Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240709 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240709

better and pass on even greater opportunitiesan for your childrn to decide our country's future to determine your future, the future of your childrenne y well, today's liberals claim that everything they're doing on climate change covid the border even ending the filibuster is because they care about the children. but the real truth is very dark and very sinister. issuesors core abortion, gender fluidity, the diversity obsessione, open borders and covid mandates just to name a few actual add up to a war on children from the more than sixty two million babies lost to abortion since nineteen seventy three is roe versus wade to the current fadlu of glamorizing transgenderism in our schools we're witnessing a sustained assault on life and innocencein by adults who themselves are spiritually lost over time it's become kind of fashionable to see children as burdensome, inconvenient, even sometimes harmful to the environment. school age children who are coaxed into early leftwing activism, their celebrated and rewardedt-. c butel those who sit on the sidelines, those who resist the indoctrination on race or gender victimology, they're sidelined or silenced. too many school boards and activist teachers are trying right now to turn ourch children into race obsessed, america hating whiners. >> the free stuff going on with the paper and we want to talk about all a the other things that the that really would create in burismaher and we have to look at it systemically and the qunol out therechoo reay uproot systemic racism. anti-racism work has to beginac by holding up a mirror and taking a hard look atr your own biases. >>ur the mirrors would reflectis a sickening sight, a bunch of venal virtue signaling no nothing bureaucrats the same overpaid officials who care so much about ourea kids that they're fine to see them shivering outside in frigid temperatures eating their lunches for the lie of social distancing. >> these photos are infuriating . nownoo i'm going to say this ul i no longer have breath in my body what blue state politicians did to our kids and canceling in person school ,some of it's still struggling, canceling sports and time on playgrounds. what they're still doing with mask and vacs mandates is s a crime against humanityti. but of course the in the media are they go right along. > obviously we can.he ninety five and ninety five are the most effective but it can t be really hard to find themo in small kids size if you really want to make sure you have one that fits your child's face and you want to layerer the cloth mask over that maskha so the surgical mask goest first and then the cloth mask.d so you hear the grunting along well. anthony fauci in the public health robot that he's inspired see children as potential viral vectors. i'm certainly not innocent little children with robust immune systems. >> we know that six billion kids have had proven they canki get it, they can spread it.ds but the parents worry about sending their kids to school. i mean, that's how a lot of what the kids pick. i don't get it right. good kids bring in kids arepa drivers ofre spread unvaccinateh kids back at school are driving community spread covid what horrible people at many top colleges and universities your kids are forced to submitrr to the covid vaccineib even if they've gotten covered in the past or they'llre lose their education. look at how the university of chicago of all places is harassing that univac football player arthur long that we featured last night on the showe and evennt more galling, the puh online and in colleges now. and i thought i'd heard everything to destigmatize by calling it something else. i used the term minor in texas prison or math ind the title and throughout the book for multiple reasons. it's's less stigmatizing than other terms like. using a term to communicate to someone is attracted to it doesn't indicate anything about the morality of that attraction . minerf attracted persons map. now you'll be relieved to know that individual has been suspended. what suspect suspended? imagine simply reiterated the concerns about voter fraud that led to some of the people showing up on january six .ud he have been fired on the spot for those comments. this is so twisted now of course, all of this is viciously antichild but part of a larger mindset that's been cultivated for decades now. noww no secret that our culture has a selfishness problem. we all o can be selfish, no doubt. and hedonism didn't beginle in the sixtiesm,, but it certainly, you know, ended up getting a big boost with the free love generation. remember, it was all without consequences. that was one of the biggest lies ever told, especially toti women. god. was kicked to the curbch in the schools and theoo t religiously mindedhe became increasingly caricatured in film. now when i was a kid there were a lot of families that had a lot of kids and we all kinded of figured it out. we help each other out. we were neighbors but at some point big families were suddenly considered weird and selfish fringe. but offbi course the opposite is true . children require sacrificeng, children are love. and as mother teresa said, they're our most precious treasures. before i adopted o my three kid, i focused way too much on myself. frankly, i'm not that interesting. it wasn't good. sadly, there are many who believe that children are just potential problems, scientific consensus that the lives of.c children are going to be very difficult and it does lead. i think, young people to have a legitimate question should is it okay to still have children struggles bad? by the way,il struggle is never good by the way they're even taking pledges about this . we're getting people to sign a pledge basically saying that they will not have children until the canadian government take serious p actioe on climate change. i don't really c have a lotvernf hope for the future experience . here is where the pledge came from, these depressing comments. they're just the byproducts of a radical and failing education system and also failure of parenting. but there's some prominent pushback. >> it's completely the opposite . please look at the numbers. if people don't have more children civilization, it's going to crumble. mark my words. en mark, his words indeed. and there are plenty of other: reasons for optimism out there. we've seen it at school board meetings across the country where parents are refusing to allow their children to be pandemic lab rat for indoctrination and experimentation. and we also see hope in the faces of the thousands of young people, including my two sons who gathered today in washington for the annual marched t for life. it's not necessarily convenient or evennno fun to march in freezing dreary washington every year, but it is a powerful statement for the rights of the unborn and to statement to a world that seems so comfortable with the act of discarding the children in that singlere. joining me now is matt walsh, host of the matt walsh show podcast and best selling children's book author matt , i don't think people fully understand how demonic this all is, but we thought this week with that report about teachers and school officials in california grooming children for transgender activism and transgender identity. >> your thoughts on all of this ? yeah, well, first of all, thanks for that monologue was quite, quite powerful and i think you're you're correct toct tight end to begin with with the fact that we're a society modern american society is built on the mass grave of 60 million children. so we've gotten accustomed ton seeing children as a burden that we can just toss tore the side we'ren stepping on the many people in our society walking in in the blood of our children and not hardly even noticing, you know, you drive by many people on your way to work or just doingyo errands or drive by a planned p parenthood and there are people going in there every single day and killing kids. you people grow accustomed to it after a while and then g a conditions you to see kids in a certain way. and then that's why it's noe surprise that when the pandemicn comes along, the health of children i mean like the psychological health because their physical health was never really any serious risk because of covider t their psychological health was just it wasn't even a concern. it wasn't even talked abouthe. it was never even factored in .a and now we're told that's the media's reporting. oh , there's a there'sre anpopi epidemic of mental illnessde among our children. they're going to the emergency room for suicide and they're depressed and. not n that's not that's not mental illness. that's children reacting in an understandable way, in a tragic way to what we have done too them for the last two years. if there's mental illness, it'si in the adultss who have done this to kids. but this is all a cover, ofds course, because we can't admit the adults can't admitul what they've done. so they look for excuses, s mental illness or they blame ito on covid itself and say, oh , covid has caused this problem o again. no, it's not covid it's our w reaction to all of it, whichhion was a reaction t did not even take into account our children at all. now is anti science and antichild and to your point, matt , here's what the new york governor kathy hochul explain about why she thinks masking kids is just so vital. ew ythis is just today. >> my daughter had a meltdown over having to put sneakers on to go to kindergarten. she got used to wearinged sneakers in school. l they just they they adapt better than adults dolt. matt , i don't even know to say in response to this woman. so you take it away so yeah, they they adapt in the sense that they get used to it. it's like a child who suffers physical abuse at home. he quote unquote adaptsom toe. s in the sense he gets used to it. he gets he literally beaten down and accustomed to beingat treated this way to the point where after a while he starts to believe that he deserves it. so that's what you mean by adapt. and sure, we can m call itea adaptation. i would call itdapt damage. i mean kids that the normal thing is for a kid to refuse to wear a mask, something on their face, we try som to put it try o put a hat on a young child. it's i impossible to keep it on them. that's a healthy, normal child . if your child gets to a point where they wear the mask without any complaintsd at all, without fidgeting, without doing anything, then that just means that they've been brokenea down. their brains have been broken, their spirits have been broken and all ofir this is being done. by the way, it's not like this is some misguided effort to protect the kids. p the most is ts me that this is being donehe to protect the adults. it's being done to the adults feel safer around the kids. and that's that'ss the most disgusting thing about it. matt , i want to thank you for being a consistent and oftentimes hilarious voice on this. we need to laugh through some of this pain. so thank you soe,o much.nk >> y thank you . i appreciate it. i would hope that what happensap is the rest of the world does what i'm doing and providesro significant amounts ofvi the vaccine to the rest of to the world because it's nott sufficient that we just have this country not have the viruso . how doun weot move in the direcn where the world itself is vaccinated? >> are you kidding me? what we're witnessing iscc perhaps the biggest immunization lau campaign in history of all mankind.of so a why are we doing when the underlying vaccine data is still being kept secret? a new editorial by dr. peter joshi, associate editor of the peer reviewed bmj, notes that pfizer's pivotal kovács trial was funded by the company and designed run, analyzed, and authored by pfizer employees and pfizer has indicated that it will not begin entertaining requests for data until may of 2020 five . that's all nothing's going back to normal until the world isl vaccinated.n joining me now, kentucky senator rand paul, senator friend of mine who's a researcher himself sent that to me. two issues here. the world has to get vaccinesnt until we goil back to normal. and whyy is pfizer keeping data secret? >> well, here's s the deal. the world is being inoculated by the virus whether they like it or not, people t are getting this by the millions. to getrd world is going this . they're never going to be vaccinated, but the whole entire world is being inoculated as we speak. over half of my staff has had the omicron variety and spread throughoutut my community. m everybody i knowy is getting i. you will be inoculated one wayul or but it's notor going to be from big pharma. you're going to be inoculated by nature. and what we've found is the natural infection. you may want it and people unfortunately still will die from it. but if you get it and survive, it is giving profound immunity and then giving an immunity better than the vaccine because the disease is now evading the vaccine for the most. they don't care. they don't care. senator senator paul. they don't care about that . they don't care about nassauer . it's not really right. yeah, but ultimately enough people it's getting out there. it's not a secret. they can't keep this a secret forever. even the ncaa the other day decided that they're going to count natural immunity. n nowat it's for a pitiful ninety days. t wa yearsi've had it for now and have immunity. b sobeca the thing is, is theyth measured immunity frome a sarsy virus in 2004, 17 years later,et they were able to detect immunity. they measure immunity from the two from- two a 1918 spania flu. theyrsla discovered that people were stillim living 90 yearsti later, still had immunity.ll so immunity works is largely long lasting, doesn't prevent infection entirely. you not a like getting the omicron. you're going to have some h immunity and resist hospitalizedav and death. allth right. that i think we know that . butt the question is how do you force the federal government to recognize this and stop trampling on people's rights with these mandates o? buti' i got to get to dr. fauci because he offered let me just play then you can get back to that. he offered senator paul a doomsdayre prediction the othr day saying that the worst case s scenario is we're on our way there and we getno hit with another variant that actually eludes immune protection. ct senator , i don't want to say it's wishful thinking, but it's almost wishful thinking at this point. >> the man never fails to have the most pessimistic outlook possible and an outlookpo that requires more government intervention and at output, by the way, that also elevates him to diva status so he can keep telling us what to do. the bottom line is this pandemic will end when we e quit telling people to get tested who are notnd that'se the first thing that han to happen. and it's also going to end when people economically they've r shut down d.c. they've unilaterally h just ruined the city of d.c. you can't come there as a tourist, can't tour the capital and you can't go to restaurants. well, guess what ? with a restaurant finally pushed back when they march telle streets, we all people to take a flying leap. you're not going to come in my restaurant, enforce any mandate . that's when this will end. but it's going to take resistance, economic resistance by restaurant and hotel owners in these blue cities where democrats are forcingit these mandates. senator , i need to getr your thoughts on another thing. californiath is looking to further undermine parents. the first bill out off the california newly formed vaccine caucus would allowthve children 12 and older to receive vaccinations without their parents consent. senator , we know they've wanted to put a wedge between children and their parents for a long time and a lot of issues . but this kind of takes the cake . i believe it's medical iic malpractise to force vaccinesal on children, particularly adolescent males. we now haveen, the scientific evidence m. itth shows the risk of myocarditis for young males isac greater for the vaccine than itf is for the disease. we alsoor know that the disease, the death rate is closer to one in a million. we also know that the more you get the vaccine, the higher your risk of heart itis. so 90% of the makara i just came with the second vaccinene. what do you think it happens when you give them a third vaccine? i think universities like chicago, princeton, yale that are mandating young malesal get a third t i think they're going to be open to liability if any of these boys, these young men oren women get myocarditis g or god forbid dies, they're going to g be open to liability because they're goingoi b against the science. but you have such left wing academics whose head in the sand and just the go. dr. fauci wants us to do what we should do it they're not thinking about this , but they are going to be open to big time liability for forcingng this vaccine on kids. senator paul, as usual, thank you so important tonight and the white house has a plan to turnn h around biden's poll numbers. how exciting. more time with the american people. ri that's all he needs. senator ted cruz and ari fleischer have reaction moments if something happened to you, what would happen to them? their home, their education, their future? you need life insurance and chances are select quote can help you get it for less than a dollar a day. select quote found jacob 40 a 500 thousand dollar policy for only nineteen dollars a month and select quotes about his wife wendy of five hundred thousand dollar policy for only 17 dollars a month. our secret that select quote we aggressively comparison shop to ten highly rated companies to find you the company with the best rates we found gary thirty five a one million dollar policy for only twenty two dollars a month. why pay more ? give your family the 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>> the reason we're not going to have time for questions now is these guys got to get quickly on the plane and go out and do a major announcement in ohio and you guys willou asku ssme about russia and not about anything having to do with d chipps. joining me now is texas senator ted cruz. allxa so good to see youee tonight . now what does this say that the president of the united states after screwing upes his answer on russia and other matters fors that matter,ia he doesn't want e answer anything. he had to go get the dog room or something like i got to say, it's pitiful. it almost makes you feel sorry for him. over his head. if you look at what biden has done on russia, it's the same thing he's done in china. t it'shi the same thing he's done on iran. it's the same thing s he's done with the taliban, which is he's shown weakness. he's surrendered to vladimir putin. just last week i forced a vote in the u.s. senate to impose sanctions on russia to stop the russian pipeline from to germany. nord stream two that was sanctions legislation, bipartisan legislation i authored we passed into law donald trump signed it into law. we shut i that pipeline down whn joe biden got elected, he waived those sanctions, gave a multibillion dollar gift to putin. and it is why there are russiana troops and russian tanksha on the border of ukraine right now because biden has been sot' weak he has surrendered essentially to putin and that's whyden i didn't want to answer questions on it because you can't defend what when biden stands up and essentially says, well, maybe a little invasion of ukraine, i you know, what's what's a few tanks between i friends that's really sad to see an american president demonstrate that much weakness . i wantnt to move to a covered related issue that came up today. the editor of the peer reviewed bmj noted that the pfizer trial ,the vaccine trial data that actually has not been made public and apparently pfizer is holding on to it is not going to release it until 2020 four, maybe even 2020 five . senator , given all the public's concerns about these mandates, potential side effects, what does that tell you? look, it is ridiculous. the secrecy that has cloudedve over this .r we had to release all this information to the public, the public has a right to know. the biden administration wants to cloud in secrecy. you look at the biden fda whereh they don't want toe release their data for seventy five years and listen, i'm grateful that we have vaccines. i'm grateful that president trump's started operation warp speed and develop these vaccinesio. ie but i believe in individualit choice. it ought to o be your choice whether or not to get a vaccine and the idea that biden and petty democratic tyrants across the country would order o you would order your childrenr to get a vaccine. it's wrong. just this past week i introduced legislation to repeal the district of columbia has putut a vaccine mandate in for school kids for little children, forcing them to get vaccines. that's's fundamentally wrong. it ought to beou up to parents, not some democratic bureaucrat . now, senator cruz, you'retiat making a big endorsements.aura a very, very important a pennsylvania senate race. you're now endorsing davidng mccormick who has quiteee a resume as people can see here, a obviously military background. bronze star served as ceo of bridgewater associates. dr. is a crowded race got oz and star power over there. aree you concerned that he is too, as some say, establishments ? his fund doesayme a lot of work in china. his former partner ray dalio is pro china to the max. >> are you worried about that ?? have you discussed these issues with him soha i have and i'm not concerned about that . i've known dave for a lot of years and i think he is an exceptionally strong candidate. we've got to win pennsylvania to take the senate.e. and you look at dave's story. i mean he was bornre in pittsburgh, grew up on a christmas tree farm in western pennsylvania. he was a high school wrestler. he was a high school football player. he got appointed to west point. he was the captain of the wrestling team at west point. and i got to say, laura , you and i are lawyers and supreme court clerks. this guy is a bad. he was an army ranger who was w a combat veteran in iraq. he served as a senior government official in the treasury department, the national security council. he was ceo of a big company in pittsburgh creating over a thousand jobs in pennsylvania . and when iter a comes to china,e has stood up to china over and over again on behalf of the national security council, on behalf of the treasury departmentiona. president trump wanted dave to serve in the cabinet and i know dave firsthand. he's strong. he's goti backbone, he's got h principle. and to wine this race we need a fighter. we need someone who will who will go bare knuckles, who will go intol the trenches and it will fight for the people of pennsylvania. and i'm confident i think i there's some good people in the race who i like and respect. but but i think dave is by far the strong strongest candidate to winin this race and to win control of the senate because i think we win pennsylvania and chuck schumer isns no longer majority leader. >>we senator kerry is going to e watching that very closely. and i think i'll be interviewing dave mccormack as well in the coming days.u >> thank you so much. h it's greatav to see you. have a great weekend. great to see you. >> thank you .as the white house a has a new plaw to turn around joanne t carmella's abysmal approval numbers. the ap today notes that biden will put a a greater emphasis on speaking directly to americans and less time in the weeds with lawmakers crafting legislation. oh , that's what he was doing. well,,wh this comes after the washington post reported that kamala is mulling a heavier mediaep schedule aftea months of looking warily at engagements. but is more joemala reallyea what the people want to see who wrote the following? joining me now is ari fleischer ,former white house press secretary for fox news contributor. sorry, ari,er i didn't know joemala was actually going to be in my script. they're trying to make me laugh on a friday night. will this actually help them more face time with the people, more speeches, more town halls, forums or what are they callingt it? interfacing? you know, laura , first it's got a ring like godzilla. so, i think it's very aptly put though it willl not help. and hereee is the problemug and i've been through politics it's not see this andhh because of one party orr the other. i remember when george h.w. w bush was running for reelection in nineteen ninety two and the campaign cut a series of o ads, allf of which were poll tested, fantastic messagespl until people hearde it was fort george h.w. bush and he was qunol w popular when he ran for reelection in 92. nobody believed the messagege. this is the problem when you'reu unpopular as joe biden and kamala harris are. d people don't want to see that the only silver liningwa i can see for the biden team isi that going into a midterm ielection they are only appealing to the most partisan of partizans they need to get the base outns who's not tired f him yet. and so that's the only sliveren that makes sense. but for independence for ticket splitters and of course republicans just seeing him in her reminds people of why they dislike both so much. in now, i was shocked at that poll this past week that showed that only 49% of democrats want joe biden to run forid reelection. know it's remarkableen how badle he's blown it in his first year because he was elected by the democrats and by just enough of the country because they were tired. they didn't want donald trump ju t anymore. so they said we're going ton' take our chances on joe bidenny even though he's seventy eight and we think he's kind of a moderate. i think if he had actually governed to get joe manchin to vote instead of bernie sanders vote, everything would be w different for joe biden right now. but he castou his lot in with the most liberal, with the most progressive and he keeps going even more so in that directionf with all his policies, with alli right afterts a year, you know, the whole world of white house staff shakeups, it's inevitable afterh a bad first yearak or one would think now this is what the media and some biden allies are on to watch from politico. it's on klinz turn in the barrel from nbc news. clayne, under scrutiny as biden biden struggles. so is it ron klain is time to go on to want to know political consulting or whatever the heck is going too. no it is not and i don't know i ron klain but i will defend ron klain in this instance. it's always abou the presidentta . this is notff a staff issue.hi this is about a joe biden issue . this is about joe biden's age. this is about a joe biden's acumen, his sharpness, his judgment, everything that he said for the last year when he made promises toe the american people, all of which turned out to be wrong. all right. i have a great weekend. thank you . and biden looks to hollywood for a boost and its high time for a louisiana state senate candidate raymond arroyo is here with a can't miss friday follies next . join me as we unemployables education of america on foxnation the progressive left is invading american classrooms to advance their agenda. the goal was vital with long valued traditions must be eliminated from a school district. your biggest problem burisma we didn't seem to be that the enemy of science. how can we as parents protect our children? our country is so vital if parents are not allowed to choose what we might summit on foxnation a government leaders and educators and parents around the country public school how do you have any hope today by my parents the educational system is available now and in case mr. lifesize only on foxnation america is streaming. tell you about life insuranceee 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nitric oxide organic concentrated beef is helping thousands of people maintain a healthy blood pressure. naturally we're so confident we're giving customers this amazing risk free offer just text tv to six eight three eight zero for this exclusive tv deal. now it is friday and that means it's time for our fridayme follies. you got it. and for that we turn to fox news contributor raymond arroyon . all right, raymond, tellibut us about this new ad from was advisees inaugural committee. yeah, as the president's poll numbers slip and after that disastrous press or the other day or the biden t harris inaugural committeeha has produced a new ad to mark the one year anniversary of biden ism. >> they've recruited a familiar face america is the home of the brave. it's why we keep getting up no w matter how many times wee get d knocked down. restaurants have opened their doors. zi shopsng and businesses are buzzing again all over the country. tom hanks does not mention that cnbc report laura laurare three point one million americans can't return to work becausen their small businesses have closed down. i mean, the fact that biden shows up c cid at the end of thd in a very brief cameoam that tells you the tale they had to use somebody like toman hanks because to voters biden'sn kryptonite at this point the amazing thing is i the simpsons predicted all of this years ago. hello, i'm tom hanks.el the u.s.lo government has lost its credibility. so it's borrowings some b of my from on my mr hawk. sure. things flora following the playbook. look, it was either it was either this little buttons hanks movie or a springsteen video. s the inauguration committee had to findtion some way to blow this money. >> i guess this looked like a good idea to them. tom hanks doing that commercial and trying to spend, you know,w, gold out of you know, what is i don't know. i thinkou he would have had a more positive effect if he had just been talking that basketball on that island, you know, that would have far more i think you can call this little movie savingnt president biden. that would have been w a better title for that really. speaking of ads, tell me aboutin the new ad kicking up dust in your state. it comes from a democrat senatorial candidate who yeah,>> his name is gary h chambersar and he's challenging senator john kennedy. i i guess he thought this was the best way to start his candidacy on a high every thirty seven seconds someone is arrested for possession of marijuana. most of the people police arele wrestling aren't dealers but rather people with small amounts of potot just like me. i'm gary chambers and i'mmb running for the u.s. senateer and i approve this message. lovely talk. about going up in smoke. this a platform for in a state where the governor just signed a law or reducing penalties for marijuana possession and where the new w orleans d.a. won't even prosecute drug purchases and chambers, by the way, is not the only one trying to b create a new brand which will get to in a moment. but can you believe this ? i mean, our homicides are up 80% in the city of new orleans. alls of this is tied, by the way, to increasing carjackingssi nine carjackings in 15 hours i in new orleans last weekend and we're worried about prosecuting less crimes. i don't thinkut that everything else yeah. >> when you talk to police in the areas that they've legalized marijuana, everyone thinks, oh , it's great, it's going to bee greatre, great, grt . well, it turns out more crime, more violence, more pot comes, across the border because it's cheaper than the stuff you buy s in the stores. keep them numb and dumb. raymond, that's the whole goal. no dumb kids. p. well, it's just a bad brand i think for chambers, particularly when we've got lawlessness everywhere we turn and mars rigleynywhe, a candy company this week, laura , they've announced they've unveiledhe a redesigned bryantan group of eminem characters to be more inclusive and welcoming in progressive world. i'm sure this willin makeg thems much more appetizing to you. oh ,ap my gosh.ey so'd they've gone with ankle bands and the land o'lakes lady. >> that's a god. they should they should have an island of misfit old brands and they should all l live together so the green eminem can be with the sirup ladysy and then, you know, you couldm have them all together and they could talknd about how the old days actually people just enjoyed the products. they weren't really t thinking about politics. all right.ic. well, raymond, wait a minute because put aside side up, okay, what has actually changed? what's what'stualng well, but ae from putting green eminem in sneakers, nothing to ensure all they did was get rid of the high heels she was wearing.w i don't see how this is inclusive or empowering to anybodyy welcoming. in fact, i have to tell you, i resent the entire thing because looking at this granting personhood to food productsttgr, it makes me i like a candy cannibal every time i eat one of these things i have sworn them off entirely.m i only eat junior mints. they no personality, no eyelashes, the new shoe wearsn and i don't hear their screams . i swallow them. so what about what about raymond? where does this leave the fruite pieche loom pieces of fruit. where are they? what's going to happen to those grapes, those grapes the guy's guys are scratching at their waistband trying to control those s unruly fruit of the loom. i don't think i find all of this crazy in a desperate seeking of attention cra. maybe they got it. diversity, equity, inclusion and more cavities. raymond, great to see you. have a great weekend. now how is your taxpayer money being funneled to support china'ss games? a stunning report tonight from congressman mike walts. it's going to infuriate you, i promise if something happened to you, what would happen to them? their home, their education, their future. you need life insurance and chances are select quotes can help you get for less than a 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receive these exclusive offers. thank you and god bless america. influence the shocking details. you're going to learn things gain rush ar before cpac the from the number one fastest growing men's health grant in america. we're just asking people on the street if they support the boycott of the beijing olympics. i mean i'm from beijing so b yeah. so you've got the right personrs that thereon has to be some statement made for to sanction a country that is not respectful for human rights, does want to support the athletes and what they're doingg. but as far as me and my wife and specifically we don't haveie any plans right now to watch the olympics. i think once oly larger organizations, the nba, the mlb ,nfl decided not do any sort of interactions with that government because ofpe the treatment of the people. i think weop can finally maybe cause some change. but unfortunately there's money involved. >> indeed there's money involved. and that was from our man on the street in new york's chinatown. k and that final remark, ofn course, is right on the money pun intended. the international olympic committee, the ioc will ded.reportedly be sending the cp eight hundred million tax free to help with infrastructure for the games. my next guest is looking to hold the ioc accountable. here now is michael waltz, florida congressmanflor. sir, i am stunned, although i don't know why i am that the ioc, which gets some money from the u.s. taxpayers is funnelinge almost a billion dollars to communist china for the games. o what can we do to prevent our money from going along with it? alora today i introduced legislation to strip the ioc of its tax exempt status. it's listed as a five to one c for social welfare organized and itt shouldn't be doing anything. but as it turns a blind eye and aids and abets a chinese communist party with mass , torture, concentration camps, stamping out freedom in hongco kong, threatening taiwang and the list goes t on and on , not to mention covering up covid that's killed nearly six million people around the world. the lastli thing we should be doing is subsidizing withs taxpayer dollars nbc's contract alone with the ioc is seven and a half billion. think of the tax bill just there and half of the ioc revenue comes from american corporations who by the way themselves are completeor hypocritical and are drunk on chinese money. but just like an alcoholic, they're in denial. they want to boycott major league baseball. they want to boycott georgia, but they themselves preach t social justice there but turn a blind eye when it comes the es . and wewe found out, congressman walsh, that nbc news will not be sending any n announcers to the games. greg hughes, the nbc sports senior vp of communicationse , said in a phoe interview with usa usa today that they announced teams formp these olympics, including figure skating, will be callingi the events fromng stamford, connecticut facility supposedly covid concerts. they're concernedco a about the omicron mild variant but not about associating a now and then. by the way, this is why we launched which i know you know about our not one minute campaign that calls a on americans to notme watch a single moment of nbc's broadcast of the olympics given what you end up associating yourself with, which as you said is, torture in any mannerre of all manner of human rights violations. and by the way, the ioc says, well, we don't do politics. and what about the athletes? weha know they didn't take that position when it came toe apartheid in south africa. they banned any olympics in south africa for nearly 30 years and went a step further and rightly and banned the south african olympic team from participating anywhere in the world. but yet it's okayy to be in politics when it comes to south african apartheid but not when it comes to the chinese communists and mass only difference is money and the amount of money involved. well, theyth say getting the tax free on the backs of taxpayer subsidies from the unitedid states. we understand tonight thathe there is a massive corporate lobbying effort underway rightg against your bill. so these multibillion dollar multinational corporations that are housed in the united states and elsewhereporae coming after you. what does that tell you? well, you you know, it's a natil security issue as wellt' because these companies like intel and coca-cola and procter and gamble, they have massive defense department contracts, yet they want to send billionson right over to beijing as they send it to their massive military build. s so i said enough is enough time for choosing where's our corporate patriotism? just one more thing,e congressman. china has officially p warned or athletes that political statements during games are subject to punishment. look what they did to their ownn olympian and tennis star pong shwayta who who leveled a credible sexual assault allegation a, chinese officialin and she disappearedes and who ws complicit in her clearly coerced statement and retraction the ioc so enough is enough there there anything but respectable welfare wokeness now we love it'shaletes, but despicable that we're even participating in thistci propaganda coup for president xi. congressman, we salute you for your efforts and whether or not they succeedhe. >> b you stood for what was rigt and that will be remembered. thank you so much. thank you . are now in the face of catastrophic failure. the white house seems to be encouraging drinking and violence. >> what the last bite explains . let's put frequent. it's time list bathroom or bedroom with , plus a ready get up and not to go. it's still not as try the doctor recommended brand 80% msnbc prefer renascent for over twenty years. superb. the has been the name men thrust for reducing their urges to and it's become the number one supplement recommended by urologists only this advanced formula has to fit three key ingredients to help reduce bathroom trips. it's like taking 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feeling kind of down after one year of a biden.t jenhe psaki has some sage advic. my advice to everyone out theres who's frustrated, sad, angry, f off feel those emotions go to kickboxing class, have a margarita, do whatever you o need ton do this weekend and then wake up on monday morning. >> we got to keep fighting. >> all kidding aside,, that might be the best advice>> from a government official atr least in the lastth year that i've heard. now you wonder, wonder what i'mw wearing. well, i'mea wearing the new camouflage hoodie which is the freedom matters hoodie. so it's new gear usa made at laura ingraham .com. it's very cozy.y a it's cold here in washington, d.c., d and this month all the proceeds will be going to the center for american liberty founded by hami. dylan doing great work for freedome that does it for usve tonight . have a great weekend with a your friends and family. you're blessed to live in this country. let's all remember that and greg gutfeld and allfeld the fun with him is next on clap clap you clap. happy friday, everyone. jesse watters is here. no, no, no, no, don't change it. don't change it. it's going to be great. trust me. so finally, justice has arriveda after all the rampant crime the smash and grabs the subway

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240709

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better and pass on even greater opportunitiesan for your childrn to decide our country's future to determine your future, the future of your childrenne y well, today's liberals claim that everything they're doing on climate change covid the border even ending the filibuster is because they care about the children. but the real truth is very dark and very sinister. issuesors core abortion, gender fluidity, the diversity obsessione, open borders and covid mandates just to name a few actual add up to a war on children from the more than sixty two million babies lost to abortion since nineteen seventy three is roe versus wade to the current fadlu of glamorizing transgenderism in our schools we're witnessing a sustained assault on life and innocencein by adults who themselves are spiritually lost over time it's become kind of fashionable to see children as burdensome, inconvenient, even sometimes harmful to the environment. school age children who are coaxed into early leftwing activism, their celebrated and rewardedt-. c butel those who sit on the sidelines, those who resist the indoctrination on race or gender victimology, they're sidelined or silenced. too many school boards and activist teachers are trying right now to turn ourch children into race obsessed, america hating whiners. >> the free stuff going on with the paper and we want to talk about all a the other things that the that really would create in burismaher and we have to look at it systemically and the qunol out therechoo reay uproot systemic racism. anti-racism work has to beginac by holding up a mirror and taking a hard look atr your own biases. >>ur the mirrors would reflectis a sickening sight, a bunch of venal virtue signaling no nothing bureaucrats the same overpaid officials who care so much about ourea kids that they're fine to see them shivering outside in frigid temperatures eating their lunches for the lie of social distancing. >> these photos are infuriating . nownoo i'm going to say this ul i no longer have breath in my body what blue state politicians did to our kids and canceling in person school ,some of it's still struggling, canceling sports and time on playgrounds. what they're still doing with mask and vacs mandates is s a crime against humanityti. but of course the in the media are they go right along. > obviously we can.he ninety five and ninety five are the most effective but it can t be really hard to find themo in small kids size if you really want to make sure you have one that fits your child's face and you want to layerer the cloth mask over that maskha so the surgical mask goest first and then the cloth mask.d so you hear the grunting along well. anthony fauci in the public health robot that he's inspired see children as potential viral vectors. i'm certainly not innocent little children with robust immune systems. >> we know that six billion kids have had proven they canki get it, they can spread it.ds but the parents worry about sending their kids to school. i mean, that's how a lot of what the kids pick. i don't get it right. good kids bring in kids arepa drivers ofre spread unvaccinateh kids back at school are driving community spread covid what horrible people at many top colleges and universities your kids are forced to submitrr to the covid vaccineib even if they've gotten covered in the past or they'llre lose their education. look at how the university of chicago of all places is harassing that univac football player arthur long that we featured last night on the showe and evennt more galling, the puh online and in colleges now. and i thought i'd heard everything to destigmatize by calling it something else. i used the term minor in texas prison or math ind the title and throughout the book for multiple reasons. it's's less stigmatizing than other terms like. using a term to communicate to someone is attracted to it doesn't indicate anything about the morality of that attraction . minerf attracted persons map. now you'll be relieved to know that individual has been suspended. what suspect suspended? imagine simply reiterated the concerns about voter fraud that led to some of the people showing up on january six .ud he have been fired on the spot for those comments. this is so twisted now of course, all of this is viciously antichild but part of a larger mindset that's been cultivated for decades now. noww no secret that our culture has a selfishness problem. we all o can be selfish, no doubt. and hedonism didn't beginle in the sixtiesm,, but it certainly, you know, ended up getting a big boost with the free love generation. remember, it was all without consequences. that was one of the biggest lies ever told, especially toti women. god. was kicked to the curbch in the schools and theoo t religiously mindedhe became increasingly caricatured in film. now when i was a kid there were a lot of families that had a lot of kids and we all kinded of figured it out. we help each other out. we were neighbors but at some point big families were suddenly considered weird and selfish fringe. but offbi course the opposite is true . children require sacrificeng, children are love. and as mother teresa said, they're our most precious treasures. before i adopted o my three kid, i focused way too much on myself. frankly, i'm not that interesting. it wasn't good. sadly, there are many who believe that children are just potential problems, scientific consensus that the lives of.c children are going to be very difficult and it does lead. i think, young people to have a legitimate question should is it okay to still have children struggles bad? by the way,il struggle is never good by the way they're even taking pledges about this . we're getting people to sign a pledge basically saying that they will not have children until the canadian government take serious p actioe on climate change. i don't really c have a lotvernf hope for the future experience . here is where the pledge came from, these depressing comments. they're just the byproducts of a radical and failing education system and also failure of parenting. but there's some prominent pushback. >> it's completely the opposite . please look at the numbers. if people don't have more children civilization, it's going to crumble. mark my words. en mark, his words indeed. and there are plenty of other: reasons for optimism out there. we've seen it at school board meetings across the country where parents are refusing to allow their children to be pandemic lab rat for indoctrination and experimentation. and we also see hope in the faces of the thousands of young people, including my two sons who gathered today in washington for the annual marched t for life. it's not necessarily convenient or evennno fun to march in freezing dreary washington every year, but it is a powerful statement for the rights of the unborn and to statement to a world that seems so comfortable with the act of discarding the children in that singlere. joining me now is matt walsh, host of the matt walsh show podcast and best selling children's book author matt , i don't think people fully understand how demonic this all is, but we thought this week with that report about teachers and school officials in california grooming children for transgender activism and transgender identity. >> your thoughts on all of this ? yeah, well, first of all, thanks for that monologue was quite, quite powerful and i think you're you're correct toct tight end to begin with with the fact that we're a society modern american society is built on the mass grave of 60 million children. so we've gotten accustomed ton seeing children as a burden that we can just toss tore the side we'ren stepping on the many people in our society walking in in the blood of our children and not hardly even noticing, you know, you drive by many people on your way to work or just doingyo errands or drive by a planned p parenthood and there are people going in there every single day and killing kids. you people grow accustomed to it after a while and then g a conditions you to see kids in a certain way. and then that's why it's noe surprise that when the pandemicn comes along, the health of children i mean like the psychological health because their physical health was never really any serious risk because of covider t their psychological health was just it wasn't even a concern. it wasn't even talked abouthe. it was never even factored in .a and now we're told that's the media's reporting. oh , there's a there'sre anpopi epidemic of mental illnessde among our children. they're going to the emergency room for suicide and they're depressed and. not n that's not that's not mental illness. that's children reacting in an understandable way, in a tragic way to what we have done too them for the last two years. if there's mental illness, it'si in the adultss who have done this to kids. but this is all a cover, ofds course, because we can't admit the adults can't admitul what they've done. so they look for excuses, s mental illness or they blame ito on covid itself and say, oh , covid has caused this problem o again. no, it's not covid it's our w reaction to all of it, whichhion was a reaction t did not even take into account our children at all. now is anti science and antichild and to your point, matt , here's what the new york governor kathy hochul explain about why she thinks masking kids is just so vital. ew ythis is just today. >> my daughter had a meltdown over having to put sneakers on to go to kindergarten. she got used to wearinged sneakers in school. l they just they they adapt better than adults dolt. matt , i don't even know to say in response to this woman. so you take it away so yeah, they they adapt in the sense that they get used to it. it's like a child who suffers physical abuse at home. he quote unquote adaptsom toe. s in the sense he gets used to it. he gets he literally beaten down and accustomed to beingat treated this way to the point where after a while he starts to believe that he deserves it. so that's what you mean by adapt. and sure, we can m call itea adaptation. i would call itdapt damage. i mean kids that the normal thing is for a kid to refuse to wear a mask, something on their face, we try som to put it try o put a hat on a young child. it's i impossible to keep it on them. that's a healthy, normal child . if your child gets to a point where they wear the mask without any complaintsd at all, without fidgeting, without doing anything, then that just means that they've been brokenea down. their brains have been broken, their spirits have been broken and all ofir this is being done. by the way, it's not like this is some misguided effort to protect the kids. p the most is ts me that this is being donehe to protect the adults. it's being done to the adults feel safer around the kids. and that's that'ss the most disgusting thing about it. matt , i want to thank you for being a consistent and oftentimes hilarious voice on this. we need to laugh through some of this pain. so thank you soe,o much.nk >> y thank you . i appreciate it. i would hope that what happensap is the rest of the world does what i'm doing and providesro significant amounts ofvi the vaccine to the rest of to the world because it's nott sufficient that we just have this country not have the viruso . how doun weot move in the direcn where the world itself is vaccinated? >> are you kidding me? what we're witnessing iscc perhaps the biggest immunization lau campaign in history of all mankind.of so a why are we doing when the underlying vaccine data is still being kept secret? a new editorial by dr. peter joshi, associate editor of the peer reviewed bmj, notes that pfizer's pivotal kovács trial was funded by the company and designed run, analyzed, and authored by pfizer employees and pfizer has indicated that it will not begin entertaining requests for data until may of 2020 five . that's all nothing's going back to normal until the world isl vaccinated.n joining me now, kentucky senator rand paul, senator friend of mine who's a researcher himself sent that to me. two issues here. the world has to get vaccinesnt until we goil back to normal. and whyy is pfizer keeping data secret? >> well, here's s the deal. the world is being inoculated by the virus whether they like it or not, people t are getting this by the millions. to getrd world is going this . they're never going to be vaccinated, but the whole entire world is being inoculated as we speak. over half of my staff has had the omicron variety and spread throughoutut my community. m everybody i knowy is getting i. you will be inoculated one wayul or but it's notor going to be from big pharma. you're going to be inoculated by nature. and what we've found is the natural infection. you may want it and people unfortunately still will die from it. but if you get it and survive, it is giving profound immunity and then giving an immunity better than the vaccine because the disease is now evading the vaccine for the most. they don't care. they don't care. senator senator paul. they don't care about that . they don't care about nassauer . it's not really right. yeah, but ultimately enough people it's getting out there. it's not a secret. they can't keep this a secret forever. even the ncaa the other day decided that they're going to count natural immunity. n nowat it's for a pitiful ninety days. t wa yearsi've had it for now and have immunity. b sobeca the thing is, is theyth measured immunity frome a sarsy virus in 2004, 17 years later,et they were able to detect immunity. they measure immunity from the two from- two a 1918 spania flu. theyrsla discovered that people were stillim living 90 yearsti later, still had immunity.ll so immunity works is largely long lasting, doesn't prevent infection entirely. you not a like getting the omicron. you're going to have some h immunity and resist hospitalizedav and death. allth right. that i think we know that . butt the question is how do you force the federal government to recognize this and stop trampling on people's rights with these mandates o? buti' i got to get to dr. fauci because he offered let me just play then you can get back to that. he offered senator paul a doomsdayre prediction the othr day saying that the worst case s scenario is we're on our way there and we getno hit with another variant that actually eludes immune protection. ct senator , i don't want to say it's wishful thinking, but it's almost wishful thinking at this point. >> the man never fails to have the most pessimistic outlook possible and an outlookpo that requires more government intervention and at output, by the way, that also elevates him to diva status so he can keep telling us what to do. the bottom line is this pandemic will end when we e quit telling people to get tested who are notnd that'se the first thing that han to happen. and it's also going to end when people economically they've r shut down d.c. they've unilaterally h just ruined the city of d.c. you can't come there as a tourist, can't tour the capital and you can't go to restaurants. well, guess what ? with a restaurant finally pushed back when they march telle streets, we all people to take a flying leap. you're not going to come in my restaurant, enforce any mandate . that's when this will end. but it's going to take resistance, economic resistance by restaurant and hotel owners in these blue cities where democrats are forcingit these mandates. senator , i need to getr your thoughts on another thing. californiath is looking to further undermine parents. the first bill out off the california newly formed vaccine caucus would allowthve children 12 and older to receive vaccinations without their parents consent. senator , we know they've wanted to put a wedge between children and their parents for a long time and a lot of issues . but this kind of takes the cake . i believe it's medical iic malpractise to force vaccinesal on children, particularly adolescent males. we now haveen, the scientific evidence m. itth shows the risk of myocarditis for young males isac greater for the vaccine than itf is for the disease. we alsoor know that the disease, the death rate is closer to one in a million. we also know that the more you get the vaccine, the higher your risk of heart itis. so 90% of the makara i just came with the second vaccinene. what do you think it happens when you give them a third vaccine? i think universities like chicago, princeton, yale that are mandating young malesal get a third t i think they're going to be open to liability if any of these boys, these young men oren women get myocarditis g or god forbid dies, they're going to g be open to liability because they're goingoi b against the science. but you have such left wing academics whose head in the sand and just the go. dr. fauci wants us to do what we should do it they're not thinking about this , but they are going to be open to big time liability for forcingng this vaccine on kids. senator paul, as usual, thank you so important tonight and the white house has a plan to turnn h around biden's poll numbers. how exciting. more time with the american people. ri that's all he needs. senator ted cruz and ari fleischer have reaction moments if something happened to you, what would happen to them? their home, their education, their future? you need life insurance and chances are select quote can help you get it for less than a dollar a day. select quote found jacob 40 a 500 thousand dollar policy for only nineteen dollars a month and select quotes about his wife wendy of five hundred thousand dollar policy for only 17 dollars a month. our secret that select quote we aggressively comparison shop to ten highly rated companies to find you the company with the best rates we found gary thirty five a one million dollar policy for only twenty two dollars a month. why pay more ? give your family the 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>> the reason we're not going to have time for questions now is these guys got to get quickly on the plane and go out and do a major announcement in ohio and you guys willou asku ssme about russia and not about anything having to do with d chipps. joining me now is texas senator ted cruz. allxa so good to see youee tonight . now what does this say that the president of the united states after screwing upes his answer on russia and other matters fors that matter,ia he doesn't want e answer anything. he had to go get the dog room or something like i got to say, it's pitiful. it almost makes you feel sorry for him. over his head. if you look at what biden has done on russia, it's the same thing he's done in china. t it'shi the same thing he's done on iran. it's the same thing s he's done with the taliban, which is he's shown weakness. he's surrendered to vladimir putin. just last week i forced a vote in the u.s. senate to impose sanctions on russia to stop the russian pipeline from to germany. nord stream two that was sanctions legislation, bipartisan legislation i authored we passed into law donald trump signed it into law. we shut i that pipeline down whn joe biden got elected, he waived those sanctions, gave a multibillion dollar gift to putin. and it is why there are russiana troops and russian tanksha on the border of ukraine right now because biden has been sot' weak he has surrendered essentially to putin and that's whyden i didn't want to answer questions on it because you can't defend what when biden stands up and essentially says, well, maybe a little invasion of ukraine, i you know, what's what's a few tanks between i friends that's really sad to see an american president demonstrate that much weakness . i wantnt to move to a covered related issue that came up today. the editor of the peer reviewed bmj noted that the pfizer trial ,the vaccine trial data that actually has not been made public and apparently pfizer is holding on to it is not going to release it until 2020 four, maybe even 2020 five . senator , given all the public's concerns about these mandates, potential side effects, what does that tell you? look, it is ridiculous. the secrecy that has cloudedve over this .r we had to release all this information to the public, the public has a right to know. the biden administration wants to cloud in secrecy. you look at the biden fda whereh they don't want toe release their data for seventy five years and listen, i'm grateful that we have vaccines. i'm grateful that president trump's started operation warp speed and develop these vaccinesio. ie but i believe in individualit choice. it ought to o be your choice whether or not to get a vaccine and the idea that biden and petty democratic tyrants across the country would order o you would order your childrenr to get a vaccine. it's wrong. just this past week i introduced legislation to repeal the district of columbia has putut a vaccine mandate in for school kids for little children, forcing them to get vaccines. that's's fundamentally wrong. it ought to beou up to parents, not some democratic bureaucrat . now, senator cruz, you'retiat making a big endorsements.aura a very, very important a pennsylvania senate race. you're now endorsing davidng mccormick who has quiteee a resume as people can see here, a obviously military background. bronze star served as ceo of bridgewater associates. dr. is a crowded race got oz and star power over there. aree you concerned that he is too, as some say, establishments ? his fund doesayme a lot of work in china. his former partner ray dalio is pro china to the max. >> are you worried about that ?? have you discussed these issues with him soha i have and i'm not concerned about that . i've known dave for a lot of years and i think he is an exceptionally strong candidate. we've got to win pennsylvania to take the senate.e. and you look at dave's story. i mean he was bornre in pittsburgh, grew up on a christmas tree farm in western pennsylvania. he was a high school wrestler. he was a high school football player. he got appointed to west point. he was the captain of the wrestling team at west point. and i got to say, laura , you and i are lawyers and supreme court clerks. this guy is a bad. he was an army ranger who was w a combat veteran in iraq. he served as a senior government official in the treasury department, the national security council. he was ceo of a big company in pittsburgh creating over a thousand jobs in pennsylvania . and when iter a comes to china,e has stood up to china over and over again on behalf of the national security council, on behalf of the treasury departmentiona. president trump wanted dave to serve in the cabinet and i know dave firsthand. he's strong. he's goti backbone, he's got h principle. and to wine this race we need a fighter. we need someone who will who will go bare knuckles, who will go intol the trenches and it will fight for the people of pennsylvania. and i'm confident i think i there's some good people in the race who i like and respect. but but i think dave is by far the strong strongest candidate to winin this race and to win control of the senate because i think we win pennsylvania and chuck schumer isns no longer majority leader. >>we senator kerry is going to e watching that very closely. and i think i'll be interviewing dave mccormack as well in the coming days.u >> thank you so much. h it's greatav to see you. have a great weekend. great to see you. >> thank you .as the white house a has a new plaw to turn around joanne t carmella's abysmal approval numbers. the ap today notes that biden will put a a greater emphasis on speaking directly to americans and less time in the weeds with lawmakers crafting legislation. oh , that's what he was doing. well,,wh this comes after the washington post reported that kamala is mulling a heavier mediaep schedule aftea months of looking warily at engagements. but is more joemala reallyea what the people want to see who wrote the following? joining me now is ari fleischer ,former white house press secretary for fox news contributor. sorry, ari,er i didn't know joemala was actually going to be in my script. they're trying to make me laugh on a friday night. will this actually help them more face time with the people, more speeches, more town halls, forums or what are they callingt it? interfacing? you know, laura , first it's got a ring like godzilla. so, i think it's very aptly put though it willl not help. and hereee is the problemug and i've been through politics it's not see this andhh because of one party orr the other. i remember when george h.w. w bush was running for reelection in nineteen ninety two and the campaign cut a series of o ads, allf of which were poll tested, fantastic messagespl until people hearde it was fort george h.w. bush and he was qunol w popular when he ran for reelection in 92. nobody believed the messagege. this is the problem when you'reu unpopular as joe biden and kamala harris are. d people don't want to see that the only silver liningwa i can see for the biden team isi that going into a midterm ielection they are only appealing to the most partisan of partizans they need to get the base outns who's not tired f him yet. and so that's the only sliveren that makes sense. but for independence for ticket splitters and of course republicans just seeing him in her reminds people of why they dislike both so much. in now, i was shocked at that poll this past week that showed that only 49% of democrats want joe biden to run forid reelection. know it's remarkableen how badle he's blown it in his first year because he was elected by the democrats and by just enough of the country because they were tired. they didn't want donald trump ju t anymore. so they said we're going ton' take our chances on joe bidenny even though he's seventy eight and we think he's kind of a moderate. i think if he had actually governed to get joe manchin to vote instead of bernie sanders vote, everything would be w different for joe biden right now. but he castou his lot in with the most liberal, with the most progressive and he keeps going even more so in that directionf with all his policies, with alli right afterts a year, you know, the whole world of white house staff shakeups, it's inevitable afterh a bad first yearak or one would think now this is what the media and some biden allies are on to watch from politico. it's on klinz turn in the barrel from nbc news. clayne, under scrutiny as biden biden struggles. so is it ron klain is time to go on to want to know political consulting or whatever the heck is going too. no it is not and i don't know i ron klain but i will defend ron klain in this instance. it's always abou the presidentta . this is notff a staff issue.hi this is about a joe biden issue . this is about joe biden's age. this is about a joe biden's acumen, his sharpness, his judgment, everything that he said for the last year when he made promises toe the american people, all of which turned out to be wrong. all right. i have a great weekend. thank you . and biden looks to hollywood for a boost and its high time for a louisiana state senate candidate raymond arroyo is here with a can't miss friday follies next . join me as we unemployables education of america on foxnation the progressive left is invading american classrooms to advance their agenda. the goal was vital with long valued traditions must be eliminated from a school district. your biggest problem burisma we didn't seem to be that the enemy of science. how can we as parents protect our children? our country is so vital if parents are not allowed to choose what we might summit on foxnation a government leaders and educators and parents around the country public school how do you have any hope today by my parents the educational system is available now and in case mr. lifesize only on foxnation america is streaming. tell you about life insuranceee 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laurare three point one million americans can't return to work becausen their small businesses have closed down. i mean, the fact that biden shows up c cid at the end of thd in a very brief cameoam that tells you the tale they had to use somebody like toman hanks because to voters biden'sn kryptonite at this point the amazing thing is i the simpsons predicted all of this years ago. hello, i'm tom hanks.el the u.s.lo government has lost its credibility. so it's borrowings some b of my from on my mr hawk. sure. things flora following the playbook. look, it was either it was either this little buttons hanks movie or a springsteen video. s the inauguration committee had to findtion some way to blow this money. >> i guess this looked like a good idea to them. tom hanks doing that commercial and trying to spend, you know,w, gold out of you know, what is i don't know. i thinkou he would have had a more positive effect if he had just been talking that basketball on that island, you know, that would have far more i think you can call this little movie savingnt president biden. that would have been w a better title for that really. speaking of ads, tell me aboutin the new ad kicking up dust in your state. it comes from a democrat senatorial candidate who yeah,>> his name is gary h chambersar and he's challenging senator john kennedy. i i guess he thought this was the best way to start his candidacy on a high every thirty seven seconds someone is arrested for possession of marijuana. most of the people police arele wrestling aren't dealers but rather people with small amounts of potot just like me. i'm gary chambers and i'mmb running for the u.s. senateer and i approve this message. lovely talk. about going up in smoke. this a platform for in a state where the governor just signed a law or reducing penalties for marijuana possession and where the new w orleans d.a. won't even prosecute drug purchases and chambers, by the way, is not the only one trying to b create a new brand which will get to in a moment. but can you believe this ? i mean, our homicides are up 80% in the city of new orleans. alls of this is tied, by the way, to increasing carjackingssi nine carjackings in 15 hours i in new orleans last weekend and we're worried about prosecuting less crimes. i don't thinkut that everything else yeah. >> when you talk to police in the areas that they've legalized marijuana, everyone thinks, oh , it's great, it's going to bee greatre, great, grt . well, it turns out more crime, more violence, more pot comes, across the border because it's cheaper than the stuff you buy s in the stores. keep them numb and dumb. raymond, that's the whole goal. no dumb kids. p. well, it's just a bad brand i think for chambers, particularly when we've got lawlessness everywhere we turn and mars rigleynywhe, a candy company this week, laura , they've announced they've unveiledhe a redesigned bryantan group of eminem characters to be more inclusive and welcoming in progressive world. i'm sure this willin makeg thems much more appetizing to you. oh ,ap my gosh.ey so'd they've gone with ankle bands and the land o'lakes lady. >> that's a god. they should they should have an island of misfit old brands and they should all l live together so the green eminem can be with the sirup ladysy and then, you know, you couldm have them all together and they could talknd about how the old days actually people just enjoyed the products. they weren't really t thinking about politics. all right.ic. well, raymond, wait a minute because put aside side up, okay, what has actually changed? what's what'stualng well, but ae from putting green eminem in sneakers, nothing to ensure all they did was get rid of the high heels she was wearing.w i don't see how this is inclusive or empowering to anybodyy welcoming. in fact, i have to tell you, i resent the entire thing because looking at this granting personhood to food productsttgr, it makes me i like a candy cannibal every time i eat one of these things i have sworn them off entirely.m i only eat junior mints. they no personality, no eyelashes, the new shoe wearsn and i don't hear their screams . i swallow them. so what about what about raymond? where does this leave the fruite pieche loom pieces of fruit. where are they? what's going to happen to those grapes, those grapes the guy's guys are scratching at their waistband trying to control those s unruly fruit of the loom. i don't think i find all of this crazy in a desperate seeking of attention cra. maybe they got it. diversity, equity, inclusion and more cavities. raymond, great to see you. have a great weekend. now how is your taxpayer money being funneled to support china'ss games? a stunning report tonight from congressman mike walts. it's going to infuriate you, i promise if something happened to you, what would happen to them? their home, their education, their future. you need life insurance and chances are select quotes can help you get for less than a 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receive these exclusive offers. thank you and god bless america. influence the shocking details. you're going to learn things gain rush ar before cpac the from the number one fastest growing men's health grant in america. we're just asking people on the street if they support the boycott of the beijing olympics. i mean i'm from beijing so b yeah. so you've got the right personrs that thereon has to be some statement made for to sanction a country that is not respectful for human rights, does want to support the athletes and what they're doingg. but as far as me and my wife and specifically we don't haveie any plans right now to watch the olympics. i think once oly larger organizations, the nba, the mlb ,nfl decided not do any sort of interactions with that government because ofpe the treatment of the people. i think weop can finally maybe cause some change. but unfortunately there's money involved. >> indeed there's money involved. and that was from our man on the street in new york's chinatown. k and that final remark, ofn course, is right on the money pun intended. the international olympic committee, the ioc will ded.reportedly be sending the cp eight hundred million tax free to help with infrastructure for the games. my next guest is looking to hold the ioc accountable. here now is michael waltz, florida congressmanflor. sir, i am stunned, although i don't know why i am that the ioc, which gets some money from the u.s. taxpayers is funnelinge almost a billion dollars to communist china for the games. o what can we do to prevent our money from going along with it? alora today i introduced legislation to strip the ioc of its tax exempt status. it's listed as a five to one c for social welfare organized and itt shouldn't be doing anything. but as it turns a blind eye and aids and abets a chinese communist party with mass , torture, concentration camps, stamping out freedom in hongco kong, threatening taiwang and the list goes t on and on , not to mention covering up covid that's killed nearly six million people around the world. the lastli thing we should be doing is subsidizing withs taxpayer dollars nbc's contract alone with the ioc is seven and a half billion. think of the tax bill just there and half of the ioc revenue comes from american corporations who by the way themselves are completeor hypocritical and are drunk on chinese money. but just like an alcoholic, they're in denial. they want to boycott major league baseball. they want to boycott georgia, but they themselves preach t social justice there but turn a blind eye when it comes the es . and wewe found out, congressman walsh, that nbc news will not be sending any n announcers to the games. greg hughes, the nbc sports senior vp of communicationse , said in a phoe interview with usa usa today that they announced teams formp these olympics, including figure skating, will be callingi the events fromng stamford, connecticut facility supposedly covid concerts. they're concernedco a about the omicron mild variant but not about associating a now and then. by the way, this is why we launched which i know you know about our not one minute campaign that calls a on americans to notme watch a single moment of nbc's broadcast of the olympics given what you end up associating yourself with, which as you said is, torture in any mannerre of all manner of human rights violations. and by the way, the ioc says, well, we don't do politics. and what about the athletes? weha know they didn't take that position when it came toe apartheid in south africa. they banned any olympics in south africa for nearly 30 years and went a step further and rightly and banned the south african olympic team from participating anywhere in the world. but yet it's okayy to be in politics when it comes to south african apartheid but not when it comes to the chinese communists and mass only difference is money and the amount of money involved. well, theyth say getting the tax free on the backs of taxpayer subsidies from the unitedid states. we understand tonight thathe there is a massive corporate lobbying effort underway rightg against your bill. so these multibillion dollar multinational corporations that are housed in the united states and elsewhereporae coming after you. what does that tell you? well, you you know, it's a natil security issue as wellt' because these companies like intel and coca-cola and procter and gamble, they have massive defense department contracts, yet they want to send billionson right over to beijing as they send it to their massive military build. s so i said enough is enough time for choosing where's our corporate patriotism? just one more thing,e congressman. china has officially p warned or athletes that political statements during games are subject to punishment. look what they did to their ownn olympian and tennis star pong shwayta who who leveled a credible sexual assault allegation a, chinese officialin and she disappearedes and who ws complicit in her clearly coerced statement and retraction the ioc so enough is enough there there anything but respectable welfare wokeness now we love it'shaletes, but despicable that we're even participating in thistci propaganda coup for president xi. congressman, we salute you for your efforts and whether or not they succeedhe. >> b you stood for what was rigt and that will be remembered. thank you so much. thank you . are now in the face of catastrophic failure. the white house seems to be encouraging drinking and violence. >> what the last bite explains . let's put frequent. it's time list bathroom or bedroom with , plus a ready get up and not to go. it's still not as try the doctor recommended brand 80% msnbc prefer renascent for over twenty years. superb. the has been the name men thrust for reducing their urges to and it's become the number one supplement recommended by urologists only this advanced formula has to fit three key ingredients to help reduce bathroom trips. it's like taking 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feeling kind of down after one year of a biden.t jenhe psaki has some sage advic. my advice to everyone out theres who's frustrated, sad, angry, f off feel those emotions go to kickboxing class, have a margarita, do whatever you o need ton do this weekend and then wake up on monday morning. >> we got to keep fighting. >> all kidding aside,, that might be the best advice>> from a government official atr least in the lastth year that i've heard. now you wonder, wonder what i'mw wearing. well, i'mea wearing the new camouflage hoodie which is the freedom matters hoodie. so it's new gear usa made at laura ingraham .com. it's very cozy.y a it's cold here in washington, d.c., d and this month all the proceeds will be going to the center for american liberty founded by hami. dylan doing great work for freedome that does it for usve tonight . have a great weekend with a your friends and family. you're blessed to live in this country. let's all remember that and greg gutfeld and allfeld the fun with him is next on clap clap you clap. happy friday, everyone. jesse watters is here. no, no, no, no, don't change it. don't change it. it's going to be great. trust me. so finally, justice has arriveda after all the rampant crime the smash and grabs the subway

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Stillim Living 90 Yearsti , Immunity Ll , 1918 , 17 , 2004 , 90 , Lo , H Immunity , Hospitalizedav , Omicron , Death , Allth Right , Doesn T Prevent Infection , Paul A , Case , Rights , Prediction , Trampling , Buti , Doomsdayre , Variant , Man , Wishful Thinking , Thinking , Scenario , Outlook , Protection , Outlookpo , Pandemic , Bottom Line , Diva Status , Output , Government Intervention , City , Tourist , Notnd Sick Th That Se , Can T Tour The Capital , Restaurants , Restaurant , Resistance , Mandate , Flying Leap , Telle Streets , Guess What , Democrats , Bill , Hotel , Cities , Vaccine Caucus , Owners , Californiath , Cake , Vaccinations , Consent , Wedge , 12 , Males , Myocarditis , Evidence , Males Isac Greater , Itf , Iic Malpractise , M Itth , One In A Million , Death Rate , Second Vaccinene , Heart Itis , Makara , A Million , Men , Liability , Yale , Chicago , Any , Universities , Malesal , Boys , Princeton , Oren Women Get Myocarditis G , God Forbid , Head , Big Time , Sand , Wing , Go , Academics , Goingoi B , Plan , White House , Poll Numbers , Ari Fleischer , Turnn H , Ri , Quote , Chances , Life Insurance , Quotes , Wife , Dollar Policy , Five Hundred Thousand Dollar , 500 Thousand Dollar , 40 , Five Hundred Thousand , 17 Dollars , 500 Thousand , Nineteen Dollars , Companies , Rates , Pay , Thirty Five , One Million , Ten , Twenty Two , Twenty Two Dollars , One Million Dollar , Price , Family , Insurance , Security , Quote Com Now , Text , 32 , Commission , Real Estate , Network , Agent , Commissions , Service , Icing , Twelve Thousand , Process , Payments , Mortgage , Friends , Agents , Results , Discount Brokers , Work , Son , Pride , Tv , Mondays , Safe , Cleaning Lady , Wouldn T , Fox , Cpac , Hulu , A Song For You , Request , Trumpian You Couldn T , Obamagate , Biden , Inflation , Hulu Plus His , Youtube , Om , One Hundred And Fifty Nine Dollars , One Hundred And Fifty Nine , President , Reason , Questions , Russia , Plane , Guys , Announcement , Allxa , Youee Tonight , Guys Willou , Texas , Asku Ssme , Ohio , Matter , Answer , Matters , Dog Room , Upes , Ia He Doesn T Want E , Thing S , Communist China , Pitiful , T It Shi , Iran , Vote , Sanctions , Nord Stream , Weakness , Pipeline , Sanctions Legislation , U S Senate , Vladimir Putin , Taliban , Germany , Legislation , Law , Dollar Gift , Donald Trump , Got Elected , Russiana , Russian Tanksha , Putin , Ukraine , Whyden , Troops , Issue , Tanks , Invasion , Editor , Pfizer Trial , Secrecy , Public , Side Effects , Cloudedve , Four , Information , Right , Administration , Toe , Biden Fda Whereh , Seventy Five , Vaccines , Idea , Choice , Ie , Trump , Vaccinesio , Speed , Individualit , Operation Warp , Childrenr , Vaccine Mandate , Tyrants , Putut , You Retiat Making A Big Endorsements Aura , School Kids , Pennsylvania Senate , Bureaucrat , That S , Ceo , Davidng Mccormick , Background , Bronze Star , Quiteee , Bridgewater Associates , Ray Dalio , Establishments , Star Power , Fund , Aree You , Got Oz , Dave Mccormack , Candidate , Pennsylvania , Story , Dave S , Senate E , Western Pennsylvania , High School Football Player , Wrestling Team , High School Wrestler , West Point , Captain , Pittsburgh , Christmas Tree Farm , Bornre , Guy , Government Official , Laura Laurare , Army Ranger , Bad , National Security Council , Clerks , Supreme Court , Lawyers , Treasury Department , Iraq , Wa Combat Veteran , Behalf , Jobs , Treasury Departmentiona , Iter , A Thousand , Fighter , Got H Principle , Cabinet , Goti Backbone , Bare Knuckles , Control , Senate , Respect , Trenches , Majority Leader , H It , Greatav , Isns , Chuck Schumer , On Americans , Ap , Approval Numbers , Plaw , Joanne T Carmella , Aa Greater Emphasis , Wh , Weeds , Lawmakers , Engagements , Mediaep , Kamala Harris , Joemala Reallyea , Washington Post , Contributor , Following , White House Press Secretary , Script , Er I Didn T Know Joemala , Friday Night , Interfacing , Speeches , Forums , Town Halls , Politics , Hereee , Problemug , Godzilla , Andhh , Ring , W Bush , Poll , Reelection , Allf , Nineteen Ninety Two , Series , Orr , Qunol W , Fort George H W , Fantastic Messagespl , The Other , Ninety Two , Problem , Nobody , People Don T , Silver , Liningwa , Ielection , Messagege , Biden Team Isi , 92 , Base Outns , Sliveren , Partizans , Partisan , Ticket Splitters , Independence , Badle He , Forid Reelection , 49 , Joe Bidenny , Moderate , Ju T , Joe Manchin , Bernie Sanders , Seventy Eight , Policies , Alli Right Afterts A Year , Directionf , Progressive , Liberal , Nbc News , Afterh , Allies , Politico , Yearak , Barrel , Klinz , Whatever , Heck , Ron Klain , Struggles , Consulting , Scrutiny , Clayne , Presidentta , His Sharpness , Age , Promises , Instance , Judgment , Notff , Can T , Louisiana State Senate , Hollywood , Goal , Classrooms , Agenda , America On Foxnation , Progressive Left , School District , Traditions , Biggest , Enemy , Educators , Government Leaders , Summit On Foxnation , Mr , System , Public School , Foxnation America , Lifesize , Budget , B , Pen Program , Life Insuranceee , Buyhe , 50 , Eighty Five , Ps , Medications , Coverage , Smoker , Sb54 , Nine , Nine Dollars , Sixty Five , Number , Fixed Income , Income , Populars , Fifty Tole , 80 , Fifty , Ee , Program , Rate , Exam , Whole Life Insurance , Money Back Guarantee , Options , Guaranteedth , Acceptance , Lifetime Rate Lock , Youck Cang , 30 , Beneficiary , Loved Ones , Planner , Guide , Wishes , Direction , Calling , Gift , Eight Hundred Two , 1 , 800 , Friend , Bit , Talk , 911 , Playoff , Seven , Money , Relationships , Bakehouse , Spring Joe Millionaire , Thirty , Blood Pressure , Blood Flow , Snap , Energy Slump , Crystal , Snap Nutrient , Energy Levels , Nitrates , Nitric Oxide Organic , Nitric Oxide , Oxygen , Circulation , Blood Vessels , Smap , Snap Nitric Oxide , Tv Deal , Game Changer , Condition , Shaker , Bottle , Eight , Zero , Customers , Offer , Ad , Raymond Arroyon , Tellibut , Biden T Harris Inaugural Committeeha , Press , Advisees Inaugural Committee , Anniversary , Times , Home Of The Brave , Doors , Zi Shopsng , Biden Ism , Tom Hanks , Businesses , Thd , The End , Cnbc , C Cid , Brief Cameoam , Somebody , Simpsons , Kryptonite , Toman Hanks , Tale , Borrowings , Credibility , Hawk , Tom Hanks El , Video , Movie , Playbook , S The Inauguration Committee , Buttons , Spend , Springsteen , Island , Basketball , Effect , Gold , Savingnt , Ads , Name , Marijuana , Wrestling Aren T , John Kennedy Ii , Candidacy , Possession , Gary H Chambersar , Thirty Seven , Senateer , Message , Smoke , Platform , Gary Chambers , Potot , I Mmb Running , Brand , Won T , Marijuana Possession , Penalties , Drug Purchases , Orleans D A , Carjackings , Homicides , Alls , City Of New Orleans , 15 , Everyone , Violence , Crime , I Don T Thinkut , Areas , Pot , Crimes , Bee Greatre , Grt , Raymond , Candy Company , Chambers , Everywhere , Stores , Lawlessness , P Well , Mars Rigleynywhe , Progressive World , Green Eminem , Group , Characters , Appetizing , Makeg Thems , Brands , Ankle Bands , Lady , L , Ey , Gosh , Land O Lakes , Products , Side Up , Sirup Ladysy , Right Ic , Wi Don T , Ae , High Heels , Personhood , Personality , Candy Cannibal , Junior Mints , Food Productsttgr , Grapes , Fruit , Screams , Pieces , Eyelashes , Leave , Shoe Wearsn , Fruite Pieche , Diversity , Waistband , Crazy , Equity , Inclusion , Scratching , Fruit Of The Loom , Desperate Seeking Of Attention Cra , Games , Taxpayer Money , Cavities , Congressman Mike Walts , Dollar A Day Select Quote , Forty , Policy , Wife Wendy , Seventeen Dollars , Seventeen , Text Quote , Allergies , Droplets , Breathing , Steam , Ultra , Sinuses , Steam Inhaler , Heart , Hundreds , Designs , Shipping , Order , Last , Mike Lindell , Support , Pillow , Mypillow Council , Size , Prices , Product , Example , Pills , Slippers , Beds , Bathrobe , Sleepwear , Promo Code , Pilates , Fit , Queen , King , Seventy Nine , Twenty Nine , Ninety Eight , Sixty Nine , Offers , Screen , Mypillow , Thirty Four , Eighty Nine , Details , God Bless America , Men S Health Grant In America , Street , Rush Ar , Boycott , Personrs , Beijing Olympics , Beijing , Olympics , Athletes , Plans , Nba , Human Rights , Doingg , Government , Treatment , Change , Interactions , Weop , Sort , Ofpe , Ofn Course , International Olympic Committee , Remark , Chinatown , Man On The Street , Will Ded , Guest , Accountable , Infrastructure , Florida Congressmanflor , Michael Waltz , Eight Hundred Million , Taxpayers , Sir , A Billion , A Billion Dollars , Tax Exempt Status , Alora , Eye , Aids , Mass , Chinese Communist Party , Social Welfare Organized , Up Covid , Goes T On And , Torture , Concentration Camps , Threatening Taiwang , Stamping Out Freedom In Hongco Kong , Six Million , Contract , Tax Bill , Revenue , Lastli , Withs , Corporations , Preach T Social Justice , Denial , Alcoholic , Georgia , Chinese , Greg Hughes , Communicationse , Announcers , Es , Congressman Walsh , Wewe , Nbc Sports , Phoe , Concerts , Interview , Teams , Events , Usa Today , Figure Skating , Callingi , Fromng Stamford , Connecticut , Now And Then , Human Rights Violations , Mannerre , Manner , Broadcast , Step , Toe Apartheid In South Africa , Weha , We Don T , South Africa , Anywhere , Rightly , Communists , Difference , Okayy , South African Olympic Team , South African Apartheid , Amount , States , Backs , Taxpayer Subsidies , Lobbying , Unitedid , Dollar , Security Issue , Elsewhereporae , Wellt , Natil , Military Build , Defense , Department Contracts , Intel , Billionson , Procter And Gamble , Coca Cola , Congressman , Statements , Patriotism , Punishment , Officialin , Sexual Assault Allegation A , Who , Ws , She Disappearedes , Ownn Olympian And Tennis Star Pong Shwayta , Retraction , Welfare Wokeness , It Shaletes , Thistci , Propaganda Coup , President Xi , Efforts , Drinking , Bite , Catastrophic Failure , Rigt , It S Time , Bathroom , Doctor , Bedroom , Msnbc , Superb , Twenty , Formula , Men Thrust , Urges , Ingredients , Supplement , Urologists , Bathroom Trips , Brand Urologist , Supplements , Water , Selling , Wal Mart , Hospital , Monday A , Grandparents , Socialism , Stop It , Dangers , Mike Huckabee , Real Estate Agents Experience , Kids Fight Socialism , Video Lesson , Magazine , Transaction , Low , Solar System , Idil , House , Neighborhood , Twenty Five Thousand Dollars , Twenty Five Thousand , Properties , Obligation , Ideal , Word , Thirty Thousand Dollars , Thirty Thousand , Sleep Apnea , Weight , People Thinking , Shamed , Aisle , Airplane , Clothes , Health Coaching Program , Left , Generation , Stitch , Band Aid , Scar , Person , Model , Aches , Procedure , Complications , Risks , First Class , Food , Voting , Surgery , Wow , Stairs , Lap Band , Benefits , Obstruction , A Hundred And Twenty , Thirteen , Twelve , One Hundred Twenty , One Hundred And Three , One Hundred And Thirty Seven , Patients , Average , Remission , Diabetes , Studies , Dana Perino , Lfn Com Today , Bill Hemmer , 73 , 65 , Perspective , Feeling , Contrast , Biden T , Podcast , Fox News Weathertech , Advice , Theres , Sad , Margarita , Emotions , Sage Advic , Kickboxing Class , Jenhe Psaki , Angry , Camouflage Hoodie , Kidding , Fighting , Lastth , Monday Morning , Wonder , I Mea , Dylan Doing Great Work , Proceeds , Center , Freedom , Freedome , Cold , Hoodie , American Liberty Founded , Gear Usa , Hami , Usve , Let , Allfeld , Clap , Greg Gutfeld , Justice , No Ng Don T Change It , Smash , Arriveda , Subway , Don T Change , Jesse Watters ,

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