republicans 72% supported a ban, to be expected. 60% of catholics, 60% of hispanics, and 58% of parents. this is a parental rights issue, it played very big in november of last year. and democrats did not do too well whether it came to this issue. so, why would they continue to draw water from that well? >> well, they may be changing their tune as they see some of this polling, john. but two other cross tabs i thought were really interesting in the fox poll, 52% of moderates, a lot of the moderate democrats also agree with desantis's position on the parental rights issues, and 37% of democrats. this is an issue that splits the democratic party, more on the progressive side of the equation, and unites the republican party. a winning issue for the party that's united. this one of the classic, culture war issues, and quality of life issues, you are a parent you see what your kids are learning in school, those are potent issues politically and economy is the top issue in the midterms but these issues will drive turnout and also swing some moderate voters the republican's way. >> john: what i'm trying to figure out what people are thinking about this, i go to my 11-year-old twins, my wife and i have spoken to them, they are in 5th grade and i said what do you think about teaching this kindergarten to third grade? from the mouth of 11-year-olds, they didn't think it was appropriate, and the school should wait until later to get into issues like this or it should be the parents who discuss it with children as my wife and i did with them. >> right, i think a lot of folks believe it can be, you know, should be teaching this in high school or middle school. but elementary school it's not appropriate. it's age inappropriate. and interesting gender gap. dads almost 70% of dads are very opposed to this type of curriculum. moms were a little more evenly divided. you see the gender gap in all politics, very apparent in this question as well. >> all right, as always, josh, great to get your take on things, appreciate it. >> sandra: the white house and biden's justice department refusing to condemn the supreme court leak. we will have a brand-new hour coming up. 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"america reports" rolls into hour two. sandra, they liked what they saw yesterday. today not so much. >> sandra: can you believe it, the markets not knowing which direction they want to move in. we'll keep an eye on the markets as they enter their final two hours of trading. even more surfacing from the past about the self-proclaimed mary poppins of disinformation. >> john: biden administration under fire for disinformation of her own. nina jankowicz dismissing parents' concerns what their own kids are being taught as the woke agenda creeps into classroom. >> critical race theory has become one of those hot button issues that the republicans and other, you know, disinformers who are engaged in disinformation for profit. >> sandra: those comments on c.r.t. the latest from jankowicz that are raising questions about her qualifications to be determining what is true and what is not. remember that story behind hunter biden's so-called laptop from hell was not true, even though it is. she talked up the steele dossier on trump as if it was true, even though it was not. >> john: might think the agency for rooting out terrorists might have known about her background but seems her boss, secretary alejandro mayorkas did not try as much as a google search. watch this. >> was the department aware of her tiktok videos? >> senator -- >> they are really quite precocious. >> senator, i was not aware. >> john: the florida attorney general says mayorkas needs to go and she's been saying that for a while. she'll tell us why in moments. >> sandra: first, john, peter doocy is live at the white house, looks like the briefing has been pushed to the 3:00 eastern time hour. >> about an hour from right now we may learn more about this, and white house official, biden officials are very supportive of that official, nina jankowicz, saying she's an expert at online disinformation, who has testified before congress. as you heard there, new reason to wonder why they are so supportive and what they knew before they hired her. some of those tiktok videos referenced by senator kennedy are very partisan and that's something d.h.s. does not seem they are aware of either. >> why don't you fire. >> so i am going to -- she is going to execute her responsibilities in a non-partisan way and accomplish the mission for which she has been hired. >> and it's not just republicans. democrat congressman jim heims adding skepticism as well. >> as far as i'm concerned the government has no business saying this is disinformation and this is information. >> officials don't like the worse censor when it comes to this. describe what her job is going to be and the board will do as more countering disinformation or accurately, things online she thinks are disinformation. >> sandra. >> sandra: briefing to begin at 3:00, thank you. >> john: florida attorney general for more on this. nina jankowicz is the gift that keeps on giving when it comes to video, not the mary poppins video but what she said republicans of purveyors of misinformation. >> critical race theory is one of the hot button issues the republicans and other, you know, disinformers who are engaged in disinformation for profit, frankly, plenty of, you know, media outlets. >> jen psaki said she is bipartisan and apolitical. >> disinformers, she defines it as republicans. and secretary mayor was pressed what is disinformation, give us a definition. he wanted to say, we know what he was thinking but refused to say, it's whatever makes us look bad. that's going to be disinformation. because as you know i had to pull out documents, i had in my possession to show that he was lying under oath to congress. he says hey, people are coming here because of our favorable welcoming immigration policies but yet in his own agency there is a report that says they are coming here because of the favorable information policies. you know, it's astounding. all this is is biden administration and mayorkas building it so you don't see what's behind the curtain and that's failing miserably at their jobs. >> sandra: it got a little play, here is the entirety of the exchange from senator john kennedy and mayorkas. >> she said mr. hunter biden's laptop, russian disinformation? >> i was not aware of that. >> she had vouched for the veracity of the steele dossier? >> i was not aware of that. >> was the department aware of her tiktok videos? they are really quite precocious. >> senator, i was not aware. >> sandra: to john's point earlier, it would appear the department did not run as much as a google search on her. >> they want someone to come in and push out information that is misleading and in many times as i proved false. this secretary under oath to congress said we have effectively managed the border. 2 million people have flooded in under his administration, more than the total population of 15 of our states. that's just since he's been secretary. they have to do this, if you look at what's happening under this administration, the american people understand the truth. they are incompetent and ill purposed. that's not what we need under the department of homeland security. >> john: in february you were the first of what is now 14 states to call for mayorkas to resign from his position. the charge back then was that he was not enforcing federal law as it related to the border. when you add the rest of the stuff that's happened in the last couple weeks up, what are you thinking now? >> the charge remains the same and it's only gotten worse. this is a man supposed to be leading an agency to protect our homeland. drug traffickers at the border have skyrocketed, sexual offenders, terror watch list skyrocketed. this week a district court judge said under mayorkas, under biden, the southern border is nothing more than a speed bump. americans are less safe under this administration and mayorkas, he's got to go. >> sandra: ok, so we hear your calls for him to go. here is dan henninger and the wall street journal saying pull the plug on the disinformation governance board, jen psaki says the board will be apolitical. if you believe that, you think mary poppins and the children climbed a stairway made of smoke. how do you plan to stand up and act on this? >> ask yourself if this administration needs to be setting up a disinformation board when they are spreading disinformation themselves every day. jen psaki herself broke down in tears and accused our governor, florida governor ron desantis and our state leaders of bullying and harming children when we are trying to protect them and give parents rights in the classroom up to third grade. they themselves are spreading disinformation to project as though they are following the law, accomplishing the mission of their agencies, when in fact they are doing directly the opposite. >> john: let me ask you about that as i could as a final question here, madam attorney general. a segment a moment ago, the fox news poll found 55% of americans favor banning discussions about sexual orientation and gender from kindergarten to third grade. there are a number of other states, alabama, arizona, georgia, iowa, louisiana, south carolina, missouri, tennessee, oklahoma and ohio tried to follow florida's lead, georgia and louisiana have not gone anywhere, but broad public sentiment for what the governor did. >> i think you are seeing around the nation parents, i am a mother of a young school age child, i think parents are waking up and paying attention to what is being taught in the classroom. often times at a very young inappropriate age. we need to give parents a say in either refusing instruction, allowing the parents to have the often times delicate complex discussions with their children. governor desantis has been clear, he's going to stand up for parents, protect the children and fight back if people try and stop him and leaders in florida from doing that. >> sandra: do you believe there will be significant political consequences for what you are speaking out about right now and against? >> about the disinformation board, look, i think you are going to see elections in this country show that common sense and a need and demand for the safety of our country and our state will win out. i think everyone sees that. everyone sees it coming. and at this point it's for the safety of america. >> john: ashley moody, attorney general of florida. good to catch up with you today. thank you. your favorite thing to do, the dow, a massive selloff continues. off 1100, not the worst of the day. coming back, oh, no, go down, oh, no, it's back again. >> sandra: wiped out yesterday's gains, that's safe to say. >> john: why? why? >> sandra: my take is global slowdown. if you watch the bank of england and germany, there was developments overnight. i'll talk to you at the commercial break, john. >> john: all right, school me. >> sandra: dow is down 1100 points and seems to be falling more as it works it way into the final hours of trading. president biden touts what he says are his economic suck -- successes. grover norquist in a moment. that's right, robert. and it's never too early to learn you could save with america's number one motorcycle insurer. that's right, jamie. but it's not just about savings. it's about the friends we make along the way. you said it, flo. and don't forget to floss before you brush. your gums will thank you. -that's right, dr. gary. -jamie? sorry, i had another thought so i got back in line. what was it? 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>> well, because the president spent so much money and printed so much money, the money supply shot up over the last year. we are having inflation, and the fed is trying to say well, could we bring that down. you remember with jimmy carter, the democrats spent too much, printed money, got inflation over 10% and then they started to bring it down, and that gave you a recession. and so you've got two challenges, inflation is damaging the economy, making americans poorer, even though they get pay increases. pay increases on average this last year were not as bad as inflation, so the average lost ground. you are poorer today than last year because the president inflated the currency you are getting paid in. and now they are going to pull back and they end up with a recession. in addition to inflation, jimmy carter pointed out you can do both. >> sandra: it doesn't help there are calls for inflation to get a whole lot worse here in the meantime, while the fed tries to tackle the high prices. bob nardelli, former c.e.o. of home depot and businessman made this forecast last hour. >> i don't think we are at the peak yet on inflation. some of the people on the programs have said maybe we will get to 10. i think we are in for a lot of turbulence for a longer period. >> sandra: 10% inflation, grover, that is serious pain inflicted on the american people. >> and were the president, while he's talking about the budget deficit, the real cost of government is total spending. whether you borrow it or take it in taxes, it's gone from the real economy. so the cost is spending and he did that 2 trillion overspending billion which according to his own numbers didn't give any jobs at all, they were expecting a certain recovery because you get a recovery after a recession and you let people go back to work. they didn't get more people to work after the 2 trillion than before the 2 trillion. >> sandra: great point. 11.5 million job openings in the country, that's a serious situation, getting people to fill the jobs. president biden, right on cue has just put out a new tweet and said looking ahead, i have a plan to reduce the deficit even more, which will help reduce inflationary pressures and lower everyone's costs. sounds great, grover. can it work? >> his plan is to dramatically increase taxes, which slows the economy down. what jimmy carter did, richard nixon did, and you end up with slow economy and inflation at the same time. the president wants a very large tax increase, when he ran for office he said he wanted to take our corporate rate back to where it was under obama, which is higher than china. so, he wants to make us uncompetitive with china and europe. european average is 19%. he wants to go up to 28 or more. we would start every conversation competing with the rest of the world behind the eight ball on taxes alone. and he's driving up our energy costs. >> sandra: that's a big warning. meanwhile, as you mentioned earlier, people don't feel good about their financial situation right now, not just from a year ago, but from two years ago. this is the latest fox news polling when asked compared to two years ago, 44% say they are worse off today than we were in 2020. fox polling also revealing how long people believe inflation will be a major issue. obviously, grover, this will play a big part in the midterm elections, but not just a couple months, several months, another year. 45% believe that it will be around for more than a year. so, being there is likely to be some political fallout from that, grover. final thoughts. >> it's not -- the inflation now for november is very bad for the incumbent. but when you start to have a recession to squash the inflation, it's not very good for the next presidential election for biden or whoever runs as a democrat. into good news anywhere. >> sandra: i like to finish off with this. looking at the american stock market and people are scared, when you turn on the tv and the dow down 1100 points, people have a lot of their money tied up in savings, 401(k) and other accounts. leave us off with a thought on that and you know, if somebody is asking their hedge, should i adjust their savings, adjusting their 401(k), what do you tell them grover? >> adjusting things that do better under inflation or less poorly under inflation. biden is old enough he remembers when 10% of americans owned stock. we are now over half in 401(k), ira, the stock market hit hurts most americans and biden does not take it seriously. >> sandra: he seems to be blaming republicans for it. >> that's it, good try. >> sandra: thank you very much. john, did that help, now clarity to how we are looking at the markets today? >> john: absolutely, i understand the whole thing, top to bottom, soup to nuts, i've got it. >> sandra: it's anybody's guess. a lot has to do with how the fed manages this, and how aggressive they'll be, how much pain it inflictshort-term for engerhorte ermgain >> john: tap the brakes i think is the old adage, right? >> sandra: there you go. >> john: don't go into a screaming four wheel lock slide like in nascar, unless you slide across the finish line. white house briefing set for the top of the hour. the white house will not condemn the leak of that draft of the supreme court ruling even though democratic senator from virginia mark warner just did on the program. today will the white house condemn the latest call from far left activists to take the fight against opposing opinions to the supreme court justices homes? >> sandra: we will speak to someone very familiar with what goes on in that briefing room, and what happens when political disagreements turn personal. kayleigh mcenany next. >> people should not serve in public life and feel outrageous extremists have license to physically and verbally attack public officials. 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>> john: nobody better to ask than kayleigh mcenany just ahead. >> sandra: who is behind the groups attacking the supreme court. kelly o'grady has that for us. >> hi, sandra, about dark money. liberals have long accused conservatives are funding, but now their own agenda and playing out how groups are targeting the supreme court. white house linked dark money group demand justice pushing to expand the court and a number of groups like ruth sent us and for choice, aim at the pending decision and you find yourself down a rabbit hole hopping from organization to organization, some dark money experts say the source is the george soros' backed arabella advisors. an they can produce little pop-up entities that are based on the issues of today. so, whether or not, if today we are dealing with the supreme court draft leak, in a week we might be dealing with something else. >> it's not a new tactic, just a new focus. hundreds of millions were raised in 2020, majority donated by dems, and now coming for free speech as well, and urging twitter to boycott if elon musk will not have the censorship standards, questioning who is behind it and and he tweeted interesting. i wonder if those sending organizations are fully aware of what they are doing. if you follow the funds, dems are leveraging dark money, if not more. >> sandra: kelly, thank you, john. >> john: "outnumbered" co-host kayleigh mcenany. >> good to see you, john. >> john: jen psaki was asked if she would denounce the leak draft from the supreme court. >> does the white house condemn explicitly condemn this leak and seeing this draft -- [inaudible] >> i don't think we have a particular view on that other than to say we certainly note the unprecedented nature of it. >> john: i don't think we have a particular view on that. should we view it as tacit support? >> kayleigh: yes, and if you don't give a specific answer to a question, it's a hypothetical i'm not going to answer that, it leaves room for television networks, newspaper reporters, to inject a nondenial in there, and this is indeed tacit approval of this, she could have said what mark warner said, dick durbin, we don't like the leak, first time in modern supreme court, nevertheless, we don't like roe vs. wade being overturned and hope it's not the case, she could have said that but didn't. >> john: in total, you have the white house talking about not so much the leak as the substance of the opinion, the leak is a significant part of this, and garland saying we fully support a woman's right to choose, without commenting on the threats against the supreme court justices. >> kayleigh: it begs the question. if you don't have a particular view of the leak, the question should be do you have a particular view of these calls by left wing activists who marched in the homes of justices, three of which are in virginia, as mark hemingway points out, it's illegal to protest in front of a private home in virginia. if you are not going to denounce the leak you must provide protection for the supreme court justices, do something, at least a verbal denouncing of the leak, and sinema was chased into a bathroom and joe biden said it was part of the process. is marching to the supreme court homes now just another part of the process. >> john: we mentioned senator mark warner from virginia on the program a little while ago i asked him about the lack of denouncing the leak and he came out full throated in condemning the leak. let's rewind the tape and show you what he said just a minute ago. >> i completely condemn the leak and whoever leaked it, you know, should be prosecuted. i don't have the foggiest idea who did it. whoever did it ought to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. but let's not jump to the conclusion, i've seen all the theories, and again, this is the kind of, i think, cheapening of america where rules, morals, morrays, undermine on a constant basis. >> john: why can't the white house do the same thing? >> kayleigh: it a fair question, why can't they? the court, venerable, and unprecedented in nature, the early leak of justice breyer's retirement, i don't know if it came from the white house, i don't know if it came from the supreme court but definitely was a leak there, they should say something, not only that, jen psaki was asked twice yesterday about whether the white house will accept the legitimacy of the supreme court opinion, a dodge there, and not accepting the legitimacy of the opinion, not condemning the leak, and today, what are you going to say about the protestors marching to private homes. >> john: this seems to happen to conservatives. during the trump administration, sarah sanders was kicked out of a restaurant in charlottesville, and another was mocked and her home protested, you ran into problems as well. this happens by and large when far left protestors say we are going to take it personal and remember what maxine waters said, get up in their face. >> kayleigh: that's right, i had to leave my private home in florida, unfortunately, amid the summer of unrest, got a call from the police, i had to leave my apartment in d.c. after the knights of st. john's church burned, so yeah, absolutely, if you are on the right you have experienced it, and the left has experienced it, but a problem almost exclusively of late trump administration officials and now supreme court justices. >> john: kayleigh mcenany, great of you to spend time with us today. see you tomorrow on "outnumbered." sandra, it does seem to happen with greater frequency to people on the right than the left. >> sandra: you ask yourself, what if it was liberal justices in the court that were targeted at this moment, what would be said, what would be done about it today. just put in a request to our d.o.j. producers, asked them any statement, any comment from the department of justice on the conservative justices being docked, their home addresses published? unfortunately, they have not heard anything. there is no statement, no comment, nothing. and, there was a presser that just happened but no one asked the attorney general about that, just about the investigation into the leak and then there was a nonanswer that resulted. can you imagine that, not even a question on it in that room, or a statement from the d.o.j. >> john: see if jen psaki gets something. >> sandra: twist in the attack on comedian dave chappelle, the attacker rushed the stage and the comedian with a gun. wait until you hear what he has been charged with from the infamous district attorney george gascon. there's a powerful va benefit that veterans have earned, but many don't even know about. it's the va home loan benefit. as a veteran, you're eligible to apply for a refinance loan for up to 100% of your home's value. not just 80% like other loans. the newday 100 va loan lets you refinance your mortgage, consolidate your high-rate credit card debt, get cash and lower your payments an average of $600 a month. so if you need money to take care of your family, use the valuable va home loan benefit you've earned with your service. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit out-of-state corporations wrote matchinan online sportsiption. betting plan they call "solutions for the homeless". really? the corporations take 90 percent of the profits. and using loopholes they wrote, they'd take even more. the corporations' own promotional costs, like free bets, taken from the homeless funds. and they'd get a refund on their $100 million license fee, taken from homeless funds, too. these guys didn't write a plan for the homeless. they wrote it for themselves. >> john: fox news alert, breaking news in israel, at least three people were killed in a stabbing attack near tel aviv. police say they suspected it was a militant attack. here are some pictures from the scene, ambulances and the police on scene. apparently the assailant fled in a vehicle. security forces have set up roadblocks in the area where it occurred, this is in a town just east of tel aviv proper. emergency service said three were killed, four others wounded. two of the wounded remain in serious condition. we'll keep looking into this with our jerusalem bureau and let you know the latest as things develop. sandra. >> sandra: we'll keep our eye on that for sure. another fox news alert, the suspect who went on stage and tried to attack dave chappelle will not face felony charges, even though he was armed. jonathan. >> sandra, 23-year-old isaiah lee was arrested in the first place on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon after rushing the stage and charging dave chappelle. it is a fake gun with a knife attached. but the office of district attorney george gascon has decided not apparently, according to the reporting of the l.a. times, to pursue felony charges and the reasoning, according to the times, is that isaiah lee did not actually brandish the weapon as he attacked dave chappelle. it was instead just in his bag. so now these charges will go, or these potential charges will be decided by the l.a. city attorney's office, which means at most isaiah lee will only be facing a misdemeanor charge. obviously george gascon's office have been criticized for what some believe is a lenient appreciate to violent crime in the city of l.a. this will give more grit to the mill of those who are critics of george gascon, of course. but the bottom line, according to the reporting of "l.a. times," the district attorney here in l.a. will not file felony charges against isaiah lee who is the man police say charged dave chappelle on stage at the hollywood bowl, sandra. >> sandra: ok, thank you very much. certainly something we will continue to follow. jonathan, thank you. john. >> john: fox news alert, federal law enforcement taking over in the manhunt for an escaped murder suspect and the jail boss accused of helping him bust out. fair had a "special relationship." steve is tracking this live in our southeast newsroom. what's the latest on all this, steve. >> john, they have had a lot of success so far, hundreds of tips come in but just one verified sighting of the two and that's when they were in the patrol car minutes after leaving the jail. they were able to swap cars in a parking lot. the corrections officer, vicky white prepurchased and prepositioned a ford suv along the route, and learning more about the special relationship between the confessed murderer and the corrections official. at the very least, she was giving him extra food as a prisoner. the sheriff says there was no proof the relationship was physical but did say they communicated for the past two years. here is the sheriff. >> did confirm in this case that casey white was in our building in 2020, he was returned to the department of corrections in 2020, while he was in the state penitentiary they did have contact with each other multiple times. >> this escape on day seven, might be a cash-only operation. vicky white sold her house just 12 days before the escape at a steep discount. back to you. >> john: steve, thank you. >> sandra: pat diaz, former miami-dade homicide detective. seems they have a lot of tips, only one verified sighting so far. do you believe they will get to the bottom of this? >> yes, because when you have the u.s. marshals involved in any case, they are the best in the world. i've handled cases with them and fugitives think they can get away with things. marshals will track you down and a lot of the stuff is behind the scenes. using cash is -- using the cash is what normally they will try to do, thinking the marshals will not be able to catch up with them. but they will look at electronics, everything she's done six months and a wide dragnet on all family members, his and hers, this is going to be multi-state jurisdiction for the marshals looking out for them. >> you know, when you look at the surveillance tape, seeps as though she was trying to make it look like a prisoner transfer when she brought him out, he was still shackled, she put him in the back of the car and she got in driver's seat and drove away. i'm not sure what she was thinking trying to throw people off the trail. it did seem as she planned for this quite a while. people say she had a stack of cash and told her house a couple weeks before all of this took place, maybe thinking of heading to florida, but you know, tremendous amount of law enforcement in florida, places you can hide, but some point she will pop up, i would think. >> the first thing you do when you look at the way she put him in the car, normal transport you are grabbing his arm, you are controlling him. she let him basically open the door, walk in the car and get in. right there immediately you knew something was up. and coming to florida, that's doubtful. i would say she's heading south towards the border, more so than coming to florida. here in florida the sheriff's office, the fdle are on top of everything. so -- he's going to stand out. >> john: you think headed to texas and then south to mexico? >> my guess is go to texas. a lot more wide open. florida, a possibility you'll get stopped, like i said, he's very noticeable. 6'9", and she's 5'5", that's the disadvantage they have. somebody spots that combination, she can change the color of her hair, he can shave his hair, but the height disadvantage will bring tips in. >> sandra: tip line, 800-336-0102. this is a dangerous person we are dealing with, 2015, a jealous rage over an ex-girlfriend, he rushed into the house where she was staying, according to court documents. he brandished two pistols after a confrontation with her roommates, opened fire. she escaped unharmed but he killed a pet dog in the process. and two children were hiding in the basement. then led police on a chase across state lines. ultimately sentenced to 75 years in prison. seven felony counts in that case. so you reference the u.s. marshals on the case, sir, and just got the news a short time ago from our producer at the d.o.j. saying the u.s. marshals are the lead agency seeking to capture both fugitives. they are armed and regarded as extremely dangerous says the d.o.j. we need help from the community. if anybody sees them, they should not approach them but report it to the police immediately. that's an important part of finding them, sir. >> i agree, i agree. she apparently had an ar-15 on duty weapon she may be in possession with. no doubt it may be a shootout situation if they are stopped. i don't believe he's going to go back willingly. not this time around. >> john: pat, one thing i'm wondering is the special relationship the two of them had. apparently it was not a physical relationship, at least according to the local sheriff there, and i'm wondering, did casey white potentially cultivate the relationship with her in hopes that he could curry favor with her to get more meals or maybe get sprung and now that they are out, do you think her life might be in danger? >> without a doubt. i've seen this in my career where these criminals are hardened. they know how to get to people, emails to her, crying to her all day long about how he's innocent, making her feel sorry for him, that he's the innocent victim, no doubt that she could have been under his spell and very fearful of him, period. >> sandra: ok, pat diaz, appreciate you joining us. we had the tip line up there, hopefully more tips come in and get to the bottom of this. thank you very much, sir. >> john: back to israel, live pictures at the scene, this is in ilad, just east of tel aviv, medics say at least three people were killed in a stabbing attack. they believe this was a militant attack. we have not heard much about that in israel for a while now. used to happen with stunning regularity. apparently the assailant fled in a vehicle. the local police forces and security forces have roadblocks up in the area. they are pretty good at tracking these folks down. so maybe they have a suspect in mind already, perhaps they will have one soon. apparently three people killed, four others wounded in this attack and two of those wounded remain in serious condition. >> sandra: and some color from the "new york times," the third attack on israeli jews in less than a week. there was just an update, briefing from the police commander on the ground saying this was four israelis killed in a knife and car ramming attack. attacker rammed and killed a cyclist with his car outside of a gas station before entering the station and stabbing a woman to death. attacker returned to his car, drove to a nearby shopping center and stabbed three women, one of whom died, the commander said. attacker then drove to a nearby roundabout, crashed into a second car, stabbed to debt a fourth civilian. and two tried to stop him, and they shot him. the attacker later died of his wounds. that is the update from a police spokesman a short time ago, john. >> john: this would appear to be a multi-location attack, not just in this one area here where we see the ambulances and the police services. of course ilad is known as an ultra orthodox town, authorities believe it was a militant attack. not that the people were specifically targeted, but maybe this was something that was a random act of opportunity. as you mentioned, sandra, there was a vehicle, a ramming that was involved here. did the ramming lead to the attack, was the ramming part of the attack, these are details we don't yet know at this point. >> sandra: and we will keep our eye on that, obviously, the situation on the ground there in israel, with an update coming up. and before we finish off here, john, a quick look at the markets. we have been following the dow, promising we would do so. down about 1200 points at this hour. and john, you and i were talking that what has not gone away since the fed made its aggressive moves yesterday, resulted in a rally and inflation is still here and seen in polling, most americans expect it to stay around for quite system time. oil is over $108 barrel. natural gas, all-time high. diesel prices, also at an all-time high. so until you actually see the prices of those types of commodities come down, john, this is an extremely challenging economic environment. and you are seeing that. >> john: we were chatting a short time ago, fuel prices not to come down until there is a resolution to the situation in ukraine, given the fact that russia is a giant gas station with a government attached to it. and how long that's going to go on is anybody's guess. vladimir putin's hopes for a swift takeover of ukraine and decapitation of its government and puppet regime likely not to happen any time soon. a long and grinding fight. does putin have designs on the entirety of ukraine, a long time to answer and until they are answered and there is an end to all of this, fuel prices likely to stay up near where they are. >> sandra: and the uncertainty is pushing up the wall street fear gauge as they call it. the vics, we have used to watch where the fear level is in the marketplace. john, it's up 22% today on pace to finish above a level of 30. that's pretty remarkable. but if you are a contrarian, that could be a buying sign. just saying. >> john: down on tuesday, up on wednesday, and now down again today. what will tomorrow hold, anybody's guess. market seems to be looking for both good news and bad news here. >> sandra: and the white house briefing room, big questions. i'm sandra smith. >> john: i'm john roberts. "the >> martha: thanks. good afternoon. i'm martha maccallum. it appears the strategy is this, blame president trump and his supporters. that's what is emerging as democrats and president biden struggle under the weight of problems that are too complex to fix in the short term. >> let me tell you about this maga crowd. they're really the most extreme political organization that has existed in american hiy.

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, Navy Installations , Swing District , Hampton Roads , Another , Candidate , Constituents , Virtue , Living , Police Presence , Life , Mr , Impeachment , Senators , Security Entities , Amen , Secret Service , Spectrum , Officials , Extremists , Won T , License , John Public Pressure , Idea , Agenda , Votes , Si Hope , Wing , Outrage , Potential , Law , Conclusion , Theories , Extent , Morals , Foggiest , Cheapening Of America Where Rules , End , Saying , John Why Isn T , Argument , Fronts , Senator , Right , Chance , Heck , Wall Street , Attack , Slowdown , Figures , Mode , Heat , Backlash , Maga Agenda , Slew , Disinformation , Race Theory , Mary Poppins , Stay , Oh Ozempic , Disinformers , Hot Button Issues , Profit , Oh , A1c , Adults , Heart Disease , 7 , Death , Stroke , Heart Attack , Type 1 Diabetes , Isn T , Events , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Pens , Reuse , Share , 2 , 1 , Side Effects , Help , Reaction , Don T Take Ozempic , Stomach Pain , Lump , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Swelling , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Pancreatitis , Needles , Stop Ozempic , Changes , Blood Sugar Risk , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Type 2 Diabetes , Sulfonylurea , Dehydration , Provider , Prescription , Health Care Provider , Quarrel , Lover , Sort , 25 , 3 , Tools , Invested , Each Other , Green Energy , Job , Power , Project Managers , Projects , Candidates , Diabetes , Shortlist , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Job Criteria , Highs , Brand , Lows , Blood Sugar , Creativity , Spirit , Glucerna , Symptoms , Bipolar , Ask , Take Control , Episodes , Depressive , Vraylar , Manic , Children , Relief , Muscles , Antidepressants , Dementia , Fever , Patients , Issues , Muscle Movements , Cholesterol , Confusion , Restlessness , High Blood Sugar , Weight Gain , Stomach , Coma , Sleepiness , Movement Dysfunction , Abbvie , Florida , Taking Aim , Tax Plan , Ultra Maga Agenda , Remarks , Dow Board , Rick Scott , Biden Ramping , Plan , Taxes , Result , Three Pinocchios , Factors , Wage Growth , Border , Supply Chain Problem , Energy Independence , Fuel Costs , Opportunities , Ceiling , Diesel , Container Ships , Satellite View , Sake , Ocean , Globe , Tankers , 73 Billion , 173 Billion , Supply Chain , Inseperably , Talks , Ceos , Working Class , Tornado , Ear , Factory Floor , Consumer , Reserve , Demand , Whether , Question , Washington Post , Statement , Claim , Larry Kudlow , Government Spending , Oil , Gas , Regulations , Heaven Sakes , Schumer , Both , Shouldn T , Big , Xebt , Nikki Haley , Wisdom , Respect , Friend , He , On Air , Some , Fracking Fields , Fuel , Base , Petroleum , Sports , Major , Accomplishment , Plastics , Port Issues , Big One , Situation , Control , Dow Down , Supply Chain Crisis , 915 , Trading , Thought , Stock , Facts , Guidance , Day Trader , Pat , Staying Put , Ups And Downs , Program , Interest , Don T Know , Peak , 68000 , 1400 , 368000 , Turbulence , Interest Rate , Bob S , Mortgage , Hope , Handle , 10 , Kevin Mccarthy , Phone Calls , Audio Recording , House Minority Leader , Riot , Capitol Hill , Chad , 6 , January 6th , Tapes , President Elect , Nation , Reach Out To Biden , Transition , Office , 25th Amendment , Conversations , Options , Removal , Vice President , Scholars , Letter Overruling , Cabinet , Disability , Remedy , It Doesn T Address A , Actions , Former , Standing , Standing Ovation , Committee Report , Hearings , Donald Trump , Middle , Release , Jr , 1 6 , Majority , Size , Expertise , Speaker , Call , Suspect , Murder , Kayleigh Mcenany , Jail Guard , Relationship , Authorities , Guess , Prison , Obvious , Man , Bottom , Sfx , Chevy Silverado , Ding , Babe , Find , Truck , Style , Door , Interior , Find New Roads , Dems Are Leveraging Dark Money , Veteran Homeowner , Call Newday Usa , Newday Va Home Loan , Powerful Va Home Loan , Rising , Need , Money In The Bank , Credit Card Debt , Paymentsby , Kitchen Table , 600 , Newday Usa , Officer , County Sheriff , Relationships , Alabama Jail , Hundreds , Steve , Manhunt , Pair , Atlanta , Seven , Parking Lot , Suv , Patrol Car , Courthouse Area , Guard , Swap , Ford , Vicky White , Sheriff , Food , Casey White , Convict , Front , Back Seat , Evidence , Inmates , On The Run , Facility , Escape , 200000 , 00000 , 5000 , 95000 , Ban , Gender Identity , Corrections Officer , Homicide Detective , Teachingdown Kids , Pete Diaz , Miami , Classroom , Sexual Orientation , States , Half , Suit , Mom , Journal , Success , Senior Columnnist , Kayak Denier , Next , Kayak , Deals , Hundreds Of Travel Sites , Cars , Research , Flights , Hotels , Todd , Graduations , Arr , Holidays , Cards , Chase Freedom Unlimited , Search One , Seaat Drugstoresone , Big Time With Chase Freedom Unlimited , Confidence , Drugstore , Fee , Drink , Protein , Landowner , Glucose Control , Blood Sugar Levels , Muscle Health , Hunger , Hunter , Landscaper , Kubota , Walking , Equipment , Cosentyx , Infections , Infection , Tuberculosis , Ability , Vaccine , Rheumatologist , Crohn S Disease , State Corporations , Profits , Math , Promises , Californians , Sports Betting , Draftkings , Ballot Measure , Fanduel , 90 , Homeless , Loopholes , Scheme , Arizona , Eight , Ron Desantis , Rights , Education , Media Slamming Florida , California , Polling , Poll , Kindergarten , Teachers , Columnist , Josh , Bill May Have Support Nationwide , Gender , Supporters , Respondents , Head , Sailing , Wind , 55 , 41 , Parents , Middle School , Kids , Midterms , Silent Majority , Elementary School , Traditional Media Gloms On , Favor , Race , Tabs , 72 , Rights Issue , Hispanics , Catholics , 60 , Water , Tune , Position , Moderates , Cross Tabs , 52 , 37 , Side , Classic , Culture War Issues , Equation , Parent , Quality , Turnout , Learning , Wife , 5th Grade , Grade , Mouth , Gender Gap , Folks , High School , Teaching , 70 , Type , Curriculum , Dads , Always , Moms , Department Of Homeland Security , Investment Ideas , Stats , Merrill , Baby , Tracks , Moderate , Ulcerative Colitis , Stelara , Cancer , Move , Serious , Injections , Dose , Lung Inflammation , Pres , Brain Condition , Skin Growths , Sores , Tb , Remission , Cost Support Options , Janssen , Mission , Nutrition , Strength , Energy , Woo Hoo , Line , Ubrelvy , Migraine Attacks , Minerals , Vitamins , 27 , Migraine , Older Medicines , Cause , Inhibitors , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Tiredness , Migraine Pain Relief Starts , Master , Staffing , Job Description , Indeed Instant Match , Home Prices , Records , Average , Veterans , Retirement , Bills , Breaking News , Track , Nasdaq , S P 500 , 401 , Averages , Each , Investors , Rate Hike , Red Flag , Markets , Direction , Surfacing , Nina Jankowicz , Hell , Jankowicz , Laptop , Hunter Biden , Qualifications , Crt , Dossier , Agency , Background , Terrorists , Steele , Alejandro Mayorkas , Google Search , Videos , Florida Attorney General , Briefing , Official , Reason , Expert , Either , Why Don T You Fire , Jim Heims , Responsibilities , Skepticism , Censor , Board , Gift , Hot Button , Misinformation , Purveyors , Plenty Of , Media Outlets , Secretary , Definition , Apolitical , Oath , Possession , Documents , Look Bad , Immigration Policies , Information Policies , Administration , Curtain , Jobs , Entirety , Exchange , Play , Veracity , Someone , Population , 2 Million , Truth , Mayorkas , 14 , Same , Homeland , Offenders , Drug Traffickers , District Court Judge , Terror Watch List , Nothing , Safe , Speed Bump , Southern Border , Dan Henninger , Disinformation Governance Board , Wall Street Journal , Act , Stairway , Smoke , Governor , State Leaders , Bullying , Tears , Agencies , Madam Attorney General , Opposite , Segment , Discussions , Georgia , Missouri , Louisiana , Alabama , Tennessee , Oklahoma , South Carolina , Iowa , Mother , Anywhere , Lead , Sentiment , Child , Attention , Instruction , School Age , Age , Leaders , Consequences , Show , Common Sense , Selloff , Ashley Moody , 1100 , Go Down , Worst , Break , Developments , Bank Of England , Germany , Successes , Motorcycle Insurer , Number One , Suck , Robert , Jamie , Savings , Gums , That S Right , Friends , Dr , Flo , Gary , Memories , Spin , Show Mom , Anti Fatigue Comfortmat , Round , Weathertech , Vehicle , Protector , Best , Colors , Finishes , Seat , Variety , Floorliner , Cargoliner , Cupfone , Gonna , Stop Rybelsus , Mother S Day , My A1c Wasn T At Goal , Ruby , Study , Rybelsus , Don T Take Rybelsus , Healthcare Provider , Turn , Newday 100 , Cash Out , Payments , Loan , Credit Union , Call Newday , Couldn T , Wifi , Girl , Devices , Bandwidth , Xfinity , Riding A Cheetah Fast , Unison , Slaying , Gaming , Mud , Stock Trading , Corner , June 2020 , Polls , Problems , Surprise , Budget Deficit , Grady , 350 Billion , 50 Billion , Restaurant Relief Bill , Chart , Context , Credit , Office Of Management And Budget , Biden S First Term , 1 5 Trillion , 5 Trillion , Programs , Spending , Pandemic , Trend , Committee , Competition Bill , Budget , Student Loan Debt Cancellation , Policy Proposals , China , Speech , Worth , World , Pressures , Gas Prices , Consequence , Federal Budget Deficit , Conversation , Nine , Disapproval Rating , American Tax Reform , 67 , What S Going On , Rally , 800 , Money Supply , Jimmy Carter , Poorer , Challenges , Pay Increases , Currency , It Doesn T , Addition , Businessman , Forecast , Grover , Cost , 2 Trillion , Recovery , Numbers , Great Point , Job Openings , Tweet , Cue , 11 5 Million , Costs , Sounds Great , Tax Increase , Richard Nixon , Europe , Obama , Warning , Energy Costs , European Average , 28 , 19 , 44 , Believe , Fallout , 45 , Incumbent , Accounts , Tv , Leave , Hedge , Stock Market Hit , Ira , Clarity , It S Anybody Guess , Soup To Nuts , Slide Like In Nascar , Engerhorte Ermgain John , Adage , Brakes , John Don T Go Into A Screaming , Top , Briefing Set , Draft Of The Supreme Court , Justices Homes , Opinions , Disagreements , Briefing Room , Fight , Not Checki , Helen , Exercise , Activity , Libre 2 , Glucose Levels , Glucose , Mystery , Medicare , Topic Of The Supreme Court , Groups , 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue , Kelly O Grady , Conservatives , Liberals , Dark Money , Dark Money Group , Organization , Experts , Rabbit Hole , Ruth , Aim , Pop Up Entities , Source , Arabella Advisors , George Soros , Supreme Court Draft Leak , Tactic , Something Else , Questioning , Well , Free Speech , Censorship Standards , Twitter , Elon Musk , Sending Organizations , Funds , John S Church Burned , Leak Draft , View , Nature , Inaudible , Kayleigh , Room , Newspaper Reporters , Television Networks , Nondenial , First Time In Modern Supreme Court , Approval , Dick Durbin , Wade Being , Substance , Supreme Court Justices , Woman , Left Wing , Mark Hemingway , Supreme Court Homes , Joe Biden , Bathroom , Sinema , Tape , Throated , Lack , Morrays , Fair Question , Venerable , Justice Breyer , Legitimacy , Dodge , Supreme Court Opinion , Sarah Sanders , Restaurant , Charlottesville , Maxine Waters , Of St , Apartment , Unrest , D C , Summer , Knights , Frequency , Comment , Producers , Presser , Doj John , Investigation , Nonanswer , Dave Chappelle , On Stage , Gun , Attacker , Twist , George Gascon , Powerful Va Benefit , Va Home Loan Benefit , Refinance Loan , Loans , Newday 100 Va Loan , 80 , Care , Va Home Loan , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Corporations , Visit Indeed Com Hire Out , Matchinan , Online Sportsiption , Bets , Solutions For The Homeless , Homeless Funds , Refund , License Fee , 00 Million , 100 Million , Stabbing Attack , Tel Aviv , Security Forces , Area , Scene , Assailant , Roadblocks , Pictures , Ambulances , Town , Condition , Wounded , Emergency Service , Bureau , Jerusalem , Felony Charges , Sure , Isaiah Lee , Weapon , Suspicion , Jonathan , 23 , Reporting , Knife , L A Times , Reasoning , Charges , L A City Attorney , Bag , In The City Of L A , Misdemeanor Charge , Mill , Lenient , Grit , District Attorney , Critics , L A , The Hollywood Bowl , Jail Boss , Newsroom , Fair , Tips , This , Vicky White Prepurchased , Route , Prepositioned , Prisoner , Murderer , Proof , Department Of Corrections , White , Contact , Building , State Penitentiary , Discount , Operation , Pat Diaz , Miami Dade , Marshals , Fugitives , Cases , Scenes , Dragnet , Electronics , Surveillance Tape , Family Members , Jurisdiction , Hers , Seeps , Car , Back , Driver S Seat , Heading , Stack , Law Enforcement , Amount , Something , South , Arm , Fdle , The Sheriff , Texas , Possibility , Mexico , 9 , Hair , Height Disadvantage , Disadvantage , Color , Combination , Tip Line , Confrontation , Court Documents , Rage , Ex Girlfriend , Pistols , 336 , 0102 , 2015 , 800 336 0102 , State Lines , Roommates , Chase , Basement , Pet Dog , Hiding , Opened Fire , Sir , Felony Counts , Lead Agency , Producer , 75 , Community , Doubt , Shootout Situation , Ar 15 , Hopes , Meals , Career , Victim , Spell , No Doubt , Medics , Ilad , Stunning Regularity , 1200 , 08 , 108 , 22 ,

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