Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709

cavuto. shopping for christmas is up 19% from last year that could mean consumers don't want to be the grinch this year by not giving presents the readout from a guru, what does this mean, 19%, the saturday before christmas what does that mean for retailers going into this season? >> we're certainly seeing retailers benefit from this, and especially the small businesses, so according to the data catalyst institute 79% of small businesses have an offline presence, so this is a brick and mortar presence, while they are still selling online, they are expecting people to walk into their stores and buy last minute. so i'm sure people are out there right now going and shopping, you know, literally in the 11th hour, brick and mortar stores are certainly getting the store traffic. in addition, these sort of offmarket venues that these retailers are taking advantage of, like the street markets and the street fairs, 57% of small businesses have presence there, meaning a brick and mortar presence. >> are you surprised that people are going in, given the variant? >> i'm not surprised really because we've had two years of pent up demand and people wanting to be out. so i think there are certainly fears. people wanting to go out and, i'm here in new york city so i people are masking up and being safe but 22% of people are still worried that the supply chain is going to have more of an impact than really the variant. >> the last time we spoke you said buy your gifts early in november 2021. americans spent 18% more than in november 2020. was that pulling the buying forward or do you think businesses really will see a boost in december? >> you know, i think the whole model of consumers and retailers really pushing consumers to buy in the last few weeks of december for the christmas holiday is going to be changing. i think we saw this, this year especially. people really bought ahead and i have to tell you, i took my own advice. i got those presents earlier. it's making everything a lot easier. i know there are people going out an shopping but i think we're going to start seeing retailers start promoting earlier and we're seeing it in the store sales numbers just reported out a couple of weeks ago. >> in the last 30 seconds what does this say about consumer spending going into the first couple of months of 2022? >> i think consumer is still very fearful. oracle reported out that 77% of people are still fearful of going out and shopping because of the new variant. however, i think people are going to shop. i think right now people want to be out and spending. like i said, there is a lot of frugal fatigue so people will be spending. >> spending a little bit more with the inflation. happy holidays, merry christmas and happy christmas eve. from the shopping you're rush to the travel crunch, omicron is giving people pause but many still plowing ahead with family vacations and visits. triple-a is expecting air travel to be up 184% from this time last year, when we were all locked down. travel expert and former flight attendant bobby joining us now. triple-a believes 109 million people are somewhere for the holiday right now, and that's not at their home. what does this tell you about the thinking from this omicron variant? >> i think people were tired of being stuck at home. i think they wanted to get out, especially after not spending the holiday with your family last year, and they are going to take those chances. they are going to mask up. they have gotten the vaccine and they are taking to the roads and skies. what i do think, ed, is really important about that triple-a number. the data that they used to make that projection was collected back on december 14. so they have issued a disclaimer since then saying that the data was collected prior to the latest surge in omicron, and that they are expecting some cancellations possibly, especially when it comes to airline travel. >> it's interesting you say that. is this a situation where you have a lot of people spending a lot of money on flights and hotels and just decided, well, for right now, we're going to do it anyway but then they cut back in the first part of next year? >> i think so. i think so at the end of november, the first week of december, i should say, week of december 6, there was a 16% decrease in airline bookings from the week before. so i think, as the variant continues to spread you're seeing a lot of folks become iffy about traveling and as we head into 2022 with airlines still waving change fees and you're able to get cancellations and refunds on your airline tickets and hotel reservations it's giving folks a little flexibility. they will say, i'll feel safe enough to travel but then as you get closer you have the ability to say maybe not. >> you are looking -- if you're looking at buying it's the, you know, you've got to consider variants. whether it's omicron or something else. you've got to consider the prices that are going forward. with the variant. do you see prices coming down, and would thousand be a good time to book out for, say, march, for spring break? >> absolutely. now is the perfect time to book out for spring break and beyond because airlines are hedging their bets. they are seeing those cancellations as the variant continues to spread. they are trying to fill their airplane, so because of that you're looking at some cheaper prices even though the fuel costs are currently on the rise. something else to keep in mind, too, is a lot of the travel insurance that's out there does now protect for some covid-19 cancellations, so getting that travel insurance policy is worth it and having a travel agent, too, is also worth it because they can help you navigate some last-minute cancellations. your best bet is to try to stay domestic rather than international because international you may get stuck if a foreign country changes their covid-19 regulations or coming back to the u.s., we now require something else in order for you to come home. you might find yourself in a situation where you're going to spend more money than you were bargaining for. >> so in the last 30 seconds, bobby, do you see travel domestically taking advantage of the variant, so to speak. does it give an advantage to domestic as opposed to international? . >> i think so. a lot of folks are still weary of going international because of the possibility of being stuck and then having the added cost of paying for a quarantine, paying for testing and finding those locations when you're in a foreign country. so i think you're going to see a lot more stay-cations, and road trips, people driving around the area within 90 and 150 miles, exploring the area in which they live, coast-to-coast. there is a lot of u.s. to see. >> u.s. in paris. >> maybe just in new york. >> thank you. >> right now we know covid isn't going away and we know omicron is spreading fast. there has been a lot of concern, cancel events, professional games postponed, and the nhl saying its athletes will not be competing for their countries in the olympics because of omicron so the read on all of this from a doctor from the nyu health and hospitals, first, doctor, thank you for joining us here. i think, you know, we've all been able to figure out how to pronounce omicron now. might that be leading to some extra fear that may not be sort of warranted with this? >> there is a lot of fear and anxiety especially since we're seeing alarming cases of omicron but i think what's the good news is that many of our covid-19 prevention measures and the tools that we have in our tool box continue to work. this includes obviously vaccinations but even boosters. boosters are becoming very, very important to help prevent systematic disease. to restimulate our immune response as well as having better access to testing. we've heard that testing is going to become much more available to many communities. for me, i went to different pharmacies -- [inaudible] the best thing you can do, if you're planning to get together with your loved ones is to go ahead and get tested. you don't want to be the person that brings or introduces a virus into the family gathering that infects other people. >> that leads me to my next question. what should people know right now? in addition to testing what should people know as they are gathering tomorrow on christmas day with their families to celebrate christmas? >> the best thing you can do, to have that safe family dinner together, to have that safe environment is, a, get tested ahead of time, i would say about an hour before you plan on getting together, and when you're indoors, wear a mask especially when you're going to be eating together. open up the doors and windows that will help bring in good ventilation, and just continue to do your due diligence. try not to share utensils and items. any way we can reduce the risk of contracting the virus and spreading it, those are some basic controls. >> people are not going to be wearing masks hanging out by the fire, may be a little bit further away if you're in the same room? >> absolutely. trying to physical distance is a great idea but having the ventilation as well, as you add that extra layer of protection. >> do you think next week we're going to see spikes in cases of omicron? >> absolutely. any time we see that there are, you know, large numbers of gatherings happening we often see a spike in cases so i do think, as well as models projected in mid-january, we're going to see a pretty significant rise in cases and hospitalizations but luckily with the only variant current data that's been coming out is showing that the variant is mild compared to delta that doesn't mean we won't see more hospitalizations as we continue to see more growth in cases but at least that's a bit reassuring. it shows you hopefully we can get past this current wave that we're in with less destruction to our daily lives. >> you're reading my mind. a recent study shows there is an 80% less hospitalizations because of omicron in south africa than delta. so do you think we've overreacted, then, because of this variant? >> not necessarily because it's still very preliminary data, and one of those things that we're unsure of is that we're seeing the decrease in severity also associated with many people in that population already having potential immunity from prior infection. in the u.s. we still have millions of people that remain unvaccinated. people uninfected with the virus to begin with so we have a very different population so how it will play out may be different. i would continue to say take your covid prevention measures seriously because you don't want to get sick from this virus. >> very serious. have fun, happy holidays. thank you for your time. merry christmas eve to you. so here's a gift that keeps on giving. stocks. but will uncertainty over the economy and omicron deliver a lump of coal in 2022? we'll debate. tipping during the holiday season. you're watching "your world." ♪♪ ok, let's talk about those changes to your financial plan. bill, mary? hey... it's our former broker carl. carl, say hi to nina, our schwab financial consultant. hm... i know how difficult these calls can be. not with schwab. nina made it easier to set up our financial plan. we can check in on it anytime. it changes when our goals change. planning can't be that easy. actually, it can be, carl. look forward to planning with schwab. schwab! ♪♪ (vo) the more we do with our phones, the more network quality and reliability matter. schwab! and only verizon has been the most awarded for network quality 27 times in a row. that means the best experience with calls, texts and data usage of any major carrier, according to customers. there's only one best network. the only one ranked #1 in reliability 16 times in a row. we are building 5g right. as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ >> it's been a while ride on wall street this week. investors all over the place with each new headline for omicron but for the year lots of green on the screen with all major averages posting double digit greens. we'll find out if omicron will be the grinch for the new year. melissa, ladies first, we'll say we've seen lots of volatility since omicron variant ones announced to the world. was there an overreaction in the markets, do you think? >> i don't think there was an overreaction because the market is concerned about the possibility of another shutdown. i think the number one problem right now is, nobody knows what the future holds for a possible other variant and this current variant. i'm not saying there is a reason to be worried. i'm saying the government's reaction to the possibility of another shutdown or partial shutdown. so the government is concerned about that, and people are concerned about that, and i think the market will continue to react heavily and negatively if we see more problems with covid in 2022. >> we hear one thing from the administration, it seems, and then you see something else start to take place. eddie, do you expect that volatility to continue next week, and what about in the first few months of 2022? >> i think the first half of 2022 is going to be extremely turbulent, and i expect to see a lot of downward pressure in the stock market next year. even bigger than this new variant that everyone is freaking out about, and the market was, is the fact that our economy is slowing down and damaged right now. the rate of change on our gdp is going to be slow going into 2022 and we have a fed that will be tightening monetary policy during a slowdown. when you tighten monetary policy while the economy is slowing down because of the inflation that's going to crush the consumer next year, that's the worst case scenario for risk assets. my nickname and twitter handle is common sense bull. i'm being bullish a lot in my career but i'm extremely bearish. investors need to be active, trade and start playing defense for 2022. >> got a grinch on this one. eddie, let me ask you, where in basic terms, where should i have money and where i should look for trades? >> in our opinion, what we've done actually is we've rotated out of small caps, out of commodities. we've gone into healthcare, staples, real estate. we really like real estate going into next year as well as gold. we'll be putting on a gold position that we haven't had on in a while going into next year because we wants to own things that are defensive, and what we like the refer to as a sleight to safety and focus on quality holding versus more speculative plays. we think that's the winning -- next year. >> christmas eve, getting ready for christmas dinner. i just opened a pair of socks that i got for my mom. what steps should we take now to protect the money i've made this year in the stock market because it's been a big year. >> i will say this. i'm not bearish on the market for 2022 but i think inflation is the problem. if you want to protect your profits sell. but if you're young and nowhere near retirement there is no reason to do that because the market over the long haul is typically always bullish. even though we had the sell-off in march 2020 we had a huge recovery. worst indication scenario, a 50-50 chance we have another shutdown, partial shutdown, we would drop off and rally back. i wouldn't worry about it. amazon has had a big move. apple, google, all the big names that you know, that people buy the products and services of, they will continue to hold an uptrend, and earning season starts in january and early february. then you will start to see some things move. the problem is the big sell-off happened because the market, when it falls off does it quickly and that creates fear and panic and that's what happens with covid. covid is fear and panic. >> both of you, i just want to get real quick, what's one stock, eddie, that you like in 2022? >> i would stick with real estate for 2022. it has lower volatility for a correction. >> one stock for you, very quickly? >> a bullish pick is apple. it just hit a new high. that company is not going anywhere any time soon. peel love their iphones. i like apple. >> real estate and tech. appreciate it. go get your eggnog, if you're free for this year. thank you. >> a holiday feast is actually taking weight off your wallet. grocery store chain owner stu leonard on how much longer you'll be shelling out all this bread to put food on your table. ♪♪ thank you! shop our winterfest event online now for pick up at the store. bye! welcome to allstate. where you can pay a little less and enjoy the ride a little more. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ now, get new lower auto rates with allstate. because better protection costs a whole lot less. you're in good hands with allstate. click or call for a lower auto rate today. is struggling to manage your type 2 diabetes you'knocking youands out of your zone? lowering your a1c with once-weekly ozempic® can help you get back in it. oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! my zone... lowering my a1c, cv risk, and losing some weight... now, back to the game! ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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[snowball splat and windshield wiper] not again. oh no. for the gifts you won't forget. the mercedes-benz winter event. get a credit toward your first month's payment on select models. >> your world continues in a moment but first this special report on "news break." a major travel hassle this christmas eve. airlines have canceled dozens of flights as a surge of covid-19 infections is driven by the omicron variant. it now accounts for 3/4 of u.s. cases the cdc has updated guidelines for healthcare workers. they must also test negative for coming back. biden and the first lady brought some christmas eve cheer to hospitalized children here in washington. it's a longstanding tradition for first ladies to visit did children's hospital. toad's appearance is the first time that a sitting president joined in on the fun. i'll be live at 6:00 p.m. for a life special report. now back to "your world." >> ho-ho-no. price spikes have been taking a toll, with consumer inflation at its highest level in nearly four decades. so as we head into the new year let's find out when food prices will come back down. joining us, one of our go to guests when it comes to inflation and food. stu, president and c.e.o. of a grocery store chain, good to see you,, first of all. >> happy holidays. >> the first question i have to ask you, though, is corporate greed driving prices at the grocery store? >> i would say no. that's an insult to me. i heard elizabeth warren was saying that. all the grocers that i know, i know a lot of retailers across the country. i've been in this business for 50 years with our family. i don't know of anybody that is trying to gain some extra profit right now at the expense of this inflationary move. >> when do you think, stu, this will settle back down? we've heard the federal reserve chairman about inflation in general, says it will settle back down toward the end of the summer. what's your feeling on this? >> i think right now the prices -- half of it -- [inaudible] our farmers, i talk to them on the phone, they have got to fill their fishing boats with fuel. they have got to fill their tractors with fuel. look at the fuel prices that people see right now at the pumps. it's the same thing with the farmers. and also labor is more expensive. gm is on $15 per hour all over the place. even our family business, we've had to raise our starting rate up to $16 per hour. it's those costs. i think half of the other cost is transitory, supply and demand issues right now that i think will recede a little bit as we get into the new year. >> i'm curious, you've been selling food, or in the food-selling business since 1969. when was the last time you felt like this, like this kind of prices? >> never seen this in my life before. this is unprecedented right now. just as an example, first of all, these are jumbo, colossal grab legs from the bearing sea. we could hardly get them. you know what we're selling them for? i'm almost embarrassed to say this but $70 per pound, just about. these have doubled in price right now because we can't get them, and there are some customers, it's supply chain issues. if you get invited over to someone's house and they are serving crab legs get down on their knee and thank them for a great meal but then there are other things like milk, we haven't raised the price on this at all. it's a big family item the same thing with pizzas. we haven't raised the price. these are really popular, barbecue chickens, haven't raised the price. we're trying to help. >> so you can find bargains. so neil would never let me sit in again for him if i don't ask you this. is the price of cannolis going to continue to rise? >> cannolis went up a little bit in price. not much. you love those cannolis. >> absolutely. >> we'll see something like that the reason we had to bump the price just a little bit is because they take a lot of labor because we're hand fill them and so forth. >> i appreciate your time on this. really appreciate it. >> merry christmas and have a great holiday. thank you so much. >> you, too w. prices spiking and crimes surging and biden's job approval rating sinking, will all of that have voters in 2022 seeing red and why more people are rethinking their new year's resolutions? 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polls show america is not happy about inflation, gas prices, immigration, the open borders and violence in the cities, is he toxic in this next election coming up? >> well, certainly you don't want to be having the poll numbers that we do. it's always difficult in the first midterm election for an incumbent president. it's a difficult situation for any, but he's coming into this with very bad poll numbers and a 54% disapproval rating. yes. you don't -- you're going to have to see, we'll see a lot of effort like we saw earlier this week with him trying to reassure the public about covid. they are coming out with this plan, 500 million, half a billion tests out there for free, for the public. we're going to see a lot of effort on behalf of the president, to sure americans. >> susan, in the last 30 seconds we have, we saw the white house and democrats make personal attacks against senator joe manchin. then the tone changed after chatter that the republicans would welcome him into the party. what are the odds that he switches parties? >> well, i actually spoke to joe manchin several years ago and he said there is really no chance he's going to do so. he has a big problem with the republicans on taxes and other issues. i think this is a lot of wishful thinking, of course. mitch mcconnell wants to make the overtour, but i think joe manchin is very comfortable in the democratic party. he could, if he does anything, go -- become an independent and caucus to the republicans and that would really hurt democrats. >> he's in the driver's seat. susan, thank you from rear cleveland politics. appreciate it. have a good and merry christmas. so 25 years of fox news and 25 years of your world, where we've been bringing you the news and the biggest newsmakers along the way. a look back is coming up next. we've been waiting all year to come together. it worked! happy holidays from lexus. get 1.9% apr financing on the 2022 es 350. ♪♪ with age comes more... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .05% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkles results in one week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? 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(gasps) ♪ did it work? only pay for what you need ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ spider-man no way home in theaters december 17th earn about covid-19,. liberty. liberty. ♪ the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. >> we've been celebrating at fox news all year during our 25th anniversary and here on "your world" neil cavuto has covered it all. the biggest events and newsmakers over the past quarter century. take a look. i've been honored to be part of that and being able to call him a colleague. listen. >> 5-4-3-2-1. ♪ >> i'm neil cavuto and this is business reports. ruben the secretary of the united states joins us from washington. >> instead of owning up to it they ran ads accusing the democrats. >> they say it's false. >> they say they aren't and they may not be if they have a big enough across the board cut but until they got the big across the board cut, they were. >> our heros will now open the marketplace. >> even in the face of uncertainty, in a multiyear campaign as the white house said this could be, that the markets still advance. what do you make of that? >> i think the market, as you know very well, neil, the market is great barometer of what's to come. >> afghanistan, looking to pass out a pretty big tin cup. $45 billion over the next 10 years. how doable is that and how much would the u.s. pay? >> we're all going to have to contribute to afghanistan, not even reconstruction, construction. it's a very broken country. >> do you feel, congresswoman, that there is enough blame to go around that there were mistakes made in the clinton administration, mistakes made in this administration, that these commission hearings are effectively a moot point? >> i think it's very important for us to have the commission hearing. i was the first person to introduce the idea of a 9/11 commission. >> any time there is an allegation of abuse, we investigate. that's what transparent societies do. we've got a press corps that's constantly asking tough questions about prisoner treatment, for example. you just asked one. and that's what you do in an open society. >> now president carter has said shut it down. joe biden said shut it down. do you think it should be shut down? >> we're exploring all alternatives as to the main objective which is to protect america. >> the stakes are very high in iraq, and an iraq that's peaceful and begins to move toward democracy is going to be a pillar of a different kind of middle east. >> but you really see that as something that's a short term possibility or just totally out of the question right now? >> a democratic iraq, no. a peaceful iraq, i think, is in iraq's future. they are going through the most terrible violence at this particular point in time because there are a lot of enemies. >> barack obama and john mccain each wanted to be the next president of the united states, in a race where they were very touchy about mentioning racism issues, feminism issues, age is okay. what do you make of that? >> i'm outraged. [laughter] >> it should be never mentioned, but i had to show my party, in my campaign, not only my vision, but also my -- >> president-elect. [applause] >> we're in the middle of a major party here for the 44th president of the united states. >> you already had a lot of emergency measures. for whatever reason, may the deficit worse and now it's like you're waking up and discovering religion. >> we're not getting religious. i tell you what we did. we stopped the hemorrhaging. >> we still have about a 10% unemployment rate? >> yes, we have but it could be 15 or 17% according to some of the republicans. >> on pluto -- the reality is i've got to deal with life on earth. >> you will not see your taxes increase one single time. >> is he going to have a george bush sr. moment. >> i think everybody knows taxes will go up for everybody. he may have a higher percentage for those over $250,000. taxes are going to go up. >> things are just getting started here at the democratic national convention. >> at the big desk tonight my fox news colleague, neil cavuto. >> no offense, sir but you didn't ask my question. >> how did it go out there? how did it go? >> you can see the respect he has for me. >> the right course for america is one where the government steps in to help those in need. we're a compassionate people but then we let people build their own lives, create enterprises, we believe in free people and free enterprise, not redistribution. >> literally, just feet from us now. >> we all need to stand for what we believe in. i think the republican party is big enough and in order for this to be a vibrant debate but we need not to be just the opposition to barack obama and the left, we need to be the alternative. >> welcome to the sixth presidential debate of the 2016 campaign here on the fox business network. >> you came back with a surgical strike. it was the first time i've seen in you, sir, a little bit of anger. >> maybe i'm getting better. >> with 20 electoral votes -- we now have our next president. >> the 45th president of the united states. >> the schumer shutdown reflects that the democrats are more engaged in campaigning and politics than they are in governing. >> you guys aren't? >> almost every single republican voted to extend funding for the government. >> almost. >> four did not. >> out of 50. >> there are many in your party who are salivating at the prospects of the midterms, talking about a blue wave. many of them are mentioning the "i" word, impeachment, if they get control of the house. what do you think of that? >> not me, i don't talk about impeachment. i think that's the wrong thing for the democrats to do. >> it's understandable, neil, political leaders don't want wars generally. they want peace, they want prosperity. >> you have to answer to those political leaders. >> military leaders bring war, grim realities, into those discussions, and you have to play the ball where it lies. >> bernie keeps saying medicare for all. i said bernie, we can't even pay for medicare for some. right now the trust fund will go broke by 2026 and these are people who paid into it and earned it. now you want to expand it. what happens? that doesn't make sense at all. >> what if you were the nominee for president and it was him versus donald trump. who do you vote for? >> well, it wouldn't be bernie. >> for me, super bowl is where i'm coming from today. in des moines, iowa. what's unique about new hampshire, fact that most of the voters who are passionate about, well, voting, are young. >> it's not about the virus. it's not knowing what's next for this virus, because it is spreading so fast, from just china where it all started, to some 40 countries today. >> this is to a public health issue and we're all working together against a very common enemy, and that is the virus. >> from a military perspective, neil, our focus is on completing the drawdown. >> if a country is overrun by the taliban, what will that say about our 20 years there? >> i don't think we want to get into speculating and hypotheticals here. >> it's over. our 20-year ordeal in afghanistan is over. welcome, everybody, i'm neil cavuto and this is "your world." >> some of the biggest, most impactful stories of generations, and neil was there for it. amazing. while most people aren't planning on changing their habits in 2022. ♪♪ retirement income is complicated. as your broker, i've solved it. that's great, carl. but we need something better. that's easily adjustable has no penalties or advisory fee. and we can monitor to see that we're on track. like schwab intelligent income. schwab! introducing schwab intelligent income. a simple, modern way to pay yourself from your portfolio. oh, that's cool... i mean, we don't have that. schwab. a modern approach to wealth management. 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>> i don't need to make a new year's resolution now that i saw neil cavuto on the treadmill in his suit and tie and a sweat man, who can beat that? yeah, i think like everyone it's to live healthier and things like that. but i am shameful to admit that i wasn't surprised that only 10% of people stick to their new year's resolutions, because i fall more in the 90% that probably doesn't and 47%, by the way break that new year's resolution in the first month. and i think that really speaks to the culture of instant gratification, right? our motivation has been inhibited in a way. and i think that that's because of two main reasons. one, you look at 2020-2021, people do not have to practice motivation like they have in the past. they have not had to go to the gym, because gyms were close. they can sit on the couch and watch netflix. they don't have to go to the office as many times and plan for traffic. the other thing has to do a dopamine. dopamine decides how the brain affects how the brain decides the decisions that we make about our goals, right? so if we are constantly inundated with dopamine every time we get a notification on social media or hit play on mike's podcast which is amazing. people are kind of used to that. >> exactly, so mike, i will ask you the same question what is your resolution? why do you think that less than half the people even plan to make resolutions? >> well, it's simple. nobody wants to get depressed. and why you start off 2022 by lying to yourself saying that you're going to go do something when you know you are going to break it pretty much within the first couple of days or weeks? if anything, if we have learned anything from the last year or two, it's don't expect anything to happen. don't set goals, just when you think you know what is going to happen, it's not going to happen. a week ago i was hanging out with 500 people here in new york city. now nobody will even look at each other in new york city anymore, because we are scared about covid. so don't get your hopes up. at all. >> okay, so here's a tip heading into the new year, tip more. a poll from credit finding that most u.s. adults are planning on doing just that this holiday season tipping service providers 20-$50 on average. so abby, a good idea, especially given the challenges businesses have faced this year? what do you think? >> absolutely. everyone has had an extremely hard couple of years because of the pandemic. and it does feel good to know that people are willing to tip more during the holidays. and i think that what is really great and surprising to be honest about the study, because i saw a segment may be a month ago that said millennials are the worst tippers. it says that jen-theres millennials tip during christmas time. maybe they save that. >> the point, jim zer plea us, as we get older, they are at the end of that list. do you think that we are stingy as we get older? >> it's a whole get off my lawn mentality. we understand each other on the grind in the hustle. here's the thing, don't be a terrible person and to people during the holidays. most of them have to work. they did not have to -- if they didn't have to you, they would not be there. anything that you can do will go a long way. be a good person. it's christmas time, let's go. >> mike, abby, enjoyed christmas eve. merry christmas to both of you. another tip come enjoy this evening, because christmas is not a time nor season for the state of mind that was calvin coolidge, the 30th president of the united states. thanks for joining us here. i want everyone to have a very merry christmas, good night. looking at a beautiful tree. ♪ ♪ >> hello, everyone, and dana perino along with harold ford jr., jesse watters, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ merry christmas, everyone, we hope that you are ready for a holiday extravaganza like never before. we have a huge show coming up including back by popular demand are naughty and nice list. at the feeding frenzy with some amazing holiday treats, a festive christmas edition of the

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Triple A Number , Vaccine , Roads , Skies , Ed , Cancellations , Surge , Disclaimer , Projection , December 14 , 14 , Money , Situation , Part , Flights , Hotels , Airline Travel , Folks , Decrease , Airline Bookings , The End , November , 6 , December 6 , 16 , Airlines , Reservations , Refunds , Fees , Airline Tickets , Flexibility , Prices , Variants , Ability , Something Else , Spring Break , March , Bets , Something , Mind , Rise , Travel Insurance , Fuel Costs , Airplane , It , Travel Agent , Bet , Travel Insurance Policy , Country , Covid 19 , Order , Regulations , Bargaining , Possibility , Testing , Cost , Locations , Quarantine , Area , Coast , Road Trips , 150 , 90 , Covid Isn T , Events , Concern , Paris , Wall , Health , Doctor , Nhl , Countries , Hospitals , Games , First , Athletes , Olympics , Nyu , Fear , Anxiety , Many , Cases , News , Boosters , Tools , Prevention Measures , Vaccinations , Tool Box , Communities , Disease , Immune Response , Access , Thing , Person , Loved Ones , Pharmacies , Inaudible , Virus , Question , Families , Family Gathering , Mask , Get , Family Dinner , Safe Environment Is , Way , Doors , Ventilation , Risk , Windows , Due Diligence , Contracting , Utensils , Items , Eating , Bit , Masks , Controls , Fire , Idea , Spikes , Distance , Protection , Room , Layer , Well , Numbers , Models , Spike , Gatherings , Mid January , Doesn T , Hospitalizations , Delta , Showing , Growth , Study , Lives , Wave , Destruction , Things , One , South Africa , 80 , Population , Millions , Infection , Severity , Immunity , Unvaccinated , Covid Prevention , Sick , Have Fun , Gift , Lump , Economy , Will Uncertainty , Stocks , Coal , World , Changes , Talk , Plan , Bill , Calls , Our Schwab Financial Consultant , Carl , Broker , Nina , Mary , Hm , Planning , Goals , Schwab , Times , Most , Customers , Row , Verizon , Phones , Experience , Reliability , Network Quality , Vo , Matter , Carrier , Texts , Usage , 27 , Network , Bull Rider , 5g , 1 , 5 , I Don T , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Woooooo , Wooo , Yeaa , 665 Dollars , 665 , Someone , Liberty , Pay , Turn , Record , Tex , Hang On , Investors , Place , Ride , Lots , Green , Double Digit Greens , Headline , Averages , Screen , Wall Street , Volatility , Overreaction , Ladies First , Omicron Variant Ones , Melissa , Market , Problem , Shutdown , Nobody , Markets , Reason , Government , Reaction , Administration , Problems , Eddie , Half , Pressure , Rate , Fact , Stock Market , Change , Gdp , Monetary Policy , Slowdown , Fed , Bull , Handle , Nickname , Worst Case Scenario , Risk Assets , Career , Common Sense , Terms , Trade , Trades , Playing Defense , Opinion , Got A , We Haven T , Gold , Position , Commodities , Healthcare , Real Estate , Caps , Staples , Focus , Safety , Plays , Sleight , Mom , Pair , Dinner , Winning , Socks , Retirement , Haul , Profits , Nowhere , March 2020 , Chance , Move , Recovery , Indication Scenario , Rally , Amazon , 50 , Apple , Uptrend , Services , Products , Google , Panic , Both , Stock , Company , Pick , High , Correction , Holiday Feast , Eggnog , Iphones , Tech , Peel , Weight , Food , Bread , Wallet , Table , Shelling , Grocery Store Chain Owner , Store , Winterfest Event , Allstate , Auto Rates , Auto Rate , Hands , Type 2 Diabetes , 2 , A1c , Don T Take Ozempic , Oh , Zone , Cv Risk , Game , Adults , Heart Disease , 12 , 7 , Type 1 Diabetes , Isn T , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Heart Attack , Stroke , Death , Don T , Help , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Needles , Stop Ozempic , Pens , Reuse , Share , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Stomach Pain , Swelling , Neck , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Insulin , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Nausea , Dehydration , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Provider , Prescription , Health Care Provider , 3 , 25 , Asset , Landscape , Path , Potential , Returns , Snowball Splat , Energizer Bunny , Aa Battery , Windshield Wiper , Energizer Ultimate Lithium , Ho , Month , Credit , Payment , Mercedes Benz Winter Event , Oh No , News Break , Special Report , Cdc , Infections , Dozens , 3 4 , Joe Biden , Children , Guidelines , Healthcare Workers , Negative , First Lady , President , Fun , Time , Ladies , Tradition , Appearance , Washington , Children S Hospital , Toad , 00 , Consumer Inflation , Level , Price Spikes , Toll , Life Special Report , Food Prices , Stu , Four , Greed Driving Prices , Insult , Grocery Store Chain , Ceo , Business , Grocers , Elizabeth Warren , Expense , Profit , Anybody , Chairman , Feeling , General , Summer , Federal Reserve , Phone , Farmers , Fuel Prices , Fuel , Tractors , Fishing Boats , Labor , Family Business , Starting Rate , Pumps , Gm , 15 , Issues , Costs , Supply , Kind , Selling Food , 1969 , Colossal Grab Legs , Example , Life , Jumbo , Bearing Sea , Price , Pound , 0 , 70 , House , Serving Crab Legs , Milk , Supply Chain Issues , Knee , Meal , Family Item , Pizzas , Barbecue Chickens , Cannolis , Bargains , Crimes , Job Approval Rating Sinking , Too W , Resolutions , Voters , Story , Windshield , Man , Safelite , My Truck Is Livelihood , Experts , Service , Singers , Girl , Safelite Repair , Polygons , Crunching Tons , Wow , Fund , What S Going On , Worry , Innovations , Cgi , Invesco Qqq , Regina , Ladonna , Nasdaq 100 , 100 , Facts , Agent , Innovation , Dthousands , T Mobile , Number , Objection , At T , Bucks , A Thousand , A Thousand Bucks , Car , Tam , Joe Manchin , Build , Democrats , Back Seat , Dad , Capitol Hill , Poll , Fox Business , Highlight , 55 , Family , 31 , 221 , 10 , Polls , Vote , Areas , Feelings , Incumbent , Republicans , Senate , Committees , Chairmans , White House , Apartment , Reshuffling , 23 , Difference , House Seat Difference , Edge , Three , Anger , Have , Hope , Denial , Chuck Schumer , Debate , Acceptance , Process , Violence , Gas Prices , Seat , Second , Cities , Borders , Immigration , Election , Any , Midterm , Effort , Poll Numbers , Disapproval Rating , Yes , 54 , Public , Tests , Behalf , A Billion , 500 Million , Party , Susan , Tone , Chatter , Attacks , Odds , Taxes , Parties , Course , Wishful Thinking , Overtour , Mitch Mcconnell , Anything , Politics , Driver S Seat , Caucus , Cleveland , Newsmakers , Look Back , Age , Apr Financing , Retinol , Neutrogena , Lexus , Es 350 , 1 9 , 350 , Skin , Superpowers , Powerful , Wrinkles Results , Pro Plus , Limu Emu , Doug , Spider Bite , Gasps , Theaters , Spider Man , Questions , 17 , Six , December 17th , You Re Not Alone , Support , Calhope , Calhope Org , 833 , 4673 , 833 317 4673 , 317 , Take A Look , 25th Anniversary , Desk Tonight My Fox News , Listen 5 4 3 2 1 , 4 , Business Reports , Secretary , Ads , Ruben , Heros , Board Cut , Enough , Campaign , Marketplace , Uncertainty , Face , Afghanistan , The Market , Barometer , Tin Cup , 45 Billion , 5 Billion , Mistakes , Construction , Blame , Reconstruction , Congresswoman , Point , Commission Hearing , Commission Hearings , Press Corps , Commission , Allegation , Prisoner Treatment , Societies , Abuse , 9 11 , Carter , Society , Alternatives , Iraq , Objective , Democracy , Pillar , Stakes , Middle East , Peaceful Iraq , 44th President Of The United States , Race , Barack Obama , Feminism Issues , Enemies , Racism , John Mccain , Laughter , Vision , President Elect , Applause , Emergency Measures , Middle , 44 , Unemployment Rate , Religion , Deficit , Hemorrhaging , Some , Reality , Life On Earth , Pluto , George Bush Sr , Everybody , Percentage , Democratic National Convention , 250000 , 50000 , Sir , Offense , Need , Respect , Enterprises , Free Enterprise , Redistribution , Feet , Alternative , Opposition , Left , 2016 , Strike , 20 , Votes , Governing , You Guys Aren T , 45 , Funding , Single , Midterms , Blue Wave , Prospects , Salivating , Impeachment , Control , Word , Leaders , Ball , Realities , Peace , Prosperity , Discussions , Wars , War , Bernie , Trust Fund , Sense , Medicare , 2026 , Nominee , It Wouldn T Be Bernie , Super Bowl , Versus , Donald Trump , Iowa , Des Moines , About , Voting , New Hampshire , Issue , Military Perspective , Enemy , 40 , Overrun , Speculating , Drawdown , Hypotheticals , Taliban , Biggest , Stories , Ordeal , Generations , Retirement Income , Aren T , Habits , Amazing , Track , Schwab Intelligent Income , Fee , Penalties , Cool , Approach , Portfolio , Wealth Management , Simple , Speaking , Daring , Progress Isn T , Business Unlimited Plans , Helen , Plans , Exercise , Hotspot Data , Low , Appointment , Activity , Diabetes , Libre 2 , Glucose , Glucose Levels , Mystery , Smoking , Nicorette , Try Hypnosis , Cold Turkey , Tie , Survey , Mike On Zalman , Radio Host , Fox Nation Host , Abby Hornacek , Resolution , Treadmill , Sweat Man , Suit , 47 , Motivation , Reasons , Culture , Instant Gratification , Traffic , Gym , Couch , Office , Gyms , Dopamine , Brain , Social Media , Decisions , Notification , Podcast , Play On Mike S , Don T Set Goals , 500 , Tip , Other , Tip Heading , Finding , Credit Card Com , Holiday Season Tipping Service Providers , Challenges , On Average , Segment , Millennials , Pandemic , Millennials Tip , The Point , Tippers , Jen , Jim Zer , List , Grind , Plea , Hustle , Get Off My Lawn Mentality , State Of Mind , Thanks , Let S Go , Abby , Calvin Coolidge , Tree , Dana Perino , Five , Jesse Watters , Greg Gutfeld , Harold Ford Jr , Festive Christmas Edition , Show , Holiday Extravaganza , Popular Demand ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709

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cavuto. shopping for christmas is up 19% from last year that could mean consumers don't want to be the grinch this year by not giving presents the readout from a guru, what does this mean, 19%, the saturday before christmas what does that mean for retailers going into this season? >> we're certainly seeing retailers benefit from this, and especially the small businesses, so according to the data catalyst institute 79% of small businesses have an offline presence, so this is a brick and mortar presence, while they are still selling online, they are expecting people to walk into their stores and buy last minute. so i'm sure people are out there right now going and shopping, you know, literally in the 11th hour, brick and mortar stores are certainly getting the store traffic. in addition, these sort of offmarket venues that these retailers are taking advantage of, like the street markets and the street fairs, 57% of small businesses have presence there, meaning a brick and mortar presence. >> are you surprised that people are going in, given the variant? >> i'm not surprised really because we've had two years of pent up demand and people wanting to be out. so i think there are certainly fears. people wanting to go out and, i'm here in new york city so i people are masking up and being safe but 22% of people are still worried that the supply chain is going to have more of an impact than really the variant. >> the last time we spoke you said buy your gifts early in november 2021. americans spent 18% more than in november 2020. was that pulling the buying forward or do you think businesses really will see a boost in december? >> you know, i think the whole model of consumers and retailers really pushing consumers to buy in the last few weeks of december for the christmas holiday is going to be changing. i think we saw this, this year especially. people really bought ahead and i have to tell you, i took my own advice. i got those presents earlier. it's making everything a lot easier. i know there are people going out an shopping but i think we're going to start seeing retailers start promoting earlier and we're seeing it in the store sales numbers just reported out a couple of weeks ago. >> in the last 30 seconds what does this say about consumer spending going into the first couple of months of 2022? >> i think consumer is still very fearful. oracle reported out that 77% of people are still fearful of going out and shopping because of the new variant. however, i think people are going to shop. i think right now people want to be out and spending. like i said, there is a lot of frugal fatigue so people will be spending. >> spending a little bit more with the inflation. happy holidays, merry christmas and happy christmas eve. from the shopping you're rush to the travel crunch, omicron is giving people pause but many still plowing ahead with family vacations and visits. triple-a is expecting air travel to be up 184% from this time last year, when we were all locked down. travel expert and former flight attendant bobby joining us now. triple-a believes 109 million people are somewhere for the holiday right now, and that's not at their home. what does this tell you about the thinking from this omicron variant? >> i think people were tired of being stuck at home. i think they wanted to get out, especially after not spending the holiday with your family last year, and they are going to take those chances. they are going to mask up. they have gotten the vaccine and they are taking to the roads and skies. what i do think, ed, is really important about that triple-a number. the data that they used to make that projection was collected back on december 14. so they have issued a disclaimer since then saying that the data was collected prior to the latest surge in omicron, and that they are expecting some cancellations possibly, especially when it comes to airline travel. >> it's interesting you say that. is this a situation where you have a lot of people spending a lot of money on flights and hotels and just decided, well, for right now, we're going to do it anyway but then they cut back in the first part of next year? >> i think so. i think so at the end of november, the first week of december, i should say, week of december 6, there was a 16% decrease in airline bookings from the week before. so i think, as the variant continues to spread you're seeing a lot of folks become iffy about traveling and as we head into 2022 with airlines still waving change fees and you're able to get cancellations and refunds on your airline tickets and hotel reservations it's giving folks a little flexibility. they will say, i'll feel safe enough to travel but then as you get closer you have the ability to say maybe not. >> you are looking -- if you're looking at buying it's the, you know, you've got to consider variants. whether it's omicron or something else. you've got to consider the prices that are going forward. with the variant. do you see prices coming down, and would thousand be a good time to book out for, say, march, for spring break? >> absolutely. now is the perfect time to book out for spring break and beyond because airlines are hedging their bets. they are seeing those cancellations as the variant continues to spread. they are trying to fill their airplane, so because of that you're looking at some cheaper prices even though the fuel costs are currently on the rise. something else to keep in mind, too, is a lot of the travel insurance that's out there does now protect for some covid-19 cancellations, so getting that travel insurance policy is worth it and having a travel agent, too, is also worth it because they can help you navigate some last-minute cancellations. your best bet is to try to stay domestic rather than international because international you may get stuck if a foreign country changes their covid-19 regulations or coming back to the u.s., we now require something else in order for you to come home. you might find yourself in a situation where you're going to spend more money than you were bargaining for. >> so in the last 30 seconds, bobby, do you see travel domestically taking advantage of the variant, so to speak. does it give an advantage to domestic as opposed to international? . >> i think so. a lot of folks are still weary of going international because of the possibility of being stuck and then having the added cost of paying for a quarantine, paying for testing and finding those locations when you're in a foreign country. so i think you're going to see a lot more stay-cations, and road trips, people driving around the area within 90 and 150 miles, exploring the area in which they live, coast-to-coast. there is a lot of u.s. to see. >> u.s. in paris. >> maybe just in new york. >> thank you. >> right now we know covid isn't going away and we know omicron is spreading fast. there has been a lot of concern, cancel events, professional games postponed, and the nhl saying its athletes will not be competing for their countries in the olympics because of omicron so the read on all of this from a doctor from the nyu health and hospitals, first, doctor, thank you for joining us here. i think, you know, we've all been able to figure out how to pronounce omicron now. might that be leading to some extra fear that may not be sort of warranted with this? >> there is a lot of fear and anxiety especially since we're seeing alarming cases of omicron but i think what's the good news is that many of our covid-19 prevention measures and the tools that we have in our tool box continue to work. this includes obviously vaccinations but even boosters. boosters are becoming very, very important to help prevent systematic disease. to restimulate our immune response as well as having better access to testing. we've heard that testing is going to become much more available to many communities. for me, i went to different pharmacies -- [inaudible] the best thing you can do, if you're planning to get together with your loved ones is to go ahead and get tested. you don't want to be the person that brings or introduces a virus into the family gathering that infects other people. >> that leads me to my next question. what should people know right now? in addition to testing what should people know as they are gathering tomorrow on christmas day with their families to celebrate christmas? >> the best thing you can do, to have that safe family dinner together, to have that safe environment is, a, get tested ahead of time, i would say about an hour before you plan on getting together, and when you're indoors, wear a mask especially when you're going to be eating together. open up the doors and windows that will help bring in good ventilation, and just continue to do your due diligence. try not to share utensils and items. any way we can reduce the risk of contracting the virus and spreading it, those are some basic controls. >> people are not going to be wearing masks hanging out by the fire, may be a little bit further away if you're in the same room? >> absolutely. trying to physical distance is a great idea but having the ventilation as well, as you add that extra layer of protection. >> do you think next week we're going to see spikes in cases of omicron? >> absolutely. any time we see that there are, you know, large numbers of gatherings happening we often see a spike in cases so i do think, as well as models projected in mid-january, we're going to see a pretty significant rise in cases and hospitalizations but luckily with the only variant current data that's been coming out is showing that the variant is mild compared to delta that doesn't mean we won't see more hospitalizations as we continue to see more growth in cases but at least that's a bit reassuring. it shows you hopefully we can get past this current wave that we're in with less destruction to our daily lives. >> you're reading my mind. a recent study shows there is an 80% less hospitalizations because of omicron in south africa than delta. so do you think we've overreacted, then, because of this variant? >> not necessarily because it's still very preliminary data, and one of those things that we're unsure of is that we're seeing the decrease in severity also associated with many people in that population already having potential immunity from prior infection. in the u.s. we still have millions of people that remain unvaccinated. people uninfected with the virus to begin with so we have a very different population so how it will play out may be different. i would continue to say take your covid prevention measures seriously because you don't want to get sick from this virus. >> very serious. have fun, happy holidays. thank you for your time. merry christmas eve to you. so here's a gift that keeps on giving. stocks. but will uncertainty over the economy and omicron deliver a lump of coal in 2022? we'll debate. tipping during the holiday season. you're watching "your world." ♪♪ ok, let's talk about those changes to your financial plan. bill, mary? hey... it's our former broker carl. carl, say hi to nina, our schwab financial consultant. hm... i know how difficult these calls can be. not with schwab. nina made it easier to set up our financial plan. we can check in on it anytime. it changes when our goals change. planning can't be that easy. actually, it can be, carl. look forward to planning with schwab. schwab! ♪♪ (vo) the more we do with our phones, the more network quality and reliability matter. schwab! and only verizon has been the most awarded for network quality 27 times in a row. that means the best experience with calls, texts and data usage of any major carrier, according to customers. there's only one best network. the only one ranked #1 in reliability 16 times in a row. we are building 5g right. as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ >> it's been a while ride on wall street this week. investors all over the place with each new headline for omicron but for the year lots of green on the screen with all major averages posting double digit greens. we'll find out if omicron will be the grinch for the new year. melissa, ladies first, we'll say we've seen lots of volatility since omicron variant ones announced to the world. was there an overreaction in the markets, do you think? >> i don't think there was an overreaction because the market is concerned about the possibility of another shutdown. i think the number one problem right now is, nobody knows what the future holds for a possible other variant and this current variant. i'm not saying there is a reason to be worried. i'm saying the government's reaction to the possibility of another shutdown or partial shutdown. so the government is concerned about that, and people are concerned about that, and i think the market will continue to react heavily and negatively if we see more problems with covid in 2022. >> we hear one thing from the administration, it seems, and then you see something else start to take place. eddie, do you expect that volatility to continue next week, and what about in the first few months of 2022? >> i think the first half of 2022 is going to be extremely turbulent, and i expect to see a lot of downward pressure in the stock market next year. even bigger than this new variant that everyone is freaking out about, and the market was, is the fact that our economy is slowing down and damaged right now. the rate of change on our gdp is going to be slow going into 2022 and we have a fed that will be tightening monetary policy during a slowdown. when you tighten monetary policy while the economy is slowing down because of the inflation that's going to crush the consumer next year, that's the worst case scenario for risk assets. my nickname and twitter handle is common sense bull. i'm being bullish a lot in my career but i'm extremely bearish. investors need to be active, trade and start playing defense for 2022. >> got a grinch on this one. eddie, let me ask you, where in basic terms, where should i have money and where i should look for trades? >> in our opinion, what we've done actually is we've rotated out of small caps, out of commodities. we've gone into healthcare, staples, real estate. we really like real estate going into next year as well as gold. we'll be putting on a gold position that we haven't had on in a while going into next year because we wants to own things that are defensive, and what we like the refer to as a sleight to safety and focus on quality holding versus more speculative plays. we think that's the winning -- next year. >> christmas eve, getting ready for christmas dinner. i just opened a pair of socks that i got for my mom. what steps should we take now to protect the money i've made this year in the stock market because it's been a big year. >> i will say this. i'm not bearish on the market for 2022 but i think inflation is the problem. if you want to protect your profits sell. but if you're young and nowhere near retirement there is no reason to do that because the market over the long haul is typically always bullish. even though we had the sell-off in march 2020 we had a huge recovery. worst indication scenario, a 50-50 chance we have another shutdown, partial shutdown, we would drop off and rally back. i wouldn't worry about it. amazon has had a big move. apple, google, all the big names that you know, that people buy the products and services of, they will continue to hold an uptrend, and earning season starts in january and early february. then you will start to see some things move. the problem is the big sell-off happened because the market, when it falls off does it quickly and that creates fear and panic and that's what happens with covid. covid is fear and panic. >> both of you, i just want to get real quick, what's one stock, eddie, that you like in 2022? >> i would stick with real estate for 2022. it has lower volatility for a correction. >> one stock for you, very quickly? >> a bullish pick is apple. it just hit a new high. that company is not going anywhere any time soon. peel love their iphones. i like apple. >> real estate and tech. appreciate it. go get your eggnog, if you're free for this year. thank you. >> a holiday feast is actually taking weight off your wallet. grocery store chain owner stu leonard on how much longer you'll be shelling out all this bread to put food on your table. ♪♪ thank you! shop our winterfest event online now for pick up at the store. bye! welcome to allstate. where you can pay a little less and enjoy the ride a little more. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ now, get new lower auto rates with allstate. because better protection costs a whole lot less. you're in good hands with allstate. click or call for a lower auto rate today. is struggling to manage your type 2 diabetes you'knocking youands out of your zone? lowering your a1c with once-weekly ozempic® can help you get back in it. oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! my zone... lowering my a1c, cv risk, and losing some weight... now, back to the game! ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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[snowball splat and windshield wiper] not again. oh no. for the gifts you won't forget. the mercedes-benz winter event. get a credit toward your first month's payment on select models. >> your world continues in a moment but first this special report on "news break." a major travel hassle this christmas eve. airlines have canceled dozens of flights as a surge of covid-19 infections is driven by the omicron variant. it now accounts for 3/4 of u.s. cases the cdc has updated guidelines for healthcare workers. they must also test negative for coming back. biden and the first lady brought some christmas eve cheer to hospitalized children here in washington. it's a longstanding tradition for first ladies to visit did children's hospital. toad's appearance is the first time that a sitting president joined in on the fun. i'll be live at 6:00 p.m. for a life special report. now back to "your world." >> ho-ho-no. price spikes have been taking a toll, with consumer inflation at its highest level in nearly four decades. so as we head into the new year let's find out when food prices will come back down. joining us, one of our go to guests when it comes to inflation and food. stu, president and c.e.o. of a grocery store chain, good to see you,, first of all. >> happy holidays. >> the first question i have to ask you, though, is corporate greed driving prices at the grocery store? >> i would say no. that's an insult to me. i heard elizabeth warren was saying that. all the grocers that i know, i know a lot of retailers across the country. i've been in this business for 50 years with our family. i don't know of anybody that is trying to gain some extra profit right now at the expense of this inflationary move. >> when do you think, stu, this will settle back down? we've heard the federal reserve chairman about inflation in general, says it will settle back down toward the end of the summer. what's your feeling on this? >> i think right now the prices -- half of it -- [inaudible] our farmers, i talk to them on the phone, they have got to fill their fishing boats with fuel. they have got to fill their tractors with fuel. look at the fuel prices that people see right now at the pumps. it's the same thing with the farmers. and also labor is more expensive. gm is on $15 per hour all over the place. even our family business, we've had to raise our starting rate up to $16 per hour. it's those costs. i think half of the other cost is transitory, supply and demand issues right now that i think will recede a little bit as we get into the new year. >> i'm curious, you've been selling food, or in the food-selling business since 1969. when was the last time you felt like this, like this kind of prices? >> never seen this in my life before. this is unprecedented right now. just as an example, first of all, these are jumbo, colossal grab legs from the bearing sea. we could hardly get them. you know what we're selling them for? i'm almost embarrassed to say this but $70 per pound, just about. these have doubled in price right now because we can't get them, and there are some customers, it's supply chain issues. if you get invited over to someone's house and they are serving crab legs get down on their knee and thank them for a great meal but then there are other things like milk, we haven't raised the price on this at all. it's a big family item the same thing with pizzas. we haven't raised the price. these are really popular, barbecue chickens, haven't raised the price. we're trying to help. >> so you can find bargains. so neil would never let me sit in again for him if i don't ask you this. is the price of cannolis going to continue to rise? >> cannolis went up a little bit in price. not much. you love those cannolis. >> absolutely. >> we'll see something like that the reason we had to bump the price just a little bit is because they take a lot of labor because we're hand fill them and so forth. >> i appreciate your time on this. really appreciate it. >> merry christmas and have a great holiday. thank you so much. >> you, too w. prices spiking and crimes surging and biden's job approval rating sinking, will all of that have voters in 2022 seeing red and why more people are rethinking their new year's resolutions? 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i do - but t-mobile never rests. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hey, tam-tam! i was thinking maybe... your mom's car? you up for a little night work? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ thank you. merry christmas, dad. ♪ ♪ >> so after senator joe manchin said he couldn't support the bill, it looks like build back better is taking a back seat on capitol hill. so what does it mean for democrats heading into the crucial midterm year? we're going to do something we never do on christmas, talk politics around the christmas eve dinner. so i have a highlight here first before we get into this. the latest fox business poll said 55% of registered voters say 221 was a bad year for their family and 31% say it's a good year for their family. 7-10 registered voters say 2021 was a bad year for the country. there are very personal feelings in those polls which could reflect in a vote against an incumbent in some areas, right? >> i think it will be a tough year for the democrats. you already have 23 house democrats including two chairmans of committees announcing they are going to retire and you have a similar reshuffling going on in the senate apartment lot of democrats and republicans are announcing their retirement, but republicans are looking like they are better positioned there as well. as you know, there is only a 50-50 difference in the senate and only three house seat difference in the house so it will be, you know, republicans have the edge with this build back better in january. president biden and chuck schumer have said they are not giving up hope. the democrats are experiencing -- they are in denial. then there was anger. and now we seem to have some acceptance that they are finally coming to understand that manchin, joe manchin, controls this process, and they need him so they can start the debate. >> they need to be nice to him. we'll get to that in a second. is the president, i'm curious, toxic for the democrats trying to win or hold a seat? polls show america is not happy about inflation, gas prices, immigration, the open borders and violence in the cities, is he toxic in this next election coming up? >> well, certainly you don't want to be having the poll numbers that we do. it's always difficult in the first midterm election for an incumbent president. it's a difficult situation for any, but he's coming into this with very bad poll numbers and a 54% disapproval rating. yes. you don't -- you're going to have to see, we'll see a lot of effort like we saw earlier this week with him trying to reassure the public about covid. they are coming out with this plan, 500 million, half a billion tests out there for free, for the public. we're going to see a lot of effort on behalf of the president, to sure americans. >> susan, in the last 30 seconds we have, we saw the white house and democrats make personal attacks against senator joe manchin. then the tone changed after chatter that the republicans would welcome him into the party. what are the odds that he switches parties? >> well, i actually spoke to joe manchin several years ago and he said there is really no chance he's going to do so. he has a big problem with the republicans on taxes and other issues. i think this is a lot of wishful thinking, of course. mitch mcconnell wants to make the overtour, but i think joe manchin is very comfortable in the democratic party. he could, if he does anything, go -- become an independent and caucus to the republicans and that would really hurt democrats. >> he's in the driver's seat. susan, thank you from rear cleveland politics. appreciate it. have a good and merry christmas. so 25 years of fox news and 25 years of your world, where we've been bringing you the news and the biggest newsmakers along the way. a look back is coming up next. we've been waiting all year to come together. it worked! happy holidays from lexus. get 1.9% apr financing on the 2022 es 350. ♪♪ with age comes more... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .05% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkles results in one week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? 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[laughter] >> it should be never mentioned, but i had to show my party, in my campaign, not only my vision, but also my -- >> president-elect. [applause] >> we're in the middle of a major party here for the 44th president of the united states. >> you already had a lot of emergency measures. for whatever reason, may the deficit worse and now it's like you're waking up and discovering religion. >> we're not getting religious. i tell you what we did. we stopped the hemorrhaging. >> we still have about a 10% unemployment rate? >> yes, we have but it could be 15 or 17% according to some of the republicans. >> on pluto -- the reality is i've got to deal with life on earth. >> you will not see your taxes increase one single time. >> is he going to have a george bush sr. moment. >> i think everybody knows taxes will go up for everybody. he may have a higher percentage for those over $250,000. taxes are going to go up. >> things are just getting started here at the democratic national convention. >> at the big desk tonight my fox news colleague, neil cavuto. >> no offense, sir but you didn't ask my question. >> how did it go out there? how did it go? >> you can see the respect he has for me. >> the right course for america is one where the government steps in to help those in need. we're a compassionate people but then we let people build their own lives, create enterprises, we believe in free people and free enterprise, not redistribution. >> literally, just feet from us now. >> we all need to stand for what we believe in. i think the republican party is big enough and in order for this to be a vibrant debate but we need not to be just the opposition to barack obama and the left, we need to be the alternative. >> welcome to the sixth presidential debate of the 2016 campaign here on the fox business network. >> you came back with a surgical strike. it was the first time i've seen in you, sir, a little bit of anger. >> maybe i'm getting better. >> with 20 electoral votes -- we now have our next president. >> the 45th president of the united states. >> the schumer shutdown reflects that the democrats are more engaged in campaigning and politics than they are in governing. >> you guys aren't? >> almost every single republican voted to extend funding for the government. >> almost. >> four did not. >> out of 50. >> there are many in your party who are salivating at the prospects of the midterms, talking about a blue wave. many of them are mentioning the "i" word, impeachment, if they get control of the house. what do you think of that? >> not me, i don't talk about impeachment. i think that's the wrong thing for the democrats to do. >> it's understandable, neil, political leaders don't want wars generally. they want peace, they want prosperity. >> you have to answer to those political leaders. >> military leaders bring war, grim realities, into those discussions, and you have to play the ball where it lies. >> bernie keeps saying medicare for all. i said bernie, we can't even pay for medicare for some. right now the trust fund will go broke by 2026 and these are people who paid into it and earned it. now you want to expand it. what happens? that doesn't make sense at all. >> what if you were the nominee for president and it was him versus donald trump. who do you vote for? >> well, it wouldn't be bernie. >> for me, super bowl is where i'm coming from today. in des moines, iowa. what's unique about new hampshire, fact that most of the voters who are passionate about, well, voting, are young. >> it's not about the virus. it's not knowing what's next for this virus, because it is spreading so fast, from just china where it all started, to some 40 countries today. >> this is to a public health issue and we're all working together against a very common enemy, and that is the virus. >> from a military perspective, neil, our focus is on completing the drawdown. >> if a country is overrun by the taliban, what will that say about our 20 years there? >> i don't think we want to get into speculating and hypotheticals here. >> it's over. our 20-year ordeal in afghanistan is over. welcome, everybody, i'm neil cavuto and this is "your world." >> some of the biggest, most impactful stories of generations, and neil was there for it. amazing. while most people aren't planning on changing their habits in 2022. ♪♪ retirement income is complicated. as your broker, i've solved it. that's great, carl. but we need something better. that's easily adjustable has no penalties or advisory fee. and we can monitor to see that we're on track. like schwab intelligent income. schwab! introducing schwab intelligent income. a simple, modern way to pay yourself from your portfolio. oh, that's cool... i mean, we don't have that. schwab. a modern approach to wealth management. 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>> i don't need to make a new year's resolution now that i saw neil cavuto on the treadmill in his suit and tie and a sweat man, who can beat that? yeah, i think like everyone it's to live healthier and things like that. but i am shameful to admit that i wasn't surprised that only 10% of people stick to their new year's resolutions, because i fall more in the 90% that probably doesn't and 47%, by the way break that new year's resolution in the first month. and i think that really speaks to the culture of instant gratification, right? our motivation has been inhibited in a way. and i think that that's because of two main reasons. one, you look at 2020-2021, people do not have to practice motivation like they have in the past. they have not had to go to the gym, because gyms were close. they can sit on the couch and watch netflix. they don't have to go to the office as many times and plan for traffic. the other thing has to do a dopamine. dopamine decides how the brain affects how the brain decides the decisions that we make about our goals, right? so if we are constantly inundated with dopamine every time we get a notification on social media or hit play on mike's podcast which is amazing. people are kind of used to that. >> exactly, so mike, i will ask you the same question what is your resolution? why do you think that less than half the people even plan to make resolutions? >> well, it's simple. nobody wants to get depressed. and why you start off 2022 by lying to yourself saying that you're going to go do something when you know you are going to break it pretty much within the first couple of days or weeks? if anything, if we have learned anything from the last year or two, it's don't expect anything to happen. don't set goals, just when you think you know what is going to happen, it's not going to happen. a week ago i was hanging out with 500 people here in new york city. now nobody will even look at each other in new york city anymore, because we are scared about covid. so don't get your hopes up. at all. >> okay, so here's a tip heading into the new year, tip more. a poll from credit finding that most u.s. adults are planning on doing just that this holiday season tipping service providers 20-$50 on average. so abby, a good idea, especially given the challenges businesses have faced this year? what do you think? >> absolutely. everyone has had an extremely hard couple of years because of the pandemic. and it does feel good to know that people are willing to tip more during the holidays. and i think that what is really great and surprising to be honest about the study, because i saw a segment may be a month ago that said millennials are the worst tippers. it says that jen-theres millennials tip during christmas time. maybe they save that. >> the point, jim zer plea us, as we get older, they are at the end of that list. do you think that we are stingy as we get older? >> it's a whole get off my lawn mentality. we understand each other on the grind in the hustle. here's the thing, don't be a terrible person and to people during the holidays. most of them have to work. they did not have to -- if they didn't have to you, they would not be there. anything that you can do will go a long way. be a good person. it's christmas time, let's go. >> mike, abby, enjoyed christmas eve. merry christmas to both of you. another tip come enjoy this evening, because christmas is not a time nor season for the state of mind that was calvin coolidge, the 30th president of the united states. thanks for joining us here. i want everyone to have a very merry christmas, good night. looking at a beautiful tree. ♪ ♪ >> hello, everyone, and dana perino along with harold ford jr., jesse watters, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ merry christmas, everyone, we hope that you are ready for a holiday extravaganza like never before. we have a huge show coming up including back by popular demand are naughty and nice list. at the feeding frenzy with some amazing holiday treats, a festive christmas edition of the

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