Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream 20240709

have identified the man seen on a chilling surveillance video a a suspect in a the fatal stabbing of the ucla grad student. grade video shows him buying a et is 7-eleven just 30 minutes after her murder. how it shining a spotlight on violent crime in big cities across america. an update to a story we brought you last night from the planned rollout of 5g technology by verizon and at&t on wednesday causing major airlines to warn of a potential aviation crisis that could interfere with critical navigation systems at airports and on planes. we begin tonight with with the white house is calling a succes story, president biden's first full year in office the white house correspondent taking a closer look at that claim tonight for us. >> on the eve of his first full year in office, joe biden wants all americans to know is you just pointed out that yes, they will finally be able to order for free covid test kits for household. its covid they're are also some members o his own party tonight that are ratcheting up their criticism o the white house which in their opinion didn't expand testing nearly soon enough. to give the administration either knew or should have know that testing shortages we're occurring across the country th letter read, steps to increase testing access should have happened before the current wav hit. not several weeks into the surge . >> we can't guarantee there won't be a bug or two, but the best seen across the ministration working hard to make this a success. >> they also slammed this shipping timeline of the kids sevendust make 12 days, the first orders going out in late january, moreover they charge the ministration failed to plan for collecting data on the home positivity rates, forcing some states and towns to fit ten for themselves and check test results. with deepening angst over losse on capitol hill sagging poll numbers nationwide, foreign policy setbacks and surging covid cases, the white house desperate to change the subject host their present speech marking his first year in offic tomorrow to spotlight its accomplishments. >> it was the biggest year of job growth and american history. if we look to a year ago only 1 percent of adults were fully vaccinated. 74 percent of adults are fully vaccinated now. 46 percent of schools were open a year ago, now over 95 percent. >> of course you can expect the president to tout infrastructur in his remarks, which are planned for 4:00 p.m. eastern time from the white house of course we will have live coverage here on fox and analysis they are after. kevin, thank you very much great . >> see you soon. >> the supreme court tuesday flock of federal mask mandates on commercial airline flights. they argued they could not wear masks due to medical reasons th court issued an order rejecting the request meaning the federal current transportation mask mandate remains in effect through at least march 18th. breaking tonight the police hav identified a suspect in connection two with what appear to be a random attack and murde of ucla student. the incident shining brighter light on violent crime and homelessness plaguing many democrat run cities across america. senior correspondent laura ingl has the story tonight from new york. good evening, laura. >> the homeless problem in america has been growing for years adding on pandemic stresses has only made it worse and for some, of violent and deadly situation. a vigil held tuesday for the victim of new york city's lates shocking subway attack which allegedly came at the hands of troubled homeless man while she was standing on the train platform in times square saturday morning. the suspect arrested shortly after the attack. the 40 -year-old victim, remembered not only as a successful businesswoman, but also as someone who spent the last ten years volunteering to help the homeless. this latest shocking crime in new york city adding to the urgent need to address the homelessness situation that has even left the city's newly elected mayor who ran as a law and order candidates admitting recently that he himself doesn' feel safe riding the subway. see what happened to her. see what has happened in our city. >> this on top of recent stabbing outside of the cbs in midtown manhattan by people begging for money in then three carjackings in the span of one hour in the same area situation that has left many wondering about the policies introduced b manhattan's new district attorney who announced he would not be prosecuting low-level crime. that news prompting some small business owners to hire private security companies to get their basic sprays the stats show on average there are in estimated 45,000 homeless people in new york city alone. and approximately 580,000 nationwide. the coast-to-coast problem spotlighted last week in los angeles with the brutal stabbin of 24 -year-old the ucla state grad student working at an upscale furniture store when sh was attacked. to video released by the lapd tuesday shows the suspect believed to be a homeless man with no connection to her at a convenience store buying a vape pen just 30 minutes after the crime. her father spoke with fox and friends about not wanting to politicize her death, but acknowledging the role leaders play and the communities they serve. everybody seems to be on giving back rights and bestowing favor on people that rob others of their rights. >> as violent crime surges on the west, so do train robberies. union pacific reporting its cargo freight trains in downtow la are being looted on a regula basis and that train robberies are up by 356 percent. in new survey released tuesday showed that mayors across the country feel their constituents hold them accountable for homelessness, but many say they feel they don't have the money or my staff, or political support to make a difference. >> laura ingle from new york. thank you. tonight searching for the perso who drove the texas synagogue gunman to a dallas area homeles shelter earlier this month. investigators believe the two men may have known each other h died when fbi rescue team stormed the building saturday, all of the hostages escaped unharmed. democrats in the senate doing their utmost to try to get a federal overhaul of election procedures pass this week, but the presence of the filibuster and the refusal of some moderates to change it casting doubt on their efforts. congressional correspondent shows estimate it is all about. >> it is a game of democratic double dog dare on the senate floor. senate majority leader chuck schumer no easy links the votes to change the filibuster, but h plans to force a vote on the filibuster even if it's doomed to fail. >> indeed, that may be the only way to make progress on this issue now. to the public. tea where each of us in this chamber stands. the public deserves to see it, and that is exactly, precisely what the senate is going to do this week. >> they're is a squeeze play in baseball, but there's also one in politics in democrats are putting the squeeze on two of their own christensen emma and joe manchin. >> the presidency is that the american people deserve to see where the stand on this. this as a reason to move forwar with the debate. >> it's to make members of the opposing party look bad, it's rare to do that to members of your own party. filibuster debate dimming up th left-wing base. >> i just don't know how you break a rule to make a role in thinking you're doing something that is going too. we've never done this for a. >> capitol police arrested 30 people for protesting the filibuster they refused to move from the senate stepford republicans say democrats aren' focusing on the problems facing the country. >> we haven't touched the pandemic rampant violent crime, the border crisis, senate democrats want to admire their own legacy with reckless procedural vote they know will fail part. >> expect a vote to break the will of buster on voting rights that means 60, the democrats could try to change the filibuster just for voting rights if all their members stick together, but that vote will fail to. politics is often about ripenin an issue, the 1964 civil rights act faced a two-month filibuste before passage and the struggle over that's for the 1965 voting rights act. >> you can't play the long game and less you firstly the short game and lose, progressive voters are frustrated at the failure to pass build back better pack the supreme court and make puerto rico estate, so the voting rights bill serves a a proxy for other issues. shannon. >> thank you very much. so more headaches for democrats tonight senate majority leader chuck schumer forced to force that vote on the filibuster while under joe manchin says he's not budging. great to have you both back. >> hi, shannon. >> and want to play the latest that we have from senator joe manchin. earlier this evening the latest from him. >> the majority of my colleague in the carcass democratic caucu they changed, they change their mind great i respect that, they have a right to change their mind great i haven't, i hope they respect that too. i will never change my mind whe it comes to the filibuster. >> what is the play here? he is not moving. >> he's not moving, so many of these democrats just last year in two years ago vowed never to change the filibuster, it's onl now that they want to try to ge something through this controversial. they're going to waste a week doing it right on the other han i think it's great that the house and the senate vote for eight i don't think there's a problem with voting, even if it fails i think the house and senate should vote more often not less often. looted on the record and show where everybody is great i thin it's also going to expose a couple of other democrats who don't want to take this vote because they actually secretly have relied on the 23 and cinem and they don't want to see a change to the filibuster. >> what about that because we hear plenty of chatter about specific members on capitol hil in washington who are kind of hiding behind the two senators that they don't have to go on the record to make a vote on this. >> i will say jason that i agre rarely, but i agree with him that you need to have a vote. what you really should have bee what senator schumer has in any political party has especially in power within their power is to allow a debate, even if it goes on for months, if you have debate come at the end of that you don't need 60, you need 51 votes and when you put people o the floor debating, and also when you force them to vote, yo are letting the public how does this one votes, how does that one-vote spirit we know in the past we've seen some people on the right, and some on the left break ranks with their party an vote with the other party after a lot of debate, especially because they know perhaps that their constituency there constituency want this. joe manchin constituency has told them we want you to suppor voting rights. they want him to pass the legislative and they also wante them to pass the build back better. >> some of those ideas weren't so popular. senator manchin said if i can't exploded axley knits it i'm not going to vote for a. you would think republicans would take that challenge and how do you think that would pla out? >> i don't. the problem with taking on the vote the way schumer has laid this out as they are ignoring immigration, inflation, all of these other problems that the country really wants to have addressed. those other ones that go to the wayside, that's what america's seas and that's why i think the are going to flush out the democrats in 2020 to in the house and senate. >> political rights to that point and says the gop takes a risky new test hitting biden on covid despite the members growing anti- lockdown and antimandate lockdown pair they can have a critique of the covi into a broader case that he failed to deliver alongside soaring inflation the chaotic u.s. withdraw from afghanistan and illegal southern border crossings. the other side as the further west that are met with biden because he hasn't delivered, ho is all of that do together for what is historically not a good election for the president empower? >> they're our three ways if yo look historically at midterm elections on how they are determined. first is the president's approval ratings which are not good for the president right no so right now it would look like the democrats with leaves the house worst case of ariel. that a couple of other things. if you look at the congressiona generic full, the ballot full's that are held, i know nbc said, but actually two weeks ago democrats had an advantage, 39 percent of republicans by 37 percent and when you look at the cross-section of all the congressional ballot pulls righ out the republicans are only a .5. that is not the kind of numbers you saw them have been 2018. right doubt there were cuts of over reformed in three of the special elections. we have a couple to looked at i florida those i think we'll be telling as to how bad it could become what will it be a shellacking for the democrats o maybe will there be some surprises and will the democrat be able to hold on? >> one of the areas where the president is pulling and not in a positive way for him he's underwater on covid and that number has shifted down for him steadily over the last several months i want to play a little bit of what he said net then an what he saying now i'm testing and trying to handle this issue. >> i would make sure we move an the direction of rapid testing will take care of this i will end this, i will make sure we have a plan. >> we talked about test a lot, zero on the market era go, now we have 375 million test distributed per month, this is progress that has been made. >> so jason, he promised a lot on covid, and the country is desperate the world is desperat for those answers. a quick word on whether he over promised and whether that will cost impaired. >> in july he basically said this thing is going to be over and i think the when you walk into your local pharmacy you're not going to be able to go and find the test that you should'v had months of months ago even the president's said looks, i should've thought about this earlier. it's not good for the president he totally botch this. >> the federal government's website on test is now live, i know at least one of our producers has been able to navigate that make the request so we will how quickly they sho up and certainly for those who need them most around the country we hope they get their first. >> and the report from gas budd shows the national average pric of gas has risen for the third week straight. now at $3.31 a gallon that's an increase of more than 93 cents per gallon from a year ago. gas by the analyst say $4 a gallon is possible in the comin months. check out the new satellite photos of the drone attack on a oil facility in the capital of the uae monday. it's also sparked a fire at the nearby international airport. iran backed rebels claimed responsibility for the attack which killed three people. national security advisor strongly condemns the attack an says the white house will work with the uae and international partners to hold them accountable. the part owner of the nba golde state warriors walking back his comments on the weekend podcast that nobody cares about human rights against the uyghurs in china, which the state department has named gemma zide. he now says human rights matter and that his came across as lacking empathy, but he did not apologize. he said he doesn't speak for th organization and his views do not reflect the team. new york state attorney general letitia james pumping the anti- moments ago announcing a reques to get members of the trump family to testify as part of an investigation of the trumps organization financial dealings came tonight filing a motion to compel the former president don jr. and his daughter in the probe. what would you do if you had an entire commercial airplane to yourself? for almost nine hours? what happened when a college student got that chance. new york's finest sheer video you do not want to miss. today's best viral videos are next. 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had been trapped underneath debris after an explosion in the adjoining home. the mayor said after the that the city is heartbroken to announce we lost one of our neighbors, but the courage of our first responders saved so many lives today. the wax museum in new york know for its lifelike betrayal of unveiling a couple of new present president joe biden and vice president kamala harris just in time for the one-year anniversary of their inauguration and also the first time the museum a lot of times think these are super creepy, but these two i think are actually pretty good. what do you think? lets us know. this little dog knows how to have a great time and the snow. look at garcia a little dog fro canada diving right into that fresh snow, nearly a foot of it they got there. i have a feeling garcia and biscuit would get along very well. >> i felt like i owned the plan it was very weird. >> a british airways passenger describing his nearly nine hour flight from across the pond to orlando, florida the student says he was the only passenger on the entire flight, he says h was able to make flight friends with the flight attendants he requested to sleep and the aisl he said he was able to get unlimited snacks and it was a great experience. visitors at the cincinnati zoo getting what many would call a great experience a chance to se penguins just walking around like they owned the place, zookeeper they are open the doors of their habitats and let any of the penguins that want t get out and wander around they are doing it right now. launching 49 of the startling satellites, the best of nine rockets bringing the total number to just under 2,000 currently orbiting the earth al parts of the mission to provide high-speed internet access to parts of the world that have been unable to get it through traditional methods. you have a video you want us to highlight? hit us up on social media. we are just a few hours away from verizon and at&t big 5g rollout wednesday morning with one important adjustment, they have agreed not to switch on 5g enable towers near airports so as not to potentially interfere with essential navigational equipment. matt finn has details tonight fly from los angeles trade good evening, matt. >> major airlines and the faa warned that the new 5g tower frequencies are on a similar wavelength as the other planes altimeter, the tool that tells pilate their altitude where the frequency interference could cause a catastrophic crisis for planes landing in low visibilit or bad weather. ceos from multiple airlines including america, delta, united , and fedex signed a letter asking that 5g be delayed . we are writing with urgency to say it be implemented everywher in the country except within th air approximate two hours this will allow 5g to be deployed while avoiding harmful impacts on the aviation industry , traveling public, our workforce and broader economy. at&t and verizon while they agree upon the rollout insist their equipment will not interfere with aircraft great at&t writing we are frustrated by the faa inability to do what nearly 40 countries have done which is to safely deploy 5g technology without disrupting aviation services. the faa argues the 5g signal here in the u.s. is much more powerful than in other countries . 5g wireless is supposed to offe faster and more reliable wireless and internet to millions of americans, airlines for america estimate of the 5g rollout could result in up to 345,000 flight delays or cancellations costing billions and operation costs and lost wages. president biden raised the temporary delay. white house press secretary jen psaki said the administration i trying to avoid dire situation. >> they're are hundreds of thousands of lights that are rented, that means not just restrictions to passenger trave pride that means that goods aren't moving around as quickly and effectively as they need to not to have supply chain structure. >> delta air lines is preparing for weather related cancellations on wednesday caused by the rollout delta say it's communicating with customers in will issue wafers if you are one of those so i guess we will see how this is going to shake out in the comin days, shannon. >> there has been a lot of concern leading up to a great thank you very much for the update. it is time to bring back kevin. the midnight snack discussion. i hear you've got the scoop on the new flavor transferred by the way, who decides this? >> that's the best part, this i a survey, it's actually a surve taken of 2,000 americans and they looked at people's flavor preferences and they found some interesting new trends are on the horizon, 46 percent saying they'd like to try more wait fo its commitment chocolate favorite items. 36 percent say they are interested in trying more lemongrass favorite foods and 3 more of that hot honey flavored stuff in 2022. others say they are looking to explore more popular international flavors like mango , red bean and tea barry also up spicy foods, we knew that, coffee flavored food and drink, and monitor, which apparently is a popular thing, so if nothing else, i'm up for just about anything, how about you. >> you know what, i am on the cake right now i love to make lattes at home, and i'm on mint chocolate oatmeal decaf craze right now. and very high maintenance. i didn't know you were a frustrated breeze to which mean i have to have a conversation with you after were off the air because i have this great espresso machine it is beautiful , but i don't know how to make it i want to make it better so i will get your advic on that afraid my big thing is i'm a big tea guy as well and s lots of different flavors out there, but i do like much at ic cream, i like the flavored desserts, so that's probably th best i have for 2022, we will see if some of our new flavors are all the rage in this coming year. >> i feel like the lemongrass i way to healthy. i'm and very proud of you, but bring on the mint chocolate. >> bring on the chocolate i'm all for it. in our good news good night, i have one that i think you will love i know you usually love them but you're going to really like this one, i was even if you . i'm excited, i will see you then . >> see you soon. >> is new york making race-base decisions about who gets potentially life-saving covid treatment? that's what a brand-new lawsuit argues tonight we have some k details and we will break that down next. insurance - everyday. plus, patients get 20% off their treatment plan. we're on your corner and in your corner every step of the way. because your anything is our everything. aspen dental. anything to make you smile. book today at, walk in, or call 1-800-aspendental. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. ready to turn your dreams into plans whose resumes on indeed matcand your actionsria. into achievements? explore over 75 programs and four-week classes at national university. your future starts today at ♪ voter dissatisfaction with president biden is growing as h completes his first full year i office. the surging crime crisis is putting the focus on the presidents attorney general taking considerable criticism for his performance. >> where a government of laws. >> president-elect joe biden surprised many by choosing a respected federal judge as his pick for the nation's top law enforcement officer. >> the rule of law is not just someone years turn of phrase. leaks into the job, he made clear civil rights investigations tied to demands from the left for a sweeping police reforms would be a priority the doj announced probes into multiple local police departments including minneapolis following the death of george floyd, the administration released $139 million in grants to hire more than 1,000 local police personnel them democrat mayors once calling for defunding the police are now begging, washington for more help. >> we could not continue to endorse the level of violence w are now experiencing great. >> the move came after a summer of violence including and major cities with progressive prosecutors at the home very thin los angeles, district attorney has opposed seeking th death penalty and back charging fewer juveniles as adults. crime victims are outraged great . >> enough is enough. garland himself spent weeks fending off criticism for his momo responding to the national school boards association call for federal help dealing with angry parents at public meeting prefigure arguments against school boards are protected by the first amendment threats are not great. >> to kick off 2022, he highlighted the work of the department responding to the attacks on the capital one year before, his critics often democrats argue he needs to up the ante. >> again we have an attorney general who is reckless and has not been helpful in terms of preserving our democracy. >> the doj announced seditions computers he charges against th head of the far right antigovernment oath keepers along with ten others freight it's the first time the charge has been used in the january 6 investigation. shannon. >> shannon: thank you very much. so let's take a little deeper into the crime crisis and get some expert analysis from forme justice department prosecutor jim trustee, jim, welcome back. >> hey, shannon. >> shannon: we've been doing a lot of reporting on crime issue across the country and statistics show, this is just the crime spikes and the first few weeks of 2020 to in new yor city. robbery up almost 24 percent shootings up over 20 to percent and we have a brand-new prosecutor in manhattan who sai essentially they are going to prosecute fewer crimes and lowe sentencing in some things won't even get flagged at all. >> emin, the progressive prosecutor record is just showing up across the country end is that disastrous ways. sometimes and very individualized cases where ther is a high-profile murder or crime other times just by a crime wave in general great murder rate are up, armed robberies our upright a lot of prosecutors were replaced by progressive prosecutors they weren't foolish, they weren't looking to lock everybody up, they were interested in doing justice so now you have these academics creating an intolerable atmosphere in a lot of the big cities. >> and want to play something from out in los angeles this is a sheriff and this is the district attorney out there the don't quite see i to iberia. >> if you could not be counted on to hold people accountable for breaking the rule of law in such great manner, what good is your local district attorney britt. >> the reality is that a punishment -based approach to the work does not serve us well. and i for an eye is not the way the government should behave. >> so the prosecutors prosecutors they are is saying that punishment -based approach to the work does not serve us well, even you been a prosecutor , what do you think? >> they're is a real breakdown. you can see it in the big citie and in those clips right there. the lapd has an office or get killed and they rushed to the u.s. attorney's office to find federal look to do that case rather than leave it in the hands of their local da and a lot of situations as they have lot of working relationship the chief of police calls the da th da says i'm putting my best people on it don't worry, we're doing our best we're going to b aggressive and has justice for office or so-and-so, it's done in its pursuit, so they have a pretty broken system when the chief law enforcement officers are openly breaking apart like this on a case-by-case basis. >> and want to ask you about another legal case we been tracking. this is about the cornell law professor who file filed a challenge to the not white prioritization of covid 19 drugs , these are people seeking potentially life-saving early intervention covid treatment, h said directing medical professionals to award or deny medical care based on characteristics such as skin color without regard to the actual health condition of the individual seeking these antiviral treatments is nothing more than an attempt to establish a racial hierarchy in the provision of life-saving medicine we've got a statement from the department of health declined comment sighting litigation but did say this, no one in new york otherwise qualified based on their individual risk factors will be turned away from life-saving treatment because of their race or any demographic identifier. the policy is clear there, in new york that minorities, racia minorities are going to be give preference at least that's what the lawsuit alleges. >> look, the commission is created a smoking gun in favor of this professional from cornell it's early in the litigation, he's he seeking a declaratory judge's judgment al these things take some time to kind of grow roots within the judicial system, but the smokin gun here is that the commission that is now talking about everybody's going to get treate there is no sort of privilege for any particular race, when they rolled it out a couple of weeks ago they announced there were social inequities that the were addressing so they made it clear at the time that they change this policy that they were trying to use a racial justice kind of justification for this behavior. when you talk about government action classifying people by race, it typically gets very strict scrutiny which is not th kind of stuff that will hold up over the long run in courts. that is discrimination to make up for past discrimination and it's a big no-no with the federal courts. i think this case actually has legs. >> we shall see. jim, thank you very much. we always appreciate your time. >> thanks. cf. >> new guidelines may wind up keeping police from being able to arrest the suspect even if they witnessed the crime that i according to a new report from the one and only he's got some wesco stories enjoins us live next. e to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial we all get hit by the storms of life. for troy conquest, his storm live your dreams today. hit after coming home from serving his country as a marine. i had noticed my legs were swelling and we went to main medical hospital and they said "mr. conquest, can you get up for your mri?" and i remember pushing up off the bed and i fell. next thing i know it was three weeks later and i was paralyzed. pva was there the first day. since 1946, paralyzed veterans of america has kept a promise to our wounded veterans, "we will never leave a fallen comrade behind". i'm ben affleck and i want to thank you for joining me and supporting paralyzed veterans of america. they need you now. please call or go online now to pva your gift of only $19 a month - just 63 cents a day, will provide the life saving help our paralyzed heroes need 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made teaching and learning really hard. but instead of working to help students safely return to the classroom, the san francisco school board focused on renaming schools and playing politics. and they've even saddled our district with a $125 million deficit. our children can't wait for new leadership. here's our chance for a fresh start. on february 15th, please recall school board members collins, lópez and moliga before our kids fall even further behind. ♪ >> traffic stop by for seattle police are expected to decrease dramatically in the coming week and months thanks to a new policy that reportedly bands many traffic stops over equity concerns our next guest says evie and on all traffic stops could be coming next to france for tonight's lightning round, great to see you. >> could tcu, shannon. >> soaker messy apples inspecto general lisa judge quoted in th seattle times says this about the traffic laws not enforcing them is not going to make peopl less safe as pedestrians for motorists, but they will reduce never could've interactions wit the police officer and the danger that can sometimes be wrapped in those situations great what's the deal? >> she doesn't know what she's talking about although i suppos she has a fair point that there is a negative interaction when you're breaking the law and you resist officers who are giving you any sense of direction unti you not to do certain things. what we're doing here right now is making it easier for criminals to get away with thei criminality. or talking about a policy that bans the officers from routine traffic stops like expired or missing vehicle registration an issue with display of the registration plates, license plates, and part of the reason why they make the stops to begi with is because there are a lot of car thieves in this area in there getting away with a the very permissive laws in this city and the only thing that wa standing in their way was the ability to enforce these particular laws and unfortunately now that they're off the books, it likely means we will see not just a continuation of this, but will probably see a surgeon. >> okay, now in tacoma, washington you bring up this incredible story i want to show some video of this individual, first of all, the person who gave you the video is a private detective who happened to be in tacoma on a completely unrelate business he sees this guy walking around he says and the parking lot kind of investigating looked like he wa may be trying do something nefarious, but apparently, he says this, that he called the police numerous times they finally showed up he said by talking to the officer we informed him we had video of th suspect doing this fraid this i the video come at that the officer informed me that even i they saw him break a window of the vehicle, and take items out of that, they couldn't get hand on because they did not have a victim present to arrest him. what is the story? >> at the state law right now i washington state thanks to democrats who tried to re- imagine policing took away the standard of reasonable suspicio in detaining and questioning suspects right they move toward probable cause of the reason wh officers couldn't get involved in this case even if they wante to was because someone breaking into a car is not probable cause . its reasonable suspicion, they can say i owned this car or start or not answer a question as to whether or not they own the car bright if you don't hav the owner of the car present wh could establish this is my car, than you don't have probable cause and that person would hav to be released. this is one of the unintended consequences, i don't know foes actually unintended, but the consequence of these laws were just basic policing, things tha reasonable rational people woul say it doesn't make any sense, that is now the rule in less they fix some of the laws that they had put in, another part o this was you can't go on chases anymore either. of someone has committed a crime , you have to have first probable cause and then the has to be a violent offense and you have to prove in the moment tha you're choosing whether or not you're going to race after thes folks that chasing them is safe than letting them go free, whic of course that bar is incredibl low. cf to call for a supervisor to give you the approval to move forward with that vehicle pursuit. that's how close it crazy thoug laws have become in washington state. >> we have to go literally i know you hear from a lot of people and the community, what does the average citizen think about this quick ski they think it's not they think we've gone too far and there should be consumed course correction soon that's why some democratic lawmakers have stepped up and say we're going to change some of these things we will see if it gets through the system. we know you will let us know. always great to see you. tonight we honor late army veteran and single mother as ou midnight hero. sadly, anna passed away from covert complications before she was able to walk the stage to get her diploma to graduate college so st. petersburg college did not want to years i work, they delight all the way from wisconsin to comfort excep the diploma on her behalf. we are glad that the family was able to honor her. i want to share take you meantime to tampa, florida, you great home state for this good news good night fraid that's where the gasparilla crew which is known for among other things helping amputees, and parting o course, speaking of helping amputees they helped with a prosthetic foot fraid they diagnosed him with diabetes about six years ago, he had to have his leg amputated but thanks to the crew he is mobile and thankful, they have donated hand cycles, and given for the past 18 years that is deserving of a good news good night salute . >> that is a very rowdy party down there, but a lot of these groups are doing good things like that fraid thank you for spotlighting that, kevin. thank you for joining us at home , thank you for joining us, i'm shannon bream the reusable waxrx system has everything you need to effectively remove earwax at home without the inconvenience of a doctor's visit. you could use the doctor trusted wax our ear wash system. you can get it now. walgreens and wal-mart today selling your home is expensive and stressful. so we set out to create a better home selling with a network of the most successful real estate in america. it'll sell your home for as little as a two percent commission. the icing on the cake with the ideal agent was that we saved twelve thousand in commissions. we would definitely use ideally and it got the whole process was so positive for us. excellent, excellent service getting right to the point. hiring an ideal agent. i wish we would have that sooner and we would have saved six months of you know, of time and mortgage payments that would probably never happen. we would have just gone with them first. they were so stress free. the whole process was amazing and i would definitely recommend that we certainly recommend that ideally, you know, to our family over friends, it's just a great experience. we are not a discount brokers. these are topical agents that'll get you the best results. c hello,hi how can i see hello,hi how can i see your throat pain from my private scraper drop and honey lemon juice for five froebel well vaporize don't throw pain with vicks vapor cool drops and university of phenix. we have scholarships for everyone hard at work no matter where you work get up to a three thousand dollar scholarship starting with your first explore" your opportunities at phenix that you your shipping manager left to find themselves leaving you locked you need to hire. i need indeed indeed you do indeed instant and instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description visit and be .com slash. >> good evening and welcome to tucker carlson. we want to begin by noting something obvious because this is the obvious show. if you live in the united states, you may have noticed that many of our public spaces have become permanent homeless encampments. you see trash filled tents blotting out what were once green and tide public parks. you step over vagrants and drooling unconscious on the steps train stations on the way to work you watch as smoke mess without

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News At Night With Shannon Bream 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream 20240709

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have identified the man seen on a chilling surveillance video a a suspect in a the fatal stabbing of the ucla grad student. grade video shows him buying a et is 7-eleven just 30 minutes after her murder. how it shining a spotlight on violent crime in big cities across america. an update to a story we brought you last night from the planned rollout of 5g technology by verizon and at&t on wednesday causing major airlines to warn of a potential aviation crisis that could interfere with critical navigation systems at airports and on planes. we begin tonight with with the white house is calling a succes story, president biden's first full year in office the white house correspondent taking a closer look at that claim tonight for us. >> on the eve of his first full year in office, joe biden wants all americans to know is you just pointed out that yes, they will finally be able to order for free covid test kits for household. its covid they're are also some members o his own party tonight that are ratcheting up their criticism o the white house which in their opinion didn't expand testing nearly soon enough. to give the administration either knew or should have know that testing shortages we're occurring across the country th letter read, steps to increase testing access should have happened before the current wav hit. not several weeks into the surge . >> we can't guarantee there won't be a bug or two, but the best seen across the ministration working hard to make this a success. >> they also slammed this shipping timeline of the kids sevendust make 12 days, the first orders going out in late january, moreover they charge the ministration failed to plan for collecting data on the home positivity rates, forcing some states and towns to fit ten for themselves and check test results. with deepening angst over losse on capitol hill sagging poll numbers nationwide, foreign policy setbacks and surging covid cases, the white house desperate to change the subject host their present speech marking his first year in offic tomorrow to spotlight its accomplishments. >> it was the biggest year of job growth and american history. if we look to a year ago only 1 percent of adults were fully vaccinated. 74 percent of adults are fully vaccinated now. 46 percent of schools were open a year ago, now over 95 percent. >> of course you can expect the president to tout infrastructur in his remarks, which are planned for 4:00 p.m. eastern time from the white house of course we will have live coverage here on fox and analysis they are after. kevin, thank you very much great . >> see you soon. >> the supreme court tuesday flock of federal mask mandates on commercial airline flights. they argued they could not wear masks due to medical reasons th court issued an order rejecting the request meaning the federal current transportation mask mandate remains in effect through at least march 18th. breaking tonight the police hav identified a suspect in connection two with what appear to be a random attack and murde of ucla student. the incident shining brighter light on violent crime and homelessness plaguing many democrat run cities across america. senior correspondent laura ingl has the story tonight from new york. good evening, laura. >> the homeless problem in america has been growing for years adding on pandemic stresses has only made it worse and for some, of violent and deadly situation. a vigil held tuesday for the victim of new york city's lates shocking subway attack which allegedly came at the hands of troubled homeless man while she was standing on the train platform in times square saturday morning. the suspect arrested shortly after the attack. the 40 -year-old victim, remembered not only as a successful businesswoman, but also as someone who spent the last ten years volunteering to help the homeless. this latest shocking crime in new york city adding to the urgent need to address the homelessness situation that has even left the city's newly elected mayor who ran as a law and order candidates admitting recently that he himself doesn' feel safe riding the subway. see what happened to her. see what has happened in our city. >> this on top of recent stabbing outside of the cbs in midtown manhattan by people begging for money in then three carjackings in the span of one hour in the same area situation that has left many wondering about the policies introduced b manhattan's new district attorney who announced he would not be prosecuting low-level crime. that news prompting some small business owners to hire private security companies to get their basic sprays the stats show on average there are in estimated 45,000 homeless people in new york city alone. and approximately 580,000 nationwide. the coast-to-coast problem spotlighted last week in los angeles with the brutal stabbin of 24 -year-old the ucla state grad student working at an upscale furniture store when sh was attacked. to video released by the lapd tuesday shows the suspect believed to be a homeless man with no connection to her at a convenience store buying a vape pen just 30 minutes after the crime. her father spoke with fox and friends about not wanting to politicize her death, but acknowledging the role leaders play and the communities they serve. everybody seems to be on giving back rights and bestowing favor on people that rob others of their rights. >> as violent crime surges on the west, so do train robberies. union pacific reporting its cargo freight trains in downtow la are being looted on a regula basis and that train robberies are up by 356 percent. in new survey released tuesday showed that mayors across the country feel their constituents hold them accountable for homelessness, but many say they feel they don't have the money or my staff, or political support to make a difference. >> laura ingle from new york. thank you. tonight searching for the perso who drove the texas synagogue gunman to a dallas area homeles shelter earlier this month. investigators believe the two men may have known each other h died when fbi rescue team stormed the building saturday, all of the hostages escaped unharmed. democrats in the senate doing their utmost to try to get a federal overhaul of election procedures pass this week, but the presence of the filibuster and the refusal of some moderates to change it casting doubt on their efforts. congressional correspondent shows estimate it is all about. >> it is a game of democratic double dog dare on the senate floor. senate majority leader chuck schumer no easy links the votes to change the filibuster, but h plans to force a vote on the filibuster even if it's doomed to fail. >> indeed, that may be the only way to make progress on this issue now. to the public. tea where each of us in this chamber stands. the public deserves to see it, and that is exactly, precisely what the senate is going to do this week. >> they're is a squeeze play in baseball, but there's also one in politics in democrats are putting the squeeze on two of their own christensen emma and joe manchin. >> the presidency is that the american people deserve to see where the stand on this. this as a reason to move forwar with the debate. >> it's to make members of the opposing party look bad, it's rare to do that to members of your own party. filibuster debate dimming up th left-wing base. >> i just don't know how you break a rule to make a role in thinking you're doing something that is going too. we've never done this for a. >> capitol police arrested 30 people for protesting the filibuster they refused to move from the senate stepford republicans say democrats aren' focusing on the problems facing the country. >> we haven't touched the pandemic rampant violent crime, the border crisis, senate democrats want to admire their own legacy with reckless procedural vote they know will fail part. >> expect a vote to break the will of buster on voting rights that means 60, the democrats could try to change the filibuster just for voting rights if all their members stick together, but that vote will fail to. politics is often about ripenin an issue, the 1964 civil rights act faced a two-month filibuste before passage and the struggle over that's for the 1965 voting rights act. >> you can't play the long game and less you firstly the short game and lose, progressive voters are frustrated at the failure to pass build back better pack the supreme court and make puerto rico estate, so the voting rights bill serves a a proxy for other issues. shannon. >> thank you very much. so more headaches for democrats tonight senate majority leader chuck schumer forced to force that vote on the filibuster while under joe manchin says he's not budging. great to have you both back. >> hi, shannon. >> and want to play the latest that we have from senator joe manchin. earlier this evening the latest from him. >> the majority of my colleague in the carcass democratic caucu they changed, they change their mind great i respect that, they have a right to change their mind great i haven't, i hope they respect that too. i will never change my mind whe it comes to the filibuster. >> what is the play here? he is not moving. >> he's not moving, so many of these democrats just last year in two years ago vowed never to change the filibuster, it's onl now that they want to try to ge something through this controversial. they're going to waste a week doing it right on the other han i think it's great that the house and the senate vote for eight i don't think there's a problem with voting, even if it fails i think the house and senate should vote more often not less often. looted on the record and show where everybody is great i thin it's also going to expose a couple of other democrats who don't want to take this vote because they actually secretly have relied on the 23 and cinem and they don't want to see a change to the filibuster. >> what about that because we hear plenty of chatter about specific members on capitol hil in washington who are kind of hiding behind the two senators that they don't have to go on the record to make a vote on this. >> i will say jason that i agre rarely, but i agree with him that you need to have a vote. what you really should have bee what senator schumer has in any political party has especially in power within their power is to allow a debate, even if it goes on for months, if you have debate come at the end of that you don't need 60, you need 51 votes and when you put people o the floor debating, and also when you force them to vote, yo are letting the public how does this one votes, how does that one-vote spirit we know in the past we've seen some people on the right, and some on the left break ranks with their party an vote with the other party after a lot of debate, especially because they know perhaps that their constituency there constituency want this. joe manchin constituency has told them we want you to suppor voting rights. they want him to pass the legislative and they also wante them to pass the build back better. >> some of those ideas weren't so popular. senator manchin said if i can't exploded axley knits it i'm not going to vote for a. you would think republicans would take that challenge and how do you think that would pla out? >> i don't. the problem with taking on the vote the way schumer has laid this out as they are ignoring immigration, inflation, all of these other problems that the country really wants to have addressed. those other ones that go to the wayside, that's what america's seas and that's why i think the are going to flush out the democrats in 2020 to in the house and senate. >> political rights to that point and says the gop takes a risky new test hitting biden on covid despite the members growing anti- lockdown and antimandate lockdown pair they can have a critique of the covi into a broader case that he failed to deliver alongside soaring inflation the chaotic u.s. withdraw from afghanistan and illegal southern border crossings. the other side as the further west that are met with biden because he hasn't delivered, ho is all of that do together for what is historically not a good election for the president empower? >> they're our three ways if yo look historically at midterm elections on how they are determined. first is the president's approval ratings which are not good for the president right no so right now it would look like the democrats with leaves the house worst case of ariel. that a couple of other things. if you look at the congressiona generic full, the ballot full's that are held, i know nbc said, but actually two weeks ago democrats had an advantage, 39 percent of republicans by 37 percent and when you look at the cross-section of all the congressional ballot pulls righ out the republicans are only a .5. that is not the kind of numbers you saw them have been 2018. right doubt there were cuts of over reformed in three of the special elections. we have a couple to looked at i florida those i think we'll be telling as to how bad it could become what will it be a shellacking for the democrats o maybe will there be some surprises and will the democrat be able to hold on? >> one of the areas where the president is pulling and not in a positive way for him he's underwater on covid and that number has shifted down for him steadily over the last several months i want to play a little bit of what he said net then an what he saying now i'm testing and trying to handle this issue. >> i would make sure we move an the direction of rapid testing will take care of this i will end this, i will make sure we have a plan. >> we talked about test a lot, zero on the market era go, now we have 375 million test distributed per month, this is progress that has been made. >> so jason, he promised a lot on covid, and the country is desperate the world is desperat for those answers. a quick word on whether he over promised and whether that will cost impaired. >> in july he basically said this thing is going to be over and i think the when you walk into your local pharmacy you're not going to be able to go and find the test that you should'v had months of months ago even the president's said looks, i should've thought about this earlier. it's not good for the president he totally botch this. >> the federal government's website on test is now live, i know at least one of our producers has been able to navigate that make the request so we will how quickly they sho up and certainly for those who need them most around the country we hope they get their first. >> and the report from gas budd shows the national average pric of gas has risen for the third week straight. now at $3.31 a gallon that's an increase of more than 93 cents per gallon from a year ago. gas by the analyst say $4 a gallon is possible in the comin months. check out the new satellite photos of the drone attack on a oil facility in the capital of the uae monday. it's also sparked a fire at the nearby international airport. iran backed rebels claimed responsibility for the attack which killed three people. national security advisor strongly condemns the attack an says the white house will work with the uae and international partners to hold them accountable. the part owner of the nba golde state warriors walking back his comments on the weekend podcast that nobody cares about human rights against the uyghurs in china, which the state department has named gemma zide. he now says human rights matter and that his came across as lacking empathy, but he did not apologize. he said he doesn't speak for th organization and his views do not reflect the team. new york state attorney general letitia james pumping the anti- moments ago announcing a reques to get members of the trump family to testify as part of an investigation of the trumps organization financial dealings came tonight filing a motion to compel the former president don jr. and his daughter in the probe. what would you do if you had an entire commercial airplane to yourself? for almost nine hours? what happened when a college student got that chance. new york's finest sheer video you do not want to miss. today's best viral videos are next. 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had been trapped underneath debris after an explosion in the adjoining home. the mayor said after the that the city is heartbroken to announce we lost one of our neighbors, but the courage of our first responders saved so many lives today. the wax museum in new york know for its lifelike betrayal of unveiling a couple of new present president joe biden and vice president kamala harris just in time for the one-year anniversary of their inauguration and also the first time the museum a lot of times think these are super creepy, but these two i think are actually pretty good. what do you think? lets us know. this little dog knows how to have a great time and the snow. look at garcia a little dog fro canada diving right into that fresh snow, nearly a foot of it they got there. i have a feeling garcia and biscuit would get along very well. >> i felt like i owned the plan it was very weird. >> a british airways passenger describing his nearly nine hour flight from across the pond to orlando, florida the student says he was the only passenger on the entire flight, he says h was able to make flight friends with the flight attendants he requested to sleep and the aisl he said he was able to get unlimited snacks and it was a great experience. visitors at the cincinnati zoo getting what many would call a great experience a chance to se penguins just walking around like they owned the place, zookeeper they are open the doors of their habitats and let any of the penguins that want t get out and wander around they are doing it right now. launching 49 of the startling satellites, the best of nine rockets bringing the total number to just under 2,000 currently orbiting the earth al parts of the mission to provide high-speed internet access to parts of the world that have been unable to get it through traditional methods. you have a video you want us to highlight? hit us up on social media. we are just a few hours away from verizon and at&t big 5g rollout wednesday morning with one important adjustment, they have agreed not to switch on 5g enable towers near airports so as not to potentially interfere with essential navigational equipment. matt finn has details tonight fly from los angeles trade good evening, matt. >> major airlines and the faa warned that the new 5g tower frequencies are on a similar wavelength as the other planes altimeter, the tool that tells pilate their altitude where the frequency interference could cause a catastrophic crisis for planes landing in low visibilit or bad weather. ceos from multiple airlines including america, delta, united , and fedex signed a letter asking that 5g be delayed . we are writing with urgency to say it be implemented everywher in the country except within th air approximate two hours this will allow 5g to be deployed while avoiding harmful impacts on the aviation industry , traveling public, our workforce and broader economy. at&t and verizon while they agree upon the rollout insist their equipment will not interfere with aircraft great at&t writing we are frustrated by the faa inability to do what nearly 40 countries have done which is to safely deploy 5g technology without disrupting aviation services. the faa argues the 5g signal here in the u.s. is much more powerful than in other countries . 5g wireless is supposed to offe faster and more reliable wireless and internet to millions of americans, airlines for america estimate of the 5g rollout could result in up to 345,000 flight delays or cancellations costing billions and operation costs and lost wages. president biden raised the temporary delay. white house press secretary jen psaki said the administration i trying to avoid dire situation. >> they're are hundreds of thousands of lights that are rented, that means not just restrictions to passenger trave pride that means that goods aren't moving around as quickly and effectively as they need to not to have supply chain structure. >> delta air lines is preparing for weather related cancellations on wednesday caused by the rollout delta say it's communicating with customers in will issue wafers if you are one of those so i guess we will see how this is going to shake out in the comin days, shannon. >> there has been a lot of concern leading up to a great thank you very much for the update. it is time to bring back kevin. the midnight snack discussion. i hear you've got the scoop on the new flavor transferred by the way, who decides this? >> that's the best part, this i a survey, it's actually a surve taken of 2,000 americans and they looked at people's flavor preferences and they found some interesting new trends are on the horizon, 46 percent saying they'd like to try more wait fo its commitment chocolate favorite items. 36 percent say they are interested in trying more lemongrass favorite foods and 3 more of that hot honey flavored stuff in 2022. others say they are looking to explore more popular international flavors like mango , red bean and tea barry also up spicy foods, we knew that, coffee flavored food and drink, and monitor, which apparently is a popular thing, so if nothing else, i'm up for just about anything, how about you. >> you know what, i am on the cake right now i love to make lattes at home, and i'm on mint chocolate oatmeal decaf craze right now. and very high maintenance. i didn't know you were a frustrated breeze to which mean i have to have a conversation with you after were off the air because i have this great espresso machine it is beautiful , but i don't know how to make it i want to make it better so i will get your advic on that afraid my big thing is i'm a big tea guy as well and s lots of different flavors out there, but i do like much at ic cream, i like the flavored desserts, so that's probably th best i have for 2022, we will see if some of our new flavors are all the rage in this coming year. >> i feel like the lemongrass i way to healthy. i'm and very proud of you, but bring on the mint chocolate. >> bring on the chocolate i'm all for it. in our good news good night, i have one that i think you will love i know you usually love them but you're going to really like this one, i was even if you . i'm excited, i will see you then . >> see you soon. >> is new york making race-base decisions about who gets potentially life-saving covid treatment? that's what a brand-new lawsuit argues tonight we have some k details and we will break that down next. insurance - everyday. plus, patients get 20% off their treatment plan. we're on your corner and in your corner every step of the way. because your anything is our everything. aspen dental. anything to make you smile. book today at, walk in, or call 1-800-aspendental. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. ready to turn your dreams into plans whose resumes on indeed matcand your actionsria. into achievements? explore over 75 programs and four-week classes at national university. your future starts today at ♪ voter dissatisfaction with president biden is growing as h completes his first full year i office. the surging crime crisis is putting the focus on the presidents attorney general taking considerable criticism for his performance. >> where a government of laws. >> president-elect joe biden surprised many by choosing a respected federal judge as his pick for the nation's top law enforcement officer. >> the rule of law is not just someone years turn of phrase. leaks into the job, he made clear civil rights investigations tied to demands from the left for a sweeping police reforms would be a priority the doj announced probes into multiple local police departments including minneapolis following the death of george floyd, the administration released $139 million in grants to hire more than 1,000 local police personnel them democrat mayors once calling for defunding the police are now begging, washington for more help. >> we could not continue to endorse the level of violence w are now experiencing great. >> the move came after a summer of violence including and major cities with progressive prosecutors at the home very thin los angeles, district attorney has opposed seeking th death penalty and back charging fewer juveniles as adults. crime victims are outraged great . >> enough is enough. garland himself spent weeks fending off criticism for his momo responding to the national school boards association call for federal help dealing with angry parents at public meeting prefigure arguments against school boards are protected by the first amendment threats are not great. >> to kick off 2022, he highlighted the work of the department responding to the attacks on the capital one year before, his critics often democrats argue he needs to up the ante. >> again we have an attorney general who is reckless and has not been helpful in terms of preserving our democracy. >> the doj announced seditions computers he charges against th head of the far right antigovernment oath keepers along with ten others freight it's the first time the charge has been used in the january 6 investigation. shannon. >> shannon: thank you very much. so let's take a little deeper into the crime crisis and get some expert analysis from forme justice department prosecutor jim trustee, jim, welcome back. >> hey, shannon. >> shannon: we've been doing a lot of reporting on crime issue across the country and statistics show, this is just the crime spikes and the first few weeks of 2020 to in new yor city. robbery up almost 24 percent shootings up over 20 to percent and we have a brand-new prosecutor in manhattan who sai essentially they are going to prosecute fewer crimes and lowe sentencing in some things won't even get flagged at all. >> emin, the progressive prosecutor record is just showing up across the country end is that disastrous ways. sometimes and very individualized cases where ther is a high-profile murder or crime other times just by a crime wave in general great murder rate are up, armed robberies our upright a lot of prosecutors were replaced by progressive prosecutors they weren't foolish, they weren't looking to lock everybody up, they were interested in doing justice so now you have these academics creating an intolerable atmosphere in a lot of the big cities. >> and want to play something from out in los angeles this is a sheriff and this is the district attorney out there the don't quite see i to iberia. >> if you could not be counted on to hold people accountable for breaking the rule of law in such great manner, what good is your local district attorney britt. >> the reality is that a punishment -based approach to the work does not serve us well. and i for an eye is not the way the government should behave. >> so the prosecutors prosecutors they are is saying that punishment -based approach to the work does not serve us well, even you been a prosecutor , what do you think? >> they're is a real breakdown. you can see it in the big citie and in those clips right there. the lapd has an office or get killed and they rushed to the u.s. attorney's office to find federal look to do that case rather than leave it in the hands of their local da and a lot of situations as they have lot of working relationship the chief of police calls the da th da says i'm putting my best people on it don't worry, we're doing our best we're going to b aggressive and has justice for office or so-and-so, it's done in its pursuit, so they have a pretty broken system when the chief law enforcement officers are openly breaking apart like this on a case-by-case basis. >> and want to ask you about another legal case we been tracking. this is about the cornell law professor who file filed a challenge to the not white prioritization of covid 19 drugs , these are people seeking potentially life-saving early intervention covid treatment, h said directing medical professionals to award or deny medical care based on characteristics such as skin color without regard to the actual health condition of the individual seeking these antiviral treatments is nothing more than an attempt to establish a racial hierarchy in the provision of life-saving medicine we've got a statement from the department of health declined comment sighting litigation but did say this, no one in new york otherwise qualified based on their individual risk factors will be turned away from life-saving treatment because of their race or any demographic identifier. the policy is clear there, in new york that minorities, racia minorities are going to be give preference at least that's what the lawsuit alleges. >> look, the commission is created a smoking gun in favor of this professional from cornell it's early in the litigation, he's he seeking a declaratory judge's judgment al these things take some time to kind of grow roots within the judicial system, but the smokin gun here is that the commission that is now talking about everybody's going to get treate there is no sort of privilege for any particular race, when they rolled it out a couple of weeks ago they announced there were social inequities that the were addressing so they made it clear at the time that they change this policy that they were trying to use a racial justice kind of justification for this behavior. when you talk about government action classifying people by race, it typically gets very strict scrutiny which is not th kind of stuff that will hold up over the long run in courts. that is discrimination to make up for past discrimination and it's a big no-no with the federal courts. i think this case actually has legs. >> we shall see. jim, thank you very much. we always appreciate your time. >> thanks. cf. >> new guidelines may wind up keeping police from being able to arrest the suspect even if they witnessed the crime that i according to a new report from the one and only he's got some wesco stories enjoins us live next. e to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial we all get hit by the storms of life. for troy conquest, his storm live your dreams today. hit after coming home from serving his country as a marine. i had noticed my legs were swelling and we went to main medical hospital and they said "mr. conquest, can you get up for your mri?" and i remember pushing up off the bed and i fell. next thing i know it was three weeks later and i was paralyzed. pva was there the first day. since 1946, paralyzed veterans of america has kept a promise to our wounded veterans, "we will never leave a fallen comrade behind". i'm ben affleck and i want to thank you for joining me and supporting paralyzed veterans of america. they need you now. please call or go online now to pva your gift of only $19 a month - just 63 cents a day, will provide the life saving help our paralyzed heroes need 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motorists, but they will reduce never could've interactions wit the police officer and the danger that can sometimes be wrapped in those situations great what's the deal? >> she doesn't know what she's talking about although i suppos she has a fair point that there is a negative interaction when you're breaking the law and you resist officers who are giving you any sense of direction unti you not to do certain things. what we're doing here right now is making it easier for criminals to get away with thei criminality. or talking about a policy that bans the officers from routine traffic stops like expired or missing vehicle registration an issue with display of the registration plates, license plates, and part of the reason why they make the stops to begi with is because there are a lot of car thieves in this area in there getting away with a the very permissive laws in this city and the only thing that wa standing in their way was the ability to enforce these particular laws and unfortunately now that they're off the books, it likely means we will see not just a continuation of this, but will probably see a surgeon. >> okay, now in tacoma, washington you bring up this incredible story i want to show some video of this individual, first of all, the person who gave you the video is a private detective who happened to be in tacoma on a completely unrelate business he sees this guy walking around he says and the parking lot kind of investigating looked like he wa may be trying do something nefarious, but apparently, he says this, that he called the police numerous times they finally showed up he said by talking to the officer we informed him we had video of th suspect doing this fraid this i the video come at that the officer informed me that even i they saw him break a window of the vehicle, and take items out of that, they couldn't get hand on because they did not have a victim present to arrest him. what is the story? >> at the state law right now i washington state thanks to democrats who tried to re- imagine policing took away the standard of reasonable suspicio in detaining and questioning suspects right they move toward probable cause of the reason wh officers couldn't get involved in this case even if they wante to was because someone breaking into a car is not probable cause . its reasonable suspicion, they can say i owned this car or start or not answer a question as to whether or not they own the car bright if you don't hav the owner of the car present wh could establish this is my car, than you don't have probable cause and that person would hav to be released. this is one of the unintended consequences, i don't know foes actually unintended, but the consequence of these laws were just basic policing, things tha reasonable rational people woul say it doesn't make any sense, that is now the rule in less they fix some of the laws that they had put in, another part o this was you can't go on chases anymore either. of someone has committed a crime , you have to have first probable cause and then the has to be a violent offense and you have to prove in the moment tha you're choosing whether or not you're going to race after thes folks that chasing them is safe than letting them go free, whic of course that bar is incredibl low. cf to call for a supervisor to give you the approval to move forward with that vehicle pursuit. that's how close it crazy thoug laws have become in washington state. >> we have to go literally i know you hear from a lot of people and the community, what does the average citizen think about this quick ski they think it's not they think we've gone too far and there should be consumed course correction soon that's why some democratic lawmakers have stepped up and say we're going to change some of these things we will see if it gets through the system. we know you will let us know. always great to see you. tonight we honor late army veteran and single mother as ou midnight hero. sadly, anna passed away from covert complications before she was able to walk the stage to get her diploma to graduate college so st. petersburg college did not want to years i work, they delight all the way from wisconsin to comfort excep the diploma on her behalf. we are glad that the family was able to honor her. i want to share take you meantime to tampa, florida, you great home state for this good news good night fraid that's where the gasparilla crew which is known for among other things helping amputees, and parting o course, speaking of helping amputees they helped with a prosthetic foot fraid they diagnosed him with diabetes about six years ago, he had to have his leg amputated but thanks to the crew he is mobile and thankful, they have donated hand cycles, and given for the past 18 years that is deserving of a good news good night salute . >> that is a very rowdy party down there, but a lot of these groups are doing good things like that fraid thank you for spotlighting that, kevin. 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because this is the obvious show. if you live in the united states, you may have noticed that many of our public spaces have become permanent homeless encampments. you see trash filled tents blotting out what were once green and tide public parks. you step over vagrants and drooling unconscious on the steps train stations on the way to work you watch as smoke mess without

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Critique , Lockdown , Pair , Covi , Gop , He Hasn T , Side , Ho , Border Crossings , Afghanistan , Ways , First , Approval Ratings , Elections , Things , Ballot , Ariel , Congressiona Generic Full , Nbc , Righ , Advantage , Cross Section , 39 , 37 , Cuts , 2018 , Surprises , Areas , O , Shellacking , Number , Bit , Direction , Care , Plan , Go , Market , 375 Million , Zero , World , Jason , Desperat , Answers , Word , Thing , Looks , Pharmacy , Producers , Gallon , Report , Gas , Average , Pric , Gas Budd , 31 , 3 31 , Drone Attack , Capital , Analyst , Increase , Oil Facility , Satellite Photos , Uae , 93 , Airport , Fire , Responsibility , Rebels , National Security Advisor , Iran , Comments , Part Owner , Partners , Human Rights , State Warriors , Uyghurs , Podcast , Nobody , Nba Golde , Letitia James , Organization , Views , Team , Empathy , State Department , Gemma Zide , China , Family , Reques , Don Jr , Investigation , Dealings , Motion , Chance , College Student , Probe , Airplane , Daughter , Nine , Videos , Limu Emu Squawks , Journey , Liberty , Personal Record , Questions , Limu , Pay , Ride , Growing Business , Advisor , Challenges , Dell , Nothing , Tech Solutions , Calling , Customers , Substitute Teaching , Addition , Greg , 68 , Prevagen , Elephant , Memory , Life , Healthier Brain , Cold , Cold Shortening Brand , Love Zicam , Must , Medicine Cabinet , It Shortens Colds , Unique Zinc Formula , Zifans , Mood , Infusions , Scent , Downy , Internet , Ready , Set , Save , Sale , Business , Voice , Price Guarantee , Installation , 2 , 4 99 , 64 99 , Deal , Expert Team , Backing , Prepaid Card , Value , Possibilities , Comcast Business , 500 , 24 7 , Woman , Up , Nypd , Officers , Home , Building , Explosion , Body Cam Footage , Underneath Debris , Adjoining , Responders , Wax Museum , Courage , Lives , Neighbors , Betrayal , Times , Time , Kamala Harris , President , Museum , Inauguration , Snow , Foot , Dog , Garcia A Little Dog Fro Canada Diving , Passenger , British Airways , Biscuit , Feeling Garcia , Flight , The Student , Florida , Aisl , Flight Attendants , Pond , Flight Friends , Orlando , Visitors , Experience , Snacks , Zookeeper , Place , Cincinnati Zoo , Penguins , Doors , Any , Satellites , Habitats , 49 , Earth Al Parts , Parts , Methods , Mission , Rockets , Internet Access , 2000 , Big 5g , Adjustment , Up On Social Media , Hit , 5g , Details , Equipment , Towers , Matt Finn , Tool , Planes Altimeter , Wavelength , 5g Tower Frequencies , Fly , Trade , Faa , Weather , Interference , Altitude , Frequency , Ceos , Fedex , Delta , United , Writing , Everywher , Letter Asking , Urgency , Th Air , Workforce , Impacts , Aviation Industry , Economy , Aircraft , Countries , 5g Signal , Aviation Services , Inability , 5g Rollout , Flight Delays , Millions , Airlines For America , Faster , Estimate , 345000 , Cancellations , Billions , Delay , Operation Costs , Wages , Hundreds , White House Press Secretary , Jen Psaki , Thousands , Restrictions , Lights , Supply Chain Structure , Pride , Aren T , Passenger Trave , Rollout Delta , Wafers , Thank , Discussion , Concern , Scoop , Flavor , Surve , Flavor Preferences , The Way , Ia Survey , Commitment Chocolate , Trends , 36 , Foods , Flavors , More , Mango , Red Bean , Hot Honey Flavored Stuff , Tea Barry , 2022 , 3 , 2022 Others , Anything , Cake , Food , Drink , Coffee , Monitor , Maintenance , Mint Chocolate Oatmeal , Craze , Lattes , Breeze , Advic , Air , Conversation , Espresso Machine , Cream , Flavored Desserts , Lots , Big Tea Guy , Chocolate , Mint Chocolate , Lemongrass , Rage , Lawsuit , Treatment , Decisions , Insurance , Everything , Corner , Patients , Treatment Plan , Step , Aspen Dental , 20 , At Aspendental Com , Book Today , Walk In , 800 , Job , Shortlist , Job Criteria , Project Managers , Projects , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Plans , Programs , Classes , Actionsria , Achievements , National University , 75 , Four , Nu Edu , Voter Dissatisfaction , Attorney General , Criticism , Focus , Performance , Laws , Judge , Law Enforcement Officer , Nation , Pick , Phrase , Rule Of Law , Probes , Doj , Investigations , Demands , Left , Priority , Reforms , Leaks , Departments , Grants , George Floyd , Minneapolis , 1000 , 139 Million , 39 Million , Help , Violence , Move , Summer , Prosecutors , Crime Victims , Seeking Th , Juveniles , Death Penalty , School Boards , Amendment , Momo , Arguments , Parents , Threats , National School Boards Association Call , Work , Critics , Attacks , Department , Ante , Capital One , Computers , Democracy , Charge , Th Head , Terms , Oath Keepers , Forme Justice Department Prosecutor Jim Trustee , Expert Analysis , Little , 6 , January 6 , Statistics , Crime Issue , Crime Spikes , Reporting , Yor City , Welcome Back , In Manhattan , Crimes , Sentencing , Sai , Progressive Prosecutor , Emin , They Weren T , Everybody Up , Armed Robberies , Murder Rate , Crime Wave , Weren T Foolish , Justice , Sheriff , Atmosphere , Academics , Iberia , Approach , Britt , Reality , Manner , Eye , Breakdown , Well , Clips , Big Citie , Situations , Leave It , Chief , Local Da , Da Th , Working Relationship , System , Law Enforcement Officers , Basis , Pursuit , Cornell Law Professor , Drugs , Prioritization , Tracking , Treatments , Individual , Health , Professionals , Characteristics , Attempt , Skin Color , Regard , Condition , Intervention Covid Treatment , Statement , Medicine , Risk Factors , Comment Sighting Litigation , Provision , Hierarchy , Department Of Health , Policy , Action Classifying , Minorities , Demographic , Preference , Least , Identifier , Racia , Commission , Professional , Smoking Gun , Litigation , Judgment Al , Treate , Sort , Inequities , Privilege , Smokin Gun , Justification , Behavior , Courts , Legs , Discrimination , No , Stuff , Scrutiny , Long Run , Thanks , Cf , Guidelines , Stories , The One And Only , Wesco , Me Mom , Live Next , Country , Storm , Get Hit , Storms Of Life , Version , Marine , Troy Conquest , Northwestern Mutual , Conquest , Hospital , Swelling , Mr , Mri , Bed , Veterans , Paralyzed Veterans Of America , Pva , Comrade Behind , Promise , Paralyzed , Ben Affleck , 1946 , Gift , Life Saving Help , Pva Hero Org , 63 , 9 , Sacrifice , Heroes , Freedom , Vain , Door , Call , Accessibility , Research , Injuries , Pva Team , Credit Card , T Shirt , Let S Fight , Pvahero Org , Teaching , Pandemic , Students , District , Classroom , Deficit , School Board , San Francisco , 125 Million , 25 Million , Leadership , Kids , Start , Children , School Board Members Collins , February 15th , LÓpez , 15 , Traffic Stop , Seattle , Traffic Stops , Equity , Guest , Lightning Round , France , Evie , Traffic Laws , Apples , Peopl , Safe , Th Seattle Times , Pedestrians , Motorists , Tcu , Soaker , Inspecto , Point , Danger , Interaction , Police Officer , Law , Interactions Wit , Sense , Criminals , Thei Criminality , Vehicle Registration , Registration Plates , License Plates , Display , Car Thieves , Ability , Tacoma , Surgeon , Books , Continuation , Detective , Person , Parking Lot , Guy Walking , He Wa May , Officer , Vehicle , Items , Window , Policing , Cause , Suspects , State Law , Wh Officers , Suspicio , Standard , Questioning , Car , Question , Suspicion , Unintended Consequences , Owner , Wh , Foes , Consequence , Go On , Put In , Folks , Tha , Offense , Bar , Vehicle Pursuit , Approval , Whic , Supervisor , Incredibl Low , Community , Citizen , Course Correction , Ski , Lawmakers , Army , College , Anna , Diploma , Complications , Mother , Stage , Midnight Hero , Petersburg , Behalf , Wisconsin , Night Fraid , Crew , Gasparilla , Home State , Tampa , Amputees , Parting , O Course , Prosthetic , Helping , Diabetes , Leg , Six , Salute , Hand Cycles , Groups , At Home , Spotlighting That , Earwax , Inconvenience , Reusable Waxrx System , Doctor , Visit , Ear Wash System , Wax , Walgreens , Wal Mart , Agent , Commissions , Real Estate , Icing , Network , Twelve Thousand , Process , Payments , Service , Mortgage , Agents , Discount Brokers , Throat Pain , Results C Hello , Well Vaporize Don T Throw , Of Phenix , Everyone , Scholarships , Matter , Lemon Juice , Scraper Drop , Froebel , Vapor Cool , Vicks , Five , Scholarship , Opportunities , Explore , Shipping Manager , Three Thousand Dollar , Three Thousand , Job Description , Slash , Something , Evening , Tucker Carlson , Train Stations , Tents , Spaces , Homeless Encampments , Smoke Mess , Drooling , Tide Public Parks ,

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