Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709

and how could this pile of problems. we begin with katie in pittsburgh. katie? >> we're getting a great from the snow. the storm is not done yet. now the big story is the strong winds blowing the snow around us. this storm cast a wide net impacting the east coast. tens of thousands of people are without power in north carolina, west virginia and georgia. west virginia and the lead with nearly 20,000 outages. maine now creeping up with with more than ten. we saw the snow come up fast. virginia state police were busy responding to almost 500 car accidents because of it. in pittsburgh, not a lot of people are out. if they are, it's to walk their dog or get to work. >> it's very windy. making for some uncomfortable walking the dog. nothing we're not used to here in pittsburgh. >> the storm causing more than 4,000 flight cancellations. most of them in and out of douglas international. charlotte is among several pots that are impacted by the winter weather. in florida, there were tornadoes destroying dozens of homes near fort myers. we know the storm is moving through maine and new hampshire before it heads out around midnight. charles? >> thank you, heavy snow and high winds accompanying the storm. some places seeing more than a foot of snow. adam klotz is keeping track of this and where the storm goes from here. adam? >> this storm covering a very large area and moving up to the north and east. really that center of circulation now running up to maine, getting up to the interior new england. still snow on the back side of this. windy on the back side. this has gone on for days and it's piled up. these are some of the snowfall totals. you can see areas in ohio getting up to 30 inches, a large swath of the country, over two feet of snow getting close to three feet of snow when you talk about some of these really impressive numbers, 2 1/2 feet of snow. and then additionally, you add the ice totals getting into the southeast. that has caused as much of a headache as perhaps any of the snow has. this is enough to bring down power lines and tree branches and dangerous road conditions. if you see a 1/2 inch of ice on a lot of the roads and streets. it's cold and windy. you're seeing spots net in to the 20s. with the windchill, feels colder than that. the future track will continue to see lingering snow. the vast majority of the snow has tracked out. if you live along the lakes, you get the lake-effect snow on the back side. maybe a little snow upstate in new york. mostly this is winding down. it was a big winter system. we're happy to see it go. charles? >> thanks, adam. winter storms, supply chain issues are a double whammy for stores trying to fill the shelves. madison alworth is in new jersey with more on that part of the story. >> yeah, the winter storms did no favors. we're looking at inflation, empty shelves adding to this literally perfect storm of problems for your local grocery store. take a look at this video. this was the seen at shop rite across new jersey. so many empty shelves. it's a combination of the factors leading to that winter storms didn't make the deliveries better. we've seen them slowed with a crammed supply chain story. here in sue leonard's, the team has adjusted. >> we're finding it difficult to get tropicana in our stores. so we have to pivot. so if we push our private label, we'll still have an orange juice but not the one that you see every day. >> when you can find those items on the shelf, they cost you more because of inflation. some are blaming them for price gouging. the grocers are keeping up with labor, delivery, gas, all of those things. americans say they're tired of politics. they just want to be paying less for the items that they're paying so much more for. take a listen. >> it's just the two of us. i spend $500 a week on food and i don't know what i bought. i feel sorry for people with big families. can't afford to eat anymore. prices are terrible. there's no reason for it. >> so charles, we looked at this issue this weekend because of the winter weather making it worse. as we reported on both networks, we've been dealing with empty shelves for quite some time now. there's no indication when it will get better. americans are paying higher prices for every day goods. charles? >> they're up it is about it. thanks. so inflation is expected to remain high as long as the supply chain issues persist. how long before americans say they've had enough? i want to bring in larry glazer. friday, we got consumer sentiment numbers. here's the dividing line. a total free fall. madison just spoke to folks that feel the same way. when do they get relief? >> charles, i've had enough. nothing crushes middle class confidence faster than empty store shelves and rising pricing. i went out for burritos, it was $60. none of us have seen this in 40 years. few people remember how bad it can be. i find it hard to believe that we can put a man on the moon but we can't keep orange juice and mim and bread on the stores. the greatest generation storm the beaches of normandy but nothing will unload ships rights now. it's bad and it's costing three times us a much. there's empty promises in washington. i'm an optimist. we'll resolve it but resolve it with main street ingenuity and innovation and not washington empty policies. >> neil: a lot of times we get run-away inflation like this -- you talked about burritos, not steak. people move down the food chain to be able to still have a meal. we saw already early in wall street what they call earnings seasons. the companies report how they're doing. so far 87% have said that they raised their prices. there's got to be a point where americans will say no mas, we won't pay it. you can raise the price. >> we saw retail sales disappoint. people can only do so much. you had a lot of stimulus money that carried us through. that is gone. now we have volatility, mid-terms coming and creating concerns. people will think about what that means. there's a sense of hope and optimism that we get past omicron. you can't have empty stores and empty office buildings and expect a normal economy. you have to reopen things. there's a lot of frustration building. people get a chance to vote that frustration and vote with their wall lesses. when you see negative rates that people earn at the bank and the wages are not keeping up with rising prices, there's building frustration on main street. >> real wages are down 2.4% last month. >> no question. >> here's the question. here's what i don't know. no one is talking about it. let's face it. the biden administration pumped too much money in this economy and the federal reserve pumped too much money. in both have to do something about it. i'm wondering, can they do anything without triggering a recession? feels like at this point for the fed to do what its supposed to do, like paul volcker did, that would mean the pain would be excruciating. to get to the other side, it may be painful. >> the party may be over for a little while. again, we have not lost the faith that you can get a 10% correction on the way the higher interest rates. interest rates are so low. go back 40 years. the last time you had inflation at these numbers, interest rates were double digits, a lot of positives going on. the earnings are good and will continue to be good. corporate america is doing their fair share. they're hiring people. they have to get people back to work and motivate people to work and not not work. >> real quick. 30 seconds to go. there's chatter in d.c. and printing even more money. they're saying they want to do it for these location businesses. has to be pointed out, over a trillion dollars of this money has not been spent yet. feels like they keep double-dipping and triple dipping. what would that do for inflation? >> the definition of insanity is doing it over and over again. spending more money is create ago bigger wealth divide. let's try going to work. the national deficit is going to crowd out the private sector and hurt the economic. i haven't lost hope for main street. >> neither have i. thank you to richmond, virginia where glenn youngkin is addressing the joint assembly. he campaigned heavily on education and attacking inflation. why both parties are washing his actions closely as the mid-terms close in. that's coming up. we'll get a read from the state's former democratic governor later in this hour. first, the fbi's about face failing to quiet the fire storm over the initial response to the terror incident at the texas synagogue. so what is this about? we'll have the latest on that. with the mid-terms coming up, are new numbers showing voters are looking to change things up? we report, you decide. ♪♪ cial plan to live it every day. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at pain hits fast. so get relief fast. only tylenol rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast for fast pain relief. and now get relief without a pill with tylenol dissolve packs. relief without the water. ♪ ♪ at lowe's, you never wit have to be finishedacks. with your finishing touches. with aisles of ways to refresh and restyle. for whatever style you're feeling. at prices you're really feelin. shop the lowe's bath style & save event now in-store and online. it's been nearly two years since the pandemic started. our students and teachers tried their best, but as a parent, i can tell you that nearly 18 months of remote learning was really hard. i'm so angry that instead of helping our kids get back in the classroom, the school board focused on renaming schools schools that weren't even open . please recall all three school board members now. for the sake of our kids, we can't wait one more day, never mind a whole year for a fresh start. >> to the fbi's about face after the initial response the hostage standoff at a texas synagogue. so what is this about? fox news white house correspondent jacqui heinrich with the latest. jacqui? >> the fbi suggested that they learned more about the suspect's motive and the standoff wore on. they said last night during negotiations with law enforcement the hostage taker spoke repeatedly about a convicted terrorist that is in jail in the united states. it was a terrorism related matter in which the jewish community was targeted. the aboutface came hours after president biden described the intent this week. >> this was an act of terror. i wanted to make sure we got the word out to synagogues that we won't tolerate this. >> senator lindsey graham asking why the fbi would dismiss anti-semitism as a motive so quickly especially after the statement the suspect made. lindsey said i hope they reconsider. lindsey graham referenced the person that he talked about. jewish leaders said the fbi owes their community an explanation. >> makes you wonder who in god's name is going on with the fbi. you know, when the fbi made that statement, that this wasn't anti-semitic for god's sake. what were they looking at? i mean, the whole world saw this clearly, a synagogue. >> we're also learning more of the fbi's statements were ill-advised. they said there was no indication anyone but the suspect was involved. fox news learned that two teens were arrested in england last night in connection with this. so far there's not been any statements from the just it's the department, from the attorney general on this incident despite merrick garland saying that he wanted to make anti-semitism one of his biggest priorities when he assumed his post. >> thanks. i want to get to the fbi's initial statement in just a moment but first, could this have been prevented? was the suspect on the radar. first, i want to bring in danny pollson. so many times we see that near in the grasp of law enforcement and for some reason got out. have you had enough time to see if that could be the case here? >> actually, i have. think about this. we did not know who tim mcveigh was. we have a great intelligence collection capability. but there's a lot of people out there that don't like the united states. a lot of anti-semites out there. it will happen. i wish it was a perfect world that we could get these guys. we're not. this is a serious situation and it's going to get worse. we can rely on intelligence to protect us. question have to protect ourselves. >> to that point, why was it down played by the military, our woke military? is something similar going on at the fbi? >> i hope not. i've commanded a lot of these. the amount of information generated by these things is beyond comprehension. what you know after an hour it starts is a thousand times what you know when it starts. so the information starts coming in. what i say to you now, in an hour may not be true. we knew a guy that went into that synagogue and took hostages. we don't know if he's an anti semite. we don't know what he is. that's why you have to wait for it to play out. i want to mention something here. we had a victory here. got blessed us with a great victory. all the hostages are alive. the bad guys are no longer with us. it's almost like going to a super bowl conference and saying, you won the super bowl, but you had pass interference in the third quarter. i don't mean that to be demeaning to anybody. but for somebody that has done a lot of these, it's hard. we had a blessing to get this one done the way we did. >> what we're trying to say is -- and you brought it up -- this is the world we live in. the quicker we can identify these and be honest about it. the fbi has to be commended for the program because we saw where the rabbi used these active shooter training for them to escape. where do we go from here? two teens have been arrested in manchester, this malik akrim, stayed in a homeless shelter. he had a gun. how did he get the gun? aren't there more questions? shouldn't we be on high alert? >> that's a really good question. it does beyond your question. we're not going to catch all of these guys. we need to be ready. each institutions need to prepare for this. >> thanks, danny. you're a straight shooter and we appreciate you always. thank you. so inflation, glenn youngkin ran and won on it. so washington democrats, shouldn't they be worried? you might be worried about what doug wilder has to say. he's here. who is putting vladimir putin in his place? mike pompeo says it's no longer that russia is acting up as the biden administration keeps backing down. the latest on that threat next. ♪♪ ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. 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>> i don't think anyone would be, charles. good to be with you. it's an interesting thing. i was pleased to be at the inaugural on saturday when he made those kinds of statements as well as emphasized what was taking place. i think first of all, we need to make sure that people understand, virginiians are proud people. they're not to be taken granted by anybody, any party. they're not purple, they're not blue, they're not red. they are more purple than anything else. they're not -- one of the reasons i studied the names and the colors, they're not defined by color. they're defined by spirit of independence. they would vote for that person who is the best interest of their interest and who is promoting what they want to do. i'm pleased to say, this is my birthday. any 91st birthday. the same birthday that is being celebrated by people for dr. martin luther king. dr. king had the first holiday established in his legislative holiday for him in virginia. that's what virginiians. took me eight years to do it two governors vetoed it. many people who voted against his holiday came to support his holiday. i want to say that i looked at that election. king was so much interested in education. i think youngkin is doing the same thing. looking to promote what is in the best interest of the people. >> charles: governor, you know, i read your piece today. you were born two years after king. he was assassinated in 1968. you were elected in 1969. martin luther king jr. should not be confined to marches, demonstrations and songs. why is that statement so important right now? >> i think it's important now because so many people say oh, if we could just get back to martin luther king and start singing, singing we can march. king was a visionary. he believed in the possibility of the individual. he believed in education. glenn youngkin but hitting on education is emphasizing what king spoke about. i can tell you at the inauguration saturday, walking through the crowd, talking with people, republicans, democrats, independents, many of them were pleased to see us coming together. america needs that more than anything else. i think in king's instance, he wasn't a republican. he wasn't a democrat. he wasn't confined to being a preacher or marches or demonstrations. he was a philosopher. he studied. one of the things i like, do not just be concerned with numbers. numbers will eventually add up to zero. that's why it's so important for people that would not be in office today but for king, working for the right to vote. people needing the opportunity to vote, but once they vote, they look to see what they've got and they become disillusioned. our responsibility is to give back that spirit, give back that upward looking and the light and to let them understand that all things are possible. >> charles: governo -- the lieutenant governor was also sworn in. she said i'm a success story that you can do it, no matter your gender, no matter your color. are you going to look at the glass as half full or half empty. if it's half empty, that's a negative view of life. that's where too many of our political leaders come from. all it does is serve there and divides us to saying you're a victim, you'll always be a victim and other people are oppressors so you need us. this message i happen to think is refreshing. the politics of finger pointing is -- i wish that was a relic of the past. your thoughts particularly on this history making. you made history and now she's making history. >> i think it's good. i never considered myself making history. i never considered myself doing anything other than what could be done, what could be possible. i served in the senate for 16 years. i chaired many numbers of committees. i've been involved in knowing what the laws were and how they needed to be changed and when they needed to be changed. i wanted that for the people. consequently, i didn't go into political office for doug wilder. i went in to serve the people and to instance that people saw that. i can tell you, charles, it's one of the best feelings i have today. when i walk the streets or when i walk anywhere and i see people, they identify with me knowing that i am for and have been and will be for the people. all of the people. all of america's people. all of virginia's people. i have spoken to winsome sears, the new attorney general. i said the best thing that they can do now is work with glenn youngkin to make this administration as strong as possible for the people of virginia. it's a joint venture that we all need to do nor the good of the people. >> charles: governor, let me ask you about president biden. his approval rating sung to 33%. how worried are you about the direction of the democratic party? >> well, i would say that in terms of being worried about it, the people that are really actively involved in the democratic party should be really concerned. because there doesn't seem to be a direction flow. there doesn't seem to be anyone really in charge. you have to talk to the media because the media talks to the people. you have to not be afraid to be on the wrong side of an issue. but you can't say certain things. for instance, the border incident hasn't been handled. to the extent that you're talking about spending money? i don't have to tell you about that. you know it. you do it every day. spending money with no idea and how you're going to stop spending it and where sitcoming back and how is it coming back? education is the key but how you get there and what are you traying -- i think democrats should be very worried particularly in lou of the mid-terms coming in. and let's assume that something does happen and tipping the balance. it's not the end of the world. what are you going to do to make certain that you deserve a chance. >> charles: governor wilder, i believe you're a living legend and i want to say happy birthday. you look fantastic for 91, this is one of my highlights of my broadcasting career with you. thank you, sir. >> thank you. means a lot to me. >> charles: see you soon. the white house talking up its spending plans and consumers are feeling down about inflation. it's not spending that is adding to the misery. we're going to also bring your ice skates, folks. leave your phones at home, this is the message that u.s. athletes are getting worried about chinese spying. should we be going at all? we'll be right back. ♪♪ when you're looking for answers, it's good to have help. because the right information, at the right time, may make all the difference. at humana, we know that's especially true when you're looking for a medicare supplement insurance plan. that's why we're offering "seven things every medicare supplement should have". it's yours free, just for calling the number on your screen. and when you call, a knowledgeable licensed agent-producer can answer any questions you have, and help you choose the plan that's right for you. the call is free, and there's no obligation. you see, medicare covers only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you! that's why so many people purchase medicare supplement insurance plans like those offered by humana. they're designed to help you save money and pay some of the costs medicare doesn't. depending on the medicare supplement plan you select, you could have no deductibles or copayments for doctor visits, hospital stays, emergency care and more! you can keep the doctors you have now, ones you know and trust, with no referrals needed. plus you can get medical care anywhere in the country, even when you're traveling. with humana, you get a competitive monthly premium and personalized service from a healthcare partner working to make healthcare simpler and easier for you. you can choose from a wide range of standardized plans. each one is designed to work seamlessly with medicare, and help save you money. so how do you find the plan that's right for you? 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[ sighs heavily ] when owning a small business gets real, progressive helps protect what you've built with affordable coverage. >> charles: with less than three weeks to the start of the winter olympics in beijing, a new warning to athletes about possible security and data breaches. to benjamin hall at the state department with the latest. benjamin? >> hi, charles. for some time, there's worry about the security of athletes. and now team u.s.a. shares the fears. they wrote a memo to athletes. they said when they get to china, they should leave burner phones and lie their phones at home to avoid spying. they said that they would be subjected to malicious infection and data compromise. add a minimum they should wipe their personal data from devices from arrival and departure from china. the report per "usa today" and echoed by 0 countries says despite any and all safeguards put in place to protect systems and data, it should be assumed that everything could be monitored or blocked. the state department has warned that security personnel. watches foreign visitors. no officials go in light of genocide. it has show that 50% of the officials have going to china to provide security support. the games have been dubbed the genocide games, of course. but the fact this is may not be the iron clad boycott that were led to expect. and we've seen what happens in the country when covid cases are detected. tens of millions in lock down. the great fear is if case numbers rise, we could see something similar outside the olympic bubble. charles? >> charles: thanks, benjamin. if it's so dangerous for athletes, with are we going? steve, thanks for joining us. you know, people that do business regularly in china all go there with burner phones. so what do you make now of this warning to our athletes to do the same? >> charles, basically i stand by what i argued in the daily caller in april suggesting that the olympics shouldn't be in beijing and should go to japan. the evidence that has unfolded ever since seems to reinforce that argument, whether it's the omicron outbreak, the continued pursuit of people's freedoms in china. the tennis start appearing and disappearing raising concerns. there's health to physical security to communication security. a variety of reasons why people should be concerned. i feel for the athletes, this is a their once in a four-year moment to shine but this is a bad environment to send them in to. >> charles: any time something is nicknamed the genocide games, you don't want to be associated with it. let's go to russia. ukraine blaming russia for a cyber attack. i talked to mike pompeo about this, how the united states is handling russia. this is after congress nixed the sanctions for the nord stream 2 pipeline. here's what he had to say. >> vladimir putin has threatened the united states and the region and said this is what i'm going to do and what he's gotten in response a weakness, appeasement and mere words. the biden administration says don't sanction a rush pipelines so americans can sell energy and gas. we want the russians to do it. i'm -- doesn't make much sense to me. >> charles: he's not the only one. what do you think the strategy is here, steve? >> i agree very much with secretary pompeo. really if there were to be a sensible strategy, it should have been to bolster the capabilities of the ukrainians to help themselves and pushing the europeans to come to a neighbor's aid and increase deterrence against russia. all of the signal sending, whether it's pulling back from missile defense, all of these things are very troubling signs. i can't disagree with what the secretary said. russia see as go signal and a lot of weakness or uncertainty on the part of the west. >> charles: also apparently the main chess piece here on both sides is nato. what is their role in this? you know, i just feel like we're being sucked in to something that i don't know that americans want to be involved in. >> well, i would argue americans should be the first and foremost actor in, this should be europe, the combined economies of europe and the militaries of europe are quite large and more substantial than that of russia. so they should not be an american-led issue. i think the american public is extremely weary about being pulled so a potential conflict with a committed nuclear power. so i think there's a lot of reason to have hesitancy. the answers have to be europe taking their own order seriously themselves. >> charles: thanks very much, steve yates. president biden set for a major news conference this wednesday likely facing questions about run-away inflation and the spending plans that help send it in to overdrive. ♪ [band plays] ♪ a place where everyone lives life well-protected. ♪♪ and even when things go a bit wrong, we've got your back. here, things work the way you wish they would. and better protection costs a whole lot less. you're in good hands with allstate. click or call for a lower auto rate today. i always dreamed of having kids of my own. ♪ ♪ now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. >> charles: president biden's first year in office seeing trillions in new spending and consumer spending a whole lot more at the stores as inflation keeps raging. peter doocy at the white house with the latest. peter? >> charles, president biden has been proven wrong. his prediction three months ago is that inflation wasn't going to stick around. >> do you think it's going to last for a while? >> i don't think so. i don't think it will last -- depending what we do. if we stay where we are. >> reflective democrats have conceded that pumping the economy full of covid stimulus that wasn't tied to long-term relief may have added to inflation. president biden thinks the remedy is to spend more. >> all the talk about how my build back better plan was to increase inflation and the causes, debts and all that, what happened? goldman sachs said if we don't pass build back better, we're in trouble baugh because it's going to grow the economy. without it, we won't grow. >> president biden has long claimed instead that inflagrants is caused by things out of his hands. >> well, look, first of all, the significant reason why prices are up is because covid affecting the supply chains. >> so covid, the pandemic, a problem of year one. the promise to shut it down, turns out, that is history. >> are you no longer going to shut it down? >> we have to beat it back before we shut it down. >> president biden spent the weekend in delaware. we expect him back in a couple hours. >> charles: red or blue? what say you. new sign that party preferences are shifting. which parties should be worrying. see the numbers and you decide. ♪♪ as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ (vo) subaru and our retailers volunteer and support charities all year long. and...through the subaru share the love event, we are proud to have donated over two hundred and twenty five million dollars to charity. you can get a car from any company, but none will make a difference like subaru. 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[upbeat acoustic music throughout] with age comes more... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .05% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkles results in one week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. ♪ ♪ >> neil: a new gallup survey finds americans political preferences shifting from democrat to republican over the course of 2021. so what does this mean as we had to midterms? here now to discuss "washington examiner" kayla d white and x strategist arnold. let me start with you, the numbers are pretty shocking. >> yeah, absolutely. this is to be expected coming up on the midterms. there is a transfer of power, but it goes to show the democrats are out of touch with the issues that voters care about right now. both of them being covid and the pandemic ongoing and also inflation. >> jana? >> charles, it is nice to see you. i am very much thankful. i would challenge my colleagues and i actually think it has more to do with what this when they respond whether they would identify republican, democrat and i think most said republican. and reflection of the entire country of being in the middle and not interested pegged one specific political party. your viewers are sharp enough to have constructive thinking when it comes to anyone to know they are not interested or agree with any sentiment on a ballot. >> jana, one thing i look at is economic data and in a decade, they break it down by political party. i have to be honest, i was shocked, 10% plunge in democrats confidence in the economy and a big decline also independent. so, you have to acknowledge that there is some dissatisfaction going on there and somehow the democratic party doesn't really -- they will make a choice, once they? >> you know, you see that they are exhausted and weary and concerned about the president and the polls coming out of washington. we are more divided than we have ever been, but when asked respondents to consider being independent, most of the contributors, we do realize we are all very much the same and likely want most of the same things. >> jana, that has always been the case, but also, when you ask for the job and you get it, at that point, they start pointing fingers. i think the biden administration has made to political mistakes. every time president biden speaks, he brags, he starts off bragging about something and most of the time he contradicts what's in the public. there is food on the shelves. the afghan was not much. we were okay with covid planning. come out of mia coppola and also blaming the other person. don't you think americans -- i'm sorry, here at this point you think americans want solutions, solutions based and the party to come up with solutions they can embrace. >> absolutely. i think what they want is they just want biden's promises to actually be kept. he promised he would shut down the virus. he had to admit that is not going to happen. he promised inflation was not going to be a thing this time right now last year. it is still a thing. it is still affecting americans everyday. and the people will remember that in 2022. that is why you see this discontentment with the biden administration and with democrats at large. >> jenna, the administration, listen and the public they sweep these numbers under the rug come although early in the administration, these polls push the agenda but now don't pay attention to them. at what point do you think you start to see panic on your party? >> i think everybody is concerned across the board going back to the original question in this segment about whether or not americans will side with americans don't like democrats or republicans. and a lot of it has to do with making sweeping generalizations about what was said and what is said and what was done and what wasn't. i appreciate your analysis about biden to debate every time he's at the podium, but he is meant at a fire hose -- >> it comes with a job. >> it is not a generalization. those are his own words. he promised to shut down the virus and it has not happened. >> we have got to leave it there. promises made, promises kept. maybe, just maybe that could save the president by mid term, but he's got some catching up to do peer that will do it for me, of course, martin luther king jr. holiday. they will be open tomorrow so catch me 2:00 p.m. on the business channel. it will be a huge day. now "the five" starts. ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone i am dana perino with greg gutfeld, jesse watters, kennedy, harold ford jr. 5:00 in new york city, this is "the five." the fbi doing damage control over the way it first characterized a harrowing attack on the synagogue in texas. britishness national storming and taking four hostages and demanding the release of a prisoner known as lady al qaeda. it killed a

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Place , Jr , Shot , Martin Luther King , Washington D C , Memorial , Day , 3 , 00 , World , U S , Thousands , Flights , Grateful , Tens Of Thousands , Millions , Part , Tornado , Power Outages , Cars , Devastation , Path , Winter Storm Wrecking Havoc , Florida , Icy Roads , Charles Payne , Adam Klotz , Pittsburgh , Snow Totals , Team Coverage , Katie Burns , Fox , Neil Cavuto , Storm , Lake Effect Snow , Story , Problems , Pile , People , Winds , Storm Cast A Wide Net Impacting , East Coast , Power , West Virginia , Lead , Outages , Maine , North Carolina , Georgia , 20000 , Ten , Lot , Car Accidents , Virginia State Police , 500 , Nothing , Dog , Making , Walking , Pots , Most , Charlotte , Douglas International , Flight Cancellations , 4000 , Winter Weather , Homes , Tornadoes , Dozens , Fort Myers , New Hampshire , Track , Places , Foot , Back Side , Snow , Interior , Area , Center , North , East , Circulation , New England , Country , Some , Feet , Snowfall Totals , Areas , Swath , Ohio , Two , Three , 30 , Numbers , Ice Totals , Southeast , Headache , Branches , Tree , Power Lines , 2 1 , Streets , Roads , Ice , Windchill , Road Conditions , 20 , 1 2 , Lakes , Majority , Winter Storms , Thanks , Supply Chain , Winter System , New York , Stores , Shelves , Whammy , New Jersey , Madison Alworth , Inflation Wasn T , Grocery Store , Look , Favors , Video , Rite , Factors , Combination , Deliveries , Team , Supply Chain Story , Sue Leonard S , One , Items , Shelf , Label , Orange Juice , Things , Wall , Gas , Delivery , Price Gouging , Labor , Grocers , Think Americans , More , Food , Politics , Listen , Just The Two Of Us , Reason , Prices , Issue , Families , Networks , Indication , Goods , Issues , Consumer Sentiment Numbers , Friday , Larry Glazer , Relief , Way , Madison , Free Fall , Folks , The Dividing Line , None , Burritos , Store , Pricing , Confidence , 40 , 60 , 0 , Generation , Bread , Man On The Moon , Promises , Optimist , Rights , Beaches , Normandy , Times , Policies , Food Chain , Main Street , Innovation , Ingenuity , Steak , Point , Companies , Earnings Seasons , Wall Street , Meal , 87 , Stimulus Money , Price , Mas , Sales , Sense , Mid Terms , Omicron , Concerns , Optimism , Hope , Volatility , Economy , Office , Chance , Vote , Rates , Buildings , Frustration Building , Frustration , Wall Lesses , Question , Wages , No One , Don T Know , Bank , Building Frustration , 2 4 , Something , Money , Administration , Both , Anything , Feels , Reserve , Recession , Political Party , Side , Pain , Fed , Paul Volcker , Interest Rates , Correction , Faith , 10 , Corporate America , Earnings , Positives , Digits , Share , Location Businesses , Chatter , Real Quick , Definition , Dipping , Insanity , Deficit , Economic , Wealth Divide , Sector , Glenn Youngkin Ran , Education , Richmond , Assembly , Haven T Lost Hope , Fbi , Governor , Face , Actions , First , Parties , Estate , Read , Democratic , Latest , Voters , Response , Texas Synagogue , Terror Incident , Fire , Coming Up , Medicare Supplement Plan , Cial , Version , Planning , Northwestern Mutual , Advisor , Nm Com Pain Hits Fast , Medicine Fast , Laser , Pill , Packs , Water , Gels , Pain Relief , Tylenol Rapid , Drilled Holes , Ways , Touches , Finishing , Restyle , Style , Save , Event , Wit , Aisles , At Lowe S , Finishedacks , Bath Style , Lowe S , Pandemic , Students , Parent , Teachers , Best , Kids , Schools , Classroom , Remote Learning , School Board , School Board Members , 18 , Sake , Start , White House , Hostage Standoff , Jacqui , Jacqui Heinrich , Suspect , Motive , Law Enforcement , Standoff , Negotiations , Hostage Taker , Matter , Terrorist , Jewish Community , Terrorism , Jail , Aboutface , Biden S , Lindsey Graham , Act Of Terror , Word , Synagogues , Statement , Anti Semitism , Person , Leaders , Jewish , Community , Explanation , Wasn T Anti Semitic , God S Name , Statements , Synagogue , Saw , God , Anyone , Attorney General , Teens , Department , Connection , Merrick Garland , Incident , Priorities , Post , Danny Pollson , Radar , Case , Grasp , Tim Mcveigh , Americans Don T , There , Anti Semites , Great Intelligence Collection Capability , Guys , Intelligence , Situation , Military , Our , Information , Comprehension , Amount , A Thousand , Hostages , Guy , Anti Semite , Victory , Got , Anybody , Super Bowl , Interference , Somebody , Saying , Blessing , Where Do We Go From Here , Program , Shooter Training , Rabbi , Questions , Aren T , Malik Akrim , Gun , Homeless Shelter , Manchester , Shouldn T , Institutions , Inflation , Shooter , Doug Wilder , Vladimir Putin , Let S Go To Russia , Mike Pompeo , Backing , Threat , Limu Emu , Insurance , Limu , Whistles , Isn T , Sec , Liberty , Pay , Vulture Squawks , Vicks Vapostick , Apr Financing , Vapors , Apple Carplay Support , Limits , Gx 460 , Lexus Gx , 2 49 , 2022 , 460 , Mess , Loved Ones , Chest , Comfort , Shipping Manager , Neck , Find Themself , Job Description , Candidates , Indeed Instant Match , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Stream , Directv , Anywhere , Matrix , Demand , Tv , Serena Williams , Message , Home , Phone , Gold , Centers , Peter Doocy , Olympics , Hospitals , Biotech Innovates , Boston , Five , Doctors , Care , Ones , Research , Physicians , Harvard Medical School , One Mass General , Brigham , Republican , Campaign , Playbook , Pocketbook , History , Weekend , Good , Classrooms , Reading , Science , Essential Math , Thing , Bad , Virginiians , Kinds , Reasons , Anything Else , Names , Purple , Interest , Color , Spirit , Independence , Colors , Birthday , Holiday , King , Dr , 91 , Governors , Eight , Piece , Election , 1969 , 1968 , Demonstrations , Marches , Songs , Visionary , Individual , Possibility , Many , Independents , Crowd , Wasn T , Instance , Preacher , He Wasn T A Democrat , America , King S , Philosopher , He Wasn T A Republican , Zero , Opportunity , Light , Responsibility , Governo , Lieutenant Governor , Success Story , It , Life , View , Gender , Glass , Victim , Oppressors , Finger Pointing , Relic , Thoughts , History Making , Senate , 16 , Laws , Committees , Didn T Go Into Political Office , Feelings , Winsome Sears , Direction , Need , Approval Rating , Joint Venture , 33 , Doesn T , Terms , Direction Flow , Media , Talks , Spending Money , Border Incident Hasn T , Extent , Idea , Lou , Balance , The End Of World , Living Legend , Sir , Broadcasting Career , Highlights , Phones , Spending Plans , Consumers , Misery , Ice Skates , Athletes , Spying , Chinese , Answers , Help , Difference , At Humana , Number , Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan , Agent Producer , Screen , Medicare Supplement Should Have , Seven , Call , Obligation , Rest , Medicare , Expenses , 80 , Plans , Humana , Doctor Visits , Medicare Doesn T , Emergency Care , Hospital Stays , Copayments , Deductibles , Premium , Referrals , Trust , Healthcare Partner , Healthcare , Service , Range , Save You , Needs , Budget , Guide , Call Humana , Making Healthcare Simpler , Company , Won T , Costs , The Sun Is Shining , Grass , Answer , Kenny , Schedule , Koi , There S Heather On The Hedges , Small Business , Progressive , Boy , Truck , Timber , Yes , Coverage , Winter Olympics , Security , State Department , Benjamin , Warning , Data Breaches , Beijing , Benjamin Hall , Hi , Burner Phones , Fears , Memo , Worry , Data , Compromise , Departure , Infection , Devices , Arrival , Minimum , Everything , Countries , Safeguards , Per , Usa Today , Systems , Security Personnel , Officials , Genocide , Visitors , Security Support , 50 , Course , Games , Boycott , Fact , Genocide Games , Iron Clad , Case Numbers , Fear , Cases , Tens , Lock , Bubble , Olympic , Steve Yates , Business , Same , Daily Caller , Olympics Shouldn T Be In Beijing , Evidence , Omicron Outbreak , Freedoms , Argument , Japan , Tennis Start , Health , Raising Concerns , Variety , Environment , Four , Attack , Ukraine , Congress , Sanctions , Region , Nord Stream 2 Pipeline , 2 , Weakness , Words , Rush Pipelines , Appeasement , Energy , Strategy , Secretary Pompeo , Capabilities , Europeans , Aid , Neighbor , Ukrainians , Signs , Deterrence , Signal Sending , Missile Defense , Sides , Chess Piece , Go Signal , West , Role , Secretary , Uncertainty , Nato , Europe , Economies , Actor , Public , Conflict , Militaries , President , Biden Set , Order , Hesitancy , Spending , Band Plays , News Conference , Overdrive , Everyone , Back , Bit Wrong , Hands , Auto Rate , Protection , Allstate , Someone , Mom , Trillions , Consumer , Prediction , So Covid , Remedy , Talk , Goldman Sachs , Plan , Build , Causes , Debts , Trouble Baugh , Inflagrants , Promise , Year One , Supply Chains , Delaware , Preferences , Sign , Red , Blue , I Don T , Liberty Mutual , Chances , Car Insurance , Bull Rider , Turn , Record , Tex , Hang On , Woooooo , Wooo , Yeaa , 665 Dollars , 665 , Subaru , Charities , Support , Love Event , Retailers , And , Charity , Car , Jeff , Bonnie , Robert , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Car Company , Record Label , Sound Engineer , Taking Off , Scholarships , Work , Scholarship , University Of Phoenix , 000 , 3000 , Music , Opportunities , Phoenix Edu , Skin , Retinol , Powerful , Age , Neutrogena , Pro Plus , 5 , Wrinkles Results , Gallup Survey , Midterms , White , Kayla D , Strategist Arnold , Washington Examiner , 2021 , Transfer , Touch , Jana , Colleagues , Viewers , Being , Reflection , Sentiment , Ballot , Dissatisfaction , Decline , Choice , Polls , Respondents , Contributors , Job , Fingers , Mistakes , Solutions , Afghan , Covid Planning , Don T You , Mia Coppola , Party , Virus , Discontentment , Agenda , Rug , Attention , Jenna , Everybody , Board , Panic , Segment , Generalizations , Analysis , Generalization , Fire Hose , Podium , Peer , Mid Term , The Business Channel , Dana Perino , Damage Control , Harold Ford Jr , Kennedy , Greg Gutfeld , Jesse Watters , Release , Prisoner , Lady , Texas , Britishness National , Al Qaeda ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709

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and how could this pile of problems. we begin with katie in pittsburgh. katie? >> we're getting a great from the snow. the storm is not done yet. now the big story is the strong winds blowing the snow around us. this storm cast a wide net impacting the east coast. tens of thousands of people are without power in north carolina, west virginia and georgia. west virginia and the lead with nearly 20,000 outages. maine now creeping up with with more than ten. we saw the snow come up fast. virginia state police were busy responding to almost 500 car accidents because of it. in pittsburgh, not a lot of people are out. if they are, it's to walk their dog or get to work. >> it's very windy. making for some uncomfortable walking the dog. nothing we're not used to here in pittsburgh. >> the storm causing more than 4,000 flight cancellations. most of them in and out of douglas international. charlotte is among several pots that are impacted by the winter weather. in florida, there were tornadoes destroying dozens of homes near fort myers. we know the storm is moving through maine and new hampshire before it heads out around midnight. charles? >> thank you, heavy snow and high winds accompanying the storm. some places seeing more than a foot of snow. adam klotz is keeping track of this and where the storm goes from here. adam? >> this storm covering a very large area and moving up to the north and east. really that center of circulation now running up to maine, getting up to the interior new england. still snow on the back side of this. windy on the back side. this has gone on for days and it's piled up. these are some of the snowfall totals. you can see areas in ohio getting up to 30 inches, a large swath of the country, over two feet of snow getting close to three feet of snow when you talk about some of these really impressive numbers, 2 1/2 feet of snow. and then additionally, you add the ice totals getting into the southeast. that has caused as much of a headache as perhaps any of the snow has. this is enough to bring down power lines and tree branches and dangerous road conditions. if you see a 1/2 inch of ice on a lot of the roads and streets. it's cold and windy. you're seeing spots net in to the 20s. with the windchill, feels colder than that. the future track will continue to see lingering snow. the vast majority of the snow has tracked out. if you live along the lakes, you get the lake-effect snow on the back side. maybe a little snow upstate in new york. mostly this is winding down. it was a big winter system. we're happy to see it go. charles? >> thanks, adam. winter storms, supply chain issues are a double whammy for stores trying to fill the shelves. madison alworth is in new jersey with more on that part of the story. >> yeah, the winter storms did no favors. we're looking at inflation, empty shelves adding to this literally perfect storm of problems for your local grocery store. take a look at this video. this was the seen at shop rite across new jersey. so many empty shelves. it's a combination of the factors leading to that winter storms didn't make the deliveries better. we've seen them slowed with a crammed supply chain story. here in sue leonard's, the team has adjusted. >> we're finding it difficult to get tropicana in our stores. so we have to pivot. so if we push our private label, we'll still have an orange juice but not the one that you see every day. >> when you can find those items on the shelf, they cost you more because of inflation. some are blaming them for price gouging. the grocers are keeping up with labor, delivery, gas, all of those things. americans say they're tired of politics. they just want to be paying less for the items that they're paying so much more for. take a listen. >> it's just the two of us. i spend $500 a week on food and i don't know what i bought. i feel sorry for people with big families. can't afford to eat anymore. prices are terrible. there's no reason for it. >> so charles, we looked at this issue this weekend because of the winter weather making it worse. as we reported on both networks, we've been dealing with empty shelves for quite some time now. there's no indication when it will get better. americans are paying higher prices for every day goods. charles? >> they're up it is about it. thanks. so inflation is expected to remain high as long as the supply chain issues persist. how long before americans say they've had enough? i want to bring in larry glazer. friday, we got consumer sentiment numbers. here's the dividing line. a total free fall. madison just spoke to folks that feel the same way. when do they get relief? >> charles, i've had enough. nothing crushes middle class confidence faster than empty store shelves and rising pricing. i went out for burritos, it was $60. none of us have seen this in 40 years. few people remember how bad it can be. i find it hard to believe that we can put a man on the moon but we can't keep orange juice and mim and bread on the stores. the greatest generation storm the beaches of normandy but nothing will unload ships rights now. it's bad and it's costing three times us a much. there's empty promises in washington. i'm an optimist. we'll resolve it but resolve it with main street ingenuity and innovation and not washington empty policies. >> neil: a lot of times we get run-away inflation like this -- you talked about burritos, not steak. people move down the food chain to be able to still have a meal. we saw already early in wall street what they call earnings seasons. the companies report how they're doing. so far 87% have said that they raised their prices. there's got to be a point where americans will say no mas, we won't pay it. you can raise the price. >> we saw retail sales disappoint. people can only do so much. you had a lot of stimulus money that carried us through. that is gone. now we have volatility, mid-terms coming and creating concerns. people will think about what that means. there's a sense of hope and optimism that we get past omicron. you can't have empty stores and empty office buildings and expect a normal economy. you have to reopen things. there's a lot of frustration building. people get a chance to vote that frustration and vote with their wall lesses. when you see negative rates that people earn at the bank and the wages are not keeping up with rising prices, there's building frustration on main street. >> real wages are down 2.4% last month. >> no question. >> here's the question. here's what i don't know. no one is talking about it. let's face it. the biden administration pumped too much money in this economy and the federal reserve pumped too much money. in both have to do something about it. i'm wondering, can they do anything without triggering a recession? feels like at this point for the fed to do what its supposed to do, like paul volcker did, that would mean the pain would be excruciating. to get to the other side, it may be painful. >> the party may be over for a little while. again, we have not lost the faith that you can get a 10% correction on the way the higher interest rates. interest rates are so low. go back 40 years. the last time you had inflation at these numbers, interest rates were double digits, a lot of positives going on. the earnings are good and will continue to be good. corporate america is doing their fair share. they're hiring people. they have to get people back to work and motivate people to work and not not work. >> real quick. 30 seconds to go. there's chatter in d.c. and printing even more money. they're saying they want to do it for these location businesses. has to be pointed out, over a trillion dollars of this money has not been spent yet. feels like they keep double-dipping and triple dipping. what would that do for inflation? >> the definition of insanity is doing it over and over again. spending more money is create ago bigger wealth divide. let's try going to work. the national deficit is going to crowd out the private sector and hurt the economic. i haven't lost hope for main street. >> neither have i. thank you to richmond, virginia where glenn youngkin is addressing the joint assembly. he campaigned heavily on education and attacking inflation. why both parties are washing his actions closely as the mid-terms close in. that's coming up. we'll get a read from the state's former democratic governor later in this hour. first, the fbi's about face failing to quiet the fire storm over the initial response to the terror incident at the texas synagogue. so what is this about? we'll have the latest on that. with the mid-terms coming up, are new numbers showing voters are looking to change things up? we report, you decide. ♪♪ cial plan to live it every day. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at pain hits fast. so get relief fast. only tylenol rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast for fast pain relief. and now get relief without a pill with tylenol dissolve packs. relief without the water. ♪ ♪ at lowe's, you never wit have to be finishedacks. with your finishing touches. with aisles of ways to refresh and restyle. for whatever style you're feeling. at prices you're really feelin. shop the lowe's bath style & save event now in-store and online. it's been nearly two years since the pandemic started. our students and teachers tried their best, but as a parent, i can tell you that nearly 18 months of remote learning was really hard. i'm so angry that instead of helping our kids get back in the classroom, the school board focused on renaming schools schools that weren't even open . please recall all three school board members now. for the sake of our kids, we can't wait one more day, never mind a whole year for a fresh start. >> to the fbi's about face after the initial response the hostage standoff at a texas synagogue. so what is this about? fox news white house correspondent jacqui heinrich with the latest. jacqui? >> the fbi suggested that they learned more about the suspect's motive and the standoff wore on. they said last night during negotiations with law enforcement the hostage taker spoke repeatedly about a convicted terrorist that is in jail in the united states. it was a terrorism related matter in which the jewish community was targeted. the aboutface came hours after president biden described the intent this week. >> this was an act of terror. i wanted to make sure we got the word out to synagogues that we won't tolerate this. >> senator lindsey graham asking why the fbi would dismiss anti-semitism as a motive so quickly especially after the statement the suspect made. lindsey said i hope they reconsider. lindsey graham referenced the person that he talked about. jewish leaders said the fbi owes their community an explanation. >> makes you wonder who in god's name is going on with the fbi. you know, when the fbi made that statement, that this wasn't anti-semitic for god's sake. what were they looking at? i mean, the whole world saw this clearly, a synagogue. >> we're also learning more of the fbi's statements were ill-advised. they said there was no indication anyone but the suspect was involved. fox news learned that two teens were arrested in england last night in connection with this. so far there's not been any statements from the just it's the department, from the attorney general on this incident despite merrick garland saying that he wanted to make anti-semitism one of his biggest priorities when he assumed his post. >> thanks. i want to get to the fbi's initial statement in just a moment but first, could this have been prevented? was the suspect on the radar. first, i want to bring in danny pollson. so many times we see that near in the grasp of law enforcement and for some reason got out. have you had enough time to see if that could be the case here? >> actually, i have. think about this. we did not know who tim mcveigh was. we have a great intelligence collection capability. but there's a lot of people out there that don't like the united states. a lot of anti-semites out there. it will happen. i wish it was a perfect world that we could get these guys. we're not. this is a serious situation and it's going to get worse. we can rely on intelligence to protect us. question have to protect ourselves. >> to that point, why was it down played by the military, our woke military? is something similar going on at the fbi? >> i hope not. i've commanded a lot of these. the amount of information generated by these things is beyond comprehension. what you know after an hour it starts is a thousand times what you know when it starts. so the information starts coming in. what i say to you now, in an hour may not be true. we knew a guy that went into that synagogue and took hostages. we don't know if he's an anti semite. we don't know what he is. that's why you have to wait for it to play out. i want to mention something here. we had a victory here. got blessed us with a great victory. all the hostages are alive. the bad guys are no longer with us. it's almost like going to a super bowl conference and saying, you won the super bowl, but you had pass interference in the third quarter. i don't mean that to be demeaning to anybody. but for somebody that has done a lot of these, it's hard. we had a blessing to get this one done the way we did. >> what we're trying to say is -- and you brought it up -- this is the world we live in. the quicker we can identify these and be honest about it. the fbi has to be commended for the program because we saw where the rabbi used these active shooter training for them to escape. where do we go from here? two teens have been arrested in manchester, this malik akrim, stayed in a homeless shelter. he had a gun. how did he get the gun? aren't there more questions? shouldn't we be on high alert? >> that's a really good question. it does beyond your question. we're not going to catch all of these guys. we need to be ready. each institutions need to prepare for this. >> thanks, danny. you're a straight shooter and we appreciate you always. thank you. so inflation, glenn youngkin ran and won on it. so washington democrats, shouldn't they be worried? you might be worried about what doug wilder has to say. he's here. who is putting vladimir putin in his place? mike pompeo says it's no longer that russia is acting up as the biden administration keeps backing down. the latest on that threat next. ♪♪ ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. 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>> i don't think anyone would be, charles. good to be with you. it's an interesting thing. i was pleased to be at the inaugural on saturday when he made those kinds of statements as well as emphasized what was taking place. i think first of all, we need to make sure that people understand, virginiians are proud people. they're not to be taken granted by anybody, any party. they're not purple, they're not blue, they're not red. they are more purple than anything else. they're not -- one of the reasons i studied the names and the colors, they're not defined by color. they're defined by spirit of independence. they would vote for that person who is the best interest of their interest and who is promoting what they want to do. i'm pleased to say, this is my birthday. any 91st birthday. the same birthday that is being celebrated by people for dr. martin luther king. dr. king had the first holiday established in his legislative holiday for him in virginia. that's what virginiians. took me eight years to do it two governors vetoed it. many people who voted against his holiday came to support his holiday. i want to say that i looked at that election. king was so much interested in education. i think youngkin is doing the same thing. looking to promote what is in the best interest of the people. >> charles: governor, you know, i read your piece today. you were born two years after king. he was assassinated in 1968. you were elected in 1969. martin luther king jr. should not be confined to marches, demonstrations and songs. why is that statement so important right now? >> i think it's important now because so many people say oh, if we could just get back to martin luther king and start singing, singing we can march. king was a visionary. he believed in the possibility of the individual. he believed in education. glenn youngkin but hitting on education is emphasizing what king spoke about. i can tell you at the inauguration saturday, walking through the crowd, talking with people, republicans, democrats, independents, many of them were pleased to see us coming together. america needs that more than anything else. i think in king's instance, he wasn't a republican. he wasn't a democrat. he wasn't confined to being a preacher or marches or demonstrations. he was a philosopher. he studied. one of the things i like, do not just be concerned with numbers. numbers will eventually add up to zero. that's why it's so important for people that would not be in office today but for king, working for the right to vote. people needing the opportunity to vote, but once they vote, they look to see what they've got and they become disillusioned. our responsibility is to give back that spirit, give back that upward looking and the light and to let them understand that all things are possible. >> charles: governo -- the lieutenant governor was also sworn in. she said i'm a success story that you can do it, no matter your gender, no matter your color. are you going to look at the glass as half full or half empty. if it's half empty, that's a negative view of life. that's where too many of our political leaders come from. all it does is serve there and divides us to saying you're a victim, you'll always be a victim and other people are oppressors so you need us. this message i happen to think is refreshing. the politics of finger pointing is -- i wish that was a relic of the past. your thoughts particularly on this history making. you made history and now she's making history. >> i think it's good. i never considered myself making history. i never considered myself doing anything other than what could be done, what could be possible. i served in the senate for 16 years. i chaired many numbers of committees. i've been involved in knowing what the laws were and how they needed to be changed and when they needed to be changed. i wanted that for the people. consequently, i didn't go into political office for doug wilder. i went in to serve the people and to instance that people saw that. i can tell you, charles, it's one of the best feelings i have today. when i walk the streets or when i walk anywhere and i see people, they identify with me knowing that i am for and have been and will be for the people. all of the people. all of america's people. all of virginia's people. i have spoken to winsome sears, the new attorney general. i said the best thing that they can do now is work with glenn youngkin to make this administration as strong as possible for the people of virginia. it's a joint venture that we all need to do nor the good of the people. >> charles: governor, let me ask you about president biden. his approval rating sung to 33%. how worried are you about the direction of the democratic party? >> well, i would say that in terms of being worried about it, the people that are really actively involved in the democratic party should be really concerned. because there doesn't seem to be a direction flow. there doesn't seem to be anyone really in charge. you have to talk to the media because the media talks to the people. you have to not be afraid to be on the wrong side of an issue. but you can't say certain things. for instance, the border incident hasn't been handled. to the extent that you're talking about spending money? i don't have to tell you about that. you know it. you do it every day. spending money with no idea and how you're going to stop spending it and where sitcoming back and how is it coming back? education is the key but how you get there and what are you traying -- i think democrats should be very worried particularly in lou of the mid-terms coming in. and let's assume that something does happen and tipping the balance. it's not the end of the world. what are you going to do to make certain that you deserve a chance. >> charles: governor wilder, i believe you're a living legend and i want to say happy birthday. you look fantastic for 91, this is one of my highlights of my broadcasting career with you. thank you, sir. >> thank you. means a lot to me. >> charles: see you soon. the white house talking up its spending plans and consumers are feeling down about inflation. it's not spending that is adding to the misery. we're going to also bring your ice skates, folks. leave your phones at home, this is the message that u.s. athletes are getting worried about chinese spying. should we be going at all? we'll be right back. ♪♪ when you're looking for answers, it's good to have help. because the right information, at the right time, may make all the difference. at humana, we know that's especially true when you're looking for a medicare supplement insurance plan. that's why we're offering "seven things every medicare supplement should have". it's yours free, just for calling the number on your screen. and when you call, a knowledgeable licensed agent-producer can answer any questions you have, and help you choose the plan that's right for you. the call is free, and there's no obligation. you see, medicare covers only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you! that's why so many people purchase medicare supplement insurance plans like those offered by humana. they're designed to help you save money and pay some of the costs medicare doesn't. depending on the medicare supplement plan you select, you could have no deductibles or copayments for doctor visits, hospital stays, emergency care and more! you can keep the doctors you have now, ones you know and trust, with no referrals needed. plus you can get medical care anywhere in the country, even when you're traveling. with humana, you get a competitive monthly premium and personalized service from a healthcare partner working to make healthcare simpler and easier for you. you can choose from a wide range of standardized plans. each one is designed to work seamlessly with medicare, and help save you money. so how do you find the plan that's right for you? 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[ sighs heavily ] when owning a small business gets real, progressive helps protect what you've built with affordable coverage. >> charles: with less than three weeks to the start of the winter olympics in beijing, a new warning to athletes about possible security and data breaches. to benjamin hall at the state department with the latest. benjamin? >> hi, charles. for some time, there's worry about the security of athletes. and now team u.s.a. shares the fears. they wrote a memo to athletes. they said when they get to china, they should leave burner phones and lie their phones at home to avoid spying. they said that they would be subjected to malicious infection and data compromise. add a minimum they should wipe their personal data from devices from arrival and departure from china. the report per "usa today" and echoed by 0 countries says despite any and all safeguards put in place to protect systems and data, it should be assumed that everything could be monitored or blocked. the state department has warned that security personnel. watches foreign visitors. no officials go in light of genocide. it has show that 50% of the officials have going to china to provide security support. the games have been dubbed the genocide games, of course. but the fact this is may not be the iron clad boycott that were led to expect. and we've seen what happens in the country when covid cases are detected. tens of millions in lock down. the great fear is if case numbers rise, we could see something similar outside the olympic bubble. charles? >> charles: thanks, benjamin. if it's so dangerous for athletes, with are we going? steve, thanks for joining us. you know, people that do business regularly in china all go there with burner phones. so what do you make now of this warning to our athletes to do the same? >> charles, basically i stand by what i argued in the daily caller in april suggesting that the olympics shouldn't be in beijing and should go to japan. the evidence that has unfolded ever since seems to reinforce that argument, whether it's the omicron outbreak, the continued pursuit of people's freedoms in china. the tennis start appearing and disappearing raising concerns. there's health to physical security to communication security. a variety of reasons why people should be concerned. i feel for the athletes, this is a their once in a four-year moment to shine but this is a bad environment to send them in to. >> charles: any time something is nicknamed the genocide games, you don't want to be associated with it. let's go to russia. ukraine blaming russia for a cyber attack. i talked to mike pompeo about this, how the united states is handling russia. this is after congress nixed the sanctions for the nord stream 2 pipeline. here's what he had to say. >> vladimir putin has threatened the united states and the region and said this is what i'm going to do and what he's gotten in response a weakness, appeasement and mere words. the biden administration says don't sanction a rush pipelines so americans can sell energy and gas. we want the russians to do it. i'm -- doesn't make much sense to me. >> charles: he's not the only one. what do you think the strategy is here, steve? >> i agree very much with secretary pompeo. really if there were to be a sensible strategy, it should have been to bolster the capabilities of the ukrainians to help themselves and pushing the europeans to come to a neighbor's aid and increase deterrence against russia. all of the signal sending, whether it's pulling back from missile defense, all of these things are very troubling signs. i can't disagree with what the secretary said. russia see as go signal and a lot of weakness or uncertainty on the part of the west. >> charles: also apparently the main chess piece here on both sides is nato. what is their role in this? you know, i just feel like we're being sucked in to something that i don't know that americans want to be involved in. >> well, i would argue americans should be the first and foremost actor in, this should be europe, the combined economies of europe and the militaries of europe are quite large and more substantial than that of russia. so they should not be an american-led issue. i think the american public is extremely weary about being pulled so a potential conflict with a committed nuclear power. so i think there's a lot of reason to have hesitancy. the answers have to be europe taking their own order seriously themselves. >> charles: thanks very much, steve yates. president biden set for a major news conference this wednesday likely facing questions about run-away inflation and the spending plans that help send it in to overdrive. ♪ [band plays] ♪ a place where everyone lives life well-protected. ♪♪ and even when things go a bit wrong, we've got your back. here, things work the way you wish they would. and better protection costs a whole lot less. you're in good hands with allstate. click or call for a lower auto rate today. i always dreamed of having kids of my own. ♪ ♪ now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. >> charles: president biden's first year in office seeing trillions in new spending and consumer spending a whole lot more at the stores as inflation keeps raging. peter doocy at the white house with the latest. peter? >> charles, president biden has been proven wrong. his prediction three months ago is that inflation wasn't going to stick around. >> do you think it's going to last for a while? >> i don't think so. i don't think it will last -- depending what we do. if we stay where we are. >> reflective democrats have conceded that pumping the economy full of covid stimulus that wasn't tied to long-term relief may have added to inflation. president biden thinks the remedy is to spend more. >> all the talk about how my build back better plan was to increase inflation and the causes, debts and all that, what happened? goldman sachs said if we don't pass build back better, we're in trouble baugh because it's going to grow the economy. without it, we won't grow. >> president biden has long claimed instead that inflagrants is caused by things out of his hands. >> well, look, first of all, the significant reason why prices are up is because covid affecting the supply chains. >> so covid, the pandemic, a problem of year one. the promise to shut it down, turns out, that is history. >> are you no longer going to shut it down? >> we have to beat it back before we shut it down. >> president biden spent the weekend in delaware. we expect him back in a couple hours. >> charles: red or blue? what say you. new sign that party preferences are shifting. which parties should be worrying. see the numbers and you decide. ♪♪ as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ (vo) subaru and our retailers volunteer and support charities all year long. and...through the subaru share the love event, we are proud to have donated over two hundred and twenty five million dollars to charity. you can get a car from any company, but none will make a difference like subaru. 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[upbeat acoustic music throughout] with age comes more... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .05% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkles results in one week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. ♪ ♪ >> neil: a new gallup survey finds americans political preferences shifting from democrat to republican over the course of 2021. so what does this mean as we had to midterms? here now to discuss "washington examiner" kayla d white and x strategist arnold. let me start with you, the numbers are pretty shocking. >> yeah, absolutely. this is to be expected coming up on the midterms. there is a transfer of power, but it goes to show the democrats are out of touch with the issues that voters care about right now. both of them being covid and the pandemic ongoing and also inflation. >> jana? >> charles, it is nice to see you. i am very much thankful. i would challenge my colleagues and i actually think it has more to do with what this when they respond whether they would identify republican, democrat and i think most said republican. and reflection of the entire country of being in the middle and not interested pegged one specific political party. your viewers are sharp enough to have constructive thinking when it comes to anyone to know they are not interested or agree with any sentiment on a ballot. >> jana, one thing i look at is economic data and in a decade, they break it down by political party. i have to be honest, i was shocked, 10% plunge in democrats confidence in the economy and a big decline also independent. so, you have to acknowledge that there is some dissatisfaction going on there and somehow the democratic party doesn't really -- they will make a choice, once they? >> you know, you see that they are exhausted and weary and concerned about the president and the polls coming out of washington. we are more divided than we have ever been, but when asked respondents to consider being independent, most of the contributors, we do realize we are all very much the same and likely want most of the same things. >> jana, that has always been the case, but also, when you ask for the job and you get it, at that point, they start pointing fingers. i think the biden administration has made to political mistakes. every time president biden speaks, he brags, he starts off bragging about something and most of the time he contradicts what's in the public. there is food on the shelves. the afghan was not much. we were okay with covid planning. come out of mia coppola and also blaming the other person. don't you think americans -- i'm sorry, here at this point you think americans want solutions, solutions based and the party to come up with solutions they can embrace. >> absolutely. i think what they want is they just want biden's promises to actually be kept. he promised he would shut down the virus. he had to admit that is not going to happen. he promised inflation was not going to be a thing this time right now last year. it is still a thing. it is still affecting americans everyday. and the people will remember that in 2022. that is why you see this discontentment with the biden administration and with democrats at large. >> jenna, the administration, listen and the public they sweep these numbers under the rug come although early in the administration, these polls push the agenda but now don't pay attention to them. at what point do you think you start to see panic on your party? >> i think everybody is concerned across the board going back to the original question in this segment about whether or not americans will side with americans don't like democrats or republicans. and a lot of it has to do with making sweeping generalizations about what was said and what is said and what was done and what wasn't. i appreciate your analysis about biden to debate every time he's at the podium, but he is meant at a fire hose -- >> it comes with a job. >> it is not a generalization. those are his own words. he promised to shut down the virus and it has not happened. >> we have got to leave it there. promises made, promises kept. maybe, just maybe that could save the president by mid term, but he's got some catching up to do peer that will do it for me, of course, martin luther king jr. holiday. they will be open tomorrow so catch me 2:00 p.m. on the business channel. it will be a huge day. now "the five" starts. ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone i am dana perino with greg gutfeld, jesse watters, kennedy, harold ford jr. 5:00 in new york city, this is "the five." the fbi doing damage control over the way it first characterized a harrowing attack on the synagogue in texas. britishness national storming and taking four hostages and demanding the release of a prisoner known as lady al qaeda. it killed a

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, Success Story , It , Life , View , Gender , Glass , Victim , Oppressors , Finger Pointing , Relic , Thoughts , History Making , Senate , 16 , Laws , Committees , Didn T Go Into Political Office , Feelings , Winsome Sears , Direction , Need , Approval Rating , Joint Venture , 33 , Doesn T , Terms , Direction Flow , Media , Talks , Spending Money , Border Incident Hasn T , Extent , Idea , Lou , Balance , The End Of World , Living Legend , Sir , Broadcasting Career , Highlights , Phones , Spending Plans , Consumers , Misery , Ice Skates , Athletes , Spying , Chinese , Answers , Help , Difference , At Humana , Number , Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan , Agent Producer , Screen , Medicare Supplement Should Have , Seven , Call , Obligation , Rest , Medicare , Expenses , 80 , Plans , Humana , Doctor Visits , Medicare Doesn T , Emergency Care , Hospital Stays , Copayments , Deductibles , Premium , Referrals , Trust , Healthcare Partner , Healthcare , Service , Range , Save You , Needs , Budget , Guide , Call Humana , Making Healthcare Simpler , Company , Won T , Costs , The Sun Is Shining , Grass , Answer , Kenny , Schedule , Koi , There S Heather On The Hedges , Small Business , Progressive , Boy , Truck , Timber , Yes , Coverage , Winter Olympics , Security , State Department , Benjamin , Warning , Data Breaches , Beijing , Benjamin Hall , Hi , Burner Phones , Fears , Memo , Worry , Data , Compromise , Departure , Infection , Devices , Arrival , Minimum , Everything , Countries , Safeguards , Per , Usa Today , Systems , Security Personnel , Officials , Genocide , Visitors , Security Support , 50 , Course , Games , Boycott , Fact , Genocide Games , Iron Clad , Case Numbers , Fear , Cases , Tens , Lock , Bubble , Olympic , Steve Yates , Business , Same , Daily Caller , Olympics Shouldn T Be In Beijing , Evidence , Omicron Outbreak , Freedoms , Argument , Japan , Tennis Start , Health , Raising Concerns , Variety , Environment , Four , Attack , Ukraine , Congress , Sanctions , Region , Nord Stream 2 Pipeline , 2 , Weakness , Words , Rush Pipelines , Appeasement , Energy , Strategy , Secretary Pompeo , Capabilities , Europeans , Aid , Neighbor , Ukrainians , Signs , Deterrence , Signal Sending , Missile Defense , Sides , Chess Piece , Go Signal , West , Role , Secretary , Uncertainty , Nato , Europe , Economies , Actor , Public , Conflict , Militaries , President , Biden Set , Order , Hesitancy , Spending , Band Plays , News Conference , Overdrive , Everyone , Back , Bit Wrong , Hands , Auto Rate , Protection , Allstate , Someone , Mom , Trillions , Consumer , Prediction , So Covid , Remedy , Talk , Goldman Sachs , Plan , Build , Causes , Debts , Trouble Baugh , Inflagrants , Promise , Year One , Supply Chains , Delaware , Preferences , Sign , Red , Blue , I Don T , Liberty Mutual , Chances , Car Insurance , Bull Rider , Turn , Record , Tex , Hang On , Woooooo , Wooo , Yeaa , 665 Dollars , 665 , Subaru , Charities , Support , Love Event , Retailers , And , Charity , Car , Jeff , Bonnie , Robert , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Car Company , Record Label , Sound Engineer , Taking Off , Scholarships , Work , Scholarship , University Of Phoenix , 000 , 3000 , Music , Opportunities , Phoenix Edu , Skin , Retinol , Powerful , Age , Neutrogena , Pro Plus , 5 , Wrinkles Results , Gallup Survey , Midterms , White , Kayla D , Strategist Arnold , Washington Examiner , 2021 , Transfer , Touch , Jana , Colleagues , Viewers , Being , Reflection , Sentiment , Ballot , Dissatisfaction , Decline , Choice , Polls , Respondents , Contributors , Job , Fingers , Mistakes , Solutions , Afghan , Covid Planning , Don T You , Mia Coppola , Party , Virus , Discontentment , Agenda , Rug , Attention , Jenna , Everybody , Board , Panic , Segment , Generalizations , Analysis , Generalization , Fire Hose , Podium , Peer , Mid Term , The Business Channel , Dana Perino , Damage Control , Harold Ford Jr , Kennedy , Greg Gutfeld , Jesse Watters , Release , Prisoner , Lady , Texas , Britishness National , Al Qaeda ,

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