Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240703 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240703

what i paid before go to slash shave to claim your $7 trial close captioning is bronchi by you, cora, help maintain a healthy urinary tract with you, cora, i can having uti for tenure at you, cora, we make uti relief products. we also make proactive active urinary tract health products. you cora is a life stage write today at your during the cnn newsroom, i'm jessica di in washington and tonight, donald trump is not in a courtroom, but he's also not out on the campaign trail. >> the republican frontrunner looking to close the fundraiser then gap with his opponent joe biden, by holding a fundraiser with gop donors at mar-a-lago. one presenter, they're privately admitting the hush money trial is bleeding money an icer national committee retreat also drawing high-profile party leaders. >> trump's potential next pick for vice president as well could be there. >> cnn's alayna treene is joining us now from palm beach she, annalena, what kind of impact is the trial having on campaign resources no, i think it's really fascinating, jessica, i was speaking with one of the attendees last night and one of the presenters during last night. >> session at the four seasons was the one who said that the trial was bleeding money really just privately noting that this is costing the trump campaign a ton of money. we've heard the former president himself publicly say that he wishes that money would be going toward his campaign instead, the trump campaign, as well as the groups, the different packs that they have to raise money for him have been siphoning a lot of that money away and putting it toward his legal bells. and that's something of course that is also an issue when the trump campaign is trying to catch up to the biden campaign? and their ever-growing war chest. we've seen the biden campaign consistently outraged the former president's campaign over the last several months. and so that's definitely weighing on people's minds. this weekend now, i also just want to bring you some other reporting we got from some of the presentations happening this weekend. susie wiles and chris lacivita, both donald trump's campaign managers, as well as tony fabrizio, one of his pollsters, laid out that they raise 76.2 million in april. of course, we can't independently verify phi those numbers because we will not have the fec fundraising reports until later this month, but that is according to people on the campaign and who were in the room during those speeches. we also learned that they set out new path for donald trump to compete in states like minnesota and virginia, both that leans democrat in most recent elections. and so that was a notable admission as well. and they also gave us another preview of how donald trump is going to continue to spend some of his days outside of the courtroom on upcoming wednesday's this month, he's planning to host fundraisers in place. he says like ohio and texas and kentucky, uh, using that one wednesday when he's not required to be in new york for his trial, to be out there continuing to try and raise money for his campaign and alayna, it's obviously big donors at this event. >> they're raising money of course, but we also hear that trump is meeting with potential vp okay. because that's really a lot of that talk has picked up a lot of steam it has, and it's interesting because this rnc retreat as an annual event and you always see the type of wealthy donors and high profile republican leaders come and attend these type of weekends. >> but there are a lot of special guests that are on donald trump's shortlist for vp and donald trump today at mar-a-lago during that fundraiser, actually called a series of them up on stage and praise them. he called up elisa the phonic, the house republican conference chair, also senator marco rubio, saying that he acknowledged that his name has been floated for one of his running mates. he also called, uh, j.d. vance it's n tim scott. all people we know that donald trump has privately been floating as his potential running mate. and i do just want to be clear here, jessica, his campaign insists that donald trump does not have any plan it's two publicly announce his vice presidential pick anytime soon. they say that that decision will come closer to the republican national convention in july. but this is a great weekend for the he's contenders to be brushing arms with trump, to be showing that they support him. and of course, having him call them up on stage and praising them himself yes. >> let the vip stakes begin. >> alayna treene for us and florida palm beach. thanks so much. here now to discuss this former republican congressman in pennsylvania and executive director of the aspen institute, congressional program trolley. dan and karen funny, cnn political commentator, and former senior advisor for the hillary clinton camp pain and former communications director for the dnc. good to have both of you here charlie, let's start first with you. you just heard elaine is reporting. we've got a bunch of donors with the rnc. we've got some potential vps all down there at this event raising money for the former president and his reelection bid. you have a former president who is in a courtroom multiple days a week, not able to be on the campaign trail. who just in this time magazine article laid out exactly what he wants to say i can a second term to look like. and it involved giving pardons to january 6, rioters, things like that. and yet it's a very tight race. it's a very tight race. if you look at the polling, what do you make of all of those things together? >> well, the country's clearly fractured and politically enormously divided. trump has a very high floor a low ceiling and he's obviously very distracted from his campaign activities. he's spending time in the courtroom and kanuck paying. their fundraising has been fairly anemic up to this point and what's happening out across the swing states anyway, there's just not enough of a campaign infrastructure from the gop, so they have a lot of catching up to do. so, trump is going to use what time he has little time he has the campaign to raise money, but i still think he's dealing with some real serious issues. in fact, i know he's trying to find the vice presidential candidate also a sideshow because at the end of the day this selection is going to be about donald trump, not as vp selection, but if you asked me, i think to trump campaign is really struggling right now. that said he's in a tight race and he's still might the as a shot of winning and karen trump's gonna recording these wealthy donors trying to catch tap to biden's campaign. >> it's really there are a growing war chest that they have. >> what does money mean in this presidential election? money means airtime. it means ground game, it means organizers. it means phone calls, it means all the things that you need to do to win a campaign. although in the case in new york and down trump's case, apparently it also means potentially hiding information from voters. but more importantly, again, it means all of the things one does in a campaign to communicate with voters, to get your message out, to register voters to remind them to get to the polls. and the advantage that democrats and the president biden has had is quite substantial because remember, we learned and ongoing finance reports that the that the former president is having to use resources for his legal bills, not necessarily. four, again, for the rnc to open field offices and those sorts of things so i think he's going to have a lot of work to do to continue to try to keep up as best he can, while also paying those legal costs while also trying to build infrastructure in the states yeah and charlie, there are so many issues that are going to drive the turnout in the election results in the fall it was interesting to hear a lena's reporting that the trump campaign was laying out to these donors, not only that they want to try to complete compete in places like virginia or minnesota but also that they feel like they can really go after some of these demographics that have supported or were part of the biden coalition in 2020, hispanic voters, black voters, do you think? >> that is a potential strategy for them that they could work well, i think there are really a limited number of swing states, six or seven. >> we know which states those are i think it's a bit of a stretch to say they can maybe but minnesota in virginia in play, that's tough, but i think it is fair to say that the trump campaign can certainly cut into the democratic advantage with hispanic and african-american voters, especially with hispanic voters, is clear that the republicans are doing a much better job reaching out to them, their share of the hispanic vote is growing. even among the african american vote. and again, i'm not going to suggest that donald trump is, kind of the african-american vote, of course not. but it's a matter of the margins if he can cut those margins down substantially that will have an enormously beneficial impact to his campaign he also has to worry about the flip side of that. trump is also continues to erode support among college-educated voters. basically college-educated suburban women. it's on one hand, he's trying to grow the base among some hispanic and african-american voters, but the same time he's losing, he continues to erode support from many white college-educated voters and karen to you, it's almost the the flip, right? because present biden continues to do pretty well with college-educated voters, it's, we are seeing the softening and the polling and some of these other groups that charlie was just talking about that i asked him about black voters, hispanic voters, voters that helped make up young voters. the coalition that elected him in 2020 how to demo congrats, get them back into the fold. if they're waffling it's such an important point because one things i want our viewers to understand is that when we talk about these numbers, for the former president, he just needs about 2% more of the african-american vote. >> then what he got previously and maybe two to three or 4% more with the left tina, but where's president biden has to recreate the coalition from 2020 and get more. and that's part of why our challenge is much steeper. >> look, i think what we're doing and what they're doing is the right thing which is getting out on the road and talking to people and the other thing that i think the president started to do that people appreciate is showing up an unexpected places, a bike shop, a coffee shop, and just talking to folks who happened to be there not just in big events where he's talking about both his record and the future. >> those things are critically important and obviously, the vice president is really there britt weapon of this campaign because she has been on the road very consistently. yes. talking about reproductive freedom, but also speaking to the pain that people are feeling about issues like gun safety and school shootings and some of the other issues that are affecting communities. so talking about the future not just the past, that's going to be a really important contact contrast because you've got trump continuously talking about the 2020 election. and grievance versus the future yeah. charlie, i want to i want to talk a little bit about abortion with you as well. let's listen to a clip from vice president harris as karen said, she has been kind of the key mouthpiece on this. she has been out there delivering the biden campaign's message. the biden-harris campaign's message. let's listen to what she said. she really linked it well back to trump more than 20 states have abortion bans. >> more than 20. trump abortion bans if donald trump trump gets the chance he will sign a national abortion ban, here's what a second trump term looks like. more bands more suffering less freedom and charlie also in this time magazine article, he said that was released this week. he said it should be up to the states to decide i'd whether to prosecute women who've had an abortion and left the door open to state's monitoring women's pregnancies to identify those who may have had the procedure in these states where it's banned this is obviously a real week place for republicans and they have, they have lost some, they have lost on this issue over and over again as we have seen in the last couple of years since roe v. >> wade was overturned do you think trump is doing an effective job at trying to regain control of this issue or get on a winning side of this issue. >> no, neither republicans nor donald trump are really doing a very good job talking about women's reproductive health and abortion rights. >> this issue is probably the greatest vulnerability republicans have in the upcoming election. >> it's a greater vulnerability than january 6 or democracy, or pick your issue. this is the issue i've, been saying this for some time. i was the last number of the house republican conference who supported abortion rights. and i got to tell you, there are consequences to the actions that they have taken. the gop on the one hand, it's trying to say this is a state issue now that roe v. wade was overturned on the other hand, there are some offering federal bands now you have these states going on with passing these very draconian measures and republican candidates in those states are being perfect for federal office, are being asked their position on those bills. donald trump's gonna be asked about florida. and the six-week ban, which it needs to respond to. so bottom line is, republicans don't know how to message this. they, it's really not a very coherent message, is it a state issue or is it a federal issue? and the answer is very muddled from the gop and they know they are bleeding support on this issue and they better come up with an answer. i think their answers they need the moderate their position that would probably help them quite a bit, but they don't seem prepared to do that at this point. >> and karen, i just want to ask you, is we're watching these pro-palestinian protests across the country and all of that unfolding the president has now come out and called and been very he's been very firm on calling out anti-semitism and all of this saying there is a right to protest but there's not a right to disrupt or be obviously anti-semitic. he's going to address antisemitism during the annual holocaust memorial ceremony at the capitol on tuesday and i'm curious what you think the right messages at this moment as these protests continue and we even saw them today disrupting commencement addresses i think the president can build on the message judge, that he shared the other day because he also said islamophobia is not acceptable and that racism and hate speech and violence are not acceptable. >> when we think about holocaust remembrance day is an opportunity to remind us what happens when that kind of violent hate goes on checked and gets completely out of control, it gives an opportunity to remind us. remind americans about what is happening in the middle east and what they end goal really is in terms of keys and a two-state solution and getting the hostages back. >> but also a broader message that brings the tone and the temperature down and reminds each of us that again, when he talks about the soul of our nation and who we are as americans and the idea that we should always be striving towards peace and the ability to have conversations. >> maybe they're tough conversations we will just end up disagreeing. >> but that's part of the american tradition. >> that's part of what a strong democracy is really all about and we're just watching video from today, from charlottesville at the university of virginia, as well as this continues all of this continues across the country. >> charlie dent and karen funny are thanks to both of you thanks. >> jessica. >> still ahead evacuations were underway in texas after days of intense rain and catastrophic flooding thing, there, some officials in the houston area are calling conditions worse than hurricane harvey. >> and there are more storms on the way. we're tracking it. that's ahead a florida, man is hospitalized, infected with anthrax to borrow this became the bureau's number one crying to sell. how it really happened with jesse l. mont'e, two more would nine on cnn look, things may seem fine out there, like you need to watch out with diseases to help you. >> okay. >> does this look okay i, don't i protect myself? >> with the new scott's health plus loan still the product appearance 27 diseases are feeding of grass to help keep you long, healthy diseases wanted to show you how to put it on no i think i know how to use a spreader, make up a bag of the new scott's turkey. your help you, plus lawn through today hi, i use for bree stay defied plus and i use this for reese has a 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now. and it goes shaders are in cairo for talks on a possible ceasefire and hostage deal, but us and israeli the official say any potential agreement could lead to even more negotiations over logistics. cnn's kevin look tech is here with me now. kevin, during zola, sense of urgency brown, there always is when they're meeting, but really, you feel it, especially from the american sayyed to get a good deal here and i think the biggest tell is the ca director bill burns, he is in cairo so right now, as part of these discussions and i think that tells you that at least on the us side, they really do view this at a critical juncture. the hamas delegation arrived there today as well. they said that they arrived with a positive spirits. so you do get a sense that things are developing and developing pretty quickly. of course it is. now, just past midnight in cairo. so you can assume that these talks will continue through the weekend. and what the real sticking point at this point seems to be is whether this proposal on the table will lead to an eventual end to this war that has been a bottom line for hamas throughout all of this. but israel has said that it's still will continue to need to go after hamas in gaza as part of the steel. so that seems to be sort of the not that they're trying to untie in cairo at this hour. now we did here just last night from the american secretary of state, antony blinken, talking about these negotiations. listen to a little bit of what he said we await to see whether an effect they can take yes for an answer on the ceasefire and release of hostages and the reality in this moment is the only thing standing between the people of gaza and a ceasefire is hamas now, we did hear from american and israeli officials just today that even if hamas signs off on this framework deal, that's not necessarily the end of the road. there's some finer points points that they will still have to iron out before the hostages start coming out of gaza. and i think that the real fear among american officials at this point is that if this deal all falls apart, if it collapses, that israel will begin this ground invasion of rafah. that's the city in southern gaza where more than 1 million palestinian since have been sheltering. the us has said that they need to see a credible plan to protect those civilians. they haven't seen that yet from israel, but prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been and insistent that he will go into rafah with or without a deal. so that is sort of hanging over all of this. but certainly president biden is very eager to see this deal. they really do believe that if a seat he's fair can be agreed upon. it will lower the temperature in the united states and certainly create the diplomatic space for something larger. >> yeah, i will. we will wait and see as this this talks continue. any you do make an interesting note that the cia director is there, amber, one of our experts, aaron david miller, saying last weekend, that's what he was watching for, that if filburn showed up, that the things we're progressing so we will keep an eye on it. all right, kevin, thanks so much. >> israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, israel will carry out an offensive against hamas in rafah with or without a deal he'll on a ceasefire and hostages as kevin was just saying, israeli airstrikes been targeting the southern city in gaza for weeks where more than 1 million displaced palestinians are correct? >> crowded into tense and temporary shelters cnn's paula hancocks reports on the reality of life inside raffa today. first though we do want to warn you that some of the images in this right? report will be disturbing grandmother cases, her young grandchildren the small bodies shirt, just one body bag four-year-old kareem and his two year-old sister, mona, were killed on tuesday by an israeli airstrike their answers, they are innocent. >> the baby's went to bed last night and never woke up. our hearts are broken forever. the doctors tried to save mona, but could not the children's parents was seriously injured in the same strike but rather was not home for these children. the grandmother says the family were displaced multiple times by the israeli military, ending up in a tent on the southern border alongside hundreds of sizes of others who have nowhere else to go speaking of the israeli military, she says, this is all they want. this is their goal the idf referred to a previous statement when asked about this strike, saying they are operating to dismantle hamas, adding quote remaining in an active combat zone has inherent risks but despite months of threatening a major ground offensive and refer, the military has not told civilians to evacuate. for many here, there is no other option at the start of this weekend, raffa, 22 people were killed in an israeli airstrike including at least one infant and a toddler a one-year-old killed is carried in their uncles arms. he says, this is who they are targeting. this is the safe raffa. they talk about it is the area the israeli military has pushed civilians towards for months an area well over 1 million palestinians are barely surviving in food water, shelter delta are scarce diseases rising but amid such misery some adults are trying to remind children of their previous life just seven months ago, where they could play and learn safely this volunteer teacher says the children's mental state is distressed they have no stability. they're distracted and they lose focus. so we work twice as hard to try and grab their attention and help them learn ahmed says he's happy he can play and study here. he says we lost our schools. we lost everything attend school, may not see much but even this pretense of normality for these children will be lost if they're forced to move. yet again, paula hancocks, cnn, apa double paula. >> thank you. >> still had tonight more protests at colleges and universities across the country where we're seeing clashes between police and demonstrators that next and see i'm used the trump hush money trial gavel to gavel coverage, the way only cnn can bring it to you legal insight, expert analysis, and real-time updates live from the courtroom follow the facts, follow the testimony, follows cnn, right now, you the free foot locker sap wait, just by edit foot login to app and get one free. just dan to qr code and enter promo code, fal fogbow it on, it worked on how does scream, buddy? >> you still got a landline or your house auto noun to subway out. can sugar ray leonard you everyday tasks wearing boxing gloves how bird and now putting on his new arch fit skechers, slip-ups. you just step in and go with comfort that will knock you out to try new arch fit hands-free sketcher slip-ups home-court explorer lets you easily compare coverage options, so you don't end up overpaying good because we spend a lot on this kitchen. know, yeah. >> really high-end stuff. >> sorry, that's our gross. >> more 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brought to you by meso book dot if you or a loved one have mesothelial mac will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to one 4,000 happening now there's a heavy police presence at the university of virginia after a pro-palestinian encampment on the campus was declared an unlawful assembly the university now urging people to avoid that area. also today, protests briefly interrupting the commencement ceremony at the university of michigan campus is all let's the country of sinon rest over the past several weeks with protesters calling for an end to the war in gaza and for schools and divest from israeli linked entities. and so far, police have arrested more than 2,100 people on 40 university campuses across the country. cnn's rafael romo is live in tallahassee at florida state university. >> rafael. they were really preparing and taking some precautions for their commencements today. tell us more about that yeah. >> jessica as far as i can see if there are no precautions that are very visible, we did see some police from campus here, but no more than what you would expect for an event of this magnitude right now of the donald al tucker civic center, where we are is empty, but it will fill up again in less than two hours for what will be the six commencement ceremony to be held here between friday and saturday, a college official told me earlier that nearly 34 thousand tickets had been issued to students for their families and loved ones. this is one of six ceremonies that were scheduled to be held at here at fsu between friday and saturday, according to the university of his use awarding degrees two more than 7,800 graduates there were tense moments here on campus when five protesters were arrested during demonstration, but that happened on tuesday two of them are current students, according according to school. they were banned from campus for one year and it's still an open question whether they will be able to graduate fsu said in a statement that the arrests occurred after the individuals ignored multiple requests and warnings to comply with a lawful order. fsu also said that the university rules and regulations had been explained repeatedly over several days and the group had been compliant until the arrests happened. it was also a tense week at the university of florida in gainesville, about two hours from here, where nine pro-palestine protesters were arrested monday evening on campus. the protesters are demanding that the university of florida publicly denounce what they call violence and discrimination against pro-palestinian students, as well as a call for a ceasefire in gaza on the other hand, jessica, we also spoke with graduating and jewish students who told us some of the protesters seem unable to understand how hurtful and offensive some of the things that protesters are chanting can be. let's take a listen people don't understand the meaning behind the words that they're saying. i think that's the whole issue with this movement as people are seeing that it's a trend and saying from the river to the sea not realizing that's completely anti-semitic and calling for the genocide of jews see you have this argument that it's genocide on one side, but really when you're chanting these things use, it means the same thing again so far the ceremonies here at fsu had been a very orderly and calm officials are hoping it'll stay that way for the rest of the month because the college of law will award 312 degrees on sunday and then in exactly two weeks on may 18, the college of medicine will award an additional 110 degrees. jessica, back to you. >> i rafael romo for us they're in tallahassee, florida. thanks so much. >> at least a dozen river in southeast texas have hit the major flood stage and more heavy rain is now on the way it take a look at the aerial view of living syntaxes were floodwaters have overwhelmed that area. >> and you see how the pounding rain has just swept away. >> moving trucks, it's submerged home homes there. >> this is about 75 miles northeast of houston. rosa flores joining us now from harris county, texas and rosa, people in the flood ravaged communities they're bracing for more rain and i know you've talked to other people there that are afraid to leave their homes even though more rain is probably coming you know, just the guy let's talk to a mom who was devastated because her son is in the flooded zone and he refuses to leave. >> he has pads and she says this is the third time and i've come out here just to see if the water's receding so that she can go see her son, but let me set the scene for you. she was describing that this road keeps going into a neighborhood. they call the river bottoms and she says that this low lying area actually goes up further down and that's where the home where this woman's son lives. and there are more people there who has refused to evacuate. now, if you take a look around here, you'll see the water levels are very high. you can see the water level on that chain link fence and also on the trees. >> a lot of first responders out here have been to this area neighbors have told us that some of the people in the river bottom have evacuated, but others just refuse to leave. >> we interviewed the woman from this mobile home. her name is stacey smith. you can see that she still has had access to get in and out of her mobile home, but she has taken out all of her stuff and and she's one of those individuals was trying to convince about eight to 15 people who are back here that have not evacuated but she said that they're her friends and she was very emotional telling us that she's still trying to get votes to save them. take a listen the ones that didn't want to come right now, we're going to go back and get with a personal boat and we're going to go get everybody. >> we're not leaving nobody hi, because they're like our family. they're like family down there now, here's one of the things that's giving people hope. you see this debris line. >> and there's an individual who's trying to drive, but you see that debris leinz there. the water has actually receded. you can see that there's a second debris line over here and then the water starts this is giving people hope because it is actually showing that the water has as receded. now i talked to some of the neighbors who say that during hurricane harvey, the water was probably about this high in this location so that gives you a sense of just how much more devastating it was and how much more water there was in this area during hurricane harvey compared to now? now of course, one of the things that officials and first responders have been saying here is that they do not want people to drive through roads that have been swallowed by water. now, this is an area that you see oh, my god. and i had not seen that this woman started walking. >> this is a woman that i spoke to a while ago, jessica, she was the one who told me that overnight. >> she was actually in the hospital and that she drove here this morning and found that this area was completely flooded and she had been telling me that she was debating whether to actually walk to her home or not, and she told me that the reason why she wanted to walk to her home was because her medication is in her house. and so jessica, these are some of the risks that individuals are taking them. you could see her, her and in another man, i'm not sure who the man is, but she is trying to get her medication. that's what she told me moments ago. >> and we know from talking to first responders there's that this is what they say people should not be doing right now because they just don't know the dangerous, they don't know how deep the water is. >> there are snakes and reptiles goals in other things that are dangerous. there could be chemicals in this water that could make this woman very sick. and yet we're seeing her take this risk at the moment, just to go back to you it, can be very scary as you can see rosie, we can't see what's underneath that water. it's not clear at all, so hope hopefully she will make it there safely. thank you so much. for all that reporting. rosa flores in harris county, texas for us. >> we appreciate it. >> still ahead tonight. one of former president trump's at one time closest aides, hope hicks breaking down on the stand as she testifies in his criminal hush money trial what we've learned from her testimony that's next. you're in the cnn newsroom we're here to get your side of the store. >> fairs library prostitution. why do we keep ending up you can't write this stuff. united states of scandal with jake tapper. now streaming on max fashion moves fast, setting trends is our business. we need to scale with customer demand in real time so we partner with verizon, their solution for us a private by gene network. we now get more control of production efficiencies. >> and greater agility with a custom private 5g 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again. so congested, you need sine x saline from just sine x, breathe what his wow sine x breed i'm mj lee at the white house. and this is cnn trump's hush money. trial wrapped up a second week of testimony friday with a dramatic appearance from one of his most trusted advisors former white house communications director hope hicks, took the stand and was noticeably nervous, even avoiding eye contact with the former president, seen in correspondent kara scannell, was there hope hicks, once one of trump's closest aides took the stand friday and emotional day of testimony at one point, even tearing up on day 11 of trump's criminal trial so i'm not allowed to comment on any of that. as you know, i'm under a gag on and i was very interested in what took place today. >> hicks, who was trump's campaign spokesperson in 2016, and later served as white house communications director, looked visibly uncomfortable before testifying, saying she was really nervous prosecutors quickly brought up the access hollywood tape, which was released just one month before the 2016 election, when you were star, they let you do it. >> hicks recalled trump being upset. >> she said there was a consensus among campaign leadership that the tape was damaging to the campaign, and it was a crisis she said media coverage of the tape was so intense, it literally knocked a category four hurricane out of the news cycle. hope said it was all trump all the time for the next 36 hours, hicks testified that trump was involved in the campaigns response prosecutors played his video apology for the jury. >> anyone who knows me knows these words, don't reflect who i am. >> i said it. i was wrong and i apologize. >> prosecutors tried to show that catastrophic impact the access hollywood tape had on trump's campaign demonstrating the urgency to kill another bombshell story from being released just weeks before the election, hicks testified she was sitting on the plane when she learned that the wall street journal plans to publish a piece about the national enquirer's catch-and-kill deal involving trump's alleged affair with an x playboy model, karen mcdougal, and adult star stormy daniel's trump denies the affairs. hicks said she spoke with trump who was concerned about the story, and he instructed her to deny it. she is quoted in the journal saying daniel's a fair allegation is absolutely unequivocally untrue hicks said trump's was concerned with how the article would be viewed by his wife, saying he wanted me to make sure that the newspapers warrant delivered to his residence that morning. prosecutors aztecs about trump's former lawyer, michael cohen's $130,000 payment to daniels to buy and kill her story of an alleged affair with trump cohen told the new york times in 2018 that he made the payment from his own pocket. hicks said she was skeptical about cohen's motives, saying, i didn't know michael to be in especially charitable person or selfless person, higgs described trump's assessment of the story, saying it was mr. trump's opinion is that it was better to be dealing with it now and that it would have been bad to have that story come out before the election as trump's attorney, emile bove, you went to take over questioning. hicks began to cry after a break, bogey focused on cohen trying to show he had no role in the campaign and would act on his own hicks testified cohen was not supposed to be on the campaign in an official capacity, but would try to insert himself at certain moments. she said cohen often did things that were unauthorized by the campaign and that is sometimes went rogue according official tells me that donald trump paid the $9,000 fine for violating the gag order. hope six testimony completes the second week of witness testimony in this trial. the jury has heard a lot about the catch-and-kill deals at the center of this case, the next phase is the alleged cover up. kara scannell, cnn, new york. >> kara, thank you. and still ahead tonight. republican congressman max miller of ohio joins us. he's one of only two jewish republicans in congress. we're going to talk to him about the pro-palestinian protests on college campuses. us aid to israel, and the high-stakes ceasefire talks it's that are happening right now. you're on the cnn newsroom story. this animal is a symbol in this country is in trouble. >> it's very much in trouble in one of the world's most diverse ecosystems. ivan watson influence the stark reality of climate change humanity is being threatened at a rate which i'm not sure we really understand can australia act fast enough to save itself? we're fighting a losing the fight for us the whole story with anderson cooper tomorrow at eight on cnn as the earth issues or distress call in the face of appending climate crisis. and we're done by is advancing his agenda for a greener future. with an ideal climate to support some of the world's largest solar projects and a grid that's almost completely powered by clean energy. it's 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australia to explore this spectacular country. and along the way, i actually did get to cuddle a koala the small team at this wildlife center helps raise some of these orphaned animals by hand. >> why ready, including pearl, who seems pretty fund of humans is this a little bit like holding a child, but pretty fuzzy if the kid and the other part about this the for really is soft there are few things sweeter than cuddling a koala my teammates couldn't wait for their turn let's cubed. but then we learn the real reason parolees here so the real reason that parole was at the sanctuary was because she was burned as a young joey in the 2020 black summer fires, these were horrific forest fires across long stretches of australia. >> and on that, particularly ireland, where i was kangaroo island, half of the island was burned down more than half of the koala population was killed. and this one khawala unfortunately survived what i saw in australia was that this country, this continent, is pretty much on the frontlines of climate change, where scientists, residents are saying that the cycle of fires and floods are getting more unpredictable and more extreme on top of that, i got good look with my team at the great barrier reef. this sprawling marine habitat that's the size of italy, where we saw the beginnings of a mass bleaching event that was later confirmed by the australian government, where record high ocean temperatures are quite literally cooking coral and killing it. it's part of a planet wide phenomenon that's been witnessed over the course of the last year so all of these changes that are impacting australia are not only devastating natural habitats but they're also impacting cities and towns and even prompting some australians to consider leaving some of these more vulnerable communities. jessica all right, i haven't watson. thank you. and an all new episode of the whole story with anderson cooper. it's one whole hour, one whole story at airs tomorrow at 8:00 p.m. 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Sketcher , Login , Subway , Botox , Names , Fal , Fogbow You Don T Have , Auto Nauta Subway , Panda , Sato , 39 , Cosmetic , Lines , Leinz , Effects , Breathing , Forehead , Speaking , Injection , Frown , Crow , Weakness , Feet , Fda , Side Effects , Medications , Skin Infection , Botox Cosmetic , Injection Site Pain , Condition , Eyelid , Sign , Eyelid Swelling , Nerve , History , Drooping , Headache Eyebrow , Botox D , Petroleum Toxins , Cnn Australia , Natasha Bertrand , Story , Floods , Habitats , Episode , Climate Change , Ocean , Wildfires , Surface Warming , Portions , Siege , Great Barrier Reef , International , Career , Australia , Assignment , Koala , Team , Wildlife Center , Animals , Pearl , Child , Humans , Kid , Teammates , Cubed , Parolees , Forest Fires , Parole , Sanctuary , Black Summer Fires , Young Joey , Half , Kangaroo Island , Khawala , Ireland , Koala Population , Frontlines , Residents , Continent , Fires , Cycle , Scientists , Sprawling Marine Habitat , Top , Size , Extreme , Italy , Beginnings Of A Mass Bleaching , Australian Government , Impacting Australia , Planet , Phenomenon , Cities , Towns , Australians , I Haven T Watson , Response , Eastern Pacific , 00 , 8 , I , Trade Rumors , Fal Fogbow , Foot , Screen , Indiana , Buddy , Wallet , Smile , True , Noun , Close Up Finding , Muscle Problems , Jak Family , Jak , Come On , Switch , Kidding , Cranberries , Progressive , Bad Guy , Blackberries , 750 , Twist , Guard Packaging , Item , Pac , Laundry Pacs , Tide Pods , Didn T , Skulls , Product , Lawn Food , Scatter Terp , Models , Light , Grandpa , Wings , Em , Gentlemen ,

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what i paid before go to slash shave to claim your $7 trial close captioning is bronchi by you, cora, help maintain a healthy urinary tract with you, cora, i can having uti for tenure at you, cora, we make uti relief products. we also make proactive active urinary tract health products. you cora is a life stage write today at your during the cnn newsroom, i'm jessica di in washington and tonight, donald trump is not in a courtroom, but he's also not out on the campaign trail. >> the republican frontrunner looking to close the fundraiser then gap with his opponent joe biden, by holding a fundraiser with gop donors at mar-a-lago. one presenter, they're privately admitting the hush money trial is bleeding money an icer national committee retreat also drawing high-profile party leaders. >> trump's potential next pick for vice president as well could be there. >> cnn's alayna treene is joining us now from palm beach she, annalena, what kind of impact is the trial having on campaign resources no, i think it's really fascinating, jessica, i was speaking with one of the attendees last night and one of the presenters during last night. >> session at the four seasons was the one who said that the trial was bleeding money really just privately noting that this is costing the trump campaign a ton of money. we've heard the former president himself publicly say that he wishes that money would be going toward his campaign instead, the trump campaign, as well as the groups, the different packs that they have to raise money for him have been siphoning a lot of that money away and putting it toward his legal bells. and that's something of course that is also an issue when the trump campaign is trying to catch up to the biden campaign? and their ever-growing war chest. we've seen the biden campaign consistently outraged the former president's campaign over the last several months. and so that's definitely weighing on people's minds. this weekend now, i also just want to bring you some other reporting we got from some of the presentations happening this weekend. susie wiles and chris lacivita, both donald trump's campaign managers, as well as tony fabrizio, one of his pollsters, laid out that they raise 76.2 million in april. of course, we can't independently verify phi those numbers because we will not have the fec fundraising reports until later this month, but that is according to people on the campaign and who were in the room during those speeches. we also learned that they set out new path for donald trump to compete in states like minnesota and virginia, both that leans democrat in most recent elections. and so that was a notable admission as well. and they also gave us another preview of how donald trump is going to continue to spend some of his days outside of the courtroom on upcoming wednesday's this month, he's planning to host fundraisers in place. he says like ohio and texas and kentucky, uh, using that one wednesday when he's not required to be in new york for his trial, to be out there continuing to try and raise money for his campaign and alayna, it's obviously big donors at this event. >> they're raising money of course, but we also hear that trump is meeting with potential vp okay. because that's really a lot of that talk has picked up a lot of steam it has, and it's interesting because this rnc retreat as an annual event and you always see the type of wealthy donors and high profile republican leaders come and attend these type of weekends. >> but there are a lot of special guests that are on donald trump's shortlist for vp and donald trump today at mar-a-lago during that fundraiser, actually called a series of them up on stage and praise them. he called up elisa the phonic, the house republican conference chair, also senator marco rubio, saying that he acknowledged that his name has been floated for one of his running mates. he also called, uh, j.d. vance it's n tim scott. all people we know that donald trump has privately been floating as his potential running mate. and i do just want to be clear here, jessica, his campaign insists that donald trump does not have any plan it's two publicly announce his vice presidential pick anytime soon. they say that that decision will come closer to the republican national convention in july. but this is a great weekend for the he's contenders to be brushing arms with trump, to be showing that they support him. and of course, having him call them up on stage and praising them himself yes. >> let the vip stakes begin. >> alayna treene for us and florida palm beach. thanks so much. here now to discuss this former republican congressman in pennsylvania and executive director of the aspen institute, congressional program trolley. dan and karen funny, cnn political commentator, and former senior advisor for the hillary clinton camp pain and former communications director for the dnc. good to have both of you here charlie, let's start first with you. you just heard elaine is reporting. we've got a bunch of donors with the rnc. we've got some potential vps all down there at this event raising money for the former president and his reelection bid. you have a former president who is in a courtroom multiple days a week, not able to be on the campaign trail. who just in this time magazine article laid out exactly what he wants to say i can a second term to look like. and it involved giving pardons to january 6, rioters, things like that. and yet it's a very tight race. it's a very tight race. if you look at the polling, what do you make of all of those things together? >> well, the country's clearly fractured and politically enormously divided. trump has a very high floor a low ceiling and he's obviously very distracted from his campaign activities. he's spending time in the courtroom and kanuck paying. their fundraising has been fairly anemic up to this point and what's happening out across the swing states anyway, there's just not enough of a campaign infrastructure from the gop, so they have a lot of catching up to do. so, trump is going to use what time he has little time he has the campaign to raise money, but i still think he's dealing with some real serious issues. in fact, i know he's trying to find the vice presidential candidate also a sideshow because at the end of the day this selection is going to be about donald trump, not as vp selection, but if you asked me, i think to trump campaign is really struggling right now. that said he's in a tight race and he's still might the as a shot of winning and karen trump's gonna recording these wealthy donors trying to catch tap to biden's campaign. >> it's really there are a growing war chest that they have. >> what does money mean in this presidential election? money means airtime. it means ground game, it means organizers. it means phone calls, it means all the things that you need to do to win a campaign. although in the case in new york and down trump's case, apparently it also means potentially hiding information from voters. but more importantly, again, it means all of the things one does in a campaign to communicate with voters, to get your message out, to register voters to remind them to get to the polls. and the advantage that democrats and the president biden has had is quite substantial because remember, we learned and ongoing finance reports that the that the former president is having to use resources for his legal bills, not necessarily. four, again, for the rnc to open field offices and those sorts of things so i think he's going to have a lot of work to do to continue to try to keep up as best he can, while also paying those legal costs while also trying to build infrastructure in the states yeah and charlie, there are so many issues that are going to drive the turnout in the election results in the fall it was interesting to hear a lena's reporting that the trump campaign was laying out to these donors, not only that they want to try to complete compete in places like virginia or minnesota but also that they feel like they can really go after some of these demographics that have supported or were part of the biden coalition in 2020, hispanic voters, black voters, do you think? >> that is a potential strategy for them that they could work well, i think there are really a limited number of swing states, six or seven. >> we know which states those are i think it's a bit of a stretch to say they can maybe but minnesota in virginia in play, that's tough, but i think it is fair to say that the trump campaign can certainly cut into the democratic advantage with hispanic and african-american voters, especially with hispanic voters, is clear that the republicans are doing a much better job reaching out to them, their share of the hispanic vote is growing. even among the african american vote. and again, i'm not going to suggest that donald trump is, kind of the african-american vote, of course not. but it's a matter of the margins if he can cut those margins down substantially that will have an enormously beneficial impact to his campaign he also has to worry about the flip side of that. trump is also continues to erode support among college-educated voters. basically college-educated suburban women. it's on one hand, he's trying to grow the base among some hispanic and african-american voters, but the same time he's losing, he continues to erode support from many white college-educated voters and karen to you, it's almost the the flip, right? because present biden continues to do pretty well with college-educated voters, it's, we are seeing the softening and the polling and some of these other groups that charlie was just talking about that i asked him about black voters, hispanic voters, voters that helped make up young voters. the coalition that elected him in 2020 how to demo congrats, get them back into the fold. if they're waffling it's such an important point because one things i want our viewers to understand is that when we talk about these numbers, for the former president, he just needs about 2% more of the african-american vote. >> then what he got previously and maybe two to three or 4% more with the left tina, but where's president biden has to recreate the coalition from 2020 and get more. and that's part of why our challenge is much steeper. >> look, i think what we're doing and what they're doing is the right thing which is getting out on the road and talking to people and the other thing that i think the president started to do that people appreciate is showing up an unexpected places, a bike shop, a coffee shop, and just talking to folks who happened to be there not just in big events where he's talking about both his record and the future. >> those things are critically important and obviously, the vice president is really there britt weapon of this campaign because she has been on the road very consistently. yes. talking about reproductive freedom, but also speaking to the pain that people are feeling about issues like gun safety and school shootings and some of the other issues that are affecting communities. so talking about the future not just the past, that's going to be a really important contact contrast because you've got trump continuously talking about the 2020 election. and grievance versus the future yeah. charlie, i want to i want to talk a little bit about abortion with you as well. let's listen to a clip from vice president harris as karen said, she has been kind of the key mouthpiece on this. she has been out there delivering the biden campaign's message. the biden-harris campaign's message. let's listen to what she said. she really linked it well back to trump more than 20 states have abortion bans. >> more than 20. trump abortion bans if donald trump trump gets the chance he will sign a national abortion ban, here's what a second trump term looks like. more bands more suffering less freedom and charlie also in this time magazine article, he said that was released this week. he said it should be up to the states to decide i'd whether to prosecute women who've had an abortion and left the door open to state's monitoring women's pregnancies to identify those who may have had the procedure in these states where it's banned this is obviously a real week place for republicans and they have, they have lost some, they have lost on this issue over and over again as we have seen in the last couple of years since roe v. >> wade was overturned do you think trump is doing an effective job at trying to regain control of this issue or get on a winning side of this issue. >> no, neither republicans nor donald trump are really doing a very good job talking about women's reproductive health and abortion rights. >> this issue is probably the greatest vulnerability republicans have in the upcoming election. >> it's a greater vulnerability than january 6 or democracy, or pick your issue. this is the issue i've, been saying this for some time. i was the last number of the house republican conference who supported abortion rights. and i got to tell you, there are consequences to the actions that they have taken. the gop on the one hand, it's trying to say this is a state issue now that roe v. wade was overturned on the other hand, there are some offering federal bands now you have these states going on with passing these very draconian measures and republican candidates in those states are being perfect for federal office, are being asked their position on those bills. donald trump's gonna be asked about florida. and the six-week ban, which it needs to respond to. so bottom line is, republicans don't know how to message this. they, it's really not a very coherent message, is it a state issue or is it a federal issue? and the answer is very muddled from the gop and they know they are bleeding support on this issue and they better come up with an answer. i think their answers they need the moderate their position that would probably help them quite a bit, but they don't seem prepared to do that at this point. >> and karen, i just want to ask you, is we're watching these pro-palestinian protests across the country and all of that unfolding the president has now come out and called and been very he's been very firm on calling out anti-semitism and all of this saying there is a right to protest but there's not a right to disrupt or be obviously anti-semitic. he's going to address antisemitism during the annual holocaust memorial ceremony at the capitol on tuesday and i'm curious what you think the right messages at this moment as these protests continue and we even saw them today disrupting commencement addresses i think the president can build on the message judge, that he shared the other day because he also said islamophobia is not acceptable and that racism and hate speech and violence are not acceptable. >> when we think about holocaust remembrance day is an opportunity to remind us what happens when that kind of violent hate goes on checked and gets completely out of control, it gives an opportunity to remind us. remind americans about what is happening in the middle east and what they end goal really is in terms of keys and a two-state solution and getting the hostages back. >> but also a broader message that brings the tone and the temperature down and reminds each of us that again, when he talks about the soul of our nation and who we are as americans and the idea that we should always be striving towards peace and the ability to have conversations. >> maybe they're tough conversations we will just end up disagreeing. >> but that's part of the american tradition. >> that's part of what a strong democracy is really all about and we're just watching video from today, from charlottesville at the university of virginia, as well as this continues all of this continues across the country. >> charlie dent and karen funny are thanks to both of you thanks. >> jessica. >> still ahead evacuations were underway in texas after days of intense rain and catastrophic flooding thing, there, some officials in the houston area are calling conditions worse than hurricane harvey. >> and there are more storms on the way. we're tracking it. that's ahead a florida, man is hospitalized, infected with anthrax to borrow this became the bureau's number one crying to sell. how it really happened with jesse l. mont'e, two more would nine on cnn look, things may seem fine out there, like you need to watch out with diseases to help you. >> okay. >> does this look okay i, don't i protect myself? >> with the new scott's health plus loan still the product appearance 27 diseases are feeding of grass to help keep you long, healthy diseases wanted to show you how to put it on no i think i know how to use a spreader, make up a bag of the new scott's turkey. your help you, plus lawn through today hi, i use for bree stay defied plus and i use this for reese has a 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now. and it goes shaders are in cairo for talks on a possible ceasefire and hostage deal, but us and israeli the official say any potential agreement could lead to even more negotiations over logistics. cnn's kevin look tech is here with me now. kevin, during zola, sense of urgency brown, there always is when they're meeting, but really, you feel it, especially from the american sayyed to get a good deal here and i think the biggest tell is the ca director bill burns, he is in cairo so right now, as part of these discussions and i think that tells you that at least on the us side, they really do view this at a critical juncture. the hamas delegation arrived there today as well. they said that they arrived with a positive spirits. so you do get a sense that things are developing and developing pretty quickly. of course it is. now, just past midnight in cairo. so you can assume that these talks will continue through the weekend. and what the real sticking point at this point seems to be is whether this proposal on the table will lead to an eventual end to this war that has been a bottom line for hamas throughout all of this. but israel has said that it's still will continue to need to go after hamas in gaza as part of the steel. so that seems to be sort of the not that they're trying to untie in cairo at this hour. now we did here just last night from the american secretary of state, antony blinken, talking about these negotiations. listen to a little bit of what he said we await to see whether an effect they can take yes for an answer on the ceasefire and release of hostages and the reality in this moment is the only thing standing between the people of gaza and a ceasefire is hamas now, we did hear from american and israeli officials just today that even if hamas signs off on this framework deal, that's not necessarily the end of the road. there's some finer points points that they will still have to iron out before the hostages start coming out of gaza. and i think that the real fear among american officials at this point is that if this deal all falls apart, if it collapses, that israel will begin this ground invasion of rafah. that's the city in southern gaza where more than 1 million palestinian since have been sheltering. the us has said that they need to see a credible plan to protect those civilians. they haven't seen that yet from israel, but prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been and insistent that he will go into rafah with or without a deal. so that is sort of hanging over all of this. but certainly president biden is very eager to see this deal. they really do believe that if a seat he's fair can be agreed upon. it will lower the temperature in the united states and certainly create the diplomatic space for something larger. >> yeah, i will. we will wait and see as this this talks continue. any you do make an interesting note that the cia director is there, amber, one of our experts, aaron david miller, saying last weekend, that's what he was watching for, that if filburn showed up, that the things we're progressing so we will keep an eye on it. all right, kevin, thanks so much. >> israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, israel will carry out an offensive against hamas in rafah with or without a deal he'll on a ceasefire and hostages as kevin was just saying, israeli airstrikes been targeting the southern city in gaza for weeks where more than 1 million displaced palestinians are correct? >> crowded into tense and temporary shelters cnn's paula hancocks reports on the reality of life inside raffa today. first though we do want to warn you that some of the images in this right? report will be disturbing grandmother cases, her young grandchildren the small bodies shirt, just one body bag four-year-old kareem and his two year-old sister, mona, were killed on tuesday by an israeli airstrike their answers, they are innocent. >> the baby's went to bed last night and never woke up. our hearts are broken forever. the doctors tried to save mona, but could not the children's parents was seriously injured in the same strike but rather was not home for these children. the grandmother says the family were displaced multiple times by the israeli military, ending up in a tent on the southern border alongside hundreds of sizes of others who have nowhere else to go speaking of the israeli military, she says, this is all they want. this is their goal the idf referred to a previous statement when asked about this strike, saying they are operating to dismantle hamas, adding quote remaining in an active combat zone has inherent risks but despite months of threatening a major ground offensive and refer, the military has not told civilians to evacuate. for many here, there is no other option at the start of this weekend, raffa, 22 people were killed in an israeli airstrike including at least one infant and a toddler a one-year-old killed is carried in their uncles arms. he says, this is who they are targeting. this is the safe raffa. they talk about it is the area the israeli military has pushed civilians towards for months an area well over 1 million palestinians are barely surviving in food water, shelter delta are scarce diseases rising but amid such misery some adults are trying to remind children of their previous life just seven months ago, where they could play and learn safely this volunteer teacher says the children's mental state is distressed they have no stability. they're distracted and they lose focus. so we work twice as hard to try and grab their attention and help them learn ahmed says he's happy he can play and study here. he says we lost our schools. we lost everything attend school, may not see much but even this pretense of normality for these children will be lost if they're forced to move. yet again, paula hancocks, cnn, apa double paula. >> thank you. >> still had tonight more protests at colleges and universities across the country where we're seeing clashes between police and demonstrators that next and see i'm used the trump hush money trial gavel to gavel coverage, the way only cnn can bring it to you legal insight, expert analysis, and real-time updates live from the courtroom follow the facts, follow the testimony, follows cnn, right now, you the free foot locker sap wait, just by edit foot login to app and get one free. just dan to qr code and enter promo code, fal fogbow it on, it worked on how does scream, buddy? >> you still got a landline or your house auto noun to subway out. can sugar ray leonard you everyday tasks wearing boxing gloves how bird and now putting on his new arch fit skechers, slip-ups. you just step in and go with comfort that will knock you out to try new arch fit hands-free sketcher slip-ups home-court explorer lets you easily compare coverage options, so you don't end up overpaying good because we spend a lot on this kitchen. know, yeah. >> really high-end stuff. >> sorry, that's our gross. >> more 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brought to you by meso book dot if you or a loved one have mesothelial mac will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to one 4,000 happening now there's a heavy police presence at the university of virginia after a pro-palestinian encampment on the campus was declared an unlawful assembly the university now urging people to avoid that area. also today, protests briefly interrupting the commencement ceremony at the university of michigan campus is all let's the country of sinon rest over the past several weeks with protesters calling for an end to the war in gaza and for schools and divest from israeli linked entities. and so far, police have arrested more than 2,100 people on 40 university campuses across the country. cnn's rafael romo is live in tallahassee at florida state university. >> rafael. they were really preparing and taking some precautions for their commencements today. tell us more about that yeah. >> jessica as far as i can see if there are no precautions that are very visible, we did see some police from campus here, but no more than what you would expect for an event of this magnitude right now of the donald al tucker civic center, where we are is empty, but it will fill up again in less than two hours for what will be the six commencement ceremony to be held here between friday and saturday, a college official told me earlier that nearly 34 thousand tickets had been issued to students for their families and loved ones. this is one of six ceremonies that were scheduled to be held at here at fsu between friday and saturday, according to the university of his use awarding degrees two more than 7,800 graduates there were tense moments here on campus when five protesters were arrested during demonstration, but that happened on tuesday two of them are current students, according according to school. they were banned from campus for one year and it's still an open question whether they will be able to graduate fsu said in a statement that the arrests occurred after the individuals ignored multiple requests and warnings to comply with a lawful order. fsu also said that the university rules and regulations had been explained repeatedly over several days and the group had been compliant until the arrests happened. it was also a tense week at the university of florida in gainesville, about two hours from here, where nine pro-palestine protesters were arrested monday evening on campus. the protesters are demanding that the university of florida publicly denounce what they call violence and discrimination against pro-palestinian students, as well as a call for a ceasefire in gaza on the other hand, jessica, we also spoke with graduating and jewish students who told us some of the protesters seem unable to understand how hurtful and offensive some of the things that protesters are chanting can be. let's take a listen people don't understand the meaning behind the words that they're saying. i think that's the whole issue with this movement as people are seeing that it's a trend and saying from the river to the sea not realizing that's completely anti-semitic and calling for the genocide of jews see you have this argument that it's genocide on one side, but really when you're chanting these things use, it means the same thing again so far the ceremonies here at fsu had been a very orderly and calm officials are hoping it'll stay that way for the rest of the month because the college of law will award 312 degrees on sunday and then in exactly two weeks on may 18, the college of medicine will award an additional 110 degrees. jessica, back to you. >> i rafael romo for us they're in tallahassee, florida. thanks so much. >> at least a dozen river in southeast texas have hit the major flood stage and more heavy rain is now on the way it take a look at the aerial view of living syntaxes were floodwaters have overwhelmed that area. >> and you see how the pounding rain has just swept away. >> moving trucks, it's submerged home homes there. >> this is about 75 miles northeast of houston. rosa flores joining us now from harris county, texas and rosa, people in the flood ravaged communities they're bracing for more rain and i know you've talked to other people there that are afraid to leave their homes even though more rain is probably coming you know, just the guy let's talk to a mom who was devastated because her son is in the flooded zone and he refuses to leave. >> he has pads and she says this is the third time and i've come out here just to see if the water's receding so that she can go see her son, but let me set the scene for you. she was describing that this road keeps going into a neighborhood. they call the river bottoms and she says that this low lying area actually goes up further down and that's where the home where this woman's son lives. and there are more people there who has refused to evacuate. now, if you take a look around here, you'll see the water levels are very high. you can see the water level on that chain link fence and also on the trees. >> a lot of first responders out here have been to this area neighbors have told us that some of the people in the river bottom have evacuated, but others just refuse to leave. >> we interviewed the woman from this mobile home. her name is stacey smith. you can see that she still has had access to get in and out of her mobile home, but she has taken out all of her stuff and and she's one of those individuals was trying to convince about eight to 15 people who are back here that have not evacuated but she said that they're her friends and she was very emotional telling us that she's still trying to get votes to save them. take a listen the ones that didn't want to come right now, we're going to go back and get with a personal boat and we're going to go get everybody. >> we're not leaving nobody hi, because they're like our family. they're like family down there now, here's one of the things that's giving people hope. you see this debris line. >> and there's an individual who's trying to drive, but you see that debris leinz there. the water has actually receded. you can see that there's a second debris line over here and then the water starts this is giving people hope because it is actually showing that the water has as receded. now i talked to some of the neighbors who say that during hurricane harvey, the water was probably about this high in this location so that gives you a sense of just how much more devastating it was and how much more water there was in this area during hurricane harvey compared to now? now of course, one of the things that officials and first responders have been saying here is that they do not want people to drive through roads that have been swallowed by water. now, this is an area that you see oh, my god. and i had not seen that this woman started walking. >> this is a woman that i spoke to a while ago, jessica, she was the one who told me that overnight. >> she was actually in the hospital and that she drove here this morning and found that this area was completely flooded and she had been telling me that she was debating whether to actually walk to her home or not, and she told me that the reason why she wanted to walk to her home was because her medication is in her house. and so jessica, these are some of the risks that individuals are taking them. you could see her, her and in another man, i'm not sure who the man is, but she is trying to get her medication. that's what she told me moments ago. >> and we know from talking to first responders there's that this is what they say people should not be doing right now because they just don't know the dangerous, they don't know how deep the water is. >> there are snakes and reptiles goals in other things that are dangerous. there could be chemicals in this water that could make this woman very sick. and yet we're seeing her take this risk at the moment, just to go back to you it, can be very scary as you can see rosie, we can't see what's underneath that water. it's not clear at all, so hope hopefully she will make it there safely. thank you so much. for all that reporting. rosa flores in harris county, texas for us. >> we appreciate it. >> still ahead tonight. one of former president trump's at one time closest aides, hope hicks breaking down on the stand as she testifies in his criminal hush money trial what we've learned from her testimony that's next. you're in the cnn newsroom we're here to get your side of the store. >> fairs library prostitution. why do we keep ending up you can't write this stuff. united states of scandal with jake tapper. now streaming on max fashion moves fast, setting trends is our business. we need to scale with customer demand in real time so we partner with verizon, their solution for us a private by gene network. we now get more control of production efficiencies. >> and greater agility with a custom private 5g 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again. so congested, you need sine x saline from just sine x, breathe what his wow sine x breed i'm mj lee at the white house. and this is cnn trump's hush money. trial wrapped up a second week of testimony friday with a dramatic appearance from one of his most trusted advisors former white house communications director hope hicks, took the stand and was noticeably nervous, even avoiding eye contact with the former president, seen in correspondent kara scannell, was there hope hicks, once one of trump's closest aides took the stand friday and emotional day of testimony at one point, even tearing up on day 11 of trump's criminal trial so i'm not allowed to comment on any of that. as you know, i'm under a gag on and i was very interested in what took place today. >> hicks, who was trump's campaign spokesperson in 2016, and later served as white house communications director, looked visibly uncomfortable before testifying, saying she was really nervous prosecutors quickly brought up the access hollywood tape, which was released just one month before the 2016 election, when you were star, they let you do it. >> hicks recalled trump being upset. >> she said there was a consensus among campaign leadership that the tape was damaging to the campaign, and it was a crisis she said media coverage of the tape was so intense, it literally knocked a category four hurricane out of the news cycle. hope said it was all trump all the time for the next 36 hours, hicks testified that trump was involved in the campaigns response prosecutors played his video apology for the jury. >> anyone who knows me knows these words, don't reflect who i am. >> i said it. i was wrong and i apologize. >> prosecutors tried to show that catastrophic impact the access hollywood tape had on trump's campaign demonstrating the urgency to kill another bombshell story from being released just weeks before the election, hicks testified she was sitting on the plane when she learned that the wall street journal plans to publish a piece about the national enquirer's catch-and-kill deal involving trump's alleged affair with an x playboy model, karen mcdougal, and adult star stormy daniel's trump denies the affairs. hicks said she spoke with trump who was concerned about the story, and he instructed her to deny it. she is quoted in the journal saying daniel's a fair allegation is absolutely unequivocally untrue hicks said trump's was concerned with how the article would be viewed by his wife, saying he wanted me to make sure that the newspapers warrant delivered to his residence that morning. prosecutors aztecs about trump's former lawyer, michael cohen's $130,000 payment to daniels to buy and kill her story of an alleged affair with trump cohen told the new york times in 2018 that he made the payment from his own pocket. hicks said she was skeptical about cohen's motives, saying, i didn't know michael to be in especially charitable person or selfless person, higgs described trump's assessment of the story, saying it was mr. trump's opinion is that it was better to be dealing with it now and that it would have been bad to have that story come out before the election as trump's attorney, emile bove, you went to take over questioning. hicks began to cry after a break, bogey focused on cohen trying to show he had no role in the campaign and would act on his own hicks testified cohen was not supposed to be on the campaign in an official capacity, but would try to insert himself at certain moments. she said cohen often did things that were unauthorized by the campaign and that is sometimes went rogue according official tells me that donald trump paid the $9,000 fine for violating the gag order. hope six testimony completes the second week of witness testimony in this trial. the jury has heard a lot about the catch-and-kill deals at the center of this case, the next phase is the alleged cover up. kara scannell, cnn, new york. >> kara, thank you. and still ahead tonight. republican congressman max miller of ohio joins us. he's one of only two jewish republicans in congress. we're going to talk to him about the pro-palestinian protests on college campuses. us aid to israel, and the high-stakes ceasefire talks it's that are happening right now. you're on the cnn newsroom story. this animal is a symbol in this country is in trouble. >> it's very much in trouble in one of the world's most diverse ecosystems. ivan watson influence the stark reality of climate change humanity is being threatened at a rate which i'm not sure we really understand can australia act fast enough to save itself? we're fighting a losing the fight for us the whole story with anderson cooper tomorrow at eight on cnn as the earth issues or distress call in the face of appending climate crisis. and we're done by is advancing his agenda for a greener future. with an ideal climate to support some of the world's largest solar projects and a grid that's almost completely powered by clean energy. it's 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australia to explore this spectacular country. and along the way, i actually did get to cuddle a koala the small team at this wildlife center helps raise some of these orphaned animals by hand. >> why ready, including pearl, who seems pretty fund of humans is this a little bit like holding a child, but pretty fuzzy if the kid and the other part about this the for really is soft there are few things sweeter than cuddling a koala my teammates couldn't wait for their turn let's cubed. but then we learn the real reason parolees here so the real reason that parole was at the sanctuary was because she was burned as a young joey in the 2020 black summer fires, these were horrific forest fires across long stretches of australia. >> and on that, particularly ireland, where i was kangaroo island, half of the island was burned down more than half of the koala population was killed. and this one khawala unfortunately survived what i saw in australia was that this country, this continent, is pretty much on the frontlines of climate change, where scientists, residents are saying that the cycle of fires and floods are getting more unpredictable and more extreme on top of that, i got good look with my team at the great barrier reef. this sprawling marine habitat that's the size of italy, where we saw the beginnings of a mass bleaching event that was later confirmed by the australian government, where record high ocean temperatures are quite literally cooking coral and killing it. it's part of a planet wide phenomenon that's been witnessed over the course of the last year so all of these changes that are impacting australia are not only devastating natural habitats but they're also impacting cities and towns and even prompting some australians to consider leaving some of these more vulnerable communities. jessica all right, i haven't watson. thank you. and an all new episode of the whole story with anderson cooper. it's one whole hour, one whole story at airs tomorrow at 8:00 p.m. 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Sketcher , Login , Subway , Botox , Names , Fal , Fogbow You Don T Have , Auto Nauta Subway , Panda , Sato , 39 , Cosmetic , Lines , Leinz , Effects , Breathing , Forehead , Speaking , Injection , Frown , Crow , Weakness , Feet , Fda , Side Effects , Medications , Skin Infection , Botox Cosmetic , Injection Site Pain , Condition , Eyelid , Sign , Eyelid Swelling , Nerve , History , Drooping , Headache Eyebrow , Botox D , Petroleum Toxins , Cnn Australia , Natasha Bertrand , Story , Floods , Habitats , Episode , Climate Change , Ocean , Wildfires , Surface Warming , Portions , Siege , Great Barrier Reef , International , Career , Australia , Assignment , Koala , Team , Wildlife Center , Animals , Pearl , Child , Humans , Kid , Teammates , Cubed , Parolees , Forest Fires , Parole , Sanctuary , Black Summer Fires , Young Joey , Half , Kangaroo Island , Khawala , Ireland , Koala Population , Frontlines , Residents , Continent , Fires , Cycle , Scientists , Sprawling Marine Habitat , Top , Size , Extreme , Italy , Beginnings Of A Mass Bleaching , Australian Government , Impacting Australia , Planet , Phenomenon , Cities , Towns , Australians , I Haven T Watson , Response , Eastern Pacific , 00 , 8 , I , Trade Rumors , Fal Fogbow , Foot , Screen , Indiana , Buddy , Wallet , Smile , True , Noun , Close Up Finding , Muscle Problems , Jak Family , Jak , Come On , Switch , Kidding , Cranberries , Progressive , Bad Guy , Blackberries , 750 , Twist , Guard Packaging , Item , Pac , Laundry Pacs , Tide Pods , Didn T , Skulls , Product , Lawn Food , Scatter Terp , Models , Light , Grandpa , Wings , Em , Gentlemen ,

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