Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer Dana Perino 20240709

here's what jerome adams had to say just a few minutes ago. >> rapid tests are very good on telling you if you are in cutely affected. get a rapid test if you can. the problem is, the administration is not delivered a rapid test. they don't want to put out a policy telling you to do something which then reflects blame back on them. >> dana: the cover of the near post, omnicrush. we have team fox coverage. must pick a good morning. with his take on casts in short supply, many americans are waiting in long lines where the covert positivity rate exceeds . the surgeon general is questioning the value of testing individuals who are asymptomatic or low risk for competition. >> we are going to be working to unwind the testing psychology that our federal leadership has managed to unfortunately that most of the country end. >> other health experts argue it's important to track asymptomatic cases because they can still be passed on to high risk individuals. that is renewing nationwide debate other two delay opening schools this week. the third largest school system, chicago, students return to class after holidays but the teachers union is concerned about to return to remote learning. >> schools may have to make temper emergency decisions if they've a large number of staff, for they become who are out sick and feel like they can't take these matters. the goal is to keep these kids in school. this is our top priority. we just need to do it faithfully. mitigation measures can do that. >> here in atlanta, atlanta public schools and some of the school systems in the surrounding suburbs are delaying the return of students to physical classrooms as they reassess how to deal with this highly infectious omicron variant. >> dana: on other days would get 2022 underway. thank you, jonathan. >> trace: president biden is set to meet with his covert response team today for the first time in over two weeks. americans wait for his 500 promised free at home covid tests. white house correspondent is with us on the north on. >> good morning. the president will be receiving that covert briefing this morning. we are expecting an update on whether the cdc will update its newly revised quarantine guidelines to include a testing component after five days of isolation following a positive covid case. there are conflicting accounts on whether it would be necessary and the surgeon general said an update is coming soon in response to public pressure. >> they have received feedback and questions about the role of testing and shortening the quarantine. back. they are right now on issuing a clarification on that. i would expect that any day. speak up there's a question on how to require testing one tests are so hard to find. the 500 million promised by the bynum administration are no closer to reaching our doorstep. senate republicans are probing the buy demonstration of why there's such such a dire testing shortage despite congress having spent $80 billion to expand testing. the white house's face grew tea over why it seems to focus exclusively on vaccines rather . both are proving necessary with the highly infectious variant. for to governor ron desantis said that the federal government does bungling distribution of therapeutics also. >> i bought some myself. none of the governors are able to do that because the feds have seized control. we're in a situation where we have asked for 40,000 more every week because i have people that i could help and they are holding onto it and not distributing it the way we need it to be distributed. >> the area where the white house has put its focus, vaccines, is facing more challenges. the supreme court will hear arguments over the biden administration mandate and private employers having employees receive vaccines. yesterday, a federal judge issuing a temporary reprieve to a group of navy seals who were requesting exemption from the vaccine mandate. >> trace: jack, thank you. i not far from where jackie is, we have breaking news. a traffic nightmare unfolding on one of the nation's busiest interstates. we are talking about hundreds, possibly thousands of drivers trapped on i on i-95 in virginia close to fredericksburg. you see the traffic mess right there. those are tractor-trailers. what happened earlier, hours and hours earlier, you had several of these tractor-trailers involved in a variety of accidents. mostly because of the weather. you had one and then the domino effect. you see right there, you have all these tractor-trailers backed up. behind those tractor-trailers, you have cars for miles and miles and miles that are also backed up. it swings around. what happens is you cannot get the trailers out of the way because you cannot get tow trucks on and therefore, you cannot get to traffic. we have reports of people being stuck in their cars for more than 14, 15 hours. the tractor-trailers then brought traffic to a standstill. so far, we have no reports of anybody being injured in this. there are a lot of uncomfortable and very cold people right now sitting on one of the nation's busiest freeways. it is going to be hours before they get a chance to back, kenworth, and get home. >> dana: people are running out of food, fuel, and water. a trucker reached out to let people know she had extra items there and she could help people if they could get hurt. as a terrible situation. we are going to continue to follow this. if you are waking up, terrible in virginia. a bad stretch of road anyway. you add this, and it's a total nightmare. also, bobby rush joining the list of democrats will not seek reelection. this is a point to gain points in november. let's bring in karl rove, the deputy the deputy chief of staff. bobby rush has been there for a long time. he is 1 of 24 house democrats not seeking reelection in 2022. this is not a state that the republicans could pick up, his in particular, i'm assuming. we knew someone in leadership decide to retire at this point, you might see the writing on the wall next november. >> absolutely. i've been talking the last couple of days by email with dr. john pedrao sick. use a student at the university of chicago training under a polygamist political scientist and then had a long and illustrious career himself at ucla and the university of missouri. john is a political not. it's constantly chasing these things. we're talking about what are the measures of how a party's going to do in a midterm election? political scientists use five different models. the surgeon decline, the presidential race, presidential performance, and retirements. we all have numbers on these models. we have two models. campaign spending and campaign quality that we can't use right now. it is premature. don't know how much people are raising. what's the level of retirement mean? today, ten percents of the democrats and the house of representatives are retiring. 6% are retiring. if you look at all election since 1962, this would mean that -- that's a point to a 40 seeking for republicans. the surgeon decline points to a small gain of 12-13. the presidential approval is 18. the republicans are at 213. it gives him 236 which is a pretty good at majority in house of representatives. >> dana: units called someone else a political not. you must be really into it. >> he is really into it. >> dana: the speculation is whether speaker pelosi will retire. you have a progressive member, very simple and genial kind of guy, he said this about her. let me read it from here. "we want leadership that bridges some of the different ideological winds of the party that is committed to listening to all the perspectives that will be capable of helping move the senate or things that have sold the house. they have a bold vision of what we need to g for the american public. whatever it is, i hope they would adopt progressive position." don't you think pelosi has been quite accommodating to the progressives? >> absolutely. very much so. she is more liberal than the average house democrat, but she has been more accommodating to the left than i thought she would be. let's be honest. democrats are can lose control of the house. nancy pelosi's not going to stick around. let's assume she's going to run election in 2022, but if democrats lose the house like i think they will, she's not going to want to stick around and attempt to be the minority leader. nancy pelosi's going to retire. she is 80 some years old. she's been there long time and been a great run. she won't want to go back into the minority because it's going to be two years, for each, or six years for the democrats have the chance to get the majority in the house. >> dana: some are calling for president biden to be primary to in 2024. he's deeply unpopular. you can see this in the approval rating. look at how it's gone down. you know what it means to go from 50s to 40s. if you search go much lower if you see covid this month and insulation continuing. kids scrambling to be back in school. all of that will lead to decisions to retire or get out before the republicans take over. >> you are right. we've not seen the last of the democratic retirements. we are likely to see more. we have not just senior democrats like rush was been there for 30 years, but with committee chairs. three committee chairs have announced retirement. i suspect a significant number of democratic retirements driving the number of the model above 40. i think that the democrats are going to lose somewhere between the mid-20s and high 20s. in part because that is not going to be like the 43 that we had in 2014. it's not going to be like the 2010 with 67. in part because republicans did something unusual in 2020 and that is they gained 12 seats in november plus one special election earlier in the year. a net gain of 13 seats in the house of representatives while they lost the white house. it says something about the strength of the republicans below the top of the ticket. >> dana: thank you for being on today. we will touch base with you soon. >> all the bats. spirit fox news alert. two big scandals rock andrew cuomo. d.a.'s appear to be sweeping them under the rug. or how they're giving the ex-governor a prepass. plus, new hampshire authorities says this little girls not been seen since 2019. but apparently only learned of her disappearance last week. as crimes fakes and democratically run los angeles,t liberal areas or taking matters into their own hands. up next, how gun sales are booming in one of our bluest cities. cash with your va home n benefit. the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow 100% of your home's value. upgrade the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with today's high home values, turning equity into cash is a really smart move. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit people with moderate to severe psoriasis, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the entrance they make, the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. moving is a handful. and if you're pregnant or plno kidding!e. fortunately, xfinity makes moving easy. easy? 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>> absolutely. we stressed training to every single one of our customers. we have a lot of shooting ranges in our area. all we can do is show someone how to use a weapon at a basic level in the story. we stressed to go out and find a trainer and go shoot their gun. get familiar with it. if we have a ton of untrained people out there, aware of the possible sub dominic public safety option. i hope all dumb buyers quote to enlarge a train on how the rooster weapon. >> trace: you guys are in an office building tucked away. you've to make an appointment. you've suddenly started selling a lot of guns. >> people can come up off of the street because of covid, that has been more customized into an appointment early schedule. we are a small store. we are a mighty one. we are very popular. we definitely stress safety. even those that do not want to buy a gun and just want to learn about gun safety, we are here for everybody. >> trace: the "los angeles times" believes that crime numbers are being inflated a bit because of police budgets. they want their budget to increase. you believe that coursework or .>> people are scared. we have seen an influx of crime. if they want to sweep under the wild, they can do that. but there is no doubt that that the policies have impacted up and people understand. i hope that the voters are watching and can make a change. >> trace: we will talk about this far left prosecutors not just in los angeles, but other cities. russell swear, thank you for coming on. we appreciate it. >> dana: fox news alert. winter weather in the northeast causing a massive pileup. driver strapped on a snowy road and they will in no way out. we talked to a truck driver who struck for five hours. plus, a migrant crisis goes beyond the border. amir joined us on why he has to declare street of emergency and why the border patrol really needs help. >> because the numbers are so large, they end up dealing with immigration. it compromises their ability to do their job. here, the phone everyone wants, on america's most reliable network. better? 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them. i have food and water. luckily, i've only been in it a short time compared to others. even here on u.s. 1, it's no different than i-95. dead stop traffic. we've been sitting here for two hours already. >> trace: i'm just wondering, because we are seeing the pictures on the screen. the big focuses on i-95 because it's for the big traffic lanes are and where all the tractor-trailers got into the accidents. we know what the problem is on is on i-95. what's the problem where you are? why are you stuck? are there accidents? is at the weather? what is the cause? >> as far as accident or whether, it looks pretty good. i think it is just everybody else trying to get off of i-95 and taking the u.s. 1 route. trying to take a week to get around it. >> dana: you noticed on social media that people were asking -- noting that they were running out of food and water. you put on twitter that a lot of truckers often have extra supplies. did anyone take you up on that? >> no. i wish they would have. we made a couple of peanut butter jelly sandwiches and we had our bottles of water ready. i did not feel comfortable knocking on anybody's door. i did not want them to say what is this weirdo doing? i want to bring awareness to say this is not the first and it's not going to be the last time that you are going to get stuck and stuff like this. i've been in the situation several times. don't be shy. a lot of us cook on the truck. we always have something in our fridge. we always have some kind of snack. we always carry extra water. we are in situations like this. >> trace: great advice. especially for those that were stuck close to these big rig trucks. a lot of people who are back in traffic, they are those. i'm wondering if you've seen in your five hours on i-95 and your time now on u.s. 1, have you seen authorities trying to help people to get through this or are they too much hamstring with the rest of the people? >> hamstring with the rest of the people. we've heard nothing. i would no news. i would be in the situation of google maps keeps you out of traffic. but i did see people get out and stretch. i saw one gentleman borrow phone charger. i feel so bad for these folks that have been out here overnight. remember, we're there and we are there to help your knock on our door. speech of your listening and you do need help, emily saying that truck drivers are often able to do that. somebody got out of the car and is walking their dog down the side of the road. their pets in there. you mentioned that their small children in cars as well. >> there were two small kids next to us. if i would have not been able to get off or set there any longer, i would've been offering them something. i saw the kids in the back. a lot of that was all over twitter. we have kids, we are thirsty, we are hungry. if you are stuck out there, you have a truck next to you or a truck two doors down, if you're thirsty, you're hungry, even if it's a piece of cheese. nine times out of ten, i'm pretty sure they will give you something. >> dana: stay in touch with us. thank you so much. stay safe and we appreciate you showing so much community leadership by offering to help. >> thank you. >> trace: we will keep you updated on that situation. in the meantime, the crisis at the southern border spelling far beyond texas and other border communities including arizona's yuma sector were encounters up more than 2400% this fiscal year. the situation got so overwhelming that yuma's they are declared a state of emergency. douglas nicholls joins us. i started my career in the border has always been a problem. 2400% is a staggering number and you say it's not surprising. explain why. >> it's not surprising because in 2019, going back in history, we were having a similar surge during the trump administration. policies put in place that mitigated those numbers to below 10,000 a year. the first thing that happened in january of last year was those all went away. when those went away, the numbers started climbing right away. it has been building momentum and it is beyond the capacity of the wave were to patrol and ice normally work. border patrols mission is border security, not immigration. they are hamstrung with dealing with immigration now and have a difficult time aborted security. spew any mention medication. people are coming through in part because of that wall. the biden administration has sent you more border agents. is that helping the problem? have they given you any assurances that they are doing something to alleviate the problem to begin with? >> the agents arrived and help the situation. those that live here year-round, they are so stretched. they need it got right away. i have had talks with some of the assistant secretaries, plugging strategically. some of them are highly used. if we could get that blocked up, part of that wall finished, it will help give border patrol a fighting chance. those discussions have been positive. >> trace: i want to read this for you because i know the uncertainty here is not just if they're coming over, but at the time of covid, it's uncertain. do you masson writes that 20-25 migrant show bidet at the medical center departments. some take overrides to the hospital some for checkups or ready to deliver with a number of babies ending up and newborn intensive care unit. do you have the resources, mr. mayor, to handle all of this? >> if this is the new normal, no. we do not have those resources. our homeless mission is overwhelmed. there's a lot of things that are not what we've experienced even last year. as we grow 20-25000 people coming to the u.s. after year -- i'm sorry, per month, we're looking at a quarter million people this year. >> trace: that's a lot of people. a lot of problems across aborted. mr. mayor, best of luck. thank you for coming on. speech of guilty of defrauding investors. how much time could she spend behind bars quite short plus, one month until the opening of the beijing winter olympics. three countries joined the united states and diplomatic boycott for human stomach stomach. could moore follow suit? hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. shhh... you think she's still awake? don't worry. the lexus rx, built for a modern families. get $1,500 lease cash toward a 2022 rx 350. ♪♪ >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. get $1,500 lease cash toward a 2022 rx 350. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ earn about covid-19, the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. >> trace: fox news alert. founder of the blood testing start-up convicted yesterday in conspiracy avoid fraud in a split verdict in her high-profile trial. the senior correspondent live for us in san jose, california. good morning. >> good morning to you. the split verdict is a big win for the government. it means that elizabeth holmes could spend years in federal prison. at the very end of the day yesterday, the jury convicted holmes on four counts of defrauding investors. they acquitted her on four counts of deceiving patients and deadlocked on three of the counts alleging that she lied to get millions of dollars to keep her floundering blood founding company afloat. she lied to investors about work with the military than ever existed. the jury saw investor reports strongly implying partnerships with pfizer which also is not true. she tried to blame others for the company's failure, but the jury did not buy it. there verdict sends a strong message to start-ups looking for funding. >> anybody out there trying to get investor mattie because wire fraud is no joke. when you make representations that turn out to be false, fake out so you make it mentality does not work anymore. >> she had nothing to say she left the courthouse with her parents and boyfriend followed by a throng of reporters. she faces 20 years in federal prison plus, potentially, millions of dollars in fines and restitution. the defense will appeal those convictions. for now, she has expected to be sentenced within 90 days possibly around the same time her ex-boyfriend and former coo stands trial unless he cuts a deal, he faces the same fraud ce evidence when his fraud trial starts in san jose next month. >> trace: fascinating. >> dana: we are one month away from the beijing winter olympics and the u.k., canada, australia, i'll join the united states in a diplomatic boycott over human rights abuses. but will more country step aside? i want to get to the top rescue put out every year which is fascinating. but let's start with china. it is part of the list, but you lead your signal newsletter today talking about china and the olympics and the issue of omicron. what could happen in the next month? >> i do think that the beijing olympics will occur as planned because the ability of the chinese to lock down and keep a bubble in place is very high. china's zero covid policy which was incredibly successful for them in 2020 when covid started out of china. it has become the least successful of covert policies among major economies in the world because they are locking down a vastly more transmissible variant that is much less lethal. their vaccines do not work well against it and they refuse to license the vaccines that like pfizer and moderna. the pandemic changes in the politics and policies change. in china, the policy changes stomach remain the same. this will hurt the globally quality domestic economy because it means were going to have more problems of global supply chain. >> dana: omicron is super contagious. it takes a lot of people to run the olympics. they could run against that as well. speaking of risk, top ten risks of 2022. you do this every year. your document is incredibly comprehensive. how do you determine what makes a less? let's put it up on the board for everyone to see. 90 covid was number one, techno- polar world is number two. u.s. midterms at number three. how do they write? >> we take a look at three of her factors. first is the likelihood and risk. we are not looking at five, ten, or 20 years. that's why climate change is not the top of the list, for example. we look at the likelihood and we look at the impact. you put those two things together so turkey, for example, a really horrible trajectory. the leadership is in serious trouble and massive inflation. but it's just turkey. it does not impact the rest of the world. bottom of the list. the u.s. midterm election. the most important of the american history and enormous amount concerns about gi jason or the election stolen and our d question work neither side going to be happy with the outcome. very different than what we've seen in japan or germany with successful elections. the u.s., the most powerful country in the world. you put that together. at the end of their commode go back and see how we've done. it's very important to be accountable and this and try to take the politics out. >> dana: could you talk about techno- polar world and number nine, corporations losing culture wars. >> techno- politics is increasing technology countries are sovereign in the virtual world. they control the algorithms and create the world and create the laws. it's poorly regulated. the governments do not have the expertise or the institutions to be able to deal with that. as you know, just about everyone has a different gripe with tech companies right now. whether it's about misinformation or it is about cyber acts and who is ensuring . what you do and don't bite. even in a country like china, they are having problems. in the united states and europe, it's harder. despite the fact that it is hard to regulate, tech companies are going to get more powerful, more wealthy, and they're going to move forward. that's being a disruptive impact on politics itself. >> dana: working people read about the risks you put out? >> i hope so. take a look at eurasia and you can have a look at the report. >> dana: you can have a deep dive. thank you and happy new year to you. >> trace: time to say farewell to classic blackberry phones. do you miss them? the company says that device is running blackberry software will stop working today as it shifts from operating security software to governments. blackberry ushered in the air of smartphones 20 years ago and millions were so addicted to them that they were nicknamed crackberry's. but then came the iphone and android devices. the rest, is history. i've two blackberries, old blackberries, in my desk. back in the day. >> dana: it was the best keyboard. i member when i worked at the white house, i could write an entire presidential statements o typos, no problems. no automatic spelling changes. i miss it for that reason. technology moves ahead. >> trace: indeed it does. >> dana: now, this. chicago on the verge of shutting down classrooms. the teachers union holding a key vote today that could bring a return to remote learning. plus, the search is on for a missing new hampshire girl. why peace are calling the harmony montgomery especially for the grandkids, or a backyard deck. your va home loan benefit and the newday 100 va loan make it possible. by borrowing up to 100% of your home's value you can take out up to $60,000 or more. with home values at all time highs, now's the time to call. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. >> dana: university of memphis reporting to offer professors $3,000 to infuse equity and social justice into their courses. administrators asking someone faculty to redesign courses to stress antiracism advance university's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. spoon pleats in new hampshire asking for public's help and finding this little girl. harmony montgomery vanished two years ago, but her disappearance was not reported until last week. molly line life rest in manchester, new hampshire. good morning. >> good morning. they were bored and a tip line. manchester police asking for tips. she was reported missing last week, but lasting more than two years ago in the city of manchester. that is october of 2019. she would have been five years old at that time. she is estimated to be approximately 4 feet tall, blonde hair, blue eyes. she's blind in her right eye and wears glasses. >> i am in rescue mode. this is not a recovery. esses -- all effort is that hare going to do everything we can to find her in that condition. >> dana: harmony has been known to child protection agency of new hampshire and neighboring massachusetts. manchester police chief confirms multiple family members have been interviewed by investigators at a property here in manchester has been searched. the current owner has nothing to do with the case. speak i'm not getting into specifics of where she should have been or who she should have been with. other than to tell you that where she should have been and who she should have been with, she is not with those people. she is not at that location. >> police have announced $5,000 in reward money leaving for harmony being found. a dedicated tip line has been created. here's the number. 603-203-6060. that number takes calls and texts. it is being nand by detectives. it is a dedicated tip line and they are asking for with information on her montgomery. speech of the u.s. adding a pandemic world record with more than 1 million new covid cases reported yesterday. according to john hopkins university. president biden set to receive an update from his covert response team later this afternoon. welcome to a brand-new hour of "america's newsroom." bill has the day off. >> trace: good morning. i'm trace gallagher. as covid cases surge, covid vaccines have been approved for children as young as 12. reigniting the debate on remote learning. the 25,000 member teacher union is sent to vote on whether to shift schools online until they feel it is safe to return. parents are divided on the issue. >> i would love my children to be able to go to classes as nor. at the same time, their safety is paramount. >> we feel okay about setting the back right now. >> we saw that developmentally, it was best to have them back in class. >> dana: live in chicago with mark. i bet a lot of parents are waited with baited breath to see what will happen. >> the chicago's teacher union has a long list of demands. if they are not met, they are threatening to go on strike. the union wants all chicago schools, all 340,000 students to go completely remote for two weeks to limit the spread of an possible exposure to covid after the holidays. they want more testing for schools, but more masks, and a clear plan on one schools will be planned, closed on an outbreak. so far, that cities not giving into demands. it is safer's teutons to return and the district has spent more than $100 million to put medications in place. mayor lori lightfoot put her position to a statement saying what we have learned in a pandemic is that schools are the safest place for units to beat. we must follow the data and the science." some parents in chicago have problems sending their children back to school and want them to have the option of remote learning. others say it is frustrating that the teachers union seems to be the only one not following the science and is once again playing politics with his kids. >> that is never good enough for the chicago teachers union. they will never pass up an opportunity to exert their leverage and look at power place. unfortunately, our kids here in chicago are the ones are the ones paying the consequences. >> teachers and students are back in the classroom today. if the union votes do not show up for two weeks, than the city says they would essentially be on an illegal strike and schools would be shut down until he deal is reached. >> dana: thank you. >> trace: let's bring in john hopkins university professor, marty makary. he's also a fox news contributor. always great to see you. your recent op-ed, the headline reads the following. "university covert policies are antiscience and anti-recent. give it to us in that order. why are colleges not falling science and why are they being unreasonable? speak out its groupthink. if you look at how they're using testing. we are depleting our testing supply in the united states. we are using them on the lowest risk people on planet earth. culture's most beast the centers critical thinking, but if you look at policies, it's cruel. georgetown university does random testing and then puts people with no symptoms who are fully immune in solitary confinement for ten days and drops off food once a day. they have staff, the students told me, who walk around and identify people studying during finals week to have their mask down just to take a sip of water and yell at them. a lot of colleges are doing everything. there could during the kitchen sink at this. and her going virtual on top of booster mandates. >> dana: colleges shut down for semester arbitrating students. there's a parallel conversation. of course it's not happening at the same. these have been destructive for young people and also for college students. developmentally for all of them, how much are they set back by us not changing and keeping up with the new science? >> the data is lacking reality. we are learning very frightening things. 31% of parents say that the mental health of their child is worse. we know self-harm among adolescent girls was up 51% in the little snapshot we got from recent data. we are not treating the person. we are treating the lab test. we are talking about foley vaccinated low risk individuals. i encourage people to put data in front of their schools instead of just accepting the document. spew and i would like to move on to this ron desantis thing because people talk about distinction people who come into the hospital with covid or for covid. the governor of florida said this and will get your response. speak out that's an important distinction to make when you haa variant like omicron that is muh more widespread. you were going to have people who get into a car accident and go into the emergency room. they're swabbing everybody. you're going to have people who have incidental positive. >> trace: what is he driving at here dr. makary and his is an important distinction to make? >> it's. in state leaders are getting frustrated at something that many of us a been calling on the cdc to report through the entire pandemic. they've not on it. the number one key indicator of where we stand with covid has always been new daily hospitalizations for covid here not just with covid. we even heard the new york governor office acknowledge that up to half of all covid hospitalizations are not for covid. a lot of local leaders are pushing back and saying we demand the statistic. if you're not going to give it to us, we are going to collect it ourselves. if you test everyone in america from an enterococcus which can cause meningitis, 10% will be positive. it is endemic. it has colonized. >> dana: any thoughts on vaccines for kids over 12 years old? >> their concerns. the risk for foley vaccinated child without a booster dying of covid is 0. you cannot lower the risk any further. many experts have been opposed to young people getting boosters. including the fda top officials who quit the agency over pressure on this very issue. boosters on young people. there will be unintended harm. one in 2,000 young men can develop. many of us were disappointed to learn that the fda did not get it. reports work and circumvented to get this approval. >> dana: we appreciate your time and your expertise. one of the things i was just said that is important. we are depleting our small supply of test by testing all of these kids no matter what. and basically not allowing people to get the test that they need in order to get back to work or to travel. whatever it might be. i know that is true here in new york. it's at the same in california? >> trace: it is very much the same. you cannot find tests. putting them in the wrong direction. why are you testing the safest part of the population and why are we boosting kids with comorbidities at the age of five years old question wrecked the fda saying they can be approved to. that is a safest part of the population. >> dana: a gray cat to have. plus, the new york department of health asking health providers to consider race and ethnicity when it treating covid. >> good morning. i am here in front of a city and a state where people are being tested for the coronavirus. concerns, the type of people that they say make it the covid vaccines. the department of health with controversial new guidance saying that race and ethnicity should be considered. whether or not six people should get the scarce light savings treatments monoclonal antibodies and antiviral pills. long-standing systemic and equities have contributed to an increased risk of severe illness and death from covid-19. critics say that's new guidance hurts covert affected people who are white because they say it unfairly gives a leg up to minority patients because of their race. >> it is discriminatory and it needs to be remanded immediately. based on how sick people are and what people need. it should not be based on color. speak of the cdc says that minority dots are running about double. the new york state department of health thousands says that no one is being turned away from treatment because of the race. it says it is following cdc guidance on this whole issue. meanwhile, as this comes, the number of people were testing positive here in new york city is skyrocketed. now one-third of new yorkers are testing positive for covid-19 and hospitalizations, we are told, are also up. >> dana: thank you for the update. >> trace: senator tim came stranded on i-95. we will have much more on the travel nightmare. plus, a daily battle on the southern border as law enforcement tries to catch migrants sneaking into the u.s. where live on the border next. facebook. banning ads for children's books about them as conservatives. what is behind the latest case on big tech censorship? >> it's probably because users are triggered by seeing conservative content float upon their ads. they report it. rk for your life. so we offer a complete exam and x-rays free to new patients without insurance - everyday. plus, patients get 20% off their treatment plan. we're on your corner and in your corner every step of the way. because your anything is our everything. aspen dental. anything to make you smile. book today at, walk in, or call 1-800-aspendental. veteran homeowners. if you haven't refinanced yet, get in on record low rates now. the newday two and a quarter refi is the lowest rate in newday's history. two and a quarter percent. just 2.48 apr. just one call, and you can save thousands every year. there's no money out of pocket and no up front fees. the newday two and a quarter refi. at these rates, you may never need to refinance again. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. superpowers from a spider bite? 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>> good morning. the roads in this region quickly went from wet to impassable. you go around the city of washington, d.c., and plenty of roads have not seen a plow yet. cars are something all of the place. and then there's i-95. just south of here and hundreds of drivers state that they have been stuck in their cars. some of them throughout the night. virginia's department transportation says it has closed 95 in both directions for a 50-mile stretch around fredericksburg. crews are working to clear trucks that are stuck and froze last night when temperatures hit the 20s. dreiser painted and tweeting that some are running out of gas, some have no food and water. some have pets and kids in the car. as you mentioned, you had a truck driver on last hour, emily clements in. truckers are carrying extra food and water usually. if you are struck out there and you're listening on satellite radio and you are hungry or thirsty, find a truck and knock on the door. they are planning to keep that state and are stretched stretched not closed so that they can get the people and getn their car 24 hours. senator tim kaine of virginia has been tweeting a photo of his view surrounded by park tractor-trailers. "i started my normal two hour drive to d.c. at 1:00 p.m. yesterday. 19 hours later, i am still not near the capital. my office is in touch with the virginia department of transportation to see how we can help other virginians in the situation. please stay safe, everyone." the virginia governor said that he is working to get warming huts out there for anyone who's unable to put their heat on. as you mentioned, no site for that truck driver that you spoke to last hour. they are trying to dislodge these vehicles and get movement on i-95 just south of washington, d.c. >> dana: the forecast is cold all day, but thankfully no snow a couple of days. thank you. >> trace: crime surging and democrat run cities with more than one dozen seeing record cases of homicide including philadelphia which reported 562 murders in 2021. yesterday, the city's far district attorney who just one month ago said there was no crime grace is there was sworn in for a second term. let's bring in chris stigall. always good to see it. despite the numbers that i just showed you, the d.a. in your city, larry krasner, said that we do not have a crisis of lawlessness. we do not have a crisis of crime. we do not have a crisis of violence. he fixed it. it's all better! >> pretty remarkable. happy new year to you. that went over like a lead balloon. it's the only time, to my knowledge, that larry krasner has ever gone before the public and genuflect and apologize. he stepped into such a degree that the former mayor said that it takes a certain audacity of ignorance and white privilege to say that. dominic to deck stomach black philadelphians. he's been backpedaling. as you shared, you talk about nearly 600 homicides. 2300 injured or killed by guns last year. we are off to a rousing start on new year's day. 14 shot and three dead. it is not getting better. the guys a problem. >> trace: to pick up on that point, the federalist, despite the fact that the d.a. says putting people and share is not the answer, the federalist says, and i'm quoting, "far left district attorney's have unleashed murder in cities like philadelphia." it says in part, "philadelphia story is similar to a lot of big cities across the country. crime is getting worse and will keep getting worse until prosecutors start getting tough and getting the street say for law-abiding citizens again." i'm assuming you would agree with that assessment. >> that's exactly right. the sad reality is that our former mayor has pointed this out. i do not agree with much politically from our former mayor, but it's got an diary when former district attorney's and mayors and are pointing out that where our prisons are located, largely in philadelphia, he has a nickname, larry krasner does. it's called let them loose larry. that's what they call him. that tells you everything you need to know. >> trace: we talked a guy short time ago. he's a gun store owner in beverly hills. he says you have prominent actors and you have real estate moguls. swimming pools and movie stars. now they're going after guns. they're going after guns because they don't feel safe. here's a think. the number of violent crime is up. you have in chicago total crime up 23%. when total crime is up 3%, you were talking about thousands of victims. in los angeles, total crime up 6%. new york city, 6%. san francisco, total violent and property crime up almost 11%. these are staggering numbers. >> they are. and it also tells you all you need to know. people like the speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, has purchased residents in a place where these numbers are not existing. places like florida. you have reported on it. people are leaving these high crime areas in high crime straits. there fleeing to red states. law-abiding citizens are tired of being told that the biggest threat that they face is the unmasked, on facts, and the omicron variant. it's a violent homicides in the streets. >> trace: the efforts that we are seeing in los angeles and in san francisco. do you see this going forward in other states around the country? >> there is such an extraordinary amount of money. as you know, guys like larry krasner, limitless funds. in these off your elections and recall elections, they're not as organized. maybe they can go forward. i hope they do. i'm pulling for. >> trace: chris stigall, great to have you on. >> happy new year. >> dana: book targeting children's book erasing very prominent conservative names. the backlash on how the social media giant is reacting next. plus, president biden rolling out a new plan for the meat processing industry. how will it help farmers and ranchers and ranchers? >> with the president wants to do is create competition. he wants our farmers and our growers to get more money for every dollar spent. there needs to be more demand for domestic products. if you wanna look fresh, fresh. you gotta eat fresh. eat fresh. that's why subway bought time in my shampoo ad. to talk about the new baja chicken & bacon. body, bounce, and baja. bounce. eat fresh. veteran homeowners, if you've been dreaming about improving your home but bothink your dreambaja. bounce. is out of reach, think again. you can make it happen with your va home loan benefit and the newday100 va loan. by borrowing up to 100% of your home's value, you can take out up to $60,000 or more, and lower your payments by an average of $615 every month. no one knows veterans like newday usa. ♪ ♪ did you know that you don't have to be 65 years old to qualify for medicare? 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(excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. >> trace: facebook walking back at censorship of the conservative children's book publisher. one editor affected by disabling its ads says that the damage has been done. the problem is second nature to the social media giant. >> there are woke people behind the screen at facebook and they get these complaints and they state that it has books about ronald reagan and amy coney barrett. let's turn not because it's offensive. >> trace: live in los angeles for more in this. kelly, good morning. >> good morning. what a quote, right? that shows how frustrated people are by the censorship. initially, the social media giant did not disable the account of the conservative children's book publisher, but when they appealed that, facebook doubled down and banned the business permanently. facebook said that heroes of liberty whose books focus on supreme court justices amy coney barrett and ronald reagan violate rules on low quality or disruptive content even though 90% of their funds were spent on quality score. to cancel children's books because they celebrate american values that 90% of americans believe in is not anti-conservative bias. it's anti-american. but they are now backtracking. telling fox business, "the ad account was disabled in error and has been restored." even so, this is one amongst many instances where conservative leaving individuals and businesses feel attacked by facebook. social media platforms are the modern-day town square and many claim that certain viewpoints are being censored. constant questioning vaccines have been removed and right wing pungent tom fitton was banned from tiktok without a warning. this is bernard a call for transparency among big tech. how confused for businesses like heroes of liberty. facebook did not tell them that their account was reinstated, but they were broadcasting to prominent figures that provided backlash. this could hurt the business that relies on the advertising outlet. >> trace: live in los angeles, kelly, thank you. >> capitalism without hospitalism is exploitation. that's what you're saying and meat and poultry in those industries now. small independent farmers and ranchers are being driven out of business. sometimes, businesses that have been around for generations. >> dana: president biden finding a role with farmers and ranchers. he's taking them at the meat and poultry industry looking to break up control by some of the biggest processors. joining us now is brent johnson, president of iowa farm bureau and scott blubaugh, acoma farmers union president. how long has concern been around in terms of anti-competitiveness and meat-packing? >> a long time. around the turn-of-the-century this issue is very prevalent. slowly, for last 40 years, we have seen an increase in consolidation in the industry and market power being concentrated so much. this is a process that has been going on for 40 years. we are at the breaking point. this cuts across all party lines and cuts across different administrations. we are at the point now where something has to be done. >> dana: let me ask you about this quote from mike brown, president of the national chicken council. he said that biden's plan looks like a solution in search of a problem. it's time for the white have to stop playing chicken with our food system and using the meat industry as a scapegoat for the significant challenges facing our economy. does he have a point there or is there a real problem of the president is trying to fix in his own way? >> there certainly is a problem. as scott alluded to, this is been alone for a long time. when i took over my operation from a family member 20 years ago, the cattle buyer at the time said he was not coming back to our farm because we did not have enough animals to provide. it allowed me to stay in the industry for another ten years or so before i had to exit because of lack of competition for a place for my animals. it has been going on a while. there are opportunities ahead and the grassley bill is one of those things we could be looking forward to. >> dana: i don't farmers and ranchers receive fairly low payments and then it goes to processing in american families are paying more. there is inflation, possibly, as a part of the cause of this. as you say, it is been going on for a long time. did anything that president biden say yesterday encourage you? it might help? he says $100 million to reduce the cost of inspections, $100 million to address supply-chain crises, 800 million for grants and loans for smaller facilities. hopefully, that increases competition. >> it's a great first start. i was encouraged by the news. we see the grassley bill in the senate moving along. it's trying to do some of these things. competition is good. the competition, that's the american way. we love competition. it makes us all better. right now, there is no competition in the meat world. by adding variable processors to the mix with $1 billion is going to help stimulate competition. i think it will be good for consumers as well as farmers and ranchers. >> dana: last word on that. we show that prices are up a lot. let's show them on the board a lot. steak up 24%, roast beef, 26%. bacon, 17.8%. this is not just prices for families, but that's a huge concern. that is being able to protect the way of life in rural america. i will give you the final word. >> absolutely. price disparities one of those huge things that is showing up in the sector right now. the price that farmers get paid for their meat is averaging $2.25 per pound right now. and my local grocery store, and hamburger meat itself is selling for $7. you have a farmer who's out there working every day in all weather conditions for a year to get that animal to market weight. he gets $2 and the packing industry has that animal for a matter of weeks. that $5 margin needs to be shared a little more equitably set farmers and ranchers can remain in business for the long run. >> dana: it is a complex issue and i'm glad to hear your personal expertise to help our viewers understand i don't. brent johnson and scott blubaugh. have a great day to you. spewing u.s. marshall is nabbing more than two dozen sex offenders and mesh going five missing girls. our next was part of the tax force in operation blue debt. plus, struggling to keep up with wave after wave of migrants and narcotics coming into the country. >> human smugglers continued to put the lives of innocent americans on the danger every day. i'm bill melugin live in la joya, texas. video of a serious crash involving a human smugglers. we will be right back. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. >> dana: the biden administration expanding the enforcement policies to san diego this week even as it weighs the legal fight against the trump air policies. they petitioned the supreme court last week and the policy which requires asylum-seekers to stay in mexico into the court date. a federal judge ruled to reinstate it last month when the administration ended over the summer. >> trace: border patrol tells our team that the cat-and-mouse game between agents and migrants trying to cross into the u.s. is an ongoing daily struggle. they said that it picked up a convicted sex offender this week adding to safety concerns for border communities. bill melugin live for us in la joya, texas. bill, good morning. >> good morning to you. just to put it in perspective, just on the last few days here in the rio grande valley sector, border patrol says they have a rest heads to sex offenders and one ms-13 gang member. this as smuggling continues to surge them border. take a look at the video out of laredo, texas, on thursday appeared this is texas troopers chasing a human smuggler and a pickup truck loaded with illegal immigrants. he flies to a red light and slams into the back of a vehicle being driven by an innocent bystander. both of those vehicles go spinning out of control. texas troopers and border patrol arrived on scene and wraps the smuggler at gunpoint. take a look at the aftermath of the crash. not only was that smugglers truck totaled in the crash, the red van being driven by the innocent bystander, the back crumpled up like an accordion. then click on no major injuries in this crash. several illegal immigrants were covered. keep in mind that a texas mother and daughter were killed when a smuggler question to their vehicle. drugs are being smuggled as we know. take a look at these photos. this is out of cleaver county on highway 77. texas dps pulling over a car that had 54 pounds of meth being hidden in these brand-new water pumps you see on the truck. that is a street value of $4.7 million. this was an effort for the cartel to try to get those drugs further into the houston area where they would then be sent elsewhere around the country. take a look at this mug shot right here. this is out of tucson, arizona, sector where they arrested a mexican national sex offender. he was previously convicted of aggravated sexual abuse out of the state of illinois. he was arrested by illinois after crossing illegally. they arrested a child predator from ecuador. he has previous convictions for aggravated sao tome, child molestation, and rape out of atlanta, georgia. he spent 12 years in prison. border regions in the el paso sector arresting him after he tried to reenter america illegally. back to you. >> trace: we will talk more about sex trafficking coming up here bill melugin down at the quarter. we want to show you images captured by a pennsylvania congressman that shows ghost flights of illegal immigrants from el paso, texas, without a passenger manifest landing on christmas night at a scranton area airport. lawrence jones reacted on fox news prime time last night. watch. >> they have to know about how the american people feel. even if you look at democrat cities that are on the border that have flipped to republican now. after all of that, they won't listen to henry cuellar, a democrat who has been encouraging the biden administration to do something. they won't listen to the polls. do they not count or is the larger mission more important? >> trace: they've directed earlier ghost flights to new york and parts of florida where governor ron desantis said he may move the immigrants to the president's home state of delaware. >> dana: federal agents announcing they have rescued five missing teenage girls and a month-long multiagency operation. they arrested 30 sex offenders, six of them wanted for crimes against minors. operation boo dat took place in december. joining us now is brian fair in louisiana. the marshals led this operation. tell us about how you were able to bring it to the successful conclusion. >> we do this operation on an yearly basis. at successful because of the partnerships we have with different participating law enforcement agencies. enter support of local crime offices as well. >> trace: i know that you have five young teenagers in this thing. are there reliable numbers on how many more teens might be out there in these sex rings? >> i do not have those numbers. our office recovered 43 teens last year and fiscal year 2021. we made that many recoveries. our work is based on requests from local law enforcement or state law enforcement to assist. the center for exploited children may have better figures on that. >> dana: this requires a lot of coordination and you had help from all of these entities like you mentioned. for example, the sheriff's office. louisiana state police as well. i wanted to ask you to reflect on this. of the girls rescued, they range from 14-17. two of the victims were sisters and according to the cnn report, they may be victories of felony activities as well. we know that they were rescued from a terrible situation. where did they go after rescued? >> they were turned over to my enforcement in baton rouge, louisiana, where they were recovered. from that point, they may be turned over to child services for further action. i can't comment on that case much more. still under investigation. >> trace: in that case where you have two sisters, 15 and 16 years old, i know you're going after the rings themselves, what about the parents? is there any accountability for the parents involvement here? >> in this particular case, the children ran away from the parents or whoever had custody of them. in this particular instance, the parents did not have anything to do with that manner. speech a oneness question for you. i've always been a big admirer of the u.s. marshal service. why do in the marshall? >> where the oldest federal law enforcement agency in america. there's a variety of work you can do. every day of the week can be different. you can be doing judicial security, protection details, apprehending fugitives. every day can be different in our agency. like i said, it has been a very enjoyable job. we are the oldest federal law-enforcement agency. >> dana: you do very well. thank you very much, brian fair, and think you for what you get. >> trace: great work. thank you. the doj dropping charges against jeffrey epstein's prison guards. the investigation into his suicide is far from over. plus, the biden administration struggling to root respond to a record surge of covid cases. it is creating dire consequences for hospitals. more on that coming up. veteran homeowners. while some banks and lenders are raising their rates newday is holding the line with their two and a quarter refi. that's 2.25%, with an apr of 2.48. this is their lowest rate in history. the newday two and a quarter refi can cut thousands of dollars off your mortgage payments. there's no money out of pocket and no up front costs. lock in your rate. >> he said he should shut down the virus. he couldn't do it. president biden and the rest of us forced to watch and hope for the best although hope is not a strategy, as u.s. smashed a global record with one million americans testing positive yesterday. teachers unions claim moring to -- clamoring to keep children home. panic setting in for some democrats who don't want joe biden to run again. "the faulkner focus" top of the hour >> hospital officials are dealing with a critical staffing shortage. i think this is a little what governor desantis talking about. which is, people coming into the hospital with covid or getting covid while they are there or already dealing with it. they have the staffing shortages as well. lot of businesses and hospitals are feeling that now. >> even across the country, lot of coming into hospitals, are coming in with covid. they are coming in regardless of the reason, they get tested. they have covid. that's counted as a case. it's little bit deceiving for total numbers across-the-board. a judge dismissed a case against a jail guard who supposed to be watching jeffrey epstein the night he committed suicide. david has more from the justice department. >> good morning. to you. the judge signed this document yesterday officially dropping those charges both guards were accused of sleeping on the job, surfing the internet and then lying about it. they were supposed to check on jeffrey epstein every 30 minute per protocol. the department of justice moves last may to drop those charges against the guards after they agreed to cooperate with the government and provide more information about the time around epstein's death. the shortcoming in the mistakes made by mr. noel was inexperienced by the leadership of mcc and bureau of prisons. back here in washington, michael horowitz and his team are reviewing the case of these two guards. they were charged in 2019. d.o.j. oversees bureau of prisons. no comment from the ig's office. news comes days after epstein's accomplished girlfriend ghislaine maxwell was convicted. sentencing phase has yet to take place. she could spend the rest of her life behind bars. >> thank you. >> before we go, we have about a minute left. i wanted to show you this. it's winter scene all across america including in a lovely place of utah. check out this little doggy finding great fun in the snow there in utah with all that great powder. >> the slopes are fantastic up there. i was up couple of weeks ago. not take away from the dogs the skiing is great and the ball chasing in utah. it's exceptional. >> that's the meteorologist dog. we have this weather thing from nevada. he's put a soap bubble out there. it's freezing cold. look at the beautiful scene. little internal snow globe for you, trace. >> every one of those apparently just like the snowflake is different in shape and size. >> unique and so special. just like you, trace gallagher. thank you so much for being here today. we appreciate your time. thank you so much. we wish you all a happy tuesday. "the faulkner focus" is up next. here's harris. >> harris: the coronavirus is very much not shut down. the united states is shattered a new global daily record of covid cases. i'm harris faulkner. you're in the "the faulkner focus." more than one million people in america tested positive for covid-19. yesterday, alone. as what they are calling a tsunami of omicron is swamping every aspect of daily american life. that stunning number nearly doubled the record set less than two weeks ago. this week the u.s. supreme court will hear arguments on president

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Wall , Everyone , Conversation , China Lebron , Nba , Ennis Kanter , Jobs , Ainsley , Aren T We Grateful , U S 1 , Dana Perino , Country , On Behalf Of Will , Radio Show , Americas , Grips , Oma Chronic , Brian , Petty , Three , Cases , Record , Bill , America S Newsroom , Trace Gallagher , One , Biden Finding , Tests , Ones , Response Team , Shortage , Surgeon , Eastern Time , Progress , A Billion , 2 , 00 , Test , Adams , Cutely , Problem , Something , Policy , Administration , Cover , Blame , Post , Omnicrush , Morning , Lines , Supply , Americans , Casts , Team Fox Coverage , Risk , Value , Surgeon General , Testing Individuals , Competition , Positivity Rate , Leadership , Health Experts , Testing Psychology , Most , Schools , Students , School System , Individuals , Chicago , Two , Number , Matters , Learning , Kids In School , Class , Holidays , Staff , Teachers Union , Goal , Temper Emergency Decisions , Some , Atlanta Public Schools , School Systems , Return , Measures , Top Priority , Suburbs , Atlanta , Trace , Response , Classrooms , Time , Team , Omicron Variant , 2022 , Correspondent , At Home Covid , White House , North , 500 , Covid 19 , Case , Update , Cdc , Testing Component , Quarantine Guidelines , Briefing , Isolation , Five , Pressure , Questions , Role , Accounts , Feedback , Testing , Question , Back , Quarantine , Shortening , Clarification , Republicans , Demonstration , Senate , Testing Shortage , Doorstep , Bynum , 500 Million , Vaccines , Both , Grew Tea , 0 Billion , 80 Billion , Variant , Government , Ron Desantis , Governors , Bungling Distribution , Therapeutics , None , People , Situation , Way , Control , Feds , 40000 , Area , Focus , Challenges , Arguments , Mandate , Supreme Court , Judge , Reprieve , Group , Vaccine Mandate , Employers , Employees , Jack , Navy Seals , Exemption , News , I 95 , Nation , I 95 In Virginia , Drivers , Traffic Nightmare , Interstates , Hundreds , Fredericksburg , 95 , Tractor Trailers , Variety , Several , Traffic Mess , Cars , Accidents , Weather , Miles , Domino Effect , Traffic , Trailers , Tow Trucks On , 15 , 14 , Lot , Anybody , Reports , Standstill , Water , Food , Chance , Home , Freeways , Fuel , Kenworth , Trucker , Road , Stretch , Items , Point , Points , Bobby Rush , List , Democrats , Reelection , Karl Rove , Nightmare , State , Particular , Chief Of Staff , Deputy , 24 , 1 , Someone , Dr , Email , John Pedrao Sick , Writing On The Wall Next November , Student , Career , Training , Scientist , University Of Chicago , Polygamist , University Of Missouri , Ucla , Things , Election , Models , Party , Scientists , Numbers , Retirements , Race , Surgeon Decline , Campaign , Performance , Campaign Spending , Retirement , Don T , Level , Quality , House Of Representatives , Raising , Ten , 6 , 1962 , 40 , Gain , Approval , 13 , 12 , 236 , 18 , 213 , Majority , Units , Member , Guy , Kind , Speculation , Speaker Pelosi , Move , Public , Listening , Winds , Vision , Perspectives , The American , Position , Progressives , House Democrat , Think Pelosi , Left , House , Minority Leader , Minority , Great Run , 80 , Six , Approval Rating , 2024 , Kids , School , Insulation Continuing , 50s To 40s , 50 , Last , Decisions , Committee Chairs , Rush , 30 , Part , Model , Somewhere , 2014 , 20 , 43 , Seats , Plus One , 2020 , 67 , 2010 , Top , Strength , Ticket , Base , Bats , Plus , Authorities , New Hampshire , Spirit Fox News Alert , Rug , D A , Big Scandals Rock Andrew Cuomo , Ex Governor A Prepass , Girls , Los Angeles , Disappearance , Areas , Crimes , 2019 , Peace Of Mind , Newday 100 Va Loan , Hands , Bluest Cities , Gun Sales , Va Home N Benefit , Up Next , 100 , Values , Security , Bank , Grandkids , Cash , Kitchen , Pool , Candidates , Plan , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Size , Staffing , Master , Man , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Otezla , Psoriasis , Choices , Choice , Entrance , Splash , Depression , Pill , Cream , Skin , Plaque Psoriasis , Diarrhea , Nausea , Vomiting , 75 , History , Thoughts , Treatment , Doctor , Feelings , Planning , Medicines , Weight Loss , Weight , Headache , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Handful , Moving , Plno , Offers , Movers , Services , Address , Xfinity , Yep , Money , Internet , Save , Xfinity Com Moving , Nursing Homes , Pandemic , Andrew Cuomo , Discussion , Handling , Manhattan D A , Patients , Hospitals , Investigation , Charges , Deaths , Albany D A , March Of 2020 , Guns , Peoples , Complaint , Homicides , Crime , Beverly Hills , Russell Stewart , Affluent , Help , Actors , Liberal , Spike , Anti Gun , Real Estate , Renting Population , Category , Couple , Interviews , Environment , Everly , Safe Environment , Buying Firearms , Elsa Mayberry , Target , Security Expert , Rich Mayberry , Don T Quote Flashy Jewelry , Profile , Security Systems , Suv , Clients , Bentley , Influx , Watch , Diaper Bag , Car Stolen , Philanthropist , Security Guards , Rooms , Floodlights , Alarms , Dominic , Security Home Systems , Stats , Shootings , Robberies , West Hollywood , Pure , Plus 50 , 54 , 23 , Concerns , 42 , Story , Customers , Weapon , Shooting Ranges , Gun , Trainer , Ton , Public Safety Option , Train , Guys , Rooster Weapon , Buyers , Office Building , Appointment , Store , The Street , Schedule , Everybody , Crime Numbers , Stress Safety , Gun Safety , Los Angeles Times , Coursework , Police Budgets , Bit , Budget , Policies , Wild , No Doubt , Prosecutors , Cities , Voters , Change , Russell Swear , Truck Driver , Driver , Crisis , Winter Weather , No Way Out , Pileup , Border , Street , Border Patrol , Amir , Emergency , Immigration , Job , Better , Ability , On America S , Phone Everyone Wants , Network , More , Family , Iphone , Entertainment , Music , Entertainment Subscriptions , Kate , Carolers , Apple , Apple Arcade , Verizon , 000 , 1000 , 7 , Homeowners , Newday Two , Savings , Home Loan , Va , Families , Veterans , No One , Average , Lender , Ways , Newday Usa , 60000 , 615 , 0000 , Chain Reaction Crash , Stranding Hundreds , Others , Guest , Emily Clements In , Middle , Thanks , Song , Dominic Feel , Screen , Stop , Pictures , Cause , Traffic Lanes , Accident , Route , Truckers , Twitter , Social Media , Anyone , Door , Supplies , Bottles , Peanut Butter Jelly , First , Awareness , Stuff , Truck , Times , Situations , Fridge , Snack , Advice , Don T Be Shy , Big Rig Trucks , Rest , Nothing , Hamstring , Phone Charger , Gentleman , Google Maps , Folks , Knock , Car , Speech , Pets , Somebody , Truck Drivers , Need Help , Emily , Side , Dog , Children , Doors , Cheese , Piece , Nine , Community Leadership , Stay In Touch , Communities , Spelling , Yuma Sector , Texas , Arizona , State Of Emergency , Yuma , Douglas Nicholls , 2400 , Place , Thing , Surge , 10000 , Wave , Climbing , Momentum , Capacity , Mission , Border Security , Medication , Agents , Border Agents , Assurances , Talks , Round , Assistant Secretaries , Up , Plugging Strategically , Uncertainty , Discussions , Border Patrol A Fighting Chance , Departments , Migrant Show Bidet , Center , Masson , 25 , Hospital , Mayor , Mr , Resources , Intensive Care Unit , Babies , Checkups , Homeless Mission , 25000 , Problems , Best Of Luck , Investors , Countries , Winter Olympics , Opening , Beijing , Boycott , Human Stomach , Moore , Hello , Obsessed , Cooking , Interest , Heart , Seal , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Grown In Idaho , Idaho Potatoes , Lease Cash , Rx , Lexus Rx , Shhh , Don T Worry , 1500 , 350 , Experts , Technology , Service , Vo , Windshield , Music Vo , Singers , Decompression Zone , Safelite Autoglass , Safelite Repair , 19 , Support , You Re Not Alone , Calhope , 4673 , 317 , 833 317 4673 , 833 , Calhope Org , Trial , Split Verdict , Fraud , Founder , Blood Testing , Conspiracy , California , San Jose , Prison , Win , Holmes , Counts , Jury , Millions , Dollars , Blood Founding , Four , Company , Partnerships , Work , Jury Saw Investor , Military , Verdict , Funding , Message , Failure , Ups , Pfizer , Representations , Courthouse , Joke , It Mentality , Investor Mattie , Parents , Convictions , Restitution , Reporters , Throng , Federal Prison Plus , Boyfriend , Fines , Defense , Coo , Deal , Ex Boyfriend , Ce , 90 , Evidence , Fraud Trial Starts , U K , Australia , Canada , Human Rights Abuses , Rescue , Issue , Omicron , China , Olympics , Signal Newsletter , Zero Covid , Bubble , Beijing Olympics , Zero , Meat World , Economies , Least , Transmissible , Moderna , Politics , Same , Changes , Economy , Supply Chain , Document , Risks , Board , Look , Likelihood , Number One , Factors , Midterms , Techno Polar World , Impact , Example , Climate Change , Inflation , It , Important , Trouble , Bottom , Trajectory , Turkey , Amount , Outcome , Gi Jason , D , Germany , Japan , The End , Elections , Commode , Culture Wars , Corporations , Algorithms , Tech Companies , Governments , Expertise , Institutions , Gripe , Laws , Misinformation , Acts , Don T Bite , Europe , Fact , Powerful , Wealthy , Report , Take A Look , Eurasia Group Net , Deep Dive , Blackberry , Device , Security Software , Air , Farewell , Blackberry Phones , Blackberry Software , Blackberries , Devices , Smartphones , Old Blackberries , Android , Crackberry S , Statements , Desk , Keyboard , O Typos , Reason , Vote , Verge , Teachers Union Holding A Key , Harmony , Girl , Peace , Va Home Loan Benefit , Backyard Deck , Highs , Project Managers , Projects , Shortlist , Job Criteria , Courses , Equity , Professors , Administrators , Commitment , Reporting , University , Social Justice , Stress Antiracism , University Of Memphis , 3000 , Harmony Montgomery , Little Girl , Inclusion , Diversity , Spoon Pleats , Life , Tip Line , Molly Line , Manchester Police , Manchester , Tips , Eyes , Blonde Hair , Feet , Eye , Blind , City Of Manchester , 4 , October Of 2019 , Effort , Recovery , Glasses , Hare , Esses , Rescue Mode , Everything , Child Protection Agency , Investigators , Family Members , Condition , Property , Police Chief , Massachusetts , Specifics , Owner , Police , Location , Reward Money , 5000 , Calls , Detectives , Texts , 203 , 6060 , 603 203 6060 , 603 , World Record , Information , Montgomery , 1 Million , President , Bill Melugin , John Hopkins University , Biden Set , Member Teacher Union , Whether , Debate , Classes , Safety , Developmentally , Teacher Union , Demands , Breath , Mark , Strike , Spread , Exposure , 340000 , Safer , Teutons , Masks , Outbreak , Data , Saying , Statement , Medications , District , 100 Million , 00 Million , Science , Option , Power Place , Enough , Leverage , Opportunity , Chicago Teachers Union , City , Consequences , Teachers , Classroom , Votes , John Hopkins , Marty Makary , Colleges , Order , Contributor , Following , University Covert Policies , Anti Recent , Headline , Op Ed , Testing Supply , Groupthink , Georgetown University , Beast , Thinking , Culture , Symptoms , Planet Earth , Sip , Mask , Finals , Solitary Confinement , Booster Mandates , Kitchen Sink , Course , Semester Arbitrating Students , Reality , College Students , Child , Mental Health , Self Harm , Person , Snapshot , 51 , 31 , Front , Lab Test , Governor , Distinction , Florida , Positive , Swabbing Everybody , Car Accident , Emergency Room , Muh , Many , State Leaders , Calling , Office , New York , Daily Hospitalizations , Covid Hospitalizations , Indicator , Half , Statistic , Leaders , Enterococcus , Which , Meningitis , 10 , Colonized , Booster , 0 , Officials , Agency , Boosters , Men , Harm , Fda , 2000 , Kids No Matter What , Population , Direction , Comorbidities , Age , Ethnicity , Department Of Health , Cat , Health Providers , Coronavirus , Guidance , Type , Antibodies , Equities , Pills , Death , Illness , Leg , Critics , Dots , Color , New York State Department Of Health , Double , Thousands , Hospitalizations , Migrants , Law Enforcement , Tim Kaine , Battle , Travel Nightmare , Books , Facebook , Users , Conservatives , Big Tech Censorship , Banning Ads , Ads , Insurance , Exam , Content Float , Rk , Anything , Corner , At Aspendental Com , Treatment Plan , Book Today , Step , Aspen Dental , Refi , Rates , Apr , Rate , You Haven T , Walk In , 800 , 2 48 , Call , Pocket , Fees , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Spider Bite , Superpowers , Pay , Liberty , Theaters , December 17th , 17 , Life Insurance Policy , Cash Payment , Policy Lapse , Life Insurance , Income , Worth , Visit Coventrydirect Com , Finding Out , 100000 , 00000 , Coventry , Vehicles , Cold , Roads , Washington D C , Warming , Latest , Region , Plow , City Of Washington D C , Department Transportation , Directions , Crews , Trucks , Tweeting , Dreiser , Temperatures , Gas , Satellite Radio , Senator , Photo , Virginia Department Of Transportation , Drive , Virginians , View , Capital , Park Tractor Trailers , Yesterday , Safe , Warming Huts , Stay , Heat , Site , Snow , Movement , Forecast , Crime Surging , Philadelphia , Murders , Homicide , Yesterday , 562 , 2021 , District Attorney , Crime Grace , Chris Stigall , Second Term , Larry Krasner , Lawlessness , Violence , Lead Balloon , Knowledge , Degree , Deck Stomach Black Philadelphians , Backpedaling , Audacity , Ignorance , Privilege , Shot , 600 , 2300 , Answer , Federalist , Share , Murder , Citizens , Say , Assessment , Prisons , Mayors , Diary , Nickname , Gun Store Owner , Real Estate Moguls , Think , Movie Stars , Swimming Pools , Victims , San Francisco , 3 , Property Crime , Speaker , Residents , 11 , Places , Red States , Straits , Streets , Facts , Unmasked , Threat , Efforts , States , Recall Elections , Limitless Funds , Organized , Backlash , Social Media Giant , Names , Meat Processing Industry , Book Targeting Children S Erasing Very Prominent Conservative , Biden Rolling , Farmers , Ranchers , Growers , Dollar , Demand , Products , Bounce , Baja Chicken , Bacon , Shampoo , Subway , Body , Eat Fresh , Gotta Eat Fresh , Baja , Reach , Newday100 Va Loan , Your Dreambaja , Payments , All In One Guide To Medicare , Medicaid , Medicare Advantage Plan , 65 , Wellcare , Plans , Members , Benefits , Advantage , Low , Zero Dollars , Visits , Prescription , Hearing Coverage , Primary Care , Prescription Drugs , Dental , Access , Grocery , Premium , Dollar Copays , Delivery , Zero Dollar , 24 7 , Enrollwellcare Com , Shipping Manager , Find Themself , Protein , Energy , Health , Nutrients , Sugar , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Censorship , Book Publisher , Editor , Damage , Complaints , Nature , Quote , Ronald Reagan , Kelly , Amy Coney Barrett , Heroes , Business , Account , Children S Book Publisher , Content , Funds , Quality Score , Rules , Justices Amy Coney Barrett , Bias , Innocent Americans , Businesses , Instances , Ad Account , Error , Fox Business , Questioning , Viewpoints , Claim , Wing , Warning , Social Media Platforms , Censored , Town Square , Tiktok , Tom Fitton , Figures , Transparency , Live In Los Angeles , Advertising Outlet , Meat , Poultry , Of Business , Industries , Capitalism Without Hospitalism Is Exploitation , Processors , Brent Johnson , Generations , Concern , Terms , Acoma Farmers Union , Scott Blubaugh , Farm Bureau , Iowa , Meat Packing , Increase , Industry , Process , Consolidation , Market Power Being , Breaking Point , Cuts , Administrations , Party Lines , Mike Brown , It S Time , Playing Chicken , Meat Industry , White , Food System , National Chicken Council , Search , Solution , Scapegoat , Fix , Operation , Family Member , Animals , Farm , Cattle Buyer , Lack , Opportunities , I Don T Farmers , Loans , Crises , Grants , Cost , Inspections , Facilities , 800 Million , Start , The American Way , 1 Billion , Billion , Prices , Word , Consumers , Roast Beef , 26 , Rural America , 17 8 , Sector , Price , Disparities , Farmer , Animal , Hamburger Meat , Grocery Store , Market Weight , Weather Conditions , , 2 25 , 25 , Packing Industry , Matter , Margin , 5 , Viewers , Long Run , Sex Offenders , Operation Blue , Next , Tax Force , U S Marshall , Human Smugglers , Narcotics , Lives , Danger , Crash , Video , La Joya , Customization , Dj , Throwback , Liberty Hello , Enforcement Policies , Trump Air Policies , Fight , Mexico , San Diego , Asylum Seekers , Struggle , Summer , Game , Border Communities , Safety Concerns , Sex Offender , Perspective , Rio Grande Valley , Troopers , Smuggling , Gang Member , Ms 13 , Laredo , Immigrants , Human Smuggler , Vehicle , Bystander , Out Of Control , Pickup Truck , Red Light , Slams , Scene , Smuggler , Smugglers Truck , Aftermath , Accordion , Gunpoint , Red Van , Drugs , Smuggler Question , Mind , Photos , Injuries , Daughter , Mother , Cleaver County On Highway 77 , Street Value , Meth , Texas Dps , 7 Million , 4 7 Million , 77 , Mexican National Sex Offender , Elsewhere , Houston , Cartel , Mug Shot , Tucson , Sexual Abuse , Illinois , Child Predator , Child Molestation , Ecuador , Sao Tome , Sex Trafficking , Reenter America , Border Regions , El Paso , Georgia , Pennsylvania , Congressman , Passenger Manifest Landing , Ghost Flights , Scranton Area Airport , Images , Prime Time , Last Night , Lawrence Jones , Polls , Henry Cuellar , Parts , Home State Of Delaware , Ghost , Minors , Multiagency Operation , Operation Boo Dat , Marshals , Conclusion , Louisiana , Law Enforcement Agencies , Crime Offices , Teenagers , Basis , Teens , Sex Rings , Recoveries , State Law Enforcement , Requests , Louisiana State Police , Coordination , Entities , Sheriff , Sisters , Victories , Felony Activities , Cnn , Baton Rouge , Enforcement , Comment , Child Services , Action , 16 , Accountability , Custody , Admirer , Oneness Question , Instance , Manner , Marshall , Protection Details , Law Enforcement Agency , Apprehending Fugitives , Brian Fair , Jeffrey Epstein , Suicide , Root , Prison Guards , Doj Dropping , Banks , Line , Lenders , Mortgage Payments , Costs , Lock , Hope , Strategy , Best , Virus , Teachers Unions , Clamoring , Panic Setting , Moring , One Million , Faulkner Focus , Joe Biden , Don T Want , Little , Staffing Shortage , Staffing Shortages , Jail Guard , Justice Department , David , Guards , Sleeping , May , Bureau Of Prisons , Shortcoming , Mistakes , Noel , Mcc , Michael Horowitz , Ghislaine Maxwell , Epstein , Ig , Sentencing Phase , Bars , Fun , Winter Scene , Powder , Utah , America Including , Skiing , Ball Chasing , Dogs , Slopes , Weather Thing , Snowflake , Freezing Cold , Meteorologist Dog , Soap Bubble , Snow Globe , Nevada , Shape , Daily Record , Harris Faulkner , Aspect , Set , Tsunami , Daily American Life ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer Dana Perino 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer Dana Perino 20240709

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here's what jerome adams had to say just a few minutes ago. >> rapid tests are very good on telling you if you are in cutely affected. get a rapid test if you can. the problem is, the administration is not delivered a rapid test. they don't want to put out a policy telling you to do something which then reflects blame back on them. >> dana: the cover of the near post, omnicrush. we have team fox coverage. must pick a good morning. with his take on casts in short supply, many americans are waiting in long lines where the covert positivity rate exceeds . the surgeon general is questioning the value of testing individuals who are asymptomatic or low risk for competition. >> we are going to be working to unwind the testing psychology that our federal leadership has managed to unfortunately that most of the country end. >> other health experts argue it's important to track asymptomatic cases because they can still be passed on to high risk individuals. that is renewing nationwide debate other two delay opening schools this week. the third largest school system, chicago, students return to class after holidays but the teachers union is concerned about to return to remote learning. >> schools may have to make temper emergency decisions if they've a large number of staff, for they become who are out sick and feel like they can't take these matters. the goal is to keep these kids in school. this is our top priority. we just need to do it faithfully. mitigation measures can do that. >> here in atlanta, atlanta public schools and some of the school systems in the surrounding suburbs are delaying the return of students to physical classrooms as they reassess how to deal with this highly infectious omicron variant. >> dana: on other days would get 2022 underway. thank you, jonathan. >> trace: president biden is set to meet with his covert response team today for the first time in over two weeks. americans wait for his 500 promised free at home covid tests. white house correspondent is with us on the north on. >> good morning. the president will be receiving that covert briefing this morning. we are expecting an update on whether the cdc will update its newly revised quarantine guidelines to include a testing component after five days of isolation following a positive covid case. there are conflicting accounts on whether it would be necessary and the surgeon general said an update is coming soon in response to public pressure. >> they have received feedback and questions about the role of testing and shortening the quarantine. back. they are right now on issuing a clarification on that. i would expect that any day. speak up there's a question on how to require testing one tests are so hard to find. the 500 million promised by the bynum administration are no closer to reaching our doorstep. senate republicans are probing the buy demonstration of why there's such such a dire testing shortage despite congress having spent $80 billion to expand testing. the white house's face grew tea over why it seems to focus exclusively on vaccines rather . both are proving necessary with the highly infectious variant. for to governor ron desantis said that the federal government does bungling distribution of therapeutics also. >> i bought some myself. none of the governors are able to do that because the feds have seized control. we're in a situation where we have asked for 40,000 more every week because i have people that i could help and they are holding onto it and not distributing it the way we need it to be distributed. >> the area where the white house has put its focus, vaccines, is facing more challenges. the supreme court will hear arguments over the biden administration mandate and private employers having employees receive vaccines. yesterday, a federal judge issuing a temporary reprieve to a group of navy seals who were requesting exemption from the vaccine mandate. >> trace: jack, thank you. i not far from where jackie is, we have breaking news. a traffic nightmare unfolding on one of the nation's busiest interstates. we are talking about hundreds, possibly thousands of drivers trapped on i on i-95 in virginia close to fredericksburg. you see the traffic mess right there. those are tractor-trailers. what happened earlier, hours and hours earlier, you had several of these tractor-trailers involved in a variety of accidents. mostly because of the weather. you had one and then the domino effect. you see right there, you have all these tractor-trailers backed up. behind those tractor-trailers, you have cars for miles and miles and miles that are also backed up. it swings around. what happens is you cannot get the trailers out of the way because you cannot get tow trucks on and therefore, you cannot get to traffic. we have reports of people being stuck in their cars for more than 14, 15 hours. the tractor-trailers then brought traffic to a standstill. so far, we have no reports of anybody being injured in this. there are a lot of uncomfortable and very cold people right now sitting on one of the nation's busiest freeways. it is going to be hours before they get a chance to back, kenworth, and get home. >> dana: people are running out of food, fuel, and water. a trucker reached out to let people know she had extra items there and she could help people if they could get hurt. as a terrible situation. we are going to continue to follow this. if you are waking up, terrible in virginia. a bad stretch of road anyway. you add this, and it's a total nightmare. also, bobby rush joining the list of democrats will not seek reelection. this is a point to gain points in november. let's bring in karl rove, the deputy the deputy chief of staff. bobby rush has been there for a long time. he is 1 of 24 house democrats not seeking reelection in 2022. this is not a state that the republicans could pick up, his in particular, i'm assuming. we knew someone in leadership decide to retire at this point, you might see the writing on the wall next november. >> absolutely. i've been talking the last couple of days by email with dr. john pedrao sick. use a student at the university of chicago training under a polygamist political scientist and then had a long and illustrious career himself at ucla and the university of missouri. john is a political not. it's constantly chasing these things. we're talking about what are the measures of how a party's going to do in a midterm election? political scientists use five different models. the surgeon decline, the presidential race, presidential performance, and retirements. we all have numbers on these models. we have two models. campaign spending and campaign quality that we can't use right now. it is premature. don't know how much people are raising. what's the level of retirement mean? today, ten percents of the democrats and the house of representatives are retiring. 6% are retiring. if you look at all election since 1962, this would mean that -- that's a point to a 40 seeking for republicans. the surgeon decline points to a small gain of 12-13. the presidential approval is 18. the republicans are at 213. it gives him 236 which is a pretty good at majority in house of representatives. >> dana: units called someone else a political not. you must be really into it. >> he is really into it. >> dana: the speculation is whether speaker pelosi will retire. you have a progressive member, very simple and genial kind of guy, he said this about her. let me read it from here. "we want leadership that bridges some of the different ideological winds of the party that is committed to listening to all the perspectives that will be capable of helping move the senate or things that have sold the house. they have a bold vision of what we need to g for the american public. whatever it is, i hope they would adopt progressive position." don't you think pelosi has been quite accommodating to the progressives? >> absolutely. very much so. she is more liberal than the average house democrat, but she has been more accommodating to the left than i thought she would be. let's be honest. democrats are can lose control of the house. nancy pelosi's not going to stick around. let's assume she's going to run election in 2022, but if democrats lose the house like i think they will, she's not going to want to stick around and attempt to be the minority leader. nancy pelosi's going to retire. she is 80 some years old. she's been there long time and been a great run. she won't want to go back into the minority because it's going to be two years, for each, or six years for the democrats have the chance to get the majority in the house. >> dana: some are calling for president biden to be primary to in 2024. he's deeply unpopular. you can see this in the approval rating. look at how it's gone down. you know what it means to go from 50s to 40s. if you search go much lower if you see covid this month and insulation continuing. kids scrambling to be back in school. all of that will lead to decisions to retire or get out before the republicans take over. >> you are right. we've not seen the last of the democratic retirements. we are likely to see more. we have not just senior democrats like rush was been there for 30 years, but with committee chairs. three committee chairs have announced retirement. i suspect a significant number of democratic retirements driving the number of the model above 40. i think that the democrats are going to lose somewhere between the mid-20s and high 20s. in part because that is not going to be like the 43 that we had in 2014. it's not going to be like the 2010 with 67. in part because republicans did something unusual in 2020 and that is they gained 12 seats in november plus one special election earlier in the year. a net gain of 13 seats in the house of representatives while they lost the white house. it says something about the strength of the republicans below the top of the ticket. >> dana: thank you for being on today. we will touch base with you soon. >> all the bats. spirit fox news alert. two big scandals rock andrew cuomo. d.a.'s appear to be sweeping them under the rug. or how they're giving the ex-governor a prepass. plus, new hampshire authorities says this little girls not been seen since 2019. but apparently only learned of her disappearance last week. as crimes fakes and democratically run los angeles,t liberal areas or taking matters into their own hands. up next, how gun sales are booming in one of our bluest cities. cash with your va home n benefit. the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow 100% of your home's value. upgrade the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with today's high home values, turning equity into cash is a really smart move. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit people with moderate to severe psoriasis, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the entrance they make, the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. moving is a handful. and if you're pregnant or plno kidding!e. fortunately, xfinity makes moving easy. easy? 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>> absolutely. we stressed training to every single one of our customers. we have a lot of shooting ranges in our area. all we can do is show someone how to use a weapon at a basic level in the story. we stressed to go out and find a trainer and go shoot their gun. get familiar with it. if we have a ton of untrained people out there, aware of the possible sub dominic public safety option. i hope all dumb buyers quote to enlarge a train on how the rooster weapon. >> trace: you guys are in an office building tucked away. you've to make an appointment. you've suddenly started selling a lot of guns. >> people can come up off of the street because of covid, that has been more customized into an appointment early schedule. we are a small store. we are a mighty one. we are very popular. we definitely stress safety. even those that do not want to buy a gun and just want to learn about gun safety, we are here for everybody. >> trace: the "los angeles times" believes that crime numbers are being inflated a bit because of police budgets. they want their budget to increase. you believe that coursework or .>> people are scared. we have seen an influx of crime. if they want to sweep under the wild, they can do that. but there is no doubt that that the policies have impacted up and people understand. i hope that the voters are watching and can make a change. >> trace: we will talk about this far left prosecutors not just in los angeles, but other cities. russell swear, thank you for coming on. we appreciate it. >> dana: fox news alert. winter weather in the northeast causing a massive pileup. driver strapped on a snowy road and they will in no way out. we talked to a truck driver who struck for five hours. plus, a migrant crisis goes beyond the border. amir joined us on why he has to declare street of emergency and why the border patrol really needs help. >> because the numbers are so large, they end up dealing with immigration. it compromises their ability to do their job. here, the phone everyone wants, on america's most reliable network. better? 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them. i have food and water. luckily, i've only been in it a short time compared to others. even here on u.s. 1, it's no different than i-95. dead stop traffic. we've been sitting here for two hours already. >> trace: i'm just wondering, because we are seeing the pictures on the screen. the big focuses on i-95 because it's for the big traffic lanes are and where all the tractor-trailers got into the accidents. we know what the problem is on is on i-95. what's the problem where you are? why are you stuck? are there accidents? is at the weather? what is the cause? >> as far as accident or whether, it looks pretty good. i think it is just everybody else trying to get off of i-95 and taking the u.s. 1 route. trying to take a week to get around it. >> dana: you noticed on social media that people were asking -- noting that they were running out of food and water. you put on twitter that a lot of truckers often have extra supplies. did anyone take you up on that? >> no. i wish they would have. we made a couple of peanut butter jelly sandwiches and we had our bottles of water ready. i did not feel comfortable knocking on anybody's door. i did not want them to say what is this weirdo doing? i want to bring awareness to say this is not the first and it's not going to be the last time that you are going to get stuck and stuff like this. i've been in the situation several times. don't be shy. a lot of us cook on the truck. we always have something in our fridge. we always have some kind of snack. we always carry extra water. we are in situations like this. >> trace: great advice. especially for those that were stuck close to these big rig trucks. a lot of people who are back in traffic, they are those. i'm wondering if you've seen in your five hours on i-95 and your time now on u.s. 1, have you seen authorities trying to help people to get through this or are they too much hamstring with the rest of the people? >> hamstring with the rest of the people. we've heard nothing. i would no news. i would be in the situation of google maps keeps you out of traffic. but i did see people get out and stretch. i saw one gentleman borrow phone charger. i feel so bad for these folks that have been out here overnight. remember, we're there and we are there to help your knock on our door. speech of your listening and you do need help, emily saying that truck drivers are often able to do that. somebody got out of the car and is walking their dog down the side of the road. their pets in there. you mentioned that their small children in cars as well. >> there were two small kids next to us. if i would have not been able to get off or set there any longer, i would've been offering them something. i saw the kids in the back. a lot of that was all over twitter. we have kids, we are thirsty, we are hungry. if you are stuck out there, you have a truck next to you or a truck two doors down, if you're thirsty, you're hungry, even if it's a piece of cheese. nine times out of ten, i'm pretty sure they will give you something. >> dana: stay in touch with us. thank you so much. stay safe and we appreciate you showing so much community leadership by offering to help. >> thank you. >> trace: we will keep you updated on that situation. in the meantime, the crisis at the southern border spelling far beyond texas and other border communities including arizona's yuma sector were encounters up more than 2400% this fiscal year. the situation got so overwhelming that yuma's they are declared a state of emergency. douglas nicholls joins us. i started my career in the border has always been a problem. 2400% is a staggering number and you say it's not surprising. explain why. >> it's not surprising because in 2019, going back in history, we were having a similar surge during the trump administration. policies put in place that mitigated those numbers to below 10,000 a year. the first thing that happened in january of last year was those all went away. when those went away, the numbers started climbing right away. it has been building momentum and it is beyond the capacity of the wave were to patrol and ice normally work. border patrols mission is border security, not immigration. they are hamstrung with dealing with immigration now and have a difficult time aborted security. spew any mention medication. people are coming through in part because of that wall. the biden administration has sent you more border agents. is that helping the problem? have they given you any assurances that they are doing something to alleviate the problem to begin with? >> the agents arrived and help the situation. those that live here year-round, they are so stretched. they need it got right away. i have had talks with some of the assistant secretaries, plugging strategically. some of them are highly used. if we could get that blocked up, part of that wall finished, it will help give border patrol a fighting chance. those discussions have been positive. >> trace: i want to read this for you because i know the uncertainty here is not just if they're coming over, but at the time of covid, it's uncertain. do you masson writes that 20-25 migrant show bidet at the medical center departments. some take overrides to the hospital some for checkups or ready to deliver with a number of babies ending up and newborn intensive care unit. do you have the resources, mr. mayor, to handle all of this? >> if this is the new normal, no. we do not have those resources. our homeless mission is overwhelmed. there's a lot of things that are not what we've experienced even last year. as we grow 20-25000 people coming to the u.s. after year -- i'm sorry, per month, we're looking at a quarter million people this year. >> trace: that's a lot of people. a lot of problems across aborted. mr. mayor, best of luck. thank you for coming on. speech of guilty of defrauding investors. how much time could she spend behind bars quite short plus, one month until the opening of the beijing 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calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. >> trace: fox news alert. founder of the blood testing start-up convicted yesterday in conspiracy avoid fraud in a split verdict in her high-profile trial. the senior correspondent live for us in san jose, california. good morning. >> good morning to you. the split verdict is a big win for the government. it means that elizabeth holmes could spend years in federal prison. at the very end of the day yesterday, the jury convicted holmes on four counts of defrauding investors. they acquitted her on four counts of deceiving patients and deadlocked on three of the counts alleging that she lied to get millions of dollars to keep her floundering blood founding company afloat. she lied to investors about work with the military than ever existed. the jury saw investor reports strongly implying partnerships with pfizer which also is not true. she tried to blame others for the company's failure, but the jury did not buy it. there verdict sends a strong message to start-ups looking for funding. >> anybody out there trying to get investor mattie because wire fraud is no joke. when you make representations that turn out to be false, fake out so you make it mentality does not work anymore. >> she had nothing to say she left the courthouse with her parents and boyfriend followed by a throng of reporters. she faces 20 years in federal prison plus, potentially, millions of dollars in fines and restitution. the defense will appeal those convictions. for now, she has expected to be sentenced within 90 days possibly around the same time her ex-boyfriend and former coo stands trial unless he cuts a deal, he faces the same fraud ce evidence when his fraud trial starts in san jose next month. >> trace: fascinating. >> dana: we are one month away from the beijing winter olympics and the u.k., canada, australia, i'll join the united states in a diplomatic boycott over human rights abuses. but will more country step aside? i want to get to the top rescue put out every year which is fascinating. but let's start with china. it is part of the list, but you lead your signal newsletter today talking about china and the olympics and the issue of omicron. what could happen in the next month? >> i do think that the beijing olympics will occur as planned because the ability of the chinese to lock down and keep a bubble in place is very high. china's zero covid policy which was incredibly successful for them in 2020 when covid started out of china. it has become the least successful of covert policies among major economies in the world because they are locking down a vastly more transmissible variant that is much less lethal. their vaccines do not work well against it and they refuse to license the vaccines that like pfizer and moderna. the pandemic changes in the politics and policies change. in china, the policy changes stomach remain the same. this will hurt the globally quality domestic economy because it means were going to have more problems of global supply chain. >> dana: omicron is super contagious. it takes a lot of people to run the olympics. they could run against that as well. speaking of risk, top ten risks of 2022. you do this every year. your document is incredibly comprehensive. how do you determine what makes a less? let's put it up on the board for everyone to see. 90 covid was number one, techno- polar world is number two. u.s. midterms at number three. how do they write? >> we take a look at three of her factors. first is the likelihood and risk. we are not looking at five, ten, or 20 years. that's why climate change is not the top of the list, for example. we look at the likelihood and we look at the impact. you put those two things together so turkey, for example, a really horrible trajectory. the leadership is in serious trouble and massive inflation. but it's just turkey. it does not impact the rest of the world. bottom of the list. the u.s. midterm election. the most important of the american history and enormous amount concerns about gi jason or the election stolen and our d question work neither side going to be happy with the outcome. very different than what we've seen in japan or germany with successful elections. the u.s., the most powerful country in the world. you put that together. at the end of their commode go back and see how we've done. it's very important to be accountable and this and try to take the politics out. >> dana: could you talk about techno- polar world and number nine, corporations losing culture wars. >> techno- politics is increasing technology countries are sovereign in the virtual world. they control the algorithms and create the world and create the laws. it's poorly regulated. the governments do not have the expertise or the institutions to be able to deal with that. as you know, just about everyone has a different gripe with tech companies right now. whether it's about misinformation or it is about cyber acts and who is ensuring . what you do and don't bite. even in a country like china, they are having problems. in the united states and europe, it's harder. despite the fact that it is hard to regulate, tech companies are going to get more powerful, more wealthy, and they're going to move forward. that's being a disruptive impact on politics itself. >> dana: working people read about the risks you put out? >> i hope so. take a look at eurasia and you can have a look at the report. >> dana: you can have a deep dive. thank you and happy new year to you. >> trace: time to say farewell to classic blackberry phones. do you miss them? the company says that device is running blackberry software will stop working today as it shifts from operating security software to governments. blackberry ushered in the air of smartphones 20 years ago and millions were so addicted to them that they were nicknamed crackberry's. but then came the iphone and android devices. the rest, is history. i've two blackberries, old blackberries, in my desk. back in the day. >> dana: it was the best keyboard. i member when i worked at the white house, i could write an entire presidential statements o typos, no problems. no automatic spelling changes. i miss it for that reason. technology moves ahead. >> trace: indeed it does. >> dana: now, this. chicago on the verge of shutting down classrooms. the teachers union holding a key vote today that could bring a return to remote learning. plus, the search is on for a missing new hampshire girl. why peace are calling the harmony montgomery especially for the grandkids, or a backyard deck. your va home loan benefit and the newday 100 va loan make it possible. by borrowing up to 100% of your home's value you can take out up to $60,000 or more. with home values at all time highs, now's the time to call. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. >> dana: university of memphis reporting to offer professors $3,000 to infuse equity and social justice into their courses. administrators asking someone faculty to redesign courses to stress antiracism advance university's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. spoon pleats in new hampshire asking for public's help and finding this little girl. harmony montgomery vanished two years ago, but her disappearance was not reported until last week. molly line life rest in manchester, new hampshire. good morning. >> good morning. they were bored and a tip line. manchester police asking for tips. she was reported missing last week, but lasting more than two years ago in the city of manchester. that is october of 2019. she would have been five years old at that time. she is estimated to be approximately 4 feet tall, blonde hair, blue eyes. she's blind in her right eye and wears glasses. >> i am in rescue mode. this is not a recovery. esses -- all effort is that hare going to do everything we can to find her in that condition. >> dana: harmony has been known to child protection agency of new hampshire and neighboring massachusetts. manchester police chief confirms multiple family members have been interviewed by investigators at a property here in manchester has been searched. the current owner has nothing to do with the case. speak i'm not getting into specifics of where she should have been or who she should have been with. other than to tell you that where she should have been and who she should have been with, she is not with those people. she is not at that location. >> police have announced $5,000 in reward money leaving for harmony being found. a dedicated tip line has been created. here's the number. 603-203-6060. that number takes calls and texts. it is being nand by detectives. it is a dedicated tip line and they are asking for with information on her montgomery. speech of the u.s. adding a pandemic world record with more than 1 million new covid cases reported yesterday. according to john hopkins university. president biden set to receive an update from his covert response team later this afternoon. welcome to a brand-new hour of "america's newsroom." bill has the day off. >> trace: good morning. i'm trace gallagher. as covid cases surge, covid vaccines have been approved for children as young as 12. reigniting the debate on remote learning. the 25,000 member teacher union is sent to vote on whether to shift schools online until they feel it is safe to return. parents are divided on the issue. >> i would love my children to be able to go to classes as nor. at the same time, their safety is paramount. >> we feel okay about setting the back right now. >> we saw that developmentally, it was best to have them back in class. >> dana: live in chicago with mark. i bet a lot of parents are waited with baited breath to see what will happen. >> the chicago's teacher union has a long list of demands. if they are not met, they are threatening to go on strike. the union wants all chicago schools, all 340,000 students to go completely remote for two weeks to limit the spread of an possible exposure to covid after the holidays. they want more testing for schools, but more masks, and a clear plan on one schools will be planned, closed on an outbreak. so far, that cities not giving into demands. it is safer's teutons to return and the district has spent more than $100 million to put medications in place. mayor lori lightfoot put her position to a statement saying what we have learned in a pandemic is that schools are the safest place for units to beat. we must follow the data and the science." some parents in chicago have problems sending their children back to school and want them to have the option of remote learning. others say it is frustrating that the teachers union seems to be the only one not following the science and is once again playing politics with his kids. >> that is never good enough for the chicago teachers union. they will never pass up an opportunity to exert their leverage and look at power place. unfortunately, our kids here in chicago are the ones are the ones paying the consequences. >> teachers and students are back in the classroom today. if the union votes do not show up for two weeks, than the city says they would essentially be on an illegal strike and schools would be shut down until he deal is reached. >> dana: thank you. >> trace: let's bring in john hopkins university professor, marty makary. he's also a fox news contributor. always great to see you. your recent op-ed, the headline reads the following. "university covert policies are antiscience and anti-recent. give it to us in that order. why are colleges not falling science and why are they being unreasonable? speak out its groupthink. if you look at how they're using testing. we are depleting our testing supply in the united states. we are using them on the lowest risk people on planet earth. culture's most beast the centers critical thinking, but if you look at policies, it's cruel. georgetown university does random testing and then puts people with no symptoms who are fully immune in solitary confinement for ten days and drops off food once a day. they have staff, the students told me, who walk around and identify people studying during finals week to have their mask down just to take a sip of water and yell at them. a lot of colleges are doing everything. there could during the kitchen sink at this. and her going virtual on top of booster mandates. >> dana: colleges shut down for semester arbitrating students. there's a parallel conversation. of course it's not happening at the same. these have been destructive for young people and also for college students. developmentally for all of them, how much are they set back by us not changing and keeping up with the new science? >> the data is lacking reality. we are learning very frightening things. 31% of parents say that the mental health of their child is worse. we know self-harm among adolescent girls was up 51% in the little snapshot we got from recent data. we are not treating the person. we are treating the lab test. we are talking about foley vaccinated low risk individuals. i encourage people to put data in front of their schools instead of just accepting the document. spew and i would like to move on to this ron desantis thing because people talk about distinction people who come into the hospital with covid or for covid. the governor of florida said this and will get your response. speak out that's an important distinction to make when you haa variant like omicron that is muh more widespread. you were going to have people who get into a car accident and go into the emergency room. they're swabbing everybody. you're going to have people who have incidental positive. >> trace: what is he driving at here dr. makary and his is an important distinction to make? >> it's. in state leaders are getting frustrated at something that many of us a been calling on the cdc to report through the entire pandemic. they've not on it. the number one key indicator of where we stand with covid has always been new daily hospitalizations for covid here not just with covid. we even heard the new york governor office acknowledge that up to half of all covid hospitalizations are not for covid. a lot of local leaders are pushing back and saying we demand the statistic. if you're not going to give it to us, we are going to collect it ourselves. if you test everyone in america from an enterococcus which can cause meningitis, 10% will be positive. it is endemic. it has colonized. >> dana: any thoughts on vaccines for kids over 12 years old? >> their concerns. the risk for foley vaccinated child without a booster dying of covid is 0. you cannot lower the risk any further. many experts have been opposed to young people getting boosters. including the fda top officials who quit the agency over pressure on this very issue. boosters on young people. there will be unintended harm. one in 2,000 young men can develop. many of us were disappointed to learn that the fda did not get it. reports work and circumvented to get this approval. >> dana: we appreciate your time and your expertise. one of the things i was just said that is important. we are depleting our small supply of test by testing all of these kids no matter what. and basically not allowing people to get the test that they need in order to get back to work or to travel. whatever it might be. i know that is true here in new york. it's at the same in california? >> trace: it is very much the same. you cannot find tests. putting them in the wrong direction. why are you testing the safest part of the population and why are we boosting kids with comorbidities at the age of five years old question wrecked the fda saying they can be approved to. that is a safest part of the population. >> dana: a gray cat to have. plus, the new york department of health asking health providers to consider race and ethnicity when it treating covid. >> good morning. i am here in front of a city and a state where people are being tested for the coronavirus. concerns, the type of people that they say make it the covid vaccines. the department of health with controversial new guidance saying that race and ethnicity should be considered. whether or not six people should get the scarce light savings treatments monoclonal antibodies and antiviral pills. long-standing systemic and equities have contributed to an increased risk of severe illness and death from covid-19. critics say that's new guidance hurts covert affected people who are white because they say it unfairly gives a leg up to minority patients because of their race. >> it is discriminatory and it needs to be remanded immediately. based on how sick people are and what people need. it should not be based on color. speak of the cdc says that minority dots are running about double. the new york state department of health thousands says that no one is being turned away from treatment because of the race. it says it is following cdc guidance on this whole issue. meanwhile, as this comes, the number of people were testing positive here in new york city is skyrocketed. now one-third of new yorkers are testing positive for covid-19 and hospitalizations, we are told, are also up. >> dana: thank you for the update. >> trace: senator tim came stranded on i-95. we will have much more on the travel nightmare. plus, a daily battle on the southern border as law enforcement tries to catch migrants sneaking into the u.s. where live on the border next. facebook. banning ads for children's books about them as conservatives. what is behind the latest case on big tech censorship? 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>> good morning. the roads in this region quickly went from wet to impassable. you go around the city of washington, d.c., and plenty of roads have not seen a plow yet. cars are something all of the place. and then there's i-95. just south of here and hundreds of drivers state that they have been stuck in their cars. some of them throughout the night. virginia's department transportation says it has closed 95 in both directions for a 50-mile stretch around fredericksburg. crews are working to clear trucks that are stuck and froze last night when temperatures hit the 20s. dreiser painted and tweeting that some are running out of gas, some have no food and water. some have pets and kids in the car. as you mentioned, you had a truck driver on last hour, emily clements in. truckers are carrying extra food and water usually. if you are struck out there and you're listening on satellite radio and you are hungry or thirsty, find a truck and knock on the door. they are planning to keep that state and are stretched stretched not closed so that they can get the people and getn their car 24 hours. senator tim kaine of virginia has been tweeting a photo of his view surrounded by park tractor-trailers. "i started my normal two hour drive to d.c. at 1:00 p.m. yesterday. 19 hours later, i am still not near the capital. my office is in touch with the virginia department of transportation to see how we can help other virginians in the situation. please stay safe, everyone." the virginia governor said that he is working to get warming huts out there for anyone who's unable to put their heat on. as you mentioned, no site for that truck driver that you spoke to last hour. they are trying to dislodge these vehicles and get movement on i-95 just south of washington, d.c. >> dana: the forecast is cold all day, but thankfully no snow a couple of days. thank you. >> trace: crime surging and democrat run cities with more than one dozen seeing record cases of homicide including philadelphia which reported 562 murders in 2021. yesterday, the city's far district attorney who just one month ago said there was no crime grace is there was sworn in for a second term. let's bring in chris stigall. always good to see it. despite the numbers that i just showed you, the d.a. in your city, larry krasner, said that we do not have a crisis of lawlessness. we do not have a crisis of crime. we do not have a crisis of violence. he fixed it. it's all better! >> pretty remarkable. happy new year to you. that went over like a lead balloon. it's the only time, to my knowledge, that larry krasner has ever gone before the public and genuflect and apologize. he stepped into such a degree that the former mayor said that it takes a certain audacity of ignorance and white privilege to say that. dominic to deck stomach black philadelphians. he's been backpedaling. as you shared, you talk about nearly 600 homicides. 2300 injured or killed by guns last year. we are off to a rousing start on new year's day. 14 shot and three dead. it is not getting better. the guys a problem. >> trace: to pick up on that point, the federalist, despite the fact that the d.a. says putting people and share is not the answer, the federalist says, and i'm quoting, "far left district attorney's have unleashed murder in cities like philadelphia." it says in part, "philadelphia story is similar to a lot of big cities across the country. crime is getting worse and will keep getting worse until prosecutors start getting tough and getting the street say for law-abiding citizens again." i'm assuming you would agree with that assessment. >> that's exactly right. the sad reality is that our former mayor has pointed this out. i do not agree with much politically from our former mayor, but it's got an diary when former district attorney's and mayors and are pointing out that where our prisons are located, largely in philadelphia, he has a nickname, larry krasner does. it's called let them loose larry. that's what they call him. that tells you everything you need to know. >> trace: we talked a guy short time ago. he's a gun store owner in beverly hills. he says you have prominent actors and you have real estate moguls. swimming pools and movie stars. now they're going after guns. they're going after guns because they don't feel safe. here's a think. the number of violent crime is up. you have in chicago total crime up 23%. when total crime is up 3%, you were talking about thousands of victims. in los angeles, total crime up 6%. new york city, 6%. san francisco, total violent and property crime up almost 11%. these are staggering numbers. >> they are. and it also tells you all you need to know. people like the speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, has purchased residents in a place where these numbers are not existing. places like florida. you have reported on it. people are leaving these high crime areas in high crime straits. there fleeing to red states. law-abiding citizens are tired of being told that the biggest threat that they face is the unmasked, on facts, and the omicron variant. it's a violent homicides in the streets. >> trace: the efforts that we are seeing in los angeles and in san francisco. do you see this going forward in other states around the country? >> there is such an extraordinary amount of money. as you know, guys like larry krasner, limitless funds. in these off your elections and recall elections, they're not as organized. maybe they can go forward. i hope they do. i'm pulling for. >> trace: chris stigall, great to have you on. >> happy new year. >> dana: book targeting children's book erasing very prominent conservative names. the backlash on how the social media giant is reacting next. plus, president biden rolling out a new plan for the meat processing industry. how will it help farmers and ranchers and ranchers? >> with the president wants to do is create competition. he wants our farmers and our growers to get more money for every dollar spent. there needs to be more demand for domestic products. if you wanna look fresh, fresh. you gotta eat fresh. eat fresh. that's why subway bought time in my shampoo ad. to talk about the new baja chicken & bacon. body, bounce, and baja. bounce. eat fresh. veteran homeowners, if you've been dreaming about improving your home but bothink your dreambaja. bounce. is out of reach, think again. you can make it happen with your va home loan benefit and the newday100 va loan. by borrowing up to 100% of your home's value, you can take out up to $60,000 or more, and lower your payments by an average of $615 every month. no one knows veterans like newday usa. ♪ ♪ did you know that you don't have to be 65 years old to qualify for medicare? 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(excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. >> trace: facebook walking back at censorship of the conservative children's book publisher. one editor affected by disabling its ads says that the damage has been done. the problem is second nature to the social media giant. >> there are woke people behind the screen at facebook and they get these complaints and they state that it has books about ronald reagan and amy coney barrett. let's turn not because it's offensive. >> trace: live in los angeles for more in this. kelly, good morning. >> good morning. what a quote, right? that shows how frustrated people are by the censorship. initially, the social media giant did not disable the account of the conservative children's book publisher, but when they appealed that, facebook doubled down and banned the business permanently. facebook said that heroes of liberty whose books focus on supreme court justices amy coney barrett and ronald reagan violate rules on low quality or disruptive content even though 90% of their funds were spent on quality score. to cancel children's books because they celebrate american values that 90% of americans believe in is not anti-conservative bias. it's anti-american. but they are now backtracking. telling fox business, "the ad account was disabled in error and has been restored." even so, this is one amongst many instances where conservative leaving individuals and businesses feel attacked by facebook. social media platforms are the modern-day town square and many claim that certain viewpoints are being censored. constant questioning vaccines have been removed and right wing pungent tom fitton was banned from tiktok without a warning. this is bernard a call for transparency among big tech. how confused for businesses like heroes of liberty. facebook did not tell them that their account was reinstated, but they were broadcasting to prominent figures that provided backlash. this could hurt the business that relies on the advertising outlet. >> trace: live in los angeles, kelly, thank you. >> capitalism without hospitalism is exploitation. that's what you're saying and meat and poultry in those industries now. small independent farmers and ranchers are being driven out of business. sometimes, businesses that have been around for generations. >> dana: president biden finding a role with farmers and ranchers. he's taking them at the meat and poultry industry looking to break up control by some of the biggest processors. joining us now is brent johnson, president of iowa farm bureau and scott blubaugh, acoma farmers union president. how long has concern been around in terms of anti-competitiveness and meat-packing? >> a long time. around the turn-of-the-century this issue is very prevalent. slowly, for last 40 years, we have seen an increase in consolidation in the industry and market power being concentrated so much. this is a process that has been going on for 40 years. we are at the breaking point. this cuts across all party lines and cuts across different administrations. we are at the point now where something has to be done. >> dana: let me ask you about this quote from mike brown, president of the national chicken council. he said that biden's plan looks like a solution in search of a problem. it's time for the white have to stop playing chicken with our food system and using the meat industry as a scapegoat for the significant challenges facing our economy. does he have a point there or is there a real problem of the president is trying to fix in his own way? >> there certainly is a problem. as scott alluded to, this is been alone for a long time. when i took over my operation from a family member 20 years ago, the cattle buyer at the time said he was not coming back to our farm because we did not have enough animals to provide. it allowed me to stay in the industry for another ten years or so before i had to exit because of lack of competition for a place for my animals. it has been going on a while. there are opportunities ahead and the grassley bill is one of those things we could be looking forward to. >> dana: i don't farmers and ranchers receive fairly low payments and then it goes to processing in american families are paying more. there is inflation, possibly, as a part of the cause of this. as you say, it is been going on for a long time. did anything that president biden say yesterday encourage you? it might help? he says $100 million to reduce the cost of inspections, $100 million to address supply-chain crises, 800 million for grants and loans for smaller facilities. hopefully, that increases competition. >> it's a great first start. i was encouraged by the news. we see the grassley bill in the senate moving along. it's trying to do some of these things. competition is good. the competition, that's the american way. we love competition. it makes us all better. right now, there is no competition in the meat world. by adding variable processors to the mix with $1 billion is going to help stimulate competition. i think it will be good for consumers as well as farmers and ranchers. >> dana: last word on that. we show that prices are up a lot. let's show them on the board a lot. steak up 24%, roast beef, 26%. bacon, 17.8%. this is not just prices for families, but that's a huge concern. that is being able to protect the way of life in rural america. i will give you the final word. >> absolutely. price disparities one of those huge things that is showing up in the sector right now. the price that farmers get paid for their meat is averaging $2.25 per pound right now. and my local grocery store, and hamburger meat itself is selling for $7. you have a farmer who's out there working every day in all weather conditions for a year to get that animal to market weight. he gets $2 and the packing industry has that animal for a matter of weeks. that $5 margin needs to be shared a little more equitably set farmers and ranchers can remain in business for the long run. >> dana: it is a complex issue and i'm glad to hear your personal expertise to help our viewers understand i don't. brent johnson and scott blubaugh. have a great day to you. spewing u.s. marshall is nabbing more than two dozen sex offenders and mesh going five missing girls. our next was part of the tax force in operation blue debt. plus, struggling to keep up with wave after wave of migrants and narcotics coming into the country. >> human smugglers continued to put the lives of innocent americans on the danger every day. i'm bill melugin live in la joya, texas. video of a serious crash involving a human smugglers. we will be right back. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. >> dana: the biden administration expanding the enforcement policies to san diego this week even as it weighs the legal fight against the trump air policies. they petitioned the supreme court last week and the policy which requires asylum-seekers to stay in mexico into the court date. a federal judge ruled to reinstate it last month when the administration ended over the summer. >> trace: border patrol tells our team that the cat-and-mouse game between agents and migrants trying to cross into the u.s. is an ongoing daily struggle. they said that it picked up a convicted sex offender this week adding to safety concerns for border communities. bill melugin live for us in la joya, texas. bill, good morning. >> good morning to you. just to put it in perspective, just on the last few days here in the rio grande valley sector, border patrol says they have a rest heads to sex offenders and one ms-13 gang member. this as smuggling continues to surge them border. take a look at the video out of laredo, texas, on thursday appeared this is texas troopers chasing a human smuggler and a pickup truck loaded with illegal immigrants. he flies to a red light and slams into the back of a vehicle being driven by an innocent bystander. both of those vehicles go spinning out of control. texas troopers and border patrol arrived on scene and wraps the smuggler at gunpoint. take a look at the aftermath of the crash. not only was that smugglers truck totaled in the crash, the red van being driven by the innocent bystander, the back crumpled up like an accordion. then click on no major injuries in this crash. several illegal immigrants were covered. keep in mind that a texas mother and daughter were killed when a smuggler question to their vehicle. drugs are being smuggled as we know. take a look at these photos. this is out of cleaver county on highway 77. texas dps pulling over a car that had 54 pounds of meth being hidden in these brand-new water pumps you see on the truck. that is a street value of $4.7 million. this was an effort for the cartel to try to get those drugs further into the houston area where they would then be sent elsewhere around the country. take a look at this mug shot right here. this is out of tucson, arizona, sector where they arrested a mexican national sex offender. he was previously convicted of aggravated sexual abuse out of the state of illinois. he was arrested by illinois after crossing illegally. they arrested a child predator from ecuador. he has previous convictions for aggravated sao tome, child molestation, and rape out of atlanta, georgia. he spent 12 years in prison. border regions in the el paso sector arresting him after he tried to reenter america illegally. back to you. >> trace: we will talk more about sex trafficking coming up here bill melugin down at the quarter. we want to show you images captured by a pennsylvania congressman that shows ghost flights of illegal immigrants from el paso, texas, without a passenger manifest landing on christmas night at a scranton area airport. lawrence jones reacted on fox news prime time last night. watch. >> they have to know about how the american people feel. even if you look at democrat cities that are on the border that have flipped to republican now. after all of that, they won't listen to henry cuellar, a democrat who has been encouraging the biden administration to do something. they won't listen to the polls. do they not count or is the larger mission more important? >> trace: they've directed earlier ghost flights to new york and parts of florida where governor ron desantis said he may move the immigrants to the president's home state of delaware. >> dana: federal agents announcing they have rescued five missing teenage girls and a month-long multiagency operation. they arrested 30 sex offenders, six of them wanted for crimes against minors. operation boo dat took place in december. joining us now is brian fair in louisiana. the marshals led this operation. tell us about how you were able to bring it to the successful conclusion. >> we do this operation on an yearly basis. at successful because of the partnerships we have with different participating law enforcement agencies. enter support of local crime offices as well. >> trace: i know that you have five young teenagers in this thing. are there reliable numbers on how many more teens might be out there in these sex rings? >> i do not have those numbers. our office recovered 43 teens last year and fiscal year 2021. we made that many recoveries. our work is based on requests from local law enforcement or state law enforcement to assist. the center for exploited children may have better figures on that. >> dana: this requires a lot of coordination and you had help from all of these entities like you mentioned. for example, the sheriff's office. louisiana state police as well. i wanted to ask you to reflect on this. of the girls rescued, they range from 14-17. two of the victims were sisters and according to the cnn report, they may be victories of felony activities as well. we know that they were rescued from a terrible situation. where did they go after rescued? >> they were turned over to my enforcement in baton rouge, louisiana, where they were recovered. from that point, they may be turned over to child services for further action. i can't comment on that case much more. still under investigation. >> trace: in that case where you have two sisters, 15 and 16 years old, i know you're going after the rings themselves, what about the parents? is there any accountability for the parents involvement here? >> in this particular case, the children ran away from the parents or whoever had custody of them. in this particular instance, the parents did not have anything to do with that manner. speech a oneness question for you. i've always been a big admirer of the u.s. marshal service. why do in the marshall? >> where the oldest federal law enforcement agency in america. there's a variety of work you can do. every day of the week can be different. you can be doing judicial security, protection details, apprehending fugitives. every day can be different in our agency. like i said, it has been a very enjoyable job. we are the oldest federal law-enforcement agency. >> dana: you do very well. thank you very much, brian fair, and think you for what you get. >> trace: great work. thank you. the doj dropping charges against jeffrey epstein's prison guards. the investigation into his suicide is far from over. plus, the biden administration struggling to root respond to a record surge of covid cases. it is creating dire consequences for hospitals. more on that coming up. veteran homeowners. while some banks and lenders are raising their rates newday is holding the line with their two and a quarter refi. that's 2.25%, with an apr of 2.48. this is their lowest rate in history. the newday two and a quarter refi can cut thousands of dollars off your mortgage payments. there's no money out of pocket and no up front costs. lock in your rate. >> he said he should shut down the virus. he couldn't do it. president biden and the rest of us forced to watch and hope for the best although hope is not a strategy, as u.s. smashed a global record with one million americans testing positive yesterday. teachers unions claim moring to -- clamoring to keep children home. panic setting in for some democrats who don't want joe biden to run again. "the faulkner focus" top of the hour >> hospital officials are dealing with a critical staffing shortage. i think this is a little what governor desantis talking about. which is, people coming into the hospital with covid or getting covid while they are there or already dealing with it. they have the staffing shortages as well. lot of businesses and hospitals are feeling that now. >> even across the country, lot of coming into hospitals, are coming in with covid. they are coming in regardless of the reason, they get tested. they have covid. that's counted as a case. it's little bit deceiving for total numbers across-the-board. a judge dismissed a case against a jail guard who supposed to be watching jeffrey epstein the night he committed suicide. david has more from the justice department. >> good morning. to you. the judge signed this document yesterday officially dropping those charges both guards were accused of sleeping on the job, surfing the internet and then lying about it. they were supposed to check on jeffrey epstein every 30 minute per protocol. the department of justice moves last may to drop those charges against the guards after they agreed to cooperate with the government and provide more information about the time around epstein's death. the shortcoming in the mistakes made by mr. noel was inexperienced by the leadership of mcc and bureau of prisons. back here in washington, michael horowitz and his team are reviewing the case of these two guards. they were charged in 2019. d.o.j. oversees bureau of prisons. no comment from the ig's office. news comes days after epstein's accomplished girlfriend ghislaine maxwell was convicted. sentencing phase has yet to take place. she could spend the rest of her life behind bars. >> thank you. >> before we go, we have about a minute left. i wanted to show you this. it's winter scene all across america including in a lovely place of utah. check out this little doggy finding great fun in the snow there in utah with all that great powder. >> the slopes are fantastic up there. i was up couple of weeks ago. not take away from the dogs the skiing is great and the ball chasing in utah. it's exceptional. >> that's the meteorologist dog. we have this weather thing from nevada. he's put a soap bubble out there. it's freezing cold. look at the beautiful scene. little internal snow globe for you, trace. >> every one of those apparently just like the snowflake is different in shape and size. >> unique and so special. just like you, trace gallagher. thank you so much for being here today. we appreciate your time. thank you so much. we wish you all a happy tuesday. "the faulkner focus" is up next. here's harris. >> harris: the coronavirus is very much not shut down. the united states is shattered a new global daily record of covid cases. i'm harris faulkner. you're in the "the faulkner focus." more than one million people in america tested positive for covid-19. yesterday, alone. as what they are calling a tsunami of omicron is swamping every aspect of daily american life. that stunning number nearly doubled the record set less than two weeks ago. this week the u.s. supreme court will hear arguments on president

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Priority , Suburbs , Atlanta , Trace , Response , Classrooms , Time , Team , Omicron Variant , 2022 , Correspondent , At Home Covid , White House , North , 500 , Covid 19 , Case , Update , Cdc , Testing Component , Quarantine Guidelines , Briefing , Isolation , Five , Pressure , Questions , Role , Accounts , Feedback , Testing , Question , Back , Quarantine , Shortening , Clarification , Republicans , Demonstration , Senate , Testing Shortage , Doorstep , Bynum , 500 Million , Vaccines , Both , Grew Tea , 0 Billion , 80 Billion , Variant , Government , Ron Desantis , Governors , Bungling Distribution , Therapeutics , None , People , Situation , Way , Control , Feds , 40000 , Area , Focus , Challenges , Arguments , Mandate , Supreme Court , Judge , Reprieve , Group , Vaccine Mandate , Employers , Employees , Jack , Navy Seals , Exemption , News , I 95 , Nation , I 95 In Virginia , Drivers , Traffic Nightmare , Interstates , Hundreds , Fredericksburg , 95 , Tractor Trailers , Variety , Several , Traffic Mess , Cars , Accidents , Weather , Miles , Domino Effect , Traffic , Trailers , Tow Trucks On , 15 , 14 , Lot , Anybody , Reports , Standstill , Water , Food , Chance , Home , Freeways , Fuel , Kenworth , Trucker , Road , Stretch , Items , Point , Points , Bobby Rush , List , Democrats , Reelection , Karl Rove , Nightmare , State , Particular , Chief Of Staff , Deputy , 24 , 1 , Someone , Dr , Email , John Pedrao Sick , Writing On The Wall Next November , Student , Career , Training , Scientist , University Of Chicago , Polygamist , University Of Missouri , Ucla , Things , Election , Models , Party , Scientists , Numbers , Retirements , Race , Surgeon Decline , Campaign , Performance , Campaign Spending , Retirement , Don T , Level , Quality , House Of Representatives , Raising , Ten , 6 , 1962 , 40 , Gain , Approval , 13 , 12 , 236 , 18 , 213 , Majority , Units , Member , Guy , Kind , Speculation , Speaker Pelosi , Move , Public , Listening , Winds , Vision , Perspectives , The American , Position , Progressives , House Democrat , Think Pelosi , Left , House , Minority Leader , Minority , Great Run , 80 , Six , Approval Rating , 2024 , Kids , School , Insulation Continuing , 50s To 40s , 50 , Last , Decisions , Committee Chairs , Rush , 30 , Part , Model , Somewhere , 2014 , 20 , 43 , Seats , Plus One , 2020 , 67 , 2010 , Top , Strength , Ticket , Base , Bats , Plus , Authorities , New Hampshire , Spirit Fox News Alert , Rug , D A , Big Scandals Rock Andrew Cuomo , Ex Governor A Prepass , Girls , Los Angeles , Disappearance , Areas , Crimes , 2019 , Peace Of Mind , Newday 100 Va Loan , Hands , Bluest Cities , Gun Sales , Va Home N Benefit , Up Next , 100 , Values , Security , Bank , Grandkids , Cash , Kitchen , Pool , Candidates , Plan , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Size , Staffing , Master , Man , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Otezla , Psoriasis , Choices , Choice , Entrance , Splash , Depression , Pill , Cream , Skin , Plaque Psoriasis , Diarrhea , Nausea , Vomiting , 75 , History , Thoughts , Treatment , Doctor , Feelings , Planning , Medicines , Weight Loss , Weight , Headache , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Handful , Moving , Plno , Offers , Movers , Services , Address , Xfinity , Yep , Money , Internet , Save , Xfinity Com Moving , Nursing Homes , Pandemic , Andrew Cuomo , Discussion , Handling , Manhattan D A , Patients , Hospitals , Investigation , Charges , Deaths , Albany D A , March Of 2020 , Guns , Peoples , Complaint , Homicides , Crime , Beverly Hills , Russell Stewart , Affluent , Help , Actors , Liberal , Spike , Anti Gun , Real Estate , Renting Population , Category , Couple , Interviews , Environment , Everly , Safe Environment , Buying Firearms , Elsa Mayberry , Target , Security Expert , Rich Mayberry , Don T Quote Flashy Jewelry , Profile , Security Systems , Suv , Clients , Bentley , Influx , Watch , Diaper Bag , Car Stolen , Philanthropist , Security Guards , Rooms , Floodlights , Alarms , Dominic , Security Home Systems , Stats , Shootings , Robberies , West Hollywood , Pure , Plus 50 , 54 , 23 , Concerns , 42 , Story , Customers , Weapon , Shooting Ranges , Gun , Trainer , Ton , Public Safety Option , Train , Guys , Rooster Weapon , Buyers , Office Building , Appointment , Store , The Street , Schedule , Everybody , Crime Numbers , Stress Safety , Gun Safety , Los Angeles Times , Coursework , Police Budgets , Bit , Budget , Policies , Wild , No Doubt , Prosecutors , Cities , Voters , Change , Russell Swear , Truck Driver , Driver , Crisis , Winter Weather , No Way Out , Pileup , Border , Street , Border Patrol , Amir , Emergency , Immigration , Job , Better , Ability , On America S , Phone Everyone Wants , Network , More , Family , Iphone , Entertainment , Music , Entertainment Subscriptions , Kate , Carolers , Apple , Apple Arcade , Verizon , 000 , 1000 , 7 , Homeowners , Newday Two , Savings , Home Loan , Va , Families , Veterans , No One , Average , Lender , Ways , Newday Usa , 60000 , 615 , 0000 , Chain Reaction Crash , Stranding Hundreds , Others , Guest , Emily Clements In , Middle , Thanks , Song , Dominic Feel , Screen , Stop , Pictures , Cause , Traffic Lanes , Accident , Route , Truckers , Twitter , Social Media , Anyone , Door , Supplies , Bottles , Peanut Butter Jelly , First , Awareness , Stuff , Truck , Times , Situations , Fridge , Snack , Advice , Don T Be Shy , Big Rig Trucks , Rest , Nothing , Hamstring , Phone Charger , Gentleman , Google Maps , Folks , Knock , Car , Speech , Pets , Somebody , Truck Drivers , Need Help , Emily , Side , Dog , Children , Doors , Cheese , Piece , Nine , Community Leadership , Stay In Touch , Communities , Spelling , Yuma Sector , Texas , Arizona , State Of Emergency , Yuma , Douglas Nicholls , 2400 , Place , Thing , Surge , 10000 , Wave , Climbing , Momentum , Capacity , Mission , Border Security , Medication , Agents , Border Agents , Assurances , Talks , Round , Assistant Secretaries , Up , Plugging Strategically , Uncertainty , Discussions , Border Patrol A Fighting Chance , Departments , Migrant Show Bidet , Center , Masson , 25 , Hospital , Mayor , Mr , Resources , Intensive Care Unit , Babies , Checkups , Homeless Mission , 25000 , Problems , Best Of Luck , Investors , Countries , Winter Olympics , Opening , Beijing , Boycott , Human Stomach , Moore , Hello , Obsessed , Cooking , Interest , Heart , Seal , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Grown In Idaho , Idaho Potatoes , Lease Cash , Rx , Lexus Rx , Shhh , Don T Worry , 1500 , 350 , Experts , Technology , Service , Vo , Windshield , Music Vo , Singers , Decompression Zone , Safelite Autoglass , Safelite Repair , 19 , Support , You Re Not Alone , Calhope , 4673 , 317 , 833 317 4673 , 833 , Calhope Org , Trial , Split Verdict , Fraud , Founder , Blood Testing , Conspiracy , California , San Jose , Prison , Win , Holmes , Counts , Jury , Millions , Dollars , Blood Founding , Four , Company , Partnerships , Work , Jury Saw Investor , Military , Verdict , Funding , Message , Failure , Ups , Pfizer , Representations , Courthouse , Joke , It Mentality , Investor Mattie , Parents , Convictions , Restitution , Reporters , Throng , Federal Prison Plus , Boyfriend , Fines , Defense , Coo , Deal , Ex Boyfriend , Ce , 90 , Evidence , Fraud Trial Starts , U K , Australia , Canada , Human Rights Abuses , Rescue , Issue , Omicron , China , Olympics , Signal Newsletter , Zero Covid , Bubble , Beijing Olympics , Zero , Meat World , Economies , Least , Transmissible , Moderna , Politics , Same , Changes , Economy , Supply Chain , Document , Risks , Board , Look , Likelihood , Number One , Factors , Midterms , Techno Polar World , Impact , Example , Climate Change , Inflation , It , Important , Trouble , Bottom , Trajectory , Turkey , Amount , Outcome , Gi Jason , D , Germany , Japan , The End , Elections , Commode , Culture Wars , Corporations , Algorithms , Tech Companies , Governments , Expertise , Institutions , Gripe , Laws , Misinformation , Acts , Don T Bite , Europe , Fact , Powerful , Wealthy , Report , Take A Look , Eurasia Group Net , Deep Dive , Blackberry , Device , Security Software , Air , Farewell , Blackberry Phones , Blackberry Software , Blackberries , Devices , Smartphones , Old Blackberries , Android , Crackberry S , Statements , Desk , Keyboard , O Typos , Reason , Vote , Verge , Teachers Union Holding A Key , Harmony , Girl , Peace , Va Home Loan Benefit , Backyard Deck , Highs , Project Managers , Projects , Shortlist , Job Criteria , Courses , Equity , Professors , Administrators , Commitment , Reporting , University , Social Justice , Stress Antiracism , University Of Memphis , 3000 , Harmony Montgomery , Little Girl , Inclusion , Diversity , Spoon Pleats , Life , Tip Line , Molly Line , Manchester Police , Manchester , Tips , Eyes , Blonde Hair , Feet , Eye , Blind , City Of Manchester , 4 , October Of 2019 , Effort , Recovery , Glasses , Hare , Esses , Rescue Mode , Everything , Child Protection Agency , Investigators , Family Members , Condition , Property , Police Chief , Massachusetts , Specifics , Owner , Police , Location , Reward Money , 5000 , Calls , Detectives , Texts , 203 , 6060 , 603 203 6060 , 603 , World Record , Information , Montgomery , 1 Million , President , Bill Melugin , John Hopkins University , Biden Set , Member Teacher Union , Whether , Debate , Classes , Safety , Developmentally , Teacher Union , Demands , Breath , Mark , Strike , Spread , Exposure , 340000 , Safer , Teutons , Masks , Outbreak , Data , Saying , Statement , Medications , District , 100 Million , 00 Million , Science , Option , Power Place , Enough , Leverage , Opportunity , Chicago Teachers Union , City , Consequences , Teachers , Classroom , Votes , John Hopkins , Marty Makary , Colleges , Order , Contributor , Following , University Covert Policies , Anti Recent , Headline , Op Ed , Testing Supply , Groupthink , Georgetown University , Beast , Thinking , Culture , Symptoms , Planet Earth , Sip , Mask , Finals , Solitary Confinement , Booster Mandates , Kitchen Sink , Course , Semester Arbitrating Students , Reality , College Students , Child , Mental Health , Self Harm , Person , Snapshot , 51 , 31 , Front , Lab Test , Governor , Distinction , Florida , Positive , Swabbing Everybody , Car Accident , Emergency Room , Muh , Many , State Leaders , Calling , Office , New York , Daily Hospitalizations , Covid Hospitalizations , Indicator , Half , Statistic , Leaders , Enterococcus , Which , Meningitis , 10 , Colonized , Booster , 0 , Officials , Agency , Boosters , Men , Harm , Fda , 2000 , Kids No Matter What , Population , Direction , Comorbidities , Age , Ethnicity , Department Of Health , Cat , Health Providers , Coronavirus , Guidance , Type , Antibodies , Equities , Pills , Death , Illness , Leg , Critics , Dots , Color , New York State Department Of Health , Double , Thousands , Hospitalizations , Migrants , Law Enforcement , Tim Kaine , Battle , Travel Nightmare , Books , Facebook , Users , Conservatives , Big Tech Censorship , Banning Ads , Ads , Insurance , Exam , Content Float , Rk , Anything , Corner , At Aspendental Com , Treatment Plan , Book Today , Step , Aspen Dental , Refi , Rates , Apr , Rate , You Haven T , Walk In , 800 , 2 48 , Call , Pocket , Fees , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Spider Bite , Superpowers , Pay , Liberty , Theaters , December 17th , 17 , Life Insurance Policy , Cash Payment , Policy Lapse , Life Insurance , Income , Worth , Visit Coventrydirect Com , Finding Out , 100000 , 00000 , Coventry , Vehicles , Cold , Roads , Washington D C , Warming , Latest , Region , Plow , City Of Washington D C , Department Transportation , Directions , Crews , Trucks , Tweeting , Dreiser , Temperatures , Gas , Satellite Radio , Senator , Photo , Virginia Department Of Transportation , Drive , Virginians , View , Capital , Park Tractor Trailers , Yesterday , Safe , Warming Huts , Stay , Heat , Site , Snow , Movement , Forecast , Crime Surging , Philadelphia , Murders , Homicide , Yesterday , 562 , 2021 , District Attorney , Crime Grace , Chris Stigall , Second Term , Larry Krasner , Lawlessness , Violence , Lead Balloon , Knowledge , Degree , Deck Stomach Black Philadelphians , Backpedaling , Audacity , Ignorance , Privilege , Shot , 600 , 2300 , Answer , Federalist , Share , Murder , Citizens , Say , Assessment , Prisons , Mayors , Diary , Nickname , Gun Store Owner , Real Estate Moguls , Think , Movie Stars , Swimming Pools , Victims , San Francisco , 3 , Property Crime , Speaker , Residents , 11 , Places , Red States , Straits , Streets , Facts , Unmasked , Threat , Efforts , States , Recall Elections , Limitless Funds , Organized , Backlash , Social Media Giant , Names , Meat Processing Industry , Book Targeting Children S Erasing Very Prominent Conservative , Biden Rolling , Farmers , Ranchers , Growers , Dollar , Demand , Products , Bounce , Baja Chicken , Bacon , Shampoo , Subway , Body , Eat Fresh , Gotta Eat Fresh , Baja , Reach , Newday100 Va Loan , Your Dreambaja , Payments , All In One Guide To Medicare , Medicaid , Medicare Advantage Plan , 65 , Wellcare , Plans , Members , Benefits , Advantage , Low , Zero Dollars , Visits , Prescription , Hearing Coverage , Primary Care , Prescription Drugs , Dental , Access , Grocery , Premium , Dollar Copays , Delivery , Zero Dollar , 24 7 , Enrollwellcare Com , Shipping Manager , Find Themself , Protein , Energy , Health , Nutrients , Sugar , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Censorship , Book Publisher , Editor , Damage , Complaints , Nature , Quote , Ronald Reagan , Kelly , Amy Coney Barrett , Heroes , Business , Account , Children S Book Publisher , Content , Funds , Quality Score , Rules , Justices Amy Coney Barrett , Bias , Innocent Americans , Businesses , Instances , Ad Account , Error , Fox Business , Questioning , Viewpoints , Claim , Wing , Warning , Social Media Platforms , Censored , Town Square , Tiktok , Tom Fitton , Figures , Transparency , Live In Los Angeles , Advertising Outlet , Meat , Poultry , Of Business , Industries , Capitalism Without Hospitalism Is Exploitation , Processors , Brent Johnson , Generations , Concern , Terms , Acoma Farmers Union , Scott Blubaugh , Farm Bureau , Iowa , Meat Packing , Increase , Industry , Process , Consolidation , Market Power Being , Breaking Point , Cuts , Administrations , Party Lines , Mike Brown , It S Time , Playing Chicken , Meat Industry , White , Food System , National Chicken Council , Search , Solution , Scapegoat , Fix , Operation , Family Member , Animals , Farm , Cattle Buyer , Lack , Opportunities , I Don T Farmers , Loans , Crises , Grants , Cost , Inspections , Facilities , 800 Million , Start , The American Way , 1 Billion , Billion , Prices , Word , Consumers , Roast Beef , 26 , Rural America , 17 8 , Sector , Price , Disparities , Farmer , Animal , Hamburger Meat , Grocery Store , Market Weight , Weather Conditions , , 2 25 , 25 , Packing Industry , Matter , Margin , 5 , Viewers , Long Run , Sex Offenders , Operation Blue , Next , Tax Force , U S Marshall , Human Smugglers , Narcotics , Lives , Danger , Crash , Video , La Joya , Customization , Dj , Throwback , Liberty Hello , Enforcement Policies , Trump Air Policies , Fight , Mexico , San Diego , Asylum Seekers , Struggle , Summer , Game , Border Communities , Safety Concerns , Sex Offender , Perspective , Rio Grande Valley , Troopers , Smuggling , Gang Member , Ms 13 , Laredo , Immigrants , Human Smuggler , Vehicle , Bystander , Out Of Control , Pickup Truck , Red Light , Slams , Scene , Smuggler , Smugglers Truck , Aftermath , Accordion , Gunpoint , Red Van , Drugs , Smuggler Question , Mind , Photos , Injuries , Daughter , Mother , Cleaver County On Highway 77 , Street Value , Meth , Texas Dps , 7 Million , 4 7 Million , 77 , Mexican National Sex Offender , Elsewhere , Houston , Cartel , Mug Shot , Tucson , Sexual Abuse , Illinois , Child Predator , Child Molestation , Ecuador , Sao Tome , Sex Trafficking , Reenter America , Border Regions , El Paso , Georgia , Pennsylvania , Congressman , Passenger Manifest Landing , Ghost Flights , Scranton Area Airport , Images , Prime Time , Last Night , Lawrence Jones , Polls , Henry Cuellar , Parts , Home State Of Delaware , Ghost , Minors , Multiagency Operation , Operation Boo Dat , Marshals , Conclusion , Louisiana , Law Enforcement Agencies , Crime Offices , Teenagers , Basis , Teens , Sex Rings , Recoveries , State Law Enforcement , Requests , Louisiana State Police , Coordination , Entities , Sheriff , Sisters , Victories , Felony Activities , Cnn , Baton Rouge , Enforcement , Comment , Child Services , Action , 16 , Accountability , Custody , Admirer , Oneness Question , Instance , Manner , Marshall , Protection Details , Law Enforcement Agency , Apprehending Fugitives , Brian Fair , Jeffrey Epstein , Suicide , Root , Prison Guards , Doj Dropping , Banks , Line , Lenders , Mortgage Payments , Costs , Lock , Hope , Strategy , Best , Virus , Teachers Unions , Clamoring , Panic Setting , Moring , One Million , Faulkner Focus , Joe Biden , Don T Want , Little , Staffing Shortage , Staffing Shortages , Jail Guard , Justice Department , David , Guards , Sleeping , May , Bureau Of Prisons , Shortcoming , Mistakes , Noel , Mcc , Michael Horowitz , Ghislaine Maxwell , Epstein , Ig , Sentencing Phase , Bars , Fun , Winter Scene , Powder , Utah , America Including , Skiing , Ball Chasing , Dogs , Slopes , Weather Thing , Snowflake , Freezing Cold , Meteorologist Dog , Soap Bubble , Snow Globe , Nevada , Shape , Daily Record , Harris Faulkner , Aspect , Set , Tsunami , Daily American Life ,

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