Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240707 : comparemela

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240707

the latest. >> welcome to the show, everyone. it's 9 a.m. here in ukraine, but all eyes are on moscow where russia's annual victory day parade is about an hour or so away. this is video from rehearsals from saturday. the holiday marks the defeat of nazi germany during world war ii but today under the shadow of a new war in europe, the event taking on new significance. it's been warned russian president vladimir putin could use this holiday to make a major announcement about the war in ukraine. the victory celebration comes one day after ukraine marked its own day of remembrance with president volodymyr zelenskyy accusing russia of failing to learn the lessons of world war ii. >> russia has forgotten everything that was very important to the victors of world war ii, but ukraine and the whole free world will remind it so that no one will forget so that really important words never again which are repeated all over the free world every year on the days of remembrance of the victims of world war ii regain their weight again. >> based on video released sunday, a russian deputy prime minister has visited mariupol, the country's highest ranking official to step foot there since the war started. the southern ukrainian port city has been decimated by weeks of bombardment and now it's almost entirely under russian control except right here inside the sprawling azovstal steel plant where a group of ukrainian soldiers are still holed up refusing to surrender and vowing to fight to the death. meanwhile many of the civilians who spent weeks sheltering alongside those troops are now back in ukrainian held territory. the red cross said sunday more than 107 evacuees from azovstal and the city of mariupol had arrived in zaporizhzhia. we told you yesterday roughly at this time about the russian airstrike on a school in the luhansk region where people sheltered. dozens of people are feared dead. we spoke to some who survived the nightmare. >> reporter: this for vladimir putin is what a modern russian victory looks like, dozens dead or missing from a russian airstrike on a russian speaking village as part of a russian campaign that putin says is to protect his kin folk in ukraine. the rescuers are saying the heat's overwhelming. local authorities fear about 60 people died here. this was a school in eastern ukraine. villages were sheltering in its basement. some had been there for weeks. survivors were left with little but grief. we asked if his family had been with him. his mother didn't survive. it is not lost on anybody here that on the eve of vladimir putin's celebration of the soviet victory in the second world war over nazi germany it is civilians who are suffering the most in the name of vladimir putin's denouncing of ukraine, a country with a jewish president. i got slammed down into a slab, then a ball. then rocks sprinkled, darkness. then the dust settled and a ray of light appeared. sergei crawled out, then dug me out, dug out our uncle and aunt. we crawled all in a fog he said. ukraine has stalled russia's plans for con quest. so the kremlin added strategic supplies and stepped up this week hitting a residential block in the strategic city of. they have a facist creed they call russianism. he said they shoot prisoners. they torture women and children. they rape. they loot. they go step by step towards naziism. such explanations for what is happening here don't really answer the painful question why. >> heart breaking piece there. ahead of russia's victory day celebration g-7 leaders met virtually with president zelenskyy sunday to show their ongoing solidarity and support for ukraine. they also issued a rather scathing statement accusing vladimir putin for bringing shame to russia. i want to bring in nick robertson for more on this. what do they say? pretty scathing. >> reporter: they really sort of foreshadowing, an overshadowing, if you will, president putin's victory day speech expected in an hour or so from now saying president putin is dishonoring the memory of all the soviet citizens, civilians and red army soldiers who died in the second world war. they died fighting naziism, but putin has picked on this to make it a russian victory, rather forgetting the european involvement and pitting it as all -- or pitching it as a victory over naziism, which is how he pitches his fight in ukraine. that is an overshadowing statement and an overshadowing of the resolve of g-7's support and rebuilding of ukraine and support for the government so it can continue to pay the sort of daily bills that come up for any government, but in particular at this time in the address that volodymyr zelenskyy gave the g-7 leaders was one that was again compelling asking them for their leadership and support at this time, but also talking about the territorial integrity and sovereignty of ukraine and that pledge from the g-7 to continue to support with that, no coincidence that it fell on the 8th of may, yesterday, victory in europe day when all european nations celebrate the victory over naziism at the end of world war ii with the nazis' unconditional surrender. russia chooses the 9th of may, a different day. >> it wasn't just from what i understand a show of solidarity, but they committed to phasing out russian oil. i mean how realistic is this? >> reporter: well, they framed it in an interesting way, to do it in a timely and orderly way, which tells you that there wasn't a specific or tie-down on a date. we know that the european union has decided to end russian oil imports, which is hugely significant because of the amount of income that means for russia on a daily basis, about $1 billion a day in terms of oil, in terms of money going to russia from the european union for oil. the european union has said that it aims to do that by the end of the year, but there are holdouts. we know slovakia has an issue with that. we know hungary says it won't do it. so that's all in contention there, but at the g-7 we know japan, for example, that imported about 3.6% of its oil imports come from russia, they've committed to ending oil imports. so it's uneven for the different g-7 nations to be able to do it, but this commitment is there now and that's significant because it means less money going to russia. >> nick robertson for us in helsinki, finland, thanks very much. u.s. first lady jill biden's now the latest high profile really american to visit ukraine. she crossed into the country from slovakia meetings as you can see with ukraine's first lady olena zelenska on sunday. this is the first time mrs. zelenska has been seen in public since the war began. they met at a school that serves as temporary housing for ukrainians. the white house says mrs. biden will meet with the president of slovakia today and then head back to the united states. in another show of solidarity canadian prime minister justin trudeau made a trip to ukraine to meet with president zelenskyy sunday and announced canada will support ukraine and reopen its embassy in kyiv. meantime american diplomats returned to the u.s. embassy in kyiv the first time since the war in ukraine began timing their visit in sunday to commemorate victory in europe. >> reporter: when secretary of state blinken was in kyiv last month, he told president zelenskyy that our team would return to the capital city promptly. so today we're here to make good on that promise and it really is great to be back. >> the state department says this was not an official reopening of the u.s. embassy, but a step in the right direction. here with me now is a familiar face, of course, senior fellow and former spokesperson for the organization for security and cooperation in europe. michael, great to have you here with us on this day all eyes clearly on moscow. let me pick up where we left off. canada opening an embassy in kyiv, how significant is that? what is the message that that conveys you think? >> thanks for having me. as a canadian, i'm very happy that's been happening because i've called for it for quite some time. canada has historically projected itself to be very strong. trudeau has famously said our world needs more canada. symbolically it's good canada is showing support to the zelenskyy government. canada was the first western country to recognize ukrainian independence. zelenskyy i think told western leaders, if you're coming all this way, don't come empty handed. trudeau did come with some offers of ammunition, but it's out of sync with what the ukrainian leaders are calling for, attack helicopters and to ship weapons, tanks, that sort of thing. >> the message really is to the outside world and indeed to russia this war that you are waging on us will not stop us from our presence here. >> right. >> that's how you interpret that message? >> yeah. that business will continue on. it's really important, too, because this allows our diplomats as well as others to interact with the ukrainian government and stakeholders. what is really needed now is assessment work to be done. where is the humanitarian needs, where should they be directed and also what kind of weaponry? that is very difficult to do over zoom calls. >> let's talk about the humanitarian need because this is something i'm hearing more and more often from officials because obviously we've seen millions of people flee ukraine, but 7.7 million are displaced and this is a big concern. >> yeah. we had an atlantic council panel a few days ago and the deputy prime minister made it clear the west has to be a lot more calculating in terms of what kind of humanitarian aid it gives. we also had some aid workers. they gave pretty horrific stories how the bottlenecks are affecting their operations, the costs of containers and stuff like that very high. i think the big need right now from what we've heard was housing and the heartening thing to see happening now, there are a lot of ukrainians helping ukrainians, local ngos that have taken matters into their own hands building housing and stimulating the economy by buying locally, sourcing locally, even getting idps to help work build housing. >> the attacks we've seen on infrastructure and supplies here, has that had an impact on the movement of goods, on the price of wheat and so forth? >> in terms of rail, in terms of rebuilding rails and bridges and stuff like that, but some of the delays are manmade. i had contacts go to the polish border yesterday. they tried to leave ukraine. they counted a queue of lorries kilometers long because everything is building to x- rayed. in terms of seaports and ability to get grain out, a lot of russian bombardment on silos and infrastructure which is going to have a big ripple effect on the world economy. it already is and also on the ukrainian economy. >> of course, that's very important. we're waiting to hear obviously from president putin. what is a sense from your perspective what we might hear? >> well, on one end of the speculation spectrum is president putin will declare victory. that's it. we're out of here. we'll hold onto what we have. >> do you think that's going to happen? >> no. i'm more on the other side of the assessment given what mr. putin has said, his tremendous ego and his age, he wants to leave a legacy. i think his bottom line is to take over the entire country of ukraine and then some, but i don't think he'll be able to do that. so i think they'll hold onto the donbas but increase their footprint and secure the crucial land bridge between mainland russia and the crimea with mariupol in the middle. >> so an extension of this protracted war is what we're looking at you think? >> as long as they have the ability, the firing of those long range cruise missiles, the ones that are able to strike distant cities. that's my big worry right now with the ukrainians not having the capability to control their skies. they need western technology and weaponry to do that. the russians will still have the ability to do that, strike wherever they please including on rail infrastructure. >> of course. we'll be talking throughout the next few hours. thank you. it was a doggone good day for one jack russell terrier in ukraine's capital sunday. michael and i were talking about this. patron became a national hero for his work with the country's bomb disposal teams. he's credited with uncovering some 150 munitions during his time on the job. president zelenskyy honored patron and his owner with an award for their service to ukraine sunday during a meeting with canadian prime minister justin trudeau. he's very cute indeed. just ahead, millions of filipinos are heading to the polls to pick their next president. we'll discuss the country's election after election. in shanghai city officials are tightening restrictions once again, a live r report jus ahead. you are watching cnn newsroom. or same day if you need it sooner. but aren't you glad you can also just swing by to pick it up, and get your questions 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dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. a once-daily pill that goes beyond lowering a1c? on it with jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. welcome back, everyone. i'm rosemary church. voters across the philippines are choosing their president for the next six years. the race pits the vice president against the namesake's son against the controversial former dictator. the ceo of the online news sight rappler joins me now. she's been a journalist in asia more than 25 years including as working in manila and exposed growing authoritarianism in her native philippines and is the author of the book "how to stand up to a dictator." maria, such a pleasure to talk to you again after so many years. >> thanks for having me, rosemary. it's now 36 years. this is my 36th year as a journalist and i came in at the tail end of marcos and now we're coming back full circle it seems. >> exactly. the philippines elections are underway with the marcos family hoping to return to power and that could happen if the polls are to be believed. if the son of the former ousted dictator wins, what would he bring to the table and what would that mean for the country? >> i think first if he wins, this will show the world the impact of disinformation on a democracy. part of the reason that he has led in the statistical surveys is because as early as 2014 rappler has documented information operations, disinformation networks that have in plain view changed history. that's the first step. the second, what does he bring? he has campaigned on his father's track record which if you think that 36 years ago his father was chased out in a people power revolt, now the namesake comes in and says, you know, my -- he actually when he launched his campaign used his father's song which brought up nightmares for human rights activists, but, you know, now it seems to work and part of the reason that is is because in plain sight we were able to see the shift historical revisionism, a denial of the past and this is -- his campaign is on unity when ironically the information operation that has brought him forward has actually targeted his opponents, has seeded narratives that are lies and, you know, if, when he wins, he will determine the future of this country, but simultaneously its past. >> marcos' closest rival is linney vobrado. does she have any chance of beating marcos and what are the main voter issues driving this right now? >> i think the first thing you need to see is these elections will show whether statistical surveys work, especially in a country where disinformation, where facebook is where people get their information, where this is for the sixth year in a row filipinos have spent the most time online and on social media. repeating history, it's another marcos against another widow except this widow is a lawyer, has a track record as a legislator, is the former vice president and at the end of february right around the same time as ukraine and zelenskyy, she seemed to have sparked inspiration in a way we haven't seen since 1986 and since then you're seeing hundreds of thousands of people coming to her campaign rallies. whether it's happened, it will happen in enough time to affect the vote, that is what we'll see in the next few hours. the last thing i'll say is whatever happens next, this country has never been here before. the kind of volunteer spirit that linney vobrado has sparked, that has never happened in the philippines. what does she bring to this? i think a track record, a solid track record, human rights background. her campaign is full of platforms versus say ferdinand marcos. marcos jr. who is campaigning on unity. >> maria, a large portion of the 67 million eligible voters in the country are expected to turn out for this election, millions showing their enthusiasm lining up before dawn, but some problems have already been reported. what more are you learning about that and what level of turnout do you think will be seen in the end, do you think? >> as you know, this country has a high voter turnout, 75% is normal, right? this time around we've seen because of the pandemic the voting hours have been extended. the machines we're using, the philippines have the first fully automated end-to-end elections in 2010 globally. the machines we are using are old and the kind of failures so far still seem to be within the statistical margins for the machines that we're using. it's going to be the level of violence whether people can get the vote. it's going to be the count that will come in quickly by this time tomorrow having an idea who will be our next president, but there are more than 18,000 government officials that are being elected now. i hate to say it's a wait and see. >> it is most definitely and i know you'll be watching this very closely, as will we. an absolute pleasure to get your analysis on this, many thanks for joining us. in hong kong chief executive carrie lam just met with her newly chosen successor john li chosen by members of a chinese government vetted committee. in a short statement li said there are major tasks that need to be accomplished before he takes office july 1st including finalizing plans of government reorganizations and covid-19 policies. he did not provide specific details about those changes. on sunday china reported more than 4,200 new covid-19 cases. the majority were in the hard hit city of shanghai which has been coping with a crippling lockdown which officials are now tightening even further. for more on that i'm joined by cnn's steven jang. authorities plan to tighten those restrictions even more. what does that mean and what more are you learning about more mass testing that's now expected in beijing where you are? >> reporter: rosemary, things in shanghai took a rather ominous turn after the country's supreme court leader president xi jinping made clear last week he was not only sticking to a strict covid policy and in his words to resolutely fight with any doubts, distortion or rejection of this policy and that's exactly what has happened since, especially in shanghai where we're seeing officials increasingly adopting military campaign-style tactics to not just contain covid, but also, of course, prove their loyalty to xi jinping. that's why we're seeing a growing number of shanghai residents being resealed into their homes after the authorities actually eased off lockdown restrictions for a few days in districts without positive cases. that's also why we are seeing a growing number of residents including the elderly and those who are sick with other illnesses being forcibly removed from their homes and sent to hastily built quarantine camps with horrific conditions and that includes not only positive cases, but in many cases people living on the same floor or in the entire building. so all of that obviously very unnerving to an already very jittery population including workers who are forced to live on factory floors to resume production. in one viral video we see dozens of workers at quanta, a major supplier to apple and tesla in shanghai, security guards trying to vault over factory gates to escape because they learned there might be positive cases among the workers. so all of that, of course, is weighing heavily on a chinese economy, disrupting global supply chains and taking a very heavy psychological toll on millions of chinese across the country including people in beijing even though there is no citywide lockdown and the daily case count is in the dozens. the authorities here have been ramping up restrictions as well, especially in the city's biggest district and where we are located we have been ordered to work from home. they are also shuting down all nonessential services and suspending most public transportation, not to mention the incessant mass testing you mentioned. i just took my ninth test in the past two weeks early this morning. officials have made clear this is a requirement to access most public places if and when they reopen. >> very difficult situation for so many people there. many thanks. soon the russian president will give a major address on what could become a pivotal day for russia, ukraine and the western allies. we will talk about what he might say and how this could affect the war. be back in just a moment. your t of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeedd match your job criteria. visit and get started today. thanks, paul. my fellow xfinity customers! the biggest week in entertainment is here! watchathon week presented by xfinity rewards! with free access to stranger things from netflix, the boys from prime video, starz, hbo max, and peacock. and we'll make this a national holiday. nay. holi-week. just say watchathon into your voice remote to watch now. as a business owner, your bottom line is always top of mind. so start saving by switching to the mobile service designed for small business: comcast business mobile. 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minister of sweden, considering applying for nato membership, with us from stockholm this morning. thank you very much for joining us. i had a quick look at your twitter and i said that you said, "president zelenskyy had a very dramatic scenery for his very strong speech today. i think president putin tomorrow will look very different." what exactly did you mean by that? what are you expecting to see and hear from your vantage point on putin today? >> with tanks and soldiers in large numbers. president zelenskyy was standing in the devastated part of kyiv that had been destroyed and i think president putin is going to try to present power, trying to increase his propaganda, wrap up the rhetoric in order to install some confidence to people that things are going to work out all right which increasingly quite obviously it's not. >> but this is something that we hear pretty much every year, this sort of propaganda image of power, military might. we've been hearing it for years. do you think that he will declare officially war in ukraine or double down on mobilization efforts? >> i think he will clearly. he will have to double down. you've seen what's happened in this war. he lost the battle to kyiv, the initial one. that must have been fairly painful. the second phase south and east hasn't made much headway at all during the past few weeks. either he'll have to scale down, extremely unlikely, or he must double down and then he must double down i think on war efforts, on the propaganda against the west, against nazis, against ukraine and double down against repression internally in russia in order to keep the situation under control. he is in the position long term and it can only escalate in order to try to get out. >> i suspect it's not just a show of fanfare for the west and his own people, but also pr exercise for his troops, no doubt. >> well, yeah. and for the domestic consumption. i mean the russian people will suffocate a lot of pain and he will shore up domestic support for it and that he must do by increase propaganda, increase rhetoric against the west. and increase repression as well. they go hand in hand to which extent he will go for full mobilization which remains to be seen. i doubt that, but is he now mobilizing further forces. >> if he does double down, do you think the west and its allies are prepared to go even further in terms of sanctions because we saw the u.s. yesterday announce a promise, of course, of sanctions against kremlin-controlled media companies. how far is the west prepared to go here? >> i think the west is prepared to go further, but i don't think that's a critical things. sanctions have a long term effect. what is immediately necessary is the weapons deliveries to sustain the ammunition and weapons to the ukrainian forces because the weapons and particular ammunitions are expendable and a lot of it has been consumed already. so that's got to be the key. it's got to be decided on the battlefield and the will of the united states and the europeans to sustain the deliveries of weapon and ammunitions and war material and financial and support to ukraine is going to be absolutely critical. sanctions are important, but that's a long term. >> that's long term. the short term is that kind of military aid and financial aid as you are pointing out to ukraine. let me ask about nato expansion. how quickly do you think that sweden and finland will ask to join nato and would that escalate perhaps further tensions? >> i don't think it would. tensions are very high as they are. i think we can expect finland and swede ton declare their intent within a little more than a week. there are political processes underway in both of our countries, different processes, but entirely parallel. so when that has happened, nato would have negotiations and after that has been completed, i don't think that will take too much time, ratification of the member states. >> so a little more than a week. the former swedish prime minister joining us from stockholm. thank you very much, sir. here in ukraine a world war ii veteran feels there is little really to celebrate. 97-year-old ivan lusun fought for the soviet union in poland, belarus and germany and was decorated for his courage fighting against the nazis. now his russian home has been destroyed through two nearby russian attacks. he's having to rummage through the debris to see what he can recover. >> right now we are on the grounds of my old home. i was born and raised here by my parents. at the home, as you can see, i'm trying to rebuild my life here after bombardment. i feel really bad now because i served in the soviet union for seven years defending whose homeland, russia's or ukraine's? what's happening now is more shameful than before since putin's command. when he became president, everything got even worse. how can you humiliate people like this? what can i say? i'm very worried. i don't sleep at night. since 2014 when this mess started, i felt it back then. >> forward unfortunately words there from that army veteran. he's currently staying with his daughter at the neighbor's house nearby. i'll be back the top of the hour with the latest developments in ukraine. after the break our rosemary church has more on the day's top stories including the latest on an israeli police officer attacked in jerusalem on sunday, that story just ahead. you are watching cnn newsroom. f you're below, within or above your range. it cheers you on and provides guguidance. connecected to your health and your phone. visit today. we're carvana the company who invented car vending g machines and buying a car 100 percent online now we've created a brand nenew way for you to sell your car whetheher it's a year old, or a few years old we want to buy your car so go to carvana enter your license plate answer a few questions and our techno wizardry caulates your car's value when you're ready we'll come to you pay you on the spot and pick up your car that's it so ditch the old way of selling your car and say hello to the new way at carvana this is cnn. welcome back, everyone. an israeli border police officer was stabbed in jerusalem on sunday. the suspect is a palestinian police say who was living in israel illegally. we have the details. >> reporter: this incident took place at the damascus gate, one of the main entrances to the old city of jerusalem for muslim worshipers to reach the holy sites there, and it's often a flash point between israeli forces and palestinians. sunday evening israeli police say a 19-year-old palestinian man approached a police post near the gate with a knife. police say when they approached him for questioning, he stabbed a 24-year-old officer in the upper body. police opened fire hitting the man. both men were taken to the hospital for treatment. earlier sunday israeli forces announced they had caught two palestinian suspects alleged to have carried out a deadly terror attack thursday night in the israeli town of elad. the suspects who police say killed three and seriously injured at least four others with a gun and an axe were caught in a forested area not far from the town where the attack took place. hundreds of forces were involved in the three-day manhunt which used everything from drones to dna technology. israeli/palestinian tensions have soared the past month and a half or so. thursday's attack was the sixth such attack since last march targeting israelis bringing the death toll to 18. as a result, israeli forces have stepped up raids and counterterrorism operations in the west bank where at least two dozen palestinians have been killed. regular clashes at jerusalem's holiest site, the temple mount, have inflamed tensions near the boiling point that helped spark last year's 11-day war between hamas militants and the israeli army. there was more violence in the region sunday. palestinian and israeli authorities said a 17-year-old palestinian man was shot and killed. it happened at an israeli settlement in the west bank. israel defense forces say the man had a knife and he was shot by a civilian after he entered the settlement. at least 30 people are now confirmed dead after friday's explosion at a cuban hotel. rescue workers continued searching the hotel's ruins in havana sunday. officials have said survivors may still be trapped inside. some two dozen people who escaped the wreckage have been hospitalized with injuries. cuban authorities say a gas leak is thought to have caused the blast at the hotel saratoga. we are following the mysterious deaths of three americans staying at a resort in the bahamas. cnn has learned that another american, a woman who got sick at the same property, according to a bohemian official, is now in a miami hospital in serious condition. her identity has not yet been released. foul play is not suspected in the three deaths, although police are still investigating. coming up here on cnn newsroom, it was a star-studded debut for formula one racing in miami. up next, all the glitz, glamour and speed from the track. we're back in just a moment. immune system, energy ...even skin. so healthier can look a lot cvs. healthier happens together. welcome back. well, blazing sun and speed for the first time ever, formula one is racing in miami. at least one driver calls it the super bowl of formula one. with stars like tom brady and a former first lady in attendance. cnn world sports amanda davis was at the track and has the details. >> reporter: for all the a-listers here in miami lucky enough to have got their hands on the hottest ticket in town, they made sure to remind everyone who is the real star of this show at the moment. the defending world champion driving with all the confidence of a man at the top of his game, stealing the lead from his championship rival to claim his third victory of the season despite a less than perfect race buildup. it is the man from ferrari still leading the way, though, in the standings, so what did the two team principals make of it after the race? i spoke to them to find out. >> i thought it was going to be a tough one to win, but, you know, the crucial part was first of all the start. manage to split the ferraris. and he hung with charles and was able to look after that right front tire, and then make the pass, and really control the race. from that point he was fully in control. and then unfortunately the safety car brought them right back together and then it took awhile to break the drs which is very powerful here. but, you know, no mistakes and he managed to bring it home, so it was a great win. >> reporter: perhaps not the win you were hoping for, but how do you assess it at the end of the day? >> starting at the first you are hoping for a better result. and not winning is disappointing, but being disappointed for a second place is great. i think it will be a great battle from now to the end of the season. i hope we can be part of the fight. we will certainly be there to improve our car as much as we can and starting from barcelona. >> reporter: two wins in two. the momentum back in your camp? >> it's a long, long way to go. it's really fine margins with ferrari. another great fight with him today. >> reporter: and after such a positive start to the season and there is such a sense of confidence within the team, what is the feeling now? do you feel the momentum has maybe shifted a little bit away? >> no, i don't think so. after five races we are still leading both championships both driver. we are in the fight. we will improve the car and hopefully in barcelona we can be closer. >> reporter: finally, overall reflections on the race in miami and the reception formula one has received? >> it's been a great event. it's great to see the american public buying into formula one and getting excited about it. they put on a show like no other. it was a good enough race today and looking forward to coming back in a few weeks to montreal, austin later in the year, of course, las vegas next year. >> reporter: on the ground it's difficult not to have been swept up in the excitement of this moment for formula one. this city so used to hosting major sporting events has certainly put on a show. but from miami and the newest race on the calendar, a real contrast. up next, one of the oldest, barcelona, and the spanish grand prix for race six. amanda davis, cnn, miami. >> and thanks for your company. i'm rosemary church. isa soares will be back with more news after the break. as we prepare for the start of the victory day parade in moscow, we're expecting russian president vladimir putin who you see there to speak, and we will, of course, bring that to you. stay with us. you're watching cnn. what do you think healthier looks like? cvs can help you support your nutrition, sleep, immune s system, energy ...even skin. so healthierer can look a lot cvs. healthier happens together. your shipping manager left to o “find themself.” 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pictures coming from moscow's red square where events are getting underway at 10:00 in the morning. we are expecting to hear from russian president vladimir putin in a few minutes. of course, as soon as that happens, we shall bring that to you. the annual holiday

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240707 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240707

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the latest. >> welcome to the show, everyone. it's 9 a.m. here in ukraine, but all eyes are on moscow where russia's annual victory day parade is about an hour or so away. this is video from rehearsals from saturday. the holiday marks the defeat of nazi germany during world war ii but today under the shadow of a new war in europe, the event taking on new significance. it's been warned russian president vladimir putin could use this holiday to make a major announcement about the war in ukraine. the victory celebration comes one day after ukraine marked its own day of remembrance with president volodymyr zelenskyy accusing russia of failing to learn the lessons of world war ii. >> russia has forgotten everything that was very important to the victors of world war ii, but ukraine and the whole free world will remind it so that no one will forget so that really important words never again which are repeated all over the free world every year on the days of remembrance of the victims of world war ii regain their weight again. >> based on video released sunday, a russian deputy prime minister has visited mariupol, the country's highest ranking official to step foot there since the war started. the southern ukrainian port city has been decimated by weeks of bombardment and now it's almost entirely under russian control except right here inside the sprawling azovstal steel plant where a group of ukrainian soldiers are still holed up refusing to surrender and vowing to fight to the death. meanwhile many of the civilians who spent weeks sheltering alongside those troops are now back in ukrainian held territory. the red cross said sunday more than 107 evacuees from azovstal and the city of mariupol had arrived in zaporizhzhia. we told you yesterday roughly at this time about the russian airstrike on a school in the luhansk region where people sheltered. dozens of people are feared dead. we spoke to some who survived the nightmare. >> reporter: this for vladimir putin is what a modern russian victory looks like, dozens dead or missing from a russian airstrike on a russian speaking village as part of a russian campaign that putin says is to protect his kin folk in ukraine. the rescuers are saying the heat's overwhelming. local authorities fear about 60 people died here. this was a school in eastern ukraine. villages were sheltering in its basement. some had been there for weeks. survivors were left with little but grief. we asked if his family had been with him. his mother didn't survive. it is not lost on anybody here that on the eve of vladimir putin's celebration of the soviet victory in the second world war over nazi germany it is civilians who are suffering the most in the name of vladimir putin's denouncing of ukraine, a country with a jewish president. i got slammed down into a slab, then a ball. then rocks sprinkled, darkness. then the dust settled and a ray of light appeared. sergei crawled out, then dug me out, dug out our uncle and aunt. we crawled all in a fog he said. ukraine has stalled russia's plans for con quest. so the kremlin added strategic supplies and stepped up this week hitting a residential block in the strategic city of. they have a facist creed they call russianism. he said they shoot prisoners. they torture women and children. they rape. they loot. they go step by step towards naziism. such explanations for what is happening here don't really answer the painful question why. >> heart breaking piece there. ahead of russia's victory day celebration g-7 leaders met virtually with president zelenskyy sunday to show their ongoing solidarity and support for ukraine. they also issued a rather scathing statement accusing vladimir putin for bringing shame to russia. i want to bring in nick robertson for more on this. what do they say? pretty scathing. >> reporter: they really sort of foreshadowing, an overshadowing, if you will, president putin's victory day speech expected in an hour or so from now saying president putin is dishonoring the memory of all the soviet citizens, civilians and red army soldiers who died in the second world war. they died fighting naziism, but putin has picked on this to make it a russian victory, rather forgetting the european involvement and pitting it as all -- or pitching it as a victory over naziism, which is how he pitches his fight in ukraine. that is an overshadowing statement and an overshadowing of the resolve of g-7's support and rebuilding of ukraine and support for the government so it can continue to pay the sort of daily bills that come up for any government, but in particular at this time in the address that volodymyr zelenskyy gave the g-7 leaders was one that was again compelling asking them for their leadership and support at this time, but also talking about the territorial integrity and sovereignty of ukraine and that pledge from the g-7 to continue to support with that, no coincidence that it fell on the 8th of may, yesterday, victory in europe day when all european nations celebrate the victory over naziism at the end of world war ii with the nazis' unconditional surrender. russia chooses the 9th of may, a different day. >> it wasn't just from what i understand a show of solidarity, but they committed to phasing out russian oil. i mean how realistic is this? >> reporter: well, they framed it in an interesting way, to do it in a timely and orderly way, which tells you that there wasn't a specific or tie-down on a date. we know that the european union has decided to end russian oil imports, which is hugely significant because of the amount of income that means for russia on a daily basis, about $1 billion a day in terms of oil, in terms of money going to russia from the european union for oil. the european union has said that it aims to do that by the end of the year, but there are holdouts. we know slovakia has an issue with that. we know hungary says it won't do it. so that's all in contention there, but at the g-7 we know japan, for example, that imported about 3.6% of its oil imports come from russia, they've committed to ending oil imports. so it's uneven for the different g-7 nations to be able to do it, but this commitment is there now and that's significant because it means less money going to russia. >> nick robertson for us in helsinki, finland, thanks very much. u.s. first lady jill biden's now the latest high profile really american to visit ukraine. she crossed into the country from slovakia meetings as you can see with ukraine's first lady olena zelenska on sunday. this is the first time mrs. zelenska has been seen in public since the war began. they met at a school that serves as temporary housing for ukrainians. the white house says mrs. biden will meet with the president of slovakia today and then head back to the united states. in another show of solidarity canadian prime minister justin trudeau made a trip to ukraine to meet with president zelenskyy sunday and announced canada will support ukraine and reopen its embassy in kyiv. meantime american diplomats returned to the u.s. embassy in kyiv the first time since the war in ukraine began timing their visit in sunday to commemorate victory in europe. >> reporter: when secretary of state blinken was in kyiv last month, he told president zelenskyy that our team would return to the capital city promptly. so today we're here to make good on that promise and it really is great to be back. >> the state department says this was not an official reopening of the u.s. embassy, but a step in the right direction. here with me now is a familiar face, of course, senior fellow and former spokesperson for the organization for security and cooperation in europe. michael, great to have you here with us on this day all eyes clearly on moscow. let me pick up where we left off. canada opening an embassy in kyiv, how significant is that? what is the message that that conveys you think? >> thanks for having me. as a canadian, i'm very happy that's been happening because i've called for it for quite some time. canada has historically projected itself to be very strong. trudeau has famously said our world needs more canada. symbolically it's good canada is showing support to the zelenskyy government. canada was the first western country to recognize ukrainian independence. zelenskyy i think told western leaders, if you're coming all this way, don't come empty handed. trudeau did come with some offers of ammunition, but it's out of sync with what the ukrainian leaders are calling for, attack helicopters and to ship weapons, tanks, that sort of thing. >> the message really is to the outside world and indeed to russia this war that you are waging on us will not stop us from our presence here. >> right. >> that's how you interpret that message? >> yeah. that business will continue on. it's really important, too, because this allows our diplomats as well as others to interact with the ukrainian government and stakeholders. what is really needed now is assessment work to be done. where is the humanitarian needs, where should they be directed and also what kind of weaponry? that is very difficult to do over zoom calls. >> let's talk about the humanitarian need because this is something i'm hearing more and more often from officials because obviously we've seen millions of people flee ukraine, but 7.7 million are displaced and this is a big concern. >> yeah. we had an atlantic council panel a few days ago and the deputy prime minister made it clear the west has to be a lot more calculating in terms of what kind of humanitarian aid it gives. we also had some aid workers. they gave pretty horrific stories how the bottlenecks are affecting their operations, the costs of containers and stuff like that very high. i think the big need right now from what we've heard was housing and the heartening thing to see happening now, there are a lot of ukrainians helping ukrainians, local ngos that have taken matters into their own hands building housing and stimulating the economy by buying locally, sourcing locally, even getting idps to help work build housing. >> the attacks we've seen on infrastructure and supplies here, has that had an impact on the movement of goods, on the price of wheat and so forth? >> in terms of rail, in terms of rebuilding rails and bridges and stuff like that, but some of the delays are manmade. i had contacts go to the polish border yesterday. they tried to leave ukraine. they counted a queue of lorries kilometers long because everything is building to x- rayed. in terms of seaports and ability to get grain out, a lot of russian bombardment on silos and infrastructure which is going to have a big ripple effect on the world economy. it already is and also on the ukrainian economy. >> of course, that's very important. we're waiting to hear obviously from president putin. what is a sense from your perspective what we might hear? >> well, on one end of the speculation spectrum is president putin will declare victory. that's it. we're out of here. we'll hold onto what we have. >> do you think that's going to happen? >> no. i'm more on the other side of the assessment given what mr. putin has said, his tremendous ego and his age, he wants to leave a legacy. i think his bottom line is to take over the entire country of ukraine and then some, but i don't think he'll be able to do that. so i think they'll hold onto the donbas but increase their footprint and secure the crucial land bridge between mainland russia and the crimea with mariupol in the middle. >> so an extension of this protracted war is what we're looking at you think? >> as long as they have the ability, the firing of those long range cruise missiles, the ones that are able to strike distant cities. that's my big worry right now with the ukrainians not having the capability to control their skies. they need western technology and weaponry to do that. the russians will still have the ability to do that, strike wherever they please including on rail infrastructure. >> of course. we'll be talking throughout the next few hours. thank you. it was a doggone good day for one jack russell terrier in ukraine's capital sunday. michael and i were talking about this. patron became a national hero for his work with the country's bomb disposal teams. he's credited with uncovering some 150 munitions during his time on the job. president zelenskyy honored patron and his owner with an award for their service to ukraine sunday during a meeting with canadian prime minister justin trudeau. he's very cute indeed. just ahead, millions of filipinos are heading to the polls to pick their next president. we'll discuss the country's election after election. in shanghai city officials are tightening restrictions once again, a live r report jus ahead. you are watching cnn newsroom. or same day if you need it sooner. but aren't you glad you can also just swing by to pick it up, and get your questions 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dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. a once-daily pill that goes beyond lowering a1c? on it with jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. welcome back, everyone. i'm rosemary church. voters across the philippines are choosing their president for the next six years. the race pits the vice president against the namesake's son against the controversial former dictator. the ceo of the online news sight rappler joins me now. she's been a journalist in asia more than 25 years including as working in manila and exposed growing authoritarianism in her native philippines and is the author of the book "how to stand up to a dictator." maria, such a pleasure to talk to you again after so many years. >> thanks for having me, rosemary. it's now 36 years. this is my 36th year as a journalist and i came in at the tail end of marcos and now we're coming back full circle it seems. >> exactly. the philippines elections are underway with the marcos family hoping to return to power and that could happen if the polls are to be believed. if the son of the former ousted dictator wins, what would he bring to the table and what would that mean for the country? >> i think first if he wins, this will show the world the impact of disinformation on a democracy. part of the reason that he has led in the statistical surveys is because as early as 2014 rappler has documented information operations, disinformation networks that have in plain view changed history. that's the first step. the second, what does he bring? he has campaigned on his father's track record which if you think that 36 years ago his father was chased out in a people power revolt, now the namesake comes in and says, you know, my -- he actually when he launched his campaign used his father's song which brought up nightmares for human rights activists, but, you know, now it seems to work and part of the reason that is is because in plain sight we were able to see the shift historical revisionism, a denial of the past and this is -- his campaign is on unity when ironically the information operation that has brought him forward has actually targeted his opponents, has seeded narratives that are lies and, you know, if, when he wins, he will determine the future of this country, but simultaneously its past. >> marcos' closest rival is linney vobrado. does she have any chance of beating marcos and what are the main voter issues driving this right now? >> i think the first thing you need to see is these elections will show whether statistical surveys work, especially in a country where disinformation, where facebook is where people get their information, where this is for the sixth year in a row filipinos have spent the most time online and on social media. repeating history, it's another marcos against another widow except this widow is a lawyer, has a track record as a legislator, is the former vice president and at the end of february right around the same time as ukraine and zelenskyy, she seemed to have sparked inspiration in a way we haven't seen since 1986 and since then you're seeing hundreds of thousands of people coming to her campaign rallies. whether it's happened, it will happen in enough time to affect the vote, that is what we'll see in the next few hours. the last thing i'll say is whatever happens next, this country has never been here before. the kind of volunteer spirit that linney vobrado has sparked, that has never happened in the philippines. what does she bring to this? i think a track record, a solid track record, human rights background. her campaign is full of platforms versus say ferdinand marcos. marcos jr. who is campaigning on unity. >> maria, a large portion of the 67 million eligible voters in the country are expected to turn out for this election, millions showing their enthusiasm lining up before dawn, but some problems have already been reported. what more are you learning about that and what level of turnout do you think will be seen in the end, do you think? >> as you know, this country has a high voter turnout, 75% is normal, right? this time around we've seen because of the pandemic the voting hours have been extended. the machines we're using, the philippines have the first fully automated end-to-end elections in 2010 globally. the machines we are using are old and the kind of failures so far still seem to be within the statistical margins for the machines that we're using. it's going to be the level of violence whether people can get the vote. it's going to be the count that will come in quickly by this time tomorrow having an idea who will be our next president, but there are more than 18,000 government officials that are being elected now. i hate to say it's a wait and see. >> it is most definitely and i know you'll be watching this very closely, as will we. an absolute pleasure to get your analysis on this, many thanks for joining us. in hong kong chief executive carrie lam just met with her newly chosen successor john li chosen by members of a chinese government vetted committee. in a short statement li said there are major tasks that need to be accomplished before he takes office july 1st including finalizing plans of government reorganizations and covid-19 policies. he did not provide specific details about those changes. on sunday china reported more than 4,200 new covid-19 cases. the majority were in the hard hit city of shanghai which has been coping with a crippling lockdown which officials are now tightening even further. for more on that i'm joined by cnn's steven jang. authorities plan to tighten those restrictions even more. what does that mean and what more are you learning about more mass testing that's now expected in beijing where you are? >> reporter: rosemary, things in shanghai took a rather ominous turn after the country's supreme court leader president xi jinping made clear last week he was not only sticking to a strict covid policy and in his words to resolutely fight with any doubts, distortion or rejection of this policy and that's exactly what has happened since, especially in shanghai where we're seeing officials increasingly adopting military campaign-style tactics to not just contain covid, but also, of course, prove their loyalty to xi jinping. that's why we're seeing a growing number of shanghai residents being resealed into their homes after the authorities actually eased off lockdown restrictions for a few days in districts without positive cases. that's also why we are seeing a growing number of residents including the elderly and those who are sick with other illnesses being forcibly removed from their homes and sent to hastily built quarantine camps with horrific conditions and that includes not only positive cases, but in many cases people living on the same floor or in the entire building. so all of that obviously very unnerving to an already very jittery population including workers who are forced to live on factory floors to resume production. in one viral video we see dozens of workers at quanta, a major supplier to apple and tesla in shanghai, security guards trying to vault over factory gates to escape because they learned there might be positive cases among the workers. so all of that, of course, is weighing heavily on a chinese economy, disrupting global supply chains and taking a very heavy psychological toll on millions of chinese across the country including people in beijing even though there is no citywide lockdown and the daily case count is in the dozens. the authorities here have been ramping up restrictions as well, especially in the city's biggest district and where we are located we have been ordered to work from home. they are also shuting down all nonessential services and suspending most public transportation, not to mention the incessant mass testing you mentioned. i just took my ninth test in the past two weeks early this morning. officials have made clear this is a requirement to access most public places if and when they reopen. >> very difficult situation for so many people there. many thanks. soon the russian president will give a major address on what could become a pivotal day for russia, ukraine and the western allies. we will talk about what he might say and how this could affect the war. be back in just a moment. your t of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeedd match your job criteria. visit and get started today. thanks, paul. my fellow xfinity customers! the biggest week in entertainment is here! watchathon week presented by xfinity rewards! with free access to stranger things from netflix, the boys from prime video, starz, hbo max, and peacock. and we'll make this a national holiday. nay. holi-week. just say watchathon into your voice remote to watch now. as a business owner, your bottom line is always top of mind. so start saving by switching to the mobile service designed for small business: comcast business mobile. 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minister of sweden, considering applying for nato membership, with us from stockholm this morning. thank you very much for joining us. i had a quick look at your twitter and i said that you said, "president zelenskyy had a very dramatic scenery for his very strong speech today. i think president putin tomorrow will look very different." what exactly did you mean by that? what are you expecting to see and hear from your vantage point on putin today? >> with tanks and soldiers in large numbers. president zelenskyy was standing in the devastated part of kyiv that had been destroyed and i think president putin is going to try to present power, trying to increase his propaganda, wrap up the rhetoric in order to install some confidence to people that things are going to work out all right which increasingly quite obviously it's not. >> but this is something that we hear pretty much every year, this sort of propaganda image of power, military might. we've been hearing it for years. do you think that he will declare officially war in ukraine or double down on mobilization efforts? >> i think he will clearly. he will have to double down. you've seen what's happened in this war. he lost the battle to kyiv, the initial one. that must have been fairly painful. the second phase south and east hasn't made much headway at all during the past few weeks. either he'll have to scale down, extremely unlikely, or he must double down and then he must double down i think on war efforts, on the propaganda against the west, against nazis, against ukraine and double down against repression internally in russia in order to keep the situation under control. he is in the position long term and it can only escalate in order to try to get out. >> i suspect it's not just a show of fanfare for the west and his own people, but also pr exercise for his troops, no doubt. >> well, yeah. and for the domestic consumption. i mean the russian people will suffocate a lot of pain and he will shore up domestic support for it and that he must do by increase propaganda, increase rhetoric against the west. and increase repression as well. they go hand in hand to which extent he will go for full mobilization which remains to be seen. i doubt that, but is he now mobilizing further forces. >> if he does double down, do you think the west and its allies are prepared to go even further in terms of sanctions because we saw the u.s. yesterday announce a promise, of course, of sanctions against kremlin-controlled media companies. how far is the west prepared to go here? >> i think the west is prepared to go further, but i don't think that's a critical things. sanctions have a long term effect. what is immediately necessary is the weapons deliveries to sustain the ammunition and weapons to the ukrainian forces because the weapons and particular ammunitions are expendable and a lot of it has been consumed already. so that's got to be the key. it's got to be decided on the battlefield and the will of the united states and the europeans to sustain the deliveries of weapon and ammunitions and war material and financial and support to ukraine is going to be absolutely critical. sanctions are important, but that's a long term. >> that's long term. the short term is that kind of military aid and financial aid as you are pointing out to ukraine. let me ask about nato expansion. how quickly do you think that sweden and finland will ask to join nato and would that escalate perhaps further tensions? >> i don't think it would. tensions are very high as they are. i think we can expect finland and swede ton declare their intent within a little more than a week. there are political processes underway in both of our countries, different processes, but entirely parallel. so when that has happened, nato would have negotiations and after that has been completed, i don't think that will take too much time, ratification of the member states. >> so a little more than a week. the former swedish prime minister joining us from stockholm. thank you very much, sir. here in ukraine a world war ii veteran feels there is little really to celebrate. 97-year-old ivan lusun fought for the soviet union in poland, belarus and germany and was decorated for his courage fighting against the nazis. now his russian home has been destroyed through two nearby russian attacks. he's having to rummage through the debris to see what he can recover. >> right now we are on the grounds of my old home. i was born and raised here by my parents. at the home, as you can see, i'm trying to rebuild my life here after bombardment. i feel really bad now because i served in the soviet union for seven years defending whose homeland, russia's or ukraine's? what's happening now is more shameful than before since putin's command. when he became president, everything got even worse. how can you humiliate people like this? what can i say? i'm very worried. i don't sleep at night. since 2014 when this mess started, i felt it back then. >> forward unfortunately words there from that army veteran. he's currently staying with his daughter at the neighbor's house nearby. i'll be back the top of the hour with the latest developments in ukraine. after the break our rosemary church has more on the day's top stories including the latest on an israeli police officer attacked in jerusalem on sunday, that story just ahead. you are watching cnn newsroom. f you're below, within or above your range. it cheers you on and provides guguidance. connecected to your health and your phone. visit today. we're carvana the company who invented car vending g machines and buying a car 100 percent online now we've created a brand nenew way for you to sell your car whetheher it's a year old, or a few years old we want to buy your car so go to carvana enter your license plate answer a few questions and our techno wizardry caulates your car's value when you're ready we'll come to you pay you on the spot and pick up your car that's it so ditch the old way of selling your car and say hello to the new way at carvana this is cnn. welcome back, everyone. an israeli border police officer was stabbed in jerusalem on sunday. the suspect is a palestinian police say who was living in israel illegally. we have the details. >> reporter: this incident took place at the damascus gate, one of the main entrances to the old city of jerusalem for muslim worshipers to reach the holy sites there, and it's often a flash point between israeli forces and palestinians. sunday evening israeli police say a 19-year-old palestinian man approached a police post near the gate with a knife. police say when they approached him for questioning, he stabbed a 24-year-old officer in the upper body. police opened fire hitting the man. both men were taken to the hospital for treatment. earlier sunday israeli forces announced they had caught two palestinian suspects alleged to have carried out a deadly terror attack thursday night in the israeli town of elad. the suspects who police say killed three and seriously injured at least four others with a gun and an axe were caught in a forested area not far from the town where the attack took place. hundreds of forces were involved in the three-day manhunt which used everything from drones to dna technology. israeli/palestinian tensions have soared the past month and a half or so. thursday's attack was the sixth such attack since last march targeting israelis bringing the death toll to 18. as a result, israeli forces have stepped up raids and counterterrorism operations in the west bank where at least two dozen palestinians have been killed. regular clashes at jerusalem's holiest site, the temple mount, have inflamed tensions near the boiling point that helped spark last year's 11-day war between hamas militants and the israeli army. there was more violence in the region sunday. palestinian and israeli authorities said a 17-year-old palestinian man was shot and killed. it happened at an israeli settlement in the west bank. israel defense forces say the man had a knife and he was shot by a civilian after he entered the settlement. at least 30 people are now confirmed dead after friday's explosion at a cuban hotel. rescue workers continued searching the hotel's ruins in havana sunday. officials have said survivors may still be trapped inside. some two dozen people who escaped the wreckage have been hospitalized with injuries. cuban authorities say a gas leak is thought to have caused the blast at the hotel saratoga. we are following the mysterious deaths of three americans staying at a resort in the bahamas. cnn has learned that another american, a woman who got sick at the same property, according to a bohemian official, is now in a miami hospital in serious condition. her identity has not yet been released. foul play is not suspected in the three deaths, although police are still investigating. coming up here on cnn newsroom, it was a star-studded debut for formula one racing in miami. up next, all the glitz, glamour and speed from the track. we're back in just a moment. immune system, energy ...even skin. so healthier can look a lot cvs. healthier happens together. welcome back. well, blazing sun and speed for the first time ever, formula one is racing in miami. at least one driver calls it the super bowl of formula one. with stars like tom brady and a former first lady in attendance. cnn world sports amanda davis was at the track and has the details. >> reporter: for all the a-listers here in miami lucky enough to have got their hands on the hottest ticket in town, they made sure to remind everyone who is the real star of this show at the moment. the defending world champion driving with all the confidence of a man at the top of his game, stealing the lead from his championship rival to claim his third victory of the season despite a less than perfect race buildup. it is the man from ferrari still leading the way, though, in the standings, so what did the two team principals make of it after the race? i spoke to them to find out. >> i thought it was going to be a tough one to win, but, you know, the crucial part was first of all the start. manage to split the ferraris. and he hung with charles and was able to look after that right front tire, and then make the pass, and really control the race. from that point he was fully in control. and then unfortunately the safety car brought them right back together and then it took awhile to break the drs which is very powerful here. but, you know, no mistakes and he managed to bring it home, so it was a great win. >> reporter: perhaps not the win you were hoping for, but how do you assess it at the end of the day? >> starting at the first you are hoping for a better result. and not winning is disappointing, but being disappointed for a second place is great. i think it will be a great battle from now to the end of the season. i hope we can be part of the fight. we will certainly be there to improve our car as much as we can and starting from barcelona. >> reporter: two wins in two. the momentum back in your camp? >> it's a long, long way to go. it's really fine margins with ferrari. another great fight with him today. >> reporter: and after such a positive start to the season and there is such a sense of confidence within the team, what is the feeling now? do you feel the momentum has maybe shifted a little bit away? >> no, i don't think so. after five races we are still leading both championships both driver. we are in the fight. we will improve the car and hopefully in barcelona we can be closer. >> reporter: finally, overall reflections on the race in miami and the reception formula one has received? >> it's been a great event. it's great to see the american public buying into formula one and getting excited about it. they put on a show like no other. it was a good enough race today and looking forward to coming back in a few weeks to montreal, austin later in the year, of course, las vegas next year. >> reporter: on the ground it's difficult not to have been swept up in the excitement of this moment for formula one. this city so used to hosting major sporting events has certainly put on a show. but from miami and the newest race on the calendar, a real contrast. up next, one of the oldest, barcelona, and the spanish grand prix for race six. amanda davis, cnn, miami. >> and thanks for your company. i'm rosemary church. isa soares will be back with more news after the break. as we prepare for the start of the victory day parade in moscow, we're expecting russian president vladimir putin who you see there to speak, and we will, of course, bring that to you. stay with us. you're watching cnn. what do you think healthier looks like? cvs can help you support your nutrition, sleep, immune s system, energy ...even skin. so healthierer can look a lot cvs. healthier happens together. your shipping manager left to o “find themself.” 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pictures coming from moscow's red square where events are getting underway at 10:00 in the morning. we are expecting to hear from russian president vladimir putin in a few minutes. of course, as soon as that happens, we shall bring that to you. the annual holiday

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Song , Nightmares , Human Rights Activists , Historical Revisionism , Unity , Sight , Narratives , Information Operation , Opponents , Lies , Rival , Linney Vobrado , Voter , Issues , Chance , Information , Social Media , Facebook , Widow , Lawyer , The End , Legislator , Campaign Rallies , Inspiration , Way We Haven T , Seeing Hundreds Of Thousands , 1986 , Vote , Volunteer Spirit , Campaigning , Portion , Ferdinand Marcos , Say , Versus , Level , Enthusiasm , Problems , 67 Million , Turnout , Voter Turnout , 75 , Machines , Voting , Pandemic , 2010 , Margins , Violence , Failures , Count , Government Officials , Idea , Wait , 18000 , Analysis , Carrie Lam , John Li Chosen , Members , Hong Kong , Li , Covid 19 , Tasks , Policies , Government Reorganizations , Chinese , July 1st , 1 , 19 , Cases , Details , Hit City , Changes , On Sunday China , Majority , 4200 , Lockdown , Steven Jang , Mass Testing , Things , Policy , Beijing , Xi Jinping , Rosemary , Turn , Supreme Court , Military Campaign , Distortion , Doubts , Tactics , Rejection , Residents , Number , Homes , Districts , Loyalty , Sick , Quarantine Camps , Conditions , Elderly , Illnesses , Workers , Wall , Building , Floor , Factory Floors , Population , Security Guards , Supplier , Production , Quanta , Tesla , Apple , Toll , Supply Chains , Case , District , Home , Ninth Test , Services , Requirement , Public Transportation , Incessant Mass Testing , Two , Situation , Places , Allies , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Candidates , Job Criteria , T , Indeedd , Customers , Watchathon Week , Entertainment , Access , Xfinity , Paul , Xfinity Rewards , Prime Video , Boys , Voice , Starz , Holi , And Peacock , Hbo Max , Netflix , Nay , Comcast Business Mobile , Data Plans , Business Owner , Term , Contracts , Data , Internet , 5g Network , Gig , Pay , Line Activation Fees , 00 , 500 , 5 , Comcast Business , Powering Possibilities Tm Welcome Back , Red Square , Military Parade , Triumph , 1945 , County , Break Away S Republic In Eastern Ukraine , On Sunday , Images , Prime Minister , Nato , Sweden , Membership , Twitter , Look , Speech , Vantage Point On Putin , Scenery , Power , Standing , Numbers , Confidence , Propaganda , Order , Rhetoric , Image , Mobilization Efforts , Battle To Kyiv , War Efforts , Headway , Phase South And East Hasn T , Repression , Position , Fanfare , No Doubt , Pr Exercise , Consumption , Pain , Mobilization , Hand In , Extent , Forces , Sanctions , Double Down , Media Companies , Weapons Deliveries , Effect , Ammunitions , Weapon , Europeans , Battlefield , Deliveries , Will , Key , Military Aid , Material , Expansion , Tensions , Intent , Processes , Countries , Negotiations , Member States , Ratification , Sir , Ukraine A World War Ii , Stockholm , Ivan Lusun , Veteran , Courage , Belarus , 97 , Fighting , Grounds , Debris , Life , Parents , Command , Homeland , Seven , Mess , Don T Sleep At Night , Top , I Ll Be Back , Daughter , Developments , Israeli Army , Israeli , Police Officer , Story , Jerusalem On Sunday , Range , It Cheers , Guguidance , Car , Company , Health , Old , Visit Onetouch Com Today , Phone , Car Vending G , Connecected , Brand Nenew , 100 , Carvana , License Plate , Techno Wizardry , Value , Spot , Palestinian , Suspect , Israeli Border Police Officer , Place , Incident , Police , Entrances , Worshipers , Damascus Gate , Muslim , Knife , Flash Point , Gate , Sites , Police Post , Suspects , Hospital , Israeli Forces , Fire , Officer , Questioning , Body , Men , Treatment , 24 , Attack , Town , Terror , Axe , Gun , Elad , Three , Four , Manhunt , Hundreds , Half , Area , Drones , Dna Technology , Result , Counterterrorism Operations , Last , Raids , Death Toll , West Bank , Thursday , 18 , Boiling Point , Spark Last Year , Site , Clashes , Jerusalem , Temple Mount , 11 , Settlement , Militants , Region , Hamas , 17 , Hotel , Civilian , Explosion , Cuban , Israel Defense Forces , 30 , Rescue Workers , Ruins In Havana Sunday , Gas 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