If you have been thinking about going on a crash diet, abstaining from food as much as possible to be able to squeeze into a dress that’s a size smaller, please don’t! Since crash dieting equates to starving for the major part of the day in order to skimp down calories – please do remember that such a diet also leads to sluggish metabolism and the body would cling on to fat more dearly, deciphering it to be a famine situation. Also, when food is available back, it would most likely be stored than expended. Let us explain – when you crash diet, the body switches to the “starvation mode” where it lowers metabolism, increases calorie absorption from food, shoots up hunger and cravings – all to make up for lower food intake. Additionally, the body raises the levels of stress hormone “cortisol,” that increases water retention and that means “a bloated belly!” Also, since crash dieting throws quite a few hormones (ghrelin, leptin, cortisol to name a few), out of whack, you are most likely to remain “hangry” all through the day. As we have mentioned earlier, not eating enough food lowers metabolism and pushes body to conserve fat instead of burning it out. It also means that starving your body would ultimately result in weight gain and not weight loss. Summing up, crash dieting will not result in the kind of weight loss you are expecting, it may prove to be counterproductive, so do not starve to lose weight – do these 10 things instead!