Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Vi

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240707

evacuate civilians. they said one person was killed, six wounded. let me turn to cnn's scott mclean who is in lviv. i understand you're learning that russian state media reported some people escaped that steel factory. what do you know? >> reporter: yeah, that is true, victor. so this is according to russian state media, who says that 25 people have managed to make it out of the steel factory, including five children. there is new video that cnn cannot verify at this stage that shows some smaller buses, people getting off them and getting transferred onto a larger coach. now, it was unclear whether this is part of the u.n. and red cross effort to get people out, but there are no u.n. vehicles, there's no red cross vehicles shown in any of these videos. so it seems like this is a unilateral effort on the part of russia. you'll recall that russia had previously said that they would allow civilians to get out of the plant yesterday, today and also tomorrow during -- basically during daylight hours, and so perhaps this is part of that effort. we've reached out to the ukrainians, the city council says that -- or the mayor's office, i should say, says that they don't have any information and the governor of the donetsk region said the operation is ongoing. it has started, it hasn't finished yet and he doesn't want to say anything more until people are safe on ukrainian-held territory. for a bit of background, you'll recall the last time there was a successful evacuation, this was on sunday, it was kind of a similar thing. we didn't really get any information. president zelenskyy announced on a friday that there was some kind of an operation going in to get civilians at a time when there was heavy fighting. we didn't really hear anything about it the next day. it wasn't until sunday we got word that people actually had gotten out successfully. of course, it took them another two days to get through the russian filtration process and onto ukrainian soil. but the important part, obviously, is that people are safe, still waiting for word of that. >> two dozen people or so this time. a small number. but some progress. let's broaden this out across more of mariupol and the signs that ukrainians are seeing, that russians are taking over much of the city. these symbols of a soviet era. what do you know? >> reporter: that's right. so it doesn't seem like the russians are doing much to rebuild the city, but they are certainly redecorating it, it appears. and so some examples are street signs, signs going into the city which have been changed from the ukrainian language into the russian language. they've put up a new statue of an old lady holding a flag of the soviet union, some old soviet-era monuments have come back, and the list goes on. this is sort of one of these efforts to russiafy mariupol. in other parts of the country, especially along the black sea, they're actually transferring over from the ukrainian currency to the russian ruble. in kherson there's a four-month trial period and near crimea, on the other side of crimea, i should say, people have been told that if they don't want to be paid in rubles, they can take two-thirds of their salary. >> new satellite images also, scott, of the mariupol theatre. we know that there were hundreds of people killed there. what do they show? >> reporter: yeah, you'll recall this was the theatre where the word "children" was actually spelled out in russian in two places. they were hoping that that would deter the russians from actually striking it. they were obviously wrong. there were no targets around there. there were no military targets. and we know that a lot of women and children were sheltering there. ukrainian estimates are that 300 people there were killed, mostly women and children. these new satellite images show that it appears that the russians are starting to excavate the site. you can see there's a crane there in the picture, a lot of the debris has been cleared up. as time goes on, april 29th, these may 6th pictures, there is more and more activity. we've reached out to russia for a comment, we haven't gotten any. of course you'll remember the ukrainians obviously blame the russians, the russians have a vastly different story, though. they blame the azov regimen of the ukrainian military, which started out as an extremist group, but is now folded into the regular military. they accuse them of blowing up the theatre. >> scott mclean with the latest there. thank you, scott. sources say that president biden is expected to announce more security assistance to ukraine. it will exceed $100 million this time. this sunday he's set to speak with leaders of the g7. in the meantime, the pentagon is denying another form of american support that the u.s. provided specific targeting information on the "moskva," the flagship of russia's see fleet that the ukrainians sank last month. it was a major embarrassment for vladimir putin and his invasion of ukraine. sources tell cnn that the u.s. did provide intelligence that helped ukrainian forces not only identify the "moskva," but pinpoint its location. what did the u.s. tell ukrainian forces, what do they know about what ukraine was going to do with that information? >> reporter: victor, let's start with what we know. in mid-april ukrainian forces spotted a ship that they believed to be the russian flagship, the "moskva," operating off of their coast, and they reached out to their american counterparts and asked for confirmation. the americans were able to definitively i.d. the ship as the "moskva" and provide them with a certain amount of more detailed information on the ship's location. the ukrainians were then, of course, able to fire two cruise missiles that ultimately sunk the ship. now, u.s. officials have been very clear that they were not involved in the decision by the ukrainians to strike the "moskva," and not only that, that they weren't even aware of the -- they weren't even aware that the ukrainians intended to go on and take that information to strike the ship in real time. this is all part of some limitations that the biden administration is trying to put on the intelligence that it's sharing with the ukrainians. so the pentagon today pushing back on the idea that detailed targeting intelligence was provided to the ukrainians. the biden administration is trying to draw a fairly narrow distinction here, essentially saying that while the u.s. is providing and did provide in this instance some general information on the ship's location, it didn't provide the kind of precise geolocation data that would allow the ukrainians to take an immediate strike. again, part of a series of limitations and red lines, really, that the biden administration is trying to draw around its intelligence support. take a listen to what pentagon press secretary john kirby had to say this morning about those limits. >> we did not provide specific targeting information about the "moskva" to the ukrainians. we weren't involved in their decision to conduct that strike and we certainly weren't involved in the actual execution of that strike. and, again, i want to just stress that in order for us to be able to help ukraine defend itself, it's not just about the weapons, it's not just about the training. it is about some of the information, and we want to be able to protect that information, and rightly so. and so leaks like this and stories like this, they are unhelpful to the effort to help ukraine defend itself. >> reporter: victor, these are limits the biden administration is trying to put on the intelligence it's sharing with the ukrainians in order to prevent escalation with russia. victor. >> the latest, thank you so much. leon panetta is the former cia director under president obama. mr. secretary, welcome back. let's start with what we've heard from a lot of military analysts who say we shouldn't be discussing this, but, second, this could be seen as an escalation as katey just said. how is the intel any more of an escalation than the billions of dollars of military aid that the u.s. lists off that it supplies to ukraine? >> well, i think it is important to put this all in context. i mean, the united states and our allies have been providing weapons systems to the ukrainians, in addition to intelligence sharing. that's part of what our allies have been providing to the ukraine in this war. and, you know, i think while, obviously a lot of this is classified, it's pretty clear that it's the ukrainians who pull the trigger and made the decision to go after this destroyer. they may have received some intelligence that confirmed their own intelligence in terms of the location of the ship, but in the end, this was a ukrainian call in terms of firing the cruise missiles that destroyed that destroyer. >> so is the concern that if it's the ukrainians' call, the u.s. supplied some information, they, of course, as kirby said, had some of their own, is the concern that they used the information to go after the "moskva," and of course the reporting yesterday from "the new york times" about targeting generals, that they used the information to do that, or that the u.s. has now some public role in providing that information? what's the major concern here for the pentagon? >> well, as is usual with intelligence, you don't like to open up what is happening with intelligence sharing to the public because it's something, frankly, that is usually classified and is done on a basis of trying to protect the confidence of both sides. i can understand their concern. but at the same time, look, i don't think we ought to make a big deal of this, because the fact is we are providing intelligence sharing, everybody knows we're providing intelligence sharing. we're providing intelligence on targeting for artillery, for other systems that the ukrainians are using, and so i don't see this in any way as some kind of escalation in the relationship. i see it, basically, as maintaining the relationship that we established at the beginning of this war. >> so let me take this a step further. you're the military expert here, i am not. i'm just trying to understand it and help people at home understand it. is this what the u.s. wants ukraine to do with the information? if they give them information about the "moskva" and what's in the black sea, and they want them to use it to defend themselves, what is a better defense than taking out the ship? >> that's what intelligence is for, victor. intelligence is to try to help the military commanders and the military on the ground make decisions about where the enemy is, where the targets are, and how to basically defend yourself. and that's what the ukrainians are doing. so, yeah, they're using intelligence for that purpose, but that is part and parcel of the military assistance that we're providing to the ukrainians. we're obviously providing the missile systems, we're providing the artillery, we're providing the stingers and the other weapons that are being provided, but it's the ukrainians who decide how to use it and what targets to fire at. and that, very frankly, is what war is all about. >> let's move on to former defense secretary, mark esper's new book. "the new york times" has a copy of it and has been pub lishing passage. one about the former president's plan to stop the flow of drugs into the u.s. from mexico, secretary esper writes mr. trump said that, quote, we could just shoot some patriot missiles and take out the labs quietly, adding that no one would know it was us. he said he would just say that the u.s. had not conducted a strike, mr. esper recounts, writing that he would have thought it was a joke, had he not been staring into mr. trump's face. your thoughts on this suggestion from the former president, just send in some patriot missiles, we don't know anything about it? >> well, i don't think this will come as a big surprise to anybody. we know the way president trump operated. he was not somebody who was experienced. he didn't take advice. he basically operated by the seat of his pants. he made decisions based on kind of his own gut instincts. it's pretty clear that he was not what i would call a responsible commander in chief. he was basically operating a lot on what he thought might work. listening to that story tells me that he might have watched a harrison ford movie called "clear and present danger" in which the president did fire missiles at a drug cartel and thought he could do the same thing. i don't know that that's a fact, but it sounds like the kind of thing that trump came up with. >> it was a good movie. i don't know if it's great policy, but it was a good movie. secretary panetta, good to have you. >> good to be with you. president biden is touting the latest jobs report that beat economists predictions, but warns that inflation remains a driving economic problem. and the president's top advisers are now united around abortion rights, deeming it a key issue heading into the midterms. we have details on the strategy the white house now has. stay with us. if you have advanced non-small cell lung cancer, your first treatment could be a chemo-free combination of two immunotherapies that works 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pandemic. >> we're very close, actually. if we have the same pace of growth that we just had in april for the next few months, we'll be back to where we were pre-pandemic by sometime this summer, which is amazing in a sense. if you look at the forecasts from a year ago or two years ago, economists and the congressional budget office and others were expecting that it would take much longer for us to fill in that hole. >> we were also talking about the potential for the half point interest rate increase that happened yesterday to slow down the job increases and maybe lead to some job losses. is that possible, plausible? >> i think the rate hike that we saw yesterday probably won't have enough bite to have that effect, but the rate hikes that we'll likely see later this year going into next year, yeah, a very probable consequence of that is that we will see either less job growth or even job losses. job losses are what the fed wants to avoid. they want to get inflation down, cool demand enough just to get inflation down, but not enough to tip us into recession. whether they'll achieve that is a different question. >> the whole policy, the whole process of what we are now embarked upon is to slow down growth in some shape or form. so you've got people like bill dudley, the former head of the new york fed. he's quite open about it, the stock price has to fall. there isn't going to be the same juice, if you will, to keep the market going, which is why we're off another 300 points today and it's not over yet. and there will be no more new jobs or fewer new jobs and possibly job losses. >> richard, the president referenced, the big board down 330 points after a 1,000 drop yesterday. >> we're not done yet, believe me. >> the president referenced inflation in touting the job numbers today. he said there's more work to do. what more work can the administration do on inflation? >> well, there he is up the proverbial without a paddle, because he can't do much. first of all, as the economy goes towards recession, you ain't going to get another stimulus package in any shape or form or anything significant. there's just not the money there or the appetite. secondly, this is a fed matter now and the fed is only concerned -- as she said, the fed is concerned with the other side. the fed is going to do whatever it takes. unfortunately for president biden, he's going into the med terms in an unfortunate economic situation and in 18 months' time it will be a pretty dreadful economic situation. >> katherine, deutsche bank is warning about a major recession coming. if you believe that a recession is likely, is there any way to know if it's going to be a steep decline, extended recession? >> well, i don't want to get ahead of ourselves. a recession is not inevitable. i think the economic outlook has darkened because we've been hit with a lot of unfortunate shocks. i mean, there's the covid related lockdowns in china, you have the war in ukraine, whose primary negative consequence, of course, is the loss of life. but it has also disrupted food markets around the world, energy markets around the world, et cetera, driving up prices. and then a bunch of other miscellaneous annoying, unwelcome surprises like an avian flu and a drought in california. all of those things make recession more likely, but it's not unevtable at this point. one would hope if the fed does tip us into recession, which they're trying to avoid, it may be milder than in the past because balance sheets look pretty good. there's overwhelming demand for workers right now. there are almost twice as many job openings as there are unemployed workers available, so maybe that means that the impact of all of the fed raising rates and everything else will be a little bit milder. but we don't know. >> quick last word. >> quick last word, one aspect that president biden has no control over, china. as long as the lockdown and the zero covid policy continues and the ships stack up outside shanghai, the effects will be felt on the other side of the world, and he's got no control over that. >> thank you. there's new reporting about how the white house is responding to the leaked supreme court draft, poised to overturn roe v. wade. before the leak, advisers to the president were divided over how hard to lean into talking about abortion rights, but now they are united. cnn white house correspondent arl arl arlette seanz is here. the president used to avoid the word abortion. what are you expecting just 200 days or so from the midterms? >> reporter: victor, advisers to the president believe that president biden will really be leaning in and speaking about abortion rights intensely as those november midterm elections are quickly approaching. now, the president had already readied his team, told them to prepare for possible executive actions or steps they could take in preparation for a ruling coming from the supreme court in june, but really this announcement, this leak of the draft opinion has really provided them another way to try to sell what they believe needs to pass in relation to abortion rights. now, the president in a meeting with his advisers just earlier this week said that he believes that the draft opinion, the logic that justice samuel alito outlined there, that that really provided very precise language that could also possibly encroach on other rights. now, advisers believe that the president and other democrats will really try to use this as a galvanizing force heading into the midterm elections. some of the groups they are hoping that this will really resonate with are those suburban women, and disaffected democrats who maybe thought about sitting out of the election but are now rethinking that through as they don't want to see abortion rights in fringed on by the supreme court. and this really also just falls in line with the president's messaging shift that he's about to take as he heads into the midterm election. something that you've really seen president biden do in recent weeks is pick up those attacks on republicans, painting them as extreme. this debate over abortion rights provides another avenue for president biden to do just that, as they are hoping to really motivate democratic voters heading into the midterm elections around this issue of abortion rights with a possibility that the supreme court could strike down roe v. wade this coming summer. >> arlette saenz at the white house, thank you. u.s. marshals have found a car associated with the escaped alabama inmate and missing corrections officer, who are on the run. we have details ahead. and right now in havana, cuba, first responders are searching for survivors after an explosion rocked a hotel. look at these pictures. we'll take you there next. and he gets one-on-one cocoaching when he needs it. so ben is feeling pretty zen. that's t the planning effect from fidelity when my genetic reports told me about my heart health, i was able to take 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had obviously was able to be tracked because it was part of the sheriff's department. they switched and they were driving that. the release went out early. they wanted to keep that close to the vest. now we know it has been found in tennessee about two hours away from here. you think about how they're building the investigation. in the next half hour they will step to the mic and tell us what they've been able to learn. the entire nation has been thinking about where these two have gone missing. now we know tennessee is where they went for the next location, but where did they go from here? we were talking to the marshals service yesterday and they said there was extensive planning involved in this, so at this point maybe we'll get more details in the next half hour as we continue to watch this. >> we look forward to that update. ryan young for us. thank you. eight people are dead after an explosion rocked the city of havana. a hotel was destroyed. patrick, do investigators know what caused this? >> reporter: they're saying they have ruled out a bomb, but you look at the images of the immediate aftermath of the explosion and it gives you a sense of the power of the blast that ripped through this iconic hotel where u.s. officials and celebrities have stayed. and it is just a ruin now. it appears this could have been a gas leak or perhaps a delivery of liquid gas, a truck that was bringing in gas to this hotel, which was still under repairs and was several days away from being reopened. but apparently it was full of workers and, as i said, it's a busy area so you would have had a lot of foot traffic outside the hotel. when we arrived there, really just minutes after the explosion, we saw people being taken out of the rubble, very bloody, people who had been injured. you could just tell the amount of rubble that was around this hotel gave you a sense of how devastating this explosion must have been, and cuban authorities say they are still working on determining how many people were killed, determining how many people were wounded, and how many people remain under that rubble. they are working around the clock. hundreds of rescue workers when we were there on the scene, trying to get to the bottom of the rubble, high, high piles of rubble, just enormous blocks of cement that came down from this hotel, and apparently there's still, officials tell us, people, they believe, buried underneath. >> patrick oppmann, the pictures are unbelievable. thank you so much for the report. the cdc says it's investigating severe and unexplained hepatitis cases among young children in 25 states. what parents should be looking for, that's coming up. plus, the fda put strict limitations on johnson & johnson's covid-19 vaccine. we'll tell you why the agency is making these changes next. now's the time to learn more about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from ununitedhealthcare and get help protececting yourself from the out-of-f-pocket costs medicare doesn't 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the u.s. approaches a grim milestone, 1 million covid deaths. cnn health reporter jacqueline howard is here. these numbers are all going in the wrong direction. >> that's right, victor. and i think there's two reasons for that. one is our own behavior where we're turning to pre-pandemic -- our pre-pandemic lives where we're no longer wears masks as much, we're socializing more, many people are becoming more comfortable socializing, and that's why we might be seeing this uptick. but, also, number two, it's also the virus itself. we're seeing the coronavirus really continue to evolve and we are seeing the emergence of subvariants of omicron. and as we see emerging variants, we can see more and more spread. so you can see here we have the omicron, which caused the winter surge. then we have ba.2, which became dominant in march. then we have ba.2121, and that's growing about 25% faster and we're seeing many of those cases in new york. so there is some concern, victor, that we might see a possible summer surge if we continue to see cases go up, and that would also fall in line with seasonal patterns we've seen before with covid-19. but this is also an important reminder for all of us, if you're not boosted, to get your booster shot. >> let's talk about vaccines. there are new concerns about the johnson & johnson vaccine specifically, and blood clots. the fda is now limiting who can get the vaccine. what can you tell us about that? >> the fda made this announcement, and, you know, this is something that the cdc and the fda have been monitoring for the past year. what they're doing, the fda is limiting the use of the johnson & johnson vaccine. here is what the announcement was. among adults, the use is being limited for those -- only to include those who do not have other options for vaccines, because they're not accessible or because it would be clinically inappropriate for them. what that means, it might be someone who couldn't get the mrna vaccine because they had a severe allergic reaction before, and it's limited to those who otherwise wouldn't get vaccinated due to personal reasons or due to limited access. and the reason why it's tied to this rare risk of blood clotting conditions. >> good to know. so the cdc just shared some new information about some unusual cases of hepatitis in children. what have they said, what do we need to know? >> this announcement was just made just moments ago, victor. the cdc is continuing to investigate these unusual hepatitis cases among children. it was first alerted to this by a cluster that was identified in alabama. and now the cdc has identified more than 100 cases of these unusual hepatitis incidents in children across 25 states and territories. 14% of these cases required liver transplants, so 15 liver transplants is the number. and there were five deaths. we should have a map of the states and territories where these cases were identified. so there are 24 states, the one territory is puerto rico. and cdc officials say that they're continuing to monitor this. they're asking clinicians, if you do have a patient with an unusual case of hepatitis, with unknown cause, to alert the cdc. parents, if you notice any signs as well, alert your doctor. this is something that clinicians and officials are continuing to look at because the cause of these hepatitis cases remains unknown. most of the children did have adenovirus infections, but the cdc officials are looking at other possible causes as well. so this investigation continues. >> and there is no regional consistency, locations, cases all over the country. >> exactly. >> jacqueline howard, thank you. road signs, statues, medals, even a birth certificate. the kremlin is apparently attempting to put its stamp on ukraine. we'll talk about the efforts with ukraine's former prime minister ahead. of magicic in all that chaos. ♪ so different and so new ♪ ♪ was like any other... ♪ lemons. lemons. lemons. lemons. look how nice theyre. the moment you 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start of a four-day trip. today she met with u.s. and nato military leaders and service members. she also served food to them at the romanian air force base and then she participated in a virtual childrens' book reading with soldiers and their families back home. on mothers' day she will meet with mothers and children in slovakia who displaced because of the russian invasion. g7 leaders will hold a virtual call with ukrainian president zelenskyy on sunday. the german chancellor will host leaders from the world's top economies to discuss the war in ukraine. white house press secretary jan psaki said the meeting is intentionally being held one day before russia's victory day on may 9th. former ukrainian prime minister is with me now. thank you for being back. let's start with the u.s. intel sharing. >> thank you for having me. >> let's start with the u.s. intel sharing with ukrainians to help sink the "moskva" and kill russian generals. the concern from some u.s. officials is that by this becoming public and reaching the kremlin, it could provoke putin to potentially use a nuclear weapon or be more aggressive in ukraine. you've called the nuclear talk sabre rattling. how much should the nuclear capabilities influence the decisions to share intel between the u.s. and ukraine? . >> well, that's completely different things. first of all, i commend the efforts of the u.s. administration and personally president biden and the american people and their support in our fight against the russian aggression. second, we do really appreciate the decision to share intelligence with the ukrainian authorities. the third one, putin wants really to threaten you with the nuclear arms, and the reason why it's very clear because he's losing the battle on the ground in ukraine. and he realized that he's completely out of the plan and i believe that he is to fail. he may resort to some kind of artist, rather than conventional weapon. he has in possession, chemical, biological, and nukes. nukes is a kind of last resort, and i strongly believe that even despite the fact that putin decided to launch this notorious doomsday airplane during the celebration of the victory day on the 9th of may, this is just saber rattling, but whether he can resort to another kind of weapons, like chemical and biological weapon in ukraine, yes, he can, because who is right now in the driving seat of the military operation in ukraine, a bastard who is responsible for atrocities in syria and who commanded actually russian military in syria, so they can apply the same copy cat in ukraine, too. because look what's happening in ukraine. they actually leveled a number of big cities in ukraine starting with kharkiv and ending with mariupol. mariupol is one of the strongest holdouts actually in the global history. so my answer is that this is saber rattling. he wants to stop you in terms of supplying defensive and offensive weapon to ukraine. he will not use nukes, but my take is that he can resort to another type of weapons in case if he fully fails in his operation in ukraine. >> president zelenskyy said today that more than a half million ukrainians were deported to russia. he says that they were forced to go there. how do you get them back to their homes? >> you know, that's about putin, just in order for you and for your viewers to realize who is putin really about. he's racist, and he's anti-semitic, and his entire government is completely the same. they hate ukrainians, they hate jews, they hate americans, they hate everyone, except russians. and he wants to enforce russian ruling in the former soviet sphere of influence, so called. so the decision to deport ukrainians was a part of his nazi style ideology. nazis did the same with the concentration camps, or filtration camps that russia already established. we will take back ukrainians as we win this war, and i want to reiterate once again, as of now, the crucial importance for the entire world is to support ukraine and to win the war against nazi style leader putin. otherwise this will have a dramatic implications for the entire world. so we need to save ukraine and ukraine will save ukrainians. >> let me ask you about the soviet era symbols are now popping up in mariupol and other places as well. russian flags we're seeing, medals as well, street signs in russian, the colors of the russian flag, a city official in mariupol shared an image of the first birth certificate issued by the russians in mariupol. he said the russians stole the citizenship of a child. what's your reaction to what you're seeing here? >> there's the same they did in crimea and in some parts of eastern ukraine, donetsk, so putin decided actually to merge or to conquer part of ukraine, and in order to do this, he has first to win the battlefield and second he has a kind of regular plan how he makes this. they issue passports, they grant citizenship, they new license plates. they issue new legal documents for ukrainians. they do the same again, what nazis did. so his plan is to take as much as he can. >> yeah. >> and it's even beyond ukraine and it's even beyond ukraine. his key ideology is based on the so called soviet achievements during the second world war. they call it great patriotic war. and he's a completely -- not even a soviet style leader, he is worse because he is a corrupted, completely corrupted crony. >> and we have certainly seen the atrocities over the last several months of this war. former ukrainian prime minister, arseniy yatsenyuk. i thank you so much for your time, sir. >> thank you, victor. stunning revelations from former defense secretary, he writes about his former boss's suggestion to launch missiles into mexico. should he have spoken out then or at least before now. we'll discuss ahead. at bath fitter, every quality bath starts with quality people. our consultants help you choose from hundreds of bath options so we fit your style. our installers complete your work in as little as 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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota And Victor Blackwell 20240707 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240707

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evacuate civilians. they said one person was killed, six wounded. let me turn to cnn's scott mclean who is in lviv. i understand you're learning that russian state media reported some people escaped that steel factory. what do you know? >> reporter: yeah, that is true, victor. so this is according to russian state media, who says that 25 people have managed to make it out of the steel factory, including five children. there is new video that cnn cannot verify at this stage that shows some smaller buses, people getting off them and getting transferred onto a larger coach. now, it was unclear whether this is part of the u.n. and red cross effort to get people out, but there are no u.n. vehicles, there's no red cross vehicles shown in any of these videos. so it seems like this is a unilateral effort on the part of russia. you'll recall that russia had previously said that they would allow civilians to get out of the plant yesterday, today and also tomorrow during -- basically during daylight hours, and so perhaps this is part of that effort. we've reached out to the ukrainians, the city council says that -- or the mayor's office, i should say, says that they don't have any information and the governor of the donetsk region said the operation is ongoing. it has started, it hasn't finished yet and he doesn't want to say anything more until people are safe on ukrainian-held territory. for a bit of background, you'll recall the last time there was a successful evacuation, this was on sunday, it was kind of a similar thing. we didn't really get any information. president zelenskyy announced on a friday that there was some kind of an operation going in to get civilians at a time when there was heavy fighting. we didn't really hear anything about it the next day. it wasn't until sunday we got word that people actually had gotten out successfully. of course, it took them another two days to get through the russian filtration process and onto ukrainian soil. but the important part, obviously, is that people are safe, still waiting for word of that. >> two dozen people or so this time. a small number. but some progress. let's broaden this out across more of mariupol and the signs that ukrainians are seeing, that russians are taking over much of the city. these symbols of a soviet era. what do you know? >> reporter: that's right. so it doesn't seem like the russians are doing much to rebuild the city, but they are certainly redecorating it, it appears. and so some examples are street signs, signs going into the city which have been changed from the ukrainian language into the russian language. they've put up a new statue of an old lady holding a flag of the soviet union, some old soviet-era monuments have come back, and the list goes on. this is sort of one of these efforts to russiafy mariupol. in other parts of the country, especially along the black sea, they're actually transferring over from the ukrainian currency to the russian ruble. in kherson there's a four-month trial period and near crimea, on the other side of crimea, i should say, people have been told that if they don't want to be paid in rubles, they can take two-thirds of their salary. >> new satellite images also, scott, of the mariupol theatre. we know that there were hundreds of people killed there. what do they show? >> reporter: yeah, you'll recall this was the theatre where the word "children" was actually spelled out in russian in two places. they were hoping that that would deter the russians from actually striking it. they were obviously wrong. there were no targets around there. there were no military targets. and we know that a lot of women and children were sheltering there. ukrainian estimates are that 300 people there were killed, mostly women and children. these new satellite images show that it appears that the russians are starting to excavate the site. you can see there's a crane there in the picture, a lot of the debris has been cleared up. as time goes on, april 29th, these may 6th pictures, there is more and more activity. we've reached out to russia for a comment, we haven't gotten any. of course you'll remember the ukrainians obviously blame the russians, the russians have a vastly different story, though. they blame the azov regimen of the ukrainian military, which started out as an extremist group, but is now folded into the regular military. they accuse them of blowing up the theatre. >> scott mclean with the latest there. thank you, scott. sources say that president biden is expected to announce more security assistance to ukraine. it will exceed $100 million this time. this sunday he's set to speak with leaders of the g7. in the meantime, the pentagon is denying another form of american support that the u.s. provided specific targeting information on the "moskva," the flagship of russia's see fleet that the ukrainians sank last month. it was a major embarrassment for vladimir putin and his invasion of ukraine. sources tell cnn that the u.s. did provide intelligence that helped ukrainian forces not only identify the "moskva," but pinpoint its location. what did the u.s. tell ukrainian forces, what do they know about what ukraine was going to do with that information? >> reporter: victor, let's start with what we know. in mid-april ukrainian forces spotted a ship that they believed to be the russian flagship, the "moskva," operating off of their coast, and they reached out to their american counterparts and asked for confirmation. the americans were able to definitively i.d. the ship as the "moskva" and provide them with a certain amount of more detailed information on the ship's location. the ukrainians were then, of course, able to fire two cruise missiles that ultimately sunk the ship. now, u.s. officials have been very clear that they were not involved in the decision by the ukrainians to strike the "moskva," and not only that, that they weren't even aware of the -- they weren't even aware that the ukrainians intended to go on and take that information to strike the ship in real time. this is all part of some limitations that the biden administration is trying to put on the intelligence that it's sharing with the ukrainians. so the pentagon today pushing back on the idea that detailed targeting intelligence was provided to the ukrainians. the biden administration is trying to draw a fairly narrow distinction here, essentially saying that while the u.s. is providing and did provide in this instance some general information on the ship's location, it didn't provide the kind of precise geolocation data that would allow the ukrainians to take an immediate strike. again, part of a series of limitations and red lines, really, that the biden administration is trying to draw around its intelligence support. take a listen to what pentagon press secretary john kirby had to say this morning about those limits. >> we did not provide specific targeting information about the "moskva" to the ukrainians. we weren't involved in their decision to conduct that strike and we certainly weren't involved in the actual execution of that strike. and, again, i want to just stress that in order for us to be able to help ukraine defend itself, it's not just about the weapons, it's not just about the training. it is about some of the information, and we want to be able to protect that information, and rightly so. and so leaks like this and stories like this, they are unhelpful to the effort to help ukraine defend itself. >> reporter: victor, these are limits the biden administration is trying to put on the intelligence it's sharing with the ukrainians in order to prevent escalation with russia. victor. >> the latest, thank you so much. leon panetta is the former cia director under president obama. mr. secretary, welcome back. let's start with what we've heard from a lot of military analysts who say we shouldn't be discussing this, but, second, this could be seen as an escalation as katey just said. how is the intel any more of an escalation than the billions of dollars of military aid that the u.s. lists off that it supplies to ukraine? >> well, i think it is important to put this all in context. i mean, the united states and our allies have been providing weapons systems to the ukrainians, in addition to intelligence sharing. that's part of what our allies have been providing to the ukraine in this war. and, you know, i think while, obviously a lot of this is classified, it's pretty clear that it's the ukrainians who pull the trigger and made the decision to go after this destroyer. they may have received some intelligence that confirmed their own intelligence in terms of the location of the ship, but in the end, this was a ukrainian call in terms of firing the cruise missiles that destroyed that destroyer. >> so is the concern that if it's the ukrainians' call, the u.s. supplied some information, they, of course, as kirby said, had some of their own, is the concern that they used the information to go after the "moskva," and of course the reporting yesterday from "the new york times" about targeting generals, that they used the information to do that, or that the u.s. has now some public role in providing that information? what's the major concern here for the pentagon? >> well, as is usual with intelligence, you don't like to open up what is happening with intelligence sharing to the public because it's something, frankly, that is usually classified and is done on a basis of trying to protect the confidence of both sides. i can understand their concern. but at the same time, look, i don't think we ought to make a big deal of this, because the fact is we are providing intelligence sharing, everybody knows we're providing intelligence sharing. we're providing intelligence on targeting for artillery, for other systems that the ukrainians are using, and so i don't see this in any way as some kind of escalation in the relationship. i see it, basically, as maintaining the relationship that we established at the beginning of this war. >> so let me take this a step further. you're the military expert here, i am not. i'm just trying to understand it and help people at home understand it. is this what the u.s. wants ukraine to do with the information? if they give them information about the "moskva" and what's in the black sea, and they want them to use it to defend themselves, what is a better defense than taking out the ship? >> that's what intelligence is for, victor. intelligence is to try to help the military commanders and the military on the ground make decisions about where the enemy is, where the targets are, and how to basically defend yourself. and that's what the ukrainians are doing. so, yeah, they're using intelligence for that purpose, but that is part and parcel of the military assistance that we're providing to the ukrainians. we're obviously providing the missile systems, we're providing the artillery, we're providing the stingers and the other weapons that are being provided, but it's the ukrainians who decide how to use it and what targets to fire at. and that, very frankly, is what war is all about. >> let's move on to former defense secretary, mark esper's new book. "the new york times" has a copy of it and has been pub lishing passage. one about the former president's plan to stop the flow of drugs into the u.s. from mexico, secretary esper writes mr. trump said that, quote, we could just shoot some patriot missiles and take out the labs quietly, adding that no one would know it was us. he said he would just say that the u.s. had not conducted a strike, mr. esper recounts, writing that he would have thought it was a joke, had he not been staring into mr. trump's face. your thoughts on this suggestion from the former president, just send in some patriot missiles, we don't know anything about it? >> well, i don't think this will come as a big surprise to anybody. we know the way president trump operated. he was not somebody who was experienced. he didn't take advice. he basically operated by the seat of his pants. he made decisions based on kind of his own gut instincts. it's pretty clear that he was not what i would call a responsible commander in chief. he was basically operating a lot on what he thought might work. listening to that story tells me that he might have watched a harrison ford movie called "clear and present danger" in which the president did fire missiles at a drug cartel and thought he could do the same thing. i don't know that that's a fact, but it sounds like the kind of thing that trump came up with. >> it was a good movie. i don't know if it's great policy, but it was a good movie. secretary panetta, good to have you. >> good to be with you. president biden is touting the latest jobs report that beat economists predictions, but warns that inflation remains a driving economic problem. and the president's top advisers are now united around abortion rights, deeming it a key issue heading into the midterms. we have details on the strategy the white house now has. stay with us. if you have advanced non-small cell lung cancer, your first treatment could be a chemo-free combination of two immunotherapies that works 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favorite footlong, set a pickup time, and jump the line! oh, here she goes! ugh, i thought she was actually gonna jump. just use this code and order on the subway app! solid stride for job growth in april. employers added 428,000 jobs last month. the unemployment rate stayed at 3.6%. joining me is cnn economics and political commentator and richard quest is cnn's business editor at large. richard, let me start with you. your reaction to the number? >> it's a good, solid number. it shows strength still in the labor market and the tightening of the labor market and you saw wages up 5.5% year-on-year. you saw the number of hourly wages, et cetera, et cetera. but this isn't really what the fed wants to see, because the fed wants to actually start to see a weakening in the job market because that will take the heat out of the economy, which is what the interest rate rises are designed to do. >> katherine, we were talking a little before the show if the job market has recovered from the pandemic. >> we're very close, actually. if we have the same pace of growth that we just had in april for the next few months, we'll be back to where we were pre-pandemic by sometime this summer, which is amazing in a sense. if you look at the forecasts from a year ago or two years ago, economists and the congressional budget office and others were expecting that it would take much longer for us to fill in that hole. >> we were also talking about the potential for the half point interest rate increase that happened yesterday to slow down the job increases and maybe lead to some job losses. is that possible, plausible? >> i think the rate hike that we saw yesterday probably won't have enough bite to have that effect, but the rate hikes that we'll likely see later this year going into next year, yeah, a very probable consequence of that is that we will see either less job growth or even job losses. job losses are what the fed wants to avoid. they want to get inflation down, cool demand enough just to get inflation down, but not enough to tip us into recession. whether they'll achieve that is a different question. >> the whole policy, the whole process of what we are now embarked upon is to slow down growth in some shape or form. so you've got people like bill dudley, the former head of the new york fed. he's quite open about it, the stock price has to fall. there isn't going to be the same juice, if you will, to keep the market going, which is why we're off another 300 points today and it's not over yet. and there will be no more new jobs or fewer new jobs and possibly job losses. >> richard, the president referenced, the big board down 330 points after a 1,000 drop yesterday. >> we're not done yet, believe me. >> the president referenced inflation in touting the job numbers today. he said there's more work to do. what more work can the administration do on inflation? >> well, there he is up the proverbial without a paddle, because he can't do much. first of all, as the economy goes towards recession, you ain't going to get another stimulus package in any shape or form or anything significant. there's just not the money there or the appetite. secondly, this is a fed matter now and the fed is only concerned -- as she said, the fed is concerned with the other side. the fed is going to do whatever it takes. unfortunately for president biden, he's going into the med terms in an unfortunate economic situation and in 18 months' time it will be a pretty dreadful economic situation. >> katherine, deutsche bank is warning about a major recession coming. if you believe that a recession is likely, is there any way to know if it's going to be a steep decline, extended recession? >> well, i don't want to get ahead of ourselves. a recession is not inevitable. i think the economic outlook has darkened because we've been hit with a lot of unfortunate shocks. i mean, there's the covid related lockdowns in china, you have the war in ukraine, whose primary negative consequence, of course, is the loss of life. but it has also disrupted food markets around the world, energy markets around the world, et cetera, driving up prices. and then a bunch of other miscellaneous annoying, unwelcome surprises like an avian flu and a drought in california. all of those things make recession more likely, but it's not unevtable at this point. one would hope if the fed does tip us into recession, which they're trying to avoid, it may be milder than in the past because balance sheets look pretty good. there's overwhelming demand for workers right now. there are almost twice as many job openings as there are unemployed workers available, so maybe that means that the impact of all of the fed raising rates and everything else will be a little bit milder. but we don't know. >> quick last word. >> quick last word, one aspect that president biden has no control over, china. as long as the lockdown and the zero covid policy continues and the ships stack up outside shanghai, the effects will be felt on the other side of the world, and he's got no control over that. >> thank you. there's new reporting about how the white house is responding to the leaked supreme court draft, poised to overturn roe v. wade. before the leak, advisers to the president were divided over how hard to lean into talking about abortion rights, but now they are united. cnn white house correspondent arl arl arlette seanz is here. the president used to avoid the word abortion. what are you expecting just 200 days or so from the midterms? >> reporter: victor, advisers to the president believe that president biden will really be leaning in and speaking about abortion rights intensely as those november midterm elections are quickly approaching. now, the president had already readied his team, told them to prepare for possible executive actions or steps they could take in preparation for a ruling coming from the supreme court in june, but really this announcement, this leak of the draft opinion has really provided them another way to try to sell what they believe needs to pass in relation to abortion rights. now, the president in a meeting with his advisers just earlier this week said that he believes that the draft opinion, the logic that justice samuel alito outlined there, that that really provided very precise language that could also possibly encroach on other rights. now, advisers believe that the president and other democrats will really try to use this as a galvanizing force heading into the midterm elections. some of the groups they are hoping that this will really resonate with are those suburban women, and disaffected democrats who maybe thought about sitting out of the election but are now rethinking that through as they don't want to see abortion rights in fringed on by the supreme court. and this really also just falls in line with the president's messaging shift that he's about to take as he heads into the midterm election. something that you've really seen president biden do in recent weeks is pick up those attacks on republicans, painting them as extreme. this debate over abortion rights provides another avenue for president biden to do just that, as they are hoping to really motivate democratic voters heading into the midterm elections around this issue of abortion rights with a possibility that the supreme court could strike down roe v. wade this coming summer. >> arlette saenz at the white house, thank you. u.s. marshals have found a car associated with the escaped alabama inmate and missing corrections officer, who are on the run. we have details ahead. and right now in havana, cuba, first responders are searching for survivors after an explosion rocked a hotel. look at these pictures. we'll take you there next. and he gets one-on-one cocoaching when he needs it. so ben is feeling pretty zen. that's t the planning effect from fidelity when my genetic reports told me about my heart health, i was able to take 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had obviously was able to be tracked because it was part of the sheriff's department. they switched and they were driving that. the release went out early. they wanted to keep that close to the vest. now we know it has been found in tennessee about two hours away from here. you think about how they're building the investigation. in the next half hour they will step to the mic and tell us what they've been able to learn. the entire nation has been thinking about where these two have gone missing. now we know tennessee is where they went for the next location, but where did they go from here? we were talking to the marshals service yesterday and they said there was extensive planning involved in this, so at this point maybe we'll get more details in the next half hour as we continue to watch this. >> we look forward to that update. ryan young for us. thank you. eight people are dead after an explosion rocked the city of havana. a hotel was destroyed. patrick, do investigators know what caused this? >> reporter: they're saying they have ruled out a bomb, but you look at the images of the immediate aftermath of the explosion and it gives you a sense of the power of the blast that ripped through this iconic hotel where u.s. officials and celebrities have stayed. and it is just a ruin now. it appears this could have been a gas leak or perhaps a delivery of liquid gas, a truck that was bringing in gas to this hotel, which was still under repairs and was several days away from being reopened. but apparently it was full of workers and, as i said, it's a busy area so you would have had a lot of foot traffic outside the hotel. when we arrived there, really just minutes after the explosion, we saw people being taken out of the rubble, very bloody, people who had been injured. you could just tell the amount of rubble that was around this hotel gave you a sense of how devastating this explosion must have been, and cuban authorities say they are still working on determining how many people were killed, determining how many people were wounded, and how many people remain under that rubble. they are working around the clock. hundreds of rescue workers when we were there on the scene, trying to get to the bottom of the rubble, high, high piles of rubble, just enormous blocks of cement that came down from this hotel, and apparently there's still, officials tell us, people, they believe, buried underneath. >> patrick oppmann, the pictures are unbelievable. thank you so much for the report. the cdc says it's investigating severe and unexplained hepatitis cases among young children in 25 states. what parents should be looking for, that's coming up. plus, the fda put strict limitations on johnson & johnson's covid-19 vaccine. we'll tell you why the agency is making these changes next. now's the time to learn more about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from ununitedhealthcare and get help protececting yourself from the out-of-f-pocket costs medicare doesn't 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the u.s. approaches a grim milestone, 1 million covid deaths. cnn health reporter jacqueline howard is here. these numbers are all going in the wrong direction. >> that's right, victor. and i think there's two reasons for that. one is our own behavior where we're turning to pre-pandemic -- our pre-pandemic lives where we're no longer wears masks as much, we're socializing more, many people are becoming more comfortable socializing, and that's why we might be seeing this uptick. but, also, number two, it's also the virus itself. we're seeing the coronavirus really continue to evolve and we are seeing the emergence of subvariants of omicron. and as we see emerging variants, we can see more and more spread. so you can see here we have the omicron, which caused the winter surge. then we have ba.2, which became dominant in march. then we have ba.2121, and that's growing about 25% faster and we're seeing many of those cases in new york. so there is some concern, victor, that we might see a possible summer surge if we continue to see cases go up, and that would also fall in line with seasonal patterns we've seen before with covid-19. but this is also an important reminder for all of us, if you're not boosted, to get your booster shot. >> let's talk about vaccines. there are new concerns about the johnson & johnson vaccine specifically, and blood clots. the fda is now limiting who can get the vaccine. what can you tell us about that? >> the fda made this announcement, and, you know, this is something that the cdc and the fda have been monitoring for the past year. what they're doing, the fda is limiting the use of the johnson & johnson vaccine. here is what the announcement was. among adults, the use is being limited for those -- only to include those who do not have other options for vaccines, because they're not accessible or because it would be clinically inappropriate for them. what that means, it might be someone who couldn't get the mrna vaccine because they had a severe allergic reaction before, and it's limited to those who otherwise wouldn't get vaccinated due to personal reasons or due to limited access. and the reason why it's tied to this rare risk of blood clotting conditions. >> good to know. so the cdc just shared some new information about some unusual cases of hepatitis in children. what have they said, what do we need to know? >> this announcement was just made just moments ago, victor. the cdc is continuing to investigate these unusual hepatitis cases among children. it was first alerted to this by a cluster that was identified in alabama. and now the cdc has identified more than 100 cases of these unusual hepatitis incidents in children across 25 states and territories. 14% of these cases required liver transplants, so 15 liver transplants is the number. and there were five deaths. we should have a map of the states and territories where these cases were identified. so there are 24 states, the one territory is puerto rico. and cdc officials say that they're continuing to monitor this. they're asking clinicians, if you do have a patient with an unusual case of hepatitis, with unknown cause, to alert the cdc. parents, if you notice any signs as well, alert your doctor. this is something that clinicians and officials are continuing to look at because the cause of these hepatitis cases remains unknown. most of the children did have adenovirus infections, but the cdc officials are looking at other possible causes as well. so this investigation continues. >> and there is no regional consistency, locations, cases all over the country. >> exactly. >> jacqueline howard, thank you. road signs, statues, medals, even a birth certificate. the kremlin is apparently attempting to put its stamp on ukraine. we'll talk about the efforts with ukraine's former prime minister ahead. of magicic in all that chaos. ♪ so different and so new ♪ ♪ was like any other... ♪ lemons. lemons. lemons. lemons. look how nice theyre. the moment you 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start of a four-day trip. today she met with u.s. and nato military leaders and service members. she also served food to them at the romanian air force base and then she participated in a virtual childrens' book reading with soldiers and their families back home. on mothers' day she will meet with mothers and children in slovakia who displaced because of the russian invasion. g7 leaders will hold a virtual call with ukrainian president zelenskyy on sunday. the german chancellor will host leaders from the world's top economies to discuss the war in ukraine. white house press secretary jan psaki said the meeting is intentionally being held one day before russia's victory day on may 9th. former ukrainian prime minister is with me now. thank you for being back. let's start with the u.s. intel sharing. >> thank you for having me. >> let's start with the u.s. intel sharing with ukrainians to help sink the "moskva" and kill russian generals. the concern from some u.s. officials is that by this becoming public and reaching the kremlin, it could provoke putin to potentially use a nuclear weapon or be more aggressive in ukraine. you've called the nuclear talk sabre rattling. how much should the nuclear capabilities influence the decisions to share intel between the u.s. and ukraine? . >> well, that's completely different things. first of all, i commend the efforts of the u.s. administration and personally president biden and the american people and their support in our fight against the russian aggression. second, we do really appreciate the decision to share intelligence with the ukrainian authorities. the third one, putin wants really to threaten you with the nuclear arms, and the reason why it's very clear because he's losing the battle on the ground in ukraine. and he realized that he's completely out of the plan and i believe that he is to fail. he may resort to some kind of artist, rather than conventional weapon. he has in possession, chemical, biological, and nukes. nukes is a kind of last resort, and i strongly believe that even despite the fact that putin decided to launch this notorious doomsday airplane during the celebration of the victory day on the 9th of may, this is just saber rattling, but whether he can resort to another kind of weapons, like chemical and biological weapon in ukraine, yes, he can, because who is right now in the driving seat of the military operation in ukraine, a bastard who is responsible for atrocities in syria and who commanded actually russian military in syria, so they can apply the same copy cat in ukraine, too. because look what's happening in ukraine. they actually leveled a number of big cities in ukraine starting with kharkiv and ending with mariupol. mariupol is one of the strongest holdouts actually in the global history. so my answer is that this is saber rattling. he wants to stop you in terms of supplying defensive and offensive weapon to ukraine. he will not use nukes, but my take is that he can resort to another type of weapons in case if he fully fails in his operation in ukraine. >> president zelenskyy said today that more than a half million ukrainians were deported to russia. he says that they were forced to go there. how do you get them back to their homes? >> you know, that's about putin, just in order for you and for your viewers to realize who is putin really about. he's racist, and he's anti-semitic, and his entire government is completely the same. they hate ukrainians, they hate jews, they hate americans, they hate everyone, except russians. and he wants to enforce russian ruling in the former soviet sphere of influence, so called. so the decision to deport ukrainians was a part of his nazi style ideology. nazis did the same with the concentration camps, or filtration camps that russia already established. we will take back ukrainians as we win this war, and i want to reiterate once again, as of now, the crucial importance for the entire world is to support ukraine and to win the war against nazi style leader putin. otherwise this will have a dramatic implications for the entire world. so we need to save ukraine and ukraine will save ukrainians. >> let me ask you about the soviet era symbols are now popping up in mariupol and other places as well. russian flags we're seeing, medals as well, street signs in russian, the colors of the russian flag, a city official in mariupol shared an image of the first birth certificate issued by the russians in mariupol. he said the russians stole the citizenship of a child. what's your reaction to what you're seeing here? >> there's the same they did in crimea and in some parts of eastern ukraine, donetsk, so putin decided actually to merge or to conquer part of ukraine, and in order to do this, he has first to win the battlefield and second he has a kind of regular plan how he makes this. they issue passports, they grant citizenship, they new license plates. they issue new legal documents for ukrainians. they do the same again, what nazis did. so his plan is to take as much as he can. >> yeah. >> and it's even beyond ukraine and it's even beyond ukraine. his key ideology is based on the so called soviet achievements during the second world war. they call it great patriotic war. and he's a completely -- not even a soviet style leader, he is worse because he is a corrupted, completely corrupted crony. >> and we have certainly seen the atrocities over the last several months of this war. former ukrainian prime minister, arseniy yatsenyuk. i thank you so much for your time, sir. >> thank you, victor. stunning revelations from former defense secretary, he writes about his former boss's suggestion to launch missiles into mexico. should he have spoken out then or at least before now. we'll discuss ahead. at bath fitter, every quality bath starts with quality people. our consultants help you choose from hundreds of bath options so we fit your style. our installers complete your work in as little as 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medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. here's to a chance to live longer. ask your doctor about the combination of two immunotherapies, opdivo plus yervoy. thank you to all those in our clinical trials. every year we try to exercise more, to be more social, to just relax. and eating healthy every single meal? if only it was this easy for us. oh, i had never seen a picture of her until i got on ancestry. it was like touching the past. my great aunt signed up to serve in the union army as a field nurse. my great grandmother started a legacy of education in my family. didn't know she ran for state office. ended up opening her own restaurant in san francisco. paralee wharton elder, lupe gonzalez, mary sawyers, margaret ross. there's a lot of life that she lived. who are the strong women in your family? let's get ready for jalapeñoooo popperrrs! turns out, michael buffer 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