Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends Saturday 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends Saturday 20240708

♪♪ america, football is back in the spring, we will talk about it all morning long. keep emailing us. those are original photos. something that gathers attention, and the stallions uniforms, the star for the cowboys individually. rachel: stop pretending you're looking at merrill's uniform. it is not gimmicky but you can go for three after a touchdown from the 10 yard line, a simulated kick from the 33rd, the 33 and the clock stops. interesting new rules, and we can check it out. rachel: you know what i learned from this segment? abby and i -- have a series of applause. and gave us one. >> it is not sports, we have record-breaking numbers for you this morning. how about this number? it is from march. border encounters, 221,303 from the previous month, breaking the previous record from july 2021, certainly not a number to be proud of. tom homan was talking about all the contributing factors leading to this historic moment. >> the biden administration has been 14 or 15 months, nothing. they have done nothing to secure the border. everything they have done is how quickly can we process this? they are looking at $900 million to build facilities so they can process quicker and when you process and release quicker, your point about inhumane policies, they say the trump policies are inhumane. more migrants have died under the first year of president biden on us soil than any year i can remember, a record number. over 100,000 americans have died until fentanyl comes across the border. his policies are inhumane and killing people. rachel: the most important thing he said. it was amazing and he is so right because the one thing they could hinge their policy on, they wouldn't be sending people in the middle of the night and updating us how they are taking them, they know we hate this but they have been able to say we are so compassionate and look at these numbers, more migrants dead under the biden administration than under trump. that doesn't count the americans dead of fentanyl and the child trafficking, all the people who may be died in border communities because healthcare facilities are overwhelmed. we don't even know, we know the american people hate it, but weber went to new jersey. pete: they are resuming the after dark might midnight flights into new york city, that is just new york city and this is happening metro areas across the country in the middle of the night, facilitated, effectively disappearing. of third bus also arrived from texas in washington dc, greg abbott making the point this doesn't just affect our backyard, right there near the capital it dropped off, seeing what happening in the dark elsewhere. the number that you read, the huge number of 221,000, record-breaking number. if you look 2 years back it was 34,000, it was 34,000, it is 221,000, it shot up to one hundred 70,000 last march, this is a policy of not having a policy. that is their policy of facilitation and we are hearing new mexico's paying college tuition and they are using covid funds. rachel: in your money is being used for college tuition for people who come here and i was at a party with her new jersey mom, they said -- it was -- i go to those now. they said the class sizes keep getting bigger and bigger and not just kids from central america but all over the world. that means your american kid is going to get less attention, less help in the classroom, don't think because you don't live in texas or arizona or new mexico that this isn't affecting you, they are shipping lines of problems. pete: this record number of 200,000 predates the potential repeal of title 42. it will go into effect later this month. what are the projections for what would be new record-breaking numbers under those conditions. we've seen incredible numbers of illegal immigrants flooding across the american border once that minimal protection is taken out of the way. i don't want to brush past this, then you factor in the incentives that await underside of the border, mind blowing concept from the state of new mexico that they will use covid funds to pay for college tuition for illegal immigrants. let's put it in the simple terms, we are getting exactly what we are asking for. >> we need another covid relief bill? what is a slush fund, anytime they can't ask for more money it is a sham. breaking another record, when title 42 ends over 300,000 in fees are border encounters that don't include got aways, people we are not catching. presumably they want to be caught. how many tens of hundreds of thousands, they want to disappear. the ones we are encountering also disappear because they don't come back. when you had those numbers up they have to go somewhere. they have to get resources somewhere, how many teachers do you have, not just mexico and south america but languages and backgrounds introduced in the shadows because we are allowing it to happen. rachel: in your state of texas, based on what we are seeing, by the end of the biden term, we will have more population than the state of texas, that's astounding and you understand what they are doing, i used to think -- it is really just this globalist open borders concept that national borders don't matter and -- pete: who are we to think we are something special and need to the doors open. rachel: those ngos are lobbying the administration for more money. pete: they go to things like far left think tanks, they speak an open honest terms when they say we support the concept of open borders. will: let's go halfway around the world to ukraine, russia is going to increase missile strikes on the capital city of kyiv and formally warning the us of, quote, unpredictable consequences if they keep sending military aid to ukraine. >> reporter: the heightened sensible are columns as russia is believed to be real grouping in the east and the surrounding region, repealing the unspeakable war crime in russia's path of destruction, the bodies of one thousand people have been discovered surrounding ukraine's capital and many of those people shot execution style according to police and in the pommel southern port city of mariupol russian bodies -- they were hiding evidence of their war crimes and indiana republican congresswoman victoria sparks was born in the ukraine. she toward kyiv and her grandmother's native home and described people hiding for their life. >> they shot people, people in the middle of the room, they showed me the pictures, people dying every day, genocide of the people. people are so strong. >> reporter: the threat of missile strikes is very real. a couple hours ago we were alive with air raid sirens went off and turned out to be legitimate according to lviv regional administration, four russian cruise missiles were intercepted in this region which is on the western side, so this is spread all across ukraine. back to you in new york. pete: 3 deputy shot in kansas responding to reports of serious or suspicious vehicle yesterday. when deputies approached the car they opened fire. officials returned fire and the driver was killed. all three deputies who are shot are expected to recover. intense clashes breakdown in shanghai, locals scuffling with police in hazmat suits as authorities 439 residents out of their homes. their apartments could be turned into covert isolation facilities. [screaming] pete: absolute dystopian covid 0 world, 9 more buildings will be converted into covert facilities. shanghai has been under strict covid lockdown measures since late last month. five new yorkers will split a reward for tips leading to the capture of frank james. police say the individuals are from the police foundation, the mt and local transport, to be split evenly. the nypd saying these individuals helped build a timeline of events which led to james's arrest and those are your headlines. is this the only show hosted on this? will: "outnumbered". will: i'm trying to put my timeline together, you hosted yesterday. i'm just saying, i don't know another show -- rachel: i didn't eat yesterday, he tried to offer me a cookie and cardinal dolan looked at me and said it is good friday and i put it down. will: put the cookie right down there. i will get it in the break. rachel: the fight isn't over yet for the elon musk takeover bid. we breakdown the billionaire's plans. ♪♪ to help prevent bleeding gums, try saying hello gumwash with parodontax active gum health. it kills 99% of plaque bacteria and forms an antibacterial shield. try parodontax active gum health mouthwash. 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fox news correspondent griff jenkins. a previous life, previous outburst. what is the poison pill and will it prevent elon musk? rachel: it will be much harder for elon musk to buy twitter. what a poison pill does is it is a corporate tool, temporary tactic for the twitter board to take on that expires next year that only kicks in if someone like elon musk buys 50% of the company and once somebody does the other shareholders can buy twitter stock at a discounted price and that reduces elon musk's ownership, it will be a more expensive for him. that i explained that clearly? because it dilutes everybody else, reduces the value of stock for other shareholders, and they rebound monday and there are concerns, the twitter board is not owning up to their fiduciary responsibility, to act in the best interests of the company and to the shareholders so a guy giving you a 50% premium to what you are worth before he started buying stock and you are not taking him seriously and have no other bidders right now, there are concerns that the board is not doing its responsibility. pete: they want to maintain their grip on what they believe twitter should be. what would it mean for elon musk? rachel: other twitter holders to pull together their earnings, there are private equity groups that have been floated, silverlake, a twitter shareholder and larry ellison, one of the richest men on the planet, he has known elon musk for a long time. will: wouldn't those people have to be at some level aligned with what musk wants to do but he's got to build a coalition of 3 speakers. rachel: 350 billion, a lot of tied up in tesla, you have a lot of influence and sway. you can call private equity firms he has worked with in the past and i am sure he could bring together a coalition of investors to say let's take twitter private and maybe jack dorsey, one of the founders of twitter is on board with taking twitter private. if you are an ad based model you have to come to corporate to pay you to advertise on the platform. who has power when they are giving you the money. will: this is not over. rachel: i would love to hear what you think happens. when the last time we had a poison pill. will: what does it do to the stock price? that is an option. >> he could selloff is 9% stake and walk away. will: the white house has said they will not allow new oil and gas on public land, in a friday night dump they reversed their policy. what is the new policy? >> they are allowing it in the western part of the country, less than previously outlined and they come up with more environmental restrictions, these are long-term leases, they will not get the tickets turned on for oil and gas right away. pete: why are they doing this? >> it is a pipeline that takes a while to build up, record relief from the petroleum reserves and allowing ethanol blends for the summer driving season. i think the administration is trying all they can to get oil prices down. will: they declared war on oil and gas and are trying to throw the crumbs out and the latest used to get leases on public land. thanks for breaking it down. to lead, football is back like you have never seen it before, to helmet cams, to mikes on the field, the usfl taking the fan experience to the next level. that is next. ♪♪ why is guy fieri in the neighbors' kitchen? it's slider sunday! sliiiiiiiiii-der sunday! these chicken parm sliders on king's hawaiian rolls are fire! slider sunday! i want that. everything's better between king's hawaiian bread. mmm! ♪simply irresistible♪ ♪ ♪ ♪simply irresistible♪ applebee's irresist-a-bowls are back. now starting at $8.99. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. so what's going on? i'm a talking dog. the other issue. oh... i'm scratching like crazy. you've got some allergic itch with skin inflammation. apoquel can work on that itch in as little as 4 hours, whether it's a new or chronic problem. and apoquel's treated over 10 million dogs. nice. and...the talking dog thing? is 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and these guys are happy about it with this new usfl league. pete: fans are excited for high tech comfort like drones and helmet cams. it is a view when it is of you when the birmingham stallions take on the new jersey generals tonight on fox. pete: joining us is at be -- abby hornicek. >> reporter: you mentioned the inaugural game, not sure what was going to happen. don't know if you can see this behind us, tomorrow we have a triple header so a lot to look forward to and chad is here to break it down. pete: >> reporter: you are from nashville, a short drive from birmingham. what do you think of birmingham as a host city? >> it is terrific. a centrally located place in the southeast and when you go around town in the hotel lobby people are excited to have the usfl here, look around the city it is red, white and blue lit up on hotels and the highway. it is terrific. >> reporter: and so much innovation. you are holding the football. how has everything revolutionized the way fans watch football at home? >> you have the ability for broadcasters to talk to the coaches as they make plays over the course of the game, access like we have never seen before, drone camera looks awesome so i look forward to seeing the different angles and the access they have to the facility. >> reporter: quick thoughts, you have jeff fisher, a lot of big names. >> it is terrific to see guys who have been around in the program and college games. >> reporter: where can people find you later? >> 3:30 eastern across the out kick social media channels, we will be live getting ready for kickoff. >> reporter: thanks for coming on. guys? will: great insight. getting a chance to see it from the sidelines, from the player, really interesting. rachel: there are cameras on the players. will: you can ask why did you call that play? it is what we always wanted as a can. what are you doing on third down running again. why aren't you calling it? border encounters at historic high last month, the toll of the crisis is showing, they found a 4-year-old boy, the caravan trying to smuggle marijuana into the united states. former secretary ken cuccinelli warns it is only going to get worse and he's next. i didn't know my genetic report could tell me i was prone to harmful blood clots. i travel a ton, so this info was kind of life changing. maybe even lifesaving. ♪do you know what the future holds?♪ entresto is the number one heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists and has helped over one million people. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. - [female narrator] they line up by the thousands. or high blood potassium. each one with a 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high, 220,000 migrant encounters in one month. the human impact is devastated, texas agents found a 4-year-old boy among a group of suspected illegal immigrants trying to smuggle marijuana into the us. ken cuccinelli joins us now. it is a sad story to talk about a 4-year-old found among smugglers. wise the happening? >> it is a sad story but this happens all the time. the roots the cartels use and remember who manages the border, the federal government of the united states, the drug cartels of mexico, the some of the most evil vicious people in the western hemisphere and their human smuggling operation through the same channels as their drug smuggling operations and they direct the flows to distract and move the border patrol around using people to avoid getting their high-value crossings caught and to put as many of them over the border as possible, there are estimates the drug cartels are making more money from human smuggling than drug smuggling and no one, federal government or state including texas is doing anything to stop that flow. will: let's discuss texas, governor greg abbott embarked on a campaign to send illegal immigrants to washington dc. a third bus has arrived in washington dc to essentially lay the problem at the feet of the federal government. what do you think of this program? >> it is the last leg in the human smuggling chain, the recent articles about renewing charter flights around the country of illegals farther in and now texas is doing it. i understand why you want to drop them in the steps of the capital but these are voluntary trips, they want to take the trip. governor abbott is paying to boston 26 hours on a trip they want to take. instead of bussing them to miles back across the mexican border which is what he should be doing and until he does that, that may be clear about this, and he does have the authority to remove people from mexico to mexico, the illegal flow will not go down. for all the signing with mexican state governors who don't have any authority to stop immigration across the border it is all a show and you will see next month when the numbers come out before title 42 is taken down on may 23rd it has no effect on the flow of illegal immigration. pete: i can hear you are laying blame not just at the feet of the federal government but on the governor of texas, greg abbott, you are saying this is all political theater. i have had on "fox and friends" last weekend ken paxton and lieutenant governor dan patrick on the program and i asked them about your accusation before it was made that this is political theater and both of their response is the point is to force a constitutional confrontation, to force the federal government to confront the fact they are not enforcing our immigration laws soar texas or someone must. what they are saying and i want to get your response, this is supposed to support force it to the supreme court on who can enforce illegal immigration. >> ken paxton and dan patrick know how to do that. isn't bussing people to washington. it is by the governor as commander-in-chief of texas forces, every governor is the commander-in-chief of their own states forces stopping the invasion, greg abbott calling it an invasion and i don't think many people would dispute that is what is going on and repelling that under article 1 section 10 of the constitution. if you want to provoke a constitutional crisis maybe you should use your constitutional authority to do it instead of a bunch of press gimmicks. not just governor abbott, we are talking about texas, but governor doocy in arizona and his attorney general has found he has the legal authority to do this so there's nothing in the way and his state from acting to defend the borders of their state and the united states. pete: you could do the same thing by removing them back to mexico instead of to washington. great conversation, great perspective and perhaps we will hear from politicians in texas in response, thank you for your time. >> have a great easter. rachel: i learned a lot during that. we will turn now to your headlines, the cdc is launching an investigation into 9 severe cases of hepatitis found in children under the age of 6. all cases are in alabama. the health department says there are no links between the kids and none have underlying health conditions, the us is the third country to report the illness behind spain and the uk. officials are looking at if the virus that causes covid 19 or the common cold are the root cause. police in california searching for these two suspects involved in the brazen smash and grab robbery at a k jewelry store in a mall. outside of downtown la, police say the suspect use large hammers to smash glass display stealing an unknown amount of jewelry, the suspect escaped using a getaway car that was just waiting for them. kind of everyday occurrence in la these days. a rare convergence of holy days for islam, christian and jewish worshipers happening this weekend, rare overlap of easter, passover and ramadan that only happens a few weekends. they honor reflection, passover starting at sundown last night, christians will celebrate easter sunday and the islam holy month of ramadan began april 1st and those are your headlines. up next pastor robert jeffers will share his easter message of turning to hope in times of trouble. from chocolates to jellybeans and beyond, what is your favorite easter treat. that is still ahead. ♪♪ each lasting 4 hours or more, you're not the only one with questions about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start, with about 10 minutes of treatment once every 3 months. so, ask your doctor if botox® is right for you, and if a sample is available. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening 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"peace of mind." such a big, beautiful idea. and for us at this means - free cancellation on most bookings. it's a bit functional. but we'll gladly be functional. so you can be free. booking.yeah tums vs. mozzarella stick when heartburn hits, fight back fast with tums chewy bites. fast heartburn relief in every bite. crunchy outside, chewy inside. ♪ tums, tums, tums, tums ♪ tums chewy bites my name is douglas. i'm a writer/director and i'm still working. in the kind of work that i do, you are surrounded by people who are all younger than you. i had to get help somewhere along the line to stay competitive. i discovered prevagen. i started taking it and after a period of time, my memory improved. it was a game-changer for me. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. rachel: the sweetest shot of the morning, 90% of american consumers plan to purchase candy to celebrate easter. will: a have the cadbury easter cream egg. do we have that? or the recent one? >> i love they brought the robin eggs. will: how about starburst, easter jellybeans. wears all good stuff? rachel: it's the weekend show. you've got the peeps and the robins egg. rachel: we have to send the producer out. we will redo this segment. will: he should be on that list. rachel: you like easter candy? will: it's not the best. let's go to someone who has consecrated the gospel and easter candy. pastor robert jeffress. do you have a favorite easter candy? >> i do which i am a traditionalist, that's no surprise to you. i'm going to stick with the hershey's chocolate bar with almonds. this is the perfect candy for easter, halloween, christmas truly a candy for all seasons. rachel: it is multitasking. i love that. what is your easter message this year? for our viewers? >> it is important for people to understand what easter is about. it's not about family or spring renewal or daffodils. it is about the answer to life's most important question. if a person dies will they live again? is this all there is and i slip into nothingness when i die or is there something for me after i die? the resurrection of jesus christ askers -- answers that resoundingly there is life after death. the resurrection wasn't a one off for jesus. it happens for all of jesus's followers. in christ all shall be made alive. the fact that we are going to live forever doesn't erase our problems or laminate the pain of our problems but it adds one word to our problems and that is temporary. the bible says for these momentary afflictions we suffer now are nothing compared to the eternal weight of glory. someone said from the perspective of heaven we will look back at the most horrific sufferings on this earth and see them as nothing more than a one night stay in a bad hotel and that is the hope that easter offers us. rachel: you told a story about a little girl whose mother died and as they were putting her coffin in the hearse what happened? >> i conducted a funeral service for young mother whose body had been ravaged by cancer and as i stood at the side of the hearse as they loaded the mother's casket into the hearse her 6-year-old daughter cried out mommy, no, no, no, mommy, no, no, no. i will never forget that. what can i say to a little girl like that? the only hope i could offer -- she will see her mother again. . get up and go with best western rewards! the right place, the right value, right where you're wanting to be. ready to welcome you. let's go. stay safe. now get double best western rewards points on every stay. and with rewards points that never expire you get free nights fast! book now at pete: welcome this saturday morning april 16th, year of our lord 2022. you know, they used to say more formally in every context year of our lord 2022. that's what a.d. actually means. how we counted the year that we have and counts back to the life, the death, and resurrection of jesus christ and that's what this weekend is all about. rachel: towed is holy saturday and tomorrow is easter. will: glad you are with us. we will be with our families again tomorrow on easter. today we are with abby hornacek who is in birmingham, alabama because this saturdays is also the debut of spring football. the usfl returns and abby has a front row seat with players and fans. hey, abby. rachel: good morning. abby: good morning, you guys, i do have a front seat. we have been talking about birmingham as the host city. it really is a great host city. crying tears of joy for the game tonight. those seats are soaking wet. but i promise when i walked around and i talked to players, fans and coaches about birmingham, it was better weather. take a look. ♪ ♪ here we are at the thank you birmingham event. i can feel the love for the city. this balloon art looks very welcoming i'm going to head on in and talk to some people. starting with the mascot. welcome to birmingham. the turnout here is amazes. >> the birmingham stallions, you are the home team. >> it's been awesome. >> we have got some fans here. how excited are you guys for the game. >> we are super pumped. we drove 12 hours from florida just for the inaugural game. >> go stallions. >> go stallions. >> you guys came all the way out here from denver. what are you looking for the most about the usfl. >> some great football. >> cheers, birmingham. is it abby: as the city and the fans countdown the kickoff so are the players and coaches. go inside and check in with some of them on the sidelines. >> city of birmingham has definitely welcomed everyone. >> i know this city they love football. abby: what do you expect from fans? >> i expect a lot they expect a lot. abby: exciting about the usfl. >> have you guys here. >> be part of the fox family. >> strap up and play football again. >> it's a great feeling to be able to know that i played against the best and with the best. >> very exciting time for sure. >> americans love football so here it is year around. abby: last question i know you are a quarterback but can you go long? >> yes, ma'am: abby: okay. nice! guys, a special thank you to shay patterson the number one pick in the usfl draft. hey can you go run some more? he was very gracious as were all of the players, coaches and fans. going to be a great weekend. will: all right, abby, thank you for that inside look. you about to throw that at the camera. pete: i will throw it to you. there you go. maybe. will: cat like reflexes? pete: that was. that was good. rachel: if i have a broken nose by the end of the show we will know why. will: we have got it. pete: you know what? as a fan there were some fun things to watch in the communications on the sidelines, coaches, as a commentator they can talk to the coaches. see the coaches talking to the players. they are all micked up and then the rule changes how many times has your team scored a touchdown and down by three and going for two doesn't do anything. they can go for three in addition to going for 1 or 2 more opportunity for points. different onsidekick go for it on fourth down and the clock stops under two minutes for every first down. it's meant to incentivize offense. not in a gimmicky way all the tricks you wish you had. will: you were talking about. so names involved for a sports in the like me who particularly loves things like the professional football draft packs to be lynch first time one pick denver bronchos in the nfl. it's sort of a second chance for some guys who maybe didn't live up to the initial hype maybe on this new field of play they show exactly what maded them so behind up at one time. pete: they don't shy away from that fact. the league is in the spring. it's an ability -- opportunity for players to showcase that maybe they can play in the nfl and mean time get to watch good football. check it out tonight. i know rachel will be watching. will: going to be there. rachel: i will be there. pete: text you at 7:20 tonight rachel refresh your recollection watching the saturday night fox "primetime" line up as usual or are you going to turn it over. rachel: he asked me a football question yesterday thinking he could stump me and i got it right. pete: do you know how many downs there are in football. will: nice, nice. rachel: i'm learning. here is somebody who is also learning how to help america be a more free speech country and that is elon musk who has said that he wants to take over twitter and meanwhile the board of twitter is really kind of showing their cards saying they are going to put a poison pill into this to make sure that elon cannot take it over. will, we were talking earlier during the break and you think this is a very -- the way this is transpiring. the way the board is reacting to elon musk and the fact that they are openly defying their fiduciary responsibility you say is very dangerous for america. will: i think it's very revealing for america. i think this story is more than twitter. if you are watching at home i and we understand really the minuscule role that twitter plays in most americans' every day lives. at least on the surface. but twitter underneath the surface, i do think plays a very large role in shaping the quote, unquote narrative plays out certainly in mainstream media. and even within mainstream politics. this is a story about what you are allowed to see, think, hear, and read. elon musk is a free speech absolutist and that is an absolute threat to those with their fingers and hands around the control levers. and what the story reveals to me, rachel, is the length to which they will go to keep their grip on those control levers. they will go to the length of tanking the company because elon musk is putting an above-market, fair market value on twitter. in other words, they can make money, the shareholders of a private corporation who exist to make money, could profit off of elon's purchase. and they're willing to say no thank you and potentially risk a fiduciary duty shareholder suit in order to maintain their ability to censor. pete: they have made the case time and time again. you also hear other members of the media making the case maintaining of that censorship that's fundamental to what twitter is at this point. and all of the rest of social media. so when he first bought 9% shares. they freaked out. and said o okay, what's it going to look like. they offered a seat on the board. pull him inside. he said i don't want any part of that limit what i have to say and limits my ability to buy more shares in the future. then we weren't quite sure what he would do next. buy more shares on the outside. he makes this offer, which is day significant premium. and the immediate and from i understand in talking to susan live, what unanimous vote of the twitter board said making it more expensive for him but the stock price of twitter is going to go down. just likes a f. he removes his shares from twitter it will go down. they rejected the offer because hough is offering it and what is behind it, which is a belief in free speech. the question is he has hinted at a plan b. what might that plan b-what could it be? we asked susan li, who is a fox business correspondent, just reacting to the idea of what other options might elon musk have if the establishment mob at twitter very very top. >> elon musk, richest man on the planet. worth $250 billion. a lot of that is tied up ins at the that stock and options you have a lot of influence and sway. i imagine he could pick up the phone and call some of these private equity. i'm sure can he bring together a coalition of investors to say let's take twitter private. you also got a hint that maybe jack dorsey, one of the founders on twitter is on side with taking twitter private. he says the problem is when it's public that means and especially if you are an ad base model, right? that means you have to succumb to corporate paying you in order to advertise on the platform. who has the power when they're giving you the money? rachel: yeah. it's so interesting. because the shareholders are one part of this occasion. they are very important part of the equation. what really surprised me how the employees of twitter because i think that's also very revealing. the employees of twitter have been on the side of the board. they don't want this elon musk, entrepreneur free speech absolutist to be in charge that tells you a lot about young america. because, i think in our generation, the idea that we would be having a conversation now about how you set it up so well about what we can and can't think or see just was unfathomable to us in the 1980s and even the early to mid 90's. here we are and we are in this new, you know, radio little on the path to this chinese regime where somebody is controlling the information. pete: it's the safe pace phase of that profession down the road. this is a generation of younger people. especially in elite circles who were told certain sorts of speech violent. we need safe places in order to have those conversations. don't trigger me with things that make me uncomfortable and twitter has totally absorbed that and said, yes, that's our model, if you misgender someone, you are blocked. or you are silenced or you are muted. and that's the cultural of the entire place, which is why elon musk would have to take it private so he could fire who he needs to fire and hire the toot the type of people that value free speech. rachel: end game is china. pete: that's not how twitter would characterize it. rachel: many of these titans of big firms they will say i admire china and 9 way they can control things. that's what they are doing. they are controlling -- i mean, you win if the other side isn't even on the playing field. will: first, you are absolutely right there is a generational divide. something happened between generation x and the millennial generation. i'm not here to say all millennials are in support of censorship. but there is a strong instinct than with generation, to follow generation x to say i would rather security than freedom when it comes to free speech. but i want to really emphasize this we talk about it allot. the idea of the protected interest of an internal system whose major driving force in life is its own survival. was revealed in this bid by elon musk. there is a system within twitter whose primary purpose is certainly not free speech. and certainly not the protection of democracy. and isn't even shareholder value. it isn't greed, and it isn't money. there is something else that is more important. and in order to preserve that something else, they will defy and even kill the company to which they are using to control our thoughts. will: and i'm not overstating this. i want to point one thing out. when elon musk made this bid, one of the first voices to step up and reject the bid was the kingdom of saudi arabia. rachel: exactly. will: kingdom of saudi arabia maintains 5% of the shareholder value of twitter. the kingdom of saudi arabia said no thank you. on the side of protecting contents moderation, the modern euphemism for censorship is the, of course, and i hope this sarcasm comes through free speech loving and true to democracy model of the kingdom of saudi arabia against the threat that is elon musk. the system has been revealed. pete: great point. big business to your point loves big government. they love big government because it's predictable. it gives them a lot of power. free speech is messy. disagreement is messy. that's what our republic has been about from the beginning, corporations like it nice and coddled. rachel: over niece comers huge investment firms are injecting this philosophy and you talked about that with the border as well with open borders. the stockholder capitalism. this idea that, you know, your main job is not to maximize profits. there is this other thing but it is infecting all of our lives that i think is interesting twitter sale is opening it up in a way i think would not have happened. elon musk is an interesting figure. pete: i hope he keeps going and other travelers willing to back him up. when someone makes a move will someone come in behind him? will: five stories with will and pete on yesterday's episode of the will cain podcast. pete: look how happy i am. will: five stories in the news. we talk about fatherhood. we talk about pete's mask that he wears on airplanes. we talk about a lot of things. rachel: is that the one i gave you. pete: no, it's a different one. rachel: i have one. give them out a lot. will: apple or spotify. pete: it was a lot of fun. rachel: can't miss that podcast. will: we are going to be having a deep faith based conversation soon with the two of us if i have my way. pete: i love it. rachel: that's a yes. pete: for sure. all right. we have a few additional headlines as well this morning. 16th overdose in florida after ingesting unknown substance during an high school air force military ball. witnesses say the substance was spiked in glasses of water. the kids started throwing up and rushed to the hospital no foul play is expected. two hospitalized but rest expected to recover. after clashes yesterday at the holiest site of jerusalem. the u.s. department releases a statement this could be a do you sey. ned price saying we call on all sides to exercise restraint rhetoric and preserve the historic status quo of the temple mount. the clashes started after palestinians started throwing rocks at israeli police. about 400 people were arrested. but israeli defense forces have released about 100 of those detained in hopes of lowering tensions. i have been up on that term mount in jerusalem. it is a hot bed. i'm telling you, f. they could the palestinians would kick every just off that holy sight and christian wanting to visit. got to preserve it lebron james reportedly raged to teammates after then rockets houston rockets general manage darryl darrylmorey tweeted support forg kong. james lived about potentially missing out on the revenue from the space jam sequel he was working on at the time. who does he really work for? although james publicly slammed morye for china stance his movie was never released in china. those are your headlines. pete: do not kick off my communist chinese handlers i want to sell my movie. rachel: my masters. will: really embarrassing for lebron. daryl morey tweeted support for hong kong. rachel: freedom fighters so brave. will: mad because of the potential impact on his -- he is already whatever is he worth hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars he was mad about his financial impact of space jam. pete: he will never be michael jordan and maybe that's what he should be mad about. rachel: the movie never got released is that because of that? will: in part, yes. next weekend the three of us live from talladega. pete: going back. rachel: going back. pete: rick loves nascar as well. we love nascar, also. great races on fox. and we will be there from the track all weekend long. we had a blast last year. steve: huge steel look going into that prom mow. pete: i know people in the promo department. rachel: they definitely made you look very manly in that. pete: thank you. rachel: you are welcome. still ahead brazen robberies like this are expected nationwide. how can you defend yourself? will: next guest shows us the easy certify defense moves everyone needs to know so stick around. allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! flonase all good. if you don't repaint every now and then, it's like the old you is still hanging around. younger zoe: i'm listening to music. so today, let's paint... ...with behr, america's most trusted paint brand, and make your home, yours. behr. exclusively at the home depot. the sleep number 360® smart bed is on sale now. it senses your movements and automatically adjusts so you both stay comfortable all night. it's also temperature balancing so you stay cool. save $1,000 on our 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footage. [gunshot] >> there is yelling and someone is trying to break in the house right now in that room. >> authorities say the suspect identified as demetrius trussell broke into the home as the woman and elderly father were sleeping around 2:00 a.m. he sexually assaulted the woman and take her hostage with a gun held to her head when the officers arrived. the gun accidently fired at one point. no one was injured. officers fired back. trussell was not hit but he did surrender. according to investigators he attempted to break into two other nearby homes in the hours prior. the "l.a. times" reports trussell was out on parole. in this case the suspect seemed to be without a specific target but in los angeles, street gangs have made it clear they are out for those who appear to be wealthy. the lapd says that hundreds of people have been victimized in the last 15 months in cases where criminals have trapped residents driving nice cars and wearing jewelry. a woman is actually hit by a car so that the criminal could then rob her and other times these victims are followed home and officials say that since the start of the year 13 victims in l.a. county have been shot after being followed home two of those people were killed, rachel? >> thank you, alexandria. pete? pete: all right. thank you, rachel. the fight has already begun as crime spikes nationwide, how can you defend yourself? will put the director at defend university, author of the new super power for women and former west chester county police sergeant steve and his assistant carol ann williams are here and already begun to show us some self-defense moves that anyone can use. good morning to you both. >> good morning. will: i don't want to use the word excited. i'm not sure we are excited to get thrown around but it feels necessary. >> yes. will: show us what we can do to defend ourselves in these increasing situations we see on the news. >> let me start real quick by telling you that none of your property is so valuable that you would give up your life for. so, if it's property they want. give it up. number two, be aware of your surroundings. the predator's element of surprise 70% of his game. if do you this, head on a swivel, watch your six. you see somebody. and one of the moves we are going it show where carol ann will become a hard target. number two, leave the green and gold at home. that's what they are looking for. money and cash. so don't show off the bling. pete: even just saying hey, i'm watching this. >> yeah. exactly. the predator is afraid two of things getting caught and getting hurt. if you are going to one or both you are way ahead of the game. pete: those things haven't worked and now we are being accosted or assaulted. what do we do. >> hard challenge soft challenge. do this here. she see please approaching in an aggressive matter. so she is going to back off. >> hard channel soft channel back off. >> i approach her. >> back off! >> that might be enough for her -- number one by her yelling like that. it attracts attention. it puts people on notice and i -- she becomes a hard target. i may want to go elsewhere. there is a takedown that they wanted to show, so she is here. good, same thing aggressive, you are going to fight back. you are not giving up your property. boom, distraction here. i drop down as if i'm tying my shoes. i grab her heels. here, come up and either can i go to the knee to the belly or just flee. pete: quick distraction up top going down. will: role reversal where you are -- she is the aggressor and you are trying to defend yourself a quick shove off and you get them to the ground. >> yeah, it's a distraction. so, it's -- you will see this my coach eric paulson used this many, times in mma fights. bam, bam, dropped down you will not get kneed in the face. distraction. you disappear from in front of his face now i'm on the ground boom, it's a big surprise. pete: you want to dry it. >> give it a shot. will: the whole point i'm getting him to the ground, he is the aggressor, hey, back off. get down low and put my body into. pete: stop that. >> not bad. will: i went inside i should have gone outside. >> perfect but it worked. pete: give us one more even if it's not perfect you find yourself in new york city we see in elevators n. and whatnot we see people that allow people that get behind and the private choke is placed on them. pass the out and very easy way to defend it where i began this and hand gets behind me and i'm looking for a financing tore bring the hand here. once i get the elbow, boom, boom. or i just run. little bit in the past and what you said i have heard heard fingers, soft spots, grab, break, anything out. >> small joint manipulation doesn't work well it's the larger joints that work well. pete: try that choke on me. oh no. this arm. if i'm twisting this or whatever. >> my elbow. >> bring it. >> ah. >> i throw my body down like that. [laughter] pete: how did i know that was going to happen. >> good move. with you a lot of it is willing to be aggressive quickly if you are caught in that moment, techniques, it takes 100 techniques practice before an end from a gram process in your brains. you know that from sports and thousands before it's effective. pete: we are pretty much out of time i think we will wrap it right there because we are running up against a break. will: remember those in something happens. pete: steve, carol ann thank you so much. >> thank you. pete: thank you. rachel, back up to you. rachel: backoff! i learned a lot on that segment and no one split their pants. will: i think. rachel: football is back the usfl season kicks off in alabama tonight. that's where we will find abby hornacek this morning. abby? good morning: abby good morning. we have head coach of the pittsburgh joining us and also going to get into some barbecue a little bit later, a lot of fun things coming up here on "fox & friends." so stay tuned. ♪ frank is a fan of fast. he's a fast talker. a fast walker. thanks, gary. and for unexpected heartburn... frank is a fan of pepcid. it works in minutes. nexium 24 hour and prilosec otc can take one to four days to fully work. pepcid. strong relief for fans of fast. let's go on the open road with a safe stay! can take one to four days to fully work. now get double best western rewards points on every stay. and with rewards points that never expire, you get free nights fast! book now at for copd, ask your doctor about breztri. breztri gives you better breathing, symptom improvement, and helps prevent flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition... ...or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling,... ...problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. if you have copd, ask your doctor about breztri. i didn't know my genetic report could tell me i was prone to harmful blood clots. i travel a ton, so this info was kind of life changing. maybe even lifesaving. ♪do you know what the future holds?♪ will: spring football is back. rachel: general's taking on the stallions tomorrow night. pete: check in with abby hornacek. abby: i have head coach wilson here. hopefully this weather clears up for you. coach, you spent 23 seasons in the nfl and then you also spent seven years in pittsburgh with the steelers. now you get to coach the pittsburgh maul lers what does that mean, it means a lot. city of pittsburgh, it's a lifelong dream. it's something i don't take for granted and imseeks ited and looking forward to tomorrow's kickoff. abby: what intrigues you most about this league in general. >> the opportunity of what it represents. reached out to me and i was excited to accept it and build a team from the ground up. our guys are all bought in and they can't wait. abby: you guys are taking on tabernacle tomorrow. what are you guys doing to get your guys ready. >> we call it paying attention to the little things and detailing all of the assignment of the execution of it. which take place live we know we have a good game plan and players and can't wait to see how it looks. abby: how it looks is crazy. what do you think all of those innovations. >> i will leave that to the people who do it. basically i'm just a football coach and we are going to roll out the ball and see what happens. and let the technology take over from there. abby: and what about the fans and being here in birmingham? have you guys felt a warm welcome? how has that reception been? >> it's been excellent. you know, everyone we have gone out in the community, it's been just fantastic and people here love football and i think we are going to see that on full display tonight and tomorrow. >> you guys take on tampa bay at 8:00 p.m. eastern tomorrow night. coach, thank you so much for joining me. guys, back to you. will: all right, abby, great interview we can't wait to watch. tune in tonight's game birmingham stallions against the new jersey generals 7:30 eastern time on fox. the return of the usfl. rachel: pete is going to call me at 7:30 and see if i'm watching. pete: i believe i said i will text. i will call sean and text you to make sure you are watching. rachel: still ahead the president's approval rate is slipping especially among latinos. i went to texas to talk with hispanic voters ahead of the midterms to see why so many are voting red. take a look. >> we have the same values. latino values is republican values. >> we agree on everything. deep down every anywhere texas are conservative ♪ ♪ ♪simply irresistible♪ applebee's irresist-a-bowls are back. now starting at $8.99. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. bipolar depression. it made me feel trapped in a fog. this is art inspired by real stories of bipolar depression. i just couldn't find my way out of it. the lows of bipolar depression can take you to a dark place. latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. this is where i want to be. call your doctor about sudden behavior changes or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements, which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. now i'm back where i belong. ask your doctor if latuda is right for you. pay as little as zero dollars for your first prescription. this is remington. he's a member of the family, for sure. we always fed him kibble it just seemed like the thing to do. but he was getting picky, and we started noticing some allergy symptoms. we heard about the farmer's dog and it was a complete transformation. his allergies were going away and he just had amazing energy. it's a no-brainer that remi should have the best nutritious and delicious food possible. i'm investing in my dog's health and happiness. ♪♪ get started at it's my 4:05, the-show-must-go-on, migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere, migraine strikes. without worrying if it's too late or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. unlike older medicines ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy and learn how abbvie can help you save. rachel: i traveled down to the lone star state to hear what hispanic voters had to say about top issues while the g.o.p. is aligning culturally with their community. take a look. ♪ rachel: we are in plan know, texas, trying to get temperature of the hispanic vote so first of all, how many of you know hispanic families that are hurting right now because of inflation? >> >> i would say inflation is realtime. we see it, we feel it and it's something that is going to draw latinos to the voting booth. hispanics care about being able to work. being able to provide for their family. >> government -- destroys that idea. we won't be able to reach that american dream that i moved here for at 19. rachel: continuena, you have been private school, public school and home school teacher what concerns you about america's education system? >> just the move in the direction in what we are teaching children. we have to get back to being focused on actual education items. rachel: are you worried about crt and gender ideology in the schools? >> absolutely. >> the president, secretary mayorkas. kamala harris, they say that the border is not open. is the border open? >> yeah. people are flooding our border. that puts a bunch of individuals at risk at the risk of being at the hands of the cartel. >> my gosh, i can't. they are -- it's not parents sending their kids over here to give them a better life. it's being kidnapped and being used by the cartel to get over here. they are the worst type of people. rachel: is the government complicit in the exploitation of children across this border? >> i think it's horrible. i think trump was trying to get a hold on the situation. rachel: do we need a wall? >> i think we do need a wall. >> absolutely. rachel: does anyone have a theory as to why joe biden reversed trump's border policies which most texans say is working. >> wants more democrats to vote for him. rachel: you think this is a long-term demographic play. >> that's the only thing they have [inaudible] rachel: tina, should the president and kamala harris come to the border? >> i'm not sure that would make a difference. one thing that i think would make a difference is support and growing support for the bipartisan border solution act. it is time for congress to stop kicking the can down the road. rachel: is illegal immigration cheapening citizenship? >> yes, ma'am. it's not fair for folks like my family, folks that i know that are doing things the right way and then willy-nilly let someone else come in and not do things the right way. it's unfair for all parties involved. >> biden's message is come on over. we'll help you. you'll get some -- we are here for you. they are gonna need the government to survive. so the end result of that is socialism. rachel: yeah. >> we don't want socialism. rachel: how many you have think that crime is going to be a top issue in this election for hispanics? >> when you look at how the democrat party has been so soft on crime and you have democrat members of congress who are constantly bashing law enforcement and want to completely get rid of ice, what they don't understand the majority, if not most of border patrol agents are hispanic, and most hispanic families have someone in their nuclear family that is in the law enforcement sphere. rachel: if you were advising the republican party what would you tell them to do to get the hispanic vote. >> go in hispanic communities and educate through meet and greets. get the word out. we have the same values. latino values is republican valley values. >> we agree on everything. it's just getting that same value to the ballot box. >> is the hispanic vote the super vote. >> the hispanic latino community is the sleeping giant in the room. >> i think that we need to understand latino vote is not something that we are going to stop talking about after midterms or after 2024. the latino vote is so diverse. just even on this panel. so we can keep that conversation open and the republican party having a welcoming message to the hispanic community. not just the mexican community but understanding the conversation is wide and broad and there is many seats at the table for the conversation. rachel: that group was wide and broad. they are not just hispanics all walks. we had venezuelan, he will sal l salvador and nicaraguan living there in texas. a lot of the issues and the sentiments i could relate to i understood. i will tell you what the big surprise to me how strong especially the men but all of them one of their top issues was second amendment. i asked them why. they said because we know people in mexico who are living in very dangerous situations. there is one gun shop in mexico. no one has a gun and so they really appreciate the ability, especially under these conditions with an open border and the cartel so strong the ability to fascinating. great, important story to follow. what did you find out. what do you think is the number one issue that is attributable for the swing? we are seeing the hispanic vote swing. why? what's the number one issue? rachel: it's the economy. the inflation. rachel: these are people that have families. it's not just their families. they are seeing other families hurting. also, you know, so many small businesses were hurt during the pandemic. many of them hispanic. as you know hispanics are, you know, small businesses, greater levels than any other demo. so, they saw big businesses do well. small businesses punished. pete: remind me again real quick historically why hispanics have sided with the democrat party when their values are more aligned with republicans? rachel: this group, they all were pro-life, they all were faith, family oriented. there is just, i think, an -- there used to be an idea that the g.o.p. was for the rich. and the democrats for the poor. it's obvious they know there is only one party now the republican party for the working class. border was a huge -- border issues and security huge issue obviously this is texas. there is so much going on and i think the democrats are going to be surprised in this midterm at how many hispanics they lose. you lose a hispanic to a republican, once they vote one time it's easier for them to keep voting republican. will: the numbers astounding. pete: i speak to will when i say we continue to be students at the rachel campos-duffy hispanic studies. will: three sheriff deputies are shot in kansas. authorities say they were responding to reports of a suspicious vehicle yesterday. when deputies approached the car. the driver refused to exit, then opened fire. officials returned fire and the driver was killed. all three deputies shot are expected to recover. broadway theaters are extending their mask mandates for at least may 31st. but many are loosening their vaccine policies leaving it up to individual theaters to decide if they want visitors to show proof of vaccination. policy goes into effect april 30th. in a statement the broadway president says our intention is that by maintaining strict audience masking for at least the month of may we will continue our track record of safety for all. 150 more days. and then 15 more days. pete: series of 15 more days and then we will stop. pete: and you will be very safe the entire time. wonderful. just don't go to a broadway play. that's my answer at this point. rachel: or disney. pete: or disney. add to the list. still ahead. the pentagon going woke. the new equity plan just rolled out not in the -- equity plan rolled out by the department of defense. rachel: that's what we need right now. they call it the great outdoors. is your yard looking a little bit lackluster? 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i'm speechless. thanks for the apoquel. ahh, that's what friends are for. ask your veterinarian for apoquel. next to you, apoquel is a dog's best friend. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit the sleep number 360® smart bed is on sale now. it senses your movements and automatically adjusts so you matching your job description. both stay comfortable all night. it's also temperature balancing so you stay cool. save $1,000 on our most popular smart bed. plus 0% interest for 24 months. ends saturday. to learn more, go to will: spring is in full spring. are you ready to spend outdoors. rachel: i love spring. our next guest has the latest and greatest products to make sure your yard and garden are ready. pete: dyi chip wade, good morning. >> i have to address the big foot in the room. now, if you want to make your yard into a spectacle this year. check out design-to-as it can they have full size lawn filters really high quality. next up we will talk about landscape solar lighting that is finally high quality that gives the performance of wired options. these things have high quality solar panels, the same kind that you acn your roof covered with glass. made with powder coated aluminum. they have high, warm, low school settings. these contemporary and shepherds hook models actually provide six and up to 8 times the solar charging power of other solar lights. really really great. again, can you check these out and other options at gama really great stuff. talk about shade sales. it's getting to be summertime and springtime. cooler radio rectangles, squares. awesome colors. high quality they are going to block the uv and let the breeze do you. super comfortable. make cool plant beds stain mold and mildew resistant made from coolaroo doll cot. flies and insects started. if you have ever been bit by a fly you will love ball. inflatable ball that you literally spray with catch them liquid all over it what it does is actually attracts the flies to the ball you place it in the sun, get covered with those flies particular to it cut it down, throw it away when you are done, get this stuff at amazon or at big ball amazing invention here. okay. i was recently at the national hardware show found generac generator. charges one a solar panel in 8 hours. that means no gas. it's going to provide backup power to a lot of the home for up to seven days. today we are heat blanket for easter check chicks. take out in the garden. take it in the car. >> eneark great addition to the house. poll loan in the air in atlanta. get three times of scrubbing power scotch bright heavy scrubbing pads i use it on outdoor furniture pollen and fall debris off of there heavy duty pads are more aggressive. great for lawn equipment. even the greatest greats on youn grates on thegrill. find them at scotch we have these up for you at weighed works check it out. all the links are up there. get ready for the spring and happy easter. will: all right. chip, thank you some. pete: well done. rachel: happy easter to you too, chip. >> thank you, guys. will: big ball of dead flies. cut it down throw it away. rachel: have to get a kid to empty it out. will: exactly right you have 9 or 6 of them. border surge record number of migrant encounters. lawrence jones went and spoke with the migrants. he joins us in the next hour. my garden brings us together. my garden is my therapy. find more ways to grow at [ dog panting ] your happiest spring starts at lowe's. experience all the deals at springfest. lowe's. home to any budget. home to any possibility. meet apartment 2a, 2b and 2c. 2a's monitoring his money with a simple text. like what you see abe? 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rachel: i think canadian bacon works on an eggs benedict. i don't think you should mess with that one. pete: spoken like a can't. this is how we do it and we will keep doing it that way. rachel: incident current throughout show. pete: wonderful under current amongst catholics here. also national wear your pajamas to work day. rachel: why didn't they tell us that? i totally would have. actually, if you catch me on the weekdays around 2:00 p.m. i'm still in my pa jam in as. i don't like to leave the house i'm kind of a shut in. this is the only time i get out. [laughter] will: what does that mean small c catholic. pete: big c catholic the catholic church. one small c one unified. small c catholic in that we are all christians and small c catholics mean we are unified. rachel: very catholic -- pete: i am very much-i'm not just baptist but southern baptist. but i very much appreciate the catholic hold the line on so many wonderful things and i thank you for that. rachel: this weekend we have so much to celebrate and share as christians. pete: for sure. whism you are doing it we talked about while you are doing the easter eggs and easter bunny thing make sure the kids and grandkids know the real reason for what is happening tomorrow. rachel: the resurrection. we are going to turn now to ukraine. russia is vowing to increase missile strikes on the capital city of kyiv. pete: kyiv also formally warning the u.s. of quote uredictable consequence if they keep sending military aid to ukraine. will: matt finn is live in lviv with details. >> there is heightened sense of alert. because russia is believed to be regrouping right now and is expected to launch a new attack, perhaps worse than what we have seen near kyiv and in the eastern region. they have withdrawn from that area from for right now which is revealing some of their unspeakable war crimes in their path of destruction. the bodies of nearly 1,000 people have been discovered you surrounding ukraine's capitol and disturbingly many of those people shot execution style according to police. also in the southern port city of mariupol. russian troops are seen digging up bodies. presumably to hide evidence of their war crime. and indiana republican congresswoman victoria spartz, who was born here in ukraine, she toured kyiv and her grandmother's native home and said russian troops are executing people because they could not suppress them. >> it's just once you see that the killing of people, i mean, they had libraries, hospitals, stadiums stores for food. they were not trying to, you know, fight an army. they were trying to suppress the people. >> right now we are on the western side of the country a few hours ago the air raid sirens went off and they were confirmed that four russian cruise missiles were intercepted in this region. back to you in new york. pete: thank you, matt. on the. will: on the topic of ukraine and the world confronting the reality of war. the pentagon here in the united states is confronting a different reality. one where they institute an equity action plan this is quite shocking. here is what the action plan would incur. procurement in contracting this is where they would implement equity initiatives in the department of defense. military installations and bases. military family equities at this time advances. equitable artificial intelligence research and development. terrifying. undeserved community investment. pete: i can't overstate how much reaction i have gotten from guys inside the military who i have served with. one who is inside the dod saying this dod equity plan it's a hard push. meaning it's not just a document that's going to land on someone's desk and nothing is going to happen. from the top down. equity is by the way equity is not the same as equality. be very, very, very clear about that. equality is what we used to talk about. treating everyone equally which is exactly what the dodd and pentagon has been for decades. i served next to black and brown, male and female and we fought as a unit as a team to defeat the millimeter. enemy. these is equity kit at this time. marxist end state removes meritocracy frankly and to a man and whom have been reaching tout me they say this will mean that people check a certain box will be getting promoted quicker because they check a certain box not because they are better at their job or more -- or better at killing the enemy. you mentioned it equitable artificial intelligence research and development? don't you just want the best ai research and development? where everyone gets an equal shot? equity means leveling it out by pulling some people down and pulling other people up. and if you are doing that in the department of defense, that means eventually you are going to get people killed. or you are going to be less lethal at what you do as a fighting force. this is -- this started in the obama era. it stopped under trump. now it's on hyper speed as the white house has mandated it wasn't just dodd by the way. dhdoe department of education already awashed in equity. this is dangerous stuff, guys. rachel: this is really transformational of the military and what made the military great. i say as a military brat, my dad entered the military when they were still levels of discrimination in other parts of american society for mexican americans for african-americans military was this place where you could go and do your best and it was a meritocracy. if you were good, you rose in the ranks. my dad was a loyal, faithful hardworking soldier, made it all the way from an airman to, you know, he retired after 32 years as a chief master sergeant. pete, talk to me about what would happen to a unit. you led a unit. if equity in terms of promotion becomes the centerpiece, not just and i'm not just talking about, you know, who gets -- that it's -- can lead to people dying. i get that part just talk to me about the intrapersonal things. pete: i think it's not just in the military it would happen in any context. it's the animosity that builds up. it's the second guesting. did you get that position because you earned it? or you are the best person or because a box-which just an injustice to the person who is perceiving it but also to the person who has that position. and maybe did earn it. and now question whether or not they earned it. especially though in small unit leadership, when you are talking teams and squads of platoons and companies. that intimate relationship is important to earning the trust you need to do things that are not natural, which is charge towards the gunfire. you have got to trust that the best person is there and they have your back for the right reasons, really really dangerous. rachel: china couldn't have done -- this could have been a chinese spot, frankly. honestly, they would have to be really happy at this. will: yeah, well, because to pete's point, it is a marxist, communist ideal is equity. it sounds nice to be on because it sounds like equality. but it truly is equality of outcomes. it is engineering it so that you get mediocrity across the board. this will ensure the united states of america will lose a war. we will lose a war all it takes any company that institutes an equity plan is a rival who prioritizes merit to come crazy. so a rival the equitable one has compromised itself it. it has placed meritocracy below objective. pete: i was a platoon leader at guantanamo bay. i had about half a dozen members of my own platoon who were were not u.s. citizens who joined the military, hispanics because they wanted to fight for the country and it was my job as a platoon leader to put in their application packets to become citizens and it was a joy to do so. these guys were eager to become u.s. citizens and they wanted to earn it. and i didn't have to do it actually. if i had had a guy in a platoon who i thought was not working at it not to do it, i didn't have to. they all were. they were all eager to. it's been that pathway that meritocracy now we are checking boxes. when you are checking boxes you are losing wars. rachel: looked what happened in afghanistan who was the leader there lloyd austin. a lot of people i have talked to don't think he is the best of the best. my goodness at that position we should have the best of the best. pete: pushing it quick. here is a statement the dod action plan on shifting the department's focus. while the department has historically been focused on increasing equity when the dod community. this plan shift in the department's approach and focused better to ensure that we leverage our capabilities to create opportunities for all americans. i don't know what any of that means other than really. rachel: other than we are going to lose to china eventually. i don't think that -- you say it's marxist like the chinese. honestly the chinese are playing to win. and this is a proof that we are not playing to win. we are playing for some weird ideological motives that are under lying. pete: political standdowns of ideology continue radical right wing ideology and the vaccine mandates they have already done huge damage in pushing meat eaters out of the military. rachel: i know a young man who would have been the greatest candidate for to become a navy seal and did not join because he had had covid and didn't want to take -- you have met him. pete: phenomenal. rachel: he would be the most amazing person. i'm not going to take that i have already had covid and i don't want to take that injection. military lost a great person. pete: not to depress you. rachel: i'm sorry. pete: still amazing people they have to stand up and speak out. rachel: waiting for you guys to stand up and speak out. we have intense clashes that broke out in shanghai this weekend. pete: local scuffling with police in hazmat suits as authorities force locals out of their homes. it's like utopian movie so their apartments could be turned into covid isolation facilities for others. will: alexandria hoff live in washington with more. >> we are talking about a city where chinese officials said a few weeks ago that they would not do another lockdown. they will penalize those who spoke about a potential lockdown happening and then they locked down it started in phases in march as a way to combat rising case numbers as part of china's zero covid policy. but now residents in china's largest city who have essentially been taken hostages had have had enough. [shouting] [screams] rachel: there you have hazmat wearing police forces they are clashing with desperate residents pushed to the brink. foot shortages are now plaguing the city. residents who are able to line up for rations. not only has their freedom been taken but homes, too as authorities have been ordering people to surrender their property so they can be turned into quarantine zones. through all of this, the case numbers continue to rise. but, a majority of the residents who have been testing positive are reporting to be asymptomatic. still chinese authorities are standing by the zero covid policy and say that they will not be scaling back these restrictions. rachel, will and pete. rachel: that's a horrible scary story. >> these images dogs and cats in bags. rachel: horrible. will: exposed to covid they sit on street corners bagged up prepared to be taken to god knows where. and that's bets, now you are seeing what's happening to humans, i mean. rachel: separated from their children. will: covid zero. pete: this is the -- will: this the path that australia, immediately to and would be americans were on and who knows where it goes. rachel: there was a portion of americans who were on board with this idea. and thank god many of us stood up and fought back. pete: locked in their homes unable to many cases to go get food when you give up. >> when total control is answer over by the state stuff like this can be the end state that's really really turn now headlines fox news alert. shots are fired at bronx subway station earlier this morning. investigating whether shotsy mired on board one of these planes. police say the injured comes after he is less than a week subway shooting that left 29 people injured. police in california are searching for these two suspects smash and grab robbery. and kay jewelry store inside of a mall, the robbery happening outside of downtown l.a. the suspects large camera to smash the glass displace taken unknown amount of gel richmond suspects escaped using a get away car waiting for them outside the mall. now this. white house secretary jen psaki claims she'll wasn't being, quote, critical after suggesting on a podcast yesterday that our very own peter doocy, who is, by the way, always polite, was a, quote, sob. psaki peter doocy does not write his own questions for press briefing which is not true. full video shows i told full story peter's -- i was not talking about him or any reporters at fox. is he doing my job. i'm doing mine. we disagree, i respect that i'm sorry, i think about always classy kayleigh mcenany and dana perino, those kind of white house press secretaries would never be caught saying this kind of stuff. it was absolutely disgraceful. pete: she was led into the answer by saying well, is he just that or is this network just that and if you are taking the side of grace you don't take the bait. you don't have. to say fell right into it. rachel: peter you picked peter doocy he is so nice and asked so politely. will: one reporter asking a challenging question without peter doocy it would be all ice cream questions, if you don't ask ice cream questions you are an s.o.b. rachel: also he said it so nicely. pete: texts keep pouring in. pushed for years now practiced in the opening the dod stuff this happening happening for years and doing it in the open. >> the cultural movements. >> birmingham. abby? abby: alive with people coming tout to watch the usfl, we actually visited a thank you birmingham events yesterday where players and coaches were able to talk to some of the fans. i had the opportunity to chat with two of the mascots. they were very chatty. i couldn't get them to stop talking. it was very weird. a lot of smack between one another. there was nothing but good sportsmanship between those two. they were very friendly. the new jersey generals mascot general jersey that had just been announced so he was extremely giddy about that and stallion showing me all of his dance moves he will be performing today. one of the events. a woman wanted to take a picture with general jersey stallion fan. census you have to remain loyal there is no way you can get a picture with general jersey if you are a stallions fan. fans seemed to have a good time and so did we. these mascots are part of these team's brands. so are their threads. 8 teams, 8 new jerseys. people are looking forward to it most of the hype is around the new orleans breakers uniform with the hand painted helmet that light and dark blue t-shirt that is on the jersey and the helmet also. tonight you will see two teams that are mostly red and white so the stadium is just going to be a flood of those colors with a lot of support for the birmingham stallions since they are the home team. tonight, stallions vs. generals and then you go into that triple header. the weather looked like it's clearing up, guys, so let's keep our fingers crossed for kickoff tonight. will: it is my favorite color scheme dark blue and light blue together. rocking it over there. put a yellow into it. light blue, dark blue. pete: abby is sporting the light blue. will: border crisis surging with migrant encounters reported last month the highest in over two decades. lawrence jones just visited the border and saw the crisis firsthand and he joins us next. heads up. 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fewer groceries. this phone? more groceries! this phone? fewer concert tickets. this phone? more concert tickets. and not just for my shows. switch to xfinity mobile for half the price of verizon. that's a savings of over $500 a year. switch today. this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. 22 years. >> lawrence jones visited the border. he joins us now. lawrence, thanks for being here. you said this trip was like any other you have had down there. lawrence: normally when i'm at the border before that barrier is built. and there is all these trackers from dps and all that this is different because there is a lot of terrain and these -- these are runners. these are people trying to get -- normally single adult males. they have a lot of camo. and you have to track them by old school police work. meaning you have got look at the track to see exactly where they are going. they don't have a lot of technology there. and if it wasn't for the department of public safety. this would be gone. >> this is a texas led thing right now. this is a texas led thing. of course border patrol. they are out there. air support. it's not being funded for them to get it most of them border patrol agents are handling a lot of the processing. and not actually securing the border. pete: we have got a clip of your trip. let's play it right now. >> where did you guys come from mexico? >> yeah. >> how long have you been on the road? >> a week. lawrence: a week? when you got to america who are you going to stay with? >> find work. >> work? >> and then room and we need to figure that out because in mexico it's difficult. pete: so those folks did not want to be caught. here is a sense of the growth of the amount of border encounters. i believe we have the stats from 2022 to 2021. it's up almost 80%. if did you go back to 2020, it's up astronomically further. this month is 220,000 encounters, lawrence. lawrence: that doesn't include the got-aways. pete: doesn't include the got aways or the ones we don't know got away under the trump administration it was something like 35,000 now it's 220. situation out of control. lawrence: with title 42. imagine how bad it's going to get after title 42 if this is lifted. interesting about these guys they ran out of water. they hadn't had water for entire day. ran out of food. they got lost. get sloppy because it's so hot out there. it's so much terrain and although they try to prepare for these trips. if you don't have a coyote that's escorting you through, you are going to get lost. they got sloppy and we were able to find them as a result. this is before title 42 i'm going to go back in a few weeks. when title 42 is lifted and we are expecting a massive surge. and i know a lot of people are trying to say, you know, greg abbott is virtue signaling. people need to understand is he doing all can he do right now. is he frying to get equipment from the biden administration that the u.s. taxpayers had already paid for. they were so petty and said we could not have the wall equipment. we couldn't have the technology equipment. texas didn't sign up for this. unfortunately we have to deal with this because we are a border state. and i would just caution democrats on this. because you a all the democrats on the border are starting to flip on this issue. a lot of those city councils that were once democrat are now republican. when you have henry cuellar and the rest of these democrats saying you need to knock it off. they can't continue to have this message well the republicans are just being anti-immigrant. the border patrol is minority immigrant. majority hispanic. those border towns are majority immigrant. majority hispanic. and they don't like what's going on. pete: we had ken cuccinelli on the program earlier who was actually critical of texas. we will have guests on tomorrow to kind of break this down. is there more texas could be doing to actually instead of showcasing the problem by sending them to d.c. actually send them back across the border? is there -- i mean what's your understanding of the authority they have? lawrence: i'm not smart enough to get into the legal debate of what texas can and cannot do. greg abbott is saying look, i have used everything legally i can do which to capture for criminal trespass and turn them over to the federal authorities or them here in texas. people philosophy saying texas is a sovereign state. they have the ability to send them back to mexico. that's a huge debate going on. we will see how it plays out. pete: that could be the constitutional. lawrence: indeed would he be watching your show tonight cross-country 10:00 p.m. don't miss it. even more footage at the border and we always love having you. you are the man. pete: kickoff usfl and birmingham is buzzing with excitement. abby hornacek checking in with businesses hoping to get a big boom from the game and they join us live. ♪ ♪ the burning. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®... ...most people saw 90% clearer skin at 16 weeks. the majority of people saw 90% clearer skin even at 5 years. tremfya® is the first medication of its kind also approved for adults with active psoriatic arthritis. and, it's six doses a year, after two starter doses. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®. ask your doctor about tremfya® today. do your eyes bother you? 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will: real quick, jason, that's turf you are standing on, right? >> yes, this is turf that i'm standing on and because it was raining earlier in the morning hours. it's a bit wet. but, you know, it was part of the reason why i had to be incredibly careful in running toward you for the start because i didn't want there to be a youtube moment where i started running to you and then oops and then i become the weather man that everyone remembers as the slipping weather man here in birmingham. so we are not going to be doing that. will: we are glad you pulled it off. >> i want you guys to come down here. will: thank you for that weather update. four games on one field and all that thunderstorm. pete: i thought okay. if it's regular grass it will be torn up by the end of it if it's turf then we are good to go. jason, thank you very much. rachel: thanks, jason. >> have a good one. will: stick with birmingham. check in with abby hornacek who is with a barbecue business owner this morning. hey, abby. abby: hey, i actually called jason and i said hey, jason, we are supposed to have a tailgate with barbecue make it stop range it stopped range but unfortunately we got rained out for our barbecue. but we are here now and this is brandon kaine on or abouts of one of the barbecues. i appreciate you coming out in weather. >> definitely. a little bummed we didn't get to cook for you guys we are here for the usfl and excited about the game. abby: the barbecue sauce is here so we will try it in a little bit. what is it like for you guys to be five minutes away from the stadium and having the usfl a? >> it's busy. is a million dollars impact on our community over it. we are start being to see it for sure. abby: what makes your barbecue different and special from all the other barbecue in birmingham? >> you are going to start with a fight. abby: hey, let's do tnchts we think it's because, you know, we pull the bone and scramble the fat and everything together. we pull individual muscle groups, clean the fat out you get perfect bites of pork, super, super tender, to top it off our sauce is a little bit different. here in birmingham and alabama tomato base a little bit sweet ervin garr base with perfect balance of sweet and spice. abby: that's the way to do it with the perfect balance. >> yeah. abby: when it comes to the game and all of the fans coming out, what is a dish that most people order from your restaurant? >> so our -- probably one of our most famous dishes pork and greens. grits, green sauce on top. you better make sure you got your calendar clear because it's going to -- abby: making me hungry. i'm going to wrap it up here and check out this vinegar base. delicious. i could eat this like soup. it's spicier than i thought it was going to be. but that is so good. you guys have to check out his barbecue. spicier than i thought. pete: you go? abby: for the game. thank you for joining me brandon. i'm going to take this do go. pete: no you are not. rachel: maybe not like soup. but it looks like it's probably going to be awesome. abby: it is really good. >> when you get it with the pork. pete: her face said something different. her voice being drag. will: i could eat this like soup. [laughter] will: still ahead, saved by tiktok how one viral video helped a girl secretly signal for help when she was kidnapped by ex-boyfriend. nancy grace joins us. that's next. high-quality hearing aids with all of the features you need, and none of the hassle. i use lively hearing aids and it's been wonderful. it's so light and so small but it's a fraction of the cost of the other devices. they cost thousands less. it's insanely user friendly. you take the hearing test online, the doctor programs in the settings. you don't even need to go into an office. they're delivered to your door in a few days and you're up and running in no time. it connects via bluetooth to my phone. you can stream music and you can answer phone calls. the audiologist was so incredible she's full of all kinds of little helpful hints i love it. they're a game changer for me. i feel like i can take on anything. it feels great to be in control of my hearing. better hearing has never been this easy. try lively risk-free for 100 days. visit (announcer) it's time to lose the weight for good. try golo. for 100 days. no subscriptions, just real results that last! -i've lost 70 pounds. -58 pounds. -22 pounds. -128 pounds. 138 pounds in nine months. crazy, right? 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(announcer) change your life now at assaulted under domestic violence. seems to be putting perfume on the pig. domestic sounds tranquil. anything but. in this case the victim was assaulted and kidnapped in the and defendant's ex-boyfriend's truck. he threatened her with a screwdriver and said basically if i can't have you nobody will. and a gas station she used the international sign that she was in domestic danger which is this. and very often you may see it and not know what it means. she made that sign to the clerk who called police when police arrived, listen to this. when he saw the sheriffs arrive. he took off and led them on a high-speed chase crashed into a ravine into a creek. if he would do that to sheriffs, what would he have done to this victim alone in that truck with him? rachel: it's amazing. i have to tell you when i read this story i didn't know about this hand signal. if somebody had done this to me i wouldn't have known what that meant. so now i mow is this something we should be teaching all of our children? >> absolutely. and i think it should be taught in school. and for once, i'm thankful for tiktok. usually trying to drag my children off of it they just lie on their phones. for once i'm grateful because they, tiktok are really credited with making the sign readily recognizable. i really believe it should be taught in school starting in pre-k and here's the deal. when i prosecuted i also worked as a volunteer at the battered women's center at night, this is what i know. if you don't believe the statistics you read in black and white remember this i have never seen a domestic violence situation get better. i know that's not what victims want to hear. they believe they can fix it hallmark movie and the christmas card. no, that's not happening. if you can't save yourself or don't want to, think of your children, because they are going to grow up thinking it's okay to beat mommy. rachel: nancy, it's not just domestic violence, we see especially with our open border and increase in child sex trafficking, and i think you are right. i mean, our children learn soft, drop and roll. they should learn this as well. probably more important than teaching them about gender fluidity in kindergarten. this is probably going to help them much more. so, yeah, i agree with you 100 percent. now people know this is the international sign if you see somebody like doing this you need to call the police and get them help. >> can i tell you what sticks? my mind? how many homicide murder cases i have prosecuted that were victims of domestic rage. domestic violence. it does not get better. family, friends, co-workers, they have an idea or maybe they have no idea at all. this woman had to reach up to a stranger at the gas station who literally saved her life. abby: absolutely. nancy, you always have a heart for justice. that he was why i love you so much. i love your show on fox nation. thank you for joining us this morning -- >> -- happy and blessed easter. rachel: to you too. >> to you guys and everyone. thank you. rachel: thank you so much, nancy. and don't forget. you can catch crime stories with nancy brace available now on fox nation. all right. pete? pete: well done. thank you, rachel. turning now to a few additional headlines this morning. police arrest a man carrying a knife into nypd's east flat bush precinct in brooklyn. the incident happening this morning. officials say the man walks inta station making a series of requests. fortunately no one was injured. charges against the suspect are pending although around here they will probably release him. researchers at duke university saying a promising cancer vaccine is in the works using the same technology found in the covid-19 vaccine. researchers say the treatment if effective can mainly be used to fight certain and symptom cancer phase one of a clinical has been complete and a phase 2 style underway. it will be great. all right. the new york mets honoring the late team legend tom receiver with statue outside the stadium 2020. the fans wanted him to are immortalized big statue unveiling. opening day. the methods celebrating the big occasion with a 10-3 victory over the diamondbacks, a lot of met fans in this studio. don't worry they will start strong and fade like they do best. no they say this is their year and those are your headlines we shall see. all right. elon musk now talking to private investors toe team up with him with a new bid to take over twitter. we will break down that coming up. special only on fox. nascar legend darryl walter joins us next with a preview. ♪ ♪ and i just didn't feel well. but then i found clearchoice. 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>> when i grew up, they called me a short track punk. because i loved nashville, i loved bristol and martinville, all the short tracks have a lot of wind on those tracks. i just a knack for getting around a track like this high bank. the banks intimidate a lot of people. the dirt intimidates a lot of people. but, nonetheless, it was just one of my favorite tracks. i ran well. the first time i ever came here. i won here when it was asphalt. i won when it was concrete. i didn't race on it when it was dirt. but i probably could win on this dirt track. will: i like that confidence. i like short track racing by the way. i like everything to be tight. i like to see a lot of position swapping. so, i know you didn't race on it or didn't win on it, you said. but, combine short track bristol with dirt, which we are going to see on sunday. what kind of unique mix does that put into the race? >> yeah, well, there are horses for courses. that was me. i was a short track guy. i love short tracks and there are dirt track especiallyists. kyle larson dirt track. wins a lot of races on sprint car on dirt and others that have had tremendous success on dirt. that doesn't necessarily parlay into you are going to have a big advantage. the car has certainly a lot to do with it. it's a new car that we have never run before. and so it's a different car. they have redone the track a little bit with some progressive banking. so, even though we raced here last year. this year it's a whole new ballgame. and we practice. a lot of cars spun out. >> chase elliott spun out four times yesterday. this takes -- it takes the driver and the crew chief working on the car to get the car where it will perform every driver, a driver is a driver. it can drive a track or can't drive a track. every driver is capable of winning if they can get their car right. will: well, every driver can drive. as you said, as you started horses for courses. here is the course for you this week and you are back in the booth. you are there for 19 years. what three years roughly off. are you excited to be back in the booth? >> oh, listen, eric shanks, our boss i call him every week hey, you know, do you need a guest commentator, i'm not doing anything. i'm just playing golf and hanging around franklin if you want me to go somewhere and do something let me know. they finally made sense for me to come here to this race, one that i have more wins here than anybody it made sense for me to come here and i'm excited about being here. my joy -- in the booth, calling the race. it should be exciting. tomorrow morning, you have lunch and settle in for a great -- will: it's a special race. feature sunday, bristol. dirt. darrell waltrip. he wins a lot here and going to win in the booth as well this weekend. darrell, great to have you on "fox & friends" this morning. thank you. >> yeah. i watch every week. will: thank you so much. watch on fs-1 this weekend and watch next weekend as we go to go to tall dan bongino and more coming upis on "fox & friends." start stopping with nicorette if you don't repaint every now and then, it's like the old you is still hanging around. younger zoe: i'm listening to music. younger zoe: you are a libra and he is a pisces, that is like a cosmic dungeon. older zoe: you know what, can you? 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it can't be next weekend -- rachel: we're at talladega. pete: as the week heats up, i see us joining abby down in birmingham. will: i'm in. rachel: i actually think "fox & friends" should go down to the border. pete: we agree on that. [laughter] rachel: sorry. pete: trump's wall right there, i agree -- rachel: the one that's rusting that texas won't put up and has to buy a new one? pete: in the meantime, as we make our way towards the border, we stop in birmingham on the field, that way we could catch some of these pass pas -- rachel: and the other benefit, you brought, by the way, a sneak peek of the brunch we're going to be having a little bit later. pete brought end me up some of the deviledded eggs. we love southern cooking. we could go down to birmingham, go down to texas or arizona, get some tex-mex and tell the story on the border. will: love it. we're not there yet, but abby hornacek is live in birmingham, the return of spring football, the debut of the usfl. hey, abby. >> reporter: hi. yeah, i am fully onboard for you guys to come down here. i absolutely love birmingham. i have a lot of good recommendations. we could are some fun, go out on the field and, of course, go to a usfr game. i can't imagine anything more perfect. guys, it's been lovely here. just the general feeling i'm getting from these coaches and these players, it's a really special experience. and for us it's just with such an honor to be able to witness that inaugural season, the inaugural weekend, aer, for this new season of the usfl. when i talk to these fans, these coaches, these players, they had a lot to say. that take a listen. >> welcome to birmingham. >> reporter: how excited are you guys for the game? >> we're super pumped. we drove 12 hours from florida. >> reporter: what are you looking forward to tost most about the uspl? >> some -- usfl? >> some great football. >> the city of birmingham has welcomed everyone. >> americans love football, so here it is. >> reporter: last question, i know you're a quarterback, but can you go long? okay. ♪ >> reporter: nice! [laughter] that was shay patterson, by the way. he's the number one pick in the usfl draft. he had just gotten done with practice, and i made him run a little bit. everyone has been so gracious and kind to all of us. you guys mentioned catching passes from the quarterback, but they can catch too. so you can catch some balls too. pete: really nice if toss. rachel: impressed, by the way. pete: i got that say. you threw a rope to him! rachel: i told him before the segment how athletic you were. >> reporter: well, that's very kind of you. he was the athletic one, he actually caught it, so he made me look good. rachel: no, no, no, no, abby -- do it in slow motion. will: i mean, abby, don't be bashful. pete: i give some credit to your father, obviously, basketball skills translate into general athleticism because that was a good looking toss start to finish. rachel: yeah. >> reporter: thanks. we spent a lot of time, a lot of time on the beach with my brothers, my dad and my mom. so, you know, it's fun. just to be able to toss to shay patterson -- rachel: look at that. [inaudible conversations] pete: making that toss, it wouldn't look that good. rachel: i've never done anything on the show that has impressed these guys as much as that, let's be honest. >> reporter: oh, that's not true. a. rachel: it's so true. [laughter] >> reporter: you eat the canadian bacon on your eggs benedict, because i agree with the guys, you've got to keep the regular bacon. that's impressive. rachel: i generally don't like anything canadian -- pete: here we go. [laughter] will: all right, abby. pete: thank you, abby, very much. rachel: i like the truckers. pete: you liked the truckers. rachel: i did. they a made a great point. will: you like maple syrup as well. rachel: wisconsin maple syrup. they can have it. [laughter] will: all right. president biden is spending this weekend at camp david, of course he is, but before he left he issued a massive u-turn on his policy toward federal oil and gas leases, nice friday night little ship in there. rachel: all right. alexandria hoff is live from washington with more. good morning. >> reporter: hi, good morning. yeah, this already has it breaks a campaign promise the president made to stop oil and gas development on public lands. the bureau of land management announced that it will begin leasing again, but it will only offer -- you believe -- far less acreage. it's still a major reverse although. here's the moment last month when fox news' peter doocy asked if this was a consideration. take a listen. >> reporter: would president biden rescind his executive the order that that halts new oil and natural gas leases on pluck lands? >> well, 90% of them happen on private lands are, as i'm sure you know, and there are 9,000 unused, approved drilling permits. so ill suggest you ask -- i would suggest you ask the oil companies why they're not using those if there's a desire to drill more. >> reporter: there has been a desire, and that 9,000 number wasn't completely accurate. it was misleading according to the american petroleum institute. a permit means oil companies can explore those sites, it doesn't mean the locations are usabling. but in the hopes of driving down fuel costs, the biden administration is suddenly ready to open up this process again. according to the interior department, 144,000 acres will become available for oil and gas drilling. now, earlier this week democratic senator joe manchin told reporters that it would be foolish for the administration not to consider reopening work on the keystone xl pipeline and has suggested that rebranding it could make it more palatable to democrats. guys? pete: alexandria, thank you very much. yeah, doesn't seem like much of a turn. they're desperately trying to make it look like they're doing something about the energy crisis, but that's not going to get it done. let's move to another topic, elon musk. so on thursday morning we reported that he was putting in a bid to buy twitter and take it private for $43 billion. that's after having already taken almost 10% of twitter shares. is so he's seriously looking at a new direction for twitter, taking it private, getting rid of the censorship, making it a free speech platform. well, he's now talking to private equity investors to partner with him potentially on a new structure for twitter after the board, guys, has adopted what's called a poison pill deend fence meaning if -- defense peening for the next year, if elon musk buys more than 15% of the showers, it triggers an option for other shareholders to buy more shares at a lower price which dilutes the value of what he owns, and they believe it would prevent him from attempting to buy twitter. the vote, guys, on the board? unanimous. they do not elon musk. will: twitter employees and the twitter board are so is terrified of free speech that they're willing to institute a poison pill on the company to avoid elon musk's owner shi. rachel: and hurt their own shareholders in the process. unbelievable. let's bring in the dan bongino to get his reaction. this is a guy -- by the way, dan, welcome. you know a bit about bug tech, and you've been in this world, in this crazy big tech world world with paroller and now with rumble -- can parler and now with rumming bl. tell us what you make of elon and this play and, as will says, very revealing moves by the board. >> well, first, let me just say, abby is an unbelievable athlete -- [laughter] there has never been a greater pass on camera than peter hegseth three years ago in miami, the frozen rope we plaided on unfiltered a few weeks ago, that the cameraman if missedded, missed. that was the best pass on television i've ever seen, so, pete, not acknowledging that -- pete: i love you, brother. rachel: this sounds like, this sounds like those fishermen that a say they caught a big fish and it got away. >> no, it was caught on camera. pete: thank you. >> i saw the evidence. rachel: all right. i trust dan. i trust dan. >> it happened, i'm telling you. i was actually there. listen, here's what's going on here. the board's going to have a real problem with this. poison pills aren't that uncommon with hostile takeovers. hostile obviously means the board doesn't want with it, unsolicited, they didn't seek this out. it wasn't some m&a opportunity, right in elon wants to buy twitter, twitter doesn't want to sell and their board. here's the strange thing though with these poison pills, they're usually instituted because the board believes the hostile takeover's to not going to add value. but here's the kicker, elon musk is offering to pay a substantial premium over what the company's worth on the open market now. my point here is that how the hell is the board, if they're sued here, the board that has a fiduciary financial responsibility to increase the value of shareholders, how are hay going to defend themselves in court against it without a counteroffer? in other words, they're going to go out and say what? we didn't take elon's offer and enrich our shareholders, not on paper, because what? we didn't like elon's libertarian politics? i guys, this is a lawsuit waiting to happen. and one more thing, this poison pill is a double whammy for people who own twitter shares, right? not only is it a mass dilution event, the poise -- poison pill creates a whole pool of new shares. you want to decrease the price of corvettes, create 10 million of them. they're worth nothing. not only is it a mass dilution event, but it could also be a liquidation event if musk sells the 9.2% of the shares he owns now. so you're getting the double-barrel middle finger here. the stock is worth less because he liquidates his shares too. how they're going to defend this is really beyond me. they are opening themselves up to litigation that could last forever. will: yeah. and, dan, i think the translation, to me as i look at it, they're saying open hi and honestly that we're not in this for shareholder value. there are some things more important than market mechanisms and, quite honestly, greed, right? and that thing more important is clearly censorship. >> oh, man, you took the words right out of my mouth. that's exactly -- this is not about market value. you're so correct. this is about a group of left-wing lunatics who have the new public square in twitter. they've seen the power of it with the hunter biden laptop story in the 2020 election, they've seen what twitter can do, 2016 too, they've seen how you can manipulate politics using this beacon, this major world beacon for news, and they're not giving it up. this is their hill to die on. it has nothing to do with shareholder value. just one more thing. showing you how fraudulent the left is and why -- and why i thank the lord i'm not one of these left-wing lewin lunatic -- lunatics. they hate big with finance, big oil, they're now behind the saudi regime as that saudi prince, he's a big chunk holder, he as has a huge chunk of twitter. now they love the saudis after destroying them over the khashoggi thing. the left loves the saudis and blackrock billionaires now who own a chunk of twitter, they're cheering them on for fighting against elon musk. these people don't have a shred of dignity at all on the left. rachel: yeah. you saw the don't say gay bill, the saudis execute people for home sexuality. it's outrageous. really interesting too to see the media. you see elon musk cares about free speech, our own american journalists are on the side of twitter against, you know, free speech. >> how ironic, right? i mean, you have a group of people who are specifically mentioned in our founding documents, our constitution. they literally have a carveout for themselves, freedom of the press, right? and what do they do? they take that opportunity, and they jam it right up the wazoo, wherever the wazoo of america is, that's what they do with it. i always say i will die on that hill for freedom of the press no matter what, but it gives them the freedom to be stupid, but they don't always have to take us up on it. unfortunately, they do. pete: that's the hill that elon musk wants to die on too, free speech. just a bit of a track record of being successful -- will: trying to figure out where the wazoo of america is. [laughter] >> yeah, someone sent me that grey's anatomy -- [laughter] will: names and places it could be. [laughter] pete: i don't know, dan. speaking of that, so maybe that ties in nicely -- [laughter] maybe a little bit unsavory these days getting even more dangerous for individuals. you've heard about the spike in crime across the country ask if people in a lot of these especially big cities, there's no second amendment, it doesn't really exist, so how do you defend yourself with against rampant crime? will and i had a defense expert if on the show. i know you're big into self-defense, combatives, i don't want to fight you and i never will, okay? but will and i on the show decided to get tips, and then we showed them off on each other. we did not know this was going to be shown later -- rachel: they loved this segment so much, dan. they loved this segment. let's let dan decide. >> all right. pete: try aha choke on me, brother. will: oh, boy. pete: so your saying this arm -- >> he's going to bring this her- pete: i'm twisting this. will: bring my elbow -- >> good. pete: ah! >> then i throw my body down like that. how did i know that was going to happen? yeah, yeah. pete: good move. [laughter] rachel: all right. what do you think? pete: there's another one, dan, what do you think? this is will's offensive maneuver. took me off guard, took me down. what do you think? >> okay. will, you know with i love will, but shooting that double leg was horrendous. you don't want to put your head down like that, and the head goes on the side. you want to use the head as a lever point. the held is actually another limb for you. you can use it to move a guy. and that's called the rear naked smoke. you almost had it. don't try this at home, folks, let me say that again, but you have too ca carotids on each side of the neck. it enables you to disable an opponent quickly by basically temporarily interrupted blood flow to the brain, and they lose consciousness in a few seconds. i've been choked out in my life probably close to 20 or 30 times, and it's a very effectivt home unless someone shows you. i'm serious. you will hurt someone. that choke is extremely effective as a self-defense move. by the time you wake up -- they wake up, you're 2, 3 blocks away calling 911. and once the computer shuts down from lack of blood flow, you're going out, brother. there ain't no way to stop it. pete: it's true. will: put my head in between, need to go to the side -- rachel: i don't want to be the criminal. >> and you've got to get behind the knees so he doesn't sprawl. your hands have got to go behind the knees. he could drop to the ground, he's on top and you're in a world of trouble. rachel: i think we should bring dan back, i i think dan needs to come in studio and actually do the lesson -- >> is gavin watching? rachel: and i'm going to wear pants that day -- pete: are you? gavin has said for years if he and i fought, he'd win. >> i don't know, brother, with my current arthritis condition, there's only one man i think can truly take me out, that isal doe rivera. [laughter] i'm kidding. but he is the only man who actually challenged me to a fight on fox news -- rachel: that's true. >> -- explosive segment. but we like each other. rachel: that was must-watch tv. that was very memorable. pete: unfiltered, what have you got on tap tonight, dan? >> oh, awesome. quick, a book that literally changed my life, it's can called the case for christ, on easter weekend. he'll tell you he was an atheist trying to disprove the existence of christ and wound up writing the most powerful book i've ever realize. don't miss that. and leo, lisa booth on elon. but i have a social media expert, friend of mine from the secret service, who is going to tell you the damage and destruction places like tiktok and youtube are doing to your kids. he's going to put a number out there about the number of people hunting your kids online every day in the these platforms. i had to ask him to repeat it twice because it blew my mind. our friend megyn saw the interview and was like, whoa, i gotta do something about this with my kids. it's that powerful. so check it out. will: all right, we will. rachel: absolutely. thank you, dan, we will not miss it. >> thanks, guys. rachel: all right. and happy easter, dan. still ahead, the virginia attorney general and 15 other statements are now demanding the supreme court end race-base add missions at a top public high school. shannon bream joins us next with her analysis. pete: and we are cooking up a delicious surprise on fox square. we've already tried some. rachel: yeah, we have. couldn't resist. pete: delicious. the recipes for decadent easter brunch still ahead. ♪ ♪ you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need? oh, like how i customized this scarf? wow, first time? check out this backpack i made for marco. oh yeah? well, check out this tux. oh, nice. that'll go perfect with these. dude... those are so fire. [whines] only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. will: we're back with some headlines. a 14-year-old girl armed with two knives chases a career criminal out of her home mid-robbery. the girl was woken up by the home invasion. she grabbed two steak knives and confronted the intruder. the man immediately ran off. girl used her phone to videotape the suspect's car helping police track him down hours later. the suspect is a career criminal, of course, who was out on bail with a history of violence dating back to the 1980s. that that's one tough 14-year-old. fox weather alert, a large tornado tears through arkansas last night. the 'twasser was spotted -- twister was spotted across multiple counties. some reports say cars even flipped. the severe weather also dropped gold ball -- golf ball-size ised hail. crews are working to assess the damage. actress liz sheridan who played the mother in seinfeld passes away from natural causes. >> how could you? >> how could i what? >> you are making out during "schindler's list"? [laughter] >> no. >> don't lie, jerry. [laughter] will: jerry seinfeld paid tribute to sheraton on twitter. liz sheridan was 93 years old, and those are your headlines. rachel: thank you, will. well, the virginia attorney general is leading 15 other statements in demanding support for race of-based admission policies for a top public high school. joining us now is the host of fox news at night, shannon if bream. it looks like the virginia d.a. has decided to take this on. he's a cuban-american himself. tell us how this case is going and what you think will happen, because a lot of people are concerned about schools having these kinds of policies that are not based on merit. if. >> this has been a hot story here in the d.c. area for years now. this thomas jefferson high school is considered one of the top public high schools in the country, very competitive to get in just outside of d.c. in the suburbs here k. and what has happened is they decided to change a standardized that you had to take in order to fight to get placement in the school because they said that the racial makeup of the school didn't reflect the area, and they wanted to make some changes. so they've set aside some slots for middle schools in the area, a certain number of students will get in, and they're going to look at experience factors like socioeconomic background, those kinds of things. what happened was there was about a 20% drop in the number of asian-american students who got into the school, so these parents have come forward and said basically what they're arguing is these new policies are unconstitutional, and they are race-based in a way that doesn't fit the constitutional requirements. so this thing has now gone all the way to the u.s. supreme court where we are waiting at any moment -- they could actually give a ruling about whether or not this policy can proceed, these new anti-testing and different way of look at their admissions policies can proceed if while this case is being fought on the underlying measures. but i've got to tell you, parents are very riled up about this in the area, and it's going to be a big case that everybody's watching. rachel: definitely. i remember it coming up many some of those town hall and school board meetings that were going on in virginia. by the way, he's the a.g., and i should say that because i said d.a.. i want to talk about your book, mothers and daughters of the bible speak. i think it's perfect for easter and mother's day is coming up. if you think your family's imperfect, you could look at some of these families and get a lot of hope. [laughter] >> that's actually true because there are some really strong, beautiful families like yours that you can model here, but there are also troubled families. i talk about king saul and his wife -- his daughter in this book because we do fathers and daughters, we do mothers and sons as well. listen, his daughter was desperately in love with david who he saw as a rival, but he used his daughters as pawns in this marriage game, in this power game. and on though they ended up getting married, king saul was constantly trying to kill his son-in-law, who became king david. no matter how hard it's going with your family, you're doing pretty good. on this easter weekend, there are so many conversations and stories that can be provoked from this book that i think will be inspiring, encouraging and just to give the faith to somebody. rachel: yeah. tomorrow is the perfect time for your very important special mothers and daughters of the bible speak. my daughters and i will be part of that special as well. yes with, it was so awesome to do it, and i just love working with you, shannon. it's going to be airing tomorrow night, easter sunday, on the fox news channel at 10 p.m. last word on that. >> yeah. folks will love to hear from you and your family. ainsley is part of it and and other familiar faces from our fox family. you can gather around and enjoy it on easter. rachel: perfect day for it. thank you, shannon. so great seeing you. >> thanks, rachel. happy easter. rachel: still ahead, bring football is here, we're counting down to tonight's usfl kickoff in birmingham. abby hornacek is live with the head coach todd bailey with a preview. ♪ we are the champions. ♪ the only ev truck that combines: 4-wheel steer a multi-flex midgate and up to a 400-mile range on a full charge and the only way to reserve it is at find your future. find new roads. we're a different kind of dentistry. one who believes in doing anything it takes to make dentistry work for your life. so we offer a complete exam and x-rays free to new patients without insurance - everyday. plus, patients get 20% off their treatment plan. we're on your corner and in your corner every step of the way. because your anything is our everything. aspen dental. anything to make you smile. book today at, walk in, or call 1-800-aspendental. my a1c stayed here, it needed to be here. ruby's a1c is down with rybelsus®. my a1c wasn't at goal, now i'm down with rybelsus®. mom's a1c is down with rybelsus®. 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(♪ ♪) ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. will: the usfl's inaugural weekend is packed with one big game after another with one tonight and three on easter. pete: boom. the tampa bay bandits take on the pittsburgh maulers tomorrow night on fox sports 1. tampa's head coach, todd bailey, joins us now a along withing fox nation host abby hornacek. abby in. >> reporter: coach was mice enough to join me. the it's a beautiful day now, which is great, and you guys are topping off the end of the schedule tomorrow with that triple header that we'll watch with the usfl. you know, coach, just first of all, overall thoughts about this weekend and being here. you came from tampa bay, but what do you think of birmingham? >> i really have enjoyed birmingham. it's been a long time since i've come down here to work a player out back in the early 2000s. they've done a lot with the city, and it's been a pleasant surprise. and in general, the experience has been awesome to this point. i mean, now we've got to win some games, but just been having a lot of fun, love my players. you know, they're hungry, they want, they want a chance to shine and keep pursuing their dream, and i love my coaching staff, so it's the been, it's been great if to this point. like i said, now you've got to win. >> reporter: speaking of experience, you have a lot of it. you coached big men, kurt warner to their best seasons. what skills are you going to use as a coach to help your quarterbacks achieve success in this league? >> i think coaching is coaching. yes, i've done it for a long time. i spent the last couple years coaching high school which was another great experience. but, you know, i like, i like my quarterbacks, jordan and brady white, they're both really smart guys, and they have ability. so that's always a positive, you know? if you have a quarterback you feel confident with, you can kind of push the envelope, and they can do a lot of things to make maybe a bad play become a good play. >> reporter: well, guys, coach is the youngest coach in the user sfl are, so maybe we have -- usfl, so maybe we have to throw a jersey is on him? get him out there? will: i saw that fist bump, he's pretty proud of that -- pete: player-coach, that's happened in a few leagues. rachel: really? president yeah, especially basketball. abby and todd, thank you very much. coach. will: you called him by his first name and then you corrected yourself. coach is one of those titles, you just never let go of it. once a coach, always a coach. at what level? if i've coached little league -- pete: i think it's high school. rachel: do you want us to call you coach? will: think about it. rachel: okay, i'll tib it -- think about it. the prime minister's approval ratings -- president's approval ratings are slipping and among a demographic that a lot of people didn't think would slip this fast, and that is latinos. i went to texas to see why so many of them are now voting red. take a listen. >> we have the same values. latino values is republican values. >> we agree on everything. >> deep down every hispanic in texas are conservatives. let's go on the open road with a safe stay! now get double best western rewards points on every stay. and with rewards points that never expire, you get free nights fast! book now at ♪ will: expanding support for republicans is gaining steam as president biden's approval rating is now at 26% among hispanic voters. rachel: that is the lowest approval number of all demographics. they are more dissatisfied where joe biden -- with joe biden than even white voters, and that's why i traveled down to the lone star state to hear what hispanics had to say about it and why the gop is aligning culturally with their community. we're in plano, texas, trying to get a temperature of the hispanic vote. first of all, how many of you know hispanic families that are hurting right now because of inflation. >> i would say inflation is realtime. we see it, we feel it, and it's something that's going to draw a lot of latinos to the voting booth. hispanics care about being put to work, being able to provide for their families. >> government overreach destroys that idea. we won't be able to reach that american dream that i moved here for at 19. rachel: you've been a private school, public school and home schoolteacher. what concerns you about america's education system? >> just the move and the direction and what we are teaching children. we have to get back to being focused on actual education items. rachel: are you worried about crt in schools? >> absolutely. rachel: the president, secretary mayorkas, kamala harris, they say that the border is not open. is the border open? >> yes. people are flooding our border. that puts a bunch of individuals at risk, at the risk of being at the hands of the cartel. >> oh, my gosh, the kids, they are -- it's not parents sending their kids over here to give them a better life, it's kids being kidnapped and being used by the cartels to get over here. they are the worst type of people. rachel: is the government complicit in the exploitation of children across this border? >> i think it's horrible. i think trump was trying to get a hold on the situation. rachel: do we need a wall? >> i think we do need a wall. rachel: anybody else -- >> absolutely. rachel: does anyone have a theory as to why joe biden reversed trump's border policies which most texans they was working? >> to get more to vote for him. rachel: you think this is a long-term demographic -- >> absolutely. that's the only thing they have. rachel: teen tina, should the president and kamala harris come to the border? >> i'm not sure that would make a difference. one thing i think would is support and i growing support for the bipartisan border solution act. it's time for congress to stop kicking the can down the road. rachel: is illegal immigration cheapening citizenship? >> yes, ma'am. it's not fair for folks like my family, folks that i know that are doing things the right way and then willy-nilly let someone else come in and not do things the right way. it's unfair for all parties involved. >> biden's message is come on over, we'll help you, you'll get some -- we're here for you. you're going to need the government to survive. the end result of that is socialism. rachel: yeah. >> we don't want socialism. a ray how many of you think that crime is going to be a top issue in this election in for his pan ins? >> -- hispanics? >> when you look at how the democrat party is so soft on crime and you have democrat members of congress who are constantly bashing law enforcement and want to completely get rid of i.c.e., when they don't understand that the majority if not most of border patrol agents are hispanic and most hispanic families have someone in their nuclear family that is in the law enforcement career. rachel: if you were advising the republican party, what would you tell them to do? >> go into hispanic communities and educate, do meet and greets, get the word out. we have the same values. latino values is republican values. >> we agree on everything, right? it's just getting that same value to the ballot box and getting them to vote according to their values. >> deep down in their core, every hispanic in texas are conservative. rachel: is the hispanic vote the supervote in this election? >> oh, absolutely. the latino community is the sleeping giant in the world. >> i think we need to understand the latino vote's not something we're going to stop talking about after the midterms or 2024 because the latino vote is so diverse just even on this channel. so we can keep that conversation open, and the republican party having a welcoming message to the hispanic community, not just the mexican community. but understanding that there is a conversation that's wide anded broad, and there are many seats at the table for the conversation. rachel: so the gop if really has to wake up and realize what a golden opportunity they have just by the nature of the pa failure of the biden administration. so it turns out if you take your time the, make sure that it's really expensive to buy groceries, you increase crime and support criminals over victims and you open the southern border, guess what? hispanics aren't that that loyal to democrats. they really want their life to improve. pete: you've been saying for a long time, ahead of the curve, that this kind of development is possible. are you surprise how quickly it's happened? rachel: i am. but i think there's a lot of forces going on. and, again, hispanics don't have the same kind of cultural loyalty to the democrat party that the african-americans have. their approval numbers still even with this economy that's killing the black community, they're still at 60%. hispanics, again, 26%. no one is more dissatisfied with this administration than hispanics. this is a massive wake-up call for the democrats and a huge opportunity for the republicans if he can go out and and just talk to them. because they -- pro-life issues, religious issue, they're all aligned the -- pete: second amendment, you said. rachel: that was one that surprised me. will: underneath a story that has been told about republicans that whether or not you're black or latino, you cannot look at this party because of its racism. but underneath that story, the truth of the issues and the reality on so many different points, second amendment and including illegal immigration, the economy it actually aligns with the values of the gop. rachel: it really does. and that's why i think just welcoming them in, telling your message will be really positive. and, of course, it doesn't hurt that the biden administration's been such a failure. so anyway -- will: great job. rachel: thank you. had a great time in texas. thanks for welcoming me, all of you. go ahead. will: i will. [laughter] rachel: i didn't realize i was so close to will. next time i will stop and we'll do lunch. will: still ahead, a sweet demonstration on fox from french toast to candied bacon. we have the recipes you need for a great easter brunch. and make sure to tune in tomorrow for a big easter show. ainsley earhart, joe concha, the vice president of operations edward graham join us live. ♪ ♪ made in the usa. ♪ ♪ made in the usa ♪♪ i'm steve. i lost 138 pounds in 9 months on golo and taking release. golo saved my life. i was way overweight, and that's what sent me down the path, was i--i wanted to make sure and live for my kid. plain and simple. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. ♪ rachel: it's national brunch month and easter weekend, so we're celebrating here at "fox & friends". pete: winner of season 16 of top chef, author of the new cookboo- >> yes, thank you. pete: kelly bernard clark joins us now. >> how are y'all? pete: we've been looking forward to this segment all morning. rachel: we've already started eating. listen, your deviledded eggs, i never thought of adding horse radish. >> it adds such a great taste. i'm going to go ahead, this is peanut if butter banana -- kind of like an elvis sandwich, you know? it's really small, really, really small -- [laughter] so i'm just dipping it, this is a classic french toast. will: peanut if butter banana french toast sandwich. >> and it doesn't need syrup. just in case we're lacking anything, this'll go right in the pan. it only takes, like, 5 minutes. will: do we need a napkin? rachel: he doesn't need a napkin. >> my husband claims to be the pro of french toast. just kidding, he's good. this is ad good one. on your plate -- pete: that is really good, by the way. >> it's not too sweet. rachel: does everyone just want to be your friend since you cook so well? >> i hope so. [laughter] will: i gotta ask about this. >> we have a biscuit bar in my restaurant -- rachel: oh, my gosh. >> bacon and pickles. so good. and you can do any kind of biscuit. everyone here is like it's easter weekend, passover, all this fun stuff. you want a lot of things happening around, so ye bot -- we've got yogurt, lots of fruits, bread. pete: the deviled eggs -- rachel: this is amazing. is this a top seller at your restaurant? >> oh, it's number one. people love chicken and biscuits. pete: and candied bacon as well. >> yeah, and it's so easy. just sprinkle brown sugar or syrup on bacon -- rachel: oh, so this was oven baked? if. >> in the air fryer. first time i used it. out here. taking chances. pete: a cooking hoe -- rachel: i love that show. pete: the book is southern grit: 100 could be home -- down home recipes. you want to do it up right, recreate some southern, this is always good. rachel: you could do it today. will: thank you, it's been awesome. rachel: hi to your mom out there there. good job with her. ♪ before treating your chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more, you're not the only one with questions about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start, :: months. so, ask your doctor if botox® is right for you, and if a sample is available. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. in a survey, 92% of current users said they wish they'd talked to their doctor and started botox® sooner. plus, right now, you may pay zero dollars for botox®. ask your doctor about botox® today. - i always wanted to speak french but i never had the time and then i tried babbel. - [announcer] babbel, the number one selling language learning app in the world. - you're learning phrases that you can use right away in real life conversations. after just four weeks i was feeling confident enough to have simple conversations in french. (speaking in french language) now i'm speaking french. - babbel, the quick way to get conversational in a new language. try babbel free today, go to or download the app. >> all right. tonight don't forget to tune into the first usfl game on fox birmingham stallions take on the new jersey generals, 7:30 eastern time, and of course we are in the spirit as they are in birmingham here on the plaza. abby had a nice toss. >> rachel: let's see if you can live up to it. >> okay, abby. we'll go first. are you covering me? >> rachel: what does that even mean? >> are you ready? here we go! >> i got you, will. i got you. >> will: go. >> pete: come on. you're watching the game. we will see you tomorrow morning. nice grab. >> neil: fox on top of records that won't stop. a record number of migrant encounters at the border last month. a white house about face to handle record gas prices across the country right now. remember when the president shut down oil leases on federal lands? he just opened some up, but only some, and there is a catch. and there is still sadly no good news out of ukraine. russia's stepping up attacks. ukraine finding

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Laws , Commander In Chief , Texas Forces , Isn T Bussing People To Washington , Invasion , Repelling , States , Constitution , Forces , Article , Section , 1 , Bunch , Press Gimmicks , Doocy , Borders , Attorney General , Conversation , Perspective , Politicians , Cases , Alabama , Investigation , Health Department , Links , Hepatitis , Cdc , 6 , None , Illness , Health Conditions , Virus , Cold , Root Cause , Uk , Spain , Suspects , Robbery , Mall , Smash And Grab , California , Kind , Suspect , Getaway Car , Display , Amount , Hammers , Occurrence , Downtown La , Passover , Worshipers , Convergence , Overlap , Islam , Christian , Jewish , Islam Holy Month , Reflection , Christians , April 1st , Times , Message , Robert Jeffers , Trouble , Turning , Jellybeans , Chocolates , Beyond , Up Next , Treat , Botox , Migraine , Headaches , Questions , Treatment , Breathing , Injection , Eye Problems , Effects , Signs , Condition , Muscle Weakness , Sample , Speaking , Difficulty Swallowing , May , Medications , Headache , Skin Infection , Muscle , Site , Neck , Fatigue , History , Survey , Botulinum Toxins , Nerve , 92 , Users , Plus , Sooner , Zero , Zero Dollars , Booking Com , Yeah Tums Vs , Director , Heartburn , My Name Is Douglas , Bite , Heartburn Hits , Writer , Tums , Chewy Inside , Tums Chewy Bites , Tums Chewy , Crunchy Outside , Work , Line , Game Changer , Memory , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Candy , Consumers , Sweetest , 90 , Cream Egg , A Have The Cadbury Easter , Robin Eggs , Starburst , Easter Jellybeans , Show , Producer , Peeps , Robins Egg , List , Best , Robert Jeffress , Let S Go , Consecrated The Gospel , Surprise , Traditionalist , Chocolate Bar , Almonds , Halloween , Hershey S , Seasons , Multitasking , Viewers , Family , Question , Answer , Person , Daffodils , Spring Renewal , Resurrection Of Jesus Christ , Askers , Wall , Followers , Wasn T A One Off , Word , Bible , Afflictions , Stay , Weight , Heaven , Sufferings , Glory , Earth , Mother , Hearse , Coffin , Little Girl , Body , Cancer , Casket , Funeral Service , Mommy , Daughter , Girl , Offer , Best Western Rewards , Points , Rewards Points , Western , Stay Safe , Bestwestern Com , Lord , Context , April 16th , 2022 , 16 , Weekend , Counts , Families , Abby Hornacek , Spring Football , Debut , Saturdays , Returns , Front Row Seat , Front Seat , Weather , Seats , Joy , Tears , Event , Take A Look , Love , Balloon Art , Birmingham Stallions , Home Team , Turnout , Mascot , Amazes , Go Stallions , Florida , Most , Countdown , Cheers , Denver , Everyone , Abby , It S A Great Feeling , Fox Family , Yes , Ma Am , Quarterback , More , Draft , Pick , Shay Patterson , As , Camera , Reflexes , Cat , Nose , Team , Fan , Communications , Commentator , Rule , Opportunity , Addition , Onsidekick , Tricks , Down , Offense , Clock , Nfl , Denver Bronchos , Didn T , Field , Hype , Recollection , Check It Out , Saturday Night Fox Primetime , 7 , 20 , Line Up , Football Question , Downs , Free Speech Country , Cards , Transpiring , Surface , Think , Least , Politics , Free Speech Absolutist , Mainstream Media , Narrative , Fingers , Control Levers , Length , Words , Fair Market Value , Corporation , Order , Duty , Suit , Purchase , Case , Censorship , Members , Media , Rest , Censor , O Okay , Seat , Limit , Pull Him Inside , Vote , Outside , Susan Live , Immediate , Offering , Hough , F He , Idea , Options , Susan Li , Free Speech , Belief , Fox Business , Plan B , Plan B , Ins , Establishment Mob , 50 Billion , 250 Billion , Public , Base , Hint , Power , Equation , Occasion , Employees , Charge , Generation , Regime , Path , Chinese , Radio , 90 S , 1980 , Speech , Road , Conversations , Places , Phase , Information , Profession , Pace , Elite Circles , You Misgender , End Game , Type , Firms , Toot , Titans , Playing Field , The Other Side Isn T , Millennial Generation , Divide , Generation X , Support , Instinct , Millennials , America S Education System , Driving Force , Survival , It Allot , Democracy , Something Else , Shareholder Value , Purpose , It Isn T Money , It Isn T Greed , Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia , Voices , Contents , Moderation , Sarcasm , Euphemism , Big Business , Great Point , Republic , Corporations , Disagreement , Beginning , Niece , Coddled , Stockholder Capitalism , Philosophy , Investment Firms , Profits , Lives , Stories , Move , Figure , Episode , Travelers , Will Cain Podcast , News , Fatherhood , Mask , Airplanes , Faith , Fun , Podcast , Apple , Spotify , Substance , High School , Sure , Two Of Us , 16th Overdose , Military Ball , Water , Glasses , Air Force , Witnesses , Statement , Sides , Department , Holiest Site Of Jerusalem , Ned , Israeli Defense Forces , Palestinians , Restraint Rhetoric , Temple Mount , Israeli , Status Quo , 400 , Bed , Hopes , Tensions , Term , Mount In Jerusalem , F , 100 , Lebron James , Teammates , Sight , Darryl Darrylmorey , Houston Rockets , Revenue , Support Forg Kong , Space Jam Sequel , Movie , Handlers , Stance , Morye , Impact , Lebron , Freedom Fighters So Brave , My Masters , Daryl Morey , Hong Kong , Millions , Dollars , Space Jam , Michael Jordan , Great Races On Fox , Nascar , Talladega , Rick , Steve , Track , Prom Mow , Promo Department , Blast , Defense , Robberies , Allergies , Spraying Flonase , Season , Paint , Don T Repaint Every Now And Then , Music , Let , Zoe , Psst , Behr , Brand , Home Depot , Gastric Bypass Surgery , Release , Amber , Verge , Golo , 128 , Golo Commercial , Indeed Instant Match , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire Rachel , Man , Woman Hostage , Police Body Cam Video , Horrifying , Crime , Home Invasion , Terror , Scene , Alexandria Hoff , San Diego , Woman , House , Hostage , Body Camera Footage , Look , Gunman , Gunshot , 53 , Gun , Demetrius Trussell , Officers , Head , Authorities , Father , L A Times , Investigators , Surrender , Parole , Reports Trussell , Gun Accidently , Target , Street Gangs , Criminals , Lapd , Cars , Victims , Criminal , Start , Rachel Campos Duffy , Fight , L A County , Alexandria , 13 , Ann Williams , University , Author , Super Power , West Chester County , Women , Crime Spikes Nationwide , Anyone , Self Defense Moves , Situations , Property , Predator , Surroundings , Element , Swivel , Carol Ann , 70 , Six , Cash , Bling , The Green And Gold , Things Haven T , Hurt , Assaulted , Hard Challenge Soft , Hard Channel Soft , Yelling , Boom , Distraction , Takedown , Notice , Knee , Role Reversal , Shoes , Heels , Belly , Either , Coach , Aggressor , Ground , Mma Fights , Shove , Paulson , Bam , Point , Back Off , Face , Ground Boom , Kneed , Front , Low , Whatnot , Choke , Elevators , Hand , Elbow , Financing , Joints , Spots , Manipulation , Laughter , Oh No , Arm , Whatever , Techniques , Gram Process , Brains , Backoff , Pants , City Of Pittsburgh , Head Coach , Frank , Fast , Bit , Barbecue , Talker , Fast Walker , Gary , Let S Go On The Open Road , Nexium , Pepcid , Prilosec Otc , Copd , Breztri , Won T , High Blood Pressure , Breathing Problems , Heart Condition , Asthma , Flare Ups , Symptom Improvement , Rescue Inhaler , Thrush , Pneumonia , Vision Changes , Chest Pain , Mouth , Eye , Swelling , Tongue , Osteoporosis , Wilson , Seven , Dream , Steelers , Maul , Ited , Imseeks , General , Assignment , Execution , Tabernacle , Ball , Football Coach , Game Plan , Innovations , Hispanic Community , Reception , Technology , Tampa Bay , 8 , Back To You , Interview , Eastern Time On Fox , Return , Tune In Tonight , Game Birmingham Stallions , Secretary Mayorkas , Approval Rate , Values , Voters , Midterms , Latinos , Voting Red , Bipolar Depression , Depression , Art , Fog , Latuda , Difference , Behavior Changes , Report Fever , Aren T , Permanent , Prescription , Allergy Symptoms , Member , Him , Pay , Remington , Food , Farmer , Health , Transformation , No Brainer , Energy , Remi , Go On , Happiness , Migraine Strikes , Ubrelvy , 05 , Pill , Dose , Tracks , Cause , Inhibitors , Nausea , Older Medicines Ubrelvy , Cgrp Protein , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Tiredness , Temperature , Plan Know , Inflation , Hispanics , Realtime , Voting Booth , Private School , Home School Teacher , Public School , Continuena , American Dream , Schools , Direction , Ideology , Education Items , Gender , Kamala Harris , Parents , I Can T , Hands , Cartel , Gosh , Hold , Trump , Situation , Exploitation , Democrats , Border Policies , Demographic , Theory , Texans , Inaudible , Border Solution Act , Tina , Folks , Citizenship , Willy Nilly , Result , Socialism , We Don T Want Socialism , Come On Over , Law Enforcement , Election , Congress , Hispanic , Border Patrol Agents , Majority , Ice , Law Enforcement Sphere , Valley Values , Hispanic Vote , Greets , Meet , Ballot Box , Hispanic Vote The Super , Hispanic Latino Community , Sleeping Giant , Panel , 2024 , Broad , Walks , Table , Sentiments , Nicaraguan Living , Sal L Salvador , Gun Shop , Second Amendment , Economy , Swing , Hispanic Vote Swing , Businesses , Demo , Levels , Them Hispanic , Pandemic , Poor , Working Class , Midterm , Security , Voting , Students , Sheriff Deputies , Rachel Campos Duffy Hispanic Studies , Theaters , Mask Mandates , Exit , Broadway , May 31st , 31 , Intention , Visitors , Vaccine , Vaccination , Proof , Policy Goes Into Effect April 30th , April 30th , Track Record , Safety , Audience Masking , 150 , Equity Plan , Broadway Play , Add , Wonderful , Disney , Plan , Department Of Defense , Lackluster , Chip Wade , The Great Outdoors , Kayak , M , Kayak Denier , Deals , Hundreds Of Travel Sites , Research , Arr , Todd , Eyes , Search One , Shipping Manager , Find Themself , Garden , Yard , Foot , Guest , Products , Dyi , Quality , Landscape Solar Lighting , Spectacle , Size , Lawn Filters , Performance , Can Know Com , Panels , Glass , School Settings , Roof , Powder , Aluminum , Charging , Models , Solar Lights , Shepherds Hook , Shade Sales , Squares , Colors , Radio Rectangles , Uv , Gama Sonic Com , Flies , Cool Plant , Breeze , Mildew , Mold , Coolaroo , Beds Stain , Doll Cot , Insects , Fly , The Sun , National Hardware Show , It Down , Invention , Amazon , Ball Kit Com , Charges , Generac Generator , Backup Power , Chicks , Heat , Air , Loan , Eneark , Atlanta , Pads , Great For Lawn Equipment , Debris , Furniture , Pollen , Scrubbing Power Scotch , Greats , Works Creative Com , Scotch Bright Com , On Thegrill , Youn Grates , Chip , Easter , Lawrence Jones , Migrant Encounters , Border Surge , Ways , Therapy , Dog Panting , Miracle Gro Com , Lowe S , Springfest , Possibility , Text , Budget , 2a , 2b And 2c , Apartment 2a , Card , Help Check , Tools , Overdraft Fees , Account , Have Chase , 2b , 2c , Fifty Bucks , Fifty , Chase , Generals Tonight On Fox 7 , Shot Of Protective Stadium , Will Cain , Sausage Guy , Eggs Benedict , Hollen , Bacon , Candle , Canadian Bacon Doesn T , Sausage Egg , Cheese , Like A Can T , Catholics , Weekdays , Incident , Pajamas , Pa Jam , Small C Catholic , Big C Catholic The Church , Baptist , Catholic , Southern Baptist , Easter Eggs , Resurrection , Grandkids , Reason , Whism , Easter Bunny , Matt Finn , Quote Uredictable , Sense , Alert , Attack , Details , Regrouping , Area , Capitol , Victoria Spartz , Troops , War Crime , Southern Port City Of Mariupol , Evidence , Stadiums Stores , Hospitals , Army , Libraries , Matt , Action Plan , Reality , Pentagon , Topic , Family Equities , Procurement , Military Installations , Bases , Advances , Equity Initiatives , Military , Undeserved Community Investment , Equitable Artificial Intelligence Research And Development , Terrifying , Dod Equity , Equality , Document , Dod , Desk , Hard Push , Dodd , Brown , Unit , 32 , 29 , 52 , Billion , 1 Billion , 22 , 2020 , 80 , 220 , 35000 , 220 Situation , 60 , A Million , A Million Dollars , 138 , 28 , Nine , 9000 , 144000 , 43 Billion , 3 Billion , 9 2 , 2016 , 911 , 93 , 800 , 2000 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX And Friends Saturday 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends Saturday 20240708

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♪♪ america, football is back in the spring, we will talk about it all morning long. keep emailing us. those are original photos. something that gathers attention, and the stallions uniforms, the star for the cowboys individually. rachel: stop pretending you're looking at merrill's uniform. it is not gimmicky but you can go for three after a touchdown from the 10 yard line, a simulated kick from the 33rd, the 33 and the clock stops. interesting new rules, and we can check it out. rachel: you know what i learned from this segment? abby and i -- have a series of applause. and gave us one. >> it is not sports, we have record-breaking numbers for you this morning. how about this number? it is from march. border encounters, 221,303 from the previous month, breaking the previous record from july 2021, certainly not a number to be proud of. tom homan was talking about all the contributing factors leading to this historic moment. >> the biden administration has been 14 or 15 months, nothing. they have done nothing to secure the border. everything they have done is how quickly can we process this? they are looking at $900 million to build facilities so they can process quicker and when you process and release quicker, your point about inhumane policies, they say the trump policies are inhumane. more migrants have died under the first year of president biden on us soil than any year i can remember, a record number. over 100,000 americans have died until fentanyl comes across the border. his policies are inhumane and killing people. rachel: the most important thing he said. it was amazing and he is so right because the one thing they could hinge their policy on, they wouldn't be sending people in the middle of the night and updating us how they are taking them, they know we hate this but they have been able to say we are so compassionate and look at these numbers, more migrants dead under the biden administration than under trump. that doesn't count the americans dead of fentanyl and the child trafficking, all the people who may be died in border communities because healthcare facilities are overwhelmed. we don't even know, we know the american people hate it, but weber went to new jersey. pete: they are resuming the after dark might midnight flights into new york city, that is just new york city and this is happening metro areas across the country in the middle of the night, facilitated, effectively disappearing. of third bus also arrived from texas in washington dc, greg abbott making the point this doesn't just affect our backyard, right there near the capital it dropped off, seeing what happening in the dark elsewhere. the number that you read, the huge number of 221,000, record-breaking number. if you look 2 years back it was 34,000, it was 34,000, it is 221,000, it shot up to one hundred 70,000 last march, this is a policy of not having a policy. that is their policy of facilitation and we are hearing new mexico's paying college tuition and they are using covid funds. rachel: in your money is being used for college tuition for people who come here and i was at a party with her new jersey mom, they said -- it was -- i go to those now. they said the class sizes keep getting bigger and bigger and not just kids from central america but all over the world. that means your american kid is going to get less attention, less help in the classroom, don't think because you don't live in texas or arizona or new mexico that this isn't affecting you, they are shipping lines of problems. pete: this record number of 200,000 predates the potential repeal of title 42. it will go into effect later this month. what are the projections for what would be new record-breaking numbers under those conditions. we've seen incredible numbers of illegal immigrants flooding across the american border once that minimal protection is taken out of the way. i don't want to brush past this, then you factor in the incentives that await underside of the border, mind blowing concept from the state of new mexico that they will use covid funds to pay for college tuition for illegal immigrants. let's put it in the simple terms, we are getting exactly what we are asking for. >> we need another covid relief bill? what is a slush fund, anytime they can't ask for more money it is a sham. breaking another record, when title 42 ends over 300,000 in fees are border encounters that don't include got aways, people we are not catching. presumably they want to be caught. how many tens of hundreds of thousands, they want to disappear. the ones we are encountering also disappear because they don't come back. when you had those numbers up they have to go somewhere. they have to get resources somewhere, how many teachers do you have, not just mexico and south america but languages and backgrounds introduced in the shadows because we are allowing it to happen. rachel: in your state of texas, based on what we are seeing, by the end of the biden term, we will have more population than the state of texas, that's astounding and you understand what they are doing, i used to think -- it is really just this globalist open borders concept that national borders don't matter and -- pete: who are we to think we are something special and need to the doors open. rachel: those ngos are lobbying the administration for more money. pete: they go to things like far left think tanks, they speak an open honest terms when they say we support the concept of open borders. will: let's go halfway around the world to ukraine, russia is going to increase missile strikes on the capital city of kyiv and formally warning the us of, quote, unpredictable consequences if they keep sending military aid to ukraine. >> reporter: the heightened sensible are columns as russia is believed to be real grouping in the east and the surrounding region, repealing the unspeakable war crime in russia's path of destruction, the bodies of one thousand people have been discovered surrounding ukraine's capital and many of those people shot execution style according to police and in the pommel southern port city of mariupol russian bodies -- they were hiding evidence of their war crimes and indiana republican congresswoman victoria sparks was born in the ukraine. she toward kyiv and her grandmother's native home and described people hiding for their life. >> they shot people, people in the middle of the room, they showed me the pictures, people dying every day, genocide of the people. people are so strong. >> reporter: the threat of missile strikes is very real. a couple hours ago we were alive with air raid sirens went off and turned out to be legitimate according to lviv regional administration, four russian cruise missiles were intercepted in this region which is on the western side, so this is spread all across ukraine. back to you in new york. pete: 3 deputy shot in kansas responding to reports of serious or suspicious vehicle yesterday. when deputies approached the car they opened fire. officials returned fire and the driver was killed. all three deputies who are shot are expected to recover. intense clashes breakdown in shanghai, locals scuffling with police in hazmat suits as authorities 439 residents out of their homes. their apartments could be turned into covert isolation facilities. [screaming] pete: absolute dystopian covid 0 world, 9 more buildings will be converted into covert facilities. shanghai has been under strict covid lockdown measures since late last month. five new yorkers will split a reward for tips leading to the capture of frank james. police say the individuals are from the police foundation, the mt and local transport, to be split evenly. the nypd saying these individuals helped build a timeline of events which led to james's arrest and those are your headlines. is this the only show hosted on this? will: "outnumbered". will: i'm trying to put my timeline together, you hosted yesterday. i'm just saying, i don't know another show -- rachel: i didn't eat yesterday, he tried to offer me a cookie and cardinal dolan looked at me and said it is good friday and i put it down. will: put the cookie right down there. i will get it in the break. rachel: the fight isn't over yet for the elon musk takeover bid. we breakdown the billionaire's plans. ♪♪ to help prevent bleeding gums, try saying hello gumwash with parodontax active gum health. it kills 99% of plaque bacteria and forms an antibacterial shield. try parodontax active gum health mouthwash. 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fox news correspondent griff jenkins. a previous life, previous outburst. what is the poison pill and will it prevent elon musk? rachel: it will be much harder for elon musk to buy twitter. what a poison pill does is it is a corporate tool, temporary tactic for the twitter board to take on that expires next year that only kicks in if someone like elon musk buys 50% of the company and once somebody does the other shareholders can buy twitter stock at a discounted price and that reduces elon musk's ownership, it will be a more expensive for him. that i explained that clearly? because it dilutes everybody else, reduces the value of stock for other shareholders, and they rebound monday and there are concerns, the twitter board is not owning up to their fiduciary responsibility, to act in the best interests of the company and to the shareholders so a guy giving you a 50% premium to what you are worth before he started buying stock and you are not taking him seriously and have no other bidders right now, there are concerns that the board is not doing its responsibility. pete: they want to maintain their grip on what they believe twitter should be. what would it mean for elon musk? rachel: other twitter holders to pull together their earnings, there are private equity groups that have been floated, silverlake, a twitter shareholder and larry ellison, one of the richest men on the planet, he has known elon musk for a long time. will: wouldn't those people have to be at some level aligned with what musk wants to do but he's got to build a coalition of 3 speakers. rachel: 350 billion, a lot of tied up in tesla, you have a lot of influence and sway. you can call private equity firms he has worked with in the past and i am sure he could bring together a coalition of investors to say let's take twitter private and maybe jack dorsey, one of the founders of twitter is on board with taking twitter private. if you are an ad based model you have to come to corporate to pay you to advertise on the platform. who has power when they are giving you the money. will: this is not over. rachel: i would love to hear what you think happens. when the last time we had a poison pill. will: what does it do to the stock price? that is an option. >> he could selloff is 9% stake and walk away. will: the white house has said they will not allow new oil and gas on public land, in a friday night dump they reversed their policy. what is the new policy? >> they are allowing it in the western part of the country, less than previously outlined and they come up with more environmental restrictions, these are long-term leases, they will not get the tickets turned on for oil and gas right away. pete: why are they doing this? >> it is a pipeline that takes a while to build up, record relief from the petroleum reserves and allowing ethanol blends for the summer driving season. i think the administration is trying all they can to get oil prices down. will: they declared war on oil and gas and are trying to throw the crumbs out and the latest used to get leases on public land. thanks for breaking it down. to lead, football is back like you have never seen it before, to helmet cams, to mikes on the field, the usfl taking the fan experience to the next level. that is next. ♪♪ why is guy fieri in the neighbors' kitchen? it's slider sunday! sliiiiiiiiii-der sunday! these chicken parm sliders on king's hawaiian rolls are fire! slider sunday! i want that. everything's better between king's hawaiian bread. mmm! ♪simply irresistible♪ ♪ ♪ ♪simply irresistible♪ applebee's irresist-a-bowls are back. now starting at $8.99. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. so what's going on? i'm a talking dog. the other issue. oh... i'm scratching like crazy. you've got some allergic itch with skin inflammation. apoquel can work on that itch in as little as 4 hours, whether it's a new or chronic problem. and apoquel's treated over 10 million dogs. nice. and...the talking dog thing? is 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and these guys are happy about it with this new usfl league. pete: fans are excited for high tech comfort like drones and helmet cams. it is a view when it is of you when the birmingham stallions take on the new jersey generals tonight on fox. pete: joining us is at be -- abby hornicek. >> reporter: you mentioned the inaugural game, not sure what was going to happen. don't know if you can see this behind us, tomorrow we have a triple header so a lot to look forward to and chad is here to break it down. pete: >> reporter: you are from nashville, a short drive from birmingham. what do you think of birmingham as a host city? >> it is terrific. a centrally located place in the southeast and when you go around town in the hotel lobby people are excited to have the usfl here, look around the city it is red, white and blue lit up on hotels and the highway. it is terrific. >> reporter: and so much innovation. you are holding the football. how has everything revolutionized the way fans watch football at home? >> you have the ability for broadcasters to talk to the coaches as they make plays over the course of the game, access like we have never seen before, drone camera looks awesome so i look forward to seeing the different angles and the access they have to the facility. >> reporter: quick thoughts, you have jeff fisher, a lot of big names. >> it is terrific to see guys who have been around in the program and college games. >> reporter: where can people find you later? >> 3:30 eastern across the out kick social media channels, we will be live getting ready for kickoff. >> reporter: thanks for coming on. guys? will: great insight. getting a chance to see it from the sidelines, from the player, really interesting. rachel: there are cameras on the players. will: you can ask why did you call that play? it is what we always wanted as a can. what are you doing on third down running again. why aren't you calling it? border encounters at historic high last month, the toll of the crisis is showing, they found a 4-year-old boy, the caravan trying to smuggle marijuana into the united states. former secretary ken cuccinelli warns it is only going to get worse and he's next. i didn't know my genetic report could tell me i was prone to harmful blood clots. i travel a ton, so this info was kind of life changing. maybe even lifesaving. ♪do you know what the future holds?♪ entresto is the number one heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists and has helped over one million people. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. - [female narrator] they line up by the thousands. or high blood potassium. each one with a 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high, 220,000 migrant encounters in one month. the human impact is devastated, texas agents found a 4-year-old boy among a group of suspected illegal immigrants trying to smuggle marijuana into the us. ken cuccinelli joins us now. it is a sad story to talk about a 4-year-old found among smugglers. wise the happening? >> it is a sad story but this happens all the time. the roots the cartels use and remember who manages the border, the federal government of the united states, the drug cartels of mexico, the some of the most evil vicious people in the western hemisphere and their human smuggling operation through the same channels as their drug smuggling operations and they direct the flows to distract and move the border patrol around using people to avoid getting their high-value crossings caught and to put as many of them over the border as possible, there are estimates the drug cartels are making more money from human smuggling than drug smuggling and no one, federal government or state including texas is doing anything to stop that flow. will: let's discuss texas, governor greg abbott embarked on a campaign to send illegal immigrants to washington dc. a third bus has arrived in washington dc to essentially lay the problem at the feet of the federal government. what do you think of this program? >> it is the last leg in the human smuggling chain, the recent articles about renewing charter flights around the country of illegals farther in and now texas is doing it. i understand why you want to drop them in the steps of the capital but these are voluntary trips, they want to take the trip. governor abbott is paying to boston 26 hours on a trip they want to take. instead of bussing them to miles back across the mexican border which is what he should be doing and until he does that, that may be clear about this, and he does have the authority to remove people from mexico to mexico, the illegal flow will not go down. for all the signing with mexican state governors who don't have any authority to stop immigration across the border it is all a show and you will see next month when the numbers come out before title 42 is taken down on may 23rd it has no effect on the flow of illegal immigration. pete: i can hear you are laying blame not just at the feet of the federal government but on the governor of texas, greg abbott, you are saying this is all political theater. i have had on "fox and friends" last weekend ken paxton and lieutenant governor dan patrick on the program and i asked them about your accusation before it was made that this is political theater and both of their response is the point is to force a constitutional confrontation, to force the federal government to confront the fact they are not enforcing our immigration laws soar texas or someone must. what they are saying and i want to get your response, this is supposed to support force it to the supreme court on who can enforce illegal immigration. >> ken paxton and dan patrick know how to do that. isn't bussing people to washington. it is by the governor as commander-in-chief of texas forces, every governor is the commander-in-chief of their own states forces stopping the invasion, greg abbott calling it an invasion and i don't think many people would dispute that is what is going on and repelling that under article 1 section 10 of the constitution. if you want to provoke a constitutional crisis maybe you should use your constitutional authority to do it instead of a bunch of press gimmicks. not just governor abbott, we are talking about texas, but governor doocy in arizona and his attorney general has found he has the legal authority to do this so there's nothing in the way and his state from acting to defend the borders of their state and the united states. pete: you could do the same thing by removing them back to mexico instead of to washington. great conversation, great perspective and perhaps we will hear from politicians in texas in response, thank you for your time. >> have a great easter. rachel: i learned a lot during that. we will turn now to your headlines, the cdc is launching an investigation into 9 severe cases of hepatitis found in children under the age of 6. all cases are in alabama. the health department says there are no links between the kids and none have underlying health conditions, the us is the third country to report the illness behind spain and the uk. officials are looking at if the virus that causes covid 19 or the common cold are the root cause. police in california searching for these two suspects involved in the brazen smash and grab robbery at a k jewelry store in a mall. outside of downtown la, police say the suspect use large hammers to smash glass display stealing an unknown amount of jewelry, the suspect escaped using a getaway car that was just waiting for them. kind of everyday occurrence in la these days. a rare convergence of holy days for islam, christian and jewish worshipers happening this weekend, rare overlap of easter, passover and ramadan that only happens a few weekends. they honor reflection, passover starting at sundown last night, christians will celebrate easter sunday and the islam holy month of ramadan began april 1st and those are your headlines. up next pastor robert jeffers will share his easter message of turning to hope in times of trouble. from chocolates to jellybeans and beyond, what is your favorite easter treat. that is still ahead. ♪♪ each lasting 4 hours or more, you're not the only one with questions about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start, with about 10 minutes of treatment once every 3 months. so, ask your doctor if botox® is right for you, and if a sample is available. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening 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"peace of mind." such a big, beautiful idea. and for us at this means - free cancellation on most bookings. it's a bit functional. but we'll gladly be functional. so you can be free. booking.yeah tums vs. mozzarella stick when heartburn hits, fight back fast with tums chewy bites. fast heartburn relief in every bite. crunchy outside, chewy inside. ♪ tums, tums, tums, tums ♪ tums chewy bites my name is douglas. i'm a writer/director and i'm still working. in the kind of work that i do, you are surrounded by people who are all younger than you. i had to get help somewhere along the line to stay competitive. i discovered prevagen. i started taking it and after a period of time, my memory improved. it was a game-changer for me. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. rachel: the sweetest shot of the morning, 90% of american consumers plan to purchase candy to celebrate easter. will: a have the cadbury easter cream egg. do we have that? or the recent one? >> i love they brought the robin eggs. will: how about starburst, easter jellybeans. wears all good stuff? rachel: it's the weekend show. you've got the peeps and the robins egg. rachel: we have to send the producer out. we will redo this segment. will: he should be on that list. rachel: you like easter candy? will: it's not the best. let's go to someone who has consecrated the gospel and easter candy. pastor robert jeffress. do you have a favorite easter candy? >> i do which i am a traditionalist, that's no surprise to you. i'm going to stick with the hershey's chocolate bar with almonds. this is the perfect candy for easter, halloween, christmas truly a candy for all seasons. rachel: it is multitasking. i love that. what is your easter message this year? for our viewers? >> it is important for people to understand what easter is about. it's not about family or spring renewal or daffodils. it is about the answer to life's most important question. if a person dies will they live again? is this all there is and i slip into nothingness when i die or is there something for me after i die? the resurrection of jesus christ askers -- answers that resoundingly there is life after death. the resurrection wasn't a one off for jesus. it happens for all of jesus's followers. in christ all shall be made alive. the fact that we are going to live forever doesn't erase our problems or laminate the pain of our problems but it adds one word to our problems and that is temporary. the bible says for these momentary afflictions we suffer now are nothing compared to the eternal weight of glory. someone said from the perspective of heaven we will look back at the most horrific sufferings on this earth and see them as nothing more than a one night stay in a bad hotel and that is the hope that easter offers us. rachel: you told a story about a little girl whose mother died and as they were putting her coffin in the hearse what happened? >> i conducted a funeral service for young mother whose body had been ravaged by cancer and as i stood at the side of the hearse as they loaded the mother's casket into the hearse her 6-year-old daughter cried out mommy, no, no, no, mommy, no, no, no. i will never forget that. what can i say to a little girl like that? the only hope i could offer -- she will see her mother again. . get up and go with best western rewards! the right place, the right value, right where you're wanting to be. ready to welcome you. let's go. stay safe. now get double best western rewards points on every stay. and with rewards points that never expire you get free nights fast! book now at pete: welcome this saturday morning april 16th, year of our lord 2022. you know, they used to say more formally in every context year of our lord 2022. that's what a.d. actually means. how we counted the year that we have and counts back to the life, the death, and resurrection of jesus christ and that's what this weekend is all about. rachel: towed is holy saturday and tomorrow is easter. will: glad you are with us. we will be with our families again tomorrow on easter. today we are with abby hornacek who is in birmingham, alabama because this saturdays is also the debut of spring football. the usfl returns and abby has a front row seat with players and fans. hey, abby. rachel: good morning. abby: good morning, you guys, i do have a front seat. we have been talking about birmingham as the host city. it really is a great host city. crying tears of joy for the game tonight. those seats are soaking wet. but i promise when i walked around and i talked to players, fans and coaches about birmingham, it was better weather. take a look. ♪ ♪ here we are at the thank you birmingham event. i can feel the love for the city. this balloon art looks very welcoming i'm going to head on in and talk to some people. starting with the mascot. welcome to birmingham. the turnout here is amazes. >> the birmingham stallions, you are the home team. >> it's been awesome. >> we have got some fans here. how excited are you guys for the game. >> we are super pumped. we drove 12 hours from florida just for the inaugural game. >> go stallions. >> go stallions. >> you guys came all the way out here from denver. what are you looking for the most about the usfl. >> some great football. >> cheers, birmingham. is it abby: as the city and the fans countdown the kickoff so are the players and coaches. go inside and check in with some of them on the sidelines. >> city of birmingham has definitely welcomed everyone. >> i know this city they love football. abby: what do you expect from fans? >> i expect a lot they expect a lot. abby: exciting about the usfl. >> have you guys here. >> be part of the fox family. >> strap up and play football again. >> it's a great feeling to be able to know that i played against the best and with the best. >> very exciting time for sure. >> americans love football so here it is year around. abby: last question i know you are a quarterback but can you go long? >> yes, ma'am: abby: okay. nice! guys, a special thank you to shay patterson the number one pick in the usfl draft. hey can you go run some more? he was very gracious as were all of the players, coaches and fans. going to be a great weekend. will: all right, abby, thank you for that inside look. you about to throw that at the camera. pete: i will throw it to you. there you go. maybe. will: cat like reflexes? pete: that was. that was good. rachel: if i have a broken nose by the end of the show we will know why. will: we have got it. pete: you know what? as a fan there were some fun things to watch in the communications on the sidelines, coaches, as a commentator they can talk to the coaches. see the coaches talking to the players. they are all micked up and then the rule changes how many times has your team scored a touchdown and down by three and going for two doesn't do anything. they can go for three in addition to going for 1 or 2 more opportunity for points. different onsidekick go for it on fourth down and the clock stops under two minutes for every first down. it's meant to incentivize offense. not in a gimmicky way all the tricks you wish you had. will: you were talking about. so names involved for a sports in the like me who particularly loves things like the professional football draft packs to be lynch first time one pick denver bronchos in the nfl. it's sort of a second chance for some guys who maybe didn't live up to the initial hype maybe on this new field of play they show exactly what maded them so behind up at one time. pete: they don't shy away from that fact. the league is in the spring. it's an ability -- opportunity for players to showcase that maybe they can play in the nfl and mean time get to watch good football. check it out tonight. i know rachel will be watching. will: going to be there. rachel: i will be there. pete: text you at 7:20 tonight rachel refresh your recollection watching the saturday night fox "primetime" line up as usual or are you going to turn it over. rachel: he asked me a football question yesterday thinking he could stump me and i got it right. pete: do you know how many downs there are in football. will: nice, nice. rachel: i'm learning. here is somebody who is also learning how to help america be a more free speech country and that is elon musk who has said that he wants to take over twitter and meanwhile the board of twitter is really kind of showing their cards saying they are going to put a poison pill into this to make sure that elon cannot take it over. will, we were talking earlier during the break and you think this is a very -- the way this is transpiring. the way the board is reacting to elon musk and the fact that they are openly defying their fiduciary responsibility you say is very dangerous for america. will: i think it's very revealing for america. i think this story is more than twitter. if you are watching at home i and we understand really the minuscule role that twitter plays in most americans' every day lives. at least on the surface. but twitter underneath the surface, i do think plays a very large role in shaping the quote, unquote narrative plays out certainly in mainstream media. and even within mainstream politics. this is a story about what you are allowed to see, think, hear, and read. elon musk is a free speech absolutist and that is an absolute threat to those with their fingers and hands around the control levers. and what the story reveals to me, rachel, is the length to which they will go to keep their grip on those control levers. they will go to the length of tanking the company because elon musk is putting an above-market, fair market value on twitter. in other words, they can make money, the shareholders of a private corporation who exist to make money, could profit off of elon's purchase. and they're willing to say no thank you and potentially risk a fiduciary duty shareholder suit in order to maintain their ability to censor. pete: they have made the case time and time again. you also hear other members of the media making the case maintaining of that censorship that's fundamental to what twitter is at this point. and all of the rest of social media. so when he first bought 9% shares. they freaked out. and said o okay, what's it going to look like. they offered a seat on the board. pull him inside. he said i don't want any part of that limit what i have to say and limits my ability to buy more shares in the future. then we weren't quite sure what he would do next. buy more shares on the outside. he makes this offer, which is day significant premium. and the immediate and from i understand in talking to susan live, what unanimous vote of the twitter board said making it more expensive for him but the stock price of twitter is going to go down. just likes a f. he removes his shares from twitter it will go down. they rejected the offer because hough is offering it and what is behind it, which is a belief in free speech. the question is he has hinted at a plan b. what might that plan b-what could it be? we asked susan li, who is a fox business correspondent, just reacting to the idea of what other options might elon musk have if the establishment mob at twitter very very top. >> elon musk, richest man on the planet. worth $250 billion. a lot of that is tied up ins at the that stock and options you have a lot of influence and sway. i imagine he could pick up the phone and call some of these private equity. i'm sure can he bring together a coalition of investors to say let's take twitter private. you also got a hint that maybe jack dorsey, one of the founders on twitter is on side with taking twitter private. he says the problem is when it's public that means and especially if you are an ad base model, right? that means you have to succumb to corporate paying you in order to advertise on the platform. who has the power when they're giving you the money? rachel: yeah. it's so interesting. because the shareholders are one part of this occasion. they are very important part of the equation. what really surprised me how the employees of twitter because i think that's also very revealing. the employees of twitter have been on the side of the board. they don't want this elon musk, entrepreneur free speech absolutist to be in charge that tells you a lot about young america. because, i think in our generation, the idea that we would be having a conversation now about how you set it up so well about what we can and can't think or see just was unfathomable to us in the 1980s and even the early to mid 90's. here we are and we are in this new, you know, radio little on the path to this chinese regime where somebody is controlling the information. pete: it's the safe pace phase of that profession down the road. this is a generation of younger people. especially in elite circles who were told certain sorts of speech violent. we need safe places in order to have those conversations. don't trigger me with things that make me uncomfortable and twitter has totally absorbed that and said, yes, that's our model, if you misgender someone, you are blocked. or you are silenced or you are muted. and that's the cultural of the entire place, which is why elon musk would have to take it private so he could fire who he needs to fire and hire the toot the type of people that value free speech. rachel: end game is china. pete: that's not how twitter would characterize it. rachel: many of these titans of big firms they will say i admire china and 9 way they can control things. that's what they are doing. they are controlling -- i mean, you win if the other side isn't even on the playing field. will: first, you are absolutely right there is a generational divide. something happened between generation x and the millennial generation. i'm not here to say all millennials are in support of censorship. but there is a strong instinct than with generation, to follow generation x to say i would rather security than freedom when it comes to free speech. but i want to really emphasize this we talk about it allot. the idea of the protected interest of an internal system whose major driving force in life is its own survival. was revealed in this bid by elon musk. there is a system within twitter whose primary purpose is certainly not free speech. and certainly not the protection of democracy. and isn't even shareholder value. it isn't greed, and it isn't money. there is something else that is more important. and in order to preserve that something else, they will defy and even kill the company to which they are using to control our thoughts. will: and i'm not overstating this. i want to point one thing out. when elon musk made this bid, one of the first voices to step up and reject the bid was the kingdom of saudi arabia. rachel: exactly. will: kingdom of saudi arabia maintains 5% of the shareholder value of twitter. the kingdom of saudi arabia said no thank you. on the side of protecting contents moderation, the modern euphemism for censorship is the, of course, and i hope this sarcasm comes through free speech loving and true to democracy model of the kingdom of saudi arabia against the threat that is elon musk. the system has been revealed. pete: great point. big business to your point loves big government. they love big government because it's predictable. it gives them a lot of power. free speech is messy. disagreement is messy. that's what our republic has been about from the beginning, corporations like it nice and coddled. rachel: over niece comers huge investment firms are injecting this philosophy and you talked about that with the border as well with open borders. the stockholder capitalism. this idea that, you know, your main job is not to maximize profits. there is this other thing but it is infecting all of our lives that i think is interesting twitter sale is opening it up in a way i think would not have happened. elon musk is an interesting figure. pete: i hope he keeps going and other travelers willing to back him up. when someone makes a move will someone come in behind him? will: five stories with will and pete on yesterday's episode of the will cain podcast. pete: look how happy i am. will: five stories in the news. we talk about fatherhood. we talk about pete's mask that he wears on airplanes. we talk about a lot of things. rachel: is that the one i gave you. pete: no, it's a different one. rachel: i have one. give them out a lot. will: apple or spotify. pete: it was a lot of fun. rachel: can't miss that podcast. will: we are going to be having a deep faith based conversation soon with the two of us if i have my way. pete: i love it. rachel: that's a yes. pete: for sure. all right. we have a few additional headlines as well this morning. 16th overdose in florida after ingesting unknown substance during an high school air force military ball. witnesses say the substance was spiked in glasses of water. the kids started throwing up and rushed to the hospital no foul play is expected. two hospitalized but rest expected to recover. after clashes yesterday at the holiest site of jerusalem. the u.s. department releases a statement this could be a do you sey. ned price saying we call on all sides to exercise restraint rhetoric and preserve the historic status quo of the temple mount. the clashes started after palestinians started throwing rocks at israeli police. about 400 people were arrested. but israeli defense forces have released about 100 of those detained in hopes of lowering tensions. i have been up on that term mount in jerusalem. it is a hot bed. i'm telling you, f. they could the palestinians would kick every just off that holy sight and christian wanting to visit. got to preserve it lebron james reportedly raged to teammates after then rockets houston rockets general manage darryl darrylmorey tweeted support forg kong. james lived about potentially missing out on the revenue from the space jam sequel he was working on at the time. who does he really work for? although james publicly slammed morye for china stance his movie was never released in china. those are your headlines. pete: do not kick off my communist chinese handlers i want to sell my movie. rachel: my masters. will: really embarrassing for lebron. daryl morey tweeted support for hong kong. rachel: freedom fighters so brave. will: mad because of the potential impact on his -- he is already whatever is he worth hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars he was mad about his financial impact of space jam. pete: he will never be michael jordan and maybe that's what he should be mad about. rachel: the movie never got released is that because of that? will: in part, yes. next weekend the three of us live from talladega. pete: going back. rachel: going back. pete: rick loves nascar as well. we love nascar, also. great races on fox. and we will be there from the track all weekend long. we had a blast last year. steve: huge steel look going into that prom mow. pete: i know people in the promo department. rachel: they definitely made you look very manly in that. pete: thank you. rachel: you are welcome. still ahead brazen robberies like this are expected nationwide. how can you defend yourself? will: next guest shows us the easy certify defense moves everyone needs to know so stick around. allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! flonase all good. if you don't repaint every now and then, it's like the old you is still hanging around. younger zoe: i'm listening to music. so today, let's paint... ...with behr, america's most trusted paint brand, and make your home, yours. behr. exclusively at the home depot. the sleep number 360® smart bed is on sale now. it senses your movements and automatically adjusts so you both stay comfortable all night. it's also temperature balancing so you stay cool. save $1,000 on our 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footage. [gunshot] >> there is yelling and someone is trying to break in the house right now in that room. >> authorities say the suspect identified as demetrius trussell broke into the home as the woman and elderly father were sleeping around 2:00 a.m. he sexually assaulted the woman and take her hostage with a gun held to her head when the officers arrived. the gun accidently fired at one point. no one was injured. officers fired back. trussell was not hit but he did surrender. according to investigators he attempted to break into two other nearby homes in the hours prior. the "l.a. times" reports trussell was out on parole. in this case the suspect seemed to be without a specific target but in los angeles, street gangs have made it clear they are out for those who appear to be wealthy. the lapd says that hundreds of people have been victimized in the last 15 months in cases where criminals have trapped residents driving nice cars and wearing jewelry. a woman is actually hit by a car so that the criminal could then rob her and other times these victims are followed home and officials say that since the start of the year 13 victims in l.a. county have been shot after being followed home two of those people were killed, rachel? >> thank you, alexandria. pete? pete: all right. thank you, rachel. the fight has already begun as crime spikes nationwide, how can you defend yourself? will put the director at defend university, author of the new super power for women and former west chester county police sergeant steve and his assistant carol ann williams are here and already begun to show us some self-defense moves that anyone can use. good morning to you both. >> good morning. will: i don't want to use the word excited. i'm not sure we are excited to get thrown around but it feels necessary. >> yes. will: show us what we can do to defend ourselves in these increasing situations we see on the news. >> let me start real quick by telling you that none of your property is so valuable that you would give up your life for. so, if it's property they want. give it up. number two, be aware of your surroundings. the predator's element of surprise 70% of his game. if do you this, head on a swivel, watch your six. you see somebody. and one of the moves we are going it show where carol ann will become a hard target. number two, leave the green and gold at home. that's what they are looking for. money and cash. so don't show off the bling. pete: even just saying hey, i'm watching this. >> yeah. exactly. the predator is afraid two of things getting caught and getting hurt. if you are going to one or both you are way ahead of the game. pete: those things haven't worked and now we are being accosted or assaulted. what do we do. >> hard challenge soft challenge. do this here. she see please approaching in an aggressive matter. so she is going to back off. >> hard channel soft channel back off. >> i approach her. >> back off! >> that might be enough for her -- number one by her yelling like that. it attracts attention. it puts people on notice and i -- she becomes a hard target. i may want to go elsewhere. there is a takedown that they wanted to show, so she is here. good, same thing aggressive, you are going to fight back. you are not giving up your property. boom, distraction here. i drop down as if i'm tying my shoes. i grab her heels. here, come up and either can i go to the knee to the belly or just flee. pete: quick distraction up top going down. will: role reversal where you are -- she is the aggressor and you are trying to defend yourself a quick shove off and you get them to the ground. >> yeah, it's a distraction. so, it's -- you will see this my coach eric paulson used this many, times in mma fights. bam, bam, dropped down you will not get kneed in the face. distraction. you disappear from in front of his face now i'm on the ground boom, it's a big surprise. pete: you want to dry it. >> give it a shot. will: the whole point i'm getting him to the ground, he is the aggressor, hey, back off. get down low and put my body into. pete: stop that. >> not bad. will: i went inside i should have gone outside. >> perfect but it worked. pete: give us one more even if it's not perfect you find yourself in new york city we see in elevators n. and whatnot we see people that allow people that get behind and the private choke is placed on them. pass the out and very easy way to defend it where i began this and hand gets behind me and i'm looking for a financing tore bring the hand here. once i get the elbow, boom, boom. or i just run. little bit in the past and what you said i have heard heard fingers, soft spots, grab, break, anything out. >> small joint manipulation doesn't work well it's the larger joints that work well. pete: try that choke on me. oh no. this arm. if i'm twisting this or whatever. >> my elbow. >> bring it. >> ah. >> i throw my body down like that. [laughter] pete: how did i know that was going to happen. >> good move. with you a lot of it is willing to be aggressive quickly if you are caught in that moment, techniques, it takes 100 techniques practice before an end from a gram process in your brains. you know that from sports and thousands before it's effective. pete: we are pretty much out of time i think we will wrap it right there because we are running up against a break. will: remember those in something happens. pete: steve, carol ann thank you so much. >> thank you. pete: thank you. rachel, back up to you. rachel: backoff! i learned a lot on that segment and no one split their pants. will: i think. rachel: football is back the usfl season kicks off in alabama tonight. that's where we will find abby hornacek this morning. abby? good morning: abby good morning. we have head coach of the pittsburgh joining us and also going to get into some barbecue a little bit later, a lot of fun things coming up here on "fox & friends." so stay tuned. ♪ frank is a fan of fast. he's a fast talker. a fast walker. thanks, gary. and for unexpected heartburn... frank is a fan of pepcid. it works in minutes. nexium 24 hour and prilosec otc can take one to four days to fully work. pepcid. strong relief for fans of fast. let's go on the open road with a safe stay! can take one to four days to fully work. now get double best western rewards points on every stay. and with rewards points that never expire, you get free nights fast! book now at for copd, ask your doctor about breztri. breztri gives you better breathing, symptom improvement, and helps prevent flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition... ...or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling,... ...problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. if you have copd, ask your doctor about breztri. i didn't know my genetic report could tell me i was prone to harmful blood clots. i travel a ton, so this info was kind of life changing. maybe even lifesaving. ♪do you know what the future holds?♪ will: spring football is back. rachel: general's taking on the stallions tomorrow night. pete: check in with abby hornacek. abby: i have head coach wilson here. hopefully this weather clears up for you. coach, you spent 23 seasons in the nfl and then you also spent seven years in pittsburgh with the steelers. now you get to coach the pittsburgh maul lers what does that mean, it means a lot. city of pittsburgh, it's a lifelong dream. it's something i don't take for granted and imseeks ited and looking forward to tomorrow's kickoff. abby: what intrigues you most about this league in general. >> the opportunity of what it represents. reached out to me and i was excited to accept it and build a team from the ground up. our guys are all bought in and they can't wait. abby: you guys are taking on tabernacle tomorrow. what are you guys doing to get your guys ready. >> we call it paying attention to the little things and detailing all of the assignment of the execution of it. which take place live we know we have a good game plan and players and can't wait to see how it looks. abby: how it looks is crazy. what do you think all of those innovations. >> i will leave that to the people who do it. basically i'm just a football coach and we are going to roll out the ball and see what happens. and let the technology take over from there. abby: and what about the fans and being here in birmingham? have you guys felt a warm welcome? how has that reception been? >> it's been excellent. you know, everyone we have gone out in the community, it's been just fantastic and people here love football and i think we are going to see that on full display tonight and tomorrow. >> you guys take on tampa bay at 8:00 p.m. eastern tomorrow night. coach, thank you so much for joining me. guys, back to you. will: all right, abby, great interview we can't wait to watch. tune in tonight's game birmingham stallions against the new jersey generals 7:30 eastern time on fox. the return of the usfl. rachel: pete is going to call me at 7:30 and see if i'm watching. pete: i believe i said i will text. i will call sean and text you to make sure you are watching. rachel: still ahead the president's approval rate is slipping especially among latinos. i went to texas to talk with hispanic voters ahead of the midterms to see why so many are voting red. take a look. >> we have the same values. latino values is republican values. >> we agree on everything. deep down every anywhere texas are conservative ♪ ♪ ♪simply irresistible♪ applebee's irresist-a-bowls are back. now starting at $8.99. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. bipolar depression. it made me feel trapped in a fog. this is art inspired by real stories of bipolar depression. i just couldn't find my way out of it. the lows of bipolar depression can take you to a dark place. latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. this is where i want to be. call your doctor about sudden behavior changes or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements, which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. now i'm back where i belong. ask your doctor if latuda is right for you. pay as little as zero dollars for your first prescription. this is remington. he's a member of the family, for sure. we always fed him kibble it just seemed like the thing to do. but he was getting picky, and we started noticing some allergy symptoms. we heard about the farmer's dog and it was a complete transformation. his allergies were going away and he just had amazing energy. it's a no-brainer that remi should have the best nutritious and delicious food possible. i'm investing in my dog's health and happiness. ♪♪ get started at it's my 4:05, the-show-must-go-on, migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere, migraine strikes. without worrying if it's too late or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. unlike older medicines ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy and learn how abbvie can help you save. rachel: i traveled down to the lone star state to hear what hispanic voters had to say about top issues while the g.o.p. is aligning culturally with their community. take a look. ♪ rachel: we are in plan know, texas, trying to get temperature of the hispanic vote so first of all, how many of you know hispanic families that are hurting right now because of inflation? >> >> i would say inflation is realtime. we see it, we feel it and it's something that is going to draw latinos to the voting booth. hispanics care about being able to work. being able to provide for their family. >> government -- destroys that idea. we won't be able to reach that american dream that i moved here for at 19. rachel: continuena, you have been private school, public school and home school teacher what concerns you about america's education system? >> just the move in the direction in what we are teaching children. we have to get back to being focused on actual education items. rachel: are you worried about crt and gender ideology in the schools? >> absolutely. >> the president, secretary mayorkas. kamala harris, they say that the border is not open. is the border open? >> yeah. people are flooding our border. that puts a bunch of individuals at risk at the risk of being at the hands of the cartel. >> my gosh, i can't. they are -- it's not parents sending their kids over here to give them a better life. it's being kidnapped and being used by the cartel to get over here. they are the worst type of people. rachel: is the government complicit in the exploitation of children across this border? >> i think it's horrible. i think trump was trying to get a hold on the situation. rachel: do we need a wall? >> i think we do need a wall. >> absolutely. rachel: does anyone have a theory as to why joe biden reversed trump's border policies which most texans say is working. >> wants more democrats to vote for him. rachel: you think this is a long-term demographic play. >> that's the only thing they have [inaudible] rachel: tina, should the president and kamala harris come to the border? >> i'm not sure that would make a difference. one thing that i think would make a difference is support and growing support for the bipartisan border solution act. it is time for congress to stop kicking the can down the road. rachel: is illegal immigration cheapening citizenship? >> yes, ma'am. it's not fair for folks like my family, folks that i know that are doing things the right way and then willy-nilly let someone else come in and not do things the right way. it's unfair for all parties involved. >> biden's message is come on over. we'll help you. you'll get some -- we are here for you. they are gonna need the government to survive. so the end result of that is socialism. rachel: yeah. >> we don't want socialism. rachel: how many you have think that crime is going to be a top issue in this election for hispanics? >> when you look at how the democrat party has been so soft on crime and you have democrat members of congress who are constantly bashing law enforcement and want to completely get rid of ice, what they don't understand the majority, if not most of border patrol agents are hispanic, and most hispanic families have someone in their nuclear family that is in the law enforcement sphere. rachel: if you were advising the republican party what would you tell them to do to get the hispanic vote. >> go in hispanic communities and educate through meet and greets. get the word out. we have the same values. latino values is republican valley values. >> we agree on everything. it's just getting that same value to the ballot box. >> is the hispanic vote the super vote. >> the hispanic latino community is the sleeping giant in the room. >> i think that we need to understand latino vote is not something that we are going to stop talking about after midterms or after 2024. the latino vote is so diverse. just even on this panel. so we can keep that conversation open and the republican party having a welcoming message to the hispanic community. not just the mexican community but understanding the conversation is wide and broad and there is many seats at the table for the conversation. rachel: that group was wide and broad. they are not just hispanics all walks. we had venezuelan, he will sal l salvador and nicaraguan living there in texas. a lot of the issues and the sentiments i could relate to i understood. i will tell you what the big surprise to me how strong especially the men but all of them one of their top issues was second amendment. i asked them why. they said because we know people in mexico who are living in very dangerous situations. there is one gun shop in mexico. no one has a gun and so they really appreciate the ability, especially under these conditions with an open border and the cartel so strong the ability to fascinating. great, important story to follow. what did you find out. what do you think is the number one issue that is attributable for the swing? we are seeing the hispanic vote swing. why? what's the number one issue? rachel: it's the economy. the inflation. rachel: these are people that have families. it's not just their families. they are seeing other families hurting. also, you know, so many small businesses were hurt during the pandemic. many of them hispanic. as you know hispanics are, you know, small businesses, greater levels than any other demo. so, they saw big businesses do well. small businesses punished. pete: remind me again real quick historically why hispanics have sided with the democrat party when their values are more aligned with republicans? rachel: this group, they all were pro-life, they all were faith, family oriented. there is just, i think, an -- there used to be an idea that the g.o.p. was for the rich. and the democrats for the poor. it's obvious they know there is only one party now the republican party for the working class. border was a huge -- border issues and security huge issue obviously this is texas. there is so much going on and i think the democrats are going to be surprised in this midterm at how many hispanics they lose. you lose a hispanic to a republican, once they vote one time it's easier for them to keep voting republican. will: the numbers astounding. pete: i speak to will when i say we continue to be students at the rachel campos-duffy hispanic studies. will: three sheriff deputies are shot in kansas. authorities say they were responding to reports of a suspicious vehicle yesterday. when deputies approached the car. the driver refused to exit, then opened fire. officials returned fire and the driver was killed. all three deputies shot are expected to recover. broadway theaters are extending their mask mandates for at least may 31st. but many are loosening their vaccine policies leaving it up to individual theaters to decide if they want visitors to show proof of vaccination. policy goes into effect april 30th. in a statement the broadway president says our intention is that by maintaining strict audience masking for at least the month of may we will continue our track record of safety for all. 150 more days. and then 15 more days. pete: series of 15 more days and then we will stop. pete: and you will be very safe the entire time. wonderful. just don't go to a broadway play. that's my answer at this point. rachel: or disney. pete: or disney. add to the list. still ahead. the pentagon going woke. the new equity plan just rolled out not in the -- equity plan rolled out by the department of defense. rachel: that's what we need right now. they call it the great outdoors. is your yard looking a little bit lackluster? 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i'm speechless. thanks for the apoquel. ahh, that's what friends are for. ask your veterinarian for apoquel. next to you, apoquel is a dog's best friend. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit the sleep number 360® smart bed is on sale now. it senses your movements and automatically adjusts so you matching your job description. both stay comfortable all night. it's also temperature balancing so you stay cool. save $1,000 on our most popular smart bed. plus 0% interest for 24 months. ends saturday. to learn more, go to will: spring is in full spring. are you ready to spend outdoors. rachel: i love spring. our next guest has the latest and greatest products to make sure your yard and garden are ready. pete: dyi chip wade, good morning. >> i have to address the big foot in the room. now, if you want to make your yard into a spectacle this year. check out design-to-as it can they have full size lawn filters really high quality. next up we will talk about landscape solar lighting that is finally high quality that gives the performance of wired options. these things have high quality solar panels, the same kind that you acn your roof covered with glass. made with powder coated aluminum. they have high, warm, low school settings. these contemporary and shepherds hook models actually provide six and up to 8 times the solar charging power of other solar lights. really really great. again, can you check these out and other options at gama really great stuff. talk about shade sales. it's getting to be summertime and springtime. cooler radio rectangles, squares. awesome colors. high quality they are going to block the uv and let the breeze do you. super comfortable. make cool plant beds stain mold and mildew resistant made from coolaroo doll cot. flies and insects started. if you have ever been bit by a fly you will love ball. inflatable ball that you literally spray with catch them liquid all over it what it does is actually attracts the flies to the ball you place it in the sun, get covered with those flies particular to it cut it down, throw it away when you are done, get this stuff at amazon or at big ball amazing invention here. okay. i was recently at the national hardware show found generac generator. charges one a solar panel in 8 hours. that means no gas. it's going to provide backup power to a lot of the home for up to seven days. today we are heat blanket for easter check chicks. take out in the garden. take it in the car. >> eneark great addition to the house. poll loan in the air in atlanta. get three times of scrubbing power scotch bright heavy scrubbing pads i use it on outdoor furniture pollen and fall debris off of there heavy duty pads are more aggressive. great for lawn equipment. even the greatest greats on youn grates on thegrill. find them at scotch we have these up for you at weighed works check it out. all the links are up there. get ready for the spring and happy easter. will: all right. chip, thank you some. pete: well done. rachel: happy easter to you too, chip. >> thank you, guys. will: big ball of dead flies. cut it down throw it away. rachel: have to get a kid to empty it out. will: exactly right you have 9 or 6 of them. border surge record number of migrant encounters. lawrence jones went and spoke with the migrants. he joins us in the next hour. my garden brings us together. my garden is my therapy. find more ways to grow at [ dog panting ] your happiest spring starts at lowe's. experience all the deals at springfest. lowe's. home to any budget. home to any possibility. meet apartment 2a, 2b and 2c. 2a's monitoring his money with a simple text. like what you see abe? 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rachel: i think canadian bacon works on an eggs benedict. i don't think you should mess with that one. pete: spoken like a can't. this is how we do it and we will keep doing it that way. rachel: incident current throughout show. pete: wonderful under current amongst catholics here. also national wear your pajamas to work day. rachel: why didn't they tell us that? i totally would have. actually, if you catch me on the weekdays around 2:00 p.m. i'm still in my pa jam in as. i don't like to leave the house i'm kind of a shut in. this is the only time i get out. [laughter] will: what does that mean small c catholic. pete: big c catholic the catholic church. one small c one unified. small c catholic in that we are all christians and small c catholics mean we are unified. rachel: very catholic -- pete: i am very much-i'm not just baptist but southern baptist. but i very much appreciate the catholic hold the line on so many wonderful things and i thank you for that. rachel: this weekend we have so much to celebrate and share as christians. pete: for sure. whism you are doing it we talked about while you are doing the easter eggs and easter bunny thing make sure the kids and grandkids know the real reason for what is happening tomorrow. rachel: the resurrection. we are going to turn now to ukraine. russia is vowing to increase missile strikes on the capital city of kyiv. pete: kyiv also formally warning the u.s. of quote uredictable consequence if they keep sending military aid to ukraine. will: matt finn is live in lviv with details. >> there is heightened sense of alert. because russia is believed to be regrouping right now and is expected to launch a new attack, perhaps worse than what we have seen near kyiv and in the eastern region. they have withdrawn from that area from for right now which is revealing some of their unspeakable war crimes in their path of destruction. the bodies of nearly 1,000 people have been discovered you surrounding ukraine's capitol and disturbingly many of those people shot execution style according to police. also in the southern port city of mariupol. russian troops are seen digging up bodies. presumably to hide evidence of their war crime. and indiana republican congresswoman victoria spartz, who was born here in ukraine, she toured kyiv and her grandmother's native home and said russian troops are executing people because they could not suppress them. >> it's just once you see that the killing of people, i mean, they had libraries, hospitals, stadiums stores for food. they were not trying to, you know, fight an army. they were trying to suppress the people. >> right now we are on the western side of the country a few hours ago the air raid sirens went off and they were confirmed that four russian cruise missiles were intercepted in this region. back to you in new york. pete: thank you, matt. on the. will: on the topic of ukraine and the world confronting the reality of war. the pentagon here in the united states is confronting a different reality. one where they institute an equity action plan this is quite shocking. here is what the action plan would incur. procurement in contracting this is where they would implement equity initiatives in the department of defense. military installations and bases. military family equities at this time advances. equitable artificial intelligence research and development. terrifying. undeserved community investment. pete: i can't overstate how much reaction i have gotten from guys inside the military who i have served with. one who is inside the dod saying this dod equity plan it's a hard push. meaning it's not just a document that's going to land on someone's desk and nothing is going to happen. from the top down. equity is by the way equity is not the same as equality. be very, very, very clear about that. equality is what we used to talk about. treating everyone equally which is exactly what the dodd and pentagon has been for decades. i served next to black and brown, male and female and we fought as a unit as a team to defeat the millimeter. enemy. these is equity kit at this time. marxist end state removes meritocracy frankly and to a man and whom have been reaching tout me they say this will mean that people check a certain box will be getting promoted quicker because they check a certain box not because they are better at their job or more -- or better at killing the enemy. you mentioned it equitable artificial intelligence research and development? don't you just want the best ai research and development? where everyone gets an equal shot? equity means leveling it out by pulling some people down and pulling other people up. and if you are doing that in the department of defense, that means eventually you are going to get people killed. or you are going to be less lethal at what you do as a fighting force. this is -- this started in the obama era. it stopped under trump. now it's on hyper speed as the white house has mandated it wasn't just dodd by the way. dhdoe department of education already awashed in equity. this is dangerous stuff, guys. rachel: this is really transformational of the military and what made the military great. i say as a military brat, my dad entered the military when they were still levels of discrimination in other parts of american society for mexican americans for african-americans military was this place where you could go and do your best and it was a meritocracy. if you were good, you rose in the ranks. my dad was a loyal, faithful hardworking soldier, made it all the way from an airman to, you know, he retired after 32 years as a chief master sergeant. pete, talk to me about what would happen to a unit. you led a unit. if equity in terms of promotion becomes the centerpiece, not just and i'm not just talking about, you know, who gets -- that it's -- can lead to people dying. i get that part just talk to me about the intrapersonal things. pete: i think it's not just in the military it would happen in any context. it's the animosity that builds up. it's the second guesting. did you get that position because you earned it? or you are the best person or because a box-which just an injustice to the person who is perceiving it but also to the person who has that position. and maybe did earn it. and now question whether or not they earned it. especially though in small unit leadership, when you are talking teams and squads of platoons and companies. that intimate relationship is important to earning the trust you need to do things that are not natural, which is charge towards the gunfire. you have got to trust that the best person is there and they have your back for the right reasons, really really dangerous. rachel: china couldn't have done -- this could have been a chinese spot, frankly. honestly, they would have to be really happy at this. will: yeah, well, because to pete's point, it is a marxist, communist ideal is equity. it sounds nice to be on because it sounds like equality. but it truly is equality of outcomes. it is engineering it so that you get mediocrity across the board. this will ensure the united states of america will lose a war. we will lose a war all it takes any company that institutes an equity plan is a rival who prioritizes merit to come crazy. so a rival the equitable one has compromised itself it. it has placed meritocracy below objective. pete: i was a platoon leader at guantanamo bay. i had about half a dozen members of my own platoon who were were not u.s. citizens who joined the military, hispanics because they wanted to fight for the country and it was my job as a platoon leader to put in their application packets to become citizens and it was a joy to do so. these guys were eager to become u.s. citizens and they wanted to earn it. and i didn't have to do it actually. if i had had a guy in a platoon who i thought was not working at it not to do it, i didn't have to. they all were. they were all eager to. it's been that pathway that meritocracy now we are checking boxes. when you are checking boxes you are losing wars. rachel: looked what happened in afghanistan who was the leader there lloyd austin. a lot of people i have talked to don't think he is the best of the best. my goodness at that position we should have the best of the best. pete: pushing it quick. here is a statement the dod action plan on shifting the department's focus. while the department has historically been focused on increasing equity when the dod community. this plan shift in the department's approach and focused better to ensure that we leverage our capabilities to create opportunities for all americans. i don't know what any of that means other than really. rachel: other than we are going to lose to china eventually. i don't think that -- you say it's marxist like the chinese. honestly the chinese are playing to win. and this is a proof that we are not playing to win. we are playing for some weird ideological motives that are under lying. pete: political standdowns of ideology continue radical right wing ideology and the vaccine mandates they have already done huge damage in pushing meat eaters out of the military. rachel: i know a young man who would have been the greatest candidate for to become a navy seal and did not join because he had had covid and didn't want to take -- you have met him. pete: phenomenal. rachel: he would be the most amazing person. i'm not going to take that i have already had covid and i don't want to take that injection. military lost a great person. pete: not to depress you. rachel: i'm sorry. pete: still amazing people they have to stand up and speak out. rachel: waiting for you guys to stand up and speak out. we have intense clashes that broke out in shanghai this weekend. pete: local scuffling with police in hazmat suits as authorities force locals out of their homes. it's like utopian movie so their apartments could be turned into covid isolation facilities for others. will: alexandria hoff live in washington with more. >> we are talking about a city where chinese officials said a few weeks ago that they would not do another lockdown. they will penalize those who spoke about a potential lockdown happening and then they locked down it started in phases in march as a way to combat rising case numbers as part of china's zero covid policy. but now residents in china's largest city who have essentially been taken hostages had have had enough. [shouting] [screams] rachel: there you have hazmat wearing police forces they are clashing with desperate residents pushed to the brink. foot shortages are now plaguing the city. residents who are able to line up for rations. not only has their freedom been taken but homes, too as authorities have been ordering people to surrender their property so they can be turned into quarantine zones. through all of this, the case numbers continue to rise. but, a majority of the residents who have been testing positive are reporting to be asymptomatic. still chinese authorities are standing by the zero covid policy and say that they will not be scaling back these restrictions. rachel, will and pete. rachel: that's a horrible scary story. >> these images dogs and cats in bags. rachel: horrible. will: exposed to covid they sit on street corners bagged up prepared to be taken to god knows where. and that's bets, now you are seeing what's happening to humans, i mean. rachel: separated from their children. will: covid zero. pete: this is the -- will: this the path that australia, immediately to and would be americans were on and who knows where it goes. rachel: there was a portion of americans who were on board with this idea. and thank god many of us stood up and fought back. pete: locked in their homes unable to many cases to go get food when you give up. >> when total control is answer over by the state stuff like this can be the end state that's really really turn now headlines fox news alert. shots are fired at bronx subway station earlier this morning. investigating whether shotsy mired on board one of these planes. police say the injured comes after he is less than a week subway shooting that left 29 people injured. police in california are searching for these two suspects smash and grab robbery. and kay jewelry store inside of a mall, the robbery happening outside of downtown l.a. the suspects large camera to smash the glass displace taken unknown amount of gel richmond suspects escaped using a get away car waiting for them outside the mall. now this. white house secretary jen psaki claims she'll wasn't being, quote, critical after suggesting on a podcast yesterday that our very own peter doocy, who is, by the way, always polite, was a, quote, sob. psaki peter doocy does not write his own questions for press briefing which is not true. full video shows i told full story peter's -- i was not talking about him or any reporters at fox. is he doing my job. i'm doing mine. we disagree, i respect that i'm sorry, i think about always classy kayleigh mcenany and dana perino, those kind of white house press secretaries would never be caught saying this kind of stuff. it was absolutely disgraceful. pete: she was led into the answer by saying well, is he just that or is this network just that and if you are taking the side of grace you don't take the bait. you don't have. to say fell right into it. rachel: peter you picked peter doocy he is so nice and asked so politely. will: one reporter asking a challenging question without peter doocy it would be all ice cream questions, if you don't ask ice cream questions you are an s.o.b. rachel: also he said it so nicely. pete: texts keep pouring in. pushed for years now practiced in the opening the dod stuff this happening happening for years and doing it in the open. >> the cultural movements. >> birmingham. abby? abby: alive with people coming tout to watch the usfl, we actually visited a thank you birmingham events yesterday where players and coaches were able to talk to some of the fans. i had the opportunity to chat with two of the mascots. they were very chatty. i couldn't get them to stop talking. it was very weird. a lot of smack between one another. there was nothing but good sportsmanship between those two. they were very friendly. the new jersey generals mascot general jersey that had just been announced so he was extremely giddy about that and stallion showing me all of his dance moves he will be performing today. one of the events. a woman wanted to take a picture with general jersey stallion fan. census you have to remain loyal there is no way you can get a picture with general jersey if you are a stallions fan. fans seemed to have a good time and so did we. these mascots are part of these team's brands. so are their threads. 8 teams, 8 new jerseys. people are looking forward to it most of the hype is around the new orleans breakers uniform with the hand painted helmet that light and dark blue t-shirt that is on the jersey and the helmet also. tonight you will see two teams that are mostly red and white so the stadium is just going to be a flood of those colors with a lot of support for the birmingham stallions since they are the home team. tonight, stallions vs. generals and then you go into that triple header. the weather looked like it's clearing up, guys, so let's keep our fingers crossed for kickoff tonight. will: it is my favorite color scheme dark blue and light blue together. rocking it over there. put a yellow into it. light blue, dark blue. pete: abby is sporting the light blue. will: border crisis surging with migrant encounters reported last month the highest in over two decades. lawrence jones just visited the border and saw the crisis firsthand and he joins us next. heads up. 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fewer groceries. this phone? more groceries! this phone? fewer concert tickets. this phone? more concert tickets. and not just for my shows. switch to xfinity mobile for half the price of verizon. that's a savings of over $500 a year. switch today. this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. 22 years. >> lawrence jones visited the border. he joins us now. lawrence, thanks for being here. you said this trip was like any other you have had down there. lawrence: normally when i'm at the border before that barrier is built. and there is all these trackers from dps and all that this is different because there is a lot of terrain and these -- these are runners. these are people trying to get -- normally single adult males. they have a lot of camo. and you have to track them by old school police work. meaning you have got look at the track to see exactly where they are going. they don't have a lot of technology there. and if it wasn't for the department of public safety. this would be gone. >> this is a texas led thing right now. this is a texas led thing. of course border patrol. they are out there. air support. it's not being funded for them to get it most of them border patrol agents are handling a lot of the processing. and not actually securing the border. pete: we have got a clip of your trip. let's play it right now. >> where did you guys come from mexico? >> yeah. >> how long have you been on the road? >> a week. lawrence: a week? when you got to america who are you going to stay with? >> find work. >> work? >> and then room and we need to figure that out because in mexico it's difficult. pete: so those folks did not want to be caught. here is a sense of the growth of the amount of border encounters. i believe we have the stats from 2022 to 2021. it's up almost 80%. if did you go back to 2020, it's up astronomically further. this month is 220,000 encounters, lawrence. lawrence: that doesn't include the got-aways. pete: doesn't include the got aways or the ones we don't know got away under the trump administration it was something like 35,000 now it's 220. situation out of control. lawrence: with title 42. imagine how bad it's going to get after title 42 if this is lifted. interesting about these guys they ran out of water. they hadn't had water for entire day. ran out of food. they got lost. get sloppy because it's so hot out there. it's so much terrain and although they try to prepare for these trips. if you don't have a coyote that's escorting you through, you are going to get lost. they got sloppy and we were able to find them as a result. this is before title 42 i'm going to go back in a few weeks. when title 42 is lifted and we are expecting a massive surge. and i know a lot of people are trying to say, you know, greg abbott is virtue signaling. people need to understand is he doing all can he do right now. is he frying to get equipment from the biden administration that the u.s. taxpayers had already paid for. they were so petty and said we could not have the wall equipment. we couldn't have the technology equipment. texas didn't sign up for this. unfortunately we have to deal with this because we are a border state. and i would just caution democrats on this. because you a all the democrats on the border are starting to flip on this issue. a lot of those city councils that were once democrat are now republican. when you have henry cuellar and the rest of these democrats saying you need to knock it off. they can't continue to have this message well the republicans are just being anti-immigrant. the border patrol is minority immigrant. majority hispanic. those border towns are majority immigrant. majority hispanic. and they don't like what's going on. pete: we had ken cuccinelli on the program earlier who was actually critical of texas. we will have guests on tomorrow to kind of break this down. is there more texas could be doing to actually instead of showcasing the problem by sending them to d.c. actually send them back across the border? is there -- i mean what's your understanding of the authority they have? lawrence: i'm not smart enough to get into the legal debate of what texas can and cannot do. greg abbott is saying look, i have used everything legally i can do which to capture for criminal trespass and turn them over to the federal authorities or them here in texas. people philosophy saying texas is a sovereign state. they have the ability to send them back to mexico. that's a huge debate going on. we will see how it plays out. pete: that could be the constitutional. lawrence: indeed would he be watching your show tonight cross-country 10:00 p.m. don't miss it. even more footage at the border and we always love having you. you are the man. pete: kickoff usfl and birmingham is buzzing with excitement. abby hornacek checking in with businesses hoping to get a big boom from the game and they join us live. ♪ ♪ the burning. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®... ...most people saw 90% clearer skin at 16 weeks. the majority of people saw 90% clearer skin even at 5 years. tremfya® is the first medication of its kind also approved for adults with active psoriatic arthritis. and, it's six doses a year, after two starter doses. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®. ask your doctor about tremfya® today. do your eyes bother you? 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will: real quick, jason, that's turf you are standing on, right? >> yes, this is turf that i'm standing on and because it was raining earlier in the morning hours. it's a bit wet. but, you know, it was part of the reason why i had to be incredibly careful in running toward you for the start because i didn't want there to be a youtube moment where i started running to you and then oops and then i become the weather man that everyone remembers as the slipping weather man here in birmingham. so we are not going to be doing that. will: we are glad you pulled it off. >> i want you guys to come down here. will: thank you for that weather update. four games on one field and all that thunderstorm. pete: i thought okay. if it's regular grass it will be torn up by the end of it if it's turf then we are good to go. jason, thank you very much. rachel: thanks, jason. >> have a good one. will: stick with birmingham. check in with abby hornacek who is with a barbecue business owner this morning. hey, abby. abby: hey, i actually called jason and i said hey, jason, we are supposed to have a tailgate with barbecue make it stop range it stopped range but unfortunately we got rained out for our barbecue. but we are here now and this is brandon kaine on or abouts of one of the barbecues. i appreciate you coming out in weather. >> definitely. a little bummed we didn't get to cook for you guys we are here for the usfl and excited about the game. abby: the barbecue sauce is here so we will try it in a little bit. what is it like for you guys to be five minutes away from the stadium and having the usfl a? >> it's busy. is a million dollars impact on our community over it. we are start being to see it for sure. abby: what makes your barbecue different and special from all the other barbecue in birmingham? >> you are going to start with a fight. abby: hey, let's do tnchts we think it's because, you know, we pull the bone and scramble the fat and everything together. we pull individual muscle groups, clean the fat out you get perfect bites of pork, super, super tender, to top it off our sauce is a little bit different. here in birmingham and alabama tomato base a little bit sweet ervin garr base with perfect balance of sweet and spice. abby: that's the way to do it with the perfect balance. >> yeah. abby: when it comes to the game and all of the fans coming out, what is a dish that most people order from your restaurant? >> so our -- probably one of our most famous dishes pork and greens. grits, green sauce on top. you better make sure you got your calendar clear because it's going to -- abby: making me hungry. i'm going to wrap it up here and check out this vinegar base. delicious. i could eat this like soup. it's spicier than i thought it was going to be. but that is so good. you guys have to check out his barbecue. spicier than i thought. pete: you go? abby: for the game. thank you for joining me brandon. i'm going to take this do go. pete: no you are not. rachel: maybe not like soup. but it looks like it's probably going to be awesome. abby: it is really good. >> when you get it with the pork. pete: her face said something different. her voice being drag. will: i could eat this like soup. [laughter] will: still ahead, saved by tiktok how one viral video helped a girl secretly signal for help when she was kidnapped by ex-boyfriend. nancy grace joins us. that's next. high-quality hearing aids with all of the features you need, and none of the hassle. i use lively hearing aids and it's been wonderful. it's so light and so small but it's a fraction of the cost of the other devices. they cost thousands less. it's insanely user friendly. you take the hearing test online, the doctor programs in the settings. you don't even need to go into an office. they're delivered to your door in a few days and you're up and running in no time. it connects via bluetooth to my phone. you can stream music and you can answer phone calls. the audiologist was so incredible she's full of all kinds of little helpful hints i love it. they're a game changer for me. i feel like i can take on anything. it feels great to be in control of my hearing. better hearing has never been this easy. try lively risk-free for 100 days. visit (announcer) it's time to lose the weight for good. try golo. for 100 days. no subscriptions, just real results that last! -i've lost 70 pounds. -58 pounds. -22 pounds. -128 pounds. 138 pounds in nine months. crazy, right? 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(announcer) change your life now at assaulted under domestic violence. seems to be putting perfume on the pig. domestic sounds tranquil. anything but. in this case the victim was assaulted and kidnapped in the and defendant's ex-boyfriend's truck. he threatened her with a screwdriver and said basically if i can't have you nobody will. and a gas station she used the international sign that she was in domestic danger which is this. and very often you may see it and not know what it means. she made that sign to the clerk who called police when police arrived, listen to this. when he saw the sheriffs arrive. he took off and led them on a high-speed chase crashed into a ravine into a creek. if he would do that to sheriffs, what would he have done to this victim alone in that truck with him? rachel: it's amazing. i have to tell you when i read this story i didn't know about this hand signal. if somebody had done this to me i wouldn't have known what that meant. so now i mow is this something we should be teaching all of our children? >> absolutely. and i think it should be taught in school. and for once, i'm thankful for tiktok. usually trying to drag my children off of it they just lie on their phones. for once i'm grateful because they, tiktok are really credited with making the sign readily recognizable. i really believe it should be taught in school starting in pre-k and here's the deal. when i prosecuted i also worked as a volunteer at the battered women's center at night, this is what i know. if you don't believe the statistics you read in black and white remember this i have never seen a domestic violence situation get better. i know that's not what victims want to hear. they believe they can fix it hallmark movie and the christmas card. no, that's not happening. if you can't save yourself or don't want to, think of your children, because they are going to grow up thinking it's okay to beat mommy. rachel: nancy, it's not just domestic violence, we see especially with our open border and increase in child sex trafficking, and i think you are right. i mean, our children learn soft, drop and roll. they should learn this as well. probably more important than teaching them about gender fluidity in kindergarten. this is probably going to help them much more. so, yeah, i agree with you 100 percent. now people know this is the international sign if you see somebody like doing this you need to call the police and get them help. >> can i tell you what sticks? my mind? how many homicide murder cases i have prosecuted that were victims of domestic rage. domestic violence. it does not get better. family, friends, co-workers, they have an idea or maybe they have no idea at all. this woman had to reach up to a stranger at the gas station who literally saved her life. abby: absolutely. nancy, you always have a heart for justice. that he was why i love you so much. i love your show on fox nation. thank you for joining us this morning -- >> -- happy and blessed easter. rachel: to you too. >> to you guys and everyone. thank you. rachel: thank you so much, nancy. and don't forget. you can catch crime stories with nancy brace available now on fox nation. all right. pete? pete: well done. thank you, rachel. turning now to a few additional headlines this morning. police arrest a man carrying a knife into nypd's east flat bush precinct in brooklyn. the incident happening this morning. officials say the man walks inta station making a series of requests. fortunately no one was injured. charges against the suspect are pending although around here they will probably release him. researchers at duke university saying a promising cancer vaccine is in the works using the same technology found in the covid-19 vaccine. researchers say the treatment if effective can mainly be used to fight certain and symptom cancer phase one of a clinical has been complete and a phase 2 style underway. it will be great. all right. the new york mets honoring the late team legend tom receiver with statue outside the stadium 2020. the fans wanted him to are immortalized big statue unveiling. opening day. the methods celebrating the big occasion with a 10-3 victory over the diamondbacks, a lot of met fans in this studio. don't worry they will start strong and fade like they do best. no they say this is their year and those are your headlines we shall see. all right. elon musk now talking to private investors toe team up with him with a new bid to take over twitter. we will break down that coming up. special only on fox. nascar legend darryl walter joins us next with a preview. ♪ ♪ and i just didn't feel well. but then i found clearchoice. 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>> when i grew up, they called me a short track punk. because i loved nashville, i loved bristol and martinville, all the short tracks have a lot of wind on those tracks. i just a knack for getting around a track like this high bank. the banks intimidate a lot of people. the dirt intimidates a lot of people. but, nonetheless, it was just one of my favorite tracks. i ran well. the first time i ever came here. i won here when it was asphalt. i won when it was concrete. i didn't race on it when it was dirt. but i probably could win on this dirt track. will: i like that confidence. i like short track racing by the way. i like everything to be tight. i like to see a lot of position swapping. so, i know you didn't race on it or didn't win on it, you said. but, combine short track bristol with dirt, which we are going to see on sunday. what kind of unique mix does that put into the race? >> yeah, well, there are horses for courses. that was me. i was a short track guy. i love short tracks and there are dirt track especiallyists. kyle larson dirt track. wins a lot of races on sprint car on dirt and others that have had tremendous success on dirt. that doesn't necessarily parlay into you are going to have a big advantage. the car has certainly a lot to do with it. it's a new car that we have never run before. and so it's a different car. they have redone the track a little bit with some progressive banking. so, even though we raced here last year. this year it's a whole new ballgame. and we practice. a lot of cars spun out. >> chase elliott spun out four times yesterday. this takes -- it takes the driver and the crew chief working on the car to get the car where it will perform every driver, a driver is a driver. it can drive a track or can't drive a track. every driver is capable of winning if they can get their car right. will: well, every driver can drive. as you said, as you started horses for courses. here is the course for you this week and you are back in the booth. you are there for 19 years. what three years roughly off. are you excited to be back in the booth? >> oh, listen, eric shanks, our boss i call him every week hey, you know, do you need a guest commentator, i'm not doing anything. i'm just playing golf and hanging around franklin if you want me to go somewhere and do something let me know. they finally made sense for me to come here to this race, one that i have more wins here than anybody it made sense for me to come here and i'm excited about being here. my joy -- in the booth, calling the race. it should be exciting. tomorrow morning, you have lunch and settle in for a great -- will: it's a special race. feature sunday, bristol. dirt. darrell waltrip. he wins a lot here and going to win in the booth as well this weekend. darrell, great to have you on "fox & friends" this morning. thank you. >> yeah. i watch every week. will: thank you so much. watch on fs-1 this weekend and watch next weekend as we go to go to tall dan bongino and more coming upis on "fox & friends." start stopping with nicorette if you don't repaint every now and then, it's like the old you is still hanging around. younger zoe: i'm listening to music. younger zoe: you are a libra and he is a pisces, that is like a cosmic dungeon. older zoe: you know what, can you? 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it can't be next weekend -- rachel: we're at talladega. pete: as the week heats up, i see us joining abby down in birmingham. will: i'm in. rachel: i actually think "fox & friends" should go down to the border. pete: we agree on that. [laughter] rachel: sorry. pete: trump's wall right there, i agree -- rachel: the one that's rusting that texas won't put up and has to buy a new one? pete: in the meantime, as we make our way towards the border, we stop in birmingham on the field, that way we could catch some of these pass pas -- rachel: and the other benefit, you brought, by the way, a sneak peek of the brunch we're going to be having a little bit later. pete brought end me up some of the deviledded eggs. we love southern cooking. we could go down to birmingham, go down to texas or arizona, get some tex-mex and tell the story on the border. will: love it. we're not there yet, but abby hornacek is live in birmingham, the return of spring football, the debut of the usfl. hey, abby. >> reporter: hi. yeah, i am fully onboard for you guys to come down here. i absolutely love birmingham. i have a lot of good recommendations. we could are some fun, go out on the field and, of course, go to a usfr game. i can't imagine anything more perfect. guys, it's been lovely here. just the general feeling i'm getting from these coaches and these players, it's a really special experience. and for us it's just with such an honor to be able to witness that inaugural season, the inaugural weekend, aer, for this new season of the usfl. when i talk to these fans, these coaches, these players, they had a lot to say. that take a listen. >> welcome to birmingham. >> reporter: how excited are you guys for the game? >> we're super pumped. we drove 12 hours from florida. >> reporter: what are you looking forward to tost most about the uspl? >> some -- usfl? >> some great football. >> the city of birmingham has welcomed everyone. >> americans love football, so here it is. >> reporter: last question, i know you're a quarterback, but can you go long? okay. ♪ >> reporter: nice! [laughter] that was shay patterson, by the way. he's the number one pick in the usfl draft. he had just gotten done with practice, and i made him run a little bit. everyone has been so gracious and kind to all of us. you guys mentioned catching passes from the quarterback, but they can catch too. so you can catch some balls too. pete: really nice if toss. rachel: impressed, by the way. pete: i got that say. you threw a rope to him! rachel: i told him before the segment how athletic you were. >> reporter: well, that's very kind of you. he was the athletic one, he actually caught it, so he made me look good. rachel: no, no, no, no, abby -- do it in slow motion. will: i mean, abby, don't be bashful. pete: i give some credit to your father, obviously, basketball skills translate into general athleticism because that was a good looking toss start to finish. rachel: yeah. >> reporter: thanks. we spent a lot of time, a lot of time on the beach with my brothers, my dad and my mom. so, you know, it's fun. just to be able to toss to shay patterson -- rachel: look at that. [inaudible conversations] pete: making that toss, it wouldn't look that good. rachel: i've never done anything on the show that has impressed these guys as much as that, let's be honest. >> reporter: oh, that's not true. a. rachel: it's so true. [laughter] >> reporter: you eat the canadian bacon on your eggs benedict, because i agree with the guys, you've got to keep the regular bacon. that's impressive. rachel: i generally don't like anything canadian -- pete: here we go. [laughter] will: all right, abby. pete: thank you, abby, very much. rachel: i like the truckers. pete: you liked the truckers. rachel: i did. they a made a great point. will: you like maple syrup as well. rachel: wisconsin maple syrup. they can have it. [laughter] will: all right. president biden is spending this weekend at camp david, of course he is, but before he left he issued a massive u-turn on his policy toward federal oil and gas leases, nice friday night little ship in there. rachel: all right. alexandria hoff is live from washington with more. good morning. >> reporter: hi, good morning. yeah, this already has it breaks a campaign promise the president made to stop oil and gas development on public lands. the bureau of land management announced that it will begin leasing again, but it will only offer -- you believe -- far less acreage. it's still a major reverse although. here's the moment last month when fox news' peter doocy asked if this was a consideration. take a listen. >> reporter: would president biden rescind his executive the order that that halts new oil and natural gas leases on pluck lands? >> well, 90% of them happen on private lands are, as i'm sure you know, and there are 9,000 unused, approved drilling permits. so ill suggest you ask -- i would suggest you ask the oil companies why they're not using those if there's a desire to drill more. >> reporter: there has been a desire, and that 9,000 number wasn't completely accurate. it was misleading according to the american petroleum institute. a permit means oil companies can explore those sites, it doesn't mean the locations are usabling. but in the hopes of driving down fuel costs, the biden administration is suddenly ready to open up this process again. according to the interior department, 144,000 acres will become available for oil and gas drilling. now, earlier this week democratic senator joe manchin told reporters that it would be foolish for the administration not to consider reopening work on the keystone xl pipeline and has suggested that rebranding it could make it more palatable to democrats. guys? pete: alexandria, thank you very much. yeah, doesn't seem like much of a turn. they're desperately trying to make it look like they're doing something about the energy crisis, but that's not going to get it done. let's move to another topic, elon musk. so on thursday morning we reported that he was putting in a bid to buy twitter and take it private for $43 billion. that's after having already taken almost 10% of twitter shares. is so he's seriously looking at a new direction for twitter, taking it private, getting rid of the censorship, making it a free speech platform. well, he's now talking to private equity investors to partner with him potentially on a new structure for twitter after the board, guys, has adopted what's called a poison pill deend fence meaning if -- defense peening for the next year, if elon musk buys more than 15% of the showers, it triggers an option for other shareholders to buy more shares at a lower price which dilutes the value of what he owns, and they believe it would prevent him from attempting to buy twitter. the vote, guys, on the board? unanimous. they do not elon musk. will: twitter employees and the twitter board are so is terrified of free speech that they're willing to institute a poison pill on the company to avoid elon musk's owner shi. rachel: and hurt their own shareholders in the process. unbelievable. let's bring in the dan bongino to get his reaction. this is a guy -- by the way, dan, welcome. you know a bit about bug tech, and you've been in this world, in this crazy big tech world world with paroller and now with rumble -- can parler and now with rumming bl. tell us what you make of elon and this play and, as will says, very revealing moves by the board. >> well, first, let me just say, abby is an unbelievable athlete -- [laughter] there has never been a greater pass on camera than peter hegseth three years ago in miami, the frozen rope we plaided on unfiltered a few weeks ago, that the cameraman if missedded, missed. that was the best pass on television i've ever seen, so, pete, not acknowledging that -- pete: i love you, brother. rachel: this sounds like, this sounds like those fishermen that a say they caught a big fish and it got away. >> no, it was caught on camera. pete: thank you. >> i saw the evidence. rachel: all right. i trust dan. i trust dan. >> it happened, i'm telling you. i was actually there. listen, here's what's going on here. the board's going to have a real problem with this. poison pills aren't that uncommon with hostile takeovers. hostile obviously means the board doesn't want with it, unsolicited, they didn't seek this out. it wasn't some m&a opportunity, right in elon wants to buy twitter, twitter doesn't want to sell and their board. here's the strange thing though with these poison pills, they're usually instituted because the board believes the hostile takeover's to not going to add value. but here's the kicker, elon musk is offering to pay a substantial premium over what the company's worth on the open market now. my point here is that how the hell is the board, if they're sued here, the board that has a fiduciary financial responsibility to increase the value of shareholders, how are hay going to defend themselves in court against it without a counteroffer? in other words, they're going to go out and say what? we didn't take elon's offer and enrich our shareholders, not on paper, because what? we didn't like elon's libertarian politics? i guys, this is a lawsuit waiting to happen. and one more thing, this poison pill is a double whammy for people who own twitter shares, right? not only is it a mass dilution event, the poise -- poison pill creates a whole pool of new shares. you want to decrease the price of corvettes, create 10 million of them. they're worth nothing. not only is it a mass dilution event, but it could also be a liquidation event if musk sells the 9.2% of the shares he owns now. so you're getting the double-barrel middle finger here. the stock is worth less because he liquidates his shares too. how they're going to defend this is really beyond me. they are opening themselves up to litigation that could last forever. will: yeah. and, dan, i think the translation, to me as i look at it, they're saying open hi and honestly that we're not in this for shareholder value. there are some things more important than market mechanisms and, quite honestly, greed, right? and that thing more important is clearly censorship. >> oh, man, you took the words right out of my mouth. that's exactly -- this is not about market value. you're so correct. this is about a group of left-wing lunatics who have the new public square in twitter. they've seen the power of it with the hunter biden laptop story in the 2020 election, they've seen what twitter can do, 2016 too, they've seen how you can manipulate politics using this beacon, this major world beacon for news, and they're not giving it up. this is their hill to die on. it has nothing to do with shareholder value. just one more thing. showing you how fraudulent the left is and why -- and why i thank the lord i'm not one of these left-wing lewin lunatic -- lunatics. they hate big with finance, big oil, they're now behind the saudi regime as that saudi prince, he's a big chunk holder, he as has a huge chunk of twitter. now they love the saudis after destroying them over the khashoggi thing. the left loves the saudis and blackrock billionaires now who own a chunk of twitter, they're cheering them on for fighting against elon musk. these people don't have a shred of dignity at all on the left. rachel: yeah. you saw the don't say gay bill, the saudis execute people for home sexuality. it's outrageous. really interesting too to see the media. you see elon musk cares about free speech, our own american journalists are on the side of twitter against, you know, free speech. >> how ironic, right? i mean, you have a group of people who are specifically mentioned in our founding documents, our constitution. they literally have a carveout for themselves, freedom of the press, right? and what do they do? they take that opportunity, and they jam it right up the wazoo, wherever the wazoo of america is, that's what they do with it. i always say i will die on that hill for freedom of the press no matter what, but it gives them the freedom to be stupid, but they don't always have to take us up on it. unfortunately, they do. pete: that's the hill that elon musk wants to die on too, free speech. just a bit of a track record of being successful -- will: trying to figure out where the wazoo of america is. [laughter] >> yeah, someone sent me that grey's anatomy -- [laughter] will: names and places it could be. [laughter] pete: i don't know, dan. speaking of that, so maybe that ties in nicely -- [laughter] maybe a little bit unsavory these days getting even more dangerous for individuals. you've heard about the spike in crime across the country ask if people in a lot of these especially big cities, there's no second amendment, it doesn't really exist, so how do you defend yourself with against rampant crime? will and i had a defense expert if on the show. i know you're big into self-defense, combatives, i don't want to fight you and i never will, okay? but will and i on the show decided to get tips, and then we showed them off on each other. we did not know this was going to be shown later -- rachel: they loved this segment so much, dan. they loved this segment. let's let dan decide. >> all right. pete: try aha choke on me, brother. will: oh, boy. pete: so your saying this arm -- >> he's going to bring this her- pete: i'm twisting this. will: bring my elbow -- >> good. pete: ah! >> then i throw my body down like that. how did i know that was going to happen? yeah, yeah. pete: good move. [laughter] rachel: all right. what do you think? pete: there's another one, dan, what do you think? this is will's offensive maneuver. took me off guard, took me down. what do you think? >> okay. will, you know with i love will, but shooting that double leg was horrendous. you don't want to put your head down like that, and the head goes on the side. you want to use the head as a lever point. the held is actually another limb for you. you can use it to move a guy. and that's called the rear naked smoke. you almost had it. don't try this at home, folks, let me say that again, but you have too ca carotids on each side of the neck. it enables you to disable an opponent quickly by basically temporarily interrupted blood flow to the brain, and they lose consciousness in a few seconds. i've been choked out in my life probably close to 20 or 30 times, and it's a very effectivt home unless someone shows you. i'm serious. you will hurt someone. that choke is extremely effective as a self-defense move. by the time you wake up -- they wake up, you're 2, 3 blocks away calling 911. and once the computer shuts down from lack of blood flow, you're going out, brother. there ain't no way to stop it. pete: it's true. will: put my head in between, need to go to the side -- rachel: i don't want to be the criminal. >> and you've got to get behind the knees so he doesn't sprawl. your hands have got to go behind the knees. he could drop to the ground, he's on top and you're in a world of trouble. rachel: i think we should bring dan back, i i think dan needs to come in studio and actually do the lesson -- >> is gavin watching? rachel: and i'm going to wear pants that day -- pete: are you? gavin has said for years if he and i fought, he'd win. >> i don't know, brother, with my current arthritis condition, there's only one man i think can truly take me out, that isal doe rivera. [laughter] i'm kidding. but he is the only man who actually challenged me to a fight on fox news -- rachel: that's true. >> -- explosive segment. but we like each other. rachel: that was must-watch tv. that was very memorable. pete: unfiltered, what have you got on tap tonight, dan? >> oh, awesome. quick, a book that literally changed my life, it's can called the case for christ, on easter weekend. he'll tell you he was an atheist trying to disprove the existence of christ and wound up writing the most powerful book i've ever realize. don't miss that. and leo, lisa booth on elon. but i have a social media expert, friend of mine from the secret service, who is going to tell you the damage and destruction places like tiktok and youtube are doing to your kids. he's going to put a number out there about the number of people hunting your kids online every day in the these platforms. i had to ask him to repeat it twice because it blew my mind. our friend megyn saw the interview and was like, whoa, i gotta do something about this with my kids. it's that powerful. so check it out. will: all right, we will. rachel: absolutely. thank you, dan, we will not miss it. >> thanks, guys. rachel: all right. and happy easter, dan. still ahead, the virginia attorney general and 15 other statements are now demanding the supreme court end race-base add missions at a top public high school. shannon bream joins us next with her analysis. pete: and we are cooking up a delicious surprise on fox square. we've already tried some. rachel: yeah, we have. couldn't resist. pete: delicious. the recipes for decadent easter brunch still ahead. ♪ ♪ you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need? oh, like how i customized this scarf? wow, first time? check out this backpack i made for marco. oh yeah? well, check out this tux. oh, nice. that'll go perfect with these. dude... those are so fire. [whines] only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. will: we're back with some headlines. a 14-year-old girl armed with two knives chases a career criminal out of her home mid-robbery. the girl was woken up by the home invasion. she grabbed two steak knives and confronted the intruder. the man immediately ran off. girl used her phone to videotape the suspect's car helping police track him down hours later. the suspect is a career criminal, of course, who was out on bail with a history of violence dating back to the 1980s. that that's one tough 14-year-old. fox weather alert, a large tornado tears through arkansas last night. the 'twasser was spotted -- twister was spotted across multiple counties. some reports say cars even flipped. the severe weather also dropped gold ball -- golf ball-size ised hail. crews are working to assess the damage. actress liz sheridan who played the mother in seinfeld passes away from natural causes. >> how could you? >> how could i what? >> you are making out during "schindler's list"? [laughter] >> no. >> don't lie, jerry. [laughter] will: jerry seinfeld paid tribute to sheraton on twitter. liz sheridan was 93 years old, and those are your headlines. rachel: thank you, will. well, the virginia attorney general is leading 15 other statements in demanding support for race of-based admission policies for a top public high school. joining us now is the host of fox news at night, shannon if bream. it looks like the virginia d.a. has decided to take this on. he's a cuban-american himself. tell us how this case is going and what you think will happen, because a lot of people are concerned about schools having these kinds of policies that are not based on merit. if. >> this has been a hot story here in the d.c. area for years now. this thomas jefferson high school is considered one of the top public high schools in the country, very competitive to get in just outside of d.c. in the suburbs here k. and what has happened is they decided to change a standardized that you had to take in order to fight to get placement in the school because they said that the racial makeup of the school didn't reflect the area, and they wanted to make some changes. so they've set aside some slots for middle schools in the area, a certain number of students will get in, and they're going to look at experience factors like socioeconomic background, those kinds of things. what happened was there was about a 20% drop in the number of asian-american students who got into the school, so these parents have come forward and said basically what they're arguing is these new policies are unconstitutional, and they are race-based in a way that doesn't fit the constitutional requirements. so this thing has now gone all the way to the u.s. supreme court where we are waiting at any moment -- they could actually give a ruling about whether or not this policy can proceed, these new anti-testing and different way of look at their admissions policies can proceed if while this case is being fought on the underlying measures. but i've got to tell you, parents are very riled up about this in the area, and it's going to be a big case that everybody's watching. rachel: definitely. i remember it coming up many some of those town hall and school board meetings that were going on in virginia. by the way, he's the a.g., and i should say that because i said d.a.. i want to talk about your book, mothers and daughters of the bible speak. i think it's perfect for easter and mother's day is coming up. if you think your family's imperfect, you could look at some of these families and get a lot of hope. [laughter] >> that's actually true because there are some really strong, beautiful families like yours that you can model here, but there are also troubled families. i talk about king saul and his wife -- his daughter in this book because we do fathers and daughters, we do mothers and sons as well. listen, his daughter was desperately in love with david who he saw as a rival, but he used his daughters as pawns in this marriage game, in this power game. and on though they ended up getting married, king saul was constantly trying to kill his son-in-law, who became king david. no matter how hard it's going with your family, you're doing pretty good. on this easter weekend, there are so many conversations and stories that can be provoked from this book that i think will be inspiring, encouraging and just to give the faith to somebody. rachel: yeah. tomorrow is the perfect time for your very important special mothers and daughters of the bible speak. my daughters and i will be part of that special as well. yes with, it was so awesome to do it, and i just love working with you, shannon. it's going to be airing tomorrow night, easter sunday, on the fox news channel at 10 p.m. last word on that. >> yeah. folks will love to hear from you and your family. ainsley is part of it and and other familiar faces from our fox family. you can gather around and enjoy it on easter. rachel: perfect day for it. thank you, shannon. so great seeing you. >> thanks, rachel. happy easter. rachel: still ahead, bring football is here, we're counting down to tonight's usfl kickoff in birmingham. abby hornacek is live with the head coach todd bailey with a preview. ♪ we are the champions. ♪ the only ev truck that combines: 4-wheel steer a multi-flex midgate and up to a 400-mile range on a full charge and the only way to reserve it is at find your future. find new roads. we're a different kind of dentistry. one who believes in doing anything it takes to make dentistry work for your life. so we offer a complete exam and x-rays free to new patients without insurance - everyday. plus, patients get 20% off their treatment plan. we're on your corner and in your corner every step of the way. because your anything is our everything. aspen dental. anything to make you smile. book today at, walk in, or call 1-800-aspendental. my a1c stayed here, it needed to be here. ruby's a1c is down with rybelsus®. my a1c wasn't at goal, now i'm down with rybelsus®. mom's a1c is down with rybelsus®. 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(♪ ♪) ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. will: the usfl's inaugural weekend is packed with one big game after another with one tonight and three on easter. pete: boom. the tampa bay bandits take on the pittsburgh maulers tomorrow night on fox sports 1. tampa's head coach, todd bailey, joins us now a along withing fox nation host abby hornacek. abby in. >> reporter: coach was mice enough to join me. the it's a beautiful day now, which is great, and you guys are topping off the end of the schedule tomorrow with that triple header that we'll watch with the usfl. you know, coach, just first of all, overall thoughts about this weekend and being here. you came from tampa bay, but what do you think of birmingham? >> i really have enjoyed birmingham. it's been a long time since i've come down here to work a player out back in the early 2000s. they've done a lot with the city, and it's been a pleasant surprise. and in general, the experience has been awesome to this point. i mean, now we've got to win some games, but just been having a lot of fun, love my players. you know, they're hungry, they want, they want a chance to shine and keep pursuing their dream, and i love my coaching staff, so it's the been, it's been great if to this point. like i said, now you've got to win. >> reporter: speaking of experience, you have a lot of it. you coached big men, kurt warner to their best seasons. what skills are you going to use as a coach to help your quarterbacks achieve success in this league? >> i think coaching is coaching. yes, i've done it for a long time. i spent the last couple years coaching high school which was another great experience. but, you know, i like, i like my quarterbacks, jordan and brady white, they're both really smart guys, and they have ability. so that's always a positive, you know? if you have a quarterback you feel confident with, you can kind of push the envelope, and they can do a lot of things to make maybe a bad play become a good play. >> reporter: well, guys, coach is the youngest coach in the user sfl are, so maybe we have -- usfl, so maybe we have to throw a jersey is on him? get him out there? will: i saw that fist bump, he's pretty proud of that -- pete: player-coach, that's happened in a few leagues. rachel: really? president yeah, especially basketball. abby and todd, thank you very much. coach. will: you called him by his first name and then you corrected yourself. coach is one of those titles, you just never let go of it. once a coach, always a coach. at what level? if i've coached little league -- pete: i think it's high school. rachel: do you want us to call you coach? will: think about it. rachel: okay, i'll tib it -- think about it. the prime minister's approval ratings -- president's approval ratings are slipping and among a demographic that a lot of people didn't think would slip this fast, and that is latinos. i went to texas to see why so many of them are now voting red. take a listen. >> we have the same values. latino values is republican values. >> we agree on everything. >> deep down every hispanic in texas are conservatives. let's go on the open road with a safe stay! now get double best western rewards points on every stay. and with rewards points that never expire, you get free nights fast! book now at ♪ will: expanding support for republicans is gaining steam as president biden's approval rating is now at 26% among hispanic voters. rachel: that is the lowest approval number of all demographics. they are more dissatisfied where joe biden -- with joe biden than even white voters, and that's why i traveled down to the lone star state to hear what hispanics had to say about it and why the gop is aligning culturally with their community. we're in plano, texas, trying to get a temperature of the hispanic vote. first of all, how many of you know hispanic families that are hurting right now because of inflation. >> i would say inflation is realtime. we see it, we feel it, and it's something that's going to draw a lot of latinos to the voting booth. hispanics care about being put to work, being able to provide for their families. >> government overreach destroys that idea. we won't be able to reach that american dream that i moved here for at 19. rachel: you've been a private school, public school and home schoolteacher. what concerns you about america's education system? >> just the move and the direction and what we are teaching children. we have to get back to being focused on actual education items. rachel: are you worried about crt in schools? >> absolutely. rachel: the president, secretary mayorkas, kamala harris, they say that the border is not open. is the border open? >> yes. people are flooding our border. that puts a bunch of individuals at risk, at the risk of being at the hands of the cartel. >> oh, my gosh, the kids, they are -- it's not parents sending their kids over here to give them a better life, it's kids being kidnapped and being used by the cartels to get over here. they are the worst type of people. rachel: is the government complicit in the exploitation of children across this border? >> i think it's horrible. i think trump was trying to get a hold on the situation. rachel: do we need a wall? >> i think we do need a wall. rachel: anybody else -- >> absolutely. rachel: does anyone have a theory as to why joe biden reversed trump's border policies which most texans they was working? >> to get more to vote for him. rachel: you think this is a long-term demographic -- >> absolutely. that's the only thing they have. rachel: teen tina, should the president and kamala harris come to the border? >> i'm not sure that would make a difference. one thing i think would is support and i growing support for the bipartisan border solution act. it's time for congress to stop kicking the can down the road. rachel: is illegal immigration cheapening citizenship? >> yes, ma'am. it's not fair for folks like my family, folks that i know that are doing things the right way and then willy-nilly let someone else come in and not do things the right way. it's unfair for all parties involved. >> biden's message is come on over, we'll help you, you'll get some -- we're here for you. you're going to need the government to survive. the end result of that is socialism. rachel: yeah. >> we don't want socialism. a ray how many of you think that crime is going to be a top issue in this election in for his pan ins? >> -- hispanics? >> when you look at how the democrat party is so soft on crime and you have democrat members of congress who are constantly bashing law enforcement and want to completely get rid of i.c.e., when they don't understand that the majority if not most of border patrol agents are hispanic and most hispanic families have someone in their nuclear family that is in the law enforcement career. rachel: if you were advising the republican party, what would you tell them to do? >> go into hispanic communities and educate, do meet and greets, get the word out. we have the same values. latino values is republican values. >> we agree on everything, right? it's just getting that same value to the ballot box and getting them to vote according to their values. >> deep down in their core, every hispanic in texas are conservative. rachel: is the hispanic vote the supervote in this election? >> oh, absolutely. the latino community is the sleeping giant in the world. >> i think we need to understand the latino vote's not something we're going to stop talking about after the midterms or 2024 because the latino vote is so diverse just even on this channel. so we can keep that conversation open, and the republican party having a welcoming message to the hispanic community, not just the mexican community. but understanding that there is a conversation that's wide anded broad, and there are many seats at the table for the conversation. rachel: so the gop if really has to wake up and realize what a golden opportunity they have just by the nature of the pa failure of the biden administration. so it turns out if you take your time the, make sure that it's really expensive to buy groceries, you increase crime and support criminals over victims and you open the southern border, guess what? hispanics aren't that that loyal to democrats. they really want their life to improve. pete: you've been saying for a long time, ahead of the curve, that this kind of development is possible. are you surprise how quickly it's happened? rachel: i am. but i think there's a lot of forces going on. and, again, hispanics don't have the same kind of cultural loyalty to the democrat party that the african-americans have. their approval numbers still even with this economy that's killing the black community, they're still at 60%. hispanics, again, 26%. no one is more dissatisfied with this administration than hispanics. this is a massive wake-up call for the democrats and a huge opportunity for the republicans if he can go out and and just talk to them. because they -- pro-life issues, religious issue, they're all aligned the -- pete: second amendment, you said. rachel: that was one that surprised me. will: underneath a story that has been told about republicans that whether or not you're black or latino, you cannot look at this party because of its racism. but underneath that story, the truth of the issues and the reality on so many different points, second amendment and including illegal immigration, the economy it actually aligns with the values of the gop. rachel: it really does. and that's why i think just welcoming them in, telling your message will be really positive. and, of course, it doesn't hurt that the biden administration's been such a failure. so anyway -- will: great job. rachel: thank you. had a great time in texas. thanks for welcoming me, all of you. go ahead. will: i will. [laughter] rachel: i didn't realize i was so close to will. next time i will stop and we'll do lunch. will: still ahead, a sweet demonstration on fox from french toast to candied bacon. we have the recipes you need for a great easter brunch. and make sure to tune in tomorrow for a big easter show. ainsley earhart, joe concha, the vice president of operations edward graham join us live. ♪ ♪ made in the usa. ♪ ♪ made in the usa ♪♪ i'm steve. i lost 138 pounds in 9 months on golo and taking release. golo saved my life. i was way overweight, and that's what sent me down the path, was i--i wanted to make sure and live for my kid. plain and simple. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. ♪ rachel: it's national brunch month and easter weekend, so we're celebrating here at "fox & friends". pete: winner of season 16 of top chef, author of the new cookboo- >> yes, thank you. pete: kelly bernard clark joins us now. >> how are y'all? pete: we've been looking forward to this segment all morning. rachel: we've already started eating. listen, your deviledded eggs, i never thought of adding horse radish. >> it adds such a great taste. i'm going to go ahead, this is peanut if butter banana -- kind of like an elvis sandwich, you know? it's really small, really, really small -- [laughter] so i'm just dipping it, this is a classic french toast. will: peanut if butter banana french toast sandwich. >> and it doesn't need syrup. just in case we're lacking anything, this'll go right in the pan. it only takes, like, 5 minutes. will: do we need a napkin? rachel: he doesn't need a napkin. >> my husband claims to be the pro of french toast. just kidding, he's good. this is ad good one. on your plate -- pete: that is really good, by the way. >> it's not too sweet. rachel: does everyone just want to be your friend since you cook so well? >> i hope so. [laughter] will: i gotta ask about this. >> we have a biscuit bar in my restaurant -- rachel: oh, my gosh. >> bacon and pickles. so good. and you can do any kind of biscuit. everyone here is like it's easter weekend, passover, all this fun stuff. you want a lot of things happening around, so ye bot -- we've got yogurt, lots of fruits, bread. pete: the deviled eggs -- rachel: this is amazing. is this a top seller at your restaurant? >> oh, it's number one. people love chicken and biscuits. pete: and candied bacon as well. >> yeah, and it's so easy. just sprinkle brown sugar or syrup on bacon -- rachel: oh, so this was oven baked? if. >> in the air fryer. first time i used it. out here. taking chances. pete: a cooking hoe -- rachel: i love that show. pete: the book is southern grit: 100 could be home -- down home recipes. you want to do it up right, recreate some southern, this is always good. rachel: you could do it today. will: thank you, it's been awesome. rachel: hi to your mom out there there. good job with her. ♪ before treating your chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more, you're not the only one with questions about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start, :: months. so, ask your doctor if botox® is right for you, and if a sample is available. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. in a survey, 92% of current users said they wish they'd talked to their doctor and started botox® sooner. plus, right now, you may pay zero dollars for botox®. ask your doctor about botox® today. - i always wanted to speak french but i never had the time and then i tried babbel. - [announcer] babbel, the number one selling language learning app in the world. - you're learning phrases that you can use right away in real life conversations. after just four weeks i was feeling confident enough to have simple conversations in french. (speaking in french language) now i'm speaking french. - babbel, the quick way to get conversational in a new language. try babbel free today, go to or download the app. >> all right. tonight don't forget to tune into the first usfl game on fox birmingham stallions take on the new jersey generals, 7:30 eastern time, and of course we are in the spirit as they are in birmingham here on the plaza. abby had a nice toss. >> rachel: let's see if you can live up to it. >> okay, abby. we'll go first. are you covering me? >> rachel: what does that even mean? >> are you ready? here we go! >> i got you, will. i got you. >> will: go. >> pete: come on. you're watching the game. we will see you tomorrow morning. nice grab. >> neil: fox on top of records that won't stop. a record number of migrant encounters at the border last month. a white house about face to handle record gas prices across the country right now. remember when the president shut down oil leases on federal lands? he just opened some up, but only some, and there is a catch. and there is still sadly no good news out of ukraine. russia's stepping up attacks. ukraine finding

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Laws , Commander In Chief , Texas Forces , Isn T Bussing People To Washington , Invasion , Repelling , States , Constitution , Forces , Article , Section , 1 , Bunch , Press Gimmicks , Doocy , Borders , Attorney General , Conversation , Perspective , Politicians , Cases , Alabama , Investigation , Health Department , Links , Hepatitis , Cdc , 6 , None , Illness , Health Conditions , Virus , Cold , Root Cause , Uk , Spain , Suspects , Robbery , Mall , Smash And Grab , California , Kind , Suspect , Getaway Car , Display , Amount , Hammers , Occurrence , Downtown La , Passover , Worshipers , Convergence , Overlap , Islam , Christian , Jewish , Islam Holy Month , Reflection , Christians , April 1st , Times , Message , Robert Jeffers , Trouble , Turning , Jellybeans , Chocolates , Beyond , Up Next , Treat , Botox , Migraine , Headaches , Questions , Treatment , Breathing , Injection , Eye Problems , Effects , Signs , Condition , Muscle Weakness , Sample , Speaking , Difficulty Swallowing , May , Medications , Headache , Skin Infection , Muscle , Site , Neck , Fatigue , History , Survey , Botulinum Toxins , Nerve , 92 , Users , Plus , Sooner , Zero , Zero Dollars , Booking Com , Yeah Tums Vs , Director , Heartburn , My Name Is Douglas , Bite , Heartburn Hits , Writer , Tums , Chewy Inside , Tums Chewy Bites , Tums Chewy , Crunchy Outside , Work , Line , Game Changer , Memory , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Candy , Consumers , Sweetest , 90 , Cream Egg , A Have The Cadbury Easter , Robin Eggs , Starburst , Easter Jellybeans , Show , Producer , Peeps , Robins Egg , List , Best , Robert Jeffress , Let S Go , Consecrated The Gospel , Surprise , Traditionalist , Chocolate Bar , Almonds , Halloween , Hershey S , Seasons , Multitasking , Viewers , Family , Question , Answer , Person , Daffodils , Spring Renewal , Resurrection Of Jesus Christ , Askers , Wall , Followers , Wasn T A One Off , Word , Bible , Afflictions , Stay , Weight , Heaven , Sufferings , Glory , Earth , Mother , Hearse , Coffin , Little Girl , Body , Cancer , Casket , Funeral Service , Mommy , Daughter , Girl , Offer , Best Western Rewards , Points , Rewards Points , Western , Stay Safe , Bestwestern Com , Lord , Context , April 16th , 2022 , 16 , Weekend , Counts , Families , Abby Hornacek , Spring Football , Debut , Saturdays , Returns , Front Row Seat , Front Seat , Weather , Seats , Joy , Tears , Event , Take A Look , Love , Balloon Art , Birmingham Stallions , Home Team , Turnout , Mascot , Amazes , Go Stallions , Florida , Most , Countdown , Cheers , Denver , Everyone , Abby , It S A Great Feeling , Fox Family , Yes , Ma Am , Quarterback , More , Draft , Pick , Shay Patterson , As , Camera , Reflexes , Cat , Nose , Team , Fan , Communications , Commentator , Rule , Opportunity , Addition , Onsidekick , Tricks , Down , Offense , Clock , Nfl , Denver Bronchos , Didn T , Field , Hype , Recollection , Check It Out , Saturday Night Fox Primetime , 7 , 20 , Line Up , Football Question , Downs , Free Speech Country , Cards , Transpiring , Surface , Think , Least , Politics , Free Speech Absolutist , Mainstream Media , Narrative , Fingers , Control Levers , Length , Words , Fair Market Value , Corporation , Order , Duty , Suit , Purchase , Case , Censorship , Members , Media , Rest , Censor , O Okay , Seat , Limit , Pull Him Inside , Vote , Outside , Susan Live , Immediate , Offering , Hough , F He , Idea , Options , Susan Li , Free Speech , Belief , Fox Business , Plan B , Plan B , Ins , Establishment Mob , 50 Billion , 250 Billion , Public , Base , Hint , Power , Equation , Occasion , Employees , Charge , Generation , Regime , Path , Chinese , Radio , 90 S , 1980 , Speech , Road , Conversations , Places , Phase , Information , Profession , Pace , Elite Circles , You Misgender , End Game , Type , Firms , Toot , Titans , Playing Field , The Other Side Isn T , Millennial Generation , Divide , Generation X , Support , Instinct , Millennials , America S Education System , Driving Force , Survival , It Allot , Democracy , Something Else , Shareholder Value , Purpose , It Isn T Money , It Isn T Greed , Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia , Voices , Contents , Moderation , Sarcasm , Euphemism , Big Business , Great Point , Republic , Corporations , Disagreement , Beginning , Niece , Coddled , Stockholder Capitalism , Philosophy , Investment Firms , Profits , Lives , Stories , Move , Figure , Episode , Travelers , Will Cain Podcast , News , Fatherhood , Mask , Airplanes , Faith , Fun , Podcast , Apple , Spotify , Substance , High School , Sure , Two Of Us , 16th Overdose , Military Ball , Water , Glasses , Air Force , Witnesses , Statement , Sides , Department , Holiest Site Of Jerusalem , Ned , Israeli Defense Forces , Palestinians , Restraint Rhetoric , Temple Mount , Israeli , Status Quo , 400 , Bed , Hopes , Tensions , Term , Mount In Jerusalem , F , 100 , Lebron James , Teammates , Sight , Darryl Darrylmorey , Houston Rockets , Revenue , Support Forg Kong , Space Jam Sequel , Movie , Handlers , Stance , Morye , Impact , Lebron , Freedom Fighters So Brave , My Masters , Daryl Morey , Hong Kong , Millions , Dollars , Space Jam , Michael Jordan , Great Races On Fox , Nascar , Talladega , Rick , Steve , Track , Prom Mow , Promo Department , Blast , Defense , Robberies , Allergies , Spraying Flonase , Season , Paint , Don T Repaint Every Now And Then , Music , Let , Zoe , Psst , Behr , Brand , Home Depot , Gastric Bypass Surgery , Release , Amber , Verge , Golo , 128 , Golo Commercial , Indeed Instant Match , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire Rachel , Man , Woman Hostage , Police Body Cam Video , Horrifying , Crime , Home Invasion , Terror , Scene , Alexandria Hoff , San Diego , Woman , House , Hostage , Body Camera Footage , Look , Gunman , Gunshot , 53 , Gun , Demetrius Trussell , Officers , Head , Authorities , Father , L A Times , Investigators , Surrender , Parole , Reports Trussell , Gun Accidently , Target , Street Gangs , Criminals , Lapd , Cars , Victims , Criminal , Start , Rachel Campos Duffy , Fight , L A County , Alexandria , 13 , Ann Williams , University , Author , Super Power , West Chester County , Women , Crime Spikes Nationwide , Anyone , Self Defense Moves , Situations , Property , Predator , Surroundings , Element , Swivel , Carol Ann , 70 , Six , Cash , Bling , The Green And Gold , Things Haven T , Hurt , Assaulted , Hard Challenge Soft , Hard Channel Soft , Yelling , Boom , Distraction , Takedown , Notice , Knee , Role Reversal , Shoes , Heels , Belly , Either , Coach , Aggressor , Ground , Mma Fights , Shove , Paulson , Bam , Point , Back Off , Face , Ground Boom , Kneed , Front , Low , Whatnot , Choke , Elevators , Hand , Elbow , Financing , Joints , Spots , Manipulation , Laughter , Oh No , Arm , Whatever , Techniques , Gram Process , Brains , Backoff , Pants , City Of Pittsburgh , Head Coach , Frank , Fast , Bit , Barbecue , Talker , Fast Walker , Gary , Let S Go On The Open Road , Nexium , Pepcid , Prilosec Otc , Copd , Breztri , Won T , High Blood Pressure , Breathing Problems , Heart Condition , Asthma , Flare Ups , Symptom Improvement , Rescue Inhaler , Thrush , Pneumonia , Vision Changes , Chest Pain , Mouth , Eye , Swelling , Tongue , Osteoporosis , Wilson , Seven , Dream , Steelers , Maul , Ited , Imseeks , General , Assignment , Execution , Tabernacle , Ball , Football Coach , Game Plan , Innovations , Hispanic Community , Reception , Technology , Tampa Bay , 8 , Back To You , Interview , Eastern Time On Fox , Return , Tune In Tonight , Game Birmingham Stallions , Secretary Mayorkas , Approval Rate , Values , Voters , Midterms , Latinos , Voting Red , Bipolar Depression , Depression , Art , Fog , Latuda , Difference , Behavior Changes , Report Fever , Aren T , Permanent , Prescription , Allergy Symptoms , Member , Him , Pay , Remington , Food , Farmer , Health , Transformation , No Brainer , Energy , Remi , Go On , Happiness , Migraine Strikes , Ubrelvy , 05 , Pill , Dose , Tracks , Cause , Inhibitors , Nausea , Older Medicines Ubrelvy , Cgrp Protein , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Tiredness , Temperature , Plan Know , Inflation , Hispanics , Realtime , Voting Booth , Private School , Home School Teacher , Public School , Continuena , American Dream , Schools , Direction , Ideology , Education Items , Gender , Kamala Harris , Parents , I Can T , Hands , Cartel , Gosh , Hold , Trump , Situation , Exploitation , Democrats , Border Policies , Demographic , Theory , Texans , Inaudible , Border Solution Act , Tina , Folks , Citizenship , Willy Nilly , Result , Socialism , We Don T Want Socialism , Come On Over , Law Enforcement , Election , Congress , Hispanic , Border Patrol Agents , Majority , Ice , Law Enforcement Sphere , Valley Values , Hispanic Vote , Greets , Meet , Ballot Box , Hispanic Vote The Super , Hispanic Latino Community , Sleeping Giant , Panel , 2024 , Broad , Walks , Table , Sentiments , Nicaraguan Living , Sal L Salvador , Gun Shop , Second Amendment , Economy , Swing , Hispanic Vote Swing , Businesses , Demo , Levels , Them Hispanic , Pandemic , Poor , Working Class , Midterm , Security , Voting , Students , Sheriff Deputies , Rachel Campos Duffy Hispanic Studies , Theaters , Mask Mandates , Exit , Broadway , May 31st , 31 , Intention , Visitors , Vaccine , Vaccination , Proof , Policy Goes Into Effect April 30th , April 30th , Track Record , Safety , Audience Masking , 150 , Equity Plan , Broadway Play , Add , Wonderful , Disney , Plan , Department Of Defense , Lackluster , Chip Wade , The Great Outdoors , Kayak , M , Kayak Denier , Deals , Hundreds Of Travel Sites , Research , Arr , Todd , Eyes , Search One , Shipping Manager , Find Themself , Garden , Yard , Foot , Guest , Products , Dyi , Quality , Landscape Solar Lighting , Spectacle , Size , Lawn Filters , Performance , Can Know Com , Panels , Glass , School Settings , Roof , Powder , Aluminum , Charging , Models , Solar Lights , Shepherds Hook , Shade Sales , Squares , Colors , Radio Rectangles , Uv , Gama Sonic Com , Flies , Cool Plant , Breeze , Mildew , Mold , Coolaroo , Beds Stain , Doll Cot , Insects , Fly , The Sun , National Hardware Show , It Down , Invention , Amazon , Ball Kit Com , Charges , Generac Generator , Backup Power , Chicks , Heat , Air , Loan , Eneark , Atlanta , Pads , Great For Lawn Equipment , Debris , Furniture , Pollen , Scrubbing Power Scotch , Greats , Works Creative Com , Scotch Bright Com , On Thegrill , Youn Grates , Chip , Easter , Lawrence Jones , Migrant Encounters , Border Surge , Ways , Therapy , Dog Panting , Miracle Gro Com , Lowe S , Springfest , Possibility , Text , Budget , 2a , 2b And 2c , Apartment 2a , Card , Help Check , Tools , Overdraft Fees , Account , Have Chase , 2b , 2c , Fifty Bucks , Fifty , Chase , Generals Tonight On Fox 7 , Shot Of Protective Stadium , Will Cain , Sausage Guy , Eggs Benedict , Hollen , Bacon , Candle , Canadian Bacon Doesn T , Sausage Egg , Cheese , Like A Can T , Catholics , Weekdays , Incident , Pajamas , Pa Jam , Small C Catholic , Big C Catholic The Church , Baptist , Catholic , Southern Baptist , Easter Eggs , Resurrection , Grandkids , Reason , Whism , Easter Bunny , Matt Finn , Quote Uredictable , Sense , Alert , Attack , Details , Regrouping , Area , Capitol , Victoria Spartz , Troops , War Crime , Southern Port City Of Mariupol , Evidence , Stadiums Stores , Hospitals , Army , Libraries , Matt , Action Plan , Reality , Pentagon , Topic , Family Equities , Procurement , Military Installations , Bases , Advances , Equity Initiatives , Military , Undeserved Community Investment , Equitable Artificial Intelligence Research And Development , Terrifying , Dod Equity , Equality , Document , Dod , Desk , Hard Push , Dodd , Brown , Unit , 32 , 29 , 52 , Billion , 1 Billion , 22 , 2020 , 80 , 220 , 35000 , 220 Situation , 60 , A Million , A Million Dollars , 138 , 28 , Nine , 9000 , 144000 , 43 Billion , 3 Billion , 9 2 , 2016 , 911 , 93 , 800 , 2000 ,

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