Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240708 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240708

it's what we want as a family and you know, i'm going tong spend a lot of time with them b and figure out in the future what's what's next . now both men, world famous, both men are at the top of their profession. both stayed longer than anyone who came before them and both are admired widelyy by journalists who cover their world and both are at a crossroads getting to the endt of the line. will he or won't he ? that's what the sports media kept asking after the tampath by buccaneers lost to the l.a. rams last weekend. would youan be surprised even ie brady walks away nowd as it stands right now? i to tom brady ultimately is going to bete back . what do you think 5% chancest he retires. this is really the first time that ever heard tom brady talk about his football mortality. >> new reporting today shows that tom brady is seriously considering his next move. family and health are major considerations for him. t he's pushed the limits ofhe what we thought possible for the agingug human body. he's an i amazing leader for his team. brady's forty four years old . twenty two seasons under his belt, seven super bowl rings. unreal. soes if he retires, it means str tight end rob gronkowski may also leave and then the entire team is going to suffer as a result he'll really be missed. fans are going to be wistful. you bet if he retires. but they're also goingre to a celebrate his career and all ofg his achievements. they're going to lookack back at his classic come from behind magic moments to remember wheree they were. but if souce retires, biden, will be better off and a country will definitely be better off because souce has missededis his mark so many tims on so many issues and the reason for fauci gets paid the big bucks is directly related. it h was supposed to be at least to his ability to inform the nation about health issues and explain the basic facts of what was facing us with real credibility. but fauci has failed at his task. he's partisan, he's self aggrandizing and he's now obviously short tempered. his talents s are limited. he's a bureaucratic insider w who's a good networker for sure and can be brutally effective at maneuvering against peopleeae who disagree with his pronouncements. look at what he didd to the great barrington doctors and how he helped steer the entire conversation awaynv from that one lab story. if you look at the virologists, not the people who want to politicize this , they tell i that it is much, much more likely that this m was a natural evolution from an animal reservoir and in 2020 four fauci was very skilled atid dissing president trump withen his facial expressions, his body language is intonation and of course all those off the record interviews with his beltway journalist pals, he worked everyone behindin the scenes to stop inconvenienti narrativesen before they gained a foothold. so these are the skills of a down and dirty political operative, more so than a well respected, unbiased leader in public health. pu brady, he's really overstayed his welcome. we told trump to sideline him. we told biden to do the same. but fauci still doggedly holdson on you keep comin back to personal attacks on me that have absolutelyy no relevance to reality. you go to rand hole websiteeb and you see fired doctor fauci with a little box that says contribute here. i love the prop as if that's helping but nothing fazes faucih whatever is wrong, he either digs in , changes the subject or moves the goalposts. the same skills and talents that made fauci a formidable weapon for the democrat party are nowocra working againt democrats in twenty twenty two and certainly will in twentyerta 2 twenty four . if he's still around he's just a drag on their party , their brand and on their officeholders. now it's alwayss raining viruses in fauciville you have such a great variability with new variants emerging we have this information that is entirely destructiveve toe a comprehensive public health endeavor as long as this gloomy, angry, pessimistic, divisive figure is speaking for the administration, the biden team, they're just doing for the ugliest crash and burn since 1994 and these midterms he's the equivalent of cottageta cheese in the back of the refrigerator. you know, when you forgot about it, it was like last september.a it's long past its expiration date. it's really important to know when to say goodbye gracefully . brady is thirty seven years younger than anthony fauci, but at his age he seems to have more patience, more perspective and more clarity aboutar lifeitw imagine if brady was saying that he wanted to hang on to prove his doubters wrong, whicht is what fauci seems to beem telegraphings in some of his public statements atem this point. fauci. knows that half the country is tuned him out, but he wants to hang on just to annoy us for a little while longer how arrogant that is and how sad it is. same with this current crop of old fogies running the democrat party . they're almost staying on the spite of itat at this point. >> i don't know why i people terms you need to step asideno for me, know if you wantou my seat, come get it. >> eighty one years young clyburn and friends have nothing positive to show for these past 13 months only the wreckage they'veveth left behind but they're still hanging on now let me be clear. obviously being a senior citizen doesn't disqualify anyone from making huge positive contributions. remember benjaminit franklin was at the constitutional convention at ageco eighty one same age as clyburn. reagan left offices days before he turned seventy eight . they're both towering figures in american history. there are many more examples as well. but age is suppose to bring us maturity and wisdom not vindictiveness and stupidity. both traits of today's democrat elders. they are not only suppressing the vote, suppressing the vote, they are nullifying electionsnk saying well, it o doesn't matter who gets more votes. i still don't understand what she means by that. but back to brady. whatever he decidesha he is goig to remain respected and beloved as the greatest quarterback of all timemain. a beautiful example of anif inspirational team leader. he truly you can hear this ine. his voice. he loves his teammates and he wants them to do well. that's a great leader. he took tampa bay from nearom bottom of the barrel to super bowl champs and one season o he's headed for the hat of fame. obviously. but as for anthony fauci, joe biden, nancy pelosi, chuckhu schumer, they'll think they deserve to be in the political equivalent of the hall of fame. but after they leave, they'rey defeated or they finally retire ,they'll bee rightly forgotten. future liberal historians are not going to look back on 2020 one as a great year for their world view. so they'll just have to basically try to write them outg of the history books all together. how much do you hear about the glories of the carter years these days? and that's the annual. n joiningow me now, dinesh d'souz, host of the dinesh d'souza podcast and jason nichols, progressive political analyst and senior lecturer at the university of maryland. and gentlemen, breaking late todayy, they knew what we'ren, doing, the angle on an announcement from speaker pelosi trying to discount allse those rumors we've been hearing saying she will seek reelection and it seems to reverse that earlier vow to turnde over her party's leadership. now jason , as a democrat, is there really no one else at n this point? there's no youngblood. it'so justhi hold on regardlesf what the results have been. uli think what jim clyburn said was we've absolutely correct. if you want to come get in and get the votes, that's the way ct our system works.ur unless you start to brings, in term limits, which i would, you know, totally be open ton that conversation t. and i'm glad that you want to get rid of hal rogers or don young, chris smith or mitch mcconnell, the first three i name to have one hundred and thirty years in congress combined. halom rogers i think has been s in since 1973, five years beforein i was born. so i think, you know, there's a conversation to be had about bringing in term limits.ri but ifng you want those seats, come get it. biden got the votes she keeps weathertech so suggest that i get i get the term that's. a whole separate debate. but what we're talking about and dinesh, you can chime in on this is havingch the maturity to know that what you did isn't working from the cities to the crime to the border, to the economy, to allhe the partisan bickering. it's not e working and i bet soe of those republicans should retire. okay, you're rightre. but dinesh, these are the guys in charge now and with pelosi digging in your reaction allgg this tonight? well,>> my reaction is that yes, i mean, i agree that we this can be a bipartisan phenomenonis. but what you're really dealing with here are people who came as young alligators too the swamp. i mean, the real difference between grady and fauci is the difference between the athletic field and the swamp. nowweand if you show up as a yop alligator in the swamp, you see all these goodies, se in the sw, you go for them. but bigger alligators will muscle you out. they'llge push you to the side d and you realize, wow, i really don't know how to operateon in the swamp . it's t going to take me many years until i figure out all the varioust swamp arts that i i need to fully capitalize t on this position i'm in. and so these guys learn the art of the straight faced lie, ac the art of stabbing people a in the back . it takes a full career to perfectt arts. and i a think at the time that these guys really are doing welll and cashing in and cashing in . i don't just meann money, i mean moneyn and power and ego and al the benefits of the swamp. they become very reluctant to leave. it's sort of like i invested my whole career in gettingg this point. . why do i want to turn over the keys now? yeah. when they're holding planes for you at reagan national airport, which rumor was they used to do and that's a pretty good i deal, just that aspect off it. now i jason biden's team we learned has completely reshaped his schedule and his movements around covid politico is reportingen that aides fear that biden catching covid has prompted the whitehi house tove limit his travel and interactions with voters during his first year in office. the logistical challenges grow tremendously when he stays len as they try at to keep him in a coveted safe bubble in a new environment. but jason , how can he expect t to effectively govern the country if he's trying toy do the kind of hologram presidency as he did the hologram campaign? he said he was going to be with the people. that's what he just promisedat a couple i weeks ago or last wek at his big press conference. well, i hope you actually get to speak to the american people. that's what it's going to take her to win or tooi avoid a catastrophe that you talked about for democrats during midtermsout is that he has to t out. but keeping them safe from c covid to keep him from doinghe the labored breathing that we saw president trump doing whenug he called covid whenht he was hospitalized and wasn't able to govern or going, oh , wait a second way. wait, wait. vaccine works, right?. why aree we saying that he's vaxxed and he's boosted so his whole thing is get vaxxed and boost it. so he's gotten back and forth and he's done what you supposed to do. right. sos why does he have to hide? that's my whole point about it.s so violently that is true . absolutely. vaccines work to keep you oute of the hospital for h 90% off the people in 90 percent of the time. but again, going back to the age factor, the fact that he is in his late 70s, why takekn a chance? you know, why go out there and take unnecessary risks when you can keep healthy and keep safe? >> so i believe that of course he will. ry butin i don't mean that i'm not trying to jump on you, butn you can say this about republicans to he or she at any age is president of the united states. they have to be out and about with the people they can't for foreign policy you don't want the guy looks like,y oh my god, i've got to be in a covered bubble . i can't move. that's the point, is it not?bl >> it is the point. i but i see i think the problem with biden is a lot the problem with biden is that he sold the american people on a completely different person thante he actually is. he sold the personso h on unity he's a divider. i he solds the person the american people and the fact that he's kind of this gentle guy who is open to reason an argument he's a bitter, cranky and vicious old man. so to me, the more he showso himself to the american people, the more they seeth, wow, this s not really what i signed upge for. i'm getting major buyer's remorse right about now.>> and just finally, if you could give nancy pelosi advice, would you tellse her to stay with it until her 80 second birthday or just keep going or i don't knows what age issues. yeah, she's eighty one now. so 80 to keep it going. > well, i think she's been n winning so much that she doesn't necessarily need my adviceee on what is she saying. si reading some i wouldas give democrats some advice tolo start looking at grooming successors to some of these people who are going to be out of the way sooner or later. okay, well that we've made progress. gentlemen, great to see you both tonight . thank you . and back to fauci. his apocalyptic pronouncements seem to be losing sway not just with the public but among some of his cronies as well. first came the cdc's big admission that natural immunity was stronger than the vaccines. then they were forced to admit that cloth masks were worthless. we told you that almost two years ago and now some of the most strident supporters of some of these mandates are beginning to see the light in a world where we have a lot of immunity and we're dealing with less virulent strain, th1 necessarily be contribut well, dr. mccullough, you know this i know this a lot of the doctors who've appeared on the ingram angle over the last two years know this all too well. they have been censoring anyone who questions their narrative, including treating physician who saw success with certain therapeutics. i asked that question yesterday in public on the senate record, no who's actually received and been the recipient of asrdorshipnueiric or reprisal professional injury, 80% of people in the room raised their hands. doctors, scientists, nurses,, patients. believe me, censorship is incredibly divisive in the united states today in the scientific community, you know, the high qualitysc doctors alwas cite the science. those who claim misinformation s never have any backup. soku the problem is those who ae hunting misinformation are the spreaders of misinformation. >> well, there are a lot ofom folks that i talked to some offline because they're afraideg of losing their privileges at various hospitals. you know, some of them dr.os mccullough, who say that they're very worried nowut about this talk of an american designed booster, a special booster just for omicron. they'reic worried about the antibody b dependent enhancement and other issues that may come down the roadothe how concerned are you about this ? because it's gaining steam. we'rete on the back end of the curve on your show. a few weeks ago i predicted this that this is going to be a rapid tall peaked. but narrow outbreak and indeed it is. we're deeply on the back end world health organization hasn already put out a warning that future boosters could actually weaken the immune system. and by the time a vaccinenn for omicron could be ready and it definitely needs to be testedel in randomized trials, that variant is basically going to be extinct and we e could be on to new variants or hopefullyf at the end oful the pandemic. it was clear in our panel, by the way, that we we made it clear that the emergency phase of the epidemic is c closed.d. now we should move on to just treating the occasional high risk patient and then moving p o on with normal life. dr. mccullough, thank you .>> great to see you tonight .ea tand why did the bush b administration revoke the use speakinge of this entire covid issue of the emergency usehe authorization for saving monoclonal antibody treatments? florida has benefited greatlyr from these treatments and governor ron desantis thinks there's something more to this move. he's here next . he'll explain it later at fox station. we've been dedicated to sharing the stories of those who have sacrificed for our great country. and in honor of that we're giving all active military veterans fox nation for free for an entire year, get the shows to celebrate our country and the people that serve and protect. we need to remember that our freedom not one through diplomacy, one our gift for honor, their service and honor ,their sacrifice to go with them 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variant. >> well, first of all, how do we know there's zero deltaat in the entire population of covid patients if the fda reallyth wanted to be consistent here, they should then i guess also be questioning the use of vaccines against omicron. are dramatically less effective against the new variantt . t of course, you know, the impact of this has been immediateva and devastatingst. florida has been forced to shut down treatment sites acrosscr the state, denying access to thousands and thousands of patients that has understandably upset floridians and florida governor ron desantis who joins me now. governor, welcome to the show. nsoryour reaction to this deciso and proclamation by anthony fauci that it's 100% omicron now somo no more monoclonals. yeah, lura, first of all, that is all modeling. they don't know that for sure.ha this these monoclonals are highly effective againsty the delta variant to keep peoplele out of hospitals. we havepi been using themta with patients coming in during the omicron wave and we have a seen success anecdotally. no, we haven't run a clinical trial, but neither didbu the fda relying on one study which is an observational study. n it was not a clinical trial. it was not peer reviewed that said, the two monoclonals aren't effective against so omicron. it was done by a consultant for one of the rival drugg companies . nowyoca if you do clinical tria, maybe it will end up being the case. but man, that's very flimsy evidence to take this treatment away from people. and we had thousands of people in the queue at our treatmentle sites in florida, laura .ke and they all of a sudden wake up to saying that you're out of luck because of the whims ofwh the biden administration, what they'reim doing is just fundamentally wrong. >> well, and as we know, people who have been vaxxed and boosted are still gettinglo omicron now thankfully it looks like i'm itself whether vaxxed or unvaxxed, if you're a fairly healthy person is very mild. but if that's their barometer gov thenib it kind of throws ino question the entire approach to omicronio if that's what they'rh going to do here without anyat data to back it upgoin. they have, as you said, no data. soso what do you think is really s going on here? they really seem to have a bug you where about florida especially you bug them.he your handling of this bug them ? lot >> well, it's also if you lookur at this remdesivir it's peoplebo like fauci have talked aboutut being the standard of care for hospitalized patients. he there's notre great data on tha. they're notot revoking everyone for that . they're only focusing on these two monoclonal antibodies which have shown to be had tremendous success against delta. and yes, i do think that they were upset when florida did that becausese their view is you should only worry about vaccines, don't discuss treatment. r we t reject that because for the reason you said people are still getting infected even who've goneh through vaccinations in fact that our vaccine sites, laura , it's usually 75 to 80% of the people that go in to get treatment have been vaccinated. many of them have gotten booster shots and yet they're still getting infected. and so this is not on the up and up here. and look in florida, we justti anticipate hostility from this administration and that's justci what they do. i they are much they are much more interested in picking political fights than they are of actually being there forar the people in our state that need this assistance. and governor, it's not just the covid issue, as i said,no that they're coming after aftert you forer the washington post reported that over the past six months florida's's t r home prices have risen faster than state. any other according to s the post analysis of zillow data, the lack of s affordable housing presents an emerging political challenge for governor desantis, who frequently argues that his hands off approach to coronavirus pandemic is bringing as many as eight hundred new residents per day toto the state. so gov there now they're coming to you for your successful real estate market and i guess it's i don't know they want to push palm beachun county to havee more what affordable housing are tampa, florida. the compl i don't know what the complaint is. well, i i we're going down and look, we've been to if you look at their policies, they've turned in they've turned great cities in this country. states into dystopias.e thesein are scapes with crime o control homelessness. you have all these different problemsal and they're still mired in a lotot of coronavirus restrictions. you we are a free state. i mean, we are the rock of freedom in the united states and we're building our future off that people are responding to that . and but m i think it's much different than, say, the last housing boom where you had a lot of speculation. i think there's just a lot ofnk authentic demand for people to want to move to florida. i can tell you it also ismo making housing prices up. lauren, the bite inflation you talk to homebuilders in the state of florida and their inputs have gone up dramatically. the supply chain is a disaster. they are fueling the inflationla with their reckless policies. governor, finally, i need to get your response to another game the media are playing out there. watch what's with the bad blood between trump and florida governor ron desantis? we have to talk about freddiek versus jason and that is of course, the finances of trump directly over 1% in florida criticizing donald trump subtlely for being too liberalor on uncube. >> that's that's exactly where the republican party is going. >> okay, governor, what is the truth here? whdo you still speak to presidet trump? do you guys you guys okay? do we need to have dr. phil come in and mediate? the corporate media is trying to manufacture something where something doesn't exist. look, when i ran for governor, he endorsed me when everyone said don't do it and he had my back. and then when he ran for h reelection, we had his backad in florida, raised a bunch of money. he had a great margin of victory in florida. wewe see eye to eye on all the big issues. and so i zero zero animosity or anything and they're just trying to create divisions. and why are they doing that ,he laura ? because you know, biden's failing. he had the worst first year of any president in theto united states history since the eighteen hundreds and they know he's failing on all fronts. so they're trying to divertalhe attention away from those failures and trying to createur fissures in the republican party. that ain't going to happen. governor, it's great to see you tonight as always. thank you . and why has the border of ukraine become more important to our political elites than the border of the united states? senator tom cotton is here with reaction on that. >> stay with us . we know it's going to take many forms of energy to meet the world's needs while creating a future for 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seven year old wilbert mora was shot after being called to an apartment by a woman who needed help with her adult son, maura's partner. twenty year old rookie officer jason rivera was also killed a third officer shot the suspect who also died from his injuries. >> i'm marianne rafferty. now back to the ingraham angle after a three week delay, border patrol just announced that its officers arrested nearlyce one hundred and seventy nine thousand illegals in decemberr. now that's up one hundred and 42% since last december 2020, i which of course is back and we had some sane immigration policies under trumpci and instead of sending them all back to mexico, the biodome frustration has taken a very different approach as fox's own bill melugin witness in brownsville, texas earlier today. these are all single adult men o . they were just dropped off on an ice bus here. as you can see, dozens of them. they're just leaving this ngo directly across the street here. you can see these manila folders they're holding. these are the travel documents they received from the ngo there are no families. there areth no children in this group. some of them you can have ankle monitors on . that is what'se known as 8d o alternatives to detention. na soti where are all these illegas going? the real question might be i where they aren't going. >> i mean, am i useful? malha, whoever they want to go that's aren't there. so presumably many unvaxxed illegals can just get free rides to wherever they please. but unvaxxed truckers can't cross the border now of course, logic, consistency, they've never been a strong nevine administration and they don't really care as jen psaki madeer clear earlier today, migrants who cannot be expelled under title forty two are placed into immigration proceedings p and oe of those avenues could be placement in an alternative to detention program in the interior of the united states just between march and august, which is a very small. sample. so dhs is more than forty seven thousand. these migrants that were givenno notices to report did not show . so why let them into the u.s. unsupervised in the first place? well, again, we have a stringent protocols and processes that we implement here . here now is arkansas senator tom cotton to react to all of this . senator , i think of what we've done to our children over the past two years, what we still do to our children or separating them if they're not masked or maybe even vaxxed down the road in their separate areas. but peoplee just walk across our border unvaxxed and then get shipped basicallyer wherever they want on the taxpayer's dime to just obviously take the job for less less wages than the traditional americans would get. how do we stop this ? yeah, laura , it's criminally negligent. you have democrats across the country who area, still trying to shut down schools are insisting that kindergartners wear masks in their home if they don't. meanwhile, your tax dollars are supporting single grown men crossing this border and being shipped wherever they want to go as we just saw in that video. that's a far cry what the federal courts have ordered the bush administration to do, which is to implement president trump's remain in mexico policy. i was shockedp' by the administration's response to it. they said that they sometimes help withra the orderly processing to return or to get these migrants to their final . stination well, laura , when someone cross our border illegally, their final destination should always be turning them around and send them back to their home countrynd. it shouldn't be putting them b on a bus or an airplane at taxpayer expense to go wherever they want in the united states . and to your point, senator ,in according to this dhs data that we have, this is fromwe december, the numbers of those who were actually sent back were very, very low, just a few hundred. so doesn't this mean that they're define what the court said about remain in mexico and they're actually not doingicg that ? >> i don't see how you couldu reach any other conclusion or when you see that video of a single grown man, these are not little kids that were sent here with human traffickers. these are not pregnant women. these are not frail older people. these are single adult menes who are plainly coming here not because of violence in their home country to escape persecution, but because they want to get a better job,er a job than an american citizenob could be doing. that's a direct direct violation of the court's order . one ofea the reasons we know this the biden administration had to respond and provide this information to the court. i hope the court holdi them accountable. i hope they hold secretary of dhs, my office accountable for this . if they keep doing what they>> do, which l is not enforcece the law. america is essentially changed in profound ways going forward ,maybe forever. so do you discount the possibility that the house could actually bring up a serious perhaps impeachment inquiry just on this issue of the border alone? is that is that out of the realm of possibility? no, laura , i don't think it's out of the realm of possibility because of all of the abuses of the biden administration. i think what the department of homeland security has done to undermine american sovereignty ,to open our borders, too undercut wages and jobs and american workers isab probably the most egregious and they're open about it. h secretary mayorkas has said it in speeches that being illegally present in the country is no longer evener a priority for deportation and admit these things publicly . finally, looks likeks senator chuck schumer is now under fire for his handling of things in the senate on the democrat side, politico reporting that staffers are incensed at schumer. now you must be watching. this might be a little bit schadenfreude here, glee. what is this really quick or i can tell you that chuck schumer is protecting no one . that's chuck schumer. he is afraid of a left wing primary challenge. he is especially afraid ofxa alexandria accorsi, cosio cortez and he is using his position at the democrats for leader to protect himself and protect his left flank. he's not using it to solve problems for the american people and he's forced his memberss to take very, very bad votes. and those votesd cast by people like mark kelly in arizona or catherine cortez masto in nevada are going to be centerpieces of our campaigns this fall. thanks to chuck schumer. all right, senator , great to see you tonight .k thank you . and up next , a hockey legend theo fleury reached out to this show with a warning that what's happening in canada right now is slowly being attempted right here in the united states. we want to hear what he had to say. so we took him up on his offer. he's here to paint a very troubling picture for the do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? tunelessly formula combines five key nutrients that can 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amendment in canada, which means government can punish citizens for saying things it doesn't like. of course there's universal health care and co2 emissions in canada, both of which the democrats want to impose here and now liberals canada envy extends toex covid and my next guest says that should terrify americans. joining me now is theo fleury, former nhlhl phenom and two time olympic gold medalist theo. great to see you. it does seem like there is a subtle creep by leaders hereak in the united statese to make us more like canada. butti in your estimation, as a canadian, that would be a mistake. yes, very much so. >> you know, basically for the last two years, basically for the last two years we've had a prime minister who has vaccine derangement syndrome where every day he stands up at the stump and that's all he talks about. he doesn't talk about the economy. he doesn't talk about the supply chain. he doesn't talk about, you know, us losing our rights. lockdown's nothing. it's just straight vaccines. but what's happening, laura is right now in canada we have one of the biggest revolutions happening and you probably haven't heard about it because nobody's talking about it. but right now there's 50000 truckers and about one point four million people headed tott the parliament in ottawa and they're going to stay there until trudeau resigns or o they give us back all of our freedoms and rights. you know, when you separate people, it's easy to to createra power through separation. but sai but like i said, what we seeing in the country right now with these truckers and it honestly it is ignited the whole entire country of canada . and i know that you know, i've spending a lot of time on social media helping, you know, promote the truckers getting their word out and all of that . and so even i you know, big tough hockey player have shed a few tears because i haven't seen my country this behind something in this excited about something in a very, very, very long time. so so hopefully a lot of things. yeah, they oh it takes a lot to get the canadians angry. i mean as a community organizer and if minnesota is nice, canada is like jubilant all the time. but that's not a it's not a protest culture in canada. >> correct. right. well that's the thing is in canada, you know, we're caution or whatever you wantm on the supply chain issue the best of luck. thank you. why might fauci be so reluctant to step down? the last fight reveals the media's hand in all of this. ... >> you hear it? ring in the new year. ring in th. >> back to the theme of my angle to start the show. why would fauci retire when he has the press eating out of the palm of his hand? >> appreciative you are not walking away from this post, you make us smarter and safer and better everyday. thank you so much dr. fauci. >> thank you for having me. >> december 24th, really special. >> that is right in the tradition of "60 minutes," with the tough follow-up questions? well, that's it for us tonight, greg gutfeld takes it all from here. ♪ ♪ reunited and it feels so good. ♪ ♪ reunited and understood. >> todd: take that song and take why we're playing it, you know why, carley? you know why. >> carley: because we're standing next to each other for the first time -- >> todd: five weeks. merry christmas. >> carley: i haven't seen you since last year. happy new year. how is your

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240708

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it's what we want as a family and you know, i'm going tong spend a lot of time with them b and figure out in the future what's what's next . now both men, world famous, both men are at the top of their profession. both stayed longer than anyone who came before them and both are admired widelyy by journalists who cover their world and both are at a crossroads getting to the endt of the line. will he or won't he ? that's what the sports media kept asking after the tampath by buccaneers lost to the l.a. rams last weekend. would youan be surprised even ie brady walks away nowd as it stands right now? i to tom brady ultimately is going to bete back . what do you think 5% chancest he retires. this is really the first time that ever heard tom brady talk about his football mortality. >> new reporting today shows that tom brady is seriously considering his next move. family and health are major considerations for him. t he's pushed the limits ofhe what we thought possible for the agingug human body. he's an i amazing leader for his team. brady's forty four years old . twenty two seasons under his belt, seven super bowl rings. unreal. soes if he retires, it means str tight end rob gronkowski may also leave and then the entire team is going to suffer as a result he'll really be missed. fans are going to be wistful. you bet if he retires. but they're also goingre to a celebrate his career and all ofg his achievements. they're going to lookack back at his classic come from behind magic moments to remember wheree they were. but if souce retires, biden, will be better off and a country will definitely be better off because souce has missededis his mark so many tims on so many issues and the reason for fauci gets paid the big bucks is directly related. it h was supposed to be at least to his ability to inform the nation about health issues and explain the basic facts of what was facing us with real credibility. but fauci has failed at his task. he's partisan, he's self aggrandizing and he's now obviously short tempered. his talents s are limited. he's a bureaucratic insider w who's a good networker for sure and can be brutally effective at maneuvering against peopleeae who disagree with his pronouncements. look at what he didd to the great barrington doctors and how he helped steer the entire conversation awaynv from that one lab story. if you look at the virologists, not the people who want to politicize this , they tell i that it is much, much more likely that this m was a natural evolution from an animal reservoir and in 2020 four fauci was very skilled atid dissing president trump withen his facial expressions, his body language is intonation and of course all those off the record interviews with his beltway journalist pals, he worked everyone behindin the scenes to stop inconvenienti narrativesen before they gained a foothold. so these are the skills of a down and dirty political operative, more so than a well respected, unbiased leader in public health. pu brady, he's really overstayed his welcome. we told trump to sideline him. we told biden to do the same. but fauci still doggedly holdson on you keep comin back to personal attacks on me that have absolutelyy no relevance to reality. you go to rand hole websiteeb and you see fired doctor fauci with a little box that says contribute here. i love the prop as if that's helping but nothing fazes faucih whatever is wrong, he either digs in , changes the subject or moves the goalposts. the same skills and talents that made fauci a formidable weapon for the democrat party are nowocra working againt democrats in twenty twenty two and certainly will in twentyerta 2 twenty four . if he's still around he's just a drag on their party , their brand and on their officeholders. now it's alwayss raining viruses in fauciville you have such a great variability with new variants emerging we have this information that is entirely destructiveve toe a comprehensive public health endeavor as long as this gloomy, angry, pessimistic, divisive figure is speaking for the administration, the biden team, they're just doing for the ugliest crash and burn since 1994 and these midterms he's the equivalent of cottageta cheese in the back of the refrigerator. you know, when you forgot about it, it was like last september.a it's long past its expiration date. it's really important to know when to say goodbye gracefully . brady is thirty seven years younger than anthony fauci, but at his age he seems to have more patience, more perspective and more clarity aboutar lifeitw imagine if brady was saying that he wanted to hang on to prove his doubters wrong, whicht is what fauci seems to beem telegraphings in some of his public statements atem this point. fauci. knows that half the country is tuned him out, but he wants to hang on just to annoy us for a little while longer how arrogant that is and how sad it is. same with this current crop of old fogies running the democrat party . they're almost staying on the spite of itat at this point. >> i don't know why i people terms you need to step asideno for me, know if you wantou my seat, come get it. >> eighty one years young clyburn and friends have nothing positive to show for these past 13 months only the wreckage they'veveth left behind but they're still hanging on now let me be clear. obviously being a senior citizen doesn't disqualify anyone from making huge positive contributions. remember benjaminit franklin was at the constitutional convention at ageco eighty one same age as clyburn. reagan left offices days before he turned seventy eight . they're both towering figures in american history. there are many more examples as well. but age is suppose to bring us maturity and wisdom not vindictiveness and stupidity. both traits of today's democrat elders. they are not only suppressing the vote, suppressing the vote, they are nullifying electionsnk saying well, it o doesn't matter who gets more votes. i still don't understand what she means by that. but back to brady. whatever he decidesha he is goig to remain respected and beloved as the greatest quarterback of all timemain. a beautiful example of anif inspirational team leader. he truly you can hear this ine. his voice. he loves his teammates and he wants them to do well. that's a great leader. he took tampa bay from nearom bottom of the barrel to super bowl champs and one season o he's headed for the hat of fame. obviously. but as for anthony fauci, joe biden, nancy pelosi, chuckhu schumer, they'll think they deserve to be in the political equivalent of the hall of fame. but after they leave, they'rey defeated or they finally retire ,they'll bee rightly forgotten. future liberal historians are not going to look back on 2020 one as a great year for their world view. so they'll just have to basically try to write them outg of the history books all together. how much do you hear about the glories of the carter years these days? and that's the annual. n joiningow me now, dinesh d'souz, host of the dinesh d'souza podcast and jason nichols, progressive political analyst and senior lecturer at the university of maryland. and gentlemen, breaking late todayy, they knew what we'ren, doing, the angle on an announcement from speaker pelosi trying to discount allse those rumors we've been hearing saying she will seek reelection and it seems to reverse that earlier vow to turnde over her party's leadership. now jason , as a democrat, is there really no one else at n this point? there's no youngblood. it'so justhi hold on regardlesf what the results have been. uli think what jim clyburn said was we've absolutely correct. if you want to come get in and get the votes, that's the way ct our system works.ur unless you start to brings, in term limits, which i would, you know, totally be open ton that conversation t. and i'm glad that you want to get rid of hal rogers or don young, chris smith or mitch mcconnell, the first three i name to have one hundred and thirty years in congress combined. halom rogers i think has been s in since 1973, five years beforein i was born. so i think, you know, there's a conversation to be had about bringing in term limits.ri but ifng you want those seats, come get it. biden got the votes she keeps weathertech so suggest that i get i get the term that's. a whole separate debate. but what we're talking about and dinesh, you can chime in on this is havingch the maturity to know that what you did isn't working from the cities to the crime to the border, to the economy, to allhe the partisan bickering. it's not e working and i bet soe of those republicans should retire. okay, you're rightre. but dinesh, these are the guys in charge now and with pelosi digging in your reaction allgg this tonight? well,>> my reaction is that yes, i mean, i agree that we this can be a bipartisan phenomenonis. but what you're really dealing with here are people who came as young alligators too the swamp. i mean, the real difference between grady and fauci is the difference between the athletic field and the swamp. nowweand if you show up as a yop alligator in the swamp, you see all these goodies, se in the sw, you go for them. but bigger alligators will muscle you out. they'llge push you to the side d and you realize, wow, i really don't know how to operateon in the swamp . it's t going to take me many years until i figure out all the varioust swamp arts that i i need to fully capitalize t on this position i'm in. and so these guys learn the art of the straight faced lie, ac the art of stabbing people a in the back . it takes a full career to perfectt arts. and i a think at the time that these guys really are doing welll and cashing in and cashing in . i don't just meann money, i mean moneyn and power and ego and al the benefits of the swamp. they become very reluctant to leave. it's sort of like i invested my whole career in gettingg this point. . why do i want to turn over the keys now? yeah. when they're holding planes for you at reagan national airport, which rumor was they used to do and that's a pretty good i deal, just that aspect off it. now i jason biden's team we learned has completely reshaped his schedule and his movements around covid politico is reportingen that aides fear that biden catching covid has prompted the whitehi house tove limit his travel and interactions with voters during his first year in office. the logistical challenges grow tremendously when he stays len as they try at to keep him in a coveted safe bubble in a new environment. but jason , how can he expect t to effectively govern the country if he's trying toy do the kind of hologram presidency as he did the hologram campaign? he said he was going to be with the people. that's what he just promisedat a couple i weeks ago or last wek at his big press conference. well, i hope you actually get to speak to the american people. that's what it's going to take her to win or tooi avoid a catastrophe that you talked about for democrats during midtermsout is that he has to t out. but keeping them safe from c covid to keep him from doinghe the labored breathing that we saw president trump doing whenug he called covid whenht he was hospitalized and wasn't able to govern or going, oh , wait a second way. wait, wait. vaccine works, right?. why aree we saying that he's vaxxed and he's boosted so his whole thing is get vaxxed and boost it. so he's gotten back and forth and he's done what you supposed to do. right. sos why does he have to hide? that's my whole point about it.s so violently that is true . absolutely. vaccines work to keep you oute of the hospital for h 90% off the people in 90 percent of the time. but again, going back to the age factor, the fact that he is in his late 70s, why takekn a chance? you know, why go out there and take unnecessary risks when you can keep healthy and keep safe? >> so i believe that of course he will. ry butin i don't mean that i'm not trying to jump on you, butn you can say this about republicans to he or she at any age is president of the united states. they have to be out and about with the people they can't for foreign policy you don't want the guy looks like,y oh my god, i've got to be in a covered bubble . i can't move. that's the point, is it not?bl >> it is the point. i but i see i think the problem with biden is a lot the problem with biden is that he sold the american people on a completely different person thante he actually is. he sold the personso h on unity he's a divider. i he solds the person the american people and the fact that he's kind of this gentle guy who is open to reason an argument he's a bitter, cranky and vicious old man. so to me, the more he showso himself to the american people, the more they seeth, wow, this s not really what i signed upge for. i'm getting major buyer's remorse right about now.>> and just finally, if you could give nancy pelosi advice, would you tellse her to stay with it until her 80 second birthday or just keep going or i don't knows what age issues. yeah, she's eighty one now. so 80 to keep it going. > well, i think she's been n winning so much that she doesn't necessarily need my adviceee on what is she saying. si reading some i wouldas give democrats some advice tolo start looking at grooming successors to some of these people who are going to be out of the way sooner or later. okay, well that we've made progress. gentlemen, great to see you both tonight . thank you . and back to fauci. his apocalyptic pronouncements seem to be losing sway not just with the public but among some of his cronies as well. first came the cdc's big admission that natural immunity was stronger than the vaccines. then they were forced to admit that cloth masks were worthless. we told you that almost two years ago and now some of the most strident supporters of some of these mandates are beginning to see the light in a world where we have a lot of immunity and we're dealing with less virulent strain, th1 necessarily be contribut well, dr. mccullough, you know this i know this a lot of the doctors who've appeared on the ingram angle over the last two years know this all too well. they have been censoring anyone who questions their narrative, including treating physician who saw success with certain therapeutics. i asked that question yesterday in public on the senate record, no who's actually received and been the recipient of asrdorshipnueiric or reprisal professional injury, 80% of people in the room raised their hands. doctors, scientists, nurses,, patients. believe me, censorship is incredibly divisive in the united states today in the scientific community, you know, the high qualitysc doctors alwas cite the science. those who claim misinformation s never have any backup. soku the problem is those who ae hunting misinformation are the spreaders of misinformation. >> well, there are a lot ofom folks that i talked to some offline because they're afraideg of losing their privileges at various hospitals. you know, some of them dr.os mccullough, who say that they're very worried nowut about this talk of an american designed booster, a special booster just for omicron. they'reic worried about the antibody b dependent enhancement and other issues that may come down the roadothe how concerned are you about this ? because it's gaining steam. we'rete on the back end of the curve on your show. a few weeks ago i predicted this that this is going to be a rapid tall peaked. but narrow outbreak and indeed it is. we're deeply on the back end world health organization hasn already put out a warning that future boosters could actually weaken the immune system. and by the time a vaccinenn for omicron could be ready and it definitely needs to be testedel in randomized trials, that variant is basically going to be extinct and we e could be on to new variants or hopefullyf at the end oful the pandemic. it was clear in our panel, by the way, that we we made it clear that the emergency phase of the epidemic is c closed.d. now we should move on to just treating the occasional high risk patient and then moving p o on with normal life. dr. mccullough, thank you .>> great to see you tonight .ea tand why did the bush b administration revoke the use speakinge of this entire covid issue of the emergency usehe authorization for saving monoclonal antibody treatments? florida has benefited greatlyr from these treatments and governor ron desantis thinks there's something more to this move. he's here next . he'll explain it later at fox station. we've been dedicated to sharing the stories of those who have sacrificed for our great country. and in honor of that we're giving all active military veterans fox nation for free for an entire year, get the shows to celebrate our country and the people that serve and protect. we need to remember that our freedom not one through diplomacy, one our gift for honor, their service and honor ,their sacrifice to go with them 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variant. >> well, first of all, how do we know there's zero deltaat in the entire population of covid patients if the fda reallyth wanted to be consistent here, they should then i guess also be questioning the use of vaccines against omicron. are dramatically less effective against the new variantt . t of course, you know, the impact of this has been immediateva and devastatingst. florida has been forced to shut down treatment sites acrosscr the state, denying access to thousands and thousands of patients that has understandably upset floridians and florida governor ron desantis who joins me now. governor, welcome to the show. nsoryour reaction to this deciso and proclamation by anthony fauci that it's 100% omicron now somo no more monoclonals. yeah, lura, first of all, that is all modeling. they don't know that for sure.ha this these monoclonals are highly effective againsty the delta variant to keep peoplele out of hospitals. we havepi been using themta with patients coming in during the omicron wave and we have a seen success anecdotally. no, we haven't run a clinical trial, but neither didbu the fda relying on one study which is an observational study. n it was not a clinical trial. it was not peer reviewed that said, the two monoclonals aren't effective against so omicron. it was done by a consultant for one of the rival drugg companies . nowyoca if you do clinical tria, maybe it will end up being the case. but man, that's very flimsy evidence to take this treatment away from people. and we had thousands of people in the queue at our treatmentle sites in florida, laura .ke and they all of a sudden wake up to saying that you're out of luck because of the whims ofwh the biden administration, what they'reim doing is just fundamentally wrong. >> well, and as we know, people who have been vaxxed and boosted are still gettinglo omicron now thankfully it looks like i'm itself whether vaxxed or unvaxxed, if you're a fairly healthy person is very mild. but if that's their barometer gov thenib it kind of throws ino question the entire approach to omicronio if that's what they'rh going to do here without anyat data to back it upgoin. they have, as you said, no data. soso what do you think is really s going on here? they really seem to have a bug you where about florida especially you bug them.he your handling of this bug them ? lot >> well, it's also if you lookur at this remdesivir it's peoplebo like fauci have talked aboutut being the standard of care for hospitalized patients. he there's notre great data on tha. they're notot revoking everyone for that . they're only focusing on these two monoclonal antibodies which have shown to be had tremendous success against delta. and yes, i do think that they were upset when florida did that becausese their view is you should only worry about vaccines, don't discuss treatment. r we t reject that because for the reason you said people are still getting infected even who've goneh through vaccinations in fact that our vaccine sites, laura , it's usually 75 to 80% of the people that go in to get treatment have been vaccinated. many of them have gotten booster shots and yet they're still getting infected. and so this is not on the up and up here. and look in florida, we justti anticipate hostility from this administration and that's justci what they do. i they are much they are much more interested in picking political fights than they are of actually being there forar the people in our state that need this assistance. and governor, it's not just the covid issue, as i said,no that they're coming after aftert you forer the washington post reported that over the past six months florida's's t r home prices have risen faster than state. any other according to s the post analysis of zillow data, the lack of s affordable housing presents an emerging political challenge for governor desantis, who frequently argues that his hands off approach to coronavirus pandemic is bringing as many as eight hundred new residents per day toto the state. so gov there now they're coming to you for your successful real estate market and i guess it's i don't know they want to push palm beachun county to havee more what affordable housing are tampa, florida. the compl i don't know what the complaint is. well, i i we're going down and look, we've been to if you look at their policies, they've turned in they've turned great cities in this country. states into dystopias.e thesein are scapes with crime o control homelessness. you have all these different problemsal and they're still mired in a lotot of coronavirus restrictions. you we are a free state. i mean, we are the rock of freedom in the united states and we're building our future off that people are responding to that . and but m i think it's much different than, say, the last housing boom where you had a lot of speculation. i think there's just a lot ofnk authentic demand for people to want to move to florida. i can tell you it also ismo making housing prices up. lauren, the bite inflation you talk to homebuilders in the state of florida and their inputs have gone up dramatically. the supply chain is a disaster. they are fueling the inflationla with their reckless policies. governor, finally, i need to get your response to another game the media are playing out there. watch what's with the bad blood between trump and florida governor ron desantis? we have to talk about freddiek versus jason and that is of course, the finances of trump directly over 1% in florida criticizing donald trump subtlely for being too liberalor on uncube. >> that's that's exactly where the republican party is going. >> okay, governor, what is the truth here? whdo you still speak to presidet trump? do you guys you guys okay? do we need to have dr. phil come in and mediate? the corporate media is trying to manufacture something where something doesn't exist. look, when i ran for governor, he endorsed me when everyone said don't do it and he had my back. and then when he ran for h reelection, we had his backad in florida, raised a bunch of money. he had a great margin of victory in florida. wewe see eye to eye on all the big issues. and so i zero zero animosity or anything and they're just trying to create divisions. and why are they doing that ,he laura ? because you know, biden's failing. he had the worst first year of any president in theto united states history since the eighteen hundreds and they know he's failing on all fronts. so they're trying to divertalhe attention away from those failures and trying to createur fissures in the republican party. that ain't going to happen. governor, it's great to see you tonight as always. thank you . and why has the border of ukraine become more important to our political elites than the border of the united states? senator tom cotton is here with reaction on that. >> stay with us . we know it's going to take many forms of energy to meet the world's needs while creating a future for 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seven year old wilbert mora was shot after being called to an apartment by a woman who needed help with her adult son, maura's partner. twenty year old rookie officer jason rivera was also killed a third officer shot the suspect who also died from his injuries. >> i'm marianne rafferty. now back to the ingraham angle after a three week delay, border patrol just announced that its officers arrested nearlyce one hundred and seventy nine thousand illegals in decemberr. now that's up one hundred and 42% since last december 2020, i which of course is back and we had some sane immigration policies under trumpci and instead of sending them all back to mexico, the biodome frustration has taken a very different approach as fox's own bill melugin witness in brownsville, texas earlier today. these are all single adult men o . they were just dropped off on an ice bus here. as you can see, dozens of them. they're just leaving this ngo directly across the street here. you can see these manila folders they're holding. these are the travel documents they received from the ngo there are no families. there areth no children in this group. some of them you can have ankle monitors on . that is what'se known as 8d o alternatives to detention. na soti where are all these illegas going? the real question might be i where they aren't going. >> i mean, am i useful? malha, whoever they want to go that's aren't there. so presumably many unvaxxed illegals can just get free rides to wherever they please. but unvaxxed truckers can't cross the border now of course, logic, consistency, they've never been a strong nevine administration and they don't really care as jen psaki madeer clear earlier today, migrants who cannot be expelled under title forty two are placed into immigration proceedings p and oe of those avenues could be placement in an alternative to detention program in the interior of the united states just between march and august, which is a very small. sample. so dhs is more than forty seven thousand. these migrants that were givenno notices to report did not show . so why let them into the u.s. unsupervised in the first place? well, again, we have a stringent protocols and processes that we implement here . here now is arkansas senator tom cotton to react to all of this . senator , i think of what we've done to our children over the past two years, what we still do to our children or separating them if they're not masked or maybe even vaxxed down the road in their separate areas. but peoplee just walk across our border unvaxxed and then get shipped basicallyer wherever they want on the taxpayer's dime to just obviously take the job for less less wages than the traditional americans would get. how do we stop this ? yeah, laura , it's criminally negligent. you have democrats across the country who area, still trying to shut down schools are insisting that kindergartners wear masks in their home if they don't. meanwhile, your tax dollars are supporting single grown men crossing this border and being shipped wherever they want to go as we just saw in that video. that's a far cry what the federal courts have ordered the bush administration to do, which is to implement president trump's remain in mexico policy. i was shockedp' by the administration's response to it. they said that they sometimes help withra the orderly processing to return or to get these migrants to their final . stination well, laura , when someone cross our border illegally, their final destination should always be turning them around and send them back to their home countrynd. it shouldn't be putting them b on a bus or an airplane at taxpayer expense to go wherever they want in the united states . and to your point, senator ,in according to this dhs data that we have, this is fromwe december, the numbers of those who were actually sent back were very, very low, just a few hundred. so doesn't this mean that they're define what the court said about remain in mexico and they're actually not doingicg that ? >> i don't see how you couldu reach any other conclusion or when you see that video of a single grown man, these are not little kids that were sent here with human traffickers. these are not pregnant women. these are not frail older people. these are single adult menes who are plainly coming here not because of violence in their home country to escape persecution, but because they want to get a better job,er a job than an american citizenob could be doing. that's a direct direct violation of the court's order . one ofea the reasons we know this the biden administration had to respond and provide this information to the court. i hope the court holdi them accountable. i hope they hold secretary of dhs, my office accountable for this . if they keep doing what they>> do, which l is not enforcece the law. america is essentially changed in profound ways going forward ,maybe forever. so do you discount the possibility that the house could actually bring up a serious perhaps impeachment inquiry just on this issue of the border alone? is that is that out of the realm of possibility? no, laura , i don't think it's out of the realm of possibility because of all of the abuses of the biden administration. i think what the department of homeland security has done to undermine american sovereignty ,to open our borders, too undercut wages and jobs and american workers isab probably the most egregious and they're open about it. h secretary mayorkas has said it in speeches that being illegally present in the country is no longer evener a priority for deportation and admit these things publicly . finally, looks likeks senator chuck schumer is now under fire for his handling of things in the senate on the democrat side, politico reporting that staffers are incensed at schumer. now you must be watching. this might be a little bit schadenfreude here, glee. what is this really quick or i can tell you that chuck schumer is protecting no one . that's chuck schumer. he is afraid of a left wing primary challenge. he is especially afraid ofxa alexandria accorsi, cosio cortez and he is using his position at the democrats for leader to protect himself and protect his left flank. he's not using it to solve problems for the american people and he's forced his memberss to take very, very bad votes. and those votesd cast by people like mark kelly in arizona or catherine cortez masto in nevada are going to be centerpieces of our campaigns this fall. thanks to chuck schumer. all right, senator , great to see you tonight .k thank you . and up next , a hockey legend theo fleury reached out to this show with a warning that what's happening in canada right now is slowly being attempted right here in the united states. we want to hear what he had to say. so we took him up on his offer. he's here to paint a very troubling picture for the do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? tunelessly formula combines five key nutrients that can 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amendment in canada, which means government can punish citizens for saying things it doesn't like. of course there's universal health care and co2 emissions in canada, both of which the democrats want to impose here and now liberals canada envy extends toex covid and my next guest says that should terrify americans. joining me now is theo fleury, former nhlhl phenom and two time olympic gold medalist theo. great to see you. it does seem like there is a subtle creep by leaders hereak in the united statese to make us more like canada. butti in your estimation, as a canadian, that would be a mistake. yes, very much so. >> you know, basically for the last two years, basically for the last two years we've had a prime minister who has vaccine derangement syndrome where every day he stands up at the stump and that's all he talks about. he doesn't talk about the economy. he doesn't talk about the supply chain. he doesn't talk about, you know, us losing our rights. lockdown's nothing. it's just straight vaccines. but what's happening, laura is right now in canada we have one of the biggest revolutions happening and you probably haven't heard about it because nobody's talking about it. but right now there's 50000 truckers and about one point four million people headed tott the parliament in ottawa and they're going to stay there until trudeau resigns or o they give us back all of our freedoms and rights. you know, when you separate people, it's easy to to createra power through separation. but sai but like i said, what we seeing in the country right now with these truckers and it honestly it is ignited the whole entire country of canada . and i know that you know, i've spending a lot of time on social media helping, you know, promote the truckers getting their word out and all of that . and so even i you know, big tough hockey player have shed a few tears because i haven't seen my country this behind something in this excited about something in a very, very, very long time. so so hopefully a lot of things. yeah, they oh it takes a lot to get the canadians angry. i mean as a community organizer and if minnesota is nice, canada is like jubilant all the time. but that's not a it's not a protest culture in canada. >> correct. right. well that's the thing is in canada, you know, we're caution or whatever you wantm on the supply chain issue the best of luck. thank you. why might fauci be so reluctant to step down? the last fight reveals the media's hand in all of this. ... >> you hear it? ring in the new year. ring in th. >> back to the theme of my angle to start the show. why would fauci retire when he has the press eating out of the palm of his hand? >> appreciative you are not walking away from this post, you make us smarter and safer and better everyday. thank you so much dr. fauci. >> thank you for having me. >> december 24th, really special. >> that is right in the tradition of "60 minutes," with the tough follow-up questions? well, that's it for us tonight, greg gutfeld takes it all from here. ♪ ♪ reunited and it feels so good. ♪ ♪ reunited and understood. >> todd: take that song and take why we're playing it, you know why, carley? you know why. >> carley: because we're standing next to each other for the first time -- >> todd: five weeks. merry christmas. >> carley: i haven't seen you since last year. happy new year. how is your

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Aboutut , Care , Monoclonal Antibodies , Revoking , Standard , Tha , Delta , Don T Discuss Treatment , Vaccinations , View , Vaccine Sites , Reject , We T , Becausese , Many , Booster Shots , 75 , Hostility , Fights , Justci , Assistance , Zillow Data , Other , Analysis , Tr Home Prices , Aftert You Forer , Washington Post , Six , Governor , Affordable Housing , Challenge , Residents , Eight Hundred , Compl , Housing , Real Estate Market , Palm Beachun County , Policies , Crime O Control Homelessness , Complaint , Look , Thesein , Lotot , Problemsal , Coronavirus Restrictions , The Rock Of Freedom , Housing Boom , Speculation , Making Housing Prices , Ismo , Supply Chain , Homebuilders , Disaster , Bite Inflation , Lauren , Inputs , Inflationla , Media , Response , Finances , Game , Freddiek Versus Jason , Bad Blood , 1 , Truth , Presidet , Donald Trump Subtlely For Being Too Liberalor , On Uncube , Whdo , Okay , Dr , Phil , Backad , Bunch , Victory , Margin , H Reelection , Eye To , 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Soti , Malha , Aren T Going , 8d O Alternatives To Detention , 8 , Unvaxxed Truckers , Aren T , Rides , Consistency , Logic , Migrants , Avenues , Oe , Title , Immigration Proceedings P , Nevine , Madeer , Jen Psaki , Forty Two , Dhs , Interior , Placement , Detention Program , Alternative , Sample , Givenno , Forty Seven Thousand , Protocols , Processes , Arkansas , Unsupervised , Peoplee , Areas , Road , Job , Wages , Taxpayer , Dime , Should Terrify Americans , Basicallyer , Criminally Negligent , Schools , Area , Tax , Wear , Kindergartners , Video , Courts , Cry , Shockedp , It Shouldn T , Someone , Processing , Home Countrynd , Final , Airplane , Destination , Stination Well , Them B , Withra , Fromwe December , Taxpayer Expense , Numbers , Court , Conclusion , Kids , Menes , Home Country , Persecution , Women , Violence , Human Traffickers , Secretary , Violation , American Citizenob , Information , Order , One Ofea , Possibility , House , Office Accountable , Law , Do , Ways , Forward , Realm , Impeachment , Serious , Inquiry , Workers , Borders , Abuses , Sovereignty , Jobs , H , Chuck Schumer , Things , Priority , Secretary Mayorkas , Speeches , Deportation , Likeks , Politico , Fire , Staffers , Schadenfreude , Side , Glee , Primary Challenge , No One , Wing , Alexandria Accorsi , Cosio Cortez , Ofxa , Problems , Memberss , Flank , Those Votesd Cast , Theo Fleury , Right , Centerpieces , Campaigns , Thanks , Catherine Cortez Masto , Arizona , Mark Kelly , Nevada , Canada , Offer , Picture , Nutrients , Tunelessly Formula , Halogens Droplets , Pure , Breathing , Sinuses , Ultra , Steam Inhaler , Socialism , Guest , Stop It , Parents , Dangers , Grandparents , Mike Huckabee , Bundle , Magazine , Video Lesson , Socialismst , Isn T My First Rodeo , Mortgages , American , Advantage , Something Si Wouldn T Beso , Loan , Homeowners , Trick , A Million , Mortgage Payments , Costs , Pay Bill , Obligation Reverse Mortgage Guide , Aids , Reverse Mortgage Youo , Info , Eightn , Eight Hundred Five , Option , Obligation , Lump Sum , Finde Outcastayn , Soul , Heartte , Investment Cang , Health Care , Health Care Preserve , Reverse , Portfolio , Foraa Everyone , Expense , Aig , Reverse Mortgage Solutions , Bottle , Doxxether Heart Healthy Meal , Offree , Maxing Out , Instance , Amendment , Government , Here And Now , Citizens , Co2 Emissions , Leaders , Theo , Creep , Envy , Nhlhl Phenom , United Statese , Mistake , Estimation , Butti , Prime Minister , Stump , Vaccine Derangement Syndrome , Rights , He Doesn T , Happening , He Doesn T Talk About , Lockdown , Truckers , Haven T , Revolutions , Parliament , Nobody , Ottawa , Four Million , 50000 , Sai , Freedoms , Separation , Createra , Trudeau , Hockey Player , Tears , Word , Social Media Helping , Best , Community Organizer , Minnesota , Correct , Protest Culture In Canada , Hand , Fight , Ring , Press , Theme , Post , Palm , Smarter , Tradition , December 24th , 60 , 24 , Questions , Greg Gutfeld , Todd , Song , Carley , I Haven T , Merry Christmas ,

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