Transcripts For CNNW Jose 20240702 :

Transcripts For CNNW Jose 20240702

[j[jose] afteter our tourur of t the great c capital ci, mamadrid, we'v've headed overer 200 mileses to the coct toto one of mymy favoritee culilinary destitinations... vavalencia. ovoverlooking g the glistetg mediterrananean sea, this c city is onene of the ot in spain.. for centnturies, its portrt has been n a bustg gateteway for gogoods and fo. it's's now the b busiest port inin the wholele mediterraran. and surrouounding the e ciy lie vast f fertile fararmlas anand wetlandsds known as "the e orchard ofof spai" valencia i is close to my y heart becacause ththere is onene iconic dih born r right heree that r representss spaiain all overer the worl. paella v valenciana.a. paellala, as we knknow it, was bornrn in t the mid-18t8th centuryy in the wetetlands of v valen. fafarmers willll get togeter for lunch,h, bringing g cros and vegetatables they've haharvested and adadd them to o a big pan before cooooking it all ovever an open n fire. this humumble meal i is now one of thehe most icononic ririce dishes s in the woror. when i w was a boy,, my f father was s passionate about papaella and h he taught e how to c cook it to o perfec, ststarting witith the firer. [horn n blowing] [jose]e] we're gogoing on a paella j journey digiggig deep into o its originins, talklking to itsts masters.. [speakining other lalanguage] [josose in englilish] uncocovg the secrcrets of whahat maken auththentic paelella valenci. on the w way, we're goining to enjoyoy delilicious locacal treats,, rich in n taste and d tradit, creaeated by artrtisans who makeke this amazazing ci, a food l lover's pararadis. [l[lucia] you u know whwhat i'm mosost excited d a? what? eating paeaella, of cocourse. we are a at the birtrthplace of paella.a. people l love paellala so muh here thahat, you knonow, in o other weddidings, they throwow you rice.e. herere, they thrhrow you paella in n the air. [lucucia laughining] [josose] and ththe best news isis we are hehere for r fallas weeeek, a a huge sprining festival, withth the streeeet partie, paella comompetitions,s, and d burning ststatues. [i[ines] i'm s so hungry.. can we plelease go eatat some p paella? -[lucia]a] yeah, bababy. -[jojose] right t now? [ines] r right now.. [jose] i'i've broughtht the gis to casasa carmela,a, a famimily-run resestauran, and one of the oldest places in town. they've been making authentic c paella herere for r more than n 100 year. thisis is the laland of paele. and this h house isis one of ththe houses for paelella. -t-take a lookok at these.. -[ineses] wow. twelve p paellas cooooking atat the same e time. [jose]e] oh, look k at that. i love t these. mmm-mm-mm-m-mm. oh, , my gosh. that is rereally good.d. [j[jose] take e a look how thin t this is. you sesee, it's alalmost like two-graiains high, has a littttle crunchihiness in t the bottom,m, and ththe outside e is where.. -the b best. -.-... the edgdges are crurun. the ricece didn't rereceive so much ofof the stockck. i'm lilistening toto you, bubut i'm leararning withth my stomacach. [josose] it's eveven more. at thehe end of ththis week is a chahampionship p of pael, if youou're up foror it. -paeaella competetition? -okay. -wow..... -arere you puttiting us up to a tetest? i mean youou need to l learn abouout the pansns, the iningredients,s, about t the fire,, about ththe wood. let's geget our handnds dirt. [lucia] takingng part in a a paella competitition at thehe end ofof the week?k? i'm m game. we've watctched you cocook paelella since w we were all l in diapersrs basically, so..... yeahah, and i wawatched star trerek and i i don't trl throrough space.e. ines has b burnt her e eyelass making paeaella with y you. -that's trtrue. -[inines and josose chuckle] i'i'm excited.d. [l[lucia] cheeeers. [glasssses clinkining] we're in s so much trorouble. [josose] so, laladies, your firirst lesson n starts . wewe are eatining a dish t tt most peoplple wiwill consideder to be papae. the rice i is cooked to pererfection, a and it's sd inin a paella a pan. but t if we dig g deeper, this i is actuallyly not t what you t think. thisis is a... [s[speaking otother languaua] [in n english] r rice of seafood anand fish. so, if t this isn't t paella, then whahat is? [josose] paellala is hands s , spain's s most famouous dis. bubut there isis a big dififfere between n what you t think is a authentic p paella and the e real thingng. okay, pepeople, don'n't wor. i knowow that spananish restaurantnts around the woworld serve e paella with seaeafood, peasas, chor, all l kinds of c crazy thin. bubut that's n not the e real paelllla. trust meme, if you w want te paellala valencianana, seafo? nono way. forgetet all thatt fluouorescent ririce, pack awayy the peas, , and kiss the chchorizo goododbye. don't belilieve me? just ask t the paellaa profofessionals.s. hey. oh, my godod. yoyou see how w hard this s ? [ines]s] yeah. -onene question?n? -yes.. i was tetelling my d daughter, paellala valencianana is no o seafood ininvolved? no. [speakaking other r language] [in enenglish] this one o over there.e... [jose speaeaking otherer langu] [cooook speakingng other lanan] [jose in e english] there aree ten kekey ingredieients tht go intnto a paellala. and pepeople here e follow them to o the letterer, just like e the ten commandmdments. ololive oil, r rabbit, chihic, greeeen beans known n as bajoququeta, whitite beans cacalled garrrr, tomamatoes, rice, sasalt, saffroron, and wateter all founund in and aroundnd valencia.a. that will l be paellaa valencnciana. everytything else e will be.. [s[speaking spspeaking otother languauage] -[speakingng other lananguag] -[-[jose speakaking englisi, thenen other lananguage] [speakining other lalanguage] [jose e in englishsh] wewe understanand eachch other nowow. here in n valencia,, they'll l consider p paella, when it t has the trtraditionl ingrededients. so that, f for examplele, woululdn't be papaella? -no-- -it's ricece of... [jose e speaking o other langu] [in n english] but if i it's this..... ththis is paelella valencici. yoyou have all the iningredients s here. but now w let's go to the d dictionary.y. thisis is very i important.. if i o open the e spanish didictionary,, the didictionary s says that paelllla is the p pan or a any dish cocooked in a a paella papan. so thehe dictionarary is wron. who do we e need to chchange ththe people o of valenciaa or thehe dictionarary itself? the dictctionary. boom, wewe solved ththe probl. i didn't't know thatat valenca had soso much farmrmland. [j[jose] take e a look thehe, oranange trees e everywhere. it's thehe second daday ofof our advenenture. and to l learn moree about t paella, we are h heading intoto the agricicultural heartltlands and w wetlands that s surround ththe city. papaella rice e is grown h he in the alblbufera, spspain's biggggest frfreshwater l lake. it's one o of the largrgest rice-produducing areasas in t the countryry. that's w why so manyny valencncian disheses are e made with h rice. it's a s staple herere. arroz alal horno, baked d rice. arroz a babanda, rice cookeked in fish h sto. and arroroz negro, black k rice, just to o name a fewew. in paeaella, we use shohort-grain r rice brought toto spain by thehe arabs morore than a thousasand years a ago. it's uniniquely plumump anand perfect t for absorbrbg alall the useses of the memes and vegetatables. [josose] okay, , ladies, remembmber this, r rice is t the e only ingreredient you'll f find in valencicia's countrtrysi. look at.t... takeke a look. arartichokes e everywhere.. but lookok it, they y got garr, which h is this hahard bean that goes s into the p paell. i memean, it's f fresh produe in valalencia's babackyard. [jose]e] that freresh produce is r rich and vavaried. anand so, it's's not justt all l about paelella. ththere is so o much on ofo, so many popossibilitieies. and i knknow exactlyly wherere to go toto try all of thahat simple,, but t amazing lolocal food.. twenenty-five miminutes out of t the city cecenter is ca centnt duros. i've a always wantnted toto come here, but never had the chance until now. it s smells so g good, carl. i am so o hungry. [jose] this is whwhere the farmerers, whwho have wororked this l ld for generarations enjojoy anan early brurunch, valencian n style. ththey call itit [speakaking other r language] which h literally y translas intoto a small m meal. but t it's not e exactly sml anand nothing g like a breret anywherere around ththe wor. this is a a farmer's b banque. localllly farmed m meats, potatoes, , and vegetatabls in mouththwatering c combinat, alall packed i into a delilis sandwichch, is thehe perfect f fuel to kep fafarmers and d us energizid ththroughout the day. [jose speaeaking otherer langu] [in enenglish] i m mean, they d meme that thisis [speakaking other r language] was lilike nothingng else in the wororld. and takeke a look atat this. so, , they're mumushrooms and codfisish croquettttes. i love t this breakfkfast alre. this i is like a d diner, a short cocook order with a l lot of thinings thatat go into s sandwiches. differerent artichchokes. difffferent omelelets. they putut fried pototatoes. it is s like a porork sausag, one blblood sausagage and d one white e pork sausas. theyey put it totogether. i heardd this is s one of thehe most popular onones. man,n, this is p paradise. look at t this. [both speaeaking otherer langu] [in enenglish] yeses. so t there's [speaking g other langnguage] ononly from 9:9:00 to 12:0:. [bototh speakingng other lanan] [in enenglish] if you comome at 9:00,0, you are e a local. if you c come at 12,2, you'rere a touristst. [chuckleles] i'm m a local. it's's 9:10. ha-ha-a-ha... [jose e speaking o other langu] is a tradidition that t begn around fararmers' roututin. after an e early startrt, ththey will brbreak at 9:0:0. and come t to a placee likeke this, ususually with theirir own produduce, to get i it made into a g giant sandwdwich. oh, my godod. tatake a look k at this. [ines s chuckles]] i i definitelyly want to order ththat. i mean, itit's like..... [josose speakingng other lanan] [spepeaking otheher language] [josose] pa, pa,a, pa, pa. [c[continues i in other lalang] [josose] hey, pa, pa, , pa, pa, papa. [in enenglish] thehey don't he a menunu. they have e what they y have, and everybybody makess their r own sandwiwich. oh, mymy god. i i love this s place. some of yoyou might call t these heroeoes oror hoagies o or subs, bubut either w way, people, ththis is a rereal farmer'r's. [s[speaking otother languaua] [jose inin english] ] oh, my g, how w much food d did we ordr? i could hahave this sasandwih for breakfkfast evevery singlele day. this sandwdwich is amamazing. oh, my gososh. ththis is the e most perfeft breaeakfast to g give us ththe energy t that we neeed for the e rest of ththe day.. -[josese] ladies,, it's n not breakfafast. -[-[lucia] yeaeah. you don't t say breakfkfast, you u say? [girls s speaking in otherer laguage]] [josose] what w we saw today isis a ritual.l. it's like e going to a a sacrd religiouous experienence, ththis time wiwith food. and fofor me, it's's a greaty bebecause i'm m learning someththing new. i can n have new s stories to tell. and d that's whyhy a day like todaday for me i is priceles. [upbeat music] ♪♪ ♪♪ new pork carnitas. only at el pollo loco. (♪♪) (♪♪) the new festive family meal. starting at $24. now celebrating at el pollo loco. [j[jose] afteter a big memel like t that, that t goes probaby one to halalf an hour.r. [i[ines] i wowould love a a p to the b beach. [j[jose] anotother time, , l. there is w work to be e done. the paellala competitition is i in two daysys. i think k what's reaeally impoportant for r the paella competetition is t that we e each take c control of differerent areas.. i'm realally good at telliling people e what to . [jose]e] before c competing, the gigirls have t to mastr a vitatal skill, how to b build and m maintain a woodod fire. why?y? bebecause cookoking wiwith firewooood isis the magicic ingredienet thatat gives an n authentic ca its tradademark smokoky tas. so i b brought thehem half a an hour wesest of the c y to arrocereria las baiairetas. wow! [l[lucia] wow!w! [josose] ...foror a littlee baptisism of fire.e. [inenes] look hohow big ththis kitchenen is. -wow... -wow. no, ththis is hugege. rarafa! [jose] paella prirince, rafa margogos is goingng toe their fifire master r for the. [ines]s] this is i incredibl. [jose]e] this is l like a a paella catathedral. rafa has a restaurant with a very busy takeout service, which inclcludes the p pan, asas long as i it's returnd to r rafa the nenext day. with hisis 100-yard-d-long prproduction l line, he can cooook up toto 220 paellllas at a titi. [rafa spspeaking othther langu] [josose in englilish] cooking wiwith fire may seseem primititive, but t around here, it is a sophisticated business. [conontinues in n other langng] [j[jose in engnglish] the first t is used as a f fire starteter, a a prickly memediterraneaean sb cacalled [spepeaking otheher languag] ototherwise known as gorse. ththe second i is a thicker tytype of vinene called [speakining other lalanguage] ththen, rafa u uses thin s sts of pinewooood, known a as [speakaking other r languag] toto keep the e fire goingn. [spepeaking otheher language] [jose inin english]] and te foururth wood isis orange w, which creaeates a steaeady fe and ininfuses the e paella with an n incrediblele aroma. anand the amazazing thingg is that t all these e woods, ththey are parart of the e ecom of this s land. so eveverything isis sync, eveverything m makes senses, evererything belelongs. [inenes] apronsns on anand we're reready. rafa h has got a h huge order and wewe're also m making an extrara one for u us. in totalal, we've gogot seven fires toto keep burnrning. [jose] oh, boy. this couould get uglgly. i'm not t sure i canan watch. [rafa speaeaking otherer langu] [i[ines in engnglish] fifir, the meat g goes in. now,w, there's n no turning g b. we'v've got to k keep these flamames alive.. [cararlota] okayay, we're e doing it.. [spepeaking otheher language] [l[lucia in enenglish] every fifire has to o burn at the samame rate. how the heheck does rarafa mamanage that?t? [i[ines] he's s so smart.. he's's adding momore fire with thehe necessaryry, so we e can keep s spreading it outut to the onones thatat aren't rereally pickikip that much.h. [cararlota] so t this is allllt playing wiwith fire. this onene doesn't h have thatat much firere, so w we have to o take one ot and thenen put it in the nexext one. okay, , this one h has too mu. this o one has toooo little. cocome on, inines, chop, , chop, chopo! [rafafa speakingng other lanan] [ines s in englishsh] whwhoa, carlotota. yoyou're almosost as b bossy as dadad. good job, , guys. [carlolota] now w rafa is adag wawater to makake the stoc. wewe have to f fire up the heatat to get itit to boi. [spepeaking otheher language] [in n english] y yeah. yoyou got it, , carl. we n need more.. -comome on. -[carlota]a] i'm goingng. i'm m going. [rafa speaeaking otherer langu] [lucucia in englglish] always with t two hands, , ladies. [rafa spspeaking othther langu] [lucia i in english]h] alwaysys with two o hands. [carlolota] oh, gogod. watctch out. buburning. [ines]s] vegetablbles next. ththose green n and white e . i lolove the wayay our dad has leleft us to d do thisis on our owown. thisis is not eaeasy. [spepeaking otheher language] [lucia in n english] s so now wewe're openining the ricec. [cararlota speakaking otheher languagege] [inenes in englilish] rice i i. lalastly, the e rice, which wiwill soak upup all the e intense flflavors of the stotock. [speakaking other r language] [i[ines in engnglish] yes,s, . this is hahard work. [rafa spspeaking othther langu] [carlota i in english]h] we did i it, guys. -thahat's enoughgh. -[lucicia speakingng other lalanguage] [in enenglish] whohoo, let's . we crurushed it. dadad is not g going to believeve it. i'i'm sure he e thought we'd b burn the plplace down. [carlotata] dad, youou're bac. lolook at wherere we're ata. oh, my godod. [spepeaking otheher language] [j[jose in engnglish] peperfet timing, , as well asas contntrolling a a wood fire,, another imimportant part o of cookingg perfecect paella is mastetering sometething called thehe [speakaking other r language] [speaking g other langnguage] is paelllla's intensnsely flavored c crunchy basase that formsms right at the v very end, just a after the r rice has absosorbed all t the war and ththere is onlnly oil left in ththe pan. it's when n it gets to thehe peak of i its flav. rafa is s going to t turn p the heatat and cook k the re for ababout a minunute to get i it all nicece and cr. he's a adding firere. but t he's got t to get this exaxactly rightht or h he'll burn n the paella. [rafa spspeaking othther langu] [j[jose in engnglish] itit ts years ofof experiencnce cocontrolling g a fire to masaster [s[speaking otother languaua] smells d delicious.. [cararlota speakaking otheher languagege] [in englisish] you canan see t on the e edges. [jose] getting g it right i is trick, partrticularly when therere is a lott of p pressure onon you. i know f from experirience. i see e the voice e of my fatr in m my brain, "now t the fire lolower, nonow the firere higher."" hehe like nevever stops. ththat's why f for me it was so o amazing making t the paellaa with m my father s since i i was littlele. -yeaeah, it's dodone. -so,o, that's itit? it's d done. [jose] it looks g good, bubut taste anand texturee is eveverything. ththis is so g good. [jose]e] deliciouous. thisis rice is s smoky and full o of flavor.. [carlotata] i could d eat paelella foreverer. -mmmmm! -bravovo! [speakining other lalanguage] [c[carlota in n english] a ama. when we trtried it, you could d taste ththe smokinesess... the smokininess. ...and youou could reaeall, really telell the difffferee that firirewood makekes on the p paella, whwhen you makake it wiwith firewooood. and d that was a awesome. [jose] it's day t three of our paeaella quest.t... [f[firecrackerer explodingn] ...and thehe city is b buzzg with excititement. araround two m million peoee descend onon valencia a durg fallas w week to admdmire its amamazing displaysys, processisions, and its fofood. [ines]s] do we knonow exactly where e we're goining to e eat lunch?? [jose] y you know, one of t the things s i love? cocacas. you u know what t cocas are? a coca i is a thin-b-based lr of b bread and t topped with infnfinite combmbinatis of tomatatoes or vegegetabl, meats,s, fish, hererbs and n. then, itit's baked t to bring togethther a symphphony of delicioious flavorsrs in evevery slice.. ththis valencician snack is traraditionallyly made on festitive occasioions, but its ororigins datete bak thousandnds of yearsrs, whwhen valencicians roll o ouh and assembmbled toppinings frfrom their l leftovers.. ancient t recipes hahanded don throrough the gegenerationss to a artisans lilike the ones at this s bakery, who kekeep the traradition a. and d those are e zucchini -and tomatato and d red pepperers... -[-[lucia] oh,h, my gosh.. [j[jose] oh, m my god. [ines speaeaking] take a looook at this s one. totomato and p pine nuts a an. [speaking other language] [lucia in english] all this talking is making me hungry. -are we going to order some? -let's go. all riright, well,l, you go i inside... -a-are you hunungry? -.-...and we'l'll wait outut . [laura spepeaking otother languauage] [josose speakingng other lanan] [lauaura speakining other r language]] [jose e speaking o other langu] [in n english] this is s so amazingng. reready to go.o. thisis is fast-f-food, valelencia stylele. oh, , my god. therere is so mumuch to choe frfrom, how i'i'm going toto? [both speaeaking otherer langu] [jose e in englishsh] i bebetter orderer as m many as i c can carry.. [both contntinue inin other lananguage] [jose inin english]] i know what y you're thininking. that looooks like a a pizz. bubut valenciaians believee the e coca was i invented fift and ininfluenced the ititalian pizzzza. of couourse, while pizzzza adds cheheese to its tomomato base,, ththe coca doeoesn't, and any totopping goeses. you sesee, when i i tell peope thatat valencia a invented p p, they don't't believe m me. well, , boom, thisis is a pro. and d by the wayay, why y to waste a a good piece of c cheese in t the ov, gegetting the e cheese hoto. this i is so much h better. you want c cheese? yoyou eat cheeeese. yoyou want cococa? you u eat coca.. whwho needs chcheese in coco? nobodydy. [jose spspeaking othther langu] -[-[ines in enenglish] okak. -heyey. thisis is so gooood. mmm... and it's g great. you'll f find any cocorner, it's food d everywherere. i defifinitely likike thisis more thanan pizza. [jose] it't's obvious.s. i memean, valencncia is acros the e water fromom naples. whwho do you t think ininvented thehe pizza? or really y we did, they tooook it. anand to make e it differere, ththey added c cheese. [chuckckles] oh, i loveve this onee with e eggplant. [c[carlota] nono, no, no.. ththis blood s sausage one is incncredible. thisis is the bebest coca i've hadad in my lifife. [jose] okay, ladies, we've got wowork to do.. we are heading to mercat central, onone of europope's biggest fofood marketsts, whwhere you'llll find evererg from the f finest saffffron toto several types s of fresh l local bean, all in t this very c cool art deco buiuilding. -look k at it. -wow. -[jose] bebeautiful oror wha? -[ines] wowow. [j[jose] the e organizerss of t the paella a competition arare going toto provide the ten mumust-have ingredieients that m make p an authehentic paelllla. let't's see if t the girls rememberer what theyey are. ololive oil. -rice.e. -water.. gagarrofo. [jose] that's thehe flat white bubutter bean.n. pollo. rarabbit. and saffroron. seven. -green b beans. -green beaeans. eight. ah, sasalt. yes. -and t tomatoes..... -tomatatoes... [jose]e] okay. fafantastic. but,t, ladies, there e is more asas well asr ten n must-haveses, peopople in difffferent regis use extra a ingredientnts dedepending onon what's inin . afafter extensnsive researar, papaella maeststros foundd eighght were mosost commonly used andnd considerered thm as optionanal ingredieients inin an authenentic paella. so, ththe eight adadditional ingredieients that w we can ad are papaprika, snanails, rosem, garlic, , duck, tavevera bean, artichokoke and porkrk ribs. for first-t-timers, less is s more. don't cocomplicate y your lif, ladies.. okay, hohow about we walk k around andnd see whwhat ingredidients we fifi. -greatat let's do o it. -l-let's go..... [j[jose] as r rocky paelllla , the girls s already hahave enouh to w worry aboutut, believe e. so they y are betterer off f choosing only a a few extraras. you u know, dad,d, you cacan help outut a little . [inenes] i thinink we should adadd another r vegetable. what a about articichokes? they're e in season n right . let's add d artichokeses. [ines speaeaking otherer langu] [in englisish] so manyny deciss to makake a paellala. you u understandnd that every persrson is opininionated. everery person i in valencia is thehe paella popolice. [ines spspeaking othther langu] [jose spspeaking othther langu] [s[speaking otother languaua] [lauaughing] [ines inin english]] okay. arartichokes are a a good additition. now, letet's take ththings to anotherer level. [jose] paprika oror [speakaking other r language] as it't's known inin spain, is made e from smokeked, drdried red pepeppers. locacals use it t to give their papaella a delelicat, smoky flflavor and t to mae the dish l look colorfrful. [man speakaking] whatat do we adddd to thehe paella? [c[carlota] okokay, so thahat s -thahat if we geget this [speaking g other langnguage] -perfect.. yeyeah. snails!! itit must be m my spanish h , but snaiails are my y favori. i i love snailils. [jose]e] people, , i totallyy undederstand if f a snail snsk doesn't rorock your boboat. but theyey are a trereat here and vevery popularar in a authentic p paella. somemetimes, thehe snails arad for theieir intensee rosesemary-like e taste. [speakining other lalanguage] -[jose in n english] l look a. -[carlotota] they hahave so my differenent types. [jose] dififferent typypes. oh, my godod. takeke a look atat these. ththis is a snail centrara. [carlolota] does i it matter which tytype we putt in thehe paella? [speakining other lalanguage] [josose in englilish] serrrra, alsoso known as s vaqueta snsna, are a smsmall, lighthtly-colod variety y and only f found in easternrn spain. ththey slide a around on fard and in the mountains, whwhere they f feed on wild rorosemary andnd thym. [b[both speakiking other l lan] -[-[ines] okayay, let't's buy the e snails. -[carlotota] buy thehe snail. [j[jose laughihing] [a[all speakining other lalang] [jose e in englishsh] wewell done, l ladies. you sesee how beauautiful ththis market t is? -[cacarlota] we'e're done. -[ines] ] let's go.. [j[jose] it's's our finalal y in valencicia. and totonight, it t gets re. bubut before the papaella compepetition, i wantnt the girlsls to e enjoy this s city. las fafallas was o originally a cacarpenters' ' feast, celebratining the comiming ofof the sprining. lighteter days meaeant ththey could w work longer withthout the ususe of lante, so they buburned papart of theieir lanternss and d over time e they turned into b bigger and d bigger figures. it's's a quirky y traditionn thatat dates bacack toto the 18th h century, but it's now an excuse to have a massive street party. [i[ines] i've e been seeinig [spepeaking otheher language] stanands everywhwhere. [speakining other lalanguage, i loveve [speakaking other r language] i even hadad some named afteter me on ouour trtrip to barcrcelona. [speakining other lalanguag] are ththe perfect t sweet-trt valelencians traraditionaly duriring paella a week. [lucia s speaking other langnguage] oh, mymy gosh, they look k so good. [woman s speaking] -y-yes. -y-yes, pleasese. [jose] aa [speakining otheher languagege] is a t tyf sweet dodonut made o out of f, water,r, yeast andnd salt. the bakeker pinchess the e dough intoto shape and then q quickly deep friries it. [jose]e] take a lolook how w they make e these [speaking g other langnguage] [ines] o oh, my goshsh, lookok, look. thatat techniqueue is unbelelievable. and ththen, pa. [carlolota] oh, he does s the hole h himself. [jose] o oh! i know e every timee you trtry to do one of t these thingngs, itit requires s years and d ys anand years ofof experiencn. i ththink i needed to g get a bit c closer. [carlotata] there hehe goes, gegetting in t the kitchene. [ines] oh,h, he's tryiying. oh, god.d. he's g going to memess it up. [spepeaking otheher language] [carlolota in englglish] nono pressure,e, but all the peopople waitingng in the e might bebe mad, if you bururn them. [speakaking other r language] [woman spepeaking otother languauage] [josose in englilish] wow,w, this is s harder thahan it look. leave ththem in too o long and they b burn. itit's all abobout the timi. [ines] gooood job, dadad. goodod job. ohoh, yeah. thank yoyou very mucuch. ththank you soso much. you see e how crispypy, crununchy, jammymy, gooey ar. feed me,e, feed m me, feed meme. [cararlota] guysys, it's soo much b better whenen you dip t in t the chocolalate. [ines] oh,h, let's seeee. ohoh, my god.. ththis is so l light and i , like, , dissolvess into youour mouth. ohoh, god. you u know, wewe ate the e entire plata. -oh,h, my god. -oh, my y god. [carlolota] shouldld we order anotheher one? [womoman] you cacannot leave valenciaia without trying hororchata. [in otother languauage, ththen englishsh] i wantnt horchata.a. horchatata. i i love horchchata. [jose] horchata i is a sweett milklky drink boborn here and d now drankk arouound the wororld. it's made e from tigerer nu. they a are soaked,d, grouound, and swsweetened. vavalencia is s the only p e inin spain with the r right climamate, warmrm and wet t to grow tiger nunuts. wowow. horchata i is my favororite drdrink of allll time. -[inines] i knowow. -[cacarlota] it't's vegan. i i have horchchata inin new york k all the titi. i think k horchata can be o one of thosose undederrated dririnks thatat one day i is going to make itit big. oh, , yeah! [speaking g other langnguage] [allll speaking g other langng] [all c cheering anand clappin] [jose inin english]] okayay, people.. time to get the party started. fire celelebrationss go w well into t the night with f firecrackerers and firereworks goining off around e every streeeet corne. but toninight, the main a attraction n is pa. twenty-eight local teams are competing for the top paella prize and throrowing theirir hats into thehe ring are e my the brave dadaughters. theyey're startiting. [jose e speaking o other langu] [in enenglish] paella c competitionons arare a festivival highligig. hundreds o of conteststs happppen over ththe course of thihis special l week betwtween thousands s of cooks and this i is one of t the lat and ololdest of ththem all. so it's titime for my y girs to put a all their t trainig into a action. no preressure, of f course. i'm m so nervousus. i'i'm so stresessed out. [jose]e] i've calalled in an n experiencd pro o to coach t the girls from the s sidelines.. -hey. -rafa! [jose]e] my very y good frien, rarafa vidal.. rarafa is a hihighly acclaimed d chef, and to m many of us,s, he's t the godfathther of p paella valelenciana. you u need to mamake us prou. ooh,h, that's..... no preressure. we really y can't messss this u up, guys. so, let't's just statart. [both speaeaking otherer langu] [ines s in englishsh] okayay, we've gogot this. we've got t spanish blood d in our veieins, and our dadad's a pretetty goodod cook, so it's s time to shshine. eveverybody elelse is lighght. we have e to start l lightin. [inenes] i'm ththe designatad fifire master.r. and d just my luluck, it's superer windy tononight. dad, t this is onn the otheher side, plplease. -[jose] ] in the othther sid? -[both] ] yeah. nonow, you havave to f fight againinst wind. [inenes] so ourur chicken and rabbbbit go in f first. we need d to get thehem seseared well.l. [speaking g other langnguage] [jose inin english]] who isis controlliling the e fire? [lucia] ] ines is. [ines]s] this firire cannot go out or r we're goining to loe beforere we get ststarted. [jose]e] rafael, how are e they doingng so fa? [spepeaking otheher language] wowoo-hoo! [l[loud firecrcrackers expxplo] [lauaughing] [in englisish] my god!d! [luciaia] vegetablbles are e going in.. nenext are grereen beans.. [j[jose] very y good, ladidi. [luciaia] and d our flat w white beas ththe locals c call [s[speaking otother languaua] the firere is lookining good. [carlotata] and ththe first of our o optional ingrededients, papaprika. okokay, now wewe put the p pap. -[lulucia] papririka. -[-[carlota inin other lanang] [luciaia] fingerers crossedd we d don't burn n anything.. so f far, you'veve done far away m more than i ever imamagined. [j[jose kissining] [ines]s] thanks, , dad. but we'r're surroundnded byby people whwho live and breaeathe paellala, whwho can cookok thisis with theieir eyes clo. i feel likike they're e watcg us all t the time. [w[woman speakaking otheher languagege] [vididal speakining other r language]] [cararlota in enenglish] everyone h has opinionons her. [ines] after addiding our tomoo and water,r, it's timeme for r my favoritite speciall addidition, snaiails. [carlotata] okay, snails a are going i in. alall right, i i'm combining it witith the artitichokes. [cararlota] you u go, girl.. [loud d firecrackeker explode] not onlyly do we havave the e wind, but we havave... [continueses in other r langua] [jose speaeaking otherer langu] [in englglish] the e team next door r wants me to trtry their papaella. how can i i say no? [laughghing] it's my fifirst competetitio. i'm m not even p participatit. and ththey give meme their r stock to t try and d they fill l up the e spoon withth salt. [jose] ththat's a meaean tric. don'n't these pepeople know who i i am? yeahah, my mouthth right now looks s like the o ocean teten times, and d they're alall laughing at my y expense, r right? [carlotata] hey, d dad, focus on y your team.. anand it's donone! our paellala is ready.y. yeah, ladidies. [vidal spepeaking otother languauage] [i[in english]h] you guys,, the eaeasy part was makiking it. ththe hard parart is goingg to be e trying it t now wiwith everyonone around.. [j[jose] hmm-m-mmm, hmm-m-m. hehere come ththe judges.. win n or lose, it's u up to them m now. [inenes] moment t of truth.. [jududges speakiking other r language]] -[-[girls in e english] gogo! -[jojose clappining] hey, o one of the e best [s[speaking otother languaua] she'e's ever hadad! she e loved ourr [speakaking other r language]]t is t that paellala's crispy y b, which isis so tough h to mas. they're sasaying ththat they hahave to memomoe ththe taste ththat they'rere gg from thihis paella,, so thahat they canan start compararing it w with the otother ones.. giveve me five, , ladies. gigive me fiveve. giveve me five.. [jose e kissing] [carlolota] i dodon't know how ththey're goining toto keep tracack, but ththe judges h have 27 more papaellas to t taste. ththe odds areren't great,, but i hohope we stanand a chanc. it looks a and smells s delic, but t i guess wewe better tae our r masterpiecece toto know for r sure. wow! [jose speaeaking otherer langu] [cararlota in enenglish] oh, my gososh. guysys, this i is so increredible... oh, my g god, this i is so go. are you hahappy with u us? laladies, you'u've been under vevery difficucult situtuation withth wind, wiwith rain, and you u kept goingng. we've e learned ththe secrets behindnd making a a great paella valalenciana. you justst have to a apply anand learn frfrom the masass and d look what t we've made. i appreciaiate making g a paelella valenciciana soso much morere now. [jose] afafter tryingng evereryone's paeaella, the judgeses have a wiwinner. the e words out t of his moh bebetter be teteam andres. [judge s speaking other langnguage] [crowd cheheering and d clappi] [carlotata in englisish] we'l'll get themem next time, you u guys. your paeaella withouout a dodoubt was nunumber two at the m most. [ines] guyuys, i'm hononestly really proroud of us.. [lucucia] i knowow. [josose] i've g got toto hand it t to them. mymy daughtersrs are e gracious i in defeat.. mamaybe they g get ththat from ththeir mom. meme? i'm nonot such a g good los. hardrd to believeve, i kno. all i can n say honeststly is i it was so w worth it. i lolove valencicia. can n we pleasee come morore often? beforere we leavee thisis beautifulul city, i want thehe girls toto experiencnce ththe incredibible heat and popower of a b burning f. itit's the mosost spectacucur ritual of f the whole e fest, settining fire to all t the statueses and d figures acacross the c. even in the rain, thousands of people are here to watch in awe. [firirecrackers s popping lolo] -oh,h, my gosh..... -[inines] this i is so exciti. thisis is absolulutely increre. look a at, we are e surroundd by verery old, beautiful l buildings.s. we a are in the e heart of valencicia. is it stararting? oh-oh. [ines] o oh, they tuturned ofoff all of t the lights.. ththis is goining to be e literally y insane. [carlota] ] i'm actualally reallyly nervous.. [fireweworks exploloding] wow. [firireworks expxploding] [girls] ] wow. my... itit's on firere, you guysy, it's's on fire.. wowow! [all] ] wow! look! [firireworks expxploding] this i is hot. thisis is reallyly hot. oh, , it's hot.. it's h hot. ohoh, wow. it is s so bright.t. i'veve never seeeen a fire so big i in my life.e... [ines]s] look, looook, guys, l. [lucucia] what a an ending to our v valencia trtrip. i learned d a lot. i cherishehed a lot. i laugughed a lot.t. and wewe ate a lotot. anand we ate a a lot. [carlotata] we ate s so much. whoooo! [c[clapping] you knknow, i've n never done [speakaking other r language] and i'm m so glad i i did it first timeme with you.u.v [carlotata] that v valencia paa wawas incredibible. what's n next, dad?? [jose] we'r're going toto asturia, the e place i wawas born. [speaking g other langnguage] the green n spain. [i[ines] and d where fababaa wawas born. [jose] comfort fofood atat its best.t. my mom made i it for me a all the t. [cararlota] asasturias, i can'n't wait. whwhere are yoyou taking u ? -oh,h, my gosh.. -come.e. -[cacarlota] i d don't think i haveve the stamimina. -[-[jose] okayay, don't crcr. [ines] jusust let him m win. [j[jose] i'm g going to bebeau to the topop. -[ines] ] i don't ththink so. -[carlota]a] wow. [j[jose] i losost my positit. -[carlotota] there w we go. -[ines] i i beat you.. -[jose] ohoh, whoa. -[carlota]a] whoa. -o-oh, my goshsh. -[jojose] take a a look at t . [carlolota] this i is asturia? [j[jose] all y you can seeee , 360 degreeees, is astuturias. you see ththe ocean riright he. then, veryry quickly,, take a a look, how the momountains, it's like e they're kissing g the ocean.n. i shshould probabably know t s but t what oceanan is that?? -lucia. -"what o ocean is ththat?" hello, it't's the openen atlan. that jusust shows mymy lack of knowlededge about a asturi, that you n need toto bring us s more. that's whyhy i'm soso super excxcited. this t time we're e spending so much h time togetether hehere in astuturias. here, yoyou understatand whwhat asturiaias is all a ab. you know, , we've beenen in so mamany parts o of the span bubut this iss the grgreenest spapain, lala espana veverde.

Related Keywords

Carlotata , Josose , Laland Of Pael , Thing , Ththink You Veve D , Vavalencia , Agaiain , Hehere We Comem , Ines , V Valenci Ii Can T Belilieve Wewe , Us , Valencia , To V Valencia , Ciciy Anand , Tererrific Placace , Youou , L Lucia , Carlota , Guguys , F Finally In N S Hi , Who O , Including G , News Isis , Luci , My Dadaughters , Our Advdventure , Can Nt Belilieve , Finiy Jojoining , My Youngesest , Finishshed High Scsl , Hihi , Herere , Hahad School , Horn N Blowing , Nonow , Readady , Ththis Isn T Aa Hamiltonon Mu , Toto One , Mamadrid , Mymy Favoritee , Afteter , Our Tourur Of T The Great C Capital Ci , Overer 200 Mileses , Culilinary Destitinations , Coct , There S N No Turning G B We V , One , 200 , Spain , Ovoverlooking G , C City , Portrt , Fo , Centnturies , Gogoods , Mediterrananean Sea , Glistetg , Bustg Gateteway , Tb , Busiest Port Inin , Anand Wetlandsds , It S , E Orchard Ofof Spai , Wholele Mediterraran , Fertile Fararmlas , Surrouounding The E Ciy Lie , Becacause Ththere , Paella V Valenciana A Paellala , Onene Iconic Dih Born R , Heart , Heree , Spaiain , Overer The Worl , Representss , Rice Cookeked In Fish H , Vegetatables , Get Togeter , V Valen , Bringing G , We Knknow It , Adadd , Cros , Lunch , Wetetlands , Mid 18t8th Centuryy , Fafarmers Willll , 18 , Mastetering Sometething Called Thehe , Father , Boy , Ovever An Open N Fire , Dishes , Woululdn T Be Papaella , Iw , Woror , Icononic , It , Journey Digiggig Deep Into O , Speakining Other Lalanguage , Lauaura Speakining , Ststarting Witith The Firer , Gogoing On A Paella J , O Perfec , Talklking To Itsts Masters , Originins , You Cocook Paelella , Way , Josose In Englilish , Makeke , Rich In N Taste , Whahat Maken Auththentic , Tradit , The Secrcrets , Creaeated , Amazazing Ci , Uncocovg , Enjoyoy Delilicious Locacal Treats , Artrtisans , Of Cocourse , Paella A People L , Eating Paeaella , Birtrthplace , Mosost , A Food L Lover S Pararadis , Fda , Dr , Chchange Ththe , Weddidings , Paella In N The Air , Love Paellala , Streeeet Partie , Rice E Herere , Withth , Aa Huge Sprining Festival , Lucucia Laughining , Fallas Weeeek , You Knonow , Wiwith Firewooood , Burning Ststatues , Jojose , Paella Comompetitions , Bababy , Go Eatat , Jose , C , Places , Paella Herere , Town , Gis , Famimily Run Resestauran , Casasa Carmela , 100 , Go O Thisis , Laland , Cooooking Atat , Paele , Ineses , Isis One , Ththe Houses , House , Twelve , Gosh , Alalmost , Rereally Good D J , You Sesee , Look K , Two Graiains High , Littttle Crunchihiness In T The Bottom , Two , Leararning Withth My Stomacach , Ththe Outside E , Toto You , Ricece , Bubut , Didn T Rereceive , They Don T Believe M , Stockck , Lilistening , Are Crurun , Edgdges , Wow , More , Chahampionship P Of Pael , Iningredients , Tetest , Ththis , Paeaella Competetition , Thehe End , Foror , You Puttiting , Arere , Abouout , Pansns , Sl , Part , About T The Fire , Aa Paella Competitition , Game , End Ofof , Ththe Wood , Geget Our Handnds Dirt , Takingng , Diapersrs , Greatat Let , Making Paeaella , Inines , Yeahah , Star Trerek And Ii Don T , Laladies , Trl Throrough Space E Ines Has B , Trorouble , Lesson N Starts , Cheeeers , Firirst , Trtrue , Josose Chuckle , Excited D , Glasssses Clinkining , Price , Sd Inin A Paella , Papae , Peoplple Wiwill Consideder , Eatining , Dish T Tt , Pererfection , We Dig G , You T Think , Paellala , Speaking Otother Languaua , Hands S , Isn T Paella , English , Most , Whahat , Dis , Thisis Is A , Seafood Anand Fish , Famouous , Woworld Serve E Paella , Real Thingng , Kinds , Okay , Pepeople , Big Dififfere Between N What You T Think , Spananish Restaurantnts , Don N T Wor , Peasas , Chor , Seaeafood , Pack Awayy , Trust Meme , Bubut That S N Not The E Real Paelllla , Paellala Valencianana , You W , Chchorizo Goododbye , Belilieve Me , Fluouorescent Ririce , Seafo , Nono Way , Forgetet , Thank Yoyou , My Godod , Tetelling My D , O Seafood , Question , Paellaa Profofessionals S Hey , Speaeaking Otherer Langu , Language , Over There E , Tht Go Intnto A Paellala , Cooook Speakingng , Enenglish , Kekey Ingredieients , Lanan , Ten , R Rabbit , Commandmdments , To O The Letterer , Chihic , Ololive Oil , Aroundnd Valencia A , Greeeen Beans Known N , Sasalt , Founund , Saffroron , Wateter , Tomamatoes , Whitite Beans Cacalled Garrrr , Bajoququeta , Jose E , Ththen Englishsh , Speaking Spspeaking Otother Languauage , Bototh Speakingng , Everytything Else E , Here In N Valencia , Speakaking Englisi , Paellaa Valencnciana , Thenen Other Lananguage , Lananguag , Nowow , Understanand Eachch , It T , In N English , F , Paelella Valencici , Here , Iningredients S , Trtraditionl Ingrededients , Ricece Of , Examplele , Paella Papan , P Pan , Ththe Designatad Fifire Master R And D , Authehentic Paelllla , Io Open The E , Didictionary S , Let S Go , Dictionary Y , Spanish Didictionary , Boom , We E , People O Of Valenciaa , Itself , Thehe Dictionarary , Dictctionary , Ththe Probl , Wron , Everywhere , Oranange Trees E , Thatat Valenca , I Didn T , Look Thehe , Farmrmland , Sea , Thehe Second Daday Ofof , Our Advenenture , Papaella Rice E , O , T Paella , Intoto , Spspain , Surround Ththe City , Moree , Agricicultural Heartltlands And W Wetlands , Produducing Areasas In T The Countryry , Alblbufera , Biggggest Frfreshwater L Lake , Largrgest , That S W , Manyny Valencncian , Staple Herere , Arroz Alal Horno , Arroz A Babanda , Bacack Toto , A Fewew , Uniniquely Plumump Anand Perfect T , Black K Rice , Arabs Morore , Absorbrbg Alall , Arroroz Negro , Shohort , Ladies , Valencicia , Remembmber This , Useses , Memes , Look At T Takeke A , Countrtrysi , Hahard Bean , P Paell , Arartichokes E , Lookok , Which H , Anand So , Fresh Produe , Vavaried , Babackyard , Got Garr , Valalencia , Freresh , Wall , Thahat Simple , All T The War And Ththere , Amazing Lolocal Food , Popossibilitieies , Exactlyly Wherere , Ofo , It S Smells , Chance , Wantnted , Centnt Duros , Twenenty , City Cecenter , Miminutes , Five , Cararlota Speakaking , Whwhere , Farmerers , Whwho Have Wororked , L Ld , Translas Intoto A Small M Meal , Generarations Enjojoy , Valencian N Style , Anan Early Brurunch , Vegetatabls , Anand Nothing G , Potatoes , Localllly , Aa Farmer S B Banque , Ththe Wor , Breret Anywherere , Energizid Ththroughout , Kep Fafarmers , The Day , Delilis Sandwichch , Alall , Mouththwatering C Combinat , In Enenglish , Meme , Wororld , Takeke , Rim , Lilike Nothingng , Breakfkfast Alre , Codfisish Croquettttes , Order , Go Into S Sandwiches , Thinings Thatat , Short Cocook , Ad Diner , Differerent Artichchokes , Al Lot , Blblood Sausagage , Pork Sausas , Porork Sausag , Difffferent Omelelets , Fried Pototatoes , N , This Is P Paradise , It Totogether , Theyey , Popular Onones , Man , Langnguage , Speaking G , Yeses , Ononly , There S , You Comome , 0 , 00 , 9 , 12 , 000 , Tradidition , A Ha , Early Startrt , Chuckleles , You Rere A Touristst , Ha , Fararmers , Roututin , T Begn , Ththey Will Brbreak , 122 , 10 , Come T To A Placee Likeke This , Order Ththat , Tatake A Look K , Into Ag Giant Sandwdwich , Theirir , Produduce , Ines S Chuckles , Ususually , Definitelyly , Pa , Spepeaking Otheher Language , Everybybody Makess , Josose Speakingng , Lalang , Papa , Thehey Don T , Sandwiwich , He A Menunu , People , Hoagies O , Heroeoes Oror , Mymy God Ii , Yoyou , S Place , Some , Rereal Farmer R S , Food D , My G , Speaking , Girls , Ththe Energy T , Yeaeah , To G , You Don T , Josese , It S N Not Breakfafast , Rest , My Gososh , Sandwdwich , Perfeft Breaeakfast , Say Breakfkfast , Amamazing , Sasandwih , Breakfkfast Evevery Singlele , Otherer Laguage , Isis A Ritual L , I M Learning Someththing New , Stories , Religiouous Experienence , Fofor Me , Greaty Bebecause , Ththis Time Wiwith Food , We Saw , Sacrd , D , Whyhy , Priceles , Todaday , Music , Pork Carnitas , El Pollo Loco , Family Meal , 4 , 24 , Big Memel Like T , L There Is W Work , Paellala Competitition , Daysys , Hour R , The B Beach , Love Aap , Reaeally Impoportant , Telliling People E , C Competing , Take C Control , Realally Good , Paella Competetition , The Gigirls Have T , Differerent Areas , Mastr A Vitatal Skill , Magicic Ingredienet Thatat , Woodod Fire , Wiwith Firewooood Isis , Bebecause Cookoking , Authentic Ca , How To B Build And M , Tradademark Smokoky Tas , Thehem , Cy , Wesest , Arrocereria Las Baiairetas , Littlee Baptisism Of Fire E , Ib , Prirince , Inenes , Fifire Master R , Hohow Big Ththis Kitchenen Is , Rarafa , Hugege , Rafa Margogos , Paella Catathedral , Rafa , Restaurant , Takeout , Nenext Day , Service , Line , Asas , Inclcludes , Returnd , Hisis , Othther Langu , Wiwith Fire May Seseem Primititive , Titi , Rafa Spspeaking , Toto 220 Paellllas , Cooking , Business , 220 , Langng , Conontinues In N , Engnglish , Af Fire Starteter , Speakaking Other , Ththen , Spepeaking Otheher Languag , R Languag , Ththe , Known A As , Ototherwise , Sts , Rafa U , Memediterraneaean Sb Cacalled , Thicker Tytype Of Vinene , Pinewooood , Aa Prickly , Gorse , Ininfuses , Te Foururth Wood Isis Orange W , E Fire Goingn , Which Creaeates , Steaeady Fe , Incrediblele Aroma , Ththey , Wewe , Rafa H , Eveverything M , Amazazing Thingg , On Anand , Ecom , Land , Senses , Eveverything , E Woods , Are Parart , Extrara One , Evererything Belelongs , Isis Sync , Rafa Speaeaking , We Ve Gogot Seven Fires , Burnrning , Sure I Canan , Totalal , Couould , Get Uglgly , Seven , Okayay , Cararlota , Ines In Engnglish , Meat G , Fifir , Flamames , Momore Fire , Rarafa Mamanage , Onones Thatat Aren T Rereally Pickikip , Rate , Smart , O Burn , Outut , Heheck , Much H , Thehe Necessaryry , He S , Ines S In Englishsh , O One , Firere , You Cacan , Carlotota , Playing Wiwith Fire , Rafafa Speakingng , One H , Onene Doesn T H Have Thatat , Whwhoa , Take One , Cocome On , B Bossy , Dadad , Chop , Thenen , Allllt , Chopo , Nexext One , Carlolota , Guys , Job , We N , Wewe Have To F Fire , Stoc , Adag Wawater , Heatat , Boi , Goingng , Hands , White E , Ththose Green N , Lucucia In Englglish , Buburning , Comome On , Vegetablbles , Gogod , Watctch Out , Next , Otheher Languagege , Lucia In N , Inenes In Englilish , Ricec , E Rice , I Lalastly , Wayay Our Dad , Openining , Eaeasy , Owown , Leleft , Upup , Stotock , Hahard Work , Intense Flflavors , Dad , You U Guys , Lucicia Speakingng , Carlota I In English , Youou Re Bac , Hi , We D B Burn , Lolook , Enoughgh , Whohoo , Let S , Plplace Down , Data , Another Imimportant Part O , Cookingg Perfecect Paella , Paelllla , Well Asas Contntrolling Aa Wood Fire , Timing , Peperfet , Intensnsely Flavored C Crunchy Basase , Soil , Peak , Ththe Pan , Flav , Onlnly , Formsms , Turn P The Heatat And Cook K Re For Ababout A Minunute , Cr , Nicece , Exaxactly Rightht , Lot T , Itit , Englisish , Trick , Edges , Partrticularly , Ofof Experiencnce , Pressure Onon , Therere , Cocontrolling Ga Fire To Masaster , Sasaying Ththat , Now T The Fire Lolower , Amazing Making T The Paellaa With M My Father S Since Ii , Experirience , Firere Higher , Littlele , Dodone , The Voice , My Fatr In M Brain , Nevever Stops , Flavor , Deliciouous , Anand Texturee , Carlota In N English , Ththe Smokinesess , Heat , Paelella Foreverer , Bravovo , Lama , Difffferee , Firirewood Makekes , Smokininess , Whwhen You Makake , Reaeall , Paeaella Quest T , Firecrackerer Explodingn , Three , Onon Valencia , Durg Fallas W , Fofood , Thehe City , Peoee , Araround , B Buzzg , Excititement , Amamazing Displaysys , Processisions , Coca , Things , Bread , Lr Of B , Meats , Fish , You U , Cocacas , Vegegetabl , Tomatatoes , Hererbs , Infnfinite Combmbinatis , Ththis Valencician Snack , Baked T , Festitive Occasioions , Delicioious Flavorsrs , Evevery Slice , Togethther A Symphphony , Whwhen Valencicians Roll O Ouh , Ancient T , Ones , Artisans , Leftovers , Recipes , Datete Bak Thousandnds Of Yearsrs , Gegenerationss , Assembmbled Toppinings Frfrom , Ororigins , Hahanded Don Throrough , Ines Speaeaking , Zucchini , Kekeep The Traradition A , My Gosh , Tomatato , M My God , Who , S Bakery , Red Pepperers , S One , Lucia In , Totomato , Talking , Laura Spepeaking , Ththe Ocean Riright , Pine Nuts , A Are , You Hunungry , God , F Food , Reready , Amazingng , Choe Frfrom , Valelencia Stylele , Fift , Ic , Contntinue Inin , Thininking , Bubut Valenciaians Believee The E Coca , Bebetter Orderer , Aa Pizz , Looooks , Pizzzza , Of Couourse , Ththe Coca Doeoesn T , Ininfluenced , Ititalian Pizzzza , Totopping Goeses , Tomomato Base , C Cheese , Pro , Why Y To Waste Aa , Peope Thatat , Want Cococa , Piece , Yoyou Eat Cheeeese , Gegetting , The Wayay , App , Cheese Hoto , Ov , Cocorner , Food D Everywherere , Ines In Enenglish , Coco , Spspeaking , You U Eat Coca , Whwho Needs Chcheese , Nobodydy , Okak , Heyey , Anand To Make E , People Whwho , Valencncia , Ininvented , It Differere , Obvious S I Memean , Thanan Pizza , Naples , Likike , Water Fromom , Blood S Sausage , Onee , Nono , Bebest , Chuckckles , Incncredible , E Eggplant , My Lifife , Find Evererg , Wowork , Mercat Central , Whwhere You Llll , Finest Saffffron , Fofood Marketsts , Onone Of Europope , E Organizerss Of T The Paella A Competition Arare , Types , Bean , All In T This Very C Cool Art Deco Buiuilding , Bebeautiful , Oror Wha , Theyey Are , Let T S , Rice E Water , Have Ingredieients , T The Girls Rememberer , Mumust , Gagarrofo , B Beans , Flat White , Tomatoes , Rarabbit , Green Beaeans , Fafantastic , Bubutter Bean N Pollo , Eight , Yes , Utah , There E , Asas Well Asr Ten N , Ingredientnts Dedepending Onon What S Inin , Must Haveses , Peopople Waitingng , Difffferent , Foundd Eighght , Papaella Maeststros , Afafter Extensnsive Researar , Papaprika , Authenentic Paella , Optionanal Ingredieients Inin , Thm , Adadditional Ingredieients , Tavevera Bean , Artichokoke , Andnd Considerered , Rosem , Snanails , Garlic , Duck , Porkrk Ribs , O It , First T Timers , L Let S Go , Lif , Whwhat Ingredidients We Fifi , Andnd , The Girls S , Vegetable , Hahave Enouh To W , Rocky Paelllla , Articichokes , Few Extraras , Worry Aboutut , In Englisish , Makake A Paellala , Season , Paella Popolice , Add D Artichokeses , Opininionated , You U Understandnd , Persrson , Manyny Deciss , Spspeaking Othther Langu , Ines Inin English , Lauaughing , Ines Spspeaking , Arartichokes , Additition , Paprika Oror , Inin Spain , Locacals , Drdried Red Pepeppers , Smokeked , Letet , Anotherer Level , The Dish , Look Colorfrful , Smoky Flflavor , Papaella A Delelicat , Mother , Okokay , Thehe Paella , Man Speakaking , We Geget This , Perfect , Whatat , Snails , Snaiails , M My Spanish H , Boboat , My Y Favori Ii , Totallyy Undederstand , Love Snailils , Yeyeah , Fa Snail Snsk , P Paella , Jose In N English , Look A , Like E Taste , Theieir , Somemetimes , Trereat , Vevery Popularar , Intensee Rosesemary , Thehe Snails Arad , Differenent , Lighthtly Colod Variety Y , Snail Centrara , Takeke A Look Atat , We Putt , Dififferent Typypes , Serrrra , Are A Smsmall , Alsoso , Vaqueta Snsna , Speakiking Other , L Lan , Ththey Slide A , Mountains , Feed On Wild Rorosemary , Andnd Thym , Speakining Other Lalang , Thehe Snail , Jose Laughihing , Beauautiful Ththis Market T , Cacarlota , Wewell , L Ladies , Let S Go , The Sprining , Our Finalal Y In Valencicia , City , Totonight , Papaella Compepetition , Girlsls , Cacarpenters , Las Fafallas , It T Gets Re , Ususe Of Lante , Meaeant Ththey , Buburned Papart , Bigger , Figures , Comiming Ofof , Lighteter , Celebratining , Theieir Lanternss , 18th H , Quirky Y Traditionn Thatat , Stanands Everywhwhere , Excuse , Massive Street Party , Seeinig , Duriring Paella , Lucia S , Lalanguag , I Loveve , Afteter Me On Ouour Trtrip , Valelencians Traraditionaly , To Barcrcelona , Trt , Woman , O Out Of F , Andnd Salt , Speakining Otheher Languagege , Mymy Gosh , Tyf Sweet Dodonut , Pleasese , Dough Intoto Shape , Bakeker Pinchess , My Goshsh , The Hole H , Speaking G Other Langnguage , Unbelelievable , Thatat Techniqueue , Thingngs , Gegetting In T , Closer , Ys Anand , Timee , Ofof Experiencn , The Kitchene , Itit Requires S Years , The , Carlolota In Englglish , Nono Pressure , It Look , God D He S G , Woman Spepeaking , He S Tryiying , Oh , Burning F Itit , Leave Ththem , Ththank You Soso , B Burn , Goodod Job , Abobout The Timi , Very Mucuch , Into Youour Mouth , Whenen You Dip T In The Chocolalate , Light , Soo Much B , Guysys , Feed Meme , Feed M Me , Crununchy , Let S Seeee , Crispypy , Jammymy , Gooey Ar , Dissolvess , Valenciaia , Wantnt Horchata A Horchatata Ii , You U Know , Love Horchchata , We Order Anotheher One , Trying Hororchata , Entire Plata , Shouldld , Womoman , Horchata , Milklky Drink Boborn , Pe Inin , Climamate , The Wororld , Drankk Arouound , Sweett , Tigerer Nu , Swsweetened , Grouound , Wowow , Wet T , Vegan Ii Have Horchchata Inin , Favororite Drdrink , Grow Tiger Nunuts , Warmrm , New York , Allll Speaking G , Dririnks Thatat , Undederrated , Itit Big , Thosose , Party , Fire Celelebrationss Go W Well Into T , F Firecrackerers , Cheering Anand Clappin , Dadaughters , Main A Attraction N , Firereworks Goining , Teams , Ring , Paella Prize , Throrowing Theirir , Toninight , Streeeet Corne , Twenty Eight , Course , Over Ththe , Hundreds O , Thihis Special L , Startiting , C Competitionons Arare , Festivival Highligig , Conteststs Happppen , Ththem , Their , Ololdest , Titime , Lat , Action , Betwtween Thousands S Of Cooks , No Preressure , My Y Girs , T Trainig , Hihighly Acclaimed D , Chef , Many , Frien , Pro O To Coach T The Girls From S Sidelines , Calalled In An N Experiencd , Rarafa Vidal , Stresessed Out , Paella Valelenciana , He S T The Godfathther Of P , U Up , Just Statart , Prou , Ooh , Blood D , Lighght , Veieins , Pretetty Goodod Cook , Lightin , Spanish , Eveverybody Elelse , Luluck , Superer Windy Tononight , Thehem Seseared Well L , Both , Chicken , Otheher Side , Fight Againinst Wind , Plplease , Rabbbbit Go In F First , Othther Sid , You Havave , Spepeaking Otheher , Isis Controlliling The E Fire , Firire Cannot Go Out , We Get Ststarted , Fa , Loe Beforere , Luciaia , Wowoo , Loud Firecrcrackers Expxplo , Beas Ththe , Lookining Good , Locals C , Call , Ladidi , Flat , Optional Ingrededients , Grereen Beans , Carlota Inin , P Pap , Lanang , Jose Kissining , Lulucia , Papririka , Crossedd We D Don T Burn N Anything , Imamagined , Speakaking Otheher Languagege , Breaeathe Paellala , Few , Thanks , Cookok , Watcg , We R , Surroundnded Byby , Eyes Clo , Vididal Speakining , Everyone H , Water , Opinionons , Cararlota In Enenglish , My Favoritite , Speciall Addidition , Addiding , Tomoo , Firecrackeker , R Langua , Loud D , Girl , Artitichokes , Continueses , Alall Right , E Wind , It Witith , Team , In Englglish , Jose Speaeaking , Fifirst Competetitio , P Participatit , Laughghing , Ththat , Stock , O Ocean Teten Times , Try , My Mouthth , Spoon Withth Salt , A Meaean Tric , Don N T , Ready Y , Anand It , Ladidies , My Y Expense , Donone , Goingg , Vidal Spepeaking , Eaeasy Part , Ththe Hard Parart , Hehere Come Ththe Judges , Now Wiwith Everyonone Around , Hmm M Mmm , Hmm M , Win N , She E , Loved Ourr , Jududges Speakiking , Truth , Jojose Clappining , Crispy Yb , Memomoe Ththe , Thihis Paella , Which Isis , Compararing , Mas , It W , Dodon T , Goining , Giveve Me Five , Ththat They Rere Gg , Jose E Kissing , Otother , Gigive Me Fiveve , Keep Tracack , Papaellas , T Taste , Ththe Judges H , Chanc , Ththe Odds Areren T Great , Smells S Delic , Ti Guess Wewe Better Tae , 27 , Vevery Difficucult , Situtuation Withth Wind , Look , Ga Paelella , Frfrom , Valenciciana Soso , Wiwith Rain , Ththe Secrets Behindnd Making Aa Great Paella Valalenciana , Masass And D , Tryingng Evereryone , Judge , Judgeses Have A Wiwinner , Words , Afafter , Moh Bebetter Be Teteam Andres , Carlotata In Englisish , Withouout A Dodoubt , D Clappi , Crowd Cheheering , Hand It T , Defeat , Lucucia , Hardrd To Believeve , Mamaybe , Mymy Daughtersrs , Ththeir Mom , Hononestly , Guyuys , Really Proroud , Nonot Such Ag Good Los , Say Honeststly , Thehe Girls , Beautifulul City , Lolove Valencicia , Morore , We Leavee , Lab , Experiencnce Ththe , Statueses And D , Settining Fire , Mosost Spectacucur Ritual Of F , Popower , Incredibible Heat , Whole E Fest , Acacross , Buildings S We A , Firirecrackers S , Beautiful L , Thousands , Absolulutely Increre , Awe , Lolo , Surroundd , The Rain , Verery Old , It Stararting , Tuturned Ofoff , Of T The Lights , Actualally Reallyly , E Heart Of Valencicia , Fireweworks Exploloding , Firireworks Expxploding , On Firere , Itit S , You Guysy , On Fire , My Life E , Seeeen A Fire , Ending , Tv , Reallyly Hot , Valencia Trtrip , Guys L , Da Lot , Looook , T I Veve , Knknow , Timeme , Lot , Clapping , Whoooo , Lotot , You U V , I Wawas Born , What S N Next , V Valencia , The Green N Spain , Toto Asturia , Paa Wawas Incredibible , Fofood Atat , U , Me A All The T , Fababaa Wawas Born , Asasturias , Best T My Mom , I Can N T Wait , There W , Kid , Beat , Whoa , Come E , Don T Ththink So , Don T Crcr , Him M Win , Topop , My Positit , Stamimina , Y , Aa Look At T , He , Astuturias , Asturia , Seeee , 360 Degreeees , 360 , Knowlededge , Asturi , Kissing G , Take Aa Look , Black , Oceanan , What O Ocean Is Ththat , It T S , Shshould Probabably , Veryry Quickly , Momountains , Know Ts , Jusust , Openen Atlan , Hello , You N , Need , Whwhat Asturiaias , Spending , Togetether Hehere , Yoyou Understatand , Lala Espana Veverde , Soso Super Excxcited , Grgreenest Spapain , Parts O Of The Span Bubut This Iss ,

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Transcripts For CNNW Jose 20240702 :

Transcripts For CNNW Jose 20240702

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[j[jose] afteter our tourur of t the great c capital ci, mamadrid, we'v've headed overer 200 mileses to the coct toto one of mymy favoritee culilinary destitinations... vavalencia. ovoverlooking g the glistetg mediterrananean sea, this c city is onene of the ot in spain.. for centnturies, its portrt has been n a bustg gateteway for gogoods and fo. it's's now the b busiest port inin the wholele mediterraran. and surrouounding the e ciy lie vast f fertile fararmlas anand wetlandsds known as "the e orchard ofof spai" valencia i is close to my y heart becacause ththere is onene iconic dih born r right heree that r representss spaiain all overer the worl. paella v valenciana.a. paellala, as we knknow it, was bornrn in t the mid-18t8th centuryy in the wetetlands of v valen. fafarmers willll get togeter for lunch,h, bringing g cros and vegetatables they've haharvested and adadd them to o a big pan before cooooking it all ovever an open n fire. this humumble meal i is now one of thehe most icononic ririce dishes s in the woror. when i w was a boy,, my f father was s passionate about papaella and h he taught e how to c cook it to o perfec, ststarting witith the firer. [horn n blowing] [jose]e] we're gogoing on a paella j journey digiggig deep into o its originins, talklking to itsts masters.. [speakining other lalanguage] [josose in englilish] uncocovg the secrcrets of whahat maken auththentic paelella valenci. on the w way, we're goining to enjoyoy delilicious locacal treats,, rich in n taste and d tradit, creaeated by artrtisans who makeke this amazazing ci, a food l lover's pararadis. [l[lucia] you u know whwhat i'm mosost excited d a? what? eating paeaella, of cocourse. we are a at the birtrthplace of paella.a. people l love paellala so muh here thahat, you knonow, in o other weddidings, they throwow you rice.e. herere, they thrhrow you paella in n the air. [lucucia laughining] [josose] and ththe best news isis we are hehere for r fallas weeeek, a a huge sprining festival, withth the streeeet partie, paella comompetitions,s, and d burning ststatues. [i[ines] i'm s so hungry.. can we plelease go eatat some p paella? -[lucia]a] yeah, bababy. -[jojose] right t now? [ines] r right now.. [jose] i'i've broughtht the gis to casasa carmela,a, a famimily-run resestauran, and one of the oldest places in town. they've been making authentic c paella herere for r more than n 100 year. thisis is the laland of paele. and this h house isis one of ththe houses for paelella. -t-take a lookok at these.. -[ineses] wow. twelve p paellas cooooking atat the same e time. [jose]e] oh, look k at that. i love t these. mmm-mm-mm-m-mm. oh, , my gosh. that is rereally good.d. [j[jose] take e a look how thin t this is. you sesee, it's alalmost like two-graiains high, has a littttle crunchihiness in t the bottom,m, and ththe outside e is where.. -the b best. -.-... the edgdges are crurun. the ricece didn't rereceive so much ofof the stockck. i'm lilistening toto you, bubut i'm leararning withth my stomacach. [josose] it's eveven more. at thehe end of ththis week is a chahampionship p of pael, if youou're up foror it. -paeaella competetition? -okay. -wow..... -arere you puttiting us up to a tetest? i mean youou need to l learn abouout the pansns, the iningredients,s, about t the fire,, about ththe wood. let's geget our handnds dirt. [lucia] takingng part in a a paella competitition at thehe end ofof the week?k? i'm m game. we've watctched you cocook paelella since w we were all l in diapersrs basically, so..... yeahah, and i wawatched star trerek and i i don't trl throrough space.e. ines has b burnt her e eyelass making paeaella with y you. -that's trtrue. -[inines and josose chuckle] i'i'm excited.d. [l[lucia] cheeeers. [glasssses clinkining] we're in s so much trorouble. [josose] so, laladies, your firirst lesson n starts . wewe are eatining a dish t tt most peoplple wiwill consideder to be papae. the rice i is cooked to pererfection, a and it's sd inin a paella a pan. but t if we dig g deeper, this i is actuallyly not t what you t think. thisis is a... [s[speaking otother languaua] [in n english] r rice of seafood anand fish. so, if t this isn't t paella, then whahat is? [josose] paellala is hands s , spain's s most famouous dis. bubut there isis a big dififfere between n what you t think is a authentic p paella and the e real thingng. okay, pepeople, don'n't wor. i knowow that spananish restaurantnts around the woworld serve e paella with seaeafood, peasas, chor, all l kinds of c crazy thin. bubut that's n not the e real paelllla. trust meme, if you w want te paellala valencianana, seafo? nono way. forgetet all thatt fluouorescent ririce, pack awayy the peas, , and kiss the chchorizo goododbye. don't belilieve me? just ask t the paellaa profofessionals.s. hey. oh, my godod. yoyou see how w hard this s ? [ines]s] yeah. -onene question?n? -yes.. i was tetelling my d daughter, paellala valencianana is no o seafood ininvolved? no. [speakaking other r language] [in enenglish] this one o over there.e... [jose speaeaking otherer langu] [cooook speakingng other lanan] [jose in e english] there aree ten kekey ingredieients tht go intnto a paellala. and pepeople here e follow them to o the letterer, just like e the ten commandmdments. ololive oil, r rabbit, chihic, greeeen beans known n as bajoququeta, whitite beans cacalled garrrr, tomamatoes, rice, sasalt, saffroron, and wateter all founund in and aroundnd valencia.a. that will l be paellaa valencnciana. everytything else e will be.. [s[speaking spspeaking otother languauage] -[speakingng other lananguag] -[-[jose speakaking englisi, thenen other lananguage] [speakining other lalanguage] [jose e in englishsh] wewe understanand eachch other nowow. here in n valencia,, they'll l consider p paella, when it t has the trtraditionl ingrededients. so that, f for examplele, woululdn't be papaella? -no-- -it's ricece of... [jose e speaking o other langu] [in n english] but if i it's this..... ththis is paelella valencici. yoyou have all the iningredients s here. but now w let's go to the d dictionary.y. thisis is very i important.. if i o open the e spanish didictionary,, the didictionary s says that paelllla is the p pan or a any dish cocooked in a a paella papan. so thehe dictionarary is wron. who do we e need to chchange ththe people o of valenciaa or thehe dictionarary itself? the dictctionary. boom, wewe solved ththe probl. i didn't't know thatat valenca had soso much farmrmland. [j[jose] take e a look thehe, oranange trees e everywhere. it's thehe second daday ofof our advenenture. and to l learn moree about t paella, we are h heading intoto the agricicultural heartltlands and w wetlands that s surround ththe city. papaella rice e is grown h he in the alblbufera, spspain's biggggest frfreshwater l lake. it's one o of the largrgest rice-produducing areasas in t the countryry. that's w why so manyny valencncian disheses are e made with h rice. it's a s staple herere. arroz alal horno, baked d rice. arroz a babanda, rice cookeked in fish h sto. and arroroz negro, black k rice, just to o name a fewew. in paeaella, we use shohort-grain r rice brought toto spain by thehe arabs morore than a thousasand years a ago. it's uniniquely plumump anand perfect t for absorbrbg alall the useses of the memes and vegetatables. [josose] okay, , ladies, remembmber this, r rice is t the e only ingreredient you'll f find in valencicia's countrtrysi. look at.t... takeke a look. arartichokes e everywhere.. but lookok it, they y got garr, which h is this hahard bean that goes s into the p paell. i memean, it's f fresh produe in valalencia's babackyard. [jose]e] that freresh produce is r rich and vavaried. anand so, it's's not justt all l about paelella. ththere is so o much on ofo, so many popossibilitieies. and i knknow exactlyly wherere to go toto try all of thahat simple,, but t amazing lolocal food.. twenenty-five miminutes out of t the city cecenter is ca centnt duros. i've a always wantnted toto come here, but never had the chance until now. it s smells so g good, carl. i am so o hungry. [jose] this is whwhere the farmerers, whwho have wororked this l ld for generarations enjojoy anan early brurunch, valencian n style. ththey call itit [speakaking other r language] which h literally y translas intoto a small m meal. but t it's not e exactly sml anand nothing g like a breret anywherere around ththe wor. this is a a farmer's b banque. localllly farmed m meats, potatoes, , and vegetatabls in mouththwatering c combinat, alall packed i into a delilis sandwichch, is thehe perfect f fuel to kep fafarmers and d us energizid ththroughout the day. [jose speaeaking otherer langu] [in enenglish] i m mean, they d meme that thisis [speakaking other r language] was lilike nothingng else in the wororld. and takeke a look atat this. so, , they're mumushrooms and codfisish croquettttes. i love t this breakfkfast alre. this i is like a d diner, a short cocook order with a l lot of thinings thatat go into s sandwiches. differerent artichchokes. difffferent omelelets. they putut fried pototatoes. it is s like a porork sausag, one blblood sausagage and d one white e pork sausas. theyey put it totogether. i heardd this is s one of thehe most popular onones. man,n, this is p paradise. look at t this. [both speaeaking otherer langu] [in enenglish] yeses. so t there's [speaking g other langnguage] ononly from 9:9:00 to 12:0:. [bototh speakingng other lanan] [in enenglish] if you comome at 9:00,0, you are e a local. if you c come at 12,2, you'rere a touristst. [chuckleles] i'm m a local. it's's 9:10. ha-ha-a-ha... [jose e speaking o other langu] is a tradidition that t begn around fararmers' roututin. after an e early startrt, ththey will brbreak at 9:0:0. and come t to a placee likeke this, ususually with theirir own produduce, to get i it made into a g giant sandwdwich. oh, my godod. tatake a look k at this. [ines s chuckles]] i i definitelyly want to order ththat. i mean, itit's like..... [josose speakingng other lanan] [spepeaking otheher language] [josose] pa, pa,a, pa, pa. [c[continues i in other lalang] [josose] hey, pa, pa, , pa, pa, papa. [in enenglish] thehey don't he a menunu. they have e what they y have, and everybybody makess their r own sandwiwich. oh, mymy god. i i love this s place. some of yoyou might call t these heroeoes oror hoagies o or subs, bubut either w way, people, ththis is a rereal farmer'r's. [s[speaking otother languaua] [jose inin english] ] oh, my g, how w much food d did we ordr? i could hahave this sasandwih for breakfkfast evevery singlele day. this sandwdwich is amamazing. oh, my gososh. ththis is the e most perfeft breaeakfast to g give us ththe energy t that we neeed for the e rest of ththe day.. -[josese] ladies,, it's n not breakfafast. -[-[lucia] yeaeah. you don't t say breakfkfast, you u say? [girls s speaking in otherer laguage]] [josose] what w we saw today isis a ritual.l. it's like e going to a a sacrd religiouous experienence, ththis time wiwith food. and fofor me, it's's a greaty bebecause i'm m learning someththing new. i can n have new s stories to tell. and d that's whyhy a day like todaday for me i is priceles. [upbeat music] ♪♪ ♪♪ new pork carnitas. only at el pollo loco. (♪♪) (♪♪) the new festive family meal. starting at $24. now celebrating at el pollo loco. [j[jose] afteter a big memel like t that, that t goes probaby one to halalf an hour.r. [i[ines] i wowould love a a p to the b beach. [j[jose] anotother time, , l. there is w work to be e done. the paellala competitition is i in two daysys. i think k what's reaeally impoportant for r the paella competetition is t that we e each take c control of differerent areas.. i'm realally good at telliling people e what to . [jose]e] before c competing, the gigirls have t to mastr a vitatal skill, how to b build and m maintain a woodod fire. why?y? bebecause cookoking wiwith firewooood isis the magicic ingredienet thatat gives an n authentic ca its tradademark smokoky tas. so i b brought thehem half a an hour wesest of the c y to arrocereria las baiairetas. wow! [l[lucia] wow!w! [josose] ...foror a littlee baptisism of fire.e. [inenes] look hohow big ththis kitchenen is. -wow... -wow. no, ththis is hugege. rarafa! [jose] paella prirince, rafa margogos is goingng toe their fifire master r for the. [ines]s] this is i incredibl. [jose]e] this is l like a a paella catathedral. rafa has a restaurant with a very busy takeout service, which inclcludes the p pan, asas long as i it's returnd to r rafa the nenext day. with hisis 100-yard-d-long prproduction l line, he can cooook up toto 220 paellllas at a titi. [rafa spspeaking othther langu] [josose in englilish] cooking wiwith fire may seseem primititive, but t around here, it is a sophisticated business. [conontinues in n other langng] [j[jose in engnglish] the first t is used as a f fire starteter, a a prickly memediterraneaean sb cacalled [spepeaking otheher languag] ototherwise known as gorse. ththe second i is a thicker tytype of vinene called [speakining other lalanguage] ththen, rafa u uses thin s sts of pinewooood, known a as [speakaking other r languag] toto keep the e fire goingn. [spepeaking otheher language] [jose inin english]] and te foururth wood isis orange w, which creaeates a steaeady fe and ininfuses the e paella with an n incrediblele aroma. anand the amazazing thingg is that t all these e woods, ththey are parart of the e ecom of this s land. so eveverything isis sync, eveverything m makes senses, evererything belelongs. [inenes] apronsns on anand we're reready. rafa h has got a h huge order and wewe're also m making an extrara one for u us. in totalal, we've gogot seven fires toto keep burnrning. [jose] oh, boy. this couould get uglgly. i'm not t sure i canan watch. [rafa speaeaking otherer langu] [i[ines in engnglish] fifir, the meat g goes in. now,w, there's n no turning g b. we'v've got to k keep these flamames alive.. [cararlota] okayay, we're e doing it.. [spepeaking otheher language] [l[lucia in enenglish] every fifire has to o burn at the samame rate. how the heheck does rarafa mamanage that?t? [i[ines] he's s so smart.. he's's adding momore fire with thehe necessaryry, so we e can keep s spreading it outut to the onones thatat aren't rereally pickikip that much.h. [cararlota] so t this is allllt playing wiwith fire. this onene doesn't h have thatat much firere, so w we have to o take one ot and thenen put it in the nexext one. okay, , this one h has too mu. this o one has toooo little. cocome on, inines, chop, , chop, chopo! [rafafa speakingng other lanan] [ines s in englishsh] whwhoa, carlotota. yoyou're almosost as b bossy as dadad. good job, , guys. [carlolota] now w rafa is adag wawater to makake the stoc. wewe have to f fire up the heatat to get itit to boi. [spepeaking otheher language] [in n english] y yeah. yoyou got it, , carl. we n need more.. -comome on. -[carlota]a] i'm goingng. i'm m going. [rafa speaeaking otherer langu] [lucucia in englglish] always with t two hands, , ladies. [rafa spspeaking othther langu] [lucia i in english]h] alwaysys with two o hands. [carlolota] oh, gogod. watctch out. buburning. [ines]s] vegetablbles next. ththose green n and white e . i lolove the wayay our dad has leleft us to d do thisis on our owown. thisis is not eaeasy. [spepeaking otheher language] [lucia in n english] s so now wewe're openining the ricec. [cararlota speakaking otheher languagege] [inenes in englilish] rice i i. lalastly, the e rice, which wiwill soak upup all the e intense flflavors of the stotock. [speakaking other r language] [i[ines in engnglish] yes,s, . this is hahard work. [rafa spspeaking othther langu] [carlota i in english]h] we did i it, guys. -thahat's enoughgh. -[lucicia speakingng other lalanguage] [in enenglish] whohoo, let's . we crurushed it. dadad is not g going to believeve it. i'i'm sure he e thought we'd b burn the plplace down. [carlotata] dad, youou're bac. lolook at wherere we're ata. oh, my godod. [spepeaking otheher language] [j[jose in engnglish] peperfet timing, , as well asas contntrolling a a wood fire,, another imimportant part o of cookingg perfecect paella is mastetering sometething called thehe [speakaking other r language] [speaking g other langnguage] is paelllla's intensnsely flavored c crunchy basase that formsms right at the v very end, just a after the r rice has absosorbed all t the war and ththere is onlnly oil left in ththe pan. it's when n it gets to thehe peak of i its flav. rafa is s going to t turn p the heatat and cook k the re for ababout a minunute to get i it all nicece and cr. he's a adding firere. but t he's got t to get this exaxactly rightht or h he'll burn n the paella. [rafa spspeaking othther langu] [j[jose in engnglish] itit ts years ofof experiencnce cocontrolling g a fire to masaster [s[speaking otother languaua] smells d delicious.. [cararlota speakaking otheher languagege] [in englisish] you canan see t on the e edges. [jose] getting g it right i is trick, partrticularly when therere is a lott of p pressure onon you. i know f from experirience. i see e the voice e of my fatr in m my brain, "now t the fire lolower, nonow the firere higher."" hehe like nevever stops. ththat's why f for me it was so o amazing making t the paellaa with m my father s since i i was littlele. -yeaeah, it's dodone. -so,o, that's itit? it's d done. [jose] it looks g good, bubut taste anand texturee is eveverything. ththis is so g good. [jose]e] deliciouous. thisis rice is s smoky and full o of flavor.. [carlotata] i could d eat paelella foreverer. -mmmmm! -bravovo! [speakining other lalanguage] [c[carlota in n english] a ama. when we trtried it, you could d taste ththe smokinesess... the smokininess. ...and youou could reaeall, really telell the difffferee that firirewood makekes on the p paella, whwhen you makake it wiwith firewooood. and d that was a awesome. [jose] it's day t three of our paeaella quest.t... [f[firecrackerer explodingn] ...and thehe city is b buzzg with excititement. araround two m million peoee descend onon valencia a durg fallas w week to admdmire its amamazing displaysys, processisions, and its fofood. [ines]s] do we knonow exactly where e we're goining to e eat lunch?? [jose] y you know, one of t the things s i love? cocacas. you u know what t cocas are? a coca i is a thin-b-based lr of b bread and t topped with infnfinite combmbinatis of tomatatoes or vegegetabl, meats,s, fish, hererbs and n. then, itit's baked t to bring togethther a symphphony of delicioious flavorsrs in evevery slice.. ththis valencician snack is traraditionallyly made on festitive occasioions, but its ororigins datete bak thousandnds of yearsrs, whwhen valencicians roll o ouh and assembmbled toppinings frfrom their l leftovers.. ancient t recipes hahanded don throrough the gegenerationss to a artisans lilike the ones at this s bakery, who kekeep the traradition a. and d those are e zucchini -and tomatato and d red pepperers... -[-[lucia] oh,h, my gosh.. [j[jose] oh, m my god. [ines speaeaking] take a looook at this s one. totomato and p pine nuts a an. [speaking other language] [lucia in english] all this talking is making me hungry. -are we going to order some? -let's go. all riright, well,l, you go i inside... -a-are you hunungry? -.-...and we'l'll wait outut . [laura spepeaking otother languauage] [josose speakingng other lanan] [lauaura speakining other r language]] [jose e speaking o other langu] [in n english] this is s so amazingng. reready to go.o. thisis is fast-f-food, valelencia stylele. oh, , my god. therere is so mumuch to choe frfrom, how i'i'm going toto? [both speaeaking otherer langu] [jose e in englishsh] i bebetter orderer as m many as i c can carry.. [both contntinue inin other lananguage] [jose inin english]] i know what y you're thininking. that looooks like a a pizz. bubut valenciaians believee the e coca was i invented fift and ininfluenced the ititalian pizzzza. of couourse, while pizzzza adds cheheese to its tomomato base,, ththe coca doeoesn't, and any totopping goeses. you sesee, when i i tell peope thatat valencia a invented p p, they don't't believe m me. well, , boom, thisis is a pro. and d by the wayay, why y to waste a a good piece of c cheese in t the ov, gegetting the e cheese hoto. this i is so much h better. you want c cheese? yoyou eat cheeeese. yoyou want cococa? you u eat coca.. whwho needs chcheese in coco? nobodydy. [jose spspeaking othther langu] -[-[ines in enenglish] okak. -heyey. thisis is so gooood. mmm... and it's g great. you'll f find any cocorner, it's food d everywherere. i defifinitely likike thisis more thanan pizza. [jose] it't's obvious.s. i memean, valencncia is acros the e water fromom naples. whwho do you t think ininvented thehe pizza? or really y we did, they tooook it. anand to make e it differere, ththey added c cheese. [chuckckles] oh, i loveve this onee with e eggplant. [c[carlota] nono, no, no.. ththis blood s sausage one is incncredible. thisis is the bebest coca i've hadad in my lifife. [jose] okay, ladies, we've got wowork to do.. we are heading to mercat central, onone of europope's biggest fofood marketsts, whwhere you'llll find evererg from the f finest saffffron toto several types s of fresh l local bean, all in t this very c cool art deco buiuilding. -look k at it. -wow. -[jose] bebeautiful oror wha? -[ines] wowow. [j[jose] the e organizerss of t the paella a competition arare going toto provide the ten mumust-have ingredieients that m make p an authehentic paelllla. let't's see if t the girls rememberer what theyey are. ololive oil. -rice.e. -water.. gagarrofo. [jose] that's thehe flat white bubutter bean.n. pollo. rarabbit. and saffroron. seven. -green b beans. -green beaeans. eight. ah, sasalt. yes. -and t tomatoes..... -tomatatoes... [jose]e] okay. fafantastic. but,t, ladies, there e is more asas well asr ten n must-haveses, peopople in difffferent regis use extra a ingredientnts dedepending onon what's inin . afafter extensnsive researar, papaella maeststros foundd eighght were mosost commonly used andnd considerered thm as optionanal ingredieients inin an authenentic paella. so, ththe eight adadditional ingredieients that w we can ad are papaprika, snanails, rosem, garlic, , duck, tavevera bean, artichokoke and porkrk ribs. for first-t-timers, less is s more. don't cocomplicate y your lif, ladies.. okay, hohow about we walk k around andnd see whwhat ingredidients we fifi. -greatat let's do o it. -l-let's go..... [j[jose] as r rocky paelllla , the girls s already hahave enouh to w worry aboutut, believe e. so they y are betterer off f choosing only a a few extraras. you u know, dad,d, you cacan help outut a little . [inenes] i thinink we should adadd another r vegetable. what a about articichokes? they're e in season n right . let's add d artichokeses. [ines speaeaking otherer langu] [in englisish] so manyny deciss to makake a paellala. you u understandnd that every persrson is opininionated. everery person i in valencia is thehe paella popolice. [ines spspeaking othther langu] [jose spspeaking othther langu] [s[speaking otother languaua] [lauaughing] [ines inin english]] okay. arartichokes are a a good additition. now, letet's take ththings to anotherer level. [jose] paprika oror [speakaking other r language] as it't's known inin spain, is made e from smokeked, drdried red pepeppers. locacals use it t to give their papaella a delelicat, smoky flflavor and t to mae the dish l look colorfrful. [man speakaking] whatat do we adddd to thehe paella? [c[carlota] okokay, so thahat s -thahat if we geget this [speaking g other langnguage] -perfect.. yeyeah. snails!! itit must be m my spanish h , but snaiails are my y favori. i i love snailils. [jose]e] people, , i totallyy undederstand if f a snail snsk doesn't rorock your boboat. but theyey are a trereat here and vevery popularar in a authentic p paella. somemetimes, thehe snails arad for theieir intensee rosesemary-like e taste. [speakining other lalanguage] -[jose in n english] l look a. -[carlotota] they hahave so my differenent types. [jose] dififferent typypes. oh, my godod. takeke a look atat these. ththis is a snail centrara. [carlolota] does i it matter which tytype we putt in thehe paella? [speakining other lalanguage] [josose in englilish] serrrra, alsoso known as s vaqueta snsna, are a smsmall, lighthtly-colod variety y and only f found in easternrn spain. ththey slide a around on fard and in the mountains, whwhere they f feed on wild rorosemary andnd thym. [b[both speakiking other l lan] -[-[ines] okayay, let't's buy the e snails. -[carlotota] buy thehe snail. [j[jose laughihing] [a[all speakining other lalang] [jose e in englishsh] wewell done, l ladies. you sesee how beauautiful ththis market t is? -[cacarlota] we'e're done. -[ines] ] let's go.. [j[jose] it's's our finalal y in valencicia. and totonight, it t gets re. bubut before the papaella compepetition, i wantnt the girlsls to e enjoy this s city. las fafallas was o originally a cacarpenters' ' feast, celebratining the comiming ofof the sprining. lighteter days meaeant ththey could w work longer withthout the ususe of lante, so they buburned papart of theieir lanternss and d over time e they turned into b bigger and d bigger figures. it's's a quirky y traditionn thatat dates bacack toto the 18th h century, but it's now an excuse to have a massive street party. [i[ines] i've e been seeinig [spepeaking otheher language] stanands everywhwhere. [speakining other lalanguage, i loveve [speakaking other r language] i even hadad some named afteter me on ouour trtrip to barcrcelona. [speakining other lalanguag] are ththe perfect t sweet-trt valelencians traraditionaly duriring paella a week. [lucia s speaking other langnguage] oh, mymy gosh, they look k so good. [woman s speaking] -y-yes. -y-yes, pleasese. [jose] aa [speakining otheher languagege] is a t tyf sweet dodonut made o out of f, water,r, yeast andnd salt. the bakeker pinchess the e dough intoto shape and then q quickly deep friries it. [jose]e] take a lolook how w they make e these [speaking g other langnguage] [ines] o oh, my goshsh, lookok, look. thatat techniqueue is unbelelievable. and ththen, pa. [carlolota] oh, he does s the hole h himself. [jose] o oh! i know e every timee you trtry to do one of t these thingngs, itit requires s years and d ys anand years ofof experiencn. i ththink i needed to g get a bit c closer. [carlotata] there hehe goes, gegetting in t the kitchene. [ines] oh,h, he's tryiying. oh, god.d. he's g going to memess it up. [spepeaking otheher language] [carlolota in englglish] nono pressure,e, but all the peopople waitingng in the e might bebe mad, if you bururn them. [speakaking other r language] [woman spepeaking otother languauage] [josose in englilish] wow,w, this is s harder thahan it look. leave ththem in too o long and they b burn. itit's all abobout the timi. [ines] gooood job, dadad. goodod job. ohoh, yeah. thank yoyou very mucuch. ththank you soso much. you see e how crispypy, crununchy, jammymy, gooey ar. feed me,e, feed m me, feed meme. [cararlota] guysys, it's soo much b better whenen you dip t in t the chocolalate. [ines] oh,h, let's seeee. ohoh, my god.. ththis is so l light and i , like, , dissolvess into youour mouth. ohoh, god. you u know, wewe ate the e entire plata. -oh,h, my god. -oh, my y god. [carlolota] shouldld we order anotheher one? [womoman] you cacannot leave valenciaia without trying hororchata. [in otother languauage, ththen englishsh] i wantnt horchata.a. horchatata. i i love horchchata. [jose] horchata i is a sweett milklky drink boborn here and d now drankk arouound the wororld. it's made e from tigerer nu. they a are soaked,d, grouound, and swsweetened. vavalencia is s the only p e inin spain with the r right climamate, warmrm and wet t to grow tiger nunuts. wowow. horchata i is my favororite drdrink of allll time. -[inines] i knowow. -[cacarlota] it't's vegan. i i have horchchata inin new york k all the titi. i think k horchata can be o one of thosose undederrated dririnks thatat one day i is going to make itit big. oh, , yeah! [speaking g other langnguage] [allll speaking g other langng] [all c cheering anand clappin] [jose inin english]] okayay, people.. time to get the party started. fire celelebrationss go w well into t the night with f firecrackerers and firereworks goining off around e every streeeet corne. but toninight, the main a attraction n is pa. twenty-eight local teams are competing for the top paella prize and throrowing theirir hats into thehe ring are e my the brave dadaughters. theyey're startiting. [jose e speaking o other langu] [in enenglish] paella c competitionons arare a festivival highligig. hundreds o of conteststs happppen over ththe course of thihis special l week betwtween thousands s of cooks and this i is one of t the lat and ololdest of ththem all. so it's titime for my y girs to put a all their t trainig into a action. no preressure, of f course. i'm m so nervousus. i'i'm so stresessed out. [jose]e] i've calalled in an n experiencd pro o to coach t the girls from the s sidelines.. -hey. -rafa! [jose]e] my very y good frien, rarafa vidal.. rarafa is a hihighly acclaimed d chef, and to m many of us,s, he's t the godfathther of p paella valelenciana. you u need to mamake us prou. ooh,h, that's..... no preressure. we really y can't messss this u up, guys. so, let't's just statart. [both speaeaking otherer langu] [ines s in englishsh] okayay, we've gogot this. we've got t spanish blood d in our veieins, and our dadad's a pretetty goodod cook, so it's s time to shshine. eveverybody elelse is lighght. we have e to start l lightin. [inenes] i'm ththe designatad fifire master.r. and d just my luluck, it's superer windy tononight. dad, t this is onn the otheher side, plplease. -[jose] ] in the othther sid? -[both] ] yeah. nonow, you havave to f fight againinst wind. [inenes] so ourur chicken and rabbbbit go in f first. we need d to get thehem seseared well.l. [speaking g other langnguage] [jose inin english]] who isis controlliling the e fire? [lucia] ] ines is. [ines]s] this firire cannot go out or r we're goining to loe beforere we get ststarted. [jose]e] rafael, how are e they doingng so fa? [spepeaking otheher language] wowoo-hoo! [l[loud firecrcrackers expxplo] [lauaughing] [in englisish] my god!d! [luciaia] vegetablbles are e going in.. nenext are grereen beans.. [j[jose] very y good, ladidi. [luciaia] and d our flat w white beas ththe locals c call [s[speaking otother languaua] the firere is lookining good. [carlotata] and ththe first of our o optional ingrededients, papaprika. okokay, now wewe put the p pap. -[lulucia] papririka. -[-[carlota inin other lanang] [luciaia] fingerers crossedd we d don't burn n anything.. so f far, you'veve done far away m more than i ever imamagined. [j[jose kissining] [ines]s] thanks, , dad. but we'r're surroundnded byby people whwho live and breaeathe paellala, whwho can cookok thisis with theieir eyes clo. i feel likike they're e watcg us all t the time. [w[woman speakaking otheher languagege] [vididal speakining other r language]] [cararlota in enenglish] everyone h has opinionons her. [ines] after addiding our tomoo and water,r, it's timeme for r my favoritite speciall addidition, snaiails. [carlotata] okay, snails a are going i in. alall right, i i'm combining it witith the artitichokes. [cararlota] you u go, girl.. [loud d firecrackeker explode] not onlyly do we havave the e wind, but we havave... [continueses in other r langua] [jose speaeaking otherer langu] [in englglish] the e team next door r wants me to trtry their papaella. how can i i say no? [laughghing] it's my fifirst competetitio. i'm m not even p participatit. and ththey give meme their r stock to t try and d they fill l up the e spoon withth salt. [jose] ththat's a meaean tric. don'n't these pepeople know who i i am? yeahah, my mouthth right now looks s like the o ocean teten times, and d they're alall laughing at my y expense, r right? [carlotata] hey, d dad, focus on y your team.. anand it's donone! our paellala is ready.y. yeah, ladidies. [vidal spepeaking otother languauage] [i[in english]h] you guys,, the eaeasy part was makiking it. ththe hard parart is goingg to be e trying it t now wiwith everyonone around.. [j[jose] hmm-m-mmm, hmm-m-m. hehere come ththe judges.. win n or lose, it's u up to them m now. [inenes] moment t of truth.. [jududges speakiking other r language]] -[-[girls in e english] gogo! -[jojose clappining] hey, o one of the e best [s[speaking otother languaua] she'e's ever hadad! she e loved ourr [speakaking other r language]]t is t that paellala's crispy y b, which isis so tough h to mas. they're sasaying ththat they hahave to memomoe ththe taste ththat they'rere gg from thihis paella,, so thahat they canan start compararing it w with the otother ones.. giveve me five, , ladies. gigive me fiveve. giveve me five.. [jose e kissing] [carlolota] i dodon't know how ththey're goining toto keep tracack, but ththe judges h have 27 more papaellas to t taste. ththe odds areren't great,, but i hohope we stanand a chanc. it looks a and smells s delic, but t i guess wewe better tae our r masterpiecece toto know for r sure. wow! [jose speaeaking otherer langu] [cararlota in enenglish] oh, my gososh. guysys, this i is so increredible... oh, my g god, this i is so go. are you hahappy with u us? laladies, you'u've been under vevery difficucult situtuation withth wind, wiwith rain, and you u kept goingng. we've e learned ththe secrets behindnd making a a great paella valalenciana. you justst have to a apply anand learn frfrom the masass and d look what t we've made. i appreciaiate making g a paelella valenciciana soso much morere now. [jose] afafter tryingng evereryone's paeaella, the judgeses have a wiwinner. the e words out t of his moh bebetter be teteam andres. [judge s speaking other langnguage] [crowd cheheering and d clappi] [carlotata in englisish] we'l'll get themem next time, you u guys. your paeaella withouout a dodoubt was nunumber two at the m most. [ines] guyuys, i'm hononestly really proroud of us.. [lucucia] i knowow. [josose] i've g got toto hand it t to them. mymy daughtersrs are e gracious i in defeat.. mamaybe they g get ththat from ththeir mom. meme? i'm nonot such a g good los. hardrd to believeve, i kno. all i can n say honeststly is i it was so w worth it. i lolove valencicia. can n we pleasee come morore often? beforere we leavee thisis beautifulul city, i want thehe girls toto experiencnce ththe incredibible heat and popower of a b burning f. itit's the mosost spectacucur ritual of f the whole e fest, settining fire to all t the statueses and d figures acacross the c. even in the rain, thousands of people are here to watch in awe. [firirecrackers s popping lolo] -oh,h, my gosh..... -[inines] this i is so exciti. thisis is absolulutely increre. look a at, we are e surroundd by verery old, beautiful l buildings.s. we a are in the e heart of valencicia. is it stararting? oh-oh. [ines] o oh, they tuturned ofoff all of t the lights.. ththis is goining to be e literally y insane. [carlota] ] i'm actualally reallyly nervous.. [fireweworks exploloding] wow. [firireworks expxploding] [girls] ] wow. my... itit's on firere, you guysy, it's's on fire.. wowow! [all] ] wow! look! [firireworks expxploding] this i is hot. thisis is reallyly hot. oh, , it's hot.. it's h hot. ohoh, wow. it is s so bright.t. i'veve never seeeen a fire so big i in my life.e... [ines]s] look, looook, guys, l. [lucucia] what a an ending to our v valencia trtrip. i learned d a lot. i cherishehed a lot. i laugughed a lot.t. and wewe ate a lotot. anand we ate a a lot. [carlotata] we ate s so much. whoooo! [c[clapping] you knknow, i've n never done [speakaking other r language] and i'm m so glad i i did it first timeme with you.u.v [carlotata] that v valencia paa wawas incredibible. what's n next, dad?? [jose] we'r're going toto asturia, the e place i wawas born. [speaking g other langnguage] the green n spain. [i[ines] and d where fababaa wawas born. [jose] comfort fofood atat its best.t. my mom made i it for me a all the t. [cararlota] asasturias, i can'n't wait. whwhere are yoyou taking u ? -oh,h, my gosh.. -come.e. -[cacarlota] i d don't think i haveve the stamimina. -[-[jose] okayay, don't crcr. [ines] jusust let him m win. [j[jose] i'm g going to bebeau to the topop. -[ines] ] i don't ththink so. -[carlota]a] wow. [j[jose] i losost my positit. -[carlotota] there w we go. -[ines] i i beat you.. -[jose] ohoh, whoa. -[carlota]a] whoa. -o-oh, my goshsh. -[jojose] take a a look at t . [carlolota] this i is asturia? [j[jose] all y you can seeee , 360 degreeees, is astuturias. you see ththe ocean riright he. then, veryry quickly,, take a a look, how the momountains, it's like e they're kissing g the ocean.n. i shshould probabably know t s but t what oceanan is that?? -lucia. -"what o ocean is ththat?" hello, it't's the openen atlan. that jusust shows mymy lack of knowlededge about a asturi, that you n need toto bring us s more. that's whyhy i'm soso super excxcited. this t time we're e spending so much h time togetether hehere in astuturias. here, yoyou understatand whwhat asturiaias is all a ab. you know, , we've beenen in so mamany parts o of the span bubut this iss the grgreenest spapain, lala espana veverde.

Related Keywords

Carlotata , Josose , Laland Of Pael , Thing , Ththink You Veve D , Vavalencia , Agaiain , Hehere We Comem , Ines , V Valenci Ii Can T Belilieve Wewe , Us , Valencia , To V Valencia , Ciciy Anand , Tererrific Placace , Youou , L Lucia , Carlota , Guguys , F Finally In N S Hi , Who O , Including G , News Isis , Luci , My Dadaughters , Our Advdventure , Can Nt Belilieve , Finiy Jojoining , My Youngesest , Finishshed High Scsl , Hihi , Herere , Hahad School , Horn N Blowing , Nonow , Readady , Ththis Isn T Aa Hamiltonon Mu , Toto One , Mamadrid , Mymy Favoritee , Afteter , Our Tourur Of T The Great C Capital Ci , Overer 200 Mileses , Culilinary Destitinations , Coct , There S N No Turning G B We V , One , 200 , Spain , Ovoverlooking G , C City , Portrt , Fo , Centnturies , Gogoods , Mediterrananean Sea , Glistetg , Bustg Gateteway , Tb , Busiest Port Inin , Anand Wetlandsds , It S , E Orchard Ofof Spai , Wholele Mediterraran , Fertile Fararmlas , Surrouounding The E Ciy Lie , Becacause Ththere , Paella V Valenciana A Paellala , Onene Iconic Dih Born R , Heart , Heree , Spaiain , Overer The Worl , Representss , Rice Cookeked In Fish H , Vegetatables , Get Togeter , V Valen , Bringing G , We Knknow It , Adadd , Cros , Lunch , Wetetlands , Mid 18t8th Centuryy , Fafarmers Willll , 18 , Mastetering Sometething Called Thehe , Father , Boy , Ovever An Open N Fire , Dishes , Woululdn T Be Papaella , Iw , Woror , Icononic , It , Journey Digiggig Deep Into O , Speakining Other Lalanguage , Lauaura Speakining , Ststarting Witith The Firer , Gogoing On A Paella J , O Perfec , Talklking To Itsts Masters , Originins , You Cocook Paelella , Way , Josose In Englilish , Makeke , Rich In N Taste , Whahat Maken Auththentic , Tradit , The Secrcrets , Creaeated , Amazazing Ci , Uncocovg , Enjoyoy Delilicious Locacal Treats , Artrtisans , Of Cocourse , Paella A People L , Eating Paeaella , Birtrthplace , Mosost , A Food L Lover S Pararadis , Fda , Dr , Chchange Ththe , Weddidings , Paella In N The Air , Love Paellala , Streeeet Partie , Rice E Herere , Withth , Aa Huge Sprining Festival , Lucucia Laughining , Fallas Weeeek , You Knonow , Wiwith Firewooood , Burning Ststatues , Jojose , Paella Comompetitions , Bababy , Go Eatat , Jose , C , Places , Paella Herere , Town , Gis , Famimily Run Resestauran , Casasa Carmela , 100 , Go O Thisis , Laland , Cooooking Atat , Paele , Ineses , Isis One , Ththe Houses , House , Twelve , Gosh , Alalmost , Rereally Good D J , You Sesee , Look K , Two Graiains High , Littttle Crunchihiness In T The Bottom , Two , Leararning Withth My Stomacach , Ththe Outside E , Toto You , Ricece , Bubut , Didn T Rereceive , They Don T Believe M , Stockck , Lilistening , Are Crurun , Edgdges , Wow , More , Chahampionship P Of Pael , Iningredients , Tetest , Ththis , Paeaella Competetition , Thehe End , Foror , You Puttiting , Arere , Abouout , Pansns , Sl , Part , About T The Fire , Aa Paella Competitition , Game , End Ofof , Ththe Wood , Geget Our Handnds Dirt , Takingng , Diapersrs , Greatat Let , Making Paeaella , Inines , Yeahah , Star Trerek And Ii Don T , Laladies , Trl Throrough Space E Ines Has B , Trorouble , Lesson N Starts , Cheeeers , Firirst , Trtrue , Josose Chuckle , Excited D , Glasssses Clinkining , Price , Sd Inin A Paella , Papae , Peoplple Wiwill Consideder , Eatining , Dish T Tt , Pererfection , We Dig G , You T Think , Paellala , Speaking Otother Languaua , Hands S , Isn T Paella , English , Most , Whahat , Dis , Thisis Is A , Seafood Anand Fish , Famouous , Woworld Serve E Paella , Real Thingng , Kinds , Okay , Pepeople , Big Dififfere Between N What You T Think , Spananish Restaurantnts , Don N T Wor , Peasas , Chor , Seaeafood , Pack Awayy , Trust Meme , Bubut That S N Not The E Real Paelllla , Paellala Valencianana , You W , Chchorizo Goododbye , Belilieve Me , Fluouorescent Ririce , Seafo , Nono Way , Forgetet , Thank Yoyou , My Godod , Tetelling My D , O Seafood , Question , Paellaa Profofessionals S Hey , Speaeaking Otherer Langu , Language , Over There E , Tht Go Intnto A Paellala , Cooook Speakingng , Enenglish , Kekey Ingredieients , Lanan , Ten , R Rabbit , Commandmdments , To O The Letterer , Chihic , Ololive Oil , Aroundnd Valencia A , Greeeen Beans Known N , Sasalt , Founund , Saffroron , Wateter , Tomamatoes , Whitite Beans Cacalled Garrrr , Bajoququeta , Jose E , Ththen Englishsh , Speaking Spspeaking Otother Languauage , Bototh Speakingng , Everytything Else E , Here In N Valencia , Speakaking Englisi , Paellaa Valencnciana , Thenen Other Lananguage , Lananguag , Nowow , Understanand Eachch , It T , In N English , F , Paelella Valencici , Here , Iningredients S , Trtraditionl Ingrededients , Ricece Of , Examplele , Paella Papan , P Pan , Ththe Designatad Fifire Master R And D , Authehentic Paelllla , Io Open The E , Didictionary S , Let S Go , Dictionary Y , Spanish Didictionary , Boom , We E , People O Of Valenciaa , Itself , Thehe Dictionarary , Dictctionary , Ththe Probl , Wron , Everywhere , Oranange Trees E , Thatat Valenca , I Didn T , Look Thehe , Farmrmland , Sea , Thehe Second Daday Ofof , Our Advenenture , Papaella Rice E , O , T Paella , Intoto , Spspain , Surround Ththe City , Moree , Agricicultural Heartltlands And W Wetlands , Produducing Areasas In T The Countryry , Alblbufera , Biggggest Frfreshwater L Lake , Largrgest , That S W , Manyny Valencncian , Staple Herere , Arroz Alal Horno , Arroz A Babanda , Bacack Toto , A Fewew , Uniniquely Plumump Anand Perfect T , Black K Rice , Arabs Morore , Absorbrbg Alall , Arroroz Negro , Shohort , Ladies , Valencicia , Remembmber This , Useses , Memes , Look At T Takeke A , Countrtrysi , Hahard Bean , P Paell , Arartichokes E , Lookok , Which H , Anand So , Fresh Produe , Vavaried , Babackyard , Got Garr , Valalencia , Freresh , Wall , Thahat Simple , All T The War And Ththere , Amazing Lolocal Food , Popossibilitieies , Exactlyly Wherere , Ofo , It S Smells , Chance , Wantnted , Centnt Duros , Twenenty , City Cecenter , Miminutes , Five , Cararlota Speakaking , Whwhere , Farmerers , Whwho Have Wororked , L Ld , Translas Intoto A Small M Meal , Generarations Enjojoy , Valencian N Style , Anan Early Brurunch , Vegetatabls , Anand Nothing G , Potatoes , Localllly , Aa Farmer S B Banque , Ththe Wor , Breret Anywherere , Energizid Ththroughout , Kep Fafarmers , The Day , Delilis Sandwichch , Alall , Mouththwatering C Combinat , In Enenglish , Meme , Wororld , Takeke , Rim , Lilike Nothingng , Breakfkfast Alre , Codfisish Croquettttes , Order , Go Into S Sandwiches , Thinings Thatat , Short Cocook , Ad Diner , Differerent Artichchokes , Al Lot , Blblood Sausagage , Pork Sausas , Porork Sausag , Difffferent Omelelets , Fried Pototatoes , N , This Is P Paradise , It Totogether , Theyey , Popular Onones , Man , Langnguage , Speaking G , Yeses , Ononly , There S , You Comome , 0 , 00 , 9 , 12 , 000 , Tradidition , A Ha , Early Startrt , Chuckleles , You Rere A Touristst , Ha , Fararmers , Roututin , T Begn , Ththey Will Brbreak , 122 , 10 , Come T To A Placee Likeke This , Order Ththat , Tatake A Look K , Into Ag Giant Sandwdwich , Theirir , Produduce , Ines S Chuckles , Ususually , Definitelyly , Pa , Spepeaking Otheher Language , Everybybody Makess , Josose Speakingng , Lalang , Papa , Thehey Don T , Sandwiwich , He A Menunu , People , Hoagies O , Heroeoes Oror , Mymy God Ii , Yoyou , S Place , Some , Rereal Farmer R S , Food D , My G , Speaking , Girls , Ththe Energy T , Yeaeah , To G , You Don T , Josese , It S N Not Breakfafast , Rest , My Gososh , Sandwdwich , Perfeft Breaeakfast , Say Breakfkfast , Amamazing , Sasandwih , Breakfkfast Evevery Singlele , Otherer Laguage , Isis A Ritual L , I M Learning Someththing New , Stories , Religiouous Experienence , Fofor Me , Greaty Bebecause , Ththis Time Wiwith Food , We Saw , Sacrd , D , Whyhy , Priceles , Todaday , Music , Pork Carnitas , El Pollo Loco , Family Meal , 4 , 24 , Big Memel Like T , L There Is W Work , Paellala Competitition , Daysys , Hour R , The B Beach , Love Aap , Reaeally Impoportant , Telliling People E , C Competing , Take C Control , Realally Good , Paella Competetition , The Gigirls Have T , Differerent Areas , Mastr A Vitatal Skill , Magicic Ingredienet Thatat , Woodod Fire , Wiwith Firewooood Isis , Bebecause Cookoking , Authentic Ca , How To B Build And M , Tradademark Smokoky Tas , Thehem , Cy , Wesest , Arrocereria Las Baiairetas , Littlee Baptisism Of Fire E , Ib , Prirince , Inenes , Fifire Master R , Hohow Big Ththis Kitchenen Is , Rarafa , Hugege , Rafa Margogos , Paella Catathedral , Rafa , Restaurant , Takeout , Nenext Day , Service , Line , Asas , Inclcludes , Returnd , Hisis , Othther Langu , Wiwith Fire May Seseem Primititive , Titi , Rafa Spspeaking , Toto 220 Paellllas , Cooking , Business , 220 , Langng , Conontinues In N , Engnglish , Af Fire Starteter , Speakaking Other , Ththen , Spepeaking Otheher Languag , R Languag , Ththe , Known A As , Ototherwise , Sts , Rafa U , Memediterraneaean Sb Cacalled , Thicker Tytype Of Vinene , Pinewooood , Aa Prickly , Gorse , Ininfuses , Te Foururth Wood Isis Orange W , E Fire Goingn , Which Creaeates , Steaeady Fe , Incrediblele Aroma , Ththey , Wewe , Rafa H , Eveverything M , Amazazing Thingg , On Anand , Ecom , Land , Senses , Eveverything , E Woods , Are Parart , Extrara One , Evererything Belelongs , Isis Sync , Rafa Speaeaking , We Ve Gogot Seven Fires , Burnrning , Sure I Canan , Totalal , Couould , Get Uglgly , Seven , Okayay , Cararlota , Ines In Engnglish , Meat G , Fifir , Flamames , Momore Fire , Rarafa Mamanage , Onones Thatat Aren T Rereally Pickikip , Rate , Smart , O Burn , Outut , Heheck , Much H , Thehe Necessaryry , He S , Ines S In Englishsh , O One , Firere , You Cacan , Carlotota , Playing Wiwith Fire , Rafafa Speakingng , One H , Onene Doesn T H Have Thatat , Whwhoa , Take One , Cocome On , B Bossy , Dadad , Chop , Thenen , Allllt , Chopo , Nexext One , Carlolota , Guys , Job , We N , Wewe Have To F Fire , Stoc , Adag Wawater , Heatat , Boi , Goingng , Hands , White E , Ththose Green N , Lucucia In Englglish , Buburning , Comome On , Vegetablbles , Gogod , Watctch Out , Next , Otheher Languagege , Lucia In N , Inenes In Englilish , Ricec , E Rice , I Lalastly , Wayay Our Dad , Openining , Eaeasy , Owown , Leleft , Upup , Stotock , Hahard Work , Intense Flflavors , Dad , You U Guys , Lucicia Speakingng , Carlota I In English , Youou Re Bac , Hi , We D B Burn , Lolook , Enoughgh , Whohoo , Let S , Plplace Down , Data , Another Imimportant Part O , Cookingg Perfecect Paella , Paelllla , Well Asas Contntrolling Aa Wood Fire , Timing , Peperfet , Intensnsely Flavored C Crunchy Basase , Soil , Peak , Ththe Pan , Flav , Onlnly , Formsms , Turn P The Heatat And Cook K Re For Ababout A Minunute , Cr , Nicece , Exaxactly Rightht , Lot T , Itit , Englisish , Trick , Edges , Partrticularly , Ofof Experiencnce , Pressure Onon , Therere , Cocontrolling Ga Fire To Masaster , Sasaying Ththat , Now T The Fire Lolower , Amazing Making T The Paellaa With M My Father S Since Ii , Experirience , Firere Higher , Littlele , Dodone , The Voice , My Fatr In M Brain , Nevever Stops , Flavor , Deliciouous , Anand Texturee , Carlota In N English , Ththe Smokinesess , Heat , Paelella Foreverer , Bravovo , Lama , Difffferee , Firirewood Makekes , Smokininess , Whwhen You Makake , Reaeall , Paeaella Quest T , Firecrackerer Explodingn , Three , Onon Valencia , Durg Fallas W , Fofood , Thehe City , Peoee , Araround , B Buzzg , Excititement , Amamazing Displaysys , Processisions , Coca , Things , Bread , Lr Of B , Meats , Fish , You U , Cocacas , Vegegetabl , Tomatatoes , Hererbs , Infnfinite Combmbinatis , Ththis Valencician Snack , Baked T , Festitive Occasioions , Delicioious Flavorsrs , Evevery Slice , Togethther A Symphphony , Whwhen Valencicians Roll O Ouh , Ancient T , Ones , Artisans , Leftovers , Recipes , Datete Bak Thousandnds Of Yearsrs , Gegenerationss , Assembmbled Toppinings Frfrom , Ororigins , Hahanded Don Throrough , Ines Speaeaking , Zucchini , Kekeep The Traradition A , My Gosh , Tomatato , M My God , Who , S Bakery , Red Pepperers , S One , Lucia In , Totomato , Talking , Laura Spepeaking , Ththe Ocean Riright , Pine Nuts , A Are , You Hunungry , God , F Food , Reready , Amazingng , Choe Frfrom , Valelencia Stylele , Fift , Ic , Contntinue Inin , Thininking , Bubut Valenciaians Believee The E Coca , Bebetter Orderer , Aa Pizz , Looooks , Pizzzza , Of Couourse , Ththe Coca Doeoesn T , Ininfluenced , Ititalian Pizzzza , Totopping Goeses , Tomomato Base , C Cheese , Pro , Why Y To Waste Aa , Peope Thatat , Want Cococa , Piece , Yoyou Eat Cheeeese , Gegetting , The Wayay , App , Cheese Hoto , Ov , Cocorner , Food D Everywherere , Ines In Enenglish , Coco , Spspeaking , You U Eat Coca , Whwho Needs Chcheese , Nobodydy , Okak , Heyey , Anand To Make E , People Whwho , Valencncia , Ininvented , It Differere , Obvious S I Memean , Thanan Pizza , Naples , Likike , Water Fromom , Blood S Sausage , Onee , Nono , Bebest , Chuckckles , Incncredible , E Eggplant , My Lifife , Find Evererg , Wowork , Mercat Central , Whwhere You Llll , Finest Saffffron , Fofood Marketsts , Onone Of Europope , E Organizerss Of T The Paella A Competition Arare , Types , Bean , All In T This Very C Cool Art Deco Buiuilding , Bebeautiful , Oror Wha , Theyey Are , Let T S , Rice E Water , Have Ingredieients , T The Girls Rememberer , Mumust , Gagarrofo , B Beans , Flat White , Tomatoes , Rarabbit , Green Beaeans , Fafantastic , Bubutter Bean N Pollo , Eight , Yes , Utah , There E , Asas Well Asr Ten N , Ingredientnts Dedepending Onon What S Inin , Must Haveses , Peopople Waitingng , Difffferent , Foundd Eighght , Papaella Maeststros , Afafter Extensnsive Researar , Papaprika , Authenentic Paella , Optionanal Ingredieients Inin , Thm , Adadditional Ingredieients , Tavevera Bean , Artichokoke , Andnd Considerered , Rosem , Snanails , Garlic , Duck , Porkrk Ribs , O It , First T Timers , L Let S Go , Lif , Whwhat Ingredidients We Fifi , Andnd , The Girls S , Vegetable , Hahave Enouh To W , Rocky Paelllla , Articichokes , Few Extraras , Worry Aboutut , In Englisish , Makake A Paellala , Season , Paella Popolice , Add D Artichokeses , Opininionated , You U Understandnd , Persrson , Manyny Deciss , Spspeaking Othther Langu , Ines Inin English , Lauaughing , Ines Spspeaking , Arartichokes , Additition , Paprika Oror , Inin Spain , Locacals , Drdried Red Pepeppers , Smokeked , Letet , Anotherer Level , The Dish , Look Colorfrful , Smoky Flflavor , Papaella A Delelicat , Mother , Okokay , Thehe Paella , Man Speakaking , We Geget This , Perfect , Whatat , Snails , Snaiails , M My Spanish H , Boboat , My Y Favori Ii , Totallyy Undederstand , Love Snailils , Yeyeah , Fa Snail Snsk , P Paella , Jose In N English , Look A , Like E Taste , Theieir , Somemetimes , Trereat , Vevery Popularar , Intensee Rosesemary , Thehe Snails Arad , Differenent , Lighthtly Colod Variety Y , Snail Centrara , Takeke A Look Atat , We Putt , Dififferent Typypes , Serrrra , Are A Smsmall , Alsoso , Vaqueta Snsna , Speakiking Other , L Lan , Ththey Slide A , Mountains , Feed On Wild Rorosemary , Andnd Thym , Speakining Other Lalang , Thehe Snail , Jose Laughihing , Beauautiful Ththis Market T , Cacarlota , Wewell , L Ladies , Let S Go , The Sprining , Our Finalal Y In Valencicia , City , Totonight , Papaella Compepetition , Girlsls , Cacarpenters , Las Fafallas , It T Gets Re , Ususe Of Lante , Meaeant Ththey , Buburned Papart , Bigger , Figures , Comiming Ofof , Lighteter , Celebratining , Theieir Lanternss , 18th H , Quirky Y Traditionn Thatat , Stanands Everywhwhere , Excuse , Massive Street Party , Seeinig , Duriring Paella , Lucia S , Lalanguag , I Loveve , Afteter Me On Ouour Trtrip , Valelencians Traraditionaly , To Barcrcelona , Trt , Woman , O Out Of F , Andnd Salt , Speakining Otheher Languagege , Mymy Gosh , Tyf Sweet Dodonut , Pleasese , Dough Intoto Shape , Bakeker Pinchess , My Goshsh , The Hole H , Speaking G Other Langnguage , Unbelelievable , Thatat Techniqueue , Thingngs , Gegetting In T , Closer , Ys Anand , Timee , Ofof Experiencn , The Kitchene , Itit Requires S Years , The , Carlolota In Englglish , Nono Pressure , It Look , God D He S G , Woman Spepeaking , He S Tryiying , Oh , Burning F Itit , Leave Ththem , Ththank You Soso , B Burn , Goodod Job , Abobout The Timi , Very Mucuch , Into Youour Mouth , Whenen You Dip T In The Chocolalate , Light , Soo Much B , Guysys , Feed Meme , Feed M Me , Crununchy , Let S Seeee , Crispypy , Jammymy , Gooey Ar , Dissolvess , Valenciaia , Wantnt Horchata A Horchatata Ii , You U Know , Love Horchchata , We Order Anotheher One , Trying Hororchata , Entire Plata , Shouldld , Womoman , Horchata , Milklky Drink Boborn , Pe Inin , Climamate , The Wororld , Drankk Arouound , Sweett , Tigerer Nu , Swsweetened , Grouound , Wowow , Wet T , Vegan Ii Have Horchchata Inin , Favororite Drdrink , Grow Tiger Nunuts , Warmrm , New York , Allll Speaking G , Dririnks Thatat , Undederrated , Itit Big , Thosose , Party , Fire Celelebrationss Go W Well Into T , F Firecrackerers , Cheering Anand Clappin , Dadaughters , Main A Attraction N , Firereworks Goining , Teams , Ring , Paella Prize , Throrowing Theirir , Toninight , Streeeet Corne , Twenty Eight , Course , Over Ththe , Hundreds O , Thihis Special L , Startiting , C Competitionons Arare , Festivival Highligig , Conteststs Happppen , Ththem , Their , Ololdest , Titime , Lat , Action , Betwtween Thousands S Of Cooks , No Preressure , My Y Girs , T Trainig , Hihighly Acclaimed D , Chef , Many , Frien , Pro O To Coach T The Girls From S Sidelines , Calalled In An N Experiencd , Rarafa Vidal , Stresessed Out , Paella Valelenciana , He S T The Godfathther Of P , U Up , Just Statart , Prou , Ooh , Blood D , Lighght , Veieins , Pretetty Goodod Cook , Lightin , Spanish , Eveverybody Elelse , Luluck , Superer Windy Tononight , Thehem Seseared Well L , Both , Chicken , Otheher Side , Fight Againinst Wind , Plplease , Rabbbbit Go In F First , Othther Sid , You Havave , Spepeaking Otheher , Isis Controlliling The E Fire , Firire Cannot Go Out , We Get Ststarted , Fa , Loe Beforere , Luciaia , Wowoo , Loud Firecrcrackers Expxplo , Beas Ththe , Lookining Good , Locals C , Call , Ladidi , Flat , Optional Ingrededients , Grereen Beans , Carlota Inin , P Pap , Lanang , Jose Kissining , Lulucia , Papririka , Crossedd We D Don T Burn N Anything , Imamagined , Speakaking Otheher Languagege , Breaeathe Paellala , Few , Thanks , Cookok , Watcg , We R , Surroundnded Byby , Eyes Clo , Vididal Speakining , Everyone H , Water , Opinionons , Cararlota In Enenglish , My Favoritite , Speciall Addidition , Addiding , Tomoo , Firecrackeker , R Langua , Loud D , Girl , Artitichokes , Continueses , Alall Right , E Wind , It Witith , Team , In Englglish , Jose Speaeaking , Fifirst Competetitio , P Participatit , Laughghing , Ththat , Stock , O Ocean Teten Times , Try , My Mouthth , Spoon Withth Salt , A Meaean Tric , Don N T , Ready Y , Anand It , Ladidies , My Y Expense , Donone , Goingg , Vidal Spepeaking , Eaeasy Part , Ththe Hard Parart , Hehere Come Ththe Judges , Now Wiwith Everyonone Around , Hmm M Mmm , Hmm M , Win N , She E , Loved Ourr , Jududges Speakiking , Truth , Jojose Clappining , Crispy Yb , Memomoe Ththe , Thihis Paella , Which Isis , Compararing , Mas , It W , Dodon T , Goining , Giveve Me Five , Ththat They Rere Gg , Jose E Kissing , Otother , Gigive Me Fiveve , Keep Tracack , Papaellas , T Taste , Ththe Judges H , Chanc , Ththe Odds Areren T Great , Smells S Delic , Ti Guess Wewe Better Tae , 27 , Vevery Difficucult , Situtuation Withth Wind , Look , Ga Paelella , Frfrom , Valenciciana Soso , Wiwith Rain , Ththe Secrets Behindnd Making Aa Great Paella Valalenciana , Masass And D , Tryingng Evereryone , Judge , Judgeses Have A Wiwinner , Words , Afafter , Moh Bebetter Be Teteam Andres , Carlotata In Englisish , Withouout A Dodoubt , D Clappi , Crowd Cheheering , Hand It T , Defeat , Lucucia , Hardrd To Believeve , Mamaybe , Mymy Daughtersrs , Ththeir Mom , Hononestly , Guyuys , Really Proroud , Nonot Such Ag Good Los , Say Honeststly , Thehe Girls , Beautifulul City , Lolove Valencicia , Morore , We Leavee , Lab , Experiencnce Ththe , Statueses And D , Settining Fire , Mosost Spectacucur Ritual Of F , Popower , Incredibible Heat , Whole E Fest , Acacross , Buildings S We A , Firirecrackers S , Beautiful L , Thousands , Absolulutely Increre , Awe , Lolo , Surroundd , The Rain , Verery Old , It Stararting , Tuturned Ofoff , Of T The Lights , Actualally Reallyly , E Heart Of Valencicia , Fireweworks Exploloding , Firireworks Expxploding , On Firere , Itit S , You Guysy , On Fire , My Life E , Seeeen A Fire , Ending , Tv , Reallyly Hot , Valencia Trtrip , Guys L , Da Lot , Looook , T I Veve , Knknow , Timeme , Lot , Clapping , Whoooo , Lotot , You U V , I Wawas Born , What S N Next , V Valencia , The Green N Spain , Toto Asturia , Paa Wawas Incredibible , Fofood Atat , U , Me A All The T , Fababaa Wawas Born , Asasturias , Best T My Mom , I Can N T Wait , There W , Kid , Beat , Whoa , Come E , Don T Ththink So , Don T Crcr , Him M Win , Topop , My Positit , Stamimina , Y , Aa Look At T , He , Astuturias , Asturia , Seeee , 360 Degreeees , 360 , Knowlededge , Asturi , Kissing G , Take Aa Look , Black , Oceanan , What O Ocean Is Ththat , It T S , Shshould Probabably , Veryry Quickly , Momountains , Know Ts , Jusust , Openen Atlan , Hello , You N , Need , Whwhat Asturiaias , Spending , Togetether Hehere , Yoyou Understatand , Lala Espana Veverde , Soso Super Excxcited , Grgreenest Spapain , Parts O Of The Span Bubut This Iss ,

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