Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240707

on the leases that they already own, because we very much understand that it is a world supply of oil and gas that is so important for energy costs and he wants to ensure that those prices remain manageable for households. >> just to be clear, what's happening with russia and ukraine is compounding a problem that was already starting, right. so this is exacerbating something that was already in effect before the war. what about a national gas tax holiday? >> so, look, the president understands the uncertainty and the costs that rising prices pay for, the cost on families. all measures are on the table. he's focussed on these issues. so, one, he's trying to address oil and gas prices. i mentioned the spro, all other options are on the table as well. he's been focus odd on reducing the cost for families on really important items such as reducing prescription costs, making child care and home care more affordable, lowering the cost of housing which will increase economic growth and economic capacity, which helps with price pressures going forward. and finally he understands that we need to be addressing the federal deficit, the deficit was reduced by over $3 billion last year under his watch. and if you look at his budget, that is -- we're on track to reduce the deficit by an additional $1.5 trillion this coming year. he wants to do so by increasing taxes on the very wealthiest, on our corporations, many of whom have paid no federal income tax, some of the wealthiest americans have low tax rates, so he wants to do so in a way that is fair, he understands reducing the deficit is another important way in order to address rising prices. >> there is a lot of people who need maybe something that -- you know, they need something in effect now, or some of those measures you talked about housing, affordability, for some people the gas is something that they're going to feel in a more real way or it is going to affect them more. so gas tax holiday, are you seeing is that a serious possibility then or it is on the table, i'm trying to get a sense of if that's -- if you're just putting that in the basket, but it is not a real thing, or if it is potentially a real thing? >> so, look, the president wants to consider all measures that will have a meaningful impact on gas tax. >> would that one? >> on gas prices and energy prices. he cannot do everything unilaterally. he needs to work with partners in congress in order to make meaningful change. but it is very important to understand that this president is focused on rising prices, he wants to address it in a way that does not hurt the pocketbooks of ordinary ameriamerican s. if you contrast that with the republican plan, to increase taxes on people making less than $100 now a year, i think 95% of the tax increases are -- would fall on those making $100,000 a year in contrast to the president will not rise prices -- taxes on those making less than $400,000 a year. this president is working for american families, he understands it, and this is what gets him up every day. >> so biden is going to be announcing thinks plans for fighting inflation today. 11:30 we're expecting his comments. i invite you to tell us what they are, but i suspect you may not want to get ahead of him. what about ending the tariffs on chinese imports. experts say that would work quickly. >> the president is -- has got a whole of government approach and he's looking at all of the various levers that would help to bring down prices and help our economy work more effectively and efficiently. so, of course, he needs to look at the chinese tariffs and look at our trade policy more generally because we want to ensure that our supply chains are running effectively, that we have -- we want to have a strategic approach with china and other countries around the world. we also want to understand that we have -- there are important industries that we need to be developing here, for example, let's go back to the gas taxes. we know this highlights russia's invasion of ukraine, highlighs the need to get to clean energy. we can't be reliant on key minerals or components or gasoline or energy from countries around the world that are run by autocrats. this president is really focused on building an economy that works for every american because we understand that a strong middle class generates an economy that works, that grows, and that works for everybody. >> where is the white house right now on student loan forgiveness? what is the amount you're considering? >> the president understands the real burden of student loans. and he has -- during his campaign, he proposed canceling the debt, up to $10,000 of students. he is considering many options, he's already done a lot in making loans more -- work better. he canceled $18 billion of student loans for those at for profit institutions that really had defrauded them by making some of our payment plans much more effective. so he is focused on this issue, he understands how important it is for students. we know college education is so important for individuals, for our country, and he wants to ensure that individuals have the access and can do so in an affordable way. >> former trump white house economic adviser kevin hassett says america is already in a recession. is it possible he's correct? >> so i'm not sure where that comes from, so what we saw is coming out of 2021, that we had economic growth of about 5.5%. the strongest one year growth in almost on record for a first year president. last quarter the advance estimate showed there was slowing in the first quarter. however, if you look at the components of gdp that really reflects personal consumptconsu business investment, that grew at a healthy 3.5%. many economists we have documented that that is a better predictor of what next quarter's gdp is likely to be. typically economists date a recession as being two quarters of negative growth, and other factors, which we have not seen at all. so we're not expecting that we're already in a recession. in fact, the guts and the bones of this economy remain strong. yes there are head winds. yes, there is uncertainty, which is why the president is so focused on trying to reduce costs and grow this economy by investing in people, in our physical infrastructure and building the kind of economy that will generate sustainable growth going forward. >> cecelia, i wonder, you know, looking back, were larry summers and joe manchin right about spending and inflation? >> i'm not sure what the right is. what we have here is an economy that is recovering from a pandemic. the downturn was caused by the pandemic. we had to basically power down our economy until we had the therapeutics and vaccinations and sthots in the arms. >> they warned the spending levels, which, of course, i understand the white house and you consider very necessary for the situation that the economy and that the pandemic was in, but that it would cause inflation of maybe a higher level than certain people, including at the white house, were expecting. were they right? >> so we -- what we have seen is that all advanced countries are trying to address inflation and they have, you know, historic levels of inflation. that has been the consequence of mounting an effective response to the pandemic. because while we supported households and businesses, got shots into arms, which allowed people to start to come out of their homes and regain their lives, our supply chains could not support that demand. this is -- we're not alone. all advanced countries are addressing with this. this is a consequence of having an effective strategy against the pandemic. this is why the president understands that the federal reserve needs to do its job and he encourages congress to confirm all of his nominees so they have a full slate and can address their dual mandate of price stability and full employment. we understand that is the economic challenge in front of us. that is what he's focused on every day. >> cecelia, we appreciate you being with us. we're awaiting the president's comments as i know you are later this morning. cecelia rouse from the white house, thank you. >> thank you. all right, this morning in ukraine, russian forces intensifying their assault on the southern port city of odesa, firing hypersonic missiles at a shopping mall and hotels. in kharkiv, a civilian convoy was attacked killing several people. there is video at the scene which shows vehicles there clearly trying to get out. and new drone video shows a russian tank being targeted near kharkiv. that's close to where that civilian convoy was fired upon. ukraine's military says russia is beefing up its troop presence within its own borders to protect against ukrainian counteroffensives that have made some headway around kharkiv and a senior u.s. defense official tells cnn that anecdotal reports reveal that some russian troops and officers are refusing to obey orders to move forward in the donbas offensive. now, though, we're going to go to frederik pleitgen live this morning in riga, in latvia, you have a fascinating look at the training that is taking place in the black sea. exp explain. >> reporter: you're right, john. it is special forces training. one of the things we have seen as we traveled here along nato's eastern flank is that, of course, the war that is going on in ukraine is of great concern. there is very few countries that support ukraine more than latvia does, but romania also, for instance, you know, they do a lot and they are very concerned because they're right next door to ukraine. and with that the nato alliance has become so much more important and getting the countries in that alliance in sync has become even more important. we were able to go at sea with special forces, not very far at all from where the fighting in ukraine was taking place, and here's what we saw. on the high alert in the black sea. u.s. navys.e.a.l.s, romanian, strong cooperation, a member of the romanian special forces tells me. >> it is very important. so all the teams can get on board of the ship and the exact time they should. >> reporter: these are among nato's most elite units and they allowed us to film on the condition we would not reveal their identities. the raid involves both fast rigid inflatable boats as well as a chopper to land troops on the ship, search it and detain would be enemy combatants. this drill is part of a much larger special forces exercise called trojan footprint, involving some 30 countries, both nato and non-nato allies. on the face of it, this exercise has nothing to do with russia's invasion of ukraine, but we're not very far from ukraine's borders at all. the u.s. has been very keen to strengthen the nato alliance and show that it is committed to collective security here in europe. romania directly borders ukraine, where the war is raging both onl land and at sea. the exercise took place not far from snake island, which the russians raided in late february and are occupying. the ukrainians have struck back, managing to hit the flagship "moskva" cruiser and sink it, and the past few days they released videos of their forces allegedly hitting both a russian landing vessel and a russian chopper unloading troops on snake island. the russians for their part claim to have hit ukrainian strike aircraft and a helicopter. romanian forces telling us they recently had to destroy a sea mine that floated here from ukrainian waters. but the commander in charge of this drill says they keep the war next door off their minds and focus on getting better. >> it is important on the level of training that you reach. >> reporter: it is quite real right now. it is next door. >> yes, it is real. and we are prepared for it. >> reporter: >> re the u.s. says exercises like this one have become more important since russia's invasion of ukraine, to strengthen the nato alliance and deter moscow from aggressive moves against member countries. also very important because one of the things that president biden keeps saying, john, he said he believes vladimir putin thought that the u.s. and its allies would be divided. but they're very much united and the nato alliance would be weakened, however it is very strong and could become a lot more strong in the not too distant future with possibly sweden and finland asking to join as well. >> i'm so surprised that the access you had to that, fred. that was fascinating to see, the black sea operating right -- very close to where this very active war is taking place. what an astounding report. thank you so much. so the 11-day manhunt for an alabama corrections officer and inmate charged with capital murder coming to a chaotic and deadly end. the county sheriff joins "new day" next. banning plan b. the facts behind a viral and false tweet. and a member of the house select committee investigating the january 6th insurrection joins "new day" with the latest on 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this morning, released by the sheriff's office. former corrections officer vicky white, reportedly died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. officials say a tip that came in on sunday led to -- led officers to the couple in evansville, indiana. joining us now, the sheriff of lauderdale county, alabama, rick singleton. i know how busy of a time it has been for you. i appreciate you joining us this morning. i know you knew vicky white. your reaction when you heard the news she had died? >> well, you know, in spite of what she's done, vicky was a friend, to every one of us, and we have 48 employees in the detention center, she was second in command. she knew each and every one of them. some of the older guys looked up to her as a mother figure. it has been an emotional roller co coaster for our employees. they thought she had been kidnapped and maybe in danger, for her life, and, you know, then finding out that she took him out willingly and trying to determine, well, was she threatened or some way or coerced to do that, because it just didn't sound like the vicky we knew, and then finding out that, you know, she was basically the mastermind behind the whole plan. it just -- and then finding out she lost her life, it just has been a roller coaster. >> did you say she was the mastermind behind the whole plan? >> well, you know, obviously, i mean, he was behind bars, he really couldn't, you know, plan pretty much behind bars, but, yes, i think -- personally i think she was the one to put the plan together. >> how so? >> well, she was in a position with her knowledge, with her position in the office, you know, she scheduled the van transports that morning, made sure all the other armed deputies were out of the building and tied up in court. knew the booking officer wouldn't question her, the assistant director when she told her she was going to take him to court and drop him off with other employees. she arranged -- purchased the getaway car, she sold her house, got her hands on cash, she went shopping, bought clothes for him, you know, she just -- she just obviously put the plan together. >> how concerned are you that security has been compromised in general there? if vicky white was able to tell casey white how to do this, is it possible casey white told someone else how to do it? >> well, you know, the policies are in place. a policy can't prevent anything. you can't control people's actions and choices. and, you know, when someone makes a choice to break a policy, then you deal with it. that's what the policy is there for, to give the employees guidance and direction on how they're supposed to conduct themselves. our facility for our county jail, i think it is fairly secure. when i first came into office seven years ago we had three or four escapes. but there was some structural issues with the jail that we found -- that we corrected, and once we got those corrected we haven't had a physical escape since. casey white didn't escape from the facility, he was basically let out. so, you know, that kind of situation, scenario, i don't know, you know, it would be hard -- i couldn't tell you it would never happen again, but i can tell you we got policies in place to prevent it. at least give our employees guidance on how they should -- >> sheriff, there are reports that vicky white, the gunshot wound to her head was self- self-inflicted. what evidence have you heard of that? how has it been explained to you? >> it really hasn't been explained to me as far as any specific details. just that, you know, that it was self-inflicted. >> was the gun in her hand? was it ever spoken out loud? i guess i'm getting at, is there any evidence that he may have pulled the trigger? >> not that i'm aware of. of course, all this happened in indiana. and so i -- i don't have any direct knowledge of what went down actually. i'm just actually -- what knowledge i have of it is what i heard primary to you guys. i have heard from -- through the u.s. marshals fugitive task force, they alerted me that they had captured them, and, you know, and what details i've gotten, i've gotten from them. >> so when you do get casey white back, what will change in terms of his confinement? >> we already made arrangements with the local circuit judge. and with the department of alabama department of corrections. when we bring him back, he will immediately go before the judge, that will be his first stop, when he gets in town. as soon as the judge conducts the arraignment, he will be put back in the transport vehicle and transported directly to the department of corrections. >> all right, sheriff rick singleton, i know this has been -- you said yesterday in the news conference, you've been at this 50 years and this was the strangest and most tumultuous 11 days of your entire career. so we appreciate you taking the time over this 11 days to speak to us and keep us and the american people informed. thank you, sir. >> thank you. all right, daniel dale here to fact check a viral tweet on abortion. plus, one republican senator admits some of his party are nervous about the midterms if the supreme court overturns roe v. wade. it's time for our memorial day sale on the sleep number 360 smart bed. why choose proven quality sleep from sleep number? because our 360 smart bed senses your movement and automatically adjusts to help keep you both comfortable all nightht. it's also temperature balancing so you s stay cool. it's's even smart enough to know exactly how long, how well andnd when you slept and to help you get almost 30 minutes more restful sleeeep per night. sleep number takes care of the science. all you have to do is sleep. during our memorial day sale, save $1,000 on the sleep number 360 special edition smart bed, queen now only $1,999. only for a limited time. to learn more, go to lemons. lemons. lemons. the world is so full of lemons. when you become an expedia member, you can instantly start saving on your 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>> if roe is invalidated, tennessee is planning to ban almost all abortions. it is one of more than a dozen states that has so-called trigger law in place, a law that snaps into effect if roe is overturned and this trigger law says 30 days after roe goes down, abortion is banned. there is an exception for the life of the mother, but no exception for rape or for incest. >> and that happens 30 days after roe is struck down. daniel dale, as i said, not just the truth, but results, thanks so much for that. >> thanks, john. let's bring in cnn chief political correspondent dana bash, and cnn chief white house correspondent kaitlan collins. i want to ask you about something senator ted cruz said there are some in the republican party who are nervous about the possibility of overturning roe v. wade. >> i can tell you democrats in washington are holding on to that as their hail mary chance to save the midterms. they believe that people will be horrified and that will help them win. and i got to tell you, more than a few republican senators are nervous that's the case. >> we knew this, but it is so interesting to hear him say it. >> it is. he also said in that same podcast, i think you're going to have a positive effect of people in the pro life community who have been fighting for this for 50 years. he might be right about that. but if history is any guide for us here on the way politics and political movements and fervor works, it is not on the side of the victor, and in this case politically speaking the conservative movement has been working on this for 50 years, since roe first was -- happened in the early '70s. now the question really is about how much of a galvanizer this is on the other side of the aisle, for those who have taken for granted that this would just be the law of the land forever. again, history tells us that that is where the energy is more likely to be. not on the side of those who -- whose energy for 50 years paid off. >> this is certainly something that a lot of conservatives have wanted to see for so long. it has been one of their defining principles. maybe it animates the base, but not the swing voters who are hesitant about something like this, had this ruling happening, this coming down, what it means for the future of that. that's where the concern from some of these republican senators comes from. >> one thing that is important, because we are getting into the nitty-gritty of the nmidterms, there is such a difference between the house and the senate and the dynamics that could play out with this and other issues. there is so few swing districts left in the house because of redistricting and lots of other reasons that the pool of politicians for whom this could make a make or break difference is small. on the senate side, you have large states, you have lots of suburban pockets, lots of pockets where people who are energized could make a difference. >> when we covered congress together, there were so many democrats who were, you any, pro-life. i want to talk about today, because here in a few hours we're going to see president biden giving a speech address inflation. there are so many americans sour on the economy. what do we expect he's going to say? >> the thing is, it is the fact he's giving this speech, that he feels the need to come out to address this, to talk about what his game plan is, when you hear white house officials say, you know, there are limits to what he can do to try to blunt this. but they say they know he has to be out there talking about it because they believe they want to show he is addressing it, because for all the talk about what's going to happen with the supreme court ruling, one thing we do know is right now the number one concern that voters have is inflation. and the economy. and they don't think it is going well. and so you'll see president biden come out and talk about he has done so far, what he plans to do, but look at the reports this morning about gas prices reaching a new high. going up 17 cents just in the last week alone, in the last several days, and that's a major concern for them, because, yes, president biden released oil from the strategic reserves last month, prices dipped a little bit, as we said at the time, as what analysts were telling us, expert oz on this matter, it is going to be temporary and they're going to go back up. right now we're seeing that, you're hearing concerns are going to go up even further this summer. it is not an issue that is going away for them. they know it is number one. >> they're hearing, i'm sure what we're both hearing, from the democrats who are on the ballot, in november, begging the president to get more involved on the issue of the economy, begging him to get out more -- more out front on it. there are those who say i can run separately, triangulate, however you want to call it. for the most part, those rinning c campaigns say the president is tied to the economy. >> do you think right now if we can switch topics and talk about vladimir putin and how the white house, how the president has seen putin after that speech he gave yesterday on a key day on victory day, what are they thinking now after putin really didn't say what they thought he might. he didn't declare victory. he didn't do some sort of victory lap or anything. what are they thinking he's going to do now? >> there was a bit of a divided view in the white house of what yesterday's speech from him was going to look like. some said maybe he will try to declare victory or announce he's mobilizing workforces. others were skeptical given he doesn't have progress to tout at this speech. he didn't make new announcements there. they watched it very closely. officials found it subdued, muted, didn't say anything new, they didn't feel the need to respond in any great way to talk about what he said because what is the point of escalating it any further. one big question that i think was revealed by president biden last night, he said at a closed door fund-raiser is putin is a very calculating person. but right now they're having trouble figuring out where he's going next. and what is a possible exit for him here, an endgame where he can say i have this tangible achievement, this is what i'm going to hang my hat on in an attempt to declare victory in ukraine? because things have changed so much from he wants to take the capital, that didn't happen. now he's moved to focus on eastern and southern ukraine. the progress there for the russians has been incremental at best when you talk to pentagon officials. now what the president is talking about, what he's saying is i don't know how he gets out of this war is they don't know what it is that putin feels like he can touch on that he can then exit this war and still feel that his reputation is in tact. and you heard the cia director say this, he thinks that right now putin's mindset is he cannot afford to lose this war. >> which is what he didn't expect, and it seems as though the answer is that it is possible that despite the fact that people have been looking at putin as this chess player, as somebody who is playing the long game who has a plan out for the future, that because his strategy in ukraine didn't go the way he intended, he might not know the answer, so everybody in the u.s. government is trying to get inside his head, his head might not have the answer where he wants to go right now. >> and i think one concern, we have tried to talk about this in such a measured way because it is important that you do when you talk about this threat of him using a tactical nuclear weapon, the thing i think stands out the most for me, when you listen to the cia director and he says the chance isn't zero. we're not saying it isn't going to happen. we don't have intelligence he's moving or posturing to make a strike like that, but they're not saying it is a zero chance, he is conducting this nuclear saber rattling, his aides are, it raises a concern for people like the cia director. that is such an interesting aspect of this, as i think their concern is he gets kind of to the end of his rope and that's a last resort measure. >> maybe a sign of his desperation, but doesn't mean he's not necessarily going to do it, it isn't a small chance. dana and kaitlan, thank you to you both. watch dane a and kaitlan tonigh i'll be tuning in, probably in my pajamas, thank you so much. ukraine says 100 civilians are still trapped in that mariupol compound as the russians continue their assault. and we're learning new details about the deaths of american tourists in the bahamas. ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. ♪ harp plays ♪ only two things are forever: love and liliberty mutual customizing yoyour car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. 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>> well, i can't get into specific discussions that we're having with individuals, but i can tell you nearly a thousand interviews and depositions that the january 6th committee has conducted, we continue to receive ample evidence and material that is helpful to our investigation. we understand the interest in talking to the vice president, and we haven't made decisions at this point. but i can tell you that we continue to receive ample evidence that will help us in this discussion. >> obviously he's not just any witness. i'm not asking you about thousands, i'm asking you about this one, and i do wonder how could you have a complete investigation without hearing from someone so central to that day? >> well, we have heard from many witnesses who have information about discussions that were taking place, around the vice president. and so we continue to gather that evidence and the text messages that have been publicly reported, and we're making significant progress, each and every step of the way. we look forward to sharing that progress with the american public in these eight public hearings that we plan to have in june? >> as you said, you mentioned the text messages, cnn has obtained and released so many of these text messages that were sent to mark meadows, over hours, including from trump family members, from members of congress, from politicians, from elsewhere, pleading with meadows to get the president, former president to step in, to say something, anything, to stop the insurrection as it was happening. and yet nothing happened for three hours. so when you read over those text messages, what was your reaction? >> disappointed, but not surprised. you know, committee members had access to those text messages months ago and i think it lays the story of january 6th that this was a concerted effort, this wasn't just something spontaneous that occurred on january 6th. there was a buildup that was a plan, there were multiple people in mark meadows ear telling him about these crazy conspiracy theories, whether they originated with these individuals and some members of congress, or whether they were cut and pasted and sent to mark meadows. he received many of these and responded that they were working actively on those in november and in december. >> that three hours of inaction from the former president, does that, to you, constitute a dereliction of duty? >> yes. i think that the president had every opportunity to walk into the press room, to tweet, to talk to the american public, and to tell these insurrectionists to go home, to tell them we're going to have a peaceful transition of power. that's a hallmark of democracy. and each and every step of the way he chose not to do that. >> have formal invitations gone out to witnesses for the public hearings? >> no. but we continue to have discussions about each hearing, a topic, it will be focused, it will be clear to the american public, the story that we want to tell. we have, like i said, had nearly a thousand depositions and interviews, and we will make decisions as to which witnesses and which evidence and material will help us convey that in the best format to the american public. this is about sharing that story, telling that story, and making sure that the public understands it. >> i do understand that each member will get a day that he or she can focus on. have you decided what your day of focus will be? >> i look forward to participating in the hearing as a member and i look forward to getting ready with the entire team. it is a great group of members. and we have been looking forward to sharing this story and sharing the evidence that we have received. >> i appreciate you being with us and sharing what you can with us and the american people. thank you. >> thank you. all right, grim discoveries at the nation's largest reservoir. cnn there live. ♪ ihoppy hour starting at $6 at 3pm only from ihop. download the app and join the rewards program today. my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala is a once monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma that can mean less oral steroids. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. with angi, you can connect with and see ratings and reviews. and when you book and pay throug you're covered by our happiness check out today. angi... and done. godaddy payments offers fast and secure payments for customers at the lowest transaction fees. so you can keep more of the money you make and continue to grow your business. if you've got it, we've got you. start today at my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... the itching... the burning. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 16 weeks. the majority of people saw 90% clearer skin even at 5 years. tremfya® is the first medication of its kind also approved for adults with active psoriatic arthritis... and it's 6 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®... ask your doctor about tremfya® today. ubrelvy helps u fight migraine attacks. u do it all. one dose of ubrelvy, quickly stops migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. okay season 6! aw... this'll take forev—or not. do i just focus on when things don't work, and not appreciate when they do? 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>> meeting in the middle of the desert made me nervous. it is a scary place. >> reporter: dead bodies in tru trunks, shallow graves, cement boots. >> we're assuming mafia because it is vegas. >> reporter: these two retired vegas cops, now podcast hosts, are offering a reward to a diver who finds a body. >> it would be interesting to close out some cases or identify some people that are missing persons. >> reporter: so the body in the barrel that was found was found right here. when it was dumped decades ago, we would have been under a lot of water. this would have been somewhere near the middle of lake mead, so a safe submerged secret. not anymore. this is now the shoreline. so detectives from vegas are now faced with a decades old murder, a vast crime scene and right now very little to go on. beyond those '70s shoes. >> in any homicide investigation, first part of the investigation is obviously we have to identify the victim. and that's what we're trying to do at this point. >> reporter: so two bodies found here in just a little over a week. the one found this past weekend, lieutenant spencer says right now they do not suspect foul play. there are accidents out here on the lake. and lieutenant spencer expects that more bodies will be found. as i mentioned, the water already at historic lows, and it could go even lower because there is no end in sight to the m megadrought that is driving the dramatic dip in the water level. >> one of the most dangerous national parks, actually. nick watt, thank you so much for that live report from lake mead. is the queen's health worse than publicly known? 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Need , Voters , Talk , Biden Come Out , Supreme Court Ruling , Bit , Yes , Reserves , High , 17 , Hearing Concerns , Summer , Matter , Analysts , Hearing , Ballot , Topics , Triangulate , Rinning C , Campaigns , Victory , Sort , Victory Lap , View , Others , Workforces , Didn T , Say Anything , Given , Announcements , Muted , Point , Biden Last Night , Closed Door Fund Raiser , Is Putin , Exit , Endgame , Attempt , Hat , Achievement , Progress , Capital , Southern Ukraine , Pentagon , Director , Mindset , Reputation , Tact , Cia , Answer , Somebody , Chess Player , Game , Ukraine Didn T , Most , Threat , Nuclear Weapon , Chance Isn T Zero , Intelligence , Isn T , Posturing , Aides , Strike , Saber Rattling , Zero , Sign , Aspect , Rope , Desperation , The End , Isn T A Small Chance , Last Resort Measure , Civilians , Pajamas , Tuning In , Kaitlan Tonigh , Love , Bahamas , Russians , Compound , Tourists , Deaths , Harp , Mariupol , Limu Emu , Doug , Liliberty Mutual Customizing Yoyour , Peace , Car Insurance , Marriaiage , Anyone , Crowd Gasps , Emu Squawks , Liberty , Ringcentral , Bonnie , Be Cool , Prom Dresses , Adventures , Meningitis , Teen , Vaccination , Consequences , Vaccines , Survivors , Up To , Meningitis B , 1 , Cars , Car , Happiness , Carvana , Newfound , Meningitis B , Surprises , Clearchoice , Implants , Let S Dig In , Bite , Teeth , Chow Down , Chuckles , Consultation , Menu , Sports , Solutions For The Homeless , Refund , Profits , Funds , Homeless Funds , Loopholes , Bets , License Fee , 100 Million , 00 Million , Homeless , January 6th Committee , Profile Hearings , Witnesses , Members , Hearings , Family Members , Pete Aguilar , Congressman , Discussions , Vice President , Status , Investigation , Interviews , Material , Depositions , Interest , A Thousand , Decisions , Discussion , Witness , Thousands , Wonder , Information , Text Messages , Public , Step , Eight , Mark Meadows , Meadows , Pleading , Elsewhere , Step In , Trump , Committee Members , Insurrection , Disappointed , Story , Buildup , Wasn T , Effort , Conspiracy Theories , Ear , These , Inaction , Dereliction , Press Room , Duty , Opportunity , Home , Insurrectionists , Democracy , Transition , Hallmark , Invitations , Topic , Format , Focus , Team , Group , Sharing , Reservoir , Discoveries , Nation , Program , Ratings , Angi , Payments , Transaction Fees , Reviews , Godaddy , Angi Com , Money , Dose , Season , Conference Room , Things Don T Work , Parking Spot , Desk , Solutions , Bag , The World Works , Coder , Servicenow , Refresh Italiano Subway , Capicola , Meat , Meats , Nonna , I Don T Cook , Wait , Subway , Water Level , Human Remains , Lake Meade , Refre Another Grim Discovery , Mafia , Bodies , Distance , Ex , Man , Law Enforcement , Las Vegas , Nick Watt , Lake , Homicide Investigation , Water Supply , Size , Tens , Millions , Theories , Brianna , Southwest , Boy , 1930 , 65 , Water , Omen , Lake Mead , Climate Change Fights , Remains , Drive , Grisly Discoveries From A Dark Past , Sin City , Human Skeletal , May 7th , The Wilderness , 7 , Saturday May 7th , Barrel , Human Body , Recreation Spot , Mud , Sunday , May 1st , Sunday May 1st , Body , Clothing , Footwear , Victim , Incident , 1970 , 80 , Vegas , Gangsters Paradise , Meeting , Casino , Cinematic Staple , Middle , These Two Retired Vegas Cops , Desert , Tru Trunks , Cement Boots , Shallow Graves , Diver , Cases , Reward , Podcast Hosts , Missing Persons , Shoreline , Somewhere , Detectives , Secret , Crime Scene , Murder , Go On , Beyond Those 70s Shoes , Spencer , Little , Play , Lows , Accidents , Parks , Dip , Sight , M Megadrought , Time , Event , Health , Portrait , Records , Auction , Bank , Marilyn Monroe , 60 , Stay , Special Edition , Sleep Nunumber 360 , Yourusiness , Few , Do Venture , Storytelling , Mosquitoes , Bolts , Audio Entertainment , Audible , Orkin Pro , Light Bulb , Children , Rosy , Parent Teacher Partnership , Ingrid , Kiyoko , Carol , Community , Janitors , Each Other , Staff , The Crossing Guard , Schools , Heart , Customer Service , The Next Step Genesys Technology , Reps , California , Ears , Music , Genesys , Trust Safelite , Singers , Windshield , Customer Smile , Glass , Appointment , Safety System , Dad , Stay Safe With Safelite , Tech , Pop Rock Music Tech , Safelite Repair , Morning , Biden Set , Safelite , Autopsies , Police Chase , Sandals , Vacation , Hearts , Health Issues , Parliament , Opening , Prince Charles , Six , Stories , American Art Work , Tune , Andy Warhol , Christie S , Portrait Of The Movie Star Sold For Last Night , 95 Million , 1964 , 195 Million , Art , Pieces , Million , 195 , 1 Million , Coverage , Tuesday Morning , Southern Port City , Odesa , Erica Hill , Jim Sciutto , Missiles , Buildings , Targets , Fire , Area , Target , Images , Kiv ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240707

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on the leases that they already own, because we very much understand that it is a world supply of oil and gas that is so important for energy costs and he wants to ensure that those prices remain manageable for households. >> just to be clear, what's happening with russia and ukraine is compounding a problem that was already starting, right. so this is exacerbating something that was already in effect before the war. what about a national gas tax holiday? >> so, look, the president understands the uncertainty and the costs that rising prices pay for, the cost on families. all measures are on the table. he's focussed on these issues. so, one, he's trying to address oil and gas prices. i mentioned the spro, all other options are on the table as well. he's been focus odd on reducing the cost for families on really important items such as reducing prescription costs, making child care and home care more affordable, lowering the cost of housing which will increase economic growth and economic capacity, which helps with price pressures going forward. and finally he understands that we need to be addressing the federal deficit, the deficit was reduced by over $3 billion last year under his watch. and if you look at his budget, that is -- we're on track to reduce the deficit by an additional $1.5 trillion this coming year. he wants to do so by increasing taxes on the very wealthiest, on our corporations, many of whom have paid no federal income tax, some of the wealthiest americans have low tax rates, so he wants to do so in a way that is fair, he understands reducing the deficit is another important way in order to address rising prices. >> there is a lot of people who need maybe something that -- you know, they need something in effect now, or some of those measures you talked about housing, affordability, for some people the gas is something that they're going to feel in a more real way or it is going to affect them more. so gas tax holiday, are you seeing is that a serious possibility then or it is on the table, i'm trying to get a sense of if that's -- if you're just putting that in the basket, but it is not a real thing, or if it is potentially a real thing? >> so, look, the president wants to consider all measures that will have a meaningful impact on gas tax. >> would that one? >> on gas prices and energy prices. he cannot do everything unilaterally. he needs to work with partners in congress in order to make meaningful change. but it is very important to understand that this president is focused on rising prices, he wants to address it in a way that does not hurt the pocketbooks of ordinary ameriamerican s. if you contrast that with the republican plan, to increase taxes on people making less than $100 now a year, i think 95% of the tax increases are -- would fall on those making $100,000 a year in contrast to the president will not rise prices -- taxes on those making less than $400,000 a year. this president is working for american families, he understands it, and this is what gets him up every day. >> so biden is going to be announcing thinks plans for fighting inflation today. 11:30 we're expecting his comments. i invite you to tell us what they are, but i suspect you may not want to get ahead of him. what about ending the tariffs on chinese imports. experts say that would work quickly. >> the president is -- has got a whole of government approach and he's looking at all of the various levers that would help to bring down prices and help our economy work more effectively and efficiently. so, of course, he needs to look at the chinese tariffs and look at our trade policy more generally because we want to ensure that our supply chains are running effectively, that we have -- we want to have a strategic approach with china and other countries around the world. we also want to understand that we have -- there are important industries that we need to be developing here, for example, let's go back to the gas taxes. we know this highlights russia's invasion of ukraine, highlighs the need to get to clean energy. we can't be reliant on key minerals or components or gasoline or energy from countries around the world that are run by autocrats. this president is really focused on building an economy that works for every american because we understand that a strong middle class generates an economy that works, that grows, and that works for everybody. >> where is the white house right now on student loan forgiveness? what is the amount you're considering? >> the president understands the real burden of student loans. and he has -- during his campaign, he proposed canceling the debt, up to $10,000 of students. he is considering many options, he's already done a lot in making loans more -- work better. he canceled $18 billion of student loans for those at for profit institutions that really had defrauded them by making some of our payment plans much more effective. so he is focused on this issue, he understands how important it is for students. we know college education is so important for individuals, for our country, and he wants to ensure that individuals have the access and can do so in an affordable way. >> former trump white house economic adviser kevin hassett says america is already in a recession. is it possible he's correct? >> so i'm not sure where that comes from, so what we saw is coming out of 2021, that we had economic growth of about 5.5%. the strongest one year growth in almost on record for a first year president. last quarter the advance estimate showed there was slowing in the first quarter. however, if you look at the components of gdp that really reflects personal consumptconsu business investment, that grew at a healthy 3.5%. many economists we have documented that that is a better predictor of what next quarter's gdp is likely to be. typically economists date a recession as being two quarters of negative growth, and other factors, which we have not seen at all. so we're not expecting that we're already in a recession. in fact, the guts and the bones of this economy remain strong. yes there are head winds. yes, there is uncertainty, which is why the president is so focused on trying to reduce costs and grow this economy by investing in people, in our physical infrastructure and building the kind of economy that will generate sustainable growth going forward. >> cecelia, i wonder, you know, looking back, were larry summers and joe manchin right about spending and inflation? >> i'm not sure what the right is. what we have here is an economy that is recovering from a pandemic. the downturn was caused by the pandemic. we had to basically power down our economy until we had the therapeutics and vaccinations and sthots in the arms. >> they warned the spending levels, which, of course, i understand the white house and you consider very necessary for the situation that the economy and that the pandemic was in, but that it would cause inflation of maybe a higher level than certain people, including at the white house, were expecting. were they right? >> so we -- what we have seen is that all advanced countries are trying to address inflation and they have, you know, historic levels of inflation. that has been the consequence of mounting an effective response to the pandemic. because while we supported households and businesses, got shots into arms, which allowed people to start to come out of their homes and regain their lives, our supply chains could not support that demand. this is -- we're not alone. all advanced countries are addressing with this. this is a consequence of having an effective strategy against the pandemic. this is why the president understands that the federal reserve needs to do its job and he encourages congress to confirm all of his nominees so they have a full slate and can address their dual mandate of price stability and full employment. we understand that is the economic challenge in front of us. that is what he's focused on every day. >> cecelia, we appreciate you being with us. we're awaiting the president's comments as i know you are later this morning. cecelia rouse from the white house, thank you. >> thank you. all right, this morning in ukraine, russian forces intensifying their assault on the southern port city of odesa, firing hypersonic missiles at a shopping mall and hotels. in kharkiv, a civilian convoy was attacked killing several people. there is video at the scene which shows vehicles there clearly trying to get out. and new drone video shows a russian tank being targeted near kharkiv. that's close to where that civilian convoy was fired upon. ukraine's military says russia is beefing up its troop presence within its own borders to protect against ukrainian counteroffensives that have made some headway around kharkiv and a senior u.s. defense official tells cnn that anecdotal reports reveal that some russian troops and officers are refusing to obey orders to move forward in the donbas offensive. now, though, we're going to go to frederik pleitgen live this morning in riga, in latvia, you have a fascinating look at the training that is taking place in the black sea. exp explain. >> reporter: you're right, john. it is special forces training. one of the things we have seen as we traveled here along nato's eastern flank is that, of course, the war that is going on in ukraine is of great concern. there is very few countries that support ukraine more than latvia does, but romania also, for instance, you know, they do a lot and they are very concerned because they're right next door to ukraine. and with that the nato alliance has become so much more important and getting the countries in that alliance in sync has become even more important. we were able to go at sea with special forces, not very far at all from where the fighting in ukraine was taking place, and here's what we saw. on the high alert in the black sea. u.s. navys.e.a.l.s, romanian, strong cooperation, a member of the romanian special forces tells me. >> it is very important. so all the teams can get on board of the ship and the exact time they should. >> reporter: these are among nato's most elite units and they allowed us to film on the condition we would not reveal their identities. the raid involves both fast rigid inflatable boats as well as a chopper to land troops on the ship, search it and detain would be enemy combatants. this drill is part of a much larger special forces exercise called trojan footprint, involving some 30 countries, both nato and non-nato allies. on the face of it, this exercise has nothing to do with russia's invasion of ukraine, but we're not very far from ukraine's borders at all. the u.s. has been very keen to strengthen the nato alliance and show that it is committed to collective security here in europe. romania directly borders ukraine, where the war is raging both onl land and at sea. the exercise took place not far from snake island, which the russians raided in late february and are occupying. the ukrainians have struck back, managing to hit the flagship "moskva" cruiser and sink it, and the past few days they released videos of their forces allegedly hitting both a russian landing vessel and a russian chopper unloading troops on snake island. the russians for their part claim to have hit ukrainian strike aircraft and a helicopter. romanian forces telling us they recently had to destroy a sea mine that floated here from ukrainian waters. but the commander in charge of this drill says they keep the war next door off their minds and focus on getting better. >> it is important on the level of training that you reach. >> reporter: it is quite real right now. it is next door. >> yes, it is real. and we are prepared for it. >> reporter: >> re the u.s. says exercises like this one have become more important since russia's invasion of ukraine, to strengthen the nato alliance and deter moscow from aggressive moves against member countries. also very important because one of the things that president biden keeps saying, john, he said he believes vladimir putin thought that the u.s. and its allies would be divided. but they're very much united and the nato alliance would be weakened, however it is very strong and could become a lot more strong in the not too distant future with possibly sweden and finland asking to join as well. >> i'm so surprised that the access you had to that, fred. that was fascinating to see, the black sea operating right -- very close to where this very active war is taking place. what an astounding report. thank you so much. so the 11-day manhunt for an alabama corrections officer and inmate charged with capital murder coming to a chaotic and deadly end. the county sheriff joins "new day" next. banning plan b. the facts behind a viral and false tweet. and a member of the house select committee investigating the january 6th insurrection joins "new day" with the latest on 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this morning, released by the sheriff's office. former corrections officer vicky white, reportedly died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. officials say a tip that came in on sunday led to -- led officers to the couple in evansville, indiana. joining us now, the sheriff of lauderdale county, alabama, rick singleton. i know how busy of a time it has been for you. i appreciate you joining us this morning. i know you knew vicky white. your reaction when you heard the news she had died? >> well, you know, in spite of what she's done, vicky was a friend, to every one of us, and we have 48 employees in the detention center, she was second in command. she knew each and every one of them. some of the older guys looked up to her as a mother figure. it has been an emotional roller co coaster for our employees. they thought she had been kidnapped and maybe in danger, for her life, and, you know, then finding out that she took him out willingly and trying to determine, well, was she threatened or some way or coerced to do that, because it just didn't sound like the vicky we knew, and then finding out that, you know, she was basically the mastermind behind the whole plan. it just -- and then finding out she lost her life, it just has been a roller coaster. >> did you say she was the mastermind behind the whole plan? >> well, you know, obviously, i mean, he was behind bars, he really couldn't, you know, plan pretty much behind bars, but, yes, i think -- personally i think she was the one to put the plan together. >> how so? >> well, she was in a position with her knowledge, with her position in the office, you know, she scheduled the van transports that morning, made sure all the other armed deputies were out of the building and tied up in court. knew the booking officer wouldn't question her, the assistant director when she told her she was going to take him to court and drop him off with other employees. she arranged -- purchased the getaway car, she sold her house, got her hands on cash, she went shopping, bought clothes for him, you know, she just -- she just obviously put the plan together. >> how concerned are you that security has been compromised in general there? if vicky white was able to tell casey white how to do this, is it possible casey white told someone else how to do it? >> well, you know, the policies are in place. a policy can't prevent anything. you can't control people's actions and choices. and, you know, when someone makes a choice to break a policy, then you deal with it. that's what the policy is there for, to give the employees guidance and direction on how they're supposed to conduct themselves. our facility for our county jail, i think it is fairly secure. when i first came into office seven years ago we had three or four escapes. but there was some structural issues with the jail that we found -- that we corrected, and once we got those corrected we haven't had a physical escape since. casey white didn't escape from the facility, he was basically let out. so, you know, that kind of situation, scenario, i don't know, you know, it would be hard -- i couldn't tell you it would never happen again, but i can tell you we got policies in place to prevent it. at least give our employees guidance on how they should -- >> sheriff, there are reports that vicky white, the gunshot wound to her head was self- self-inflicted. what evidence have you heard of that? how has it been explained to you? >> it really hasn't been explained to me as far as any specific details. just that, you know, that it was self-inflicted. >> was the gun in her hand? was it ever spoken out loud? i guess i'm getting at, is there any evidence that he may have pulled the trigger? >> not that i'm aware of. of course, all this happened in indiana. and so i -- i don't have any direct knowledge of what went down actually. i'm just actually -- what knowledge i have of it is what i heard primary to you guys. i have heard from -- through the u.s. marshals fugitive task force, they alerted me that they had captured them, and, you know, and what details i've gotten, i've gotten from them. >> so when you do get casey white back, what will change in terms of his confinement? >> we already made arrangements with the local circuit judge. and with the department of alabama department of corrections. when we bring him back, he will immediately go before the judge, that will be his first stop, when he gets in town. as soon as the judge conducts the arraignment, he will be put back in the transport vehicle and transported directly to the department of corrections. >> all right, sheriff rick singleton, i know this has been -- you said yesterday in the news conference, you've been at this 50 years and this was the strangest and most tumultuous 11 days of your entire career. so we appreciate you taking the time over this 11 days to speak to us and keep us and the american people informed. thank you, sir. >> thank you. all right, daniel dale here to fact check a viral tweet on abortion. plus, one republican senator admits some of his party are nervous about the midterms if the supreme court overturns roe v. wade. it's time for our memorial day sale on the sleep number 360 smart bed. why choose proven quality sleep from sleep number? because our 360 smart bed senses your movement and automatically adjusts to help keep you both comfortable all nightht. it's also temperature balancing so you s stay cool. it's's even smart enough to know exactly how long, how well andnd when you slept and to help you get almost 30 minutes more restful sleeeep per night. sleep number takes care of the science. all you have to do is sleep. during our memorial day sale, save $1,000 on the sleep number 360 special edition smart bed, queen now only $1,999. only for a limited time. to learn more, go to lemons. lemons. lemons. the world is so full of lemons. when you become an expedia member, you can instantly start saving on your 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>> if roe is invalidated, tennessee is planning to ban almost all abortions. it is one of more than a dozen states that has so-called trigger law in place, a law that snaps into effect if roe is overturned and this trigger law says 30 days after roe goes down, abortion is banned. there is an exception for the life of the mother, but no exception for rape or for incest. >> and that happens 30 days after roe is struck down. daniel dale, as i said, not just the truth, but results, thanks so much for that. >> thanks, john. let's bring in cnn chief political correspondent dana bash, and cnn chief white house correspondent kaitlan collins. i want to ask you about something senator ted cruz said there are some in the republican party who are nervous about the possibility of overturning roe v. wade. >> i can tell you democrats in washington are holding on to that as their hail mary chance to save the midterms. they believe that people will be horrified and that will help them win. and i got to tell you, more than a few republican senators are nervous that's the case. >> we knew this, but it is so interesting to hear him say it. >> it is. he also said in that same podcast, i think you're going to have a positive effect of people in the pro life community who have been fighting for this for 50 years. he might be right about that. but if history is any guide for us here on the way politics and political movements and fervor works, it is not on the side of the victor, and in this case politically speaking the conservative movement has been working on this for 50 years, since roe first was -- happened in the early '70s. now the question really is about how much of a galvanizer this is on the other side of the aisle, for those who have taken for granted that this would just be the law of the land forever. again, history tells us that that is where the energy is more likely to be. not on the side of those who -- whose energy for 50 years paid off. >> this is certainly something that a lot of conservatives have wanted to see for so long. it has been one of their defining principles. maybe it animates the base, but not the swing voters who are hesitant about something like this, had this ruling happening, this coming down, what it means for the future of that. that's where the concern from some of these republican senators comes from. >> one thing that is important, because we are getting into the nitty-gritty of the nmidterms, there is such a difference between the house and the senate and the dynamics that could play out with this and other issues. there is so few swing districts left in the house because of redistricting and lots of other reasons that the pool of politicians for whom this could make a make or break difference is small. on the senate side, you have large states, you have lots of suburban pockets, lots of pockets where people who are energized could make a difference. >> when we covered congress together, there were so many democrats who were, you any, pro-life. i want to talk about today, because here in a few hours we're going to see president biden giving a speech address inflation. there are so many americans sour on the economy. what do we expect he's going to say? >> the thing is, it is the fact he's giving this speech, that he feels the need to come out to address this, to talk about what his game plan is, when you hear white house officials say, you know, there are limits to what he can do to try to blunt this. but they say they know he has to be out there talking about it because they believe they want to show he is addressing it, because for all the talk about what's going to happen with the supreme court ruling, one thing we do know is right now the number one concern that voters have is inflation. and the economy. and they don't think it is going well. and so you'll see president biden come out and talk about he has done so far, what he plans to do, but look at the reports this morning about gas prices reaching a new high. going up 17 cents just in the last week alone, in the last several days, and that's a major concern for them, because, yes, president biden released oil from the strategic reserves last month, prices dipped a little bit, as we said at the time, as what analysts were telling us, expert oz on this matter, it is going to be temporary and they're going to go back up. right now we're seeing that, you're hearing concerns are going to go up even further this summer. it is not an issue that is going away for them. they know it is number one. >> they're hearing, i'm sure what we're both hearing, from the democrats who are on the ballot, in november, begging the president to get more involved on the issue of the economy, begging him to get out more -- more out front on it. there are those who say i can run separately, triangulate, however you want to call it. for the most part, those rinning c campaigns say the president is tied to the economy. >> do you think right now if we can switch topics and talk about vladimir putin and how the white house, how the president has seen putin after that speech he gave yesterday on a key day on victory day, what are they thinking now after putin really didn't say what they thought he might. he didn't declare victory. he didn't do some sort of victory lap or anything. what are they thinking he's going to do now? >> there was a bit of a divided view in the white house of what yesterday's speech from him was going to look like. some said maybe he will try to declare victory or announce he's mobilizing workforces. others were skeptical given he doesn't have progress to tout at this speech. he didn't make new announcements there. they watched it very closely. officials found it subdued, muted, didn't say anything new, they didn't feel the need to respond in any great way to talk about what he said because what is the point of escalating it any further. one big question that i think was revealed by president biden last night, he said at a closed door fund-raiser is putin is a very calculating person. but right now they're having trouble figuring out where he's going next. and what is a possible exit for him here, an endgame where he can say i have this tangible achievement, this is what i'm going to hang my hat on in an attempt to declare victory in ukraine? because things have changed so much from he wants to take the capital, that didn't happen. now he's moved to focus on eastern and southern ukraine. the progress there for the russians has been incremental at best when you talk to pentagon officials. now what the president is talking about, what he's saying is i don't know how he gets out of this war is they don't know what it is that putin feels like he can touch on that he can then exit this war and still feel that his reputation is in tact. and you heard the cia director say this, he thinks that right now putin's mindset is he cannot afford to lose this war. >> which is what he didn't expect, and it seems as though the answer is that it is possible that despite the fact that people have been looking at putin as this chess player, as somebody who is playing the long game who has a plan out for the future, that because his strategy in ukraine didn't go the way he intended, he might not know the answer, so everybody in the u.s. government is trying to get inside his head, his head might not have the answer where he wants to go right now. >> and i think one concern, we have tried to talk about this in such a measured way because it is important that you do when you talk about this threat of him using a tactical nuclear weapon, the thing i think stands out the most for me, when you listen to the cia director and he says the chance isn't zero. we're not saying it isn't going to happen. we don't have intelligence he's moving or posturing to make a strike like that, but they're not saying it is a zero chance, he is conducting this nuclear saber rattling, his aides are, it raises a concern for people like the cia director. that is such an interesting aspect of this, as i think their concern is he gets kind of to the end of his rope and that's a last resort measure. >> maybe a sign of his desperation, but doesn't mean he's not necessarily going to do it, it isn't a small chance. dana and kaitlan, thank you to you both. watch dane a and kaitlan tonigh i'll be tuning in, probably in my pajamas, thank you so much. ukraine says 100 civilians are still trapped in that mariupol compound as the russians continue their assault. and we're learning new details about the deaths of american tourists in the bahamas. ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. ♪ harp plays ♪ only two things are forever: love and liliberty mutual customizing yoyour car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. 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>> well, i can't get into specific discussions that we're having with individuals, but i can tell you nearly a thousand interviews and depositions that the january 6th committee has conducted, we continue to receive ample evidence and material that is helpful to our investigation. we understand the interest in talking to the vice president, and we haven't made decisions at this point. but i can tell you that we continue to receive ample evidence that will help us in this discussion. >> obviously he's not just any witness. i'm not asking you about thousands, i'm asking you about this one, and i do wonder how could you have a complete investigation without hearing from someone so central to that day? >> well, we have heard from many witnesses who have information about discussions that were taking place, around the vice president. and so we continue to gather that evidence and the text messages that have been publicly reported, and we're making significant progress, each and every step of the way. we look forward to sharing that progress with the american public in these eight public hearings that we plan to have in june? >> as you said, you mentioned the text messages, cnn has obtained and released so many of these text messages that were sent to mark meadows, over hours, including from trump family members, from members of congress, from politicians, from elsewhere, pleading with meadows to get the president, former president to step in, to say something, anything, to stop the insurrection as it was happening. and yet nothing happened for three hours. so when you read over those text messages, what was your reaction? >> disappointed, but not surprised. you know, committee members had access to those text messages months ago and i think it lays the story of january 6th that this was a concerted effort, this wasn't just something spontaneous that occurred on january 6th. there was a buildup that was a plan, there were multiple people in mark meadows ear telling him about these crazy conspiracy theories, whether they originated with these individuals and some members of congress, or whether they were cut and pasted and sent to mark meadows. he received many of these and responded that they were working actively on those in november and in december. >> that three hours of inaction from the former president, does that, to you, constitute a dereliction of duty? >> yes. i think that the president had every opportunity to walk into the press room, to tweet, to talk to the american public, and to tell these insurrectionists to go home, to tell them we're going to have a peaceful transition of power. that's a hallmark of democracy. and each and every step of the way he chose not to do that. >> have formal invitations gone out to witnesses for the public hearings? >> no. but we continue to have discussions about each hearing, a topic, it will be focused, it will be clear to the american public, the story that we want to tell. we have, like i said, had nearly a thousand depositions and interviews, and we will make decisions as to which witnesses and which evidence and material will help us convey that in the best format to the american public. this is about sharing that story, telling that story, and making sure that the public understands it. >> i do understand that each member will get a day that he or she can focus on. have you decided what your day of focus will be? >> i look forward to participating in the hearing as a member and i look forward to getting ready with the entire team. it is a great group of members. and we have been looking forward to sharing this story and sharing the evidence that we have received. >> i appreciate you being with us and sharing what you can with us and the american people. thank you. >> thank you. all right, grim discoveries at the nation's largest reservoir. cnn there live. ♪ ihoppy hour starting at $6 at 3pm only from ihop. download the app and join the rewards program today. my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala is a once monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma that can mean less oral steroids. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. with angi, you can connect with and see ratings and reviews. and when you book and pay throug you're covered by our happiness check out today. angi... and done. godaddy payments offers fast and secure payments for customers at the lowest transaction fees. so you can keep more of the money you make and continue to grow your business. if you've got it, we've got you. start today at my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... the itching... the burning. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 16 weeks. the majority of people saw 90% clearer skin even at 5 years. tremfya® is the first medication of its kind also approved for adults with active psoriatic arthritis... and it's 6 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®... ask your doctor about tremfya® today. ubrelvy helps u fight migraine attacks. u do it all. one dose of ubrelvy, quickly stops migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. okay season 6! aw... this'll take forev—or not. do i just focus on when things don't work, and not appreciate when they do? 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>> meeting in the middle of the desert made me nervous. it is a scary place. >> reporter: dead bodies in tru trunks, shallow graves, cement boots. >> we're assuming mafia because it is vegas. >> reporter: these two retired vegas cops, now podcast hosts, are offering a reward to a diver who finds a body. >> it would be interesting to close out some cases or identify some people that are missing persons. >> reporter: so the body in the barrel that was found was found right here. when it was dumped decades ago, we would have been under a lot of water. this would have been somewhere near the middle of lake mead, so a safe submerged secret. not anymore. this is now the shoreline. so detectives from vegas are now faced with a decades old murder, a vast crime scene and right now very little to go on. beyond those '70s shoes. >> in any homicide investigation, first part of the investigation is obviously we have to identify the victim. and that's what we're trying to do at this point. >> reporter: so two bodies found here in just a little over a week. the one found this past weekend, lieutenant spencer says right now they do not suspect foul play. there are accidents out here on the lake. and lieutenant spencer expects that more bodies will be found. as i mentioned, the water already at historic lows, and it could go even lower because there is no end in sight to the m megadrought that is driving the dramatic dip in the water level. >> one of the most dangerous national parks, actually. nick watt, thank you so much for that live report from lake mead. is the queen's health worse than publicly known? 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Need , Voters , Talk , Biden Come Out , Supreme Court Ruling , Bit , Yes , Reserves , High , 17 , Hearing Concerns , Summer , Matter , Analysts , Hearing , Ballot , Topics , Triangulate , Rinning C , Campaigns , Victory , Sort , Victory Lap , View , Others , Workforces , Didn T , Say Anything , Given , Announcements , Muted , Point , Biden Last Night , Closed Door Fund Raiser , Is Putin , Exit , Endgame , Attempt , Hat , Achievement , Progress , Capital , Southern Ukraine , Pentagon , Director , Mindset , Reputation , Tact , Cia , Answer , Somebody , Chess Player , Game , Ukraine Didn T , Most , Threat , Nuclear Weapon , Chance Isn T Zero , Intelligence , Isn T , Posturing , Aides , Strike , Saber Rattling , Zero , Sign , Aspect , Rope , Desperation , The End , Isn T A Small Chance , Last Resort Measure , Civilians , Pajamas , Tuning In , Kaitlan Tonigh , Love , Bahamas , Russians , Compound , Tourists , Deaths , Harp , Mariupol , Limu Emu , Doug , Liliberty Mutual Customizing Yoyour , Peace , Car Insurance , Marriaiage , Anyone , Crowd Gasps , Emu Squawks , Liberty , Ringcentral , Bonnie , Be Cool , Prom Dresses , Adventures , Meningitis , Teen , Vaccination , Consequences , Vaccines , Survivors , Up To , Meningitis B , 1 , Cars , Car , Happiness , Carvana , Newfound , Meningitis B , Surprises , Clearchoice , Implants , Let S Dig In , Bite , Teeth , Chow Down , Chuckles , Consultation , Menu , Sports , Solutions For The Homeless , Refund , Profits , Funds , Homeless Funds , Loopholes , Bets , License Fee , 100 Million , 00 Million , Homeless , January 6th Committee , Profile Hearings , Witnesses , Members , Hearings , Family Members , Pete Aguilar , Congressman , Discussions , Vice President , Status , Investigation , Interviews , Material , Depositions , Interest , A Thousand , Decisions , Discussion , Witness , Thousands , Wonder , Information , Text Messages , Public , Step , Eight , Mark Meadows , Meadows , Pleading , Elsewhere , Step In , Trump , Committee Members , Insurrection , Disappointed , Story , Buildup , Wasn T , Effort , Conspiracy Theories , Ear , These , Inaction , Dereliction , Press Room , Duty , Opportunity , Home , Insurrectionists , Democracy , Transition , Hallmark , Invitations , Topic , Format , Focus , Team , Group , Sharing , Reservoir , Discoveries , Nation , Program , Ratings , Angi , Payments , Transaction Fees , Reviews , Godaddy , Angi Com , Money , Dose , Season , Conference Room , Things Don T Work , Parking Spot , Desk , Solutions , Bag , The World Works , Coder , Servicenow , Refresh Italiano Subway , Capicola , Meat , Meats , Nonna , I Don T Cook , Wait , Subway , Water Level , Human Remains , Lake Meade , Refre Another Grim Discovery , Mafia , Bodies , Distance , Ex , Man , Law Enforcement , Las Vegas , Nick Watt , Lake , Homicide Investigation , Water Supply , Size , Tens , Millions , Theories , Brianna , Southwest , Boy , 1930 , 65 , Water , Omen , Lake Mead , Climate Change Fights , Remains , Drive , Grisly Discoveries From A Dark Past , Sin City , Human Skeletal , May 7th , The Wilderness , 7 , Saturday May 7th , Barrel , Human Body , Recreation Spot , Mud , Sunday , May 1st , Sunday May 1st , Body , Clothing , Footwear , Victim , Incident , 1970 , 80 , Vegas , Gangsters Paradise , Meeting , Casino , Cinematic Staple , Middle , These Two Retired Vegas Cops , Desert , Tru Trunks , Cement Boots , Shallow Graves , Diver , Cases , Reward , Podcast Hosts , Missing Persons , Shoreline , Somewhere , Detectives , Secret , Crime Scene , Murder , Go On , Beyond Those 70s Shoes , Spencer , Little , Play , Lows , Accidents , Parks , Dip , Sight , M Megadrought , Time , Event , Health , Portrait , Records , Auction , Bank , Marilyn Monroe , 60 , Stay , Special Edition , Sleep Nunumber 360 , Yourusiness , Few , Do Venture , Storytelling , Mosquitoes , Bolts , Audio Entertainment , Audible , Orkin Pro , Light Bulb , Children , Rosy , Parent Teacher Partnership , Ingrid , Kiyoko , Carol , Community , Janitors , Each Other , Staff , The Crossing Guard , Schools , Heart , Customer Service , The Next Step Genesys Technology , Reps , California , Ears , Music , Genesys , Trust Safelite , Singers , Windshield , Customer Smile , Glass , Appointment , Safety System , Dad , Stay Safe With Safelite , Tech , Pop Rock Music Tech , Safelite Repair , Morning , Biden Set , Safelite , Autopsies , Police Chase , Sandals , Vacation , Hearts , Health Issues , Parliament , Opening , Prince Charles , Six , Stories , American Art Work , Tune , Andy Warhol , Christie S , Portrait Of The Movie Star Sold For Last Night , 95 Million , 1964 , 195 Million , Art , Pieces , Million , 195 , 1 Million , Coverage , Tuesday Morning , Southern Port City , Odesa , Erica Hill , Jim Sciutto , Missiles , Buildings , Targets , Fire , Area , Target , Images , Kiv ,

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