Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream 20240709

the first lawsuit fired on behalf of for businesses in new york city, just one day after the outgoing democratic mayor announcing vaccine mandates for private employers who say they got zero warning and just days to comply. president biden threatening major economic penalties tonigh if russia takes aggressive action against ukraine. we will have the breakdown in this to our virtual summit with ladner boudin. we begin with america's crime crisis and the fallout from wha some prominent progressives are saying about the latest trend o lawlessness. organized smash and grab robberies on the big scale. therese gallagher is on the cas for us tonight come alive from our west coast newsroom in la. >> it wasn't long ago that chicago mayor caved to the far left and cut her police department budget, than she started blaming high crime on the pandemic. now, lightfoot has found a new heavy. deck the halls, robbed the malls , it's a common theme across many of america's bigley cities were smash and grab robberies are on the rise. over the weekend along chicago' magnificent mile, police were called back to contain large groups of young people who decided to target a neiman marcus and another separate rat at saks fifth avenue. a day later a university of illinois chicago crime summit concluded these theft rings are now the number one consumer of retailers, in fact the presiden in ceo of the illinois retail a merchants association said stores are now primarily focuse on safety quoting its determining their livelihood, where they're going to locate, whether they're going to locate and their viability, that's how bad this problem has gotten. instead of looking to defend he cities retailers, mayor lightfoot is now blaming them. >> i'm disappointed they're not doing more to take safety and make it a priority. for example there are still retailers that won't institute plans like having security officers in your store, making sure that they've got cameras that are actually operational. locking up their merchandise at night. >> last year lori lightfoot moved to cut $80 million from her police department budget an now those same police officers are being told to cancel their pre- christmas days off to address the current crime problem. so congresswoman aoc might ask what crime pattern. she has cast doubt on the whether the rampant smash and grabs are actually happening. the white house is now distancing itself from the comments made by aoc and hear lightfoot. >> we don't agree and i think our actions and the work that w have had in working with the justice department, the fbi and federal law enforcement show that we take we have seen some of these extreme disturbing videos showing retail thefts in both major retailers as well as the state and local leaders at have can said this is a serious concern. >> while gap he says he wants t prosecute this meshing grab robberies, it's notable that dozens of these suspects have been arrested and have been quickly released because of the zero bail policies. >> also, seeing the increase in crime, a number of big cities, in portland police are telling residents if you call 911, be prepared to wait, what is that about? >> it falls under the category of the careful what you wish for . portland had to big d fund the police pushed back in 2020 and after $50 million budget cut, the department is left with a critical staffing shortage. last year alora and the portlan pd last more than 10 percent of its force, and yesterday the department sent out this tweet quoting due to critical incidents happening today at th portland police staffing shortage, officers are responding to priority one and two calls only right now and response times may be delayed for certain calls. keep in mind priority one into calls are immediate danger to life and major property. portland has already seen a record 70 to homicides this year . it is so bad that far left hear ted wheeler is now pushing for $5 million increase to the police budget to hire more police officers. bottom line is in portland righ now, if you're in a situation that's not life-threatening, you're better off filing a clai online then you are calling 911. >> okay. thank you very much from the west coast in a very so another feed accused against former jeffer upstream confidantes testifying to protect her privacy she described graphic acts she witnessed and also mad to perform on epstein during so-called massages at his palm beach home while she was underage. she testified that she first arrived at the age of 14 and maxwell instructed virginia roberts, and other accuser not expected to testify at the tria to take carolyn upstairs and show her what to do. carolyn said she visited epstei hundreds of times and something happened every single time unti she was 18, with maxwell seeing her naked in a massage room and also touching her inappropriately herself and she says. carolyn testified maxwell calle scheduled the massages and sometimes paid her directly at the end of her visits. maxwell maintains her innocence they say they plan to rest our case in this x trafficking tria this week. the former empire actor back on the witness stand tuesday pushing back on allegations tha he staged a racist attack against himself as testimony concluded in the case. corresponded covering the proceedings tonight from chicago . good evening, matt. >> shannon, he spent two days o the stand he wrapped up today o his way out of court i asked hi what he was thinking and he simply put his fist up in the air. the prosecution has not arrested , the case is scheduled to go to closing arguments on wednesday. on the stand, jussie smollett testified that he has a scar under one eye and a four-minute bruise under another eye from the alleged attack rate special prosecutor dan webb than pushed back and asked him if he was able to watch back his own interview on good morning america a short while after the incident implying that his face was fine he shot back that he had good hollywood hair, makeup and lighting. also in court tuesday he interrupted special prosecutor dan webb as webb was reading verbatim one of his messages that had the n-word and it. he asked webb to spell the n-word allowed out of respect for african-americans in the room webb quickly complied and asked jussie smollett to read his own messages about freight he insists his personal message and phone calls on the night of the attack were about personal training and a 9:30 a.m. workou session the next morning part special prosecutor asked them why none of his messages discussed or canceled that 9:30 a.m. workout session implying that the communication was not, he responded that none of his text messages revealed anything to do with the alleged hoax. also in court, he revealed that don lemon sent him a text message during the investigatio revealing that chicago police were not buying this story, tha never came back on the report again. >> thank you so much. another blow tonight to the president biden adderall vaccin mandate. a federal judge in georgia has issued a nationwide injunction preventing the government from enforcing a vaccine requirement on federal contractors. the judge in savannah said even in times of crisis, this court must reserve the rule of law an ensure that all branches of government act within the bound of their constitutionally granted authority. separate mandates for healthcar workers and for businesses that employ more than 100 people hav also been blocked by federal courts in kentucky, ohio, and tennessee. first in the nation local covid maxine for private companies is coming to new york city. with details and impact of enforcement likely to accelerat endemic and staffing related issues, businesses are already facing and legal challenges certain to extend beyond the current term of lame-duck mayor bill de blasio. good evening, alexis. >> tonight that legal fallout continues as new yorkers are fighting back against this new vaccine mandate. just hours ago at staten island -based law form filing a class action lawsuit on behalf of all unvaccinated workers across new york city. this lawsuit files that announced it meant of the vaccine mandate for the private sector. it's a first mandate of its kin in the nation coming with is he heads out of office. here are the dates you need to know for this rollout on december 14th, new york city requiring kids 5-11 years old show proof of one vaccine dose rate kids will have to show tha prove to get into places like restaurants, movie theaters, an other indoor spaces. under december 27, more sweepin changes. that's the day when everyone 12 and up and also all private sector employees have to show proof of vaccination. this is for employees in the office impacting at least 184,000 businesses. many who say this puts them in tough spot sprayed. >> as a business owner i don't want to be in the position to enforce my employees to do something great i want them to make the decision on their own. obviously the employees are not vaccinated, continue to wear a mask, we do where that guidance fred can get the vaccination rate sitting close to 90 percen this isn't the first term lawsuits have been filed agains the vaccine mandate. >> we have the legal right of the health commissioner to keep the people of this city safe. that is something that has been proven time and time again partly been in court many times on a variety of issues. we have every single time been validated by the courts when th health commissioner believes there is a pressing public health threat that has the ability to act in that situation . >> this new mandate is schedule to take effect for days before the mayor leaves office. >> thank you. so still a lot to get to tonigh spray digging into america's claim crime crisis, and now thi legal fight to ensue, we expect over the new vaccine mandate fo the private sector, bring in former justice prosecutor in former fbi special agent. great to have both of you back. >> thanks for having a spread. >> a lot of discussion about what is causing a spike in crime . some say there isn't a spike in crime, you heard what the congresswoman said about that. here is philadelphia's own district attorney. >> i think it's important that we don't let this become machin implead into the notion there i some kind of a big spike in crime. there isn't. they're is not a big spike in crime. they're is also not a big spike in violent crime. neither one of these things is true. basically, we don't have a crisis of lawlessness. citing those comments, as of monday morning the city had recorded 521 homicides up from 462 at this time last year brit according to the police department shooting incidents are up for .4 percent while robberies with guns are up 24.7 percent. john, what's going on? >> what's going on here is the da is oblivious to what's happening in the city of philadelphia. and purposely so. they're not prosecuting serious offenses committed they have issues with setting bail, and all of that messages to the police as well. law enforcement is not going to go out and investigate crimes o stop crimes that no one wants t prosecute. hence, you're not getting reporting of crimes so he sayin there is no crimes. you know what, if you're not reporting the weather, it doesn't mean it's not raining. it is pouring in philadelphia right now with the problems the are having great to get into chicago to. root cover on a regular basis the scores of shootings and deaths that they have, they are now one of the cities were we'r seeing what appeared to be organized match and grabs, looting in that kind of thing. here is what the chicago mayor said about those businesses who said hey, we need help against this organized looking effort. >> i'm disappointed that they are not doing more to take safety and make it a priority. >> it the wall street journal says this roughly 80 percent of the victims there in chicago ou african-americans which is a bracing reminder who paid the higher prices when crime goes unchecked. any circumstances no mayor should be enclosing health mandates that might reduce the number of police on the streets which we know has been an issue in the number of cities, but sh saying these businesses aren't doing more to protect themselve and you know, we see the number and that is just hard data. >> lori lightfoot is like the proverbial claims that victims for wearing a short skirt. her city is on fire, there are lives being lost every day, every weekend there is a body count like we're in the middle of a war, and all she does is either bring out the race card or blame the victims. chicago is in a spiral, and par of it is because of the leadership of people like lori lightfoot in the states attorne for cook county. they created a culture of lawlessness they created a culture where police have nobod backing them up, so you have a consequent drain on prosecutorial police where the experienced officers, the experience prosecutors say i don't want to be a part of this and they leave. so everything gets worse day by day because of the political leadership. >> the people in those communities who feel unprotecte and are the victims who pay the price, i want to ask about the mandates, and the latest biden federal mandate this one for federal contractors that was pu on hold by an national injunction today. the hill reporting on this talk about the judge, the order blocks a mandate while the case plays out in courts of the challenges are likely to prevai on the claim that biden exceede his authority with the public health measure. federal i generate 18th deadlin to be fully vaccinated by my account, the biden administration at the federal level is not doing well with these mandates for healthcare workers, now this one with federal contractors, what happens next? >> the hill article from my reading tries to make it a very political issue like the evil trump appointees are just going after joe biden. really the constitutional line is pretty clear. local public welfare type determinations are made by loca and state governments and not b the federal government. the federal government can't even reach down to contractors and subcontractors which is wha this for luminary junction is about. i think it underscores the constitutional division. i don't see that biden administration winning many of these national mandates, national vaccination requirements because it's not the constitution. >> we've seen so many of these mandates now in the real world impacting first responders and law enforcement agencies and th ability. john, can you harass? if not, i will send that final question to you, about the fact that this is affecting first responders we saw in chicago where there's been an standoff over this, but many other place fire departments, healthcare workers, police officers, sheriffs deputies, would you think about this part of the equation? >> it's a horrible parts of the whole ongoing crime crisis in big cities. when you essentially mandate these things and have legitimat conscientious objectors in the emergency care folks you are literally taking away the safet of the community on a principle that won't be help upheld on th courts on a federal level. different divisions in the hospital having to close down o turn people away because they say it's mainly a staffing issue . we will see if they try to work that out because we know they are thank you very much, we wil have you back and make sure the audio is fixed and get more tim with you next time. thank you both. >> thank you. >> tensions remain high on the russian border with ukraine following a two hour virtual summit between biden and vladimir putin. the u.s. threatened major economic penalties if russia takes aggressive action, but apparently not threatening military force, let's check in with kevin gorg you get all the details and reaction tonight great good evening. he gave no breakthroughs we're reported after the long conversation however, both side did agree to maintain open line of communication. still the headlines will insist tomorrow that it was biden were imprudent against all the kremlin leader told biden that potential nato outpost on his doorstep in ukraine was completely out of the question. here is the basics of today's exchange. that video call lasted just a tad bit more than two hours. the u.s. saying its allies woul bolster ukraine if russia attacked, hooton says he seekin guarantees of no eastward expansion of nato and both side as i mentioned agreed to continue contact and have their top diplomatic teams consult with each other. here is a key part of the white house official readouts, quote biden voiced the deep concerns of the united states and our european allies about russia's escalation of forces surroundin ukraine and made it clear that the u.s. and our allies would respond with strong economic an other measures in the event of military escalation. so a lengthy conversation with the promise of more possible talks, just enough cooperation to lower the temperature for th moment, at least so hopes the white house. >> all i will say is that the ultimate metric for weather the world is safe or not is tax on the grounds and actions taken i this case by russia. let's see, we are prepared to deal with any contingency as i said that the outside and i'm not going to make predictions o characterizations. >> a very careful jake sullivan at the white house today. to recap, biden warned boudin that the west would impose strong economic and other measures on russia if it invade ukraine while putin demanded that there would be a guarantee that nato not expand further eastward. kevin, thank you very much for it little bit of breaking news for you about the breaking firebird we will get that for you after this break. also a high aptitude and dramatics no dramatic rescue caught on camera. plus, just wants to play fetch with the fedex delivery guy, an the world's tallest christmas tree, but then this happened. more on that next. go with simparica trio it's triple protection made simple! simparica trio is the first and only monthly chewable that covers heartworm disease, ticks and fleas, round and hookworms. dogs get triple protection in just one simparica trio! this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions, including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. protect him with all your heart. simparica trio. these are the faces of listerine. the face of millions of germs zapped in seconds. the face of clean. the face of whoa! some are of intensity, others joy. all are of... various: ahhh... listerine. feel the whoa! every business is on a journey. and along the ride, you'll find many challenges. ♪ your dell technologies advisor can help you find the right tech solutions. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. ♪ it wasn't me by shaggy ♪ you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your 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thanks to the crews who loo like they have just about got that under control. we will continue to track it an let you know when we find out more about what has happened there. it looks like folks are safe an sound for now. first up, the playful lab going viral after door camera footage saw him trying to return a package that had been dropped a his door. t gets very excited when anyone comes to the house, he's very fond of the delivery people the often give him treats and they hang out, what a good boy. total cutie. >> the flights a party for the next arizona, despite having been delayed after facing multiple issues the flight attendant decided to light that move very demonstrated her wrapping powers and we just wan to play a respect. well done. the top part of the world's tallest christmas tree napped off because a 15-mile an hour wind gust dubbed the christ tre this gigantic for is the centerpiece of an event called the one in eden, oklahoma,. the tree originally stood 140 feet tall 63 feet taller then the rockefeller center tre in new york city event organizers say the tree will continue to shine despite experiencing wind damage. up next, mount rescue specialis in spain successfully tracking down a flock of sheep that have been missing for days at real high altitude they were near a cliff on a smoke after mountain the team discovered the 15 shee nearly 8,000 feet into the elevation fortunately, all the little ones we're accounted for and brought down to safety without any injuries to any sheep or humans. newly released footage of the white house extensive holiday decoration showing what the first la's gift from the heart rate in total the white house has 41 trees, 6,000 feet of ribbon, more than 300 candles and 10,000 plus ornaments great if you want to share you're festive holiday decor inside or out with us, hit us up on socia media and we would love to see it president biden bipartisan commission studying several proposed changes to the supreme court voted unanimously tuesday to approve its final report so what does that mean for all the talk of court packing and term limits? chief washington correspondent mike emanuel has the story for us tonight. >> president biden bipartisan commission voted unanimously to approve its final report on possible changes to the supreme court. the commissioner commissioner studied court packing and addin justices to the bench and how possible term limits could be phased in moving away from lifetime appointments. they backed the report, but not there was not broad consensus. >> there was much disagreement among commissioners about the areas proposals for example, i am opposed to extending the siz of the court, limiting the term of justices, and stripping the court of any of its grand jurisdiction. and other retired federal judge argued for adding justices. >> the court has been effectively packed by one party and will remain packed from years to come with serious consequences to our democracy. whatever the cost of expansion in the short term, i believe will be more than counterbalanced by the real advantages it would bring to judicial independence in to our democracy. >> the commission was created i response to progressive's demands for reform in the wake of president trumps three supreme court pics. at the white house, jen psaki has tried to lure expectations on presidential timing pretty get item have a timeline for ho long it will take him to review the reports right it's not a recommendation that he either except or deny. >> conservative say this is a response to a 6-3 majority that liens that where and with lifetimes it would shape american law for decades. >> let's vary concerning his no you're hearing democrats talkin about packing the courts becaus they can't win elections, because they want to undermine this system very. >> all indications are the blue ribbon report will end up like many others before it on a shelf . mother debates were respectful, they did not have a clear visio about changes to the structure of the supreme court's. which ultimately would be made by congress. >> mike emanuel, thank you very much. it is time to talk about christmas shopping great i feel like you have a good handle on it so far. how you doing? and how, everybody is getting a gift card from kevin. >> i am that person that will wait until like the 20th. i'm usually good, i get everybody but i just have the phone and i pretty much get everything done. i have been a little worried bu so i've done some already break again which are going to spend this year? get a lot more than i thought. we were wondering, how much doe the average american family pla to spend on gifts this holiday season? according to american research group, shoppers around the country say they are planning t spend an average of $835 for gifts this holiday season. believe it or not, that's down from 851 last year, the average plan spending peaked back in 2001, back then it was $1,052 with today's inflation that probably means it's more like 1200 bucks. a total of 70 to percent of all consumers say they have already started their christmas shoppin compared to just 38 percent bac in 2013 at this point, so peopl trying to get things done earlier. the average for those who have not started spending, their budget is on average $2,704. some of that means that you're waiting for another payday, you're going to get some things last minute, or maybe they're just more creative and they wai for the good sales. >> a levengood sales at all times, so i solve a few to go. gear close though. tommy, i need something really good. really good. it's not going to be weird like bacon flavored soda. >> i will go. shannon brought in food cake today. we should do a segment on that. new report suggests that the variance may be less severe tha other variations of the virus and we dive into those hot topics next. >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at 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this under control and it looks like the fire is out for now. we will monitor the situation and try to find out what sparke this whole thing. for now it looks like everybody is safe and sound, the fire is out. they have withdrawn from process , he had been heavily criticized for past mints about marxism and the american economy . she writes that it was no longe tenable for her to be considere as of the currency. quote bipartisan consensus emerged that herself reclaimed radical ideas for america's financial system were not suitable for our nation's top banking regulator. residents he said in the statement she was subjected to inappropriate personal attacks and would have got invaluable insights and perspectives to th job. let's lead spring into night's dream team to talk about the latest challenges facing the biden demonstration part leslie marshall and tag strategies vic president welcome back to both of you. >> >> hi, shannon parrott get the wall street journal opinion piece today talking about their withdraws said this the real fault lies with the white house advisers who thought they could push through a nominee for comptroller of the currency who blows the banking system she wa going to supervise. >> the wall street journal is absolutely correct and i've see other legacy mainstream corporate media outlets out there talking about how this ha to do with where she was born o what was going on. know, the fact that she didn't get through with the bipartisan consensus and a good one for this country. you can't have the comptroller of the currency who stands antithetical to the banking system in the united states let alone wants to see the destruction of the energy industry. it took democrats and republicans to stop this. it had nothing to do with where she was born, it had to do with the radical ideas that she was trying to pursue in the comptroller's office and this was good that she is not going to be moving forward. >> her nomination is part of th entire issue of the economy which is a tough one right now the wall street journal has new polling numbers out on this today. the headline is voter testament about the economy, biden's leadership set it finds set of danger signs for the democratic party as oprah parents to defen nero majorities. they see economic and fiscal issues including inflation as the top priorities for washington and they view the go is better able to handle them. leslie. to get this is part of the problem i have with my party is messaging. we can't just say hey, we're no donald trump and keep invoking trump and the division in the gop while we have division in our own party. it is still the economy, when you look at the full's, latinos women, african-americans, white males coming economy is number one and most important to them as voters. going into the midterms the democrats should put forth that we have higher wages out there, put forth at the end of limit rate is coming down. at think there's a lot of negative messaging that comes from our opponents on the right and they been successful in tha talking about there's never jus less people going back to work, more people have retired bird sometimes retiring can be a goo thing but democrats need to hon in on the number one issue for voters which is the economy and put forth everything that has been done that's been good so far like the infrastructure and bipartisan support and that under the leadership of president biden and into the midterms. historically we know the party in power, whoever's in the whit house if you have a democrat, they're going to lose seats if you're a republican is going to loose each great that is to be expected, but where and by how many, that is certainly could b concerning. like i said, my party has to ge a strong message and that message in my opinion should be that dollars fine, the economy parrott get that report also talked about one of the posters talked about people expected those who voted for him to be able to get a better handle on covid. we know there's only so much that human beings can do can do it to get control of a virus like this and the ministration has tried a number of things an they are ramping up some of those as we go into the winter season and there have been worries about the new strain. part of the european union had headline, the variant concern that data is of the sixth of december says all cases for which there is available information on severity were either asymptomatic or mild, no deaths have been reported among these cases so far. that's where we are right now. listen, the president had another loss today on his mandate being blocked at the federal level. which regarded federal contractors for it a quick comment from both of you on wha the ministration should do heading forward with covid and into the winter season. >> i mean, this administration needs to let the american peopl get back to work, not try to enforce these kinds of mandates when we are struggling to add jobs to an economy that is thirsty for employees. it doesn't make sense to try to sector out people who for whatever reason it's a choice with their doctor as a religiou exemption, whatever it is, for those who do not get a vaccine or choose not too, to keep them out of the workforce, this economy needs to work run on al cylinders and that's not going to happen with more federal mandates. >> before we get cut off, leslie , final word spread cute most mandates allow you to have the option of a waiver from you doctor or to be tested on a weekly basis and we certainly have that here in california. in addition to that, in matter what variant it is, the only wa the virus will weaken or even disappear is more of us being vaccinated, they will have less host to attach to, and even though people can get a variance , we are seeing that they're not dying or being entered into the icu and put on respirators. could get let's hope the initia assessment as weaker dustpan ou to be true. thank you both very much. >> thank you. >> thank you. as billions of the birth of jesus, kathy leave giffords for jesus i know digs into all kind of conversations with people an how they view him. that conversation is next. huh? . it becomes a step. mom, dad's flexing again. that's not all. you can extend the bed for longer stuff. is he still... still flexing. that's right! and, it becomes a workspace... you can put your laptop here. i'm sending an imaginay email. hey dad, dinner! hey! look who stopped by daddy's office. wait, you work here? the chevy silverado with the available multi-flex tailgate. find new flexibility. find new roads. serena: it's my 3:10 no-exit-in-sight migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. serena: ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. imagine having someone else do your books for you. as your quickbooks live bookkeeper, i'll categorize expenses, reconcile accounts, and close your books. cool. yep. know where your business stands. intuit quickbooks live bookkeeping. to get the irrepressible kathy lee gifford has been talking about faith for decades with people with all sorts of backgrounds and different belie systems. now she's channeled some of those entertaining conversation in diverse opinions into her ne book the jesus i know. let's have our own conversation with a new york times best-selling author and good at everything kathy lee gifford. great to see you. figure talking about the old days, honey. >> you can still do it all i have no doubt. >> gosch. what am i doing day after day after day if this is fun, it's great new season of my life i'm so grateful to be doing the kin of work i get to do, set my own schedule for the first time in like 40 years it's fun. and i'm loving living here. it's all good. this book, this book was not my idea, shannon, i don't take any credit for it because it was my literary agent news on paper looks very different from myself . how would you feel about doing whole book with people who on the surface do not look like you , do not believe like you necessarily. in not sure what they believe and if anything. but it's a good conversation an we've discovered in the process that our that were all trying t find connection with each other is ultimately the common ground we find. and from that at least great conversations and sometimes illumination and sometimes transformation. it's kind of miraculous. >> it is great you talk in this book about your perceptions of god, your relationship with jesus and the fact that you don't think he would be canceling anybody. when i read that in your comments i thought i think abou the woman who was caught in adultery and all these people were ready just on her and said you without sin, you cast the first tone. he said where are your condemno as he said they're all gone, he said i don't condemn you either. go and sin no more. he had such zero all coming forgiving and accepting attitud people all three society and al kinds of different people. it's interesting to see how people view him. your people that we would recognize, but some other peopl too, i love the story about jason kennedy and his wife or impaired it's a beautiful picture with the two of them. >> and they are anticipating th birth of their first child. when we first talked for the book, they were having real struggles with infertility that is one of those great when a my favorite is when i took up a rock roby ragbag tour and took lot of people along in the book scientologist and, in hindus, and atheists and agnostics and brokenhearted catholics because of what happened in the catholi church. jewish people, baptists and one of my favorite story is about a scientology family. i've written about the last 20 some years some of the so many things and just a great friend. he is a jewish guy who became a scientologist. his wife was a catholic, is a catholic and became a scientologist. and they adopted a young baby a beautiful young man named nicholas and these are people that i love, who are very different in the way they view the world and the choices they make, but again, shannon, i lov them. they're in my life, there my friends, and i wanted them to experience, if got to read the book to find out what happens with his family, but the beautiful part we all gored gor to the jordan river it's when you are, you become aware of wh jesus is, was at the time first century a.d., is i think and i know you believe as well, who h is today, hooey is forever more but in the holy land, when used city, it all ends, other people are just on a different part of their journey to discovery. in the thing that bothers me so much about our world today is w judge so much. we have no right to judge other people. we can't see their hearts, we don't know what's going on in their hearts in their mind and in their life experience, we ar not called to judge people, we are called to love them the way jesus loved us. >> and god, thank goodness know our hearts and knows how much w need him and he is there for us great fascinating conversation. it's the jesus i know it's a fantastic gift idea for christmas, you will be fascinated by these stories. kathy lee gifford, great to see you, merry christmas. >> merry christmas, my friend. love you. >> youtube. yes, i will see you soon. by. >> i do. she puts out inspirational tweets. >> as do you. like once or twice a week, you don't know how much you lift people up when you do just little things like that so okay thank you, kathy lee. >> a new book i love the stuff you put out to. beautiful stuff and bible verse and it gets me started. >> see you, kevin perry that's it for us tonight from washington tonight. i'm shannon ass came ri. with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ with age comes more... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .05% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkles results in one week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. when we started our business we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money. shipstation saves us so much time. it makes it really easy and seamless. pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and it's ready to go. our costs for shipping were cut in half. just like that. shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers. go to and get 2 months free. a lot of people think dealing with copd is a walk in the park. if i have something to help me breathe better, everything will be fun and nice. but i still 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something is far-fetched or crazy or seems totally destructive to core american interests doesn't mean the u.s. government won't do it. that's the main lesson right now. with that in mind, do not discount no matter how far-fetched it it would seem is a hot war with russia.

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Things , Argus Audience , Congresswoman , Chicago , Comments , Congressman , Shannon Bream In Washington , Breaking Tonight , Outrage , Welcome To Fox News , At Night , Lori Lightfoot , Cities , Victims , Robberies , Administration , Country , Responses , Organized Smash And Grab , Uptick , Denial , Joe Biden , Businesses , Mayor , Lawsuit , Vaccine Mandates , New York City , Behalf , Employers , Democratic , Warning , Zero , One , Russia , Wha , Crime Crisis , Summit , Ukraine , Action , Progressives , Breakdown , Fallout , Tonigh Spray Digging Into America , Trend O Lawlessness , Penalties , Ladner Boudin , Newsroom , Scale , Cas , West Coast , Therese Gallagher , It Wasn T Long Ago , La , Crime , Police Department Budget , Pandemic , Left , Heavy , Malls , Deck The Halls , People , Many , Weekend , Groups , Theme , Rise , Magnificent Mile , Neiman Marcus , Retailers , Fact , Presiden , Consumer , University Of Illinois Chicago , Rat , Ceo , Theft Rings , Saks Fifth Avenue , Crime Summit , Illinois , Retail A Merchants Association , Safety , Stores , Livelihood , Problem , Viability , Priority , Example , Security Officers , Cameras , Store , Plans , Merchandise , 0 Million , 80 Million , Police Officers , Crime Problem , Crime Pattern , Pre , White House , Grabs , Smash , Cast , Doubt , Aoc , Department , Work , Justice , Actions , Law Enforcement Show , Videos , Fbi , Thefts , State , Concern , Leaders , Meshing Grab Robberies , Gap , Dozens , Suspects , Police , Portland , Number , Increase , Bail Policies , Residents , 911 , Th Portland Police , Staffing Shortage , Portlan Pd , Budget Cut , Category , Fund , Big D , Alora , 50 Million , 2020 , Calls , Officers , Incidents , Force , Tweet , Two , 10 , Mind , Response , Times , Life , Danger , Property , Record , 70 , Situation , Bottom Line , Police Budget , Clai , Filing , Ted Wheeler , 5 Million , Million , Feed , Jeffer , Massages , Epstein , Graphic , Privacy , Palm Beach , Something , Carolyn , Maxwell , Age , Epstei Hundreds Of Times , Accuser , Virginia Roberts , Tria To Take Carolyn Upstairs , 14 , Massage Room , Maxwell Calle , 18 , Case , Visits , Trafficking Tria , Innocence , The End , Actor , Empire , Attack , Shannon Parrott Get , Matt , Proceedings , Testimony , Allegations Tha , Witness Stand Tuesday , Supreme Court , Way , Up In The Air , Prosecution , The Stand , Closing Arguments , Jussie Smollett , Dan Webb , Eye , Attack Rate , Bruise , Scar , Four , Face , Incident , Interview , Lighting , Makeup , Hair , Good Morning America , It , Messages , Reading , Respect , The N Word , N Word , African Americans , The Room , Part , Message , None , Night , Special Prosecutor , Freight , Training , Phone Calls , Workou Session , 30 , 9 , Anything , Communication , Text Messages , Workout Session , Hoax , Story , Report , Text Message , Tha , Investigatio , Don Lemon , Judge , Mandate , Government , Injunction , President , Vaccine Requirement , Biden Adderall Vaccin , Blow , Georgia , Mandates , Contractors , Crisis , Act , Authority , Healthcar Workers , Branches , Savannah , Rule Of Law , Th Courts , Nation , Details , Companies , Impact , Ohio , Kentucky , Tennessee , Covid Maxine , 100 , Challenges , Issues , Term , Evening , Bill De Blasio , Enforcement , Alexis , Vaccine Mandate , Workers , Class Action Lawsuit , Law Form , Staten Island , Kin , Office , Sector , Rollout , Proof , Vaccine Dose Rate , Sweepin Changes , Kids , Places , Spaces , Restaurants , Movie Theaters , December 14th , 5 , December 27 , 12 , 11 , 27 , Employees , Vaccination , Impacting , Spot , Business Owner , 184000 , Mask , Vaccination Rate , Position , Guidance , Decision , 90 , Health Commissioner , City Safe , Lawsuits , Right , Isn T The First , Threat , Public Health , Variety , Th Health Commissioner , Ability , Lot , Effect , Both , Prosecutor , Special Agent , Thanks , District Attorney , Spike , Discussion , Philadelphia , Spread , Isn T A Spike , Kind , Machin Implead , Big Spike In Crime , There Isn T , Notion , Lawlessness , Big Spike In Violent Crime , City , Police Department Shooting Incidents , Guns , Brit , Monday Morning , , 462 , 521 , 24 7 , What S Going On , Da , John , Wall , Law Enforcement , No One , Setting Bail , Offenses , Crimes O Stop , Weather , Problems , Crimes , Basis , Reporting , Root , Cover , Thing , Deaths , Scores , Shootings , Match , Looting , Wall Street Journal , Effort , 80 , Issue , Streets , Enclosing Health , Reminder , Prices , Circumstances , Unchecked , Sh , Data , Claims , Fire , War , Body Count , Skirt , Lives , Race Card , Middle , Leadership , Culture , Par , Attorne , Backing , Spiral , Cook County , Everything , Consequent , Prosecutors , Communities , Talk , Price , The Hill , Pu On Hold , Order , Courts , Health , Claim , Measure , Biden Exceede , Prevai , 18th Deadlin , Level , Healthcare Workers , Account , What Happens Next , Article , Line , Trump , Appointees , Governments , Loca , Type , Determinations , Local Public Welfare , Division , Subcontractors , Luminary Junction , World , Responders , Constitution , Law Enforcement Agencies , Th Ability , Question , Saw , Fire Departments , Standoff , Place , Sheriffs Deputies , Folks , Safet , Parts , Equation , Emergency Care , Conscientious Objectors , Divisions , Community , O , Principle , Help , Hospital , Staffing Issue , Audio , Tim , Tensions , Border , Vladimir Putin , Conversation , Side , Kevin Gorg , Breakthroughs , Reaction , Military Force , Headlines , Basics , Doorstep , Nato , Exchange , Kremlin Leader , Imprudent , Allies , Video Call , Expansion , Guarantees , Hooton , Each Other , Contact , Teams , Concerns , Quote Biden , Official Readouts , Event , Measures , Escalation , Military Escalation , Forces Surroundin Ukraine , Talks , Metric , Promise , Temperature , Cooperation , Contingency , Grounds , Tax , Outside , Predictions O Characterizations , Let S See , Guarantee , Putin , West , Recap , Jake Sullivan , Break , Breaking News , Firebird , Aptitude , More , Guy , Rescue , Plus , Christmas Tree , Dramatics , Fedex , Camera , Next , Simparica Trio It S Triple Protection , Protection , Dogs , Chewable , Class , Simparica Trio , Fleas , Round , Ticks , Hookworms , Drug , Heartworm Disease , Heart , Faces , Reactions , Seizures , Caution , Use , Disorders , History , Listerine , Journey , Business , Whoa , Some , Intensity , Millions , Germs , Joy , Ahhh , Nothing , Advisor , Tech Solutions , Technologies , Ride , Customers , Dell , It Wasn T Me By Shaggy , Discover Card , Purchases , Gift , Comcast Business , Savings Sale , Network , Deal , Internet , Prepaid Card , Price Guarantee , Gig Speeds , Bundles , Voice , 00 , 4 99 , 64 99 , 2 , 500 , News , Bit , Savings , Possibilities , Tree , Scene , Crews , Flames , Fox Square , Images , Couple , Giant , Fox Headquarters , Control , Who , The Avenue Of Americas , Sixth Avenue , Footage , Lab , Sound , Anyone , Package , House , Door , Delivery , Cutie , What A Good Boy , Party , Flights , Arizona , Flight Attendant , Wrapping Powers , Move , Feet , Christ , Centerpiece , Wind Gust , Oklahoma , Eden , 140 , 15 , 63 , Sheep , Up Next , Wind Damage , Flock , Rockefeller Center Tre , Mount Rescue Specialis , Spain , Injuries , Team , Mountain , Humans , Smoke , Elevation , Cliff , The Little Ones , 8000 , Trees , Heart Rate , Showing , Ribbon , Ornaments , Holiday Decoration , 300 , 10000 , 6000 , 41 , Socia Media , Biden Bipartisan Commission , Holiday , Hit , Changes , Mike Emanuel , Term Limits , Court Packing , Chief Washington , Justices , Commissioner , Addin , Bench , Siz , Consensus , Commissioners , Lifetime Appointments , Areas , Disagreement , Any , Jurisdiction , Democracy , Consequences , Counterbalanced , Cost , Advantages , Jen Psaki , Commission , Expectations , Independence , Reform , Demands , Wake , Progressive , Three Supreme Court Pics , Three , Timeline , Conservative , Recommendation , Timing , Item , 6 , 3 , Lifetimes , Law , No , Liens , Elections , System , Visio , Structure , Debates , Others , Shelf , Mother , Indications , Blue Ribbon , Everybody , Handle , Congress , Gift Card , Person , Phone , 20 , Little , Doe , Holiday Season , Average , Planning T , Shoppers , American Research Group , Average American Family Pla , 35 , 835 , Inflation , Plan Spending , Bucks , Total , 2001 , 1200 Bucks , 052 , 851 , 1200 , 1052 , Consumers , Peopl , Spending , Point , Bac , 2013 , 38 , Sales , Budget , Few , Payday , 2704 , 704 , Soda , Tommy , Variance , Segment , Food Cake , Virus , Variations , Topics , Man , Experts , Safelite , Windshield , My Truck Is Livelihood , Service , Girl , Singers , Safelite Repair , Traders , Em Thinkorswim , Jack , Kim , Version , Download , Anywhere , Pre Set Trade Strategy , Web , Mom , Instacart , Td Ameritrade , Aren T , Platforms , Short Ribs , Ingredients , Thinkorswim Trading , Love , Word , Firefighters , All American Christmas Tree , Blaze , Safe And Sound , Economy , Process , Currency , Longe , Considere , Mints , Marxism , The American , Ideas , Quote Bipartisan Consensus , Top Banking Regulator , Leslie Marshall , Dream Team , Statement , Attacks , Biden Demonstration Part , Perspectives , Insights , Let S Lead Spring Into Night , Th Job , Advisers , Fault , Nominee , Hi , Tag Strategies Vic , Comptroller Of The Currency , Banking System , Media Outlets , Legacy Mainstream , Know , Republicans , Destruction , Energy Industry , Headline , Polling Numbers , Testament , Nomination , Comptroller , Voter , Th Entire , Set , Priorities , Parents , Signs , Nero Majorities , Messaging , Go , Donald Trump , Voters , Latinos Women , Males , Gop , Opponents , Midterms , Limit Rate , Wages , Forth Everything , Infrastructure , Bird , Republican , Power , Seats , Whit House , Support , Economy Parrott Get , Opinion , Posters , B , Ge , Winter Season , Covid , Human Beings , Ministration , Cases , Variant Concern , Strain , Information , Sixth , Worries , European Union , Severity , Being , Loss , Listen , Kinds , Comment , The Ministration , Doctor , Choice , Vaccine , It Doesn T , Add Jobs , Reason , Religiou Exemption , Cut Off , Workforce , Waiver , Option , Run On Al Cylinders , Matter , Variant , Addition , Wa The Virus , California , Respirators , Hope , Icu , Initia Assessment , Host , Dustpan Ou , Jesus , Billions , Kathy Leave Giffords , Birth Of Jesus , Stuff , Conversations , Dad , Bed , Flexing , Huh , Step , Still Flexing , Serena , Workspace , Flexibility , Laptop , Email , Dinner , Daddy , Tailgate , Wait , Imaginay , Chevy Silverado , Find New Roads , Migraine Medicine , Ubrelvy , Migraine , Dose , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Tracks , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Pill , Cause , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Nausea , Cgrp Protein , Older Medicines , Cyp3a4 , Side Effects , Cyp3 , Books , Bookkeeper , Someone , Expenses , Business Stands , Live Bookkeeping , Accounts , Intuit Quickbooks , Yep , Kathy Lee , Book , Systems , Opinions , Backgrounds , Faith , Sorts , Irrepressible , Honey , Author , New York Times Best Selling , No Doubt , Gosch , Time , Season , Schedule , Fun , 40 , Idea , Agent , Credit , Good , Paper , Surface , Other , Ground , Find , Connection , God , Perceptions , Relationship , Illumination , Transformation , Anybody , Miraculous , Woman , Sin , Adultery , Condemno , You Cast The First Tone , Society , Al , Jason Kennedy , Wife , Th Birth , Picture , Child , Scientologist , Favorite , Struggles , Infertility , Rock Roby Ragbag Tour , Hindus , Atheists , Agnostics , Baptists , Jewish , Brokenhearted Catholics , Catholi Church , Friend , Scientology Family , Catholic , Baby , In My Life , Experience , Choices , Friends , Family , Gor , Wh Jesus Is , Jordan River , Who H , Ends , Hooey , Holy Land , Discovery , Hearts , Life Experience , Stories , Merry Christmas , Yes , Youtube , Tweets , Verse , Shannon Bream My Ass , Kevin Perry That , Ri , Skin , Retinol , Powerful , Neutrogena , Pro Plus , Wrinkles Results , Up Shipstation , Labels , Postage , Clicks , Leg , Arm , Running , Money , Cut , Shipping , Label , Sellers , Seamless , Half , The Box , Costs , 1 , Copd , Walk In The Park , Lungs , Flare Ups , Cough , Real Protection Of Breztri , Won T , Breathing , Medicine , Breathing Problems , Breztri , Rescue Inhaler , Asthma , Flare Up Protection , Symptom Improvement , 52 , High Blood Pressure , Vision Changes , Chest Pain , Heart Condition , Don T , Thrush , Risk , Pneumonia , Osteoporosis , Tongue , Mouth , Swelling , Pain , Core American Interests Doesn T , Tucker Carlson Tonight , Internalize , Tucker , Lesson ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News At Night With Shannon Bream 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream 20240709

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the first lawsuit fired on behalf of for businesses in new york city, just one day after the outgoing democratic mayor announcing vaccine mandates for private employers who say they got zero warning and just days to comply. president biden threatening major economic penalties tonigh if russia takes aggressive action against ukraine. we will have the breakdown in this to our virtual summit with ladner boudin. we begin with america's crime crisis and the fallout from wha some prominent progressives are saying about the latest trend o lawlessness. organized smash and grab robberies on the big scale. therese gallagher is on the cas for us tonight come alive from our west coast newsroom in la. >> it wasn't long ago that chicago mayor caved to the far left and cut her police department budget, than she started blaming high crime on the pandemic. now, lightfoot has found a new heavy. deck the halls, robbed the malls , it's a common theme across many of america's bigley cities were smash and grab robberies are on the rise. over the weekend along chicago' magnificent mile, police were called back to contain large groups of young people who decided to target a neiman marcus and another separate rat at saks fifth avenue. a day later a university of illinois chicago crime summit concluded these theft rings are now the number one consumer of retailers, in fact the presiden in ceo of the illinois retail a merchants association said stores are now primarily focuse on safety quoting its determining their livelihood, where they're going to locate, whether they're going to locate and their viability, that's how bad this problem has gotten. instead of looking to defend he cities retailers, mayor lightfoot is now blaming them. >> i'm disappointed they're not doing more to take safety and make it a priority. for example there are still retailers that won't institute plans like having security officers in your store, making sure that they've got cameras that are actually operational. locking up their merchandise at night. >> last year lori lightfoot moved to cut $80 million from her police department budget an now those same police officers are being told to cancel their pre- christmas days off to address the current crime problem. so congresswoman aoc might ask what crime pattern. she has cast doubt on the whether the rampant smash and grabs are actually happening. the white house is now distancing itself from the comments made by aoc and hear lightfoot. >> we don't agree and i think our actions and the work that w have had in working with the justice department, the fbi and federal law enforcement show that we take we have seen some of these extreme disturbing videos showing retail thefts in both major retailers as well as the state and local leaders at have can said this is a serious concern. >> while gap he says he wants t prosecute this meshing grab robberies, it's notable that dozens of these suspects have been arrested and have been quickly released because of the zero bail policies. >> also, seeing the increase in crime, a number of big cities, in portland police are telling residents if you call 911, be prepared to wait, what is that about? >> it falls under the category of the careful what you wish for . portland had to big d fund the police pushed back in 2020 and after $50 million budget cut, the department is left with a critical staffing shortage. last year alora and the portlan pd last more than 10 percent of its force, and yesterday the department sent out this tweet quoting due to critical incidents happening today at th portland police staffing shortage, officers are responding to priority one and two calls only right now and response times may be delayed for certain calls. keep in mind priority one into calls are immediate danger to life and major property. portland has already seen a record 70 to homicides this year . it is so bad that far left hear ted wheeler is now pushing for $5 million increase to the police budget to hire more police officers. bottom line is in portland righ now, if you're in a situation that's not life-threatening, you're better off filing a clai online then you are calling 911. >> okay. thank you very much from the west coast in a very so another feed accused against former jeffer upstream confidantes testifying to protect her privacy she described graphic acts she witnessed and also mad to perform on epstein during so-called massages at his palm beach home while she was underage. she testified that she first arrived at the age of 14 and maxwell instructed virginia roberts, and other accuser not expected to testify at the tria to take carolyn upstairs and show her what to do. carolyn said she visited epstei hundreds of times and something happened every single time unti she was 18, with maxwell seeing her naked in a massage room and also touching her inappropriately herself and she says. carolyn testified maxwell calle scheduled the massages and sometimes paid her directly at the end of her visits. maxwell maintains her innocence they say they plan to rest our case in this x trafficking tria this week. the former empire actor back on the witness stand tuesday pushing back on allegations tha he staged a racist attack against himself as testimony concluded in the case. corresponded covering the proceedings tonight from chicago . good evening, matt. >> shannon, he spent two days o the stand he wrapped up today o his way out of court i asked hi what he was thinking and he simply put his fist up in the air. the prosecution has not arrested , the case is scheduled to go to closing arguments on wednesday. on the stand, jussie smollett testified that he has a scar under one eye and a four-minute bruise under another eye from the alleged attack rate special prosecutor dan webb than pushed back and asked him if he was able to watch back his own interview on good morning america a short while after the incident implying that his face was fine he shot back that he had good hollywood hair, makeup and lighting. also in court tuesday he interrupted special prosecutor dan webb as webb was reading verbatim one of his messages that had the n-word and it. he asked webb to spell the n-word allowed out of respect for african-americans in the room webb quickly complied and asked jussie smollett to read his own messages about freight he insists his personal message and phone calls on the night of the attack were about personal training and a 9:30 a.m. workou session the next morning part special prosecutor asked them why none of his messages discussed or canceled that 9:30 a.m. workout session implying that the communication was not, he responded that none of his text messages revealed anything to do with the alleged hoax. also in court, he revealed that don lemon sent him a text message during the investigatio revealing that chicago police were not buying this story, tha never came back on the report again. >> thank you so much. another blow tonight to the president biden adderall vaccin mandate. a federal judge in georgia has issued a nationwide injunction preventing the government from enforcing a vaccine requirement on federal contractors. the judge in savannah said even in times of crisis, this court must reserve the rule of law an ensure that all branches of government act within the bound of their constitutionally granted authority. separate mandates for healthcar workers and for businesses that employ more than 100 people hav also been blocked by federal courts in kentucky, ohio, and tennessee. first in the nation local covid maxine for private companies is coming to new york city. with details and impact of enforcement likely to accelerat endemic and staffing related issues, businesses are already facing and legal challenges certain to extend beyond the current term of lame-duck mayor bill de blasio. good evening, alexis. >> tonight that legal fallout continues as new yorkers are fighting back against this new vaccine mandate. just hours ago at staten island -based law form filing a class action lawsuit on behalf of all unvaccinated workers across new york city. this lawsuit files that announced it meant of the vaccine mandate for the private sector. it's a first mandate of its kin in the nation coming with is he heads out of office. here are the dates you need to know for this rollout on december 14th, new york city requiring kids 5-11 years old show proof of one vaccine dose rate kids will have to show tha prove to get into places like restaurants, movie theaters, an other indoor spaces. under december 27, more sweepin changes. that's the day when everyone 12 and up and also all private sector employees have to show proof of vaccination. this is for employees in the office impacting at least 184,000 businesses. many who say this puts them in tough spot sprayed. >> as a business owner i don't want to be in the position to enforce my employees to do something great i want them to make the decision on their own. obviously the employees are not vaccinated, continue to wear a mask, we do where that guidance fred can get the vaccination rate sitting close to 90 percen this isn't the first term lawsuits have been filed agains the vaccine mandate. >> we have the legal right of the health commissioner to keep the people of this city safe. that is something that has been proven time and time again partly been in court many times on a variety of issues. we have every single time been validated by the courts when th health commissioner believes there is a pressing public health threat that has the ability to act in that situation . >> this new mandate is schedule to take effect for days before the mayor leaves office. >> thank you. so still a lot to get to tonigh spray digging into america's claim crime crisis, and now thi legal fight to ensue, we expect over the new vaccine mandate fo the private sector, bring in former justice prosecutor in former fbi special agent. great to have both of you back. >> thanks for having a spread. >> a lot of discussion about what is causing a spike in crime . some say there isn't a spike in crime, you heard what the congresswoman said about that. here is philadelphia's own district attorney. >> i think it's important that we don't let this become machin implead into the notion there i some kind of a big spike in crime. there isn't. they're is not a big spike in crime. they're is also not a big spike in violent crime. neither one of these things is true. basically, we don't have a crisis of lawlessness. citing those comments, as of monday morning the city had recorded 521 homicides up from 462 at this time last year brit according to the police department shooting incidents are up for .4 percent while robberies with guns are up 24.7 percent. john, what's going on? >> what's going on here is the da is oblivious to what's happening in the city of philadelphia. and purposely so. they're not prosecuting serious offenses committed they have issues with setting bail, and all of that messages to the police as well. law enforcement is not going to go out and investigate crimes o stop crimes that no one wants t prosecute. hence, you're not getting reporting of crimes so he sayin there is no crimes. you know what, if you're not reporting the weather, it doesn't mean it's not raining. it is pouring in philadelphia right now with the problems the are having great to get into chicago to. root cover on a regular basis the scores of shootings and deaths that they have, they are now one of the cities were we'r seeing what appeared to be organized match and grabs, looting in that kind of thing. here is what the chicago mayor said about those businesses who said hey, we need help against this organized looking effort. >> i'm disappointed that they are not doing more to take safety and make it a priority. >> it the wall street journal says this roughly 80 percent of the victims there in chicago ou african-americans which is a bracing reminder who paid the higher prices when crime goes unchecked. any circumstances no mayor should be enclosing health mandates that might reduce the number of police on the streets which we know has been an issue in the number of cities, but sh saying these businesses aren't doing more to protect themselve and you know, we see the number and that is just hard data. >> lori lightfoot is like the proverbial claims that victims for wearing a short skirt. her city is on fire, there are lives being lost every day, every weekend there is a body count like we're in the middle of a war, and all she does is either bring out the race card or blame the victims. chicago is in a spiral, and par of it is because of the leadership of people like lori lightfoot in the states attorne for cook county. they created a culture of lawlessness they created a culture where police have nobod backing them up, so you have a consequent drain on prosecutorial police where the experienced officers, the experience prosecutors say i don't want to be a part of this and they leave. so everything gets worse day by day because of the political leadership. >> the people in those communities who feel unprotecte and are the victims who pay the price, i want to ask about the mandates, and the latest biden federal mandate this one for federal contractors that was pu on hold by an national injunction today. the hill reporting on this talk about the judge, the order blocks a mandate while the case plays out in courts of the challenges are likely to prevai on the claim that biden exceede his authority with the public health measure. federal i generate 18th deadlin to be fully vaccinated by my account, the biden administration at the federal level is not doing well with these mandates for healthcare workers, now this one with federal contractors, what happens next? >> the hill article from my reading tries to make it a very political issue like the evil trump appointees are just going after joe biden. really the constitutional line is pretty clear. local public welfare type determinations are made by loca and state governments and not b the federal government. the federal government can't even reach down to contractors and subcontractors which is wha this for luminary junction is about. i think it underscores the constitutional division. i don't see that biden administration winning many of these national mandates, national vaccination requirements because it's not the constitution. >> we've seen so many of these mandates now in the real world impacting first responders and law enforcement agencies and th ability. john, can you harass? if not, i will send that final question to you, about the fact that this is affecting first responders we saw in chicago where there's been an standoff over this, but many other place fire departments, healthcare workers, police officers, sheriffs deputies, would you think about this part of the equation? >> it's a horrible parts of the whole ongoing crime crisis in big cities. when you essentially mandate these things and have legitimat conscientious objectors in the emergency care folks you are literally taking away the safet of the community on a principle that won't be help upheld on th courts on a federal level. different divisions in the hospital having to close down o turn people away because they say it's mainly a staffing issue . we will see if they try to work that out because we know they are thank you very much, we wil have you back and make sure the audio is fixed and get more tim with you next time. thank you both. >> thank you. >> tensions remain high on the russian border with ukraine following a two hour virtual summit between biden and vladimir putin. the u.s. threatened major economic penalties if russia takes aggressive action, but apparently not threatening military force, let's check in with kevin gorg you get all the details and reaction tonight great good evening. he gave no breakthroughs we're reported after the long conversation however, both side did agree to maintain open line of communication. still the headlines will insist tomorrow that it was biden were imprudent against all the kremlin leader told biden that potential nato outpost on his doorstep in ukraine was completely out of the question. here is the basics of today's exchange. that video call lasted just a tad bit more than two hours. the u.s. saying its allies woul bolster ukraine if russia attacked, hooton says he seekin guarantees of no eastward expansion of nato and both side as i mentioned agreed to continue contact and have their top diplomatic teams consult with each other. here is a key part of the white house official readouts, quote biden voiced the deep concerns of the united states and our european allies about russia's escalation of forces surroundin ukraine and made it clear that the u.s. and our allies would respond with strong economic an other measures in the event of military escalation. so a lengthy conversation with the promise of more possible talks, just enough cooperation to lower the temperature for th moment, at least so hopes the white house. >> all i will say is that the ultimate metric for weather the world is safe or not is tax on the grounds and actions taken i this case by russia. let's see, we are prepared to deal with any contingency as i said that the outside and i'm not going to make predictions o characterizations. >> a very careful jake sullivan at the white house today. to recap, biden warned boudin that the west would impose strong economic and other measures on russia if it invade ukraine while putin demanded that there would be a guarantee that nato not expand further eastward. kevin, thank you very much for it little bit of breaking news for you about the breaking firebird we will get that for you after this break. also a high aptitude and dramatics no dramatic rescue caught on camera. plus, just wants to play fetch with the fedex delivery guy, an the world's tallest christmas tree, but then this happened. more on that next. go with simparica trio it's triple protection made simple! simparica trio is the first and only monthly chewable that covers heartworm disease, ticks and fleas, round and hookworms. dogs get triple protection in just one simparica trio! this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions, including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. protect him with all your heart. simparica trio. these are the faces of listerine. the face of millions of germs zapped in seconds. the face of clean. the face of whoa! some are of intensity, others joy. all are of... various: ahhh... listerine. feel the whoa! every business is on a journey. and along the ride, you'll find many challenges. ♪ your dell technologies advisor can help you find the right tech solutions. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. ♪ it wasn't me by shaggy ♪ you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your 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thanks to the crews who loo like they have just about got that under control. we will continue to track it an let you know when we find out more about what has happened there. it looks like folks are safe an sound for now. first up, the playful lab going viral after door camera footage saw him trying to return a package that had been dropped a his door. t gets very excited when anyone comes to the house, he's very fond of the delivery people the often give him treats and they hang out, what a good boy. total cutie. >> the flights a party for the next arizona, despite having been delayed after facing multiple issues the flight attendant decided to light that move very demonstrated her wrapping powers and we just wan to play a respect. well done. the top part of the world's tallest christmas tree napped off because a 15-mile an hour wind gust dubbed the christ tre this gigantic for is the centerpiece of an event called the one in eden, oklahoma,. the tree originally stood 140 feet tall 63 feet taller then the rockefeller center tre in new york city event organizers say the tree will continue to shine despite experiencing wind damage. up next, mount rescue specialis in spain successfully tracking down a flock of sheep that have been missing for days at real high altitude they were near a cliff on a smoke after mountain the team discovered the 15 shee nearly 8,000 feet into the elevation fortunately, all the little ones we're accounted for and brought down to safety without any injuries to any sheep or humans. newly released footage of the white house extensive holiday decoration showing what the first la's gift from the heart rate in total the white house has 41 trees, 6,000 feet of ribbon, more than 300 candles and 10,000 plus ornaments great if you want to share you're festive holiday decor inside or out with us, hit us up on socia media and we would love to see it president biden bipartisan commission studying several proposed changes to the supreme court voted unanimously tuesday to approve its final report so what does that mean for all the talk of court packing and term limits? chief washington correspondent mike emanuel has the story for us tonight. >> president biden bipartisan commission voted unanimously to approve its final report on possible changes to the supreme court. the commissioner commissioner studied court packing and addin justices to the bench and how possible term limits could be phased in moving away from lifetime appointments. they backed the report, but not there was not broad consensus. >> there was much disagreement among commissioners about the areas proposals for example, i am opposed to extending the siz of the court, limiting the term of justices, and stripping the court of any of its grand jurisdiction. and other retired federal judge argued for adding justices. >> the court has been effectively packed by one party and will remain packed from years to come with serious consequences to our democracy. whatever the cost of expansion in the short term, i believe will be more than counterbalanced by the real advantages it would bring to judicial independence in to our democracy. >> the commission was created i response to progressive's demands for reform in the wake of president trumps three supreme court pics. at the white house, jen psaki has tried to lure expectations on presidential timing pretty get item have a timeline for ho long it will take him to review the reports right it's not a recommendation that he either except or deny. >> conservative say this is a response to a 6-3 majority that liens that where and with lifetimes it would shape american law for decades. >> let's vary concerning his no you're hearing democrats talkin about packing the courts becaus they can't win elections, because they want to undermine this system very. >> all indications are the blue ribbon report will end up like many others before it on a shelf . mother debates were respectful, they did not have a clear visio about changes to the structure of the supreme court's. which ultimately would be made by congress. >> mike emanuel, thank you very much. it is time to talk about christmas shopping great i feel like you have a good handle on it so far. how you doing? and how, everybody is getting a gift card from kevin. >> i am that person that will wait until like the 20th. i'm usually good, i get everybody but i just have the phone and i pretty much get everything done. i have been a little worried bu so i've done some already break again which are going to spend this year? get a lot more than i thought. we were wondering, how much doe the average american family pla to spend on gifts this holiday season? according to american research group, shoppers around the country say they are planning t spend an average of $835 for gifts this holiday season. believe it or not, that's down from 851 last year, the average plan spending peaked back in 2001, back then it was $1,052 with today's inflation that probably means it's more like 1200 bucks. a total of 70 to percent of all consumers say they have already started their christmas shoppin compared to just 38 percent bac in 2013 at this point, so peopl trying to get things done earlier. the average for those who have not started spending, their budget is on average $2,704. some of that means that you're waiting for another payday, you're going to get some things last minute, or maybe they're just more creative and they wai for the good sales. >> a levengood sales at all times, so i solve a few to go. gear close though. tommy, i need something really good. really good. it's not going to be weird like bacon flavored soda. >> i will go. shannon brought in food cake today. we should do a segment on that. new report suggests that the variance may be less severe tha other variations of the virus and we dive into those hot topics next. >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at 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this under control and it looks like the fire is out for now. we will monitor the situation and try to find out what sparke this whole thing. for now it looks like everybody is safe and sound, the fire is out. they have withdrawn from process , he had been heavily criticized for past mints about marxism and the american economy . she writes that it was no longe tenable for her to be considere as of the currency. quote bipartisan consensus emerged that herself reclaimed radical ideas for america's financial system were not suitable for our nation's top banking regulator. residents he said in the statement she was subjected to inappropriate personal attacks and would have got invaluable insights and perspectives to th job. let's lead spring into night's dream team to talk about the latest challenges facing the biden demonstration part leslie marshall and tag strategies vic president welcome back to both of you. >> >> hi, shannon parrott get the wall street journal opinion piece today talking about their withdraws said this the real fault lies with the white house advisers who thought they could push through a nominee for comptroller of the currency who blows the banking system she wa going to supervise. >> the wall street journal is absolutely correct and i've see other legacy mainstream corporate media outlets out there talking about how this ha to do with where she was born o what was going on. know, the fact that she didn't get through with the bipartisan consensus and a good one for this country. you can't have the comptroller of the currency who stands antithetical to the banking system in the united states let alone wants to see the destruction of the energy industry. it took democrats and republicans to stop this. it had nothing to do with where she was born, it had to do with the radical ideas that she was trying to pursue in the comptroller's office and this was good that she is not going to be moving forward. >> her nomination is part of th entire issue of the economy which is a tough one right now the wall street journal has new polling numbers out on this today. the headline is voter testament about the economy, biden's leadership set it finds set of danger signs for the democratic party as oprah parents to defen nero majorities. they see economic and fiscal issues including inflation as the top priorities for washington and they view the go is better able to handle them. leslie. to get this is part of the problem i have with my party is messaging. we can't just say hey, we're no donald trump and keep invoking trump and the division in the gop while we have division in our own party. it is still the economy, when you look at the full's, latinos women, african-americans, white males coming economy is number one and most important to them as voters. going into the midterms the democrats should put forth that we have higher wages out there, put forth at the end of limit rate is coming down. at think there's a lot of negative messaging that comes from our opponents on the right and they been successful in tha talking about there's never jus less people going back to work, more people have retired bird sometimes retiring can be a goo thing but democrats need to hon in on the number one issue for voters which is the economy and put forth everything that has been done that's been good so far like the infrastructure and bipartisan support and that under the leadership of president biden and into the midterms. historically we know the party in power, whoever's in the whit house if you have a democrat, they're going to lose seats if you're a republican is going to loose each great that is to be expected, but where and by how many, that is certainly could b concerning. like i said, my party has to ge a strong message and that message in my opinion should be that dollars fine, the economy parrott get that report also talked about one of the posters talked about people expected those who voted for him to be able to get a better handle on covid. we know there's only so much that human beings can do can do it to get control of a virus like this and the ministration has tried a number of things an they are ramping up some of those as we go into the winter season and there have been worries about the new strain. part of the european union had headline, the variant concern that data is of the sixth of december says all cases for which there is available information on severity were either asymptomatic or mild, no deaths have been reported among these cases so far. that's where we are right now. listen, the president had another loss today on his mandate being blocked at the federal level. which regarded federal contractors for it a quick comment from both of you on wha the ministration should do heading forward with covid and into the winter season. >> i mean, this administration needs to let the american peopl get back to work, not try to enforce these kinds of mandates when we are struggling to add jobs to an economy that is thirsty for employees. it doesn't make sense to try to sector out people who for whatever reason it's a choice with their doctor as a religiou exemption, whatever it is, for those who do not get a vaccine or choose not too, to keep them out of the workforce, this economy needs to work run on al cylinders and that's not going to happen with more federal mandates. >> before we get cut off, leslie , final word spread cute most mandates allow you to have the option of a waiver from you doctor or to be tested on a weekly basis and we certainly have that here in california. in addition to that, in matter what variant it is, the only wa the virus will weaken or even disappear is more of us being vaccinated, they will have less host to attach to, and even though people can get a variance , we are seeing that they're not dying or being entered into the icu and put on respirators. could get let's hope the initia assessment as weaker dustpan ou to be true. thank you both very much. >> thank you. >> thank you. as billions of the birth of jesus, kathy leave giffords for jesus i know digs into all kind of conversations with people an how they view him. that conversation is next. huh? . it becomes a step. mom, dad's flexing again. that's not all. you can extend the bed for longer stuff. is he still... still flexing. that's right! and, it becomes a workspace... you can put your laptop here. i'm sending an imaginay email. hey dad, dinner! hey! look who stopped by daddy's office. wait, you work here? the chevy silverado with the available multi-flex tailgate. find new flexibility. find new roads. serena: it's my 3:10 no-exit-in-sight migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong 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of work i get to do, set my own schedule for the first time in like 40 years it's fun. and i'm loving living here. it's all good. this book, this book was not my idea, shannon, i don't take any credit for it because it was my literary agent news on paper looks very different from myself . how would you feel about doing whole book with people who on the surface do not look like you , do not believe like you necessarily. in not sure what they believe and if anything. but it's a good conversation an we've discovered in the process that our that were all trying t find connection with each other is ultimately the common ground we find. and from that at least great conversations and sometimes illumination and sometimes transformation. it's kind of miraculous. >> it is great you talk in this book about your perceptions of god, your relationship with jesus and the fact that you don't think he would be canceling anybody. when i read that in your comments i thought i think abou the woman who was caught in adultery and all these people were ready just on her and said you without sin, you cast the first tone. he said where are your condemno as he said they're all gone, he said i don't condemn you either. go and sin no more. he had such zero all coming forgiving and accepting attitud people all three society and al kinds of different people. it's interesting to see how people view him. your people that we would recognize, but some other peopl too, i love the story about jason kennedy and his wife or impaired it's a beautiful picture with the two of them. >> and they are anticipating th birth of their first child. when we first talked for the book, they were having real struggles with infertility that is one of those great when a my favorite is when i took up a rock roby ragbag tour and took lot of people along in the book scientologist and, in hindus, and atheists and agnostics and brokenhearted catholics because of what happened in the catholi church. jewish people, baptists and one of my favorite story is about a scientology family. i've written about the last 20 some years some of the so many things and just a great friend. he is a jewish guy who became a scientologist. his wife was a catholic, is a catholic and became a scientologist. and they adopted a young baby a beautiful young man named nicholas and these are people that i love, who are very different in the way they view the world and the choices they make, but again, shannon, i lov them. they're in my life, there my friends, and i wanted them to experience, if got to read the book to find out what happens with his family, but the beautiful part we all gored gor to the jordan river it's when you are, you become aware of wh jesus is, was at the time first century a.d., is i think and i know you believe as well, who h is today, hooey is forever more but in the holy land, when used city, it all ends, other people are just on a different part of their journey to discovery. in the thing that bothers me so much about our world today is w judge so much. we have no right to judge other people. we can't see their hearts, we don't know what's going on in their hearts in their mind and in their life experience, we ar not called to judge people, we are called to love them the way jesus loved us. >> and god, thank goodness know our hearts and knows how much w need him and he is there for us great fascinating conversation. it's the jesus i know it's a fantastic gift idea for christmas, you will be fascinated by these stories. kathy lee gifford, great to see you, merry christmas. >> merry christmas, my friend. love you. >> youtube. yes, i will see you soon. by. >> i do. she puts out inspirational tweets. >> as do you. like once or twice a week, you don't know how much you lift people up when you do just little things like that so okay thank you, kathy lee. >> a new book i love the stuff you put out to. beautiful stuff and bible verse and it gets me started. >> see you, kevin perry that's it for us tonight from washington tonight. i'm shannon ass came ri. with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ with age comes more... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .05% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkles results in one week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. when we started our business we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money. shipstation saves us so much time. it makes it really easy and seamless. pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and it's ready to go. our costs for shipping were cut in half. just like that. shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers. go to and get 2 months free. a lot of people think dealing with copd is a walk in the park. if i have something to help me breathe better, everything will be fun and nice. but i still 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something is far-fetched or crazy or seems totally destructive to core american interests doesn't mean the u.s. government won't do it. that's the main lesson right now. with that in mind, do not discount no matter how far-fetched it it would seem is a hot war with russia.

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Sullivan , Break , Breaking News , Firebird , Aptitude , More , Guy , Rescue , Plus , Christmas Tree , Dramatics , Fedex , Camera , Next , Simparica Trio It S Triple Protection , Protection , Dogs , Chewable , Class , Simparica Trio , Fleas , Round , Ticks , Hookworms , Drug , Heartworm Disease , Heart , Faces , Reactions , Seizures , Caution , Use , Disorders , History , Listerine , Journey , Business , Whoa , Some , Intensity , Millions , Germs , Joy , Ahhh , Nothing , Advisor , Tech Solutions , Technologies , Ride , Customers , Dell , It Wasn T Me By Shaggy , Discover Card , Purchases , Gift , Comcast Business , Savings Sale , Network , Deal , Internet , Prepaid Card , Price Guarantee , Gig Speeds , Bundles , Voice , 00 , 4 99 , 64 99 , 2 , 500 , News , Bit , Savings , Possibilities , Tree , Scene , Crews , Flames , Fox Square , Images , Couple , Giant , Fox Headquarters , Control , Who , The Avenue Of Americas , Sixth Avenue , Footage , Lab , Sound , Anyone , Package , House , Door , Delivery , Cutie , What A Good Boy , Party , Flights , Arizona , Flight Attendant , Wrapping Powers , Move , Feet , Christ , Centerpiece , Wind Gust , Oklahoma , Eden , 140 , 15 , 63 , Sheep , Up Next , Wind Damage , Flock , Rockefeller Center Tre , Mount Rescue Specialis , Spain , Injuries , Team , Mountain , Humans , Smoke , Elevation , Cliff , The Little Ones , 8000 , Trees , Heart Rate , Showing , Ribbon , Ornaments , Holiday Decoration , 300 , 10000 , 6000 , 41 , Socia Media , Biden Bipartisan Commission , Holiday , Hit , Changes , Mike Emanuel , Term Limits , Court Packing , Chief Washington , Justices , Commissioner , Addin , Bench , Siz , Consensus , Commissioners , Lifetime Appointments , Areas , Disagreement , Any , Jurisdiction , Democracy , Consequences , Counterbalanced , Cost , Advantages , Jen Psaki , Commission , Expectations , Independence , Reform , Demands , Wake , Progressive , Three Supreme Court Pics , Three , Timeline , Conservative , Recommendation , Timing , Item , 6 , 3 , Lifetimes , Law , No , Liens , Elections , System , Visio , Structure , Debates , Others , Shelf , Mother , Indications , Blue Ribbon , Everybody , Handle , Congress , Gift Card , Person , Phone , 20 , Little , Doe , Holiday Season , Average , Planning T , Shoppers , American Research Group , Average American Family Pla , 35 , 835 , Inflation , Plan Spending , Bucks , Total , 2001 , 1200 Bucks , 052 , 851 , 1200 , 1052 , Consumers , Peopl , Spending , Point , Bac , 2013 , 38 , Sales , Budget , Few , Payday , 2704 , 704 , Soda , Tommy , Variance , Segment , Food Cake , Virus , Variations , Topics , Man , Experts , Safelite , Windshield , My Truck Is Livelihood , Service , Girl , Singers , Safelite Repair , Traders , Em Thinkorswim , Jack , Kim , Version , Download , Anywhere , Pre Set Trade Strategy , Web , Mom , Instacart , Td Ameritrade , Aren T , Platforms , Short Ribs , Ingredients , Thinkorswim Trading , Love , Word , Firefighters , All American Christmas Tree , Blaze , Safe And Sound , Economy , Process , Currency , Longe , Considere , Mints , Marxism , The American , Ideas , Quote Bipartisan Consensus , Top Banking Regulator , Leslie Marshall , Dream Team , Statement , Attacks , Biden Demonstration Part , Perspectives , Insights , Let S Lead Spring Into Night , Th Job , Advisers , Fault , Nominee , Hi , Tag Strategies Vic , Comptroller Of The Currency , Banking System , Media Outlets , Legacy Mainstream , Know , Republicans , Destruction , Energy Industry , Headline , Polling Numbers , Testament , Nomination , Comptroller , Voter , Th Entire , Set , Priorities , Parents , Signs , Nero Majorities , Messaging , Go , Donald Trump , Voters , Latinos Women , Males , Gop , Opponents , Midterms , Limit Rate , Wages , Forth Everything , Infrastructure , Bird , Republican , Power , Seats , Whit House , Support , Economy Parrott Get , Opinion , Posters , B , Ge , Winter Season , Covid , Human Beings , Ministration , Cases , Variant Concern , Strain , Information , Sixth , Worries , European Union , Severity , Being , Loss , Listen , Kinds , Comment , The Ministration , Doctor , Choice , Vaccine , It Doesn T , Add Jobs , Reason , Religiou Exemption , Cut Off , Workforce , Waiver , Option , Run On Al Cylinders , Matter , Variant , Addition , Wa The Virus , California , Respirators , Hope , Icu , Initia Assessment , Host , Dustpan Ou , Jesus , Billions , Kathy Leave Giffords , Birth Of Jesus , Stuff , Conversations , Dad , Bed , Flexing , Huh , Step , Still Flexing , Serena , Workspace , Flexibility , Laptop , Email , Dinner , Daddy , Tailgate , Wait , Imaginay , Chevy Silverado , Find New Roads , Migraine Medicine , Ubrelvy , Migraine , Dose , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Tracks , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Pill , Cause , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Nausea , Cgrp Protein , Older Medicines , Cyp3a4 , Side Effects , Cyp3 , Books , Bookkeeper , Someone , Expenses , Business Stands , Live Bookkeeping , Accounts , Intuit Quickbooks , Yep , Kathy Lee , Book , Systems , Opinions , Backgrounds , Faith , Sorts , Irrepressible , Honey , Author , New York Times Best Selling , No Doubt , Gosch , Time , Season , Schedule , Fun , 40 , Idea , Agent , Credit , Good , Paper , Surface , Other , Ground , Find , Connection , God , Perceptions , Relationship , Illumination , Transformation , Anybody , Miraculous , Woman , Sin , Adultery , Condemno , You Cast The First Tone , Society , Al , Jason Kennedy , Wife , Th Birth , Picture , Child , Scientologist , Favorite , Struggles , Infertility , Rock Roby Ragbag Tour , Hindus , Atheists , Agnostics , Baptists , Jewish , Brokenhearted Catholics , Catholi Church , Friend , Scientology Family , Catholic , Baby , In My Life , Experience , Choices , Friends , Family , Gor , Wh Jesus Is , Jordan River , Who H , Ends , Hooey , Holy Land , Discovery , Hearts , Life Experience , Stories , Merry Christmas , Yes , Youtube , Tweets , Verse , Shannon Bream My Ass , Kevin Perry That , Ri , Skin , Retinol , Powerful , Neutrogena , Pro Plus , Wrinkles Results , Up Shipstation , Labels , Postage , Clicks , Leg , Arm , Running , Money , Cut , Shipping , Label , Sellers , Seamless , Half , The Box , Costs , 1 , Copd , Walk In The Park , Lungs , Flare Ups , Cough , Real Protection Of Breztri , Won T , Breathing , Medicine , Breathing Problems , Breztri , Rescue Inhaler , Asthma , Flare Up Protection , Symptom Improvement , 52 , High Blood Pressure , Vision Changes , Chest Pain , Heart Condition , Don T , Thrush , Risk , Pneumonia , Osteoporosis , Tongue , Mouth , Swelling , Pain , Core American Interests Doesn T , Tucker Carlson Tonight , Internalize , Tucker , Lesson ,

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