Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240709 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240709

ceaseless wanderings, we would've had a lot less material . that is true, very true. our first clip tonight is the perfect tribute to his unintended comedic prowess. take a look. >> i know you were closely watching biden's public events they so what did you see? >> i always say it is not what he says. it is what we see that tells the tale. today the president was demanding that everybody get vaccinated and boosted to avoid this new covid variant but apparently routinely hatching orifices is not a covid risk at the white house. just watch. >> today thursday three misses about the new variant. we of the best vaccine of the world and now we are seeing deaths come down. we will fight and beat this new variant as well. a fully vaccinated boost third person is most protected against covid. >> a boost a person. that vaccine does not enough. you need to be a booster person. nightly multiple if you go near the press of them. however preschoolers don't touch their noses and eyes and mouths is much as he does. i've never seen anything like it he honestly looked like he fell asleep during that. i thought as he still with us? i wasn't sure. >> i am your booster person. i'm always going to be are your corner come in your corner and be your booster person. >> the white house share at the annual christmas decorations with the media today. i have to show you this. along with usual threes in the garland, there was a gingerbread white house surrounded by building to represent first responders. and pedicures at the bakers would include a prominent gas station right in front of the white house. why with they remind people about gas. fuel is nearly 60% more expensive that was a year ago. this would be like the carvers putting a little gingerbread hostages next to their white house or the clintons adding gummy female interns are browned white house. this is a bad luck. by what you want to commemorate it. >> did you really write that? >> how would you create them. >> what a horrible inch or -- image. i can see the 7.25 a gallon. if you can see that you can see what they want gas prices to go. look really closely. >> you can't depict that in gingerbread. it's got to keep going upward as much they get to the west wing. also today the president met with ceos to show he's on top of the supply chain crisis. only someone else ran the meeting and you would swear that biden had never been to the white house. >> he's going to moderate the rest. isn't this a pretty plays? >> isn't it is moments like this that explain the slipping poll numbers, by the way, the federa trade commission after he met with the ceos, the federal trad commission demanded they all in over their files to try to explain to ar studying, looking into why those the shelves are empty. they are going to try to blame the large retailers before this is over a. >> anyone but biden carried. >> also ndc. i'm always looking for the culture edge here. of future at their arts and industries building. it may not be a future any of u care to visit according to just the news, one kiosk ask visitor when might there be as single government you can choose between ten years to never. my american institute funded by taxpayer suggest that a one world government is ever an acceptable vision of the future. it is crazy. >> did fund this exhibit? brought to you by the kids behind the great reset. >> very close, i will explain who funded it and just a i can. this one is a new genderless voice persistent. this was at the smithsonian. it's for your phone. you can make it where feminine or masculine depending on your preference. >> i am the world's first genderless voice system. think of me as siri or alexa, i am no male or female. i'm designed for a gender but how we design ourselves. >> just what we need, and other faceless kids it's not only anonymous, and has no gender. that gender fluid oneworld feature comes courtesy of ford, oracle, amazon live services, comcast ndc and the nfl who are all sponsors of this lovely vision of the future. >> i also didn't like the talking fried egg. it looked like a fried egg talking. i didn't like that. i'm uncomfortable. that creeps me out. i will have nightmares. the next segment was almost lik something out of the movies. >> it had everything from romance to a villain, two america's favorite doll. watch. >> there was some odd displays from the white house crew that caught your attention. >> it seems as if spring has unleashed the romantic and everyone. may all of us live longer that kamala harris got when she appeared before the joint address to congress. ♪ either he is the most slaphappy lovesick romantic ever or the most insecure spouse ndc. whatever the case, you don't need to do a whole mime act of devotion and love and all of that. when you have to work that hard after many years of marriage, something is wrong. can you invite doctor backfill into a sling this to me. i don't mind the affection but the gratuitous nest, we don't care and we don't need to see it . >> get a room, as i always say. it was a very romantic setting with the 200 people nodding off in the room. what else? we have cupit also struck joe biden this week on the way out to marine one. may be the poor man didn't know at least he didn't try to pick limb and offered jill's dress, that was a good thing. it reminded me of that touching move monday. abc, the hill, and they all fawned over this. what this is is heartwarming filler, so they don't have to cover $6 trillion of proposed spending, $480 billion towards the abortion industry in america , and we haven't even touched on the 80 billion to th irs to try to get more in taxes from people. there was a related issue. remember during obama we called it the razzle-dazzle and they would do date night or they would have the romantic moment, that was all covered. trump and milani had could be making out in the rose garden and they'd say that's nothing. what should set off cells. this story we saw today, again, it's about distracting people. when you had the worst in media earlier, this may have been the best this week. in dc, it's keeping those important narratives in the forefront of people's minds. watch. >> they're is a question americans have been wondering for weeks now, major, the first dog. >> we were going to bring him into seo. >> is he back in the white house ? >> he is such a sweet lovable dog very. >> she is waiting in the wings. >> had trouble adjusting to the white house. that was part of his training. >> part of his training. we had socks the cat, than we had both a dog with the obama's now we have major and champ wit the bidens, these are shiny objects to distract you from what's going on. they dog may not be the only member of the biden household. listen to these two admissions from the president this week. ♪ i did my my mask i'm in trouble. i'm sorry, this is the last question i will take. >> laura, he's the president of the united states. why is he in trouble for talkin to reporters and losing a mask. this lends credibility to the suspicion the staff is programming this presidency and maybe even bowling the presiden himself. this isn't only wrong, it's cool . >> did he ever find the mask? >> escamilla heated. it was hidden in his binder. for that he didn't get in trouble. he probably got an extra inning or two from the white house car. >> the show wouldn't be complet if we didn't include biden blender spread. >> so much feedback about this ticket let's just get right int it. >> raymond, biden gave a big commencement speech today as metairie academy. >> i want to thank you, lieutenant commander. i'm going to embarrass her. of the class of 2007. >> we have to make sure that women have the chance to succee in throughout pride throughout their careers. >> this was a mass of an address . forgotten names. they tried to reuse an old ronald reagan line. here is the original followed b the sad reboot. >> it is the hard nucleus about which the navy forms in time of war. they were around the navy forms in time of war. you are a really dull class. come on, man. as the sun getting to you? i think you'd have an opportunity when you say that about the navy. >> i see, i see your side. where did he think he was going to be received as? david schwimmer at the friends reunion? the man was dropping words, the first thing you never do as a performer's blame the audience when your jokes don't land. it's not their fault. it's failed because biden dropped the middle of the line. his plagiarize lined didn't mak sense and then he snaps at the cadets, this is apparently a pattern just five days ago the folksy demeanor. according to the report with profanity, and quote. to get the elderly do get that sundowner syndrome. when things get later in the da you lose a little bit of your perspective. and got frustrated with the cadets. maybe next time performing for his actual base, the media as h did with that new electric truc the other day. >> get i ask you quick question? >> no, not much you get in the front of the car. >> the best everything ever. even when threatened, those reporters are grave coming have to give them points for it i would've cleared out. when i saw biden behind the wheel, i thought we were in for it. look out below. by the way, reagan was 77 in that fight to come up biden's 78th. look the difference. >> it's actually scary. it may not be joe, but jill biden that people need to look at the telus about this new politico story. >> they are reporting on a new book, you remember the debate where kamala harris charged biden with racism. according to this book, dr. jil laid into her on a call with supporters saying kamala, go f yourself, she said the word. the first lady's office said it was a historical administration. they are making history pride speaking of history, did you se that famous wax museum in paris unveiling a new figure of joe biden? you see this? that is not the wax figure. i knew they put up the wrong clip because the wax figure is so lively and fresh and young. raymond, the wax figures ovie scare me. they are frankly terrifying. thank you for that very that wa an image of them. i have quite a bit in common. you see the tv host, parents, authors, they both have great producers. that this year, we took on a different role. >> we became tik tok stars. our viral moment is up next. you don't want to miss this. it's time for a talk! if you're 45 or older, you need to get yourself screened for colon cancer. this disease can be very treatable when caught early, so the sooner you know what's up with your health the better. the good news is that there are options for getting screened that are easier than you think. get informed if you're a man or a woman, 45 or older, take control, get screened for colon cancer. >> that vega cnn piece over the weekend, kamala harris are complaining that she has been sidelined by the white house. >> the biden spokesman jen psak disputed all that claiming the vps that valued member of the team. the signing ceremony told a ver different to. >> please welcome heather. in a moment. >> she didn't even get an introduction perigee later had to elbow her way to the front o the lawmakers to get to the photos. look, it's no mystery why kamal harris, her poll numbers are te points below her bosses, she wa probably hired so she could hav job security. that pleas came she was it see if you can follow any of this. >> we must together work together to see where we are, where we are headed. where we are going and our vision of where we should be. also see it as a moment yes, together address the challenges and to be better presented by that form. what else are you going to do t fix this problem? >> let's start with this. prices have gone up. >> in that hang time, interest rates went up. could she take any more time? okay, remember when you used it ridicule dan quayle. they just hammered him morning, noon, and night. this takes my breath away. maybe she has been hanging around biden too long. remember, the new york times said it was one of the worst campaigns they had ever seen basically. maybe kamala has been just hanging out with eitan for too long. >> a couple of my friends are going to be coming out here i'm told. cabinet members. here we go. where is everybody? jill. jill is here. >> they are worried about high-speed internet, i'm worrie about slow speed presidents and vice presidents. that might be the lowest least watched show on tv. most-watched as yellowstone. it is sort of the kingly are se in the west. its bonanza meets dallas perry there is a reason people are in love with this. it as an antidote to the politics and all those woke storylines and so many shows today. i was watching an episode of yo where measles came up. when did i mention measles? >> i don't know. it was on you. >> what was on me? what you talking about? i had never had the measles. >> we did note measles or vaccine episode. >> no, it was on you. >> raymond, i have never had measles. >> what you talking about? it was an episode of the show, laura. >> what's it called? you, it's called you. >> i've never done a show on measles. >> i give up. it's a show called you on netflix. >> i am moving on to a dell. laura, this was covered by rolling stone, the guardian, people magazine and so many others. the tik tok video was neared viewed nearly 30 million times. many ask the same question. was it real? so we decided to set the record straight. >> people have asked a question was it real, was it scripted, everybody has an opinion. even the actor chimed in tweeting his delivery is great though. >> the fact that people are laughing at laura ingraham that whole thing makes me feel like wasted the last 35 years of my life. his delivery was great great i love how you put that in there. >> look, people are asking was it real or was it scripted? >> what you think? >> i think people are craving something authentic and real an they got a bit of that. >> i think there are a lot of liberals out there who don't like conservatives having fun. i think they haven't gotten lef in like 30 years and we practiced for like 30 seconds and we got 20 million views. we can't match that, don rickles , can we? they show me and the privacy ar very happy. >> and meant to show you. >> show me what, idiot? >> this is so stupid now. they show you because of all th publicity they got. i can't deal with you right now i have a lot of pressure with this crowd. its that i don't do well with insects. >> except the spider. >> it is christmas evening. if i don't like. >> by the spider book, i really like this like bugs and raymond saw an opportunity when he covered cicada mania. i go outside today to walk the dogs, and i was about this clos to swallowing cicada, and you know how i scream at bugs. it is horrifying. , when the potomac starts running red. this morning on his way to england, the pesky bugs attacke the commander-in-chief. the secret service did not intervene, but boy was cnn right . >> was at a cicada? >> it was. >> acknowledging that that's a the first presidential cicada. at cnn show has given cicadas more coverage than fp summit. she has covered these things, well they should never be covered in this way. you will see what i mean. to get the fungus is called, it causes cicadas and genitals to fall off. have you ever wondered what cicadas taste like? >> the crunch. >> do i have a wing hanging out of my mouth? if the morning thing doesn't work out, she can always be a judge on masterchef. i can tell you, there is nothin that would make me eat a cicada. and then china's impending swarm . >> it needs a special graphic. biden did escape the cicada swarm long enough. this speechmaking to the uk or should i say. >> if there grounded undemocratic ideals, they secur the future and where every voic matters. where the rights of all people. the u.s. army air force formed the one-on-one 100 or barb make group. and just so you know, i keep forgetting i'm president. >> this must be very reassuring. giving him sanctions against russia for the pipeline in germany, they probably already forget the president as well maybe they're trying to. >> it's always interesting when we lecture the troops about the military history that they just learned. they really just did have the normandy anniversary. >> and no mention of nominee. he didn't mention it on that sunny seventh anniversary. the greatest to the security is climate change. no, it's actual natural change. in speaking of england, she's been canceled at oxford university. citing her ties to not surprisingly, the grad, to cancel the queen was visiting from maryland. it does not surprise me in the slightest. between her and this guy, they may declare us a colony just to teach us some civility. >> is it true that the naming has now gotten controversial. the family of the queen did not give permission. at the crazy name. can i say something. first of all, raymond knows fic a bug don't think it was planned . i'm so embarrassed i have to go. >> coming up, and cnn analyst cut with his pants down he exposes the dirty details next. ♪ ♪ when someone says you have to have chemo, you need a bone marrow transplant. those are just not words you want to hear for yourself. it's certainly not words you want to hear for your kid. i got a call that i was the best match for a 10 year old girl. it was one of the best days of my life. ♪ ♪ laila, meet your donor. i'm so happy that you're ok. that's all i could ever want. ♪ ♪ i just want to say thank you for the second chance at life. i don't know where i would be, without you. thank you. thousands of patients with leukemia, sickle cell and other blood diseases need a donor like you. learn more at structure and we're in conflict time to study the new covid variant, but the world health organization and leaders in southern africa were critical o the travel ban saying it was ineffective. it band injury for all non-us citizens who had visited the countries. back to "the ingraham angle" special. >> ray, you spied a scene this week in the cultural news. you remember jeffrey toobin was tossed off the air at cnn after he disgraced himself during his own, this week cnn brought him back. it was an awkward reentry. >> i feel like we should addres what happened in the month. you were on a zoom zoom call with your colleagues from the end everyone took a break durin several minutes during which time you thought on camera, you are subsequently fired from tha job after 25 years of working there and, you since then have an on leave, to quote jay leno, what were you thinking? >> obviously i wasn't thinking very well or very much and it was something that was inexplicable to me. i didn't think i was on the call . i didn't think other people could see me. >> he seems to have things well in hand, laura. say what you want, if people ar looking for partisan legal analysis, he is not one for pulling at the most obvious thing. he digs around to find somethin original and then he exposes it to the audience no matter the consequence. obvious what is cnn thinking with this guy? where is accountability, where our standards and we will get into it, rick santorum who was booted recently from cnn. >> is a use they kids are using the phrase you tubing now? is that what they're calling it now? i don't even have words for this . if the shoe were on the foot, i the hand were on the other shoe i don't know what we'd say here. you just if i had by saying i don't know the camera was on parade is this normal operating procedure in between zoom calls and meetings? they're is something seriously wrong. >> l, than it was totally fine. let's talk about what else. >> some are saying he should ge off the air. harrison ford was spotted shooting the fifth indiana jone movie in england that she week verity 78 years old and at that age there is a cancellation controversy swirling around the character owing to this scene. i was a child, i was in love. >> you knew what you are doing. >> there have been charges that that shows indy had an inappropriate relationship with an underage girl guard the actress there says in the movie we hold fictional characters to a higher standards that we hold. >> wait a second. how many network execs and newspaper editors have huge age gaps between he and she and she and he, they don't care about it . now a movie. we don't want indiana jones fiv to become indiana jones and the last cancellation. they're is another familiar character returning, three year after tyler perry announced he was retiring, guess what, this is medea saying i'm coming back. >> this is like arthur conan dial trying to kill sherlock holmes back. it's hard to let these beloved characters go, so she will return on netflix and an unname movie he says the country needs to laugh, but there could be another motivation. her big happy paycheck. >> first of all, who predicted this? to get you did. i have to say you did, years ago . first well, she's awesome. i love all of her movies and he should never have entertained that idea, it's like shares final concerts, it never comes, there is always another concert. it's part of the shtick, it's part of the promotion. chaos ensued when raymond took over "the ingraham angle" for one night earlier this year. when they're afraid of eviction but not hard work. which lifts are full, they keep it going. they have rescued christmas for families in need, but now more than ever we need your help to keep it going when you give $25 a month you help families stay in their homes thanks to you, hope marches on. ♪ when you're given a childhood cancer diagnosis, hope is lacking. but coming to st. jude, they were my foundation for getting my hope back. so, we have to continue funding st. jude, because if it weren't for the donors, my daughter may not have made it to her second birthday. now she can show everybody else what true strength is. >> earlier this year i took a measly day off and handed the reins to raymond who was a little hoarse, so he took to th set. this is what happened. >> what happened to your voice? >> i don't know. >> infer laura and you have a sore throat. let me guess, it sounds worse than you feel. >> yes yes, i feel great. by the way, it happens to me anytime i get any sickness it goes right for the vocal cords. hang in there. i am raymond arroyo in for her ingraham tonight this is "the ingraham angle" from new york city. i'm going to step aside and jason is going to take over for the evening. jason, thank you, and i will be back next week. >> get better. i hope you feel better. you look fine, we've all been there. we've all been there. so he was throwing in for you one night, he had no voice. nothing. i've experienced this in my lif i'm sure you have two. >> hannity, he was the only guest host to need a guest host in the history of television. we need a host with a voice. >> what can i say, it's live tv. its live when that happens. that was actually two weeks ago could get you have not stopped ridiculing him. >> had no sympathy. >> i've known you for 25 years, i know. >> all right, hannity, enough from you. >> just because you got his subbing off by two weeks. no problem. i didn't remember until last night because you had been on vacation. >> he is good. he's good. you not going to bring up raymond arroyo again lacks? >> and like a punching bag. they're is hannity, hidden. >> can i come in here? i have a little interruption. this it's a sinus infection, sean, i am doing a full investigation. >> i will get you back. i will get you both back. it is going to be mean, it's going to be ruthless and i will say this because we have all been through this, it sounds worse than you feel. i was talking fine and then i got on air. >> how does that explained that anthony fauci voice it's always like that. >> look, i made the boast of it i'm trying to keep the seat war and retain their shape of the show. is jason shea fits here? >> when we come back, our christmas eve memories when we returned. the life of every child is precious, beyond measure. if you care for a child with a disability, and have limited income and resources, help is available. children with a physical or mental disability - or who are blind - may qualify for monthly cash payments - through the supplemental security income program, or ssi. the program provides help to meet basic needs - for food, clothing, or a place to live and disability-related needs. it's money that can make a meaningful difference. if you're the parent or caregiver of a child or teenager you think may be eligible, call social security at 1-800-772-1213, or visit to learn how to apply today. that's it's real help for the children. message produced by social security at u.s. taxpayer expense. (music) (music) always ready, always there. visit to find out more. >> that's it for us tonight. d of anything to say? >> this is christmas eve, a tim where light came into the world. i'm so thankful because so many people embraced us and allowed us to be a part of their world this year. into bring some levity as we bring our coverage to folks read . >> every night people can make decision to walks watch or not watch. the sock drawer can only be cleaned up so many times very truly, we are very flattered to live in this country and we tak that for granted we all do. we go about our busy lives and we take it for granted and we need to remember that this gift of freedom and liberty, it take a lot to win it and it takes a lot, probably more in a way to preserve it each generation. every generation has a battle t fight and we mean that rhetorically before everybody starts jumping on the straight it's a battle that keeps all th memories in our history and everything else alive. by the way, if your tree is missing freedom matters ornament , make sure you get one in time for next year. all of your usa made freedom gear. thank you for watching this special edition of "the ingraha angle", and remember it's america now and forever, happy and merry christmas. >> greg get filled takes it all from here. ♪ >> merry christmas, everyone. i can confidently say that his home right now very drunk enjoining his bottle of wine fo the day. that doesn't mean you can't hav fun with me from earlier this week. we had a bunch of awesome shows over the past few months. i picked a few of my favorites to share tonight. recently kat timpf said she wanted to be on special report

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Plagiarize Lined Didn T Mak Sense , Fault , Middle , Don T Land , Report , Pattern , Demeanor , Five , Things , Do , Bit , Perspective , Sundowner Syndrome , Quote , Profanity , Da , Electric , Base , It , Grave , Biden Behind The Wheel , Difference , Fight , 78 , 77 , Book , Debate , Story , Reporting , Politico , Racism , Telus , Call , Jil , Office , Word , Supporters , Dr , First Lady , Go F Yourself , Making History Pride Speaking Of , Paris , Figure , Administration , Wax Figure , Wax , Scare Me , Parents , Tv Host , Authors , Producers , Wa , Tik Tok , Role , Talk , 45 , Colon Cancer , Disease , Health , Better , Options , Woman , At Cnn , Piece , Vps , Team , Biden Spokesman , Jen Psak , Signing Ceremony , Heather , Lawmakers , O , Introduction Perigee , Photos , Bosses , Mystery , Te Points , Pleas , Job Security , Yes , Problem , T , Form , Challenges , Interest Rates , Prices , It Ridicule , Him , Breath , Dan Quayle , Noon , New York Times , Campaigns , Couple , Friends , Eitan , Cabinet Members , Show , Tv , Vice Presidents , Presidents , Speed , Internet , Least , Worrie , Yellowstone , Shows , Bonanza , Storylines , Politics , West , Reason , Antidote , Kingly Are Se , Dallas , Measles , Episode , I Don T Know , Note Measles , Netflix , Dell , Times , Ask , Video , Guardian , Others , Record , People Magazine , Rolling Stone , 30 Million , Delivery , Actor Chimed , Though , Opinion , Fact , My Life , 35 , Lot , Fun , They Don T , Haven T , Conservatives , Liberals , Don Rickles , Views , 20 Million , 30 , Idiot , Privacy Ar , Th Publicity , Pressure , Spider , Crowd , Insects , Bugs , Spider Book , Saw , Dogs , Clos , Mania , Swallowing Cicada , Red , Commander In Chief , Secret Service , Boy , England , Potomac , Cicada , Coverage , Fp Summit , Cicadas , Genitals , Fungus , Wing , Mouth , Morning Thing Doesn T Work Out , Crunch , Judge , Masterchef , Speechmaking , Swarm , Graphic , China S , Uk , Ideals , Matters , Voic , Rights , Group , Barb , U S Army Air Force , 100 , Sanctions , Pipeline , Russia , Germany , Troops , Normandy Anniversary , Anniversary , Mention , Nominee , Greatest , Security , Change , Climate Change , Grad , Oxford University , Queen , Slightest , Maryland , Guy , Colony , Civility , Naming , Name , Permission , Analyst Cut , Coming Up , Pants , Details , Someone , Chemo , Bone Marrow Transplant , Life , Girl , Kid , Match , 10 , Donor , Laila , Blood Diseases , Thousands , Sickle Cell , Leukemia , Patients , Bethematch Org Structure , Citizens , World Health Organization , Leaders , It Band Injury , Southern Africa , Critical O The Travel Ban , Scene , Countries , Ray , Jeffrey Toobin , Air , Reentry , Zoom Call , Colleagues , Durin , The End , Camera , Job , Leave , Tha , Quote Jay Leno , 25 , Hand , Analysis , Standards , Rick Santorum , Thinking , Accountability , Consequence , Matter , You Tubing , Use , Shoe , Parade , Foot , Let , Zoom Calls , Meetings , Procedure , Some , Harrison Ford , Unname , Character , Controversy Swirling , Indiana Jone , Child , Charges , Characters , Relationship , Actress , Care , Newspaper Editors , Second , Age Gaps , Execs , Indiana Jones Fiv , We Don T Want , Guess What , Cancellation , Indiana Jones , Tyler Perry , Saying , Medea , Sherlock Holmes , Arthur Conan , Country , Motivation , Paycheck , Movies , Concert , Chaos , Idea , Concerts , Shares , Shtick , Promotion , Work , Eviction , Families , Help , Need , 5 , Homes , Hope , Childhood Cancer , Hope Back , Foundation , Diagnosis , Jude , Weren T , Daughter , Donors , Strength , Birthday , Funding St , Everybody Else , Day Off , Hoarse , Reins , Th Set , Sore Throat , Infer Laura , Sickness , Vocal Cords , Raymond Arroyo , Jason Shea , Evening , New York City , Fine , Guest Host , Hannity , Host , Lif , History Of Television , Sympathy , Ridiculing Him , Subbing , Vacation , Interruption , Punching Bag , Hidden , Infection , Investigation , Sean , Back , Boast , Anthony Fauci , On Air , Shape , Seat War , Disability , Measure , Children , Program , Income , Resources , Cash Payments , Security Income , Caregiver , Needs , Clothing , Food , Place , Money , Parent , Ssi , Teenager , Call Social Security , 1 800 772 1213 , 1213 , 800 , 772 , 1 , Social Security , Taxpayer Expense , Message , Music , More , Visit Nationalguard Com , Light , Tim , Night People , Folks , Walks , Levity , Decision , Sock Drawer , Lives , Gift , Generation , Freedom , Battle T Fight , Liberty , Battle , History , Th , Tree , Memories , Ornament , The Ingraha Angle , Made Freedom Gear , Merry Christmas , America Now And Forever , Greg Get , Doesn T , Home , Hav , Bottle , Kat Timpf , Special Report , Few , Bunch , Favorites ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240709

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ceaseless wanderings, we would've had a lot less material . that is true, very true. our first clip tonight is the perfect tribute to his unintended comedic prowess. take a look. >> i know you were closely watching biden's public events they so what did you see? >> i always say it is not what he says. it is what we see that tells the tale. today the president was demanding that everybody get vaccinated and boosted to avoid this new covid variant but apparently routinely hatching orifices is not a covid risk at the white house. just watch. >> today thursday three misses about the new variant. we of the best vaccine of the world and now we are seeing deaths come down. we will fight and beat this new variant as well. a fully vaccinated boost third person is most protected against covid. >> a boost a person. that vaccine does not enough. you need to be a booster person. nightly multiple if you go near the press of them. however preschoolers don't touch their noses and eyes and mouths is much as he does. i've never seen anything like it he honestly looked like he fell asleep during that. i thought as he still with us? i wasn't sure. >> i am your booster person. i'm always going to be are your corner come in your corner and be your booster person. >> the white house share at the annual christmas decorations with the media today. i have to show you this. along with usual threes in the garland, there was a gingerbread white house surrounded by building to represent first responders. and pedicures at the bakers would include a prominent gas station right in front of the white house. why with they remind people about gas. fuel is nearly 60% more expensive that was a year ago. this would be like the carvers putting a little gingerbread hostages next to their white house or the clintons adding gummy female interns are browned white house. this is a bad luck. by what you want to commemorate it. >> did you really write that? >> how would you create them. >> what a horrible inch or -- image. i can see the 7.25 a gallon. if you can see that you can see what they want gas prices to go. look really closely. >> you can't depict that in gingerbread. it's got to keep going upward as much they get to the west wing. also today the president met with ceos to show he's on top of the supply chain crisis. only someone else ran the meeting and you would swear that biden had never been to the white house. >> he's going to moderate the rest. isn't this a pretty plays? >> isn't it is moments like this that explain the slipping poll numbers, by the way, the federa trade commission after he met with the ceos, the federal trad commission demanded they all in over their files to try to explain to ar studying, looking into why those the shelves are empty. they are going to try to blame the large retailers before this is over a. >> anyone but biden carried. >> also ndc. i'm always looking for the culture edge here. of future at their arts and industries building. it may not be a future any of u care to visit according to just the news, one kiosk ask visitor when might there be as single government you can choose between ten years to never. my american institute funded by taxpayer suggest that a one world government is ever an acceptable vision of the future. it is crazy. >> did fund this exhibit? brought to you by the kids behind the great reset. >> very close, i will explain who funded it and just a i can. this one is a new genderless voice persistent. this was at the smithsonian. it's for your phone. you can make it where feminine or masculine depending on your preference. >> i am the world's first genderless voice system. think of me as siri or alexa, i am no male or female. i'm designed for a gender but how we design ourselves. >> just what we need, and other faceless kids it's not only anonymous, and has no gender. that gender fluid oneworld feature comes courtesy of ford, oracle, amazon live services, comcast ndc and the nfl who are all sponsors of this lovely vision of the future. >> i also didn't like the talking fried egg. it looked like a fried egg talking. i didn't like that. i'm uncomfortable. that creeps me out. i will have nightmares. the next segment was almost lik something out of the movies. >> it had everything from romance to a villain, two america's favorite doll. watch. >> there was some odd displays from the white house crew that caught your attention. >> it seems as if spring has unleashed the romantic and everyone. may all of us live longer that kamala harris got when she appeared before the joint address to congress. ♪ either he is the most slaphappy lovesick romantic ever or the most insecure spouse ndc. whatever the case, you don't need to do a whole mime act of devotion and love and all of that. when you have to work that hard after many years of marriage, something is wrong. can you invite doctor backfill into a sling this to me. i don't mind the affection but the gratuitous nest, we don't care and we don't need to see it . >> get a room, as i always say. it was a very romantic setting with the 200 people nodding off in the room. what else? we have cupit also struck joe biden this week on the way out to marine one. may be the poor man didn't know at least he didn't try to pick limb and offered jill's dress, that was a good thing. it reminded me of that touching move monday. abc, the hill, and they all fawned over this. what this is is heartwarming filler, so they don't have to cover $6 trillion of proposed spending, $480 billion towards the abortion industry in america , and we haven't even touched on the 80 billion to th irs to try to get more in taxes from people. there was a related issue. remember during obama we called it the razzle-dazzle and they would do date night or they would have the romantic moment, that was all covered. trump and milani had could be making out in the rose garden and they'd say that's nothing. what should set off cells. this story we saw today, again, it's about distracting people. when you had the worst in media earlier, this may have been the best this week. in dc, it's keeping those important narratives in the forefront of people's minds. watch. >> they're is a question americans have been wondering for weeks now, major, the first dog. >> we were going to bring him into seo. >> is he back in the white house ? >> he is such a sweet lovable dog very. >> she is waiting in the wings. >> had trouble adjusting to the white house. that was part of his training. >> part of his training. we had socks the cat, than we had both a dog with the obama's now we have major and champ wit the bidens, these are shiny objects to distract you from what's going on. they dog may not be the only member of the biden household. listen to these two admissions from the president this week. ♪ i did my my mask i'm in trouble. i'm sorry, this is the last question i will take. >> laura, he's the president of the united states. why is he in trouble for talkin to reporters and losing a mask. this lends credibility to the suspicion the staff is programming this presidency and maybe even bowling the presiden himself. this isn't only wrong, it's cool . >> did he ever find the mask? >> escamilla heated. it was hidden in his binder. for that he didn't get in trouble. he probably got an extra inning or two from the white house car. >> the show wouldn't be complet if we didn't include biden blender spread. >> so much feedback about this ticket let's just get right int it. >> raymond, biden gave a big commencement speech today as metairie academy. >> i want to thank you, lieutenant commander. i'm going to embarrass her. of the class of 2007. >> we have to make sure that women have the chance to succee in throughout pride throughout their careers. >> this was a mass of an address . forgotten names. they tried to reuse an old ronald reagan line. here is the original followed b the sad reboot. >> it is the hard nucleus about which the navy forms in time of war. they were around the navy forms in time of war. you are a really dull class. come on, man. as the sun getting to you? i think you'd have an opportunity when you say that about the navy. >> i see, i see your side. where did he think he was going to be received as? david schwimmer at the friends reunion? the man was dropping words, the first thing you never do as a performer's blame the audience when your jokes don't land. it's not their fault. it's failed because biden dropped the middle of the line. his plagiarize lined didn't mak sense and then he snaps at the cadets, this is apparently a pattern just five days ago the folksy demeanor. according to the report with profanity, and quote. to get the elderly do get that sundowner syndrome. when things get later in the da you lose a little bit of your perspective. and got frustrated with the cadets. maybe next time performing for his actual base, the media as h did with that new electric truc the other day. >> get i ask you quick question? >> no, not much you get in the front of the car. >> the best everything ever. even when threatened, those reporters are grave coming have to give them points for it i would've cleared out. when i saw biden behind the wheel, i thought we were in for it. look out below. by the way, reagan was 77 in that fight to come up biden's 78th. look the difference. >> it's actually scary. it may not be joe, but jill biden that people need to look at the telus about this new politico story. >> they are reporting on a new book, you remember the debate where kamala harris charged biden with racism. according to this book, dr. jil laid into her on a call with supporters saying kamala, go f yourself, she said the word. the first lady's office said it was a historical administration. they are making history pride speaking of history, did you se that famous wax museum in paris unveiling a new figure of joe biden? you see this? that is not the wax figure. i knew they put up the wrong clip because the wax figure is so lively and fresh and young. raymond, the wax figures ovie scare me. they are frankly terrifying. thank you for that very that wa an image of them. i have quite a bit in common. you see the tv host, parents, authors, they both have great producers. that this year, we took on a different role. >> we became tik tok stars. our viral moment is up next. you don't want to miss this. it's time for a talk! if you're 45 or older, you need to get yourself screened for colon cancer. this disease can be very treatable when caught early, so the sooner you know what's up with your health the better. the good news is that there are options for getting screened that are easier than you think. get informed if you're a man or a woman, 45 or older, take control, get screened for colon cancer. >> that vega cnn piece over the weekend, kamala harris are complaining that she has been sidelined by the white house. >> the biden spokesman jen psak disputed all that claiming the vps that valued member of the team. the signing ceremony told a ver different to. >> please welcome heather. in a moment. >> she didn't even get an introduction perigee later had to elbow her way to the front o the lawmakers to get to the photos. look, it's no mystery why kamal harris, her poll numbers are te points below her bosses, she wa probably hired so she could hav job security. that pleas came she was it see if you can follow any of this. >> we must together work together to see where we are, where we are headed. where we are going and our vision of where we should be. also see it as a moment yes, together address the challenges and to be better presented by that form. what else are you going to do t fix this problem? >> let's start with this. prices have gone up. >> in that hang time, interest rates went up. could she take any more time? okay, remember when you used it ridicule dan quayle. they just hammered him morning, noon, and night. this takes my breath away. maybe she has been hanging around biden too long. remember, the new york times said it was one of the worst campaigns they had ever seen basically. maybe kamala has been just hanging out with eitan for too long. >> a couple of my friends are going to be coming out here i'm told. cabinet members. here we go. where is everybody? jill. jill is here. >> they are worried about high-speed internet, i'm worrie about slow speed presidents and vice presidents. that might be the lowest least watched show on tv. most-watched as yellowstone. it is sort of the kingly are se in the west. its bonanza meets dallas perry there is a reason people are in love with this. it as an antidote to the politics and all those woke storylines and so many shows today. i was watching an episode of yo where measles came up. when did i mention measles? >> i don't know. it was on you. >> what was on me? what you talking about? i had never had the measles. >> we did note measles or vaccine episode. >> no, it was on you. >> raymond, i have never had measles. >> what you talking about? it was an episode of the show, laura. >> what's it called? you, it's called you. >> i've never done a show on measles. >> i give up. it's a show called you on netflix. >> i am moving on to a dell. laura, this was covered by rolling stone, the guardian, people magazine and so many others. the tik tok video was neared viewed nearly 30 million times. many ask the same question. was it real? so we decided to set the record straight. >> people have asked a question was it real, was it scripted, everybody has an opinion. even the actor chimed in tweeting his delivery is great though. >> the fact that people are laughing at laura ingraham that whole thing makes me feel like wasted the last 35 years of my life. his delivery was great great i love how you put that in there. >> look, people are asking was it real or was it scripted? >> what you think? >> i think people are craving something authentic and real an they got a bit of that. >> i think there are a lot of liberals out there who don't like conservatives having fun. i think they haven't gotten lef in like 30 years and we practiced for like 30 seconds and we got 20 million views. we can't match that, don rickles , can we? they show me and the privacy ar very happy. >> and meant to show you. >> show me what, idiot? >> this is so stupid now. they show you because of all th publicity they got. i can't deal with you right now i have a lot of pressure with this crowd. its that i don't do well with insects. >> except the spider. >> it is christmas evening. if i don't like. >> by the spider book, i really like this like bugs and raymond saw an opportunity when he covered cicada mania. i go outside today to walk the dogs, and i was about this clos to swallowing cicada, and you know how i scream at bugs. it is horrifying. , when the potomac starts running red. this morning on his way to england, the pesky bugs attacke the commander-in-chief. the secret service did not intervene, but boy was cnn right . >> was at a cicada? >> it was. >> acknowledging that that's a the first presidential cicada. at cnn show has given cicadas more coverage than fp summit. she has covered these things, well they should never be covered in this way. you will see what i mean. to get the fungus is called, it causes cicadas and genitals to fall off. have you ever wondered what cicadas taste like? >> the crunch. >> do i have a wing hanging out of my mouth? if the morning thing doesn't work out, she can always be a judge on masterchef. i can tell you, there is nothin that would make me eat a cicada. and then china's impending swarm . >> it needs a special graphic. biden did escape the cicada swarm long enough. this speechmaking to the uk or should i say. >> if there grounded undemocratic ideals, they secur the future and where every voic matters. where the rights of all people. the u.s. army air force formed the one-on-one 100 or barb make group. and just so you know, i keep forgetting i'm president. >> this must be very reassuring. giving him sanctions against russia for the pipeline in germany, they probably already forget the president as well maybe they're trying to. >> it's always interesting when we lecture the troops about the military history that they just learned. they really just did have the normandy anniversary. >> and no mention of nominee. he didn't mention it on that sunny seventh anniversary. the greatest to the security is climate change. no, it's actual natural change. in speaking of england, she's been canceled at oxford university. citing her ties to not surprisingly, the grad, to cancel the queen was visiting from maryland. it does not surprise me in the slightest. between her and this guy, they may declare us a colony just to teach us some civility. >> is it true that the naming has now gotten controversial. the family of the queen did not give permission. at the crazy name. can i say something. first of all, raymond knows fic a bug don't think it was planned . i'm so embarrassed i have to go. >> coming up, and cnn analyst cut with his pants down he exposes the dirty details next. ♪ ♪ when someone says you have to have chemo, you need a bone marrow transplant. those are just not words you want to hear for yourself. it's certainly not words you want to hear for your kid. i got a call that i was the best match for a 10 year old girl. it was one of the best days of my life. ♪ ♪ laila, meet your donor. i'm so happy that you're ok. that's all i could ever want. ♪ ♪ i just want to say thank you for the second chance at life. i don't know where i would be, without you. thank you. thousands of patients with leukemia, sickle cell and other blood diseases need a donor like you. learn more at structure and we're in conflict time to study the new covid variant, but the world health organization and leaders in southern africa were critical o the travel ban saying it was ineffective. it band injury for all non-us citizens who had visited the countries. back to "the ingraham angle" special. >> ray, you spied a scene this week in the cultural news. you remember jeffrey toobin was tossed off the air at cnn after he disgraced himself during his own, this week cnn brought him back. it was an awkward reentry. >> i feel like we should addres what happened in the month. you were on a zoom zoom call with your colleagues from the end everyone took a break durin several minutes during which time you thought on camera, you are subsequently fired from tha job after 25 years of working there and, you since then have an on leave, to quote jay leno, what were you thinking? >> obviously i wasn't thinking very well or very much and it was something that was inexplicable to me. i didn't think i was on the call . i didn't think other people could see me. >> he seems to have things well in hand, laura. say what you want, if people ar looking for partisan legal analysis, he is not one for pulling at the most obvious thing. he digs around to find somethin original and then he exposes it to the audience no matter the consequence. obvious what is cnn thinking with this guy? where is accountability, where our standards and we will get into it, rick santorum who was booted recently from cnn. >> is a use they kids are using the phrase you tubing now? is that what they're calling it now? i don't even have words for this . if the shoe were on the foot, i the hand were on the other shoe i don't know what we'd say here. you just if i had by saying i don't know the camera was on parade is this normal operating procedure in between zoom calls and meetings? they're is something seriously wrong. >> l, than it was totally fine. let's talk about what else. >> some are saying he should ge off the air. harrison ford was spotted shooting the fifth indiana jone movie in england that she week verity 78 years old and at that age there is a cancellation controversy swirling around the character owing to this scene. i was a child, i was in love. >> you knew what you are doing. >> there have been charges that that shows indy had an inappropriate relationship with an underage girl guard the actress there says in the movie we hold fictional characters to a higher standards that we hold. >> wait a second. how many network execs and newspaper editors have huge age gaps between he and she and she and he, they don't care about it . now a movie. we don't want indiana jones fiv to become indiana jones and the last cancellation. they're is another familiar character returning, three year after tyler perry announced he was retiring, guess what, this is medea saying i'm coming back. >> this is like arthur conan dial trying to kill sherlock holmes back. it's hard to let these beloved characters go, so she will return on netflix and an unname movie he says the country needs to laugh, but there could be another motivation. her big happy paycheck. >> first of all, who predicted this? to get you did. i have to say you did, years ago . first well, she's awesome. i love all of her movies and he should never have entertained that idea, it's like shares final concerts, it never comes, there is always another concert. it's part of the shtick, it's part of the promotion. chaos ensued when raymond took over "the ingraham angle" for one night earlier this year. when they're afraid of eviction but not hard work. which lifts are full, they keep it going. they have rescued christmas for families in need, but now more than ever we need your help to keep it going when you give $25 a month you help families stay in their homes thanks to you, hope marches on. ♪ when you're given a childhood cancer diagnosis, hope is lacking. but coming to st. jude, they were my foundation for getting my hope back. so, we have to continue funding st. jude, because if it weren't for the donors, my daughter may not have made it to her second birthday. now she can show everybody else what true strength is. >> earlier this year i took a measly day off and handed the reins to raymond who was a little hoarse, so he took to th set. this is what happened. >> what happened to your voice? >> i don't know. >> infer laura and you have a sore throat. let me guess, it sounds worse than you feel. >> yes yes, i feel great. by the way, it happens to me anytime i get any sickness it goes right for the vocal cords. hang in there. i am raymond arroyo in for her ingraham tonight this is "the ingraham angle" from new york city. i'm going to step aside and jason is going to take over for the evening. jason, thank you, and i will be back next week. >> get better. i hope you feel better. you look fine, we've all been there. we've all been there. so he was throwing in for you one night, he had no voice. nothing. i've experienced this in my lif i'm sure you have two. >> hannity, he was the only guest host to need a guest host in the history of television. we need a host with a voice. >> what can i say, it's live tv. its live when that happens. that was actually two weeks ago could get you have not stopped ridiculing him. >> had no sympathy. >> i've known you for 25 years, i know. >> all right, hannity, enough from you. >> just because you got his subbing off by two weeks. no problem. i didn't remember until last night because you had been on vacation. >> he is good. he's good. you not going to bring up raymond arroyo again lacks? >> and like a punching bag. they're is hannity, hidden. >> can i come in here? i have a little interruption. this it's a sinus infection, sean, i am doing a full investigation. >> i will get you back. i will get you both back. it is going to be mean, it's going to be ruthless and i will say this because we have all been through this, it sounds worse than you feel. i was talking fine and then i got on air. >> how does that explained that anthony fauci voice it's always like that. >> look, i made the boast of it i'm trying to keep the seat war and retain their shape of the show. is jason shea fits here? >> when we come back, our christmas eve memories when we returned. the life of every child is precious, beyond measure. if you care for a child with a disability, and have limited income and resources, help is available. children with a physical or mental disability - or who are blind - may qualify for monthly cash payments - through the supplemental security income program, or ssi. the program provides help to meet basic needs - for food, clothing, or a place to live and disability-related needs. it's money that can make a meaningful difference. if you're the parent or caregiver of a child or teenager you think may be eligible, call social security at 1-800-772-1213, or visit to learn how to apply today. that's it's real help for the children. message produced by social security at u.s. taxpayer expense. (music) (music) always ready, always there. visit to find out more. >> that's it for us tonight. d of anything to say? >> this is christmas eve, a tim where light came into the world. i'm so thankful because so many people embraced us and allowed us to be a part of their world this year. into bring some levity as we bring our coverage to folks read . >> every night people can make decision to walks watch or not watch. the sock drawer can only be cleaned up so many times very truly, we are very flattered to live in this country and we tak that for granted we all do. we go about our busy lives and we take it for granted and we need to remember that this gift of freedom and liberty, it take a lot to win it and it takes a lot, probably more in a way to preserve it each generation. every generation has a battle t fight and we mean that rhetorically before everybody starts jumping on the straight it's a battle that keeps all th memories in our history and everything else alive. by the way, if your tree is missing freedom matters ornament , make sure you get one in time for next year. all of your usa made freedom gear. thank you for watching this special edition of "the ingraha angle", and remember it's america now and forever, happy and merry christmas. >> greg get filled takes it all from here. ♪ >> merry christmas, everyone. i can confidently say that his home right now very drunk enjoining his bottle of wine fo the day. that doesn't mean you can't hav fun with me from earlier this week. we had a bunch of awesome shows over the past few months. i picked a few of my favorites to share tonight. recently kat timpf said she wanted to be on special report

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Spending , Th Irs , 480 Billion , 80 Billion , 6 Trillion , Trillion , Issue , Razzle Dazzle , Nothing , Cells , Trump , Milani , Rose Garden , Story We Saw Today , In Dc , Worst , Minds , Forefront , Narratives , Question , Dog , Major , Trouble , Seo , Waiting In The Wings , Part , Training , Socks , Champ , Cat , Wit , Obama , Member , Bidens , What S Going On , Admissions , Biden Household , Objects , Mask , Reporters , Talkin , President Of The United States , Credibility , Escamilla , Presiden , Presidency , Staff , Suspicion , Binder , Wrong , Car , The Show Wouldn T Be Complet , Feedback , Inning , Biden Blender Spread , Raymond Knows Fic A Bug Don T , Ticket , Commencement Speech , Lieutenant Commander , Metairie Academy , Chance , Class , Women , Careers , Pride , Succee , 2007 , Line , Names , Mass , Reboot , B , Ronald Reagan , Navy , War , Nucleus , Sun , Opportunity , Come On , Words , Man , Audience , Side , Performer , David Schwimmer , Friends Reunion , Cadets , His Plagiarize Lined Didn T Mak Sense , Fault , Middle , Don T Land , Report , Pattern , Demeanor , Five , Things , Do , Bit , Perspective , Sundowner Syndrome , Quote , Profanity , Da , Electric , Base , It , Grave , Biden Behind The Wheel , Difference , Fight , 78 , 77 , Book , Debate , Story , Reporting , Politico , Racism , Telus , Call , Jil , Office , Word , Supporters , Dr , First Lady , Go F Yourself , Making History Pride Speaking Of , Paris , Figure , Administration , Wax Figure , Wax , Scare Me , Parents , Tv Host , Authors , Producers , Wa , Tik Tok , Role , Talk , 45 , Colon Cancer , Disease , Health , Better , Options , Woman , At Cnn , Piece , Vps , Team , Biden Spokesman , Jen Psak , Signing Ceremony , Heather , Lawmakers , O , Introduction Perigee , Photos , Bosses , Mystery , Te Points , Pleas , Job Security , Yes , Problem , T , Form , Challenges , Interest Rates , Prices , It Ridicule , Him , Breath , Dan Quayle , Noon , New York Times , Campaigns , Couple , Friends , Eitan , Cabinet Members , Show , Tv , Vice Presidents , Presidents , Speed , Internet , Least , Worrie , Yellowstone , Shows , Bonanza , Storylines , Politics , West , Reason , Antidote , Kingly Are Se , Dallas , Measles , Episode , I Don T Know , Note Measles , Netflix , Dell , Times , Ask , Video , Guardian , Others , Record , People Magazine , Rolling Stone , 30 Million , Delivery , Actor Chimed , Though , Opinion , Fact , My Life , 35 , Lot , Fun , They Don T , Haven T , Conservatives , Liberals , Don Rickles , Views , 20 Million , 30 , Idiot , Privacy Ar , Th Publicity , Pressure , Spider , Crowd , Insects , Bugs , Spider Book , Saw , Dogs , Clos , Mania , Swallowing Cicada , Red , Commander In Chief , Secret Service , Boy , England , Potomac , Cicada , Coverage , Fp Summit , Cicadas , Genitals , Fungus , Wing , Mouth , Morning Thing Doesn T Work Out , Crunch , Judge , Masterchef , Speechmaking , Swarm , Graphic , China S , Uk , Ideals , Matters , Voic , Rights , Group , Barb , U S Army Air Force , 100 , Sanctions , Pipeline , Russia , Germany , Troops , Normandy Anniversary , Anniversary , Mention , Nominee , Greatest , Security , Change , Climate Change , Grad , Oxford University , Queen , Slightest , Maryland , Guy , Colony , Civility , Naming , Name , Permission , Analyst Cut , Coming Up , Pants , Details , Someone , Chemo , Bone Marrow Transplant , Life , Girl , Kid , Match , 10 , Donor , Laila , Blood Diseases , Thousands , Sickle Cell , Leukemia , Patients , Bethematch Org Structure , Citizens , World Health Organization , Leaders , It Band Injury , Southern Africa , Critical O The Travel Ban , Scene , Countries , Ray , Jeffrey Toobin , Air , Reentry , Zoom Call , Colleagues , Durin , The End , Camera , Job , Leave , Tha , Quote Jay Leno , 25 , Hand , Analysis , Standards , Rick Santorum , Thinking , Accountability , Consequence , Matter , You Tubing , Use , Shoe , Parade , Foot , Let , Zoom Calls , Meetings , Procedure , Some , Harrison Ford , Unname , Character , Controversy Swirling , Indiana Jone , Child , Charges , Characters , Relationship , Actress , Care , Newspaper Editors , Second , Age Gaps , Execs , Indiana Jones Fiv , We Don T Want , Guess What , Cancellation , Indiana Jones , Tyler Perry , Saying , Medea , Sherlock Holmes , Arthur Conan , Country , Motivation , Paycheck , Movies , Concert , Chaos , Idea , Concerts , Shares , Shtick , Promotion , Work , Eviction , Families , Help , Need , 5 , Homes , Hope , Childhood Cancer , Hope Back , Foundation , Diagnosis , Jude , Weren T , Daughter , Donors , Strength , Birthday , Funding St , Everybody Else , Day Off , Hoarse , Reins , Th Set , Sore Throat , Infer Laura , Sickness , Vocal Cords , Raymond Arroyo , Jason Shea , Evening , New York City , Fine , Guest Host , Hannity , Host , Lif , History Of Television , Sympathy , Ridiculing Him , Subbing , Vacation , Interruption , Punching Bag , Hidden , Infection , Investigation , Sean , Back , Boast , Anthony Fauci , On Air , Shape , Seat War , Disability , Measure , Children , Program , Income , Resources , Cash Payments , Security Income , Caregiver , Needs , Clothing , Food , Place , Money , Parent , Ssi , Teenager , Call Social Security , 1 800 772 1213 , 1213 , 800 , 772 , 1 , Social Security , Taxpayer Expense , Message , Music , More , Visit Nationalguard Com , Light , Tim , Night People , Folks , Walks , Levity , Decision , Sock Drawer , Lives , Gift , Generation , Freedom , Battle T Fight , Liberty , Battle , History , Th , Tree , Memories , Ornament , The Ingraha Angle , Made Freedom Gear , Merry Christmas , America Now And Forever , Greg Get , Doesn T , Home , Hav , Bottle , Kat Timpf , Special Report , Few , Bunch , Favorites ,

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