Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Journal Editorial Report 2024070

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Journal Editorial Report 20240708

economy. 76% say conditions are getting worse compared to 20% who think they are getting better. let's bring it also journal columnist and fox news contributor karl rove who is a senior advisor to president george w. bush. so carl, welcome. a lot of bad presidents for the president politically is the economy the biggest one? >> absolutely it's the biggest one. he only makes it worse when he goes out and said things like he said this past week the economy is strong and doing better. i hate to rely upon the competitor, there's a very interesting cnbc poll that was conducted last month at half interesting questions why think the state of the economy is? 47% only fair 35, excellent or good? seventeen with only 2% saying excellent. one out of five said i am getting ahead under this economy the rest of them do not think they're getting a head and most interesting of all 56% said they expect a recession within a year. this number has never been this high except when we were actually in a recession at the time the poll was taken. bad numbers the president only makes the position worse by not acknowledging the country faces a big economic challenge driven by people's concern over inflation. >> it is inflation i guess at least up until now because if you look at the job market it's been very strong. if you look until this first quarter which was a lousy, gdp growth in 2021 was fine. so, do you think it is prices and erosion of people standard of living, real wages falling? >> absolutely. but we do know is the vast majority of workers they got a job the economy's healing itself, but their wages even if they got a pay increase their pay is not keeping pace with what they are being charged with the go to the grocery store, the hardware store or fill up at the pump. people feel this every single day it seems like the president is so disconnected from the experience of ordinary americans were going in and purchasing things and knowing what they used to cost. the kids getting stuff for school, it's a lot more expensive than it was less than we did this, go to the grocery store it more it was last year. this kind of thing eats away at his credibility when he does not acknowledge the reality of what people are facing. and sam working on solving this problem. paul: wrote in your column this week he went through all of the things, events, actions the democrats could take that might mitigate their potential losses in november. sitting back as a republican, looking at this as a strategist and say what is the one thing you are most concerned about the democrats could do or could happen that would help them in november? >> it would take the cooperation of donald j trumpet that is to make the election our referendum off of a trumpet and not on biden saw the results of that strategy of the president cooperate in former president cooperating with democrats and making an election referendum on him rather than a referendum on biden in the georgia elections in general 2021 in which he appeared several days before the election said it's all about the fact the election was stolen from me and i'm the real president. not you need to like these two conservatives to serve as a check and a balance the excesses of the democratic committee administration or as a result both of republican senators went down at the same time that bubba mcdonald junior is one of the public service commission statewide race with 22000 votes more than the center david perdue and 37000 votes more than center kelly loeffler. paul: it does seem to me that trump is interjecting himself wherever he feels well, all over the place with endorsements and he is even getting in the middle of republican primaries, their primary primary in ohio is trying to defeat brian kemp and the governor of georgia. so, is he doing enough here to cooperate? i know the media loves to cover trump who then they're going to cover him every time he talks. >> the question is what is he doing now because what he's doing now want to come back to that in a minute, this may not have an effect in the fall the question is going to be what is he going to be doing in june, july or better yet july, august september october and the general election heats up and is he going to try to inject himself into these races where he is going to mobilize the other side and because some republicans say i don't buy the big lie about the election as a result i'm going to do with the georgia republicans did and not vote republican. but right now is going to have an impact. but as my former white house colleague wrote a piece the national review said why is trump doing this? it was the trump party and now it's going to look like the trump faction because president trump is not going to win some these high profile races. brian kemp is well ahead in the polls of david purdue. president trump endorsed the lieutenant governor against the very popular governor of idaho brad little i think brad little is going to win were going to see races like this around the country just like we saw last year in texas special election and congressional districts six in which the former president endorsed somebody and somebody else won the nomination. in that case now congressman jake elzie. the president is diminishing himself as to why he is doing this i don't know except to make certain he is copyable in office that he feels are personally obligated to him. but is not going to win as many contest particular the general election i think is going to have problems. last weekend there was a convention in michigan which two of his people were nominated for attorney general and secretary of state's. both of whom are election deniers. they are going to make the center of their campaign the election was stolen in a state in donald trump lost by i think 150,000 votes. that is not going to be a popular message i think both of them are likely to be defeated in the fall. quick set is a losing message there is no question about it, thanks karl appreciated. when we come back all eyes on joe manchin the democrats scramble to salvage something from their "build back better" agenda. will the west virginia senator buy into chuck schumer's tax hike as a fix for inflation? >> if you want to get rid of inflation the only way to do it is to undo a lot of the trump tax cuts and raise weights. 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>> it is only a prospect insofar as joe manchin said he might be in favor of it. it is crucial additional votes democrats need and of course the democrats do want to raise tax people. listening to joe manchin it was as if they had edited out a link between the fact we are having this inflation now and he wants to raise taxes. there is no theory i am aware of that says you raise taxes during a period of inflation and a slowing growth unless your goal is to produce a recession, paul that is one technique for slowing inflation there is no question about it. so i am not sure were paired with joe manchin you never know he plays his cards pretty close to his chest you'd never know where he is going to come out. he has backed there as well some real ideas about doing something on energy that would increase natural gas production and natural gas export something green the progressives in the party will oppose. you'll just have to keep your eye on joe manchin brutal hard to believe those taxes are really a serious part of his agenda. >> alicia, joe manchin no talking to republicans for a potential bipartisan energy deal, green energy spending on the one hand and return for some things that he wants on fossil fuel including rights-of-way for a pipeline paid what are the chances of that happening? >> i think it's a nice idea but i'm not sure that anyone's going to go along with anything that makes a difference. the reforms of the national environmental policy act that would override the regulations of the divided demonstration just put out the other week which should make it very difficult for the pipeline and exports. a lot of what really needs to be done would be especially helpful in the energy bill would actually directly override the biden administration regulation the limitations on drilling in alaska and such. i think it's going to be really hard to get a democrat on board for anything that could encourage more fossil fuel production in the country. >> the progressive left really does not want that. kyle, i have a question for you something of a puzzle for me, why isn't joe biden getting any credit politically for what he is doing in ukraine and against russia? russia has not succeeded in taking kyiv. has had a norm or setbacks but part of that reason is the arms the u.s. is sending. but joe biden is not personally getting any credit for it. is that unfair? should he be getting more? >> i think he should be getting some there are two factors at play here. one is at the public is skeptical of his foreign policies choices overall. you look at his approval rating roaster to take the turn was after the botched withdrawal of afghanistan. people have that in their memories when their look at how joe biden's handling foreign affairs the other thing is it seems that the u.s. has been behind the curve. it was slow in sending weapons it seems to think the russians were going to overrun the capitol of kyiv really quickly. maybe that explains some of the reason they were slow but even after they started sending these in drones, the drone missiles it took them a weeks and weeks and weeks to get them into the theater. it seems like in my mind and a lot of people's minds he has been a little step behind all the time of where he really ought to have been. paul: dan, is there anything -- i asked karl rove this, is anything you think that could turn the trend in favor of the democrats here as they head into november? or is rove right that's not trump who could help by injecting himself into these races. >> i think it's going to be very difficult, pulp and going to throw one thing the democrats are suggesting which is the supreme court did something to erode roe v wade and that mississippi case. they could elevate abortion as an issue. i don't know about that. but, joe biden's approval is down below 40% for the direction of the country most people think is going in the wrong direction by about 61%. these are extremely those important numbers the president's approval and direction of the country and it is very difficult to see what big thing the democrats can do between now and november to turn that around. the legislative calendar is ticking. they have no big things they are going to get through it is mansions way or the highway. and as allysia just suggested, aggressive's are not going to want to do a deal with him on fossil fuels and the prospects are pretty dim, paul. so we come back progressives of panic is the one most buys twitter. a closer look at what the billionaire has planned for the social media platform and whether he can deliver on his promise to defend free speech. hi! need new glasses? 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[ cheers ] are we actually going? yes!! and once in a lifetime moments. two tickets to nascar! yes! find rewards like these and so many more in the xfinity app. paul: billionaire businessman elon musk reaching a deal this week to buy twitter for $44 billion in promising to unlock the social media platform free speech potential. news of the deal sending progresses into a full-blown panic was senator elizabeth warren calling the move dangerous for democracy. >> when a billionaire amasses this much power, he placed by different set of rules than everyone else. and that means one person can literally turn upside down. >> let's bring in wall street journal business world coldness, welcome. you have been a musk watcher for quite a long time written favorably and critically of him. why do you think he wants to own twitter? >> you note that a puzzle to me he got himself into this by criticizing twitter and then somewhere along the line he basically got himself to do something to set this road and i'm not sure if it is as premeditated as it might seem. as a wad of a risk there's a wide distraction he has other businesses i suspect mean a lot more to him that need his attention. but i think he felt challenged by the reaction to his claim that twitter had departed from the principle of defending free speech. paul: is going to be a challenge breeze already sold something like eight and have billion dollars worth of tesla shares that is his car company in order to help finance this. he is using his tesla shares as collateral get some of the debt he is taking on. this companies never made money as far as i can tell part how is muscat going to do it? >> this deal is indirectly being financed by tesla in a lot of ways. the funny thing is though he would manage to bring back the implicit value it will be private once he takes a private obviously. it was worth more 14 months ago than he is paying for it now. he can just undo some of the damage that has been done to the brand. and he is doing that now by having this fight with the liberals and the local people over free speech. he is undoing a lot of damage to the twitter brand from 2020. that alone if he decides to sell back into the market in two or three years to cover his costs but plus as a whole potential to do all kinds of interesting new things with the social media platform and create new products and new services and new kinds of revenue. there is a lot of potential there. >> he's going to have an issue with the employees, no question about it pretty criticized one of the employees who had been involved in some the censorship decisions back in 2020. that caused interruption internally. you read the slack channel internally at twitter and he is public enemy number one. she going to have to fire an awful lot of people and get new managers? >> apparently when his briefing the bankers on his plans for the company big part of it was to fire a bunch of people. you know, he really does have to get rid of, the two episodes really damage twitter it was blocking the hunter biden story from the "new york post" and kicking donald trump off the service for a larger chunk of america that turned twitter from a free-speech platform to awoke platform that has some role in the decline in stock value because its users the growth has been up it has increased its revenues. it continues to grow and yet it damages perception and the public mind with a lot of users with oats two moves. he has to get rid of the people responsible for that that's not going to be a problem they're going to leave voluntarily. and then all this argument we are having now whether twitter abandon free speech is really changing the brand in a way that is doing 90% of the job that he has to do. i think in a lot of ways he's ahead of the curve is not perceived up. paul: it is fascinating. you have written about this and i think it is an important point. when you talk about free speech that does not mean anything goes. content moderation of some kind has to take place on these platforms. advertisers do not want to be next to pornographers and users don't want to be next to terrorist or have to read people who are inciting violence. how is musk going to find that balance between important content moderation but also kind of freewheeling political discussions? >> you know, not many people share this view i don't think he has to change that much the big decisions were decisions made outside of normal content moderation that basically twisted and distorted the rules to get to an end the donald trump and hunter biden decision. just not commit more episodes like that and let the systems that are in place continue to work because twitter hasn't paid by daily content moderation which gets rid of a racist talk and threats of violence and pornography and that sort of thing bro that's going have to go on for all the reasons you say. most of twitter's revenue comes from advertising and advertisers don't risk being next to that stuff. >> briefly there have been a number of conservative commentators have also there's needed taken down for a bit he's got to change that doesn't he? >> yes. that is not a hard thing to change you just do not proactively go after people because they disagree with your politics. just getting rid of three or four people in twitter is going to solve that problem in bringing in people who have this innate sense you want to avoid at all cost censoring people unless you really, really have too. that is the only change she has to make it all right thanks still ahead russia steps up its nuclear as they were on ukraine grinds on. general jack-a keane on the latt threats and how the u.s. should respond. ♪ ♪ aleve x. its revolutionary rollerball design delivers fast, powerful, long-lasting pain relief. aleve it, and see what's possible. i recommend nature made vitamins, because i trust their quality. they were the first to be verified by usp, an independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards. nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. lisa here, has had many jobs. and all that experience has led her to a job that feels like home. with home instead, you too can become a caregiver to older adults. apply today. - [female narrator] five billion people lack access to safe surgery. you too can become a caregiver to older adults. thousands of children are suffering and dying from treatable causes. for 40 years, mercy ships has deployed floating hospitals to provide the free surgeries these children need. join us. together, we can give children the hope and healing they never thought possible. it's a mission powered by love, made possible by you. give today. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. why choose proven quality sleep from sleep number? 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>> yes they definitely are. we are all encouraged by that. the united states has come up big and strong on that as have other countries for the real issue is because these are weapons much more sophisticated and obviously heavier in terms of shipping them, our ability to sustain that. we are transitioning from largely former soviet republic equipment that is russian, two more nato equipment because we are literally running out of that equipment and running out of russian ammunition. it will be more challenging to get it to them but they absolutely the commitment to do that and a meeting a few days ago that secretary austin and general millie had with 40 nations, 14 of them not european nations to commit to the very same thing to assist them it is really quite significant. paul: let's talk about the nuclear saber rattling here. we have not had big government official, an adversary talk like this and many, many decades. number one, is this something you worry about from putin? and number two are we doing the right things to deter him from using a tactical nuclear weapon? >> yes. you're absolutely right we have not heard this kind of language for many decades. and you have to take it seriously certainly. but also when you analyze it, what is really taking place here is putin and his thugs are really quite surprised by the unity that the united states, nato and the europeans have on this issue. and also by how much the nations have really stepped up to a cyst them. that is part of the reason and motivation for them to introduce the subject because they want us to blank and to back off. the best response we could possibly have had to that was president biden requesting a 33 billion-dollar package to assist the ukrainians both military and economically which you just did. certainly that surprised most of us to be frank about it in terms of the scale of it $20 billion there alone just for the military assistance. that is a response but i don't think we have to come out to putin's people and suggest any options that we would take. i think we say all options are on the table. obviously there be a consequential response. let's be frank about it putin's got to think about this himself. if he is a tactical nuclear weapon is it likely the war would be expanded because of that? the answer is yes. is it likely that nations that are not neutral about russia conducting this invasion in ukraine, to name two prominent ones, india and israel would they change their view of using tactical nuclear weapons? the answer to answer to that is i'm sure there be a change of further isolation further sanctions on putin. there's a lot of options he would have to consider before he does something like that. and while this thing is not going well for him, to sake tactic of nuclear weapon with the consequences would be which i think be considerably worse than what is happening right now, i believe rules out the use of a tactical nuclear weapon. twenty-six okay interesting there were reports this week the u.s.'s flying planes on the border for battlefield surveillance in helping ukraine targeting some of the russian military assets including the ship that was sunk. you think that it's an appropriate action for the u.s. to be undertaking for ukraine? >> yes absolutely. think in the beginning we were a little concerned about providing intelligence in terms of resources and methods to ukrainians. but in the beginning, most leaders in the united states felt this would be over in favor of the russians in a matter of days. we are actually giving them some very exquisite intelligence which we cannot get into the details of here. but yes there is a tangible assistance being provided to the ukrainians which is also producing significant results. paul: you think we should be doing that you don't have any qualms about doing that may be getting putin upset to do something in return? maybe attacking one of those planes? >> the planes certainly are appropriate in terms of where they are flying in what they are doing. that is a fact. for him to take that kind of action is again another provocation which would lead to a response. i think this is appropriate i think it's an accepted risk that we are taking. >> how well do you think ukraine is doing on holding back russia in the east? >> what i think is happening here is russia certainly has regrouped. they're going into a much smaller area with closer supply lines. their forces are concentrated in that area. they are using many techniques as they is in their failure and kyiv. they're trying to encircled the ukrainians on four different accessories making it very complicated in terms of what they are doing print they have made marginal gains they are trying to head into the donbas region and take control that whole region. they have about one third to about 40% of it right now. if they continue doing that and the way they are doing at their giving the ukrainians an opportunity here that they actually should not be doing and the ukrainians, once again paul their imagination and creativity there using mobile brigades there moving around their out of their static formations they would defend in the donbas region in attacking these organizations the russians are maneuvering on having some success with it. quite impressive. paul: a great general things were much appreciated but still had president biden said he's looking at additional student loan forgiveness does the support among younger voters continues to fall. will the left to be satisfied with what he has in mind? 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>> is back because those problems you mentioned that 2020 decision said there were reservations on about 43% of oklahoma so there too many people that live there including the city of tulsa. so what happened is the state no longer has jurisdiction now to prosecute crime involving native americans whether that be the perpetrator or the victim. they're all sorts of crimes going on prosecute the state said there are thousands of them for the fbi has said they don't have the resources to prosecute auto thefts for example if you are a cherokee and a white guy comes and steals your car, nobody's coming to investigate that crime. that's why the state is back asking for jurisdiction to solve some of the problem. paul: justice amy coney barrett has replaced ginsburg any sign this could go the other way you could start to correct that mistake? >> yes, i think she is probably the swing vote. she was a little hard to read during oral arguments. the four people who voted for the decision seem concludes not one to take on the oklahoma side the four people who voted against or defended seemed much more sympathetic. it may come down to justice barrett shepard. >> alicia, the remaining mexico policy is the policy that requires asylum seekers, migrants stay in mexico while cases are being heard for asylum for the bite administration wants to end of that policy. states are suing to say don't stop it, who has the better case? >> they deafly do on the procedural matter does not fill the act ending the policy. the separate question of whether the biden administration may ended as a better argument with it effectively requires administration continue and does not have enough attention capacity rather than do what it has been doing which is just releasing masses of immigrants into the country. >> dan we've got the kids of the former football coach who wanted to pray and to pray at the 50-yard line offending people in the school and the school district. they said no you can't do that. you can't doing that so his players surrounded him and he did not insist that they do. and now the supreme court is trying to decide if it is a violation of his religious liberty to block him. how do you see this going? >> paul this is one of these decisions with a lot of fine points to it being forecast to come to grips with that part yes on the one hand kosher joe kennedy knelt down midfield after the game and pray. a lot of players joined in to do that with him. on the questions raised is in doing so the coaches coercing players to participate who didn't want to on the fear they might put them in the lineup or something like that. that is been a debate between his right to exercise first amendment rights to engage and prayer versus coercing somebody. justice thomas raised a interesting question. he said what for instance if the coach took a neat during the national anthem to oppose racism? what other players feel coerced if they didn't take a need to protest racism along with their coach? personally, paul i think there is a way out of this. i think the coach should be able to take a knee to prayer. if anyone is coerced by it, if players want to complain that could be handled administratively by the school system. if any teacher in any classroom or to say something vaguely pro- religion you could raise the complaint students were feeling coerced to agree with the teacher or would get bad grades. that is an absurdity. here the court should protect that coaches right to displace religious preferences. paul: kyle 15 seconds were to think the comes out of this? >> i think bright the roberts court has been its represents in the first amendment but i agree it's probably going to be a narrow decision based on the facts before the court right now pray. >> not a broad precedent for it all right thank you all very much. we have to take it one more break we come back hits and misses of the week. were delayed when the new kid totaled his truck. timber... fortunately, they were covered by progressive, so it was a happy ending... for almost everyone. plain aspirin could be hurting your stomach. vazalore 325 liquid-filled aspirin capsule is clinically shown in a 7 day study to cause fewer ulcers than immediate release aspirin. vazalore. the first liquid-filled aspirin capsules...amazing! helen knew exercise could help her diabetes. but she didn't know what was right for her. no. nope. no way. but then helen went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now she knows what activity helps lower her glucose. and can see what works best for her. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. freestyle libre 2. now covered by medicare for those who qualify. (music) to fishermen and other liars. the time you spent on the docks, the banks, the boats. the lines you cast and hooks you set. these moments you share with the people you love. the fish you never forget, and the tales that get taller with every retelling. make memories that'll last a lifetime with bass pro shops and cabela's. your adventure starts here. paul: time never hits and misses of the week. kyle, first to you. >> i will give a misted the georgia gubernatorial candidate david perdue in his debate this week with governor brian can produce main argument was a 2020 election was stolen and kemp did not stop it. nevermind the fact that georgia in 2020 candidates belts three times, did a random audit of 15000 signatures and did forensic testing on a random sample of the voting machine. may not governor kemp is out siding was inserted one allow concealed carry without a permit. is it any wonder kemp is winning by double digits? >> all right allysia. >> this is a tennis tournament which is known for being a stickler about rules. this week ed announced that it would be dropping all of the covid protocols and allow unvaccinated players to compete in the tournament. here is hoping it becomes a trendsetter in the return to normal. paul: all right, dan. >> prince's charles hood found another way to save the planet putting masks on cows. not just any cloth mask is going to be a mechanical device that would sit on the cows head and it would capture its methane burps and then use a catalytic converter to change those burps into water and carbon dioxide. i guess this means to save the planet port elsie the cow's humble face will be covered forever by a methane mask, bad. paul: ready think the chances are this it will be mandated for dairy farmers all over america? pretty high i would say it. [laughter] remember if you have your own hit or miss be sure to tweet it to us that's it for this week show, thanks to my panel, and thanks to all of you for watching. i am paul gigot. hope to see you right here next week. the white house dealing with another week packed with major troubling issues. the new numbers yesterday show inflation increasing from a year ago the fastest rate and for decades. it helped the stock market yesterday, the dow plunging 900 points, fears are growing of a possible recession on the horizon. hello, welcome to fox news live, i am eric shawn. >> i am alicia acuna. two other stories, the countdown

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Journal Editorial Report 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Journal Editorial Report 20240708

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economy. 76% say conditions are getting worse compared to 20% who think they are getting better. let's bring it also journal columnist and fox news contributor karl rove who is a senior advisor to president george w. bush. so carl, welcome. a lot of bad presidents for the president politically is the economy the biggest one? >> absolutely it's the biggest one. he only makes it worse when he goes out and said things like he said this past week the economy is strong and doing better. i hate to rely upon the competitor, there's a very interesting cnbc poll that was conducted last month at half interesting questions why think the state of the economy is? 47% only fair 35, excellent or good? seventeen with only 2% saying excellent. one out of five said i am getting ahead under this economy the rest of them do not think they're getting a head and most interesting of all 56% said they expect a recession within a year. this number has never been this high except when we were actually in a recession at the time the poll was taken. bad numbers the president only makes the position worse by not acknowledging the country faces a big economic challenge driven by people's concern over inflation. >> it is inflation i guess at least up until now because if you look at the job market it's been very strong. if you look until this first quarter which was a lousy, gdp growth in 2021 was fine. so, do you think it is prices and erosion of people standard of living, real wages falling? >> absolutely. but we do know is the vast majority of workers they got a job the economy's healing itself, but their wages even if they got a pay increase their pay is not keeping pace with what they are being charged with the go to the grocery store, the hardware store or fill up at the pump. people feel this every single day it seems like the president is so disconnected from the experience of ordinary americans were going in and purchasing things and knowing what they used to cost. the kids getting stuff for school, it's a lot more expensive than it was less than we did this, go to the grocery store it more it was last year. this kind of thing eats away at his credibility when he does not acknowledge the reality of what people are facing. and sam working on solving this problem. paul: wrote in your column this week he went through all of the things, events, actions the democrats could take that might mitigate their potential losses in november. sitting back as a republican, looking at this as a strategist and say what is the one thing you are most concerned about the democrats could do or could happen that would help them in november? >> it would take the cooperation of donald j trumpet that is to make the election our referendum off of a trumpet and not on biden saw the results of that strategy of the president cooperate in former president cooperating with democrats and making an election referendum on him rather than a referendum on biden in the georgia elections in general 2021 in which he appeared several days before the election said it's all about the fact the election was stolen from me and i'm the real president. not you need to like these two conservatives to serve as a check and a balance the excesses of the democratic committee administration or as a result both of republican senators went down at the same time that bubba mcdonald junior is one of the public service commission statewide race with 22000 votes more than the center david perdue and 37000 votes more than center kelly loeffler. paul: it does seem to me that trump is interjecting himself wherever he feels well, all over the place with endorsements and he is even getting in the middle of republican primaries, their primary primary in ohio is trying to defeat brian kemp and the governor of georgia. so, is he doing enough here to cooperate? i know the media loves to cover trump who then they're going to cover him every time he talks. >> the question is what is he doing now because what he's doing now want to come back to that in a minute, this may not have an effect in the fall the question is going to be what is he going to be doing in june, july or better yet july, august september october and the general election heats up and is he going to try to inject himself into these races where he is going to mobilize the other side and because some republicans say i don't buy the big lie about the election as a result i'm going to do with the georgia republicans did and not vote republican. but right now is going to have an impact. but as my former white house colleague wrote a piece the national review said why is trump doing this? it was the trump party and now it's going to look like the trump faction because president trump is not going to win some these high profile races. brian kemp is well ahead in the polls of david purdue. president trump endorsed the lieutenant governor against the very popular governor of idaho brad little i think brad little is going to win were going to see races like this around the country just like we saw last year in texas special election and congressional districts six in which the former president endorsed somebody and somebody else won the nomination. in that case now congressman jake elzie. the president is diminishing himself as to why he is doing this i don't know except to make certain he is copyable in office that he feels are personally obligated to him. but is not going to win as many contest particular the general election i think is going to have problems. last weekend there was a convention in michigan which two of his people were nominated for attorney general and secretary of state's. both of whom are election deniers. they are going to make the center of their campaign the election was stolen in a state in donald trump lost by i think 150,000 votes. that is not going to be a popular message i think both of them are likely to be defeated in the fall. quick set is a losing message there is no question about it, thanks karl appreciated. when we come back all eyes on joe manchin the democrats scramble to salvage something from their "build back better" agenda. will the west virginia senator buy into chuck schumer's tax hike as a fix for inflation? >> if you want to get rid of inflation the only way to do it is to undo a lot of the trump tax cuts and raise weights. 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>> it is only a prospect insofar as joe manchin said he might be in favor of it. it is crucial additional votes democrats need and of course the democrats do want to raise tax people. listening to joe manchin it was as if they had edited out a link between the fact we are having this inflation now and he wants to raise taxes. there is no theory i am aware of that says you raise taxes during a period of inflation and a slowing growth unless your goal is to produce a recession, paul that is one technique for slowing inflation there is no question about it. so i am not sure were paired with joe manchin you never know he plays his cards pretty close to his chest you'd never know where he is going to come out. he has backed there as well some real ideas about doing something on energy that would increase natural gas production and natural gas export something green the progressives in the party will oppose. you'll just have to keep your eye on joe manchin brutal hard to believe those taxes are really a serious part of his agenda. >> alicia, joe manchin no talking to republicans for a potential bipartisan energy deal, green energy spending on the one hand and return for some things that he wants on fossil fuel including rights-of-way for a pipeline paid what are the chances of that happening? >> i think it's a nice idea but i'm not sure that anyone's going to go along with anything that makes a difference. the reforms of the national environmental policy act that would override the regulations of the divided demonstration just put out the other week which should make it very difficult for the pipeline and exports. a lot of what really needs to be done would be especially helpful in the energy bill would actually directly override the biden administration regulation the limitations on drilling in alaska and such. i think it's going to be really hard to get a democrat on board for anything that could encourage more fossil fuel production in the country. >> the progressive left really does not want that. kyle, i have a question for you something of a puzzle for me, why isn't joe biden getting any credit politically for what he is doing in ukraine and against russia? russia has not succeeded in taking kyiv. has had a norm or setbacks but part of that reason is the arms the u.s. is sending. but joe biden is not personally getting any credit for it. is that unfair? should he be getting more? >> i think he should be getting some there are two factors at play here. one is at the public is skeptical of his foreign policies choices overall. you look at his approval rating roaster to take the turn was after the botched withdrawal of afghanistan. people have that in their memories when their look at how joe biden's handling foreign affairs the other thing is it seems that the u.s. has been behind the curve. it was slow in sending weapons it seems to think the russians were going to overrun the capitol of kyiv really quickly. maybe that explains some of the reason they were slow but even after they started sending these in drones, the drone missiles it took them a weeks and weeks and weeks to get them into the theater. it seems like in my mind and a lot of people's minds he has been a little step behind all the time of where he really ought to have been. paul: dan, is there anything -- i asked karl rove this, is anything you think that could turn the trend in favor of the democrats here as they head into november? or is rove right that's not trump who could help by injecting himself into these races. >> i think it's going to be very difficult, pulp and going to throw one thing the democrats are suggesting which is the supreme court did something to erode roe v wade and that mississippi case. they could elevate abortion as an issue. i don't know about that. but, joe biden's approval is down below 40% for the direction of the country most people think is going in the wrong direction by about 61%. these are extremely those important numbers the president's approval and direction of the country and it is very difficult to see what big thing the democrats can do between now and november to turn that around. the legislative calendar is ticking. they have no big things they are going to get through it is mansions way or the highway. and as allysia just suggested, aggressive's are not going to want to do a deal with him on fossil fuels and the prospects are pretty dim, paul. so we come back progressives of panic is the one most buys twitter. a closer look at what the billionaire has planned for the social media platform and whether he can deliver on his promise to defend free speech. hi! need new glasses? 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[ cheers ] are we actually going? yes!! and once in a lifetime moments. two tickets to nascar! yes! find rewards like these and so many more in the xfinity app. paul: billionaire businessman elon musk reaching a deal this week to buy twitter for $44 billion in promising to unlock the social media platform free speech potential. news of the deal sending progresses into a full-blown panic was senator elizabeth warren calling the move dangerous for democracy. >> when a billionaire amasses this much power, he placed by different set of rules than everyone else. and that means one person can literally turn upside down. >> let's bring in wall street journal business world coldness, welcome. you have been a musk watcher for quite a long time written favorably and critically of him. why do you think he wants to own twitter? >> you note that a puzzle to me he got himself into this by criticizing twitter and then somewhere along the line he basically got himself to do something to set this road and i'm not sure if it is as premeditated as it might seem. as a wad of a risk there's a wide distraction he has other businesses i suspect mean a lot more to him that need his attention. but i think he felt challenged by the reaction to his claim that twitter had departed from the principle of defending free speech. paul: is going to be a challenge breeze already sold something like eight and have billion dollars worth of tesla shares that is his car company in order to help finance this. he is using his tesla shares as collateral get some of the debt he is taking on. this companies never made money as far as i can tell part how is muscat going to do it? >> this deal is indirectly being financed by tesla in a lot of ways. the funny thing is though he would manage to bring back the implicit value it will be private once he takes a private obviously. it was worth more 14 months ago than he is paying for it now. he can just undo some of the damage that has been done to the brand. and he is doing that now by having this fight with the liberals and the local people over free speech. he is undoing a lot of damage to the twitter brand from 2020. that alone if he decides to sell back into the market in two or three years to cover his costs but plus as a whole potential to do all kinds of interesting new things with the social media platform and create new products and new services and new kinds of revenue. there is a lot of potential there. >> he's going to have an issue with the employees, no question about it pretty criticized one of the employees who had been involved in some the censorship decisions back in 2020. that caused interruption internally. you read the slack channel internally at twitter and he is public enemy number one. she going to have to fire an awful lot of people and get new managers? >> apparently when his briefing the bankers on his plans for the company big part of it was to fire a bunch of people. you know, he really does have to get rid of, the two episodes really damage twitter it was blocking the hunter biden story from the "new york post" and kicking donald trump off the service for a larger chunk of america that turned twitter from a free-speech platform to awoke platform that has some role in the decline in stock value because its users the growth has been up it has increased its revenues. it continues to grow and yet it damages perception and the public mind with a lot of users with oats two moves. he has to get rid of the people responsible for that that's not going to be a problem they're going to leave voluntarily. and then all this argument we are having now whether twitter abandon free speech is really changing the brand in a way that is doing 90% of the job that he has to do. i think in a lot of ways he's ahead of the curve is not perceived up. paul: it is fascinating. you have written about this and i think it is an important point. when you talk about free speech that does not mean anything goes. content moderation of some kind has to take place on these platforms. advertisers do not want to be next to pornographers and users don't want to be next to terrorist or have to read people who are inciting violence. how is musk going to find that balance between important content moderation but also kind of freewheeling political discussions? >> you know, not many people share this view i don't think he has to change that much the big decisions were decisions made outside of normal content moderation that basically twisted and distorted the rules to get to an end the donald trump and hunter biden decision. just not commit more episodes like that and let the systems that are in place continue to work because twitter hasn't paid by daily content moderation which gets rid of a racist talk and threats of violence and pornography and that sort of thing bro that's going have to go on for all the reasons you say. most of twitter's revenue comes from advertising and advertisers don't risk being next to that stuff. >> briefly there have been a number of conservative commentators have also there's needed taken down for a bit he's got to change that doesn't he? >> yes. that is not a hard thing to change you just do not proactively go after people because they disagree with your politics. just getting rid of three or four people in twitter is going to solve that problem in bringing in people who have this innate sense you want to avoid at all cost censoring people unless you really, really have too. that is the only change she has to make it all right thanks still ahead russia steps up its nuclear as they were on ukraine grinds on. general jack-a keane on the latt threats and how the u.s. should respond. ♪ ♪ aleve x. its revolutionary rollerball design delivers fast, powerful, long-lasting pain relief. aleve it, and see what's possible. i recommend nature made vitamins, because i trust their quality. they were the first to be verified by usp, an independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards. nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. lisa here, has had many jobs. and all that experience has led her to a job that feels like home. with home instead, you too can become a caregiver to older adults. apply today. - [female narrator] five billion people lack access to safe surgery. you too can become a caregiver to older adults. thousands of children are suffering and dying from treatable causes. for 40 years, mercy ships has deployed floating hospitals to provide the free surgeries these children need. join us. together, we can give children the hope and healing they never thought possible. it's a mission powered by love, made possible by you. give today. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. why choose proven quality sleep from sleep number? 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>> yes they definitely are. we are all encouraged by that. the united states has come up big and strong on that as have other countries for the real issue is because these are weapons much more sophisticated and obviously heavier in terms of shipping them, our ability to sustain that. we are transitioning from largely former soviet republic equipment that is russian, two more nato equipment because we are literally running out of that equipment and running out of russian ammunition. it will be more challenging to get it to them but they absolutely the commitment to do that and a meeting a few days ago that secretary austin and general millie had with 40 nations, 14 of them not european nations to commit to the very same thing to assist them it is really quite significant. paul: let's talk about the nuclear saber rattling here. we have not had big government official, an adversary talk like this and many, many decades. number one, is this something you worry about from putin? and number two are we doing the right things to deter him from using a tactical nuclear weapon? >> yes. you're absolutely right we have not heard this kind of language for many decades. and you have to take it seriously certainly. but also when you analyze it, what is really taking place here is putin and his thugs are really quite surprised by the unity that the united states, nato and the europeans have on this issue. and also by how much the nations have really stepped up to a cyst them. that is part of the reason and motivation for them to introduce the subject because they want us to blank and to back off. the best response we could possibly have had to that was president biden requesting a 33 billion-dollar package to assist the ukrainians both military and economically which you just did. certainly that surprised most of us to be frank about it in terms of the scale of it $20 billion there alone just for the military assistance. that is a response but i don't think we have to come out to putin's people and suggest any options that we would take. i think we say all options are on the table. obviously there be a consequential response. let's be frank about it putin's got to think about this himself. if he is a tactical nuclear weapon is it likely the war would be expanded because of that? the answer is yes. is it likely that nations that are not neutral about russia conducting this invasion in ukraine, to name two prominent ones, india and israel would they change their view of using tactical nuclear weapons? the answer to answer to that is i'm sure there be a change of further isolation further sanctions on putin. there's a lot of options he would have to consider before he does something like that. and while this thing is not going well for him, to sake tactic of nuclear weapon with the consequences would be which i think be considerably worse than what is happening right now, i believe rules out the use of a tactical nuclear weapon. twenty-six okay interesting there were reports this week the u.s.'s flying planes on the border for battlefield surveillance in helping ukraine targeting some of the russian military assets including the ship that was sunk. you think that it's an appropriate action for the u.s. to be undertaking for ukraine? >> yes absolutely. think in the beginning we were a little concerned about providing intelligence in terms of resources and methods to ukrainians. but in the beginning, most leaders in the united states felt this would be over in favor of the russians in a matter of days. we are actually giving them some very exquisite intelligence which we cannot get into the details of here. but yes there is a tangible assistance being provided to the ukrainians which is also producing significant results. paul: you think we should be doing that you don't have any qualms about doing that may be getting putin upset to do something in return? maybe attacking one of those planes? >> the planes certainly are appropriate in terms of where they are flying in what they are doing. that is a fact. for him to take that kind of action is again another provocation which would lead to a response. i think this is appropriate i think it's an accepted risk that we are taking. >> how well do you think ukraine is doing on holding back russia in the east? >> what i think is happening here is russia certainly has regrouped. they're going into a much smaller area with closer supply lines. their forces are concentrated in that area. they are using many techniques as they is in their failure and kyiv. they're trying to encircled the ukrainians on four different accessories making it very complicated in terms of what they are doing print they have made marginal gains they are trying to head into the donbas region and take control that whole region. they have about one third to about 40% of it right now. if they continue doing that and the way they are doing at their giving the ukrainians an opportunity here that they actually should not be doing and the ukrainians, once again paul their imagination and creativity there using mobile brigades there moving around their out of their static formations they would defend in the donbas region in attacking these organizations the russians are maneuvering on having some success with it. quite impressive. paul: a great general things were much appreciated but still had president biden said he's looking at additional student loan forgiveness does the support among younger voters continues to fall. will the left to be satisfied with what he has in mind? 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>> is back because those problems you mentioned that 2020 decision said there were reservations on about 43% of oklahoma so there too many people that live there including the city of tulsa. so what happened is the state no longer has jurisdiction now to prosecute crime involving native americans whether that be the perpetrator or the victim. they're all sorts of crimes going on prosecute the state said there are thousands of them for the fbi has said they don't have the resources to prosecute auto thefts for example if you are a cherokee and a white guy comes and steals your car, nobody's coming to investigate that crime. that's why the state is back asking for jurisdiction to solve some of the problem. paul: justice amy coney barrett has replaced ginsburg any sign this could go the other way you could start to correct that mistake? >> yes, i think she is probably the swing vote. she was a little hard to read during oral arguments. the four people who voted for the decision seem concludes not one to take on the oklahoma side the four people who voted against or defended seemed much more sympathetic. it may come down to justice barrett shepard. >> alicia, the remaining mexico policy is the policy that requires asylum seekers, migrants stay in mexico while cases are being heard for asylum for the bite administration wants to end of that policy. states are suing to say don't stop it, who has the better case? >> they deafly do on the procedural matter does not fill the act ending the policy. the separate question of whether the biden administration may ended as a better argument with it effectively requires administration continue and does not have enough attention capacity rather than do what it has been doing which is just releasing masses of immigrants into the country. >> dan we've got the kids of the former football coach who wanted to pray and to pray at the 50-yard line offending people in the school and the school district. they said no you can't do that. you can't doing that so his players surrounded him and he did not insist that they do. and now the supreme court is trying to decide if it is a violation of his religious liberty to block him. how do you see this going? >> paul this is one of these decisions with a lot of fine points to it being forecast to come to grips with that part yes on the one hand kosher joe kennedy knelt down midfield after the game and pray. a lot of players joined in to do that with him. on the questions raised is in doing so the coaches coercing players to participate who didn't want to on the fear they might put them in the lineup or something like that. that is been a debate between his right to exercise first amendment rights to engage and prayer versus coercing somebody. justice thomas raised a interesting question. he said what for instance if the coach took a neat during the national anthem to oppose racism? what other players feel coerced if they didn't take a need to protest racism along with their coach? personally, paul i think there is a way out of this. i think the coach should be able to take a knee to prayer. if anyone is coerced by it, if players want to complain that could be handled administratively by the school system. if any teacher in any classroom or to say something vaguely pro- religion you could raise the complaint students were feeling coerced to agree with the teacher or would get bad grades. that is an absurdity. here the court should protect that coaches right to displace religious preferences. paul: kyle 15 seconds were to think the comes out of this? >> i think bright the roberts court has been its represents in the first amendment but i agree it's probably going to be a narrow decision based on the facts before the court right now pray. >> not a broad precedent for it all right thank you all very much. we have to take it one more break we come back hits and misses of the week. were delayed when the new kid totaled his truck. timber... fortunately, they were covered by progressive, so it was a happy ending... for almost everyone. plain aspirin could be hurting your stomach. vazalore 325 liquid-filled aspirin capsule is clinically shown in a 7 day study to cause fewer ulcers than immediate release aspirin. vazalore. the first liquid-filled aspirin capsules...amazing! helen knew exercise could help her diabetes. but she didn't know what was right for her. no. nope. no way. but then helen went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now she knows what activity helps lower her glucose. and can see what works best for her. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. freestyle libre 2. now covered by medicare for those who qualify. 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[laughter] remember if you have your own hit or miss be sure to tweet it to us that's it for this week show, thanks to my panel, and thanks to all of you for watching. i am paul gigot. hope to see you right here next week. the white house dealing with another week packed with major troubling issues. the new numbers yesterday show inflation increasing from a year ago the fastest rate and for decades. it helped the stock market yesterday, the dow plunging 900 points, fears are growing of a possible recession on the horizon. hello, welcome to fox news live, i am eric shawn. >> i am alicia acuna. two other stories, the countdown

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, Content , Moderation , Violence , Musk , Discussions , Decisions , View , End , Systems , Talk , Hunter Biden Decision , Hasn T , Threats , Commentators , Reasons , Advertising , Pornography , Bro , Don T Risk Being , Politics , Bit , Yes , Doesn T He , Thanks , Cost , Sense , Four , General Jack , Keane , Pain Relief , Revolutionary Rollerball Design , Powerful , Aleve X , Nature , Organization , Vitamins , Quality , Standards , Purity , Usp , Caregiver , Home , Adults , Lisa , Supplement , Pharmacist , Vitamin , Jobs , 1 , Children , Thousands , Surgery , Narrator , Suffering , Five Billion , Hope , Mission , Healing , Hospitals , Love , Surgeries , Mercy Ships , Give Today , Sleep Number , Sleep , Smart Bed , Bed , Movement , Sale , 360 , Miss , Don T , Care , Temperature Balancing , Weekend Special , Science , Queen , 299 , 1299 , 500 , 00 , Inflammation , Asthma , Out Of Nowhere , Price , Asthma Attacks , Base , Delivery , Triggers , Type , Ends Monday , Tezspiretm , Add On Treatment , Asthma Symptoms , Attacks , Breathe Better , 12 , Doctor , Eye Allergy , Rescue Medication , Reactions , Sore Throat , Back Pain , Vaccines , Infection , Asthma Specialist , Vladimir Putin , War , Nation , Threat , Thought , Retaliation , Lightning Fast , Comments , Invasion , Missile , Foreign Minister , Conflict , Danger , Entrepreneur , Mr , Kremlin , Nobody , John Kirby , Enemies , Rub , Moscow , Pentagon , Posture , He , Deterrent , Chairman , Four Star General , Jack Keane , General , Support , Institute For The Study Of War , Senior Strategic Analyst , Countries , Offensive , Terms , Equipment , Transitioning , Shipping Them , Ability , Nato , Soviet Republic Equipment , Meeting , Commitment , Ammunition , Millie , Secretary Austin , Nations , Let S Talk , Saber Rattling , Government , Many , Adversary , Official , Number One , Nuclear Weapon , Language , Unity , Europeans , Thugs , Cyst Them , Response , Subject , Motivation , Ukrainians , Scale , Package , 20 Billion , 33 Billion , 0 Billion , Options , Assistance , It Putin , Answer , India , Ones , Israel , Putin , Change , Sanctions , Isolation , Consequences , Sake Tactic , Use , Planes , Ship , Assets , Border , Battlefield Surveillance , Twenty Six , Resources , Beginning , Little , Intelligence , Leaders , Methods , Qualms , Details , Provocation , Back , East , Area , Supply Lines , Techniques , Forces , Region , Print , Accessories , Failure , Gains , Donbas , Opportunity , Brigades , Russians , Organizations , Imagination , Creativity , Formations , Voters , Student Loan Forgiveness , Success , Maneuvering , Left , Future , Vanguard , Grandmother , Family , Women , State Office , Norms , Education , Owner , Legacy , Dream , Perfect , Ancestry , Kitchen , Friendly , Booking Com , Finding Perfect Isn T Rocket Science , Sorted , Hot Tub , Booking Yeah , Music , Protection , Bushes Rustling , Weathertech , Door Opening , Hon , Car , Seat Protector , Vehicle , Drill Mudflaps , Floorliners , Cargoliner , Bumpstep , Cupfone , Student Loan Debt , Borrower , Panel , Ages , Proof , 33 , 18 , 34 , Debt Forgiveness , Liberal , Graduate School , Borrowers , 40000 , 00000 , 200000 , 10000 , 8 , 0000 , 50000 , Earners , Payment , Payments , Income , 20000 , 15 , Doctors , Lawyers , Taxpayers , Nothing , Tuition Prices , Universities , 6 Trillion , 1 6 Trillion , College , Graduate Programs , Subsidies , Enrollment , The Big One , Downside , Loser , Backlash , College Education , Polling , 60 , Truck Drivers , Debts , Oil Roughnecks , Constitution Part , Authority , Congress , Statute , Funds , Wand , Hymns , Executive Orders , Wonders , Extent , Sorts , Headwinds , Average , Setback , Decision , Obama , Presidency , Passing Bill , Election , More , Immigration Executive Order , Docket , 2012 , Justice , Liberty , Issues , Term , Cases , Arguments , Immigration , Highlights , Protein , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Sugar , Nutrients , Symptoms , Ache , Xiidra , Relief , Over The Counter , Eye Disease , Burn , Eye Drops , Prescription , Side Effects , Signs , Vision , Taste Sensation , Discomfort , Eye Irritation , Dry Eye Disease , Room , Supreme Court This Big Hearing Oral Arguments , Dry Eye , Court , Immigration Policy , Look , Native American Tribal Authority , Steven Breyer , 28 , Guard A Precedent , Couple , Reservations , Land , Oklahoma , Crime , Jurisdiction , Perpetrator , City Of Tulsa , 43 , Guy , Crimes , Victim , Example , Cherokee , Auto Thefts , Fbi , Amy Coney Barrett , Swing Vote , Mistake , Policy , Mexico , Barrett Shepard , States , Asylum , Migrants , Asylum Seekers , Act , Attention Capacity , Football Coach , Immigrants , Masses , Players , Violation , School District , Points , Joe Kennedy , Down Midfield , Game , Amendment , Lineup , Right , Rights , Fear , Didn T , Debate , Coach , Prayer , Instance , Neat , Anthem , Justice Thomas , Versus Coercing , Racism , Need , Knee , Teacher , Classroom , The School System , Grades , Complaint , Religion , Absurdity , Coaches , Feeling , Preferences , Students , Roberts Court , Misses , Precedent , Facts , Break , Hits , Aspirin , Vazalore 325 , Kid , Truck , Timber , Ending , Stomach , 325 , Helen , Exercise , Study , Ulcers , Diabetes , 7 , Activity , Glucose , Libre 2 , Mystery , A1c , Glucose Levels , Medicare , Fishermen , Liars , Banks , Docks , Fish , Boats , Tales , Adventure , Lifetime , Retelling , Cabela S , Bass Pro Shops , David Perdue , Misted The Georgia Gubernatorial , Kemp , Brian , Times , Signatures , Testing , Candidates , Audit , Nevermind , 15000 , Tennis Tournament , Siding , Voting Machine , Sample , Carry , Permit , Digits , Protocols , Tournament , Stickler , Covid , Ed , Planet , Masks , Return , Trendsetter , Charles Hood , Prince , Cloth Mask , Cows , Device , Catalytic Converter , Methane Burps , Water , Carbon Dioxide , Methane Mask , Face , Dairy Farmers , Bad , Planet Port Elsie The Cow , Show , Laughter , Show Inflation , Fears , Rate , Stock Market Yesterday , Dow , 900 , Countdown , Stories , Horizon , Hello , Fox News Live , Eric Shawn ,

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