Transcripts For FOXNEWS Sunday Night in America With Trey Go

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Sunday Night in America With Trey Gowdy 20240709

united nations security council have pledged to work together. they will work together, this as china continues to be a source of concern for u.s. as they race to develop weapons capable of devastating consequence. and continues is aggressive posture toward taiwan, this san interesting and important time to be on house intelligence committee, we're joined by brand-new ranking member of that committee congressman turner. let's start with russia, what is going on between russia and united states. >> i appreciate kevin's confidence in taking this new position, and his focus as next speaker to return committee back to national security. and your focus on this issue. this can affect the biden administration, going forward, this is a greattivity for them. -- test for them, also a grave threat to u.s. and our allies in europe. what russia staked out by saying they want no additional expansion of nato, the ability for them to invade other countries, if you will, that were formerly a part of the soviet union. thenen calling on united states and our allies to have no weapons based in country that joined nato or exercises that joined since 1997. >> that including poland. trey: i want to play something for you. get you to react on the other side. >> we offered him two paths forward could one through diplomacy and dialogue. the other massive consequences for russia if it renews its aggression against ukraine. we're about to test the path. trey: congressman what would the consequences look like? what sanctions are being contemplated? >> they have to be strong, nato represents no threat to russia. it is a fallacy for russia to say a defensive alliance is a threat. as you look to russia trying to build this wall between nato and the countries that russia used to control. this badge needs to -- administration needs to stand strong and crush sanctions go to leadership of russia and their economic and their energy production, to be able to let them know there k are consequences. if there is no deterrents they will not stop at ukraine that threatens the rest of europe. trey: i want to ask a big picture question, there are some, not many, i heard one who was interviewing you, question why does ukraine matter to the u.s.? and why would we pick the ukraine side over russia. i am not one who is wondering that, but for those who might be, what is the answer? >> russia is an aggressive against its neighbors, you can see what is happening in kazakhstan right now, using military force against those who seek self determination. they are showing up with tanks. andd ukraine is an aspiring nation to join nato, but it abuts the black sea, and nato allies, if russia believes that it has the ability to readjuster country borders, back 1997 that affects poland and allies of united states and destabilized all of europe and threatens the united states. trey: to china, what is china up to. what can and should the u.s. do about it? >> this is a another part of the threat that russia in this ukraine crisis poses to the biden administration. if they don't stand strong, they will see a more aggressive china. taiwan will beve threatened. china is doing right now is expanding its nuclear weapons capabilities. they are fielding new weapons, that the u.s. does not have, they threaten u.s. our ability to project force and certainly our allies in the pacific, like russia they are growing in strength. united states if it does noton steps up, could see both russia and china exceeding in several areas, military capabilities, and threaten u.s. u and allies and change the balance of power in europe and the pacific. trey: congressman, you were interested in these issues the entire time we worked together, no one on the committee worked harder than you did. i understand why leader mccarthy picked you, we wish you the best in your new role as ranking member on that important committee. >> trey, thank you, appreciate it. y trey: all right take care, ahead, omicron variant is sweeping the nation. children continue to bear thisonsequences of pandemic. how d do we balance public health with educating children and keeping the country going? this is next on "sunday night in america." welcome to silversneakers. are you ready to get moving? 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(sings dramatically) oh, i need to get to work. telling people to check the singlecare price. trey: welcome back to "sunday night in america," one of my favorite passages from tom sayer with 3 young men witnesses their own funerals, they were presumed dead, and the community held a funeral for them, the three watched and less upped listened to their own funeral. it would be interesting if we could do that. we likely will not have a chance to do that on an individual level, but right now many believe that is what is happening on national level, half country lost faith or never had faith in american democracy. hatch of nation believes we're more -- half believes we're more than divided than ever, and half believe there will be more incidents like january 6. let that sink in half of the nation lost faith in what is widelyn considered to be the greatest experiment in self governance. why? if they reflect how country feels. what got us here? if we understand what got us here, maybe we could stop this burial of sorts before it happens. maybe we could interrupt our own last rites. i have spent time reflecting what got us here, what will killur or end history greatest country. to end a republic, spend more time talking about the pain of the past. than the promise of today and tomorrow. to end the republic question its legitimacy from birth, argue it was fundamentally flawed. and end toda a republic question the elections, claim before an election you can only lose if the other side cheats, and claim after the election you really won, even if you do not. to end a republic make sure fame is ultimate political virtue, not character or humility or fairness. to end a republic make sure thatto press is biased. actively taking sides and antic -- extension of political parties and make sure whose to disagree with you t are considered the enemy. to end a republic, tear down the institutions or leave them alive but politicize them. to end a republic, make sure fear and anger of monetized. and make sure you only listen to those who agree with us, make sure life is a mirror and an echo chamber. to end a republic, make sure you have a different set of rules for the other side than youor do for your own side. to end a republic, make sure that end justifies the means. i'm in that half of the nation who still thinks there is a chance, we need america but the world needs america as well. that half who believes in educated and moral people are still capable of governing themselves balances majority rule with minority rights. that half who believes perfecting the unions means time of pain and disquiet for sure, but st worth it. they, merged from the balcony and walked to their own funeral, they were very much alive but very much changed. theyed viewed life and themselves differently. watching your own funeral has a way of changing you. what 'us? what can we learn from this season of division and disquiet? when halfwh will win? the half who thinks we're sliding toward demise? or the half who still believes in self governance, and holds truth to be self evidence and the union it be made more perfect. -- can be made more perfect, we're watching something but what? i am in the half who hopes it is a rebirth, not a funeral. joining us now the senator from great state of oklahoma james langford. you are a man of faith. it is the most importance thing in your life, you are also a thoughtful guy, what is your general assessment where we are as a country, how to we make it better. >> i appreciate your monologue. i am in thatmono half as well, that thinks we have an opportunity for rebirth. and also an opportunity as a man of faith always a moment for penance and turning around for every individual. back in history, in bib lib biblical, they said we need to pray and get to work, we have seen very difficult days in the past. we'll see more. but that does not mean this great republic can't survive this and thrive. and set the example for the world. most of the problem we have right now in the nation is not our constitution, not the founders, it is we're not following the founding principles, and not following through on the constitution. we get back to following those we could have the same advance. the world is counting on us to get this right, they know if we can't get it right there is no chance they can get it right. trey: senator, you mentioned our founding, they gave us a house, a senate. you are a member of both, you are in senate now. it is 50/50. that does not to me seem to be the time the right time for transforming change. 50/50 is a dead tie, that is not the time to transform the country i don'to think, is it? >> no. it is not, there is a big g difference between house and senate. structure of house designed to be fast. rapid, a simple majority vote. senate with filibuster rule in place forces senate to slow down, they have to have bipartisan conversation. it is rare for the american people to give any party an overwhelming majority in the senate, it is a planned place, if -- balanced place, it focusing to say both sides have to talk minorities have to be heard, amazing nowow that chuck schumer, as soon as he came in leadership, he said we want to get rid of the voice of the minority. he said they don't count any more. ii believe that minority voice still counts, i believe when we were in the majority, i spoke out said we should not have the filibuster, interesting, chuck schumer used to believe, that ending the filibuster would be a doomsday for our democracy and turn senate to a rubber-stamp for a dictatorship of the executive branch, he was very strong on it, until he became the majority leader. that is not the way we should beoe in america. trey:: senator, i am with you, i would rather be consistent and wrong than keep changing my opinion. democrats for ever argued for keeping senate rules the way they are now. are they seriously contemplating changesow this? this -- changing this? >> they are talking about changing the senate forever, i thought you might ask this, i pulled a couple of quotes what some things that democrats have said, durbin said, it will be end of the senate as originally designed iff we lost the filibuster. and tester does not' senate to become the house, and chris committed to never changes the legislative filibuster and king said he is 100% opposed to it. and brown from ohio said i think there are ways of getting things through congress it takes a chief executive whoho knows what they are doing. there are ways to do this, we cannot end the legislative filibuster. trey: it would be great if we had one set of rules for friend and foe. you do. thank you for joining us. god bless you and your family. >> bless you, as well. good to see you. >> ahead, have you met a painter who doesn't like to paint or brick mason who does n not bricks or a surgeon who did not like the sight of blood. you won't believe what is happening in new york city, that is next on "sunday night in america." trey: alvin bragg the new elected prosecutor in new york but he does not want to be a prosecutor, he has a hard time finding crimes he wants to prosecute. he will prosecute murder cases or public corruption cases, he is not interested in what he considers petty crimes, he does not believe in prison. we have a prosecutor who does not like prosecuting or punishing crime. i wonder, if he might be happier as a defense attorney or maybe working for the editor call board at "new york times," we hear phrase threat to democracy a lot. what would you call a prosecutor who decides to ignore laws pasted by legislative bodies and eliminates role for police, juries and judges? is that antidemocratic. why would police arrest anyone who is not go stock prosecuted? why should they risk their lives or risk being sued to investigate crimes that prosecutor will either reduce to probation or dismiss. this just the most recent example of the so-called progressive prosecutors, reforming a system they don't believe in. houston, texas peoplee are killed by suspected killers on bond. see how from progressive, people accused off capital murder, murder for which you can be put to death, being released from jail pending trial so they can go kill more people. does that sound progressive? just insane? it hurts people most likely to be victimized. which is all every communities of o color, those who don't live behind gates or have security details. these hug a thug, soft on crime policies have real world consequences, more people are killed and victimized butti prosecutors are trying too change the law with a memo, that is antidemographic, no wonder houston and new york are among a growing group of citieso experiencing a hike in violent crime. when you let violent people out on bond, you get more violence, and few er police, and less funding and prosecution time, you get more violence crime, that does notss sound progressive to me, that sounds stupid. and dangerously so. the question how many people will be victimized between now and november? joining us now, former united states attorney and former governor ofor great state of new jersey, chris christie. i am struggling to understand this whole progressive prosecutor thing. how does not enforcing the law further the democracy or make us safer? >> it doesn't, you are right. you called it insane. in a rhetorical question, you are right. i did this as you know for 7 years of my life, and as governor, one of a big change we made in the state was giving judges permission to detain violent criminals with history of violent pretrial. they would not go back on street and kill witnesses or other innocent victims it will be an interesting fight here in new york city we have a mayor in eric adams saying he wants is a former police officer, to bring back plain clothe gun units take guns off of streets some arrest the criminals, and he is already fighting with the new manhattan district attorney who said he is not interested in prosecuting those crimes, this is crazy, as someone who goes into new york, it is once against a dangerous place, not a place where people' to go or bring their families. >> you know, governor, crime to me is a tax on the poor. you and i are not likely to be victims of crime. it is communities of color, they alike they are progressive, they are really hurting theeo people they claim to be helping. >> right. one of the big reforms in city of camp den, new jersey -- camden, new jersey 95% african-american and latino, we fired the entire camden city police force, they were so inept at prevents crime, we hired a new police force with training, murder went down over next 7 years 75%, and armed robbery down 80%, shootings down, 70%. and when you have police officers who are powered on streets, to work with the areunity they protecting, to stop violent crime and prosecutors who are willing to prosecute, then you have safe neighborhoods, until then we'll have people who are on lower socioeconomic stale in terms of what they make and live, they will will be at greater risk now the because of folk like manhattan d.a. and others like san francisco and chicago. trey: last time i saw new person, you were doing extraordinary worker on opioid epidemic. it was bipartisan praise, we have another epidemic, confident fill fentanyl. about what can we do. what should we do? your insights to fentanyl? >> we have to guess tougher on southern border, so much is coming from the border from central america through mexico. and we are seeing the results over 100,000 dead from april of 2020 to april of 2021. that is incredible from fentanyl and opioid overdose, we need to get tougher on china, they are sending fentanyl, this is an attack onhe our homeland and we need to get smart about thend way we lower demand here, a lot more treatment for folk, medication asis sant treatment to get people off this stuff back to a productive life. where they are responsible citizens. trey: governor you did extra ordinary work on opioid, i hope biden administration or someone will tax your expertise and get you involved with this, thank you for joining us on sunday night. >> trey, thank you. thank you foror what you are doing raising these important riches issues. trey: thank you. >> yourr questions are up next. and what can we expect tomorrow night a rematch between alabama and georgia on college football's biggest stage. we'll talk with georgia bulldog and alabama crimson tide legends hershal walker and joe namath on "sunday night in america." with their exclusive technology, they fixed my windshield... then recalibrated the camera attached to my glass so my safety systems still work. who knew that was a thing?! >> woman: safelite has service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ music ♪ there's software. and then there's industrial grade software. capable of optimizing your flight by turning data into your co-pilot. meet honeywell forge. analytical software that helps assembly lines build walls against cyber threats. and makes sure you're ready for game day every day. that's honeywell forge. industrial grade software ♪ music ♪ trey: welcome back to trey: welcome back we always enjoy hearing from you at home. tonight mary from texas has our first question: >> well, thank you. i spend less time than ever thinking about what is going on in washington, there is not much to disconnect from. i can not control what happens there, i couldn't when i was there and i can not now that i'm gone, my time best spent focusing on those matters within my control. and when i was younger person it seemed politics began after labor day, during election years, and endedny first wednesday in november, but not any more, now it d is 24 hours a day, every day, all year long, the more we focus on things outside our control, the most frustrate we get. i don't disconnect because i don't connection in the first place. i read, i talk to my friends are who still there. i try to impact what i can, where i am. next question from susan in swi: . >> that is a great question. thank you for listening to podcast, will we see more parties emerge? i would argue we already from four parties in u.s., center left, and far lowest, and right and far right, sometimes they form coalitions, but challenge comes when you have to govern. right now way most primaries and elections are structured more political waters means you will cost the party you have the most in common with . to start a new party on the left, means you will hurt democrats on the right means you hurt the republicans. before we go the multiple party route, perhaps we should try leveling with the voters, not promising things that cannot be delivered. that is why there is so much frustration in american politics in my judgment. expectations never seem to match what can regionaly be done. and our final question. from mary kay. tell us about your time at baylor. who happen to be sugar bowl changes, i am proud of baylor athletics this year. another great season for women's basketball as well. i miss the former women's basketball coach, i am sure i would like the new coach too. 4 great years. to think i went to texas not knowing a single soul. and left with friends that will carry my casket to the grave, so many friends made to this day. still enrich my life, if i went back now, i would study more. i wish i had studied when it was my job to study. it gets harder later in life. and i think i would have taken a math class. i am not proud of the fact that i graduated college never having taken's math class. i think proud of that. if you have a question you would like to share, send us a video or a message on-line . trey: tomorrow night one of most important nights of the year in my home. half of my home. college football national championship game, georgia bulldogs and alabama tide, all of college football they square off tomorrow night, who better to help us sort it out. then hershal walker and joe namath. what a treat, nick saban is hard to beat, what does georgia need to do. >> they have to play defense, and score points if that defense plays the way they played again michigan, georgia will do well, i am picking georgia to win, i know my friend joe will say something different. that is wonderful we could agree to disagree. trey: i am sure he will, he was an amazing quarterback at alabama before he went to the pros, hard to beat the same good team twice, what does alabama need to do. >> i'm a hershal walker fan, you are right we can agree on disagree, naturally i'm pulling for the tide. i know that georgia is good. i'm hoping that crimson tide wins, we need to protect the passer and get the running game going. >> roll tide. trey: you have proved my next question. which is in a world where nothing is unify anything more sports. is they are nice to one another and respect one another, what did y'all learn about sports that helped you in life, particularly with respect to unity. joe we'll start with you. >> you learn respect at home first, you learn to respect authorize teammates regardless of what sport if. is idealo, you should learn that you learn you don't do much on your own, not only on the field but in life. we need help. we need to carry respect with us, and love our neighbors, love the other guy. trey: hershal. >> that is great, what joe said. you look at what is going on this monday night, you will have two team that will step out on the field, you will not see white or black they are guys that believe in each other, they love each other, they are two teams that they will go out and play, only can you get this done in america, greatest country in world. they have an opportunity to define their morning dream here. and that is will be monday night. trey: i want to ask about y'all's coaches, joe you played for bear bryant. would he be as successful today if he were a coach, has football changed in your recollections? >> first, coach bryant would be successful in any era, he was a respectful man, he worked very hard. the game has changed so much. it is so much improved. athletes are so much better than yesteryear, bigger stronger and faster. trey: hershal, you played for vince duly? >> he was a disciplined coach, one thing about him, an ex military guy, he would bring that discipline and he would be successful during this time as well, we knows how to coach and father guys and be a dad this tome when they need it and bring discipline to them. >> you know, i would be curious about y'all's take, there seems to be so much division and conflict in the country. sports is unifying. there will be back georgians and white georgians and rich georgians and poor georgians pulling for the same football team and the same for alabama. how do we get that in the rest of our culture. >> respect, that is it, hershal, had honor of playing first collegiate claim that coach duly was head coach, thank you for bringing up his name he was wonderful. wonderful. >> we have to be able to get along, and this monday night, i can guarantee on the field, the guy will look to guy next had to him he will see a teammate, that is what we have to do in the the country, they are americans, we have to care about them and believe in them as americans and quit looking at skin color, but the content of what they deliver for you on this timor this country. trey: joe you revolutionize quarterback position, they called you broadway joe for a reason, you were marketing before there was marketing, what are you doing now. >> enjoying life, with my daughter and her man and 3 grandchildren who live next door to me. my other daughter and man, with three children in california. i visit with them every day. and we're obeying what the sign says about the covid. you know, keeping low, and vaccinated and trying to do what is right. >> i don't think you would -- i will wish you well. >> i think we have a good team, and i am a big fan of joe, i have been for a long time, it will be a great game to have millions of people watching the young men go out and play. it will be exciting. trey: i tell you. two people on opposite sides with so much respect for one another. the world could learn a let from y'all's two models, thank you for joining us. thank you for spending part of your sunday with us, have a great ahead, good night from south carolina, "life, liberty and levin" is next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ mark: hello america, i am mark levin this is "life, liberty and l levin." our first episode to brand-new year, 2022 from ourr florida studio. everyone is hopeful that new year will have new things, a better year, a freer, happier year. i'm here to tell you, unless we stop the demonstrate party and american

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Three , Faith , Half , Chance , Level , Believe , American Democracy , Hatch , Incidents , January 6 , 6 , Self Governance , Experiment , Widelyn , Burial , Will Killur , Last Rites , Republic , Republic Question , Pain , Promise , Birth , Legitimacy , Elections , Election , Claim , Toda A Republic Question , Cheats , Sides , Virtue , Antic , Character , Fairness , Humility , Extension , Republic Make Sure Fame , Republic Make Sure Thatto Press , Parties , Institutions , Enemy , Mirror , Anger , Fear , Echo Chamber , Monetized , Set , Youor , Needs America , Disquiet , Majority Rule , Unions , Minority Rights , Worth It , Sure , Way , Balcony , Theyed , Division , Season , Halfwh , Demise , What , Rebirth , Perfect , Truth , Self Evidence , Man , Senator , State Of Oklahoma James Langford , Importance , Guy , Thing , Assessment , Monologue , Thatmono , Opportunity , Individual , Penance , Work , History , Bib Lib , Most , Example , Constitution , Founders , Problem , Principles , Advance , Counting , Right , Founding , A House , Member , Both , Tie , Difference , Think , Big G , House , Filibuster Rule , Majority Vote , Structure , Rapid , Conversation , Party , Chuck Schumer , Majority , Minorities , Amazing Nowow , Counts , Minority , Voice , The Voice , Filibuster , Democracy , Majority Leader , Executive Branch , Doomsday , Rubber Stamp , Dictatorship , Keep , Opinion , Forever , Couple , Quotes , Chris Christie , Tester , King , Ways , Ohio , Brown , 100 , Congress , Chief Executive , Painter , Friend , Family , Foe , Doesn T , God , Brick Mason , Surgeon , Sight , Bricks , Blood , Prosecutor , Crimes , Alvin Bragg , Corruption , Prison , Murder Cases , Crime , Prosecuting , Defense Attorney , New York Times , Editor Call Board , Judges , Police , Phrase Threat , Lot , Bodies , Laws , Juries , Antidemocratic , Arrest Anyone , Stock , Lives , Progressive Prosecutors , Probation , Bond , Capital Murder , Progressive , Murder , Killers , Peoplee , Death , Houston , Jail Pending Trial , Texas , Communities , Sound Progressive , O Color , Who , Prosecutors , Law , Crime Policies , Security Details , Memo , Hug A Thug , Hike , Group , No Wonder Houston , Antidemographic , Citieso , Few Er Police , Violence , Prosecution , Notss Sound Progressive , Question , Governor , Ofor , United States Attorney , Estate , Safer , New Jersey , Rhetorical Question , My Life , It Doesn T , 7 , Criminals , Change , Victims , Permission , Violent Pretrial , Street , Witnesses , Fight , Streets , Gun Units , Police Officer , Guns , Someone , Manhattan District Attorney , Tax , Color , Poor , Families , City , Reforms , Camden , Theeo , Camp Den , African American , Police Force , City Police Force , Latino , Police Officers , Training , Shootings , Armed Robbery , Areunity , 80 , 70 , 75 , Neighborhoods , Protecting , Folk , Terms , Because , San Francisco , Fill Fentanyl , Worker , Opioid Epidemic , Epidemic , Praise , Fentanyl , Border , Insights , Central America , Opioid Overdose , Results , Mexico , 100000 , 2020 , 2021 , April Of 2021 , April Of 2020 , Attack , Homeland , Demand , Medication Asis Sant Treatment , Stuff , Citizens , Opioid , On Sunday Night , Questions , Riches , Issues , Rematch , Yourr , Georgia , Alabama , College Football , Alabama Crimson Tide Legends Hershal Walker , Stage , Joe Namath , Windshield , Technology , Singers , Safety Systems , Woman , Camera , Glass , Service , Safelite , Safelite Repair , Music , There S Industrial Grade , Analytical Software , Walls , Threats , Assembly Lines , Flight , Data , Co Pilot , Meet Honeywell Forge , Hearing , Tonight Mary , Washington , Control , Politics , Matters , Endedny First Wednesday In November , Friends , More , It D , 24 , Swi , Susan , Podcast , Listening , Challenge , Lowest , Coalitions , Center Left , Four , Primaries , Common , Waters , Leveling , Republicans , Left , Voters , Party Route , Expectations , Judgment , Frustration , American Politics , Athletics , Mary Kay , Sugar Bowl , Military Guy , Women S Basketball , Soul , Women S Basketball Coach , 4 , Casket , Grave , Math Class , College , Fact , Job , On Line , Video , Share , College Football National Championship Game , Home , Alabama Tide , Points , Defense , Treat , Nick Saban , Beat , Score , Michigan , Quarterback , Team , Pros , Hershal Walker Fan , Disagree , Tide , Game , Nothing , Wins , Passer , Roll Tide , Sports , Respect , Another , Teammates , Sport , Unity , Idealo , Field , Each Other , Teams , Guys , Play , The Field , Dream , Y All S Coaches , Bear Bryant , Football , Recollections , First , Athletes , Yesteryear , Discipline , Tome , Ex , Dad , Father , Conflict , Georgians , Football Team , Same , Rich Georgians , Collegiate Claim , Head Coach , Culture , Honor , Name , Wonderful , Teammate , Content , Skin Color , Marketing , Daughter , Quarterback Position , Grandchildren , Sign , Low , Covid , California , Vaccinated , Fan , Young Men Go Out And Play , Let , Models , Sunday , Spending , Ahead , Liberty And L Levin , South Carolina , Mark , Episode , Mark Levin , 2022 , Everyone , Ourr Florida Studio ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Sunday Night In America With Trey Gowdy 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Sunday Night in America With Trey Gowdy 20240709

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united nations security council have pledged to work together. they will work together, this as china continues to be a source of concern for u.s. as they race to develop weapons capable of devastating consequence. and continues is aggressive posture toward taiwan, this san interesting and important time to be on house intelligence committee, we're joined by brand-new ranking member of that committee congressman turner. let's start with russia, what is going on between russia and united states. >> i appreciate kevin's confidence in taking this new position, and his focus as next speaker to return committee back to national security. and your focus on this issue. this can affect the biden administration, going forward, this is a greattivity for them. -- test for them, also a grave threat to u.s. and our allies in europe. what russia staked out by saying they want no additional expansion of nato, the ability for them to invade other countries, if you will, that were formerly a part of the soviet union. thenen calling on united states and our allies to have no weapons based in country that joined nato or exercises that joined since 1997. >> that including poland. trey: i want to play something for you. get you to react on the other side. >> we offered him two paths forward could one through diplomacy and dialogue. the other massive consequences for russia if it renews its aggression against ukraine. we're about to test the path. trey: congressman what would the consequences look like? what sanctions are being contemplated? >> they have to be strong, nato represents no threat to russia. it is a fallacy for russia to say a defensive alliance is a threat. as you look to russia trying to build this wall between nato and the countries that russia used to control. this badge needs to -- administration needs to stand strong and crush sanctions go to leadership of russia and their economic and their energy production, to be able to let them know there k are consequences. if there is no deterrents they will not stop at ukraine that threatens the rest of europe. trey: i want to ask a big picture question, there are some, not many, i heard one who was interviewing you, question why does ukraine matter to the u.s.? and why would we pick the ukraine side over russia. i am not one who is wondering that, but for those who might be, what is the answer? >> russia is an aggressive against its neighbors, you can see what is happening in kazakhstan right now, using military force against those who seek self determination. they are showing up with tanks. andd ukraine is an aspiring nation to join nato, but it abuts the black sea, and nato allies, if russia believes that it has the ability to readjuster country borders, back 1997 that affects poland and allies of united states and destabilized all of europe and threatens the united states. trey: to china, what is china up to. what can and should the u.s. do about it? >> this is a another part of the threat that russia in this ukraine crisis poses to the biden administration. if they don't stand strong, they will see a more aggressive china. taiwan will beve threatened. china is doing right now is expanding its nuclear weapons capabilities. they are fielding new weapons, that the u.s. does not have, they threaten u.s. our ability to project force and certainly our allies in the pacific, like russia they are growing in strength. united states if it does noton steps up, could see both russia and china exceeding in several areas, military capabilities, and threaten u.s. u and allies and change the balance of power in europe and the pacific. trey: congressman, you were interested in these issues the entire time we worked together, no one on the committee worked harder than you did. i understand why leader mccarthy picked you, we wish you the best in your new role as ranking member on that important committee. >> trey, thank you, appreciate it. y trey: all right take care, ahead, omicron variant is sweeping the nation. children continue to bear thisonsequences of pandemic. how d do we balance public health with educating children and keeping the country going? this is next on "sunday night in america." welcome to silversneakers. are you ready to get moving? (throws punch) our new virtual classes were designed for you and millions of seniors like you. you can now choose from thousands of live virtual classes every week. get moving wherever you have an internet connection. and when you're ready, enjoy access to thousands of locations nationwide. with silversneakers, you're free to move. enroll today at no additional cost by visiting getsilversneakers dot com. trey: it has been a long two years with seemingly no end in sights. thousands of school districts have closed their doors to in-person learning, as l the rest of us are continuously implored to follow the science. what if science says that children do better learning in person, in school, and children do better around other children, and teachers union is wrong and medical experts are right. how do we responsibly balance public health, mental health, and lost learning time. how do we fight the virus and still educate the which were and live life. joining us the doctor, an expertoi where do you think we are now with the virus? >> with school closures we're in a bad place. especially in chicago with the teachers unions, we have 300,000 children out of the classroom. to make progress it starts with rel realization we can only make progress if we eliminate that rule of -- mentality, as virus evolves, new variants emerge so much our strategies, we it not continue with the same things of the past. we might wonder why are we going in this direction with over a million cases of coronavirus some days this past week, but have to point out number of n deaths have down, there is a decoupling with hospitalization and cases, we're moving in the right direction but we need to focus on keeping our kids in the classroom, protects our hospitals. and ramp up therapeutics and medication, i want to treat covid like i street strep throat, we need to move this that direction going forward. trey: sounds like this it -- virus may be more infectious but less lethal, tell us 'science surrounding what else isll happening with children, obesity rates, suicide rates, lost learning time that is science as well. >> absolutely, it a harm to the children, a burden on our parents, i am seeing an increase in urgent care visit, pediatric visits, the rate of suicide among young girls going up, and increase of substance and alcohol abuse,st we need to work to recover from all of this damage that we've done to our children in past two months, school is not just about learning or math or reading and writing but it is about socializing and learning communication skills, getting along with others, it is about a hot meal some are -- for some, there are so many components and benefits of being in school, not just education. we see mandates for masks, for vaccines what about a mandate to keep our schools open and protect our children, put them first. trey: we implored to follow the science. in full disclosure, i am married to a schoolteacher, she has been in the classroom for a year, we wonder why the science does not makes it way to chicago through the teacher's union, if it is safe for in-personning learning in other states, why not chicago. >> right, look at new york city mayor eric adams is leaving the schools open, we're the largest public school system in the nation, government provided millions of dollars in funding and n-95 masks for the teachers. and vaccinated. they have funding for air filter systems. really at this point thereim is no excuse for it. knowing that with children, they are the lowest risk population, why are we putting such string ent rules and regulations when they are such low risk. it is abusive and criminal. trey: you have been on the front line from the beginning of this pandemic, thank you for joining us on a sunday night, and sharing your medical expertise with us, have a great evening. >> thank you, trey, you too. trey: coming up, stymied by a 50/50 senate, some democrats are threatening to change the rules of the senate to pass their version of what election law should look like. what the senate change? what does that mean for you. senator james langford joining us next on "sunday night in america." system in the country with five nationally ranked hospitals, including two world-renowned academic medical centers, in boston, where biotech innovates daily and our doctors teach at harvard medical school, and where the physicians doing the world-changing research are the ones providing care. there's only one mass general brigham. have you checked singlecare? i think you can get a cheaper price on this. cheaper meds with singlecare. stop! i should spread the word. but how? i wanna be remembered for the savings, with singlecare. you walk into the pharmacy, with great insurance. but then, (screams) singlecare beats the price of your copay. singlecare the musical. are people ready? (sings dramatically) oh, i need to get to work. telling people to check the singlecare price. trey: welcome back to "sunday night in america," one of my favorite passages from tom sayer with 3 young men witnesses their own funerals, they were presumed dead, and the community held a funeral for them, the three watched and less upped listened to their own funeral. it would be interesting if we could do that. we likely will not have a chance to do that on an individual level, but right now many believe that is what is happening on national level, half country lost faith or never had faith in american democracy. hatch of nation believes we're more -- half believes we're more than divided than ever, and half believe there will be more incidents like january 6. let that sink in half of the nation lost faith in what is widelyn considered to be the greatest experiment in self governance. why? if they reflect how country feels. what got us here? if we understand what got us here, maybe we could stop this burial of sorts before it happens. maybe we could interrupt our own last rites. i have spent time reflecting what got us here, what will killur or end history greatest country. to end a republic, spend more time talking about the pain of the past. than the promise of today and tomorrow. to end the republic question its legitimacy from birth, argue it was fundamentally flawed. and end toda a republic question the elections, claim before an election you can only lose if the other side cheats, and claim after the election you really won, even if you do not. to end a republic make sure fame is ultimate political virtue, not character or humility or fairness. to end a republic make sure thatto press is biased. actively taking sides and antic -- extension of political parties and make sure whose to disagree with you t are considered the enemy. to end a republic, tear down the institutions or leave them alive but politicize them. to end a republic, make sure fear and anger of monetized. and make sure you only listen to those who agree with us, make sure life is a mirror and an echo chamber. to end a republic, make sure you have a different set of rules for the other side than youor do for your own side. to end a republic, make sure that end justifies the means. i'm in that half of the nation who still thinks there is a chance, we need america but the world needs america as well. that half who believes in educated and moral people are still capable of governing themselves balances majority rule with minority rights. that half who believes perfecting the unions means time of pain and disquiet for sure, but st worth it. they, merged from the balcony and walked to their own funeral, they were very much alive but very much changed. theyed viewed life and themselves differently. watching your own funeral has a way of changing you. what 'us? what can we learn from this season of division and disquiet? when halfwh will win? the half who thinks we're sliding toward demise? or the half who still believes in self governance, and holds truth to be self evidence and the union it be made more perfect. -- can be made more perfect, we're watching something but what? i am in the half who hopes it is a rebirth, not a funeral. joining us now the senator from great state of oklahoma james langford. you are a man of faith. it is the most importance thing in your life, you are also a thoughtful guy, what is your general assessment where we are as a country, how to we make it better. >> i appreciate your monologue. i am in thatmono half as well, that thinks we have an opportunity for rebirth. and also an opportunity as a man of faith always a moment for penance and turning around for every individual. back in history, in bib lib biblical, they said we need to pray and get to work, we have seen very difficult days in the past. we'll see more. but that does not mean this great republic can't survive this and thrive. and set the example for the world. most of the problem we have right now in the nation is not our constitution, not the founders, it is we're not following the founding principles, and not following through on the constitution. we get back to following those we could have the same advance. the world is counting on us to get this right, they know if we can't get it right there is no chance they can get it right. trey: senator, you mentioned our founding, they gave us a house, a senate. you are a member of both, you are in senate now. it is 50/50. that does not to me seem to be the time the right time for transforming change. 50/50 is a dead tie, that is not the time to transform the country i don'to think, is it? >> no. it is not, there is a big g difference between house and senate. structure of house designed to be fast. rapid, a simple majority vote. senate with filibuster rule in place forces senate to slow down, they have to have bipartisan conversation. it is rare for the american people to give any party an overwhelming majority in the senate, it is a planned place, if -- balanced place, it focusing to say both sides have to talk minorities have to be heard, amazing nowow that chuck schumer, as soon as he came in leadership, he said we want to get rid of the voice of the minority. he said they don't count any more. ii believe that minority voice still counts, i believe when we were in the majority, i spoke out said we should not have the filibuster, interesting, chuck schumer used to believe, that ending the filibuster would be a doomsday for our democracy and turn senate to a rubber-stamp for a dictatorship of the executive branch, he was very strong on it, until he became the majority leader. that is not the way we should beoe in america. trey:: senator, i am with you, i would rather be consistent and wrong than keep changing my opinion. democrats for ever argued for keeping senate rules the way they are now. are they seriously contemplating changesow this? this -- changing this? >> they are talking about changing the senate forever, i thought you might ask this, i pulled a couple of quotes what some things that democrats have said, durbin said, it will be end of the senate as originally designed iff we lost the filibuster. and tester does not' senate to become the house, and chris committed to never changes the legislative filibuster and king said he is 100% opposed to it. and brown from ohio said i think there are ways of getting things through congress it takes a chief executive whoho knows what they are doing. there are ways to do this, we cannot end the legislative filibuster. trey: it would be great if we had one set of rules for friend and foe. you do. thank you for joining us. god bless you and your family. >> bless you, as well. good to see you. >> ahead, have you met a painter who doesn't like to paint or brick mason who does n not bricks or a surgeon who did not like the sight of blood. you won't believe what is happening in new york city, that is next on "sunday night in america." trey: alvin bragg the new elected prosecutor in new york but he does not want to be a prosecutor, he has a hard time finding crimes he wants to prosecute. he will prosecute murder cases or public corruption cases, he is not interested in what he considers petty crimes, he does not believe in prison. we have a prosecutor who does not like prosecuting or punishing crime. i wonder, if he might be happier as a defense attorney or maybe working for the editor call board at "new york times," we hear phrase threat to democracy a lot. what would you call a prosecutor who decides to ignore laws pasted by legislative bodies and eliminates role for police, juries and judges? is that antidemocratic. why would police arrest anyone who is not go stock prosecuted? why should they risk their lives or risk being sued to investigate crimes that prosecutor will either reduce to probation or dismiss. this just the most recent example of the so-called progressive prosecutors, reforming a system they don't believe in. houston, texas peoplee are killed by suspected killers on bond. see how from progressive, people accused off capital murder, murder for which you can be put to death, being released from jail pending trial so they can go kill more people. does that sound progressive? just insane? it hurts people most likely to be victimized. which is all every communities of o color, those who don't live behind gates or have security details. these hug a thug, soft on crime policies have real world consequences, more people are killed and victimized butti prosecutors are trying too change the law with a memo, that is antidemographic, no wonder houston and new york are among a growing group of citieso experiencing a hike in violent crime. when you let violent people out on bond, you get more violence, and few er police, and less funding and prosecution time, you get more violence crime, that does notss sound progressive to me, that sounds stupid. and dangerously so. the question how many people will be victimized between now and november? joining us now, former united states attorney and former governor ofor great state of new jersey, chris christie. i am struggling to understand this whole progressive prosecutor thing. how does not enforcing the law further the democracy or make us safer? >> it doesn't, you are right. you called it insane. in a rhetorical question, you are right. i did this as you know for 7 years of my life, and as governor, one of a big change we made in the state was giving judges permission to detain violent criminals with history of violent pretrial. they would not go back on street and kill witnesses or other innocent victims it will be an interesting fight here in new york city we have a mayor in eric adams saying he wants is a former police officer, to bring back plain clothe gun units take guns off of streets some arrest the criminals, and he is already fighting with the new manhattan district attorney who said he is not interested in prosecuting those crimes, this is crazy, as someone who goes into new york, it is once against a dangerous place, not a place where people' to go or bring their families. >> you know, governor, crime to me is a tax on the poor. you and i are not likely to be victims of crime. it is communities of color, they alike they are progressive, they are really hurting theeo people they claim to be helping. >> right. one of the big reforms in city of camp den, new jersey -- camden, new jersey 95% african-american and latino, we fired the entire camden city police force, they were so inept at prevents crime, we hired a new police force with training, murder went down over next 7 years 75%, and armed robbery down 80%, shootings down, 70%. and when you have police officers who are powered on streets, to work with the areunity they protecting, to stop violent crime and prosecutors who are willing to prosecute, then you have safe neighborhoods, until then we'll have people who are on lower socioeconomic stale in terms of what they make and live, they will will be at greater risk now the because of folk like manhattan d.a. and others like san francisco and chicago. trey: last time i saw new person, you were doing extraordinary worker on opioid epidemic. it was bipartisan praise, we have another epidemic, confident fill fentanyl. about what can we do. what should we do? your insights to fentanyl? >> we have to guess tougher on southern border, so much is coming from the border from central america through mexico. and we are seeing the results over 100,000 dead from april of 2020 to april of 2021. that is incredible from fentanyl and opioid overdose, we need to get tougher on china, they are sending fentanyl, this is an attack onhe our homeland and we need to get smart about thend way we lower demand here, a lot more treatment for folk, medication asis sant treatment to get people off this stuff back to a productive life. where they are responsible citizens. trey: governor you did extra ordinary work on opioid, i hope biden administration or someone will tax your expertise and get you involved with this, thank you for joining us on sunday night. >> trey, thank you. thank you foror what you are doing raising these important riches issues. trey: thank you. >> yourr questions are up next. and what can we expect tomorrow night a rematch between alabama and georgia on college football's biggest stage. we'll talk with georgia bulldog and alabama crimson tide legends hershal walker and joe namath on "sunday night in america." with their exclusive technology, they fixed my windshield... then recalibrated the camera attached to my glass so my safety systems still work. who knew that was a thing?! >> woman: safelite has service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ music ♪ there's software. and then there's industrial grade software. capable of optimizing your flight by turning data into your co-pilot. meet honeywell forge. analytical software that helps assembly lines build walls against cyber threats. and makes sure you're ready for game day every day. that's honeywell forge. industrial grade software ♪ music ♪ trey: welcome back to trey: welcome back we always enjoy hearing from you at home. tonight mary from texas has our first question: >> well, thank you. i spend less time than ever thinking about what is going on in washington, there is not much to disconnect from. i can not control what happens there, i couldn't when i was there and i can not now that i'm gone, my time best spent focusing on those matters within my control. and when i was younger person it seemed politics began after labor day, during election years, and endedny first wednesday in november, but not any more, now it d is 24 hours a day, every day, all year long, the more we focus on things outside our control, the most frustrate we get. i don't disconnect because i don't connection in the first place. i read, i talk to my friends are who still there. i try to impact what i can, where i am. next question from susan in swi: . >> that is a great question. thank you for listening to podcast, will we see more parties emerge? i would argue we already from four parties in u.s., center left, and far lowest, and right and far right, sometimes they form coalitions, but challenge comes when you have to govern. right now way most primaries and elections are structured more political waters means you will cost the party you have the most in common with . to start a new party on the left, means you will hurt democrats on the right means you hurt the republicans. before we go the multiple party route, perhaps we should try leveling with the voters, not promising things that cannot be delivered. that is why there is so much frustration in american politics in my judgment. expectations never seem to match what can regionaly be done. and our final question. from mary kay. tell us about your time at baylor. who happen to be sugar bowl changes, i am proud of baylor athletics this year. another great season for women's basketball as well. i miss the former women's basketball coach, i am sure i would like the new coach too. 4 great years. to think i went to texas not knowing a single soul. and left with friends that will carry my casket to the grave, so many friends made to this day. still enrich my life, if i went back now, i would study more. i wish i had studied when it was my job to study. it gets harder later in life. and i think i would have taken a math class. i am not proud of the fact that i graduated college never having taken's math class. i think proud of that. if you have a question you would like to share, send us a video or a message on-line . trey: tomorrow night one of most important nights of the year in my home. half of my home. college football national championship game, georgia bulldogs and alabama tide, all of college football they square off tomorrow night, who better to help us sort it out. then hershal walker and joe namath. what a treat, nick saban is hard to beat, what does georgia need to do. >> they have to play defense, and score points if that defense plays the way they played again michigan, georgia will do well, i am picking georgia to win, i know my friend joe will say something different. that is wonderful we could agree to disagree. trey: i am sure he will, he was an amazing quarterback at alabama before he went to the pros, hard to beat the same good team twice, what does alabama need to do. >> i'm a hershal walker fan, you are right we can agree on disagree, naturally i'm pulling for the tide. i know that georgia is good. i'm hoping that crimson tide wins, we need to protect the passer and get the running game going. >> roll tide. trey: you have proved my next question. which is in a world where nothing is unify anything more sports. is they are nice to one another and respect one another, what did y'all learn about sports that helped you in life, particularly with respect to unity. joe we'll start with you. >> you learn respect at home first, you learn to respect authorize teammates regardless of what sport if. is idealo, you should learn that you learn you don't do much on your own, not only on the field but in life. we need help. we need to carry respect with us, and love our neighbors, love the other guy. trey: hershal. >> that is great, what joe said. you look at what is going on this monday night, you will have two team that will step out on the field, you will not see white or black they are guys that believe in each other, they love each other, they are two teams that they will go out and play, only can you get this done in america, greatest country in world. they have an opportunity to define their morning dream here. and that is will be monday night. trey: i want to ask about y'all's coaches, joe you played for bear bryant. would he be as successful today if he were a coach, has football changed in your recollections? >> first, coach bryant would be successful in any era, he was a respectful man, he worked very hard. the game has changed so much. it is so much improved. athletes are so much better than yesteryear, bigger stronger and faster. trey: hershal, you played for vince duly? >> he was a disciplined coach, one thing about him, an ex military guy, he would bring that discipline and he would be successful during this time as well, we knows how to coach and father guys and be a dad this tome when they need it and bring discipline to them. >> you know, i would be curious about y'all's take, there seems to be so much division and conflict in the country. sports is unifying. there will be back georgians and white georgians and rich georgians and poor georgians pulling for the same football team and the same for alabama. how do we get that in the rest of our culture. >> respect, that is it, hershal, had honor of playing first collegiate claim that coach duly was head coach, thank you for bringing up his name he was wonderful. wonderful. >> we have to be able to get along, and this monday night, i can guarantee on the field, the guy will look to guy next had to him he will see a teammate, that is what we have to do in the the country, they are americans, we have to care about them and believe in them as americans and quit looking at skin color, but the content of what they deliver for you on this timor this country. trey: joe you revolutionize quarterback position, they called you broadway joe for a reason, you were marketing before there was marketing, what are you doing now. >> enjoying life, with my daughter and her man and 3 grandchildren who live next door to me. my other daughter and man, with three children in california. i visit with them every day. and we're obeying what the sign says about the covid. you know, keeping low, and vaccinated and trying to do what is right. >> i don't think you would -- i will wish you well. >> i think we have a good team, and i am a big fan of joe, i have been for a long time, it will be a great game to have millions of people watching the young men go out and play. it will be exciting. trey: i tell you. two people on opposite sides with so much respect for one another. the world could learn a let from y'all's two models, thank you for joining us. thank you for spending part of your sunday with us, have a great ahead, good night from south carolina, "life, liberty and levin" is next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ mark: hello america, i am mark levin this is "life, liberty and l levin." our first episode to brand-new year, 2022 from ourr florida studio. everyone is hopeful that new year will have new things, a better year, a freer, happier year. i'm here to tell you, unless we stop the demonstrate party and american

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