Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Journal Editorial Report 2024070

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Journal Editorial Report 20240709

americans face soaring prices and empty shelves. inflation jumping 7% in december from a year ago. this is the fastest pace since 1982. consumers pay more for everything from gasoline, two groceries, you name it. those rising costs reduce real wages by 2.4% 2021. the average american worker took a pay cut. let's bring on our pen with wall street columnist dan henninger and kim straw soul. editorial board member kyle peterson. good to see you all. dan, first to you. even some democrats are now admitting inflation is getting worse and it's not going to get better this year. we have james fuhrman who in the in the obama administration saying expect the economy to experience elevated inflation this year. possibly even higher than in 2021. what does that tell you? the dems are saying it's going to be higher. >> it tells me a serious economists like chase and berman, realizes the economic reality that is in front of all of our faces. that reality is, david, the biden administration last year basically made -- tried to make a deal with the inflation devil. and that deal was this. they put through trillions of dollars in stimulus spending last year above and beyond what was already being spent by the federal government. their argument was that because of pandemic, the spending was necessary. the fact is, they injected a lot of money into the economy. and when you do that, most economists understand you are running the risk of as an inflationary spike. that spike is here now. the most serious economic way to counteract something like that is by raising interest rates. but this federal reserve under jerome powell has refused to do that. and now the biden administration has to do with the inflation that we are experiencing right now. unlike all administrations they try to talk it down with band-aids, jawboning meat producers, shipping producers it never works. the inflation they create is real. they are now going to have to deal the political consequences. david: very close to double-digit inflation. that eventually is passed on to retailers which is passed on consumers meeting all of our prices are going higher. but the white house is in denial but listen to the what the president said the day the numbers came out on wednesday per the president put a statement saying we are making progress and slowing the rate of price increases. kind of scary when you see denial like that. >> is not even true. if you strip out some of the more volatile prices in those numbers like for food and energy that actually did increase month on month. he did not even get that right. but look, dan gave the important word, denial. what is really scary as we know what happens when presidents are in denial. this is what happened in the 1970s. they were in charge, they flooded the economy with a lot of money inflation started going up, they blamed everyone, pointed fingers at big business. they blamed supply chain is this all sound familiar? what the democrats really ought to be worried about is the end of that playbook was obviously a voting public that got completely sick of it. electable republicans and ultimately put ronald reagan in office. david: kyle, beyond the blame game they came up with the regulations they were proposing for the meat industry who they claim are responsible for the inflation to meet you by. and of course a lot more regulations for energy producers in the united states. that turns into extra cost and that rises inflation even more. >> right. the story is supply chain issues the december release stack out to me transportation services and shelter were up more than 4%. your shelter are not stuck in the port of l.a. somewhere trying to get to you. i think there's more coming kevin hassett another economist a guy who worked for president trump so other side of the aisle said he's worried were going to see double-digit inflation in 2022. if we had that going into the november elections i think biden has a huge problem on his hands. >> dan, kyle just alluded to it. but empty shelves the worst of both worlds not only higher prices but fewer goods. of course, it can be blamed on omicron, some can be blamed on the supply chain crisis. but it all falls on biden's watch. >> it does, david. the one thing we should quickly also point out is their policies last year included significant distortions of the labor market. specifically such as the unemployment insurance bonus that they gave people. they would argue it is necessary. the fact is between the bonuses, the stimulus spending, a lot of people dropped out of the labor market. and now the story of the moment is so many companies such as shipping are finding difficulty getting people to come back to work. yes, it has something to do with that. the fact is they did distort the experiencing right now and really it is difficult to see them digging out from under this report before the november's election bid. >> 11 to 12 million unfilled jobs in this country. that is why employers are going nuts trying to find workers to do the work. again, we'll be right back. when we come back covid confusion. criticism growing over the mixed messaging coming from the biden administration. as a public policy really following science? dr. marty makary helps us to sort it all out helps us bring us the latest on a new study out of california and what it says about the omicron surge. s . you guys aren't gonna give me the fake bill fight? c'mon, kev. you're earning 3% cash back. humor me. where is my wallet? i am paying. where is my wallet? i thought i gave it to you. oooohhh? oh, that's not it either. no. no. stop, i insist. that was good though. earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. [♪♪] if you have diabetes, it's important to have confidence in the nutritional drink you choose. try boost glucose control®. it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. try boost® today. david: some good news on the covid fronts. this week from california and a study confirming omicron is less severe than the press hysteria would indicate. major health system in southern california serving 70000 patients with the variant showing they were much less likely to need hospitalization, intensive care or die than those infected with the delta strain. researchers also found that hospitalization was markedly reduced among those with natural immunity. let's bring in dr. marty makary he is professor of health policy at bloomberg school of public health and a fox news medical contributor. doctor great to see you again thank you for being here. awfully it's not good when more people get sick. a lot of gotten sick with omicron. their sickness is much less intense with other very variance in the study confirms that, right? >> this was a landmark study looked at 52000 people with omicron in 16 or 17000 delta. but they found was that among the 52000 people with omicron severe illness was rare. nobody ended up on a ventilator and it's really telling us it is intrinsically more mild in addition to the population immunity of which the natural immunity type was sixfold times more protective than in the general population and vaccinate immunity. it is telling us omicron is behaving like an entirely new virus. if it did not have the lineage of covid and the raw memories much easier if i had a new name for it was not mentally associated with covid. would recognize we need to pivot our policy and pivot the way we think about this. >> one of those policies of course is the vaccine mandate. while we do not want to discourage anyone from taking a vaccine. you are fully vaccinated, a lot of people are promoting it. but so many people are denying natural immunity has an effectiveness against the omicron variants. this study says that is not true. >> welcome this is omicron does pierson boast vaccinated and natural immunity. it's less likely to pierce natural immunity. the bottom line is that most people will get omicron if they've not had it already. for them they can expect a mild illness. the fact like this is behaving like an entirely new virus we need to completely revamp and redesign all of our policies. that means it makes the calculus for mandates differently. the broad testing policy we have of asymptomatic immune people, that needs to be re-examined and excessive quarantines. the calculation is entirely different with omicron. that's all we cannot be is in policies designed for delta in an era of omicron. david: in europe and israel as well they allow natural immunity to substitute for vaccines. should we be doing that here? >> absolutely. here's why it is not just a philosophical debate. careers are being ruined by the government saying yes you have antibodies that neutralize the virus, but those are antibiotics that we as the government do not recognize. and unfortunately when the cdc says something like that, companies fall in line. we see careers are ruined we see students being removed from college. we see soldiers dishonorably discharged. when he to recognize natural immunity especially in health care worker setting given the recent ruling of the supreme court we are at risk of losing a significant number of staff who have immunity. but they do not have vaccinated immunity we need to recognize that her will have a major staff crisis shortage on top of the existing crisis. >> hasn't that already begun? we have a lot of hospital workers in the state of new york i believe 8000 hospital workers lost their job as they quit as a result of the vaccine mandates. it's causing staff shortages at a critical time in our history. >> ironically one of the hospitals in the northwest united states has had such significant staffing shortages they have actually told steph hey, come back even if you have symptoms. now that makes absolutely no sense to fire people who have immunity and no symptoms and they test negative. and then to bring in people who test positive into the clinical setting. that is the kind of crazy rationing we are seeing as a result of this convoluted strategy of ignoring natural immunity. david: image of the supreme court decision. when we talk about the legal and political implications of it in a second period the scientific implication was that the right decision? >> i think it was the right decision to get away for the polarization of vaccine mandates for private employers. i wish they would've extended that same sort of liberty to hospitals because hospitals define healthcare workers differently. someone who works in the loading dock on the supply chain for medications they are going to reduce transmission if they can vaccinated part i would like them too. most healthcare workers have natural immunity plus the supreme court was making a decision on a prior virus on their making a decision not recognizing we are in a steep decline right now of omicron. within a few weeks many of these policies will be outdated including the ordering of new tests and the masks they are talking about disturbing to the population for. >> now doctor, i do not want to cloud out the good news, the bright news with brat prospects, but is there a possibility in dealing with the pandemic we could still see a variant and merge that spreads just as quickly as omicron but is more deadly? >> it is a possibility. the virus to mutate in a way is higher and higher. it's far more likely will see a variant mutate -- make most mutations are downward mutations over 99%. i do believe we are going to continue to see the virus mutate in the animal kingdom. that animal reservoir spit out new variant in perpetuity. maybe every couple of years or every viral season. but remember there's a host of over dozen viruses that cause the common cold that circulate season to season. it's not something we change our lifestyle around me on standard precautions. david: dr. marty makary i was a pleasure to see your doctor thank you for being here. thanks. we come back businesses breathing a sigh of relief as the supreme court blocks the biden administration vaccine mandate for private employers. at any given time. i absolutely have to be sharp. let me tell ya, i was struggling with my memory. it was going downhill. my friend recommended that i try prevagen and over time, it made a very significant difference in my memory and in my cognitive ability. i started to feel a much better sense of well-being. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. at university of phoenix, we have scholarships for everyone hard at work, no matter where you work. get up to a $3,000 scholarship, starting with your first course. explore your opportunities at switching wireless carriers is easy with xfinity. just lean on our helpful switch squad to help you save with xfinity mobile. they can help break up with your current carrier for you and transfer your info to your new phone. giving you a fast and easy experience that can save you hundreds a year on your wireless bill. visit your nearest xfinity store and see how the switch squad can help you switch and save. get $200 off a new eligible 5g phone when you switch to xfinity mobile. talk with our helpful switch squad at your local xfinity store today. david: the supreme court there is a blocking president biden's vaccine test mandate for private businesses and a six -- three vote the conservative majority concluded the administration overstepped its authority by seeking to impose the rule on all u.s. companies with at least 100 employees. a ruling that affects them 84 million american workers the justices did allow a separate backseat to go forward with chief justice john roberts and justice brett kavanaugh joining the liberals in a decision that applies to approximately 76000 facilities that receive federal money. we are back with our panel dan henninger, kim strassel and kyle peterson. so kim, how big a blow with this decision in the biden administration? >> it is a blow in the decision itself because they lost big. if you read that opinion, they said the white house exceeded its statutory authority. the broken administrative law by not tailoring this rule. and of course with six justices on there. but it is a blow to if you look at the bigger context. this is now the second major executive action after the eviction moratorium the supreme court stepped into brush back. he would like to think the white house with think there's limits of the executive power parade this is the latest example the court will not stand by for this. david: kyle, because we talk to doctor mcclary about the public healthcare workers, they are still included in this vaccine mandate. that could still leave hospitals understaffed. what are the repercussions of that? >> there are about 10 million workers according to the supreme court opinion that are covered by that mandate. some of those hospitals may have trouble filling positions as doctor makary says some of the employees want to get back to work they may have -- not be able to go back to work. that's the problem with the broad mandates about national level as they treat everybody the same. they do not allow any room for governors or local cities, local employees. each individual hospital to make the decisions that are best for their situation. david: dan, you wrote a column this week that looked at the bright side of what is happening here. americans are realizing the government does not have all the answers. it is not necessarily follow science. we saw that in clear fashion when justice made a huge air and her description of how many children are being hospitalized and very sick. she got it off by a factor of 30. that is 3000% wrong. [laughter] and again it is kind of refreshing to note the governor does not have all of the answers and we should be skeptical of some of their policy decisions that are not necessarily based on science. >> i think that reality, david, is not only refreshing. it's a very important development in our politics. the biden administration you talk about the first decision they lost six -- three the ocean mandate against private businesses. this was a very big deal. just set aside the pandemic for a moment. if they had been able to establish an agency with private businesses with over 110 employees to do x, y, z with the pandemic they could conceivably do that in the future and say ordering them to stop using fossil fuels. the presidential value of a decision like that would have been extraordinary. i think in this white house the progressive democrats have no reluctance whatsoever to try to push federal authority as far as they can on any basis that they can. and the fact the supreme court stopped them here at a time when the american public is becoming more skeptical of federal authority is a very, very good sign for those of us who believe in federalism. >> i believe you're right on that. kim, it's also going to make it hard for people like dr. fauci or facebook fact checkers they represent signs and those who disagree with them don't. >> it has been the biggest problem of this year. one side is claimed to have all of the answers even though those answers change apparently every three weeks. you are not allowed to push back. look what happened to the signers of the declaration. when we are looking back we are realizing the real reason we have a debate in science is because no one does have all the answers. we need that lively debate to make sure we are making the best policy decisions going forward. the expensive heads one side makes a ruling, shuts down anyone who disagrees and then we live with the consequences of the very bad policy going forward. >> kyle, his dan was saying it emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility, individual responsibility. that is what this nation was founded on and it seems that we were losing some of it during the pandemic. maybe we are getting it back now. >> absolutely. i think there's been a ton you have seen. a lot of people got vaccinated of their own free will because the notes the right decision for them and their families. a lot have pitched in to keep schools open when there are virus closures or problems getting staff and things. i think if you look at the pandemic to see a lot of platoons keeping us humming. >> are again, thank you very much. still ahead so much for unity. a closer look at precedence biden attack on his political opponents in atlanta this week. what he got so very wrong about voting rights that deeply divisive speech david: were frauds and breaking news in texas. that is where a suspect is reportedly taken some people hostage inside a synagogue including the rabbi. this happening during services. this is in the city it is about 30 miles northwest of dallas. fox affiliate their faqs for dallas swat teams are on the scene. happening at the congregation synagogue. the police are asking nearby residents to evacuate the area. the police department first tweeted about this at 11:00 a.m. central time. the texas department of safety said the fbi in state troopers are also there print this occurring at the congregation israel's synagogue the latest potential situation at a synagogue in our country. the report of a rabbi being held hostage as well as others by an unknown suspect. we are told the hostage negotiators are in contact with that suspect, thankfully no injuries of any sort reported at this time but of course the development still coming into our newsroom we will bring you the latest as we get them, arthel has some more information about this unfolding situation right now. arthel: what i want to do is bring in danny colson. he is on the phone's former fbi deputy assistant director. fbi hostage rescue team commander. we want to talk to danny based on what i am reading here. it is a one man he is holding people not sure how many people. it says the angry man could be heard ranting. there is a live stream of this church service here at the synagogue. talking about religion. take it away, what can you glean from the little information we have? >> i'm very familiar with the synagogue. i've actually given lectures there. i commanded the fbi division in dallas i am family with the police department all the tactical units associated with this. it is fortunate did not start out as an active shooter when they start killing people. right now he's venting. so the police commanders that will run this thing are running it now. they've got one advantage there they isolate, contain and it's an emergency rescue. in all the things i just said you have already done it. i feel they certainly will be available there to mitigate any of the violence very. >> of course we all hope for that outcome that you are painting the picture for us there, danny, i do ask you while the swat team negotiators are talking to this guy who think they're going to try to isolate him, what are they saying to them and what is their backup plan in the process to make sure no one gets hurt? >> we do not know that. i'm not so sure with the layout is in there. what they will do is they will try to gradually decrease the permit or increase the perimeter so he has less and less movement. they'll have hostage negotiators and dallas in the fbi and i guarantee the hostage division at quantico is called into this. they are monitoring the negotiations they will advise to the negotiators what to say what not to stay. certain things you want to be very careful with, you don't have to rethink >> bread with they are trying to do right now is slow it down going to let them state his case and then get them to walk out. and hopefully that will happen. >> when they ask him if he has a weapon? >> no. no. he may tell them. it is possible it may come up in the conversation. but right now and i'm negotiating some they sings and how they work. you want to let them state his peace. you want to focus on him and listen to negotiations and let him vent. he is venting right now. that is a good thing he is talking he is not shooting or stabbing that to the advantage. arthel: what is the tone in situation like this, danny, you want to let this suspect, this angry manhood big could heard ranting on what was a live stream that was posted on facebook, he is ranting about religion. what is the tone? how do you speak to him, let him vent being patient exercising patience but also not coming across as condescending. because that could trigger him. >> it could. these guys do this for a living. you are a very accomplished professional. with what you do these people are too weak they do this more often than we even know. there calm these things down, let the guy say what he wants and what can he do to you? are you okay what can we do to help you? make it a friendship type thing. often times is an interesting type of friendship another dialogue. the subject will start to ask for help from the negotiator. that is exactly what you want. but you also not be very careful because hillary's clinton there about two hours on tv and he was listening the whole time. must be very conscious about the negotiators but also you and i say together. >> absolutely totally understand that certainly would not want to do anything purposely or inadvertently to exacerbate the situation there. given what you have said to us, danny, in your experience most likely the people are being held hostage right now they can at the very least his hear his end of the conversation with police. does that give them some sort of peace and calm to note swat teams negotiating with him and perhaps there may be some peaceful resolution to this? >> that is a really good observation. yes. from some act of violence it is good to know the cops are outside. it's good to know the police are there. they have not been defunded so they are going to show up. i think it's very comforting. if that were my family i would feel much better the police were on site. statistics say if the police are there, the violence is generally minimal. it's not a perfect deal where you say we are here we win automatically. many of the right people talking to him. they may end up getting someone with a jewish background. they may have another jew in there negotiating with him and that might be held to or not. they will figure that out as they go. i feel confident this will end peacefully. i am optimistic. and i think given the professionalism of the law enforcement community in the dallas area this should come out to a peaceful resolution for a. >> definitely big city with a lot of experience there on the ground. i wanted to ask how the negotiators are talking to this guy saying hey, we want to hear what you have to say what is on your mind and they really mean that they really do want to hear this guy had to say. it's not a ploy to distract him or hold him, contain him some weight somehow will they try to free the hostages in some way. they really mean what they are talking to this guy about, correct? >> absolutely. they take the stuff very seriously but i am at the pleasure of working with negotiators many, many times in my career. and my position was at the negotiators do their job i'll do my job. they want this to come out peacefully. one thing to remember all lives have value. even this man's life has value. that's the way they look at it too. the look at him as a another human being. they have to work to save him. but also they have to have a balancing act so they keep him from hurting someone else for. >> you are so right. this guy's life does matter. what he has to say does matter. how he is feeling it doesn't matter. why he's there in that position does matter. that is what the negotiators are trying to find out so this thing can end peacefully. he can be okay and the people inside the synagogue can be okay. >> i want you to remember, someplace he has a family. that's one of the things we talked about in some of the others i've talked about in the situation, hillary clinton's campaign office we talked about and he heard it look, he has a family there they want to go home. i think that's important. that's a very important consideration to let them know he is connected. hopefully connect with the negotiator i've said my piece now let's go home danny thank you very much for your expert perspective that i have you back in the top of the hour. >> will can change that covering, arthel, the man holding worshipers and a rabbi hostage in the colleyville, texas. our reports he doesn't want anyone hurt talked about his family. he assignment his sister for example and he mentioned his children. got information inside the synagogue. will continue with our live coverage on fox news so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? 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morning. during those services that are being live streamed people heard the man ranting about religion. according to reports he did not want anyone hurt pretty mentioned his children, his sister. we were told he mentioned is long and profanities according to this report. and we do not know egg, if he is armed or be, of judaism is directly related to them choosing that location of the center gone during the services. brian is following the latest more news from here in new york. as the ongoing situation continues, brian, with the hostage negotiating team or reporting, on the phone and talking with this man, seeing what he has to say. trying to defuse the situation. so that no one is hurt and no injuries have been reported so far, brian per. >> that is right. we also do not know who in fact, how many people are inside that synagogue. all we do know is about 12:30 p.m. eastern time we saw the tweet from the police saying the swat team was on scene. we do know from reports in the dallas morning news and others that negotiators have made contact with this person. but they have not been inside the building. that according to the police. again this is where the congregation is -- with the synagogue is. we do not know how many people they are. as you are saying, air, the fort worth telegram is reporting that what you can hear in the live stream of the services this morning was happening, you had about 8000 people watching the live stream. you could hear muffled noises as this person was ranting and raving. he said repeatedly he believes he is going to die that according to the telegram he said a few times he did not want anyone hurt. he had mentioned even his own children. he also mentioned his sister and islam. at this point the only update we've had from police as a tweet that came out a few minutes ago that said the situation at the synagogue remains ongoing. they ask people to continue to avoid the area. they will continue to provide updates on social media. our affiliate is reporting through a source that a call came into new york city 911 from a rabbi at located here in the city who received a call from a rabbi in texas who is believed to be one of the people held hostage it. and in that phone call, that person said there is a middle eastern man who had taken multiple hostages inside the congregation and they were in touch with sources there, with the police in texas on the ground. we do know at least a phone call according to our affiliate who alerted authorities to what was going on down there. this is an ongoing situation that is been going on now for close to probably three hours. this was a live stream start at 10:00 a.m. the live stream was abruptly cut it 2:00 p.m. eastern. and again there is not much that can be seen in the live stream. barely what could be heard. all we are going off of right now is what was being said inside estimate reporting from the fort worth telegram that has been talking about a man has been talking about his sister and islam. you are right we do not know anything about motive other than the fact this is an ongoing situation in which there hostage negotiators trying to speak to him. we do know according to recording their not made entrance inside, into the center god either. we will continue to monitor the situation. or trying to get a phone call back from the police department there which is obviously overwhelmed right now. >> brian you know that you mention from the rabbi in new york the person who is in the synagogue is of middle eastern descent, we do not know the exact motors for this. as you said he was heard talking about islam and the sister with profanities did not want anyone hurt he did mention his children. so there obviously is an apparent religious motive to this. we have seen a synagogue's attacked, we have seen these incidents in the past dealing with judaism. we don't know it's too early to know what the motivation is. we have not been told if he is armed and of course we have not been told his identity yet. but it is encouraging that hostage negotiating teams are on talking with him as danny told us earlier. that's one of the first major aims there barricaded in the hostage situation keep them talking. let them discuss these issues let them pour their heart out as long as no one has been injured even if he's heard his being angry and ranting the status quo is what could be worse per. >> i would agree with that. the expert that was just south arthel the fact this person did not go into shooting in an active shooting situation is having conversation is encouraging. do know a little bit about the main rabbi which is the congregation beth israel. as rabbi charlie walker. he's been the full-time a rabbi there since 2006. this is a reform synagogue, fairly new to the community. obviously everyone in that community right now thinking about those inside as if all the situation for a quick stay with us a fox news is we continue to monitor this. we have our thoughts and our prayers are with the people inside this as well as with the brave police officers and the hostage negotiating team. the detectives who are now doing work as they are paid to do to try and defuse dangerous situations. our live coverage of the cent agog standoff texas continues right after this. now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? once-weekly ozempic® can help. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles 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miles northwest of downtown dallas. the congregation is located 6100 pleasant road, if you know the area that's just on the street from colleyville elementary school. now, our fox affiliate says swat teams are on scene at the congregation. again it's congregation beth israel synagogue. they are asking nearby residents to evacuate. the colleyville police department first tweeted about the situation at about 11:30 a.m. in fact at 11:30 local time central time that's 12:30 p.m. eastern time. the texas department of public safety says the fbi and state troopers are also on scene, no injuries are reported at this time. and according to the fort worth star-telegram, it says an angry man could be heard ranting on a live stream. the service was being a live streamed on facebook at the time. it has been taken down but he could be heard at times talking about religion and according to reporting by brian, the man didn't talk about his sister and his children pretty said he did not want to hurt anyone. he did mention islam but again we do not know the exact motive of this hostage standoff. and eric, what more can you tell us? >> there is the tidbit from a rabbi in new york the suspect may be middle eastern descent. but we don't know that we do not know if he is armed. if he is armed, seemingly one of the country within the anti-semitic attacks we have been reporting here at the fox news channel for quite some time now. about one third of american jews say in the poll they have suffered an attack, 54% of the religious crimes in our country 54% are against the jewish people. according to the fbi 2.6 times more likely than the african-american community two-point to times more likely than the muslim community to be targeted. of course we've had some horrible shootings and synagogues in the past as well as churches too. so you have to wonder this man breaking into -- walking and during the service ranting as the people heard him on live stream about 8000 people were tuned into the live stream of this synagogue. as the service were ongoing with the rabbi, charlie walker as the rabbi was holding the service 8000 or so people heard this man suddenly interrupted we are told. as you said talking about islam and had profanities. saying he did not want anyone to be hurt. he didn't mention his children. the good news for now what can be comforting is a sense is ongoing is talking to him. the fact is not hurt anyone he does not want to hurt anyone. this is what he used to do his aforementioned hostage negotiator paid the fact this guy is talking is a good set of sign. we are hoping of course all of us hoping for the best most peaceful outcome and negotiators are letting this man know that his life matters. they do really want to hear what is on his mind, what is in his heart, why is he there at this time holding these other human beings hostage? he also has children. his children love him, they need him home just like the rest of those people in that synagogue need to get home to their family. these are the points they are trying to make to this hostage taker at this moment we are of course covering this we will continue covering this, eric. we'll have more coming up in about six minutes here at the of the hour when "fox news live" begins yet another new hour of news right here on the fox news channel. stay with us for the very latest on this hostage situation and colleyville, texas at a jewish synagogue. drink you choose. try boost glucose control®. it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. try boost® today. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ helen knew exercise could help her diabetes. but she didn't know what was right for her. no. nope. no way. but then helen went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now she knows what activity helps lower her glucose. and can see what works best for her. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. freestyle libre 2. now covered by medicare for those who qualify. >> it is time now for hits and misses of the week, kim first to you. >> david a hit to house minority leader kevin mccarthy and congressman jim jordan for refusing to just roll over to the demands of nancy pelosi's generous six committee. i was initially hopeful this committee would give us the facts of the day. but it is increasingly looking very political it's increasingly willing to abuse its powers and break institutional norms. if it is going to take the unprecedented step of demanding fellow members testify in front of it should have to justify its powers. >> greatly one 100% thank you very much kyle what is yours? >> i will give a hit to doctors at the university of maryland this week you did an experimental heart transplant using an organ from a genetically modified pig. the patient set is a shot in the dark but his last chance. in the days after the surge it seems to have worked with the heart pumping normally. there are more than 100,000 people of the u.s. on organ transplant waiting list. so pigs can be genetically modified to their organs are less likely to be rejected by human patients, what a breakthrough that would be. >> unbelievable, dan what if you got? >> i'm giving to mr. university colleges and universities is enrollment was reported paid down 100 students since that pandemic began this is not just a blip it is a ten year trend. a lot of parents of college age students are doing with tuition, hyper inflation for years. they're starting to ask whether quarter of a million-dollar investment of four years of social justice indoctrination is worth the money. the pop quiz question is will the universities change their product and for the good of the country, let's hope they do pray. >> bottom line is the question, is it worth a? a lot of people say no. again, thank you very much great to be with you this week. remember if you have your own hit or miss to be sure tweet it to us at je are on fnc. that's it for the show thanks to our panel and all of you i am david as men. paul is back next week we hope to see you then. ♪ ♪ fox news alert or continuing coverage of the breaking news out of colleyville texas or a band is reportedly holding worshipers and a rabbi hostage at a synagogue near dallas. an israeli foreign minister wrote on twitter on his account saying he has talked to the israeli council in houston and she is on her way to the scene. they are in close contact with the security forces. he also. for the safety of the people they are paid hello everyone welcome to a brand-new box to live i am father taylor leffler of st. wenceslaus

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Journal Editorial Report 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Journal Editorial Report 20240709

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americans face soaring prices and empty shelves. inflation jumping 7% in december from a year ago. this is the fastest pace since 1982. consumers pay more for everything from gasoline, two groceries, you name it. those rising costs reduce real wages by 2.4% 2021. the average american worker took a pay cut. let's bring on our pen with wall street columnist dan henninger and kim straw soul. editorial board member kyle peterson. good to see you all. dan, first to you. even some democrats are now admitting inflation is getting worse and it's not going to get better this year. we have james fuhrman who in the in the obama administration saying expect the economy to experience elevated inflation this year. possibly even higher than in 2021. what does that tell you? the dems are saying it's going to be higher. >> it tells me a serious economists like chase and berman, realizes the economic reality that is in front of all of our faces. that reality is, david, the biden administration last year basically made -- tried to make a deal with the inflation devil. and that deal was this. they put through trillions of dollars in stimulus spending last year above and beyond what was already being spent by the federal government. their argument was that because of pandemic, the spending was necessary. the fact is, they injected a lot of money into the economy. and when you do that, most economists understand you are running the risk of as an inflationary spike. that spike is here now. the most serious economic way to counteract something like that is by raising interest rates. but this federal reserve under jerome powell has refused to do that. and now the biden administration has to do with the inflation that we are experiencing right now. unlike all administrations they try to talk it down with band-aids, jawboning meat producers, shipping producers it never works. the inflation they create is real. they are now going to have to deal the political consequences. david: very close to double-digit inflation. that eventually is passed on to retailers which is passed on consumers meeting all of our prices are going higher. but the white house is in denial but listen to the what the president said the day the numbers came out on wednesday per the president put a statement saying we are making progress and slowing the rate of price increases. kind of scary when you see denial like that. >> is not even true. if you strip out some of the more volatile prices in those numbers like for food and energy that actually did increase month on month. he did not even get that right. but look, dan gave the important word, denial. what is really scary as we know what happens when presidents are in denial. this is what happened in the 1970s. they were in charge, they flooded the economy with a lot of money inflation started going up, they blamed everyone, pointed fingers at big business. they blamed supply chain is this all sound familiar? what the democrats really ought to be worried about is the end of that playbook was obviously a voting public that got completely sick of it. electable republicans and ultimately put ronald reagan in office. david: kyle, beyond the blame game they came up with the regulations they were proposing for the meat industry who they claim are responsible for the inflation to meet you by. and of course a lot more regulations for energy producers in the united states. that turns into extra cost and that rises inflation even more. >> right. the story is supply chain issues the december release stack out to me transportation services and shelter were up more than 4%. your shelter are not stuck in the port of l.a. somewhere trying to get to you. i think there's more coming kevin hassett another economist a guy who worked for president trump so other side of the aisle said he's worried were going to see double-digit inflation in 2022. if we had that going into the november elections i think biden has a huge problem on his hands. >> dan, kyle just alluded to it. but empty shelves the worst of both worlds not only higher prices but fewer goods. of course, it can be blamed on omicron, some can be blamed on the supply chain crisis. but it all falls on biden's watch. >> it does, david. the one thing we should quickly also point out is their policies last year included significant distortions of the labor market. specifically such as the unemployment insurance bonus that they gave people. they would argue it is necessary. the fact is between the bonuses, the stimulus spending, a lot of people dropped out of the labor market. and now the story of the moment is so many companies such as shipping are finding difficulty getting people to come back to work. yes, it has something to do with that. the fact is they did distort the experiencing right now and really it is difficult to see them digging out from under this report before the november's election bid. >> 11 to 12 million unfilled jobs in this country. that is why employers are going nuts trying to find workers to do the work. again, we'll be right back. when we come back covid confusion. criticism growing over the mixed messaging coming from the biden administration. as a public policy really following science? dr. marty makary helps us to sort it all out helps us bring us the latest on a new study out of california and what it says about the omicron surge. s . you guys aren't gonna give me the fake bill fight? c'mon, kev. you're earning 3% cash back. humor me. where is my wallet? i am paying. where is my wallet? i thought i gave it to you. oooohhh? oh, that's not it either. no. no. stop, i insist. that was good though. earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. [♪♪] if you have diabetes, it's important to have confidence in the nutritional drink you choose. try boost glucose control®. it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. try boost® today. david: some good news on the covid fronts. this week from california and a study confirming omicron is less severe than the press hysteria would indicate. major health system in southern california serving 70000 patients with the variant showing they were much less likely to need hospitalization, intensive care or die than those infected with the delta strain. researchers also found that hospitalization was markedly reduced among those with natural immunity. let's bring in dr. marty makary he is professor of health policy at bloomberg school of public health and a fox news medical contributor. doctor great to see you again thank you for being here. awfully it's not good when more people get sick. a lot of gotten sick with omicron. their sickness is much less intense with other very variance in the study confirms that, right? >> this was a landmark study looked at 52000 people with omicron in 16 or 17000 delta. but they found was that among the 52000 people with omicron severe illness was rare. nobody ended up on a ventilator and it's really telling us it is intrinsically more mild in addition to the population immunity of which the natural immunity type was sixfold times more protective than in the general population and vaccinate immunity. it is telling us omicron is behaving like an entirely new virus. if it did not have the lineage of covid and the raw memories much easier if i had a new name for it was not mentally associated with covid. would recognize we need to pivot our policy and pivot the way we think about this. >> one of those policies of course is the vaccine mandate. while we do not want to discourage anyone from taking a vaccine. you are fully vaccinated, a lot of people are promoting it. but so many people are denying natural immunity has an effectiveness against the omicron variants. this study says that is not true. >> welcome this is omicron does pierson boast vaccinated and natural immunity. it's less likely to pierce natural immunity. the bottom line is that most people will get omicron if they've not had it already. for them they can expect a mild illness. the fact like this is behaving like an entirely new virus we need to completely revamp and redesign all of our policies. that means it makes the calculus for mandates differently. the broad testing policy we have of asymptomatic immune people, that needs to be re-examined and excessive quarantines. the calculation is entirely different with omicron. that's all we cannot be is in policies designed for delta in an era of omicron. david: in europe and israel as well they allow natural immunity to substitute for vaccines. should we be doing that here? >> absolutely. here's why it is not just a philosophical debate. careers are being ruined by the government saying yes you have antibodies that neutralize the virus, but those are antibiotics that we as the government do not recognize. and unfortunately when the cdc says something like that, companies fall in line. we see careers are ruined we see students being removed from college. we see soldiers dishonorably discharged. when he to recognize natural immunity especially in health care worker setting given the recent ruling of the supreme court we are at risk of losing a significant number of staff who have immunity. but they do not have vaccinated immunity we need to recognize that her will have a major staff crisis shortage on top of the existing crisis. >> hasn't that already begun? we have a lot of hospital workers in the state of new york i believe 8000 hospital workers lost their job as they quit as a result of the vaccine mandates. it's causing staff shortages at a critical time in our history. >> ironically one of the hospitals in the northwest united states has had such significant staffing shortages they have actually told steph hey, come back even if you have symptoms. now that makes absolutely no sense to fire people who have immunity and no symptoms and they test negative. and then to bring in people who test positive into the clinical setting. that is the kind of crazy rationing we are seeing as a result of this convoluted strategy of ignoring natural immunity. david: image of the supreme court decision. when we talk about the legal and political implications of it in a second period the scientific implication was that the right decision? >> i think it was the right decision to get away for the polarization of vaccine mandates for private employers. i wish they would've extended that same sort of liberty to hospitals because hospitals define healthcare workers differently. someone who works in the loading dock on the supply chain for medications they are going to reduce transmission if they can vaccinated part i would like them too. most healthcare workers have natural immunity plus the supreme court was making a decision on a prior virus on their making a decision not recognizing we are in a steep decline right now of omicron. within a few weeks many of these policies will be outdated including the ordering of new tests and the masks they are talking about disturbing to the population for. >> now doctor, i do not want to cloud out the good news, the bright news with brat prospects, but is there a possibility in dealing with the pandemic we could still see a variant and merge that spreads just as quickly as omicron but is more deadly? >> it is a possibility. the virus to mutate in a way is higher and higher. it's far more likely will see a variant mutate -- make most mutations are downward mutations over 99%. i do believe we are going to continue to see the virus mutate in the animal kingdom. that animal reservoir spit out new variant in perpetuity. maybe every couple of years or every viral season. but remember there's a host of over dozen viruses that cause the common cold that circulate season to season. it's not something we change our lifestyle around me on standard precautions. david: dr. marty makary i was a pleasure to see your doctor thank you for being here. thanks. we come back businesses breathing a sigh of relief as the supreme court blocks the biden administration vaccine mandate for private employers. at any given time. i absolutely have to be sharp. let me tell ya, i was struggling with my memory. it was going downhill. my friend recommended that i try prevagen and over time, it made a very significant difference in my memory and in my cognitive ability. i started to feel a much better sense of well-being. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. at university of phoenix, we have scholarships for everyone hard at work, no matter where you work. get up to a $3,000 scholarship, starting with your first course. explore your opportunities at switching wireless carriers is easy with xfinity. just lean on our helpful switch squad to help you save with xfinity mobile. they can help break up with your current carrier for you and transfer your info to your new phone. giving you a fast and easy experience that can save you hundreds a year on your wireless bill. visit your nearest xfinity store and see how the switch squad can help you switch and save. get $200 off a new eligible 5g phone when you switch to xfinity mobile. talk with our helpful switch squad at your local xfinity store today. david: the supreme court there is a blocking president biden's vaccine test mandate for private businesses and a six -- three vote the conservative majority concluded the administration overstepped its authority by seeking to impose the rule on all u.s. companies with at least 100 employees. a ruling that affects them 84 million american workers the justices did allow a separate backseat to go forward with chief justice john roberts and justice brett kavanaugh joining the liberals in a decision that applies to approximately 76000 facilities that receive federal money. we are back with our panel dan henninger, kim strassel and kyle peterson. so kim, how big a blow with this decision in the biden administration? >> it is a blow in the decision itself because they lost big. if you read that opinion, they said the white house exceeded its statutory authority. the broken administrative law by not tailoring this rule. and of course with six justices on there. but it is a blow to if you look at the bigger context. this is now the second major executive action after the eviction moratorium the supreme court stepped into brush back. he would like to think the white house with think there's limits of the executive power parade this is the latest example the court will not stand by for this. david: kyle, because we talk to doctor mcclary about the public healthcare workers, they are still included in this vaccine mandate. that could still leave hospitals understaffed. what are the repercussions of that? >> there are about 10 million workers according to the supreme court opinion that are covered by that mandate. some of those hospitals may have trouble filling positions as doctor makary says some of the employees want to get back to work they may have -- not be able to go back to work. that's the problem with the broad mandates about national level as they treat everybody the same. they do not allow any room for governors or local cities, local employees. each individual hospital to make the decisions that are best for their situation. david: dan, you wrote a column this week that looked at the bright side of what is happening here. americans are realizing the government does not have all the answers. it is not necessarily follow science. we saw that in clear fashion when justice made a huge air and her description of how many children are being hospitalized and very sick. she got it off by a factor of 30. that is 3000% wrong. [laughter] and again it is kind of refreshing to note the governor does not have all of the answers and we should be skeptical of some of their policy decisions that are not necessarily based on science. >> i think that reality, david, is not only refreshing. it's a very important development in our politics. the biden administration you talk about the first decision they lost six -- three the ocean mandate against private businesses. this was a very big deal. just set aside the pandemic for a moment. if they had been able to establish an agency with private businesses with over 110 employees to do x, y, z with the pandemic they could conceivably do that in the future and say ordering them to stop using fossil fuels. the presidential value of a decision like that would have been extraordinary. i think in this white house the progressive democrats have no reluctance whatsoever to try to push federal authority as far as they can on any basis that they can. and the fact the supreme court stopped them here at a time when the american public is becoming more skeptical of federal authority is a very, very good sign for those of us who believe in federalism. >> i believe you're right on that. kim, it's also going to make it hard for people like dr. fauci or facebook fact checkers they represent signs and those who disagree with them don't. >> it has been the biggest problem of this year. one side is claimed to have all of the answers even though those answers change apparently every three weeks. you are not allowed to push back. look what happened to the signers of the declaration. when we are looking back we are realizing the real reason we have a debate in science is because no one does have all the answers. we need that lively debate to make sure we are making the best policy decisions going forward. the expensive heads one side makes a ruling, shuts down anyone who disagrees and then we live with the consequences of the very bad policy going forward. >> kyle, his dan was saying it emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility, individual responsibility. that is what this nation was founded on and it seems that we were losing some of it during the pandemic. maybe we are getting it back now. >> absolutely. i think there's been a ton you have seen. a lot of people got vaccinated of their own free will because the notes the right decision for them and their families. a lot have pitched in to keep schools open when there are virus closures or problems getting staff and things. i think if you look at the pandemic to see a lot of platoons keeping us humming. >> are again, thank you very much. still ahead so much for unity. a closer look at precedence biden attack on his political opponents in atlanta this week. what he got so very wrong about voting rights that deeply divisive speech david: were frauds and breaking news in texas. that is where a suspect is reportedly taken some people hostage inside a synagogue including the rabbi. this happening during services. this is in the city it is about 30 miles northwest of dallas. fox affiliate their faqs for dallas swat teams are on the scene. happening at the congregation synagogue. the police are asking nearby residents to evacuate the area. the police department first tweeted about this at 11:00 a.m. central time. the texas department of safety said the fbi in state troopers are also there print this occurring at the congregation israel's synagogue the latest potential situation at a synagogue in our country. the report of a rabbi being held hostage as well as others by an unknown suspect. we are told the hostage negotiators are in contact with that suspect, thankfully no injuries of any sort reported at this time but of course the development still coming into our newsroom we will bring you the latest as we get them, arthel has some more information about this unfolding situation right now. arthel: what i want to do is bring in danny colson. he is on the phone's former fbi deputy assistant director. fbi hostage rescue team commander. we want to talk to danny based on what i am reading here. it is a one man he is holding people not sure how many people. it says the angry man could be heard ranting. there is a live stream of this church service here at the synagogue. talking about religion. take it away, what can you glean from the little information we have? >> i'm very familiar with the synagogue. i've actually given lectures there. i commanded the fbi division in dallas i am family with the police department all the tactical units associated with this. it is fortunate did not start out as an active shooter when they start killing people. right now he's venting. so the police commanders that will run this thing are running it now. they've got one advantage there they isolate, contain and it's an emergency rescue. in all the things i just said you have already done it. i feel they certainly will be available there to mitigate any of the violence very. >> of course we all hope for that outcome that you are painting the picture for us there, danny, i do ask you while the swat team negotiators are talking to this guy who think they're going to try to isolate him, what are they saying to them and what is their backup plan in the process to make sure no one gets hurt? >> we do not know that. i'm not so sure with the layout is in there. what they will do is they will try to gradually decrease the permit or increase the perimeter so he has less and less movement. they'll have hostage negotiators and dallas in the fbi and i guarantee the hostage division at quantico is called into this. they are monitoring the negotiations they will advise to the negotiators what to say what not to stay. certain things you want to be very careful with, you don't have to rethink >> bread with they are trying to do right now is slow it down going to let them state his case and then get them to walk out. and hopefully that will happen. >> when they ask him if he has a weapon? >> no. no. he may tell them. it is possible it may come up in the conversation. but right now and i'm negotiating some they sings and how they work. you want to let them state his peace. you want to focus on him and listen to negotiations and let him vent. he is venting right now. that is a good thing he is talking he is not shooting or stabbing that to the advantage. arthel: what is the tone in situation like this, danny, you want to let this suspect, this angry manhood big could heard ranting on what was a live stream that was posted on facebook, he is ranting about religion. what is the tone? how do you speak to him, let him vent being patient exercising patience but also not coming across as condescending. because that could trigger him. >> it could. these guys do this for a living. you are a very accomplished professional. with what you do these people are too weak they do this more often than we even know. there calm these things down, let the guy say what he wants and what can he do to you? are you okay what can we do to help you? make it a friendship type thing. often times is an interesting type of friendship another dialogue. the subject will start to ask for help from the negotiator. that is exactly what you want. but you also not be very careful because hillary's clinton there about two hours on tv and he was listening the whole time. must be very conscious about the negotiators but also you and i say together. >> absolutely totally understand that certainly would not want to do anything purposely or inadvertently to exacerbate the situation there. given what you have said to us, danny, in your experience most likely the people are being held hostage right now they can at the very least his hear his end of the conversation with police. does that give them some sort of peace and calm to note swat teams negotiating with him and perhaps there may be some peaceful resolution to this? >> that is a really good observation. yes. from some act of violence it is good to know the cops are outside. it's good to know the police are there. they have not been defunded so they are going to show up. i think it's very comforting. if that were my family i would feel much better the police were on site. statistics say if the police are there, the violence is generally minimal. it's not a perfect deal where you say we are here we win automatically. many of the right people talking to him. they may end up getting someone with a jewish background. they may have another jew in there negotiating with him and that might be held to or not. they will figure that out as they go. i feel confident this will end peacefully. i am optimistic. and i think given the professionalism of the law enforcement community in the dallas area this should come out to a peaceful resolution for a. >> definitely big city with a lot of experience there on the ground. i wanted to ask how the negotiators are talking to this guy saying hey, we want to hear what you have to say what is on your mind and they really mean that they really do want to hear this guy had to say. it's not a ploy to distract him or hold him, contain him some weight somehow will they try to free the hostages in some way. they really mean what they are talking to this guy about, correct? >> absolutely. they take the stuff very seriously but i am at the pleasure of working with negotiators many, many times in my career. and my position was at the negotiators do their job i'll do my job. they want this to come out peacefully. one thing to remember all lives have value. even this man's life has value. that's the way they look at it too. the look at him as a another human being. they have to work to save him. but also they have to have a balancing act so they keep him from hurting someone else for. >> you are so right. this guy's life does matter. what he has to say does matter. how he is feeling it doesn't matter. why he's there in that position does matter. that is what the negotiators are trying to find out so this thing can end peacefully. he can be okay and the people inside the synagogue can be okay. >> i want you to remember, someplace he has a family. that's one of the things we talked about in some of the others i've talked about in the situation, hillary clinton's campaign office we talked about and he heard it look, he has a family there they want to go home. i think that's important. that's a very important consideration to let them know he is connected. hopefully connect with the negotiator i've said my piece now let's go home danny thank you very much for your expert perspective that i have you back in the top of the hour. >> will can change that covering, arthel, the man holding worshipers and a rabbi hostage in the colleyville, texas. our reports he doesn't want anyone hurt talked about his family. he assignment his sister for example and he mentioned his children. got information inside the synagogue. will continue with our live coverage on fox news so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? 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morning. during those services that are being live streamed people heard the man ranting about religion. according to reports he did not want anyone hurt pretty mentioned his children, his sister. we were told he mentioned is long and profanities according to this report. and we do not know egg, if he is armed or be, of judaism is directly related to them choosing that location of the center gone during the services. brian is following the latest more news from here in new york. as the ongoing situation continues, brian, with the hostage negotiating team or reporting, on the phone and talking with this man, seeing what he has to say. trying to defuse the situation. so that no one is hurt and no injuries have been reported so far, brian per. >> that is right. we also do not know who in fact, how many people are inside that synagogue. all we do know is about 12:30 p.m. eastern time we saw the tweet from the police saying the swat team was on scene. we do know from reports in the dallas morning news and others that negotiators have made contact with this person. but they have not been inside the building. that according to the police. again this is where the congregation is -- with the synagogue is. we do not know how many people they are. as you are saying, air, the fort worth telegram is reporting that what you can hear in the live stream of the services this morning was happening, you had about 8000 people watching the live stream. you could hear muffled noises as this person was ranting and raving. he said repeatedly he believes he is going to die that according to the telegram he said a few times he did not want anyone hurt. he had mentioned even his own children. he also mentioned his sister and islam. at this point the only update we've had from police as a tweet that came out a few minutes ago that said the situation at the synagogue remains ongoing. they ask people to continue to avoid the area. they will continue to provide updates on social media. our affiliate is reporting through a source that a call came into new york city 911 from a rabbi at located here in the city who received a call from a rabbi in texas who is believed to be one of the people held hostage it. and in that phone call, that person said there is a middle eastern man who had taken multiple hostages inside the congregation and they were in touch with sources there, with the police in texas on the ground. we do know at least a phone call according to our affiliate who alerted authorities to what was going on down there. this is an ongoing situation that is been going on now for close to probably three hours. this was a live stream start at 10:00 a.m. the live stream was abruptly cut it 2:00 p.m. eastern. and again there is not much that can be seen in the live stream. barely what could be heard. all we are going off of right now is what was being said inside estimate reporting from the fort worth telegram that has been talking about a man has been talking about his sister and islam. you are right we do not know anything about motive other than the fact this is an ongoing situation in which there hostage negotiators trying to speak to him. we do know according to recording their not made entrance inside, into the center god either. we will continue to monitor the situation. or trying to get a phone call back from the police department there which is obviously overwhelmed right now. >> brian you know that you mention from the rabbi in new york the person who is in the synagogue is of middle eastern descent, we do not know the exact motors for this. as you said he was heard talking about islam and the sister with profanities did not want anyone hurt he did mention his children. so there obviously is an apparent religious motive to this. we have seen a synagogue's attacked, we have seen these incidents in the past dealing with judaism. we don't know it's too early to know what the motivation is. we have not been told if he is armed and of course we have not been told his identity yet. but it is encouraging that hostage negotiating teams are on talking with him as danny told us earlier. that's one of the first major aims there barricaded in the hostage situation keep them talking. let them discuss these issues let them pour their heart out as long as no one has been injured even if he's heard his being angry and ranting the status quo is what could be worse per. >> i would agree with that. the expert that was just south arthel the fact this person did not go into shooting in an active shooting situation is having conversation is encouraging. do know a little bit about the main rabbi which is the congregation beth israel. as rabbi charlie walker. he's been the full-time a rabbi there since 2006. this is a reform synagogue, fairly new to the community. obviously everyone in that community right now thinking about those inside as if all the situation for a quick stay with us a fox news is we continue to monitor this. we have our thoughts and our prayers are with the people inside this as well as with the brave police officers and the hostage negotiating team. the detectives who are now doing work as they are paid to do to try and defuse dangerous situations. our live coverage of the cent agog standoff texas continues right after this. now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? once-weekly ozempic® can help. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles 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miles northwest of downtown dallas. the congregation is located 6100 pleasant road, if you know the area that's just on the street from colleyville elementary school. now, our fox affiliate says swat teams are on scene at the congregation. again it's congregation beth israel synagogue. they are asking nearby residents to evacuate. the colleyville police department first tweeted about the situation at about 11:30 a.m. in fact at 11:30 local time central time that's 12:30 p.m. eastern time. the texas department of public safety says the fbi and state troopers are also on scene, no injuries are reported at this time. and according to the fort worth star-telegram, it says an angry man could be heard ranting on a live stream. the service was being a live streamed on facebook at the time. it has been taken down but he could be heard at times talking about religion and according to reporting by brian, the man didn't talk about his sister and his children pretty said he did not want to hurt anyone. he did mention islam but again we do not know the exact motive of this hostage standoff. and eric, what more can you tell us? >> there is the tidbit from a rabbi in new york the suspect may be middle eastern descent. but we don't know that we do not know if he is armed. if he is armed, seemingly one of the country within the anti-semitic attacks we have been reporting here at the fox news channel for quite some time now. about one third of american jews say in the poll they have suffered an attack, 54% of the religious crimes in our country 54% are against the jewish people. according to the fbi 2.6 times more likely than the african-american community two-point to times more likely than the muslim community to be targeted. of course we've had some horrible shootings and synagogues in the past as well as churches too. so you have to wonder this man breaking into -- walking and during the service ranting as the people heard him on live stream about 8000 people were tuned into the live stream of this synagogue. as the service were ongoing with the rabbi, charlie walker as the rabbi was holding the service 8000 or so people heard this man suddenly interrupted we are told. as you said talking about islam and had profanities. saying he did not want anyone to be hurt. he didn't mention his children. the good news for now what can be comforting is a sense is ongoing is talking to him. the fact is not hurt anyone he does not want to hurt anyone. this is what he used to do his aforementioned hostage negotiator paid the fact this guy is talking is a good set of sign. we are hoping of course all of us hoping for the best most peaceful outcome and negotiators are letting this man know that his life matters. they do really want to hear what is on his mind, what is in his heart, why is he there at this time holding these other human beings hostage? he also has children. his children love him, they need him home just like the rest of those people in that synagogue need to get home to their family. these are the points they are trying to make to this hostage taker at this moment we are of course covering this we will continue covering this, eric. we'll have more coming up in about six minutes here at the of the hour when "fox news live" begins yet another new hour of news right here on the fox news channel. stay with us for the very latest on this hostage situation and colleyville, texas at a jewish synagogue. drink you choose. try boost glucose control®. it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. try boost® today. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ helen knew exercise could help her diabetes. but she didn't know what was right for her. no. nope. no way. but then helen went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now she knows what activity helps lower her glucose. and can see what works best for her. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. freestyle libre 2. now covered by medicare for those who qualify. >> it is time now for hits and misses of the week, kim first to you. >> david a hit to house minority leader kevin mccarthy and congressman jim jordan for refusing to just roll over to the demands of nancy pelosi's generous six committee. i was initially hopeful this committee would give us the facts of the day. but it is increasingly looking very political it's increasingly willing to abuse its powers and break institutional norms. if it is going to take the unprecedented step of demanding fellow members testify in front of it should have to justify its powers. >> greatly one 100% thank you very much kyle what is yours? >> i will give a hit to doctors at the university of maryland this week you did an experimental heart transplant using an organ from a genetically modified pig. the patient set is a shot in the dark but his last chance. in the days after the surge it seems to have worked with the heart pumping normally. there are more than 100,000 people of the u.s. on organ transplant waiting list. so pigs can be genetically modified to their organs are less likely to be rejected by human patients, what a breakthrough that would be. >> unbelievable, dan what if you got? >> i'm giving to mr. university colleges and universities is enrollment was reported paid down 100 students since that pandemic began this is not just a blip it is a ten year trend. a lot of parents of college age students are doing with tuition, hyper inflation for years. they're starting to ask whether quarter of a million-dollar investment of four years of social justice indoctrination is worth the money. the pop quiz question is will the universities change their product and for the good of the country, let's hope they do pray. >> bottom line is the question, is it worth a? a lot of people say no. again, thank you very much great to be with you this week. remember if you have your own hit or miss to be sure tweet it to us at je are on fnc. that's it for the show thanks to our panel and all of you i am david as men. paul is back next week we hope to see you then. ♪ ♪ fox news alert or continuing coverage of the breaking news out of colleyville texas or a band is reportedly holding worshipers and a rabbi hostage at a synagogue near dallas. an israeli foreign minister wrote on twitter on his account saying he has talked to the israeli council in houston and she is on her way to the scene. they are in close contact with the security forces. he also. for the safety of the people they are paid hello everyone welcome to a brand-new box to live i am father taylor leffler of st. wenceslaus

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Students , College , Line , Soldiers , Health Care Worker Setting , Supreme Court , Ruling , Staff , Top , Number , Crisis , Staff Crisis Shortage , Hospital Workers , New York , Result , Estate , Hasn T , 8000 , Hospitals , Vaccine Mandates , Staffing Shortages , Staff Shortages , History , Steph Hey , Sense , Symptoms , Test , Setting , Rationing , Making A Decision , It , Strategy , Implication , Implications , Image Of The Supreme Court Decision , Healthcare Workers , Sort , Liberty , Polarization , Someone , Transmission , Medications , Part , Loading Dock , Many , Tests , Decline , Ordering , Doctor , Possibility , Dealing , Brat Prospects , Spreads , Mutations , Variant Mutate , Virus Mutate , Animal Reservoir , Perpetuity , Animal Kingdom , 99 , Viruses , Season , Host , Lifestyle , Precautions , Cold , Businesses , Pleasure , Relief , Thanks , Sigh , Memory , Friend , Life , Well Being , Difference , Better , Ability , University Of Phoenix , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Matter , Scholarship , Scholarships , Opportunities , 3000 , 000 , Squad , Carriers , Switch , Carrier , Xfinity , Xfinity Mobile , Experience , Phone , Store , Info , Save , 5g Phone , Switch Squad , 5 , 200 , 00 , Authority , Rule , Vaccine Test Mandate , David The Supreme Court , Majority , Vote , Six , Three , Employees , Justices , Backseat , 100 , 84 Million , Blow , Justice , John Roberts , Panel , Liberals , Kim Strassel , Facilities , Big A , Brett Kavanaugh , 76000 , Big , Decision , Opinion , Law , Context , Example , Court , Executive Action , Limits , Brush , Eviction Moratorium , Parade , Executive Power , Repercussions , Mandate , Trouble Filling Positions , 10 Million , Everybody , Level , Same , Room , Situation , Hospital , Decisions , Governors , Individual , Column , Cities , Children , Answers , Air , Description , Fashion , Factor , Governor , Wrong , Laughter , 30 , Policy Decisions , Development , Politics , Agency , The Ocean , Fossil Fuels , Z , 110 , Value , Reluctance , Sign , Public , Federalism , Basis , Facebook , Signs , Fauci , Signers , Declaration , Reason , Responsibility , Importance , Free Will , Nation , Ton , Things , Schools , Families , Problems , Virus Closures , Attack , Opponents , Platoons , Humming , Unity , Atlanta , Voting Rights , Speech , Rabbi , Suspect , Hostage , Beth Israel Synagogue , Services , Colleyville Texas , Happening , City , Breaking News , Frauds , Police , Area , Scene , Teams , Police Department , Downtown Dallas , Residents , Congregation Synagogue , Swat , Faqs , Congregation Beth Israel Synagogue , Fbi , State Troopers , Texas Department Of Safety , Hostage Negotiators , Contact , Being , Others , Injuries , Information , Newsroom , Arthel , Man , Danny Colson , Commander , Deputy Assistant Director , Hostage Rescue Team , Stream , Ranting , Church Service , Family , Religion , Division , Lectures , Police Commanders , Venting , Units , Shooter , Advantage , Emergency Rescue , Outcome , Violence , Hope , Any , Picture , Swat Team Negotiators , Backup Plan , Process , Layout , Perimeter , Movement , Permit , Hostage Division , Quantico , Negotiators , Negotiations , Bread , Case , Weapon , Conversation , Peace , Tone , Manhood , Patient , Patience , Guys , Living , Community Two Point , Type , Friendship Type Thing , Friendship , Guy Say , Negotiator , Hillary Clinton , Subject , Dialogue , Tv , Clinton , Anything , Note Swat , Negotiating , Resolution , Observation , Act , Cops , Site , Statistics , Jew , Background , Jewish , Ground , Professionalism , Law Enforcement Community , Weight , Mind , Want , Ploy , Hostages , Career , Stuff , Position , Lives , Human Being , Look , Balancing Act , Doesn T Matter , Someplace , Home , Campaign Office , Let S Go Home Danny , Consideration , Piece , Expert Perspective , Will , Colleyville , Reports , Covering , The Man Holding Worshipers , Sister , Coverage , Assignment , Didn T , Throwback , Liberty Subway , Refresh , Bakers , Subway , Wait , World Class , Thirty , Health , Sugar , Nutrients , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Entresto , Heart Failure Brand , Cardiologists , Death , Don T , Baby , Harm , Ace Inhibitor , Aliskiren , One Million , Side Effects , Kidney Problems , Angioedema , Blood Pressure , Blood , Ace , Arb , Potassium , Manis , Folks , Synagogue Layer , Affiliate , Man Ranting , Profanities , Egg , Brian Per , Judaism , Center , Location , Hostage Negotiating Team , Reporting , Tweet , Swat Team , 12 , Person , Dallas Morning News , Building , Telegram , Congregation , Morning , Fort Worth , Saying , Noises , Islam , Point , Update , Source , Updates , Social Media , Phone Call , Call , Middle Eastern , In The City , Hostage It , 911 , Sources , Authorities , Estimate Reporting , Eastern , 2 , 10 , Motive , Center God , Entrance Inside , Descent , Motors , Motivation , Incidents , Hostage Negotiating , Identity , Hostage Situation , Heart , Major , Issues , Per , Status Quo , Shooting , Expert , Bit , Community , Charlie Walker , Reform Synagogue , Congregation Beth Israel , 2006 , Stay , Police Officers , Prayers , Thoughts , Detectives , Situations , Standoff , The Cent , Oh Ozempic , Type 2 Diabetes , Version , Planning , Mom , Northwestern Mutual , A1c , Adults , Oh , Type 1 Diabetes , Heart Attack , Isn T , Heart Disease , Events , Stroke , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Don T Take Ozempic , Lump , Needles , Stop Ozempic , Pens , Share , Reuse , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Stomach Pain , Swelling , 1 , Vision Problems , Changes , Blood Sugar Risk , Insulin , Reaction , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Dehydration , Nausea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Provider , Health Care Provider , 25 , Prescription , Suburb , 35 , The Street From Colleyville Elementary School , Road , 6100 , Colleyville Police Department , Eastern Time , Service , Fort Worth Star Telegram , The Man Didn T , Tidbit , Hostage Standoff , Attacks , 54 , Poll , American Jews , 54 , Crimes , African American , Muslim , 2 6 , Synagogues , Shootings , Churches , Walking , Hostage Negotiator , Set , Talking , Human Beings Hostage , Life Matters , Hostage Taker , Points , Rest , Eric , Fox News Live , Helen , Exercise , Activity , Glucose , Glucose Levels , Mystery , Libre 2 , Medicare , Misses , Hits , Committee , Jim Jordan , Facts , Demands , House Minority Leader , Kevin Mccarthy , Nancy Pelosi , Powers , Step , Members , Norms , Hit , Doctors , Patient Set , Heart Transplant , Chance , Organ , Pig , University Of Maryland , A Shot In The Dark , Pigs , Human Patients , Surge , Organs , Heart Pumping , On Organ Transplant Waiting List , 100000 , Universities , Breakthrough , University Colleges , Mr , Enrollment , Unbelievable , Hyper Inflation , Social Justice , Blip , Trend , Parents , Tuition , Indoctrination , Investment , A Million , Four , Ten , Good , Pray , Question , Product , Miss , Pop Quiz Question , Show , Je Are On Fnc , Foreign Minister , Worshipers , Band , Synagogue Near Dallas , Account , Twitter , Taylor Leffler Of St , Council , Safety , Security Forces , Box , Houston , Wenceslaus ,

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