Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20240

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20240709

>> evening to you, bret. the call lasted two hours. according to the kremlin president putin told president biden that russia's posturing is purely defensive. the white house says biden was crystal clear about what would happen if russia takes additional steps and offered an alternative deescalation. >> president biden looked president putin in the eye and told him today that things we did not do in 2014 we are prepared to do now. >> in a high stakes call, president biden laid out economic consequences russia would face if they move forward with an invasion of ukraine. video of the meeting came from russian state media. >> good to see you again. i -- unfortunately last time -- we didn't get to see one another at the g-20. i hope next time we meet we do it in person. >> white house did not divulge sanctions package. biden made no concessions including on president putin's request to block ukraine from joining nato. instead the u.s. is preparing economic punishment with european allies. members of congress were briefed by the white house including on one measure so strong western allies opted not to use it, even after russia took crimea in 2014. >> not business as usual. >> not the usual kinds of sanctions. but as far as we can possibly go with sanctions denying the entire international banking system to the russians and things like that. >> national security adviser jake sullivan would not confirm the u.s. pressured germany to stop the nord stream 2 pipeline if russia invades ukraine but suggested it is a tool. >> gas is not currently flowing through the nord stream 2 pipeline. if vladimir putin wants to see gas flow through that type line he may not want to take the risk of invading ukraine. >> hammer the administration over biden's to waive sanctions on nord stream 2. the party are aligned on defending ukraine. >> if there is one thing that vladimir putin ought to understand is how unified we are. >> ukraine's defense minister also issuing a warning to the russians. >> i will not believe that russian will have victory in ukraine it's difference. because it will be a really bloody -- and russian guys also will come back in the coffins. >> after the call with putin, president biden reached out to the leaders of france, the u.k., germany and italy to read them in on that call. they also coordinated ahead of it on thursday, he will speak with the ukrainian president zalinsky. right now there is no discussion of sending u.s. troops to ukraine. they will send though additional defensive capabilities if russia takes any steps to escalate this and the white house says that they would send troops to nato allies in the region, bret. >> bret: okay. tensions rising there. also tonight, president biden withdrew his nominee for the top bank regulator position. the votes weren't there. what happened? >> yeah. sol omarova actually withdrew her nomination for corps controller of the currency after push back from senate republicans and also moderate democrats who were concerned that she wanted to nationalize banking. they also questioned whether she was still wedded to ideologies from her native soviet union. president biden said he accepted her decision. there was a contentious confirmation battle ahead in accepting that he praised her qualifications and her achievements, bret. >> bret: jacqui heinrich live on the north lawn, thank you. let's bring in a member of the senate foreign relations committee maryland democratic senator chris van hollen. chris, thank you for being here. >> bret, great to be with you. >> bret: talk to you in just a second of russia. i know you were a supreme courter of ms. only rove have a. your reaction to her withdrawal? >> i'm disappointed that she had to withdrawal or felt she had to withdrawal. i thought she was very well qualified for the position there were differences people could have on policies i was disturbed on the hearing banking committee which i serve took a turn toward smearing her she grew up in the soviet union, suggests she was some kind of communist sympathizer when, in fact, she fled the soviet union, she chose to come to the united states. because of their authoritarian regime so, again, i'm sorry the way this happened but at the end of the day, i'm glad the president made the nomination he did and the votes are what they are. yomentd to go too far down this road a bipartisan consensus emerged self-proclaimed radical ideas for america's financial system were not suitable for our nation's top banking regulator. i hope the biden administration will select a nominee mainstream views about the american economy. i mean, is it possible wrong choice at the beginning she did have to walk back a few things during that hearing. >> i thought she was the right choice. she made clear what her policy positions were. she clarified at least to my satisfaction, her writings. and, again, if people are opposed to her based on policy differences prosecute like i said, if you listened to the hearing it did at moments remind me scarily of the mccarthy hearing. so, look, i'm fine if people keep these hearings and questions based on policy and policy differences but i thought that was way out of line. >> senator, where do you think we are with russia and ukraine? >> >> i think the president sent a very clear message to putin today. i think he has the support of our allies in this effort and the message was clear. if you invade ukraine, if you take military action in ukraine, you are going to face very stiff sanction economic sanctions and we are not talking about pen republican type sanctions against individuals. we are talking about sectoral sanctions against final cutting off russia from access to the international banking system and russians very severe sanctions should be imposed assistance to ukraine. united front. we are stronger when we have multiplier affect with our allies and that's why it is so important that the president reached out to them both before and after the call. >> bret: yeah, republicans seem non--they think it should be happening now because of russia's actions already. here is congressman mike waltz, take a listen. >> i think president biden is slipping into becoming a modern day neville chamberlain. this appeasement approach going to work with vladimir putin. the actions we are going to see are what we are going to do right now sanctions in place right now. military equipment moving to help our ukrainian allies. >> bret: so now is the stick-up. your reaction to that? >> well, i think the president has been clear that sanctions would be automatically triggered. he will trigger sanctions if putin takes this action. look, sanctions are most effective, in my view, when you let the other party, in this case putin, know in advance just how serious the cobs sequences are. my view is that sanctions after the fact or now would not have that same kind of leverage. what you want to signal to putin is if you invade ukraine, you will face the incredibly stiff penalties and you will be isolated and your country will be isolated from the financial sector. and, again. important to have our allies that magnifies the effect in a much bigger way. >> bret: obviously, it didn't happen when russia went into crimea. it's a different scenario. just looking back in history. and the other thing is there second guessing now about the nord stream two pipeline and wishing, perhaps, thought administration had not kind of signed off on that? >> well, i think, bret, that u.s. position we discussed this with germany in advance. when the biden administration decided not to impose sanctions on the german company, they made clear at the same time that if there were certain kinds of conduct that russia engaged in that that would lead to a reversal of the waiver. i would argue very strongly that a russian invasion of ukraine would definitely trigger those sanctions again with respect to nord stream 2. in other words, putin should understand very clearly that if he invades ukraine, those sanctions will snap right back with respect to nord stream 2. >> bret: and last thing, quickly, is this build back better bill going to happen before christmas? >> well, i certainly hope so. there's a provision in the bill that will ensure that tax cuts for middle class families with kids don't expire at the end of this year. this is the tax cut for families with kids up to $3,600 per child per year. that was put in place earlier this year, a major tax cut for middle class families. it goes away at the end of this year. if we don't enact build back better. that's one of many important provisions. others including reducing the cost of prescription drugs, making child care more affordable for american families. but the one i mentioned earlier will actually go away at the end of this year if we don't get it done by christmas. >> bret: as you know there there is scrutiny on other parts of that bill. senator, we always appreciate your time. thanks for it. >> good to be with you, thanks, bret. >> bret: tonight america's crime crisis a bit of deja vu the insistence on state and local governments putting criminals back on the street almost as soon as they are arrested is contributing, according to authorities a rash of violent crime throughout the nation. chief correspondent jonathan hunt shows us tonight from beverly hills. >> we are catching the criminals and the problem is we are catching them over and over again. >> the revolving door of the criminal justice system is infuriating many police chiefs. in los angeles, for instance, police arrested 14 people allegedly involved in the recent spate of armed robberies across the area tonal see every one of them immediately turned loose by the courts and back on the streets because of the zero bail policy introduced at the beginning of the pandemic as a way to reduce l.a.'s crowded and, therefore, at risk prison population. >> they are being released very quickly without bail. and they're not being imprisoned so we continue to deal with the same people again and again. >> in new york meantime, a homeless man was released by a judge this weaker, albeit on supervised bail, after beating two women in the city. both women were allegedly punched in the face and both needed hospital treatment for their injuries. but the charges, according to the manhattan d.a.'s office, were not harsh enough to have the man held on bail. in chicago, a city also recently beset by smash and grab robberies mayor lori lightfoot implied this week the onus is on the stores. >> i'm disappointed that they are not doing more to take safety and make it a priority. >> the white house took issue with blaming the stores for the crime wave. >> we don't agree. we have seen some of these extremely disturbing videos showing retail thefts in both major retailers as well as state and local leaders like gavin newsom have identified this is a serious concern. we agree. that's the reason why we have sent additional support. >> the los angeles county district attorney george gascon has consistently argued that the justice system is in dire need of the kind of reforms he and other like-minded prosecutors are introducing. as for the spate of violent crimes in usually safer neighborhoods here like beverlyy hills a spokesman for the d.a. says we will, quote, hold responsible those accountable. bret? >> bret: jonathan hunt in beverly hills. jonathan, thank you. testimony has concluded in the trial of the actor accused of staging a racist attack against himself. closing arguments are expected tomorrow in the trial of zowlt. correspondent matt fin live in chicago has been following this from the beginning. good evening, matt. >> good evening, bret. jowlgt spent two days on the stand and i asked how he felt he simply put his fist up in the air. on the stand today smollett testified he still has a scar under his eyes and a permanent bruise under the other eye from the alleged attack. prosecutor dan webben pushed back and asked smollett if he was able to watch back his interview on good morning america a short while after the incident implies smollett's face looked fine. he shot back he had good holiday hair, makeup and lighting. also in court today a tense moment. jussie smollett intrund special prosecutor daniel webb reading verbatim message had the "n" word in it he asked him to spell the "n" word allowed out of respect for african-americans in the room. webb quickly complied and asked smollett to read his own messages aloud. smollett also insists that his personal messages and phone calls with bola sundar row attack night personal training and workout session a special prosecutor asked smollett why none of his messages discussed or cancer said that 9:30 a.m. workout session. smollett fired back that none of his messages had anything to do with an alleged hoax. smollett revealed under oath that don lemon sent him a text message during the investigation indicating that the chicago police were not buying his story. there was no follow-up and that did not come up again in court today. bret? >> bret: matt finn "fox news live" chicago, thanks. stocks notched their best day since march a broad tech-led rally as omicron fears fade. the dow gained 492 today. the s&p 500 was up 95. the nasdaq surged 462. up next, the stunning report from the u.n. showing a bleak outlook for afghans under taliban control. first, here's what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox 5 in new york as the city giving non-citizens the right to vote in local elections. a bill nearing approval would allow some 800,000 of them to cast ballots for mayor, city council and other municipal offices. the bill would not allow non-citizens to vote for president or members of congress. fox 17 in nashville where a large statue of a university general and former kkk leader nathan bedford is removed from its pedestal. the statue sitting on private property along i-56 in nashville has been in place since 1997. it's been a source of debate and vandalized in 2017 and 2020. and this is a live look at honolulu from our affiliate khon. a little cloudy there. one of the big stories tonight a north texas high school band is in hawaii to perform at the national pearl harbor remembrance day ceremonies. the toler high school students took time to visit the pearl harbor national memorial to learn more about the december 7th, 1941 attack. the majority of the band members, the nine-hour flight from dfw to honolulu was first time on a commercial airliner. there you go. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? 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[crying] >> afghanistan is facing a major humanitarian crisis four months after the american withdrawal. a recent analysis from the united nations world food program says nearly 23 million afghans face possible acute food insecurity this winter. the biden administration's critics say the consequences of the u.s. withdrawal this summer go well beyond afghanistan. they argue the administration failed to plan and execute a competent withdrawal which has cost the u.s. standing among its allies. >> they are not turning to us and saying leadership at this moment in time and we can't just continue to promise to be the partner of choice. >> the biden administration says it warned the taliban taking kabul by force would complicate aid to afghanistan. a country heavily reliant on international grants. officials also say years of drought, conflict, massive financial problems fraud and corruption have brought afghanistan to this point. as for the withdrawal, the defense secretary lloyd austin says he regrets the u.s. lost 13 service members in a terrorist attack and an air rant u.s. airstrike that killed 10 civilians. >> i want to make sure we don't lose sight of the fact that our american forces in 17 days evacuated 1,234,000 people from afghanistan. >> as for americans source says the u.s. government is in touch with 125 americans about leaving the country and several are ready to go. bret? >> bret: rich, thanks. up next, the biden administration slow walk as court order on immigration plus will there be radical change at the u.s. supreme court? we may have the answer tonight. first, beyond our borders tonight, one of the suspected killers of the saudi journalist jamal khashoggi is arrested in france. the detained the royal guard of saudi arabia as he was about to board a flight. he is believed to be involved in the killing of khashoggi in istanbul in 2018. a motorcycle rigged with explosives detonated in the center of iraq's southern city of basra, killing at least four people, wounding four others. iraqi security forces say the blast set ablaze two other vehicles and sent a column into the black smoke. the governor is blaming militants from islamic state group for the attack. just a couple of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. we'll be right back. ♪ autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. i was just blown away by how much my 23andme reports taught me about my health. and that's why i knew how meaningful this gift would be for my family. this season give the most meaningful gift for just $129 >> bret: those who feared or hoped for radical change for the u.s. supreme court are either taking a deep breath or stifling a primal screen tonight. a commission studying several proposed changes to the system has basically objected for the status quo. here is chief washington correspondent mike emanuel. >> president biden's commission voted unanimously to approve the final report on possible changes to the supreme court. the commissioners studied court packing and adding justices to the and how possible term limits could be phased in moving away from lifetime appointments. they backed the report but note there was not broad consensus. >> there was much disagreement among the commissioner about the saudi arabia just proposals. for example, i am opposed to expanding the size of the court, limiting the terms of justices. and stripping the court of any of its current jurisdiction. >> moments later another retired federal judge argued for adding justices. >> the court has been effectively court-packed by one party and will remain packed for years to come with serious consequences to our democracy. whatever the cost of expansion in the short-term i believe will be more than counter balanced by the real advantages it will bring to judicial independence and to our democracy. >> commission was created in response to progressives' demands for reform in the wake of president trump's three supreme court picks. at the white house, press secretary jen psaki has tried to lower expectations on possible presidential action and timing. >> i don't have a timeline for how long it will take him to review the report. i would remind you all it's not a recommendation that he either accepts or denies. >> conservatives say this is in response to a 6-3 majority that leans their way. and with lifetime appointments it is a court which could shape american law for decades. >> what's very concerning is now you are hearing democrats talking about packing the court, because they can't win elections, because they want to undermine the system. >> all indications are this blue ribbon report will end up like many before it on a shelf. while the debatesy respectful, they did not produce a clear vision about strange to the structure of the supreme court which ultimately would be made by congress. bret? >> bret: mike, thank you. the biden administration has reluctantly and slowly reintailgating the trump era return to mexico policy as ordered by a federal court. meanwhile, the surge continues across vulnerable crossing points along the southern border. correspondent bill melugin reports tonight, again, from la joya, texas. >> it's the dark of night on the rio grande and fox news is embedded with texas dps as they patrol the la joya, area looking for illegal activity and it doesn't take long to find it. >> raft, raft, raft. >> a human smuggler has landed a raft on the u.s. side full of illegal immigrants. some flea into the brush others remain in a boat including a woman and child. texas dps troopers quickly track down the runners. [shouting] >> and detain them at gunpoint. they are arrested. and the raft they came over on is knifed. >> when day breaks, texas dps gives us aerial perspective of their efforts. the state of texas has created a flotilla on the rio grande in the la joya, area hoping to act as a physical barrier. >> we deploy over 30 boats wildlife also with our texas dps boats as well. the purpose of that is to know illegal immigrants coming across. >> despite all those boats and the remain the starting reef main in mexico on monday, migrantst continue slipping across the border in the rvg. we have seen dozen of family units giving themselves up at the border wall live. levy. this runner partially dressed in camo was cute in the middle of a residential neighborhood. according to a dhs source in the last 24 hours alone, there have been more than 1800 encounters with illegal immigrants in the rio grande valley sector and 179 got-aways. are just since october, the sector has seen over 105,000 encounters already. that's a 165% increase over the same time last year. and, bret, what we are hearing when it comes to the remain in mexico policy it's first being rolled out in el paso and then it's going to be in brownsville and laredo it has not yet been rolled out in the rio grande valley or in del rio 08 years ago today defended the united states. >> we will never waiver in defense security force sacrifice of that greatest generation and we will carry their legacy forever. ♪ >> bret: we have an update tonight on the push by senate democrats to get the president's massive spending bill, the social spending bill through congress before christmas break. republicans pushing back against it, congressional correspondent chad pergram joins us on capitol hill. i want to go over some of the specifics, chad, but just moments ago senator joe manchin from west virginia talking to "wall street journal" ceo council summit said the unknown of inflation is much greater than the need to build back better right now. he says reconciliation should never have been used tore major policy change and, quote: this is not the best job i have ever had. i'm not going to sell my soul for this. doesn't sound like he is any closer to build back better. >> that's right. they need joe manchin if they are going to pass this bill. they need all 50 democrats. and democrats also need revenue to pay for their bill. the g.o.p. is highlighting a study by the official congressional score keeper the nonpartisan joint committee on taxation it says 87 million americans who earn less than $400,000 a year could face beefed up scrutiny of their bank account by the irs just to balance the books. >> most feared agency by everyday americans is the irs. the last thing they want is additional irs agents and auditors to be looking underneath every couch cushion to find out where every one of their pennies is stored. >> provision in question was a goal of the white house earlier this year but it did not make it into the bill passed by the house. the g.o.p. says if democrats plan to pay for the bill, they have no other choice with you to go after american taxpayers. and speaking of debt, there is now a bipartisan agreement to hike the debt limit. the g.o.p. will help democrats with procedure but not on raising the debt ceiling itself. twice before senate minority leader mitch mcconnell said the g.o.p. would not assist. >> when do you say when you drew those two red lines and now help indirectly raise the debt ceiling? >> well, the red line is intact. there are always differences of opinion among republicans about how to handle a delicate issue like the debt ceiling. >> we won't know the size of the debt limit increase until next week, bret. >> bret: meantime, chad, the january 6th committee now considering contempt of congress charges for mark meadows, former white house chief of staff, former congressman. >> you know, last week it appeared that meadows would cooperate but meadows reversed himself. that deposition was planned for tomorrow. the committee says if meadows does not appear it will recommend the house refer him to the doj for criminal contempt of congress. and today a court set the trial date for steve bannon in his contempt of congress case july 18th, next year. bret? >> bret: follow all that, chad, thank you. >> bret: today is the 80th anniversary of the day that president franklin del morose vet lives in infamy. japan's surprise attack on the u.s. base at pearl harbor thrust america into the second world war. tonight william la jeunesse looks at some of the events marking that generation defining day. [national anthem] >> a grateful nation paid its respects today to those who died 80 years ago defending pearl harbor. >> so terrible a picture. >> for many the first day of the war was also their last. 2400 died. others made it and today 32 of those survivors, all well into their 90's, attended the ceremony. >> freedom does not come cheap. >> navy secretary del toro says the legacy of those who fought here lives in every sailor today with the words remember pearl harbor a battle cry that united the nation. >> they answered their nation's call. they placed themselves in harm's way. and they fulfilled their oath to the fullest extent. >> this is what pearl looked like in 1941, island surrounded by the pacific fleet. when the attack began, japan focused on battle ship row. torpedoes hit the west virginia and oklahoma, which capsized, trapping 400 sailors inside. the california, maryland, tennessee and vestal also took hits, pennsylvania, nevada and utah damaged or destroyed. a dive bomb penetrated arizona's deck. it sank in minutes. forever intombing 900 sailors and now a memorial to that fateful day. today these heroes fight a different enemy, age. but their memories are clear. >> i looked up and i saw the red ball on the airplane and i thought my god that's a japanese plane. that's not our plane. >> while many americans see pearl harbor a defeat and thought the u.s. would surrender the south pacific, in fact within six months the u.s. navy had avenged the lives lost here with a major victory at midway. bret? >> bret: william, thank you. up next, the panel on president biden's call with russian president vladimir putin, plus a closer look at america's crime crisis. sharp, stabbing pains, or an intense burning sensation. what is this nightmare? it's how some people describe... shingles. a painful, blistering rash that could interrupt your life for weeks. forget social events and weekend getaways. if you've had chickenpox, the virus that causes shingles is already inside of you. if you're 50 years or older ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles. it's a thirteen-hour flight, that's not a weekend trip. if you're 50 years or older fifteen minutes until we board. oh yeah, we gotta take off. you downloaded the td ameritrade mobile app so you can quickly check the markets? yeah, actually i'm taking one last look at my dashboard before we board. excellent. and you have thinkorswim mobile- -so i can finish analyzing the risk on this position. you two are all set. have a great flight. thanks. we'll see ya. ah, they're getting so smart. choose the app that fits your investing style. ♪♪ your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit small businesses like yours make gift-giving possible. m now, comcast business hason. an exclusive gift for you. introducing the gift of savings sale. for a limited time, ask how to get a great deal for your business. and get up to a $500 prepaid card with select bundles when you switch to the network that can deliver gig speeds to the most businesses. or get started with internet and voice for $64.99 per month with a 2-year price guarantee. give your business the gift of savings today. comcast business. powering possibilities. ♪ >> we will never recognize russia's illegal occupation in crimea and neither will the world nor provocative behavior by russia will lead to more costs and to greater isolation. >> i will look in the eye and tell you as president biden looked president putin in the eye today things we did not do in 2014 we are prepared to do now. >> putin is laughing at biden because the weakness he has whether against russia the taliban or chinese communists, that weakness is dangerous. >> bret: president biden with a two hour virtual discussion, meeting with the russian leader vladimir putin over the digital communication, the white house says the message was sent that the u.s. is not going to put up with russia invading ukraine. what comes from that, what is going to happen, let's bring in our panel mara liasson national political correspondent of "national public radio." guy benson editor at town host of the guy benson show on fox news radio and former education secretary bill bennett. your thoughts. >> first that was a very moving piece on pearl harbor one you talk about the generation defining moment one person who helped define that generation bob dole. i want to take this opportunity to say he was a friend and we will miss him. thank you for letting me do that well, you know, eye to eye, you know, national security adviser sullivan said we will see what happens. you know, afghanistan was not a great moment, i'm sure it had something do with russia's actions here. i would be more impressed if we were arming sufficiently arming the ukrainians now. why not javelin missiles. all i heard about was defensive missiles. what about offensive missiles. take some toll on the russians. be yesterday to take toll on the russians should they invade. and the nord stream two pipeline really do we really think we can impose upon the germans the willingness to give up that pipeline? having signed off on it? i wish we had more options short of what we have got. but the main thing we don't have is, i think, resoluteness in the oval office. that's what bothers me. >> bret: have you mentioned the nord stream 2 pipeline. take a listen using that as leverage. they talked about that today. >> gas is not currently flowing through the nord stream 2 pipeline which means it's not operating, which means that it's not leverage for putin. >> what putin knows in the middle of winter, he will be able to starve ukraine and starve eastern europe and he will be able to hold germany hostage with their energy supply. putin knows he can withstand u.n. sanctions if he has a fractured europe and nord stream 2 is exactly what's going to fracture europe. >> bret: mara, your thoughts. >> nord stream 2 has been a real problem not just for president biden. president trump wanted germany to cancel that he failed to get that done. but, germany is making some kind of, you know, positive noises that they will consider doing something about that if russia invades ukraine. i think the big question from today is when jake sullivan says he looked putin in the eye and says we are going to do things we didn't do in 2014, what does that mean? does that mean canceling russia's access to the international banking system through a program called swift? does it mean that would in effect freeze the bank accounts of oligarchs and president putin? i mean, that would be something that would probably hurt. but if they just do the kind of sanctions that they did in 2014, we know that didn't deter putin from annexing crimea. so we have to see what the u.s. and its european allies come up with that would really make a difference to russia. >> bret: guy? >> yeah, i agree with mara, this is a moment of testing not just for president biden but for the rest broadly. bill variety that american weakness is provocative and what we are hearing from the white house and from some of our allies is that this time will be different. and mara was noting 2014. the annexation of crimea. don't forget 2008 and the incursion into georgia. putin has attempted very provocative things and, in fact, pulled them off multiple times in recent memory and there was an explosion in each case of sound and fury and finger wagging and a few things happened and putin seems to have absorbed them. would this time be different? would it be painful enough? are those threats credible and painful enough to actually deter putin from doing something that he appears to be preparing to do? we will see. >> bret: all right, let's turn domestically now to crime. and it is on the rise around the country. we have seen different cities with significant increases, especially when it comes to robberies and armed robberies. bill, this is a big problem. and these cities are dealing with it differently. >> yeah. when i was secretary of education, we looked at schools that failed and we wondered what to do. we said let's take look schools that work. and what practices they were engaged in. let's look at cities that work. and i think you will find that people are arrested. they stay arrested. the prosecutors prosecute. they go to jail. and they stay there for a long time. not this quick in and out. also, i think the bail reform system, bail system needs to be reformed. use the federal model. don't make it dependent on cash and on whether people are poor or rich. make it danger of the committee. likelihood of that person committing another crime and if that likelihood is there, keep them in jail. look at the places that work. you will find this is what they are doing. along these lines. >> bret: mara, the repeat offenders, that's part of the criticism is some of these prosecutors are just not prosecuting or putting people back out on the street. >> yeah. i mean, look, bail reform is important. bill just talked about it you don't want to penalize people because they're poor. you don't want to have debtor prison where states or municipalities are dependent on cash bail to fund their budgets. but, for violent crime, yes. people want those criminals off the street and in prison. and one other weird little wrinkle of this, this smash and grab kind of looting, is because it's so easy to sell that stuff on the internet now. that's what's motivating a lot of this. >> bret: guy? last word. >> i would say as a political proposition the republicans are hitting on these issues every single day. they intend to make public safety a big issue in '22. >> bret: yes. indeed. all right, panel, thank you so much. when we come back, tuesday tweets. ♪ (vo) what's better than giving a better phone this holiday season? oh! i know, i know. giving a better phone on a better network. how much better? ranked #1 in network reliability 16 times in a row better. the most awarded for network quality a whopping 27 times by j.d. power better. yeah. and verizon is ranked #1 in customer satisfaction for small business wireless service better. this round's on me. holiday better with 5g from america's most reliable network. because everyone deserves better. i was just blown away by how much my 23andme reports taught me about my health. and that's why i knew how meaningful this gift would be for my family. this season give the most meaningful gift for just $129 [narrator] this is steve. he used to have gum problems. now, he uses therabreath healthy gums oral rinse with clinically-proven ingredients and his gum problems have vanished. (crowd applauding) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. at walmart, target and other fine stores. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. >> bret: wow, new open. finally tonight tuesday tweets #sr twit tuesday. finally you could find something that he said that would apply what is he going on. what a treasure he was, we couldn't agree more. here he is on china. >> the overwhelming threat is china's rising today to humiliate the united states unveiled a stealth fighter, which is essentially a copy of the f-35 as a way to say we have arrived there is a way of showing on the big stuff a threat to our security, to our presence, to our navy, and to our standing, protection our allies in the pacific rim, they are rising and their intent is to chase us out and they are having some success. >> bret: we will play more, i promise. next we have a question from tyler any advice to my freshman son in college in making it in the journalism business? i will tell you what, tyler, stay on the road keep driving and get in the game. basically, you have got keep going after it. even if you can't see where you are going to be at the end. last, but not least, we have char, does the baier family have a family pet dog, cat, et cetera? we do. we have cocoa mini. >> pete: golden doodle and she is the love of our family. there she is. yeah. cocoa. tomorrow's "special report" republican senator marco rubio will be on freedom hosted by tammy bruce starts right now. >> tammy: thank you. and cocoa looks like a mini baier. i swear to god. thank you again, bret. and welcome to freedom. i'm tammy bruce and tonight joe biden's weakness and failure or not world stage as undeniable as ever. we discussed the through policies and legislation, that's not the only front of destruction we are facing reputation standing an influence on the world. >> as american adversaries like russia and china intensify their aggression, the biden administration is retreating to the same political platitudes, the same tired washington tropes and the same pep bid

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Deter Putin , Difference , Coffins , Leaders , Discussion , Zalinsky , Troops , U K , Italy , France , Bret , Region , Tensions , Capabilities , Weren T , Nomination , Corps Controller , Bank Regulator Position , Nominee , Currency , Sol Omarova , Senate , Battle , Confirmation , Democrats , Ideologies , Decision , Soviet Union , Chris Van Hollen , Qualifications , Member , Senate Foreign Relations Committee , Achievements , Maryland , Rove , Withdrawal , Reaction , Supreme Courter , Second , Ms , Great To Be With You , People , Hearing Banking Committee , Turn , Position , Policies , Fact , Kind , Communist Sympathizer When , Way , Votes , Regime , Nation , Consensus , Top Banking Regulator , Road , Ideas , Yomentd , Choice , Beginning , Economy , Nominee Mainstream Views , Hearing , Policy , Policy Differences , Satisfaction , Writings , Positions , Differences , Hearings , Line , Questions , Protection Our Allies , Message , Support , Effort , Access , Sanction , Individuals , Cutting , Banking System , Assistance , United Front , Actions , Multiplier , Listen , Appeasement Approach , Congressman Mike Waltz , Neville Chamberlain , Place , Stick Up , Equipment , View , Leverage , Advance , Case Putin , Cobs , Sequences , Country , Sector , Effect , Scenario , Didn T , Nord Stream Two Pipeline , Conduct , Company , Words , Waiver , Reversal , Respect , Build , Bill , Provision , Families , Kids , Tax Cuts , Child , Tax Cut , 600 , 3600 , Others , Cost , Provisions , Child Care , Prescription Drugs , Scrutiny , Parts , State , Criminals , Street , Crime Crisis , Governments , Bit , Tonight America S , Insistence , Deja Vu , Crime , Problem , Rash , Jonathan Hunt , Contributing , Authorities , Beverly Hills , Revolving Door , Robberies , Area , Police Chiefs , Spate , Criminal Justice , Instance , Tonal , Los Angeles , 14 , Bail , Courts , Streets , Risk Prison Population , Pandemic , Loose , Zero , Judge , Man , Weaker , New York , Women , In The City , Office , Injuries , Hospital Treatment , Charges , Manhattan D A , Stores , Lori Lightfoot , Chicago , City , Onus , Smash And Grab , Some , Issue , Safety , Videos , Crime Wave , Retailers , Gavin Newsom , Priority , Thefts , George Gascon , Concern , Los Angeles County , Reason , Prosecutors , Justice System , Crimes , Reforms , Need , Neighborhoods , Beverlyy Hills A Spokesman , Attack , Quote , Actor , Accountable , Trial , Staging , Testimony , Jonathan Hunt In Beverly Hills , D A , Of Zowlt , Arguments , Matt Finn , Correspondent Matt Fin , Up In The Air , Stand , Eyes , Bruise , Scar , Stand Today Smollett , Jowlgt , Smollett , Dan Webben , Interview , Good Morning America , Fine , Incident , Holiday Hair , Word , Daniel Webb , African Americans , Lighting , N , Court Today A Tense Moment , Reading Verbatim Message , Makeup , Jussie Smollett Intrund , Messages , Bola Sundar Row , Phone Calls , The Room , Anything , Oath , None , Workout Session , Hoax , Cancer , 9 , 30 , Text Message , Police , Investigation , Story , Fox News Live , Lemon , Up Next , Stocks , Rally , Omicron Fears , S P 500 , Broad Tech Led , Dow , Nasdaq , 462 , 500 , 95 , 492 , Elections , Afghans , Non Citizens , First , Fox Affiliates , Fox 5 , Taliban , U N , Outlook , 5 , Fox 17 In Nashville , Approval , City Council , Offices , Ballots , 800000 , 17 , Statue , Nathan Bedford , Property , Source , Pedestal , University General , Debate , I 56 In Nashville , Kkk , 56 , 1997 , Look , Affiliate Khon , Stories Tonight A North Texas High School Band , Hawaii , 2017 , 2020 , Flight , Majority , Pearl Harbor , Band Members , Students , Pearl Harbor National Memorial , Toler High School , Dfw To Honolulu , December 7th , 1941 , Nine , December 7th 1941 , 7 , Airliner , Beltway , Sanctuary , Power , Wish List Event , Lincoln , Plan , Candidates , Size , Indeed Instant Match , Staffing , Master , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Liberty Mutual , I Don T , Chances , Car Insurance , Bull Rider , 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Plus , 125 , Borders , U S Supreme Court , Jamal Khashoggi , Killers , Answer , Radical Change , Saudi , Guard , Khashoggi , Killing , Explosives , Motorcycle , Center , Southern City Of Basra , Iraq , Istanbul , 2018 , Column , Governor , Militants , Smoke , Vehicles , Blast Set Ablaze , Islamic , Iraqi Security Forces , Stories , Service , Group , Couple , Autoglass , Advice , Owner , Investor , Tools , Girl , Singers , Safelite , Safelite Repair , Future , Vanguard , Gift , Family , Reports , Health , 23 , Season , 29 , 129 , Commission , Changes , Breath , Primal Screen Tonight , Status Quo , Justices , Report , Commissioners , Mike Emanuel , Court Packing , Chief Washington , Commissioner , Term Limits , Proposals , Lifetime Appointments , Note , Disagreement , Example , Federal Court , Terms , Jurisdiction , Democracy , Counter , Advantages , Term , Expansion , President , Response , Jen Psaki , Independence , Reform , Progressives , Demands , Wake , Trump S Three Supreme Court Picks , Three , Timeline , Recommendation , Conservatives , Expectations , Timing , 3 , 6 , Appointments , Law , Vision , Many , Indications , Shelf , Blue Ribbon , Structure , Mexico , Texas Dps , Correspondent , Fox News , Border , Surge , Bill Melugin Reports Tonight , Crossing Points , Texas , Rio Grande , La Joya , Dark Of Night , Immigrants , Raft , Activity , Flea , Human Smuggler , Side , Brush , Raft On , Boat , Troopers , Runners , Woman , Gunpoint , Shouting , Efforts , Aerial Perspective , Barrier , Flotilla , Boats , Purpose , Wildlife , Reef , Family Units , Runner , Border Wall Live , Migrantst , Rvg , Levy , Encounters , Middle , Neighborhood , Rio Grande Valley , Camo , Dhs , Got Aways , 179 , 24 , 1800 , Increase , El Paso , 105000 , 165 , Del Rio , Brownsville , Laredo , 08 , Defense Security Force , Sacrifice , Generation , Legacy , Update , Chad Pergram , Spending Bill , Joe Manchin , Specifics , Spending , Policy Change , Reconciliation , Unknown , Inflation , Ceo , Wall Street Journal , Council Summit , West Virginia , Job , Soul , Doesn T , 50 , Study , Joint Committee On Taxation , Score , Keeper , Revenue , 87 Million , Irs , Agents , Bank Account , Books , 400000 , 00000 , Question , Pennies , Couch Cushion , Auditors , Goal , Debt , Agreement , Debt Limit , Procedure , Taxpayers , Debt Ceiling , Lines , Mitch Mcconnell , Debt Limit Increase , Red Line , Opinion , Mark Meadows , January 6th Committee Now Considering Contempt Of Congress , January 6th , Committee , Steve Bannon , House , Meadows , Deposition , Criminal Contempt Of Congress , Contempt Of Congress Case July 18th , A Court Set The Trial , Doj , 80th Anniversary , July 18th , 80 , 18 , Events , Thrust America Into The Second World War , Surprise Attack , Infamy , Japan , Tonight William La Jeunesse , Franklin Del Morose Vet , Respects , Picture , National Anthem , Freedom , Del Toro , War , Ceremony , , Survivors , Navy Secretary , 32 , 90 , 2400 , In Harm S Way , Sailor , Battle Cry , Pearl , Extent , Battle Ship Row , Torpedoes Hit The West Virginia , Pacific Fleet , Island , Oklahoma , Trapping , Hits , Deck , Dive Bomb , Pennsylvania , Nevada , Utah , California , Vestal , Arizona , 400 , Memorial , Memories , Sailors , Enemy , Red , Heroes , Airplane , Forever Intombing , 900 , God , Plane , Lives , Defeat , South Pacific , U S Navy , Midway , Six , Panel , Plus A Closer Look At America , Shingles , Nightmare , Life , Stabbing Pains , Sharp , Burning Sensation , Virus , Chickenpox , Weekend Getaways , Pharmacist , Doctor , Weekend Trip , Thirteen , Td Ameritrade , Thinkorswim , Dashboard , Markets , Set , One Last Look , Take Off , Mobile , Fifteen , App , Record Label , Smart , Investing Style , Taking Off , Sound Engineer , Savings Sale , Comcast Business Hason , Internet , Bundles , Prepaid Card , Gig Speeds , Voice , Deal , 00 , 64 99 , 4 99 , Price Guarantee , Savings , Possibilities , World , Behavior , Neither , Occupation , Costs , Greater Isolation , Weakness , Chinese Communists , Communication , Russia Invading Ukraine , Bill Bennett , Host , Mara Liasson National Political , National Public Radio , Guy Benson Show On Fox News Radio , Guy Benson Editor At Town Hall Com , Thoughts , Bob Dole , Opportunity , Piece , Friend , Well , Eye To , National Security Adviser Sullivan , Missiles , Wall , Arming , Toll , Willingness , Don T Have Is , Options , Resoluteness , Oval Office , Operating , Hostage , Energy Supply , Mara , Noises , Big Question , Program , Accounts , Swift , Oligarchs , Annexing Crimea , Testing , Rest , Guy , Bill Variety , Incursion , Don T , 2008 , Times , Memory , Case , Explosion , Enough , Sound And Fury , Threats , Rise , Cities , Schools , Increases , Secretary , Education , Work , Jail , Cash , Bail System , Model , Bail Reform System , Likelihood , It Danger , Part , The Street , Criticism , Repeat Offenders , Bail Reform , Debtor Prison , States , Budgets , Municipalities , Yes , Wrinkle , Prison , Stuff , Looting , Lot , Right , Proposition , Public Safety , 22 , Phone , Holiday Season , Tweets , Vo , Row , Customer Satisfaction , Small Business , Round , Power Better , J D , Verizon , 1 , 27 , 16 , Everyone , 5g , Gum Problems , Narrator , Gums , Therabreath , Ingredients , Mouthwash , Target , Crowd Applauding , Walmart , Twit Tuesday , China , Threat , Stealth Fighter , Copy , Treasure , Presence , Stuff A Threat , Showing , Navy , Pacific Rim , F 35 , 35 , Intent , Success , College , Freshman Son , Journalism Business , On The Road , Char , Game , The End , Tyler , Mini Baier , Cocoa , Love , Family Pet Dog , Cocoa Mini , Et Cetera , Pete , Marco Rubio , Tammy Bruce , Failure , Stage , Front , Destruction , Legislation , Adversaries , Reputation , Influence , Platitudes , Pep Bid , Aggression , Tropes , Washington ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20240709

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>> evening to you, bret. the call lasted two hours. according to the kremlin president putin told president biden that russia's posturing is purely defensive. the white house says biden was crystal clear about what would happen if russia takes additional steps and offered an alternative deescalation. >> president biden looked president putin in the eye and told him today that things we did not do in 2014 we are prepared to do now. >> in a high stakes call, president biden laid out economic consequences russia would face if they move forward with an invasion of ukraine. video of the meeting came from russian state media. >> good to see you again. i -- unfortunately last time -- we didn't get to see one another at the g-20. i hope next time we meet we do it in person. >> white house did not divulge sanctions package. biden made no concessions including on president putin's request to block ukraine from joining nato. instead the u.s. is preparing economic punishment with european allies. members of congress were briefed by the white house including on one measure so strong western allies opted not to use it, even after russia took crimea in 2014. >> not business as usual. >> not the usual kinds of sanctions. but as far as we can possibly go with sanctions denying the entire international banking system to the russians and things like that. >> national security adviser jake sullivan would not confirm the u.s. pressured germany to stop the nord stream 2 pipeline if russia invades ukraine but suggested it is a tool. >> gas is not currently flowing through the nord stream 2 pipeline. if vladimir putin wants to see gas flow through that type line he may not want to take the risk of invading ukraine. >> hammer the administration over biden's to waive sanctions on nord stream 2. the party are aligned on defending ukraine. >> if there is one thing that vladimir putin ought to understand is how unified we are. >> ukraine's defense minister also issuing a warning to the russians. >> i will not believe that russian will have victory in ukraine it's difference. because it will be a really bloody -- and russian guys also will come back in the coffins. >> after the call with putin, president biden reached out to the leaders of france, the u.k., germany and italy to read them in on that call. they also coordinated ahead of it on thursday, he will speak with the ukrainian president zalinsky. right now there is no discussion of sending u.s. troops to ukraine. they will send though additional defensive capabilities if russia takes any steps to escalate this and the white house says that they would send troops to nato allies in the region, bret. >> bret: okay. tensions rising there. also tonight, president biden withdrew his nominee for the top bank regulator position. the votes weren't there. what happened? >> yeah. sol omarova actually withdrew her nomination for corps controller of the currency after push back from senate republicans and also moderate democrats who were concerned that she wanted to nationalize banking. they also questioned whether she was still wedded to ideologies from her native soviet union. president biden said he accepted her decision. there was a contentious confirmation battle ahead in accepting that he praised her qualifications and her achievements, bret. >> bret: jacqui heinrich live on the north lawn, thank you. let's bring in a member of the senate foreign relations committee maryland democratic senator chris van hollen. chris, thank you for being here. >> bret, great to be with you. >> bret: talk to you in just a second of russia. i know you were a supreme courter of ms. only rove have a. your reaction to her withdrawal? >> i'm disappointed that she had to withdrawal or felt she had to withdrawal. i thought she was very well qualified for the position there were differences people could have on policies i was disturbed on the hearing banking committee which i serve took a turn toward smearing her she grew up in the soviet union, suggests she was some kind of communist sympathizer when, in fact, she fled the soviet union, she chose to come to the united states. because of their authoritarian regime so, again, i'm sorry the way this happened but at the end of the day, i'm glad the president made the nomination he did and the votes are what they are. yomentd to go too far down this road a bipartisan consensus emerged self-proclaimed radical ideas for america's financial system were not suitable for our nation's top banking regulator. i hope the biden administration will select a nominee mainstream views about the american economy. i mean, is it possible wrong choice at the beginning she did have to walk back a few things during that hearing. >> i thought she was the right choice. she made clear what her policy positions were. she clarified at least to my satisfaction, her writings. and, again, if people are opposed to her based on policy differences prosecute like i said, if you listened to the hearing it did at moments remind me scarily of the mccarthy hearing. so, look, i'm fine if people keep these hearings and questions based on policy and policy differences but i thought that was way out of line. >> senator, where do you think we are with russia and ukraine? >> >> i think the president sent a very clear message to putin today. i think he has the support of our allies in this effort and the message was clear. if you invade ukraine, if you take military action in ukraine, you are going to face very stiff sanction economic sanctions and we are not talking about pen republican type sanctions against individuals. we are talking about sectoral sanctions against final cutting off russia from access to the international banking system and russians very severe sanctions should be imposed assistance to ukraine. united front. we are stronger when we have multiplier affect with our allies and that's why it is so important that the president reached out to them both before and after the call. >> bret: yeah, republicans seem non--they think it should be happening now because of russia's actions already. here is congressman mike waltz, take a listen. >> i think president biden is slipping into becoming a modern day neville chamberlain. this appeasement approach going to work with vladimir putin. the actions we are going to see are what we are going to do right now sanctions in place right now. military equipment moving to help our ukrainian allies. >> bret: so now is the stick-up. your reaction to that? >> well, i think the president has been clear that sanctions would be automatically triggered. he will trigger sanctions if putin takes this action. look, sanctions are most effective, in my view, when you let the other party, in this case putin, know in advance just how serious the cobs sequences are. my view is that sanctions after the fact or now would not have that same kind of leverage. what you want to signal to putin is if you invade ukraine, you will face the incredibly stiff penalties and you will be isolated and your country will be isolated from the financial sector. and, again. important to have our allies that magnifies the effect in a much bigger way. >> bret: obviously, it didn't happen when russia went into crimea. it's a different scenario. just looking back in history. and the other thing is there second guessing now about the nord stream two pipeline and wishing, perhaps, thought administration had not kind of signed off on that? >> well, i think, bret, that u.s. position we discussed this with germany in advance. when the biden administration decided not to impose sanctions on the german company, they made clear at the same time that if there were certain kinds of conduct that russia engaged in that that would lead to a reversal of the waiver. i would argue very strongly that a russian invasion of ukraine would definitely trigger those sanctions again with respect to nord stream 2. in other words, putin should understand very clearly that if he invades ukraine, those sanctions will snap right back with respect to nord stream 2. >> bret: and last thing, quickly, is this build back better bill going to happen before christmas? >> well, i certainly hope so. there's a provision in the bill that will ensure that tax cuts for middle class families with kids don't expire at the end of this year. this is the tax cut for families with kids up to $3,600 per child per year. that was put in place earlier this year, a major tax cut for middle class families. it goes away at the end of this year. if we don't enact build back better. that's one of many important provisions. others including reducing the cost of prescription drugs, making child care more affordable for american families. but the one i mentioned earlier will actually go away at the end of this year if we don't get it done by christmas. >> bret: as you know there there is scrutiny on other parts of that bill. senator, we always appreciate your time. thanks for it. >> good to be with you, thanks, bret. >> bret: tonight america's crime crisis a bit of deja vu the insistence on state and local governments putting criminals back on the street almost as soon as they are arrested is contributing, according to authorities a rash of violent crime throughout the nation. chief correspondent jonathan hunt shows us tonight from beverly hills. >> we are catching the criminals and the problem is we are catching them over and over again. >> the revolving door of the criminal justice system is infuriating many police chiefs. in los angeles, for instance, police arrested 14 people allegedly involved in the recent spate of armed robberies across the area tonal see every one of them immediately turned loose by the courts and back on the streets because of the zero bail policy introduced at the beginning of the pandemic as a way to reduce l.a.'s crowded and, therefore, at risk prison population. >> they are being released very quickly without bail. and they're not being imprisoned so we continue to deal with the same people again and again. >> in new york meantime, a homeless man was released by a judge this weaker, albeit on supervised bail, after beating two women in the city. both women were allegedly punched in the face and both needed hospital treatment for their injuries. but the charges, according to the manhattan d.a.'s office, were not harsh enough to have the man held on bail. in chicago, a city also recently beset by smash and grab robberies mayor lori lightfoot implied this week the onus is on the stores. >> i'm disappointed that they are not doing more to take safety and make it a priority. >> the white house took issue with blaming the stores for the crime wave. >> we don't agree. we have seen some of these extremely disturbing videos showing retail thefts in both major retailers as well as state and local leaders like gavin newsom have identified this is a serious concern. we agree. that's the reason why we have sent additional support. >> the los angeles county district attorney george gascon has consistently argued that the justice system is in dire need of the kind of reforms he and other like-minded prosecutors are introducing. as for the spate of violent crimes in usually safer neighborhoods here like beverlyy hills a spokesman for the d.a. says we will, quote, hold responsible those accountable. bret? >> bret: jonathan hunt in beverly hills. jonathan, thank you. testimony has concluded in the trial of the actor accused of staging a racist attack against himself. closing arguments are expected tomorrow in the trial of zowlt. correspondent matt fin live in chicago has been following this from the beginning. good evening, matt. >> good evening, bret. jowlgt spent two days on the stand and i asked how he felt he simply put his fist up in the air. on the stand today smollett testified he still has a scar under his eyes and a permanent bruise under the other eye from the alleged attack. prosecutor dan webben pushed back and asked smollett if he was able to watch back his interview on good morning america a short while after the incident implies smollett's face looked fine. he shot back he had good holiday hair, makeup and lighting. also in court today a tense moment. jussie smollett intrund special prosecutor daniel webb reading verbatim message had the "n" word in it he asked him to spell the "n" word allowed out of respect for african-americans in the room. webb quickly complied and asked smollett to read his own messages aloud. smollett also insists that his personal messages and phone calls with bola sundar row attack night personal training and workout session a special prosecutor asked smollett why none of his messages discussed or cancer said that 9:30 a.m. workout session. smollett fired back that none of his messages had anything to do with an alleged hoax. smollett revealed under oath that don lemon sent him a text message during the investigation indicating that the chicago police were not buying his story. there was no follow-up and that did not come up again in court today. bret? >> bret: matt finn "fox news live" chicago, thanks. stocks notched their best day since march a broad tech-led rally as omicron fears fade. the dow gained 492 today. the s&p 500 was up 95. the nasdaq surged 462. up next, the stunning report from the u.n. showing a bleak outlook for afghans under taliban control. first, here's what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox 5 in new york as the city giving non-citizens the right to vote in local elections. a bill nearing approval would allow some 800,000 of them to cast ballots for mayor, city council and other municipal offices. the bill would not allow non-citizens to vote for president or members of congress. fox 17 in nashville where a large statue of a university general and former kkk leader nathan bedford is removed from its pedestal. the statue sitting on private property along i-56 in nashville has been in place since 1997. it's been a source of debate and vandalized in 2017 and 2020. and this is a live look at honolulu from our affiliate khon. a little cloudy there. one of the big stories tonight a north texas high school band is in hawaii to perform at the national pearl harbor remembrance day ceremonies. the toler high school students took time to visit the pearl harbor national memorial to learn more about the december 7th, 1941 attack. the majority of the band members, the nine-hour flight from dfw to honolulu was first time on a commercial airliner. there you go. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? 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[crying] >> afghanistan is facing a major humanitarian crisis four months after the american withdrawal. a recent analysis from the united nations world food program says nearly 23 million afghans face possible acute food insecurity this winter. the biden administration's critics say the consequences of the u.s. withdrawal this summer go well beyond afghanistan. they argue the administration failed to plan and execute a competent withdrawal which has cost the u.s. standing among its allies. >> they are not turning to us and saying leadership at this moment in time and we can't just continue to promise to be the partner of choice. >> the biden administration says it warned the taliban taking kabul by force would complicate aid to afghanistan. a country heavily reliant on international grants. officials also say years of drought, conflict, massive financial problems fraud and corruption have brought afghanistan to this point. as for the withdrawal, the defense secretary lloyd austin says he regrets the u.s. lost 13 service members in a terrorist attack and an air rant u.s. airstrike that killed 10 civilians. >> i want to make sure we don't lose sight of the fact that our american forces in 17 days evacuated 1,234,000 people from afghanistan. >> as for americans source says the u.s. government is in touch with 125 americans about leaving the country and several are ready to go. bret? >> bret: rich, thanks. up next, the biden administration slow walk as court order on immigration plus will there be radical change at the u.s. supreme court? we may have the answer tonight. first, beyond our borders tonight, one of the suspected killers of the saudi journalist jamal khashoggi is arrested in france. the detained the royal guard of saudi arabia as he was about to board a flight. he is believed to be involved in the killing of khashoggi in istanbul in 2018. a motorcycle rigged with explosives detonated in the center of iraq's southern city of basra, killing at least four people, wounding four others. iraqi security forces say the blast set ablaze two other vehicles and sent a column into the black smoke. the governor is blaming militants from islamic state group for the attack. just a couple of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. we'll be right back. ♪ autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. i was just blown away by how much my 23andme reports taught me about my health. and that's why i knew how meaningful this gift would be for my family. this season give the most meaningful gift for just $129 >> bret: those who feared or hoped for radical change for the u.s. supreme court are either taking a deep breath or stifling a primal screen tonight. a commission studying several proposed changes to the system has basically objected for the status quo. here is chief washington correspondent mike emanuel. >> president biden's commission voted unanimously to approve the final report on possible changes to the supreme court. the commissioners studied court packing and adding justices to the and how possible term limits could be phased in moving away from lifetime appointments. they backed the report but note there was not broad consensus. >> there was much disagreement among the commissioner about the saudi arabia just proposals. for example, i am opposed to expanding the size of the court, limiting the terms of justices. and stripping the court of any of its current jurisdiction. >> moments later another retired federal judge argued for adding justices. >> the court has been effectively court-packed by one party and will remain packed for years to come with serious consequences to our democracy. whatever the cost of expansion in the short-term i believe will be more than counter balanced by the real advantages it will bring to judicial independence and to our democracy. >> commission was created in response to progressives' demands for reform in the wake of president trump's three supreme court picks. at the white house, press secretary jen psaki has tried to lower expectations on possible presidential action and timing. >> i don't have a timeline for how long it will take him to review the report. i would remind you all it's not a recommendation that he either accepts or denies. >> conservatives say this is in response to a 6-3 majority that leans their way. and with lifetime appointments it is a court which could shape american law for decades. >> what's very concerning is now you are hearing democrats talking about packing the court, because they can't win elections, because they want to undermine the system. >> all indications are this blue ribbon report will end up like many before it on a shelf. while the debatesy respectful, they did not produce a clear vision about strange to the structure of the supreme court which ultimately would be made by congress. bret? >> bret: mike, thank you. the biden administration has reluctantly and slowly reintailgating the trump era return to mexico policy as ordered by a federal court. meanwhile, the surge continues across vulnerable crossing points along the southern border. correspondent bill melugin reports tonight, again, from la joya, texas. >> it's the dark of night on the rio grande and fox news is embedded with texas dps as they patrol the la joya, area looking for illegal activity and it doesn't take long to find it. >> raft, raft, raft. >> a human smuggler has landed a raft on the u.s. side full of illegal immigrants. some flea into the brush others remain in a boat including a woman and child. texas dps troopers quickly track down the runners. [shouting] >> and detain them at gunpoint. they are arrested. and the raft they came over on is knifed. >> when day breaks, texas dps gives us aerial perspective of their efforts. the state of texas has created a flotilla on the rio grande in the la joya, area hoping to act as a physical barrier. >> we deploy over 30 boats wildlife also with our texas dps boats as well. the purpose of that is to know illegal immigrants coming across. >> despite all those boats and the remain the starting reef main in mexico on monday, migrantst continue slipping across the border in the rvg. we have seen dozen of family units giving themselves up at the border wall live. levy. this runner partially dressed in camo was cute in the middle of a residential neighborhood. according to a dhs source in the last 24 hours alone, there have been more than 1800 encounters with illegal immigrants in the rio grande valley sector and 179 got-aways. are just since october, the sector has seen over 105,000 encounters already. that's a 165% increase over the same time last year. and, bret, what we are hearing when it comes to the remain in mexico policy it's first being rolled out in el paso and then it's going to be in brownsville and laredo it has not yet been rolled out in the rio grande valley or in del rio 08 years ago today defended the united states. >> we will never waiver in defense security force sacrifice of that greatest generation and we will carry their legacy forever. ♪ >> bret: we have an update tonight on the push by senate democrats to get the president's massive spending bill, the social spending bill through congress before christmas break. republicans pushing back against it, congressional correspondent chad pergram joins us on capitol hill. i want to go over some of the specifics, chad, but just moments ago senator joe manchin from west virginia talking to "wall street journal" ceo council summit said the unknown of inflation is much greater than the need to build back better right now. he says reconciliation should never have been used tore major policy change and, quote: this is not the best job i have ever had. i'm not going to sell my soul for this. doesn't sound like he is any closer to build back better. >> that's right. they need joe manchin if they are going to pass this bill. they need all 50 democrats. and democrats also need revenue to pay for their bill. the g.o.p. is highlighting a study by the official congressional score keeper the nonpartisan joint committee on taxation it says 87 million americans who earn less than $400,000 a year could face beefed up scrutiny of their bank account by the irs just to balance the books. >> most feared agency by everyday americans is the irs. the last thing they want is additional irs agents and auditors to be looking underneath every couch cushion to find out where every one of their pennies is stored. >> provision in question was a goal of the white house earlier this year but it did not make it into the bill passed by the house. the g.o.p. says if democrats plan to pay for the bill, they have no other choice with you to go after american taxpayers. and speaking of debt, there is now a bipartisan agreement to hike the debt limit. the g.o.p. will help democrats with procedure but not on raising the debt ceiling itself. twice before senate minority leader mitch mcconnell said the g.o.p. would not assist. >> when do you say when you drew those two red lines and now help indirectly raise the debt ceiling? >> well, the red line is intact. there are always differences of opinion among republicans about how to handle a delicate issue like the debt ceiling. >> we won't know the size of the debt limit increase until next week, bret. >> bret: meantime, chad, the january 6th committee now considering contempt of congress charges for mark meadows, former white house chief of staff, former congressman. >> you know, last week it appeared that meadows would cooperate but meadows reversed himself. that deposition was planned for tomorrow. the committee says if meadows does not appear it will recommend the house refer him to the doj for criminal contempt of congress. and today a court set the trial date for steve bannon in his contempt of congress case july 18th, next year. bret? >> bret: follow all that, chad, thank you. >> bret: today is the 80th anniversary of the day that president franklin del morose vet lives in infamy. japan's surprise attack on the u.s. base at pearl harbor thrust america into the second world war. tonight william la jeunesse looks at some of the events marking that generation defining day. [national anthem] >> a grateful nation paid its respects today to those who died 80 years ago defending pearl harbor. >> so terrible a picture. >> for many the first day of the war was also their last. 2400 died. others made it and today 32 of those survivors, all well into their 90's, attended the ceremony. >> freedom does not come cheap. >> navy secretary del toro says the legacy of those who fought here lives in every sailor today with the words remember pearl harbor a battle cry that united the nation. >> they answered their nation's call. they placed themselves in harm's way. and they fulfilled their oath to the fullest extent. >> this is what pearl looked like in 1941, island surrounded by the pacific fleet. when the attack began, japan focused on battle ship row. torpedoes hit the west virginia and oklahoma, which capsized, trapping 400 sailors inside. the california, maryland, tennessee and vestal also took hits, pennsylvania, nevada and utah damaged or destroyed. a dive bomb penetrated arizona's deck. it sank in minutes. forever intombing 900 sailors and now a memorial to that fateful day. today these heroes fight a different enemy, age. but their memories are clear. >> i looked up and i saw the red ball on the airplane and i thought my god that's a japanese plane. that's not our plane. >> while many americans see pearl harbor a defeat and thought the u.s. would surrender the south pacific, in fact within six months the u.s. navy had avenged the lives lost here with a major victory at midway. bret? >> bret: william, thank you. up next, the panel on president biden's call with russian president vladimir putin, plus a closer look at america's crime crisis. sharp, stabbing pains, or an intense burning sensation. what is this nightmare? it's how some people describe... shingles. a painful, blistering rash that could interrupt your life for weeks. forget social events and weekend getaways. if you've had chickenpox, the virus that causes shingles is already inside of you. if you're 50 years or older ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles. it's a thirteen-hour flight, that's not a weekend trip. if you're 50 years or older fifteen minutes until we board. oh yeah, we gotta take off. you downloaded the td ameritrade mobile app so you can quickly check the markets? yeah, actually i'm taking one last look at my dashboard before we board. excellent. and you have thinkorswim mobile- -so i can finish analyzing the risk on this position. you two are all set. have a great flight. thanks. we'll see ya. ah, they're getting so smart. choose the app that fits your investing style. ♪♪ your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit small businesses like yours make gift-giving possible. m now, comcast business hason. an exclusive gift for you. introducing the gift of savings sale. for a limited time, ask how to get a great deal for your business. and get up to a $500 prepaid card with select bundles when you switch to the network that can deliver gig speeds to the most businesses. or get started with internet and voice for $64.99 per month with a 2-year price guarantee. give your business the gift of savings today. comcast business. powering possibilities. ♪ >> we will never recognize russia's illegal occupation in crimea and neither will the world nor provocative behavior by russia will lead to more costs and to greater isolation. >> i will look in the eye and tell you as president biden looked president putin in the eye today things we did not do in 2014 we are prepared to do now. >> putin is laughing at biden because the weakness he has whether against russia the taliban or chinese communists, that weakness is dangerous. >> bret: president biden with a two hour virtual discussion, meeting with the russian leader vladimir putin over the digital communication, the white house says the message was sent that the u.s. is not going to put up with russia invading ukraine. what comes from that, what is going to happen, let's bring in our panel mara liasson national political correspondent of "national public radio." guy benson editor at town host of the guy benson show on fox news radio and former education secretary bill bennett. your thoughts. >> first that was a very moving piece on pearl harbor one you talk about the generation defining moment one person who helped define that generation bob dole. i want to take this opportunity to say he was a friend and we will miss him. thank you for letting me do that well, you know, eye to eye, you know, national security adviser sullivan said we will see what happens. you know, afghanistan was not a great moment, i'm sure it had something do with russia's actions here. i would be more impressed if we were arming sufficiently arming the ukrainians now. why not javelin missiles. all i heard about was defensive missiles. what about offensive missiles. take some toll on the russians. be yesterday to take toll on the russians should they invade. and the nord stream two pipeline really do we really think we can impose upon the germans the willingness to give up that pipeline? having signed off on it? i wish we had more options short of what we have got. but the main thing we don't have is, i think, resoluteness in the oval office. that's what bothers me. >> bret: have you mentioned the nord stream 2 pipeline. take a listen using that as leverage. they talked about that today. >> gas is not currently flowing through the nord stream 2 pipeline which means it's not operating, which means that it's not leverage for putin. >> what putin knows in the middle of winter, he will be able to starve ukraine and starve eastern europe and he will be able to hold germany hostage with their energy supply. putin knows he can withstand u.n. sanctions if he has a fractured europe and nord stream 2 is exactly what's going to fracture europe. >> bret: mara, your thoughts. >> nord stream 2 has been a real problem not just for president biden. president trump wanted germany to cancel that he failed to get that done. but, germany is making some kind of, you know, positive noises that they will consider doing something about that if russia invades ukraine. i think the big question from today is when jake sullivan says he looked putin in the eye and says we are going to do things we didn't do in 2014, what does that mean? does that mean canceling russia's access to the international banking system through a program called swift? does it mean that would in effect freeze the bank accounts of oligarchs and president putin? i mean, that would be something that would probably hurt. but if they just do the kind of sanctions that they did in 2014, we know that didn't deter putin from annexing crimea. so we have to see what the u.s. and its european allies come up with that would really make a difference to russia. >> bret: guy? >> yeah, i agree with mara, this is a moment of testing not just for president biden but for the rest broadly. bill variety that american weakness is provocative and what we are hearing from the white house and from some of our allies is that this time will be different. and mara was noting 2014. the annexation of crimea. don't forget 2008 and the incursion into georgia. putin has attempted very provocative things and, in fact, pulled them off multiple times in recent memory and there was an explosion in each case of sound and fury and finger wagging and a few things happened and putin seems to have absorbed them. would this time be different? would it be painful enough? are those threats credible and painful enough to actually deter putin from doing something that he appears to be preparing to do? we will see. >> bret: all right, let's turn domestically now to crime. and it is on the rise around the country. we have seen different cities with significant increases, especially when it comes to robberies and armed robberies. bill, this is a big problem. and these cities are dealing with it differently. >> yeah. when i was secretary of education, we looked at schools that failed and we wondered what to do. we said let's take look schools that work. and what practices they were engaged in. let's look at cities that work. and i think you will find that people are arrested. they stay arrested. the prosecutors prosecute. they go to jail. and they stay there for a long time. not this quick in and out. also, i think the bail reform system, bail system needs to be reformed. use the federal model. don't make it dependent on cash and on whether people are poor or rich. make it danger of the committee. likelihood of that person committing another crime and if that likelihood is there, keep them in jail. look at the places that work. you will find this is what they are doing. along these lines. >> bret: mara, the repeat offenders, that's part of the criticism is some of these prosecutors are just not prosecuting or putting people back out on the street. >> yeah. i mean, look, bail reform is important. bill just talked about it you don't want to penalize people because they're poor. you don't want to have debtor prison where states or municipalities are dependent on cash bail to fund their budgets. but, for violent crime, yes. people want those criminals off the street and in prison. and one other weird little wrinkle of this, this smash and grab kind of looting, is because it's so easy to sell that stuff on the internet now. that's what's motivating a lot of this. >> bret: guy? last word. >> i would say as a political proposition the republicans are hitting on these issues every single day. they intend to make public safety a big issue in '22. >> bret: yes. indeed. all right, panel, thank you so much. when we come back, tuesday tweets. ♪ (vo) what's better than giving a better phone this holiday season? oh! i know, i know. giving a better phone on a better network. how much better? ranked #1 in network reliability 16 times in a row better. the most awarded for network quality a whopping 27 times by j.d. power better. yeah. and verizon is ranked #1 in customer satisfaction for small business wireless service better. this round's on me. holiday better with 5g from america's most reliable network. because everyone deserves better. i was just blown away by how much my 23andme reports taught me about my health. and that's why i knew how meaningful this gift would be for my family. this season give the most meaningful gift for just $129 [narrator] this is steve. he used to have gum problems. now, he uses therabreath healthy gums oral rinse with clinically-proven ingredients and his gum problems have vanished. (crowd applauding) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. at walmart, target and other fine stores. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. >> bret: wow, new open. finally tonight tuesday tweets #sr twit tuesday. finally you could find something that he said that would apply what is he going on. what a treasure he was, we couldn't agree more. here he is on china. >> the overwhelming threat is china's rising today to humiliate the united states unveiled a stealth fighter, which is essentially a copy of the f-35 as a way to say we have arrived there is a way of showing on the big stuff a threat to our security, to our presence, to our navy, and to our standing, protection our allies in the pacific rim, they are rising and their intent is to chase us out and they are having some success. >> bret: we will play more, i promise. next we have a question from tyler any advice to my freshman son in college in making it in the journalism business? i will tell you what, tyler, stay on the road keep driving and get in the game. basically, you have got keep going after it. even if you can't see where you are going to be at the end. last, but not least, we have char, does the baier family have a family pet dog, cat, et cetera? we do. we have cocoa mini. >> pete: golden doodle and she is the love of our family. there she is. yeah. cocoa. tomorrow's "special report" republican senator marco rubio will be on freedom hosted by tammy bruce starts right now. >> tammy: thank you. and cocoa looks like a mini baier. i swear to god. thank you again, bret. and welcome to freedom. i'm tammy bruce and tonight joe biden's weakness and failure or not world stage as undeniable as ever. we discussed the through policies and legislation, that's not the only front of destruction we are facing reputation standing an influence on the world. >> as american adversaries like russia and china intensify their aggression, the biden administration is retreating to the same political platitudes, the same tired washington tropes and the same pep bid

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Cutting , Banking System , Assistance , United Front , Actions , Multiplier , Listen , Appeasement Approach , Congressman Mike Waltz , Neville Chamberlain , Place , Stick Up , Equipment , View , Leverage , Advance , Case Putin , Cobs , Sequences , Country , Sector , Effect , Scenario , Didn T , Nord Stream Two Pipeline , Conduct , Company , Words , Waiver , Reversal , Respect , Build , Bill , Provision , Families , Kids , Tax Cuts , Child , Tax Cut , 600 , 3600 , Others , Cost , Provisions , Child Care , Prescription Drugs , Scrutiny , Parts , State , Criminals , Street , Crime Crisis , Governments , Bit , Tonight America S , Insistence , Deja Vu , Crime , Problem , Rash , Jonathan Hunt , Contributing , Authorities , Beverly Hills , Revolving Door , Robberies , Area , Police Chiefs , Spate , Criminal Justice , Instance , Tonal , Los Angeles , 14 , Bail , Courts , Streets , Risk Prison Population , Pandemic , Loose , Zero , Judge , Man , Weaker , New York , Women , In The City , Office , Injuries , Hospital Treatment , Charges , Manhattan D A , Stores , Lori Lightfoot , Chicago , City , Onus , Smash And Grab , Some , Issue , Safety , Videos , Crime Wave , Retailers , Gavin Newsom , Priority , Thefts , George Gascon , Concern , Los Angeles County , Reason , Prosecutors , Justice System , Crimes , Reforms , Need , Neighborhoods , Beverlyy Hills A Spokesman , Attack , Quote , Actor , Accountable , Trial , Staging , Testimony , Jonathan Hunt In Beverly Hills , D A , Of Zowlt , Arguments , Matt Finn , Correspondent Matt Fin , Up In The Air , Stand , Eyes , Bruise , Scar , Stand Today Smollett , Jowlgt , Smollett , Dan Webben , Interview , Good Morning America , Fine , Incident , Holiday Hair , Word , Daniel Webb , African Americans , Lighting , N , Court Today A Tense Moment , Reading Verbatim Message , Makeup , Jussie Smollett Intrund , Messages , Bola Sundar Row , Phone Calls , The Room , Anything , Oath , None , Workout Session , Hoax , Cancer , 9 , 30 , Text Message , Police , Investigation , Story , Fox News Live , Lemon , Up Next , Stocks , Rally , Omicron Fears , S P 500 , Broad Tech Led , Dow , Nasdaq , 462 , 500 , 95 , 492 , Elections , Afghans , Non Citizens , First , Fox Affiliates , Fox 5 , Taliban , U N , Outlook , 5 , Fox 17 In Nashville , Approval , City Council , Offices , Ballots , 800000 , 17 , Statue , Nathan Bedford , Property , Source , Pedestal , University General , Debate , I 56 In Nashville , Kkk , 56 , 1997 , Look , Affiliate Khon , Stories Tonight A North Texas High School Band , Hawaii , 2017 , 2020 , Flight , Majority , Pearl Harbor , Band Members , Students , Pearl Harbor National Memorial , Toler High School , Dfw To Honolulu , December 7th , 1941 , Nine , December 7th 1941 , 7 , Airliner , Beltway , Sanctuary , Power , Wish List Event , Lincoln , Plan , Candidates , Size , Indeed Instant Match , Staffing , Master , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Liberty Mutual , I Don T , Chances , Car Insurance , Bull Rider , Pay , Someone , Record , Tex , Hang On , Woooooo , Wooo , Yeaa , 665 Dollars , 665 , Liberty , Guests , Devices , 1200 , Network , Network Solutions , Security , Activecore Platform , Comcast Business , Cyberthreat , Anywhere , Network Management , Sd Wan , Business , Big Day , Business Powering Possibilities , Government , Vaccine Requirement , Injunction , Georgia , Vaccine Mandates , Blow , Businesses , Contractors , Healthcare Workers , Procurement , Mandates , Savanna , Significance , Afghanistan , Exodus , Fallout , Tennessee , U S Military , Kentucky , Ohio , 100 , Rich Edson , Crisis , Four , Winter , Summer , Critics , Food Insecurity , Analysis , United Nations World Food Program , 23 Million , Leadership , Standing , Partner , Force , Grants , Aid , Lloyd Austin , Problems , Corruption , Terrorist Attack , Conflict , Point , Drought , Officials , 13 , Forces , Sight , Civilians , Airstrike , Air Rant , 10 , Everyday Americans , 1234000 , Several , Court Order On Immigration Plus , 125 , Borders , U S Supreme Court , Jamal Khashoggi , Killers , Answer , Radical Change , Saudi , Guard , Khashoggi , Killing , Explosives , Motorcycle , Center , Southern City Of Basra , Iraq , Istanbul , 2018 , Column , Governor , Militants , Smoke , Vehicles , Blast Set Ablaze , Islamic , Iraqi Security Forces , Stories , Service , Group , Couple , Autoglass , Advice , Owner , Investor , Tools , Girl , Singers , Safelite , Safelite Repair , Future , Vanguard , Gift , Family , Reports , Health , 23 , Season , 29 , 129 , Commission , Changes , Breath , Primal Screen Tonight , Status Quo , Justices , Report , Commissioners , Mike Emanuel , Court Packing , Chief Washington , Commissioner , Term Limits , Proposals , Lifetime Appointments , Note , Disagreement , Example , Federal Court , Terms , Jurisdiction , Democracy , Counter , Advantages , Term , Expansion , President , Response , Jen Psaki , Independence , Reform , Progressives , Demands , Wake , Trump S Three Supreme Court Picks , Three , Timeline , Recommendation , Conservatives , Expectations , Timing , 3 , 6 , Appointments , Law , Vision , Many , Indications , Shelf , Blue Ribbon , Structure , Mexico , Texas Dps , Correspondent , Fox News , Border , Surge , Bill Melugin Reports Tonight , Crossing Points , Texas , Rio Grande , La Joya , Dark Of Night , Immigrants , Raft , Activity , Flea , Human Smuggler , Side , Brush , Raft On , Boat , Troopers , Runners , Woman , Gunpoint , Shouting , Efforts , Aerial Perspective , Barrier , Flotilla , Boats , Purpose , Wildlife , Reef , Family Units , Runner , Border Wall Live , Migrantst , Rvg , Levy , Encounters , Middle , Neighborhood , Rio Grande Valley , Camo , Dhs , Got Aways , 179 , 24 , 1800 , Increase , El Paso , 105000 , 165 , Del Rio , Brownsville , Laredo , 08 , Defense Security Force , Sacrifice , Generation , Legacy , Update , Chad Pergram , Spending Bill , Joe Manchin , Specifics , Spending , Policy Change , Reconciliation , Unknown , Inflation , Ceo , Wall Street Journal , Council Summit , West Virginia , Job , Soul , Doesn T , 50 , Study , Joint Committee On Taxation , Score , Keeper , Revenue , 87 Million , Irs , Agents , Bank Account , Books , 400000 , 00000 , Question , Pennies , Couch Cushion , Auditors , Goal , Debt , Agreement , Debt Limit , Procedure , Taxpayers , Debt Ceiling , Lines , Mitch Mcconnell , Debt Limit Increase , Red Line , Opinion , Mark Meadows , January 6th Committee Now Considering Contempt Of Congress , January 6th , Committee , Steve Bannon , House , Meadows , Deposition , Criminal Contempt Of Congress , Contempt Of Congress Case July 18th , A Court Set The Trial , Doj , 80th Anniversary , July 18th , 80 , 18 , Events , Thrust America Into The Second World War , Surprise Attack , Infamy , Japan , Tonight William La Jeunesse , Franklin Del Morose Vet , Respects , Picture , National Anthem , Freedom , Del Toro , War , Ceremony , , Survivors , Navy Secretary , 32 , 90 , 2400 , In Harm S Way , Sailor , Battle Cry , Pearl , Extent , Battle Ship Row , Torpedoes Hit The West Virginia , Pacific Fleet , Island , Oklahoma , Trapping , Hits , Deck , Dive Bomb , Pennsylvania , Nevada , Utah , California , Vestal , Arizona , 400 , Memorial , Memories , Sailors , Enemy , Red , Heroes , Airplane , Forever Intombing , 900 , God , Plane , Lives , Defeat , South Pacific , U S Navy , Midway , Six , Panel , Plus A Closer Look At America , Shingles , Nightmare , Life , Stabbing Pains , Sharp , Burning Sensation , Virus , Chickenpox , Weekend Getaways , Pharmacist , Doctor , Weekend Trip , Thirteen , Td Ameritrade , Thinkorswim , Dashboard , Markets , Set , One Last Look , Take Off , Mobile , Fifteen , App , Record Label , Smart , Investing Style , Taking Off , Sound Engineer , Savings Sale , Comcast Business Hason , Internet , Bundles , Prepaid Card , Gig Speeds , Voice , Deal , 00 , 64 99 , 4 99 , Price Guarantee , Savings , Possibilities , World , Behavior , Neither , Occupation , Costs , Greater Isolation , Weakness , Chinese Communists , Communication , Russia Invading Ukraine , Bill Bennett , Host , Mara Liasson National Political , National Public Radio , Guy Benson Show On Fox News Radio , Guy Benson Editor At Town Hall Com , Thoughts , Bob Dole , Opportunity , Piece , Friend , Well , Eye To , National Security Adviser Sullivan , Missiles , Wall , Arming , Toll , Willingness , Don T Have Is , Options , Resoluteness , Oval Office , Operating , Hostage , Energy Supply , Mara , Noises , Big Question , Program , Accounts , Swift , Oligarchs , Annexing Crimea , Testing , Rest , Guy , Bill Variety , Incursion , Don T , 2008 , Times , Memory , Case , Explosion , Enough , Sound And Fury , Threats , Rise , Cities , Schools , Increases , Secretary , Education , Work , Jail , Cash , Bail System , Model , Bail Reform System , Likelihood , It Danger , Part , The Street , Criticism , Repeat Offenders , Bail Reform , Debtor Prison , States , Budgets , Municipalities , Yes , Wrinkle , Prison , Stuff , Looting , Lot , Right , Proposition , Public Safety , 22 , Phone , Holiday Season , Tweets , Vo , Row , Customer Satisfaction , Small Business , Round , Power Better , J D , Verizon , 1 , 27 , 16 , Everyone , 5g , Gum Problems , Narrator , Gums , Therabreath , Ingredients , Mouthwash , Target , Crowd Applauding , Walmart , Twit Tuesday , China , Threat , Stealth Fighter , Copy , Treasure , Presence , Stuff A Threat , Showing , Navy , Pacific Rim , F 35 , 35 , Intent , Success , College , Freshman Son , Journalism Business , On The Road , Char , Game , The End , Tyler , Mini Baier , Cocoa , Love , Family Pet Dog , Cocoa Mini , Et Cetera , Pete , Marco Rubio , Tammy Bruce , Failure , Stage , Front , Destruction , Legislation , Adversaries , Reputation , Influence , Platitudes , Pep Bid , Aggression , Tropes , Washington ,

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