Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240708 : com

Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240708

of house republican leader kevin mccarthy, how he actually discussed using the 25th amendment to try to remove donald trump as president just days after the january 6th capitol attack. welcome to "the lead." i'm jake tapper. we begin with breaking news in our money lead. moments ago, the dow industrials closed up, up, up by more than 900 points. the nasdaq and s&p 500 also closed sharply higher. this comes on the heels of the federal reserve this afternoon announcing the biggest increase in interest rates in 22 years. amidst real fears of a recession, the fed added a half-point to its benchmark rate. you'll see the difference in higher interest payments on credit cards, car loans, mortgages, and more. this is an attempt to put the brakes on inflation by lowering consumer demand. our brand-new cnn poll shows the american people think the economy is by far the most important facing the united states and they overwhelmingly think president biden is doing a bad job with it. we'll have those numbers in a minute. first, the president tried to get ahead of the rate hike announcement by touting his own administration's efforts to help the economy. >> we're on track to cut the federal deficit by another $1.5 trillion by the end of this fiscal year. the biggest decline in a single year ever in american history. looking ahead, i have a plan to reduce the deficit even more, which will help reduce inflationary pressures and lower everyone's cost for families. >> let's start with cnn white house correspondent arlette saenz. arlette, despite the worries about higher prices and product shortages, president biden is today pointing to successes he sees in his economic agenda. >> yeah, jake. president biden really has been leaning into the idea of deficit reduction. one thing that the president is very cognizant of is that americans are looking for action when it comes to things like the economy and inflation. so he is trying to point to progress that his administration has made since taking office. pointing to had fact that they have reduced the national deficit by $350 billion last year, and that they are set to pay down the federal debt for the first time in six years. of course, they are also playing to senator joe manchin when they talk about deficit reduction has manchin has said any future economic agenda would need to include reduction in the deficit. the president trying to ease some of the concerns of americans when it comes to the economy and inflation, but it's unclear whether he'll be rewarded for deficit reduction as so much of the emphasis americans are placing are on the prices at the gas pump and the grocery store. >> when the president was discussing the republicans' economic agenda to some critics he may have sounded like he was on the campaign trail. >> he really wassoon the attack, painting republicans as extreme, not just on abortion but also on their economic agenda. the president repeatedly referring to the republican agenda as a maga agenda, a veiled comment towards former president trump, and he took aim at a proposal presented by rick scott, the head of the national senatorial republican committee. take a listen to what he had to say. >> let me tell you about this ultra maga agenda. it's extreme, as most maga things are. it will actually raise taxes on 75 million american families over 95% of whom make less than $100,000 a year. >> so clearly, president biden previewing some of the lines of attack he's planning to launch heading into those midterms as he's making attacking republicans and their agenda a main focus of his campaign theme. >> arlette saenz at the white house for us, thanks so much. that brings us to breaking news in the politics lead. a brand-new cnn poll gauging president biden thon economy, his overall job performance, and much more. let's get to cnn political director david chalian. two things sure stand out in this new poll. one, the economy, a top priority. and two, americans disapprove of president biden's handling of this more than ever before. >> yeah, and those two things together spell a tough political environment for democrats. the president, and his party. take a look here. most important issue, it's by far, jake, 50% of people in this poll say the economy is the most important issue facing the country. russia/ukraine at 14%. immigration at 10%. everything else in single digits. we should note this poll was completed just before the bombshell news from the supreme court on abortion. biden's handling of that number one issue, only at a 34% approval rating on the economy. 66% disapprove. and that number there, jake, that's been going down since our poll earlier this year. he was at 37% approval on the economy. now he's down to 34%. and in terms of biden's policies, look at this. a majority of americans in this poll, 55%, say biden's policies have actually worsened economic conditions. 26%, no effect. only 19% of americans in this poll say biden's policies have improved conditions. >> and david, because of the economy, more americans say they are buying less, according to the poll. >> yeah, we talk about this all the time. the economy is how people feel in their everyday lives. look at this. 63% of respondents say they're buying fewer groceries. same say they have cut nonessentials out of their lives. 55%, a majority, delaying purchases. 54% cutting back on driving. you can see how americans, majority of americans, have changed the way they operate day to day because of inflation. >> what about the president's overall job performance? where does he stand there? >> these economic numbers are keeping his approval rating where it's been, which is low. low 40s here. 41% approval in our poll. 59% disapproval. and jake, look at how that 41% stacks up among his modern era predecessors at this point in their presidency. joe biden is down here at the bottom of the heap with donald trump and jimmy carter, two one-term presidents where his approval rating is right now at this point in the presidency. >> not a place you want to be. cnn political director david chal wherein. thanks so much. let's dig into the federal reserve's interest rate hike today. we're joined by betsy stevenson. we also have with us former reagan and trump campaign adviser arthur laugher. betsy, let me start with you. as we said the half-point increase in the interest rate, the biggest in 22 years. what kind of loans will be affected by the fed's announcement today? >> well, when the fed raises rates by half a point, that's affecting directly the inner bank rate. that's not what americans care about. what they care about are car loans, mortgage loans. we do see the fed raising rates, percolating through all those kinds of loans. it is worth noting that the market was already expecting this. we already saw some of that priced in. so i don't think we're going to see any big changes overnight. what we see is the fed delivered what they promised, and we're already seeing things like mortgage rates have started to tick up to reflect where the market expects the fed to be. >> arthur, there's a lot of concern the fed's interest rate hike will push the economy into a recession. do you share those concerns? what might that look like? >> i don't really share the concern. i don't think the real problem is pushing the economy into a recession. i think these rate hikes are way too small. i mean, if you take me back, if you will, to 1981, when we were running at inflation of 15%, 16%, 14%, paul volcker had raised rates to where the prime interest rate in the u.s. was at 21.5%, about five points above the inflation rate. we are nowhere near that. that's what it took back then, jake, to bring the inflation back down to where under reagan we had the tax cut, supply increases, tight money, and we got inflation conquered. that is not what this fed is doing yet. i mean, they have got to go a lot further to bring inflation down. and then they would really risk a bad economy, but that's the only way i know of bringing inflation down. >> betsy, the fed also signaled more interest rate increases will be coming soon, as arthur just suggested. as stocks closed sharply higher, but there has been a lot of turbulence in the markets lately. some economists say turbulence on wall street right now is a good thing. do you agree with that? >> well -- >> no -- >> arthur, hold on one second. let's have betsy and then you can weigh in. go ahead, betsy. >> i don't think we have the economy of the 1970s or 1980s. i think what the fed said very clearly today, the most important thing they said, not that they are open to raising rates further. they are. but what they said is they're not going to let inflation expectations become unanchored. that's the bright line. we are getting inflation back to 2%. and they will do what it takes to make sure that our long run inflation gets back to 2%. and i think right now, what we see is the market believes that. every once in a while, we see nervousness, but as long as they continue to believe that the fed has this under control, that inflation expectations are going back to 2%, then i think things are fine. in order -- how much do they need to raise rates? i think that depends on what we see happening in the next new months in the economy. i don't think it's clear right now exactly how much they need to raise rates. what is clear is they will need to raise rates somewhat. and that they're going to be doing that based on data and the information that they get. >> arthur? >> yeah, sorry for blurting in. i think they're going to have to raise rates a lot more. there's no sign yet that i can see that inflation has stopped or leveled off. now, the next three months you're going to see the inflation rate leveling off because they're dropping off low numbers 12 months ago, but once that's over and the three months leading up to the election, those rates that are being dropped off are going to be very low and you're going to see an initial surge. plus, the producer price indication is over 11%, which is the preceding stage of the consumer price indication, which means it's being pulled higher and higher. spot commodity prices are rising dramatically. i don't see any reason to expect inflation to stop or go down. i just don't see it. and it might even go a lot higher. if it does, this will be a really pivotal point for the fed in trying to bring it under control. >> all right. to be continued. arthur and betsy, thanks for joining us today. >> coming up, intense battles rock the mariupol steel plant with civilians still stuck inside. now officials say they have lost contact with the ukrainian fighters inside. >> plus, the galvanizing issue of abortion in america. i'm going to talk to a mayor refusing to stand by and wait for the draft supreme court decision to become law of the land. stay with us. devices and internet. like u ultra-fast, ultra-simple wireless 5g business 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erupting at the besieged steel plant in mariupol today. ukraine's foreign minstersays ukrainian forces are still in control of the azovstal steel plant despite relentless russian attacks. hundreds of civilians remain trapped inside, along with the last ukrainian defenders in the city.mariupol, a new investigation finds 600 civilians were killed in the russian attack on the theater there were civilians were sheltering. that is much higher than earlier estimates. painted on thep ground outside the building, as you might recall, in giant russian letters was the word "children" twice. despite intensified attacks in the east, the ukrainian military says russian forces are largely stalled in the region and have made few advances toward their goal. today, the head of the european union unveiled further measures aimed at punishing putin, including removing russia's largest bachk from institutions around the world. in southern ukraine, civilians are finally able to escape kherson, the first city occupied by the russians when the invasion began. nick paton walsh caught up with some of the evacuees on their road to safety. >> that road here is a dusty track. where few know the route and just follow the car in front. above the trees, the dust likely from fires caused by distant shelling. these are over 100 cars that have run the gauntlet out of kherson, the first city russia occupied. >> no school, no almost hospital. >> at the moment, it is terrible. so many russians, military there. it's terrible. >> what do they do? >> at the moment, they do nothing. >> eyes here tell of exhaustion, hours held at russian checkpoints. the only emotion left after two months under the russian gun, a slight smile of freedom. the idea dawning that life under occupation is behind them, even if a life displaced by war is ahead. you can see just in the length of this queue here, the scale of the desperation we're talking about here. people fleeing russian occupation, leaving this morning at the first light from kherson, the first to be occupied by russia at the start of the war. some of them on their fifth attempt to get out. something this time was different. it was easy. we left early, and they were all asleep, she says. goods have dried up. everything is from crimea, she adds. in front, squeezed ten in here. >> tried for a week to get out. we were just on the way to get out, and they let us pass as human shields when things were flying over us, she says. it was terrifying. five attempts, he said, they didn't let us through. just turned us around. >> they fled a city where things were not going according to the kremlin's plan. the sham referendum russia planned to consolidate control never happened. and this weekend, almost at the moment when they introduced the russian currency, the ruble, the internet and cell service suddenly went off. for even the youngest, the hope ahead is palpable. it was sad to leave, he says, but where we're going will be better. this is happening as villages and roads change hands daily here. these ukrainian soldiers in the next village anxious to not have their location or faces shown. we evacuated 1500 people over the last week, one said. kids, elderly. russians let them through if they say they're going to kherson, further on, they drop off their cars, bikes, and go on foot to our side. across the fields, the agony of russia's blundering and senseless invasion pours out. now, of course, seeing kherson, these intermittent at times enormous convoys is part of a huge flow of civilians around ukraine. remember also, too, those emerging out of mariupol azovstal. the russian government for what it's worth, the ministry defense said tomorrow, the day after that, there will be another window for civilians to get out of the steel plant where ukraine is now saying the russians are not having success, but it does appear a heavy onslaught has begun by the russian military, whether that will indeed cease over the days ahead to allow civilians out, russia says it acts by humane principles, almost absurd, given the damage it's done to almost every civilian area of mariupol, but hopes, i think, diminishing slowly given the ferocity of russia's onslaught today and the loss of communications experienced at one point during today with those inside. jake. >> nick paton walsh doing incredible reporting for us in ukraine. thank you so much. joining us to discuss, a ukrainian ambassador to the united states. madam ambassador, thanks for joining us. what can you tell me about the conversations you're having right now with top u.s. officials about what ukraine needs? >> well, thank you very much, jake. and to your colleagues for being in ukraine and showing us what really happens on the ground. all i can say is that we're really grateful for the support we have received to date. this $3 billion and all the military support and financial support, as well as sanctions. and we look forward to congress adopting the new proposal for $33 billion. which includes also the military support which is something that we really need in order not only to sustain the effort but to prevent russians from occupying or advancing because we know what happens in those occupied territories and the terrifying situation in kherson, which you just showed and in mariupol and other places as well as the situation in the areas which we have liberated, bucha and others. clearly show us that the faster we advance, the faster we defend our territory, the faster russians actually are out, the more lives we can save. so i can only say what president biden said. every dollar spent on this is a direct investment into defense of democracy and freedom, and we're really grateful to american people for that. >> let me ask you about that because i'm starting to see skepticism on social media and skepticism expressed by members of the public, the american public, saying $33 billion for ukraine, why should we spend $33 billion for ukraine? i understand the gratitude you feel, and i certainly understand why you need the money, but what is your message to americans who might wonder about why their taxpayer dollars are going to ukraine? >> well, it's not only about ukraine. it's about all of us. can we still be a democracy, all of us, and not be threatened by russia. which essentially on the russian tv, if you look at it now, it's of course about ukraine and destroying ukraine, but they are also showing how they will be destroying everyone and how they want to change the world order and how they have been an autocracy, bragging about essentially destroying the way of living we defend now in ukraine. so it's, of course, our homes and our lives we're defending, but essentially, we're also defending europe and defending everyone who believes in freedom, who believes in democracy, and i just want to remind, 1994, when ukraine as one of actually the only country that decided to get rid of the third nuclear arsenal, become a peaceful country in exchange for the guarantees of other countries, including the united states, i think it's a very important message to send, that you can still do it and feel protected and feel helped, you know, being helped like the u.s. is helping us. so we feel enormous support from american people. >> the european union proposed a ban on russian oil today. that's not the same as a ban on russian gas, which many european countries still say they can't do without. i wonder how much of a difference this would make when we know europe is paying putin hundreds of millions of dollars per day for energy. >> sanctions are as important as the military support to ukraine. and again, we can praise the united states for being a leader here in sanctions on energy resources and we believe that every cent, every energy resource should be banned, as well as all russian banks should be added to the full block in sanctions list. sanctions are important to punish russia for what they have already done, but they are equally important for actually not allowing them to continue to finance this attack, this war. again, i want to remind, not only on ukraine. because we have to remember about syria, we have to remember about georgia. we have to remember about poison in the streets of london and also remember about the mh-17, which was shut down from the skies. >> absolutely. ambassador, thank you so much for your time today. appreciate it. >> up until now, putin has called his deadly invasion of ukraine a, quote, special military operation. coming up next, the kremlin's response today when asked if putin will formally declare war on an upcoming symbolic day for russia. stay with us. only two things are forever: love and liberty mutual customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. if anyone objects to this marriage... 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[laughs] we'll drive you happy at carvana. you're probably thinking that these two are in some sort of lover's quarrel. no, no, no. they're both invested... in green energy. and also each other. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? in our politics lead, the stunning leak of a supreme court draft opinion that would theoretically undermine the current constitutional right to an abortion is having a seismic impact across the country. thousands of demonstrators gathered across the united states last night, making their voices heard after the revelation that the nation's highest supreme court appears poised to overturn the landmark 1973 roe v. wade case, which granted abortion access nationwide. >> and joining us to discuss is the mayor of phoenix, arizona. thank you so much for joining us, maldm mayor. you signed on to an open letter released today from other women mayors condemning this, what we think will be a decision or at least a suggestion of what the decision will be from the supreme court. the letter reads in part, quote, as experts on our communities, we state unequivocally that access to abortion care is essential health care and a fundamental right and necessary to insure freedom, autonomy, and equity for everyone who can get pregnant. hundreds of protesters demonstrated outside the phoenix capital last night. what impact do you think overturning roe v. wade would have on phoenix? >> i am very worried about what it means for my community, particularly for women who don't have access to the health care they need already. this will be hardest for our lowest income women, but i think most women my age have had a conversation with a friend that starts, there's something i have to tell you. and you learn about an unintended pregnancy. those are hard, hard conversations. and to have fewer and fewer options, particularly locally, could be devastating for women. arizona is one of the states that will likely have an outright abortion ban. >> let's talk about that because the governor, republican doug ducey, signed a bill in law in march that would act as a near total ban on abortions after 15 weeks. he previously has indicated he might revisit the issue if roe is overturned which it looks like it will be by the supreme court. can you do anything on the local level or he does this and the legislature goes along or vice versa, and that's where phoenix is? >> arizona also has an abortion ban on the books. >> a total ban. >> a total ban. these are really devastating times. for a woman my age, roe has been settled law. to think that it is so at risk is a really scary time. i think we're going to see a lot of organizing around it. i find that younger women weren't really particularly paying attention this election cycle and now we're seeing on campuses and in the community a huge upswell, but we're also hearing from women who remember what it was like when abortion was illegal. and who are galvanized and ready to do everything we can to not return to those days. >> let's talk about that. practically speaking, what will this mean? you say you're very concerned. what do you think a post-roe arizona, post-roe phoenix would look like? >> we already had high stakes elections and this is going to change it dramatically. i think we'll see many more people in our community and particularly women getting engaged and organizing around the election. we have races such as the governor's race that are on the ballot and i think we'll see a lot more interest there. state legislative races will become incredibly important. so first i think we'll see action in november. >> okay, you're not going to give me the worst case scenario because you're focused on the election. >> the city of phoenix is a pro-choice council and we'll look at what our options. we want to make sure women have access to all of the health care in our community. we don't want people to have to go to california. many of the people who need it most won't be able to do so. >> let's turn to the growing crisis on the southern border. a federal judge has temporarily blocked the biden administration from ending the pandemic era trump restrictions, border restrictions known as title 42, which allowed for quicker removal of migrants from the united states because of the coronavirus pandemic. do you want to see title 42 remain in place? do you want to see the country still be able to remove people who are in this country illegally quickly? >> so, to my, what we really need is congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform. maybe there's political will that wasn't there before. our labor market is incredibly tight right now. we need people to build homes in our community. to operate so many of the advanced jobs that are coming to our community, and perhaps there's finally the will to do something on comprehensive immigration reform. but if not, we really need support. we are welcoming community, we're built by people who have moved to phoenix as america's fastest growing city. the overwhelming majority of people in my community have roots somewhere else, and refugees have been amazing for our community. we have a beautiful police station. >> do you want title 42 to stay so that the immigration can take migrants out more quickly or not? >> it's been questionable as a health care tool. it's not how i would like to see us regulate immigration, but we need more of a plan in place to be ready. and we need local government to have an understanding of what is coming so we can prepare. >> all right, mayor, thank you so much for your time today. appreciate it. coming up next, new audio revealing more of what house republican leader kevin mccarthy really thought about then-president trump's actions in the day after january 6th. and his hopes at the time to work well with the incoming president, joe biden. stay with us. verizon 5g5g business internet n us... we'll even help cover the cost to switch. come in or book k an appointmet online today during verizon small business d days. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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>> that takes too long. the audio shows the 25th amendment was under serious consideration, alex. >> that's right. this is something we have reported from a couple top republicans in the book. the 25th amendment was sincerely and seriously in play at this point. and a whole lot of republicans like to sort of hand wave, people like to speculate about the 25th. jake, this was a whole lot more than speculation. as your viewers just heard. you don't hear kevin mccarthy saying in that moment, you know, i don't think it would be appropriate to invoke the 25th amendment. or i'm not sure it was designed for a situation like this. his concern is it would take too long. the reason he's worried it could take too long is the cabinet can vote to remove the president, but then the president can challenge that, and then it goes to a vote of the congress. and then you're in a situation that's really not all that different from impeachment. and again, to bring folks back to this extremely urgent moment, two days after january 6th, 12 days left on the clock of president trump's administration. you have the top republicans in the country truly worried about whether it's responsible to let donald trump remain as the president and commander in chief for just 12 more days. >> yeah, and jonathan, it's incredible when you think about kevin mccarthy's issue with the 25th amendment is it wouldn't get rid of trump quickly enough. so you also write about trump's response to mccarthy's condemnations of him in the immediate aftermath of the insurrection, quote, trump waved aside mccarthy's claims of challenging the former president in private. according to trump, the republican leader's tough talk after january 6th was just that, talk. so trump is completely unconcerned about what mccarthy was saying during this time. >> and not just that. when we pressed president trump in our interview with him for this book, about what kevin mccarthy had said to him, trump said, mccarthy never pressed me to think about resigning or to even issue any kind of contrition. so we asked trump, we said, so why is mccarthy claiming that he was a tough guy with you? and trump said to us two words. inferiority complex. speaking about mccarthy. >> alex, we should note president trump certainly had a good night last night with the republican senate primary results in ohio. his hand-picked candidate, jd vance, who was trailing in the polls before trump picked him, won in the book you describe how a lot of republicans have been dismayed at trump's continued strength within the party, including mitch mcconnell. >> that's right. mitch mcconnell in so many ways exhibit a of republicans who wish trump would fade away and finds now that's not the case at all. if rns take back the senate majority this year, there's a strong chance the margin of control for mitch mcconnell will be candidates hand-picked by donald trump, and as kevin mccarthy has found in recent weeks after the reporting from the book became public, the long arm of donald trump is very long indeed. and those endorsements, that support, that indulgence from the former president does not come for free. >> all right, the book, of course, from jonathan and alex, "this will not pass, trump, biden, and the battle for america's future. qu "it's a great read. >> coming up, showstopper. what reps for dave chappelle are saying after an armed man rushed the comedian on stage. stay with us. to bring it up to speed... scotts turf builder rapid grass. it grows two times faster than seed alone for full, green grass. everything else just seems... slowow. it's lawn season. let's get t to the yard. i earn 3% cash back at drugstores with chase freedom unlimited. so i got cards for birthdays, holidays, graduations, i'm covered for everything thank you for driving me to the drugstore. earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no anal fee. how do you cashback? 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>> and leading this hour, internal pushback on the european union's proposed ban of russian oil imports. the ban would be part of the expanding effort to punish russia for its unprovoked invasion of ukraine, this while the fighting intensifies. in mariupol, the city's mayor claims hundreds of innocent civilians including 30 children remain trapped inside that steel plant while russian forces bombard the area. elsewhere in mariupol, a new investigation by the associated press finds evidence that 600 civilians were killed in that russian attack on the theater where civilians had been sheltering. that is much higher than earlier estimates. painted on the ground outside the building, of course, as you might remember, in giant russian letters was the word "children" that was written there twice. the bombs came anyway. senior national correspondent sara sidner joins us live from kyiv. today, the mayor of mariupol said contact has been lost with the ukrainian forces fighting from inside the azovstal steel plant. tell us what we know. >> look, russia continues to bombard the place. we are hearing from a ukrainian commander that indeed, the soldiers, ukrainian soldiers inside of that plant say the russian soldiers have made it inside the plant and there are bloody battles that are occurring. this is as you

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Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240708

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of house republican leader kevin mccarthy, how he actually discussed using the 25th amendment to try to remove donald trump as president just days after the january 6th capitol attack. welcome to "the lead." i'm jake tapper. we begin with breaking news in our money lead. moments ago, the dow industrials closed up, up, up by more than 900 points. the nasdaq and s&p 500 also closed sharply higher. this comes on the heels of the federal reserve this afternoon announcing the biggest increase in interest rates in 22 years. amidst real fears of a recession, the fed added a half-point to its benchmark rate. you'll see the difference in higher interest payments on credit cards, car loans, mortgages, and more. this is an attempt to put the brakes on inflation by lowering consumer demand. our brand-new cnn poll shows the american people think the economy is by far the most important facing the united states and they overwhelmingly think president biden is doing a bad job with it. we'll have those numbers in a minute. first, the president tried to get ahead of the rate hike announcement by touting his own administration's efforts to help the economy. >> we're on track to cut the federal deficit by another $1.5 trillion by the end of this fiscal year. the biggest decline in a single year ever in american history. looking ahead, i have a plan to reduce the deficit even more, which will help reduce inflationary pressures and lower everyone's cost for families. >> let's start with cnn white house correspondent arlette saenz. arlette, despite the worries about higher prices and product shortages, president biden is today pointing to successes he sees in his economic agenda. >> yeah, jake. president biden really has been leaning into the idea of deficit reduction. one thing that the president is very cognizant of is that americans are looking for action when it comes to things like the economy and inflation. so he is trying to point to progress that his administration has made since taking office. pointing to had fact that they have reduced the national deficit by $350 billion last year, and that they are set to pay down the federal debt for the first time in six years. of course, they are also playing to senator joe manchin when they talk about deficit reduction has manchin has said any future economic agenda would need to include reduction in the deficit. the president trying to ease some of the concerns of americans when it comes to the economy and inflation, but it's unclear whether he'll be rewarded for deficit reduction as so much of the emphasis americans are placing are on the prices at the gas pump and the grocery store. >> when the president was discussing the republicans' economic agenda to some critics he may have sounded like he was on the campaign trail. >> he really wassoon the attack, painting republicans as extreme, not just on abortion but also on their economic agenda. the president repeatedly referring to the republican agenda as a maga agenda, a veiled comment towards former president trump, and he took aim at a proposal presented by rick scott, the head of the national senatorial republican committee. take a listen to what he had to say. >> let me tell you about this ultra maga agenda. it's extreme, as most maga things are. it will actually raise taxes on 75 million american families over 95% of whom make less than $100,000 a year. >> so clearly, president biden previewing some of the lines of attack he's planning to launch heading into those midterms as he's making attacking republicans and their agenda a main focus of his campaign theme. >> arlette saenz at the white house for us, thanks so much. that brings us to breaking news in the politics lead. a brand-new cnn poll gauging president biden thon economy, his overall job performance, and much more. let's get to cnn political director david chalian. two things sure stand out in this new poll. one, the economy, a top priority. and two, americans disapprove of president biden's handling of this more than ever before. >> yeah, and those two things together spell a tough political environment for democrats. the president, and his party. take a look here. most important issue, it's by far, jake, 50% of people in this poll say the economy is the most important issue facing the country. russia/ukraine at 14%. immigration at 10%. everything else in single digits. we should note this poll was completed just before the bombshell news from the supreme court on abortion. biden's handling of that number one issue, only at a 34% approval rating on the economy. 66% disapprove. and that number there, jake, that's been going down since our poll earlier this year. he was at 37% approval on the economy. now he's down to 34%. and in terms of biden's policies, look at this. a majority of americans in this poll, 55%, say biden's policies have actually worsened economic conditions. 26%, no effect. only 19% of americans in this poll say biden's policies have improved conditions. >> and david, because of the economy, more americans say they are buying less, according to the poll. >> yeah, we talk about this all the time. the economy is how people feel in their everyday lives. look at this. 63% of respondents say they're buying fewer groceries. same say they have cut nonessentials out of their lives. 55%, a majority, delaying purchases. 54% cutting back on driving. you can see how americans, majority of americans, have changed the way they operate day to day because of inflation. >> what about the president's overall job performance? where does he stand there? >> these economic numbers are keeping his approval rating where it's been, which is low. low 40s here. 41% approval in our poll. 59% disapproval. and jake, look at how that 41% stacks up among his modern era predecessors at this point in their presidency. joe biden is down here at the bottom of the heap with donald trump and jimmy carter, two one-term presidents where his approval rating is right now at this point in the presidency. >> not a place you want to be. cnn political director david chal wherein. thanks so much. let's dig into the federal reserve's interest rate hike today. we're joined by betsy stevenson. we also have with us former reagan and trump campaign adviser arthur laugher. betsy, let me start with you. as we said the half-point increase in the interest rate, the biggest in 22 years. what kind of loans will be affected by the fed's announcement today? >> well, when the fed raises rates by half a point, that's affecting directly the inner bank rate. that's not what americans care about. what they care about are car loans, mortgage loans. we do see the fed raising rates, percolating through all those kinds of loans. it is worth noting that the market was already expecting this. we already saw some of that priced in. so i don't think we're going to see any big changes overnight. what we see is the fed delivered what they promised, and we're already seeing things like mortgage rates have started to tick up to reflect where the market expects the fed to be. >> arthur, there's a lot of concern the fed's interest rate hike will push the economy into a recession. do you share those concerns? what might that look like? >> i don't really share the concern. i don't think the real problem is pushing the economy into a recession. i think these rate hikes are way too small. i mean, if you take me back, if you will, to 1981, when we were running at inflation of 15%, 16%, 14%, paul volcker had raised rates to where the prime interest rate in the u.s. was at 21.5%, about five points above the inflation rate. we are nowhere near that. that's what it took back then, jake, to bring the inflation back down to where under reagan we had the tax cut, supply increases, tight money, and we got inflation conquered. that is not what this fed is doing yet. i mean, they have got to go a lot further to bring inflation down. and then they would really risk a bad economy, but that's the only way i know of bringing inflation down. >> betsy, the fed also signaled more interest rate increases will be coming soon, as arthur just suggested. as stocks closed sharply higher, but there has been a lot of turbulence in the markets lately. some economists say turbulence on wall street right now is a good thing. do you agree with that? >> well -- >> no -- >> arthur, hold on one second. let's have betsy and then you can weigh in. go ahead, betsy. >> i don't think we have the economy of the 1970s or 1980s. i think what the fed said very clearly today, the most important thing they said, not that they are open to raising rates further. they are. but what they said is they're not going to let inflation expectations become unanchored. that's the bright line. we are getting inflation back to 2%. and they will do what it takes to make sure that our long run inflation gets back to 2%. and i think right now, what we see is the market believes that. every once in a while, we see nervousness, but as long as they continue to believe that the fed has this under control, that inflation expectations are going back to 2%, then i think things are fine. in order -- how much do they need to raise rates? i think that depends on what we see happening in the next new months in the economy. i don't think it's clear right now exactly how much they need to raise rates. what is clear is they will need to raise rates somewhat. and that they're going to be doing that based on data and the information that they get. >> arthur? >> yeah, sorry for blurting in. i think they're going to have to raise rates a lot more. there's no sign yet that i can see that inflation has stopped or leveled off. now, the next three months you're going to see the inflation rate leveling off because they're dropping off low numbers 12 months ago, but once that's over and the three months leading up to the election, those rates that are being dropped off are going to be very low and you're going to see an initial surge. plus, the producer price indication is over 11%, which is the preceding stage of the consumer price indication, which means it's being pulled higher and higher. spot commodity prices are rising dramatically. i don't see any reason to expect inflation to stop or go down. i just don't see it. and it might even go a lot higher. if it does, this will be a really pivotal point for the fed in trying to bring it under control. >> all right. to be continued. arthur and betsy, thanks for joining us today. >> coming up, intense battles rock the mariupol steel plant with civilians still stuck inside. now officials say they have lost contact with the ukrainian fighters inside. >> plus, the galvanizing issue of abortion in america. i'm going to talk to a mayor refusing to stand by and wait for the draft supreme court decision to become law of the land. stay with us. devices and internet. like u ultra-fast, ultra-simple wireless 5g business 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erupting at the besieged steel plant in mariupol today. ukraine's foreign minstersays ukrainian forces are still in control of the azovstal steel plant despite relentless russian attacks. hundreds of civilians remain trapped inside, along with the last ukrainian defenders in the city.mariupol, a new investigation finds 600 civilians were killed in the russian attack on the theater there were civilians were sheltering. that is much higher than earlier estimates. painted on thep ground outside the building, as you might recall, in giant russian letters was the word "children" twice. despite intensified attacks in the east, the ukrainian military says russian forces are largely stalled in the region and have made few advances toward their goal. today, the head of the european union unveiled further measures aimed at punishing putin, including removing russia's largest bachk from institutions around the world. in southern ukraine, civilians are finally able to escape kherson, the first city occupied by the russians when the invasion began. nick paton walsh caught up with some of the evacuees on their road to safety. >> that road here is a dusty track. where few know the route and just follow the car in front. above the trees, the dust likely from fires caused by distant shelling. these are over 100 cars that have run the gauntlet out of kherson, the first city russia occupied. >> no school, no almost hospital. >> at the moment, it is terrible. so many russians, military there. it's terrible. >> what do they do? >> at the moment, they do nothing. >> eyes here tell of exhaustion, hours held at russian checkpoints. the only emotion left after two months under the russian gun, a slight smile of freedom. the idea dawning that life under occupation is behind them, even if a life displaced by war is ahead. you can see just in the length of this queue here, the scale of the desperation we're talking about here. people fleeing russian occupation, leaving this morning at the first light from kherson, the first to be occupied by russia at the start of the war. some of them on their fifth attempt to get out. something this time was different. it was easy. we left early, and they were all asleep, she says. goods have dried up. everything is from crimea, she adds. in front, squeezed ten in here. >> tried for a week to get out. we were just on the way to get out, and they let us pass as human shields when things were flying over us, she says. it was terrifying. five attempts, he said, they didn't let us through. just turned us around. >> they fled a city where things were not going according to the kremlin's plan. the sham referendum russia planned to consolidate control never happened. and this weekend, almost at the moment when they introduced the russian currency, the ruble, the internet and cell service suddenly went off. for even the youngest, the hope ahead is palpable. it was sad to leave, he says, but where we're going will be better. this is happening as villages and roads change hands daily here. these ukrainian soldiers in the next village anxious to not have their location or faces shown. we evacuated 1500 people over the last week, one said. kids, elderly. russians let them through if they say they're going to kherson, further on, they drop off their cars, bikes, and go on foot to our side. across the fields, the agony of russia's blundering and senseless invasion pours out. now, of course, seeing kherson, these intermittent at times enormous convoys is part of a huge flow of civilians around ukraine. remember also, too, those emerging out of mariupol azovstal. the russian government for what it's worth, the ministry defense said tomorrow, the day after that, there will be another window for civilians to get out of the steel plant where ukraine is now saying the russians are not having success, but it does appear a heavy onslaught has begun by the russian military, whether that will indeed cease over the days ahead to allow civilians out, russia says it acts by humane principles, almost absurd, given the damage it's done to almost every civilian area of mariupol, but hopes, i think, diminishing slowly given the ferocity of russia's onslaught today and the loss of communications experienced at one point during today with those inside. jake. >> nick paton walsh doing incredible reporting for us in ukraine. thank you so much. joining us to discuss, a ukrainian ambassador to the united states. madam ambassador, thanks for joining us. what can you tell me about the conversations you're having right now with top u.s. officials about what ukraine needs? >> well, thank you very much, jake. and to your colleagues for being in ukraine and showing us what really happens on the ground. all i can say is that we're really grateful for the support we have received to date. this $3 billion and all the military support and financial support, as well as sanctions. and we look forward to congress adopting the new proposal for $33 billion. which includes also the military support which is something that we really need in order not only to sustain the effort but to prevent russians from occupying or advancing because we know what happens in those occupied territories and the terrifying situation in kherson, which you just showed and in mariupol and other places as well as the situation in the areas which we have liberated, bucha and others. clearly show us that the faster we advance, the faster we defend our territory, the faster russians actually are out, the more lives we can save. so i can only say what president biden said. every dollar spent on this is a direct investment into defense of democracy and freedom, and we're really grateful to american people for that. >> let me ask you about that because i'm starting to see skepticism on social media and skepticism expressed by members of the public, the american public, saying $33 billion for ukraine, why should we spend $33 billion for ukraine? i understand the gratitude you feel, and i certainly understand why you need the money, but what is your message to americans who might wonder about why their taxpayer dollars are going to ukraine? >> well, it's not only about ukraine. it's about all of us. can we still be a democracy, all of us, and not be threatened by russia. which essentially on the russian tv, if you look at it now, it's of course about ukraine and destroying ukraine, but they are also showing how they will be destroying everyone and how they want to change the world order and how they have been an autocracy, bragging about essentially destroying the way of living we defend now in ukraine. so it's, of course, our homes and our lives we're defending, but essentially, we're also defending europe and defending everyone who believes in freedom, who believes in democracy, and i just want to remind, 1994, when ukraine as one of actually the only country that decided to get rid of the third nuclear arsenal, become a peaceful country in exchange for the guarantees of other countries, including the united states, i think it's a very important message to send, that you can still do it and feel protected and feel helped, you know, being helped like the u.s. is helping us. so we feel enormous support from american people. >> the european union proposed a ban on russian oil today. that's not the same as a ban on russian gas, which many european countries still say they can't do without. i wonder how much of a difference this would make when we know europe is paying putin hundreds of millions of dollars per day for energy. >> sanctions are as important as the military support to ukraine. and again, we can praise the united states for being a leader here in sanctions on energy resources and we believe that every cent, every energy resource should be banned, as well as all russian banks should be added to the full block in sanctions list. sanctions are important to punish russia for what they have already done, but they are equally important for actually not allowing them to continue to finance this attack, this war. again, i want to remind, not only on ukraine. because we have to remember about syria, we have to remember about georgia. we have to remember about poison in the streets of london and also remember about the mh-17, which was shut down from the skies. >> absolutely. ambassador, thank you so much for your time today. appreciate it. >> up until now, putin has called his deadly invasion of ukraine a, quote, special military operation. coming up next, the kremlin's response today when asked if putin will formally declare war on an upcoming symbolic day for russia. stay with us. only two things are forever: love and liberty mutual customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. if anyone objects to this marriage... 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>> i am very worried about what it means for my community, particularly for women who don't have access to the health care they need already. this will be hardest for our lowest income women, but i think most women my age have had a conversation with a friend that starts, there's something i have to tell you. and you learn about an unintended pregnancy. those are hard, hard conversations. and to have fewer and fewer options, particularly locally, could be devastating for women. arizona is one of the states that will likely have an outright abortion ban. >> let's talk about that because the governor, republican doug ducey, signed a bill in law in march that would act as a near total ban on abortions after 15 weeks. he previously has indicated he might revisit the issue if roe is overturned which it looks like it will be by the supreme court. can you do anything on the local level or he does this and the legislature goes along or vice versa, and that's where phoenix is? >> arizona also has an abortion ban on the books. >> a total ban. >> a total ban. these are really devastating times. for a woman my age, roe has been settled law. to think that it is so at risk is a really scary time. i think we're going to see a lot of organizing around it. i find that younger women weren't really particularly paying attention this election cycle and now we're seeing on campuses and in the community a huge upswell, but we're also hearing from women who remember what it was like when abortion was illegal. and who are galvanized and ready to do everything we can to not return to those days. >> let's talk about that. practically speaking, what will this mean? you say you're very concerned. what do you think a post-roe arizona, post-roe phoenix would look like? >> we already had high stakes elections and this is going to change it dramatically. i think we'll see many more people in our community and particularly women getting engaged and organizing around the election. we have races such as the governor's race that are on the ballot and i think we'll see a lot more interest there. state legislative races will become incredibly important. so first i think we'll see action in november. >> okay, you're not going to give me the worst case scenario because you're focused on the election. >> the city of phoenix is a pro-choice council and we'll look at what our options. we want to make sure women have access to all of the health care in our community. we don't want people to have to go to california. many of the people who need it most won't be able to do so. >> let's turn to the growing crisis on the southern border. a federal judge has temporarily blocked the biden administration from ending the pandemic era trump restrictions, border restrictions known as title 42, which allowed for quicker removal of migrants from the united states because of the coronavirus pandemic. do you want to see title 42 remain in place? do you want to see the country still be able to remove people who are in this country illegally quickly? >> so, to my, what we really need is congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform. maybe there's political will that wasn't there before. our labor market is incredibly tight right now. we need people to build homes in our community. to operate so many of the advanced jobs that are coming to our community, and perhaps there's finally the will to do something on comprehensive immigration reform. but if not, we really need support. we are welcoming community, we're built by people who have moved to phoenix as america's fastest growing city. the overwhelming majority of people in my community have roots somewhere else, and refugees have been amazing for our community. we have a beautiful police station. >> do you want title 42 to stay so that the immigration can take migrants out more quickly or not? >> it's been questionable as a health care tool. it's not how i would like to see us regulate immigration, but we need more of a plan in place to be ready. and we need local government to have an understanding of what is coming so we can prepare. >> all right, mayor, thank you so much for your time today. appreciate it. coming up next, new audio revealing more of what house republican leader kevin mccarthy really thought about then-president trump's actions in the day after january 6th. and his hopes at the time to work well with the incoming president, joe biden. stay with us. verizon 5g5g business internet n us... we'll even help cover the cost to switch. come in or book k an appointmet online today during verizon small business d days. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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>> that takes too long. the audio shows the 25th amendment was under serious consideration, alex. >> that's right. this is something we have reported from a couple top republicans in the book. the 25th amendment was sincerely and seriously in play at this point. and a whole lot of republicans like to sort of hand wave, people like to speculate about the 25th. jake, this was a whole lot more than speculation. as your viewers just heard. you don't hear kevin mccarthy saying in that moment, you know, i don't think it would be appropriate to invoke the 25th amendment. or i'm not sure it was designed for a situation like this. his concern is it would take too long. the reason he's worried it could take too long is the cabinet can vote to remove the president, but then the president can challenge that, and then it goes to a vote of the congress. and then you're in a situation that's really not all that different from impeachment. and again, to bring folks back to this extremely urgent moment, two days after january 6th, 12 days left on the clock of president trump's administration. you have the top republicans in the country truly worried about whether it's responsible to let donald trump remain as the president and commander in chief for just 12 more days. >> yeah, and jonathan, it's incredible when you think about kevin mccarthy's issue with the 25th amendment is it wouldn't get rid of trump quickly enough. so you also write about trump's response to mccarthy's condemnations of him in the immediate aftermath of the insurrection, quote, trump waved aside mccarthy's claims of challenging the former president in private. according to trump, the republican leader's tough talk after january 6th was just that, talk. so trump is completely unconcerned about what mccarthy was saying during this time. >> and not just that. when we pressed president trump in our interview with him for this book, about what kevin mccarthy had said to him, trump said, mccarthy never pressed me to think about resigning or to even issue any kind of contrition. so we asked trump, we said, so why is mccarthy claiming that he was a tough guy with you? and trump said to us two words. inferiority complex. speaking about mccarthy. >> alex, we should note president trump certainly had a good night last night with the republican senate primary results in ohio. his hand-picked candidate, jd vance, who was trailing in the polls before trump picked him, won in the book you describe how a lot of republicans have been dismayed at trump's continued strength within the party, including mitch mcconnell. >> that's right. mitch mcconnell in so many ways exhibit a of republicans who wish trump would fade away and finds now that's not the case at all. if rns take back the senate majority this year, there's a strong chance the margin of control for mitch mcconnell will be candidates hand-picked by donald trump, and as kevin mccarthy has found in recent weeks after the reporting from the book became public, the long arm of donald trump is very long indeed. and those endorsements, that support, that indulgence from the former president does not come for free. >> all right, the book, of course, from jonathan and alex, "this will not pass, trump, biden, and the battle for america's future. qu "it's a great read. >> coming up, showstopper. what reps for dave chappelle are saying after an armed man rushed the comedian on stage. stay with us. to bring it up to speed... scotts turf builder rapid grass. it grows two times faster than seed alone for full, green grass. everything else just seems... slowow. it's lawn season. let's get t to the yard. i earn 3% cash back at drugstores with chase freedom unlimited. so i got cards for birthdays, holidays, graduations, i'm covered for everything thank you for driving me to the drugstore. earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no anal fee. how do you cashback? 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>> and leading this hour, internal pushback on the european union's proposed ban of russian oil imports. the ban would be part of the expanding effort to punish russia for its unprovoked invasion of ukraine, this while the fighting intensifies. in mariupol, the city's mayor claims hundreds of innocent civilians including 30 children remain trapped inside that steel plant while russian forces bombard the area. elsewhere in mariupol, a new investigation by the associated press finds evidence that 600 civilians were killed in that russian attack on the theater where civilians had been sheltering. that is much higher than earlier estimates. painted on the ground outside the building, of course, as you might remember, in giant russian letters was the word "children" that was written there twice. the bombs came anyway. senior national correspondent sara sidner joins us live from kyiv. today, the mayor of mariupol said contact has been lost with the ukrainian forces fighting from inside the azovstal steel plant. tell us what we know. >> look, russia continues to bombard the place. we are hearing from a ukrainian commander that indeed, the soldiers, ukrainian soldiers inside of that plant say the russian soldiers have made it inside the plant and there are bloody battles that are occurring. this is as you

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