Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240708 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240708

it is astounding. i don't love drowning you all in numbers. i hate that .to but i'm going toni make an exception tonight because it's that important. 66% disapproval for biden's handling of the economy. my question ismy who are these? 34% who approve of it as first great. and joe's answers for the middle class only 36% say he's helping with the middle class. that's down fromro a whole five percent from february. and americans see what's happening. ting i think look at this . they're getting poorer as daysys go on .ow they remember how biden's dimwitted treasury secretary janet yellen, number one , she just brushed off inflation concerns a year ago. we w made a big deal of it here on the angle and today we saw a historic rate hike, a a desperate move with terribleg consequences for hardworking americans. plus, interest rate hikes mean it will be more expensive to borrow money if i you are trying to buy a home. experts saymu the asking priceer may not be much higher than itha is now,t but the cost to buy that house is going to be higher because mortgage rates are going uppag. y that means many new homeowners will notot only be paying highe, interest on their mortgages but could also get less house for their money. oh great. land if you've built up some credit card debt over the past year, you've got credit card debt. >> it's going to cost you more if you're buying a car. it's going to cost you more because the rates of g the to borrow that money to get that car is going to go. ys that's infuriating. and just a few years ago you y all remember this trump economic optimism. back in november ,december 2019 it was climbing young americans minora 2. ou thesend women of all backgrounds had record low unemployment. those rising wages, no inflation, no no wars, cheap gas and now everything's going in the wrong direction. and on top of that , everyone's being told, oh ,t just lower your expectations. io many of us do to brace for these higher interest rates that are coming? we spoke to say if you can hold off on that major purchase of a house or car that you've been thinking about, hold that off for as longom as you can fore some , they say it's time to think outside the box regarding your living situation, living with relatives or sharing a residence with anyone else. they say they can havelp that cn help you ride out some of these rate hikes. yeah. you want h. to move back home le with mommy and daddy, right. >> so naturally this is an entire grim environment with a midterm wipeout looming for the democrats. they're just left to caterwaul g from stage left fear mongering and lying about the court'stu draft decision to overturn roe just like they did during it. make no mistake, this is about controlling women. far right politicians are working to restrictticians are y planning services, denying a wholee generation of women the freedom to plan for their future. now nevada's cortez masto haser no answers on new mexico's inflation, the illegalue immigration issue that's plaguing the statetes,. but she does have talking points from planned parenthood. yay. the issue is just returned to the states apparently d she doesn't understand how to read a legal draft opinion. second, the congresswoman or senator thinks so little of c women's intelligence that she believes women can only plan pregnancies by aborting their offspring. how insulting. and another effort to changenote the subjectff t came from the wn who's a heartbeat away from the presidency yet pretendsrt that liberation is found in stopping the heartbeats of the unborn. those republican leaders who are trying to weaponizes the use of the law against women well, we say how dare they ? how dare they tell a woman what she can do and cannot do with her own body? how dare they try to deny women their rights and their freedoms? >> she just hopes the prompterof doesn't t go down well, she's just another democrat who doesn't trust the voters to make decisions for themselves. she would rather have nine unelected justices make those decisions. well, until at least, the ruling went the other way. then she's left sputtering inane platitudes about bodilyil autonomy after she and her h party stiller try to force vaccines on women who didn't want them. none of this , by the way, is principled but she's so apoplectic about the gop tsunami that's about to swampt't them. she's even trying to convince you that the movement that resulted in 50 million babies being aborted is a way for it. patri >> it's patriotic ifot you stand for freedom for self-determination, forer the right to privacy, if you stand to these principles, stand with us because you think women's issues are america's let us fight for our country and for the principles upon which it was foundeded and let us fight with everything we have gotve. god bless you and god bless america. so nowam you're saying the principles on which it was founded, the country including aborting children. no one believes that it's not going to work. now back in the 70s, 80s, even into the 90s, many liberals supported abortion for sure. but now liberalism is defined by abortion. there no real pro-life p democrats in congress and good luck finding one in your friendi group liberals in 20 20 to have zero hesitation about things like selling out to china, that brutalizes women who are or christians or w who justho are women who want to have big families, liberals and 20 20 to line up with the military industrial complex which wants t war with russia liberals and 20 20 to support restrictions on movement citing climate change which is why they love the lockdown's liberals in twenty twenty tore support restrictions on speech under the bogus rationale ofti disinformation and those same liberalson who used to be about tolerance now cite hate speech to bar people fromli speaking in public to be part of public life. of course their definition of hate speech is purposelypose vag it's always changing. suffice it to say that liberalsg who say things that denigrate entire groups of americans basedd on political affiliationf they're never guilty of hateha speech. ey they've evolved and changed and gone one 80 liberals haveue on so many issues but not on this one . doesn't matter how much fetal medicine has improved or imaging or the wide array of a birth control that's available or the number of couplespe desperate to adopt democrats have become abortion fanatics. it's the most important issue among a handful of issues that make up their holy grail of issues. it'sha a dreary, dark world they're creating and one wherend women are the ones u who really end up suffering the most. the left's answer to everything is it's kind of summed by more pot, more , more abortions, more identity, indoctrination in schools, more racial recriminate, more american traditions trashed, more statues smashed, their idea of empowerment includes lovely activities likei slutwalkes origi. one leftist writer and salon recently argue that women's path to happiness meansea shrugging off prudenceci and proudly embracing promiscuityng. but i think women are onto this game and they're on to the game that the democrats have been playing for a while f now because they feelee they knw what life is getting harder for them and their families and know who's responsible. they're smart and as the who saying they're not going to be fooled again and that's angle. joining me now is amela a.b. prager, u. personality for a left wing activist and ohio republican congressional primary winner madisen jesse yodo gilberg, so wonderful to see both of you tonight . amla, i'm going to start with you. why does the left think that itt can appeal to women through this one issue which they equate with the again,fr the holy grail of freedom is the freedom to abort. does that work in the end? you know, i think it's it's not working on women who are wiser and have a little bit of wisdomr and life experience. but unfortunately as a young person myself, i'm 21g states working with young women. they're t selling them o on this emotional narrative that is nots based in fact, it's not based in science in convincing them that this lifestyle, that this attitude that this outlook on life is empowering l and something that they shoulddo be emboldened to do. a and it's not just when it comes to abortion. it's this whole radical feminist movement as a whole. feminism has accomplished what it has set out to achieve. we e are equal. there's no right that men havet in this country that i don't tt have. there's no privilege that they have that i don't have. but now radical feminism instead of saying, you know, we've accomplishedte acc let's n it aside and morphs into something new now we're teaching young womeny that they don't need love, they don't need protection. they god forbidth they have a family. in fact, they should just be subservient to corporationssh their entire life and not strive for anything based in american tradition. traditions or american foundations. and at the end of that , whend you arean depressed and anxious and sad, you mustt convinceyo yourself that you've been empowered and that you're happyu . >> it's so unfortunate and obviously the economicct picture that we're looking atee across the country that directlyin affects the womu who make a lot ofdg the budget decisions and families directlyi affects their choices and their ability to live the free lifee that they want toha live with te money that they normally could make. now madison, i want to remind our viewers who may have forgotten this moment on the angle four years ago. watch you or miss ohio for the miss usa pageant and you just took the bar past the bar.. congratulate. awesome.e. thank . you're going to go and be a lawyer. so many peoplemary who werees in these pageants competitions incredible. absolutely. they're going to be a huge success as a great babylon. ng well,ra congrats on the primary win last night i saw all thoseye years ago. he but why do you think that theree is this surge now in young women who are stepping forward and politics to answer madison the emily's list planned parenthood crowd? yes, thank you so much for and what a great moment from four years ago. i think the reality is that across the country women are fed up. nd sitting of on the sideline and we're sick of sitting back and watching career politicians destroy our lives. people in my district are fed up. they're feeling the impact of the bad policies coming from washington of the horrific disaster that isri by the administration of inflation, oft the lack of security on our southern border, the drugac crisis, an opioidk epidemic one again coming to the forefront here in ohio. and of course, on top of all ofi that , the energy crisis has us greatly. so these are the issues people are talking about on the ground and here in my district specifically, i think women aren fed up because the left in the mainstream want people to believe that they know what's best for women and they're going t to tell us what's goodim for us as if we can't think for ourselves very similar ton what you and i talked about t four years ago when talking about the miss america pageant and the misogyny a, the hypocriy of it, all of them telling women what they should and cannt do. ng and we're seeing o that right nw with what's going on . they want women to be one i isse voters. that's not the reality. women will be turning out as they did last nightse in incredible numbers for conservatives here in ohio be turning out i think in very similar numbersr in november because of the fact that they have been put in thish box by democrats who don't believe that they're able or that we're able to speak for ourselves on these issues. women are more democrats than they are republicans still, although the numbers have shifted somewhat and ohio has become like a flash point forat all these issues of globalization and so forth and especially your district. you ran that race so far really ,really smartly. amela, fortune magazine just published something that i'm so glad they published a shocking article recently about how inflation is hurting women at the grocery store . some are eating less in order to feed their families. the food inflation has to be taken into context. the goldberg ceo of hunger free america nonprofit working tofi end hunger in thet united states. about 75% of in twenty twenty one to the nonprofits 20 hotline weremo women and yetst of the democrats want to scream like elizabeth warren sending dogs to cover their ears across the country screaming at the supreme court that you know, every state is going to outlaw abortion. it's going to be over. you have no rights. all that's a lie. first of all, to let people not think that they're going to be able to surviveve the way the economy is still going or have them forget about. >> right, exactly. using the problems that they created to galvanize their own arguments. it's really unfortunate. i and for people who are w watchig this , what i willg call nothig more than political theater, aty should be able to look them and see that this is all farcical. it's all fake. elizabeth warren with their perfectly iron pink suit comingt out there and screaming at about abortion as if she cares. guys, your states are going to make these decisionsti and that'll be more representation for youon and wht unfortunately is going too happen is that these leftists are coming in . they're creatinggy'ti a terrific economy that's destabilized country and they're going to use that as a justificationio to push for more abortions and more pro abortionbortor legislation because they're going to look at young women and say, well, in this economy, you're goingin to want to bring kids right. and god forbid you even try tos buy a house because the corporations are buying them up. >> go ahead and abort that child. that's what they will do. yeah, it's an economic entity. it's not a human being with a soul. i'm a man and great to see bothw of you.heme and speaking ofdi ohio or madison, just one republicans who are eager for war should reflect on jd vance's senate t primary win last night, not foro the past few months. his position on the conflict between russia and ukraine was tagged as extreme and unpopular by the typical establishment typess in the media. but as usual, they were lying to you. it is not america first to give joe biden more power. it isme not america first to ignore the problems of your own country and to focusus instead on ukraine.n and it is not america first to allow our sons and daughters toi die in a war that is not in our national interest enough with the war mongering, enough with the escalation. let's focus on our own citizens, our own problems and bingo republican voters do not want war with russia period. i don't think democrat votersus who either in general what they do want is a government focused on helping americans. that was trump's whole point. that's why trump d gotonald tr d and not borrowing untold billions from china and other countrieswings to fight a proxy war against china's ally. russia makes no sense. >> have you seen the streets of american cities latelyy? philadelphia, baltimore, chicago, our nation's capital , l.a. instead of cleaning up our own housesat, our ruling class s set to approve another thirty three billion dollars in aid to ukraine. how could you ever be against that ? well, let's look at exactlyur what your hard earned dollars are going to fund in thirty three billion dollars. turns out $ not just bullets and bombs. it gives the department of homeland security the authority to puto afghan refugees, including spouses and children on an immediate pathway too citizenship. e and one of the most egregious line items it takes eight point five billion to fight, among other things disinformedth aroud the globe. what if you are your gop candidates want to win. they need to o call this out and they need to call it out now jd vance could have joined the old guard republicans and supported unlimited aid to eastern europe. but he won by sticking tors the american first agenda. all right. come and remember, if you can't watch us live, you know, cometo on , you got to watch us live. but if he can't make sure hit that series dvr series or dvr and you won't miss any episode m of the ingram angle every d weeknight at 10 p.m. have your children do it if you . n't know how toon but up next , joe biden took a wrecking ball to our economy, forcedo d the fed, though, to do something it hasn't done now in twenty years. plus, while the left has made it its mission to destroy elon musk, whylon allowing an actual predatory billionaire to tear this country down would explain a little later joe biden would bring pressure to define this . yelitza, you don't want hi, my name is hank norten. i'm a veteran of both the iraq and afghanistan wars and a managing partner with the napoli's gulik law firm. if you were a loved one , lived or worked at a military base and been diagnosed with liver disease, a compromised immune system, high cholesterol or high blood pressure, a thyroid disease or or kidney cancer, your illness may be the result of exposure to contaminated drinking water at a military base caused by peachfuzz, a toxic chemical used for fire-fighting and fire suppression. at these bases, lawsuits are now being filed against the manufacturers this fall. and my firm nappily skolnick is taking the lead in this litigation. if you were a loved one , lived or worked at a military base and have been diagnosed with a serious disease caused by plaz, you may have a claim against the manufacture who contaminated the base's drinking water. veterans need to be protected and as a veteran myself i am committed to protecting your rights. please call for more information and thank you for your service. what do you do? pride on defense one justice and lcp we him 20% million chance is something wrong? is one chance for everything to work on you and the whole thing done. are you ready? so successful a.m. hosted by eric stonestreet. oh that was hard to watch any time on these platforms. a heart attack. do they have life insurance? no, but we have life insurance john. i'm trying to find something we can afford. fortunately in only a few minutes select put down john a five hundred thousand dollar policy for only twenty nine dollars a month and his wife and a five hundred thousand dollar policy for only twenty one dollars a month go to select now and get the insurance your family needs at a price you can for select quotes we shop you save doctor's orders. tonight i want to go navigate the world of earning, saving and investing. invest in your best investment green light joe biden's damage to akana and american sentimente has been as broad as it is swift now in a new york new fox news polll 77% of americans say the economy is in bad shape and more than twicewice as many also say they are worse offan financially than they were two years ago. now in response to runaway inflation t today the federal reserve took its most aggressive interest rate hike in more than 20 years. now, w despite the reality we al see just looking at us , the fed's own version of baghdad, bob says that look, it's all roses and sunshine. the economy is just doing doing fairly well. it's we expect growth to be to be solid this year. it's a strong economy and nothing about it i suggestst that it'ss that it's close to or vulnerable to a recession. lau: here now, kevin hassett, former chair of the council of economic advisors and a visiting fellow at the hoover institution. kevin , you were on last week, i believe on the show four go.s yeah. explaining why we were already in a recession. noww powell said the economy strong today. has anything changed your mind on your analysis of a month agom ?? >> yeah, that's right. so we got the report on how gdp's doing, you know, which is the national incomee and in a recession it shrinks in a boom, it grows and it was negative one point four percent. you know, this is long after a you and i talked and i said we're probably in a recession already. and to put that in perspectiveha ,i looked back all the way to a the second world war in 94% of the time. if you had a decline in gdp that largeth, you were about to have a recession or already in recession. 94% of the time.f and so we've got a number that's so bad that ninety four percent of the time it signaled that we're in a recession or about to enter one andab it's just not responsible i thinky for jay who i like very much. i had lunch with him when i was the chairman of the council of economic advisors. but i think on thisfor one he's incorrect or being poorly served by the staff. the fact iss that biden has donc and wean go into the details any enormous amount of damage toco the economy and it's showing not only in the inflation numbers but in the income numbers and the output numbers. now people aren't even buying our cars anymore because they don't have the moneyg j. the interest rates. are going up, cars, houses, it's going to affect us across the board or people who have to borrow and listen to how the treasuryre secretary janet yellenas w responded when she was pressed again about inflation. it's a time that president biden was inaugurated. weug had an economy where forecasters were envisioning very high unemployment foron a very long time. when you look at the labor market now and you see the state didn't in its this is really a measure of m huge success to call this economy the economy off this president a huge successug. mi >> is that you know or am i missing something here? it is no, no. the thing that she's hiding is that the unemployment rate is very low. but forecasters saw that coming. in fact,owow you probably hearde larry kudlow say like far too many times. right. he said excessively v shapedac recovery and that means that we're going right back upk. and we did. and so biden inherited a v shaped recovery. the unemployment rate is stills low. but the reason is that there are so many peoplesoe that left the labor force during covid't that haven't gone back in that youha don't count as unemployed unless you're looking for a job. and so the numbers o people there, the percentage of americans that actually have jobs is way below where it was before crtv it hasn't recovered at all and that's why there are these what they call supplyve chain disruptions because we don't have enough workers to get people to stuff. ev well,in kevin , i will take isse with you on that because if that was a case, real wages would be going up real wages, median wages and income are not going up not to meet inflation. so if you believe in supplyes and demand, wages should be up. i know a lot of a lot of your fancy friends want to keep, wages low. >> we like wages going up as they were during our wages. okay. allhe right. well, but they are declining sharply. you're right. they are declining sharply right now. real wages. i just got my economics degree via kevin hassett. kevin , i know this . good to see you. okay. thank you very much. the american people say this the elections this november will have consequencesay because the righn of 100 million women are now on the ballot to help to help fight this awful decision. i urge every american to make their voices heard this week and this year. democrats like schumer, of course, say they believe that this big role reversal l and the leak from the court is kind of just paper over all the destruction they've caused supply chain inflation, wages not keeping up with inflation butt they're wrong and we have the evidence. the day after justice ruth bader ginsburg died, democratic donors contributed more than 30 million into democratic campaigns and groups say their chief fundraising arm in the day after the draft opinion a leak, though they took in just nine million here now arkansas senator tom cotton. senator , that's one barometerte that may be the emotion can't of the leak can't override the cold hard facts of what's happening to the family budget . you've been on capitol hill. you've witnessed the emotional t turmoil that they are trying to create. will this work? no, it won't. s they're looking for any harbor in the storm because they can see how unpopular joe biden and the democratic agenda is. know, first they're saying that this is going to motivaters so many of their far left progressive voters. well, what do b they think it will do to millions and millions of devout pro-life activists who have toiled in the vineyards forrd years to protect innocent unborn children, to finally see the fruits ofhe their labor? our voters are going to be galvanized this fall if this opinion is in fact the final decision of the court. second, for all those peoplee who aren't activists on the issue, what do they think it'soe going to do when they see just how extreme democrats have become supporting late term partial birth abortion and other gruesome practices? and then third, as you were saying with kevin hassett, for all voters, of course, there's still the fact that they can't for gas or electricity or food,s they certainly can't for kidsm on summer vacation or put them in summer camp. they crime in their streets. they see a border in chaos. so the democrats are still on path to an electoral wipeout this now your colleague joe manchin, he's always the focus of so much ofbo consternationth on both parties. but w he said when he was askedk if roeed will be the defining issue this november, this is what he saidis. e inflation is the number one factor i believe in my state right now. it's hurting everybody just at the pump. but it'she p a a grocery store.t it'she a drugstore at the pharmaceutical, everything they do. >> well, the voters of west virginia are overwhelmingly pro-life, are they not, senator ? he's listening to his constituents. they're watching the bill at the gas pump. soes there's no question about that . in fact, joe and i were havinghi a conversation today. we're talking about which state is more pro-life could claim the mantle of most pro-life state in the union. and i think i it's a close run thing between arkansas and west virginia. and what joe here in west virginia is what i hear allsa across arkansas. so many familiess. are strugglig in the last week of the monthrt to pay the mortgage to make a car payment, to pay the bills, to put food on the table much less to have any extra money left over to save a little bit or to takee s kids out to a movie or to go to on a summer vacation and again ,that's the main issue. there are other issues as well in addition to rising crime and a border in chaos and again, if this is the finald decision of the court, i think the democrats will notem be able to conceal just how extremeon they have become on the issue of abortion in recent years,fa far beyond where they are or at least what they said they were the case for the benefit of public opinion in thenion clintn era that abortion should be safe, legal, legal. now that'ss why. many democratic senators today say it should be rare. now they celebrate it, giving a standing ovation in albany. but remember the new york state legislature celebrating d a standing ovation. ralph northam, weri know the drill. senator , great to see you tonight . and got a clue tonight with endv segment. i know youe no love the segment now. thank you for tweeting about it. okay, end of the show. we'll reveal the answer. but here's the clue. what group is the american government trying to attract a with , well, nude photostt. okay, tweet me your guesses at ingraham angle. don't do research and we'll see if we get it right. all right. but up next , the dangers of putting on a show for the white house correspondents wobbly liberators and even comedians. >>on raymond arroyo has it all seen and unseen next . when i'm on my hands and knees and i'm digging 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nation's most distinguished super spread event, not for real people.? what are we doing here? let's be honest. what are we doing like none of you learn anything from the gridiron dinner. nothing, huh? do your?i do read any of your on newspapers is needed for admission but the tedious affair revealed more than i think. ipants t imagine they attempted to pass this nerd prom off as the oscars on the potomac from washington. it's the white house correspondents dinner with special appearancest by gayle king, ceciliaia vega, garmisch alcindor, the president of the united . ates laura , you can't make this stuff up over at cnn. j they convey jenna was here as well. if you're a fan of succession, there was one of the i'm blanking out jerry jerry from succession. > doe anyone believe that the people trying to afford gas and put food on the table care of jerry from succession is dining with these pampered dc t journalists and politicos? i it all of whom, by the way, failed people in various they suppress stories they didn't like. they spent like drunkene kardashians and now we've entered a recession. so why are they congratulating >> what is the topic? preventing the next pandemic. i have some questions. why should america trust a man who rejected at times basic science. >> polarization and conspiracy theories that are out there with that fabric on shared trust. and p.m. is an outlier partly because of trust. i think they are out of mask wiring where politeness. if you will be near to someone even before the pandemic, they had a lot of mask breaks. >> laura: why should americans trust someone who puts fake in. cpp after all available evidence? >> shouldn't we be careful about safety. it is quitesa clear that through animals and bats, this also was one step in between that came from bats. so it will keep happening, particularly with -- >> laura: that virus wasn't manipulated at all. why should americans trust someone who is worried about elon musk plan with speech and debate? >> goals for what it ends up being will match this idea of left screen and also spreading so quickly. weird conspiracy theories. does he share that goal or not? >> laura: what goal? total issues that you and your gatekeepers command? and elon musk might be the richest man in the world but the good billionaires are dead set on making sure the most powerful. and we should start asking why. here founder and ceo ned ryan. good to see you. given. all those behaviors, how in the world does gates remain in this rarefied air and all the networks? >> because he is the useful billionaire for the lift. you have george soros useful for radical d.a. being put into power, mark zuckerberg useful to rig elections and bill gates is useful on a whole variety of fronts including some goals of reducing world population among other crazy ideas. look, they allll seem to forgets you mentioned, he is a creep. he was with jeffrey epstein and onto leader express and quite freak. all of the other things in which he is trying to force everybody to get dark with needles to get a therapeutic shot. and they are forgetting that because useful to them. but the part to me about elon musk, his old sins, his faults the temerity to stand up and you know what i will go to my twitter and make it a free speech platform and alle these laughs lose their mind and scream authoritarianism. and the amazing part to me elon musk is saying i'm not forcing you to do anything. i'm not forcing the vaccine mandates but i'm proposing free speech. is think that is great and i'm all for it. i hold he makes its a free speeh platform. but the scary part of all of this on the broader picture is how do we get this place as a country that we hope they billionaire buys our rights back? i think that is a troubling place b for us to be in the country. >> laura: ned, speaking of elon musk, the daily mail is reporting george soros with clinton and obama staffers, europeanhi governments are behid the anti-musk campaign. your response to that? >> what a shock. no, the ruling class and corporate propaganda and the narrative to drive the narratives would get blown up b completely if musk is successful to turn twitter into a free speech platform here they want to be able to control. quite frankly, laura, many on the left the dirty little presents don't know what is best for them. we can't let them have freedom of speech and free flow of information for fear they might have the wrong ideas here that is why elon musk is a real threat to them because if you havepe the concept of free flowf information and freedom of speech and all these things, which by the way, we are guaranteeded as freedom born american people that is a threateningan idea to the left d billionaires like george soros and others. >> laura: every time he is asked about, are you tracking people with various technologies? bill gates laughs it that is another conspiracy. y thank you ned ryun, great to see you. and what proof is the american government trying to attract the new photo? that the fellowship is sending from israel directly into ukraine. this will feed the people inside of ukraine and the refugees on the border. food, medicine, warm clothing is needed now! the situation in ukraine is worsening. the fellowship is now working around the clock to help provide the refugees the life-saving necessities that they need most. look at all of these people! and for everyone that you can see there are hundreds and thousands more. lives abruptly changed. we're called to step into this crisis. this inhumanity. the international fellowship of christians and jews needs your $45 gift now to help rush food, blankets and shelter to jewish refugees fleeing for lives in ukraine. call or go online now and the impact of your life-saving donation will be automatically doubled to help save more lives. right now, we can bring planeloads of humanitarian aid to these jewish refugees, but we don't know how much time we have. clothing that's warm. medicine like insulin. and food; canned goods. this is one plane, praise god! but we need 5 planes. we need 10 planes. we need 100 planes! an emergency gift of $45 helps rush food, blankets and shelter. call or go online now and the impact of your life-saving donation will be automatically doubled to help save more lives. who are you going to be now? who are we going to be? we're talking about saving jewish lives and time is running out. time is running out. please call or go online now. as parents of triplets. we do a lot of things three times. ♪ ♪ so you can imagine my excitement when i heard scotts turf builder triple action does three things at the same time. scotts turf builder triple action kills weeds, prevents crabgrass, and feed your lawn. all three in just one bag. i like that. scotts turf builder triple action. it's lawn season. let's get to the yard. >> laura: all right, the american government what group are they trying to attract with nude photos? hunter biden. rick wrote 39% approve of the biden administration. dr. lisa carol gets it in "et" and "the terminator." they are trying to attract aliens in space. ♪ ♪ >> the hill with that justice and to with the obligations to the court. to with the obligations of the rule of law that they would instead try to stick it out in order to put political pressure on the justices and intimidate them to change their votes. you will find this person and when they are found, they will be fired on the spot to the extent they have broken criminal law. they need to be prosecuted and sent to jail. >> carley: republicans

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Activities , Writer , Salon , Likei Slutwalkes Origi , Path , Game , Playing , Happiness Meansea , Off Prudenceci , Embracing Promiscuityng , Amela A B , Ohio , Both , Jesse Yodo Gilberg , Activist , Personality , Wing , Itt , Madisen , Prager , Amla , Work , Holy Grail Of Freedom Is The To Abort , The End , Person , Narrative , Bit , Young Women , Nots , Life Experience , Wisdomr , 21 , Something , Fact , Outlook , Lifestyle , Science , Attitude , Accomplishedte Acc Let S N , Feminism , Men Havet , Privilege , Whole , Saying , Don T Tt Have , Feminist Movement , We E , Anything , Family , Morphs , Womeny , Love , American Tradition , They Don T Need Protection , God Forbidth , Womu , Foundations , Picture , Sad , Atee , You Mustt Convinceyo , You Arean , Whend , Happyu , Directlyin , Lifee , Viewers , Choices , Ability , Now Madison , Lot Ofdg The Budget , Toha , Miss , Pageant , Awesome E Thank , Miss Usa , Four , Ra Congrats , Success , Werees , Competitions , Peoplemary , Theree , 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Market , Unemployment Rate , Successug , Hiding , Mi , Times , V Shapedac Recovery , Recovery , Reason , Upk , Av , Owow You , Larry Kudlow , Peoplesoe , Percentage , Count , Job , Jobs , Labor Force , Haven T , Covid T , Crtv , Case , Income , Workers , Isse , Chain Disruptions , Supplyve , Ev Well , Lot , Friends , Demand , Allhe Right , Elections , Economics Degree , American , Decision , Consequencesay , Righn , Ballot , 100 Million , Court , Leak , Supply Chain Inflation , Destruction , Paper , Voices , Role Reversal L , Democrats Like Schumer , Evidence , Donors , Inflation Butt , Democratic , Ruth Bader Ginsburg , Campaigns , Chief Fundraising Arm , 30 Million , Barometerte , Opinion A Leak , Draft , Emotion , Tom Cotton , Nine Million , Facts , Family Budget , T Turmoil , Capitol Hill , B , Know , Millions , Storm , Agenda , Harbor , Motivaters , Activists , Opinion , Labor , Fruits , Vineyards Forrd , Aren T Activists , Peoplee , Birth , Gruesome Practices , Clothing , Summer 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Speeh , Governments , Staffers , Reporting , Daily Mail , Clinton , Obama , Europeanhi , Narratives , Campaign , Shock , Propaganda , Anti Musk , Musk , Freedom Of Speech , Threat , Flow , Fear , Concept , Flowf , Freedom Born American People , Others , Guaranteeded , Threateningan , It Off Gr , Conspiracy , Proof , Photo , Technologies , Ned Ryun , Fellowship , Israel , Refugees , Clock , The Border , Thousands , Hundreds , Necessities , Blankets , Rush Food , Inhumanity , Gift , International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews , 45 , 5 , Donation , Planeloads , Plane , Food , Insulin , Jewish , Canned Goods , Planes , Emergency Gift , Shelter , 100 , Triplets , Parents , Three , Scotts Turf Builder Triple Action , Lawn , Excitement , Crabgrass , Weeds , Bag , Lawn Season , Yard , Photos , Hunter Biden , Dr , Et , Lisa , Rick , 39 , Space , Aliens , The Terminator , Obligations , Rule Of Law , The Hill , Votes , Criminal Law , Spot , Extent , Jail , Carley ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240708

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it is astounding. i don't love drowning you all in numbers. i hate that .to but i'm going toni make an exception tonight because it's that important. 66% disapproval for biden's handling of the economy. my question ismy who are these? 34% who approve of it as first great. and joe's answers for the middle class only 36% say he's helping with the middle class. that's down fromro a whole five percent from february. and americans see what's happening. ting i think look at this . they're getting poorer as daysys go on .ow they remember how biden's dimwitted treasury secretary janet yellen, number one , she just brushed off inflation concerns a year ago. we w made a big deal of it here on the angle and today we saw a historic rate hike, a a desperate move with terribleg consequences for hardworking americans. plus, interest rate hikes mean it will be more expensive to borrow money if i you are trying to buy a home. experts saymu the asking priceer may not be much higher than itha is now,t but the cost to buy that house is going to be higher because mortgage rates are going uppag. y that means many new homeowners will notot only be paying highe, interest on their mortgages but could also get less house for their money. oh great. land if you've built up some credit card debt over the past year, you've got credit card debt. >> it's going to cost you more if you're buying a car. it's going to cost you more because the rates of g the to borrow that money to get that car is going to go. ys that's infuriating. and just a few years ago you y all remember this trump economic optimism. back in november ,december 2019 it was climbing young americans minora 2. ou thesend women of all backgrounds had record low unemployment. those rising wages, no inflation, no no wars, cheap gas and now everything's going in the wrong direction. and on top of that , everyone's being told, oh ,t just lower your expectations. io many of us do to brace for these higher interest rates that are coming? we spoke to say if you can hold off on that major purchase of a house or car that you've been thinking about, hold that off for as longom as you can fore some , they say it's time to think outside the box regarding your living situation, living with relatives or sharing a residence with anyone else. they say they can havelp that cn help you ride out some of these rate hikes. yeah. you want h. to move back home le with mommy and daddy, right. >> so naturally this is an entire grim environment with a midterm wipeout looming for the democrats. they're just left to caterwaul g from stage left fear mongering and lying about the court'stu draft decision to overturn roe just like they did during it. make no mistake, this is about controlling women. far right politicians are working to restrictticians are y planning services, denying a wholee generation of women the freedom to plan for their future. now nevada's cortez masto haser no answers on new mexico's inflation, the illegalue immigration issue that's plaguing the statetes,. but she does have talking points from planned parenthood. yay. the issue is just returned to the states apparently d she doesn't understand how to read a legal draft opinion. second, the congresswoman or senator thinks so little of c women's intelligence that she believes women can only plan pregnancies by aborting their offspring. how insulting. and another effort to changenote the subjectff t came from the wn who's a heartbeat away from the presidency yet pretendsrt that liberation is found in stopping the heartbeats of the unborn. those republican leaders who are trying to weaponizes the use of the law against women well, we say how dare they ? how dare they tell a woman what she can do and cannot do with her own body? how dare they try to deny women their rights and their freedoms? >> she just hopes the prompterof doesn't t go down well, she's just another democrat who doesn't trust the voters to make decisions for themselves. she would rather have nine unelected justices make those decisions. well, until at least, the ruling went the other way. then she's left sputtering inane platitudes about bodilyil autonomy after she and her h party stiller try to force vaccines on women who didn't want them. none of this , by the way, is principled but she's so apoplectic about the gop tsunami that's about to swampt't them. she's even trying to convince you that the movement that resulted in 50 million babies being aborted is a way for it. patri >> it's patriotic ifot you stand for freedom for self-determination, forer the right to privacy, if you stand to these principles, stand with us because you think women's issues are america's let us fight for our country and for the principles upon which it was foundeded and let us fight with everything we have gotve. god bless you and god bless america. so nowam you're saying the principles on which it was founded, the country including aborting children. no one believes that it's not going to work. now back in the 70s, 80s, even into the 90s, many liberals supported abortion for sure. but now liberalism is defined by abortion. there no real pro-life p democrats in congress and good luck finding one in your friendi group liberals in 20 20 to have zero hesitation about things like selling out to china, that brutalizes women who are or christians or w who justho are women who want to have big families, liberals and 20 20 to line up with the military industrial complex which wants t war with russia liberals and 20 20 to support restrictions on movement citing climate change which is why they love the lockdown's liberals in twenty twenty tore support restrictions on speech under the bogus rationale ofti disinformation and those same liberalson who used to be about tolerance now cite hate speech to bar people fromli speaking in public to be part of public life. of course their definition of hate speech is purposelypose vag it's always changing. suffice it to say that liberalsg who say things that denigrate entire groups of americans basedd on political affiliationf they're never guilty of hateha speech. ey they've evolved and changed and gone one 80 liberals haveue on so many issues but not on this one . doesn't matter how much fetal medicine has improved or imaging or the wide array of a birth control that's available or the number of couplespe desperate to adopt democrats have become abortion fanatics. it's the most important issue among a handful of issues that make up their holy grail of issues. it'sha a dreary, dark world they're creating and one wherend women are the ones u who really end up suffering the most. the left's answer to everything is it's kind of summed by more pot, more , more abortions, more identity, indoctrination in schools, more racial recriminate, more american traditions trashed, more statues smashed, their idea of empowerment includes lovely activities likei slutwalkes origi. one leftist writer and salon recently argue that women's path to happiness meansea shrugging off prudenceci and proudly embracing promiscuityng. but i think women are onto this game and they're on to the game that the democrats have been playing for a while f now because they feelee they knw what life is getting harder for them and their families and know who's responsible. they're smart and as the who saying they're not going to be fooled again and that's angle. joining me now is amela a.b. prager, u. personality for a left wing activist and ohio republican congressional primary winner madisen jesse yodo gilberg, so wonderful to see both of you tonight . amla, i'm going to start with you. why does the left think that itt can appeal to women through this one issue which they equate with the again,fr the holy grail of freedom is the freedom to abort. does that work in the end? you know, i think it's it's not working on women who are wiser and have a little bit of wisdomr and life experience. but unfortunately as a young person myself, i'm 21g states working with young women. they're t selling them o on this emotional narrative that is nots based in fact, it's not based in science in convincing them that this lifestyle, that this attitude that this outlook on life is empowering l and something that they shoulddo be emboldened to do. a and it's not just when it comes to abortion. it's this whole radical feminist movement as a whole. feminism has accomplished what it has set out to achieve. we e are equal. there's no right that men havet in this country that i don't tt have. there's no privilege that they have that i don't have. but now radical feminism instead of saying, you know, we've accomplishedte acc let's n it aside and morphs into something new now we're teaching young womeny that they don't need love, they don't need protection. they god forbidth they have a family. in fact, they should just be subservient to corporationssh their entire life and not strive for anything based in american tradition. traditions or american foundations. and at the end of that , whend you arean depressed and anxious and sad, you mustt convinceyo yourself that you've been empowered and that you're happyu . >> it's so unfortunate and obviously the economicct picture that we're looking atee across the country that directlyin affects the womu who make a lot ofdg the budget decisions and families directlyi affects their choices and their ability to live the free lifee that they want toha live with te money that they normally could make. now madison, i want to remind our viewers who may have forgotten this moment on the angle four years ago. watch you or miss ohio for the miss usa pageant and you just took the bar past the bar.. congratulate. awesome.e. thank . you're going to go and be a lawyer. so many peoplemary who werees in these pageants competitions incredible. absolutely. they're going to be a huge success as a great babylon. ng well,ra congrats on the primary win last night i saw all thoseye years ago. he but why do you think that theree is this surge now in young women who are stepping forward and politics to answer madison the emily's list planned parenthood crowd? yes, thank you so much for and what a great moment from four years ago. i think the reality is that across the country women are fed up. nd sitting of on the sideline and we're sick of sitting back and watching career politicians destroy our lives. people in my district are fed up. they're feeling the impact of the bad policies coming from washington of the horrific disaster that isri by the administration of inflation, oft the lack of security on our southern border, the drugac crisis, an opioidk epidemic one again coming to the forefront here in ohio. and of course, on top of all ofi that , the energy crisis has us greatly. so these are the issues people are talking about on the ground and here in my district specifically, i think women aren fed up because the left in the mainstream want people to believe that they know what's best for women and they're going t to tell us what's goodim for us as if we can't think for ourselves very similar ton what you and i talked about t four years ago when talking about the miss america pageant and the misogyny a, the hypocriy of it, all of them telling women what they should and cannt do. ng and we're seeing o that right nw with what's going on . they want women to be one i isse voters. that's not the reality. women will be turning out as they did last nightse in incredible numbers for conservatives here in ohio be turning out i think in very similar numbersr in november because of the fact that they have been put in thish box by democrats who don't believe that they're able or that we're able to speak for ourselves on these issues. women are more democrats than they are republicans still, although the numbers have shifted somewhat and ohio has become like a flash point forat all these issues of globalization and so forth and especially your district. you ran that race so far really ,really smartly. amela, fortune magazine just published something that i'm so glad they published a shocking article recently about how inflation is hurting women at the grocery store . some are eating less in order to feed their families. the food inflation has to be taken into context. the goldberg ceo of hunger free america nonprofit working tofi end hunger in thet united states. about 75% of in twenty twenty one to the nonprofits 20 hotline weremo women and yetst of the democrats want to scream like elizabeth warren sending dogs to cover their ears across the country screaming at the supreme court that you know, every state is going to outlaw abortion. it's going to be over. you have no rights. all that's a lie. first of all, to let people not think that they're going to be able to surviveve the way the economy is still going or have them forget about. >> right, exactly. using the problems that they created to galvanize their own arguments. it's really unfortunate. i and for people who are w watchig this , what i willg call nothig more than political theater, aty should be able to look them and see that this is all farcical. it's all fake. elizabeth warren with their perfectly iron pink suit comingt out there and screaming at about abortion as if she cares. guys, your states are going to make these decisionsti and that'll be more representation for youon and wht unfortunately is going too happen is that these leftists are coming in . they're creatinggy'ti a terrific economy that's destabilized country and they're going to use that as a justificationio to push for more abortions and more pro abortionbortor legislation because they're going to look at young women and say, well, in this economy, you're goingin to want to bring kids right. and god forbid you even try tos buy a house because the corporations are buying them up. >> go ahead and abort that child. that's what they will do. yeah, it's an economic entity. it's not a human being with a soul. i'm a man and great to see bothw of you.heme and speaking ofdi ohio or madison, just one republicans who are eager for war should reflect on jd vance's senate t primary win last night, not foro the past few months. his position on the conflict between russia and ukraine was tagged as extreme and unpopular by the typical establishment typess in the media. but as usual, they were lying to you. it is not america first to give joe biden more power. it isme not america first to ignore the problems of your own country and to focusus instead on ukraine.n and it is not america first to allow our sons and daughters toi die in a war that is not in our national interest enough with the war mongering, enough with the escalation. let's focus on our own citizens, our own problems and bingo republican voters do not want war with russia period. i don't think democrat votersus who either in general what they do want is a government focused on helping americans. that was trump's whole point. that's why trump d gotonald tr d and not borrowing untold billions from china and other countrieswings to fight a proxy war against china's ally. russia makes no sense. >> have you seen the streets of american cities latelyy? philadelphia, baltimore, chicago, our nation's capital , l.a. instead of cleaning up our own housesat, our ruling class s set to approve another thirty three billion dollars in aid to ukraine. how could you ever be against that ? well, let's look at exactlyur what your hard earned dollars are going to fund in thirty three billion dollars. turns out $ not just bullets and bombs. it gives the department of homeland security the authority to puto afghan refugees, including spouses and children on an immediate pathway too citizenship. e and one of the most egregious line items it takes eight point five billion to fight, among other things disinformedth aroud the globe. what if you are your gop candidates want to win. they need to o call this out and they need to call it out now jd vance could have joined the old guard republicans and supported unlimited aid to eastern europe. but he won by sticking tors the american first agenda. all right. come and remember, if you can't watch us live, you know, cometo on , you got to watch us live. but if he can't make sure hit that series dvr series or dvr and you won't miss any episode m of the ingram angle every d weeknight at 10 p.m. have your children do it if you . n't know how toon but up next , joe biden took a wrecking ball to our economy, forcedo d the fed, though, to do something it hasn't done now in twenty years. plus, while the left has made it its mission to destroy elon musk, whylon allowing an actual predatory billionaire to tear this country down would explain a little later joe biden would bring pressure to define this . yelitza, you don't want hi, my name is hank norten. i'm a veteran of both the iraq and afghanistan wars and a managing partner with the napoli's gulik law firm. if you were a loved one , lived or worked at a military base and been diagnosed with liver disease, a compromised immune system, high cholesterol or high blood pressure, a thyroid disease or or kidney cancer, your illness may be the result of exposure to contaminated drinking water at a military base caused by peachfuzz, a toxic chemical used for fire-fighting and fire suppression. at these bases, lawsuits are now being filed against the manufacturers this fall. and my firm nappily skolnick is taking the lead in this litigation. if you were a loved one , lived or worked at a military base and have been diagnosed with a serious disease caused by plaz, you may have a claim against the manufacture who contaminated the base's drinking water. veterans need to be protected and as a veteran myself i am committed to protecting your rights. please call for more information and thank you for your service. what do you do? pride on defense one justice and lcp we him 20% million chance is something wrong? is one chance for everything to work on you and the whole thing done. are you ready? so successful a.m. hosted by eric stonestreet. oh that was hard to watch any time on these platforms. a heart attack. do they have life insurance? no, but we have life insurance john. i'm trying to find something we can afford. fortunately in only a few minutes select put down john a five hundred thousand dollar policy for only twenty nine dollars a month and his wife and a five hundred thousand dollar policy for only twenty one dollars a month go to select now and get the insurance your family needs at a price you can for select quotes we shop you save doctor's orders. tonight i want to go navigate the world of earning, saving and investing. invest in your best investment green light joe biden's damage to akana and american sentimente has been as broad as it is swift now in a new york new fox news polll 77% of americans say the economy is in bad shape and more than twicewice as many also say they are worse offan financially than they were two years ago. now in response to runaway inflation t today the federal reserve took its most aggressive interest rate hike in more than 20 years. now, w despite the reality we al see just looking at us , the fed's own version of baghdad, bob says that look, it's all roses and sunshine. the economy is just doing doing fairly well. it's we expect growth to be to be solid this year. it's a strong economy and nothing about it i suggestst that it'ss that it's close to or vulnerable to a recession. lau: here now, kevin hassett, former chair of the council of economic advisors and a visiting fellow at the hoover institution. kevin , you were on last week, i believe on the show four go.s yeah. explaining why we were already in a recession. noww powell said the economy strong today. has anything changed your mind on your analysis of a month agom ?? >> yeah, that's right. so we got the report on how gdp's doing, you know, which is the national incomee and in a recession it shrinks in a boom, it grows and it was negative one point four percent. you know, this is long after a you and i talked and i said we're probably in a recession already. and to put that in perspectiveha ,i looked back all the way to a the second world war in 94% of the time. if you had a decline in gdp that largeth, you were about to have a recession or already in recession. 94% of the time.f and so we've got a number that's so bad that ninety four percent of the time it signaled that we're in a recession or about to enter one andab it's just not responsible i thinky for jay who i like very much. i had lunch with him when i was the chairman of the council of economic advisors. but i think on thisfor one he's incorrect or being poorly served by the staff. the fact iss that biden has donc and wean go into the details any enormous amount of damage toco the economy and it's showing not only in the inflation numbers but in the income numbers and the output numbers. now people aren't even buying our cars anymore because they don't have the moneyg j. the interest rates. are going up, cars, houses, it's going to affect us across the board or people who have to borrow and listen to how the treasuryre secretary janet yellenas w responded when she was pressed again about inflation. it's a time that president biden was inaugurated. weug had an economy where forecasters were envisioning very high unemployment foron a very long time. when you look at the labor market now and you see the state didn't in its this is really a measure of m huge success to call this economy the economy off this president a huge successug. mi >> is that you know or am i missing something here? it is no, no. the thing that she's hiding is that the unemployment rate is very low. but forecasters saw that coming. in fact,owow you probably hearde larry kudlow say like far too many times. right. he said excessively v shapedac recovery and that means that we're going right back upk. and we did. and so biden inherited a v shaped recovery. the unemployment rate is stills low. but the reason is that there are so many peoplesoe that left the labor force during covid't that haven't gone back in that youha don't count as unemployed unless you're looking for a job. and so the numbers o people there, the percentage of americans that actually have jobs is way below where it was before crtv it hasn't recovered at all and that's why there are these what they call supplyve chain disruptions because we don't have enough workers to get people to stuff. ev well,in kevin , i will take isse with you on that because if that was a case, real wages would be going up real wages, median wages and income are not going up not to meet inflation. so if you believe in supplyes and demand, wages should be up. i know a lot of a lot of your fancy friends want to keep, wages low. >> we like wages going up as they were during our wages. okay. allhe right. well, but they are declining sharply. you're right. they are declining sharply right now. real wages. i just got my economics degree via kevin hassett. kevin , i know this . good to see you. okay. thank you very much. the american people say this the elections this november will have consequencesay because the righn of 100 million women are now on the ballot to help to help fight this awful decision. i urge every american to make their voices heard this week and this year. democrats like schumer, of course, say they believe that this big role reversal l and the leak from the court is kind of just paper over all the destruction they've caused supply chain inflation, wages not keeping up with inflation butt they're wrong and we have the evidence. the day after justice ruth bader ginsburg died, democratic donors contributed more than 30 million into democratic campaigns and groups say their chief fundraising arm in the day after the draft opinion a leak, though they took in just nine million here now arkansas senator tom cotton. senator , that's one barometerte that may be the emotion can't of the leak can't override the cold hard facts of what's happening to the family budget . you've been on capitol hill. you've witnessed the emotional t turmoil that they are trying to create. will this work? no, it won't. s they're looking for any harbor in the storm because they can see how unpopular joe biden and the democratic agenda is. know, first they're saying that this is going to motivaters so many of their far left progressive voters. well, what do b they think it will do to millions and millions of devout pro-life activists who have toiled in the vineyards forrd years to protect innocent unborn children, to finally see the fruits ofhe their labor? our voters are going to be galvanized this fall if this opinion is in fact the final decision of the court. second, for all those peoplee who aren't activists on the issue, what do they think it'soe going to do when they see just how extreme democrats have become supporting late term partial birth abortion and other gruesome practices? and then third, as you were saying with kevin hassett, for all voters, of course, there's still the fact that they can't for gas or electricity or food,s they certainly can't for kidsm on summer vacation or put them in summer camp. they crime in their streets. they see a border in chaos. so the democrats are still on path to an electoral wipeout this now your colleague joe manchin, he's always the focus of so much ofbo consternationth on both parties. but w he said when he was askedk if roeed will be the defining issue this november, this is what he saidis. e inflation is the number one factor i believe in my state right now. it's hurting everybody just at the pump. but it'she p a a grocery store.t it'she a drugstore at the pharmaceutical, everything they do. >> well, the voters of west virginia are overwhelmingly pro-life, are they not, senator ? he's listening to his constituents. they're watching the bill at the gas pump. soes there's no question about that . in fact, joe and i were havinghi a conversation today. we're talking about which state is more pro-life could claim the mantle of most pro-life state in the union. and i think i it's a close run thing between arkansas and west virginia. and what joe here in west virginia is what i hear allsa across arkansas. so many familiess. are strugglig in the last week of the monthrt to pay the mortgage to make a car payment, to pay the bills, to put food on the table much less to have any extra money left over to save a little bit or to takee s kids out to a movie or to go to on a summer vacation and again ,that's the main issue. there are other issues as well in addition to rising crime and a border in chaos and again, if this is the finald decision of the court, i think the democrats will notem be able to conceal just how extremeon they have become on the issue of abortion in recent years,fa far beyond where they are or at least what they said they were the case for the benefit of public opinion in thenion clintn era that abortion should be safe, legal, legal. now that'ss why. many democratic senators today say it should be rare. now they celebrate it, giving a standing ovation in albany. but remember the new york state legislature celebrating d a standing ovation. ralph northam, weri know the drill. senator , great to see you tonight . and got a clue tonight with endv segment. i know youe no love the segment now. thank you for tweeting about it. okay, end of the show. we'll reveal the answer. but here's the clue. what group is the american government trying to attract a with , well, nude photostt. okay, tweet me your guesses at ingraham angle. don't do research and we'll see if we get it right. all right. but up next , the dangers of putting on a show for the white house correspondents wobbly liberators and even comedians. >>on raymond arroyo has it all seen and unseen next . when i'm on my hands and knees and i'm digging 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nation's most distinguished super spread event, not for real people.? what are we doing here? let's be honest. what are we doing like none of you learn anything from the gridiron dinner. nothing, huh? do your?i do read any of your on newspapers is needed for admission but the tedious affair revealed more than i think. ipants t imagine they attempted to pass this nerd prom off as the oscars on the potomac from washington. it's the white house correspondents dinner with special appearancest by gayle king, ceciliaia vega, garmisch alcindor, the president of the united . ates laura , you can't make this stuff up over at cnn. j they convey jenna was here as well. if you're a fan of succession, there was one of the i'm blanking out jerry jerry from succession. > doe anyone believe that the people trying to afford gas and put food on the table care of jerry from succession is dining with these pampered dc t journalists and politicos? i it all of whom, by the way, failed people in various they suppress stories they didn't like. they spent like drunkene kardashians and now we've entered a recession. so why are they congratulating >> what is the topic? preventing the next pandemic. i have some questions. why should america trust a man who rejected at times basic science. >> polarization and conspiracy theories that are out there with that fabric on shared trust. and p.m. is an outlier partly because of trust. i think they are out of mask wiring where politeness. if you will be near to someone even before the pandemic, they had a lot of mask breaks. >> laura: why should americans trust someone who puts fake in. cpp after all available evidence? >> shouldn't we be careful about safety. it is quitesa clear that through animals and bats, this also was one step in between that came from bats. so it will keep happening, particularly with -- >> laura: that virus wasn't manipulated at all. why should americans trust someone who is worried about elon musk plan with speech and debate? >> goals for what it ends up being will match this idea of left screen and also spreading so quickly. weird conspiracy theories. does he share that goal or not? >> laura: what goal? total issues that you and your gatekeepers command? and elon musk might be the richest man in the world but the good billionaires are dead set on making sure the most powerful. and we should start asking why. here founder and ceo ned ryan. good to see you. given. all those behaviors, how in the world does gates remain in this rarefied air and all the networks? >> because he is the useful billionaire for the lift. you have george soros useful for radical d.a. being put into power, mark zuckerberg useful to rig elections and bill gates is useful on a whole variety of fronts including some goals of reducing world population among other crazy ideas. look, they allll seem to forgets you mentioned, he is a creep. he was with jeffrey epstein and onto leader express and quite freak. all of the other things in which he is trying to force everybody to get dark with needles to get a therapeutic shot. and they are forgetting that because useful to them. but the part to me about elon musk, his old sins, his faults the temerity to stand up and you know what i will go to my twitter and make it a free speech platform and alle these laughs lose their mind and scream authoritarianism. and the amazing part to me elon musk is saying i'm not forcing you to do anything. i'm not forcing the vaccine mandates but i'm proposing free speech. is think that is great and i'm all for it. i hold he makes its a free speeh platform. but the scary part of all of this on the broader picture is how do we get this place as a country that we hope they billionaire buys our rights back? i think that is a troubling place b for us to be in the country. >> laura: ned, speaking of elon musk, the daily mail is reporting george soros with clinton and obama staffers, europeanhi governments are behid the anti-musk campaign. your response to that? >> what a shock. no, the ruling class and corporate propaganda and the narrative to drive the narratives would get blown up b completely if musk is successful to turn twitter into a free speech platform here they want to be able to control. quite frankly, laura, many on the left the dirty little presents don't know what is best for them. we can't let them have freedom of speech and free flow of information for fear they might have the wrong ideas here that is why elon musk is a real threat to them because if you havepe the concept of free flowf information and freedom of speech and all these things, which by the way, we are guaranteeded as freedom born american people that is a threateningan idea to the left d billionaires like george soros and others. >> laura: every time he is asked about, are you tracking people with various technologies? bill gates laughs it that is another conspiracy. y thank you ned ryun, great to see you. and what proof is the american government trying to attract the new photo? that the fellowship is sending from israel directly into ukraine. this will feed the people inside of ukraine and the refugees on the border. food, medicine, warm clothing is needed now! the situation in ukraine is worsening. the fellowship is now working around the clock to help provide the refugees the life-saving necessities that they need most. look at all of these people! and for everyone that you can see there are hundreds and thousands more. lives abruptly changed. we're called to step into this crisis. this inhumanity. the international fellowship of christians and jews needs your $45 gift now to help rush food, blankets and shelter to jewish refugees fleeing for lives in ukraine. call or go online now and the impact of your life-saving donation will be automatically doubled to help save more lives. right now, we can bring planeloads of humanitarian aid to these jewish refugees, but we don't know how much time we have. clothing that's warm. medicine like insulin. and food; canned goods. this is one plane, praise god! but we need 5 planes. we need 10 planes. we need 100 planes! an emergency gift of $45 helps rush food, blankets and shelter. call or go online now and the impact of your life-saving donation will be automatically doubled to help save more lives. who are you going to be now? who are we going to be? we're talking about saving jewish lives and time is running out. time is running out. please call or go online now. as parents of triplets. we do a lot of things three times. ♪ ♪ so you can imagine my excitement when i heard scotts turf builder triple action does three things at the same time. scotts turf builder triple action kills weeds, prevents crabgrass, and feed your lawn. all three in just one bag. i like that. scotts turf builder triple action. it's lawn season. let's get to the yard. >> laura: all right, the american government what group are they trying to attract with nude photos? hunter biden. rick wrote 39% approve of the biden administration. dr. lisa carol gets it in "et" and "the terminator." they are trying to attract aliens in space. ♪ ♪ >> the hill with that justice and to with the obligations to the court. to with the obligations of the rule of law that they would instead try to stick it out in order to put political pressure on the justices and intimidate them to change their votes. you will find this person and when they are found, they will be fired on the spot to the extent they have broken criminal law. they need to be prosecuted and sent to jail. >> carley: republicans

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, Twenty Nine Dollars , Twenty Nine , Five Hundred Thousand Dollar , Insurance , Price , Quotes , Doctor S Orders , Post Com , Twenty One Dollars , World , American Sentimente , Investing , Investment , Damage , Earning , Green Light , Swift , Fox News , Twicewice , New York , Polll , Shape , 77 , Two , Response , Runaway Inflation T Today The Federal Reserve , Interest Rate , Version , Growth , Sunshine , Roses , Look , Bob , Baghdad , Recession , Council , Advisors , Nothing , Fellow , Kevin Hassett , Hoover Institution , Lau , Go S Yeah , Mind , Agom , Analysis , Noww Powell , Gdp , Incomee , Boom , Doing , Decline , Perspectiveha , Largeth , 94 , Lunch , Jay , Ninety Four , Fact Iss , Output Numbers , Inflation Numbers , Income Numbers , Showing , Chairman , Staff , Damage Toco , Amount , Wean Go , Thisfor One He , Donc , Houses , Janet Yellenas W , Cars , Moneyg J The Interest Rates , Board , Treasuryre , Weug , Forecasters , Time , President , The State Didn T , Measure , Labor Market , Unemployment Rate , Successug , Hiding , Mi , Times , V Shapedac Recovery , Recovery , Reason , Upk , Av , Owow You , Larry Kudlow , Peoplesoe , Percentage , Count , Job , Jobs , Labor Force , Haven T , Covid T , Crtv , Case , Income , Workers , Isse , Chain Disruptions , Supplyve , Ev Well , Lot , Friends , Demand , Allhe Right , Elections , Economics Degree , American , Decision , Consequencesay , Righn , Ballot , 100 Million , Court , Leak , Supply Chain Inflation , Destruction , Paper , Voices , Role Reversal L , Democrats Like Schumer , Evidence , Donors , Inflation Butt , Democratic , Ruth Bader Ginsburg , Campaigns , Chief Fundraising Arm , 30 Million , Barometerte , Opinion A Leak , Draft , Emotion , Tom Cotton , Nine Million , Facts , Family Budget , T Turmoil , Capitol Hill , B , Know , Millions , Storm , Agenda , Harbor , Motivaters , Activists , Opinion , Labor , Fruits , Vineyards Forrd , Aren T Activists , Peoplee , Birth , Gruesome Practices , Clothing , Summer Vacation , Chaos , Electricity , Summer Camp , Kidsm , Parties , Colleague , Askedk , Ofbo Consternationth , Everybody , Factor , November , Pump , Grocery , Saidis , Roeed , Store T It She A Drugstore , It She Paa , Bill , Constituents , Listening , Pharmaceutical , West Virginia , Gas Pump , Question , Conversation , Union , Mantle , Run , Arkansas , Soes , Havinghi , Table , Bills , Monthrt , Mortgage , Familiess , Strugglig , Car Payment , Allsa , Takee , Crime , Finald Decision , Movie , Addition , Public Opinion , Safe , Benefit , Thenion Clintn , Fa , Clue , Senators , Senator , Standing Ovation , Endv Segment , Celebrating Da Standing Ovation , Ralph Northam , Albany , Weri Know The Drill , New York State Legislature , Youe , Segment , Tweeting , Nude Photostt , Dangers , Research , Liberators , Comedians , Guesses , White House , Ingraham Angle , Raymond Arroyo , Ways , Fire , Hands , Nature , Growing , Next , Knees , Dirt , Control , Miracle Gro , Man , Pain Relievers , Fiction , High School Band , Somebody , British , Americans Don T Retreat , Fox Nationael , Fox Natin , Health Care , Investor , Sacrifice , Weapons , Grammar , Historic Battle For America Streaming , Christianity , Resurrectionri Of , Com Michael Eustice , The Cross , System , Gracenvitm , Rush , Invitm , Smg , Open On Visit Finding True Peace , Foam , Water , Firefighting Foam , Firefighter , Compensation , Cancer , Kidney , Pancreatic , Form , Military Bases , Firefighting , Fire Suppression Foam , Military , Phones , Chemicals , Cancer Risk , Fat , Cake , Commission , Icing , 9 , Forty , Seventeen Dollars , Seventeen , 19 , Company , Companies , Quote , Secret , Text , Twenty Two , Twenty Two Dollars , Thirty Five , Ten , One Million Dollar , One Million , Selectquote , 32 , Stories , Britiesul , Weekendr , White House Correspondents Dinner , Journalisticat , Assorted Ed , People , Honor , Event , Gridiron Dinner , Huh , Admission , Newspapers , Prom Off , Ipants T , Affair , Nerd , Gayle King , Ates Laura , Oscars , United , Potomac , Garmisch Alcindor , Ceciliaia Vega , Special Appearancest , Stuff , Cnn , Succession , Fan , Jerry , Anyone , Politicos , Care , Dining , Ways At , Whom , Pampered Dc T Journalists , Drunkene Kardashians , Pandemic , Questions , Topic , America Trust A , Times Basic Science , Trust , Polarization , Conspiracy Theories , Outlier , Fabric , Someone , Mask Breaks , Mask Wiring Where Politeness , Bats , Safety , Cpp , Animals , Shouldn T , Virus Wasn T , Happening , Step , Goals , Plan , Screen , Being , Debate , Goal , Billionaires , Gatekeepers , Powerful , Set , Gates , Founder , Given , Air , Behaviors , Ned Ryan , Networks , Lift , George Soros , Bill Gates , Radical D A , Mark Zuckerberg , Ideas , Creep , Leader , Variety , Fronts , World Population , Jeffrey Epstein , Shot , Needles , Twitter , Free Speech Platform , Faults , Temerity , Sins , Laughs , Free Speech , Vaccine , Scream Authoritarianism , Think , Place , Platform , Speeh , Governments , Staffers , Reporting , Daily Mail , Clinton , Obama , Europeanhi , Narratives , Campaign , Shock , Propaganda , Anti Musk , Musk , Freedom Of Speech , Threat , Flow , Fear , Concept , Flowf , Freedom Born American People , Others , Guaranteeded , Threateningan , It Off Gr , Conspiracy , Proof , Photo , Technologies , Ned Ryun , Fellowship , Israel , Refugees , Clock , The Border , Thousands , Hundreds , Necessities , Blankets , Rush Food , Inhumanity , Gift , International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews , 45 , 5 , Donation , Planeloads , Plane , Food , Insulin , Jewish , Canned Goods , Planes , Emergency Gift , Shelter , 100 , Triplets , Parents , Three , Scotts Turf Builder Triple Action , Lawn , Excitement , Crabgrass , Weeds , Bag , Lawn Season , Yard , Photos , Hunter Biden , Dr , Et , Lisa , Rick , 39 , Space , Aliens , The Terminator , Obligations , Rule Of Law , The Hill , Votes , Criminal Law , Spot , Extent , Jail , Carley ,

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