Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240708

democratic nomination. let's go back to the republican senate contest in ohio and if i can invite my friend cnn senior data reporter harry enten over here and soon enough i think we will have the republican senate numbers behind us right now. j.d. vance what do these numbers you are standing in front of tell you? >> look, the fact of the matter is if you look at those republican numbers it wasn't even close. j.d. vance at 32% of the vote, josh mandel vying for that trump endorsement look at that just back at 24% of the vote and matt dolan, matt dolan 23%. he was the anti-trump, there was perhaps some sign that he was surging late but at the end of the day j.d. vance basically blew out this field in a somewhat wider than expected victory. >> again, if you add up the first two people who were wildly pro trump you get yourself over 50%. >> well over 50%, you get somewhere in the mid 50s and really the only truly anti-trump candidate in the field matt dolan back at 23% and then there was jane timken, she got less than 10% of the vote. >> let's walk over to another wall to try to get a sense of how the trump endorsement did help j.d. vance. >> this is the ultimate sign. if you look at this polling share pre endorsement for j.d. vance, where was he at? he was at just 14% of the vote. look at the vote share in the actual returns, 32% of the vote. stuff like that does not happen by accident. something changed in this race and it wasn't that all of a sudden j.d. vance became j.d. mandel and basically became someone else. no. what happened was j.d. vance got the donald trump endorsement and that was more than enough to double his vote share from the pre-election polls to what we saw in the return. >> this is one of those cases that but for the trump endorsement we wouldn't be here. it's pretty clear in this case. how about the demographics, the groups that trump traditionally has done well with or did well with compared to vance. >> this to me -- look, donald trump has historically done better with the less educated. so basically i took j.d. vance's vote in the top five counties in ohio for those with bachelor degrees, the bottom five counties for bachelor degrees. there's basically no difference here. no difference. 34% in the bottom five counties, 32% in the top five counties. there really wasn't this weakness across education that you see in vance's vote totals. that's something i'm looking forward to in 2024. where is that potential weakness for donald trump among republican primary voters. if you use the step in for donald trump you don't see it. what you might have expected to see is there would be in huge split and this big anti-trump constituency within the republican primary. vans did just as well in the well-educated counties than in the less well-educated counties. >> how about geography. >> this to me, again, was there this idea that, you know, j.d. vance would do well because he wrote that book "hillbilly elegy" and that was about his appalachian values that his family brought him up on. in the 32 counties in appalachia j.d. vance got 36% of the vote. the rest of ohio j.d. vance got 31% of the vote. there wasn't this split by geography that a lot of were expecting. did he not have this special appeal in appalachia. can tim ryan hold on to some of those traditional democratic voters in appalachia. the suggestion in these results is that j.d. vance does not appeal to appalachia in the way we perhaps might have expected. >> how about the general election? >> i think there is this question, okay, the republicans have nominated somebody who has the donald trump endorsement, someone who really wasn't polling that well, really wasn't someone who was appealing prior to the trump endorsement, really was flat lining. it's going to be tough for tim ryan and here is the reason why. essentially i took a look at history, this is not looking at polls, this is looking at history and this is the white house party in open seats when there is no incumbent running in senate midterms since 1982. the white house party has lost 32 of 35 times in states where the white house party underperformed the national vote share in the prior two presidential elections. ohio is definitely a state that fits that bill because, remember, donald trump won it both times. the democrats lost it both in 2016 and in 2020. so as we look forward to the general election, look, tim ryan is the best candidate the democrats can hope for but he's fighting an uphill battle given what we've seen historically. >> harry, thank you. >> thank you, sir. emotions are high outside of the supreme court and across major u.s. cities and all around the country as protesters rally against justice samuel alito's first draft decision that would if it becomes official overturn abortion rights decision roe v. wade. this was a draft leaked to "politico" reporters and has caused a firestorm. i want to bring in two conservatives with differing viewpoints on the issue. we have alice stewart a cnn political commentator and republican strategist so he tea a. nelson is a contributing editor and a former house republican investigative committee counsel. i want to be clear for our viewers to categorize you both, you are both you boo describe yourselves as pro life so you are anti-abortion, but, sophia, you support a woman's right to choose. you differ on the government's role of regulating abortion here. alice, this draft opinion, can you tell me why you see this as a win? >> i see this as a win for those that support life for a couple of reasons. this protects the sanctity of life and life of unborn children and republicans and social conservatives have been fighting for this for years, for decades i've been in the fight with regard to protecting life. what this does, this takes the decision of pro life out of the hands of nine unelected judges and puts it back in the states in the hands of the people where the decision should be made. that's a really important disti distinction. we are hoping what this draft opinion is actually does become true and puts the decision back to the states. keep in mind this is not going to turn out to be a blanket ban across the country. we have several states that have protections for abortions in place and others that do have protections -- abortion bans in place. so this will be decided at the state level as we move forward. again, this is not a binary choice, there are a lot of options. women are not forced to either have an abortion or take a child to term and raise this child. there are many programs out there, social conservatives have crisis pregnancy centers that help women before, during and after the birth of a child. so they are not alone and this is not a binary decision and those are factors that need to be taken into consideration. >> we will talk about that element in just a moment here, but what do you think, sophia? >> well, i see it a little bit differently. i think that you can be pro life and pro liberty and here is my challenge. first of all, roe versus wade has been decided for 50 years, it's a precedent, it is settled case law. the supreme court rarely reverses precedence, particularly those that are 50 years plus or older. they've done it a lot in the civil rights cases in plessy versus ferguson, overturned by brown, the super precedent cases. so as a lawyer admitted to the bar of the supreme court i am disturbed by the court not honoring that stare decisis, let the decision stand. that's number one. number two, back to liberty, alice is a wonderful woman, a friend, we are both pro life, but if you are going to be out here protesting about masks and saying that a mask impinges upon your liberty as an american and that it is something that is so grave that in the case of michigan they wanted to take out the governor of michigan because she was impinging upon their liberty asking them to wear a mask, how can you then not extend that to a woman, brianna, and the care of her own health and her own body and the decisions about what to do with the pregnancy. and i think this is where conservatives are getting into trouble, they are inconsistent. there's some hypocrisy going on. for me personally pro life sophia nelson wouldn't have an abortion. i don't agree with it. but another woman can make a different choice than me and that doesn't make her any less american or any less a good human being. she has to deal with the consequences of her choices but i think we have to find some common ground here because this country is a powder keg right now and it's about to explode and i'm concerned about that. >> if i can say this to reemphasize sophia is a friend, a smart attorney and knows the law and she mentioned stare decisis which is let the decision stand. justice alito addressed that in this opinion where they applied the principals of stare decisis but also applied the law and made the decision based on that. it's quite clear in his opinion that what they did is they looked at the actual constitution and they saw there is no reference directly to abortion in the constitution and, therefore, roe is egregiously wrong from the start. that's why they made this decision. and republicans like myself have been fighting for years to appoint justices to the supreme court that are strict interpretationists of the constitution, that's what they're doing, they're looking at the constitution and applying the law on that basis. and for that matter -- into brianna -- >> -- then roe versus wade should be overturned. >> the word filibuster is not in the constitution but republicans support that, don't they? at the end of the day there are a lot of words that aren't in the constitution. which were back 200 plus years ago i would be three-fifths of a person, thank god the constitution lives, breathes and expands and grows with the times. we are in the year 2022, are we really telling women you're going to go back to unsafe procedures because, guess what, women are going to have abortions, they're going to do it and they're not going to just go across state lines because only rich women or upper middle class women like allison or myself can do something like that. that's not something everybody else can do. i think we have to describing some type of balance here. this is a draft opinion, we will have to wait and see what the final document looks like and who supports it, i don't know if it's going to be concurrent, 5-4, 6-3, we will have to wait and see. >> i'm so glad to have a discussion, a robust discussion with you guys about this issue and there's so much more ahead as well. sophia, alice, thank you to you both. >> thank you. >> thank you. a wild scene overnight in los angeles. police say comedian dave chappelle was a talked by an audience member who charged the stage. also notable, chris rock was actually in the house. cnn's brynn gingras joins us with the details. >> we are looking to clear some of this scene. this happened at the hollywood bowl which is part of a netflix comedy festival. chappelle was doing a set when a person ran on the stage and basically just tackled him during this set. now, we know it doesn't look like chappelle was injured and, again, this social media that has been circulating shows him joking actually around about the incident and then just continuing on with his kmeedy. it's unclear at the moment what that motive of this person was, but we do know that the lapd responses to the incident at the hollywood bowl around 10:45 and a man with reportedly get this a gun and a knife was taken into custody. we've reached out to chappelle's reps, the hollywood bowl, lapd and we are waiting to get all of this. this brings us back to the oscars when the world saw will smith slap chris rock. the comedian came out immediately like that like amy schumer expressing there's something like this that could happen, there are concerns about security at an event like this. a very serious undertone about how people like chris rock and others -- and dave chappelle need to be protected while doing their work on stage. they say controversial things, but this is what happens and this needs to be looked at more closely. >> we are waiting to get more details in. also that video cleared, i know you will keep on working on it. thank you very much. democrat tim ryan and republican j.:vance will be squared off in november in ohio's crucial senate race. we will ask ryan if he can win in an increasingly red state. and he's helping to keep ukraine's skies from falling under russian control. the ukrainian fighter pilot known as moon fish, you have met him before this morning, joins us live on "new day." families of detained americans protesting at the white house to bring their loved ones home. will they get an audience with president biden? 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is ukraine winning this fight? >> i feel like we do. first of all, because we are still operating freely in the air space that we can control and even though their massive fleet of more advanced air props, we are able to keep them away from the area that we are able to maintain and we did learn a couple of tricks how to -- how to fight with that technological advancement. >> kwlo want to reveal details or anything that would put you and your colleagues in jeopardy but you talked about air space that you are able to control. how much of ukraine's air space are you able to control? >> well, if you look at the map of that invasion, every part that is taken by russians is almost -- it is hard to reach for us because of that -- that large number of surface to air missiles they have pulled out of their territory. and the rest of the areas are -- is ours, the sky is ours there as well. >> if people can look at this map right now the area in red and the area also with the lines, the yellow and white lines there, those are areas right now where the russian troops are operating or in control. moonfish saying those are the areas it's hard for ukrainian force toss control the air but everywhere else the ukrainian air force in control. let me ask you the russian minister of defense has said that weapons convoys, the weapons, the material being sent by the west to ukraine will now be targeted inside ukraine. can you keep that from happening? >> as the air force we do can because the main tool he probably is referring to are those cruise missiles that can shoot all over the territory of ukraine. just yesterday afternoon, yesterday evening, we had a pretty massive air strike, they were launching them out of the caspian sea from the strategic bombers. we were able to intercept and shoot -- shut down -- shoot down like 8 out of 20 missiles, the rest they did hit the targets. as far as those targets were critical objects of the infrastructure. >> finally, are you getting the material you need at this point to fight this war? >> okay. so as far as i know our army units, they are receiving vast number of new armament, they are starting to receive artillery systems, like heavy artillery systems, tanks and a lot of anti-tank weapons and the rest, but for me -- like i'm the air force officer, i cannot say that we have gotten a lot. >> all right. moonfish, we wish you the best of luck. please stay safe. thank you for checking in. >> thank you. back now to the united states and politics. joining me now is congressman tim ryan, now the democratic senate nominee from ohio and we should note we did ask j.d. vance who was the apparent republican nominee to join the show but he declined. thank you so much for being with us, we know you are busy, you are in your car right now. donald trump won your state by 8 points in 2020. if you are going to win this senate race you need to create something of a trump/ryan voter. how do you do that? >> well, you talk about economics, but i also think there's an opportunity, i mean, when you look at the primary there was about 23 -- i mean, vance only got a third of the vote in the primary and matt dolan who ran as an anti-trumper got 23% of the vote. so there is a significant number of people who are thinking for themselves who don't want to necessarily go down to road, but, look, this is not about being a democrat or republican. i think this is about being an american, you focus on the issues that are important to keep, economic issues primarily, rebuilding the middle class, how do we take on china, how do we bring manufacturing back to a state like ohio and make ohio a manufacturing powerhouse? that's how you do it and you campaign your rear end off and you go to every corner of the state and let people meet you. that's what we've done and that's why we're going to win this thing. >> j.d. vance says you're trying to portray yourself as a trump democrat. what about that? >> i'm an american. look, i agreed with donald trump on china, on other -- a few other issues, but, you know -- and i've disagreed with democrats on stuff, you know, obviously ran against nancy pelosi, got in fights with bernie sanders, disagreed with obama on tpp. you know, but i've also agreed with republicans on things. and i think that's what the american people want. i'm representing the exhausted majority here and the exhausted majority wants to stop the washington, d.c. food fight, they want us to start working together. look, we are not going to agree on everything, but i think rebuilding the economy, promoting freedom around the world and here at home, economic freedom, putting money in people's pocket, building stuff again, investing in infrastructure so every community is plugged in, taking care of our kids, their mental health, their resiliency, those kind of things. these are common to all of us as citizens so let's get away from the democrat/republican stuff, let's look at each other as americans and stop putting all these labels on each other. that's the thing i think you're going to get with j.d. i mean, you know, he said he doesn't -- he thinks america is a joke, he said he doesn't feel comfortable in ohio and he got $10 million from a silicon valley billionaire and he's come back to ohio to act like he's from ohio. look, people are tired of this stuff, they want us to work together, that's what i've done my whole career. the last two congresses i've been ranked in the top 10% of the most bipartisan people in congress. that's what the american people want, that's what ohioans want and what they will get with me. >> you talked about trying to reach the exhausted majority in ohio. for this exhausted majority that you're identifying what are the biggest differences between you and j.d. vance? >> well, you know, i'm representing working class people, whether they're white or black or brown, whether they're in manufacturing, whether they're men or women or in the service industry, whatever, that's who i'm representing. j.d. vance, as i said, got a $10 million check from a silicon valley billionaire just to start his campaign. like he bought this seat. depress california. like that's the big difference. i've been slogging away for working people in ohio for 20 plus years and i love being here and i'm going to fight like hell for these folks. you know, j.d. vance is a taker, quite frankly, he want to try to take power and he wants to do it any way he can, and that's fine, he is allowed to do that, it's america, it wouldn't be the first politician who got a billionaire to back him to try to seek elected office, but i think right now when you look at our campaign, 97% of our donations are under $100. this is a people-powered campaign and that's really what ohio is about. so we look forward to the contrast and, you know, we've been here 20 years working our rear ends off and i think the ohio voter understands that and that's why we're going to win. >> what role do you think the 2020 election will have in this race and the january 6th insurrection? >> well, i think it's alienated j.d. vance from the normal thinking voter who recognizes that the election wasn't stolen. again, 23% of the republican primary voters voted for an anti-trump candidate. matt dolan from up in cleveland who ran against trump, said the election was real and happened and so those voters are up for grabs. they don't want to go down this road of destroying the democracy, of undermining the precious right to vote, call into question elections. like ohioans aren't like that, they are not extremists they're pragmatic people. maybe they are a little more conservative or liberal, but they are pretty pragmatic. >> you distinguished yourself from barack obama, nancy pelosi and bernie sanders. right? do you feel as if you are to an extent running against some in the democratic party? >> i'm running as an american and, as i said, i've gotten a long record of being -- and fighting against democrats and fighting against republicans, and that's just the reality of my record. so when you're running for senate you want to highlight that and i think it's important that ohioans know that who are getting introduced to me that, you know, i've got the guts to take on my own party if i need to and i've got the courage to agree with republicans if i need to, even if it was like donald trump on the issue of china. i mean, i agreed with him. we've got to be tough on china. so i'm not going to like, you know, not do what's in the best interest of my constituents because it's coming out of donald trump's mouth or the fact that he pushed to renegotiate nafta, i voted for that is correct i supported it, because it was in the best interest of my folks at home. that's what people want. that's what i say when people are exhausted you're just going to put on the red or blue shirt? we all have to put on the red, white and blue shirt. if people want to do they can send a few bucks our way. we've got a lot of support from not just ohio but around the country on that kind of approach and that's directed straight to the exhausted majority. so we're welcoming everybody in into this campaign, republican, democrat, independent. >> i believe your shirt is a shade of olive this morning. i have to let you go, congressman ryan. president biden, will you invite president biden to come campaign for you? >> look, we welcome everybody's support, but i will be the face of this campaign. i don't think, you know, surrogates are going to play a huge role here. i want people to get to know me, i want to control my message, i want it to be my face and my background, my record. that's what we're going to push. and we welcome support from all corners, like i said, democrats, republicans and independents, we're going to have a big republican for ryan initiative with elected officials, republican elected officials in ohio supporting us, veterans who are two-time trump voters who are in our camp. this is what the american people want, this is what ohioans want, build a community of people who really care about ohio, care about the country and want to put this partisan stuff behind us. the age of stupidity behind us. >> congressman tim ryan, appreciate you being with us. thank you. >> thank you. the families of americans detained abroad will call on the white house to bring their loved ones home. we will be joined by some of them before a morning demonstration. and don't become putin's altar boy, the pope making what could be his strongest condemnation to date of russia's invasion of ukraine. 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>> my message is that we have a sense that there's decisions that need to be made on this case and there's been a pattern of indecision and it's not just my dad and my uncle, there's several other americans still wrongfully detained in venezuela and all over the world, which is what's brought us here. our issues are shared with other families and we need decisions made to improve their conditions and hopefully bring them home. >> indecision by who? >> by the white house. >> and so you want them to make moves here? >> yes. >> netta, your brother is in the infamous evin prison. what is your message to the white house? >> my message to the white house is that we've seen how much joy happens when a family is reunited. we saw it with trevor and we hope that they will make those tough decisions and use all the tools that are available to them to reunite us with our loved ones. i think it makes the country happy, would make us happy. we have just been living devastated like this for too long. >> joey, you know their pain. >> we do. and they hit all the key points there. we need the president to continue what he has done for our son, there's so many americans that are in worse conditions than trevor was in and they've been there longer and we need to get them out before it's too late. and we'd like for the president to meet with the rest of the families and hear essentially the same thing that we said to the president, but all the different situations that they're in. the key is they're all americans, they're held prisoner because of that fact and he's the top american and he needs to bring them home. >> has the release of trevor changed your hope for or your approach to trying to get your dad and uncle released? >> i would say it hasn't necessarily changed the approach, but, wow, did it lift our spirits. i mean, we were -- joey has been working with me and neda and all of the families, we've been throwing this together for a couple weeks because we knew we would be here for the foley foundation event tonight and when we heard about this it was like, oh, my gosh, is this a manifestation of what could happen for all of us? and so we shared that joy together and it gave us a lot of hope, but we're still here to do the same thing we planned to do over a month ago which is ask for a meeting with president biden. >> we're going to track and see how your request goes. i will mention that. neda, i do want to give you a chance, i mean, you just never know. what is your message for your brother? what is your message for ahmad? >> i hope he knows we're fighting for him and i hope he knows that, you know, we've united with all the families in that position and we are working together to be heard and hopefully we can meet with the president and tell our stories to him and that we love him so much and we're going to do everything we can to get him home. >> what do you want your dad and uncle to know? >> oh, man, i think we've come a long way, a girl from lake charles, louisiana, sitting here with you on cnn in d.c. and we are not going to give up, just like my shirt says. >> never give up. >> we're going to keep going until he's home and until they are all home. >> joey, how is trevor doing? >> he's doing better every day and i would be remiss if i didn't say the reason that we're here, me and his sister, is that he wanted us to come and speak out for paul whelan, he's extremely upset that paul is still there, another marine, and also for brittney and her family. all the other families. trevor couldn't be here but wanted someone to be here to represent him. >> i will say it is amazing to see you banding together, comforting each other. so few people, i think, know this predicament that you're in and it's incredible to watch you guys together. i thank you all for being with us. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> we will continue to follow your families' stories. >> we are so grateful for joey to be here with us in the middle of all of this. it means the world to us. >> thank you. >> taylor your daughter is off camera here, but it's amazing that your family has had the success and certainly we hope that for all of these families, all of these american families. thank you guys. >> thank you. was the white house correspondents dinner a superspreader event? 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>> there's risk, there is no question, people who are closest to someone like jonathan karl and were there for the longest period of time they would be at increased risk, kim kardashian, people at that table at greatest risk than the president who he shook hands with briefly but there's risk. there was clearly virus circulating in that room. you know, the thing is so here is how the event sort of went down, people were required to show vaccination, proof of vaccination and have a same-day negative antigen test. that's pretty good but clearly there's still people who may then would have tested positive had they been tested again right before the event or maybe there were false negatives with those tests. regardless, you have to assume that there's virus circulating in a room like that, more than 2,500 people there. the precautions they took are pretty good precautions but i think what jonathan karl's case and there's going to be a lot of others will teach us, is that what you do after the event is also important. so testing before, proof of vaccination before, important. testing after, because now, you know, he has the opportunity to not continue to spread the virus to other people. there's clearly going to be other people who will have tested positive in that room, but in terms of actually looking at the pandemic going forward, testing afterward really important. john, i will just say everyone wants to have events like this again, but thinking about ventilation in a room like that, trying to make the inside environment as close to the outside environment as possible, that's going to be key. that's going to be something we will be talking about for years if not decades to come in terms of living with these viruses. >> sanjay, what do we know about new variants of comicron? first spotted in south africa, there is thought there could be even new mutations. >> it looks like that bay. we know of ba.1 and ba.2, there's all these numbers, there's ba.2.12.1, there is two more that are starting to circulate in south africa pretty significantly and they are no doubt going to come here. we have to assume when we see these things happening in other places around the world, viruses don't -- they cross borders, they don't discriminate in this way. take a look at what's happening in south africa, this is what gave us the clue about omicron in the first place, going back to the end of last year. saw that, okay, that's coming. if you look at the right side of that screen you start to see the numbers tipping up again. that is going up cases, but also an increase in hospitalizations, john. important. about a third of people in south africa are vaccinated, but let me show you the next screen which i think tells an important story here. they have these significant waves, you know, many people in the country would become infected, ultimately you had a significant decrease as you had that sort of infection acquired immunity and then another wave again three to four months later. that's what keeps happening and that's likely what is going to happen here. people who have had previous infection may have some immunity for a period of time but that wanes. the vaccine protection also wanes over time, maybe lasts a little bit longer, but also wanes. i think this makes the case that, you know, people who are vulnerable in particular if they've been thinking about that other booster shot, seeing what's coming now, because that's coming here, that new wave, maybe a summer surge as some people have described t if you've been thinking about that second booster, especially if you are at risk, it's probably a good time to do it. >> dr. sag, thank you so much. hundreds of sailors moved off an aircraft carrier after a string of suicides among the crew. the parents of one young sailor who took his own life joins "new day" next. comedian dave chappelle attacked while performing in los angeles. new video just in. he's findie investment ideas with merrill. eyeyes on the ball baby. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to d do? 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yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. go with simparica trio it's triple protection made simple! simparica trio is the first and only monthly chewable that covers heartworm disease, ticks and fleas, round and hookworms. dogs get triple protection in just one simparica trio! this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions, including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. protect him with all your heart. simparica trio. my patients, i often see them have teeth sensitivity as well as gum issues. does it worry me? absolutely. they are both very much hand in hand, so you should really be focusing on both, and definitely at the same time. sensodyne sensitivity & gum gives us a dual action effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. by brushing with sensodyne sensitivity & gum at home, it's giving you the relief that you need and the control that you need to take care of your oral health. and it creates a healthier environment. there's no question it's something that i would recommend. the navy has moved more than 200 sailors off the "uss george washington" aircraft carrier after multiple deaths by suicide among the crew, including three in the course of less than a week in just last month, according to the navy. over the past 12 months, seven members of the crew have died, including four confirmed by suicide, prompting the navy to open an investigation into the command climate and culture on board the ship. the navy identified the most recent death as master at arms seaman recruit xavier sander. he left his family in late january to serve on the ship and took his own life three months later. he had just turned 19. and joining me now are xavier's parents, john sander and mary graft. thank you so much for joining us. i'm so sorry that we are here and that xavier is not, and that we're talking about him being gone here. can you just tell us a little bit about your son, who he was, and why he wanted to join the navy? >> he was a great boy. he was always a leader. he started off in martial arts at the age of 5. received his second degree black belt, moved on from all that, played quarterback all the way through high school, graduated and enlisted into the united states navy. following in his grandfather's footsteps. >> mary, can you tell me a little bit about xavier? >> he was a happy, kind, just a great kid. so many friends, just so full of life. and loved so much. >> we see the photos -- >> we miss him. >> of course you miss him. he's a beautiful, beautiful young man. and this carrier, this aircraft carrier was in a grueling period of refueling and overhaul. it is a nuclear-powered carrier, this is something that can take years. it is not normal, though, to see this kind of despair among the crew, even as they're facing tough conditions. what did xavier tell you about what it was like on the carrier during this time? >> he said it was awful, dad. people shouldn't have to live like this. he loved his job, he did his 12-hour shifts and how do you sleep an aircraft carrier with jack hammering and smokes and smells during the day? he would sleep in his car. it is just awful. no sailor should even have been living on that ship in those conditions. >> and he would call you guys from his car. what were those conversations like? what did he say? >> you know, how was your shift, boy? it was great, dad, you know, but where are you? i'm in my car, and, you know, wasn't much for the sailors to do because they're in a shipyard and had to walk a mile to their vehicles. i find that he's not the only one that did that. but it is awful. it is awful. they had nothing for the sailors to do. there was lack of hot water. and couldn't even take a hot shower. >> did you get the sense that there was a culture problem? >> not so much. he didn't reveal too much. he was too proud to say a lot was wrong. it was just, like, i don't like -- ship and basically too proud to say what was really going on there. >> did he tell you at all, john, that other sailors had died by suicide or suspected by suicide? he was the third in a week. >> he did not mention it. i did not know when we went to virginia to -- we found out that he had passed, and they didn't reveal that to me until i got home. and i saw some of the stories on the news. and it kind of made me angry. >> it made you angry. i think that's understandable. did -- were higher ups -- >> of course. >> were higher ups receptive to any concerns that xavier or others might have had? i know some of the sailors actually did raise concerns with superior officers. >> he tried to talk to his superior officer, you know, he always wanted to get into housing, which was the -- you had to go through qualifications to do it. but knowing what was going on with the crew before him, this could have happened a long time ago and my son would still be alive. i don't know why it took so long for the navy to act on it. they had to wait until the seventh to actually make changes? it's ridiculous. and his higher ups, master chief petty officer that came and spoke on the ship, really he -- an alert to the crew on the ship and it was very disrespectful and hurtful to our family and friends of how -- well, this ship wasn't any better than a foxhole. >> mary, i think at the heart of this is the loss of many beautiful lives, including that of xavier's, and i wonder what you're going to miss the most about him. >> just everything. just being home. being here. being with our family. >> he's our hero h. he's our family hero. >> his little brother misses him terribly. it's -- it's so sad. it took this long to get the sailors off the ship and into temporary housing. it should have been done a long time ago. >> that's all he wanted. that's it. >> i know that's all he wanted, and it didn't come soon enough for him and there are a lot of questions about why it

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240708

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democratic nomination. let's go back to the republican senate contest in ohio and if i can invite my friend cnn senior data reporter harry enten over here and soon enough i think we will have the republican senate numbers behind us right now. j.d. vance what do these numbers you are standing in front of tell you? >> look, the fact of the matter is if you look at those republican numbers it wasn't even close. j.d. vance at 32% of the vote, josh mandel vying for that trump endorsement look at that just back at 24% of the vote and matt dolan, matt dolan 23%. he was the anti-trump, there was perhaps some sign that he was surging late but at the end of the day j.d. vance basically blew out this field in a somewhat wider than expected victory. >> again, if you add up the first two people who were wildly pro trump you get yourself over 50%. >> well over 50%, you get somewhere in the mid 50s and really the only truly anti-trump candidate in the field matt dolan back at 23% and then there was jane timken, she got less than 10% of the vote. >> let's walk over to another wall to try to get a sense of how the trump endorsement did help j.d. vance. >> this is the ultimate sign. if you look at this polling share pre endorsement for j.d. vance, where was he at? he was at just 14% of the vote. look at the vote share in the actual returns, 32% of the vote. stuff like that does not happen by accident. something changed in this race and it wasn't that all of a sudden j.d. vance became j.d. mandel and basically became someone else. no. what happened was j.d. vance got the donald trump endorsement and that was more than enough to double his vote share from the pre-election polls to what we saw in the return. >> this is one of those cases that but for the trump endorsement we wouldn't be here. it's pretty clear in this case. how about the demographics, the groups that trump traditionally has done well with or did well with compared to vance. >> this to me -- look, donald trump has historically done better with the less educated. so basically i took j.d. vance's vote in the top five counties in ohio for those with bachelor degrees, the bottom five counties for bachelor degrees. there's basically no difference here. no difference. 34% in the bottom five counties, 32% in the top five counties. there really wasn't this weakness across education that you see in vance's vote totals. that's something i'm looking forward to in 2024. where is that potential weakness for donald trump among republican primary voters. if you use the step in for donald trump you don't see it. what you might have expected to see is there would be in huge split and this big anti-trump constituency within the republican primary. vans did just as well in the well-educated counties than in the less well-educated counties. >> how about geography. >> this to me, again, was there this idea that, you know, j.d. vance would do well because he wrote that book "hillbilly elegy" and that was about his appalachian values that his family brought him up on. in the 32 counties in appalachia j.d. vance got 36% of the vote. the rest of ohio j.d. vance got 31% of the vote. there wasn't this split by geography that a lot of were expecting. did he not have this special appeal in appalachia. can tim ryan hold on to some of those traditional democratic voters in appalachia. the suggestion in these results is that j.d. vance does not appeal to appalachia in the way we perhaps might have expected. >> how about the general election? >> i think there is this question, okay, the republicans have nominated somebody who has the donald trump endorsement, someone who really wasn't polling that well, really wasn't someone who was appealing prior to the trump endorsement, really was flat lining. it's going to be tough for tim ryan and here is the reason why. essentially i took a look at history, this is not looking at polls, this is looking at history and this is the white house party in open seats when there is no incumbent running in senate midterms since 1982. the white house party has lost 32 of 35 times in states where the white house party underperformed the national vote share in the prior two presidential elections. ohio is definitely a state that fits that bill because, remember, donald trump won it both times. the democrats lost it both in 2016 and in 2020. so as we look forward to the general election, look, tim ryan is the best candidate the democrats can hope for but he's fighting an uphill battle given what we've seen historically. >> harry, thank you. >> thank you, sir. emotions are high outside of the supreme court and across major u.s. cities and all around the country as protesters rally against justice samuel alito's first draft decision that would if it becomes official overturn abortion rights decision roe v. wade. this was a draft leaked to "politico" reporters and has caused a firestorm. i want to bring in two conservatives with differing viewpoints on the issue. we have alice stewart a cnn political commentator and republican strategist so he tea a. nelson is a contributing editor and a former house republican investigative committee counsel. i want to be clear for our viewers to categorize you both, you are both you boo describe yourselves as pro life so you are anti-abortion, but, sophia, you support a woman's right to choose. you differ on the government's role of regulating abortion here. alice, this draft opinion, can you tell me why you see this as a win? >> i see this as a win for those that support life for a couple of reasons. this protects the sanctity of life and life of unborn children and republicans and social conservatives have been fighting for this for years, for decades i've been in the fight with regard to protecting life. what this does, this takes the decision of pro life out of the hands of nine unelected judges and puts it back in the states in the hands of the people where the decision should be made. that's a really important disti distinction. we are hoping what this draft opinion is actually does become true and puts the decision back to the states. keep in mind this is not going to turn out to be a blanket ban across the country. we have several states that have protections for abortions in place and others that do have protections -- abortion bans in place. so this will be decided at the state level as we move forward. again, this is not a binary choice, there are a lot of options. women are not forced to either have an abortion or take a child to term and raise this child. there are many programs out there, social conservatives have crisis pregnancy centers that help women before, during and after the birth of a child. so they are not alone and this is not a binary decision and those are factors that need to be taken into consideration. >> we will talk about that element in just a moment here, but what do you think, sophia? >> well, i see it a little bit differently. i think that you can be pro life and pro liberty and here is my challenge. first of all, roe versus wade has been decided for 50 years, it's a precedent, it is settled case law. the supreme court rarely reverses precedence, particularly those that are 50 years plus or older. they've done it a lot in the civil rights cases in plessy versus ferguson, overturned by brown, the super precedent cases. so as a lawyer admitted to the bar of the supreme court i am disturbed by the court not honoring that stare decisis, let the decision stand. that's number one. number two, back to liberty, alice is a wonderful woman, a friend, we are both pro life, but if you are going to be out here protesting about masks and saying that a mask impinges upon your liberty as an american and that it is something that is so grave that in the case of michigan they wanted to take out the governor of michigan because she was impinging upon their liberty asking them to wear a mask, how can you then not extend that to a woman, brianna, and the care of her own health and her own body and the decisions about what to do with the pregnancy. and i think this is where conservatives are getting into trouble, they are inconsistent. there's some hypocrisy going on. for me personally pro life sophia nelson wouldn't have an abortion. i don't agree with it. but another woman can make a different choice than me and that doesn't make her any less american or any less a good human being. she has to deal with the consequences of her choices but i think we have to find some common ground here because this country is a powder keg right now and it's about to explode and i'm concerned about that. >> if i can say this to reemphasize sophia is a friend, a smart attorney and knows the law and she mentioned stare decisis which is let the decision stand. justice alito addressed that in this opinion where they applied the principals of stare decisis but also applied the law and made the decision based on that. it's quite clear in his opinion that what they did is they looked at the actual constitution and they saw there is no reference directly to abortion in the constitution and, therefore, roe is egregiously wrong from the start. that's why they made this decision. and republicans like myself have been fighting for years to appoint justices to the supreme court that are strict interpretationists of the constitution, that's what they're doing, they're looking at the constitution and applying the law on that basis. and for that matter -- into brianna -- >> -- then roe versus wade should be overturned. >> the word filibuster is not in the constitution but republicans support that, don't they? at the end of the day there are a lot of words that aren't in the constitution. which were back 200 plus years ago i would be three-fifths of a person, thank god the constitution lives, breathes and expands and grows with the times. we are in the year 2022, are we really telling women you're going to go back to unsafe procedures because, guess what, women are going to have abortions, they're going to do it and they're not going to just go across state lines because only rich women or upper middle class women like allison or myself can do something like that. that's not something everybody else can do. i think we have to describing some type of balance here. this is a draft opinion, we will have to wait and see what the final document looks like and who supports it, i don't know if it's going to be concurrent, 5-4, 6-3, we will have to wait and see. >> i'm so glad to have a discussion, a robust discussion with you guys about this issue and there's so much more ahead as well. sophia, alice, thank you to you both. >> thank you. >> thank you. a wild scene overnight in los angeles. police say comedian dave chappelle was a talked by an audience member who charged the stage. also notable, chris rock was actually in the house. cnn's brynn gingras joins us with the details. >> we are looking to clear some of this scene. this happened at the hollywood bowl which is part of a netflix comedy festival. chappelle was doing a set when a person ran on the stage and basically just tackled him during this set. now, we know it doesn't look like chappelle was injured and, again, this social media that has been circulating shows him joking actually around about the incident and then just continuing on with his kmeedy. it's unclear at the moment what that motive of this person was, but we do know that the lapd responses to the incident at the hollywood bowl around 10:45 and a man with reportedly get this a gun and a knife was taken into custody. we've reached out to chappelle's reps, the hollywood bowl, lapd and we are waiting to get all of this. this brings us back to the oscars when the world saw will smith slap chris rock. the comedian came out immediately like that like amy schumer expressing there's something like this that could happen, there are concerns about security at an event like this. a very serious undertone about how people like chris rock and others -- and dave chappelle need to be protected while doing their work on stage. they say controversial things, but this is what happens and this needs to be looked at more closely. >> we are waiting to get more details in. also that video cleared, i know you will keep on working on it. thank you very much. democrat tim ryan and republican j.:vance will be squared off in november in ohio's crucial senate race. we will ask ryan if he can win in an increasingly red state. and he's helping to keep ukraine's skies from falling under russian control. the ukrainian fighter pilot known as moon fish, you have met him before this morning, joins us live on "new day." families of detained americans protesting at the white house to bring their loved ones home. will they get an audience with president biden? 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is ukraine winning this fight? >> i feel like we do. first of all, because we are still operating freely in the air space that we can control and even though their massive fleet of more advanced air props, we are able to keep them away from the area that we are able to maintain and we did learn a couple of tricks how to -- how to fight with that technological advancement. >> kwlo want to reveal details or anything that would put you and your colleagues in jeopardy but you talked about air space that you are able to control. how much of ukraine's air space are you able to control? >> well, if you look at the map of that invasion, every part that is taken by russians is almost -- it is hard to reach for us because of that -- that large number of surface to air missiles they have pulled out of their territory. and the rest of the areas are -- is ours, the sky is ours there as well. >> if people can look at this map right now the area in red and the area also with the lines, the yellow and white lines there, those are areas right now where the russian troops are operating or in control. moonfish saying those are the areas it's hard for ukrainian force toss control the air but everywhere else the ukrainian air force in control. let me ask you the russian minister of defense has said that weapons convoys, the weapons, the material being sent by the west to ukraine will now be targeted inside ukraine. can you keep that from happening? >> as the air force we do can because the main tool he probably is referring to are those cruise missiles that can shoot all over the territory of ukraine. just yesterday afternoon, yesterday evening, we had a pretty massive air strike, they were launching them out of the caspian sea from the strategic bombers. we were able to intercept and shoot -- shut down -- shoot down like 8 out of 20 missiles, the rest they did hit the targets. as far as those targets were critical objects of the infrastructure. >> finally, are you getting the material you need at this point to fight this war? >> okay. so as far as i know our army units, they are receiving vast number of new armament, they are starting to receive artillery systems, like heavy artillery systems, tanks and a lot of anti-tank weapons and the rest, but for me -- like i'm the air force officer, i cannot say that we have gotten a lot. >> all right. moonfish, we wish you the best of luck. please stay safe. thank you for checking in. >> thank you. back now to the united states and politics. joining me now is congressman tim ryan, now the democratic senate nominee from ohio and we should note we did ask j.d. vance who was the apparent republican nominee to join the show but he declined. thank you so much for being with us, we know you are busy, you are in your car right now. donald trump won your state by 8 points in 2020. if you are going to win this senate race you need to create something of a trump/ryan voter. how do you do that? >> well, you talk about economics, but i also think there's an opportunity, i mean, when you look at the primary there was about 23 -- i mean, vance only got a third of the vote in the primary and matt dolan who ran as an anti-trumper got 23% of the vote. so there is a significant number of people who are thinking for themselves who don't want to necessarily go down to road, but, look, this is not about being a democrat or republican. i think this is about being an american, you focus on the issues that are important to keep, economic issues primarily, rebuilding the middle class, how do we take on china, how do we bring manufacturing back to a state like ohio and make ohio a manufacturing powerhouse? that's how you do it and you campaign your rear end off and you go to every corner of the state and let people meet you. that's what we've done and that's why we're going to win this thing. >> j.d. vance says you're trying to portray yourself as a trump democrat. what about that? >> i'm an american. look, i agreed with donald trump on china, on other -- a few other issues, but, you know -- and i've disagreed with democrats on stuff, you know, obviously ran against nancy pelosi, got in fights with bernie sanders, disagreed with obama on tpp. you know, but i've also agreed with republicans on things. and i think that's what the american people want. i'm representing the exhausted majority here and the exhausted majority wants to stop the washington, d.c. food fight, they want us to start working together. look, we are not going to agree on everything, but i think rebuilding the economy, promoting freedom around the world and here at home, economic freedom, putting money in people's pocket, building stuff again, investing in infrastructure so every community is plugged in, taking care of our kids, their mental health, their resiliency, those kind of things. these are common to all of us as citizens so let's get away from the democrat/republican stuff, let's look at each other as americans and stop putting all these labels on each other. that's the thing i think you're going to get with j.d. i mean, you know, he said he doesn't -- he thinks america is a joke, he said he doesn't feel comfortable in ohio and he got $10 million from a silicon valley billionaire and he's come back to ohio to act like he's from ohio. look, people are tired of this stuff, they want us to work together, that's what i've done my whole career. the last two congresses i've been ranked in the top 10% of the most bipartisan people in congress. that's what the american people want, that's what ohioans want and what they will get with me. >> you talked about trying to reach the exhausted majority in ohio. for this exhausted majority that you're identifying what are the biggest differences between you and j.d. vance? >> well, you know, i'm representing working class people, whether they're white or black or brown, whether they're in manufacturing, whether they're men or women or in the service industry, whatever, that's who i'm representing. j.d. vance, as i said, got a $10 million check from a silicon valley billionaire just to start his campaign. like he bought this seat. depress california. like that's the big difference. i've been slogging away for working people in ohio for 20 plus years and i love being here and i'm going to fight like hell for these folks. you know, j.d. vance is a taker, quite frankly, he want to try to take power and he wants to do it any way he can, and that's fine, he is allowed to do that, it's america, it wouldn't be the first politician who got a billionaire to back him to try to seek elected office, but i think right now when you look at our campaign, 97% of our donations are under $100. this is a people-powered campaign and that's really what ohio is about. so we look forward to the contrast and, you know, we've been here 20 years working our rear ends off and i think the ohio voter understands that and that's why we're going to win. >> what role do you think the 2020 election will have in this race and the january 6th insurrection? >> well, i think it's alienated j.d. vance from the normal thinking voter who recognizes that the election wasn't stolen. again, 23% of the republican primary voters voted for an anti-trump candidate. matt dolan from up in cleveland who ran against trump, said the election was real and happened and so those voters are up for grabs. they don't want to go down this road of destroying the democracy, of undermining the precious right to vote, call into question elections. like ohioans aren't like that, they are not extremists they're pragmatic people. maybe they are a little more conservative or liberal, but they are pretty pragmatic. >> you distinguished yourself from barack obama, nancy pelosi and bernie sanders. right? do you feel as if you are to an extent running against some in the democratic party? >> i'm running as an american and, as i said, i've gotten a long record of being -- and fighting against democrats and fighting against republicans, and that's just the reality of my record. so when you're running for senate you want to highlight that and i think it's important that ohioans know that who are getting introduced to me that, you know, i've got the guts to take on my own party if i need to and i've got the courage to agree with republicans if i need to, even if it was like donald trump on the issue of china. i mean, i agreed with him. we've got to be tough on china. so i'm not going to like, you know, not do what's in the best interest of my constituents because it's coming out of donald trump's mouth or the fact that he pushed to renegotiate nafta, i voted for that is correct i supported it, because it was in the best interest of my folks at home. that's what people want. that's what i say when people are exhausted you're just going to put on the red or blue shirt? we all have to put on the red, white and blue shirt. if people want to do they can send a few bucks our way. we've got a lot of support from not just ohio but around the country on that kind of approach and that's directed straight to the exhausted majority. so we're welcoming everybody in into this campaign, republican, democrat, independent. >> i believe your shirt is a shade of olive this morning. i have to let you go, congressman ryan. president biden, will you invite president biden to come campaign for you? >> look, we welcome everybody's support, but i will be the face of this campaign. i don't think, you know, surrogates are going to play a huge role here. i want people to get to know me, i want to control my message, i want it to be my face and my background, my record. that's what we're going to push. and we welcome support from all corners, like i said, democrats, republicans and independents, we're going to have a big republican for ryan initiative with elected officials, republican elected officials in ohio supporting us, veterans who are two-time trump voters who are in our camp. this is what the american people want, this is what ohioans want, build a community of people who really care about ohio, care about the country and want to put this partisan stuff behind us. the age of stupidity behind us. >> congressman tim ryan, appreciate you being with us. thank you. >> thank you. the families of americans detained abroad will call on the white house to bring their loved ones home. we will be joined by some of them before a morning demonstration. and don't become putin's altar boy, the pope making what could be his strongest condemnation to date of russia's invasion of ukraine. 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>> my message is that we have a sense that there's decisions that need to be made on this case and there's been a pattern of indecision and it's not just my dad and my uncle, there's several other americans still wrongfully detained in venezuela and all over the world, which is what's brought us here. our issues are shared with other families and we need decisions made to improve their conditions and hopefully bring them home. >> indecision by who? >> by the white house. >> and so you want them to make moves here? >> yes. >> netta, your brother is in the infamous evin prison. what is your message to the white house? >> my message to the white house is that we've seen how much joy happens when a family is reunited. we saw it with trevor and we hope that they will make those tough decisions and use all the tools that are available to them to reunite us with our loved ones. i think it makes the country happy, would make us happy. we have just been living devastated like this for too long. >> joey, you know their pain. >> we do. and they hit all the key points there. we need the president to continue what he has done for our son, there's so many americans that are in worse conditions than trevor was in and they've been there longer and we need to get them out before it's too late. and we'd like for the president to meet with the rest of the families and hear essentially the same thing that we said to the president, but all the different situations that they're in. the key is they're all americans, they're held prisoner because of that fact and he's the top american and he needs to bring them home. >> has the release of trevor changed your hope for or your approach to trying to get your dad and uncle released? >> i would say it hasn't necessarily changed the approach, but, wow, did it lift our spirits. i mean, we were -- joey has been working with me and neda and all of the families, we've been throwing this together for a couple weeks because we knew we would be here for the foley foundation event tonight and when we heard about this it was like, oh, my gosh, is this a manifestation of what could happen for all of us? and so we shared that joy together and it gave us a lot of hope, but we're still here to do the same thing we planned to do over a month ago which is ask for a meeting with president biden. >> we're going to track and see how your request goes. i will mention that. neda, i do want to give you a chance, i mean, you just never know. what is your message for your brother? what is your message for ahmad? >> i hope he knows we're fighting for him and i hope he knows that, you know, we've united with all the families in that position and we are working together to be heard and hopefully we can meet with the president and tell our stories to him and that we love him so much and we're going to do everything we can to get him home. >> what do you want your dad and uncle to know? >> oh, man, i think we've come a long way, a girl from lake charles, louisiana, sitting here with you on cnn in d.c. and we are not going to give up, just like my shirt says. >> never give up. >> we're going to keep going until he's home and until they are all home. >> joey, how is trevor doing? >> he's doing better every day and i would be remiss if i didn't say the reason that we're here, me and his sister, is that he wanted us to come and speak out for paul whelan, he's extremely upset that paul is still there, another marine, and also for brittney and her family. all the other families. trevor couldn't be here but wanted someone to be here to represent him. >> i will say it is amazing to see you banding together, comforting each other. so few people, i think, know this predicament that you're in and it's incredible to watch you guys together. i thank you all for being with us. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> we will continue to follow your families' stories. >> we are so grateful for joey to be here with us in the middle of all of this. it means the world to us. >> thank you. >> taylor your daughter is off camera here, but it's amazing that your family has had the success and certainly we hope that for all of these families, all of these american families. thank you guys. >> thank you. was the white house correspondents dinner a superspreader event? 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>> there's risk, there is no question, people who are closest to someone like jonathan karl and were there for the longest period of time they would be at increased risk, kim kardashian, people at that table at greatest risk than the president who he shook hands with briefly but there's risk. there was clearly virus circulating in that room. you know, the thing is so here is how the event sort of went down, people were required to show vaccination, proof of vaccination and have a same-day negative antigen test. that's pretty good but clearly there's still people who may then would have tested positive had they been tested again right before the event or maybe there were false negatives with those tests. regardless, you have to assume that there's virus circulating in a room like that, more than 2,500 people there. the precautions they took are pretty good precautions but i think what jonathan karl's case and there's going to be a lot of others will teach us, is that what you do after the event is also important. so testing before, proof of vaccination before, important. testing after, because now, you know, he has the opportunity to not continue to spread the virus to other people. there's clearly going to be other people who will have tested positive in that room, but in terms of actually looking at the pandemic going forward, testing afterward really important. john, i will just say everyone wants to have events like this again, but thinking about ventilation in a room like that, trying to make the inside environment as close to the outside environment as possible, that's going to be key. that's going to be something we will be talking about for years if not decades to come in terms of living with these viruses. >> sanjay, what do we know about new variants of comicron? first spotted in south africa, there is thought there could be even new mutations. >> it looks like that bay. we know of ba.1 and ba.2, there's all these numbers, there's ba.2.12.1, there is two more that are starting to circulate in south africa pretty significantly and they are no doubt going to come here. we have to assume when we see these things happening in other places around the world, viruses don't -- they cross borders, they don't discriminate in this way. take a look at what's happening in south africa, this is what gave us the clue about omicron in the first place, going back to the end of last year. saw that, okay, that's coming. if you look at the right side of that screen you start to see the numbers tipping up again. that is going up cases, but also an increase in hospitalizations, john. important. about a third of people in south africa are vaccinated, but let me show you the next screen which i think tells an important story here. they have these significant waves, you know, many people in the country would become infected, ultimately you had a significant decrease as you had that sort of infection acquired immunity and then another wave again three to four months later. that's what keeps happening and that's likely what is going to happen here. people who have had previous infection may have some immunity for a period of time but that wanes. the vaccine protection also wanes over time, maybe lasts a little bit longer, but also wanes. i think this makes the case that, you know, people who are vulnerable in particular if they've been thinking about that other booster shot, seeing what's coming now, because that's coming here, that new wave, maybe a summer surge as some people have described t if you've been thinking about that second booster, especially if you are at risk, it's probably a good time to do it. >> dr. sag, thank you so much. hundreds of sailors moved off an aircraft carrier after a string of suicides among the crew. the parents of one young sailor who took his own life joins "new day" next. comedian dave chappelle attacked while performing in los angeles. new video just in. he's findie investment ideas with merrill. eyeyes on the ball baby. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to d do? 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yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. go with simparica trio it's triple protection made simple! simparica trio is the first and only monthly chewable that covers heartworm disease, ticks and fleas, round and hookworms. dogs get triple protection in just one simparica trio! this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions, including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. protect him with all your heart. simparica trio. my patients, i often see them have teeth sensitivity as well as gum issues. does it worry me? absolutely. they are both very much hand in hand, so you should really be focusing on both, and definitely at the same time. sensodyne sensitivity & gum gives us a dual action effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. by brushing with sensodyne sensitivity & gum at home, it's giving you the relief that you need and the control that you need to take care of your oral health. and it creates a healthier environment. there's no question it's something that i would recommend. the navy has moved more than 200 sailors off the "uss george washington" aircraft carrier after multiple deaths by suicide among the crew, including three in the course of less than a week in just last month, according to the navy. over the past 12 months, seven members of the crew have died, including four confirmed by suicide, prompting the navy to open an investigation into the command climate and culture on board the ship. the navy identified the most recent death as master at arms seaman recruit xavier sander. he left his family in late january to serve on the ship and took his own life three months later. he had just turned 19. and joining me now are xavier's parents, john sander and mary graft. thank you so much for joining us. i'm so sorry that we are here and that xavier is not, and that we're talking about him being gone here. can you just tell us a little bit about your son, who he was, and why he wanted to join the navy? >> he was a great boy. he was always a leader. he started off in martial arts at the age of 5. received his second degree black belt, moved on from all that, played quarterback all the way through high school, graduated and enlisted into the united states navy. following in his grandfather's footsteps. >> mary, can you tell me a little bit about xavier? >> he was a happy, kind, just a great kid. so many friends, just so full of life. and loved so much. >> we see the photos -- >> we miss him. >> of course you miss him. he's a beautiful, beautiful young man. and this carrier, this aircraft carrier was in a grueling period of refueling and overhaul. it is a nuclear-powered carrier, this is something that can take years. it is not normal, though, to see this kind of despair among the crew, even as they're facing tough conditions. what did xavier tell you about what it was like on the carrier during this time? >> he said it was awful, dad. people shouldn't have to live like this. he loved his job, he did his 12-hour shifts and how do you sleep an aircraft carrier with jack hammering and smokes and smells during the day? he would sleep in his car. it is just awful. no sailor should even have been living on that ship in those conditions. >> and he would call you guys from his car. what were those conversations like? what did he say? >> you know, how was your shift, boy? it was great, dad, you know, but where are you? i'm in my car, and, you know, wasn't much for the sailors to do because they're in a shipyard and had to walk a mile to their vehicles. i find that he's not the only one that did that. but it is awful. it is awful. they had nothing for the sailors to do. there was lack of hot water. and couldn't even take a hot shower. >> did you get the sense that there was a culture problem? >> not so much. he didn't reveal too much. he was too proud to say a lot was wrong. it was just, like, i don't like -- ship and basically too proud to say what was really going on there. >> did he tell you at all, john, that other sailors had died by suicide or suspected by suicide? he was the third in a week. >> he did not mention it. i did not know when we went to virginia to -- we found out that he had passed, and they didn't reveal that to me until i got home. and i saw some of the stories on the news. and it kind of made me angry. >> it made you angry. i think that's understandable. did -- were higher ups -- >> of course. >> were higher ups receptive to any concerns that xavier or others might have had? i know some of the sailors actually did raise concerns with superior officers. >> he tried to talk to his superior officer, you know, he always wanted to get into housing, which was the -- you had to go through qualifications to do it. but knowing what was going on with the crew before him, this could have happened a long time ago and my son would still be alive. i don't know why it took so long for the navy to act on it. they had to wait until the seventh to actually make changes? it's ridiculous. and his higher ups, master chief petty officer that came and spoke on the ship, really he -- an alert to the crew on the ship and it was very disrespectful and hurtful to our family and friends of how -- well, this ship wasn't any better than a foxhole. >> mary, i think at the heart of this is the loss of many beautiful lives, including that of xavier's, and i wonder what you're going to miss the most about him. >> just everything. just being home. being here. being with our family. >> he's our hero h. he's our family hero. >> his little brother misses him terribly. it's -- it's so sad. it took this long to get the sailors off the ship and into temporary housing. it should have been done a long time ago. >> that's all he wanted. that's it. >> i know that's all he wanted, and it didn't come soon enough for him and there are a lot of questions about why it

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