Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709 : comparemela

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709

jeff: while it's a much different situation of the pacific nation in tonga, here in california near the coast and other states like hawaii and alaska were under tsunami advisory from the undersea volcano, we will 1 to 2-foot waves. also worth noting likely dangerous rift current. it's a terrible day to be in the water whether that's swimming, surfing or boating. this how it all started massive undersea volcano erupting near tonga and that sent large waves crashing undershore. tonga's king was reportedly evacuated after tsunami funded the capital. beyond tonga, parts of japan are under tsunami warnings and advisories have been issued for parts of new zealand. here advisories on the west coast, alaska, hawaii. so far no damage. anita: tsunami is in effect across the west coast as you heard jeff say, alaska and hawaii after underwater volcano erupted near the pacific nation tonga, meteorologist adam klotz has the latest in the weather center. adam, big activity this weekend. adam: definitely from this to the weather that's impacting, i will talk about that in just a minute but beginning with advisories that you talk about. you see them in the orange stretching their way up and down the entire western coast tsunami advisory. not a warning. we have seen that so far. this is what happened this morning earlier in hawaii maybe as high as 3 feet which is higher than you typically see in the areas but not really massive waves and when you get to the coast coast, a lot of the leading edges have taken place. arrival times throughout the morning. most recent 8:50 a.m. the initial push of water for a lot of places has been there and you will continue to see choppy conditions and rift currents that make water dangerous to get into after arrival times have kind of been there and past. in the weather world across the country what we are looking at frigid air for interior new england, windchill alerts, warnings in the areas as the temperatures feel like when you step outside a whole lot of places down to the negatives, negative 10, negative 16, negative 22 degrees. really frigid out there and that's all ahead of a system that's going to be sweeping across the country here really throughout the entire weekend into monday. still heavy snow in portions of the plane. on the leading edge it's currently on the rain. that's going to turn to icy situation across the southeast, you will start to see the pinks and that's when you're talking more of an ice situation from atlanta stretching to charlotte areas where they're not necessarily prepared for some of the big weather. here is your future track and you can kind of pay attention to the time stamp in the corner, you can see the pink and that's when you talk about a whole lot of ice, sunday is the time that we will be paying attention to that. no surprise here. just a massive winter weather alerts, watches, warnings from the ice, from the snow and freezing rain that folks will be dealing with from now running all the way to monday morning. anita: it is 25 degrees and very chilly outside of the studio in dc, everybody needs to bundle up. thank you so much adam klotz for that. griff. griff: the other big story we are watching republican glenn youngkin is set to be sworn in as virginia's 74th governor in a few democrats. a seat democrats have held for nearly a decade. we will bring that event to you live meanwhile alexandria hoff live on the ground in virginia witnessing all of the history, hi, alex. alex: hi, griff, history is certainly being made in several different ways. inauguration ceremony is ready to kick off any minute and we expect swearing in to take a few more minutes after that. at that point governor ralph northam would have passed the seat to glenn youngkin. you'll remember it was back in november that youngkin did what no republican did in the past years. it was a key off yore race watched closely across the country as indicatation of voter sentiment, education being top issue there. he's going the address parents directly. he wants to see them have a greater say in curriculum and for their kids to be in school 5 days a week. among a series of executive orders that are expected, youngkin actually plans to reverse the mask requirement for school children. we want to back here now as ceremony is about to take off. history will be made with lieutenant governor being sworn in, the first black woman to hold that position. so enthusiasm that we saw in the campaign trail is echoing here as virginia prepares to swear in its 74th governor. griff: attorney general, first hispanic elected statewide. we will check back with you, alex, a little bit later. anita. anita: as we wait for that we will talk about how it's been a very challenging week for biden administration. the president is set to give a rare press conference on wednesday, first one in months. lucas tomlinson joins us live with the latest from wilmington, delaware where the president is spending the weekend, hi, lucas. lucas: good afternoon, anita. it's been a disaster. >> there's a lot of talk about disappointments and things that we haven't gotten done. we will get a lot of them done, i might add. lucas: this week u.s. inflation hitting pastest pace in nearly 4 decades. prices for household goods have seen 7% spike including 50% increase in gas prices and americans feeling at the pump and 20% jump at the grocery store from meat, egg and at the white house jen psaki says nobody saw this coming. >> we are getting out of a pandemic at a rate that anybody thought it would happen. lucas: talks with russia, failing to stop tensions at the border. speech in georgia fail today give voting rights passed and biden comparing opponents as segregationists and third week by the president failed to persuade lawmakers to eliminate filibuster and approval rating falling 33% america. and after withdrawal of afghanistan. half of the country blames the president not for the pandemic but -- not just the pandemic but policies for making things worse. one gop senator says there's a silver lining to this week. >> it's been a very bad week for joe biden. it's a good week for the american people. lucas: next week marks president biden's first year in office as you mentioned he's marking that with a press conference at 4:00 p.m. on wednesday. anita. anita: lucas live in will ming , delaware. griff: noel, kristin, thanks for joining us on saturday. we will pick up after we watched the governor of virginia take over. first let's address the week that lucas tomlinson was talking about. the horrible, terrible very bad no good week for president biden. i think really as we almost mark one year in office, he has got to hit the reset button, you can see the list, everything not just the supreme court and the failure of the votes act and stacey abrams not showing up for the speech in georgia which absolutely bombed. inflation hits four decade high and hillary clinton's name being included. vice president harris being mocked for nbc interview and the list goes on and on. so my question to you, noel, let's start with you, what does this week mean? is it just a rough spot hit bottom and start to rise again or is this real trouble for the president's administration? >> i think it's a real bad deal for the president, for his administration, not only that, but i mean, you've got to think about our foreign adversaries watching all of this play out because if you really think about it, joe biden, think about his history. he was a united states senator for many, many years, then he became vice president and now he's president. he could not even rein in two united states senators, joe manchin and kyrsten sinema to get on board to pass some of his legislation. this is really bad and it shows weak leadership. so i think that, you know, a lot of people are taking that into account and as for achieving anything, this week was horrible, you're totally right about that, but look at the entire year. so i think, you know, his first year is getting off to a horrible start and the question is where do they go from here if they can't do any of the things that they wanted to do, then what does he do in the next couple of? griff: yeah, christian, do you want to answer that question, what does the president need to do? >> well, first, the gop senator that said a bad day for any president is a good day for the american people. i just find up horrid. that's just partisan politics. i would say that you have to look at it -- the president has a very slim majority and looking back we are saying his whole year has been a failure. i mean, i can't -- i just don't agree with that. you have there shall there are presidents going back, you know, decades who have been trying to get bipartisan infrastructure done. we did that. he did that. i mean, we gloss over it a lot of times because there are a lot of things that we are still working on that he's still trying to do. that's a major accomplishment and we should acknowledge that. covid, i mean, this is something -- he doesn't -- he's having to deal with the variant that's spreading rampant through our communities, you know, and this is something that -- he's increasing testing. this is a very difficult times and there's a lot of accomplishments that he's had. that's where you go from here, you build on the bipartisan bill that he's passed or he's worked with congress to pass and work with both sides of the aisle to get stuff done. anita: okay, ladies, i want to go back to the speech that president biden made in georgia this past week. a lot of people called it very divisive and i want to bring up now a quote from author peggy neunen from an article of a couple of days ago. by the end of the speech he looked like a man operating a part from the american conversation not at its center. this can be pay tale to a presidency. nicole, let me have you react to that first, peggy nuenen has been commenting on presidents for decades now. what did you make of her article and her quote? >> well, you know, first of all, she -- she nailed it and second of all, this was not a speech that was a come together speech and i think right you know specially americans, look at the approval rate in the 30's. that was not the best speech of all and i think she called it out. anita: i'm sorry i called you nicole, noel. >> that's okay. anita: kristin, let me have you respond to that. what did you think about what peggy neunen said. she didn't paint a great picture on where the biden presidency is going after the speech. >> well, everybody has their -- noel was talking about the president's speech and they will have their thoughts about it and certainly have been vocal but i think that, you know, having a conversation about and using the president using the bully pulpit to talk about voting rights in the country is very important and to do it in georgia and to speak to the voters. i mean, it's a conversation that is obviously overly politicized and, you know, there are things that we need to do to make sure that -- that everybody has the opportunity to -- to -- to vote and to, you know, express their views. that's what democracy is and the president elevated that issue and obviously you will get a lot of reactions to that. griff: ladies, hold for me one second, i just want to dip into our cameras in richmond, glenn youngkin arriving to his inauguration. you can see gathering there on the steps of the virginia capital and remarks we expect to hear shortly that have been released to the press. we expect youngkin to say, my fellow virginians, the spirit of virginia is alive and well and together we will strengthen it. that is certainly something yet to be seen whether or not he can bring very partisan sentiments together across the aisle there in virginia, we will bring you his speech obviously. now the attorney general will be sworn in first, then the lieutenant governor then that man right there will become virginia's 74th governor. he ran on really what he called the party of parents, uniting behind parents in school issues, a little bit of different tact. he threatened the needle on how to handle the trump support, getting his endorsement vocally acknowledging and thanking the former president for endorsement but was standing having donald trump come to virginia because it was viewed as possibly a divisive thing. we will bring you more on that as we get it. now let's go back. i want to ask you, noel, what do you think we will hear from glenn youngkin. what does he need to say, obviously having really got this ground swell of support because he didn't just win with republicans in that purple state of the common wealth of virginia. he got some democrats to cross over. that's why he will be inaugurated. what does he need to say today? >> i think that what he needs to say is what he has continued to say when he was campaigning. he is for the children, he is for participants rights with the children and i think that resonated with people that vote. look this issue, education and your children, this is not even a republican-democrat deal. people will switch a party if it benefits their children. they put their children before parties and i think that what he did was brilliant. one of the things that he is promising to do is to increase teachers' pay, public teachers' pay. this is brilliant because while he was against the critical race theory, he is turning around and increasing the teachers' pay. this is going to resonate well with teachers so they are going to be on board. some of the things that he's wanting to do and he's going to do, i think, are going to be great for the state and great for both republicans that voted for him and the cross-over democrats that did and a lot of republicans are looking to him because this guy won, he's a political outsider and he won basically on local issues and are really looking to see how he's going to govern and people are very excited about this guy. griff: you're looking now live at pastor calvina duncan giving giveinvocation before the swearg in begins. >> i'm not in the same party as him but i take the same view regardless of whether it's the president or governor. he ran a good campaign, that's very clear. once you're elected, though, your job is to bring everybody together. you represent the democrats, you represent the republicans, you're working for everybody in the state of virginia regardless of the party. so i think everybody should be rooting for him to do well, to raise teacher pay certainly. but that is going to take a state like virginia where you do have a lot of fellow democratic support, it's going to take reaching across the aisle and governors are notorious in a good way for being practical and in ways that sometimes officials in washington are not and working with both parties to get things done. i certainly hope that he's willing to work across the aisle and move that state forward. anita: let me jump for just a moment. he beat former governor terry mcauliffe, what lessons with a democratic party takeaway from glenn youngkin's victory, he's a first-time candidate, what message does the party take from this? >> you know, the former president trump, you can't run a campaign against -- just against him anymore. i think that you need to -- candidates all over the country need to look forward the midterms and talk about local issues. talk about things that, you know, that affected people in your district, in your state and that really resonate with people and going back to just the very basic, the things that affect, jobs, health care, there are certainly things that are in this build back better act that people would want. child tax credit and things like that, go local, talk to the people, don't run against -- don't run against former president trump on his own. he's not here anymore. you've got to talk to the people. you have to say things that resonate and have a vision for moving forward. griff: noel, let me ask you, do you think as long as we are talking about mcauliffe that it was that moment in the debate where mcauliffe said to the effect that parents probably really shouldn't have much input over what is taught to kids in their school. i think we may have that soundbite. let me just air that for you and get your reaction. if this was an important moment that may have made or break it for mcauliffe. >> i'm not going to let parents come in to schools and make their own decisions. so i stopped a bill that i don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach. griff: noel, was that the moment? >> that did it. i mean, to me that was basically saying that the parents have no rights and i don't care if you're democrat or republican, that reaches across party lines and basically says that as a parent you're irrelevant. that was a long move to make in my opinion and one of the things that glenn youngkin did that i think was really refreshing, he said he was going to bring humility back to the office. i love that because a lot of politicians especially the old guard, you know, they -- they -- it's the same old, same-old business as usual and i really love the fact that glenn youngkin, outsider, he was going to bring to the office, beautiful. anita: he had his day one plan on his website forever. i want to put up bullet points and we can talk about this. he wants to on day one cut regulations and reduce taxes, ban critical race theory which was such a big part of campaign, investing teachers and schools and empower parents with real which i says and also wants to institute peacher pay races and defund law enforcement funding and protect constitutional rights. let's talk about this and how the bullet points may play out with the voters in virginia and kristin, let's start with you, what about his platform don't you like? >> i think in theory a lot of things people want to feel safe -- drawing effective police force and things to be reformed about it. everybody wants to see our teachers paid more. so, you know, you have -- he has a platform and when you get into the details and you need to work with legislature in getting these things done. i think as so long -- he can move forward in a practical way. i'm from texas and i remember when george w. bush was the governor and we had a democratic speaker of the house and they -- they didn't agree and they fought in public sometimes but they got together and they got things done in the state, and so, yes, on the face of it, good ideas there, but, you know, let's get into the -- the nitty gritty and actually get things done and i think that, you know, he's got -- he's got to work to get it done, hopefully he can. anita: noel, what kind of challenge will he have with the virginia state house there in trying to get initiatives done? >> well, you know, he may have some challenges but i will tell you, he's coming in pretty much as political outsider so he doesn't really have a political record and if you'll remember his background was from carlisle which is, you know, a financial fund so i think that that is refreshing, so the fact that he's not been a long-time politician with any kind of a record, i think, it's going to work to his advantage to reach across the aisle and get good and thoughtful policy done. griff: kristin, let me ask you about as anita was talking about day one goals. one of the things that youngkin intends to do is to go after the vaxx mandate, obviously the supreme court ruled against the president's one on large businesses but youngkin looks like he's going to go after the vaxx mandate on government workers. is that a good idea or bad idea as far as the democratic strategy perspective? >> not as a democratic strategist but a person that listens to the health experts. i mean, i have a company. we have a vaccine mandate aside from certain exemptions. i don't quite understand the motivation, politicization of covid and -- and repealing a mask mandate particularly right now. i mean, wear a mask for the next month. i mean, i had covid over the holidays but i don't understand the -- day one going after things that actually protect public health. i don't see it as a political issue. i know that some people are making it a political issue and it's very unfortunate. people are getting sick and our hospitals are being overwhelmed. shouldn't be political. wear a mask for the next month and get a vaccine. griff: if you're looking at the shot, that's jason miares, he's about to be sworn in at this moment as virginia's new attorney general. it is a historic day for him. he is the first hispanic to be elected statewide in virginia. he's also the first son of an immigrant to be the attorney general of virginia and he is the first person to beat an incumbent attorney general in the common wealth since 1885. let's listen. >> that i will support the constitution of the united states. >> that i will support the constitution of the united states. >> and the constitution of the common wealth of virginia. >> and the constitution of the common wealth of virginia. >> and that i will faithfully and impartially discharge. >> and i will faithfully and impartially discharge. >> all the duties incumbent upon me. >> all the duties incumbent upon me. >> as the attorney general of the common wealth of virginia. >> as the attorney general of the common wealth of virginia. >> according to the best of my ability. >> according to the best of my ability. >> so help me god. >> so help me god. [cheers and applause] griff: attorney general. he was administered the oath by kevin duffen, the judge, second judicial court of virginia. he's the first of the three statewide elected officials in this gop wave that swept virginia. you had the virginia governor, lieutenant governor and the attorney general all republicans. noel, we will be watching the swearing in of winsom sears. here we go. we will see winsom sears about to go. let's listen in. >> by the honorable richard d taylor, jr., retired judge, 13th judicial circuit of virginia. [cheers and applause] >> good morning, are you prepared to take the oath of office? >> i am. >> put your left hand on the bible and repeat after me. ry winsom earl sears do solemnly swear that i will support the constitution of the united states. >> that i will support the constitution of the united states. >> and the constitution of the common wealth of virginia. >> and the constitution of the common wealth of virginia. and that i will faithfully. >> and that i will faithfully and impartially despite all of the duties incumbent upon me as lieutenant governor of virginia. >> as lieutenant governor of virginia. >> according to the best of my ability. >> according to the best of my ability. to. >> so help me god. >> congratulations. [cheers and applause] anita: she is 57 year's old, first republican to be elected to black legislative district in the state of virginia. he's a veteran of the marine corps. married with 3 daughters, sadly one of them passed away. she has a master's degree and licensed electrician and owns appliance and repair store in virginia. now, of course, we get ready for glenn youngkin to take the oath of office as virginia governor. looks like they are just getting ready to do that. winsom sears is still at the podium. griff: it's a moment, anita, that we should point out that it was the republican party that has delivered the historical diversity across statewide offices as we are about to watch glenn youngkin be sworn in now. >> the oath of office will be administered to the governor elect the honorable glenn youngkin by the honorable s bernard, supreme court justicer of virginia, retired justice supreme court of virginia. [cheers and applause] >> mr. youngkin, are you repaired to take the oath of office? >> yes, i am. [cheers and applause] >> can your raise your right hand and place your left-hand on the bible held by your wife, susan youngkin. at this time, i call on our former colleague retired justice of the supreme court of virginia elizabeth mclanehan to give you the oath of office. >> thank you, mr. chief justice. mr. youngkin please repeat after me. i glenn youngkin do solemnly swear. >> i glenn youngkin do solemnly swear. >> to support the constitution of the united states. >> to support the constitution of the united states. >> and the constitution of the common wealth of virginia. >> and the constitution of the common wealth of virginia. >> and that i will faithfully and impartially discharge all of the duties incumbent upon me as governor of the common wealth of virginia according to the best of my ability so help me god. [cheers and applause] griff: just like that, history is made. we will shortly hear from virginia's governor glenn youngkin and remarks but first he will have his governor salute which will be presented by virginia's army national guard first battalion 111th field art illry and band. let's take a listen. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] griff: as we wait for governor youngkin to deliver remarks, anita, we are wondering across the country is what is happening in virginia the bellwether for november's midterm elections, were the issues that youngkin ran on would be the playbook for republicans and what lessons did democrats learn in respective races in their states both at national level and statewide. obviously they couldn't have asked for a better day for the weather. it's crisp and cold but clear skies as you look live at the state capital, the steps there in richmond, virginia, it will be interesting to see what the virginia's governor will have to say. anita: a beautiful day there in richmond, virginia, you know, for many this is astonishing to see this man elected as virginia's governor. he is 55 year's old and really a political newcomer. spent his life as investment banker and he's about to step up to the microphone so i will stop talking. >> thank you. well, good afternoon, good afternoon on this bright sunny day. mr. speaker, lieutenant governor sears, attorney general mijares, madame president, members of the general assembly, justices of the supreme court, my fellow virginians. today we gather not as individuals and we celebrate the sound of freedom. [cheers and applause] >> usa! usa! usa! usa! usa! usa! yes, today we gather not as individuals nor as republicans or democrats but today we gather as virginians. and for the 73rd time in the history of virginia, the home of american democracy were participating in the peaceful and orderly transfer of leadership. the will of the people grants a license to serve, a temporary license extended with trust, with hope and with expectations to deliver on promises made and therefore as i reflect on my virginia home and my love for this great nation and its founding principles, i am so humbled to be sworn in today as the 74th governor of the common wealth of virginia. [cheers and applause] >> the solemn oath in the name of almighty father is done so with the love of my life by my side, your new first lady, susan youngkin. [cheers and applause] >> and with the joy and pride that we both feel for our lovely wonderful children, grant, ana, john and thomas. [cheers and applause] >> i'm so grateful for all of your love and support to my sister dotty, i can feel mom and dad spieling upon us today. susan and i want to thank governor ralph northam and first lady pam northam for being gracious and supportive during transition. their love for virginia shines through and many years of dedication simply suggest basic words we love virginia. on behalf of the common wealth, i want to thank you for your service. [applause] >> in the last election we heard from more voters than ever before, 25% more, nearly 3.3 million virginians. 3.3 million virginians who sent us here on a mission to restore trust in government and to restore power to the people. we stand here today as the messengers of the movement and create opportunities and build unity for the hard work ahead. this celebration is about that movement, not the candidates or elected office holders. it's not about me but rather it's about us. and this movement continues to be fueled by the hopes and dreams and yes tenacity and grit of virginians, of parents, students, teachers, entrepreneurs and small business owners, of law enforcement and all first responder heros. [cheers and applause] >> of hard-working virginians coming home from the midnight to 8:00 a.m. shift, of active military, veterans and their families -- [cheers and applause] >> of farmers, factory workers and healthcare heros. today we stand together on behalf of virginians who never lost faith even when they suffered loss of virginians who have not stopped living a better life and my fellow virginians, the spirit of virginia is alive and well. [cheers and applause] >> and together we will strengthen it. together we will renew the promise of virginia so it will be the best place to live and work and raise a family. [cheers and applause] >> no matter who you voted you, i pledge to be your advocate, your voice, your governor. we stand here on january 15th 2022 filled with hope and optimism for the years ahead. this hope and optimism springs from a shared vision of the future and also from knowing what we've been through. we are all acutely aware of the struggles virginians have endured over the last years, struggles that we continue to face, not a single one of us has escaped the tragic consequences of covid-19. today we lift up our prayers for the more than 15,000 virginians whose lives have been lost. we pray for their families and we pray for those who have survived but who lost jobs, lost an income or a business or even lost hope. we know the impact born by children who fell behind because their classrooms were locked down too long and the strain placed on parents especially virginians moms who had to juggle with their homes becoming job sites and virtual classrooms overnight. this moment of hardship has been compounded by economic factors, inflation, supply chain failures, rising grocery, gas and utility bills as well as higher taxes and stagnant growth. we've all witnessed a rise in divisiveness in the public square and distress the public figures. our politics had become too toxic, soundbites have replaces solutions, taken precedence over good-faith problem solving yet as we gather here today i join you with an unbridal sense of optimism because i know and i trust virginians. we are home to a resilient and courageous people, heros who have inspired us, doctors and nurses who worked double shifts to save lives, truckers, postal workers that worked overtime to stock shelves and make deliveries and neighbor who is have taken care of the frail and elderly in our communities. despite the continuing challenges posed by covid-19 i see a path forward, not to some pessimistic new normal but to a new and better day. our common pack forward is with the miracle of modern medicine. it's given us vaccine, new therapeutics and medical treatments and our common path forward is also forged with a deep and abiding respect for individual freedom. [cheers and applause] >> my fellow virginians our common path forward protect both lives and livelihoods across the great common wealth. my fellow virginians, i come into this moment and office knowing that we must bind the wounds of division and restore trust, find common cause for the common good and strengthen the spirit of virginians and to be clear the spirit of virginia is not a spirit that is rested in government telling us what is best for us but rather reflecting the will of the people, defending and protecting. [cheers and applause] >> defending and protecting the rights by the constitution and elected leaders going to work every day for we the people. [cheers and applause] >> make no mistake, virginians remain resilient with tenacity and grit and undeterred hope and optimism to press through the challenges. we must venture forward because a new and better day is ahead of us. after all, we are virginians whose leaders gave birth to this most exceptional nation the world has ever known. yes. a country with great chapters of injustice but also a country birth on the fundamental notion of freedom that we are all endowed by a creator with certain unaliable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, a nation whose ideas and ideals are replicated and memorialized around the globe for more than 250 years and virginians have led boldly. they fled boldly from our founding, jefferson, madison, monroe and our first governor patrick henry who insisted on adding the bill of rights to the constitution to protect our individual liberties. [cheers and applause] >> this is our lineage and following generations carry the mantle leading and serving as virginians are called to do. barrier breakers like maggie walker and governor doug wilder who is here with us today. [cheers and applause] >> leading the way for this historic inauguration of our new lieutenant governor winsom earl sears. [cheers and applause] >> and our new attorney general jason mijares. [cheers and applause] >> the people of virginia just elected the most diversed leadership in common wealth history. [cheers and applause] >> sending a message that virginia is big enough for the hopes and dreams of a diverse people. [cheers and applause] >> we stand here today to accept the license to lead and we will do so by including all and welcoming all because the future of virginia belongs to all. [cheers and applause] >> i come to this office ready to lead and serve starting on day one. [cheers and applause] >> we will start with the future is determined in the classroom, preparing virginia's children, preparing virginia's children to be career and college ready starting today, we will raise standards. we will raise teacher pay and we will invest in facilities and we will invest in children with disabilities. >> yes. [cheers and applause] >> we will create innovation lab and charter schools of achievement within the public school system. [cheers and applause] >> we will remove politics from the classroom and refocus on essential -- [cheers and applause] >> yes, we will remove politics from the classroom and we will focus on essential math and science and reading and we will teach all of our history the good and the bad. [cheers and applause] >> and we know that when our children don't go to school it harms their learning and their development so let me be clear, we must keep our children in school 5 days a week. [cheers and applause] >> starting today we will tackle the high cost of living. we will suspend for a year the recent tax increase on gasoline. [cheers and applause] >> and eliminate the grocery tax altogether. [cheers and applause] >> we will double the standard deduction on income tax, rein in skyrocketing property tax and provide the largest tax rebait in virginia's history. [cheers and applause] and we will cut taxes on our military veterans retirement benefits. [cheers and applause] >> solving the high cost of living in virginia is not merely about restraining taxes, it's about growing incomes and opportunities as well, starting today, we will be crystal clear, virginia is open for business. [cheers and applause] >> we are going to reenergize the energy, the engine of the economy by reducing regulations, investing in job training and make it easier for business to access capital and we are going to get all virginians back to work. [cheers and applause] >> together, together we will create 400,000 jobs and 10 now new start-ups over the next four years lifting up all virginians. [cheers and applause] >> we are going to make virginia competitive again, no longer conceding corporate relocations and expansions to our friends in maryland, north carolina and tennessee. we will compete and we will win. [cheers and applause] >> the most basic compact government must make with every citizen is to preserve public safety. my pledge is that we will restore safety by fully funding law enforcement. [cheers and applause] griff: another standing ovation on the capitol steps. you have been listening to virginia's new governor youngkin, talking about a common path forward. anita, the crowd is fired up and i think the f22 fighter jets stole the show at the beginning of his remarks. anita: no kidding. beautiful sight filled with so much history and pageantry as inaugurations are always are and background of beautiful sky and as the governor continues to talk here, griff, perhaps we can ask our panelists about their thoughts the governor said. real quick, let's go to noel first. noel, what struck out -- what stuck out to you that the governor said? >> the grocery tax which i thought was really relevant right now and what we are seeing speech from servant and i'm energized by this and i think all virginians have got to give. griff: kristin, last word, you have about 10 seconds, what say you? >> it's good to see a peaceful transfer of power. he has big ideas and a lot of work ahead of him. for the sake of virginia i hope he's able to work with parties to get things done. kristin and noel, thank you very much for your time today, you're watching live the speech from glenn youngkin. a lot more coming up on the next hour of fox news live. stay tune. >> to disagree -- woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ as a dj, i know all about customization. with 30 grams of protein. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ anita: major tsunami in tonga after massive under water volcano erupts offshore sending shock waves that have led to tsunami advisories across the pacific, hawaii and west coast of the united states. welcome to fox news live, i'm anita vogel. griff: i'm griff jenkins, adam klotz tracking the latest advisories and jeff paul on the beach in marina del rey, california with dramatic images coming in from tonga, jeff, what does the water look like where you are? jeff: griff, much different situation here in tonga. here along the west coast of california, we are experiencing a tsunami advisory and what that means is you will see a lot bigger waves here along the coast up and down through oregon and washington anywhere from 1 to 2-foot waves and essentially that means it's going to be dangerous rift currents and they don't want people swimming, boating or doing anything in the water today. this all started from a massive undersea volcano erupting on saturday and that sent large tsunami waves crashing offshore and people in nearby islands to get off the shores and tonga's king evacuated from the royal palace after the tsunami flooded the capital there. we know beyond tonga parts of japan are under tsunami warnings and advisory have been issue for new zealand but back here in the united states especially here in california, you're still seeing folks out kyaking getting in their boats despite advisories. this is become a spectator event. >> out in california we get tsunami warnings but usually by the time they arrive here they are indistinguishable from the rest of the surf. it was a unique opportunity to observe it and be safe. it's not every day you get to wake up and check out a tsunami before you eat breakfast. jeff: from what we are seeing here along the california coast, really no reports of any damage as of yet. some neighbors impacted by those higher than normal waves. we are seeing some boats rocking from the bigger waves coming in but this advisory in effect all the way from here up the coast through alaska and into hawaii. griff. griff: jeff, i suspect you're going to see a lot of surfers out there. one of my close friends is sitting on the sunset cliffs in san diego staring at the water wondering when the bigger waves will come for surfers it is dangerous we should point out but it's the sort of waves that they come out for, is that correct? jeff: yeah. yeah, for sure. and so far, you know, as you take a lack up here, we will pan off one more time, it's a really quiet beach. grant it it's early in the morning, that usually doesn't stop any surfers but i haven't seen too many people with their board as of yet, that, of course, could change. it was raining a little bit ago, it could keep people off the beach but yeah, like you said, griff, they do not advise people getting in the water for any sort of sport, swimming, boating or surfing, you will see the daredevils catching out the waves. griff: jeff paul in marina del rey. massive winter weather system is making its way south prompting several governors to declare states of emergency. meteorologist adam klotz has the latest, hey, adam. adam: as you said a lot going on in the weather world beginning with the tsunami where it's going to add a couple of feet of extra swell up and down the entire coast. everything here in this orange and you see it stretching all the way from the very southern bits of california all the way up into oregon tsunami advisories at least for the next couple of hours as you do get little extra chop and extra rift currents also, this stretches all the way to alaska where traditionally you get a little bit of higher surf when the systems hits as it stretches out into the pacific. already earlier this morning we got numbers maybe close to 3 feet but at least a foot of extra waves out there this morning because of this. now as you also mentioned we are tracking the wintery-type weather. we have windchills alerts advisory still lingering from this morning in the -- excuse me, in the northeast where temperatures feels like temperatures that is down to negative 10, negative 20, negative 15. it is chilly out there and it's all part of winter weather that's going to be impacting the good portion of the united states into the southeast. there's snow lingering through the mid atlantic and on the leading edge the system will sweep through the south and everything that you see in the pink color going to bring snow going to bring some ice and i do think eventually ice is going to be maybe the biggest concern, snowfall mostly, some of the higher elevations across the appalachian mountains and the ice, the biggest concern. this is sunday into monday. fairly large area, atlanta, charlotte, stretching to the north. we can be talking about dangerous road conditions. something we will be watching today, sunday and into monday, griff. griff: they are indeeding treating the roads. anita: the president set to give rare press conference in wednesday, first in months after rocky week where he faced challenges on multiple fronts from the supreme court blocking mandate to voting bill taterring on the brink of defeat. lucas thumpson live with the very latest from wilmington, delaware. hi, lucas. lucas: good afternoon, anita. in the sports game of life the white house admitting, yes, this wasn't a great week but it's just the end of the first quarter. there's 3 more to go. >> i would say if you look back at last year and what we were able to accomplish that include getting the american rescue plan passed, package that has contributed to cutting childhood poverty by 40% and helped ensure moving toward faster pace of unemployment rate and ensure schools 95% are open across the country. the work of the administration continues after one year and it will continue to press forward on all of the priorities. lucas: this week inflation worse in nearly 4 decades, prices for household good have seen 7% spike including almost 15% increase at the bump on top of 12% jump at the grocery store in meat and egg aisle and failing to stop tensions at the border in ukraine and situation dire and tense. speech in georgia by the president failed to get voting rights passed and biden comparing opponents to segregationallists and supreme court blocking mandates. a trip to capitol hill by the president fail today persuade every senator from his own party to eliminate or weaken filibuster and approval rating falling to 33% hasting from the withdrawal of afghanistan. >> it's been a very bad week for joe biden, that means it's been a good week for the american people. lucas: and as you mentioned, anita, the president ending first year in office with press conference wednesday at 4:00 p.m. and website where americans can get test, it's freezing out here, anita, griff. anita: i'm sure it is. i know the white house team is probably glad to see the weekend, right, lucas. lucas: the president is here in wilmington. anita: that's right. thank you very much for the live report. ♪ ♪ anita: well surge in omicron cases has reportedly began to slow down in u.s. cities bringing hope that a plateau may be on the horizon but many areas are still reeling from the record-breaking spike in cases. here to tell us more is charles watson, charles, what can you tell us? charles: good afternoon, the highly contagious omicron variant continues to drive the surge and drive the demand for covid testing across the country, states are trying to get a handle on it particularly here in georgia where you can see behind me atlanta's mercedes benz stadium is now playing host to a mega testing site that's capable of testing up to 2,000 people per day and this is just one of 3 of these mega sites of the atlanta metro area which has certainly seen spike in infections, in fact, the entire state of georgia is seeing high transmission rates, about 30% of all tests resulting in positive infections and with daily hospital admissions nearing 1,000 statewide and local health officials are hoping to identify early cases where there's still a window to provide guidance to prevent transmission. >> what we know is that we are having huge numbers of cases right now and the importance of testing is that if you know that you are positive then you can take steps to isolate from other and to not spread it and so it is very important to know your covid status charles: mass testing and early contact tracing may be best defending for the foreseeable future. u.s. population may not move the needle more in terms of the current 63% of americans who are fully vaccinated and the 38% who were boosted. former biden administration adviser dr. saline tweeting, quote, it is now highly unlikely that the u.s. will hit the 85 to 90% of americans vaccinate today get the others -- to get to the other side of the pandemic and keep pushing forward with its message. >> president biden, you will see in his statement, will continue to call on businesses to immediately join those who have stepped up including one-third of fortune 500 companies to institute vaccination requirements to protect their workers, customers and communities. >> testing continues to be a big focus here. the biden administration says federal website for folks to go on and order the 500 million home test that is they'll send out to americans will go live on wednesday. anita: people will be looking forward to that. charles watson, live in atlanta. thank you very much for that report. griff. griff: anita, the army reprimanding nearly 3,000 u.s. soldiers and leaving 6 active duty leaders who are refusing to come play with its covid vaccine mandate. joining us now author of america's number one adversary, retired lieutenant colonel oliver north and no stranger to virginia politics, colonel, thank you for taking time. i want to talk about the military vaccinations but quickly you may have seen in the last hour, the live inauguration of virginia's 74th governor as someone who ran for senate in the common wealth, what are your thoughts of the new governor and what we saw today? >> thank you lord. i'm known glenn youngkin for considerable length of time. i contributed to his campaign, full disclosure and one of the things that was unique about the campaign he did not invite, quote, superstars to go out and campaign with him. what he did was campaign out there with the people of virginia wearing that vest and campaigning for them in a way that is unique in virginia. i congratulate him for a wonderful campaign and great success as our next governor. griff: a lot has been made about whether or not the vaccine requirement on active duty servicemen and women will impact readiness and, in fact, we see just this week the marine corps okayed the first two religious exemptions for the vaccine after receiving more than 3300 requests. your thoughts? >> yeah. well, first of all, it's an experimental vaccine. i've got my shot record. you and i have traveled overseas together. i've got an international shot record that's got probably 40 different entries for different diseases. we took same testing when covering the world because you had to get vaccinated in order to get into the theater. i'm familiar with that. but none of those vaccines that we ever took before in my all years since 1961 when i first came to the marine corps, none of them were experimental. these are vaccines and they are designed to prevent a disease that we were told initially was going to make you immune to it. guess what, people who have been vaccinated like me and with a booster like me are now getting the new variant of this -- of this and thankfully very few people are very sick from -- particularly young people. the united states marine corps has 2 out of 3300 who have been granted a release exemption. god bless them for it. bottom line this is not improving readiness of forces and in this particular time that ought to be number one concern with armed forces. if someone tests positive, obviously they will not go out and deploy but i will tell you that most people once they've had this certainly are going to be more immune than i am from all the dog-on vaccinations i've gotten. so i question whether the leaders of this country understand the vulnerabilities that we've got right now because of what they've done. griff: to play devil's advocate the fda approved the vaccine and that was why military leaders to pushed them to get their men and women the shots but my question overall is as we go forward with threats like russia, with threats like china, a time that we need our military at its most ready, is this an issue that will impact readiness itself? >> well, if you start discharging people that we need in the service. right now the army is paying the maximum premium to recruit people in the united states army. this is not the time to be throwing people out of the army just because they would not take the vaccine. i don't see how that improves readiness whatsoever and congress ought to stand up and say, you can't do it. >> now as we talk about looming concerns and possible threats we've heard an awful lot about russia, obviously their intentions to possibly invade ukraine but you wrote a column this week raising concern that we haven't heard many people talking about and that is you're concerned that history can be repeating itself in cuba at the hands of the chinese communists. >> well, if you look back at 1959 castro comes to power. he promise it is people of cuba a socialist narvana. can't deliver. 1962 after the dictator was gone fidel castro allowed his country to become a state of the soviet union and the next thing you know you have soviet intelligence bases, the biggest of them all and nuclear weapons on its way to cuba. for 14 days john kennedy played footsie trying to avoid nuclear holocaust and you have the communist chinese doing the same samething that kushev did. the belt and road initiative in havana started initiative to start supporting the castro government. what that means at some point -- they call it the belt and road initiative. in diplomacy it's referred to debt trap diplomacy. they build up enormous amount of debt that the nation can't pay and the cubans will be in the condition that many others and communist chinese will start building military bases in cuba and intelligence collection sites. there should be some concern about it. this administration doesn't seem to know it even happened. griff: to be clear, you are saying we could be facing a military threat in cuba, 90 miles south of miami? >> from the communist chinese we are building bases everywhere they possibly can. we don't need one of them 100 miles off of u.s. territory griff: lieutenant colonel, thank you for taking time on an array of subjects. troubling times to have a threat like that so close to the united states, thank you, sir. >> god bless you, buddy. griff: anita. anita: great interview, griff. great to hear from colonel north. arresting a suspect of a shooting that killed a 19-year-old burger king cashier, you may have seen that. mayor eric adams vowing to take more violent criminals off of the streets. bryan llenas. reporter: 19-year-old crystal nieves started working at the burger king as overnight cashier when she was gunned down and murdered. over $100 in the cash register last sunday. the suspect walked in, pistol whipped a male customer and punched a female manager in the face before shooting crystal as she was scrambling to open the register. yesterday the nypd arrested winston glen, 30-year-old with criminal history arrested 4 times in the past. glen faces robbery and murder charges. police were able to track by matching clothing with extensive surveillance video. >> too many guns on our streets and when people question my urgency of put in place the right apparatus to give the support to men and women who are performing these jobs, they need to go visit crystal's mother. they need to see the pain on her face. reporter: well, the mayor's quote apparatus is in question, bragg ordered prosecutors to stop prosecuting the slew of crimes like resisting arrest to stop seeking prison sentences for most crimes expect for a handful of exceptions like murder and downgrade some felonies to misdemeanors for certain drug dealers and armed robbery. >> even if iraq dams is doing what he says he's going to do and usher in progressive -- rather proactive policing, we still need democratic lawmakers and da's and policymakers to do their end of the job. reporter: new-plain police clothing agents will debut new york city targeting gun crimes. we will see, anita. anita: we will. wish them well. thank you for the live report. griff. griff: preparations are under way for former president trump's first rally of the midterm year. you're looking live in florence, arizona where people are already lining up. we will tell you what to expect tonight after the break. ♪as ♪ ♪ griff: former president donald trump is heading to arizona for first rally of 2022. he's expected to address his claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election and possibly touch on his role in the upcoming midterms. rich edison live on the crowed ground in florence, arizona where the rally will be held later tonight. rich, it looks like folks are already lining up. rich: they've been lined up for a while here. they are waiting in line trying to get in for later today. we are still hours away from former president donald trump. take a look at the scene here. folks lining up to get a good seat to the show. the president, the former president, it's the first time he's speaking since he held rally in october in des moines. now he canceled a press conference scheduled for januarr anniversary of white house speech and subsequent riot in u.s. capitol. trump's office and the pack supporting him have sent dozen of fundraising emails already this year. much of the attention surrounding the former president is on whether or if he's going to officially announce he's running again for president in 2024 and what he's saying about the other republican seen as interested in the nomination. this week he knock what had he called gutless politicians for refusing to say whether they got the covid vaccine booster. trump says he did, florida governor ron desantis, for example, has refused to say. there's also the midterms and who trump might endorse. this afternoon he will have a series of politicians speaking as part of his program, candidates for governor and arizona secretary of state, member of congress who have pushed unproven claims of 2020 election. that's led to public arguments with other republicans who say it is well past time to move on from 2020. one of them is when trump suggested this week that south dakota republican senator mike rounds was a jerk, a rhino crazier, stupid for calling the 2020 election legitimate. rounds standby his statement that trump lost, he's not surprised by the attack and the focus of the republican party should be on what lies ahead. other senate republicans also jumped to rounds defense. for a number of republicans the focus going to midterms should be unpopular president, dozens of testimony drats who decide today retire from congress and what they say is going to be a wave election come november and build on what republicans say they saw in 2021 in november that's culminated in what you saw at the virginia capitol short while ago and republican getting sworn in there. back to you, griff. griff: rich edison live on the ground in arizona for us, rich, thank you very much. you can watch the big rally tonight live 9:00 p.m. eastern on check it out. anita: covid numbers across the country are passing record levels. in november of 2021 there were over 2 and a half million cases and more than 30,000 deaths but in 2022 there have already been over 9 million cases and more than 20,000 deaths through january 13th alone. joining us now critical care at nebraska medicine dr. dan johnson. dr. johnson, thank you so much for joining us today. we really appreciate it. i want you right off to bat to react to those statistics, more hospitalizations, more cases now but fewer deaths, what do you make of that? >> well, omicron thankfully tends to cause less revere -- than delta, the problem it is so transmissible even if a small percentage will end up with severe disease. millions of millions people with omicron -- we are still going to have -- [inaudible] anita: yeah, of course, you're not just a doctor who comes on tv, you are working in the icu taking care of those critical covid patients rite now. what are you seeing in terms of severity of omicron cases versus are you still taking care of people who have delta? >> yes. i've been taking care of covid patients for the last 23 months. through each surge i've been in the unit helping to take care of people and one thing that's really remarkable is i have yet to take a patient that is fully vaccinated. in other words, being fully vaccinated is like having -- critical illness -- [inaudible] >> in terms of severity, it does appear that the critical illness we see from omicron is a bit less severe than delta, thank goodness. we are hearing from colleagues in new york city that they are seeing that. but it appears that the degree of -- people need to be on the ventilator shorter with omicron than delta. that being said, they still need to be on the ventilator. they still take up a lot of -- [inaudible] >> we really need to get people fully vaccinated. anita: that's good to hear that the vaccines are providing the layer of protection. real quick, i want to ask you about therapeutics down the road. are you able to use therapeutics in the hospital? are you using those as well? doctor: we have 3 therapeutics to help reduce the severity of covid when people get to icu. we are using those. for some of the out-patient therapeutics, the trouble is finding space, finding the resources we need to get them in people's body. that's a bottleneck right now. omicron is spreading so fast that the number of cases is so high compared to the number of doses that we really need to focus on prevention -- anita: understood. thank you so much for the amazing life-saving work that you are doing in the i. we appreciate it and wish you the best. doctor: thank you, anita. griff: migrants continue to pour over our southern border some former dhs officials say the crisis is leading to an increase in human trafficking, we will take you there next. i recommend nature made vitamins, because i trust their quality. they were the first to be verified by usp, an independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards. nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff,... ...swollen, painful. nature made. emerge tremfyant®. tremfya® is approved to help reduce joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. some patients even felt less fatigued. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. griff: you're looking live at the parade for virginia's new governor glenn youngkin. we just saw the james madison university marching band go by. that is, of course, the governor there with the lieutenant governor winsom sears and mijares. we will bring you more from virginia as we get it. ♪ ♪ anita: human smuggling is continue to run ramp it in the southern border despite slowdown of migrant families. hello, dan. >> each of the federal agencies responsible for immigration enforcement ice and dp -- the border patrol have delayed the release of report that is could be critical of president biden, one, would ultimately tell us how many migrants were apprehended at the southern border over the year and then the other one from ice will tell us how many were allowed to stay in the u.s. now that december report of apprehensions from dps is expected to push the apprehension number past 2 million mark for the year which would be an all-time high. that report should have been released over a week ago. the ice report on total deportations for fiscal year 2021 which ended in september should be out several weeks ago. the head of the union representing border patrol agents say the delay is about damage control. >> the american public is goings to be in sense. the number of people that have been released into the united states is more than what we have seen in history of border patrol or even ice and those numbers are going to take an awful long time and they will delay they possibly can. >> we have seen decrease of groups of families crossing the border illegally but no drop off of human smuggling especially in the laredo area, texas state troopers found 23 migrants crammed in the semitruck. in laredo, the border patrol agents found 6 migrants found inside tank of tanker truck. another example of dangerous lengths that people are willing to go to get into the u.s. not all are looking for work obviously anita. this week in rio grande valley where i'm at they apprehended 5 affected criminal aliens, all five were known gang members. anita. anita: so disturbing and a lot of people waiting for that report to come out. dan springer, thank you so much for that live report. griff. griff: for more on this, let's bring in former acting homeland security secretary and executive director of the america first policy institute center homeland security and immigration chad wolf. chad, thank you for taking time. let's just get your reaction to start here on the fact that ice has put out report and dhs won't release apprehension and encounter numbers? >> it's an important report and usually out by the end of december, each and every year and that report will tell you how many arrests and deportations occurred during 2021 and i think what you see here the biden administration delay in the report because they know it's going to be a bad report. the numbers are going to be at a historical low at the same time that we've had historic high of a number of illegal apprehensions, so putting those two together it's not going to paint a very good picture and paint a very bad picture that deportations are at all-time low but we know that, right, we know that because the biden administration put a moratorium on deportations and they've done everything that they can to tell ice not to remove individuals from this country. griff: chad we just learned this week according to release dhs report to fox news that between march and august of 2021, they essentially released about 104,000 migrants with notices to report. that is just a piece of paper that says if you want to claim asylum go to nearest ice office. only half bothered to do so. what does that tell us? >> well, it tells you that their strategy on the border is not working. it tells you that they were overwhelmed at the border during that time period march to august and it tells you that the system is broken and they essentially had to go on the honor system. they asked migrants to say wherever you go in this country whether it's portland, maine or portland, oregon, when you go up there show to ice report, so they are now in the interior of the country. we have no idea where they are at. that's just through august. you remember the migrants, haitian migrants in del rio, texas, that was in september, you can bet a number of those were released in the ntr's, that number 47,000 is likely going to increase once we get the full 2021 numbers in for the entire year. griff: there's a whole slew of more haitians on their way, about 2 hours ago, i tweeted out a reporter down in mexico saying the first caravan of 202 has departed san pedro osula, honduras, all the way from honduras to eagle pass, texas and looks clearly that things are not slowing down and as you heard from dan springer's report that they could surpass 2 million this year. is it time for the administration to shift strategy? >> well, griff, i would say it's past time. it's been time nine months ago for them to shift strategies. if you're the migrants or cartels, why not, why not start the caravan to the southwest border because you know something has changed. you have historic numbers month after month after month. you have public safety threats. national security threats and all sorts of illegal narcotics coming across the border and this administration has no strategy. when was the last initiative that they announced that was going to get tough on illegal border crossers. there has been none. they have no strategy, nothing is in place at the border to stop this and so you're going to continue to see the caravans in historic numbers come across the border. griff: chad as we know it's not just humans but also drugs as the cartels are taking advantage of and in fiscal year 2021, you've got seizures up 154% for deadly drug fentanyl and 68% for cocaine. is that something that should be alarm to go this administration? chad: well, absolutely. you have to start addressing this. this goes hand in hand with number of illegal migrants coming across the border because they have to pay the cartels up towards to 5 to $10,000 for each individual coming across the border. those cartels are making millions of dollars a day, more than they have ever made and they can put that money into the enterprise, smuggle more illegal narcotics across the border. yes, the administration needs to do more. this takes leadership, this takes leadership talking about the fentanyl crisis that we have been talking about and talking about the threats and what's going on in the border but unfortunately you see, you know, president biden or vice president harris or even the secretary. no one is talking about this threat and it's inexcusable. >> just in the 20 seconds that we have left, you mentioned leadership and vice president harris, they are doing reshift in their office. is it time to take a different tact on the border? >> well, unfortunately i don't know that she's taking any tact along the border. i think she's been fairly absent. i think the whole administration needs to view the border differently and they need to understand what's going on down there and frankly, you know, the vice president and president need to make a trip to the border and need to talk to the border patrol agents and law enforcement down there so they can get a firsthand. sitting in dc doesn't cut it. you need to understand and you need to see with your own eyes the crisis that's going on there and perhaps then they will make a change in policy. griff: we will leave it there, always helpful and insightful talking to you, former acting secretary dhs chad wolf, thank you. anita. anita: sisters slug fest, britney and jamie lynn spears public spat gets turbo charged with new social media posts. don't want to miss that. the details are next. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> welcome back, britney spears sister jamie lynn is speaking out on her famous sister conservatorship in her new memoir and new britney is clapping back. [laughter] griff: yeah, sister -- >> once i realized that, you know what she's in a conservatorship i felt like i didn't want to be part until maybe she was out of the conservatorship. so there was no like me oversees funds or something like that and if that was it was a misunderstanding. but either way, i took no steps to be a part of it. anita: oh boy, that sparked a lot of drama. that interview was about jamie lynn spears new book, things i should have said and apparently she said some things in there that britney spears didn't like very much and now the sisters are feuding. griff: it's just a warfare and listen, britney has not backed down at all posting on the same day that her sister jamie was a, quote, scum person. all of this battle playing out on social media. now we should point out that britney spears is 40 year's old and jamie lynn is 30 year's old and they are ten years apart. very unique to have the feud. it makes me wonder and you're looking at the social media pictures we saw in the last year from britney as the whole nation was captivated on the free britney saga obviously we all know where that stands now. i wonder where -- this is a chapter of fake sister warfare, is this publicity or is this real or genuinely hate each other which has the nation captivated. anita: there is that book out there and the tweets do drum up interest in them but everyone is always interested in anything that britney spears does. one thing that britney says is that her sister because she's so much younger is the baby and never had to work for anything and she's the one, britney, who had to work for all of her fame and success. griff: i just say britney, drop the new album. i'm ready to listen. anita: ready to rock and roll. griff: yeah. anita: martin luther king, jr. day of service is right around the corner and how one organization is pitching in to bring america together on the other side of the break. stay with us. ♪ ♪ ♪ under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. when you have xfinity, you have entertainment built in. which is kind of nice. ah, what is happening. binge-watching is in the bag, when you find all your apps, all in one place. find live sports faster just by using your voice... sports on now. touchdown irish! [cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. >> the big sunday organization is bringing america together with big clothing drive for this year martin luther king, jr. service. david, thank you very much for joining us today. we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. anita: you bet, you have been doing this sunday event for all people to serve on major holidays. what do you have lined up for monday, martin luther king, jr. day? last year you were virtual so now you're back in person, right? >> we are back in person. i'm so excited that we are for our tenth annual mlk day clothing drive and community breakfast. anita: so what happens? this is taking place in the los angeles area. so what are you having people come out to do? you're asking thousands of volunteers to come out and be of service, how? >> so what we are going to do is usually it's a big clothing drive. we give tens of thousands of articles of clothes. this all new clothing and 222,000 bags full of warm clothe for people who are homeless, veterans, scarfs and gloves. anita: that is so wonderful. everyone can find some way to help and to meet other people. one of the things that you do is you ask people to show up, to find at least something that they have in common with someone else at the event so people are making new friends too, right, quickly on that? >> absolutely. we call it our something in common project and everybody has to find a complete stranger, finding in that you have in common and have your picture taken together and that thing that you have in common could be you're both from chicago, or you love star wars or you hate driving on the 405, a common feeling here in los angeles. you know, at big sunday, we see the world not as half and half nots but have and have mores. we all have to look out for one another. anita: that is so wonderful and so true. i love looking at the video of people putting together kits. i want to mention your website in case people would like to contribute in some way or learn more about it. it is you can look that up and find out more information, david levinson, thank you so much for joining us today. good luck on the event. >> thanks very if me, appreciate it. griff: that was really something, finding something in common after we took virginia's governor glenn youngkin talking about a common path forward. that will do it for us on fox news live and will continue next with eric and arthel. i'm griff jenkins. anita: and i'm anita vogel, thanks so much for watching. ♪ ♪ ♪ ys it shortens colds! subway's eat fresh refresh zinc that cold! has so many new footlongs, here's how they line up. we got the new chicken & bacon ranch, new baja steak & jack, and the new baja chicken & bacon, aka "the smokeshow." save big. order through the app. save big. that was quick. and rewarding. i earn 3% cash back at drugstores with chase freedom unlimited. that means i earn on my bug spray and my sunscreen. you ready to go fishing? i got the bait. i also earn 5% on travel purchased through chase on this rental car. that lake is calling my name! don't you get seasick? we'll find out! come on. and i earn 3% on dining including takeout. so much for catching our dinner. some people are hunters. some are gatherers. i'm a diner. pow! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. president biden planning his first news conference after pretty brutal week with his agenda. major setbacks about the economy, vaccine mandates and voting rights. welcome to a brand-new hour of fox news live, i am eric shawn. arthel: i'm arthel ”-double-low-quote beacon to reporters and the american people on wednesday after the supreme court walked the mandate for large businesses with 100 or more workers. warnings from the pentagon that

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Chief Justice , Remarks , Salute , Band , Virginia S Army National Guard First Battalion 111th Field Art Illry , 111 , Listen , Playbook , Elections , Races , Youngkin Ran On , The Bellwether For November , Level , Skies , 55 , Life , Newcomer , Microphone , Investment Banker , Jason Mijares , Sears , Members , Justices , Assembly , Individuals , The Sound Of Freedom , Hard Working Virginians , 73 , License , Transfer , Will , The Home Of American Democracy , Hope , Love , Trust , Promises , Home , Expectations , Principles , By My Side , First Lady , Father , Love Of My Life , In The Name Of Almighty , Feel , Pride , Joy , Grant , John Kennedy , Thomas , Ana , Sister , Pam Northam , Mom And Dad Spieling , Transition , Dedication , Words , Behalf , Service , More , Election , 3 Million , Government , Movement , Power To The People , On A Mission , Messengers , Work , Opportunities , Celebration , Build Unity , Office Holders , Hopes , Tenacity , Grit , Dreams , Law Enforcement , Heros , Responder , Students , Entrepreneurs , Small Business Owners , Veterans , Military , Shift , Coming Home , Families , We Stand Together On Behalf Of Virginians Who , Factory Workers , Healthcare Heros , Farmers , Faith , Loss , Family , Promise , Matter , Optimism , Advocate , Voice , January 15th 2022 , 15 , 2022 , Vision Of The Future , Consequences , One Of Us , Struggles , Prayers , 19 , Business , Income , Lost Jobs , 15000 , Classrooms , Impact , Strain , Factors , Homes , Job Sites , Hardship , Moms , Bills , Grocery , Supply Chain Failures , Distress , Gas , Divisiveness , Utility , Growth , Rise , The Public Square , Problem , Soundbites , Figures , Solutions , Sense , Unbridal , Workers , Doctors , Truckers , Shifts , Stock Shelves , Nurses , Deliveries , Neighbor , Path Forward , Elderly , Therapeutics , Path , Pack , Medicine , Miracle , Treatments , Freedom , Respect , Virginians , Livelihoods , Both , Cause , The Common Good , Division , Wounds , Restore Trust , Protecting , Leaders , We The People , Undeterred , Mistake , Birth , Notion , Chapters , Country Birth , Injustice , Liberty And The Pursuit Of Happiness , Ideals , Creator , Unaliable , Globe , 250 , Patrick Henry , Liberties , Jefferson , Founding , Madison , Monroe , Generations , Serving , Lineage , Mantle , Barrier Breakers , Doug Wilder , Maggie Walker , Winsom , Diversed , Classroom , Career , College , Standards , Disabilities , Facilities , Charter Schools , Achievement , Innovation Lab , Public School System , Essential , Bad , Reading , Science , Essential Math , Learning , Development , Tax Increase , Gasoline , Cost Of Living , Grocery Tax , Income Tax , Rein , Deduction , Tax Rebait In Virginia S History , Property Tax , Military Veterans Retirement Benefits , Cost , Restraining Taxes , Incomes , Crystal Clear , Engine , Energy , Economy , Job Training , Investing , Ups , 400000 , Friends , Again , Relocations , Expansions , Maryland , North Carolina , Tennessee , Safety , Public Safety , Citizen , Pledge , Listening , Crowd , Capitol Steps , Standing Ovation , Show , Pageantry , Sight , F22 , Fighter Jets , No Kidding , Panelists , Inaugurations , Let S Go To Noel First , Sky , Servant , Word , Power , Sake , Stay Tune , Nutrition , Fox News Live , Disagree , Hoo , Vitamins , Protein , Customization , Car Insurance , Throwback , Minerals , Dj , Liberty Mutual , 27 , Tonga , Water Volcano , Meteorologist Adam Klotz , On The Beach , Images , Marina Del Rey , Anita Vogel , Oregon , Anywhere , People Swimming , Massive Undersea Volcano Erupting , Shores , Tonga Parts , Palace , Islands , Advisory , Boats , Kyaking , Surf , Spectator Event , Rest , Reports , Neighbors , California Coast , Surfers , Sunset Cliffs , San Diego , Beach , Sort , Lack , One More Time , Sure , Board , Sport , Daredevils , Winter Weather System , Emergency , South Prompting , Bits , Way , Currents , Rift , Chop , Numbers , Systems , Foot , The Honor System , South , Color , Portion , Mid Atlantic , Concern , Snowfall , Elevations , Appalachian Mountains , Area , North , Road Conditions , Charlotte , Roads , Fronts , Lucas Thumpson , Brink , Defeat , Wasn T A Great , Bill Taterring , Sports Game Of Life , Package , Quarter , Rescue Plan , Childhood , Unemployment Rate , Poverty , 40 , 95 , Household , Top , Priorities , Bump , Ukraine , 12 , Trip , Supreme Court Blocking Mandates , Segregationallists , Capitol Hill , Hasting , Test , Weekend , Team , Ice Report , Cases , Omicron , That S Right , Cities , Charles Watson , Plateau , Horizon , Surge , Handle , Omicron Variant , Demand , Mercedes Benz , Testing Site , Sites , Stadium , Metro Area , Host , 2000 , Infections , Hospital Admissions , Tests , Rates , Health Officials , Window , Importance , Prevent Transmission , Guidance , 1000 , Status Charles , Mass Testing , Terms , Contact Tracing , U S Population , Saline Tweeting , Adviser , 38 , 38 , 85 , 63 , Statement , Side , Others , 90 , Focus , Vaccination Requirements , Customers , Companies , Fortune 500 , 500 , Home Test , 500 Million , Duty , Live In Atlanta , Soldiers , Army Reprimanding , 6 , 3000 , Stranger , Oliver North , Virginia Politics , Number One , Adversary , Colonel , Someone , Vaccinations , Senate , Disclosure , Length , Lord , Vest , Superstars , Success , Women , Servicemen , Vaccine Requirement , Whether , Readiness , Corps , Requests , 3300 , Shot Record , Entries , Vaccines , Order , None , Diseases , Theater , 1961 , Disease , Booster , Guess What , United States Marine Corps , Time , Line , Armed Forces , Release Exemption , Fda , Vulnerabilities , Devil S Advocate , Threats , Men , Ready , Shots , China , United States Army , Army , Premium , Concerns , Cuba , Intentions , Column , Fidel Castro , Hands , Communists , Can T Deliver , Socialist Narvana , 1959 , Bases , Intelligence , Biggest , Weapons , Dictator , Soviet Union , 1962 , Chinese , Footsie , Holocaust , Samething , Kushev , 14 , Initiative , Road , Belt , Point , Cubans , Debt Trap Diplomacy , Diplomacy , Debt , Amount , Military Bases , Collection Sites , Condition , Communist Chinese , Military Threat , Everywhere , Territory , Miami , 100 , Threat , Thank You , Array , Subjects , Sir , God Bless You , Buddy , Suspect , Shooting , Cashier , Burger King , Reporter , Eric Adams , Streets , Crystal Nieves , Criminals , Bryan Llenas , Pistol , Crystal , Customer , Manager , Cash Register Last Sunday , Murder , Winston Glen , Register , Charges , Robbery , Nypd , Clothing , Surveillance Video , Guns , Put , Urgency , Police , Pain , Apparatus , Mother , Slew , Crimes , Quote Apparatus , Arrest , Prison Sentences , Handful , Prosecutors , Exceptions , Bragg , Policing , Dams , Drug Dealers , Progressive , Armed Robbery , Misdemeanors , Felonies , Iraq , New York City , Them Well , Policymakers , End , Police Clothing Agents , Gun Crimes , Da S , Break , Rally , Florence , Arizona , Former , Preparations , Role , Voter Fraud , 2020 , Rich Edison , Look , Scene , Des Moines , Much , Anniversary , Riot , Fundraising Emails , U S Capitol , Januarr , Nomination , 2024 , Example , Florida , Vaccine Booster , Ron Desantis , Member , Program , Arguments , Claims , Secretary Of State , Rounds Standby , Jerk , Rhino , Mike Rounds , South Dakota , Number , Dozens , Attack , Defense , Wave Election , Virginia Capitol , Republicans , Testimony Drats , 2021 , Rich , Eastern On Foxnation Com , 9 , Deaths , Record Levels , November Of 2021 , 30000 , Dan Johnson , Nebraska Medicine Dr , 9 Million , January 13th , 20000 , Statistics , Hospitalizations , Bat , Percentage , Revere , Delta , Doctor , Inaudible , Millions , Tv , Icu , Severity , Taking , Critical Covid Patients Rite , Patients , Unit , 23 , Illness , Patient , Colleagues , Thank Goodness , Degree , Ventilator , Being , Ventilator Shorter , Protection , Hospital , Therapeutics Down The Road , Layer , Out Patient Therapeutics , Resources , Finding Space , Body , Bottleneck , Prevention , Doses , Migrants , Anita , I , Dhs , Crisis , Human Trafficking , Nature , Organization , Quality , Usp , Supplement , Brand , Vitamin , Pharmacist , Purity , Help , Psoriatic Arthritis , Tremfya , Joints , Emerge Tremfyant , Adults , Symptoms , Risk , Infection , Parade , Marching Band Go By , James Madison University , Human Smuggling , Immigration Enforcement Ice , Dan Springer , Agencies , Each , Slowdown , Ramp It , Hello , Release , Border Patrol , Dp , Apprehensions , Apprehension Number , Dps , 2 Million , High , Ice Report On Total Deportations For Fiscal Year , Delay , Border Patrol Agents , Union , Head , Goings , The American , Damage Control , Drop Off , Groups , Decrease , Agents , Tank , Tanker Truck , Semitruck , Laredo , Texas State Troopers , Rio Grande Valley , Lengths , Gang Members , Aliens , Five , Chad Wolf , Acting , Immigration , Homeland Security Secretary , Executive Director , America First Policy Institute Center Homeland Security , Dhs Won T Release Apprehension , Report , Deportations , Arrests , Low , Paint , Moratorium , Piece , Notices , Dhs Report To Fox News , March , 104000 , August Of 2021 , Ice Office , Paper , Asylum , Portland , Maine , Del Rio , Haitians , Ntr , 47000 , Caravan , Honduras , Osula , Down In Mexico , San Pedro , Eagle Pass , 202 , Cartels , Strategies , Nine , Narcotics , Security , Sorts , Border Crossers , Drugs , Caravans , Nothing , Humans , Drug , Fentanyl , Seizures , Cocaine , Alarm , 68 , 154 , Hand In , 10000 , 0000 , Individual , Enterprise , Money , No One , Secretary , Fentanyl Crisis , Biden Or , Reshift , Left , Firsthand , Eyes , Change , Sitting In Dc Doesn T Cut It , Britney Spears , Social Media , Don T , Talking , Posts , Turbo , Sisters Slug Fest , Jamie Lynn Spears Public Spat , Conservatorship , Jamie Lynn , Welcome Back , Clapping Back , Memoir , Laughter , Funds , Misunderstanding , Drama , Oh Boy , Book , Sisters , Warfare , Feuding , Britney Spears Didn T , Posting , Scum Person , Pictures , Feud , Britney Saga , Ten , Other , Publicity , Chapter , Stands , Fake Sister Warfare , Everyone , She S The One , Interest , Tweets , Baby , Martin Luther King , Fame , Album , Ready To Rock And Roll , Jr , Pitching , Stay , Don T Take Ozempic , Heart Disease , Weight , Events , Isn T , Death , Type 1 Diabetes , Needles , Heart Attack , Stroke , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Share , Pens , Reuse , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Lump , Stomach Pain , Swelling , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Pancreatitis , Stop Ozempic , Provider , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Type 2 Diabetes , Changes , Insulin , Health Care Provider , Sulfonylurea , Nausea , Dehydration , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Oh , Sports , Prescription , Entertainment , Binge Watching , Apps , Bag , Xfinity , Nice , Cheering , Touchdown , The Hits Won T Quit , Peacock Premium , Irish , Clothing Drive , Big Sunday Organization , David Levinson , You Bet , Community Breakfast , Thousands , Volunteers , Mlk Day Clothing Drive , Tens Of Thousands , Articles , Gloves , Bags , Warm Clothe , Scarfs , 222000 , Common , Finding , Star Wars , Project , Chicago , Feeling , Nots , Big Sunday , 405 , Case , Another , Video , Kits , Information , Luck , Bigsunday Org , Watching , Arthel , Footlongs , Colds , Cold , Ys It , Refresh Zinc , Chicken , Baja Chicken Bacon , Subway , Baja Steak Jack , Bacon Ranch , Save Big , The Smokeshow , Aka , Cash , Drugstores , Sunscreen , App , Bug Spray , Fishing , Chase Freedom Unlimited , Bait , Big Time With Chase Freedom Unlimited , Takeout , Come On , Rental Car , Lake , Dinner , Diner , Pow , Gatherers , Hunters , Fee , Chase , News Conference , Biden Planning , Agenda , Setbacks , Eric Shawn , Reporters , Mandate , Beacon , Pentagon , I M Arthel ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709

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jeff: while it's a much different situation of the pacific nation in tonga, here in california near the coast and other states like hawaii and alaska were under tsunami advisory from the undersea volcano, we will 1 to 2-foot waves. also worth noting likely dangerous rift current. it's a terrible day to be in the water whether that's swimming, surfing or boating. this how it all started massive undersea volcano erupting near tonga and that sent large waves crashing undershore. tonga's king was reportedly evacuated after tsunami funded the capital. beyond tonga, parts of japan are under tsunami warnings and advisories have been issued for parts of new zealand. here advisories on the west coast, alaska, hawaii. so far no damage. anita: tsunami is in effect across the west coast as you heard jeff say, alaska and hawaii after underwater volcano erupted near the pacific nation tonga, meteorologist adam klotz has the latest in the weather center. adam, big activity this weekend. adam: definitely from this to the weather that's impacting, i will talk about that in just a minute but beginning with advisories that you talk about. you see them in the orange stretching their way up and down the entire western coast tsunami advisory. not a warning. we have seen that so far. this is what happened this morning earlier in hawaii maybe as high as 3 feet which is higher than you typically see in the areas but not really massive waves and when you get to the coast coast, a lot of the leading edges have taken place. arrival times throughout the morning. most recent 8:50 a.m. the initial push of water for a lot of places has been there and you will continue to see choppy conditions and rift currents that make water dangerous to get into after arrival times have kind of been there and past. in the weather world across the country what we are looking at frigid air for interior new england, windchill alerts, warnings in the areas as the temperatures feel like when you step outside a whole lot of places down to the negatives, negative 10, negative 16, negative 22 degrees. really frigid out there and that's all ahead of a system that's going to be sweeping across the country here really throughout the entire weekend into monday. still heavy snow in portions of the plane. on the leading edge it's currently on the rain. that's going to turn to icy situation across the southeast, you will start to see the pinks and that's when you're talking more of an ice situation from atlanta stretching to charlotte areas where they're not necessarily prepared for some of the big weather. here is your future track and you can kind of pay attention to the time stamp in the corner, you can see the pink and that's when you talk about a whole lot of ice, sunday is the time that we will be paying attention to that. no surprise here. just a massive winter weather alerts, watches, warnings from the ice, from the snow and freezing rain that folks will be dealing with from now running all the way to monday morning. anita: it is 25 degrees and very chilly outside of the studio in dc, everybody needs to bundle up. thank you so much adam klotz for that. griff. griff: the other big story we are watching republican glenn youngkin is set to be sworn in as virginia's 74th governor in a few democrats. a seat democrats have held for nearly a decade. we will bring that event to you live meanwhile alexandria hoff live on the ground in virginia witnessing all of the history, hi, alex. alex: hi, griff, history is certainly being made in several different ways. inauguration ceremony is ready to kick off any minute and we expect swearing in to take a few more minutes after that. at that point governor ralph northam would have passed the seat to glenn youngkin. you'll remember it was back in november that youngkin did what no republican did in the past years. it was a key off yore race watched closely across the country as indicatation of voter sentiment, education being top issue there. he's going the address parents directly. he wants to see them have a greater say in curriculum and for their kids to be in school 5 days a week. among a series of executive orders that are expected, youngkin actually plans to reverse the mask requirement for school children. we want to back here now as ceremony is about to take off. history will be made with lieutenant governor being sworn in, the first black woman to hold that position. so enthusiasm that we saw in the campaign trail is echoing here as virginia prepares to swear in its 74th governor. griff: attorney general, first hispanic elected statewide. we will check back with you, alex, a little bit later. anita. anita: as we wait for that we will talk about how it's been a very challenging week for biden administration. the president is set to give a rare press conference on wednesday, first one in months. lucas tomlinson joins us live with the latest from wilmington, delaware where the president is spending the weekend, hi, lucas. lucas: good afternoon, anita. it's been a disaster. >> there's a lot of talk about disappointments and things that we haven't gotten done. we will get a lot of them done, i might add. lucas: this week u.s. inflation hitting pastest pace in nearly 4 decades. prices for household goods have seen 7% spike including 50% increase in gas prices and americans feeling at the pump and 20% jump at the grocery store from meat, egg and at the white house jen psaki says nobody saw this coming. >> we are getting out of a pandemic at a rate that anybody thought it would happen. lucas: talks with russia, failing to stop tensions at the border. speech in georgia fail today give voting rights passed and biden comparing opponents as segregationists and third week by the president failed to persuade lawmakers to eliminate filibuster and approval rating falling 33% america. and after withdrawal of afghanistan. half of the country blames the president not for the pandemic but -- not just the pandemic but policies for making things worse. one gop senator says there's a silver lining to this week. >> it's been a very bad week for joe biden. it's a good week for the american people. lucas: next week marks president biden's first year in office as you mentioned he's marking that with a press conference at 4:00 p.m. on wednesday. anita. anita: lucas live in will ming , delaware. griff: noel, kristin, thanks for joining us on saturday. we will pick up after we watched the governor of virginia take over. first let's address the week that lucas tomlinson was talking about. the horrible, terrible very bad no good week for president biden. i think really as we almost mark one year in office, he has got to hit the reset button, you can see the list, everything not just the supreme court and the failure of the votes act and stacey abrams not showing up for the speech in georgia which absolutely bombed. inflation hits four decade high and hillary clinton's name being included. vice president harris being mocked for nbc interview and the list goes on and on. so my question to you, noel, let's start with you, what does this week mean? is it just a rough spot hit bottom and start to rise again or is this real trouble for the president's administration? >> i think it's a real bad deal for the president, for his administration, not only that, but i mean, you've got to think about our foreign adversaries watching all of this play out because if you really think about it, joe biden, think about his history. he was a united states senator for many, many years, then he became vice president and now he's president. he could not even rein in two united states senators, joe manchin and kyrsten sinema to get on board to pass some of his legislation. this is really bad and it shows weak leadership. so i think that, you know, a lot of people are taking that into account and as for achieving anything, this week was horrible, you're totally right about that, but look at the entire year. so i think, you know, his first year is getting off to a horrible start and the question is where do they go from here if they can't do any of the things that they wanted to do, then what does he do in the next couple of? griff: yeah, christian, do you want to answer that question, what does the president need to do? >> well, first, the gop senator that said a bad day for any president is a good day for the american people. i just find up horrid. that's just partisan politics. i would say that you have to look at it -- the president has a very slim majority and looking back we are saying his whole year has been a failure. i mean, i can't -- i just don't agree with that. you have there shall there are presidents going back, you know, decades who have been trying to get bipartisan infrastructure done. we did that. he did that. i mean, we gloss over it a lot of times because there are a lot of things that we are still working on that he's still trying to do. that's a major accomplishment and we should acknowledge that. covid, i mean, this is something -- he doesn't -- he's having to deal with the variant that's spreading rampant through our communities, you know, and this is something that -- he's increasing testing. this is a very difficult times and there's a lot of accomplishments that he's had. that's where you go from here, you build on the bipartisan bill that he's passed or he's worked with congress to pass and work with both sides of the aisle to get stuff done. anita: okay, ladies, i want to go back to the speech that president biden made in georgia this past week. a lot of people called it very divisive and i want to bring up now a quote from author peggy neunen from an article of a couple of days ago. by the end of the speech he looked like a man operating a part from the american conversation not at its center. this can be pay tale to a presidency. nicole, let me have you react to that first, peggy nuenen has been commenting on presidents for decades now. what did you make of her article and her quote? >> well, you know, first of all, she -- she nailed it and second of all, this was not a speech that was a come together speech and i think right you know specially americans, look at the approval rate in the 30's. that was not the best speech of all and i think she called it out. anita: i'm sorry i called you nicole, noel. >> that's okay. anita: kristin, let me have you respond to that. what did you think about what peggy neunen said. she didn't paint a great picture on where the biden presidency is going after the speech. >> well, everybody has their -- noel was talking about the president's speech and they will have their thoughts about it and certainly have been vocal but i think that, you know, having a conversation about and using the president using the bully pulpit to talk about voting rights in the country is very important and to do it in georgia and to speak to the voters. i mean, it's a conversation that is obviously overly politicized and, you know, there are things that we need to do to make sure that -- that everybody has the opportunity to -- to -- to vote and to, you know, express their views. that's what democracy is and the president elevated that issue and obviously you will get a lot of reactions to that. griff: ladies, hold for me one second, i just want to dip into our cameras in richmond, glenn youngkin arriving to his inauguration. you can see gathering there on the steps of the virginia capital and remarks we expect to hear shortly that have been released to the press. we expect youngkin to say, my fellow virginians, the spirit of virginia is alive and well and together we will strengthen it. that is certainly something yet to be seen whether or not he can bring very partisan sentiments together across the aisle there in virginia, we will bring you his speech obviously. now the attorney general will be sworn in first, then the lieutenant governor then that man right there will become virginia's 74th governor. he ran on really what he called the party of parents, uniting behind parents in school issues, a little bit of different tact. he threatened the needle on how to handle the trump support, getting his endorsement vocally acknowledging and thanking the former president for endorsement but was standing having donald trump come to virginia because it was viewed as possibly a divisive thing. we will bring you more on that as we get it. now let's go back. i want to ask you, noel, what do you think we will hear from glenn youngkin. what does he need to say, obviously having really got this ground swell of support because he didn't just win with republicans in that purple state of the common wealth of virginia. he got some democrats to cross over. that's why he will be inaugurated. what does he need to say today? >> i think that what he needs to say is what he has continued to say when he was campaigning. he is for the children, he is for participants rights with the children and i think that resonated with people that vote. look this issue, education and your children, this is not even a republican-democrat deal. people will switch a party if it benefits their children. they put their children before parties and i think that what he did was brilliant. one of the things that he is promising to do is to increase teachers' pay, public teachers' pay. this is brilliant because while he was against the critical race theory, he is turning around and increasing the teachers' pay. this is going to resonate well with teachers so they are going to be on board. some of the things that he's wanting to do and he's going to do, i think, are going to be great for the state and great for both republicans that voted for him and the cross-over democrats that did and a lot of republicans are looking to him because this guy won, he's a political outsider and he won basically on local issues and are really looking to see how he's going to govern and people are very excited about this guy. griff: you're looking now live at pastor calvina duncan giving giveinvocation before the swearg in begins. >> i'm not in the same party as him but i take the same view regardless of whether it's the president or governor. he ran a good campaign, that's very clear. once you're elected, though, your job is to bring everybody together. you represent the democrats, you represent the republicans, you're working for everybody in the state of virginia regardless of the party. so i think everybody should be rooting for him to do well, to raise teacher pay certainly. but that is going to take a state like virginia where you do have a lot of fellow democratic support, it's going to take reaching across the aisle and governors are notorious in a good way for being practical and in ways that sometimes officials in washington are not and working with both parties to get things done. i certainly hope that he's willing to work across the aisle and move that state forward. anita: let me jump for just a moment. he beat former governor terry mcauliffe, what lessons with a democratic party takeaway from glenn youngkin's victory, he's a first-time candidate, what message does the party take from this? >> you know, the former president trump, you can't run a campaign against -- just against him anymore. i think that you need to -- candidates all over the country need to look forward the midterms and talk about local issues. talk about things that, you know, that affected people in your district, in your state and that really resonate with people and going back to just the very basic, the things that affect, jobs, health care, there are certainly things that are in this build back better act that people would want. child tax credit and things like that, go local, talk to the people, don't run against -- don't run against former president trump on his own. he's not here anymore. you've got to talk to the people. you have to say things that resonate and have a vision for moving forward. griff: noel, let me ask you, do you think as long as we are talking about mcauliffe that it was that moment in the debate where mcauliffe said to the effect that parents probably really shouldn't have much input over what is taught to kids in their school. i think we may have that soundbite. let me just air that for you and get your reaction. if this was an important moment that may have made or break it for mcauliffe. >> i'm not going to let parents come in to schools and make their own decisions. so i stopped a bill that i don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach. griff: noel, was that the moment? >> that did it. i mean, to me that was basically saying that the parents have no rights and i don't care if you're democrat or republican, that reaches across party lines and basically says that as a parent you're irrelevant. that was a long move to make in my opinion and one of the things that glenn youngkin did that i think was really refreshing, he said he was going to bring humility back to the office. i love that because a lot of politicians especially the old guard, you know, they -- they -- it's the same old, same-old business as usual and i really love the fact that glenn youngkin, outsider, he was going to bring to the office, beautiful. anita: he had his day one plan on his website forever. i want to put up bullet points and we can talk about this. he wants to on day one cut regulations and reduce taxes, ban critical race theory which was such a big part of campaign, investing teachers and schools and empower parents with real which i says and also wants to institute peacher pay races and defund law enforcement funding and protect constitutional rights. let's talk about this and how the bullet points may play out with the voters in virginia and kristin, let's start with you, what about his platform don't you like? >> i think in theory a lot of things people want to feel safe -- drawing effective police force and things to be reformed about it. everybody wants to see our teachers paid more. so, you know, you have -- he has a platform and when you get into the details and you need to work with legislature in getting these things done. i think as so long -- he can move forward in a practical way. i'm from texas and i remember when george w. bush was the governor and we had a democratic speaker of the house and they -- they didn't agree and they fought in public sometimes but they got together and they got things done in the state, and so, yes, on the face of it, good ideas there, but, you know, let's get into the -- the nitty gritty and actually get things done and i think that, you know, he's got -- he's got to work to get it done, hopefully he can. anita: noel, what kind of challenge will he have with the virginia state house there in trying to get initiatives done? >> well, you know, he may have some challenges but i will tell you, he's coming in pretty much as political outsider so he doesn't really have a political record and if you'll remember his background was from carlisle which is, you know, a financial fund so i think that that is refreshing, so the fact that he's not been a long-time politician with any kind of a record, i think, it's going to work to his advantage to reach across the aisle and get good and thoughtful policy done. griff: kristin, let me ask you about as anita was talking about day one goals. one of the things that youngkin intends to do is to go after the vaxx mandate, obviously the supreme court ruled against the president's one on large businesses but youngkin looks like he's going to go after the vaxx mandate on government workers. is that a good idea or bad idea as far as the democratic strategy perspective? >> not as a democratic strategist but a person that listens to the health experts. i mean, i have a company. we have a vaccine mandate aside from certain exemptions. i don't quite understand the motivation, politicization of covid and -- and repealing a mask mandate particularly right now. i mean, wear a mask for the next month. i mean, i had covid over the holidays but i don't understand the -- day one going after things that actually protect public health. i don't see it as a political issue. i know that some people are making it a political issue and it's very unfortunate. people are getting sick and our hospitals are being overwhelmed. shouldn't be political. wear a mask for the next month and get a vaccine. griff: if you're looking at the shot, that's jason miares, he's about to be sworn in at this moment as virginia's new attorney general. it is a historic day for him. he is the first hispanic to be elected statewide in virginia. he's also the first son of an immigrant to be the attorney general of virginia and he is the first person to beat an incumbent attorney general in the common wealth since 1885. let's listen. >> that i will support the constitution of the united states. >> that i will support the constitution of the united states. >> and the constitution of the common wealth of virginia. >> and the constitution of the common wealth of virginia. >> and that i will faithfully and impartially discharge. >> and i will faithfully and impartially discharge. >> all the duties incumbent upon me. >> all the duties incumbent upon me. >> as the attorney general of the common wealth of virginia. >> as the attorney general of the common wealth of virginia. >> according to the best of my ability. >> according to the best of my ability. >> so help me god. >> so help me god. [cheers and applause] griff: attorney general. he was administered the oath by kevin duffen, the judge, second judicial court of virginia. he's the first of the three statewide elected officials in this gop wave that swept virginia. you had the virginia governor, lieutenant governor and the attorney general all republicans. noel, we will be watching the swearing in of winsom sears. here we go. we will see winsom sears about to go. let's listen in. >> by the honorable richard d taylor, jr., retired judge, 13th judicial circuit of virginia. [cheers and applause] >> good morning, are you prepared to take the oath of office? >> i am. >> put your left hand on the bible and repeat after me. ry winsom earl sears do solemnly swear that i will support the constitution of the united states. >> that i will support the constitution of the united states. >> and the constitution of the common wealth of virginia. >> and the constitution of the common wealth of virginia. and that i will faithfully. >> and that i will faithfully and impartially despite all of the duties incumbent upon me as lieutenant governor of virginia. >> as lieutenant governor of virginia. >> according to the best of my ability. >> according to the best of my ability. to. >> so help me god. >> congratulations. [cheers and applause] anita: she is 57 year's old, first republican to be elected to black legislative district in the state of virginia. he's a veteran of the marine corps. married with 3 daughters, sadly one of them passed away. she has a master's degree and licensed electrician and owns appliance and repair store in virginia. now, of course, we get ready for glenn youngkin to take the oath of office as virginia governor. looks like they are just getting ready to do that. winsom sears is still at the podium. griff: it's a moment, anita, that we should point out that it was the republican party that has delivered the historical diversity across statewide offices as we are about to watch glenn youngkin be sworn in now. >> the oath of office will be administered to the governor elect the honorable glenn youngkin by the honorable s bernard, supreme court justicer of virginia, retired justice supreme court of virginia. [cheers and applause] >> mr. youngkin, are you repaired to take the oath of office? >> yes, i am. [cheers and applause] >> can your raise your right hand and place your left-hand on the bible held by your wife, susan youngkin. at this time, i call on our former colleague retired justice of the supreme court of virginia elizabeth mclanehan to give you the oath of office. >> thank you, mr. chief justice. mr. youngkin please repeat after me. i glenn youngkin do solemnly swear. >> i glenn youngkin do solemnly swear. >> to support the constitution of the united states. >> to support the constitution of the united states. >> and the constitution of the common wealth of virginia. >> and the constitution of the common wealth of virginia. >> and that i will faithfully and impartially discharge all of the duties incumbent upon me as governor of the common wealth of virginia according to the best of my ability so help me god. [cheers and applause] griff: just like that, history is made. we will shortly hear from virginia's governor glenn youngkin and remarks but first he will have his governor salute which will be presented by virginia's army national guard first battalion 111th field art illry and band. let's take a listen. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] griff: as we wait for governor youngkin to deliver remarks, anita, we are wondering across the country is what is happening in virginia the bellwether for november's midterm elections, were the issues that youngkin ran on would be the playbook for republicans and what lessons did democrats learn in respective races in their states both at national level and statewide. obviously they couldn't have asked for a better day for the weather. it's crisp and cold but clear skies as you look live at the state capital, the steps there in richmond, virginia, it will be interesting to see what the virginia's governor will have to say. anita: a beautiful day there in richmond, virginia, you know, for many this is astonishing to see this man elected as virginia's governor. he is 55 year's old and really a political newcomer. spent his life as investment banker and he's about to step up to the microphone so i will stop talking. >> thank you. well, good afternoon, good afternoon on this bright sunny day. mr. speaker, lieutenant governor sears, attorney general mijares, madame president, members of the general assembly, justices of the supreme court, my fellow virginians. today we gather not as individuals and we celebrate the sound of freedom. [cheers and applause] >> usa! usa! usa! usa! usa! usa! yes, today we gather not as individuals nor as republicans or democrats but today we gather as virginians. and for the 73rd time in the history of virginia, the home of american democracy were participating in the peaceful and orderly transfer of leadership. the will of the people grants a license to serve, a temporary license extended with trust, with hope and with expectations to deliver on promises made and therefore as i reflect on my virginia home and my love for this great nation and its founding principles, i am so humbled to be sworn in today as the 74th governor of the common wealth of virginia. [cheers and applause] >> the solemn oath in the name of almighty father is done so with the love of my life by my side, your new first lady, susan youngkin. [cheers and applause] >> and with the joy and pride that we both feel for our lovely wonderful children, grant, ana, john and thomas. [cheers and applause] >> i'm so grateful for all of your love and support to my sister dotty, i can feel mom and dad spieling upon us today. susan and i want to thank governor ralph northam and first lady pam northam for being gracious and supportive during transition. their love for virginia shines through and many years of dedication simply suggest basic words we love virginia. on behalf of the common wealth, i want to thank you for your service. [applause] >> in the last election we heard from more voters than ever before, 25% more, nearly 3.3 million virginians. 3.3 million virginians who sent us here on a mission to restore trust in government and to restore power to the people. we stand here today as the messengers of the movement and create opportunities and build unity for the hard work ahead. this celebration is about that movement, not the candidates or elected office holders. it's not about me but rather it's about us. and this movement continues to be fueled by the hopes and dreams and yes tenacity and grit of virginians, of parents, students, teachers, entrepreneurs and small business owners, of law enforcement and all first responder heros. [cheers and applause] >> of hard-working virginians coming home from the midnight to 8:00 a.m. shift, of active military, veterans and their families -- [cheers and applause] >> of farmers, factory workers and healthcare heros. today we stand together on behalf of virginians who never lost faith even when they suffered loss of virginians who have not stopped living a better life and my fellow virginians, the spirit of virginia is alive and well. [cheers and applause] >> and together we will strengthen it. together we will renew the promise of virginia so it will be the best place to live and work and raise a family. [cheers and applause] >> no matter who you voted you, i pledge to be your advocate, your voice, your governor. we stand here on january 15th 2022 filled with hope and optimism for the years ahead. this hope and optimism springs from a shared vision of the future and also from knowing what we've been through. we are all acutely aware of the struggles virginians have endured over the last years, struggles that we continue to face, not a single one of us has escaped the tragic consequences of covid-19. today we lift up our prayers for the more than 15,000 virginians whose lives have been lost. we pray for their families and we pray for those who have survived but who lost jobs, lost an income or a business or even lost hope. we know the impact born by children who fell behind because their classrooms were locked down too long and the strain placed on parents especially virginians moms who had to juggle with their homes becoming job sites and virtual classrooms overnight. this moment of hardship has been compounded by economic factors, inflation, supply chain failures, rising grocery, gas and utility bills as well as higher taxes and stagnant growth. we've all witnessed a rise in divisiveness in the public square and distress the public figures. our politics had become too toxic, soundbites have replaces solutions, taken precedence over good-faith problem solving yet as we gather here today i join you with an unbridal sense of optimism because i know and i trust virginians. we are home to a resilient and courageous people, heros who have inspired us, doctors and nurses who worked double shifts to save lives, truckers, postal workers that worked overtime to stock shelves and make deliveries and neighbor who is have taken care of the frail and elderly in our communities. despite the continuing challenges posed by covid-19 i see a path forward, not to some pessimistic new normal but to a new and better day. our common pack forward is with the miracle of modern medicine. it's given us vaccine, new therapeutics and medical treatments and our common path forward is also forged with a deep and abiding respect for individual freedom. [cheers and applause] >> my fellow virginians our common path forward protect both lives and livelihoods across the great common wealth. my fellow virginians, i come into this moment and office knowing that we must bind the wounds of division and restore trust, find common cause for the common good and strengthen the spirit of virginians and to be clear the spirit of virginia is not a spirit that is rested in government telling us what is best for us but rather reflecting the will of the people, defending and protecting. [cheers and applause] >> defending and protecting the rights by the constitution and elected leaders going to work every day for we the people. [cheers and applause] >> make no mistake, virginians remain resilient with tenacity and grit and undeterred hope and optimism to press through the challenges. we must venture forward because a new and better day is ahead of us. after all, we are virginians whose leaders gave birth to this most exceptional nation the world has ever known. yes. a country with great chapters of injustice but also a country birth on the fundamental notion of freedom that we are all endowed by a creator with certain unaliable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, a nation whose ideas and ideals are replicated and memorialized around the globe for more than 250 years and virginians have led boldly. they fled boldly from our founding, jefferson, madison, monroe and our first governor patrick henry who insisted on adding the bill of rights to the constitution to protect our individual liberties. [cheers and applause] >> this is our lineage and following generations carry the mantle leading and serving as virginians are called to do. barrier breakers like maggie walker and governor doug wilder who is here with us today. [cheers and applause] >> leading the way for this historic inauguration of our new lieutenant governor winsom earl sears. [cheers and applause] >> and our new attorney general jason mijares. [cheers and applause] >> the people of virginia just elected the most diversed leadership in common wealth history. [cheers and applause] >> sending a message that virginia is big enough for the hopes and dreams of a diverse people. [cheers and applause] >> we stand here today to accept the license to lead and we will do so by including all and welcoming all because the future of virginia belongs to all. [cheers and applause] >> i come to this office ready to lead and serve starting on day one. [cheers and applause] >> we will start with the future is determined in the classroom, preparing virginia's children, preparing virginia's children to be career and college ready starting today, we will raise standards. we will raise teacher pay and we will invest in facilities and we will invest in children with disabilities. >> yes. [cheers and applause] >> we will create innovation lab and charter schools of achievement within the public school system. [cheers and applause] >> we will remove politics from the classroom and refocus on essential -- [cheers and applause] >> yes, we will remove politics from the classroom and we will focus on essential math and science and reading and we will teach all of our history the good and the bad. [cheers and applause] >> and we know that when our children don't go to school it harms their learning and their development so let me be clear, we must keep our children in school 5 days a week. [cheers and applause] >> starting today we will tackle the high cost of living. we will suspend for a year the recent tax increase on gasoline. [cheers and applause] >> and eliminate the grocery tax altogether. [cheers and applause] >> we will double the standard deduction on income tax, rein in skyrocketing property tax and provide the largest tax rebait in virginia's history. [cheers and applause] and we will cut taxes on our military veterans retirement benefits. [cheers and applause] >> solving the high cost of living in virginia is not merely about restraining taxes, it's about growing incomes and opportunities as well, starting today, we will be crystal clear, virginia is open for business. [cheers and applause] >> we are going to reenergize the energy, the engine of the economy by reducing regulations, investing in job training and make it easier for business to access capital and we are going to get all virginians back to work. [cheers and applause] >> together, together we will create 400,000 jobs and 10 now new start-ups over the next four years lifting up all virginians. [cheers and applause] >> we are going to make virginia competitive again, no longer conceding corporate relocations and expansions to our friends in maryland, north carolina and tennessee. we will compete and we will win. [cheers and applause] >> the most basic compact government must make with every citizen is to preserve public safety. my pledge is that we will restore safety by fully funding law enforcement. [cheers and applause] griff: another standing ovation on the capitol steps. you have been listening to virginia's new governor youngkin, talking about a common path forward. anita, the crowd is fired up and i think the f22 fighter jets stole the show at the beginning of his remarks. anita: no kidding. beautiful sight filled with so much history and pageantry as inaugurations are always are and background of beautiful sky and as the governor continues to talk here, griff, perhaps we can ask our panelists about their thoughts the governor said. real quick, let's go to noel first. noel, what struck out -- what stuck out to you that the governor said? >> the grocery tax which i thought was really relevant right now and what we are seeing speech from servant and i'm energized by this and i think all virginians have got to give. griff: kristin, last word, you have about 10 seconds, what say you? >> it's good to see a peaceful transfer of power. he has big ideas and a lot of work ahead of him. for the sake of virginia i hope he's able to work with parties to get things done. kristin and noel, thank you very much for your time today, you're watching live the speech from glenn youngkin. a lot more coming up on the next hour of fox news live. stay tune. >> to disagree -- woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ as a dj, i know all about customization. with 30 grams of protein. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ anita: major tsunami in tonga after massive under water volcano erupts offshore sending shock waves that have led to tsunami advisories across the pacific, hawaii and west coast of the united states. welcome to fox news live, i'm anita vogel. griff: i'm griff jenkins, adam klotz tracking the latest advisories and jeff paul on the beach in marina del rey, california with dramatic images coming in from tonga, jeff, what does the water look like where you are? jeff: griff, much different situation here in tonga. here along the west coast of california, we are experiencing a tsunami advisory and what that means is you will see a lot bigger waves here along the coast up and down through oregon and washington anywhere from 1 to 2-foot waves and essentially that means it's going to be dangerous rift currents and they don't want people swimming, boating or doing anything in the water today. this all started from a massive undersea volcano erupting on saturday and that sent large tsunami waves crashing offshore and people in nearby islands to get off the shores and tonga's king evacuated from the royal palace after the tsunami flooded the capital there. we know beyond tonga parts of japan are under tsunami warnings and advisory have been issue for new zealand but back here in the united states especially here in california, you're still seeing folks out kyaking getting in their boats despite advisories. this is become a spectator event. >> out in california we get tsunami warnings but usually by the time they arrive here they are indistinguishable from the rest of the surf. it was a unique opportunity to observe it and be safe. it's not every day you get to wake up and check out a tsunami before you eat breakfast. jeff: from what we are seeing here along the california coast, really no reports of any damage as of yet. some neighbors impacted by those higher than normal waves. we are seeing some boats rocking from the bigger waves coming in but this advisory in effect all the way from here up the coast through alaska and into hawaii. griff. griff: jeff, i suspect you're going to see a lot of surfers out there. one of my close friends is sitting on the sunset cliffs in san diego staring at the water wondering when the bigger waves will come for surfers it is dangerous we should point out but it's the sort of waves that they come out for, is that correct? jeff: yeah. yeah, for sure. and so far, you know, as you take a lack up here, we will pan off one more time, it's a really quiet beach. grant it it's early in the morning, that usually doesn't stop any surfers but i haven't seen too many people with their board as of yet, that, of course, could change. it was raining a little bit ago, it could keep people off the beach but yeah, like you said, griff, they do not advise people getting in the water for any sort of sport, swimming, boating or surfing, you will see the daredevils catching out the waves. griff: jeff paul in marina del rey. massive winter weather system is making its way south prompting several governors to declare states of emergency. meteorologist adam klotz has the latest, hey, adam. adam: as you said a lot going on in the weather world beginning with the tsunami where it's going to add a couple of feet of extra swell up and down the entire coast. everything here in this orange and you see it stretching all the way from the very southern bits of california all the way up into oregon tsunami advisories at least for the next couple of hours as you do get little extra chop and extra rift currents also, this stretches all the way to alaska where traditionally you get a little bit of higher surf when the systems hits as it stretches out into the pacific. already earlier this morning we got numbers maybe close to 3 feet but at least a foot of extra waves out there this morning because of this. now as you also mentioned we are tracking the wintery-type weather. we have windchills alerts advisory still lingering from this morning in the -- excuse me, in the northeast where temperatures feels like temperatures that is down to negative 10, negative 20, negative 15. it is chilly out there and it's all part of winter weather that's going to be impacting the good portion of the united states into the southeast. there's snow lingering through the mid atlantic and on the leading edge the system will sweep through the south and everything that you see in the pink color going to bring snow going to bring some ice and i do think eventually ice is going to be maybe the biggest concern, snowfall mostly, some of the higher elevations across the appalachian mountains and the ice, the biggest concern. this is sunday into monday. fairly large area, atlanta, charlotte, stretching to the north. we can be talking about dangerous road conditions. something we will be watching today, sunday and into monday, griff. griff: they are indeeding treating the roads. anita: the president set to give rare press conference in wednesday, first in months after rocky week where he faced challenges on multiple fronts from the supreme court blocking mandate to voting bill taterring on the brink of defeat. lucas thumpson live with the very latest from wilmington, delaware. hi, lucas. lucas: good afternoon, anita. in the sports game of life the white house admitting, yes, this wasn't a great week but it's just the end of the first quarter. there's 3 more to go. >> i would say if you look back at last year and what we were able to accomplish that include getting the american rescue plan passed, package that has contributed to cutting childhood poverty by 40% and helped ensure moving toward faster pace of unemployment rate and ensure schools 95% are open across the country. the work of the administration continues after one year and it will continue to press forward on all of the priorities. lucas: this week inflation worse in nearly 4 decades, prices for household good have seen 7% spike including almost 15% increase at the bump on top of 12% jump at the grocery store in meat and egg aisle and failing to stop tensions at the border in ukraine and situation dire and tense. speech in georgia by the president failed to get voting rights passed and biden comparing opponents to segregationallists and supreme court blocking mandates. a trip to capitol hill by the president fail today persuade every senator from his own party to eliminate or weaken filibuster and approval rating falling to 33% hasting from the withdrawal of afghanistan. >> it's been a very bad week for joe biden, that means it's been a good week for the american people. lucas: and as you mentioned, anita, the president ending first year in office with press conference wednesday at 4:00 p.m. and website where americans can get test, it's freezing out here, anita, griff. anita: i'm sure it is. i know the white house team is probably glad to see the weekend, right, lucas. lucas: the president is here in wilmington. anita: that's right. thank you very much for the live report. ♪ ♪ anita: well surge in omicron cases has reportedly began to slow down in u.s. cities bringing hope that a plateau may be on the horizon but many areas are still reeling from the record-breaking spike in cases. here to tell us more is charles watson, charles, what can you tell us? charles: good afternoon, the highly contagious omicron variant continues to drive the surge and drive the demand for covid testing across the country, states are trying to get a handle on it particularly here in georgia where you can see behind me atlanta's mercedes benz stadium is now playing host to a mega testing site that's capable of testing up to 2,000 people per day and this is just one of 3 of these mega sites of the atlanta metro area which has certainly seen spike in infections, in fact, the entire state of georgia is seeing high transmission rates, about 30% of all tests resulting in positive infections and with daily hospital admissions nearing 1,000 statewide and local health officials are hoping to identify early cases where there's still a window to provide guidance to prevent transmission. >> what we know is that we are having huge numbers of cases right now and the importance of testing is that if you know that you are positive then you can take steps to isolate from other and to not spread it and so it is very important to know your covid status charles: mass testing and early contact tracing may be best defending for the foreseeable future. u.s. population may not move the needle more in terms of the current 63% of americans who are fully vaccinated and the 38% who were boosted. former biden administration adviser dr. saline tweeting, quote, it is now highly unlikely that the u.s. will hit the 85 to 90% of americans vaccinate today get the others -- to get to the other side of the pandemic and keep pushing forward with its message. >> president biden, you will see in his statement, will continue to call on businesses to immediately join those who have stepped up including one-third of fortune 500 companies to institute vaccination requirements to protect their workers, customers and communities. >> testing continues to be a big focus here. the biden administration says federal website for folks to go on and order the 500 million home test that is they'll send out to americans will go live on wednesday. anita: people will be looking forward to that. charles watson, live in atlanta. thank you very much for that report. griff. griff: anita, the army reprimanding nearly 3,000 u.s. soldiers and leaving 6 active duty leaders who are refusing to come play with its covid vaccine mandate. joining us now author of america's number one adversary, retired lieutenant colonel oliver north and no stranger to virginia politics, colonel, thank you for taking time. i want to talk about the military vaccinations but quickly you may have seen in the last hour, the live inauguration of virginia's 74th governor as someone who ran for senate in the common wealth, what are your thoughts of the new governor and what we saw today? >> thank you lord. i'm known glenn youngkin for considerable length of time. i contributed to his campaign, full disclosure and one of the things that was unique about the campaign he did not invite, quote, superstars to go out and campaign with him. what he did was campaign out there with the people of virginia wearing that vest and campaigning for them in a way that is unique in virginia. i congratulate him for a wonderful campaign and great success as our next governor. griff: a lot has been made about whether or not the vaccine requirement on active duty servicemen and women will impact readiness and, in fact, we see just this week the marine corps okayed the first two religious exemptions for the vaccine after receiving more than 3300 requests. your thoughts? >> yeah. well, first of all, it's an experimental vaccine. i've got my shot record. you and i have traveled overseas together. i've got an international shot record that's got probably 40 different entries for different diseases. we took same testing when covering the world because you had to get vaccinated in order to get into the theater. i'm familiar with that. but none of those vaccines that we ever took before in my all years since 1961 when i first came to the marine corps, none of them were experimental. these are vaccines and they are designed to prevent a disease that we were told initially was going to make you immune to it. guess what, people who have been vaccinated like me and with a booster like me are now getting the new variant of this -- of this and thankfully very few people are very sick from -- particularly young people. the united states marine corps has 2 out of 3300 who have been granted a release exemption. god bless them for it. bottom line this is not improving readiness of forces and in this particular time that ought to be number one concern with armed forces. if someone tests positive, obviously they will not go out and deploy but i will tell you that most people once they've had this certainly are going to be more immune than i am from all the dog-on vaccinations i've gotten. so i question whether the leaders of this country understand the vulnerabilities that we've got right now because of what they've done. griff: to play devil's advocate the fda approved the vaccine and that was why military leaders to pushed them to get their men and women the shots but my question overall is as we go forward with threats like russia, with threats like china, a time that we need our military at its most ready, is this an issue that will impact readiness itself? >> well, if you start discharging people that we need in the service. right now the army is paying the maximum premium to recruit people in the united states army. this is not the time to be throwing people out of the army just because they would not take the vaccine. i don't see how that improves readiness whatsoever and congress ought to stand up and say, you can't do it. >> now as we talk about looming concerns and possible threats we've heard an awful lot about russia, obviously their intentions to possibly invade ukraine but you wrote a column this week raising concern that we haven't heard many people talking about and that is you're concerned that history can be repeating itself in cuba at the hands of the chinese communists. >> well, if you look back at 1959 castro comes to power. he promise it is people of cuba a socialist narvana. can't deliver. 1962 after the dictator was gone fidel castro allowed his country to become a state of the soviet union and the next thing you know you have soviet intelligence bases, the biggest of them all and nuclear weapons on its way to cuba. for 14 days john kennedy played footsie trying to avoid nuclear holocaust and you have the communist chinese doing the same samething that kushev did. the belt and road initiative in havana started initiative to start supporting the castro government. what that means at some point -- they call it the belt and road initiative. in diplomacy it's referred to debt trap diplomacy. they build up enormous amount of debt that the nation can't pay and the cubans will be in the condition that many others and communist chinese will start building military bases in cuba and intelligence collection sites. there should be some concern about it. this administration doesn't seem to know it even happened. griff: to be clear, you are saying we could be facing a military threat in cuba, 90 miles south of miami? >> from the communist chinese we are building bases everywhere they possibly can. we don't need one of them 100 miles off of u.s. territory griff: lieutenant colonel, thank you for taking time on an array of subjects. troubling times to have a threat like that so close to the united states, thank you, sir. >> god bless you, buddy. griff: anita. anita: great interview, griff. great to hear from colonel north. arresting a suspect of a shooting that killed a 19-year-old burger king cashier, you may have seen that. mayor eric adams vowing to take more violent criminals off of the streets. bryan llenas. reporter: 19-year-old crystal nieves started working at the burger king as overnight cashier when she was gunned down and murdered. over $100 in the cash register last sunday. the suspect walked in, pistol whipped a male customer and punched a female manager in the face before shooting crystal as she was scrambling to open the register. yesterday the nypd arrested winston glen, 30-year-old with criminal history arrested 4 times in the past. glen faces robbery and murder charges. police were able to track by matching clothing with extensive surveillance video. >> too many guns on our streets and when people question my urgency of put in place the right apparatus to give the support to men and women who are performing these jobs, they need to go visit crystal's mother. they need to see the pain on her face. reporter: well, the mayor's quote apparatus is in question, bragg ordered prosecutors to stop prosecuting the slew of crimes like resisting arrest to stop seeking prison sentences for most crimes expect for a handful of exceptions like murder and downgrade some felonies to misdemeanors for certain drug dealers and armed robbery. >> even if iraq dams is doing what he says he's going to do and usher in progressive -- rather proactive policing, we still need democratic lawmakers and da's and policymakers to do their end of the job. reporter: new-plain police clothing agents will debut new york city targeting gun crimes. we will see, anita. anita: we will. wish them well. thank you for the live report. griff. griff: preparations are under way for former president trump's first rally of the midterm year. you're looking live in florence, arizona where people are already lining up. we will tell you what to expect tonight after the break. ♪as ♪ ♪ griff: former president donald trump is heading to arizona for first rally of 2022. he's expected to address his claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election and possibly touch on his role in the upcoming midterms. rich edison live on the crowed ground in florence, arizona where the rally will be held later tonight. rich, it looks like folks are already lining up. rich: they've been lined up for a while here. they are waiting in line trying to get in for later today. we are still hours away from former president donald trump. take a look at the scene here. folks lining up to get a good seat to the show. the president, the former president, it's the first time he's speaking since he held rally in october in des moines. now he canceled a press conference scheduled for januarr anniversary of white house speech and subsequent riot in u.s. capitol. trump's office and the pack supporting him have sent dozen of fundraising emails already this year. much of the attention surrounding the former president is on whether or if he's going to officially announce he's running again for president in 2024 and what he's saying about the other republican seen as interested in the nomination. this week he knock what had he called gutless politicians for refusing to say whether they got the covid vaccine booster. trump says he did, florida governor ron desantis, for example, has refused to say. there's also the midterms and who trump might endorse. this afternoon he will have a series of politicians speaking as part of his program, candidates for governor and arizona secretary of state, member of congress who have pushed unproven claims of 2020 election. that's led to public arguments with other republicans who say it is well past time to move on from 2020. one of them is when trump suggested this week that south dakota republican senator mike rounds was a jerk, a rhino crazier, stupid for calling the 2020 election legitimate. rounds standby his statement that trump lost, he's not surprised by the attack and the focus of the republican party should be on what lies ahead. other senate republicans also jumped to rounds defense. for a number of republicans the focus going to midterms should be unpopular president, dozens of testimony drats who decide today retire from congress and what they say is going to be a wave election come november and build on what republicans say they saw in 2021 in november that's culminated in what you saw at the virginia capitol short while ago and republican getting sworn in there. back to you, griff. griff: rich edison live on the ground in arizona for us, rich, thank you very much. you can watch the big rally tonight live 9:00 p.m. eastern on check it out. anita: covid numbers across the country are passing record levels. in november of 2021 there were over 2 and a half million cases and more than 30,000 deaths but in 2022 there have already been over 9 million cases and more than 20,000 deaths through january 13th alone. joining us now critical care at nebraska medicine dr. dan johnson. dr. johnson, thank you so much for joining us today. we really appreciate it. i want you right off to bat to react to those statistics, more hospitalizations, more cases now but fewer deaths, what do you make of that? >> well, omicron thankfully tends to cause less revere -- than delta, the problem it is so transmissible even if a small percentage will end up with severe disease. millions of millions people with omicron -- we are still going to have -- [inaudible] anita: yeah, of course, you're not just a doctor who comes on tv, you are working in the icu taking care of those critical covid patients rite now. what are you seeing in terms of severity of omicron cases versus are you still taking care of people who have delta? >> yes. i've been taking care of covid patients for the last 23 months. through each surge i've been in the unit helping to take care of people and one thing that's really remarkable is i have yet to take a patient that is fully vaccinated. in other words, being fully vaccinated is like having -- critical illness -- [inaudible] >> in terms of severity, it does appear that the critical illness we see from omicron is a bit less severe than delta, thank goodness. we are hearing from colleagues in new york city that they are seeing that. but it appears that the degree of -- people need to be on the ventilator shorter with omicron than delta. that being said, they still need to be on the ventilator. they still take up a lot of -- [inaudible] >> we really need to get people fully vaccinated. anita: that's good to hear that the vaccines are providing the layer of protection. real quick, i want to ask you about therapeutics down the road. are you able to use therapeutics in the hospital? are you using those as well? doctor: we have 3 therapeutics to help reduce the severity of covid when people get to icu. we are using those. for some of the out-patient therapeutics, the trouble is finding space, finding the resources we need to get them in people's body. that's a bottleneck right now. omicron is spreading so fast that the number of cases is so high compared to the number of doses that we really need to focus on prevention -- anita: understood. thank you so much for the amazing life-saving work that you are doing in the i. we appreciate it and wish you the best. doctor: thank you, anita. griff: migrants continue to pour over our southern border some former dhs officials say the crisis is leading to an increase in human trafficking, we will take you there next. i recommend nature made vitamins, because i trust their quality. they were the first to be verified by usp, an independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards. nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff,... ...swollen, painful. nature made. emerge tremfyant®. tremfya® is approved to help reduce joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. some patients even felt less fatigued. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. griff: you're looking live at the parade for virginia's new governor glenn youngkin. we just saw the james madison university marching band go by. that is, of course, the governor there with the lieutenant governor winsom sears and mijares. we will bring you more from virginia as we get it. ♪ ♪ anita: human smuggling is continue to run ramp it in the southern border despite slowdown of migrant families. hello, dan. >> each of the federal agencies responsible for immigration enforcement ice and dp -- the border patrol have delayed the release of report that is could be critical of president biden, one, would ultimately tell us how many migrants were apprehended at the southern border over the year and then the other one from ice will tell us how many were allowed to stay in the u.s. now that december report of apprehensions from dps is expected to push the apprehension number past 2 million mark for the year which would be an all-time high. that report should have been released over a week ago. the ice report on total deportations for fiscal year 2021 which ended in september should be out several weeks ago. the head of the union representing border patrol agents say the delay is about damage control. >> the american public is goings to be in sense. the number of people that have been released into the united states is more than what we have seen in history of border patrol or even ice and those numbers are going to take an awful long time and they will delay they possibly can. >> we have seen decrease of groups of families crossing the border illegally but no drop off of human smuggling especially in the laredo area, texas state troopers found 23 migrants crammed in the semitruck. in laredo, the border patrol agents found 6 migrants found inside tank of tanker truck. another example of dangerous lengths that people are willing to go to get into the u.s. not all are looking for work obviously anita. this week in rio grande valley where i'm at they apprehended 5 affected criminal aliens, all five were known gang members. anita. anita: so disturbing and a lot of people waiting for that report to come out. dan springer, thank you so much for that live report. griff. griff: for more on this, let's bring in former acting homeland security secretary and executive director of the america first policy institute center homeland security and immigration chad wolf. chad, thank you for taking time. let's just get your reaction to start here on the fact that ice has put out report and dhs won't release apprehension and encounter numbers? >> it's an important report and usually out by the end of december, each and every year and that report will tell you how many arrests and deportations occurred during 2021 and i think what you see here the biden administration delay in the report because they know it's going to be a bad report. the numbers are going to be at a historical low at the same time that we've had historic high of a number of illegal apprehensions, so putting those two together it's not going to paint a very good picture and paint a very bad picture that deportations are at all-time low but we know that, right, we know that because the biden administration put a moratorium on deportations and they've done everything that they can to tell ice not to remove individuals from this country. griff: chad we just learned this week according to release dhs report to fox news that between march and august of 2021, they essentially released about 104,000 migrants with notices to report. that is just a piece of paper that says if you want to claim asylum go to nearest ice office. only half bothered to do so. what does that tell us? >> well, it tells you that their strategy on the border is not working. it tells you that they were overwhelmed at the border during that time period march to august and it tells you that the system is broken and they essentially had to go on the honor system. they asked migrants to say wherever you go in this country whether it's portland, maine or portland, oregon, when you go up there show to ice report, so they are now in the interior of the country. we have no idea where they are at. that's just through august. you remember the migrants, haitian migrants in del rio, texas, that was in september, you can bet a number of those were released in the ntr's, that number 47,000 is likely going to increase once we get the full 2021 numbers in for the entire year. griff: there's a whole slew of more haitians on their way, about 2 hours ago, i tweeted out a reporter down in mexico saying the first caravan of 202 has departed san pedro osula, honduras, all the way from honduras to eagle pass, texas and looks clearly that things are not slowing down and as you heard from dan springer's report that they could surpass 2 million this year. is it time for the administration to shift strategy? >> well, griff, i would say it's past time. it's been time nine months ago for them to shift strategies. if you're the migrants or cartels, why not, why not start the caravan to the southwest border because you know something has changed. you have historic numbers month after month after month. you have public safety threats. national security threats and all sorts of illegal narcotics coming across the border and this administration has no strategy. when was the last initiative that they announced that was going to get tough on illegal border crossers. there has been none. they have no strategy, nothing is in place at the border to stop this and so you're going to continue to see the caravans in historic numbers come across the border. griff: chad as we know it's not just humans but also drugs as the cartels are taking advantage of and in fiscal year 2021, you've got seizures up 154% for deadly drug fentanyl and 68% for cocaine. is that something that should be alarm to go this administration? chad: well, absolutely. you have to start addressing this. this goes hand in hand with number of illegal migrants coming across the border because they have to pay the cartels up towards to 5 to $10,000 for each individual coming across the border. those cartels are making millions of dollars a day, more than they have ever made and they can put that money into the enterprise, smuggle more illegal narcotics across the border. yes, the administration needs to do more. this takes leadership, this takes leadership talking about the fentanyl crisis that we have been talking about and talking about the threats and what's going on in the border but unfortunately you see, you know, president biden or vice president harris or even the secretary. no one is talking about this threat and it's inexcusable. >> just in the 20 seconds that we have left, you mentioned leadership and vice president harris, they are doing reshift in their office. is it time to take a different tact on the border? >> well, unfortunately i don't know that she's taking any tact along the border. i think she's been fairly absent. i think the whole administration needs to view the border differently and they need to understand what's going on down there and frankly, you know, the vice president and president need to make a trip to the border and need to talk to the border patrol agents and law enforcement down there so they can get a firsthand. sitting in dc doesn't cut it. you need to understand and you need to see with your own eyes the crisis that's going on there and perhaps then they will make a change in policy. griff: we will leave it there, always helpful and insightful talking to you, former acting secretary dhs chad wolf, thank you. anita. anita: sisters slug fest, britney and jamie lynn spears public spat gets turbo charged with new social media posts. don't want to miss that. the details are next. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> welcome back, britney spears sister jamie lynn is speaking out on her famous sister conservatorship in her new memoir and new britney is clapping back. [laughter] griff: yeah, sister -- >> once i realized that, you know what she's in a conservatorship i felt like i didn't want to be part until maybe she was out of the conservatorship. so there was no like me oversees funds or something like that and if that was it was a misunderstanding. but either way, i took no steps to be a part of it. anita: oh boy, that sparked a lot of drama. that interview was about jamie lynn spears new book, things i should have said and apparently she said some things in there that britney spears didn't like very much and now the sisters are feuding. griff: it's just a warfare and listen, britney has not backed down at all posting on the same day that her sister jamie was a, quote, scum person. all of this battle playing out on social media. now we should point out that britney spears is 40 year's old and jamie lynn is 30 year's old and they are ten years apart. very unique to have the feud. it makes me wonder and you're looking at the social media pictures we saw in the last year from britney as the whole nation was captivated on the free britney saga obviously we all know where that stands now. i wonder where -- this is a chapter of fake sister warfare, is this publicity or is this real or genuinely hate each other which has the nation captivated. anita: there is that book out there and the tweets do drum up interest in them but everyone is always interested in anything that britney spears does. one thing that britney says is that her sister because she's so much younger is the baby and never had to work for anything and she's the one, britney, who had to work for all of her fame and success. griff: i just say britney, drop the new album. i'm ready to listen. anita: ready to rock and roll. griff: yeah. anita: martin luther king, jr. day of service is right around the corner and how one organization is pitching in to bring america together on the other side of the break. stay with us. ♪ ♪ ♪ under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. when you have xfinity, you have entertainment built in. which is kind of nice. ah, what is happening. binge-watching is in the bag, when you find all your apps, all in one place. find live sports faster just by using your voice... sports on now. touchdown irish! [cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. >> the big sunday organization is bringing america together with big clothing drive for this year martin luther king, jr. service. david, thank you very much for joining us today. we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. anita: you bet, you have been doing this sunday event for all people to serve on major holidays. what do you have lined up for monday, martin luther king, jr. day? last year you were virtual so now you're back in person, right? >> we are back in person. i'm so excited that we are for our tenth annual mlk day clothing drive and community breakfast. anita: so what happens? this is taking place in the los angeles area. so what are you having people come out to do? you're asking thousands of volunteers to come out and be of service, how? >> so what we are going to do is usually it's a big clothing drive. we give tens of thousands of articles of clothes. this all new clothing and 222,000 bags full of warm clothe for people who are homeless, veterans, scarfs and gloves. anita: that is so wonderful. everyone can find some way to help and to meet other people. one of the things that you do is you ask people to show up, to find at least something that they have in common with someone else at the event so people are making new friends too, right, quickly on that? >> absolutely. we call it our something in common project and everybody has to find a complete stranger, finding in that you have in common and have your picture taken together and that thing that you have in common could be you're both from chicago, or you love star wars or you hate driving on the 405, a common feeling here in los angeles. you know, at big sunday, we see the world not as half and half nots but have and have mores. we all have to look out for one another. anita: that is so wonderful and so true. i love looking at the video of people putting together kits. i want to mention your website in case people would like to contribute in some way or learn more about it. it is you can look that up and find out more information, david levinson, thank you so much for joining us today. good luck on the event. >> thanks very if me, appreciate it. griff: that was really something, finding something in common after we took virginia's governor glenn youngkin talking about a common path forward. that will do it for us on fox news live and will continue next with eric and arthel. i'm griff jenkins. anita: and i'm anita vogel, thanks so much for watching. ♪ ♪ ♪ ys it shortens colds! subway's eat fresh refresh zinc that cold! has so many new footlongs, here's how they line up. we got the new chicken & bacon ranch, new baja steak & jack, and the new baja chicken & bacon, aka "the smokeshow." save big. order through the app. save big. that was quick. and rewarding. i earn 3% cash back at drugstores with chase freedom unlimited. that means i earn on my bug spray and my sunscreen. you ready to go fishing? i got the bait. i also earn 5% on travel purchased through chase on this rental car. that lake is calling my name! don't you get seasick? we'll find out! come on. and i earn 3% on dining including takeout. so much for catching our dinner. some people are hunters. some are gatherers. i'm a diner. pow! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. president biden planning his first news conference after pretty brutal week with his agenda. major setbacks about the economy, vaccine mandates and voting rights. welcome to a brand-new hour of fox news live, i am eric shawn. arthel: i'm arthel ”-double-low-quote beacon to reporters and the american people on wednesday after the supreme court walked the mandate for large businesses with 100 or more workers. warnings from the pentagon that

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Strategy , Vaccine Mandate , Person , Strategist , Perspective , Company , Health Experts , Mask , Politicization Of Covid , Mask Mandate , Exemptions , Holidays , Vaccine , Shouldn T Be Political , Public Health , Hospitals , Hispanic , Shot , Jason Miares , Immigrant , Son , 1885 , Constitution , Constitution Of The United States , Duties Incumbent , Impartially Discharge , Best , Ability , Attorney General , God , Applause , Cheers , Oath , Kevin Duffen , Second Judicial Court Of Virginia , Three , Wave , Winsom Sears , Swearing , Honorable Richard D Taylor , 13th Judicial Circuit Of Virginia , Jr , 13 , Morning , Hand , Bible , Repeat , Ry Winsom , Congratulations , Daughters , Veteran , Marine Corps , 57 , Course , Appliance , Master S Degree , Store , Oath Of Office , Looks , Podium , Offices , Diversity , Honorable S Bernard , Retired Justice Supreme Court Of Virginia , Supreme Court Justicer Of Virginia , Mr , Raise , Susan Youngkin , Justice , Colleague , Elizabeth Mclanehan , Chief Justice , Remarks , Salute , Band , Virginia S Army National Guard First Battalion 111th Field Art Illry , 111 , Listen , Playbook , Elections , Races , Youngkin Ran On , The Bellwether For November , Level , Skies , 55 , Life , Newcomer , Microphone , Investment Banker , Jason Mijares , Sears , Members , Justices , Assembly , Individuals , The Sound Of Freedom , Hard Working Virginians , 73 , License , Transfer , Will , The Home Of American Democracy , Hope , Love , Trust , Promises , Home , Expectations , Principles , By My Side , First Lady , Father , Love Of My Life , In The Name Of Almighty , Feel , Pride , Joy , Grant , John Kennedy , Thomas , Ana , Sister , Pam Northam , Mom And Dad Spieling , Transition , Dedication , Words , Behalf , Service , More , Election , 3 Million , Government , Movement , Power To The People , On A Mission , Messengers , Work , Opportunities , Celebration , Build Unity , Office Holders , Hopes , Tenacity , Grit , Dreams , Law Enforcement , Heros , Responder , Students , Entrepreneurs , Small Business Owners , Veterans , Military , Shift , Coming Home , Families , We Stand Together On Behalf Of Virginians Who , Factory Workers , Healthcare Heros , Farmers , Faith , Loss , Family , Promise , Matter , Optimism , Advocate , Voice , January 15th 2022 , 15 , 2022 , Vision Of The Future , Consequences , One Of Us , Struggles , Prayers , 19 , Business , Income , Lost Jobs , 15000 , Classrooms , Impact , Strain , Factors , Homes , Job Sites , Hardship , Moms , Bills , Grocery , Supply Chain Failures , Distress , Gas , Divisiveness , Utility , Growth , Rise , The Public Square , Problem , Soundbites , Figures , Solutions , Sense , Unbridal , Workers , Doctors , Truckers , Shifts , Stock Shelves , Nurses , Deliveries , Neighbor , Path Forward , Elderly , Therapeutics , Path , Pack , Medicine , Miracle , Treatments , Freedom , Respect , Virginians , Livelihoods , Both , Cause , The Common Good , Division , Wounds , Restore Trust , Protecting , Leaders , We The People , Undeterred , Mistake , Birth , Notion , Chapters , Country Birth , Injustice , Liberty And The Pursuit Of Happiness , Ideals , Creator , Unaliable , Globe , 250 , Patrick Henry , Liberties , Jefferson , Founding , Madison , Monroe , Generations , Serving , Lineage , Mantle , Barrier Breakers , Doug Wilder , Maggie Walker , Winsom , Diversed , Classroom , Career , College , Standards , Disabilities , Facilities , Charter Schools , Achievement , Innovation Lab , Public School System , Essential , Bad , Reading , Science , Essential Math , Learning , Development , Tax Increase , Gasoline , Cost Of Living , Grocery Tax , Income Tax , Rein , Deduction , Tax Rebait In Virginia S History , Property Tax , Military Veterans Retirement Benefits , Cost , Restraining Taxes , Incomes , Crystal Clear , Engine , Energy , Economy , Job Training , Investing , Ups , 400000 , Friends , Again , Relocations , Expansions , Maryland , North Carolina , Tennessee , Safety , Public Safety , Citizen , Pledge , Listening , Crowd , Capitol Steps , Standing Ovation , Show , Pageantry , Sight , F22 , Fighter Jets , No Kidding , Panelists , Inaugurations , Let S Go To Noel First , Sky , Servant , Word , Power , Sake , Stay Tune , Nutrition , Fox News Live , Disagree , Hoo , Vitamins , Protein , Customization , Car Insurance , Throwback , Minerals , Dj , Liberty Mutual , 27 , Tonga , Water Volcano , Meteorologist Adam Klotz , On The Beach , Images , Marina Del Rey , Anita Vogel , Oregon , Anywhere , People Swimming , Massive Undersea Volcano Erupting , Shores , Tonga Parts , Palace , Islands , Advisory , Boats , Kyaking , Surf , Spectator Event , Rest , Reports , Neighbors , California Coast , Surfers , Sunset Cliffs , San Diego , Beach , Sort , Lack , One More Time , Sure , Board , Sport , Daredevils , Winter Weather System , Emergency , South Prompting , Bits , Way , Currents , Rift , Chop , Numbers , Systems , Foot , The Honor System , South , Color , Portion , Mid Atlantic , Concern , Snowfall , Elevations , Appalachian Mountains , Area , North , Road Conditions , Charlotte , Roads , Fronts , Lucas Thumpson , Brink , Defeat , Wasn T A Great , Bill Taterring , Sports Game Of Life , Package , Quarter , Rescue Plan , Childhood , Unemployment Rate , Poverty , 40 , 95 , Household , Top , Priorities , Bump , Ukraine , 12 , Trip , Supreme Court Blocking Mandates , Segregationallists , Capitol Hill , Hasting , Test , Weekend , Team , Ice Report , Cases , Omicron , That S Right , Cities , Charles Watson , Plateau , Horizon , Surge , Handle , Omicron Variant , Demand , Mercedes Benz , Testing Site , Sites , Stadium , Metro Area , Host , 2000 , Infections , Hospital Admissions , Tests , Rates , Health Officials , Window , Importance , Prevent Transmission , Guidance , 1000 , Status Charles , Mass Testing , Terms , Contact Tracing , U S Population , Saline Tweeting , Adviser , 38 , 38 , 85 , 63 , Statement , Side , Others , 90 , Focus , Vaccination Requirements , Customers , Companies , Fortune 500 , 500 , Home Test , 500 Million , Duty , Live In Atlanta , Soldiers , Army Reprimanding , 6 , 3000 , Stranger , Oliver North , Virginia Politics , Number One , Adversary , Colonel , Someone , Vaccinations , Senate , Disclosure , Length , Lord , Vest , Superstars , Success , Women , Servicemen , Vaccine Requirement , Whether , Readiness , Corps , Requests , 3300 , Shot Record , Entries , Vaccines , Order , None , Diseases , Theater , 1961 , Disease , Booster , Guess What , United States Marine Corps , Time , Line , Armed Forces , Release Exemption , Fda , Vulnerabilities , Devil S Advocate , Threats , Men , Ready , Shots , China , United States Army , Army , Premium , Concerns , Cuba , Intentions , Column , Fidel Castro , Hands , Communists , Can T Deliver , Socialist Narvana , 1959 , Bases , Intelligence , Biggest , Weapons , Dictator , Soviet Union , 1962 , Chinese , Footsie , Holocaust , Samething , Kushev , 14 , Initiative , Road , Belt , Point , Cubans , Debt Trap Diplomacy , Diplomacy , Debt , Amount , Military Bases , Collection Sites , Condition , Communist Chinese , Military Threat , Everywhere , Territory , Miami , 100 , Threat , Thank You , Array , Subjects , Sir , God Bless You , Buddy , Suspect , Shooting , Cashier , Burger King , Reporter , Eric Adams , Streets , Crystal Nieves , Criminals , Bryan Llenas , Pistol , Crystal , Customer , Manager , Cash Register Last Sunday , Murder , Winston Glen , Register , Charges , Robbery , Nypd , Clothing , Surveillance Video , Guns , Put , Urgency , Police , Pain , Apparatus , Mother , Slew , Crimes , Quote Apparatus , Arrest , Prison Sentences , Handful , Prosecutors , Exceptions , Bragg , Policing , Dams , Drug Dealers , Progressive , Armed Robbery , Misdemeanors , Felonies , Iraq , New York City , Them Well , Policymakers , End , Police Clothing Agents , Gun Crimes , Da S , Break , Rally , Florence , Arizona , Former , Preparations , Role , Voter Fraud , 2020 , Rich Edison , Look , Scene , Des Moines , Much , Anniversary , Riot , Fundraising Emails , U S Capitol , Januarr , Nomination , 2024 , Example , Florida , Vaccine Booster , Ron Desantis , Member , Program , Arguments , Claims , Secretary Of State , Rounds Standby , Jerk , Rhino , Mike Rounds , South Dakota , Number , Dozens , Attack , Defense , Wave Election , Virginia Capitol , Republicans , Testimony Drats , 2021 , Rich , Eastern On Foxnation Com , 9 , Deaths , Record Levels , November Of 2021 , 30000 , Dan Johnson , Nebraska Medicine Dr , 9 Million , January 13th , 20000 , Statistics , Hospitalizations , Bat , Percentage , Revere , Delta , Doctor , Inaudible , Millions , Tv , Icu , Severity , Taking , Critical Covid Patients Rite , Patients , Unit , 23 , Illness , Patient , Colleagues , Thank Goodness , Degree , Ventilator , Being , Ventilator Shorter , Protection , Hospital , Therapeutics Down The Road , Layer , Out Patient Therapeutics , Resources , Finding Space , Body , Bottleneck , Prevention , Doses , Migrants , Anita , I , Dhs , Crisis , Human Trafficking , Nature , Organization , Quality , Usp , Supplement , Brand , Vitamin , Pharmacist , Purity , Help , Psoriatic Arthritis , Tremfya , Joints , Emerge Tremfyant , Adults , Symptoms , Risk , Infection , Parade , Marching Band Go By , James Madison University , Human Smuggling , Immigration Enforcement Ice , Dan Springer , Agencies , Each , Slowdown , Ramp It , Hello , Release , Border Patrol , Dp , Apprehensions , Apprehension Number , Dps , 2 Million , High , Ice Report On Total Deportations For Fiscal Year , Delay , Border Patrol Agents , Union , Head , Goings , The American , Damage Control , Drop Off , Groups , Decrease , Agents , Tank , Tanker Truck , Semitruck , Laredo , Texas State Troopers , Rio Grande Valley , Lengths , Gang Members , Aliens , Five , Chad Wolf , Acting , Immigration , Homeland Security Secretary , Executive Director , America First Policy Institute Center Homeland Security , Dhs Won T Release Apprehension , Report , Deportations , Arrests , Low , Paint , Moratorium , Piece , Notices , Dhs Report To Fox News , March , 104000 , August Of 2021 , Ice Office , Paper , Asylum , Portland , Maine , Del Rio , Haitians , Ntr , 47000 , Caravan , Honduras , Osula , Down In Mexico , San Pedro , Eagle Pass , 202 , Cartels , Strategies , Nine , Narcotics , Security , Sorts , Border Crossers , Drugs , Caravans , Nothing , Humans , Drug , Fentanyl , Seizures , Cocaine , Alarm , 68 , 154 , Hand In , 10000 , 0000 , Individual , Enterprise , Money , No One , Secretary , Fentanyl Crisis , Biden Or , Reshift , Left , Firsthand , Eyes , Change , Sitting In Dc Doesn T Cut It , Britney Spears , Social Media , Don T , Talking , Posts , Turbo , Sisters Slug Fest , Jamie Lynn Spears Public Spat , Conservatorship , Jamie Lynn , Welcome Back , Clapping Back , Memoir , Laughter , Funds , Misunderstanding , Drama , Oh Boy , Book , Sisters , Warfare , Feuding , Britney Spears Didn T , Posting , Scum Person , Pictures , Feud , Britney Saga , Ten , Other , Publicity , Chapter , Stands , Fake Sister Warfare , Everyone , She S The One , Interest , Tweets , Baby , Martin Luther King , Fame , Album , Ready To Rock And Roll , Jr , Pitching , Stay , Don T Take Ozempic , Heart Disease , Weight , Events , Isn T , Death , Type 1 Diabetes , Needles , Heart Attack , Stroke , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Share , Pens , Reuse , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Lump , Stomach Pain , Swelling , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Pancreatitis , Stop Ozempic , Provider , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Type 2 Diabetes , Changes , Insulin , Health Care Provider , Sulfonylurea , Nausea , Dehydration , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Oh , Sports , Prescription , Entertainment , Binge Watching , Apps , Bag , Xfinity , Nice , Cheering , Touchdown , The Hits Won T Quit , Peacock Premium , Irish , Clothing Drive , Big Sunday Organization , David Levinson , You Bet , Community Breakfast , Thousands , Volunteers , Mlk Day Clothing Drive , Tens Of Thousands , Articles , Gloves , Bags , Warm Clothe , Scarfs , 222000 , Common , Finding , Star Wars , Project , Chicago , Feeling , Nots , Big Sunday , 405 , Case , Another , Video , Kits , Information , Luck , Bigsunday Org , Watching , Arthel , Footlongs , Colds , Cold , Ys It , Refresh Zinc , Chicken , Baja Chicken Bacon , Subway , Baja Steak Jack , Bacon Ranch , Save Big , The Smokeshow , Aka , Cash , Drugstores , Sunscreen , App , Bug Spray , Fishing , Chase Freedom Unlimited , Bait , Big Time With Chase Freedom Unlimited , Takeout , Come On , Rental Car , Lake , Dinner , Diner , Pow , Gatherers , Hunters , Fee , Chase , News Conference , Biden Planning , Agenda , Setbacks , Eric Shawn , Reporters , Mandate , Beacon , Pentagon , I M Arthel ,

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