Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20240

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20240709

afghanistan who wanted to leave. but there is confusion over how many were initially stranded after the u.s. military withdrawal as opposed to what was said publicly by administration officials at the time. state department correspondent benjamin hall has the story tonight. good evening, benjamin. >> good evening, bret. so much about that withdrawal in august and september revolved around how many americans were stranded in afghanistan and what was being done to save them? what we now know that the figures we were given at the time they were simply not accurate. >> i would just reiterate that the united states does not track or put a tracker on american citizens traveling overseas. >> the white house today was again forced to defend itself against discrepancies in the number of americans left stranded in afghanistan after the state department released figures showing the number was far higher than president biden claimed in august. >> we believe that about 100 to 200 measures remain in afghanistan. with some intention to leave. >> instead today jen psaki suggested the uncertainty was because some had merely changed their minds about wanting to leave. >> there were people who determined they wanted to leave since then and it is our responsibility to help them depart. >> according to the state department since august the 31st, the u.s. has directly assisted 929 lawful residents leaving afghanistan. 479 citizens and 450 permanent residents. people biden said he wouldn't leave behind. >> are you committed to making sure that troops stay until every american who wants to be out -- >> -- yes. >> is out. >> yes. >> let me be crystal clear about this, there is no deadline on our work to help any remaining american citizens. >> the state department now says there are fewer than 12 americans still left in afghanistan who want to leave. but today senator mitch mcconnell believes it could be far higher. >> we also know more american citizens and permitted residents remain stranded under taliban rule than the biden administration is willing to admit. >> meanwhile, the conditions on the ground get worse. an estimated 22.8 million people, more than half the country's population are expected to face life threatening famine this winter many on the brink of catastrophe and the security situation is deteriorating as isis-k continues to carry out attacks. bret, what we have also learned of the 82,000 afghans who were evacuated to the u.s. in august and september, only 30,000 of them were siv visas that's around 40%. that sheds a light on how poor some of the vetting was, vet? >> bret: another international story new evidence linking huawei to communist china's surveillance programs? what do we know? >> yes. and the u.s. has accused huawei of working with the chinese state. this "the washington post" investigation appears to confirm that according to internal huawei documents the chinese company has been working directly with them actively pitching technologies to help them manage ideological reeducation, labor schedule prisoners, track their political opponents and harness facial recognition. president trump in 2020 effectively banned huawei and operating with u.s. companies this would put a nail in the coffin for them hoping to reemerge as a western company. >> a lot of officials saying that back then. benjamin hall live at the state department. thank you. ♪ breaking tonight, hope is fading to try to find more people alive among the dozens still missing as mentioned at the top of the show, the official death toll stands at 88 from those devastating tornadoes. 74 of them in kentucky. dead. tonight the search continues through the devastation on the ground. senior correspondent mike tobin joins us live with the latest. good evening, mike. >> good evening, bret. a meteorologist out of paducah, kentucky two hours before the tornadoes caused all this destruction they started putting out warnings conditions were perfect for something very bad to happen. warm air collided with cold air and there was nothing, not even other weather systems could stop tornadoes from ripping through the heartland. >> as chainsaws roar across kentucky to clean up the catastrophic damage, communities are pitching in to help their neighbors. >> people would give anything, people give their shoes, the clothes that they have the money that they have the resources. >> with thousands left homeless and without power, residents need everything from food and water to toiletries, to toys for christmas. >> so many folks have sent in so much that as long as we know where people are, and as long as they know where to come, we have plenty for them to eat. we can get everybody some clothing. >> torn up into the heart of destruction. >> really bad up here. >> emergency crews throughout the heartland aren't giving up that some of those missing may be found alive. nearly 600 national guard members were mobilized in kentucky, still calling this a search and rescue mission. >> we have quite a few people missing. you can see they can be anywhere. >> anywhere under these piles of rubble. as search and rescue teams go door to door or what's left of them, damage estimates range from 3 to $18 billion. >> pictures and video do not do it justice. being on the ground will take your breath away. >> but amid the death and destruction, a ray of hope despite fears that dozens were killed in mayfield's disseminated candle factory. rescuers don't believe anyone was left buried inside. >> we have a high level of cefdz there is no one left in this building. >> president biden has now included illinois and tennessee in the federal disasters federal funds and resources resources in kentucky that will be included in his remarks as he visits some of the hard hit areas and delivers comments from dawson springs kentucky tomorrow. bret? >> bret: mike tobin on the ground in kentucky. thank you. now to america's crime crisis. president biden and other democrats are taking considerable criticism over policies many legal experts say actually contribute to the problem across the country. white house correspondent peter doocy has details tonight live from the north lawn. good evening, peter. >> good evening, bret. president biden says he supports the police. he does not support defunding the police. so problems with police may not be the reason crime rates are rising. which means it's got to be something else. >> my career i have been dealing with this issue. >> that was more than five months ago. not much depth on rising crime rates from the president since july. >> more than anything right now, he has the ability to use that bully pulpit to call out mayors and governors making the people of this country less safe. >> large smash and grab retail robberies are being organized, accord guilty to "wall street journal" on social media app. like snapchat. >> well, we are monitoring, of course, the staff very closely. >> so far the white house is not calling out social networks the way they did strongly out of concern about posts containing disinformation. >> we have a responsibility as a public health matter to raise that issue. >> and los angeles county the sheriff sees another reason, a progressive district attorney letting offenders go. >> roughly 12,000 cases in his first year in office that he has not prosecuted, so that's 12,000 times that the crook walked away scot-free. [siren. >> white house wouldn't say why they think brazen criminal acts are up today. >> i will let others assess what the reason for that increase in crime is. >> but psaki did assess it two weeks ago. >> i think a root cause in a lot of communities is the pandemic, yes. >> and before that she gave a different reason officials believe crime was rising. >> i think if you look at a number of cities across the country, it is actually driven by gun violence. >> so guns and the pandemic must fall under the umbrella answer given about crime this week. >> there are a range of reasons for that. >> how wide a range remains unclear. >> would you consider one of the reasons in the range prosecutors were cutting people who are accused of many criminal offenses loose too quickly? >> again, i am not -- as i wasn't yesterday, going to give an assessment for every -- every moat vase investigation or reason for crime in different communities across the country. >> so the story keeps changing but we are not hearing much from president biden about it at all. in fact they know policy talk no on camera events so far. the first thing on his schedule is about 10 minutes from right now a dnc fundraiser with 400 invited guests. bret? >> bret: peter doocy live on the north lawn, thanks. prices at the wholesale level surged by a record 9.6% in november from a year earlier. the labor department says its producer price index which measures inflation before it reaches consumers rose eight tenths of a percent. >> this is the highest. food prices 1.2% jump in december. energy privacies up 2.6%. stocks were down on that news. the dow lost 107, the s&p 500 fell 35. the nasdaq was off 176. the u.s. senate has just narrowly approved a measure to raise the debt ceiling. that is bringing new scrutiny on president biden's overall spending agenda. congressional correspondent chad pergram is live on capitol hill with the latest tonight. good evening, chad. >> good evening, bret. democrats voted to spend so they can spend on the build back better bill. the senate voted 50 to 49 to lift the debt ceiling by $2.5 trillion only democrats voted yes. >> this is about paying debt accumulated by both parties. so i'm pleased republicans and democrats came together to facilitate a process that has made addressing the debt ceiling possible. >> in exchange for democrats voting yes, the g.o.p. agreed to get out of the way and break a filibuster. the debt exploded partly because of the trillions congress approved in covid bills last year. elizabeth warren says democrats need more tax revenue to cover the cost of their social spending bill. >> so, yeah, we have a debt problem but we have a debt problem partly because the very richest people just aren't paying. >> expect the house to vote on the bill tonight. that addresses the debt limit until after the midterms. >> bret? >> bret: ed white house is voting to hold former white house chief of staff mark meadows in contempt of congress. >> that's right. at first mark meadows provided documents to the committee investigating the riot. he then backed down. democrats found it ironic that meadows demanded compliance with subpoenas when he served in the house that now claims executive privilege. >> we have no kings here. everyone is subject to the law. we have no nobles. we have no lords. congress cannot award titles of nobility here. we are all equals and we are all subject to the law. >> one sixth committee messages by donald trump jr. i immore plord the president to intervene perhaps with a speech from the oval office. meadows said they hope to weaponize the text. >> they want to talk about the part that fits their narrative the way that some of the democrats are spinning this trying to spin some nefarious purpose i think at the end of the day, they are going to find that not only did the president act but he acted quickly. >> the house voted earlier this fall to hold steve bannon in contempt. he faces a trial next summer and meadows could also face prosecution. bret? >> bret: chad, in addition to the text from don jr. texts were red by the 6th myth urging meadows to speak to donald trump getting him to intervene as the capitol riot unfolded texts from fox's laura ingraham, sean hannity and brian kilmeade that day. >> that's right, laura ingraham told the president needs people at the capitol to go home. on the air that night while you couldn't tell at the time who was in the crowd she also said the attack did the opposite of showing support for the president. and she said there was no license for violence or chaos. laura, sean and brian all say they stand by what they texted to meadows privately and what they talked about on the air publicly. and just in, bret. a judge has cleared the way for the house to obtain donald trump's tax returns. back to you. >> bret: that's just minutes ago. chad, thank you. brian talked about this on the radio today. i'm told sean and laura on their shows at 9:00 and 10:00 p.m. eastern will address this in depth tonight. the attorney general here in the district of columbia is suing the political group's proud boys and oath keepers over the capitol riot. karl racine says the defendants caused physical and financial harm to washington and its residents. the district will seek severe financial penalties. up next, illegal immigrants make their way to private ranches in texas. we ride along with law enforcement trying to track them down. first, here's what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox 2 in detroit as the parents of a killing four students at his high school returned to court on charges of involuntary manslaughter. police say james and jennifer crumbley failed to intervene on the day. ethan is charged with murder, terrorism and other crimes. fox 11 in los angeles as a strong storm system drenches southern california. the national weather service says one area of santa barbara county received nearly seven inches of rain before dawn. the system sucking up moisture from the pacific ocean is expected to dump more than 8 feet of snow from the highest peaks of california and nevada. and this is a live look at las vegas, speaking of nevada, one of the big stories there tonight from fox 5, the city's airport is renamed after former senator harry reid the rngest serving senator? nevada history retired in 2017. he calls it the greatest of honors. the facility had been known as mccarron international airport after the late senator pat mccarran. that's a live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back ♪ [ kimberly ] before clearchoice, my dental health was so bad i would be in a lot of pain. i was unable to eat. it was very hard. kimberly came to clearchoice with a bunch of missing teeth, struggling with pain, with dental disease. clearchoice dental implants solved her dental issues. 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$1, then belt out all your favorite tunes from the movie with sing karaoke. plus, see sing 2 in theaters with buy-one-get-one free fandango tickets. join over a million members by signing up for free on the xfinity app. our thanks. your rewards. ♪ >> bret: a fall appeals court has dealt another blow to the biden administration's attempt to undo former president donald trump's policy requiring people seeking asylum in the townhouse remain in mexico while their claims are processed. the president's team has begun implementation of the rule sending the first two migrants back to mexico earlier this month. we have new exclusive video tonight of texas public safety officials apprehending dozens of illegal immigrants miles from the southern border on private ranches. correspondent bill melugin shows us tonight from eagle pass, texas. >> in some of the most remote and rugged terrain at the texas border with calculate tie seemingly everywhere you step, fox news is embedded with texas dps troopers in kinney county as they are on the hunt. 10 miles inland from the rio grande the troopers crack down n and arrest illegal immigrants hoping to evade as they try to make it further into the u.s. the single adult men not handed over to border patrol. instead, they are arrested and jailed for criminal trespassing. texas dps has made more than 2300 of these arrests on ranches so far as the federal government does not patrol these areas. tuesday morning in la joya, texas, a familiar sight. dozens of family units have arrived to turn themselves in. this scene is played out consistently through the spring, summer, and now the middle of december. here in eagle pass, texas. migrants emerge from the chilly morning mist after crossing illegallies, also looking to turn themselves in to border patrol. and in the rerow grand valley border patrol made multiple human smuggling busts in the past several days. these two showing migrants crammed into the beds of pickup trucks and covered up with blankets and plywood. human smuggling continues to have deadly consequences with more than 50 migrants dying in a tractor-trailer crash in mexico last week and over the weekend an innocent texas mother and daughter both killed after a suspected human smuggler t boned their vehicle while fleeing police. and, bret, this certainly isn't just a texas issue. yuma, arizona continues to see huge numbers. they encountered more than 2600 illegal immigrants for more than 30 countries all around the world. we will send it back to you. >> bret: bill melugin along the border. thank you. new york state's ethics commission is ordering former governor andrew cuomo to give up millions of dollars, $5.1 million to be specific from his book about his response to the pandemic. this follows reports cuomo used state personnel to help with the book in violation of his deal with the commission. an attorney for cuomo is calling the action unconstitutional and promising a fight. progressives are turning up the pressure on president biden to forgive student loan debt. the critics say that could cost more than a trillion dollars to taxpayers. and president biden is putting the spotlight squarely on congressional lawmakers. congressional correspondent aishah hasnie has details. >> in less than 50 days, some 43 million americans are in for a rude awakening. a covid moratorium on student loan payments expires. and the white house just squashed any progressive dreams of the president taking executive action to cancel student debt before then. >> if congress sends him a bill, he is happy to sign it they haven't sent him a bill on that yet. >> it comes as senators chuck schumer, elizabeth warren, and representative ayanna pressley sent a letter to biden with data from the left leaning think tank the roosevelt institute arguing resuming payments would strip more than $85 billion from about 18 million american families over the next year. they say it would undermine the impact of the american rescue plan, slow economic recovery, and hurt the most vulnerable. >> low income borrowers, borrowers of color who typically take out more loans than white americans and end up paying them back over a much longer period of time. >> schumer wants to cancel $50,000 per borrower. while the president prefers a much lower 10,000. critics argue either one comes at a cost to you, the taxpayer. the brookings institution suggests it will cost $1.6 trillion to forgive all student debt and about a trillion dollars to wipe out just $50,000 per person. >> so what would it take for him at this point to say we're going to cancel this. >> say it. >> mass scale executive action like that is bound to face major legal challenges. the white house isn't ready yet to put pen to paper. >> there have been questions and asks about what executive authority could be used. that has been under review. i don't have anything to report on that at this point in time. >> so, bret, for now, the administration is moving forward, precinct for what is to come with these payments resuming in the meantime senator warren tells fox that democrats are still talking with the president about this. bret? >> bret: aishah hasnie lyon capitol hill. thank you. up next, updated vaccination requirements for kids in new york city plus news of another medical break through. ♪ thinkorswim® by td ameritrade is more than a trading platform. it's an entire trading experience. with innovation that lets you customize interfaces, charts and orders to your style of trading. personalized education to expand your perspective. and a dedicated trade desk of expert-level support. that will push you to be even better. and just might change how you trade—forever. because once you experience thinkorswim® by td ameritrade ♪♪♪ there's no going back. holding a moment of silence in memory of the 800,000 covid-19 deaths in the u.s. a divided federal appeals court has rejected the request by six employees to block united airlines from enforcing a covid-19 vaccine mandate for workers. it imposes unpaid leave on those who are granted religious or medical exceptions. the national football league meantime is requiring players, coaches and other team personnel to receive a covid-19 booster by december 27th. the league notified teams monday. also yesterday, a season high 36 players were placed on the covid-19 reserve list. amtrak is temporarily suspending its vaccine mandate for employees. it says it no longer expects to be forced to cut some service in january. the railroad ceo says employees who are not vaccinated can be tested instead. and the nation's largest traditional grocery chain is ending some benefits for unvaccinated workers. kroger's says those employees will no longer be eligible to receive two weeks paid emergency leave if they become infected. the head of the world health organization the w.h.o. says evidence suggests a small decline in the effectiveness of vaccines against severe covid-19 disease and death. new york city is requiring most children to show proof of vaccination for many indoor activities now. this follows the imprey mentation of a new vaccine or mask mandate for everyone and this is getting pushback. correspondent david lee miller reports tonight tonight from new york. >> masks are not enough. starting today kids between the ages of 5 and 11 in new york city are going to be carded. they have to show they have been vaccinated in order to eat in restaurants go, to theaters or take part in other indoor activity. yesterday a statewide mandate went into effect, requiring all businesses in the state to either make sure all customers and employees are vaccinated or require the use of masks indoors. some local officials tasked with enforcement say the mandate goes too far, including the incoming county executive for nassau county just outside of new york city business owners very upset about this mandate it doesn't make sense. i have chosen i'm not going to enforce that. >> most of the state's county executives opposing the mandates are republicans. governor kathy heroic hochul a democrat is not backing down. >> i'm not going to engage in a political discussion about this because this is just too important. this is about getting us through this pandemic. >> nine states all with democratic governors have a mask mandate. the city of philadelphia is implementing its own vaccine requirement for indoor dining that will take effect january 3rd. pfizer, meanwhile, has announced the result of a study that shows antiviral pill can reduce covid hospitalization and death by 89%. the company's ceo said in a statement quote we are confident that if authorized or approved this potential treatment could be a critical tool to help quell the pandemic. despite progress in treating covid infections cornell university today shut down campus in ithaca, new york. the school issued a red alert incorporated indicating high risk of the virus more than 460 cases have been recorded reported. the school says all final exams will be taken online. bret? >> bret: thank you. we are learning new details about the rash of smash-and-grab robberies throughout the country. as we mentioned earlier authorities say the crimes are being organized on social media. senior correspondent claudia cowan reports tonight from sauce ledo, california. the brazen robberies marking this holiday shopping season begin and end online long before they are fenced on third party platforms organized criminals use text and group message alps to plan smash and grabs. a tactic that leaves virtually no electronic jail in technology is great but difficult. we are communicating through platform. that is the communication between you and i. as an outside investigator i can't see that communication. >> investigators say suspects often don't know who else was involved. they communicate using key words and hashtags to describe what they stole, where to drop it off and thousand get paid. law enforcement sources tell the "wall street journal" that recent hits at a bay year nordstrom louis vitton store in san francisco and best buy in minnesota appear to have been organized on apps like snapchat where messages can be scrubbed. though a company spokesperson tells fox it's, quote: looked into these reports and haven't yet found evidence of it happening on snapchat aggravated such activity would violate their guidelines. still, along with stepped up prosecutions industry leaders are calling for greater transparency online. >> we have got to marry the trend with smartest policy online to make it harder to operate in the shadows. >> third party sites like amazon marketplace where sellers can remain anonymous are coming under increasing scrutiny as police try to crack down on brazen organized crime that's costing american retailers an estimated $70 billion a year up next the panel on debt ceiling and inflation. ♪ ♪ oh, it's just a cold. if you have high blood pressure, a cold is not just a 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(crowd) business! >> no default on the debt. no risk of another recession, responsible governing has won on this exceedingly important issue. >> senate democrat is going to vote on party lines to raise our nation's debt limit by trillions of dollars. if they jam through another taxing and spending spree this massive debt increase will just be the beginning. >> nobody worries about the debt up here because it's not your money. >> one thing we need to do is get the billionaires to actually pay income tax. you know, jeff bezos. >> bret: all right. so the debt ceiling has been voted up 2.5 trillion. so if you look at the debt clock right now, we don't look at it that much, here it is. 29 trillion and counting and every second i talk all that money keeps on adding on there. meantime inflation, the producer price index for final demand changing this up 9.6%. this is the largest advance since the 12 month data first calculated in november of 2010. you can look at where it's projected to go. it's going up and does that change the equation on capitol hill? let's bring in our panel former education secretary bill bennett. kimberly involve a member of the editorial panel at the "wall street journal" and correspondent for reuters. look at the ppi chart and up arrow and then you add, obviously, the debt clock that keeps on ticking. republicans, let's be fair, have not focused on the debt and deficit in recent years either. but it seems like nobody is up on capitol hill. >> no. the spending spree over the last 1 years is where i would put it ready to be corrected on that. it's been outrageous. that we have to raise the debt ceiling is understandable. but where things stand, where the numbers are is outrageous. is there no end? and how sharp is that line going to go up? you know, one more way to punish our children and grandchildren is what we're doing now. and now we get this outrageous notion, excuse my parochialism about forgiving all this student loan debt. sorry, folks, you signed up for this to get your education, to get your degree. and you got to pay it back. it was an obligation freely accepted. now, i will admit a lot of these institutions of higher education are in the rip off business. but you did this knowingly. this can't happen. we can't add another trillion dollars because of forgiveness of loans and debts that were freely incurred by students for their own benefit. >> bret: jeff, from the white house point of view how hard are they pushing that student loan debt forgiveness and where is the, you think, the level of concern about long-term debt and deficit at all? >> >> well, two things, bret, in terms of how hard they are pushing it i think there is more push for it from progressives on capitol hill from senator warren and other colleagues of her and they have appealed to the white house to go through with it. it was part of president biden's campaign promises when he was running for office last year. but, and to your second point, i think that the white house's answer to concern about debt is that it's on their radar but they would probably come back with a political answer and say that the republicans weren't concerned about it during the last administration with the tax cuts and so that shouldn't prevent democrats now from going through with their politics -- policy priorities as well. >> bret: you know who is concerned about it kimberly joe manchin he talks about it all the time democrats in west virginia and he may be one of the votes that blocks the build back better bill. take a listen. >> all it takes is one democrat to put the brakes on and stop this thing dead in its tracks. >> is the president meeting again with senator manchin. >> we are not quite there yet, hence, the conversations will continue. >> senator manchin can determine the timing here if he thinks it's not ready and he is not ready to go. i assume this will be brought up some other time. the best christmas present the american people could hear was that this bill was going nowhere. >> bret: kimberley, that's why senator romney called senator manchin president manchin walked into the elevator recently. a lot of scheduling, he can do. >> yeah, two enormous things happened this last friday. one we got those massive new inflation numbers and as bill bennett said they are going up. they are not getting better. that's been one of manchin's red lines and also that new cbo score that showed the honest accounting of the build back better agenda which is closer to 5 trillion rather than the 2 trillion that democrats have been saying. those have been the two big issues for joe manchin all along. and it's hard to see how he walks back some of those comments. now, i think he is reluctant to be the guy who says no i'm calling it off before christmas. i think he is hoping his colleagues work out that there are too many process things to work through to even hit that deadline. but it's pretty clear he is still in no place ready to say yes to this bill. >> average folks, what they're concerned about, what they see as far as prices, take a listen. >> my business partner and i see that everything that we need, coffee cups, coffee, sugar, milk, everything is a lot more expensive. >> gas, food, beef, chicken, you name it, everything is up minimum 15%. >> to me, with the corona, with the pandemic, with the new thing virus, that goes with inflation. >> bret: bill, it translates into a political issue, a political problem. no matters where you put the blame on it going up, it's going to faulted the administration in power. does it not? >> oh, sure. and, you know, it's a form of the old argument two quo quay. well, you spending a lot of money you did, too. yeah not quite as much as you are spending. if build back better happens, i don't know what happens to that -- what happens to that inflation curve. but there's is a moral dimension to this, too. every news show we see shows us the situation in kentucky, and then we have these people saying forgive these student loan debts which i incurred. and inflation is hitting a lot of people hard. think of what it is doing for the people who are worse afflicted and that should raise a moral question about what one is asking for. sit down and be quiet you have no business doing this right now. >> bret: jeff, has the answer changed about inflation do you think? have you seen an evolution from the podium at the white house? >> yes. i mean, the answer it has absolutely changed during the course of this year at the beginning of the spring when it started to be an issue. the white house said that it woulds be transitory and indicated then as i recall that it would be sort of under control by now. by the fall. that, of course, did not happen. they are now arguing and some economists are arguing that it will be under control at some point next year. but you are absolutely right that the voters will hold the people in power and that is democrats right now in the white house and in congress. for that. and it is absolutely a concern for the average american but it's also certainly a political concern for this white house. >> >> bret: senator manchin just told a small group of reporters on capitol hill he spoke to president biden today. not much else on the timeline. someone asked him is biden moving closer to what manchin is asking for? manchin according to this laughed and said i wouldn't say. that. so we will see where all of this goes. mask mandates vs. covid antiviral pills. what all of this means. stay here. ♪ [lea] i'm a retired art teacher. 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if you were to do that you ought to be able to maybe release a little bit on the vaccine mandates and the mask mandates, the question though is whether or not the white house is going to abroach it with the level of emergency that it did vaccines and make that a priority. so far it has not indicated that that is at the top of its list. >> bret: we had this grim milestone the lawmakers on capitol hill marking 800,000 dead from covid. obviously there is still a concern about unvaccinated but there is a measure of also concern about these mandates and thousand he had are affecting different aspects as you take another look at that video of the vigil up on capitol hill. >> the vaccine mandates in particular as you say have certainly become controversial and have been very political. i think that you won't see this white house giving up on that stance even though they have been challenged in the courts. i think they are going to continue to go forward with that. the president made his decision to go with vaccine mandates earlier this fall when he decided that he needed to use more of a stick instead of a carrot approach to getting people to get vaccinated. but it has certainly been something that republicans, in particular, have pushed back on and it's become a political liability at least to some extent for this president. >> bret: "wall street journal" on the labor shortages, bill, quote: labor costs in the industry have soared and hospitals struggled to retain enough nurses, technicians, even janitors who handle higher hospitalizations in recent months as the day or night raged. thousands have left the industry or lost their jobs rather than get vaccinated. as of september, 30% of workers at more than 2,000 hospitals across the country surveyed by the senators for disease control and prevention were unvaccinated. we saw what amtrak did saying you can get tested, not vaccinated. in order to keep labor so the train could say keep running. >> yeah. amtrak, joe biden's former mode of transportation, yeah. that's the price of coercion. you know, this seems to be the default position of this administration and the governors. when things are falling apart and things really are falling apart for them more coercion, more forced vaccination. now we have the children 5 to 11-year-olds. >> we have sad to see that vigil 800,000 people and we got these drugs coming out, fine. you know, the average age last time i looked of someone who died from covid was 68. not 5 to 11. let's stop using these kids in this experimental way when the risks are so small. but that's their default position. when things are going badly, just more coercion, more vaccination mandates and thus the price that's being paid. >> bret: very quickly, kimberley, natural immunity do you think it will factor in as opposed to vaccine natural immunity and how that factors in? >> that's why this pill could also make a difference, because if more people were to get it, this pill would keep them from being hospitalized but greater numbers developing some sort of. >> bret: panel, we will obviously be talking about this for a long time. thank you very much. when we come back, tuesday tweets here on s.r. ♪ >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ ♪ 'tis the season to break tradition in a cadillac. don't just put on a light show—be the light show. make your nights anything but silent. and ride in a sleigh that really slays. because in a cadillac, tradition is yours to define. so visit a cadillac showroom, and start celebrating today. ♪ ♪ as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 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is a good one from dan. bret, do you have any ideas for a new book? yes, i do, dan, it's in the works. i just can't tell you right now. up next ann asks favorite christmas song? that's white christmas by bingeg crosby. having worked close whether i chris wallace what was your reaction to chris' decision this past sunday to leave fox news? well, i was surprised with everybody else here. i wish chris the best. i worked with him 18 of my 24 and a half years here. had a great time and i wish him the best at his next adventure. i am hosting "fox news sunday" this weekend so check your local listings. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that is it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. "fox news primetime" hosted by will cain start right now early because i took time yesterday. >> will: you are paying me back. i will accept. i will assume it's a christmas gift. thanks, bret. good evening and welcome to "fox news primetime," i'm will cain. bret just mentioned that his favorite christmas song was white christmas. i hate to break it to him if you are dreaming of a white christmas, you might be a racist. of course, i'm talking about snow. but america can't escape the framework of skin color because instead of spreading cheer and joy this holiday season, black lives matter is asks its followers to participate in segregation. they call their mission black xmas and it's goal is pretty

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James Dickinson , Volt , Hippins , Son , Lord , Niece , Leg , Drawing , Nephew , Aerial , U K , The Incredible Hulk , Bret Baier , Thanks , Welcome To Washington , Nothing , Idea , Bonner Springs , Jesse , Declaration Of Independence , Dana , Pete Hegseth , Numbers , Death Toll , Human , Toll , Tornado Outbreak , Losses , Midwest , 0 Billion , 88 , 20 Billion , Administration , Ground , Thousands , White Americans , First , Afghanistan , Allies , Officials , State Department , Story , U S , Benjamin Hall , Many , Confusion , Military , Evening , Withdrawal , Citizens , Number , White House , Tracker , Discrepancies , People Biden , Intention , Figures , August , Jen Psaki , 200 , 100 , People , Responsibility , Uncertainty , Minds , 31 , August The 31st , Residents , Troops , 479 , 450 , 929 , Yes , Work , Crystal , 12 , Conditions , Rule , Mitch Mcconnell , Taliban , 22 8 Million , Country , Life , Famine , Security Situation , Attacks , Brink , Population , Catastrophe , Winter , Isis K , Afghans , Some , Visas , Vet , Vetting , 30000 , 40 , 82000 , Evidence , Huawei , State , Programs , Has , Chinese , Communist China , Moat Vase , Company , Labor Schedule Prisoners , Technologies , Reeducation , Washington Post , Lot , President , Companies , Recognition , Coffin , Opponents , Operating , Nail , 2020 , Dozens , Show , Top , Breaking Tonight , Hope , Mike Tobin , Kentucky , Latest , Devastation , 74 , Destruction , Tornadoes , Air , Something , Warnings , Paducah , Meteorologist , Two , Communities , Heartland , Weather Systems , Damage , Neighbors , Chainsaws Roar , Pitching , Money , Everything , Anything , Power , Resources , Folks , Clothes , Food , Toiletries , Toys , Water , Shoes , Clothing , Heart , Members , Heartland Aren T , Search And Rescue Mission , Emergency Crews , National Guard , 600 , Video , Anywhere , Door To , Teams , Piles , Rubble , Search And Rescue , It Justice , Damage Estimates , Pictures , 18 Billion , 3 , 8 Billion , Death , Level , Fears , Breath , Rescuers , Anyone , Cefdz , Candle Factory , Mayfield , Ray Of Hope , Buried Inside , Funds , Building , Left , Disasters , Illinois , Tennessee , One , Democrats , Comments , Criticism , Hit Areas , Remarks , Crime Crisis , Dawson Springs Kentucky , Police , Details , Problem , Experts , Policies , Peter Doocy , North Lawn , Issue , Reason , Crime Rates , Problems , Career , Something Else , Governors , Depth , Ability , Bully Pulpit , Mayors , Five , Course , Wall Street Journal , Snapchat , Smash , Robberies , Safe , Social Networks , Staff , Way , Concern , Health , Sheriff , Los Angeles County , District Attorney , Posts , Disinformation , Matter , Progressive , Office Of Professional Responsibility , Times , Cases , Wouldn T , Offenders , Siren , 12000 , Pandemic , Organized Crime , Increase , Root Cause , Others , Psaki , Acts , Range , Reasons , Cities , Umbrella Answer , Gun Violence , Guns , Prosecutors , Offenses , Assessment , Wasn T Yesterday , Camera Events , Fact , Policy Talk , Thing , Prices , Schedule , Fundraiser , Guests , Dnc , 9 6 , 10 , 400 , Labor Department , Inflation , Producer Price Index , Highest , Consumers , Eight , News , Food Prices , Dow Lost 107 , Energy Privacies , Nasdaq , S P 500 , Stocks , 2 6 , 107 , 176 , 35 , 500 , 1 2 , Debt Ceiling , Chad Pergram , Measure , Capitol Hill , U S Senate , Scrutiny , Spending Agenda , Debt , Bill , Build , 50 , 49 , 2 5 Trillion , 5 Trillion , Republicans , Process , Parties , Exchange , Congress , Elizabeth Warren , Spending , Debt Problem , Trillions , Cost , Filibuster , Tax Revenue , House , Aren T , Debt Limit , Midterms , Mark Meadows , Riot , Committee , Ed White House , Voting , Chief Of Staff , Contempt Of Congress , Documents , Meadows , Everyone , Law , Subject , Compliance , Executive Privilege , Lords , Subpoenas , Titles , Kings , Congress Cannot , Nobles , Donald Trump Jr , Nobility , Equals , Committee Messages , Immore Plord , Part , Text , Speech , Narrative , Oval Office , Summer , Contempt , Steve Bannon , Act , Purpose , Trial , Texts , Prosecution , Red , Addition , 6th Myth Urging Meadows , Capitol Riot , 6 , Capitol , Fox 11 , Home , Brian Kilmeade , Sean Hannity , Laura Ingraham , Couldn T Tell , Support , Showing , Violence , Attack , Crowd , Opposite , Chaos , License , Radio Today , Tax Returns , Judge , Group , Shows , Oath Keepers , Boys , Attorney General , District Of Columbia , Eastern , 00 , 9 , Immigrants , Ranches , Texas , Law Enforcement , Defendants , District , Up Next , Harm , Penalties , Karl Racine , Students , Charges , High School , Fox Affiliates , Parents , Manslaughter , Jennifer Crumbley , Fox 2 In Detroit , 2 , Four , Crimes , Storm System , Terrorism , Southern California , Ethan , Murder , National Weather Service , 11 , Look , Snow , System , Area , Santa Barbara County , Peaks , Feet , Moisture , Nevada , Rain Before Dawn , Pacific Ocean , Las Vegas , 8 , Seven , Harry Reid , Stories , Fox 5 , History , Honors , The City S Airport , Rngest , 2017 , 5 , Pat Mccarran , Special Report , Back , Facility , Beltway , Mccarron International Airport , Kimberly , Clearchoice , Issues , Pain , Dental Disease , Dental Implants , Bunch , Teeth , Daughter , Plan , Changes , Talk , My Life , It , Calls , Broker , Our Schwab Financial Consultant , Carl , Nina , Mary , Hm , Planning , Man , Staffing , Goals , Master , Size , Schwab , Candidates , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire Xfinity , Indeed Instant Match , Family , Theaters , Sing 2 , Sing , Tickets , Tunes , Movie , Sing Karaoke , Fandango , , 1 , A Million , Xfinity , Rewards , Policy , Team , Asylum , Attempt , Blow , Townhouse , Claims , A Fall Appeals Court , Migrants , Border , Video Tonight , Safety , Implementation , Correspondent , Terrain , Eagle Pass , Bill Melugin , Texas Dps , Everywhere , Tie , Troopers , Crack Down N , Kinney County , Rio Grande , Border Patrol , Single , Government , Men , Trespassing , Arrests , 2300 , Spring , Areas , Family Units , Sight , Middle , Scene , Tuesday Morning , La Joya , Morning Mist , Human Smuggling Busts , Crossing Illegallies , Rerow Grand Valley , Human Smuggling , Consequences , Plywood , Blankets , Pickup Trucks , Beds , Mexico , Tractor Trailer Crash , Human Smuggler , Isn T , Vehicle , Mother , Ethics Commission , Countries , New York State , The Border , Arizona , Yuma , All Around The World , 30 , 2600 , Deal , Book , Millions , Andrew Cuomo , State Personnel , Response , Violation , Reports Cuomo , 5 1 Million , 1 Million , Student Loan Debt , Commission , Progressives , Critics , Action , Pressure , Attorney , Cuomo , Fight , Lawmakers , Taxpayers , Spotlight , Rude Awakening , Aishah Hasnie , 43 Million , Student Debt , Executive Action , Student Loan Payments , Dreams , Covid Moratorium , Ayanna Pressley , Data , Haven T , Letter , Roosevelt Institute , Think Tank , Chuck Schumer , Families , Payments , Recovery , Impact , Rescue Plan , 18 Million , 85 Billion , 5 Billion , Loans , Borrowers , Per Borrower , Income , Color , Vulnerable , 50000 , 0000 , Brookings Institution , Taxpayer , Lower , 6 Trillion , 10000 , 1 6 Trillion , Point , Scale , Challenges , Executive Authority , Questions , Pen , Paper , Review , Forward , Precinct , Vaccination Requirements , Aishah Hasnie Lyon , Kids , New York City , Break , Td Ameritrade , Trading Experience , Thinkorswim , Trading Platform , Education , Innovation , Trading , Interfaces , Perspective , Charts , Orders , Style , Trade Desk , You Trade Forever , Employees , Memory , Deaths , Request , Covid 19 , Moment Of Silence , Federal Appeals Court , United Airlines , Six , 19 , 800000 , Workers , Players , Team Personnel , National Football League , Leave , Exceptions , Coaches , Amtrak , Season , Vaccine Mandate , Reserve List , League , December 27th , Teams Monday , 27 , 36 , Service , Nation , Railroad Ceo , Benefits , Grocery Chain , Kroger , Emergency Leave , Head , World Health Organization , Vaccines , Vaccine , Imprey Mentation , Vaccination , Children , Decline , Effectiveness , Activities , Disease , Proof , Mandate , Masks , David Lee Miller , Pushback , Ages , Make , Activity , Businesses , Order , Use , Effect , Restaurants , Customers , County Executive , Enforcement , Nassau County , Business Owners , Mandates , Doesn T Make Sense , Governor , Executives , Most , Hochul , Vaccine Requirement , City Of Philadelphia , Mask Mandate , Discussion , Dining , Nine , Ceo , Pill , Result , Study , Pfizer , Covid Hospitalization , 89 , January 3rd , School , Progress , Campus , Statement Quote , Treatment , Help , Tool , Ithaca , Covid Infections Cornell University , Red Alert , Governing , Virus , Exams , Rash , 460 , Claudia Cowan , Social Media , Sauce Ledo , Authorities , Criminals , Message , Third Party , Grabs , Holiday Shopping Season , Communication , Tactic , Jail , Difficult , Technology , Investigator , Platform , Investigators , Words , Suspects , Hashtags , Law Enforcement Sources , Who Else , Store , Messages , Hits , Best Buy , Minnesota , San Francisco , Bay Year Nordstrom , Louis Vitton , Fox It S , Reports , Quote , Guidelines , Prosecutions Industry Leaders , Company Spokesperson , Trend , Sellers , Transparency , Shadows , Amazon Marketplace , Retailers , 70 Billion , Panel , Cold , High Blood Pressure , Blood Pressure , Cold Relief , Coricidin , Cold Medicines , Vo , Comcast Business , Plans , 5g , Verizon , Concourse , Business Expert , Hotspot Data , Clients , Stuff , Appointment , Blue Line , Cupcake , Bakery , Business , Low , 0 , Default , Party Lines , Recession , Nobody , Billionaires , Beginning , Spree , Debt Clock , Much , Income Tax , Jeff Bezos , 29 Trillion , Advance , Demand , Meantime Inflation , Second , Equation , Bill Bennett , 2010 , November Of 2010 , Member , Ticking , Ppi Chart , Reuters , Up Arrow , Deficit , Spending Spree , Things , Line , End , Notion , Grandchildren , Parochialism , Institutions , Degree , Off Business , Obligation , Forgiveness , Debts , Benefit , Wall , Student Loan Debt Forgiveness , Terms , Point Of View , Push , Colleagues , Campaign , Answer , Republicans Weren T , Radar , Senator Manchin , Politics , Talks , Shouldn T , Policy Priorities , Tax Cuts , West Virginia , Listen , Votes , It Takes , Meeting , Tracks , Brakes , Conversations , Timing , Scheduling , Nowhere , Elevator , Kimberley , Romney , Inflation Numbers , Red Lines , Agenda , Cbo , Score , Saying , Accounting , 5 Trillion , 2 Trillion , Guy , Business Partner , Place , Gas , Coffee , Sugar , Milk , Coffee Cups , Beef , Chicken , Blame , Corona , 15 , Form , Quo Quay , Argument , Situation , News Show , Dimension , Inflation Curve , Student Loan Debts , Doing , Question , Sit Down , Podium , Evolution , Under Control , The Fall , Control , Economists , Voters , Biden Today , Timeline , American , Reporters , Someone , Wouldn T Say , What Manchin , Pills , Mask , Means , Art Teacher , Lea , Vs , Vision , Prevagen , Change , Prescription , Hearing , Sense , Hearing Aids , Stop Trulicity , Type 2 Diabetes , Blood Sugar , A1c , Dose , Healthier Brain , Doctor , Type 1 Diabetes , It Isn T , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , Ten , Side Effects , Reaction , Blood Sugar Risk , Stomach Pain , Insulin , Taking Trulicity , Lump , Swelling , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Nausea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Diabetic Retinopathy , Kidney Problems , Dehydration , Gift , Savings Sale , Bundles , Prepaid Card , Network , Internet , Gig Speeds , Price Guarantee , Savings , Voice , Possibilities , 64 99 , 4 99 , Hospital , Hadn Ts , 90 , Game Changer , Drugs , Tens , Testing Issues , Supply Figure , Mask Mandates , Vaccine Mandates , List , Emergency , Priority , Bit , Milestone , Vigil , Aspects , Decision , Courts , Stance , Have , More , Particular , Approach , Stick , Technicians , Industry , Hospitals , Labor Costs , Labor Shortages , Least , Extent , Liability , Hospitalizations , Jobs , September , 2000 , Senators , Disease Control , Prevention , Labor , Unvaccinated , Keep Running , Mode , We Saw , Train , Price , Coercion , Position , Transportation , Fine , Risks , 68 , Immunity , Vaccination Mandates , Factors , Difference , Tweets , Windshield , Safelite , My Truck Is Livelihood , S R , Singers , Girl , Safelite Repair , Tradition , Tis , Cadillac , Ride , Sleigh , Liberty Mutual , I Don T , Chances , Cadillac Showroom , Bull Rider , Turn , Car Insurance , Tex , Woooooo , Wooo , Yeaa , 665 , 665 Dollars , Record , Liberty , Pay , Project Managers , Projects , Hang On , Job , Shortlist , Job Criteria , Individuals , Agents , Horse , Kristin , Drama , Nick , Horseback , Crews , Duty , Dan , Border Patrol Union , Works , White Christmas , Ideas , Favorite Christmas Song , Bingeg Crosby , Up Next Ann , Time , Everybody , Chris , Him , Chris Wallace , Chris The Best , 24 , 18 , Weekend , Listings , Fox News Sunday , Adventure , Fair , Fox News Primetime , Will , Will Cain Start , Will Cain , Racist , Skin Color , Framework , Mission , Followers , Goal , Holiday Season , Lives , Segregation , Joy , Cheer ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20240709

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afghanistan who wanted to leave. but there is confusion over how many were initially stranded after the u.s. military withdrawal as opposed to what was said publicly by administration officials at the time. state department correspondent benjamin hall has the story tonight. good evening, benjamin. >> good evening, bret. so much about that withdrawal in august and september revolved around how many americans were stranded in afghanistan and what was being done to save them? what we now know that the figures we were given at the time they were simply not accurate. >> i would just reiterate that the united states does not track or put a tracker on american citizens traveling overseas. >> the white house today was again forced to defend itself against discrepancies in the number of americans left stranded in afghanistan after the state department released figures showing the number was far higher than president biden claimed in august. >> we believe that about 100 to 200 measures remain in afghanistan. with some intention to leave. >> instead today jen psaki suggested the uncertainty was because some had merely changed their minds about wanting to leave. >> there were people who determined they wanted to leave since then and it is our responsibility to help them depart. >> according to the state department since august the 31st, the u.s. has directly assisted 929 lawful residents leaving afghanistan. 479 citizens and 450 permanent residents. people biden said he wouldn't leave behind. >> are you committed to making sure that troops stay until every american who wants to be out -- >> -- yes. >> is out. >> yes. >> let me be crystal clear about this, there is no deadline on our work to help any remaining american citizens. >> the state department now says there are fewer than 12 americans still left in afghanistan who want to leave. but today senator mitch mcconnell believes it could be far higher. >> we also know more american citizens and permitted residents remain stranded under taliban rule than the biden administration is willing to admit. >> meanwhile, the conditions on the ground get worse. an estimated 22.8 million people, more than half the country's population are expected to face life threatening famine this winter many on the brink of catastrophe and the security situation is deteriorating as isis-k continues to carry out attacks. bret, what we have also learned of the 82,000 afghans who were evacuated to the u.s. in august and september, only 30,000 of them were siv visas that's around 40%. that sheds a light on how poor some of the vetting was, vet? >> bret: another international story new evidence linking huawei to communist china's surveillance programs? what do we know? >> yes. and the u.s. has accused huawei of working with the chinese state. this "the washington post" investigation appears to confirm that according to internal huawei documents the chinese company has been working directly with them actively pitching technologies to help them manage ideological reeducation, labor schedule prisoners, track their political opponents and harness facial recognition. president trump in 2020 effectively banned huawei and operating with u.s. companies this would put a nail in the coffin for them hoping to reemerge as a western company. >> a lot of officials saying that back then. benjamin hall live at the state department. thank you. ♪ breaking tonight, hope is fading to try to find more people alive among the dozens still missing as mentioned at the top of the show, the official death toll stands at 88 from those devastating tornadoes. 74 of them in kentucky. dead. tonight the search continues through the devastation on the ground. senior correspondent mike tobin joins us live with the latest. good evening, mike. >> good evening, bret. a meteorologist out of paducah, kentucky two hours before the tornadoes caused all this destruction they started putting out warnings conditions were perfect for something very bad to happen. warm air collided with cold air and there was nothing, not even other weather systems could stop tornadoes from ripping through the heartland. >> as chainsaws roar across kentucky to clean up the catastrophic damage, communities are pitching in to help their neighbors. >> people would give anything, people give their shoes, the clothes that they have the money that they have the resources. >> with thousands left homeless and without power, residents need everything from food and water to toiletries, to toys for christmas. >> so many folks have sent in so much that as long as we know where people are, and as long as they know where to come, we have plenty for them to eat. we can get everybody some clothing. >> torn up into the heart of destruction. >> really bad up here. >> emergency crews throughout the heartland aren't giving up that some of those missing may be found alive. nearly 600 national guard members were mobilized in kentucky, still calling this a search and rescue mission. >> we have quite a few people missing. you can see they can be anywhere. >> anywhere under these piles of rubble. as search and rescue teams go door to door or what's left of them, damage estimates range from 3 to $18 billion. >> pictures and video do not do it justice. being on the ground will take your breath away. >> but amid the death and destruction, a ray of hope despite fears that dozens were killed in mayfield's disseminated candle factory. rescuers don't believe anyone was left buried inside. >> we have a high level of cefdz there is no one left in this building. >> president biden has now included illinois and tennessee in the federal disasters federal funds and resources resources in kentucky that will be included in his remarks as he visits some of the hard hit areas and delivers comments from dawson springs kentucky tomorrow. bret? >> bret: mike tobin on the ground in kentucky. thank you. now to america's crime crisis. president biden and other democrats are taking considerable criticism over policies many legal experts say actually contribute to the problem across the country. white house correspondent peter doocy has details tonight live from the north lawn. good evening, peter. >> good evening, bret. president biden says he supports the police. he does not support defunding the police. so problems with police may not be the reason crime rates are rising. which means it's got to be something else. >> my career i have been dealing with this issue. >> that was more than five months ago. not much depth on rising crime rates from the president since july. >> more than anything right now, he has the ability to use that bully pulpit to call out mayors and governors making the people of this country less safe. >> large smash and grab retail robberies are being organized, accord guilty to "wall street journal" on social media app. like snapchat. >> well, we are monitoring, of course, the staff very closely. >> so far the white house is not calling out social networks the way they did strongly out of concern about posts containing disinformation. >> we have a responsibility as a public health matter to raise that issue. >> and los angeles county the sheriff sees another reason, a progressive district attorney letting offenders go. >> roughly 12,000 cases in his first year in office that he has not prosecuted, so that's 12,000 times that the crook walked away scot-free. [siren. >> white house wouldn't say why they think brazen criminal acts are up today. >> i will let others assess what the reason for that increase in crime is. >> but psaki did assess it two weeks ago. >> i think a root cause in a lot of communities is the pandemic, yes. >> and before that she gave a different reason officials believe crime was rising. >> i think if you look at a number of cities across the country, it is actually driven by gun violence. >> so guns and the pandemic must fall under the umbrella answer given about crime this week. >> there are a range of reasons for that. >> how wide a range remains unclear. >> would you consider one of the reasons in the range prosecutors were cutting people who are accused of many criminal offenses loose too quickly? >> again, i am not -- as i wasn't yesterday, going to give an assessment for every -- every moat vase investigation or reason for crime in different communities across the country. >> so the story keeps changing but we are not hearing much from president biden about it at all. in fact they know policy talk no on camera events so far. the first thing on his schedule is about 10 minutes from right now a dnc fundraiser with 400 invited guests. bret? >> bret: peter doocy live on the north lawn, thanks. prices at the wholesale level surged by a record 9.6% in november from a year earlier. the labor department says its producer price index which measures inflation before it reaches consumers rose eight tenths of a percent. >> this is the highest. food prices 1.2% jump in december. energy privacies up 2.6%. stocks were down on that news. the dow lost 107, the s&p 500 fell 35. the nasdaq was off 176. the u.s. senate has just narrowly approved a measure to raise the debt ceiling. that is bringing new scrutiny on president biden's overall spending agenda. congressional correspondent chad pergram is live on capitol hill with the latest tonight. good evening, chad. >> good evening, bret. democrats voted to spend so they can spend on the build back better bill. the senate voted 50 to 49 to lift the debt ceiling by $2.5 trillion only democrats voted yes. >> this is about paying debt accumulated by both parties. so i'm pleased republicans and democrats came together to facilitate a process that has made addressing the debt ceiling possible. >> in exchange for democrats voting yes, the g.o.p. agreed to get out of the way and break a filibuster. the debt exploded partly because of the trillions congress approved in covid bills last year. elizabeth warren says democrats need more tax revenue to cover the cost of their social spending bill. >> so, yeah, we have a debt problem but we have a debt problem partly because the very richest people just aren't paying. >> expect the house to vote on the bill tonight. that addresses the debt limit until after the midterms. >> bret? >> bret: ed white house is voting to hold former white house chief of staff mark meadows in contempt of congress. >> that's right. at first mark meadows provided documents to the committee investigating the riot. he then backed down. democrats found it ironic that meadows demanded compliance with subpoenas when he served in the house that now claims executive privilege. >> we have no kings here. everyone is subject to the law. we have no nobles. we have no lords. congress cannot award titles of nobility here. we are all equals and we are all subject to the law. >> one sixth committee messages by donald trump jr. i immore plord the president to intervene perhaps with a speech from the oval office. meadows said they hope to weaponize the text. >> they want to talk about the part that fits their narrative the way that some of the democrats are spinning this trying to spin some nefarious purpose i think at the end of the day, they are going to find that not only did the president act but he acted quickly. >> the house voted earlier this fall to hold steve bannon in contempt. he faces a trial next summer and meadows could also face prosecution. bret? >> bret: chad, in addition to the text from don jr. texts were red by the 6th myth urging meadows to speak to donald trump getting him to intervene as the capitol riot unfolded texts from fox's laura ingraham, sean hannity and brian kilmeade that day. >> that's right, laura ingraham told the president needs people at the capitol to go home. on the air that night while you couldn't tell at the time who was in the crowd she also said the attack did the opposite of showing support for the president. and she said there was no license for violence or chaos. laura, sean and brian all say they stand by what they texted to meadows privately and what they talked about on the air publicly. and just in, bret. a judge has cleared the way for the house to obtain donald trump's tax returns. back to you. >> bret: that's just minutes ago. chad, thank you. brian talked about this on the radio today. i'm told sean and laura on their shows at 9:00 and 10:00 p.m. eastern will address this in depth tonight. the attorney general here in the district of columbia is suing the political group's proud boys and oath keepers over the capitol riot. karl racine says the defendants caused physical and financial harm to washington and its residents. the district will seek severe financial penalties. up next, illegal immigrants make their way to private ranches in texas. we ride along with law enforcement trying to track them down. first, here's what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox 2 in detroit as the parents of a killing four students at his high school returned to court on charges of involuntary manslaughter. police say james and jennifer crumbley failed to intervene on the day. ethan is charged with murder, terrorism and other crimes. fox 11 in los angeles as a strong storm system drenches southern california. the national weather service says one area of santa barbara county received nearly seven inches of rain before dawn. the system sucking up moisture from the pacific ocean is expected to dump more than 8 feet of snow from the highest peaks of california and nevada. and this is a live look at las vegas, speaking of nevada, one of the big stories there tonight from fox 5, the city's airport is renamed after former senator harry reid the rngest serving senator? nevada history retired in 2017. he calls it the greatest of honors. the facility had been known as mccarron international airport after the late senator pat mccarran. that's a live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back ♪ [ kimberly ] before clearchoice, my dental health was so bad i would be in a lot of pain. i was unable to eat. it was very hard. kimberly came to clearchoice with a bunch of missing teeth, struggling with pain, with dental disease. clearchoice dental implants solved her dental issues. 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$1, then belt out all your favorite tunes from the movie with sing karaoke. plus, see sing 2 in theaters with buy-one-get-one free fandango tickets. join over a million members by signing up for free on the xfinity app. our thanks. your rewards. ♪ >> bret: a fall appeals court has dealt another blow to the biden administration's attempt to undo former president donald trump's policy requiring people seeking asylum in the townhouse remain in mexico while their claims are processed. the president's team has begun implementation of the rule sending the first two migrants back to mexico earlier this month. we have new exclusive video tonight of texas public safety officials apprehending dozens of illegal immigrants miles from the southern border on private ranches. correspondent bill melugin shows us tonight from eagle pass, texas. >> in some of the most remote and rugged terrain at the texas border with calculate tie seemingly everywhere you step, fox news is embedded with texas dps troopers in kinney county as they are on the hunt. 10 miles inland from the rio grande the troopers crack down n and arrest illegal immigrants hoping to evade as they try to make it further into the u.s. the single adult men not handed over to border patrol. instead, they are arrested and jailed for criminal trespassing. texas dps has made more than 2300 of these arrests on ranches so far as the federal government does not patrol these areas. tuesday morning in la joya, texas, a familiar sight. dozens of family units have arrived to turn themselves in. this scene is played out consistently through the spring, summer, and now the middle of december. here in eagle pass, texas. migrants emerge from the chilly morning mist after crossing illegallies, also looking to turn themselves in to border patrol. and in the rerow grand valley border patrol made multiple human smuggling busts in the past several days. these two showing migrants crammed into the beds of pickup trucks and covered up with blankets and plywood. human smuggling continues to have deadly consequences with more than 50 migrants dying in a tractor-trailer crash in mexico last week and over the weekend an innocent texas mother and daughter both killed after a suspected human smuggler t boned their vehicle while fleeing police. and, bret, this certainly isn't just a texas issue. yuma, arizona continues to see huge numbers. they encountered more than 2600 illegal immigrants for more than 30 countries all around the world. we will send it back to you. >> bret: bill melugin along the border. thank you. new york state's ethics commission is ordering former governor andrew cuomo to give up millions of dollars, $5.1 million to be specific from his book about his response to the pandemic. this follows reports cuomo used state personnel to help with the book in violation of his deal with the commission. an attorney for cuomo is calling the action unconstitutional and promising a fight. progressives are turning up the pressure on president biden to forgive student loan debt. the critics say that could cost more than a trillion dollars to taxpayers. and president biden is putting the spotlight squarely on congressional lawmakers. congressional correspondent aishah hasnie has details. >> in less than 50 days, some 43 million americans are in for a rude awakening. a covid moratorium on student loan payments expires. and the white house just squashed any progressive dreams of the president taking executive action to cancel student debt before then. >> if congress sends him a bill, he is happy to sign it they haven't sent him a bill on that yet. >> it comes as senators chuck schumer, elizabeth warren, and representative ayanna pressley sent a letter to biden with data from the left leaning think tank the roosevelt institute arguing resuming payments would strip more than $85 billion from about 18 million american families over the next year. they say it would undermine the impact of the american rescue plan, slow economic recovery, and hurt the most vulnerable. >> low income borrowers, borrowers of color who typically take out more loans than white americans and end up paying them back over a much longer period of time. >> schumer wants to cancel $50,000 per borrower. while the president prefers a much lower 10,000. critics argue either one comes at a cost to you, the taxpayer. the brookings institution suggests it will cost $1.6 trillion to forgive all student debt and about a trillion dollars to wipe out just $50,000 per person. >> so what would it take for him at this point to say we're going to cancel this. >> say it. >> mass scale executive action like that is bound to face major legal challenges. the white house isn't ready yet to put pen to paper. >> there have been questions and asks about what executive authority could be used. that has been under review. i don't have anything to report on that at this point in time. >> so, bret, for now, the administration is moving forward, precinct for what is to come with these payments resuming in the meantime senator warren tells fox that democrats are still talking with the president about this. bret? >> bret: aishah hasnie lyon capitol hill. thank you. up next, updated vaccination requirements for kids in new york city plus news of another medical break through. ♪ thinkorswim® by td ameritrade is more than a trading platform. it's an entire trading experience. with innovation that lets you customize interfaces, charts and orders to your style of trading. personalized education to expand your perspective. and a dedicated trade desk of expert-level support. that will push you to be even better. and just might change how you trade—forever. because once you experience thinkorswim® by td ameritrade ♪♪♪ there's no going back. holding a moment of silence in memory of the 800,000 covid-19 deaths in the u.s. a divided federal appeals court has rejected the request by six employees to block united airlines from enforcing a covid-19 vaccine mandate for workers. it imposes unpaid leave on those who are granted religious or medical exceptions. the national football league meantime is requiring players, coaches and other team personnel to receive a covid-19 booster by december 27th. the league notified teams monday. also yesterday, a season high 36 players were placed on the covid-19 reserve list. amtrak is temporarily suspending its vaccine mandate for employees. it says it no longer expects to be forced to cut some service in january. the railroad ceo says employees who are not vaccinated can be tested instead. and the nation's largest traditional grocery chain is ending some benefits for unvaccinated workers. kroger's says those employees will no longer be eligible to receive two weeks paid emergency leave if they become infected. the head of the world health organization the w.h.o. says evidence suggests a small decline in the effectiveness of vaccines against severe covid-19 disease and death. new york city is requiring most children to show proof of vaccination for many indoor activities now. this follows the imprey mentation of a new vaccine or mask mandate for everyone and this is getting pushback. correspondent david lee miller reports tonight tonight from new york. >> masks are not enough. starting today kids between the ages of 5 and 11 in new york city are going to be carded. they have to show they have been vaccinated in order to eat in restaurants go, to theaters or take part in other indoor activity. yesterday a statewide mandate went into effect, requiring all businesses in the state to either make sure all customers and employees are vaccinated or require the use of masks indoors. some local officials tasked with enforcement say the mandate goes too far, including the incoming county executive for nassau county just outside of new york city business owners very upset about this mandate it doesn't make sense. i have chosen i'm not going to enforce that. >> most of the state's county executives opposing the mandates are republicans. governor kathy heroic hochul a democrat is not backing down. >> i'm not going to engage in a political discussion about this because this is just too important. this is about getting us through this pandemic. >> nine states all with democratic governors have a mask mandate. the city of philadelphia is implementing its own vaccine requirement for indoor dining that will take effect january 3rd. pfizer, meanwhile, has announced the result of a study that shows antiviral pill can reduce covid hospitalization and death by 89%. the company's ceo said in a statement quote we are confident that if authorized or approved this potential treatment could be a critical tool to help quell the pandemic. despite progress in treating covid infections cornell university today shut down campus in ithaca, new york. the school issued a red alert incorporated indicating high risk of the virus more than 460 cases have been recorded reported. the school says all final exams will be taken online. bret? >> bret: thank you. we are learning new details about the rash of smash-and-grab robberies throughout the country. as we mentioned earlier authorities say the crimes are being organized on social media. senior correspondent claudia cowan reports tonight from sauce ledo, california. the brazen robberies marking this holiday shopping season begin and end online long before they are fenced on third party platforms organized criminals use text and group message alps to plan smash and grabs. a tactic that leaves virtually no electronic jail in technology is great but difficult. we are communicating through platform. that is the communication between you and i. as an outside investigator i can't see that communication. >> investigators say suspects often don't know who else was involved. they communicate using key words and hashtags to describe what they stole, where to drop it off and thousand get paid. law enforcement sources tell the "wall street journal" that recent hits at a bay year nordstrom louis vitton store in san francisco and best buy in minnesota appear to have been organized on apps like snapchat where messages can be scrubbed. though a company spokesperson tells fox it's, quote: looked into these reports and haven't yet found evidence of it happening on snapchat aggravated such activity would violate their guidelines. still, along with stepped up prosecutions industry leaders are calling for greater transparency online. >> we have got to marry the trend with smartest policy online to make it harder to operate in the shadows. >> third party sites like amazon marketplace where sellers can remain anonymous are coming under increasing scrutiny as police try to crack down on brazen organized crime that's costing american retailers an estimated $70 billion a year up next the panel on debt ceiling and inflation. ♪ ♪ oh, it's just a cold. if you have high blood pressure, a cold is not just a 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(crowd) business! >> no default on the debt. no risk of another recession, responsible governing has won on this exceedingly important issue. >> senate democrat is going to vote on party lines to raise our nation's debt limit by trillions of dollars. if they jam through another taxing and spending spree this massive debt increase will just be the beginning. >> nobody worries about the debt up here because it's not your money. >> one thing we need to do is get the billionaires to actually pay income tax. you know, jeff bezos. >> bret: all right. so the debt ceiling has been voted up 2.5 trillion. so if you look at the debt clock right now, we don't look at it that much, here it is. 29 trillion and counting and every second i talk all that money keeps on adding on there. meantime inflation, the producer price index for final demand changing this up 9.6%. this is the largest advance since the 12 month data first calculated in november of 2010. you can look at where it's projected to go. it's going up and does that change the equation on capitol hill? let's bring in our panel former education secretary bill bennett. kimberly involve a member of the editorial panel at the "wall street journal" and correspondent for reuters. look at the ppi chart and up arrow and then you add, obviously, the debt clock that keeps on ticking. republicans, let's be fair, have not focused on the debt and deficit in recent years either. but it seems like nobody is up on capitol hill. >> no. the spending spree over the last 1 years is where i would put it ready to be corrected on that. it's been outrageous. that we have to raise the debt ceiling is understandable. but where things stand, where the numbers are is outrageous. is there no end? and how sharp is that line going to go up? you know, one more way to punish our children and grandchildren is what we're doing now. and now we get this outrageous notion, excuse my parochialism about forgiving all this student loan debt. sorry, folks, you signed up for this to get your education, to get your degree. and you got to pay it back. it was an obligation freely accepted. now, i will admit a lot of these institutions of higher education are in the rip off business. but you did this knowingly. this can't happen. we can't add another trillion dollars because of forgiveness of loans and debts that were freely incurred by students for their own benefit. >> bret: jeff, from the white house point of view how hard are they pushing that student loan debt forgiveness and where is the, you think, the level of concern about long-term debt and deficit at all? >> >> well, two things, bret, in terms of how hard they are pushing it i think there is more push for it from progressives on capitol hill from senator warren and other colleagues of her and they have appealed to the white house to go through with it. it was part of president biden's campaign promises when he was running for office last year. but, and to your second point, i think that the white house's answer to concern about debt is that it's on their radar but they would probably come back with a political answer and say that the republicans weren't concerned about it during the last administration with the tax cuts and so that shouldn't prevent democrats now from going through with their politics -- policy priorities as well. >> bret: you know who is concerned about it kimberly joe manchin he talks about it all the time democrats in west virginia and he may be one of the votes that blocks the build back better bill. take a listen. >> all it takes is one democrat to put the brakes on and stop this thing dead in its tracks. >> is the president meeting again with senator manchin. >> we are not quite there yet, hence, the conversations will continue. >> senator manchin can determine the timing here if he thinks it's not ready and he is not ready to go. i assume this will be brought up some other time. the best christmas present the american people could hear was that this bill was going nowhere. >> bret: kimberley, that's why senator romney called senator manchin president manchin walked into the elevator recently. a lot of scheduling, he can do. >> yeah, two enormous things happened this last friday. one we got those massive new inflation numbers and as bill bennett said they are going up. they are not getting better. that's been one of manchin's red lines and also that new cbo score that showed the honest accounting of the build back better agenda which is closer to 5 trillion rather than the 2 trillion that democrats have been saying. those have been the two big issues for joe manchin all along. and it's hard to see how he walks back some of those comments. now, i think he is reluctant to be the guy who says no i'm calling it off before christmas. i think he is hoping his colleagues work out that there are too many process things to work through to even hit that deadline. but it's pretty clear he is still in no place ready to say yes to this bill. >> average folks, what they're concerned about, what they see as far as prices, take a listen. >> my business partner and i see that everything that we need, coffee cups, coffee, sugar, milk, everything is a lot more expensive. >> gas, food, beef, chicken, you name it, everything is up minimum 15%. >> to me, with the corona, with the pandemic, with the new thing virus, that goes with inflation. >> bret: bill, it translates into a political issue, a political problem. no matters where you put the blame on it going up, it's going to faulted the administration in power. does it not? >> oh, sure. and, you know, it's a form of the old argument two quo quay. well, you spending a lot of money you did, too. yeah not quite as much as you are spending. if build back better happens, i don't know what happens to that -- what happens to that inflation curve. but there's is a moral dimension to this, too. every news show we see shows us the situation in kentucky, and then we have these people saying forgive these student loan debts which i incurred. and inflation is hitting a lot of people hard. think of what it is doing for the people who are worse afflicted and that should raise a moral question about what one is asking for. sit down and be quiet you have no business doing this right now. >> bret: jeff, has the answer changed about inflation do you think? have you seen an evolution from the podium at the white house? >> yes. i mean, the answer it has absolutely changed during the course of this year at the beginning of the spring when it started to be an issue. the white house said that it woulds be transitory and indicated then as i recall that it would be sort of under control by now. by the fall. that, of course, did not happen. they are now arguing and some economists are arguing that it will be under control at some point next year. but you are absolutely right that the voters will hold the people in power and that is democrats right now in the white house and in congress. for that. and it is absolutely a concern for the average american but it's also certainly a political concern for this white house. >> >> bret: senator manchin just told a small group of reporters on capitol hill he spoke to president biden today. not much else on the timeline. someone asked him is biden moving closer to what manchin is asking for? manchin according to this laughed and said i wouldn't say. that. so we will see where all of this goes. mask mandates vs. covid antiviral pills. what all of this means. stay here. ♪ [lea] i'm a retired art teacher. 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if you were to do that you ought to be able to maybe release a little bit on the vaccine mandates and the mask mandates, the question though is whether or not the white house is going to abroach it with the level of emergency that it did vaccines and make that a priority. so far it has not indicated that that is at the top of its list. >> bret: we had this grim milestone the lawmakers on capitol hill marking 800,000 dead from covid. obviously there is still a concern about unvaccinated but there is a measure of also concern about these mandates and thousand he had are affecting different aspects as you take another look at that video of the vigil up on capitol hill. >> the vaccine mandates in particular as you say have certainly become controversial and have been very political. i think that you won't see this white house giving up on that stance even though they have been challenged in the courts. i think they are going to continue to go forward with that. the president made his decision to go with vaccine mandates earlier this fall when he decided that he needed to use more of a stick instead of a carrot approach to getting people to get vaccinated. but it has certainly been something that republicans, in particular, have pushed back on and it's become a political liability at least to some extent for this president. >> bret: "wall street journal" on the labor shortages, bill, quote: labor costs in the industry have soared and hospitals struggled to retain enough nurses, technicians, even janitors who handle higher hospitalizations in recent months as the day or night raged. thousands have left the industry or lost their jobs rather than get vaccinated. as of september, 30% of workers at more than 2,000 hospitals across the country surveyed by the senators for disease control and prevention were unvaccinated. we saw what amtrak did saying you can get tested, not vaccinated. in order to keep labor so the train could say keep running. >> yeah. amtrak, joe biden's former mode of transportation, yeah. that's the price of coercion. you know, this seems to be the default position of this administration and the governors. when things are falling apart and things really are falling apart for them more coercion, more forced vaccination. now we have the children 5 to 11-year-olds. >> we have sad to see that vigil 800,000 people and we got these drugs coming out, fine. you know, the average age last time i looked of someone who died from covid was 68. not 5 to 11. let's stop using these kids in this experimental way when the risks are so small. but that's their default position. when things are going badly, just more coercion, more vaccination mandates and thus the price that's being paid. >> bret: very quickly, kimberley, natural immunity do you think it will factor in as opposed to vaccine natural immunity and how that factors in? >> that's why this pill could also make a difference, because if more people were to get it, this pill would keep them from being hospitalized but greater numbers developing some sort of. >> bret: panel, we will obviously be talking about this for a long time. thank you very much. when we come back, tuesday tweets here on s.r. ♪ >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ ♪ 'tis the season to break tradition in a cadillac. don't just put on a light show—be the light show. make your nights anything but silent. and ride in a sleigh that really slays. because in a cadillac, tradition is yours to define. so visit a cadillac showroom, and start celebrating today. ♪ ♪ as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 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is a good one from dan. bret, do you have any ideas for a new book? yes, i do, dan, it's in the works. i just can't tell you right now. up next ann asks favorite christmas song? that's white christmas by bingeg crosby. having worked close whether i chris wallace what was your reaction to chris' decision this past sunday to leave fox news? well, i was surprised with everybody else here. i wish chris the best. i worked with him 18 of my 24 and a half years here. had a great time and i wish him the best at his next adventure. i am hosting "fox news sunday" this weekend so check your local listings. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that is it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. "fox news primetime" hosted by will cain start right now early because i took time yesterday. >> will: you are paying me back. i will accept. i will assume it's a christmas gift. thanks, bret. good evening and welcome to "fox news primetime," i'm will cain. bret just mentioned that his favorite christmas song was white christmas. i hate to break it to him if you are dreaming of a white christmas, you might be a racist. of course, i'm talking about snow. but america can't escape the framework of skin color because instead of spreading cheer and joy this holiday season, black lives matter is asks its followers to participate in segregation. they call their mission black xmas and it's goal is pretty

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Isis K , Afghans , Some , Visas , Vet , Vetting , 30000 , 40 , 82000 , Evidence , Huawei , State , Programs , Has , Chinese , Communist China , Moat Vase , Company , Labor Schedule Prisoners , Technologies , Reeducation , Washington Post , Lot , President , Companies , Recognition , Coffin , Opponents , Operating , Nail , 2020 , Dozens , Show , Top , Breaking Tonight , Hope , Mike Tobin , Kentucky , Latest , Devastation , 74 , Destruction , Tornadoes , Air , Something , Warnings , Paducah , Meteorologist , Two , Communities , Heartland , Weather Systems , Damage , Neighbors , Chainsaws Roar , Pitching , Money , Everything , Anything , Power , Resources , Folks , Clothes , Food , Toiletries , Toys , Water , Shoes , Clothing , Heart , Members , Heartland Aren T , Search And Rescue Mission , Emergency Crews , National Guard , 600 , Video , Anywhere , Door To , Teams , Piles , Rubble , Search And Rescue , It Justice , Damage Estimates , Pictures , 18 Billion , 3 , 8 Billion , Death , Level 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Events , Fact , Policy Talk , Thing , Prices , Schedule , Fundraiser , Guests , Dnc , 9 6 , 10 , 400 , Labor Department , Inflation , Producer Price Index , Highest , Consumers , Eight , News , Food Prices , Dow Lost 107 , Energy Privacies , Nasdaq , S P 500 , Stocks , 2 6 , 107 , 176 , 35 , 500 , 1 2 , Debt Ceiling , Chad Pergram , Measure , Capitol Hill , U S Senate , Scrutiny , Spending Agenda , Debt , Bill , Build , 50 , 49 , 2 5 Trillion , 5 Trillion , Republicans , Process , Parties , Exchange , Congress , Elizabeth Warren , Spending , Debt Problem , Trillions , Cost , Filibuster , Tax Revenue , House , Aren T , Debt Limit , Midterms , Mark Meadows , Riot , Committee , Ed White House , Voting , Chief Of Staff , Contempt Of Congress , Documents , Meadows , Everyone , Law , Subject , Compliance , Executive Privilege , Lords , Subpoenas , Titles , Kings , Congress Cannot , Nobles , Donald Trump Jr , Nobility , Equals , Committee Messages , Immore Plord , Part , Text , Speech , Narrative , Oval Office , Summer , Contempt , Steve Bannon , Act , Purpose , Trial , Texts , Prosecution , Red , Addition , 6th Myth Urging Meadows , Capitol Riot , 6 , Capitol , Fox 11 , Home , Brian Kilmeade , Sean Hannity , Laura Ingraham , Couldn T Tell , Support , Showing , Violence , Attack , Crowd , Opposite , Chaos , License , Radio Today , Tax Returns , Judge , Group , Shows , Oath Keepers , Boys , Attorney General , District Of Columbia , Eastern , 00 , 9 , Immigrants , Ranches , Texas , Law Enforcement , Defendants , District , Up Next , Harm , Penalties , Karl Racine , Students , Charges , High School , Fox Affiliates , Parents , Manslaughter , Jennifer Crumbley , Fox 2 In Detroit , 2 , Four , Crimes , Storm System , Terrorism , Southern California , Ethan , Murder , National Weather Service , 11 , Look , Snow , System , Area , Santa Barbara County , Peaks , Feet , Moisture , Nevada , Rain Before Dawn , Pacific Ocean , Las Vegas , 8 , Seven , Harry Reid , Stories , Fox 5 , 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2300 , Spring , Areas , Family Units , Sight , Middle , Scene , Tuesday Morning , La Joya , Morning Mist , Human Smuggling Busts , Crossing Illegallies , Rerow Grand Valley , Human Smuggling , Consequences , Plywood , Blankets , Pickup Trucks , Beds , Mexico , Tractor Trailer Crash , Human Smuggler , Isn T , Vehicle , Mother , Ethics Commission , Countries , New York State , The Border , Arizona , Yuma , All Around The World , 30 , 2600 , Deal , Book , Millions , Andrew Cuomo , State Personnel , Response , Violation , Reports Cuomo , 5 1 Million , 1 Million , Student Loan Debt , Commission , Progressives , Critics , Action , Pressure , Attorney , Cuomo , Fight , Lawmakers , Taxpayers , Spotlight , Rude Awakening , Aishah Hasnie , 43 Million , Student Debt , Executive Action , Student Loan Payments , Dreams , Covid Moratorium , Ayanna Pressley , Data , Haven T , Letter , Roosevelt Institute , Think Tank , Chuck Schumer , Families , Payments , Recovery , Impact , Rescue Plan , 18 Million , 85 Billion , 5 Billion , Loans , Borrowers , Per Borrower , Income , Color , Vulnerable , 50000 , 0000 , Brookings Institution , Taxpayer , Lower , 6 Trillion , 10000 , 1 6 Trillion , Point , Scale , Challenges , Executive Authority , Questions , Pen , Paper , Review , Forward , Precinct , Vaccination Requirements , Aishah Hasnie Lyon , Kids , New York City , Break , Td Ameritrade , Trading Experience , Thinkorswim , Trading Platform , Education , Innovation , Trading , Interfaces , Perspective , Charts , Orders , Style , Trade Desk , You Trade Forever , Employees , Memory , Deaths , Request , Covid 19 , Moment Of Silence , Federal Appeals Court , United Airlines , Six , 19 , 800000 , Workers , Players , Team Personnel , National Football League , Leave , Exceptions , Coaches , Amtrak , Season , Vaccine Mandate , Reserve List , League , December 27th , Teams Monday , 27 , 36 , Service , Nation , Railroad Ceo , Benefits , Grocery Chain , Kroger , Emergency Leave , Head , World Health Organization , Vaccines , Vaccine , Imprey Mentation , Vaccination , Children , Decline , Effectiveness , Activities , Disease , Proof , Mandate , Masks , David Lee Miller , Pushback , Ages , Make , Activity , Businesses , Order , Use , Effect , Restaurants , Customers , County Executive , Enforcement , Nassau County , Business Owners , Mandates , Doesn T Make Sense , Governor , Executives , Most , Hochul , Vaccine Requirement , City Of Philadelphia , Mask Mandate , Discussion , Dining , Nine , Ceo , Pill , Result , Study , Pfizer , Covid Hospitalization , 89 , January 3rd , School , Progress , Campus , Statement Quote , Treatment , Help , Tool , Ithaca , Covid Infections Cornell University , Red Alert , Governing , Virus , Exams , Rash , 460 , Claudia Cowan , Social Media , Sauce Ledo , Authorities , Criminals , Message , Third Party , Grabs , Holiday Shopping Season , Communication , Tactic , Jail , Difficult , Technology , Investigator , Platform , Investigators , Words , Suspects , Hashtags , Law Enforcement Sources , Who Else , Store , Messages , Hits , Best Buy , Minnesota , San Francisco , Bay Year Nordstrom , Louis Vitton , Fox It S , Reports , Quote , Guidelines , Prosecutions Industry Leaders , Company Spokesperson , Trend , Sellers , Transparency , Shadows , Amazon Marketplace , Retailers , 70 Billion , Panel , Cold , High Blood Pressure , Blood Pressure , Cold Relief , Coricidin , Cold Medicines , Vo , Comcast Business , Plans , 5g , Verizon , Concourse , Business Expert , Hotspot Data , Clients , Stuff , Appointment , Blue Line , Cupcake , Bakery , Business , Low , 0 , Default , Party Lines , Recession , Nobody , Billionaires , Beginning , Spree , Debt Clock , Much , Income Tax , Jeff Bezos , 29 Trillion , Advance , Demand , Meantime Inflation , Second , Equation , Bill Bennett , 2010 , November Of 2010 , Member , Ticking , Ppi Chart , Reuters , Up Arrow , Deficit , Spending Spree , Things , Line , End , Notion , Grandchildren , Parochialism , Institutions , Degree , Off Business , Obligation , Forgiveness , Debts , Benefit , Wall , Student Loan Debt Forgiveness , Terms , Point Of View , Push , Colleagues , Campaign , Answer , Republicans Weren T , Radar , Senator Manchin , Politics , Talks , Shouldn T , Policy Priorities , Tax Cuts , West Virginia , Listen , Votes , It Takes , Meeting , Tracks , Brakes , Conversations , Timing , Scheduling , Nowhere , Elevator , Kimberley , Romney , Inflation Numbers , Red Lines , Agenda , Cbo , Score , Saying , Accounting , 5 Trillion , 2 Trillion , Guy , Business Partner , Place , Gas , Coffee , Sugar , Milk , Coffee Cups , Beef , Chicken , Blame , Corona , 15 , Form , Quo Quay , Argument , Situation , News Show , Dimension , Inflation Curve , Student Loan Debts , Doing , Question , Sit Down , Podium , Evolution , Under Control , The Fall , Control , Economists , Voters , Biden Today , Timeline , American , Reporters , Someone , Wouldn T Say , What Manchin , Pills , Mask , Means , Art Teacher , Lea , Vs , Vision , Prevagen , Change , Prescription , Hearing , Sense , Hearing Aids , Stop Trulicity , Type 2 Diabetes , Blood Sugar , A1c , Dose , Healthier Brain , Doctor , Type 1 Diabetes , It Isn T , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , Ten , Side Effects , Reaction , Blood Sugar Risk , Stomach Pain , Insulin , Taking Trulicity , Lump , Swelling , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Nausea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Diabetic Retinopathy , Kidney Problems , Dehydration , Gift , Savings Sale , Bundles , Prepaid Card , Network , Internet , Gig Speeds , Price Guarantee , Savings , Voice , Possibilities , 64 99 , 4 99 , Hospital , Hadn Ts , 90 , Game Changer , Drugs , Tens , Testing Issues , Supply Figure , Mask Mandates , Vaccine Mandates , List , Emergency , Priority , Bit , Milestone , Vigil , Aspects , Decision , Courts , Stance , Have , More , Particular , Approach , Stick , Technicians , Industry , Hospitals , Labor Costs , Labor Shortages , Least , Extent , Liability , Hospitalizations , Jobs , September , 2000 , Senators , Disease Control , Prevention , Labor , Unvaccinated , Keep Running , Mode , We Saw , Train , Price , Coercion , Position , Transportation , Fine , Risks , 68 , Immunity , Vaccination Mandates , Factors , Difference , Tweets , Windshield , Safelite , My Truck Is Livelihood , S R , Singers , Girl , Safelite Repair , Tradition , Tis , Cadillac , Ride , Sleigh , Liberty Mutual , I Don T , Chances , Cadillac Showroom , Bull Rider , Turn , Car Insurance , Tex , Woooooo , Wooo , Yeaa , 665 , 665 Dollars , Record , Liberty , Pay , Project Managers , Projects , Hang On , Job , Shortlist , Job Criteria , Individuals , Agents , Horse , Kristin , Drama , Nick , Horseback , Crews , Duty , Dan , Border Patrol Union , Works , White Christmas , Ideas , Favorite Christmas Song , Bingeg Crosby , Up Next Ann , Time , Everybody , Chris , Him , Chris Wallace , Chris The Best , 24 , 18 , Weekend , Listings , Fox News Sunday , Adventure , Fair , Fox News Primetime , Will , Will Cain Start , Will Cain , Racist , Skin Color , Framework , Mission , Followers , Goal , Holiday Season , Lives , Segregation , Joy , Cheer ,

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