Transcripts For CNNW Anderson 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW Anderson 20240704

thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in the situation room. the news continues on cnn, >> right now. >> tonight on 360 breaking news, the first video investigative teams on the container ship, dali and all we're learning about the final five minutes before took down a bridge killing six also tonight, presidential politics, campaign fundraising, and a police officers wake is president biden and three former president's converge on new york we'll look at what at all signals for the race ahead. and later, cnn's john king all over the map this week talking to voters in the swing state of arizona. >> good evening. thanks for joining us. we begin tonight with breaking news, new who video from aboard the mv dali. it was taken by ntsb investigators documenting damaged the vessel, but it also shows the sheer bulk of twisted steel beams and girders from the francis scott key bridge in the waters off baltimore surrounding the ship, blocking entry to the port unlikely encasing the remains of four fallen workers. according to maryland's governor and the largest crane on the eastern seaboard is due in baltimore tonight, and a navy salvage and diving unit is now serving as the lead for salvage operations in a moment, we'll speak with former salvage diver about what crews are up against, but furs with all we've learned in the last 24 hours here's how the disaster unfolded minute by minute. cnn's pete muntean has that around 01:23 a.m. we get a first glimpse of the dali. it's on the left side of your screen auto traffic on the francis scott key bridge in baltimore is still moving in both directions. >> at >> 01:24 hey, i'm and 59 seconds, numerous alarms are recorded on the dali's bridge audio 126.39 seconds. the ship's pilot makes a call for tugboats in the area to help. >> that's the indication of the first sine of needing help. the tugs help it help the vessel leave the dock, leave the port, and then get into the main ship channel and then they leave once it's on its way, it's so there are no tugs with the vessel at that time >> at this point, the dali appears to have power issues. video shows the lights on the ship go out and it's headed directly toward one of the columns supporting the bridge, 0,127.4 seconds the pilot ordered the dali to drop the port anchor and additional ordered additional steering commands >> the pilot said he called for hard rudder deport as far left as possible, that according to the head of the pilots association 21 seconds later at 01:20, 7.25 seconds, the pilot issues or radio call saying the dali has lost all power and is approaching the bridge. transit authorities work quickly to stop all bridge traffic. >> what do you guys in the south side? why do you guys on the north side? hold all traffic only? british. >> there's >> a ship approaching. i just lost their steering. so they tell you that under control, we got sap on traffic from this cctv atop the bridge. traffic stops in both directions about 90 seconds before impact then the dali can be seen on the bottom right of the screen. it's moving at just under eight miles per hour around 01:29 a.m. it hits the francis scott key bridge from this moment on, approximately 129.33 seconds. the vdr audio recorded sounds consistent with the collision of the bridge. >> the whole bridge as well. now start, sar is whoever everybody, the whole bridge, just the last 129.39 seconds. the pilot reported the bridge down over the vhf radio to the coast guard. >> from the first warning signs to a deadly disaster all in less than five terrifying minutes opinion on teen joins us now. so i understand investigators use the boats data recorded, a build out this timeline, but they're looking for more data to learn exactly what happened well yeah and ntsb chair jennifer homendy says, there's a bit of an issue with the voyage data recorder. the data it recorded is very bare-bones engine rpm, movement of the ship's rudder heading of the ship's bow, that is about it, not like a commercial airliner that records about 1,000 points data. the good news here, anderson is that the data recorder also captured audio from the ship's bridge. so that is what investigators are relying on right now. also interviews with the crew of the dali all 21 are still onboard tonight >> been routine. thanks so much. eight workers were fixing potholes on on the bridge when it collapsed. now, according to another worker, the company who requested a last-minute shift change, the men were likely on a break when the ship hit the bridge. as you know, six of those men died only to have been found. the company says it's in the process of putting together compensation packages for their families. two of the eight survive cnn's danny freeman has been finding out more about them. he joins us now. so what more do you know about the two survivors >> understand? i'm gonna be honest. there's still a lot of questions that we have about exactly what happened to these two of those eight people who were on the bridge who were lucky enough to survive. i mentioned last night though that i spoke with jeffrey pritzker he's the executive vice president of that construction company, brawner builders. he said that one of their workers was able to survive, likely because he was able to swim and tread water before ultimately he was rescued. now he was taken to a local trauma center after he was rescued from the waters below. but pritzker told me that that worker is quote very, very upset. he does have injuries and he understands that he's very stressed and suffering from stress when it comes to the second person who was able to survive this bridge collapse, though, there is still a little bit less known, i will say though that the governor i said last night during his press conference that he was able to speak to likely that survivor saying and i quote, one of those survivors was moving off the bridge and literally saw the bridge fall right after he moved off and it was because of a first responder who was telling him to move off the bridge just moments before that bridge behind us tumbling down. now we asked the governor for a little more clarity about who exactly that survivor was because the construction company says that that survivor was actually not part of their crew. so we're still waiting for an answer from both the governor's office and the maryland the department of transportation and transit authority, and what of authority said today regarding the four men who died, whose, whose bodies haven't been recovered yet >> yeah. when it comes to authorities that press comments just wrapped up the mayor of baltimore says that he is still hopeful that they will be able to find those for people who are presumed dead. in presumed to be underneath the water. but one of the questions that we still had that war was answered earlier tonight, is that there is still at least one larger vehicle that they believe is trapped under the rubble of the bridge wreck behind me. and i'll quote now from the police here, there's at least one larger vehicle in size that's completely encapsulated by the super structure of the bridge and concrete. and they said it's going to take some time to get to that mceuen. just want to add one more node if it's all right about both the survivor that we spoke about the worker and some of the victims. we actually learn tonight from mexican officials that the surviving worker who managed to live after falling down into the water, he's actually related to two other workers who died on that bridge are presumed to be dead. so anderson, just to put that into context, three of the eight people who were on that bridge earlier this week, we're all family members, two of them died and one was able to survive anderson, danny freeman, thanks very much. as we mentioned, a navy salvage and diving unit is now serving as the lead for salvage operations. joining us is a former fbi special agent, bobby chikun, while at the bureau, he served his team leader of the new york dive team, bobby, thanks so much for being with us. what exactly is what would be the priority for that navy salvage and diving unit? how did they how did they work >> so number one, they work with obviously the big diving helmets and surface supplied air systems that's at a minimum, they're going to go down there probably first look at the sonar data that's probably how they know there's a large vehicle encased in the wreckage they take sonar data and that can guide them. they do a survey hey, of what the bottom looks like, and then what you do is you've figured what pieces it's a puzzle that you have to take apart what piece comes first, what piece comes second those divers are going to have to go down. they were cutting instruments and cutting tools, start to cut away some of this larger debris and then rig it so that a crane can lift it off the bottom. it's got a dumb piece by piece by piece but the figure out what to cut first, how to lift it. and every time you move a piece off the bottom, it changes the puzzle. things move around. so it's very treacherous for the divers down there. >> so we had heard just yesterday, it was too dangerous for the local divers. this unit you were saying its surface air, so these aren't divers with with air tanks. this is air being pumped down to them so they can stay underwater for long periods of time >> yes, my longest i was probably five hours when i will have the fbi because we use the symbol system we trained with the naibe dive salvage people down in panama city beach all the time. and yeah, they'll they'll stay down there forever. that umbilical local gives them the ability to use pneumatic tools. it gives them camera and lights down there. and obviously primarily it gives them their breathing air. they will have a small tank on their back usually, and that's what we call a bailout bottle that's in case the main system fails, they can go to that and they can get to the surface while they breed that emergency air. but normally under normal conditions, they don't use that that's just an emergency tank on their back and so yeah, there'll be breathing air on the surface. they will be using cutting tools and topside will be able to see and hear everything they're doing. >> this really dumb question, but i've been given how treacherous underwater is with all that all and debris and in jagged edges, isn't having a line to the surface with air, isn't involvement of vulnerability for them >> well, you have umbilical management and you trained to do this kind of stuff. and so oftentimes if you're penetrating into one of these underwater. now a cave in the debris, you have a second diver that's managing your umbilical well as you go in. but normally you dropped down away from the debris and you walk in, you don't have fins, you have waited boots that keep you on the bottom and you walk in from a safe distance. and the umbilicus along enough to do that, to drop away from the wreckage. and you know this by the sonar images that you have, where to drop down. and then we're to walk into from the wreckage. >> and so they have they will be mapping out what they have to deal with and then figuring out locations that do they actually do cutting, do they do they views explosive devices to break up the pieces of the bridge yeah, probably not explosive devices, but they have plasma cutters. they have other a lot of different cutting devices that they use. that's what they used in minneapolis on the bridge collapse. you can use a plasma cutter, you can use other cutting things, tools. and they're very powerful. and like i said, you have to be ready to rig it so that a crane can then lift it off the divers will get out of the way before the crane starts to lift that stuff and probably come to the surface before the because there's always a chance that something could snap and that could go pump down towards the bottom again. so you want to divers out of the way and the crane will lift piece by piece by piece. it's a very long process, but you have to do it slowly to be doing a carefully in terms of the chants because of being able to recover the remaining victims and how what do you think the likelihood of that would be >> it all depends on where they were they could be under some of this debris, they could be crushed. unfortunately, they could be they could have drifted away along the bottom by now, it's really, it's really hard to tell what the what the chances of finding them if they're encased in that debris, then they will find them. we found people in minneapolis that way as we as we were cutting it's the navy was cutting deeper and deeper into the wreckage they would find people and they may do that here. it just it's just unknown right now, but i think there's a chance they'll find several of them entangled in that debris. >> yeah, it's dangerous work by bychcova. thank you so much. >> thank god me. i didn't could we have next more breaking news and biden obama, clinton triple bill tonight at new york's radio city, expected to pull in record campaign cash for democrats. and later a new twist in the former president's georgia trial. and his latest effort to stop it. that's when we come back your skin is ever >> take care of it with gold ponds age renew formulations of seven moisturizers and three vitamins. for all your skin's cold bond. >> covid-19. i'm not waiting. >> if it's covid packs love it, packs a little bit is an oral treatment for adults with mild-to-moderate covid-19 at a high risk factor for it becoming severe. it does not prevent covid-19 my symptoms are mild now, but i'm not risky if it's covid packs loaded packs, lovin must be taken within the first five days of symptoms and helps stop the virus from multiplying in your body, taking pecs little bit with certain medicines can lead to serious or life-threatening side effects or affect how id or other medicines work, including hormonal birth control is critical to 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descending the stairs of air force one with now president biden on their way to meet former president clinton for a joint appearance in new york's radio city music call which has just started. these are live pictures of the scene outside and mr. clinton, mr. obama, and the president's celebrating with the campaign says, is a record $25 plus million dollar hall. it's also expected to be just the beginning of president biden's predecessors campaigning on his behalf now the reasons seem pretty obvious why it's underscored, but the latest cnn poll, a poll showing no clear leader, but president biden facing three point deficit. that in chronically low job approval numbers are part of the reason why democrats tonight and ahead in the campaign hoped to press the fundraising advantage they've had so far over the trump campaign. former president meantime, drawing a contrast to the glitzy fundraiser spending his afternoon just the east on long island at the wake of a murdered new york police officer, we'll have more on that in a moment. first, cnn's mj lee outside the biden obama, clinton event. what is the scene that you're seeing out there? >> yeah as you can imagine, anderson just tons of security and at one point earlier in the evening, probably a couple of hundred protesters. these are pros ceasefire, pro-palestinian protesters who are clearly taking issue with president biden's policies when it comes to the israel-hamas war, the mood inside obviously going to be very, very different, fitting for the venue that this fundraiser is being held in. this is going to be highly produced, very glitzy fundraiser three presidents are going to be sitting down with comedian stephen colbert for a shared conversation on stage a lot of celebrities and artists that are expected to be in attendance as well. mindy kaling is going to be emptying the event. queen latifah, lizzo are among the other artists that are going to be there and all told the campaign announcing early here today that the rate some 25 million. and counting, i wouldn't be surprised if that figure i ended up kicking up by the end of this evening are coming from both the high-dollar tickets from this event, as well as some lower dollar less than $200 grassroots donations that made up about a third how 25 million and you'll remember the campaign did. and now it's at the end of february that they had some $71 million of cash on hand. so this is going to help widen that gop that they have between their fundraising and the cast at the donald trump campaign has right now intersect and is the button campaign planning more? there's kinda joint appearances ahead, or is it more likely? the former president obama and clinton will be dispatched separately onto the campaign trail >> well, certainly this is not going to be the last that we see of the two former presidents i'm particularly, i think former president barack obama, the president probably is going to be hitting the trail a lot more, especially as we get more into the fall our reporting is that he is likely to visit college campuses, for example, and also choose these key cities and key battleground states with the goal of course, of helping to drive i've up enthusiasm among younger voters as well as other key demographics, like black voters and latino voters these are two men, anderson, as you know, very well, who have been friends and obviously went through a lot together in their eight years together. so you can imagine that the time that spent together this time around this afternoon, a couple of hours that they had a lot to talk about and we were told by aides but they were catching up a lot and enjoying them so i was talking about a lot of the professional things, but also just their personal lives as well. >> julie, thanks very much. it was mentioned the former president was on long island, attending awake for new york police department officer jonathan diller who were shot dead during a traffic stop monday evening, is alleged killer who was charged today with first-degree murder, has a lengthy criminal record, assign mr. trump said but dysfunctional criminal justice system >> we have to stop it. we have to get back to law and order. we have to do a lot of things differently because this is not working. this is happening too often. we've got to toughen it up. we've got to strengthen it up. >> prison biden spoke today with new york mayor eric adams, offering his condolences on the tragedy. new york's governor ordered flags and all state but office buildings flown at half-staff too. honore officer diller, we have more now from cnn's kristen holmes, who joins us. so what can you tell us about the former president's visit to the wake of officer diller well, anderson, he was invited by a local county executive whom he has a relationship with for the family. the family was the one who wanted them to reach out. he didn't end up meeting with the family officer diller is survived by his wife and his young child that we saw donald trump without mentioning president biden's, say that things needed to change, call for law and order, and his campaign really trying to make a contrast of these two trips to new york president biden's, as well as former president donald trump's framing this as by trump going to see the family of the slain nypd officer while biden was going to a glitzy and what they called a latest star studded fundraiser. they wanted that to happen i kinda big jugs juxtaposition as they're really launching their general election >> and the trump campaign is looking to hold their own fundraiser where they hope to raise more than the expected $25 million. tonight. what we know about that? >> yes. so this is what they are saying right now. so just to take one caveat here, which is we have not seen the numbers. it is still early that fundraiser supposed to be april 6, and they're telling us that they expect it out, raise this 25 million, and expect to get around the $33 million for their fundraiser. that's going to be in palm beach. so talk about glitzy fundraisers and it's going to draw really some of the biggest names in republican fundraising. the mercer family, oil magnate harold hamm. some of these names people who didn't want to donate to donald trump originally, who were sitting on the sidelines or looking for alternatives. it's really signals of movement, at least in the donor class, towards the former president. and comes, as you heard, i'm jay say, he is still chipping away at a significant financial edge that biden has. they are looking for every opportunity to get as much money as they can flowing into the campaign. >> kristen holmes, thanks so much, showing us out from the left and the right perspectively seen and pulled up of commentator van jones, and alyssa farah griffin. so then how much upside show of force is about money? how much is sending a message that the democratic party is united? and i guess ready to campaign hard it's about both. first of all, it's click-through like the super bowl of fundraisers that mean to have $25 million raised and don't forget, president obama during his mid-term he was battling in the polls. he was weak, he was wobbling and then a bill clinton came out at our convention and gave it incredible speech and help to turn the tide for obama. so there is this tradition of the last democratic president taking the stage, helping the existing democratic president do well. and so now you've got to, you've got, you've got bill clinton, who is a rockstar for certain part of the party. bill clinton and bill clinton's the rockstar, obama's rockstar getting behind biden and it's not this is about the money. it's about re-energizing this party, bringing people together. it's a big deal tonight. >> it so in senior listen because no one's going to see former president bush or former vice president cheney campaigning with donald trump i am. >> if anything, he wouldn't probably want that. >> well, that's what's actually very interesting, i think by design of force bill clinton and barack obama draw energy and money, but it's also a show of force, whereas right now no living candidate who's been on a gop ticket other than sarah palin, is backing donald trump. and i think that that's something that the biden campaign is going to want to dry out to say he's actually just not somebody that even previous candidates approve of. but here's the thing. joe biden has a major cash advantage at this point. he's outraising trump two-to-one. this is a huge win for him tonight, but we remember 2016, hillary clinton massively outraised donald trump, instill, he was able to edge her out. and this was smart politics today. i don't like the idea of going to a slain officers memorial and making get political, but to a lot of people in the middle of this country, they say that's the guy who's focusing on my priorities. he's putting police officers before hollywood celebrities and it shows the trump campaign's a bit more sophisticated than it previously was event. >> i mean, do you think this is a warning sign that the biden campaign is concerned? i mean, the fact that new normally i'm not sure when president obama got involved with the campaign. the last time, but it seems to me it was much farther along in the campaign that seems obviously very early in the campaign well, we're going to have a longer general election campaign than we've had in living memory. so it is early and it is necessary biden isn't doing as well in the polls as he needs to be and so you do have people coming forward as far as president trump going to honor the police officer? i think that's good. and i think that anytime police officer loses his or her life, that's a tragedy. peoples to show up. but the reality is that there is a big machine that has to be cut on for the democratic party. the democratic party cares about police. we can show that, but we've got to get this party to pull it together. and if anybody doubts barack obama in particular, his ability to get some of the people back in this party. you got men leaving this party, you got young african-american leaving this party. he can reach them in a way that will be out there a lot >> i don't think barack obama is going to sit this out. i don't, by the way, i think we have to obama's to cleanse since and to biden's who are not going to sit this out. i think you're going to see a full court press from the top of this part to the bottom because the consequence of a donald trump presidency part two is so catastrophic in the minds about barack obama or bill clinton or anybody in this party. it just can't be allowed. and so yes is unusual. this is usual time that we're in, but anybody who doubts barack obama's ability, we all well, who cares nano, barack obama can talk to people who are leaving this party and get them back. and he's got six months to do it and he's going to play a tremendous role going forward. >> what do you think would >> i mean, do you think that's a do you think he is going to be that involved? >> i think there's nothing brock obama would rather do less than this, but i agree with van that i think he's doesn't like to be in politics same where he's enjoying his life, he's got 1 million projects, but i think he does realize the stakes are high. i would argue, listen tonight, great cash hall, the best place to use them, put them in michigan. you're losing the air vote there. you're using losing young african-american voters. they're battleground states where i think he's going to resonate the most. biden has proven himself a formidable fundraiser use obama with the key coalitions that are falling apart for democrats right now. >> event president biden has recently pointed to fbi data that shows crime was down in nearly every category across the united states in 20 23, it's initially a lot of people probably either don't believe that or don't feel that butt according to the fbi, those are the numbers. do you think that's going to ultimately sort of get felt in this campaign? >> well, i think that reality actual reality and emotional reality have not lined up for biden on a number of issues of the economy actually, on paper is doing a lot better than people think unemployment is down. gas prices are relatively low. stock market's up. a lot of things that have, should have people feeling good food prices being sticky at the top. housing prices being sticky at the top, make people feel the whole thing as terrible. crime has been coming back down. but a few sensational instances make people feel we're all unsafe. and so there's an emotional reality in an actual reality that have not lined up for biden yet. it's gonna be job one for him to get those things lined up. yeah. van jones, let's farah griffin. thanks so much coming up. a new hearing in fani willis is election interference case against the former president in a georgia courtroom almost two weeks after he failed to get her 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overturn the 2020 election, like his call to georgia secretary of state, brad raffensperger. >> all i want to do is this. i just want to find 11,780 loads were protected under the first amendment statements, comment, speech expressive conduct that deals with campaigning or >> elections has always been found to be at the zenith. of protected speech. >> take out the political speech, no criminal charges. >> prosecutors, a batting back at those arguments. >> what is not allowed to do is employ his speech and his expression and his statements as part of a criminal conspiracy to violate georgia's rico statute. he's not being prosecuted for lying. he's been prosecuted for lying to the government. >> it's the first hearing after months of delving into the propriety of fulton county district attorney, fani willis, romantic relationship with fellow well prosecutor nathan wade. >> you'll confuse you think i'm on trial. these people are on trial for trying to steal an election in 2020. i'm not on trial no matter how hard you try to put me on trial, wade, his sons resigned from the case while willis was allowed to remain, but trump's team is appealing that decision. as judge scott mcafee moves the case ahead >> some crimes it's gonna be achieved solely through speech though. why is that? now what's happening here as alleged mcafee didn't rule on whether he'll allow the indictment to stand, but other defendants in the case have tried similar first amendment arguments and fail. willis, who did not appear in court today, still angling for trump and his remaining 14 co-defendants to go to trial before the presidential election. perhaps as soon as august. >> i don't feel like we've been slowed down at all. i do think that there are efforts to slow down this train, but the train is coming. >> but today's hearing wrapped without any discussion of a potential trial date and will be adjourned >> sorry marie joins now, is it clear when the judge might rule on trump's motion henderson? >> the judge did not lay out a timeline today for when he was going to rule on whether he should toss the indictment entirely, obviously, from the district attorney's perspective, they want the judge to make swift decisions on these pretrial motions that are out there. they have trump and 14 other defendants to deal so with if they want to go to trial by this summer again, still no trial date set. trump's team, of course, is happy to let the judge take all the time he wants there. they want to keep punting this and hope that there's no chance of a trial date before this presidential election intercepts or maria, thanks so much perspective now for michael moore, a former us attorney for the middle district of georgia, also two former federal prosecutors we die aganga-williams, former senior investigative council on the january 6 committee, and elie honig, is there a chance led the form president succeeds on this first amendment grounds, realistically, no anderson. and here's why. on the surface, the arguments that we heard, donald trump's lawyers make today have some superficial appeal. they said, well you are allowed under the first amendment to make false statements. you're allowed to make politically unpopular statements and that's all he did. the problem with that argument as the da's office pointed out, is that doesn't jive with the facts here. he did much more than just engage in speech. for example, donald trump had official documents submitted to government entities. that's going beyond that gets into the category of conduct he arranged in coordinated with others to try to steal this election. and so i think this judge is going to reject this. it's worth noting that trump made a similar first amendment argument in the federal jack smith case that was rejected by the federal judge. that's not binding on the state judge, but i think the state judge is going to come out the same place. yeah, tell me >> he started to judge chutkan in the in that case, who rejected this argument. does that have any bearing with the judge in the georgia case? take that into account for sure. i mean, it's going to >> be persuasive and today in the arguments, the georgia prosecutor asked the judge specifically to look at judge chutkan analysis. he's he said, i don't think i can do better than she did because it was persuasive. and what she really did was separate the argument of corporate lucas speech and whether that is being moderated by the government versus criminal conduct. so for example, you can have a right to have a gun possess a gun, which what you can do is take that gun and use it for this over crime just because you have a gun legally doesn't mean you can rob a bank with it. same way with political speech, just because you're allowed to say something under our first amendment, it doesn't mean you can then say those exact statements in further separate crime, and that's what donald trump has been charged with here. it's speech that he's using a principle crime. it's not speech for the sake of speech. and on top of that, there's more than pure speech. if you're n-tensor conspiracy, it's not that you set up in political is why you conspiracy is because you and your coconspirators entered into an agreement to do something illegal. so they again, it's not pure speed is at the heart of the indictment here michael, i mean, does it strike you as just another delay tactic from the former president's team on this >> well, i'm glad to be with all of it is really a delight tactic, but it's a very standard practice in a criminal case to have these kinds of motions. so the fact that they had pretrial motions, that they tried to get the indictment dismissed, that they've challenged parse and i went that's normal. this is what normal ct looks like in a criminal case, except that it happens to be involved in a form of presence. so i do think it's going to delay things. i think the judge probably had his order halfway written because he has ruled on this before and there is some precedent out there on in other courts, he's not bound by that has been said, but but but i think get it just is part of the routine process. what he's really don't know what's delay in the case is that there's a pending appeal in the georgia court of appeals from his disqualification order. and of course, you've got the issue of immunity. >> that's >> pending in the supreme court. those things are there are what are going to put the brakes on the case as much as anything else? >> how much time do you think it'll take too? >> he has been pretty prompt, so i think we'll see a ruling certainly within a month, maybe a couple of weeks. and i do think michael is exactly right watching that proceeding today. it was the most normal pretrial motions that you'll see. it happens in every case and it was sort of refreshing after all the drama that we've seen happening in this case to just see lawyers making the same arguments, you would expect to see in any case, arguing them fairly and reasonably and rationally, it was a dignified court proceeding, and i think this case needed some of that. timmy die at any chance. do you >> think this gets to actually start before the election? >> i think it's incredibly unlikely and that's always been true. i mean, this >> is the complexity of the defendants and exactly there's so many defendants dence here. and we saw in some of the prior hearings we had when you had these many defendants and each defense lawyer gets to ask a question and stands up this all just takes a long time. you also have jury selection here, which will take probably months and months and months even get a jury chosen here. i think it's unlikely we have a trial. and on top of that, the judges indicated that he may split this up up even further for multiple trials. and i suspect the former president will be in one of those later groups, not an early one. so if i were a betting man, i would say, we don't have a trial before the election >> michael, an attorney for trump's co-defendant, david shafer, who's the former chair of the georgia republican party. he asked the judge to strike the term fake elector from the case saying it was a quote, legal conclusion, what do you make that argument >> i don't think he's going to get very far with it. i mean you don't always want to have good clues statements in an indictment. those things should be genetically up to the jury has not like they're being told me. here you go. he's actually the fake elector, whatever >> i don't know that he'll get far. i will say this. i've watched this trial, judge, and he seemed to like to split the baby, if you will, and parson language and it wouldn't surprise me. he said, well, this might be a better term. i'm going to strike this. the end of this sentence or something like that. but it's certainly not going to throw the indictment out there's just that's just not going to happen. i don't believe at this point. this is sort of nitpicking and clean enough parts of the indictment and taken issue with some language at the da chose to put it before the grand jury >> all right. michael, thanks very much for your diet, ellie, as well. thank you so much. >> our new all >> over the map report tonight from the key swing state of arizona isn't there, john king? >> did you know taking xyz all at night, release allergies while you sleep, you wake refreshed for more productive day get 24 hour continuous belief that does not fade. the wise all take xyz off at night >> you do you could do this because >> map it's the best place to get last-minute deals on tickets, i guess i'm just a better famine, you >> i gotta get the games are mapped download the gametime app and use promo code viva to get $20 off your first purchase >> engineered for the spontaneous a dual action formula with the active ingredients of viagra and sialic faster acting and on the last day, grabbed the moment get started at row dot slash sparks, spelled splashes boil 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counties in south central arizona absolutely critical to president biden. there also happen to be the county's right at or near the border. the immigration issue also is a big issue. what's surprising there is you find people who live there, live the immigration issue every day they listen to the net national conversation and they are lost. a yes, they say it's a crisis, but they listen to trump or they listened to liberals, and they say, all this shouting has so little to do with the actual problem. right here where we live >> a wall as far as the eye can see this is the tucson sector, by far the busiest corridor for illegal border crossings. smuggling is a big problem and a big business faith ramon knows all too well i needed money. i needed money quick. and because of my alcohol and my addiction, i just went to a party, met some friends. they offer me some quick money. i took it and it was so easy it was so easy. i did it again and i did it again. sure enough. i was we now for years because of it being so easy then he got caught and then i got caught. my luck ran out >> a felony conviction set ramon in search of sobriety under 2018 to hone oldham tribal ritual would again put the border front and center, the sweat lodge ceremony. >> and i walked in and that was the very first time i heard that there was a border wall that was going to be built on the reservation separating and destroying some of our sacred sites. >> the mode is now an active is two registers voters and is eligible to have her own voting rights restored. your mom her first choice for president would be this november. in battleground, arizona >> i will vote for >> donald trump is not an option. >> i don't like the fact that our reservation was destroyed by racist wall to win here again, biden needs big margins here in south central arizona, tucson itself, to the mexican so again, border. ray flores is no fan of biden trump thinks both are too old to be president. >> at this juncture, they both had four years and i'm just eight years more frustrated than i was before >> flores runs el charro, a family business for 102 years tucson landmark, famous for carney seca and the chimichanga washington's immigration paralysis hurts business. >> i mean, a clear process for work visas would be amazing. you have your technology company, you can get an engineer and you can get them immigrated and you can get a work visa why should i be able to do that with a chef or with a really good waiter. >> the immigration conversation tends to be different in places at or near the border. more polite, more nuanced, focused this down solutions, not slogans. so how long has it's a unique situation where you have two countries that create a community and actually it's mutually beneficial for both countries >> walk through the nogales border crossing in the first business you see is kory's bridal shop evan kory is fine with the wall, but didn't like it when trump added the razor wire, he bristles when the former president talks about the border and mexicans. >> we've always depended on our mexican neighbors to support our local economy. >> corey, a democrat also bristles though, and liberals oppose more money for the border patrol and other security he measures, yeah. >> i mean, that's equally frustrating too, because you have to have a balance between all the needs and find a way to somehow work together. >> handmade boots or a specialty at david's western wear for 44 years of of customers on both sides of the border bit more, says 99% of his business was from mexico before the covid shutdown. it's about 70% now in the last, moore says the wall helps stop illegal crossings and he wants more agents to cut long wait times that discourage mexicans for making day trips to shop. and he says, the asylum process so this is broken. >> i don't know how that works that people from africa are coming in through mexico up through the mexican border. i would want them to regulate that a little more more as a registered republican, but a likely biden voter because trump offense him. he said that the immigrants are poisoning our blood what would you say? >> i'd say my my mother was born in mexico and she came across the border legally so no, that's, poison. i can deal with, i guess moore says, the way trump and allies talk about the border is exaggerated and alarmist. and he says he pays the price customers call and say they're worried about making the trip to nogales pupil from everywhere. >> do >> that because when they say on the news that the borders are award zone that's those are the images they get. they think it's unsafe, but your home is not a war, so my home is not a war now, we've been here for a long time a long time, at what is now a major line of america's political divide >> and john, it's so great to just hear from people all across the country. where does immigration rank among the top issue for voters? >> it's fascinating if you listen to those voters, democrats and republicans, they say it's a crisis, as i said, anderson, they want to have a conversation session they want the shouting to stop about this. they want to have a conversation about solutions, not all the slogans, but as we know, it's a big issue in the campaign whereas donald trump go next week, he's going to michigan to grand rapids, the suburbs, right kent county. joe biden won it in 2020. donald trump won it in 2016. donald trump is trying to get back on the immigration issue to help him in the suburbs. why if you look, this is where we were down in arizona. if you look, here are two of the border counties or read two of them are blue. these two here is where we visited absolutely critical to biden the president's a problem at the moment, and that's an understatement. first, let's just look at joe biden's approval on the issues. this is a new fox national poll and look at this, the president is underwater on the big issues in the country economy, inflation this on immigration, 30% approve 67% disapproved in fox news, pauling anderson this is a new low for the president on approval on immigration, just 30%. so the president has a big problem there, and here is exacerbated when you factor in this, this is a new poll from quinnipiac this week, they ask voters, they listed ten issues and they said which is most important to you as you cast your vote this year, 26% said immigration, 20% said economy, 18% said preserving democracy. this is the first time and quinnipiac polling that immigration has been issued. number one. so if you talk to those voters, they say, let's have a conversation. if you listen to the campaign donald trump's not interested in that. he's interested in using the issue saying joe biden has voted at the border, we'll see how it plays out, but that's a problem for the president. >> john king. thanks so much coming up, a cnn fact check and michigan state lawmaker claims that illegal invaders, in their words, we're on buses, spotted a detroit airport. it seems he doesn't follow college basketball we'll explain the connection next >> i see how it works fast makes it last contrasts so you can rise from pain. i see >> do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need now you can sell your policy even a term policy for an immediate cash payment, called coventry direct to learn more, we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement but but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income, >> our friends sold their policy to help pay their medical bills. >> and that >> got me thinking it'd be selling our policy could help with our retirement i'm skeptical. >> so i did some research and called coventry direct. they explained life insurance is a valuable asset that can be sold. >> we learned we could sell all of our policy or a key part part of it with no future payments, who knew we sold our policy. now we can relax and a joy. our retirement as we had planned, if you have $100,000 or more of life insurance, 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which have gone viral. but the answer to his question is nothing to do with the so-called illegal invaders far from it, seen as daniel dale joins us, keeping them honest with the fact check and the march madness tay. and so what is going on here, daniel? >> what's going on anderson is that this claim about illegal invaders is completely made up. it is absolute fiction and the airplane and three buses seen in mr. madix tweet, there were actually used by ncw, a men's college basketball teams that were landing at detroit's airport to play in, as you said, march madness. so let me he walk you through how social media users, including me, solve this extremely easy to solve non mystery. if you go back to that tweet by mr. maddock, you'll see that the plane picture there isn't a allegiant airplane. and if you go to online flight tracking sites, you'll see there was only one allegiant air flight that landed at detroit's airport yesterday it was a charter flight from spokane, washington. so why would there be a charter flight from spokane, washington? well, as people on social media figured out the gonzaga university bulldogs who were playing purdue tomorrow night in detroit are located in spokane, washington. and then if you go to gonzaga's a men's basketball twitter page or x page, you'll see a photo they posted themselves of them boarding their flights on that allegiant plane to detroit. so i contacted a spokesperson for that gonzaga team. they're like, yeah, we took an elysian plane, we landed in detroit. yes, there were buses waiting? yes. we got a police escort, i contacted the local county airports authority that runs this detroit airport he said yeah, these buses were for ncw, a basketball teams, and they're traveling parties. so in summary, anderson, nothing happened here, like sports teams arrived at the city where they were going to play their sport the end, but somehow a lawmaker turn this into an immigration scandal on social media. >> so i hesitate to even asked, but what is this? there's response spin now that we know more of the facts, is he backing down >> he he is calling people calm, ease who he is trumpy trump endorsed and quite trumpy in lawmaker, who has done such try to sow original. i colonies with a k. the k is original so he's, he's done things like tried to overturn during the 2020 election, promoted covid, misinformation. and so people said, hey, this is probably ncw a basketball teams landing and troy, he said, your economy, thanks, kami and then he expanded on that today after fat checks had come out saying the fake news won't investigate illegals arriving in our cities. citizens have to investigate. but i have to say if this soucie, a citizen investigation, i don't think he's gonna be hired for too many private investigator jobs anytime soon, and he's an actual legislator like an actual prison. he's an actual, he's a state representative in the state of michigan and elected official indeed. >> wow daniel, dale, god bless you, how long that take you, daniel >> there's very little i mean, it took an hour or so to write, but actually figure out what happened a few minutes >> all right? yeah. a good few

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Members , Site , Radio City Music Call , Air Force One , Mr , Campaign , Scene , Beginning , Record , Predecessors , Pictures , Dollar Hall , 5 , Part , Numbers , Poll , Poll Showing , Leader , Job Approval , Reasons , Reason , Deficit , Behalf , Fundraiser , Police Officer , Contrast , Trump Campaign , Wake , Fundraising Advantage , Long Island , Event , Protesters , Evening , Security , Couple , First , Mj Lee Outside , Policies , Pros Ceasefire , Venue , Israel Hamas War , Presidents , Conversation , Stage , Celebrities , Artists , Stephen Colbert , Attendance , Rate , Mindy Kaling , Lizzo , Queen Latifah , 25 Million , The End , Tickets , Wouldn T , Donations , Counting , Dollar , 200 , 00 , Donald Trump , Cash , Fundraising , Gop , Hand , Cast , 1 Million , 71 Million , Last , Appearances , Button Campaign Planning , Campaign Trail Well , College Campuses , Reporting , Trail , Battleground States , Course , Example , Cities , Demographics , Goal , Enthusiasm , Friends , Jonathan Diller , Lives , Aides , Julie , New York Police Department , Trumpy Trump , Law And Order , Criminal Record , Killer , Murder , Criminal Justice , Traffic Stop Monday Evening , Tragedy , Estate , Condolences , Flags , Eric Adams , Officer , Relationship , County Executive , Office , Kristen Holmes , Visit , Buildings , Diller Well , Staff , Honore , Family , Family Officer , Meeting , Child , Wife , Trump , Trips , Let S Farah Griffin , Glitzy , Election , Star , Jugs Juxtaposition , Yes , Caveat , April 6 , 3 Million , 33 Million , 6 , Fundraisers , Harold Hamm , Names , Didn T , Palm Beach , Oil Magnate , Jay Say , Sidelines , Alternatives , Donor , Class , Money , Show , Edge , Van Jones , Left , Opportunity , Upside , Alyssa Farah Griffin , Message , Force , Super Bowl , United , Speech , Polls , Force Bill Clinton , Convention , Don T Forget , Tide , Rockstar , Democratic , Tradition , Cheney , Big Deal Tonight , President Bush , Candidate , Campaigning , Energy , Joe Biden , Thing , Somebody , Ticket Other , Candidates , Backing , Sarah Palin , Idea , Win , Outraising Trump Two , Advantage , Hillary Clinton Massively Outraised , 2016 , Country , Guy , Officers , Priorities , Middle , Making Get Political , Fact , Warning Sign , Campaign Well , Memory , Biden Isn T Doing , Reality , Life , Big Machine , Peoples , Anybody , Precision , I Don T , African American , Top , Presidency , Full Court Press , Consequence , Minds , Nano , Nothing , Role , Air Vote , Michigan , Doesn T , Place , Van , Projects , Stakes , Great Cash Hall , Use , Coalitions , Most , Crime , Category , Feel , Economy , Number , Paper , Get , Food Prices , Housing Prices , Gas Prices , Unemployment , Stock Market , Job , Instances , Unsafe , Argument , Team , Hearing , Fani Willis , Georgia , Courtroom , Contract , Odor , Smell , Pain , Body Deodorant , Anywhere , Test , Privates , Crotch , Amount , Pits , Body Odor , Everywhere , Shower , Odor Score , Soap , Lumi , Switch , Zero , 1012 , Life Insurance Policy , Bills , Goldmine , Do Com , 00000 , 100000 , Policy , Term , Coventry Direct Today At 80461 Or Visit Com , Coventry , 80461 , Check , Relief , Brin Vote , Crohn S Disease , Fatigue , Ulcerative Colitis , Pill , Rent Folk , Grin Voc , Uc , Remission , Crohn , Flares , Red Book Share , Intestinal Lining , Infections , Visible , Damage Check , Cancers , Tb , Steroid , Heart Attack , Blood Clots , Stroke , Tears , Gi , Lymphoma , Crohn S , Series , Rinpoche , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Gastroenterologist , Death , 50 , Award , Mesothelioma , Experience , Funds , Asbestos , Trust , Rin Voc , 0 Billion , 30 Billion , 30 , 50 Billion , Business , Thousands , Family Member , Millions , Lung Cancer , Clients , Recovered Hundreds , The Go Tos , Network Solutions , Proposition , World , Clock Partnership , Businesses , Anyone Else , Round , Prepaid Card , Comcast Business , Comcast Business Powers , 800 , 9 99 , 49 99 , Make , Brands , Designers , Prices , Heart Racing , Flash Designer Sales , Captioning , Gilt Visit Com , Hill , 70 , Time , Gilt Com , Interference , Others , 14 , David Shafer , Witch , Misery , Engine Ahead , First Amendment Grounds , Indictment , Steve , Efforts , Loads , Brad Raffensperger , Georgia Secretary Of State , 2020 , 11780 , Statements , Amendment , Versus Criminal Conduct , Deals , Comment , Arguments , Elections , Charges , Batting , Zenith , Statute , Conspiracy , Fulton County , Propriety , Expression , Delving , Lying , Trial , Matter , District Attorney , Nathan Wade , I M On Trial , Sons , Scott Mcafee , Willis , Decision , Mcafee Didn T Rule On , Gonna , Defendants , Co Defendants , Train , Discussion , Sorry Marie , Motions , Perspective , Motion Henderson , Hope , Set , Form , Michael Moore , Council , District , Committee , Intercepts , Chance Led , Maria , Aganga Williams , Elie Honig , January 6 , Lawyers , Appeal , No Anderson , Problem , Facts , Da S Office , Government Entities , Documents , Doesn T Jive , State Judge , Worth , Jack Smith , Chutkan , Account , Bearing , Sure , Prosecutor , Chutkan Analysis , Gun , Right , Corporate Lucas Speech , First Amendment , Bank , Principle , Coconspirators , Sake , Agreement , N Tensor Conspiracy , Speed , Heart , Delay , Delight Tactic , Tactic , Practice , Kinds , Presence , Courts , Precedent , Order , Georgia Court Of Appeals , Supreme Court , Immunity , Disqualification Order , Don T Know What , Think Michael , Anything Else , Ruling , Brakes , Court Proceeding , Drama , Complexity , We , Timmy Die , Jury , Jury Selection , Hearings , Defense Lawyer , Judges , Trials , Groups , Quote , Fake Elector , Chair , Conclusion , Whatever , Elector , Clues , Language , Baby , Surprise Me , Parts , Ellie , Grand Jury , Report , Da , Nitpicking , Arizona Isn T , Xyz , At Night , Belief , Take Xyz Off , Famine , On The Last Day , Games , App , Promo Code , Purchase , Gametime , Stove , Scrubbing In , Mess , Distress , Burns , Splashes , Ogres , Scraping , Row Dot Slash Sparks , Stove Top , Stove Guard , Protector , Must Have , Market , Red Staining , Bhutto , Kitchen , Macaroni , Cheese , Stoke Guard , Match , We Gooey , Guard , Candy , Loved Tiktok , Spotless , Comparison , Premium , Competition , Tin Foil Trick , Fda , Design , Burner , Fire Retardant , Pfoa , Bpa , Stones , Model , Door , Jorg , Website , 123 , Item , Belt , Processing Fee , Don T Garden Com , Shipping , Goodbye , Gap , Stoke , Qr Code , Jewelry Exchange , Bar , Devotion , Engagement Ring , Emblem , Lab Grown Diamond , Qarrah , Gia 4199018 , 4599 , Deal , Choice , Mandudo , Inventor , Deodorant , Mind , Jewelry , Exchange , Mondo Mandel , Shannon Kleitman , 499 Thousands , 4199018 , Bacteria , Lotion , 60 , Americans , Border , Immigration Issue , Counties , John , County , Location , South Central , Immigration , Shouting , Crisis , Liberals , Corridor , Border Crossings , Tucson Sector , Eye , Smuggling , Alcohol , Addiction , Big Business Faith Ramon , Center , Ritual , Sobriety , Front , Oldham , Sweat Lodge Ceremony , Luck Ran Out A Felony Conviction , 2018 , Border Wall , Mode , Sites , Voting Rights , Registers , Reservation Separating , Mom , Reservation , Option , Battleground , Fan , Itself , Juncture , Margins , Ray Flores , Tucson , Family Business , Immigration Paralysis , Chimichanga Washington , El Charro , Years Tucson Landmark , Flores , Famous For Carney Seca , 102 , Technology Company , Engineer , Work Visa , Places , Work Visas , Waiter , Chef , Immigration Conversation , Countries , Slogans , Situation , Community , Down Solutions , Nuanced , Kory , Talks , Mexicans , Razor Wire , Border Crossing , Nogales , Though , Neighbors , Balance , Border Patrol , Corey , Sides , Specialty , Needs , Western Wear , 44 , 99 , Times , Crossings , Agents , Mexico , Moore , Covid Shutdown , Voter , Asylum Process , Mexican , Africa , Mother , Immigrants , Blood , Offense , Him , Poison , Trip , Price , Alarmist , Allies , Home , Award Zone , Borders , Pupil , Images , Divide , Immigration Rank , Solutions , Conversation Session , Grand Rapids , Kent County , 2016 Donald , Approval , Understatement , Fox National Poll , Low , Country Economy , Fox News , 67 , Polling , Vote , Democracy , Quinnipiac , 18 , Ten , 26 , Invaders , Buses , Lawmaker , Detroit Airport , Words , Connection , College Basketball , Retirement , Payment , Life Insurance , Research , Income , Pay , Asset , Payments , Joy , Coventry Direct Com , Finding Out , Policy Laps , 1806510200 , Factor , Taking , Neuroma , Hiv , Problems , Asbestos Trust Funds , Same , City Planner , Dollars , Caitlin Clark , Caitlin Clarks , Internet Providers , Don T Settle , Reliability , Cnn Well March Madness , Name , Sunlen Serfaty In Washington , Ways , On X , Matt Maddock , Detroit , Phrase , Responses , Anyone , Photos , Eskelund , Caption Quote , Legal Invader Is Maddock , Twitter , Gotta Ton , Replies , What S Going On Anderson , Daniel Dale , March Madness Tay , Landing , Tweet , Airplane , Fiction , Claim , Ncw , Madix , Social Media , Plane Picture , Non Mystery , Isn T A Allegiant Airplane , Me , Flight , Charter Flight , Flight Tracking Sites , Allegiant Air , Washington , Spokane , Gonzaga University Bulldogs , Page , Flights , Photo , Playing Purdue Tomorrow Night In Detroit , Gonzaga S A Men Basketball Twitter , Plane , Local County Airports Authority , Spokesperson , Police Escort , Sports Teams , City , Parties , Summary , A Basketball Teams , Calm , Response Spin , Immigration Scandal , K The , Sow Original , Illegals , Checks , Basketball , Citizens , Misinformation , Troy , Kami , Citizen Investigation , Investigator , Actual , Prison , Legislator , Jobs , State Representative , I Don T Think He S Gonna , Soucie , God Bless You , Official , Write , Few , Wow Daniel , Dale ,

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Transcripts For CNNW Anderson 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW Anderson 20240704

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thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in the situation room. the news continues on cnn, >> right now. >> tonight on 360 breaking news, the first video investigative teams on the container ship, dali and all we're learning about the final five minutes before took down a bridge killing six also tonight, presidential politics, campaign fundraising, and a police officers wake is president biden and three former president's converge on new york we'll look at what at all signals for the race ahead. and later, cnn's john king all over the map this week talking to voters in the swing state of arizona. >> good evening. thanks for joining us. we begin tonight with breaking news, new who video from aboard the mv dali. it was taken by ntsb investigators documenting damaged the vessel, but it also shows the sheer bulk of twisted steel beams and girders from the francis scott key bridge in the waters off baltimore surrounding the ship, blocking entry to the port unlikely encasing the remains of four fallen workers. according to maryland's governor and the largest crane on the eastern seaboard is due in baltimore tonight, and a navy salvage and diving unit is now serving as the lead for salvage operations in a moment, we'll speak with former salvage diver about what crews are up against, but furs with all we've learned in the last 24 hours here's how the disaster unfolded minute by minute. cnn's pete muntean has that around 01:23 a.m. we get a first glimpse of the dali. it's on the left side of your screen auto traffic on the francis scott key bridge in baltimore is still moving in both directions. >> at >> 01:24 hey, i'm and 59 seconds, numerous alarms are recorded on the dali's bridge audio 126.39 seconds. the ship's pilot makes a call for tugboats in the area to help. >> that's the indication of the first sine of needing help. the tugs help it help the vessel leave the dock, leave the port, and then get into the main ship channel and then they leave once it's on its way, it's so there are no tugs with the vessel at that time >> at this point, the dali appears to have power issues. video shows the lights on the ship go out and it's headed directly toward one of the columns supporting the bridge, 0,127.4 seconds the pilot ordered the dali to drop the port anchor and additional ordered additional steering commands >> the pilot said he called for hard rudder deport as far left as possible, that according to the head of the pilots association 21 seconds later at 01:20, 7.25 seconds, the pilot issues or radio call saying the dali has lost all power and is approaching the bridge. transit authorities work quickly to stop all bridge traffic. >> what do you guys in the south side? why do you guys on the north side? hold all traffic only? british. >> there's >> a ship approaching. i just lost their steering. so they tell you that under control, we got sap on traffic from this cctv atop the bridge. traffic stops in both directions about 90 seconds before impact then the dali can be seen on the bottom right of the screen. it's moving at just under eight miles per hour around 01:29 a.m. it hits the francis scott key bridge from this moment on, approximately 129.33 seconds. the vdr audio recorded sounds consistent with the collision of the bridge. >> the whole bridge as well. now start, sar is whoever everybody, the whole bridge, just the last 129.39 seconds. the pilot reported the bridge down over the vhf radio to the coast guard. >> from the first warning signs to a deadly disaster all in less than five terrifying minutes opinion on teen joins us now. so i understand investigators use the boats data recorded, a build out this timeline, but they're looking for more data to learn exactly what happened well yeah and ntsb chair jennifer homendy says, there's a bit of an issue with the voyage data recorder. the data it recorded is very bare-bones engine rpm, movement of the ship's rudder heading of the ship's bow, that is about it, not like a commercial airliner that records about 1,000 points data. the good news here, anderson is that the data recorder also captured audio from the ship's bridge. so that is what investigators are relying on right now. also interviews with the crew of the dali all 21 are still onboard tonight >> been routine. thanks so much. eight workers were fixing potholes on on the bridge when it collapsed. now, according to another worker, the company who requested a last-minute shift change, the men were likely on a break when the ship hit the bridge. as you know, six of those men died only to have been found. the company says it's in the process of putting together compensation packages for their families. two of the eight survive cnn's danny freeman has been finding out more about them. he joins us now. so what more do you know about the two survivors >> understand? i'm gonna be honest. there's still a lot of questions that we have about exactly what happened to these two of those eight people who were on the bridge who were lucky enough to survive. i mentioned last night though that i spoke with jeffrey pritzker he's the executive vice president of that construction company, brawner builders. he said that one of their workers was able to survive, likely because he was able to swim and tread water before ultimately he was rescued. now he was taken to a local trauma center after he was rescued from the waters below. but pritzker told me that that worker is quote very, very upset. he does have injuries and he understands that he's very stressed and suffering from stress when it comes to the second person who was able to survive this bridge collapse, though, there is still a little bit less known, i will say though that the governor i said last night during his press conference that he was able to speak to likely that survivor saying and i quote, one of those survivors was moving off the bridge and literally saw the bridge fall right after he moved off and it was because of a first responder who was telling him to move off the bridge just moments before that bridge behind us tumbling down. now we asked the governor for a little more clarity about who exactly that survivor was because the construction company says that that survivor was actually not part of their crew. so we're still waiting for an answer from both the governor's office and the maryland the department of transportation and transit authority, and what of authority said today regarding the four men who died, whose, whose bodies haven't been recovered yet >> yeah. when it comes to authorities that press comments just wrapped up the mayor of baltimore says that he is still hopeful that they will be able to find those for people who are presumed dead. in presumed to be underneath the water. but one of the questions that we still had that war was answered earlier tonight, is that there is still at least one larger vehicle that they believe is trapped under the rubble of the bridge wreck behind me. and i'll quote now from the police here, there's at least one larger vehicle in size that's completely encapsulated by the super structure of the bridge and concrete. and they said it's going to take some time to get to that mceuen. just want to add one more node if it's all right about both the survivor that we spoke about the worker and some of the victims. we actually learn tonight from mexican officials that the surviving worker who managed to live after falling down into the water, he's actually related to two other workers who died on that bridge are presumed to be dead. so anderson, just to put that into context, three of the eight people who were on that bridge earlier this week, we're all family members, two of them died and one was able to survive anderson, danny freeman, thanks very much. as we mentioned, a navy salvage and diving unit is now serving as the lead for salvage operations. joining us is a former fbi special agent, bobby chikun, while at the bureau, he served his team leader of the new york dive team, bobby, thanks so much for being with us. what exactly is what would be the priority for that navy salvage and diving unit? how did they how did they work >> so number one, they work with obviously the big diving helmets and surface supplied air systems that's at a minimum, they're going to go down there probably first look at the sonar data that's probably how they know there's a large vehicle encased in the wreckage they take sonar data and that can guide them. they do a survey hey, of what the bottom looks like, and then what you do is you've figured what pieces it's a puzzle that you have to take apart what piece comes first, what piece comes second those divers are going to have to go down. they were cutting instruments and cutting tools, start to cut away some of this larger debris and then rig it so that a crane can lift it off the bottom. it's got a dumb piece by piece by piece but the figure out what to cut first, how to lift it. and every time you move a piece off the bottom, it changes the puzzle. things move around. so it's very treacherous for the divers down there. >> so we had heard just yesterday, it was too dangerous for the local divers. this unit you were saying its surface air, so these aren't divers with with air tanks. this is air being pumped down to them so they can stay underwater for long periods of time >> yes, my longest i was probably five hours when i will have the fbi because we use the symbol system we trained with the naibe dive salvage people down in panama city beach all the time. and yeah, they'll they'll stay down there forever. that umbilical local gives them the ability to use pneumatic tools. it gives them camera and lights down there. and obviously primarily it gives them their breathing air. they will have a small tank on their back usually, and that's what we call a bailout bottle that's in case the main system fails, they can go to that and they can get to the surface while they breed that emergency air. but normally under normal conditions, they don't use that that's just an emergency tank on their back and so yeah, there'll be breathing air on the surface. they will be using cutting tools and topside will be able to see and hear everything they're doing. >> this really dumb question, but i've been given how treacherous underwater is with all that all and debris and in jagged edges, isn't having a line to the surface with air, isn't involvement of vulnerability for them >> well, you have umbilical management and you trained to do this kind of stuff. and so oftentimes if you're penetrating into one of these underwater. now a cave in the debris, you have a second diver that's managing your umbilical well as you go in. but normally you dropped down away from the debris and you walk in, you don't have fins, you have waited boots that keep you on the bottom and you walk in from a safe distance. and the umbilicus along enough to do that, to drop away from the wreckage. and you know this by the sonar images that you have, where to drop down. and then we're to walk into from the wreckage. >> and so they have they will be mapping out what they have to deal with and then figuring out locations that do they actually do cutting, do they do they views explosive devices to break up the pieces of the bridge yeah, probably not explosive devices, but they have plasma cutters. they have other a lot of different cutting devices that they use. that's what they used in minneapolis on the bridge collapse. you can use a plasma cutter, you can use other cutting things, tools. and they're very powerful. and like i said, you have to be ready to rig it so that a crane can then lift it off the divers will get out of the way before the crane starts to lift that stuff and probably come to the surface before the because there's always a chance that something could snap and that could go pump down towards the bottom again. so you want to divers out of the way and the crane will lift piece by piece by piece. it's a very long process, but you have to do it slowly to be doing a carefully in terms of the chants because of being able to recover the remaining victims and how what do you think the likelihood of that would be >> it all depends on where they were they could be under some of this debris, they could be crushed. unfortunately, they could be they could have drifted away along the bottom by now, it's really, it's really hard to tell what the what the chances of finding them if they're encased in that debris, then they will find them. we found people in minneapolis that way as we as we were cutting it's the navy was cutting deeper and deeper into the wreckage they would find people and they may do that here. it just it's just unknown right now, but i think there's a chance they'll find several of them entangled in that debris. >> yeah, it's dangerous work by bychcova. thank you so much. >> thank god me. i didn't could we have next more breaking news and biden obama, clinton triple bill tonight at new york's radio city, expected to pull in record campaign cash for democrats. and later a new twist in the former president's georgia trial. and his latest effort to stop it. that's when we come back your skin is ever >> take care of it with gold ponds age renew formulations of seven moisturizers and three vitamins. for all your skin's cold bond. >> covid-19. i'm not waiting. >> if it's covid packs love it, packs a little bit is an oral treatment for adults with mild-to-moderate covid-19 at a high risk factor for it becoming severe. it does not prevent covid-19 my symptoms are mild now, but i'm not risky if it's covid packs loaded packs, lovin must be taken within the first five days of symptoms and helps stop the virus from multiplying in your body, taking pecs little bit with certain medicines can lead to serious or life-threatening side effects or affect how id or other medicines work, including hormonal birth control is critical to 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descending the stairs of air force one with now president biden on their way to meet former president clinton for a joint appearance in new york's radio city music call which has just started. these are live pictures of the scene outside and mr. clinton, mr. obama, and the president's celebrating with the campaign says, is a record $25 plus million dollar hall. it's also expected to be just the beginning of president biden's predecessors campaigning on his behalf now the reasons seem pretty obvious why it's underscored, but the latest cnn poll, a poll showing no clear leader, but president biden facing three point deficit. that in chronically low job approval numbers are part of the reason why democrats tonight and ahead in the campaign hoped to press the fundraising advantage they've had so far over the trump campaign. former president meantime, drawing a contrast to the glitzy fundraiser spending his afternoon just the east on long island at the wake of a murdered new york police officer, we'll have more on that in a moment. first, cnn's mj lee outside the biden obama, clinton event. what is the scene that you're seeing out there? >> yeah as you can imagine, anderson just tons of security and at one point earlier in the evening, probably a couple of hundred protesters. these are pros ceasefire, pro-palestinian protesters who are clearly taking issue with president biden's policies when it comes to the israel-hamas war, the mood inside obviously going to be very, very different, fitting for the venue that this fundraiser is being held in. this is going to be highly produced, very glitzy fundraiser three presidents are going to be sitting down with comedian stephen colbert for a shared conversation on stage a lot of celebrities and artists that are expected to be in attendance as well. mindy kaling is going to be emptying the event. queen latifah, lizzo are among the other artists that are going to be there and all told the campaign announcing early here today that the rate some 25 million. and counting, i wouldn't be surprised if that figure i ended up kicking up by the end of this evening are coming from both the high-dollar tickets from this event, as well as some lower dollar less than $200 grassroots donations that made up about a third how 25 million and you'll remember the campaign did. and now it's at the end of february that they had some $71 million of cash on hand. so this is going to help widen that gop that they have between their fundraising and the cast at the donald trump campaign has right now intersect and is the button campaign planning more? there's kinda joint appearances ahead, or is it more likely? the former president obama and clinton will be dispatched separately onto the campaign trail >> well, certainly this is not going to be the last that we see of the two former presidents i'm particularly, i think former president barack obama, the president probably is going to be hitting the trail a lot more, especially as we get more into the fall our reporting is that he is likely to visit college campuses, for example, and also choose these key cities and key battleground states with the goal of course, of helping to drive i've up enthusiasm among younger voters as well as other key demographics, like black voters and latino voters these are two men, anderson, as you know, very well, who have been friends and obviously went through a lot together in their eight years together. so you can imagine that the time that spent together this time around this afternoon, a couple of hours that they had a lot to talk about and we were told by aides but they were catching up a lot and enjoying them so i was talking about a lot of the professional things, but also just their personal lives as well. >> julie, thanks very much. it was mentioned the former president was on long island, attending awake for new york police department officer jonathan diller who were shot dead during a traffic stop monday evening, is alleged killer who was charged today with first-degree murder, has a lengthy criminal record, assign mr. trump said but dysfunctional criminal justice system >> we have to stop it. we have to get back to law and order. we have to do a lot of things differently because this is not working. this is happening too often. we've got to toughen it up. we've got to strengthen it up. >> prison biden spoke today with new york mayor eric adams, offering his condolences on the tragedy. new york's governor ordered flags and all state but office buildings flown at half-staff too. honore officer diller, we have more now from cnn's kristen holmes, who joins us. so what can you tell us about the former president's visit to the wake of officer diller well, anderson, he was invited by a local county executive whom he has a relationship with for the family. the family was the one who wanted them to reach out. he didn't end up meeting with the family officer diller is survived by his wife and his young child that we saw donald trump without mentioning president biden's, say that things needed to change, call for law and order, and his campaign really trying to make a contrast of these two trips to new york president biden's, as well as former president donald trump's framing this as by trump going to see the family of the slain nypd officer while biden was going to a glitzy and what they called a latest star studded fundraiser. they wanted that to happen i kinda big jugs juxtaposition as they're really launching their general election >> and the trump campaign is looking to hold their own fundraiser where they hope to raise more than the expected $25 million. tonight. what we know about that? >> yes. so this is what they are saying right now. so just to take one caveat here, which is we have not seen the numbers. it is still early that fundraiser supposed to be april 6, and they're telling us that they expect it out, raise this 25 million, and expect to get around the $33 million for their fundraiser. that's going to be in palm beach. so talk about glitzy fundraisers and it's going to draw really some of the biggest names in republican fundraising. the mercer family, oil magnate harold hamm. some of these names people who didn't want to donate to donald trump originally, who were sitting on the sidelines or looking for alternatives. it's really signals of movement, at least in the donor class, towards the former president. and comes, as you heard, i'm jay say, he is still chipping away at a significant financial edge that biden has. they are looking for every opportunity to get as much money as they can flowing into the campaign. >> kristen holmes, thanks so much, showing us out from the left and the right perspectively seen and pulled up of commentator van jones, and alyssa farah griffin. so then how much upside show of force is about money? how much is sending a message that the democratic party is united? and i guess ready to campaign hard it's about both. first of all, it's click-through like the super bowl of fundraisers that mean to have $25 million raised and don't forget, president obama during his mid-term he was battling in the polls. he was weak, he was wobbling and then a bill clinton came out at our convention and gave it incredible speech and help to turn the tide for obama. so there is this tradition of the last democratic president taking the stage, helping the existing democratic president do well. and so now you've got to, you've got, you've got bill clinton, who is a rockstar for certain part of the party. bill clinton and bill clinton's the rockstar, obama's rockstar getting behind biden and it's not this is about the money. it's about re-energizing this party, bringing people together. it's a big deal tonight. >> it so in senior listen because no one's going to see former president bush or former vice president cheney campaigning with donald trump i am. >> if anything, he wouldn't probably want that. >> well, that's what's actually very interesting, i think by design of force bill clinton and barack obama draw energy and money, but it's also a show of force, whereas right now no living candidate who's been on a gop ticket other than sarah palin, is backing donald trump. and i think that that's something that the biden campaign is going to want to dry out to say he's actually just not somebody that even previous candidates approve of. but here's the thing. joe biden has a major cash advantage at this point. he's outraising trump two-to-one. this is a huge win for him tonight, but we remember 2016, hillary clinton massively outraised donald trump, instill, he was able to edge her out. and this was smart politics today. i don't like the idea of going to a slain officers memorial and making get political, but to a lot of people in the middle of this country, they say that's the guy who's focusing on my priorities. he's putting police officers before hollywood celebrities and it shows the trump campaign's a bit more sophisticated than it previously was event. >> i mean, do you think this is a warning sign that the biden campaign is concerned? i mean, the fact that new normally i'm not sure when president obama got involved with the campaign. the last time, but it seems to me it was much farther along in the campaign that seems obviously very early in the campaign well, we're going to have a longer general election campaign than we've had in living memory. so it is early and it is necessary biden isn't doing as well in the polls as he needs to be and so you do have people coming forward as far as president trump going to honor the police officer? i think that's good. and i think that anytime police officer loses his or her life, that's a tragedy. peoples to show up. but the reality is that there is a big machine that has to be cut on for the democratic party. the democratic party cares about police. we can show that, but we've got to get this party to pull it together. and if anybody doubts barack obama in particular, his ability to get some of the people back in this party. you got men leaving this party, you got young african-american leaving this party. he can reach them in a way that will be out there a lot >> i don't think barack obama is going to sit this out. i don't, by the way, i think we have to obama's to cleanse since and to biden's who are not going to sit this out. i think you're going to see a full court press from the top of this part to the bottom because the consequence of a donald trump presidency part two is so catastrophic in the minds about barack obama or bill clinton or anybody in this party. it just can't be allowed. and so yes is unusual. this is usual time that we're in, but anybody who doubts barack obama's ability, we all well, who cares nano, barack obama can talk to people who are leaving this party and get them back. and he's got six months to do it and he's going to play a tremendous role going forward. >> what do you think would >> i mean, do you think that's a do you think he is going to be that involved? >> i think there's nothing brock obama would rather do less than this, but i agree with van that i think he's doesn't like to be in politics same where he's enjoying his life, he's got 1 million projects, but i think he does realize the stakes are high. i would argue, listen tonight, great cash hall, the best place to use them, put them in michigan. you're losing the air vote there. you're using losing young african-american voters. they're battleground states where i think he's going to resonate the most. biden has proven himself a formidable fundraiser use obama with the key coalitions that are falling apart for democrats right now. >> event president biden has recently pointed to fbi data that shows crime was down in nearly every category across the united states in 20 23, it's initially a lot of people probably either don't believe that or don't feel that butt according to the fbi, those are the numbers. do you think that's going to ultimately sort of get felt in this campaign? >> well, i think that reality actual reality and emotional reality have not lined up for biden on a number of issues of the economy actually, on paper is doing a lot better than people think unemployment is down. gas prices are relatively low. stock market's up. a lot of things that have, should have people feeling good food prices being sticky at the top. housing prices being sticky at the top, make people feel the whole thing as terrible. crime has been coming back down. but a few sensational instances make people feel we're all unsafe. and so there's an emotional reality in an actual reality that have not lined up for biden yet. it's gonna be job one for him to get those things lined up. yeah. van jones, let's farah griffin. thanks so much coming up. a new hearing in fani willis is election interference case against the former president in a georgia courtroom almost two weeks after he failed to get her disqualified. the new argument from his legal team to get the case tossed. that is next i see how it works fast. makes it last >> contract so you can rise from pain. i >> see, you know, how sometimes we sit down and smell that smell that's why i created lumi whole body deodorant for pits, privates and beyond, just a pea-sized amount applied anywhere? clinically proven to block odor all day, we put lumi to the test, the average crotch 12 hours after a shower with soap had an odor score of five out of 1012 hours after a shower with soap and applying lumi the odor score was zero. make the switch to lumi. and just like that, body odor is gone everywhere. so now you won't smell that smell anywhere. go to looming to learn more these bills are crazy >> she has no idea. she's sitting on a goldmine. >> she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more, she can sell all were part of it to coventry for cash, even a term policy even a term policy >> find out if you're 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overturn the 2020 election, like his call to georgia secretary of state, brad raffensperger. >> all i want to do is this. i just want to find 11,780 loads were protected under the first amendment statements, comment, speech expressive conduct that deals with campaigning or >> elections has always been found to be at the zenith. of protected speech. >> take out the political speech, no criminal charges. >> prosecutors, a batting back at those arguments. >> what is not allowed to do is employ his speech and his expression and his statements as part of a criminal conspiracy to violate georgia's rico statute. he's not being prosecuted for lying. he's been prosecuted for lying to the government. >> it's the first hearing after months of delving into the propriety of fulton county district attorney, fani willis, romantic relationship with fellow well prosecutor nathan wade. >> you'll confuse you think i'm on trial. these people are on trial for trying to steal an election in 2020. i'm not on trial no matter how hard you try to put me on trial, wade, his sons resigned from the case while willis was allowed to remain, but trump's team is appealing that decision. as judge scott mcafee moves the case ahead >> some crimes it's gonna be achieved solely through speech though. why is that? now what's happening here as alleged mcafee didn't rule on whether he'll allow the indictment to stand, but other defendants in the case have tried similar first amendment arguments and fail. willis, who did not appear in court today, still angling for trump and his remaining 14 co-defendants to go to trial before the presidential election. perhaps as soon as august. >> i don't feel like we've been slowed down at all. i do think that there are efforts to slow down this train, but the train is coming. >> but today's hearing wrapped without any discussion of a potential trial date and will be adjourned >> sorry marie joins now, is it clear when the judge might rule on trump's motion henderson? >> the judge did not lay out a timeline today for when he was going to rule on whether he should toss the indictment entirely, obviously, from the district attorney's perspective, they want the judge to make swift decisions on these pretrial motions that are out there. they have trump and 14 other defendants to deal so with if they want to go to trial by this summer again, still no trial date set. trump's team, of course, is happy to let the judge take all the time he wants there. they want to keep punting this and hope that there's no chance of a trial date before this presidential election intercepts or maria, thanks so much perspective now for michael moore, a former us attorney for the middle district of georgia, also two former federal prosecutors we die aganga-williams, former senior investigative council on the january 6 committee, and elie honig, is there a chance led the form president succeeds on this first amendment grounds, realistically, no anderson. and here's why. on the surface, the arguments that we heard, donald trump's lawyers make today have some superficial appeal. they said, well you are allowed under the first amendment to make false statements. you're allowed to make politically unpopular statements and that's all he did. the problem with that argument as the da's office pointed out, is that doesn't jive with the facts here. he did much more than just engage in speech. for example, donald trump had official documents submitted to government entities. that's going beyond that gets into the category of conduct he arranged in coordinated with others to try to steal this election. and so i think this judge is going to reject this. it's worth noting that trump made a similar first amendment argument in the federal jack smith case that was rejected by the federal judge. that's not binding on the state judge, but i think the state judge is going to come out the same place. yeah, tell me >> he started to judge chutkan in the in that case, who rejected this argument. does that have any bearing with the judge in the georgia case? take that into account for sure. i mean, it's going to >> be persuasive and today in the arguments, the georgia prosecutor asked the judge specifically to look at judge chutkan analysis. he's he said, i don't think i can do better than she did because it was persuasive. and what she really did was separate the argument of corporate lucas speech and whether that is being moderated by the government versus criminal conduct. so for example, you can have a right to have a gun possess a gun, which what you can do is take that gun and use it for this over crime just because you have a gun legally doesn't mean you can rob a bank with it. same way with political speech, just because you're allowed to say something under our first amendment, it doesn't mean you can then say those exact statements in further separate crime, and that's what donald trump has been charged with here. it's speech that he's using a principle crime. it's not speech for the sake of speech. and on top of that, there's more than pure speech. if you're n-tensor conspiracy, it's not that you set up in political is why you conspiracy is because you and your coconspirators entered into an agreement to do something illegal. so they again, it's not pure speed is at the heart of the indictment here michael, i mean, does it strike you as just another delay tactic from the former president's team on this >> well, i'm glad to be with all of it is really a delight tactic, but it's a very standard practice in a criminal case to have these kinds of motions. so the fact that they had pretrial motions, that they tried to get the indictment dismissed, that they've challenged parse and i went that's normal. this is what normal ct looks like in a criminal case, except that it happens to be involved in a form of presence. so i do think it's going to delay things. i think the judge probably had his order halfway written because he has ruled on this before and there is some precedent out there on in other courts, he's not bound by that has been said, but but but i think get it just is part of the routine process. what he's really don't know what's delay in the case is that there's a pending appeal in the georgia court of appeals from his disqualification order. and of course, you've got the issue of immunity. >> that's >> pending in the supreme court. those things are there are what are going to put the brakes on the case as much as anything else? >> how much time do you think it'll take too? >> he has been pretty prompt, so i think we'll see a ruling certainly within a month, maybe a couple of weeks. and i do think michael is exactly right watching that proceeding today. it was the most normal pretrial motions that you'll see. it happens in every case and it was sort of refreshing after all the drama that we've seen happening in this case to just see lawyers making the same arguments, you would expect to see in any case, arguing them fairly and reasonably and rationally, it was a dignified court proceeding, and i think this case needed some of that. timmy die at any chance. do you >> think this gets to actually start before the election? >> i think it's incredibly unlikely and that's always been true. i mean, this >> is the complexity of the defendants and exactly there's so many defendants dence here. and we saw in some of the prior hearings we had when you had these many defendants and each defense lawyer gets to ask a question and stands up this all just takes a long time. you also have jury selection here, which will take probably months and months and months even get a jury chosen here. i think it's unlikely we have a trial. and on top of that, the judges indicated that he may split this up up even further for multiple trials. and i suspect the former president will be in one of those later groups, not an early one. so if i were a betting man, i would say, we don't have a trial before the election >> michael, an attorney for trump's co-defendant, david shafer, who's the former chair of the georgia republican party. he asked the judge to strike the term fake elector from the case saying it was a quote, legal conclusion, what do you make that argument >> i don't think he's going to get very far with it. i mean you don't always want to have good clues statements in an indictment. those things should be genetically up to the jury has not like they're being told me. here you go. he's actually the fake elector, whatever >> i don't know that he'll get far. i will say this. i've watched this trial, judge, and he seemed to like to split the baby, if you will, and parson language and it wouldn't surprise me. he said, well, this might be a better term. i'm going to strike this. the end of this sentence or something like that. but it's certainly not going to throw the indictment out there's just that's just not going to happen. i don't believe at this point. this is sort of nitpicking and clean enough parts of the indictment and taken issue with some language at the da chose to put it before the grand jury >> all right. michael, thanks very much for your diet, ellie, as well. thank you so much. >> our new all >> over the map report tonight from the key swing state of arizona isn't there, john king? >> did you know taking xyz all at night, release allergies while you sleep, you wake refreshed for more productive day get 24 hour continuous belief that does not fade. the wise all take xyz off at night >> you do you could do this because >> map it's the best place to get last-minute deals on tickets, i guess i'm just a better famine, you >> i gotta get the games are mapped download the gametime app and use promo code viva to get $20 off your first purchase >> engineered for the spontaneous a dual action formula with the active ingredients of viagra and sialic faster acting and on the last day, grabbed the moment get started at row dot slash sparks, spelled splashes boil 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counties in south central arizona absolutely critical to president biden. there also happen to be the county's right at or near the border. the immigration issue also is a big issue. what's surprising there is you find people who live there, live the immigration issue every day they listen to the net national conversation and they are lost. a yes, they say it's a crisis, but they listen to trump or they listened to liberals, and they say, all this shouting has so little to do with the actual problem. right here where we live >> a wall as far as the eye can see this is the tucson sector, by far the busiest corridor for illegal border crossings. smuggling is a big problem and a big business faith ramon knows all too well i needed money. i needed money quick. and because of my alcohol and my addiction, i just went to a party, met some friends. they offer me some quick money. i took it and it was so easy it was so easy. i did it again and i did it again. sure enough. i was we now for years because of it being so easy then he got caught and then i got caught. my luck ran out >> a felony conviction set ramon in search of sobriety under 2018 to hone oldham tribal ritual would again put the border front and center, the sweat lodge ceremony. >> and i walked in and that was the very first time i heard that there was a border wall that was going to be built on the reservation separating and destroying some of our sacred sites. >> the mode is now an active is two registers voters and is eligible to have her own voting rights restored. your mom her first choice for president would be this november. in battleground, arizona >> i will vote for >> donald trump is not an option. >> i don't like the fact that our reservation was destroyed by racist wall to win here again, biden needs big margins here in south central arizona, tucson itself, to the mexican so again, border. ray flores is no fan of biden trump thinks both are too old to be president. >> at this juncture, they both had four years and i'm just eight years more frustrated than i was before >> flores runs el charro, a family business for 102 years tucson landmark, famous for carney seca and the chimichanga washington's immigration paralysis hurts business. >> i mean, a clear process for work visas would be amazing. you have your technology company, you can get an engineer and you can get them immigrated and you can get a work visa why should i be able to do that with a chef or with a really good waiter. >> the immigration conversation tends to be different in places at or near the border. more polite, more nuanced, focused this down solutions, not slogans. so how long has it's a unique situation where you have two countries that create a community and actually it's mutually beneficial for both countries >> walk through the nogales border crossing in the first business you see is kory's bridal shop evan kory is fine with the wall, but didn't like it when trump added the razor wire, he bristles when the former president talks about the border and mexicans. >> we've always depended on our mexican neighbors to support our local economy. >> corey, a democrat also bristles though, and liberals oppose more money for the border patrol and other security he measures, yeah. >> i mean, that's equally frustrating too, because you have to have a balance between all the needs and find a way to somehow work together. >> handmade boots or a specialty at david's western wear for 44 years of of customers on both sides of the border bit more, says 99% of his business was from mexico before the covid shutdown. it's about 70% now in the last, moore says the wall helps stop illegal crossings and he wants more agents to cut long wait times that discourage mexicans for making day trips to shop. and he says, the asylum process so this is broken. >> i don't know how that works that people from africa are coming in through mexico up through the mexican border. i would want them to regulate that a little more more as a registered republican, but a likely biden voter because trump offense him. he said that the immigrants are poisoning our blood what would you say? >> i'd say my my mother was born in mexico and she came across the border legally so no, that's, poison. i can deal with, i guess moore says, the way trump and allies talk about the border is exaggerated and alarmist. and he says he pays the price customers call and say they're worried about making the trip to nogales pupil from everywhere. >> do >> that because when they say on the news that the borders are award zone that's those are the images they get. they think it's unsafe, but your home is not a war, so my home is not a war now, we've been here for a long time a long time, at what is now a major line of america's political divide >> and john, it's so great to just hear from people all across the country. where does immigration rank among the top issue for voters? >> it's fascinating if you listen to those voters, democrats and republicans, they say it's a crisis, as i said, anderson, they want to have a conversation session they want the shouting to stop about this. they want to have a conversation about solutions, not all the slogans, but as we know, it's a big issue in the campaign whereas donald trump go next week, he's going to michigan to grand rapids, the suburbs, right kent county. joe biden won it in 2020. donald trump won it in 2016. donald trump is trying to get back on the immigration issue to help him in the suburbs. why if you look, this is where we were down in arizona. if you look, here are two of the border counties or read two of them are blue. these two here is where we visited absolutely critical to biden the president's a problem at the moment, and that's an understatement. first, let's just look at joe biden's approval on the issues. this is a new fox national poll and look at this, the president is underwater on the big issues in the country economy, inflation this on immigration, 30% approve 67% disapproved in fox news, pauling anderson this is a new low for the president on approval on immigration, just 30%. so the president has a big problem there, and here is exacerbated when you factor in this, this is a new poll from quinnipiac this week, they ask voters, they listed ten issues and they said which is most important to you as you cast your vote this year, 26% said immigration, 20% said economy, 18% said preserving democracy. this is the first time and quinnipiac polling that immigration has been issued. number one. so if you talk to those voters, they say, let's have a conversation. if you listen to the campaign donald trump's not interested in that. he's interested in using the issue saying joe biden has voted at the border, we'll see how it plays out, but that's a problem for the president. >> john king. thanks so much coming up, a cnn fact check and michigan state lawmaker claims that illegal invaders, in their words, we're on buses, spotted a detroit airport. it seems he doesn't follow college basketball we'll explain the connection next >> i see how it works fast makes it last contrasts so you can rise from pain. i see >> do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need now you can sell your policy even a term policy for an immediate cash payment, called coventry direct to learn more, we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement but but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income, >> our friends sold their policy to help pay their medical bills. >> and that >> got me thinking it'd be selling our policy could help with our retirement i'm skeptical. >> so i did some research and called coventry direct. they explained life insurance is a valuable asset that can be sold. >> we learned we could sell all of our policy or a key part part of it with no future payments, who knew we sold our policy. now we can relax and a joy. our retirement as we had planned, if you have $100,000 or more of life insurance, 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which have gone viral. but the answer to his question is nothing to do with the so-called illegal invaders far from it, seen as daniel dale joins us, keeping them honest with the fact check and the march madness tay. and so what is going on here, daniel? >> what's going on anderson is that this claim about illegal invaders is completely made up. it is absolute fiction and the airplane and three buses seen in mr. madix tweet, there were actually used by ncw, a men's college basketball teams that were landing at detroit's airport to play in, as you said, march madness. so let me he walk you through how social media users, including me, solve this extremely easy to solve non mystery. if you go back to that tweet by mr. maddock, you'll see that the plane picture there isn't a allegiant airplane. and if you go to online flight tracking sites, you'll see there was only one allegiant air flight that landed at detroit's airport yesterday it was a charter flight from spokane, washington. so why would there be a charter flight from spokane, washington? well, as people on social media figured out the gonzaga university bulldogs who were playing purdue tomorrow night in detroit are located in spokane, washington. and then if you go to gonzaga's a men's basketball twitter page or x page, you'll see a photo they posted themselves of them boarding their flights on that allegiant plane to detroit. so i contacted a spokesperson for that gonzaga team. they're like, yeah, we took an elysian plane, we landed in detroit. yes, there were buses waiting? yes. we got a police escort, i contacted the local county airports authority that runs this detroit airport he said yeah, these buses were for ncw, a basketball teams, and they're traveling parties. so in summary, anderson, nothing happened here, like sports teams arrived at the city where they were going to play their sport the end, but somehow a lawmaker turn this into an immigration scandal on social media. >> so i hesitate to even asked, but what is this? there's response spin now that we know more of the facts, is he backing down >> he he is calling people calm, ease who he is trumpy trump endorsed and quite trumpy in lawmaker, who has done such try to sow original. i colonies with a k. the k is original so he's, he's done things like tried to overturn during the 2020 election, promoted covid, misinformation. and so people said, hey, this is probably ncw a basketball teams landing and troy, he said, your economy, thanks, kami and then he expanded on that today after fat checks had come out saying the fake news won't investigate illegals arriving in our cities. citizens have to investigate. but i have to say if this soucie, a citizen investigation, i don't think he's gonna be hired for too many private investigator jobs anytime soon, and he's an actual legislator like an actual prison. he's an actual, he's a state representative in the state of michigan and elected official indeed. >> wow daniel, dale, god bless you, how long that take you, daniel >> there's very little i mean, it took an hour or so to write, but actually figure out what happened a few minutes >> all right? yeah. a good few

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, Borders , Pupil , Images , Divide , Immigration Rank , Solutions , Conversation Session , Grand Rapids , Kent County , 2016 Donald , Approval , Understatement , Fox National Poll , Low , Country Economy , Fox News , 67 , Polling , Vote , Democracy , Quinnipiac , 18 , Ten , 26 , Invaders , Buses , Lawmaker , Detroit Airport , Words , Connection , College Basketball , Retirement , Payment , Life Insurance , Research , Income , Pay , Asset , Payments , Joy , Coventry Direct Com , Finding Out , Policy Laps , 1806510200 , Factor , Taking , Neuroma , Hiv , Problems , Asbestos Trust Funds , Same , City Planner , Dollars , Caitlin Clark , Caitlin Clarks , Internet Providers , Don T Settle , Reliability , Cnn Well March Madness , Name , Sunlen Serfaty In Washington , Ways , On X , Matt Maddock , Detroit , Phrase , Responses , Anyone , Photos , Eskelund , Caption Quote , Legal Invader Is Maddock , Twitter , Gotta Ton , Replies , What S Going On Anderson , Daniel Dale , March Madness Tay , Landing , Tweet , Airplane , Fiction , Claim , Ncw , Madix , Social Media , Plane Picture , Non Mystery , Isn T A Allegiant Airplane , Me , Flight , Charter Flight , Flight Tracking Sites , Allegiant Air , Washington , Spokane , Gonzaga University Bulldogs , Page , Flights , Photo , Playing Purdue Tomorrow Night In Detroit , Gonzaga S A Men Basketball Twitter , Plane , Local County Airports Authority , Spokesperson , Police Escort , Sports Teams , City , Parties , Summary , A Basketball Teams , Calm , Response Spin , Immigration Scandal , K The , Sow Original , Illegals , Checks , Basketball , Citizens , Misinformation , Troy , Kami , Citizen Investigation , Investigator , Actual , Prison , Legislator , Jobs , State Representative , I Don T Think He S Gonna , Soucie , God Bless You , Official , Write , Few , Wow Daniel , Dale ,

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