The first death associated with COVID-19 since February 8th was reported Thursday by the Sheboygan County Division of Public Health in their daily report. The latest victim is among 64 others age 80 or older who have succumbed to the disease. Of the 126 in all, twenty-seven were in their 70s, twenty-two were in their 60s, five were in their 50s, four were in their 40s, two were in their 30s, and one was between 10 and 19 years old. Only 18 of 692 tests accounted for since Wednesday were positive for COVID-19, comprising a modest 2.6% of all returns. 23 persons recovered, dropping the active case count to 173, the lowest since 135 were reported on September 25th of 2020. Hospitalizations were down by one, to 5 in Sheboygan County.