Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts S

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240709

progressive leaders doubling down on the bail reform as crime spirals out of control. i am sandra smith in new york. >> mike: i am mike emanuel in washington for john roberts. mayors are holding news conference to deflect blame for smash and grab. 12 cities have a new record for homicides and progressive leaders are downplaying the crisis. >> most crime is down but for homicides. >> we don't have a crisis of lawlessness. we don't have a crisis of crime or violence. >> on michigan avenue, i am disappointed they are not doing more to take safety and make it a priority. >> sandra: fox team coverage. >> mike: we begin with jonathan hunt live in los angeles with the latest there. >> the sheriff's department reports murders are up 45% from 2020 in l.a. county. robberies were down earlier but they too are now surging. when the recent spate of home attacks where residents are assaulted on their doorsteps and the smash and grab on high end stores. the district attorney, the lead prosecutor for l.a., the man who sets the tone for the justice system here told me yesterday none of this is his fault. >> to what extent do you and your policies bear a responsibility for this? >> none. >> no responsibility. the l.a. county sheriff told me he believes that is complete nonsense. listen here. >> people are getting away with serious crimes and take very little risk of facing consequences. that's the message he delivered to the criminal community. they heard him loud and clear. >> the sheriff said he is backing a new effort to recall the d.a. he fears the d.a. will double down on stupid. i asked the d.a. about that comment. his response. >> my dad used to say that when you wrestle with a pig, you both get muddy and the pig lies it. >> he said he didn't mean to use the word pig in terms of law enforcement. you heard laughter from other d.a.'s in the room. from others there was a sharp intake ever breath at the thought the d.a. would use the word pig in any way or form when talking about one of the most senior law enforcement officials in all of los angeles. >> mike: very interesting. many thanks. >> sandra: "wall street journal" columnist bill. kicking off this hour. brings tears to your eyes seeing what's happening is happening in great american cities. los angeles murders off 45%. philadelphia said no crime crisis. lightfoot is blaming the stores for not protecting their stores. are democrats in denial? >> of course. those 12 cities are run by democratic mayors. many have democratic district attorney. in washington, d.c. the marion berry. they had a terribly high murder rate and he said if you don't pay attention to murders, it's pretty safe for tourists. i don't think that was a winning sails pitch then. i don't think it's a winning sales pitch now. people are afraid. they have to good reason to be afraid. the bad guys get messages too. they know what they can get away with. there will be consequences. >> sandra: will there be consequences in the mid-terms and see a wipe out for democrat as lindsey graham predicted on this program yesterday? when you consider this "wall street journal" polling on which party is better suited to fight crime. americans respond: republicans are favored to tackle this more than democrats. >> well, of course they are. a couple of democrats who won elections in 2020 who said the movement to defund police almost cost them their seat. it's illogical. congress doesn't have as much to do with local crime. but they are the same party. i think this soft on crime approach is really a bad thing. the tragedy is we know how to bring down violent crime. the question is whether the authorities in power, the mayors and the district attorneys will back their police or won't back their police. if they don't you get what we see now. >> sandra: bill, we just received a statement from the district attorney for those statements he issued that seemed to ignore the crime crisis that is happening in that city. he wants us to know this: that's not what i meant. complete answers are edited down to sound bites. it's my job to make sure even those sound bites are careful. it's my obligation to do better. your reaction? >> my reaction is he is 100% wrong. the problem is not he was inarticulate. it's the classic definition of a political gaffe. he told the truth. these people are downplaying murder and violent crime. they are called out on it. then they claim it's a matter of their worgd. it is not a matter of wording.d. it is not a matter of wording. it's a matter of people get killed in the treats and they don't have an answer. >> sandra: there will be more to this as the d.a. in philadelphia felt the need to issue this statement. >> mike: people across the political spectrum want to feel safe where they live. people in power get credit when it's good and blame when it's bad. there could be severe consequences. >> sandra: more with joe top of the next hour. >> ♪ ♪ >> mike: we are awaiting a verdict in the jussie smollett trial. jurors deliberating that the actor lied to police about a fake hate crime attack on himself. >> the jury deliberated 2 hours yesterday and 3 today. they asked for the prosecution's exhibit of a calendar which indicate what happened on what days. the jury is mostly white middle aged people. there is one black man and one black woman an alternate. the prosecution told the jury that smollett lied to the list and lied under oath on the bench alleging he orchestrated a fake hoax and paid brothers to beat him. smollett thought the camera would capture the beat down to video to be shared with the world. smollett's defense told the jury smollett was already wealthy and famous and doesn't like attention. he had no reason to plot such a scheme. jussie smollett has had a group of activists showing up in court alleging the judge is racist. >> sandra: we will keep watching. the labor department announced jobless claims fell to the lowest point in 50 years. 184,000 people filed for unemployment. that's the lowest number since 1969. but labor department data shows more than 11 million jobs in this country are going unfulfilled. >> mike: that suggests people are not getting fired. they are home or doing something else. >> sandra: larry kudlow will dig into that. the white house is touting some of the economic numbers such as the drop in jobless claims as a strong point for this economy. we have a completely shifting, changing landscape as far as the labor environment in this country where a lot of people are doing different things and the jobs are going unfulfilled. can they tout that as a win? >> mike: tourists visiting cancun sent running for their lives after gunmen on jet skis opened fired on a crowded beach. mexican troops deployed to keep the peace. >> sandra: does president biden's child care plan discriminate against religious schools? some leaders are deeply worried. veteran homeowners- you made a smart move when you bought your home. now make another one and turn your equity into cash. with the newday 100 va loan you can take out up to $60,000 or more. veteran homeowners- with home values at all-time highs and rates at near all-time lows now's the time to do more with your home equity. veterans are calling newday at a record pace to take advantage of the newday 100 va loan. you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value to upgrade the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with an average cash out amount of $60,000, you can do more. xfinity rewards are our way of thanking you just for being with us. enjoy rewards like sing family fun nights! rent sing for $1, then belt out all your favorite tunes from the movie with sing karaoke. plus, see sing 2 in theaters with buy-one-get-one free fandango tickets. join over a million members by signing up for free on the xfinity app. our thanks. your rewards. house that president biden is speaking on the phone right now with the ukraine president zelensky. russia has 100,000 troops at the border with ukraine. on tuesday biden told vladimir putin there would be severe consequences if they invade. >> mike: republican lawmakers accusing president biden of unfairly targeted faith based child care providers in the build back better pill. -- bill. religious organizations fear they will be shutout of the new program. this is the superintendent of schools for the arch diocese of boston and met with one senator over his concerns about the bill. >> thanks very figure me on. >> mike: what would happen to early childhood education if this stays in the social spending package? >> there are $400 billion set aside as part of the larger bill. it eliminates religious liberty protections that have been in there on a bipartisan basis for 30 years. as a result, a lot of the religious organizations won't be able to participate. what they set up in the bill, religious groups can provide child care or pre-school but in order to do so they have to give up their faith. they have to act like secular organizations. we currently provide a lot of services both for child care and for early childhood education, preschool. we could not do it under those terms. >> mike: i want to play a clip from the senate republican leader mitch mcconnell. >> liberals are trying to chase faith based providers out of the daycare industry denying funds to any facility they deem discriminatory. the radical left tosses around these accusations towards any religious institution. >> this means for us, we have the authority to stipulate that the principal of a catholic school is catholic oregon -- or someone that teaches in a catholic school is catholic and prevent us from running an all boys or all girls schools. the goal is not to drive out religion but to expand equity and access to preschool and child care. they should want more people providing services. they are knocking out more than half of the market. we can't participate that way. we are asking them to go back to the set ever rules they had for the last 30 years with control of the house and senate flip flopping over that time period. provide the religious liberty protections allow religious institutions to participate. this comes down to creating a lot of options for parents. it should be up to the parents to decide, do they want a faith based option? what faith? this is not a decision that should be made or taken away by political people in washington, d.c. people that already have services will lose them if this bill goes through. >> mike: an interesting ally on the democratic side. west virginia senator manchin who may be the most powerful guy in washington because the democrats need his vote to advance their agenda. does that encourage you if manchin is a strong supporter for faith based education? >> well, this all comes down to a vote in the u.s. senate. there is a 50-50 split. the deciding vote these days is joe manchin. if manchin sides with the rest of the democratic party, then these religious liberty protections will be stripped away. a lot ever people have their kids in faith based preschool will lose it. if he won't vote for it, he would save the day. a lot of it comes down to what is manchin going to do? i think there are a lot of religious institutions provided child care in west virginia and hopefully that weighs on his mind as he makes a decision. >> mike: thomas carol, from boston, thanks for your time. >> thank you. >> sandra: really interesting perspective. very passionate about what he is trying to do. meeting with tim scott. we will invite him on too. >> mike: fascinating that senator manchin is in the middle of this one as well. >> sandra: a scary situation for tourists on a cancun beach. mexican police were there after gunmen on jet skis opened fired. phil keating joins us. that is affecting tourism. >> it is. this is the third time since october this has happened. american and european tourists scrambling for cover as people on jet skis storm a hotel beach in cancun pulling their triggers. this is the third tourist impacting violent crime since october. more returned tuesday after 5 men on jet skis dressed as soldiers hit the beach and fired into the air. nobody was injured but tourists ducked for cover to be safe. this happened at the 4 star $400 a night oasis palm resort billion dollars as family friendly. these are popular with americans during the winter. it appeareded that on-going drug gang turf war is to blame. >> what i saw was them shooting up into the sky. i didn't see any show notes coming to the shore line. as soon as they got done shooting and there were 5 or 6 shots, they took off real quick. >> the initial reaction was it was part of a show. there was a delayed reaction for 55 seconds. then everybody started to scream and cry. >> yes. >> the shooting happened on the hotel zone of cancun. a similar thing happened last month when 2 members of a rival drug gang were shot and killed on a hotel beach and 2 tourists were killed south of there in another shooting blamed on warring drug cartels. those 2 tourists were caught in the cross fire. the u.s. state department has a warning out for all americans who are planing to down to the mexican riveria. be aware and use extreme caution. >> sandra: it's a necessary warning. phil keating, thank you. >> mike: the white house attempting to push through a measure for the irs to snoop on an individual's bank accounts but that would affect more americans than claimed. >> sandra: new york city giving 800,000 non-american citizens the right to vote in the next election. >> when you have non-citizens voting in city elections, often times they can vote for federal elections, president and congress. it's my woke-up-like-this migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. don't take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. >> man: what's my safelite story? 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>> sandra: there will be a lot of interest following that as we head into the mid-terms. president biden proposal for the irs to monitor bank accounts affects for more people. tens of millions of american could be spied on. president of the americans for tax reform. grover. welcome. good to see you. where do you stand on this issue? is there of a reason why the irs should be snooping on american's bank accounts? >> no. what biden wants is to be able to look at your bank accounts and hold that data forever. they don't have a warrant. they are just looking at anything they want. he said it was just for rich people. the joint committee said 87 million people middle-class people making less than what biden said he would never bother. 87 million would lose their privacy perm insanitily. -- permanently. they need to know how many bank accounts you have. do they look to see what you buy? >> sandra: all of our personal information is compromised. the numbers that the joint committee on taxation came up. they estimate 87 million americans earning less than $400,000 will see their bank accounts information reported to the irs. 59% of the u.s. taxpayers earning less than $400,000. tell us your concerns. if they get access to this, they get that information and see what we are doing. what is next? >> well, we can look back and see what the iris has already done. it was 6 months ago that we learned that the irs leaked the data on tens of thousands of americans. their audits to a left wing group that targeted and went after people leaking this stolen -- i don't know who stole it. this is not something that could come from one person. this was a huge project to steal this much data. it went out 6 months ago by the head of irs. we will be on top of this. since then nothing. crickets. no arrests. >> sandra: and this analysis we got was in response to a question from jason smith a republican who asked the tax keeper to see how many americans this policy would encompass. saying is it fair to assume that an hourly w-2 worker who drives uber on the side or sells on ebay would have all of their economic subject to scrutny? punishing americans for working hard to provide for their families if now there is more transparency do you believe this will go through? >> well, the more people look at this and the longer it takes. this is why it's a good idea for congress to sit down and as senator manchin said take a breather. look at what is in this legislation. the advocates pelosi and biden and schumer want to pass it. don't read it, pass it. don't show it to the american people. pass it. how much do the american people know what was in the bill that passed in the house that was rushed through? the longer we have the chance to look at it, we will take it out. all of those things taken out of the legislation, this is one of them. it could come back tomorrow morning or at 3 a.m. when they pass one ever these bills. just because it's taken out today doesn't mean it's gone away. biden wants access all the time to your bank accounts. so does pelosi and schumer. >> sandra: they want to cut down on tax cheats. they are defending this plan in face of obviously a lot of criticism not just from americans but the banks themselves. they wrote in a memo do term limits requiring banks to provide high level information to the iris gives the agency more information about wealthy americans. let's be clear. what is already on the books, grover, banks are already required to report any individual transaction that exceeds $10,000 to the financial crimes enforcement network. there are already rules on the books. >> they want to go after other people. the irs made it clear that the 80 billion dollars that biden and the democrats want to give to the irs to harass people. that will be used to audit small businesses by 50%. biden says rich people. the irs tells you out loud. middle-class. small businesses. that's the target. >> sandra: the people they are sending out to help. appreciate it. mike, we will see. there is a lot more transparency now as to who would be targeted in in this. it's not just the uber wealthy and the rich. >> mike: during the obama years i did a million stories on the irs targeting groups. more power for the irs makes folks nervous. >> sandra: and upset. >> mike: a bad omen for democrats. president biden loses support among a key voting block and what it means for republicanses in the mid-terms and sends. -- and beyond. a former congressman joins us next. veteran homeowners, need a financial boost? 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>> well, what it means we are waking up. the largest minority in the country. 60 million people. 20% of the population finally we are realizing that those values are entrenched in the republican party. god-fearing and law abiding and tax paying. it's the economy, stupid. do you remember that phrase said during the clinton years? what do you think that we come to this country for? to go to disney world? we come because we want to have a better economic life. this is the only country in the world that in one generation you can go from rags to riches and only country where you have social mobility. if you are a bartender now you can be the owner of the bar. that's why the republican party has benefitted. the last administration was so good for us. that's why we are waking up. not only that. one of the reasons congress needs to say to the hispanics that the democratic party has been playing political football for us for 30 years. always promising immigration reform law. it happened during obama in 2008 and during biden in 2020. always what is happened? they drop it for something else. no more. it's time for the gop to wake up. to welcome us. because we are a force to be reckoned with. >> mike: other interests numbers in the wall street poll -- "wall street journal" pole. the possibility of a trump and biden rematch in 2024. after biden won 63% of hispanic voters a year ago. do you think economic issues are driving those numbers? >> it's the economy. you vote with your pockets. i am the best example. a brown girl from the hood with an accent who went from from miami to the halls of congress. only in america. the rest of the 20% of the population. my people 60 million people understand we want to preserve that. it's not we are moving to the right or left. we are moving to the american agenda that assures you and your kids and grandchildren you will have an economic future. you will figure out what is the pursuit of happiness. it's very clear that the hispanics are waking up and thank god for that. we are not socialists. we are americans. >> mike: another topic. president biden hosting a summit for democracy with leaders from 100 countries. 3 in central america left out. do you get a sense that's because of the immigration crisis at our southern border? >> it makes no sense. guatemala, el salvador and honduras, they are your allies. they have democratic governments. they are in your back yard. this is a slap in the face to them who are begging the tous pay attention to them. why did you leave them out? that shows you the disconnect in foreign policy for the biden administration and the domestic terrorists. -- and the democrats. the dems are not paying attention to central america. that's why we have the border crisis. that's why we are waking up. i spoke to the top leaders of those 3 countries they are very upset. it's time to give consideration to the republicans because we will welcome you. >> mike: other countries included in the summit. pakistan, philippines, ukraine. >> but pakistan? come on. they were harboring bin laden for years. don't invite them. >> mike: congresswoman, thanks for your time. >> sandra: a great conversation there. the economy front and center for the american family. polling shows that's bad news for president biden. why the numbers showdemocrats may be out of touch with what is happening. larry kudlow will join us top of the hour. >> mike: and the state of roe v. wade in the hands of the u.s. supreme court. it could become a pro-choice sanct wear next. ce i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> mike: tiger woods announcing his return to golf. the 45-year-old golf legend will play next weekend in orlando, florida. talk about a hot ticket now. with his 12-year-old son charlie. this will be tiger's first golf tournament since losing his leg in a california car crash back in february. amazing. >> sandra: amazing how far he's come. a lot of people are shocked. i think the greatest story from all of this is the relationship he has with his son. 12 years old. he is a fantastic golfer and fun to watch both together. we will. the future of roe v. wade is in the hands of the supreme court with the decision due next year. california officials will take action before that. governor gavin newsom is reimbursing people coming to california seeking an abortion. california is acting on this before the court made a decision? >> that's right. they are not waiting. they want to promote themselves as pro-choice in california as an abortion sanctuary. governor newsom said we will be a sanctuary for out of staters to come into california if roe v. wade is overturned. california will keep abortion in the state. it's known as a liberal state. this is possible if the supreme court overturns roe v. wade. last week the 9 justices heard a case out of mississippi challenging the 15 week abortion law which contradicts roe v. wade. if roe is overturned that doesn't mean abortions will be illegal in 50 states. each state will have a different rule. in democrat california expect the procedure to continue. a new report discusses the possibility of paying out of state women to come to california to receive an abortion. the report says these funds are needed for practical support for patients for gas, lodges and child care and food and lost wages. state senator a democrat from california is behind this push. here's what she said. >> i work and provided critical services to women in a reproductive health clinish. i saw women who needed abortions. >> some of the plan discussed a california pro-life group tells fox news this is unacceptable using taxpayer money to bring out of state women in for abortion. >> sandra: david, thank you. >> mike: fox news alert. white house briefing set to begin any moment. and democrat leaders in major cities across the u.s. deny the crime crisis. one state confirmed a top prosecutor who promised not to prosecute several crimes. >> sandra: joe will join us live top of the hour. and larry kudlow, senator josh pauley and another person coming up in a jam-packed hour. art move when you bought your home. now make another one and turn your equity into cash. with the newday 100 va loan you can take out up to $60,000 or more. veteran homeowners- with home values at all-time highs and rates at near all-time lows now's the time to do more with your home equity. veterans are calling newday at a record pace to take advantage of the newday 100 va loan. you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value to upgrade the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with an average cash out amount of $60,000, you can do more. i have something for you. 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>> it's extremely important. imagine the audacity and the arrogance of larry tell his community we don't have a problem with crime while they experience the highest numbers of murders in recorded history. he didn't apologize for what he said or his liberal policies that led to this violent crime rate. he said i am sorry i didn't choose my words better. where is the empathy for what is going on? he should do everybody a favor and resign. this is a pattern of what is got on the in the left. omar still wants to defund the police despite the fact that minneapolis voters said they don't want that and the homicide rate is up 65% in minneapolis. she won'tac agthe problem. and aoc says we don't have a problem with retail theft. we see videos daily of looting in department stores. they think the american public is stupid. >> mike: a lot of folks who were calling for defunding the police or sending in social workers instead of cops did not live in the neighborhood that were so hard hit? >> of course not. they don't live in those neighborhood and representative omar still kept a private security force. they saw an increase in crime in the neighborhoods. there has been a toxic cocktail shoved down the throats of the american public of prosecutors letting repeat violent offender out. bail reform is a disaster. [audio breaking up]. the suspects who burned down the fox christmas tree he was out while the tree was still smoking because he got zero bail. we are seeing a huge increase in violent crimes. 20,000 murders in 2020 and in 2021 outpacing. this has to stop. >> sandra: what do we do? we see the problem. we acknowledge the problem. it's getting worse by the day. 2 minute warning for the white house press briefing. she will likely take a question on this. she has almost daily. joe, if republicans were to take back control, lindsey graham was on this program yesterday and predicted a wipe out in the mid-term elections. so many police have retired. the morale is down. >> yes, it's in the tank. we are at a fork in the road. on one path we can go chaos and the other path law and order. the way we fix this is the way we did over the last 20 years. the american police officers delivered historic crime reduction. embrace the rule of law and prosecute violent criminals and need republicans to run for district attorneys and make sure that people in their local races support candidates on a platform of law and order. >> sandra: that's not an overnight fix. >> no, it is not. this country is worth saving. our communities are worth saving. we can't continue to see people being murdered in the street. if we care about all of our communities, we have to do what is best and have law and order to be successful. >> mike: folks in new york city elected a former police officers to be the next mayor. is that a step in the right direction? >> any change from mayor bill de blasio is a positive. he's been a train wreck. took the best and safest city in america and turned it into a cesspool. the murder rate is up over 40%. i hope the new mayor who ran on a platform of law and order will institute policies the nypd used a few years ago to deliver those historic crime reduction and embrace the same policies and bring that city back to where people feel safe visiting there. >> sandra: joe gamaldi, appreciate you joining us. a serious problem. a lot of change could be coming. we are looking at the white house awaiting the white house press briefing. brian will talk about the economy. the white house is taking a victory lap on the job numbers. larry kudlow, jen psaki will begin shortly. i want to dig into what we are about to hear and have you react to it. you just heard from the new york city mayor. >> eric adams spoke to the police athletic league lunch. the biggest crowd we have ever had. hundreds of new york business people. a very strong talk on crime and law and order. it's stuff he's been saying all long think. -- along. no change. we'll be sworn in a couple of weeks. >> we are about to hear from the white house. brian, a job you know there. advising the president on the economy. they are touting the drop in the jobless claims to the lowest since 1969. before we dip in here, what do you think? ron klain the chief of staff said the general public and media are not acknowledging how strong the biden economy is. >> i don't know that's true. he is correct about the unemployment claims. only 184,000. that's a really super low number. continuing claims are down. you are close to full employment. it's a tight laker market. -- labor market. wages are going up. 6% inflation and 184,000 unemployment claims, why do we need 4 or 5 trillion dollars of new spending? that's what manchin said at the "wall street journal" conference 2 days ago. we don't need that money. it will make inflation worse and will damage the economy in a year or so. >> sandra: on that point, i don't hear from the white house highlighting the 11 million job openings going unfilled. it's hard to get people to even file an application. >> that's true. i want to be very objective. >> sandra: that's why you are here. >> i know something about this job having held it before. job openings are huge. you are right. 11 million. there is plenty of work to be had in you want to have it. now, the labor forces growing. last month's job report seemed bad but it wasn't. seasonal adjustments. 1.1 million people went back to work. unemployment is coming down. wages are going up. it's a very strong jobs market. we are not giving unemployment assistance benefits. that's good. hopefully this bill will be killed and we won't have people getting welfare without any work there. >> sandra: talking about that right now. >> we don't want to spend more and more money to not work. i want work fair. eligibility requirements. able bodied people should go to work. if you leave it alone, they will. if you stop all of this social spending they will go back to work. that's what america is all about. working folks. the wages are raising. that's an inducement to work. maybe we won't raise taxes. it's a strong market, but it's very strong inflation. it's an inflationary boom. we do not need another 4 or 5 trillion dollars of federal spending. i say that all the time. save america and kill the bill. i go back to what manchin said 2 days ago. all of world war ii and the martial plan to renovate europe was 4.7-trillion dollars in today's dollars. if this build back better goes through, we will have spent in the past 18 months 5.7-trillion dollars. let's get this right. 5.7-trillion dollars now but only needed 4.7 trillion dollars for the entire 5 year world war ii martial plan. does that sound right to you. it did not sound right to me or manchin. people know we don't need this social spending. we don't need to destroy our fossil fuel industry. we don't need to be taxing businesses. i will be factual. he is correct. 184,000 initial claims. the lowest probably in the history of the earth. i love it when people go to work. >> sandra: i am trying to play listening to both of you at the same time. he just said that he is touting we returned to an economic growth rate to pre-pandemic level. first of any other country in the world to do so. >> that may be true. that may be true. again, factually. i will say something -- i don't know him. >> sandra: we call him and invite him on the show and he doesn't come on the show. >> it's a hard job he's got. i want to say what biden never acknowledged. the trump administration handed them a very strong v-shaped recovery. they say they inherited a recession. that's incorrect. third and 4th quarter last year and first quarter this year. 14% growth. it slowed down some. it's strong now. is it the best recovery around the world? i don't know that specifically. but it could be. it's an inflationary boom. i don't need to spend another 5 trillion dollars. >> sandra: now they are saying a declining gas price situation. they have come down a few pennies. the national average is over a buck over a year ago. art was on this program yesterday. we talked about the 11 million open jobs and 4.2 million americans with the quit rate leaving their jobs. >> that's a good thing. >> sandra: explain. >> the quit rate goes up when jobs are plentiful and good wages. >> sandra: right. >> you shop around and look for a better offer. when the quit rate collapses, that's a sign of recession. when the quit rate goes up. that's a sign of recovery. alan greenspan said that. >> sandra: i heard the other day a congressman said ask larry kudlow about this. it was about natural gas leverage with the nord stream-2 pipeline. michael walt. can we play that quickly? we will get to the white house for questions in a moment. >> [silence]. >> sandra: do we have it? okay. i was told we have it it. they will load it. he was making the point. ask larry kudlow about energy during the trump years. what is happening today. a different conversation. we were talking about the russia and ukraine border. when you look at the changing energy environment, are we in a totally different situation today than we were during your years the trump years? >> well, the policies have been reversed. it's a war against fossil fuels. we are 2 million barrels a day short of oil production. we were running 13 million barrels per day before the pandemic. as the economy collapsed during the pandemic, that number dropped to 11 million barrels per day. demand has shot back up. we just talked about the strong economy. the supply of oil has not. we are still doing only 11 million of barrels per day. that's not good. that's one of the key reasons why the global price of crude oil has shot up from $40 a barrel. then to 85. now about 70. not enough supply to meet rising demand. if you wage war against the producers they won't produce. >> sandra: if i were to wrap what you just said, you are giving credit. the economy is doing well on many different metrics. you say kill the bill and get out of the way and let this economic recovery what happen. if you have a question for brian, what would it be? >> why do you want another 5 trillion dollars of spending? we gave you a good economy on a silver platter. if it ain't broke, don't fix it. >> sandra: he was asked about inflation. let's listen here. larry kudlow will stay with us. >> what may expend in a typical month. 60% of the costs fall into housing, healthcare, prescription drugs, and child care and transportation. that's the bulk of the family's budget is made up of. on each of those areas the legislation that the president prioritized and is moving through congress would reduce those costs. if that is the debate and the question, how can we address those costs families are facing. the build back better would do more to lower costs than any legislation in modern american history. we are enthuseastic about making that case. >> it appears that factors pushing inflation up ward will linger well into next year. do you believe inflation is more entrenched and not transitory? >> we believe that price increases elevated at the level we are seeing hit american families in their pocketbooks. we need to address those directly. we believe that the strength of our economic recovery and labor market and wage increases and the steps we have taken to provide some relief to american families position our economy and american house holds well to address a global issue around the supply chain. >> will these increased prices last until next year? >> i won't get into the prediction business. i will echo what i noted at the beginning. most outside independent forecasters see price increases modeerating over the course of next year. >> sandra: larry kudlow's reaction? >> in quick terms. you can't just break down the cpi. what you look at is the defogs -- defussion of price increases. all price are rising. that's the problem. the build back better bill, child care costs are going to go way up. daycare center costs going way up. their attack on fossil fuels. oo it started with the infrastructure bill and growsine more. those costs are going up. you won't run an economy without home heating which is natural gas, oil and electricity. all of those costs are going up because of the bill. another mistake they are making. they just doubled the tariffs on canadian soft wood when will filter into housing prices which are already sky high. those are specific micro-areas where they disagree with my predecessor. the other point is the fed. if they reappoint powell and give him plenty of rope, i hope he doesn't hang us or himself. he has to end easing and start raising short term rates. >> sandra: the markets will love it. >> they will love it but maybe not in the short term. save america and kill the bill. >> sandra: see you at 4 o'clock. >> mike: fascinating economic discussion. we are waiting for jen psaki to take questions. the white house under fire on many fronts. we will take you there when it happens. why hide your skin if dupixent has your moderate to severe eczema or atopic dermatitis under control? 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>> our view is that the child tax credit is a really important basic support for families. we should extend it because it's doing what we hoped it would do. which is dramatically reduce child poverty in america and give families some breathing room if a very strong but uncertain recovery. it's the president position we should do that. we can do that. i would unscore we can do as part of build back better in a way that is paid for and won't add to inflation. >> mike: that's jacqui heinrich asking brian about the latest economic numbers and in terms of unemployment and taking a victory lap. >> sandra: we the get back to the white house when jen psaki is under way. a lot of big questions on the way. >> mike: that include foreign policy. a top u.s. military official in china. senator josh holly joining us. is it your position that the biden administration is more worried about people's pronounce than national security measures like china and taiwan. >> i think that's fair. he was talking about white rage and urging cadets to read up on anti-racism and critical race theory. you talk about misplaced priorities. we have seen which across the board. china is poised to gobble up taiwan. it would be a disaster for us. what is the biden administration doing? not much. it's time they focus. >> mike: you proposed 2 pieces of legislation to help taiwan one that would provide $3 billion in defenses to help its arsenal against china. what are are hearing from colleagues? >> i hope it's something we can get bipartisan support. the best thing to do for taiwan is to help taiwan defend itself. taiwan needs to stand up to china and resist any attempt by china to take over the island. it's critical we act now. the united states can't be in a position to bail out every nation in every circumstance. we can help those nations resisting regimes to fight for themselves. that's what we should do with taiwan. >> mike: the president has had high-profile calls with vladimir putin. we believe he is speaking now with the leader of ukraine. are you convinced the president is giving the right messages to world leaders about the hot spots around the world? >> no, because he is sending conflicting messages. nobody knows what joe biden's policy is including joe biden. ukraine the right thing to do would have been to help them so they could defend themselves. now what is happening. we have russia, poised to invade ukraine. the biden administration doesn't know what to do. european allies are not stepping up to the plate. we should send a clear message we will help ukraine defend itself and expect the europeans to step up and do more for their own security. that's not the message joe biden is sending. he is all over the map. it's not clear who is in charge ever anything at the white house. >> mike: the annual defense bill before the senate included a provision for a female draft. is that part of the woke priorities? >> it's part of their misguided prioritieses. let's expand the draft and target women 19 to 21 years old? it's crazy. if that passes in the senate they will have to take a vote on an amendment by me putting everybody on the record as to where they standing on drafting our daughters, sisters and wives. the democrats caved. that's out of the bill. time to refocus on national security needs. >> mike: president biden hosting an online summit for democracy over zoom. should the commander-in-chief be going abroad to meet with our allies? >> absolutely. he needs to be sending a very clear message about the world security situation which is this. our priority has to be china. china is the number 1 economic threat to us and the number 1 military threat to us. we have to focus our efforts there. we need to ask our allies in europe to do more in their own defense. that's the career message that joe biden needs to be sending. he is doing anything but. >> mike: if our adversaries don't report president biden is there something he can do to turn that around? >> hold accountable the people who planned the disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan. tyrants around the world watched what happened in afghanistan and said the american president is not up to the job. he didn't know what he is doing. his administration was in disarray and nobody has been held accountable. >> mike: senator josh holly from missouri, thanks for your time. >> sandra: verdict watch in the jussie smollett trial. up next live at the courthouse with deliberations under way. could get a verdict at any moment. berty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ is struggling to manage your type 2 diabetes knocking you out of your zone? lowering your a1c with once-weekly ozempic® can help you get back in it. oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! my zone... lowering my a1c, cv risk, and losing some weight... now, back to the game! ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. in a recent clinical study, patients using salonpas patch reported reductions in pain severity, using less or a lot less oral pain medicines. and improved quality of life. that's why we recommend salonpas. it's good medicine. veteran homeowners- with home values at all-time highs and rates at near all-time lows now's the time to do more with your home equity. veterans are calling newday at a record pace to take advantage of the newday 100 va loan. you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value to upgrade the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with an average cash out amount of $60,000, you can do more. >> sandra: we are awaiting a verdict in the jussie smollett trial. jurors are considering charges the actor orchestrating a hate crime attack against himself and lied to police about it. >> mike: matt, any signs of movement? >> no, the jury has been back in the deliberation room for 6 hours. 4 hours today and 2 hours yesterday. we have not heard of any questions or difficulties. rather quiet in the courthouse. yesterday before the jury left they wanted a copy of the prosecutions calendar that had x-marks on days the prosecution said things happened. jussie smollett will come to the courthouse when a verdict is announced. every day he walked into the courthouse locked this arms with his elderly mother and brothers and sisters and supporters. 6 times the police said he lied about hate crimes because he is black and gay and aggravated battery because his attackers wore mask. he needs constitutional warriors in the deliberation room today. challenging the jury to believe that smollett did not lie and was a victim. the prosecution said smollett not only lied to the police but to them under oath. he faces up to 3 years in prison and the possibility of prognosis and community service. >> mike: matt, thank you very much. >> sandra: president biden is in the market for a new car. more than half a million new cars to be specific. taxpayers would foot the bill. it's the executive heard to cut 65% of the government's carbon emissions by 2030 and carbon neutral by 2050. that remains replacing the government's vehicles with electric ones helping force private industry to make more green ♪♪ author of the false alarm. how climate change will cost us trillion dollars. you said that there are alarmists hurting the cause. you highlight climate change but say we are handling this all wrong and throwing the money at the problem is not the solution. what do you think about president biden's plan to force this on us? >> sandra, you are right. global warming is a problem. he is right in saying there are some things that need to be tackled. throwing money at it and saying we will buy things not effective to make them cheaper. that's not how you make them cheaper. you make them cheaper through innovation. the problem is green energy is too expensive. china and india don't want to take it over. that's why most rich countries buy a little to feel good about themselves. we will only convince everyone once green energy is cheaper than fossil fuels. that's what biden should focus on. >> sandra: the president driving around in a hummer electric vehicle is not the way to solve this? you wrote pieces in the "new york post" and you are getting a lot of attention. you say innovate. people want to do something about this problem, but to your point, the reason it's not being taken up is it's just too darn expensive. his order buy clean calls for the government to use 100% clean electricity by the year 2030. do you see that happening? you often write about what you are say are artificial deadlines just to get attention. this is one of the most common environmental tactics and it's not working. >> no, it's not. it's not like biden will be around in 2030 to see this through. at the latest he would be out as president in '29. you would have a lot of other conferences and several presidents before we get to the final date in 2050. people won't accept these high charges. from studying new zealand this would cost the average american $15,000 per person per year. a new study shows just getting part of the way will cost every american $6,000 a year and possibly twice as much. there are really costs. people are not willing to pay that. again, we should spend some money because it's a real problem. but we should spend it smartly. that money is spend on inovation rather than buying stuff that is not effective. >> sandra: almost every climate has been branded the last chance. setting artificial deadlines don't work. you say we were told for a half century that time has run out. that fear mongering is not helping the cause. final thoughts? >> well, fundamentally, it's something that a lot of people like to say. remember back in the first environmental summit that the u.n. held in 1972, we were told the world has just 10 years left to avoid catastrophe. that's what we have been told ever since. it's not true. it scares your kids witless. if you are scared and panicked you are likely to make bad decisions to do something right now. the reality is we have to do something that makes it possible for everyone and especially china, india and africa to follow suit. the u.s. is rich enough to say let's spend extra money. these governments have more important priorities like lifting their populations out of poverty. >> sandra: rushing out to buy a $50,000 electric vehicle for u.s. families dealing with high grocery and gas bills is not a top priority. thank you. jensen beach holding her daily briefing. brian concluded his thoughts. we will listen to jen psaki here. >> including supporting free and independent media. fighting corruption. advancing technology for democracy. defending free and fair elections. we will have a call to give you more information. colleen, kick us off. >> thank you. [muffled audio]. do you have an update on the president's call with zelensky? there were a couple of reports last night about [inaudible]? or military action in regards to the [inaudible]? >> sure. let me start with the first one. when i came out here the president was still on the call. our plan was to provide a written readout to all of you. you will get following the briefing when it's ready. i will highlight for you that the president's intention going to this call was to provide an update for president zelensky on his call with putin and underscore our support for ukraine sovereignty and integrity. as secretary blinken did with president zelensky earlier this week. president biden is intending to discuss his deep concerns with russia's build-up on ukraine's border and his commitment to respond with strong measures in the event of a russian military escalation. we engaged with the ukrainians. the president provided an update to the eastern countries with a personal readout of his call with president putin to hear their perspective on the current security situation and underscore our commitment to trans-atlantic security and nato allies and to stay in close coordination. we will get you a readout as soon as that is complete. the iran question, i have an update for you. we said many times from this podium, president biden is committed to ensuring iran never acquires nuclear weapons and believes diplomacy is the best path to achieve that goal. we believe diplomatic resolution offers a best path to avoid a nuclear crisis. the president asked his team to be prepared in the event that diplomacy fails. we made clear to iran that the only path out ever sanction size through nuclear compliance. we kept all of the sanctions we inherited in place and enforced sanctions presenting the clear path of their remutual. if diplomacy can't get on track soon and in iran's nuclear program accelerates, we will take additional measures. i won't get into additional specifics i will can provide you an update on the coordinations we are doing on the international front. a senior treasury official will lead a delegation to talk about compliance and focus on engagements with the private sector to discuss their understanding of the companies and financial institutions. this trip follows a range of conversations that our national security advisor jake sullivan had in october and rob and bret had in november and the treasure secretary also had in november. this is part of our extended out reach to our partners around the world to ensure we are preparing for a range of contingencies. >> how long will this continue? >> i won't present a deadline today. we presented a diplomat path forward. that is still open. based on the outcoming of the last china talks and the advancepts in nuclear's fatalities in iran, it's meant to be a preparation. >> do you have any updates on the president's meeting and who attended? >> what the president was referring to is a range of discussions and engagements we are having today. there are a number of nato partners and we will follow-up. we expect that to continue as well. it was not meant to be an indication ever concessions made or any formal formatses. more about the commitment to on-going engagement. >> you don't know what vladimir putin's next move is. whether he made up his mind whether or not he will invade ukraine. the russia president. the situation in the ukraine resembles genocide. is that an escalation? >> it is russians are known for their rhetorical escalations and known for their ways of providing misinformation around the world. within eastern flank countries. we have to take their own efforts to communicate with the public with a grain ever salt. the aggression here is on the russian side. the military build-up is on the russian side. there is a diplomatic path forward. our president's objective was to convey that clearly and also there would be consequences. they would be significant and severe. we will coordinate with our european patterson on that. -- partners on that. i am not a spokesperson for the kremlin and i take their words with a grain of >> just a question on ukraine becoming a member of nato. it's been out there but there hasn't been any decision on that. what is the united states' position on that? does the president generally support ten largement of nato or does he want the alliance to add new members? what is his position? >> the president has spoken to this in the past. there's requirements that any country -- the president supports any country aspiring to join nato. he supports ukraine. there's certain requirements that they need to meet including corruption and other topics. it's up to nato to decide the path. >> the biggest member of the alliance, what is the u.s. telling nato on this issue, specifically and is the president offering any assurances to president zelensky? >> no, the president's message is clear. he supports the aspiration of ukraine and a range of countries

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Pelosi And Biden , Idea , Chance , Wall , Out Today Doesn T , Bills , Plan , Tax Cheats , Banks , Face , Memo , Criticism , Term Limits , Level , Transaction , Books , Wealthy Americans , Agency , Financial Crimes Enforcement Network , 10000 , Businesses , 80 Billion , 80 Billion Dollars , Target , Stories , Rich , Wealthy , Obama , Support , Folks , Republicanses , Targeting Groups , Omen , Voting Block , Congressman , Sanct Wear Next , Beyond , Boost , Call , Type 2 Diabetes , Everywhere , Sulfonylurea , Blood Sugar , Ways , Stop Rybelsus , You Are My Sunshine , Sunshine , Don T Take Rybelsus , Three , A1c , Sugar , Food , Isn T , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Majority , 7 , Vision Problems , Changes , Lump , Stomach Pain , Provider , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Help , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , 0 , 10 , Table , Flavors , Dishes , Kevin , Cashbacking , 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El Salvador , Honduras , Guatemala , Foreign Policy , Pay , Slap , Disconnect , Tous , Terrorists , Dems , Countries , Consideration , Come On , Philippines , Pakistan , Bin Laden , Conversation , Center , Them , Larry Kudlow , Touch , Bad News , Hands , Roe V Wade , U S Supreme Court , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Don T , Ce , Woooooo , Wooo , Yeaa , 665 , 665 Dollars , Turn , Hang On , Tex , Golf Legend , Return , Golf , Ticket , Son Charlie , Tiger Woods , Orlando , Golf Tournament , Tiger , Leg , Amazing , California Car Crash , Golfer , Relationship , Son , California , Gavin Newsom , Action , Abortion , Staters , Governor , Sanctuary , Abortion Sanctuary , Case , Justices , Mississippi , 9 , States , Abortion Law , Roe , Doesn T Mean Abortions , State Women , Procedure , Rule , Wages , Gas , Patients , Lodges , Push , Women , Reproductive Health Clinish , Taxpayer Money , Abortions , David , Briefing Set , Prosecutor , Joe Will , Josh Pauley , Art Move , Husband Whistles , 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Streets , Humanity , Place , Life Is Good , 2100 , 2019 , 524 , 57 , Mayor , Police Commissioner , Both , Spike , Guns , D A , 47 , Other , Community Safe , Expense , Youth , Bickering , Victims , Network , Coast To , Arrogance , Audacity , Violent Crime Rate , Everybody , Fact , Words , Favor , Empathy , Pattern , Omar , Homicide Rate , Videos , She Won Tac Agthe Problem , Retail Theft , Aoc , Minneapolis , 65 , Public , Department Stores , Sending , Looting , Workers , Representative , Cops , Increase , Security Force , Neighborhoods , Throats , Cocktail , Disaster , Suspects , Offender , Audio Breaking Up , Bail Reform , Fox Christmas Tree , Violent Crimes , Zero , 2021 , 20000 , Back Control , Press Briefing , Path , Road , Morale , Tank , Chaos , Law And Order , Police Officers , Crime Reduction , Rule Of Law , Candidates , Platform , Saving , Communities , Fix , The Street , Change , Positive , Step , Bill De Blasio , Best , Direction , Train Wreck , Cesspool , Nypd , Ran , Who , 40 , Joe Gamaldi , Victory Lap , Lunch , Crowd , Hundreds , Police Athletic League , Eric Adams , Think , Business People , Talk , Stuff , Lowest , Media , Ron Klain , Unemployment Claims , Inflation , Labor Market , Employment , Laker Market , Conference , 5 Trillion Dollars , 5 Trillion , Spend Extra Money , Application , Job Openings , Work , Forces , Jobs Market , Adjustments , 1 Million , Benefits , Assistance , Welfare , Eligibility Requirements , Work Fair , Inducement , Raising , Working Folks , Boom , Taxes , Save America , World War Ii , Europe , 18 , 4 7 Trillion , 4 7 Trillion Dollars , 5 7 Trillion , 5 7 Trillion Dollars , Right , Martial Plan , Sound , Fossil Fuel Industry , History , Earth , Growth Rate , Listening , Him , Recovery , Recession , Growth , 14 , Gas Price , Quit Rate , Average , Art , Pennies , Buck , 4 2 Million , Sign , Quit Rate Collapses , Offer , Alan Greenspan , Natural Gas , Leverage , Nord Stream , Pipeline , Michael Walt , The Point , Ask , Fossil Fuels , War , Changing Energy Environment , Barrels , Pandemic , Oil Production , 2 Million , 13 Million , Supply , Oil , Demand , Price , Barrel , Crude Oil , 70 , 85 , Producers , Metrics , It Ain T , Silver Platter , Costs , Housing , Prescription Drugs , Healthcare , Transportation , Bulk , 60 , Debate , Each , Budget , Areas , Factors , American History , Inflation Up Ward , Pocketbooks , Hit American , Relief , Wage , Increases , Prices , Supply Chain , Prediction Business , Modeerating , Forecasters , Price Increases , Defogs , Cpi , Defussion , Child Care Costs , Infrastructure Bill , Attack , Daycare Center , Electricity , Home Heating , Mistake , Housing Prices , Soft Wood , Making , Sky High , Canadian , Powell , Predecessor , Rope , Easing , Fed , Markets , Term , Discussion , Fronts , Skin , Eczema , Hitting Eczema , It Counts , Under Control , Moderate , Atopic Dermatitis , Dupixent , Adults , Itch , Anaphylaxis , Eye Problems , Reactions , Doctor , Vision Changes , Eye Pain , Infection , Eczema Specialist , Don T Change , Asthma Medicines , Feels , Kind , Nutrients , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Two , Man , Gifts , Surprise , Buick , Massaging Seat , Holiday Lights , Technology , Steering Wheel , Mom , Head Up Display , Alexa , You , Can T Wait To Unwrap , Ancestry , Holiday , Walk , Nose , White House Press Secretary , Groceries , Opportunity , Most , Prosperity , Hasn T , Job Opportunities , Income Distribution , Household Income , Balance Sheets , 25 , Child Tax Credit , Recue , Checks , Lower Ends , Account , Basisine , Challenges , Driving Need , View , Doing , Breathing Room , Child Poverty , Won T , Add , Jacqui Heinrich , Official , U S Military , Josh Holly , China , Position , Taiwan , Rage , Urging , Cadets , Race Theory , Priorities , Board , Pieces , Defenses , Colleagues , Hearing , Arsenal , Billion , 3 Billion , Attempt , Island , Nations , Nation , Regimes , Circumstance , Calls , Leader , World Leaders , Spots , Plate , Doesn T Know , Defense Bill , Charge , Map , Draft , Provision , Misguided Prioritieses , Passes , Amendment , 21 , 19 , Biden Hosting , Sisters , Daughters , Wives , National Security Needs , Commander In Chief , Zoom , Efforts , Threat , Military Threat , Career Message , Our Adversaries Don T Report , Withdrawal , Tyrants , Afghanistan , Disarray , Missouri , Courthouse , Berty Mutual , Throwback , Don T Take Ozempic , Weight , Zone , Oh , Cv Risk , Game , Heart Attack , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Events , Death , Heart Disease , Stroke , Pens , Share , Needles , Stop Ozempic , Reuse , Insulin , Study , Health Care Provider , Reductions , Medicines , Medicine , Pain , Pain Severity , Quality , Salonpas Patch , Salonpas , Deliberation Room , Signs , Matt , Copy , Prosecutions Calendar , Hate Crimes , Mother , Arms , Brothers And Sisters , Smollett , Attackers , Deliberation Room Today , Mask , Battery , Warriors , Victim , Prognosis , Prison , Community Service , Car , Cars , Government , Carbon Emissions , Executive , Carbon Neutral , 2030 , 2050 , Industry , Vehicles , Ones , Climate Change , Alarm , Author , Alarmists , Cause , Solution , Innovation , India , Little , Biden Should Focus On , Hummer Electric Vehicle , Innovate , New York Post , Deadlines , Tactics , Presidents , Conferences , New Zealand , 5000 , 15000 , 6000 , 000 , Climate , Buying Stuff , Inovation , Artificial Deadlines Don T Work , Fear Mongering , Catastrophe , U N , 1972 , Reality , Decisions , Kids Witless , Suit , Africa , Populations , Electric Vehicle , Poverty , Grocery , 50000 , Jensen Beach Holding , Fighting Corruption , Advancing Technology For Democracy , Colleen , Muffled Audio , Update , Military Action , Regards , Inaudible , Written Readout , Intention , Putin , Integrity , Sovereignty , Secretary Blinken , Event , Commitment , Measures , Escalation , Ukrainians , Russian Military , Readout , Security Situation , President Putin , Atlantic Security , Nato , Coordination , Podium , Iran , Diplomacy , Weapons , Resolution , Team , Sanctions , Compliance , Size , Specifics , Remutual , Iran S Nuclear Program , Treasury Official , Coordinations , Front , Delegation , Engagements , Companies , Understanding , Sector , Trip , Range , Jake Sullivan , Conversations , Treasure Secretary , November , Bret , Rob , Partners , Reach , Diplomat Path , Contingencies , Outcoming , Advancepts , Talks , Fatalities , Preparation , Updates , Discussions , Indication , Move , Concessions , Engagement , Formatses , Russians , Escalations , Genocide , Grain , Around The World , Aggression , Salt , Build Up , Objective , Kremlin , Spokesperson , European Patterson , Alliance , Largement , Ten , Requirements , Corruption , Topics , Aspiration , Assurances ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240709

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progressive leaders doubling down on the bail reform as crime spirals out of control. i am sandra smith in new york. >> mike: i am mike emanuel in washington for john roberts. mayors are holding news conference to deflect blame for smash and grab. 12 cities have a new record for homicides and progressive leaders are downplaying the crisis. >> most crime is down but for homicides. >> we don't have a crisis of lawlessness. we don't have a crisis of crime or violence. >> on michigan avenue, i am disappointed they are not doing more to take safety and make it a priority. >> sandra: fox team coverage. >> mike: we begin with jonathan hunt live in los angeles with the latest there. >> the sheriff's department reports murders are up 45% from 2020 in l.a. county. robberies were down earlier but they too are now surging. when the recent spate of home attacks where residents are assaulted on their doorsteps and the smash and grab on high end stores. the district attorney, the lead prosecutor for l.a., the man who sets the tone for the justice system here told me yesterday none of this is his fault. >> to what extent do you and your policies bear a responsibility for this? >> none. >> no responsibility. the l.a. county sheriff told me he believes that is complete nonsense. listen here. >> people are getting away with serious crimes and take very little risk of facing consequences. that's the message he delivered to the criminal community. they heard him loud and clear. >> the sheriff said he is backing a new effort to recall the d.a. he fears the d.a. will double down on stupid. i asked the d.a. about that comment. his response. >> my dad used to say that when you wrestle with a pig, you both get muddy and the pig lies it. >> he said he didn't mean to use the word pig in terms of law enforcement. you heard laughter from other d.a.'s in the room. from others there was a sharp intake ever breath at the thought the d.a. would use the word pig in any way or form when talking about one of the most senior law enforcement officials in all of los angeles. >> mike: very interesting. many thanks. >> sandra: "wall street journal" columnist bill. kicking off this hour. brings tears to your eyes seeing what's happening is happening in great american cities. los angeles murders off 45%. philadelphia said no crime crisis. lightfoot is blaming the stores for not protecting their stores. are democrats in denial? >> of course. those 12 cities are run by democratic mayors. many have democratic district attorney. in washington, d.c. the marion berry. they had a terribly high murder rate and he said if you don't pay attention to murders, it's pretty safe for tourists. i don't think that was a winning sails pitch then. i don't think it's a winning sales pitch now. people are afraid. they have to good reason to be afraid. the bad guys get messages too. they know what they can get away with. there will be consequences. >> sandra: will there be consequences in the mid-terms and see a wipe out for democrat as lindsey graham predicted on this program yesterday? when you consider this "wall street journal" polling on which party is better suited to fight crime. americans respond: republicans are favored to tackle this more than democrats. >> well, of course they are. a couple of democrats who won elections in 2020 who said the movement to defund police almost cost them their seat. it's illogical. congress doesn't have as much to do with local crime. but they are the same party. i think this soft on crime approach is really a bad thing. the tragedy is we know how to bring down violent crime. the question is whether the authorities in power, the mayors and the district attorneys will back their police or won't back their police. if they don't you get what we see now. >> sandra: bill, we just received a statement from the district attorney for those statements he issued that seemed to ignore the crime crisis that is happening in that city. he wants us to know this: that's not what i meant. complete answers are edited down to sound bites. it's my job to make sure even those sound bites are careful. it's my obligation to do better. your reaction? >> my reaction is he is 100% wrong. the problem is not he was inarticulate. it's the classic definition of a political gaffe. he told the truth. these people are downplaying murder and violent crime. they are called out on it. then they claim it's a matter of their worgd. it is not a matter of wording.d. it is not a matter of wording. it's a matter of people get killed in the treats and they don't have an answer. >> sandra: there will be more to this as the d.a. in philadelphia felt the need to issue this statement. >> mike: people across the political spectrum want to feel safe where they live. people in power get credit when it's good and blame when it's bad. there could be severe consequences. >> sandra: more with joe top of the next hour. >> ♪ ♪ >> mike: we are awaiting a verdict in the jussie smollett trial. jurors deliberating that the actor lied to police about a fake hate crime attack on himself. >> the jury deliberated 2 hours yesterday and 3 today. they asked for the prosecution's exhibit of a calendar which indicate what happened on what days. the jury is mostly white middle aged people. there is one black man and one black woman an alternate. the prosecution told the jury that smollett lied to the list and lied under oath on the bench alleging he orchestrated a fake hoax and paid brothers to beat him. smollett thought the camera would capture the beat down to video to be shared with the world. smollett's defense told the jury smollett was already wealthy and famous and doesn't like attention. he had no reason to plot such a scheme. jussie smollett has had a group of activists showing up in court alleging the judge is racist. >> sandra: we will keep watching. the labor department announced jobless claims fell to the lowest point in 50 years. 184,000 people filed for unemployment. that's the lowest number since 1969. but labor department data shows more than 11 million jobs in this country are going unfulfilled. >> mike: that suggests people are not getting fired. they are home or doing something else. >> sandra: larry kudlow will dig into that. the white house is touting some of the economic numbers such as the drop in jobless claims as a strong point for this economy. we have a completely shifting, changing landscape as far as the labor environment in this country where a lot of people are doing different things and the jobs are going unfulfilled. can they tout that as a win? >> mike: tourists visiting cancun sent running for their lives after gunmen on jet skis opened fired on a crowded beach. mexican troops deployed to keep the peace. >> sandra: does president biden's child care plan discriminate against religious schools? some leaders are deeply worried. veteran homeowners- you made a smart move when you bought your home. now make another one and turn your equity into cash. with the newday 100 va loan you can take out up to $60,000 or more. veteran homeowners- with home values at all-time highs and rates at near all-time lows now's the time to do more with your home equity. veterans are calling newday at a record pace to take advantage of the newday 100 va loan. you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value to upgrade the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with an average cash out amount of $60,000, you can do more. xfinity rewards are our way of thanking you just for being with us. enjoy rewards like sing family fun nights! rent sing for $1, then belt out all your favorite tunes from the movie with sing karaoke. plus, see sing 2 in theaters with buy-one-get-one free fandango tickets. join over a million members by signing up for free on the xfinity app. our thanks. your rewards. house that president biden is speaking on the phone right now with the ukraine president zelensky. russia has 100,000 troops at the border with ukraine. on tuesday biden told vladimir putin there would be severe consequences if they invade. >> mike: republican lawmakers accusing president biden of unfairly targeted faith based child care providers in the build back better pill. -- bill. religious organizations fear they will be shutout of the new program. this is the superintendent of schools for the arch diocese of boston and met with one senator over his concerns about the bill. >> thanks very figure me on. >> mike: what would happen to early childhood education if this stays in the social spending package? >> there are $400 billion set aside as part of the larger bill. it eliminates religious liberty protections that have been in there on a bipartisan basis for 30 years. as a result, a lot of the religious organizations won't be able to participate. what they set up in the bill, religious groups can provide child care or pre-school but in order to do so they have to give up their faith. they have to act like secular organizations. we currently provide a lot of services both for child care and for early childhood education, preschool. we could not do it under those terms. >> mike: i want to play a clip from the senate republican leader mitch mcconnell. >> liberals are trying to chase faith based providers out of the daycare industry denying funds to any facility they deem discriminatory. the radical left tosses around these accusations towards any religious institution. >> this means for us, we have the authority to stipulate that the principal of a catholic school is catholic oregon -- or someone that teaches in a catholic school is catholic and prevent us from running an all boys or all girls schools. the goal is not to drive out religion but to expand equity and access to preschool and child care. they should want more people providing services. they are knocking out more than half of the market. we can't participate that way. we are asking them to go back to the set ever rules they had for the last 30 years with control of the house and senate flip flopping over that time period. provide the religious liberty protections allow religious institutions to participate. this comes down to creating a lot of options for parents. it should be up to the parents to decide, do they want a faith based option? what faith? this is not a decision that should be made or taken away by political people in washington, d.c. people that already have services will lose them if this bill goes through. >> mike: an interesting ally on the democratic side. west virginia senator manchin who may be the most powerful guy in washington because the democrats need his vote to advance their agenda. does that encourage you if manchin is a strong supporter for faith based education? >> well, this all comes down to a vote in the u.s. senate. there is a 50-50 split. the deciding vote these days is joe manchin. if manchin sides with the rest of the democratic party, then these religious liberty protections will be stripped away. a lot ever people have their kids in faith based preschool will lose it. if he won't vote for it, he would save the day. a lot of it comes down to what is manchin going to do? i think there are a lot of religious institutions provided child care in west virginia and hopefully that weighs on his mind as he makes a decision. >> mike: thomas carol, from boston, thanks for your time. >> thank you. >> sandra: really interesting perspective. very passionate about what he is trying to do. meeting with tim scott. we will invite him on too. >> mike: fascinating that senator manchin is in the middle of this one as well. >> sandra: a scary situation for tourists on a cancun beach. mexican police were there after gunmen on jet skis opened fired. phil keating joins us. that is affecting tourism. >> it is. this is the third time since october this has happened. american and european tourists scrambling for cover as people on jet skis storm a hotel beach in cancun pulling their triggers. this is the third tourist impacting violent crime since october. more returned tuesday after 5 men on jet skis dressed as soldiers hit the beach and fired into the air. nobody was injured but tourists ducked for cover to be safe. this happened at the 4 star $400 a night oasis palm resort billion dollars as family friendly. these are popular with americans during the winter. it appeareded that on-going drug gang turf war is to blame. >> what i saw was them shooting up into the sky. i didn't see any show notes coming to the shore line. as soon as they got done shooting and there were 5 or 6 shots, they took off real quick. >> the initial reaction was it was part of a show. there was a delayed reaction for 55 seconds. then everybody started to scream and cry. >> yes. >> the shooting happened on the hotel zone of cancun. a similar thing happened last month when 2 members of a rival drug gang were shot and killed on a hotel beach and 2 tourists were killed south of there in another shooting blamed on warring drug cartels. those 2 tourists were caught in the cross fire. the u.s. state department has a warning out for all americans who are planing to down to the mexican riveria. be aware and use extreme caution. >> sandra: it's a necessary warning. phil keating, thank you. >> mike: the white house attempting to push through a measure for the irs to snoop on an individual's bank accounts but that would affect more americans than claimed. >> sandra: new york city giving 800,000 non-american citizens the right to vote in the next election. >> when you have non-citizens voting in city elections, often times they can vote for federal elections, president and congress. it's my woke-up-like-this migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. don't take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. >> man: what's my safelite story? 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>> sandra: there will be a lot of interest following that as we head into the mid-terms. president biden proposal for the irs to monitor bank accounts affects for more people. tens of millions of american could be spied on. president of the americans for tax reform. grover. welcome. good to see you. where do you stand on this issue? is there of a reason why the irs should be snooping on american's bank accounts? >> no. what biden wants is to be able to look at your bank accounts and hold that data forever. they don't have a warrant. they are just looking at anything they want. he said it was just for rich people. the joint committee said 87 million people middle-class people making less than what biden said he would never bother. 87 million would lose their privacy perm insanitily. -- permanently. they need to know how many bank accounts you have. do they look to see what you buy? >> sandra: all of our personal information is compromised. the numbers that the joint committee on taxation came up. they estimate 87 million americans earning less than $400,000 will see their bank accounts information reported to the irs. 59% of the u.s. taxpayers earning less than $400,000. tell us your concerns. if they get access to this, they get that information and see what we are doing. what is next? >> well, we can look back and see what the iris has already done. it was 6 months ago that we learned that the irs leaked the data on tens of thousands of americans. their audits to a left wing group that targeted and went after people leaking this stolen -- i don't know who stole it. this is not something that could come from one person. this was a huge project to steal this much data. it went out 6 months ago by the head of irs. we will be on top of this. since then nothing. crickets. no arrests. >> sandra: and this analysis we got was in response to a question from jason smith a republican who asked the tax keeper to see how many americans this policy would encompass. saying is it fair to assume that an hourly w-2 worker who drives uber on the side or sells on ebay would have all of their economic subject to scrutny? punishing americans for working hard to provide for their families if now there is more transparency do you believe this will go through? >> well, the more people look at this and the longer it takes. this is why it's a good idea for congress to sit down and as senator manchin said take a breather. look at what is in this legislation. the advocates pelosi and biden and schumer want to pass it. don't read it, pass it. don't show it to the american people. pass it. how much do the american people know what was in the bill that passed in the house that was rushed through? the longer we have the chance to look at it, we will take it out. all of those things taken out of the legislation, this is one of them. it could come back tomorrow morning or at 3 a.m. when they pass one ever these bills. just because it's taken out today doesn't mean it's gone away. biden wants access all the time to your bank accounts. so does pelosi and schumer. >> sandra: they want to cut down on tax cheats. they are defending this plan in face of obviously a lot of criticism not just from americans but the banks themselves. they wrote in a memo do term limits requiring banks to provide high level information to the iris gives the agency more information about wealthy americans. let's be clear. what is already on the books, grover, banks are already required to report any individual transaction that exceeds $10,000 to the financial crimes enforcement network. there are already rules on the books. >> they want to go after other people. the irs made it clear that the 80 billion dollars that biden and the democrats want to give to the irs to harass people. that will be used to audit small businesses by 50%. biden says rich people. the irs tells you out loud. middle-class. small businesses. that's the target. >> sandra: the people they are sending out to help. appreciate it. mike, we will see. there is a lot more transparency now as to who would be targeted in in this. it's not just the uber wealthy and the rich. >> mike: during the obama years i did a million stories on the irs targeting groups. more power for the irs makes folks nervous. >> sandra: and upset. >> mike: a bad omen for democrats. president biden loses support among a key voting block and what it means for republicanses in the mid-terms and sends. -- and beyond. a former congressman joins us next. veteran homeowners, need a financial boost? 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>> well, what it means we are waking up. the largest minority in the country. 60 million people. 20% of the population finally we are realizing that those values are entrenched in the republican party. god-fearing and law abiding and tax paying. it's the economy, stupid. do you remember that phrase said during the clinton years? what do you think that we come to this country for? to go to disney world? we come because we want to have a better economic life. this is the only country in the world that in one generation you can go from rags to riches and only country where you have social mobility. if you are a bartender now you can be the owner of the bar. that's why the republican party has benefitted. the last administration was so good for us. that's why we are waking up. not only that. one of the reasons congress needs to say to the hispanics that the democratic party has been playing political football for us for 30 years. always promising immigration reform law. it happened during obama in 2008 and during biden in 2020. always what is happened? they drop it for something else. no more. it's time for the gop to wake up. to welcome us. because we are a force to be reckoned with. >> mike: other interests numbers in the wall street poll -- "wall street journal" pole. the possibility of a trump and biden rematch in 2024. after biden won 63% of hispanic voters a year ago. do you think economic issues are driving those numbers? >> it's the economy. you vote with your pockets. i am the best example. a brown girl from the hood with an accent who went from from miami to the halls of congress. only in america. the rest of the 20% of the population. my people 60 million people understand we want to preserve that. it's not we are moving to the right or left. we are moving to the american agenda that assures you and your kids and grandchildren you will have an economic future. you will figure out what is the pursuit of happiness. it's very clear that the hispanics are waking up and thank god for that. we are not socialists. we are americans. >> mike: another topic. president biden hosting a summit for democracy with leaders from 100 countries. 3 in central america left out. do you get a sense that's because of the immigration crisis at our southern border? >> it makes no sense. guatemala, el salvador and honduras, they are your allies. they have democratic governments. they are in your back yard. this is a slap in the face to them who are begging the tous pay attention to them. why did you leave them out? that shows you the disconnect in foreign policy for the biden administration and the domestic terrorists. -- and the democrats. the dems are not paying attention to central america. that's why we have the border crisis. that's why we are waking up. i spoke to the top leaders of those 3 countries they are very upset. it's time to give consideration to the republicans because we will welcome you. >> mike: other countries included in the summit. pakistan, philippines, ukraine. >> but pakistan? come on. they were harboring bin laden for years. don't invite them. >> mike: congresswoman, thanks for your time. >> sandra: a great conversation there. the economy front and center for the american family. polling shows that's bad news for president biden. why the numbers showdemocrats may be out of touch with what is happening. larry kudlow will join us top of the hour. >> mike: and the state of roe v. wade in the hands of the u.s. supreme court. it could become a pro-choice sanct wear next. ce i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> mike: tiger woods announcing his return to golf. the 45-year-old golf legend will play next weekend in orlando, florida. talk about a hot ticket now. with his 12-year-old son charlie. this will be tiger's first golf tournament since losing his leg in a california car crash back in february. amazing. >> sandra: amazing how far he's come. a lot of people are shocked. i think the greatest story from all of this is the relationship he has with his son. 12 years old. he is a fantastic golfer and fun to watch both together. we will. the future of roe v. wade is in the hands of the supreme court with the decision due next year. california officials will take action before that. governor gavin newsom is reimbursing people coming to california seeking an abortion. california is acting on this before the court made a decision? >> that's right. they are not waiting. they want to promote themselves as pro-choice in california as an abortion sanctuary. governor newsom said we will be a sanctuary for out of staters to come into california if roe v. wade is overturned. california will keep abortion in the state. it's known as a liberal state. this is possible if the supreme court overturns roe v. wade. last week the 9 justices heard a case out of mississippi challenging the 15 week abortion law which contradicts roe v. wade. if roe is overturned that doesn't mean abortions will be illegal in 50 states. each state will have a different rule. in democrat california expect the procedure to continue. a new report discusses the possibility of paying out of state women to come to california to receive an abortion. the report says these funds are needed for practical support for patients for gas, lodges and child care and food and lost wages. state senator a democrat from california is behind this push. here's what she said. >> i work and provided critical services to women in a reproductive health clinish. i saw women who needed abortions. >> some of the plan discussed a california pro-life group tells fox news this is unacceptable using taxpayer money to bring out of state women in for abortion. >> sandra: david, thank you. >> mike: fox news alert. white house briefing set to begin any moment. and democrat leaders in major cities across the u.s. deny the crime crisis. one state confirmed a top prosecutor who promised not to prosecute several crimes. >> sandra: joe will join us live top of the hour. and larry kudlow, senator josh pauley and another person coming up in a jam-packed hour. art move when you bought your home. now make another one and turn your equity into cash. with the newday 100 va loan you can take out up to $60,000 or more. veteran homeowners- with home values at all-time highs and rates at near all-time lows now's the time to do more with your home equity. veterans are calling newday at a record pace to take advantage of the newday 100 va loan. you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value to upgrade the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with an average cash out amount of $60,000, you can do more. i have something for you. 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>> it's extremely important. imagine the audacity and the arrogance of larry tell his community we don't have a problem with crime while they experience the highest numbers of murders in recorded history. he didn't apologize for what he said or his liberal policies that led to this violent crime rate. he said i am sorry i didn't choose my words better. where is the empathy for what is going on? he should do everybody a favor and resign. this is a pattern of what is got on the in the left. omar still wants to defund the police despite the fact that minneapolis voters said they don't want that and the homicide rate is up 65% in minneapolis. she won'tac agthe problem. and aoc says we don't have a problem with retail theft. we see videos daily of looting in department stores. they think the american public is stupid. >> mike: a lot of folks who were calling for defunding the police or sending in social workers instead of cops did not live in the neighborhood that were so hard hit? >> of course not. they don't live in those neighborhood and representative omar still kept a private security force. they saw an increase in crime in the neighborhoods. there has been a toxic cocktail shoved down the throats of the american public of prosecutors letting repeat violent offender out. bail reform is a disaster. [audio breaking up]. the suspects who burned down the fox christmas tree he was out while the tree was still smoking because he got zero bail. we are seeing a huge increase in violent crimes. 20,000 murders in 2020 and in 2021 outpacing. this has to stop. >> sandra: what do we do? we see the problem. we acknowledge the problem. it's getting worse by the day. 2 minute warning for the white house press briefing. she will likely take a question on this. she has almost daily. joe, if republicans were to take back control, lindsey graham was on this program yesterday and predicted a wipe out in the mid-term elections. so many police have retired. the morale is down. >> yes, it's in the tank. we are at a fork in the road. on one path we can go chaos and the other path law and order. the way we fix this is the way we did over the last 20 years. the american police officers delivered historic crime reduction. embrace the rule of law and prosecute violent criminals and need republicans to run for district attorneys and make sure that people in their local races support candidates on a platform of law and order. >> sandra: that's not an overnight fix. >> no, it is not. this country is worth saving. our communities are worth saving. we can't continue to see people being murdered in the street. if we care about all of our communities, we have to do what is best and have law and order to be successful. >> mike: folks in new york city elected a former police officers to be the next mayor. is that a step in the right direction? >> any change from mayor bill de blasio is a positive. he's been a train wreck. took the best and safest city in america and turned it into a cesspool. the murder rate is up over 40%. i hope the new mayor who ran on a platform of law and order will institute policies the nypd used a few years ago to deliver those historic crime reduction and embrace the same policies and bring that city back to where people feel safe visiting there. >> sandra: joe gamaldi, appreciate you joining us. a serious problem. a lot of change could be coming. we are looking at the white house awaiting the white house press briefing. brian will talk about the economy. the white house is taking a victory lap on the job numbers. larry kudlow, jen psaki will begin shortly. i want to dig into what we are about to hear and have you react to it. you just heard from the new york city mayor. >> eric adams spoke to the police athletic league lunch. the biggest crowd we have ever had. hundreds of new york business people. a very strong talk on crime and law and order. it's stuff he's been saying all long think. -- along. no change. we'll be sworn in a couple of weeks. >> we are about to hear from the white house. brian, a job you know there. advising the president on the economy. they are touting the drop in the jobless claims to the lowest since 1969. before we dip in here, what do you think? ron klain the chief of staff said the general public and media are not acknowledging how strong the biden economy is. >> i don't know that's true. he is correct about the unemployment claims. only 184,000. that's a really super low number. continuing claims are down. you are close to full employment. it's a tight laker market. -- labor market. wages are going up. 6% inflation and 184,000 unemployment claims, why do we need 4 or 5 trillion dollars of new spending? that's what manchin said at the "wall street journal" conference 2 days ago. we don't need that money. it will make inflation worse and will damage the economy in a year or so. >> sandra: on that point, i don't hear from the white house highlighting the 11 million job openings going unfilled. it's hard to get people to even file an application. >> that's true. i want to be very objective. >> sandra: that's why you are here. >> i know something about this job having held it before. job openings are huge. you are right. 11 million. there is plenty of work to be had in you want to have it. now, the labor forces growing. last month's job report seemed bad but it wasn't. seasonal adjustments. 1.1 million people went back to work. unemployment is coming down. wages are going up. it's a very strong jobs market. we are not giving unemployment assistance benefits. that's good. hopefully this bill will be killed and we won't have people getting welfare without any work there. >> sandra: talking about that right now. >> we don't want to spend more and more money to not work. i want work fair. eligibility requirements. able bodied people should go to work. if you leave it alone, they will. if you stop all of this social spending they will go back to work. that's what america is all about. working folks. the wages are raising. that's an inducement to work. maybe we won't raise taxes. it's a strong market, but it's very strong inflation. it's an inflationary boom. we do not need another 4 or 5 trillion dollars of federal spending. i say that all the time. save america and kill the bill. i go back to what manchin said 2 days ago. all of world war ii and the martial plan to renovate europe was 4.7-trillion dollars in today's dollars. if this build back better goes through, we will have spent in the past 18 months 5.7-trillion dollars. let's get this right. 5.7-trillion dollars now but only needed 4.7 trillion dollars for the entire 5 year world war ii martial plan. does that sound right to you. it did not sound right to me or manchin. people know we don't need this social spending. we don't need to destroy our fossil fuel industry. we don't need to be taxing businesses. i will be factual. he is correct. 184,000 initial claims. the lowest probably in the history of the earth. i love it when people go to work. >> sandra: i am trying to play listening to both of you at the same time. he just said that he is touting we returned to an economic growth rate to pre-pandemic level. first of any other country in the world to do so. >> that may be true. that may be true. again, factually. i will say something -- i don't know him. >> sandra: we call him and invite him on the show and he doesn't come on the show. >> it's a hard job he's got. i want to say what biden never acknowledged. the trump administration handed them a very strong v-shaped recovery. they say they inherited a recession. that's incorrect. third and 4th quarter last year and first quarter this year. 14% growth. it slowed down some. it's strong now. is it the best recovery around the world? i don't know that specifically. but it could be. it's an inflationary boom. i don't need to spend another 5 trillion dollars. >> sandra: now they are saying a declining gas price situation. they have come down a few pennies. the national average is over a buck over a year ago. art was on this program yesterday. we talked about the 11 million open jobs and 4.2 million americans with the quit rate leaving their jobs. >> that's a good thing. >> sandra: explain. >> the quit rate goes up when jobs are plentiful and good wages. >> sandra: right. >> you shop around and look for a better offer. when the quit rate collapses, that's a sign of recession. when the quit rate goes up. that's a sign of recovery. alan greenspan said that. >> sandra: i heard the other day a congressman said ask larry kudlow about this. it was about natural gas leverage with the nord stream-2 pipeline. michael walt. can we play that quickly? we will get to the white house for questions in a moment. >> [silence]. >> sandra: do we have it? okay. i was told we have it it. they will load it. he was making the point. ask larry kudlow about energy during the trump years. what is happening today. a different conversation. we were talking about the russia and ukraine border. when you look at the changing energy environment, are we in a totally different situation today than we were during your years the trump years? >> well, the policies have been reversed. it's a war against fossil fuels. we are 2 million barrels a day short of oil production. we were running 13 million barrels per day before the pandemic. as the economy collapsed during the pandemic, that number dropped to 11 million barrels per day. demand has shot back up. we just talked about the strong economy. the supply of oil has not. we are still doing only 11 million of barrels per day. that's not good. that's one of the key reasons why the global price of crude oil has shot up from $40 a barrel. then to 85. now about 70. not enough supply to meet rising demand. if you wage war against the producers they won't produce. >> sandra: if i were to wrap what you just said, you are giving credit. the economy is doing well on many different metrics. you say kill the bill and get out of the way and let this economic recovery what happen. if you have a question for brian, what would it be? >> why do you want another 5 trillion dollars of spending? we gave you a good economy on a silver platter. if it ain't broke, don't fix it. >> sandra: he was asked about inflation. let's listen here. larry kudlow will stay with us. >> what may expend in a typical month. 60% of the costs fall into housing, healthcare, prescription drugs, and child care and transportation. that's the bulk of the family's budget is made up of. on each of those areas the legislation that the president prioritized and is moving through congress would reduce those costs. if that is the debate and the question, how can we address those costs families are facing. the build back better would do more to lower costs than any legislation in modern american history. we are enthuseastic about making that case. >> it appears that factors pushing inflation up ward will linger well into next year. do you believe inflation is more entrenched and not transitory? >> we believe that price increases elevated at the level we are seeing hit american families in their pocketbooks. we need to address those directly. we believe that the strength of our economic recovery and labor market and wage increases and the steps we have taken to provide some relief to american families position our economy and american house holds well to address a global issue around the supply chain. >> will these increased prices last until next year? >> i won't get into the prediction business. i will echo what i noted at the beginning. most outside independent forecasters see price increases modeerating over the course of next year. >> sandra: larry kudlow's reaction? >> in quick terms. you can't just break down the cpi. what you look at is the defogs -- defussion of price increases. all price are rising. that's the problem. the build back better bill, child care costs are going to go way up. daycare center costs going way up. their attack on fossil fuels. oo it started with the infrastructure bill and growsine more. those costs are going up. you won't run an economy without home heating which is natural gas, oil and electricity. all of those costs are going up because of the bill. another mistake they are making. they just doubled the tariffs on canadian soft wood when will filter into housing prices which are already sky high. those are specific micro-areas where they disagree with my predecessor. the other point is the fed. if they reappoint powell and give him plenty of rope, i hope he doesn't hang us or himself. he has to end easing and start raising short term rates. >> sandra: the markets will love it. >> they will love it but maybe not in the short term. save america and kill the bill. >> sandra: see you at 4 o'clock. >> mike: fascinating economic discussion. we are waiting for jen psaki to take questions. the white house under fire on many fronts. we will take you there when it happens. why hide your skin if dupixent has your moderate to severe eczema or atopic dermatitis under control? 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>> our view is that the child tax credit is a really important basic support for families. we should extend it because it's doing what we hoped it would do. which is dramatically reduce child poverty in america and give families some breathing room if a very strong but uncertain recovery. it's the president position we should do that. we can do that. i would unscore we can do as part of build back better in a way that is paid for and won't add to inflation. >> mike: that's jacqui heinrich asking brian about the latest economic numbers and in terms of unemployment and taking a victory lap. >> sandra: we the get back to the white house when jen psaki is under way. a lot of big questions on the way. >> mike: that include foreign policy. a top u.s. military official in china. senator josh holly joining us. is it your position that the biden administration is more worried about people's pronounce than national security measures like china and taiwan. >> i think that's fair. he was talking about white rage and urging cadets to read up on anti-racism and critical race theory. you talk about misplaced priorities. we have seen which across the board. china is poised to gobble up taiwan. it would be a disaster for us. what is the biden administration doing? not much. it's time they focus. >> mike: you proposed 2 pieces of legislation to help taiwan one that would provide $3 billion in defenses to help its arsenal against china. what are are hearing from colleagues? >> i hope it's something we can get bipartisan support. the best thing to do for taiwan is to help taiwan defend itself. taiwan needs to stand up to china and resist any attempt by china to take over the island. it's critical we act now. the united states can't be in a position to bail out every nation in every circumstance. we can help those nations resisting regimes to fight for themselves. that's what we should do with taiwan. >> mike: the president has had high-profile calls with vladimir putin. we believe he is speaking now with the leader of ukraine. are you convinced the president is giving the right messages to world leaders about the hot spots around the world? >> no, because he is sending conflicting messages. nobody knows what joe biden's policy is including joe biden. ukraine the right thing to do would have been to help them so they could defend themselves. now what is happening. we have russia, poised to invade ukraine. the biden administration doesn't know what to do. european allies are not stepping up to the plate. we should send a clear message we will help ukraine defend itself and expect the europeans to step up and do more for their own security. that's not the message joe biden is sending. he is all over the map. it's not clear who is in charge ever anything at the white house. >> mike: the annual defense bill before the senate included a provision for a female draft. is that part of the woke priorities? >> it's part of their misguided prioritieses. let's expand the draft and target women 19 to 21 years old? it's crazy. if that passes in the senate they will have to take a vote on an amendment by me putting everybody on the record as to where they standing on drafting our daughters, sisters and wives. the democrats caved. that's out of the bill. time to refocus on national security needs. >> mike: president biden hosting an online summit for democracy over zoom. should the commander-in-chief be going abroad to meet with our allies? >> absolutely. he needs to be sending a very clear message about the world security situation which is this. our priority has to be china. china is the number 1 economic threat to us and the number 1 military threat to us. we have to focus our efforts there. we need to ask our allies in europe to do more in their own defense. that's the career message that joe biden needs to be sending. he is doing anything but. >> mike: if our adversaries don't report president biden is there something he can do to turn that around? >> hold accountable the people who planned the disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan. tyrants around the world watched what happened in afghanistan and said the american president is not up to the job. he didn't know what he is doing. his administration was in disarray and nobody has been held accountable. >> mike: senator josh holly from missouri, thanks for your time. >> sandra: verdict watch in the jussie smollett trial. up next live at the courthouse with deliberations under way. could get a verdict at any moment. berty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ is struggling to manage your type 2 diabetes knocking you out of your zone? lowering your a1c with once-weekly ozempic® can help you get back in it. oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! my zone... lowering my a1c, cv risk, and losing some weight... now, back to the game! ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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>> no, the jury has been back in the deliberation room for 6 hours. 4 hours today and 2 hours yesterday. we have not heard of any questions or difficulties. rather quiet in the courthouse. yesterday before the jury left they wanted a copy of the prosecutions calendar that had x-marks on days the prosecution said things happened. jussie smollett will come to the courthouse when a verdict is announced. every day he walked into the courthouse locked this arms with his elderly mother and brothers and sisters and supporters. 6 times the police said he lied about hate crimes because he is black and gay and aggravated battery because his attackers wore mask. he needs constitutional warriors in the deliberation room today. challenging the jury to believe that smollett did not lie and was a victim. the prosecution said smollett not only lied to the police but to them under oath. he faces up to 3 years in prison and the possibility of prognosis and community service. >> mike: matt, thank you very much. >> sandra: president biden is in the market for a new car. more than half a million new cars to be specific. taxpayers would foot the bill. it's the executive heard to cut 65% of the government's carbon emissions by 2030 and carbon neutral by 2050. that remains replacing the government's vehicles with electric ones helping force private industry to make more green ♪♪ author of the false alarm. how climate change will cost us trillion dollars. you said that there are alarmists hurting the cause. you highlight climate change but say we are handling this all wrong and throwing the money at the problem is not the solution. what do you think about president biden's plan to force this on us? >> sandra, you are right. global warming is a problem. he is right in saying there are some things that need to be tackled. throwing money at it and saying we will buy things not effective to make them cheaper. that's not how you make them cheaper. you make them cheaper through innovation. the problem is green energy is too expensive. china and india don't want to take it over. that's why most rich countries buy a little to feel good about themselves. we will only convince everyone once green energy is cheaper than fossil fuels. that's what biden should focus on. >> sandra: the president driving around in a hummer electric vehicle is not the way to solve this? you wrote pieces in the "new york post" and you are getting a lot of attention. you say innovate. people want to do something about this problem, but to your point, the reason it's not being taken up is it's just too darn expensive. his order buy clean calls for the government to use 100% clean electricity by the year 2030. do you see that happening? you often write about what you are say are artificial deadlines just to get attention. this is one of the most common environmental tactics and it's not working. >> no, it's not. it's not like biden will be around in 2030 to see this through. at the latest he would be out as president in '29. you would have a lot of other conferences and several presidents before we get to the final date in 2050. people won't accept these high charges. from studying new zealand this would cost the average american $15,000 per person per year. a new study shows just getting part of the way will cost every american $6,000 a year and possibly twice as much. there are really costs. people are not willing to pay that. again, we should spend some money because it's a real problem. but we should spend it smartly. that money is spend on inovation rather than buying stuff that is not effective. >> sandra: almost every climate has been branded the last chance. setting artificial deadlines don't work. you say we were told for a half century that time has run out. that fear mongering is not helping the cause. final thoughts? >> well, fundamentally, it's something that a lot of people like to say. remember back in the first environmental summit that the u.n. held in 1972, we were told the world has just 10 years left to avoid catastrophe. that's what we have been told ever since. it's not true. it scares your kids witless. if you are scared and panicked you are likely to make bad decisions to do something right now. the reality is we have to do something that makes it possible for everyone and especially china, india and africa to follow suit. the u.s. is rich enough to say let's spend extra money. these governments have more important priorities like lifting their populations out of poverty. >> sandra: rushing out to buy a $50,000 electric vehicle for u.s. families dealing with high grocery and gas bills is not a top priority. thank you. jensen beach holding her daily briefing. brian concluded his thoughts. we will listen to jen psaki here. >> including supporting free and independent media. fighting corruption. advancing technology for democracy. defending free and fair elections. we will have a call to give you more information. colleen, kick us off. >> thank you. [muffled audio]. do you have an update on the president's call with zelensky? there were a couple of reports last night about [inaudible]? or military action in regards to the [inaudible]? >> sure. let me start with the first one. when i came out here the president was still on the call. our plan was to provide a written readout to all of you. you will get following the briefing when it's ready. i will highlight for you that the president's intention going to this call was to provide an update for president zelensky on his call with putin and underscore our support for ukraine sovereignty and integrity. as secretary blinken did with president zelensky earlier this week. president biden is intending to discuss his deep concerns with russia's build-up on ukraine's border and his commitment to respond with strong measures in the event of a russian military escalation. we engaged with the ukrainians. the president provided an update to the eastern countries with a personal readout of his call with president putin to hear their perspective on the current security situation and underscore our commitment to trans-atlantic security and nato allies and to stay in close coordination. we will get you a readout as soon as that is complete. the iran question, i have an update for you. we said many times from this podium, president biden is committed to ensuring iran never acquires nuclear weapons and believes diplomacy is the best path to achieve that goal. we believe diplomatic resolution offers a best path to avoid a nuclear crisis. the president asked his team to be prepared in the event that diplomacy fails. we made clear to iran that the only path out ever sanction size through nuclear compliance. we kept all of the sanctions we inherited in place and enforced sanctions presenting the clear path of their remutual. if diplomacy can't get on track soon and in iran's nuclear program accelerates, we will take additional measures. i won't get into additional specifics i will can provide you an update on the coordinations we are doing on the international front. a senior treasury official will lead a delegation to talk about compliance and focus on engagements with the private sector to discuss their understanding of the companies and financial institutions. this trip follows a range of conversations that our national security advisor jake sullivan had in october and rob and bret had in november and the treasure secretary also had in november. this is part of our extended out reach to our partners around the world to ensure we are preparing for a range of contingencies. >> how long will this continue? >> i won't present a deadline today. we presented a diplomat path forward. that is still open. based on the outcoming of the last china talks and the advancepts in nuclear's fatalities in iran, it's meant to be a preparation. >> do you have any updates on the president's meeting and who attended? >> what the president was referring to is a range of discussions and engagements we are having today. there are a number of nato partners and we will follow-up. we expect that to continue as well. it was not meant to be an indication ever concessions made or any formal formatses. more about the commitment to on-going engagement. >> you don't know what vladimir putin's next move is. whether he made up his mind whether or not he will invade ukraine. the russia president. the situation in the ukraine resembles genocide. is that an escalation? >> it is russians are known for their rhetorical escalations and known for their ways of providing misinformation around the world. within eastern flank countries. we have to take their own efforts to communicate with the public with a grain ever salt. the aggression here is on the russian side. the military build-up is on the russian side. there is a diplomatic path forward. our president's objective was to convey that clearly and also there would be consequences. they would be significant and severe. we will coordinate with our european patterson on that. -- partners on that. i am not a spokesperson for the kremlin and i take their words with a grain of >> just a question on ukraine becoming a member of nato. it's been out there but there hasn't been any decision on that. what is the united states' position on that? does the president generally support ten largement of nato or does he want the alliance to add new members? what is his position? >> the president has spoken to this in the past. there's requirements that any country -- the president supports any country aspiring to join nato. he supports ukraine. there's certain requirements that they need to meet including corruption and other topics. it's up to nato to decide the path. >> the biggest member of the alliance, what is the u.s. telling nato on this issue, specifically and is the president offering any assurances to president zelensky? >> no, the president's message is clear. he supports the aspiration of ukraine and a range of countries

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Peace , Joy , Hope , Fox News , Toy Soldier , Number , Thoughts , Tree , Go Us , Metaphor , America Reports , 1 , Sandra Smith , Jurors , Actor , Verdict , Hate Crime Attack , Deliberations , Evening , Lighting , Jussie Smollett Trial , Report , Alert , John Roberts , Details , Chicago , Leaders , Out Of Control , Bail , New York , Mike Emanuel , Mayors , Blame , News Conference , Washington , Crime , Crisis , Record , Cities , Homicides , Smash , Lawlessness , 12 , Violence , Priority , Safety , Michigan Avenue , Sheriff , There , L A County , Department Reports Murders , Los Angeles , Fox Team Coverage , Jonathan Hunt , 45 , 2020 , Home , Residents , Robberies , Doorsteps , Spate , District Attorney , None , Stores , Fault , Justice , Tone , System , Smash And Grab , Policies , L A County Sheriff , Responsibility , People , Consequences , Crimes , Message , Community , Risk , Nonsense , Facing , Effort , Pig , Dad , Response , Comment , Terms , Word , Breath , Room , Others , Law Enforcement , Laughter , Intake , D A S , All Of You , Way , One , Law Enforcement Officials , Thanks , Wall Street Journal , Columnist Bill , Tears , Eyes , Crime Crisis , Philadelphia , Murders , Great American , Happening , Democrats , Course , Lightfoot , Murder Rate , Many , Washington D C , Marion Berry , Tourists , Reason , Attention , Sails , Sales , Guys , Messages , Mid Terms , Punishing Americans , Program , Party , Polling , Lindsey Graham , Republicans , Congress Doesn T , Police , Elections , Seat , Couple , Movement , Thing , Approach , Tragedy , Question , Power , District Attorneys , Authorities , Bill , City , Statement , Statements , Reaction , Job , Sound Bites , Answers , Obligation , 100 , Problem , Murder , Wrong , Gaffe , Definition , Truth , Matter , Wording , Worgd , Wording D , Treats , Answer , Credit , Spectrum , Felt , Growsine , Joe Manchin , Jury , Prosecution , Exhibit , Calendar , 3 , 2 , Jury Smollett , Woman , Black Man , Oath , List , Alternate , Bench , Video , Brothers , Hoax , Beat , Camera , World , Defense , Scheme , Doesn T Like Attention , Group , Court , Activists , Jussie Smollett , Judge , Point , Claims , Unemployment , Labor Department , 184000 , 50 , Country , Jobs , Labor Department Data , Something Else , 1969 , 11 Million , Numbers , Economy , White House , Some , Drop , Larry Kudlow Will Dig , Things , Lot , Labor Environment , Landscape , Win , Shifting , Gunmen , Beach , Jet Skis , Cancun , Lives , Troops , Mexican , On Tuesday Biden , Child Care Plan , Schools , Homeowners , Smart Move , Values , Cash , Veteran , Highs , Newday 100 Va Loan , Equity , 0000 , 60000 , Rates , Advantage , Value , Veterans , Home Equity , Lows , Pace , Calling Newday , Security , Bank , Grandkids , Pool , Kitchen , Amount , Xfinity , Family , Sing 2 , Sing , Tickets , Tunes , Movie , Theaters , Sing Karaoke , Fandango , , Members , Rewards , App , A Million , Ukraine , Border , Zelensky , Russia , Phone , 100000 , Faith , Vladimir Putin , Lawmakers , Pill , Organizations , Build , Superintendent , Child Care Providers , Shutout , Arch Diocese Of Boston , Senator , Concerns , Protections , Spending , Part , Liberty , Childhood , Education , Basis , Stays , 00 Billion , 400 Billion , Groups , Result , 30 , Child Care , Services , Order , Secular , U S Senate , Liberals , Preschool , Republican Leader , Providers , Mitch Mcconnell , Clip , Funds , Facility , Tosses , Daycare Industry , Catholic School , Institution , Authority , Accusations , Principal , Someone , Oregon , Goal , Girls Schools , Access , Religion , Boys , Market , Set , Half , Control , Flip Flopping , Decision , Parents , Institutions , Options , Option , Ally , Senator Manchin , Side , Vote , Agenda , Supporter , Guy , West Virginia , Split , Rest , Manchin Sides , It , Kids , Mind , Boston , Perspective , Thomas Carol , Situation , Meeting , Middle , Cancun Beach , Tim Scott , Phil Keating , Cover , Tourism , Jet Skis Storm A Hotel Beach , Tourist , Triggers , Men , 5 , Nobody , Safe , Soldiers , Air , Star 400 A Night Oasis Palm , 4 , 00 , 400 , Drug Gang Turf War , Winter , Friendly , It Appeareded , The Show , Shooting , Sky , Shots , Shore Line , 6 , 55 , Hotel Beach , Hotel Zone , Rival Drug Gang , Cry , Yes , Warning , Drug Cartels , South , U S State Department , Cross Fire , Planing , Caution , Mexican Riveria , Irs , Measure , Accounts , Individual , Citizens , Election , 800000 , President , Congress , Voting , Times , City Elections , Dose , Migraine Medicine , Migraine , Tracks , Ubrelvy , Why Don T , Story , Side Effects , Nausea , Experts , Livelihood , Windshield , Safelite , Inhibitors , Tiredness , My Truck Is , Cyp3 , Girl , Gift , Service , Singers , Health , Reports , Safelite Repair , 23 , Season , 29 , 129 , Didn T , Punches , School District , Students , Lawsuits , Behalf , Oxford High School , Survivors Of The Mass Shooting , 00 Million , 15 , 100 Million , Manslaughter Charges , Adult , Terrorism , Involuntitary , Member , Offices , City Council , Council , Anyone , Vote Bill , Resident , State , Officials , Standing , Races , Supporters , Ballots , City Hall , In The City , Say , Representatives , Bill Turning Into Law , Bill Devalues , Citizenship , Thousands , Impacts , Opponents , Impact , Outcome , Difficulties , Stunning Story , Citizen , Interest , People Voting , Bank Accounts , Issue , Americans For Tax Reform , Grover , Tens Of Millions American , Biden Proposal , Anything , Data Forever , Warrant , Snooping , Committee , 87 Million , Privacy , Perm Insanitily , Information , Sandra , Joint Committee On Taxation , Taxpayers , 400000 , 59 , 00000 , Iris , Data , Audits , Wing , Tens Of Thousands Americans , Something , Person , Top , Head , Project , Nothing , Arrests , Tax Keeper , Crickets , Analysis , Jason Smith , Policy , Worker , Saying , Ebay , Subject , Uber , Scrutny , W 2 , Families , Transparency , Legislation , Schumer , Breather , Advocates Pelosi And Biden , Idea , Chance , Wall , Out Today Doesn T , Bills , Plan , Tax Cheats , Banks , Face , Memo , Criticism , Term Limits , Level , Transaction , Books , Wealthy Americans , Agency , Financial Crimes Enforcement Network , 10000 , Businesses , 80 Billion , 80 Billion Dollars , Target , Stories , Rich , Wealthy , Obama , Support , Folks , Republicanses , Targeting Groups , Omen , Voting Block , Congressman , Sanct Wear Next , Beyond , Boost , Call , Type 2 Diabetes , Everywhere , Sulfonylurea , Blood Sugar , Ways , Stop Rybelsus , You Are My Sunshine , Sunshine , Don T Take Rybelsus , Three , A1c , Sugar , Food , Isn T , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Majority , 7 , Vision Problems , Changes , Lump , Stomach Pain , Provider , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Help , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , 0 , 10 , Table , Flavors , Dishes , Kevin , Cashbacking , Holidays , What S Going On , Gonna Cashback On A , Chase Freedom Unlimited , Oooh , More , Big Time , Snowglobe , Holiday Tradition , Vaccine Mandate , John Tester , Thinking , Mandate , House Of Representatives , No Doubt , Resistance , Biden Agenda , Voters , Voting Group , Congresswoman , Florida , Gains , Preference , Hispanic , Parties , Minority , Undecided , 22 , 37 , Population , 20 , 60 Million , Law , Tax , Disney World , Phrase , God Fearing , Stupid , Life , Generation , Mobility , Bartender , Rags To Riches , Administration , Bar , Owner , Hispanics , Reasons , Immigration Reform Law , Football , It S Time , Force , 2008 , Possibility , Wall Street , Interests , Trump , Pole , Rematch , Issues , 2024 , 63 , Only In America , Accent , Pockets , Halls , Example , Hood , Miami , Left , Grandchildren , Socialists , Future , The Pursuit Of Happiness , God , Central America , Summit , Democracy , Sense , Immigration Crisis , Topic , Left Out , Allies , Governments , Back Yard , El Salvador , Honduras , Guatemala , Foreign Policy , Pay , Slap , Disconnect , Tous , Terrorists , Dems , Countries , Consideration , Come On , Philippines , Pakistan , Bin Laden , Conversation , Center , Them , Larry Kudlow , Touch , Bad News , Hands , Roe V Wade , U S Supreme Court , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Don T , Ce , Woooooo , Wooo , Yeaa , 665 , 665 Dollars , Turn , Hang On , Tex , Golf Legend , Return , Golf , Ticket , Son Charlie , Tiger Woods , Orlando , Golf Tournament , Tiger , Leg , Amazing , California Car Crash , Golfer , Relationship , Son , California , Gavin Newsom , Action , Abortion , Staters , Governor , Sanctuary , Abortion Sanctuary , Case , Justices , Mississippi , 9 , States , Abortion Law , Roe , Doesn T Mean Abortions , State Women , Procedure , Rule , Wages , Gas , Patients , Lodges , Push , Women , Reproductive Health Clinish , Taxpayer Money , Abortions , David , Briefing Set , Prosecutor , Joe Will , Josh Pauley , Art Move , Husband Whistles , Wife , Wife Whistles , Financing , Gmc , Energy , Strength , Everyone , Mission , Models , Nutrition , Grade , Vitamins , Minerals , Whoo Hoo , We , 27 , Protein , Jen Psaki , Briefing , Jobs Report , Track , Facts , Rolls On , Questions , Attorney , News Crew , Road Rage , Journalist , Massachusetts , Allegations , Controversy , Complications , Watch , Criminals , Senate Confirmation , Kamala Harris , Tie , Prosecutors , Intent , Drug Possession , Shoplifting , Fire , Crime Surges , Mollie , Rollins , Back , Temperament , Road Rage Incident , Tiebreaker Vote , Margin , Post , Nomination , Ted Cruz , Confirmation , Biden Approximate July , Texas , Silence , Pledge , Run , Charges , Drugs , Arrest , Misdemeanor , Plans , Accusation , Confirmation Writing , Brian , Homicide , Street , Neighborhood , Spot , July , Old Man , Teddy Bears , Michael Mohammed , Activist , Memorial , Fiance , 51 , Gun Violence , Loss , Son William , Stanley , Muhammad , Out Of Touch , Comments , War Zone , Streets , Humanity , Place , Life Is Good , 2100 , 2019 , 524 , 57 , Mayor , Police Commissioner , Both , Spike , Guns , D A , 47 , Other , Community Safe , Expense , Youth , Bickering , Victims , Network , Coast To , Arrogance , Audacity , Violent Crime Rate , Everybody , Fact , Words , Favor , Empathy , Pattern , Omar , Homicide Rate , Videos , She Won Tac Agthe Problem , Retail Theft , Aoc , Minneapolis , 65 , Public , Department Stores , Sending , Looting , Workers , Representative , Cops , Increase , Security Force , Neighborhoods , Throats , Cocktail , Disaster , Suspects , Offender , Audio Breaking Up , Bail Reform , Fox Christmas Tree , Violent Crimes , Zero , 2021 , 20000 , Back Control , Press Briefing , Path , Road , Morale , Tank , Chaos , Law And Order , Police Officers , Crime Reduction , Rule Of Law , Candidates , Platform , Saving , Communities , Fix , The Street , Change , Positive , Step , Bill De Blasio , Best , Direction , Train Wreck , Cesspool , Nypd , Ran , Who , 40 , Joe Gamaldi , Victory Lap , Lunch , Crowd , Hundreds , Police Athletic League , Eric Adams , Think , Business People , Talk , Stuff , Lowest , Media , Ron Klain , Unemployment Claims , Inflation , Labor Market , Employment , Laker Market , Conference , 5 Trillion Dollars , 5 Trillion , Spend Extra Money , Application , Job Openings , Work , Forces , Jobs Market , Adjustments , 1 Million , Benefits , Assistance , Welfare , Eligibility Requirements , Work Fair , Inducement , Raising , Working Folks , Boom , Taxes , Save America , World War Ii , Europe , 18 , 4 7 Trillion , 4 7 Trillion Dollars , 5 7 Trillion , 5 7 Trillion Dollars , Right , Martial Plan , Sound , Fossil Fuel Industry , History , Earth , Growth Rate , Listening , Him , Recovery , Recession , Growth , 14 , Gas Price , Quit Rate , Average , Art , Pennies , Buck , 4 2 Million , Sign , Quit Rate Collapses , Offer , Alan Greenspan , Natural Gas , Leverage , Nord Stream , Pipeline , Michael Walt , The Point , Ask , Fossil Fuels , War , Changing Energy Environment , Barrels , Pandemic , Oil Production , 2 Million , 13 Million , Supply , Oil , Demand , Price , Barrel , Crude Oil , 70 , 85 , Producers , Metrics , It Ain T , Silver Platter , Costs , Housing , Prescription Drugs , Healthcare , Transportation , Bulk , 60 , Debate , Each , Budget , Areas , Factors , American History , Inflation Up Ward , Pocketbooks , Hit American , Relief , Wage , Increases , Prices , Supply Chain , Prediction Business , Modeerating , Forecasters , Price Increases , Defogs , Cpi , Defussion , Child Care Costs , Infrastructure Bill , Attack , Daycare Center , Electricity , Home Heating , Mistake , Housing Prices , Soft Wood , Making , Sky High , Canadian , Powell , Predecessor , Rope , Easing , Fed , Markets , Term , Discussion , Fronts , Skin , Eczema , Hitting Eczema , It Counts , Under Control , Moderate , Atopic Dermatitis , Dupixent , Adults , Itch , Anaphylaxis , Eye Problems , Reactions , Doctor , Vision Changes , Eye Pain , Infection , Eczema Specialist , Don T Change , Asthma Medicines , Feels , Kind , Nutrients , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Two , Man , Gifts , Surprise , Buick , Massaging Seat , Holiday Lights , Technology , Steering Wheel , Mom , Head Up Display , Alexa , You , Can T Wait To Unwrap , Ancestry , Holiday , Walk , Nose , White House Press Secretary , Groceries , Opportunity , Most , Prosperity , Hasn T , Job Opportunities , Income Distribution , Household Income , Balance Sheets , 25 , Child Tax Credit , Recue , Checks , Lower Ends , Account , Basisine , Challenges , Driving Need , View , Doing , Breathing Room , Child Poverty , Won T , Add , Jacqui Heinrich , Official , U S Military , Josh Holly , China , Position , Taiwan , Rage , Urging , Cadets , Race Theory , Priorities , Board , Pieces , Defenses , Colleagues , Hearing , Arsenal , Billion , 3 Billion , Attempt , Island , Nations , Nation , Regimes , Circumstance , Calls , Leader , World Leaders , Spots , Plate , Doesn T Know , Defense Bill , Charge , Map , Draft , Provision , Misguided Prioritieses , Passes , Amendment , 21 , 19 , Biden Hosting , Sisters , Daughters , Wives , National Security Needs , Commander In Chief , Zoom , Efforts , Threat , Military Threat , Career Message , Our Adversaries Don T Report , Withdrawal , Tyrants , Afghanistan , Disarray , Missouri , Courthouse , Berty Mutual , Throwback , Don T Take Ozempic , Weight , Zone , Oh , Cv Risk , Game , Heart Attack , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Events , Death , Heart Disease , Stroke , Pens , Share , Needles , Stop Ozempic , Reuse , Insulin , Study , Health Care Provider , Reductions , Medicines , Medicine , Pain , Pain Severity , Quality , Salonpas Patch , Salonpas , Deliberation Room , Signs , Matt , Copy , Prosecutions Calendar , Hate Crimes , Mother , Arms , Brothers And Sisters , Smollett , Attackers , Deliberation Room Today , Mask , Battery , Warriors , Victim , Prognosis , Prison , Community Service , Car , Cars , Government , Carbon Emissions , Executive , Carbon Neutral , 2030 , 2050 , Industry , Vehicles , Ones , Climate Change , Alarm , Author , Alarmists , Cause , Solution , Innovation , India , Little , Biden Should Focus On , Hummer Electric Vehicle , Innovate , New York Post , Deadlines , Tactics , Presidents , Conferences , New Zealand , 5000 , 15000 , 6000 , 000 , Climate , Buying Stuff , Inovation , Artificial Deadlines Don T Work , Fear Mongering , Catastrophe , U N , 1972 , Reality , Decisions , Kids Witless , Suit , Africa , Populations , Electric Vehicle , Poverty , Grocery , 50000 , Jensen Beach Holding , Fighting Corruption , Advancing Technology For Democracy , Colleen , Muffled Audio , Update , Military Action , Regards , Inaudible , Written Readout , Intention , Putin , Integrity , Sovereignty , Secretary Blinken , Event , Commitment , Measures , Escalation , Ukrainians , Russian Military , Readout , Security Situation , President Putin , Atlantic Security , Nato , Coordination , Podium , Iran , Diplomacy , Weapons , Resolution , Team , Sanctions , Compliance , Size , Specifics , Remutual , Iran S Nuclear Program , Treasury Official , Coordinations , Front , Delegation , Engagements , Companies , Understanding , Sector , Trip , Range , Jake Sullivan , Conversations , Treasure Secretary , November , Bret , Rob , Partners , Reach , Diplomat Path , Contingencies , Outcoming , Advancepts , Talks , Fatalities , Preparation , Updates , Discussions , Indication , Move , Concessions , Engagement , Formatses , Russians , Escalations , Genocide , Grain , Around The World , Aggression , Salt , Build Up , Objective , Kremlin , Spokesperson , European Patterson , Alliance , Largement , Ten , Requirements , Corruption , Topics , Aspiration , Assurances ,

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