Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709

remembering the events of that day and where we go from here. president biden hitting his predecessor hard and donald trump hitting back even harder. also, living through that day, our own chad pergram looks back at what it was like then and the push to secure the capitol. lawmakers meanwhile gathering for a moment of silence including the january 6th commission member, liz cheney and her dad, former vice president dick cheney. coming up, we'll talk to the only other republican commission member, adam kinsinger on where the commission is headed and what he says of republicans that democrats are trying to politicize the day. i apologize for my voice. i'm neil cavuto. we're on those developments as we look back and at the same time trying to look forward. first, aishah hasnie on the capitol and what was a busy day of doing business. >> hi, neil. get some water. it's been a very busy day on the hill today. deeply divided capital. we did not see gop leadership at any events commemorating the attack on the capitol today. they did put out statements. they're here because they believe that democrats are trying to politicize january 6 and those events. the only republicans that we saw on the house floor today, congressman liz cheney and her father, former vice president dick cheney. listen to what he said afterwards about this whole thing. >> republican leadership's handling of this. >> it's not a leadership that resembles any of the folks that i know when i was here. >> guarantee that will get some play for a couple days. republicans say democrats are politicizing the events to lobby for their voting rights legislation. leader chuck schumer wants to blow up the filibuster to by pass a gop blockade on those bills. even the president made sure to emphasize voting rights in his speech at the capitol today. >> the brutality of bloody sunday, the edmund pettus bridge came historic voting rights legislation. so now let's step up. write the next chapter in american history. january 6 marks not the end of democracy but the beginning of a renaissance of liberty and fair play. >> president biden also took aim apartment former president trump accusing him of trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power. trump firing back writes this. "america is a laughingstock of the world and its all because of the real insurrection that took place on november 3. but this is an election year and maga republicans should get elected and work with me to fix this horror that joe biden and the democrats have brought us." the january 6 committee is marred in politics trying to get trump aides and allies to testify. elise stefanik took a shot at the committee accusing speaker pelosi of not allowing the sergeant at arms to turn over documents that republicans want to get their hands on. still the committee plans on releasing a preliminary report at least by this summer. crazy day on the hill. neil? >> neil: thanks, aishah. following those fast-moving developments, let's say today was a different day for chad pergram than a year ago today. take a look. >> martha: a mob has overtaken the process of trying to certify the electoral process security has failed. this is the most significant breach of an american government institution since august 24, 1814. >> neil: chad is with us right now. it's remarkable and i was recovering your coverage at the time. it was so surreal because this was playing out in real time. what did you think back then? >> it was like we were in a completely different place. there were two striking things about last january 6. the fact that it happened on the day congress met to certified the electoral college, one of the most important days when it comes to a peaceful transfer of power. the second is why the riot took so long to quash. capitol police were outmanned, outfrenzied. ted hopkins organized a strike force to retake the capitol later that day. >> when asked about what the one thing i remember generally, i say just how angry i was. like the entire day. like i started hearing what was going on. i just got more and more angry. any time somebody gets me talking about it, i get fired up. >> officer brian sicknick lied the day after the riot. his remain were interred at arlington national cemetery. officer howie liebengood committed suicide. >> it's a personal loss. it was a bad day in every sense of the world. losing brian has been tough. i get choked up every time i talk about it. it's no exaggeration to say he was one of my best. >> yoga berra says you can see a lot by watching. when there's a big vote in the house, i watch the speaker's floor director. you can see if there's a problem with the vote. keith stern is the house director for nancy pelosi. when i saw him darting back and forth across the chamber, there was trouble. they cut the video feed. they told the members the mob was in the rotunda. that's when i described this as the worst attack on the capitol since the british burned the building during the war of 1812. neil? >> neil: chad, jimmy carter wrote in "the new york times" today that he seen a worsening in extreme views on the left and the right in that time. he fears this widening abyss will continue. something like this could happen again. you think that could happen again? >> there's a lot of people here on capitol hill that don't think the january 6 was just one day. that was the end. there is some here that think that that was the beginning. there's a pretty toxic atmosphere here on capitol hill. it's a chasm now between the sides. if you're trying to do collegelation, if you don't trust people on the other side, you think that there are security risks on the other side. remember, they pit these metal detectors to pass through to go in the house chamber. that is a physical reminder of just how bad the tension is here on capitol hill. >> neil: thanks, chad, very much. chad pergram on that. congressman dan kilde is with us. he's the congressional progressive caucus member. thanks for coming. i'll ask you the same i chad of chad pergram and the warning, the fear from jimmy carter. that this could happen again. what do you think? >> well, i don't know that this specific event could happen again. other acts of violence are possible. i say that because i don't believe the capitol police or the security personnel here will ever allow their guard to be let down the way it was january 6. they did not heat the intelligence. don't think that will happen again. president carter makes an important point. there's a coarsening of political dialogue. january 6 was an of course manifestation of that. i see it every day, every week. i hear it in the venom directed at me and my staff on a daily basis from people who believe that they somehow have the right to make those sorts of threats as if it's somehow part of political speech. it isn't. somehow we have to find a path toward some kind of reconciliation, some sort of common ground so that our differences are something that we celebrate in a society that allows for differences rather than being the cause of division and hate. >> neil: politics always comes up, congressman, on a day like this. steve scalise in the last hour talked about whether democrats are overly politicizing this. i want you to react to this. >> they want there to be politicized day, most of america doesn't want it politicized. most of america wants washington focused on inflation, high gas prices, the covid resurgence and the border crisis, which president biden and speaker pelosi continue to just let go unanswered because they want every day to be about january 6. >> neil: what do you make of that congressman? this is a valuable distraction for democrats that rather not talk about that other stuff? >> i consider steve scalise a friend. i hope we continue to be friends. i disagree with that characterization. what happened on january 6 is distinct and separate from all of the other issues that we debate. this is an attack on democrats and republicans in the capitol of the united states. it wasn't just an attack on one party or another. it's an attack on all of us. we're all at risk. we could have suffered great harm. as a nation, we suffer that harm. that should always be separate from the debates that we should have about our different perspective on the big issues. i don't think the democrats or the republicans should conflate the two. it's disappointing to hear that that's the perspective that he brings. i like steve. he understands about political violence himself having been the victim of it. >> neil: all right, dan kildee thanks very much. a reminder that we'll speak to adam kinsinger, one of two republicans on the january 6th commission looking in to what led up to this event and who is responsible. we'll talk to him later in the hour. meantime, getting the latest from the administration as it tries to grapple with omicron cases that are now out of control. better than a million new ones posted for each of the last three days. we're on it after this. ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? 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>> the president's goal is to defeat the virus. the objective now is to save as many lives as possible. we know what works. we know that pushing more people, getting more people vaccinated, getting more people boosted, encouraging mask wearing, making sure that schools have the resources that they need to stay open and do that in a safe way. >> the white house is not providing more clarity on the cdc's decision not to change the definition of fully vaccinated to include a booster shot despite a month-long campaign to promote them. such a change could create potential challenges like increased opposition to employer mandates or a greater straight on a depleted work force. the white house continues to insist science is driving the cdc modelsy making despite the inconsistencies. >> what is the point of calling someone fully vaccinated with only the primary series of shots in the science is showing that that is not enough to protect them? >> what the cdc is advising is for everyone to be up to date on their shots. >> at a certain point in time given the waning protection of the primary series of vaccines and the need to get boosters in a shorter time period, won't will come a time when they're not really fully vaccinated anymore with two shots? >> by up to date, they're advising people if they're due for a booster they should get a booster. >> the cdc has face add lot of scrutiny that its policies are confusing after repeated shifts on testing guidance and conflicting claims between the cdc and the white house on exactly what is driving their policies. the white house continues to argue that the cdc is making the policy decisions based only on the science but the cdc director, rochelle walensky says that they look at keeping the economy running and the work force operational in the policy-making decisions, neil. >> neil: interesting. great questioning. jacqui heinrich at the white house right now. and we have the senior director from nyc health and hospital. doctor, the word we're getting out of the white house, they're trying to private -- i'm interpreting it that way, maybe i'm wrong -- that maybe this will be with us for a while. do you think it's going to be with us a while and we have to adapt to it like the common flu? >> so i do think that we are in this -- with this virus in the long run. i won't say we'll be in this pandemic forever. i don't think it will end and we'll transition into a period -- >> neil: all right. we seem to have some audio problems there. if we can fix it, guys, otherwise i can update you on a couple of things that come up. doctor, we're back with you. one of the things that came up is we have me more potential treatments between pills from merck and pfizer, recommended third and fourth booster shots that israel is saying had been effective in building anti-bodies there. where are you on this? it confuses a lot of people. what is considered fully vaccinated, fully treated for this these days? >> you know, the cdc has updated their definition and now with using up to date, which means those that have the complete primary series in addition to the booster dose. fully vaccinated right now by the old definition means completing the primary series. so as we move forward with this virus, we want to make sure everybody continues to be up to date. so completing the primary series in addition -- >> neil: okay. i apologize for that -- the satellite issues. doctor, i apologize for that but we're having problems there. we want to let you know that the other thing that has changed in light of this omicron wave where we have seen over a million cases, most not serious, but again, the problem, the fact that so many businesses are affected. there's talk of providing sill more relief for businesses and restaurants and pubs, that sort of thing. one guy who is calling for it right now and just might have congressional backing after this. ok, let's talk about those changes to your financial plan. bill, mary? 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do we know whether this passes or not? republicans say we don't need it. we've got plenty of unspent funds out there. >> i haven't spoken with him this week to know where he stands on the $68 billion. he's of the opinion that he is greatly concerned about inflation, wanted to give it time to see what all of this other spending would do to the economy in terms of whether it would aggravate inflation, make the situation worst. so i have not gotten a firm read out where he is on the $68 billion. i'm old enough to remember when $68 billion was a lot of cash. know we throw around trillions in this town. so interesting times here in washington. >> neil: and you're not that hold. if you have my memory here. i can remember when the budget was a billion. thanks, my friend. following these developments fast and moving quickly hahn capitol hill. adam kinzinger is next. he's one of two republicans on the january 6th commission. the other is liz cheney. she was on the floor of the house as nancy pelosi was speaking with her dad, the former vice president, dick cheney, who says he doesn't recognize the leadership in the republican party right now. i wonder if adam kinzinger feels the same way. he's next. it's ultra fast, ultra simple, 5g home internet. 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[ sighs heavily ] when owning a small business gets real, progressive helps protect what you've built with affordable coverage. >> neil: all right. there's a january 6 commission looking to what led to that insurrection on capitol hill. the committee continues to get the facts and we're told that hearings will be scheduled, might be in prime time in the next few weeks. only two republicans on this commission for the time being. adam kinzinger is one. the other, liz cheney. adam kinzinger is kind enough 0 join us right now. thanks for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> neil: let me ask you first about what you found at this point and what kind of cooperation you're getting from former trump officials, including former vice president mike pence. >> we're getting a lot of cooperation. where we're not getting cooperation, where we have to take that action is highlighted. we've spoken with over 300 people, significantly the vice president's former team has been quite cooperative and shedding light on what we need to know. i'm interested in what led to january 6. what were the circumstances, what did the former president know prior to january 6. because what is most important even more than account ability for that day is that we don't have anything like that happen again. we're making some really good strides and i think every day that goes by we learn more and more. >> neil: you've been critical of kevin mccarthy, his role a year ago versus his role now. even saying that he helped donald trump rebuild his political fortune. could you explain? >> yeah, look, it pains me because kevin and i used to be friends. on january 1, i was on a conference call with kevin. i said kevin, i fear there's going to be violence on the 6th. when you convince people an election is stolen, if you believe that, violence is a logical outcome. he said operator our next caller. since january 6, he gave that speech saying trump bears responsibility. two weeks later he was at mar-a-largo. there was a lot of silence in the republican ranks about where are we going to go. the second he went there, he basically denied top cover to anybody that wanted to step out and say the truth. really brought the former president's political fortunes back to line. it's disappointing from a leadership perspective and a guy that attended sunday school as a kid. the truth matters. we're not telling the truth. >> neil: what happened? the leadership was universally critical at the time, including mitch mcconnell and kevin mccarthy and others, yourself, of course, that raised serious questions about the president's behavior at the time and then radio silence. what happened? >> you know, i think -- so many points in the intervening four or five years as president trump was rising up to get elected, there's moments that seemed like he would be down and out and he wasn't. i think from a political leader perspective, they began to fear their own base. this is a key. as leaders, yes, we need our base to elect us. we need our people to elect us. part of the two-way street is that is we have to lead people as well. it is a responsibility, it's a unique responsibility. i think too many people became fearful, we have a two-year election cycle so you're always inland. they became fearful of losing that job. you can convince yourself, i'll stay quiet so i survive because somebody may be with much more conspiracy driven attitudes will replace me. the problem is now is the time to stand up and tell the people that we represent the truth. they deserve that. they don't deserve more and more e-mails trying to take their 20 or $30 away for a stop the steal movement based in complete nothingness in which none of that money went to stopping the steal. >> neil: are you aware of your colleagues who are afraid of donald trump's wrath and will either primary them, go after them like he did you? >> yeah. i mean, i think every one of my republican colleagues to extent has that fear. i think some are very not open about it because they don't want to admit it. that's why they start to go underground. here's the other thing that is interesting that i guarantee you. if you put truth serum in every member of congress, they will tell you the election was legitimate and joe biden won. that's the truth. the problem is why are they not telling their folks the truth? that is our basic and foremost responsibility as members of congress. so i'll stand on and island. i'll take arrows. that's fine. i don't care. i can look at myself in the mirror and know i told the truth. that matters more than anything. >> neil: if he runs for president again, and he were the republican nominee, would you support him? >> certainly not. no. when i saw both the undermining of the faith in an election system, we have to have a basic compact with the far left and far right that when you vote it counts and counted accurately. he undermined that and i would never vote for him again. >> neil: do you think he precipitated the attack on the capitol? >> so i don't want to go out on a limb and say that. that is information that we want to get to. what we know is that for 180 some minutes, he watched television and watched the attack unfold. i can tell you at a basic level that is abdicating your oath to office. that is the basic. now, if he was gleeful and did he know stuff leading up to january 6, that's what i can't answer. that's what we hope to answer. i think that will show the difference between an incompetent or a president frozen in inaction versus a president that knew what was coming that is key. we don't have that yet. we'll fet there. >> neil: if he did get in the white house again, pull a grover cleveland, pulling a second term not concurrently, what do you think it would be like? >> look, i -- as a conservative, policy-wise, those are the things that excite me. getting conservative policies. when you can't govern you remember self and so divided, i'm not sure it matters. i think if -- imagine if he's back on twitter. every day it's a new fight. trying to unify a country when we're facing china, russia, iran with a nuclear program and more interested with fighting the other political party than actually defending american interest, it only gets worse. honestly people's faith in democracy erodes. when you lose faith, no matter what you do, democracy fails. that's the basic requirement. >> neil: congressman, how does it feel to be a pariah in your own party, the same with liz cheney? >> you know, i don't like the feeling. you know, i've grown up, i was a republican since i was 6 years old. i admire the republican path, what we stood for. american leadership and strength, all that kind of stuff. so that part hurts. but i would never -- i wouldn't change a thing that i have done particularly in the last year because i know -- i have a son being born imminently. that's why i'm in illinois. he will be proud of me some day and he will look and say that i stood up in a tough time. if it's just me and liz doing it, it's me and liz. that's fine. i wish there were more people though. >> neil: adam kinzinger, thanks very much. the select committee to investigate the january 6 attack on the united states capitol. congressman kinzinger and liz cheney, the only two republicans in that capacity. we'll have more after this. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? 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>> you know, they won't get to the point where you have to change -- we could do this same segment next year and it will still be relevant. the other point though, like if you're new to the housing market, a 4%, 5% will feel pretty high. i don't think it will get that high. i think 4%. you know what is amazing, neil? right now someone could buy a very expensive house and because rates are so low have a monthly payment much lower than someone that had a far less expensive house five, ten years ago. one of the reasons is the housing market is booming. so it's critical that they don't get too high, the mortgage rates don't get too high. >> neil: your very young, susan. does this scare you off? do you say oh, man, i missed the boat? >> yeah, we can't remember 18% but the millennials and the gen zs look at a year ago and it's 2. 5%. you saw record home prices in october. that's driving the wealth effect. so if i feel richer for my home values going up a lot, by the way, the last two years, i'm going to go out and spend more. that's helping power the u.s. economy. >> neil: you know, it looks like the federal reserve, charles, is poised to maybe raise rates a lot sooner, maybe a lot faster this year. how would that affect, you know, mortgages and the rest? some of these are pegged to market rates. so it's possible that market rates stay fairly even. what do you think? >> neil: you know, it's so -- i'm glad you brought that up. susan talked about the wealth effect. stock market, housing market. those are things that the fed wants to work out. even the communique yesterday, they talked about market as lot. so i'm in the camp maybe the ten-year yield gets up to 2.5%. you know, the mortgages based off of 30 year, i don't think they'll move that much. they'll go higher, no doubt about it. a psychological factor initially. we could get a sense that if anyone has been holding out, the train is leaving the station. oddly enough, you might spur some folks on the fence. but the fed is in a pickle. they created this pickle. i'm not sure how they will get out of it. what wall street saw yesterday that scared the heck out of me, i don't think that will come to fruition. >> neil: yeah, we saw it again today play out in technology stocks. they're indirectly hit when rates even inch up. is that overkill? >> yeah, hedge funds selling out the most technology shares in a decade. now they're under weight. wall street forgets times of rising interest rates are good for the stock market. you've been up five of the last six periods. there's a premium for american exceptionalism. americans outperformed the rest of the markets the last four years. apple a great example. $3 trillion. the first company to cross that threshold. that is more than the entire stocks put together on the london stock exchange. >> neil: yeah. more than charles payne is worth. charles, i'm wondering, you know, the fed is never -- if you think about it -- able to orchestrate a soft landing. it gets done, but it's generally not for the feint of heart. what do you see happening? >> economic purists, economists that study this stuff, the austrian school of economics, they don't feel like they engineer add soft landing. only fed money printing. they'll try. the markets will go wacky. they'll get afraid and find another reason to start pumping the cash back in to the system. >> neil: so glad you got the austrian angle in there. we got that taken care of. >> she went american exceptionalism. i had to do something. >> neil: you're right. thank you. the stars of fox news, which if you don't get, demand. of course you're getting it because you demanded it. more at this including winter weather. it's a take two moment for virginia. can the governor got his act together on the next step. we'll see after this. ♪ ♪ now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. >> woman: what's my safelite story? 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sorry, i didn't want the delay of game. save big. order through the app. >> neil: ready for more snow? well, get ready, because it is on again, and looking at the southern states with the hiccups to the north, who knows better than our monitoring all of us cared what are we looking at, greg? >> we have had more snow across parts of the south this winter than we have across the northeast. it's pretty amazing, it's january, we will get a little bit of snow. and it might not be that bad overall, that said, we have major car accidents and pileups across carts to limit parts of kentucky already, some that are not used to so much snow, been across areas of tennessee, kentucky, nashville, the snow is mostly over for you around three or 4 inches around town, and still snowing in kentucky, eastern kentucky, where there are major car pile up scum of the snow on the ground as new snow in parts of kentucky, we still have some snow on the ground across the d.c. area from the storm that brought all of those problems just a couple of days ago. that snow on the ground a little bit warmer right now, getting another coating of snow, and i are going to be certainly as bad as the last storm, and over tonight we see that across new york city from philly to new york city, by tomorrow across areas around the boston area, we do have storm warnings back across parts of west virginia. that will probably go through the storm as well as the coastal areas of new england. so boston up towards portland, maine, probably where we will see that snow. from philadelphia to new york come one, two, 3 inches of snow, may be outside four or so in the heavier snow there will be a little bit further off towards the east, so cape cod and the islands, the coastal parts of maine, that's where we will see the heaviest of the snow. it's going to be rough going tomorrow morning, heading out, so be careful, go slow, it's not a blockbuster store by any means. that said a little bit of rain comes after this weekend and the bottom drops out temperature wise. we will see so far this winter, monday into tuesday, very, very cold across the northeast. >> neil: thank you, my friend, very, very much. by the way, you're keeping track of the stuff, 2,000 more flight cancellations today, close to 20,000 flights have been canceled since around christmas time, so it's a nonstop thing. what is going on, spirit airlines ceo, great to see you again, happy new year. what the heck is going on? >> it's great to see you again, and you're right about that number, it is almost 20,000 since christmas eve. you know what happened is the combination of traditionally higher calls that airlines get during this time combined with omicron, then you have some pilot union leaders at one bake airline telling their crews even if you think you are exposed to someone with covid, you should not go to work, and when you have that kind of paranoia, then what you have is lots of people not coming to work in in hindsight airlines just having too many flights scheduled for the number of people that they have applied the flight. the more proactive airlines have been canceling ahead of time, so at least they give people a day or two to plan. >> neil: but it's really sour the industry's reputation, and i'm just wondering just getting back up on its feet and travel has gotten busy again, it's been hard for quite a while, right? >> well, it could, and they will have to fix that again, and if you remember, we had a summer where we saw similar issues, lots of cancellations, then thanksgiving worked pretty well for the industry, there weren't a lot of problems. in some people were thinking, well, maybe that airlines learned, but now we know that there is just not a good alignment between the people who decide what flights to fly, and the operators that actually have to make it happen. and that has to get back together. the good news, neil, is that january and early february are really weak times for travel, there's not a lot of leisure travel at that time and there's not a lot of businesses traveling, so airlines can take a breather and hopefully get caught up with a lot of the hiring that they are doing. >> neil: really quick advice for a traveler trying to avoid these cancellations. >> i guess it would be pick a route that has enough frequency that if they cancel one or two, you can still rebook the same day or the other would be to book far enough beyond the holiday if possible, you know, it's after the holidays really, and there are going to be fewer flights because there is weaker demand right now. >> neil: hopefully everything works out, and spirit airlines, the ceo, so some media advice if you want to take it in the middle of all of this. ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone, i am dana perino along with greg gutfeld, jesse watters, dagen mcdowell, and harold ford jr., it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ president biden and vice president kamala harris starting the day at statuary hall marking the january 6th attack on the u.s. capital. >> first time in our history president and not just lost an election, he tried to prevent the peaceful transfer

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709

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remembering the events of that day and where we go from here. president biden hitting his predecessor hard and donald trump hitting back even harder. also, living through that day, our own chad pergram looks back at what it was like then and the push to secure the capitol. lawmakers meanwhile gathering for a moment of silence including the january 6th commission member, liz cheney and her dad, former vice president dick cheney. coming up, we'll talk to the only other republican commission member, adam kinsinger on where the commission is headed and what he says of republicans that democrats are trying to politicize the day. i apologize for my voice. i'm neil cavuto. we're on those developments as we look back and at the same time trying to look forward. first, aishah hasnie on the capitol and what was a busy day of doing business. >> hi, neil. get some water. it's been a very busy day on the hill today. deeply divided capital. we did not see gop leadership at any events commemorating the attack on the capitol today. they did put out statements. they're here because they believe that democrats are trying to politicize january 6 and those events. the only republicans that we saw on the house floor today, congressman liz cheney and her father, former vice president dick cheney. listen to what he said afterwards about this whole thing. >> republican leadership's handling of this. >> it's not a leadership that resembles any of the folks that i know when i was here. >> guarantee that will get some play for a couple days. republicans say democrats are politicizing the events to lobby for their voting rights legislation. leader chuck schumer wants to blow up the filibuster to by pass a gop blockade on those bills. even the president made sure to emphasize voting rights in his speech at the capitol today. >> the brutality of bloody sunday, the edmund pettus bridge came historic voting rights legislation. so now let's step up. write the next chapter in american history. january 6 marks not the end of democracy but the beginning of a renaissance of liberty and fair play. >> president biden also took aim apartment former president trump accusing him of trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power. trump firing back writes this. "america is a laughingstock of the world and its all because of the real insurrection that took place on november 3. but this is an election year and maga republicans should get elected and work with me to fix this horror that joe biden and the democrats have brought us." the january 6 committee is marred in politics trying to get trump aides and allies to testify. elise stefanik took a shot at the committee accusing speaker pelosi of not allowing the sergeant at arms to turn over documents that republicans want to get their hands on. still the committee plans on releasing a preliminary report at least by this summer. crazy day on the hill. neil? >> neil: thanks, aishah. following those fast-moving developments, let's say today was a different day for chad pergram than a year ago today. take a look. >> martha: a mob has overtaken the process of trying to certify the electoral process security has failed. this is the most significant breach of an american government institution since august 24, 1814. >> neil: chad is with us right now. it's remarkable and i was recovering your coverage at the time. it was so surreal because this was playing out in real time. what did you think back then? >> it was like we were in a completely different place. there were two striking things about last january 6. the fact that it happened on the day congress met to certified the electoral college, one of the most important days when it comes to a peaceful transfer of power. the second is why the riot took so long to quash. capitol police were outmanned, outfrenzied. ted hopkins organized a strike force to retake the capitol later that day. >> when asked about what the one thing i remember generally, i say just how angry i was. like the entire day. like i started hearing what was going on. i just got more and more angry. any time somebody gets me talking about it, i get fired up. >> officer brian sicknick lied the day after the riot. his remain were interred at arlington national cemetery. officer howie liebengood committed suicide. >> it's a personal loss. it was a bad day in every sense of the world. losing brian has been tough. i get choked up every time i talk about it. it's no exaggeration to say he was one of my best. >> yoga berra says you can see a lot by watching. when there's a big vote in the house, i watch the speaker's floor director. you can see if there's a problem with the vote. keith stern is the house director for nancy pelosi. when i saw him darting back and forth across the chamber, there was trouble. they cut the video feed. they told the members the mob was in the rotunda. that's when i described this as the worst attack on the capitol since the british burned the building during the war of 1812. neil? >> neil: chad, jimmy carter wrote in "the new york times" today that he seen a worsening in extreme views on the left and the right in that time. he fears this widening abyss will continue. something like this could happen again. you think that could happen again? >> there's a lot of people here on capitol hill that don't think the january 6 was just one day. that was the end. there is some here that think that that was the beginning. there's a pretty toxic atmosphere here on capitol hill. it's a chasm now between the sides. if you're trying to do collegelation, if you don't trust people on the other side, you think that there are security risks on the other side. remember, they pit these metal detectors to pass through to go in the house chamber. that is a physical reminder of just how bad the tension is here on capitol hill. >> neil: thanks, chad, very much. chad pergram on that. congressman dan kilde is with us. he's the congressional progressive caucus member. thanks for coming. i'll ask you the same i chad of chad pergram and the warning, the fear from jimmy carter. that this could happen again. what do you think? >> well, i don't know that this specific event could happen again. other acts of violence are possible. i say that because i don't believe the capitol police or the security personnel here will ever allow their guard to be let down the way it was january 6. they did not heat the intelligence. don't think that will happen again. president carter makes an important point. there's a coarsening of political dialogue. january 6 was an of course manifestation of that. i see it every day, every week. i hear it in the venom directed at me and my staff on a daily basis from people who believe that they somehow have the right to make those sorts of threats as if it's somehow part of political speech. it isn't. somehow we have to find a path toward some kind of reconciliation, some sort of common ground so that our differences are something that we celebrate in a society that allows for differences rather than being the cause of division and hate. >> neil: politics always comes up, congressman, on a day like this. steve scalise in the last hour talked about whether democrats are overly politicizing this. i want you to react to this. >> they want there to be politicized day, most of america doesn't want it politicized. most of america wants washington focused on inflation, high gas prices, the covid resurgence and the border crisis, which president biden and speaker pelosi continue to just let go unanswered because they want every day to be about january 6. >> neil: what do you make of that congressman? this is a valuable distraction for democrats that rather not talk about that other stuff? >> i consider steve scalise a friend. i hope we continue to be friends. i disagree with that characterization. what happened on january 6 is distinct and separate from all of the other issues that we debate. this is an attack on democrats and republicans in the capitol of the united states. it wasn't just an attack on one party or another. it's an attack on all of us. we're all at risk. we could have suffered great harm. as a nation, we suffer that harm. that should always be separate from the debates that we should have about our different perspective on the big issues. i don't think the democrats or the republicans should conflate the two. it's disappointing to hear that that's the perspective that he brings. i like steve. he understands about political violence himself having been the victim of it. >> neil: all right, dan kildee thanks very much. a reminder that we'll speak to adam kinsinger, one of two republicans on the january 6th commission looking in to what led up to this event and who is responsible. we'll talk to him later in the hour. meantime, getting the latest from the administration as it tries to grapple with omicron cases that are now out of control. better than a million new ones posted for each of the last three days. we're on it after this. ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance so they only pay for what they need. (gasps) ♪ did it work? only pay for what you need ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ spider-man no way home in theaters december 17th your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed match with chasing the bigion. idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. >> neil: omicron is out of control. thank god it's not super serious even though we're seeing this country better than a million new cases each and every day the last three days. it's also blistering across the european continent. the white house has come under increasing attacks over its covid response. jackie has more. >> six members of the president's advisory board made their views known in op-eds. they're calling for the administration to scrap their messaging and embrace this new normal of living with covid. they say previous claims that we've gotten ahead of the virus were short-sighted. there needs to be a shift in our understanding of success. the white house is not ready to abandon shutting down the virus. >> does the president believe covid is here to stay? >> the president's goal is to defeat the virus. the objective now is to save as many lives as possible. we know what works. we know that pushing more people, getting more people vaccinated, getting more people boosted, encouraging mask wearing, making sure that schools have the resources that they need to stay open and do that in a safe way. >> the white house is not providing more clarity on the cdc's decision not to change the definition of fully vaccinated to include a booster shot despite a month-long campaign to promote them. such a change could create potential challenges like increased opposition to employer mandates or a greater straight on a depleted work force. the white house continues to insist science is driving the cdc modelsy making despite the inconsistencies. >> what is the point of calling someone fully vaccinated with only the primary series of shots in the science is showing that that is not enough to protect them? >> what the cdc is advising is for everyone to be up to date on their shots. >> at a certain point in time given the waning protection of the primary series of vaccines and the need to get boosters in a shorter time period, won't will come a time when they're not really fully vaccinated anymore with two shots? >> by up to date, they're advising people if they're due for a booster they should get a booster. >> the cdc has face add lot of scrutiny that its policies are confusing after repeated shifts on testing guidance and conflicting claims between the cdc and the white house on exactly what is driving their policies. the white house continues to argue that the cdc is making the policy decisions based only on the science but the cdc director, rochelle walensky says that they look at keeping the economy running and the work force operational in the policy-making decisions, neil. >> neil: interesting. great questioning. jacqui heinrich at the white house right now. and we have the senior director from nyc health and hospital. doctor, the word we're getting out of the white house, they're trying to private -- i'm interpreting it that way, maybe i'm wrong -- that maybe this will be with us for a while. do you think it's going to be with us a while and we have to adapt to it like the common flu? >> so i do think that we are in this -- with this virus in the long run. i won't say we'll be in this pandemic forever. i don't think it will end and we'll transition into a period -- >> neil: all right. we seem to have some audio problems there. if we can fix it, guys, otherwise i can update you on a couple of things that come up. doctor, we're back with you. one of the things that came up is we have me more potential treatments between pills from merck and pfizer, recommended third and fourth booster shots that israel is saying had been effective in building anti-bodies there. where are you on this? it confuses a lot of people. what is considered fully vaccinated, fully treated for this these days? >> you know, the cdc has updated their definition and now with using up to date, which means those that have the complete primary series in addition to the booster dose. fully vaccinated right now by the old definition means completing the primary series. so as we move forward with this virus, we want to make sure everybody continues to be up to date. so completing the primary series in addition -- >> neil: okay. i apologize for that -- the satellite issues. doctor, i apologize for that but we're having problems there. we want to let you know that the other thing that has changed in light of this omicron wave where we have seen over a million cases, most not serious, but again, the problem, the fact that so many businesses are affected. there's talk of providing sill more relief for businesses and restaurants and pubs, that sort of thing. one guy who is calling for it right now and just might have congressional backing after this. ok, let's talk about those changes to your financial plan. bill, mary? 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don't worry. the lexus rx, built for a modern families. get $1,500 lease cash toward a 2022 rx 350. ♪♪ >> neil: all right. we spent a lot of money trying to stimulate the economy for covid. and now there's mandates and the like, requirements on how many people can fit in a establishment. you name it. a lot of establishments are saying we're in a world of hurt and we need more help. there's a push to provide another $68 billion to such businesses. mike emanuel has the latest on where that is going. hi, miked. good to have you. where is this going? >> there's conversations underway to talk about whether that is needed to provide more aid to businesses amid the omicron surge. it's not entirely clear where the votes are for that at this point. republicans think that more than enough has been spent at this point. obviously they allocated 1.9 trillion in covid relief money last spring. a lot of folks are asking where did the money go as people are scrambling to find testing and have been unable to do so. so there's thought that there would be negotiations over the christmas holiday with senator joe manchin and the white house over the build back better bill. be joe manchin threw cold water on that. he said there's been no conversations about a slimmer or new and improved build back better act. so it's not entirely clear whether the white house and senator manchin are in a cooling off period or where things stand. but when you look at joe manchin, he's the person holding up the idea of changing the rules in the senate to perhaps change federal voting lawing, something that republicans say determines what happens. and there's inflation concerns in this country. so a lot of people on the conservative side are seeing manchin as a hero stopping the run-away agenda on the left. the democratic party is frustrated that one of their own may be stopping them from spending more and getting president biden's agenda across the finish line, neil. >> neil: when you look at the $68 billion package to help businesses, it's small by comparison. democrats are telling manchin you should be open to this. it's the times in which we live. do we know where he stands on this? do we know whether this passes or not? republicans say we don't need it. we've got plenty of unspent funds out there. >> i haven't spoken with him this week to know where he stands on the $68 billion. he's of the opinion that he is greatly concerned about inflation, wanted to give it time to see what all of this other spending would do to the economy in terms of whether it would aggravate inflation, make the situation worst. so i have not gotten a firm read out where he is on the $68 billion. i'm old enough to remember when $68 billion was a lot of cash. know we throw around trillions in this town. so interesting times here in washington. >> neil: and you're not that hold. if you have my memory here. i can remember when the budget was a billion. thanks, my friend. following these developments fast and moving quickly hahn capitol hill. adam kinzinger is next. he's one of two republicans on the january 6th commission. the other is liz cheney. she was on the floor of the house as nancy pelosi was speaking with her dad, the former vice president, dick cheney, who says he doesn't recognize the leadership in the republican party right now. i wonder if adam kinzinger feels the same way. he's next. it's ultra fast, ultra simple, 5g home internet. 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[ sighs heavily ] when owning a small business gets real, progressive helps protect what you've built with affordable coverage. >> neil: all right. there's a january 6 commission looking to what led to that insurrection on capitol hill. the committee continues to get the facts and we're told that hearings will be scheduled, might be in prime time in the next few weeks. only two republicans on this commission for the time being. adam kinzinger is one. the other, liz cheney. adam kinzinger is kind enough 0 join us right now. thanks for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> neil: let me ask you first about what you found at this point and what kind of cooperation you're getting from former trump officials, including former vice president mike pence. >> we're getting a lot of cooperation. where we're not getting cooperation, where we have to take that action is highlighted. we've spoken with over 300 people, significantly the vice president's former team has been quite cooperative and shedding light on what we need to know. i'm interested in what led to january 6. what were the circumstances, what did the former president know prior to january 6. because what is most important even more than account ability for that day is that we don't have anything like that happen again. we're making some really good strides and i think every day that goes by we learn more and more. >> neil: you've been critical of kevin mccarthy, his role a year ago versus his role now. even saying that he helped donald trump rebuild his political fortune. could you explain? >> yeah, look, it pains me because kevin and i used to be friends. on january 1, i was on a conference call with kevin. i said kevin, i fear there's going to be violence on the 6th. when you convince people an election is stolen, if you believe that, violence is a logical outcome. he said operator our next caller. since january 6, he gave that speech saying trump bears responsibility. two weeks later he was at mar-a-largo. there was a lot of silence in the republican ranks about where are we going to go. the second he went there, he basically denied top cover to anybody that wanted to step out and say the truth. really brought the former president's political fortunes back to line. it's disappointing from a leadership perspective and a guy that attended sunday school as a kid. the truth matters. we're not telling the truth. >> neil: what happened? the leadership was universally critical at the time, including mitch mcconnell and kevin mccarthy and others, yourself, of course, that raised serious questions about the president's behavior at the time and then radio silence. what happened? >> you know, i think -- so many points in the intervening four or five years as president trump was rising up to get elected, there's moments that seemed like he would be down and out and he wasn't. i think from a political leader perspective, they began to fear their own base. this is a key. as leaders, yes, we need our base to elect us. we need our people to elect us. part of the two-way street is that is we have to lead people as well. it is a responsibility, it's a unique responsibility. i think too many people became fearful, we have a two-year election cycle so you're always inland. they became fearful of losing that job. you can convince yourself, i'll stay quiet so i survive because somebody may be with much more conspiracy driven attitudes will replace me. the problem is now is the time to stand up and tell the people that we represent the truth. they deserve that. they don't deserve more and more e-mails trying to take their 20 or $30 away for a stop the steal movement based in complete nothingness in which none of that money went to stopping the steal. >> neil: are you aware of your colleagues who are afraid of donald trump's wrath and will either primary them, go after them like he did you? >> yeah. i mean, i think every one of my republican colleagues to extent has that fear. i think some are very not open about it because they don't want to admit it. that's why they start to go underground. here's the other thing that is interesting that i guarantee you. if you put truth serum in every member of congress, they will tell you the election was legitimate and joe biden won. that's the truth. the problem is why are they not telling their folks the truth? that is our basic and foremost responsibility as members of congress. so i'll stand on and island. i'll take arrows. that's fine. i don't care. i can look at myself in the mirror and know i told the truth. that matters more than anything. >> neil: if he runs for president again, and he were the republican nominee, would you support him? >> certainly not. no. when i saw both the undermining of the faith in an election system, we have to have a basic compact with the far left and far right that when you vote it counts and counted accurately. he undermined that and i would never vote for him again. >> neil: do you think he precipitated the attack on the capitol? >> so i don't want to go out on a limb and say that. that is information that we want to get to. what we know is that for 180 some minutes, he watched television and watched the attack unfold. i can tell you at a basic level that is abdicating your oath to office. that is the basic. now, if he was gleeful and did he know stuff leading up to january 6, that's what i can't answer. that's what we hope to answer. i think that will show the difference between an incompetent or a president frozen in inaction versus a president that knew what was coming that is key. we don't have that yet. we'll fet there. >> neil: if he did get in the white house again, pull a grover cleveland, pulling a second term not concurrently, what do you think it would be like? >> look, i -- as a conservative, policy-wise, those are the things that excite me. getting conservative policies. when you can't govern you remember self and so divided, i'm not sure it matters. i think if -- imagine if he's back on twitter. every day it's a new fight. trying to unify a country when we're facing china, russia, iran with a nuclear program and more interested with fighting the other political party than actually defending american interest, it only gets worse. honestly people's faith in democracy erodes. when you lose faith, no matter what you do, democracy fails. that's the basic requirement. >> neil: congressman, how does it feel to be a pariah in your own party, the same with liz cheney? >> you know, i don't like the feeling. you know, i've grown up, i was a republican since i was 6 years old. i admire the republican path, what we stood for. american leadership and strength, all that kind of stuff. so that part hurts. but i would never -- i wouldn't change a thing that i have done particularly in the last year because i know -- i have a son being born imminently. that's why i'm in illinois. he will be proud of me some day and he will look and say that i stood up in a tough time. if it's just me and liz doing it, it's me and liz. that's fine. i wish there were more people though. >> neil: adam kinzinger, thanks very much. the select committee to investigate the january 6 attack on the united states capitol. congressman kinzinger and liz cheney, the only two republicans in that capacity. we'll have more after this. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? 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>> you know, they won't get to the point where you have to change -- we could do this same segment next year and it will still be relevant. the other point though, like if you're new to the housing market, a 4%, 5% will feel pretty high. i don't think it will get that high. i think 4%. you know what is amazing, neil? right now someone could buy a very expensive house and because rates are so low have a monthly payment much lower than someone that had a far less expensive house five, ten years ago. one of the reasons is the housing market is booming. so it's critical that they don't get too high, the mortgage rates don't get too high. >> neil: your very young, susan. does this scare you off? do you say oh, man, i missed the boat? >> yeah, we can't remember 18% but the millennials and the gen zs look at a year ago and it's 2. 5%. you saw record home prices in october. that's driving the wealth effect. so if i feel richer for my home values going up a lot, by the way, the last two years, i'm going to go out and spend more. that's helping power the u.s. economy. >> neil: you know, it looks like the federal reserve, charles, is poised to maybe raise rates a lot sooner, maybe a lot faster this year. how would that affect, you know, mortgages and the rest? some of these are pegged to market rates. so it's possible that market rates stay fairly even. what do you think? >> neil: you know, it's so -- i'm glad you brought that up. susan talked about the wealth effect. stock market, housing market. those are things that the fed wants to work out. even the communique yesterday, they talked about market as lot. so i'm in the camp maybe the ten-year yield gets up to 2.5%. you know, the mortgages based off of 30 year, i don't think they'll move that much. they'll go higher, no doubt about it. a psychological factor initially. we could get a sense that if anyone has been holding out, the train is leaving the station. oddly enough, you might spur some folks on the fence. but the fed is in a pickle. they created this pickle. i'm not sure how they will get out of it. what wall street saw yesterday that scared the heck out of me, i don't think that will come to fruition. >> neil: yeah, we saw it again today play out in technology stocks. they're indirectly hit when rates even inch up. is that overkill? >> yeah, hedge funds selling out the most technology shares in a decade. now they're under weight. wall street forgets times of rising interest rates are good for the stock market. you've been up five of the last six periods. there's a premium for american exceptionalism. americans outperformed the rest of the markets the last four years. apple a great example. $3 trillion. the first company to cross that threshold. that is more than the entire stocks put together on the london stock exchange. >> neil: yeah. more than charles payne is worth. charles, i'm wondering, you know, the fed is never -- if you think about it -- able to orchestrate a soft landing. it gets done, but it's generally not for the feint of heart. what do you see happening? >> economic purists, economists that study this stuff, the austrian school of economics, they don't feel like they engineer add soft landing. only fed money printing. they'll try. the markets will go wacky. they'll get afraid and find another reason to start pumping the cash back in to the system. >> neil: so glad you got the austrian angle in there. we got that taken care of. >> she went american exceptionalism. i had to do something. >> neil: you're right. thank you. the stars of fox news, which if you don't get, demand. of course you're getting it because you demanded it. more at this including winter weather. it's a take two moment for virginia. can the governor got his act together on the next step. we'll see after this. ♪ ♪ now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. >> woman: what's my safelite story? 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sorry, i didn't want the delay of game. save big. order through the app. >> neil: ready for more snow? well, get ready, because it is on again, and looking at the southern states with the hiccups to the north, who knows better than our monitoring all of us cared what are we looking at, greg? >> we have had more snow across parts of the south this winter than we have across the northeast. it's pretty amazing, it's january, we will get a little bit of snow. and it might not be that bad overall, that said, we have major car accidents and pileups across carts to limit parts of kentucky already, some that are not used to so much snow, been across areas of tennessee, kentucky, nashville, the snow is mostly over for you around three or 4 inches around town, and still snowing in kentucky, eastern kentucky, where there are major car pile up scum of the snow on the ground as new snow in parts of kentucky, we still have some snow on the ground across the d.c. area from the storm that brought all of those problems just a couple of days ago. that snow on the ground a little bit warmer right now, getting another coating of snow, and i are going to be certainly as bad as the last storm, and over tonight we see that across new york city from philly to new york city, by tomorrow across areas around the boston area, we do have storm warnings back across parts of west virginia. that will probably go through the storm as well as the coastal areas of new england. so boston up towards portland, maine, probably where we will see that snow. from philadelphia to new york come one, two, 3 inches of snow, may be outside four or so in the heavier snow there will be a little bit further off towards the east, so cape cod and the islands, the coastal parts of maine, that's where we will see the heaviest of the snow. it's going to be rough going tomorrow morning, heading out, so be careful, go slow, it's not a blockbuster store by any means. that said a little bit of rain comes after this weekend and the bottom drops out temperature wise. we will see so far this winter, monday into tuesday, very, very cold across the northeast. >> neil: thank you, my friend, very, very much. by the way, you're keeping track of the stuff, 2,000 more flight cancellations today, close to 20,000 flights have been canceled since around christmas time, so it's a nonstop thing. what is going on, spirit airlines ceo, great to see you again, happy new year. what the heck is going on? >> it's great to see you again, and you're right about that number, it is almost 20,000 since christmas eve. you know what happened is the combination of traditionally higher calls that airlines get during this time combined with omicron, then you have some pilot union leaders at one bake airline telling their crews even if you think you are exposed to someone with covid, you should not go to work, and when you have that kind of paranoia, then what you have is lots of people not coming to work in in hindsight airlines just having too many flights scheduled for the number of people that they have applied the flight. the more proactive airlines have been canceling ahead of time, so at least they give people a day or two to plan. >> neil: but it's really sour the industry's reputation, and i'm just wondering just getting back up on its feet and travel has gotten busy again, it's been hard for quite a while, right? >> well, it could, and they will have to fix that again, and if you remember, we had a summer where we saw similar issues, lots of cancellations, then thanksgiving worked pretty well for the industry, there weren't a lot of problems. in some people were thinking, well, maybe that airlines learned, but now we know that there is just not a good alignment between the people who decide what flights to fly, and the operators that actually have to make it happen. and that has to get back together. the good news, neil, is that january and early february are really weak times for travel, there's not a lot of leisure travel at that time and there's not a lot of businesses traveling, so airlines can take a breather and hopefully get caught up with a lot of the hiring that they are doing. >> neil: really quick advice for a traveler trying to avoid these cancellations. >> i guess it would be pick a route that has enough frequency that if they cancel one or two, you can still rebook the same day or the other would be to book far enough beyond the holiday if possible, you know, it's after the holidays really, and there are going to be fewer flights because there is weaker demand right now. >> neil: hopefully everything works out, and spirit airlines, the ceo, so some media advice if you want to take it in the middle of all of this. ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone, i am dana perino along with greg gutfeld, jesse watters, dagen mcdowell, and harold ford jr., it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ president biden and vice president kamala harris starting the day at statuary hall marking the january 6th attack on the u.s. capital. >> first time in our history president and not just lost an election, he tried to prevent the peaceful transfer

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Dan Kildee , Latest , Republicans , Led , Adam Kinsinger , Administration , Control , Omicron Cases , Each , Ones , Three , A Million , Liberty Mutual , Help , Car Insurance , Superpowers , Spider Bite , Gasps , Pay , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Theaters , Spider Man , December 17th , 17 , Candidates , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire Hello , Idaho Potato Truck , Match , Bigion , Heart , Interest , Cooking , Seal , Grown In Idaho , Idaho Potatoes , White House , Country , Omicron , Cases , European Continent , God , Attacks , Response , Jackie , Advisory Board , Op Eds , Six , Virus , Claims , Shift , Messaging , Normal , Living , Goal , Success , Understanding , Resources , Schools , Objective , Lives , Mask , Cdc , Definition , Change , Booster Shot , Decision , Campaign , Clarity , Science , Mandates , Greater , Opposition , Work Force , Employer , Inconsistencies , Modelsy Making , Challenges , Someone , Everyone , Series , Shots , Calling , Boosters , Won T , Vaccines , Protection , Policies , Booster , Face Add Lot , Shifts , Scrutiny , Testing Guidance , Policy Decisions , Economy , Work , Rochelle Walensky , Questioning , Policy Making Decisions , Doctor , Word , Director , Hospital , Nyc Health , Jacqui Heinrich , Flu , Pandemic , Long Run , Couple , Audio Problems , Guys , Israel , Booster Shots , Pills , Saying , Merck , Anti Bodies , Treatments , Pfizer , Addition , Everybody , Booster Dose , Problems , Satellite Issues , Businesses , Talk , Light , Omicron Wave , Sill , Relief , Guy , Plan , Bill , Changes , Restaurants , Mary , Pubs , Backing , Calls , Goals , Broker , Our Schwab Financial Consultant , Carl , Nina , Hm , Vo , Car , Planning , Music Vo , Decompression Zone , Schwab , Experts , Singers , Windshield , Service , Technology , Safelite Autoglass , Ways , At Lowe S , Store , Prices , Save , Lowe S , Shop Lowe S , Governor , Reason , Do Over , Chance , West Virginia , Weather , Declare Add State Of Emergency , Dream , Version , Advisor , Northwestern Mutual , Laser , Gels , Nm Com Pain Hits Fast , Tylenol Rapid , Drilled Holes , Shhh , Medicine Fast , Packs , Pill , Pain Relief , Don T Worry , Lease Cash , Rx , Families , Lexus Rx , 1500 , 500 , 350 , Money , Like , Establishment , Establishments , Mike Emanuel , 8 Billion , 68 Billion , Conversations , Votes , Aid , Miked , Omicron Surge , Testing , Enough , Money Go , Scrambling , Covid Relief Money Last Spring , 1 9 Trillion , Joe Manchin , Thought , Build , Negotiations , Senator , Act , Slimmer , Cooling , Person , Voting , Idea , Lawing , Rules , Inflation Concerns , Agenda , Hero Stopping The Run Away , Times , Comparison , Finish Line , Haven T , Passes , Funds , Opinion , Terms , Spending , Situation , Town , Cash , Hold , Trillions , Congressman Kinzinger , Budget , Memory , Quickly Hahn , A Billion , House , Other , Vice President , Floor , Verizon , 5g Home Internet , Ultra , Ultra Fast , Ultra Simple , 50 , 5 , Flight , Td Ameritrade , Markets , Thinkorswim , Weekend Trip , Dashboard , Position , One Last Look , Set , Take Off , Mobile , Fifteen , Thirteen , App , Investing Style , Smart , Matter , Scholarship , Scholarships , Opportunities , University Of Phoenix , 3000 , 000 , Price , Singlecare , Insurance , Meds , Savings , Pharmacy , Copay , Singlecare The Musical , Rotisserie , Ticking , Clock , Bacon , Footlong , Delay , Game , Order , Bacon Ranch , Peppercorn Ranch , Save Big , Team , The Sun Is Shining , Truck , Grass , Boy , Schedule , Koi , Kenny , There S Heather On The Hedges , Small Business , Progressive , Timber , Yes , Facts , Hearings , Cooperation , 0 , Trump , Former , Officials , Action , Mike Pence , Circumstances , 300 , Anything , Account , Kevin Mccarthy , More , Role , Strides , Conference Call , Fortune , January 1 , 1 , Caller , Outcome , Operator , 6th , Responsibility , Silence , Bears , Ranks , Anybody , Mar A Largo , Truth , Sunday School , Leadership Perspective , Fortunes , Line , Questions , Kid , Others , Mitch Mcconnell , Points , Behavior , Radio Silence , Four , Five , Base , Leaders , Key , Wasn T , Part , Street , Election Cycle , Job , Somebody , Conspiracy , Attitudes , Movement , None , Nothingness , E Mails , Stop , 30 , 20 , Colleagues , Steal , Wrath , Them , Extent , Truth Serum , That S The Truth , Arrows , Island , Fine , Don T Care , Mirror , Nominee , Faith , Compact , Election System , Undermining , Out On A Limb , Information , 180 , Level , Basic , Office , Television , Oath , Answer , Incompetent , Inaction , Difference , Term , Grover Cleveland , Policy Wise , Conservative , Program , Fight , Twitter , Iran , Russia , China , Same , Requirement , Pariah , The Feeling , Strength , Son Being , Illinois , I Don T , Capacity , Woooooo , Wooo , Yeaa , Record , Turn , Hang On , Tex , 665 Dollars , 665 , Cold , It Shortens Colds , Cold Shortening Brand , Love Zicam , Medicine Cabinet , Must , Unique Zinc Formula , Zifans , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Hello , 19 , You Re Not Alone , Question , Calhope , Support , Calhope Org , 833 317 4673 , 833 , 4673 , 317 , Mortgage Rates , Fox Business Show , Highest , Nine , 3 22 , Rates , Everything , Fixed Rate Mortgage , Generation , October , 1981 , Age , Geniuses , Condo , 16 8 , 16 5 , Mortgages , Charles Payne , Jump , Susan Li , 2 , 4 , Housing Market , Segment , High , Reasons , Payment , Ten , Scare , Boat , Millennials , 18 , Wealth Effect , Home Prices , Values , Home , Zs Look , Federal Reserve , Market Rates , Some , Rest , Affect , Stock Market , Communique , Market , Camp , Yield , 2 5 , Station , Factor , Train , Anyone , No Doubt , Holding Out , Pickle , Heck , Saw Yesterday , Fence , Wall Street , To Fruition , Overkill , Technology Stocks , Hedge Funds , Interest Rates , Technology Shares , Weight , Premium , Exceptionalism , Example , Apple , 3 Trillion , Trillion , Stocks , Company , Threshold , London Stock Exchange , Is Worth , Landing , Feint , Austrian School Of Economics , Economists , Add Soft Landing , Purists , System , Money Printing , Angle , Care Of , Don T Get , Stars , Demand , American Exceptionalism , Fox News , Winter Weather , Act Together On The Next Step , Woman , Story , Mom , Ourthan , Safety Systems , Camera , Glass , Project Managers , Projects , Shortlist , Job Criteria , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Chicken , Snow , States , North , Hiccups , Monitoring , Bit , Northeast , Parts , South , Greg Gutfeld , Areas , Eastern Kentucky , Carts , Pileups , Car Accidents , Nashville , Tennessee , Ground , Area , Car Pile Up Scum , Storm , Coating , Portland , New York City , Storm Warnings , Boston Area , New England , Islands , East , Coastal Parts , Maine , Philadelphia , Cape Cod , Blockbuster Store , Heaviest , Means , Rain , Heading Out , Winter , Drops , Temperature , Track , Flights , Flight Cancellations , 20000 , 2000 , Number , Ceo , Happy New Year , Spirit Airlines , Airlines , Pilot Union Leaders , Airline , Combination , Crews , Lots , Paranoia , Travel , Again , Industry , Reputation , Feet , Cancellations , Thinking , There Weren T , Summer , Operators , Alignment , Leisure Travel , News , Breather , Traveler , Advice , Hiring , Route , Frequency , Holiday , Holidays , Hopefully Everything Works Out , Media Advice , Middle , Dana Perino , Kamala Harris , Dagen Mcdowell , Jesse Watters , Harold Ford Jr , Statuary Hall , 00 , History ,

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