Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Bo

Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Boris Sanchez 20240708

says the visit is an important sign of the u.s. commitment to ukraine. in a news conference, speaker pelosi underscored the message behind the visit. >> our discussion centered around the subjects at hand, as you would suspect. security, humanitarian assistance, economic assistance, and eventually rebuilding when victory is won. we're proud to convey to him a message of unity from the congress of the united states, a message of appreciation from the american people for his leadership and admiration to the people of ukraine. >> we're also following new developments on what is left of that steel plant in mariupol. evacuation efforts are under way. we will have the latest coming up in a live report. first, we want to get more on speaker pelosi's congressional delegation and that meeting with president zelenskyy. cnn correspondent matt rivers has the details. >> reporter: well, it has been about a week now since the last time a senior delegation came here to do kyiv from the united states to meet with president zelenskyy and his administration. last week, of course, it was secretary of state antony blinken and secretary of defense lloyd austin. this week it is a u.s. congressional delegation, that was led by none other than speaker of the house nancy pelosi. she was joined by several other senior members of congress, this was an unannounced visit that we found out about from a tweet from president zelenskyy, president zelenskyy putting out a video of this meeting, where you can see him greeting speaker of the house pelosi as well as these other members of congress, who joined her. zelenskyy in a meeting thanking pelosi for what he called the united states strong support for ukraine in its fight against russia, calling the united states a, quote, leader in the effort to support ukraine. meanwhile, in that meeting we heard from speaker pelosi herself. here is a little bit of what she had to say. >> we are visiting you to say thank you for your fight for freedom, that your fight is a fight for everyone. and so our commitment is to be there for you until the fight is done. >> reporter: so that is speaker pelosi continuing with the same showing of public support you heard recently from president biden. remember, it was a few days ago that biden requested $33 billion in additional aid from congress. that funding would go toward a mixture of humanitarian aid and the kind of heavy weaponry that ukraine has been asking for a long time that it says it desperately needs in its continued fight against russia all over this country. pelosi, of course, would play a major role in getting that request through congress, getting it turned into a legislative package, that president biden could sign and send that kind of aid and weaponry here to ukraine as president zelenskyy is hoping for. interestingly, this trip did follow the kind of security norms that we're used to with high level vip trips to areas with a security risk. this announcement of her visit coming after the meeting was over, which is generally what we see in these kinds of visits. of course, that didn't happen last week when secretary of state blinken and secretary of defense austin came here. president zelenskyy announced their visit before they arrived, but this time that not being the case. both sides announcing the visit after it had already concluded, with speaker of the house pelosi saying this congressional delegation will continue their trip in poland where they are expected to meet with that country's president. laura, amara. >> matt rivers, thank you for that. ukrainian commander says a new round of evacuations has begun at that steel plant in mariupol where hundreds of civilians have been trapped for weeks. we're getting new ground level images that show just the devastation. look at that. many of the buildings in this sprawling complex have been reduced to rubble by russian missiles. >> correspondent isa soares joining us now from lviv with the latest. we know, isa, that hundreds of people were trapped deep down in that basement, some as young as i believe 4 months old. what do we know about how they are doing, did they survive, and what is the latest on the evacuation efforts? >> reporter: good morning to you, amara, good morning, laura, the situation as we have been reporting on for several weeks now inside the azovstal steel plant is incredibly dire. but what we received, what we heard of yesterday was a small breakthrough, a glimmer of hope if you can call it that. we have heard from the azovstal commander inside the azovstal steel plant, a large complex as you look on your screen. it makes 25% of the whole city of mariupol. and what he said is that that evacuation took place yesterday, where 20 civilians, mostly women and children, were evacuated. now, in terms of their whereabouts, if they made it to zaporizhzhia and their condition, how they're feeling, how they're doing, we do not have the details. but, of course, a glimmer of hope for those families and people who have been in there for more than two months now. we know the conditions are dire. we know -- i've been speaking to those inside the steel plant and i've been speaking to the ceo of the steel plant, and he told me they had water and food for about two weeks or so inside that complex. and so -- and they have been there 50 plus days without any sunlight, and running desperately running out of food. we have also seen intense shelling, we have seen the russians have been circling mariupol and encircling that steel plant, really battering the plant in the last few days. in fact, we have got satellite images that gives you a sense of just how much force they have thrown at the steel plant itself. leaving really those inside struggling to deal with some of the injuries. we know there are about 600 or so soldiers, that's coming directly from one of ukrainian soldiers inside that steel plant. they are wounded. 600 of them. they are hoping, amara, they're hoping that as part of the evacuation plan, that the soldiers can also come out and also be part of this, but an mp talking to me in the last few hours said, look, while this is part of the plan, it hasn't been agreed upon. we don't know what's going to happen to the soldiers that have been wounded. as well as we don't know what will happen to those who will stay inside. will they surrender? or will they stay inside? let me give you a sense, this is a small fraction of what we're hearing. a thousand people inside a steel plant, 100 plus thousand in the stiff mariupol hoping to get out, hoping to evacuate. we have heard from the city council directly, i'll read it to you. in two years, he says, nazis killed 10,000 civilians in mariupol and the russian occupiers killed over 20,000 mariupol residents in two months. this is what we hear directly from the mayor of mariupol. 100,000 stuck inside mariupol. we're hoping, waiting for a way out. >> glad you're keeping on that, that they're still so many people stuck inside that city and, of course, the steel plant, the last ukrainian holdout in mariupol. we'll stay on top of that. isa soares, thank you so much. well, military and humanitarian aid for ukraine could be at risk of being bogged down in the immigration bill on capitol hill. but it is a delay ukraine can hardly afford as you would imagine. our next guest writes this, this is a war with sledgehammers, ukrainians can't retake cities in the east and south without massive support, far beyond the paltry aid the allies have supplied to donate -- to date, excuse me. having conceded control of the aair, the odds of ukraine taking back cities held by the russians are low and approach zero without massive artillery. ukraine doesn't have the weapons or stockpiles of munitions for the slugfest that has begun. the u.s. and nato must urgently provide $40 billion in military aid, not $4 billion. and as we know, president biden is requesting an additional $33 billion in aid, much of it to the military. joining me is bing west, former assistant secretary of defense under president reagan. he's also co-author of "call sign chaos." good morning, sir. you're calling on nato allies to send much more heavy equipment into ukraine. we know this war, especially in key areas, like the donbas region, is coming down to logistics, right, and how quickly the ukrainians are going to be able to receive these shipments and turn them around and use them. look, we have seen consistent attacks on ukraine's supply lines and its infrastructure, like ports, airports and train stations. are you concerned about how at t the attacks might interrupt the flow of weapons and the momentum of the ukrainians? >> positively. we're into a war now that is like world war i. i don't think people have yet grasped how big this is going to be. we're talking about 100 million pounds of high explosives being used inside ukraine by russia and the ukrainians. it's going to be a slugfest. and if russia can cut the logistics, then russia can prevail. but the ukrainians have shown that they're very clever about pulling off different ways of getting the shells there, so the real issue becomes whether the rest of the united -- the rest of nato helps the way the united states is. the united states is doing a great job. germany and the others, not so much. >> well, germany did recently relent and now they have decided to send in, you know, heavy weapons. the west is realizing that -- to use your word, it is going to be a long drawn out slugfest, right? does that change the nature of how nato allies will have to support ukraine from here on out? >> it certainly does. it means that they're going to have to recognize that this war could go on, say at least for another year. we don't know when it will end. but all along the border, it's going to be extremely heavy and the number of refugees coming into europe is going to be stunning. so we're just really at the start of this, and right now everyone's in favor of ukraine. i hope we can continue to have that kind of solidarity. but all the roads point back in my judgment toward germany. because germany is giving more money to russia that we're fighting than they're giving by far to ukraine. so germany really isn't standing up yet. and they're going to come under more pressure with more refugees. so how europe responds is going to be critical. the united states is standing strong. good for the united states. now i want to see if europe will stand as strong. >> are you concerned that we might see a fracture in the nato alliance if and when putin decides to potentially cut off the natural gas supply line to germany as it just did this past week in poland and bulgaria. >> that would be a very telling issue if that happened. that would be very telling. i don't know how germany would respond to that. let's hope we don't find out, but it's bizarre that germany is giving so much money to russia every single day for the natural gas that they're helping russia fight the war. it's a bizarre situation. >> well, we're going to have to leave it there, bing west. appreciate the conversation. thanks so much. >> thank you. >> actress and activist angelina jolie made an unexpected visit to ukraine saturday. she visited a boarding school and medical institution in lviv and also met with children that were hurt by a russian missile strike on a train station. that was helping people flee to safety. >> that's right. a ukrainian journalist said she was on a coffee run when she spotted jolie. but a spokeswoman says that her travels to the country are, quote, personal. president biden proved he was the good sport last night at the white house correspondents' dinner by acknowledging his recent poll numbers. >> i'm really excited to be here tonight with the only group of americans with a lower approval rating than i have. >> little jab at the media. we'll bring you the best zingers and serious moments as well ahead this hour. >> and later, the world of country music is mourning the loss of one of its legendary voices. we'll look at the life of naomi judd and the mark she made on the entertainment industry. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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>> cnn's priscilla alvarez is with us now. good morning. president biden very self-deprecating, also plenty of jabs at the gop, but he also struck a really serious note about press freedom. >> well, as you heard there, the overarching theme of the night was democracy and freedom of the press. but biden certainly packed in his jokes. he took a swipe at the republican party at the start, going after his predecessor former president donald trump as well as kevin mccarthy. take a listen. >> this is the first time the president has attended this dinner in six years. [ applause ] it is understandable, we had a horrible plague, followed by two years of covid. i'm not really here to roast the gop. that's not my style. besides, there is nothing i can say about the gop that kevin mccarthy hasn't already put on tape. >> but it wasn't just the gop, biden also acknowledged that there is also been pushback by democrats and he said he would sort out partisan gridlock in his second term in office. biden also took -- poked fun at his age and said that he remembered being at the first annual dinner in 1924. that's not the case, but it was notable that he was the first president in six years to attend the white house correspondents' dinner, and that in and of itself received applause given world events and crackdown on journalists across the world. that was really what the night summed up to be. it was a little bit of normalcy, in what has been a long pandemic and a difficult year. and biden had fun with that yesterday as did trevor noah. >> yeah, he had me there for a quick second when he said 1924, i had to do the math, and i was, like -- we know the president is speaking today at a memorial service for former vice president walter mondale. what do we expect for that? >> he'll likely recall him as a dear friend and mentor. that's what he said when he passed away last year. you'll recall walter ma er mons then vice president for jimmy carter. biden said that mondale defined vice presidency as a full partnership. we'll likely hear more about that today and then later today he'll also return and head to alabama later in the week. >> all right, priscilla alvarez, thank you so much. all right, and now a quick reminder, the second season of "stanley tucci: searching for italy" premieres tonight. here is a preview. >> i had no idea we would start with a lake full of sitting ducks. actually they decoys and they'll encourage the real thing to stop by. my host, oliver martini, aptly named, is by day a top businessman. in the past, he might have made doge. >> ducks arrive from the north. and they stay here. >> thousands of them. >> yes. >> now we try to catch some. otherwise you don't eat. >> most of the ducks are mallards. and so numerous they're officially listed as unendangered. obviously these particular specimens are in quite a lot of danger. >> you can watch the brand-new episode tonight at 9:00 p.m. right here on cnn. curated with citrus and mintnt to uplift the senses anand transform your mood. air wick essential mist t arom. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit from prom dresses to workouts and new adventures you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. with angi, you can connect with and see ratings and reviews. and when you book and pay throug you're covered by our happiness check out today. angi... and done. investigators say one person was killed and at least five others injured in a shooting at a music festival in mississippi. >> the shooting happened last night at the mud bud music festival in jackson. authorities say around 10:00 p.m., two or three people in the crowd began shooting at each other. four people were taken to the hospital where they are in now stable condition. the authorities believe the person killed was shot by an officer and may have been one of the shooters. >> i think that it is a very coward and very selfish act on behalf of those that are involved to involve so many innocent people, innocent lives, that are here again to enjoy themselves and have fun here on the fairgrounds. >> two people, both under age, were taken in for questioning and several weapons were found at the scene. right now a manhunt is under way for a corrections officer and an inmate charged with capital murder. the two were last seen on friday morning after veteran officer vicki white was supposed to be driving the inmate to court for a mental evaluation. >> officials say the pair never made it there and, get this, it turns out there was never a health evaluation even scheduled. the local county sheriff says officer white is likely in danger. cnn's nadia romero has the details on this case. >> reporter: the search continues for corrections officer vicki white and inmate casey white, who both disappeared on friday. now, the inmate and the corrections officer are not related according to the sheriff's office. the sheriff's office with the fbi both working on the case. let's start with 38-year-old casey white. you see him here with two very distinctive looks. one with the shaven head, no facial hair, and a more recent picture of him with hair and a beard. also you'll notice he's 6'9". that means he should stick out in almost any crowd. he was already serving a 75 year prison sentence for various charges like robbery and attempted murder. and on friday, corrections officer vicki white removed him from the jail, supposedly to take him to the county courthouse for a mental evaluation, but the sheriff says there was no evaluation or hearing scheduled. sheriff also says vicki white should have known the policy to have two sworn officers escorting the inmate. sheriff singleton says he doesn't know if officer white is an accomplice or hostage. >> was she overpowered and kidnapped? and the other, of course, obvious question is did she assist the inmate in escaping? if she did, did she do it willingly or was she coerced or threatened somehow? >> the escape has the ridgeway family on edge. take a look. this is connie ridgeway, and she was murdered in her apartment back in 2015. and you can see pictures of her with both of her sons, austin and cameron. well, in 2020, prosecutors say the escape inmate, he told the sheriff's office he killed her. wafs says he pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. here's ridgeway's son austin williams explaining why he wants to see casey white back behind bars. >> i see a very troubled person, you know, i see someone who is really is, like, you know, you want someone to be rehabilitated. but at this point, it is someone very troubled and needs to be put away from human society. >> sheriff's office says escaped inmate casey white should be considered armed and dangerous. laura, amara? >> nadia, thank you for that report. to the midwest now, a new video showing how bad the damage and devastation is in kansas after a powerful tornado tore through the wichita area friday night. the twister touched down in sedgwick county before traveling over to andover, with nearly a thousand buildings in its path. >> dozens of structures were leveled in the city, and you can see in this drone footage, downed trees, roofs ripped off of homes and debris just scattered everywhere. luckily there were no deaths and only a handful of injuries were reported. the city's fire chief says the recovery will take years. still ahead, a group of california firefighters putting their lives in danger to help others in ukraine. we'll tell you about their extraordinary efforts next. h ca. everything was all good but then things hit a slight snag. ok so they were trying to verify my employment status while i was at work, in a giant hole, in a mine. but then something amamazing happened. hello? 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[ chuckles ] >> ...a "love my new teeth" day. because your clearchoice day is the day everything is back on the menu. a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. welcome back. while ukrainian forces are defending against russia's invasion, civilians are left to deal with the aftermath. ukraine's fire and rescue teams have come under siege like everyone else, leaving them with damaged equipment. a california man led a group of firefighters on their mission to bring their life saving skills and badly needed equipment to these war torn cities of ukraine. joining me now is eric hilley, the project coordinator for project guardians. eric, thank you so much for getting up bright and early on a sunday for us. tell us about these missions to ukraine, i know you spent a lot of time in particular working in bucha. how many times have you sent people to ukraine and what did you see? >> well, this was the first mission we sent, we sent 11 firefighters, nine from the united states, one from australia, and one from germany. we were there for three weeks in country, working in kyiv, bucha, hostomel and kharkiv area. what we saw was -- it was heart breaking. you saw whole towns and cities that were completely destroyed, leveled, high rise apartment buildings that were completely burned out, and it is heart breaking as a veteran because these aren't military targets. those are civilian towns that were completely destroyed. >> and, of course, intertwined with this effort to recover bodies and to help people is this ongoing investigation into possible war crimes. you're knee deep in sites of crimes. how does that impact your work? >> it was tough. the bodies we located we were told once we were able to get them exposed, to leave them alone and don't touch them because ukraine police officials would be by to do their investigation. one of the bodies we recovered on easter sunday, talking to the neighbors and their -- the person was screaming and crying for help in the rubble for two days before he died. rescue forces and emergency personnel were unable to get in because that area was under russian control. >> complications on top of complications. you know, we have reported on russian forces attacking at least one site twice in an effort to kill first responders. this is, you know, no easy feat. how much is that type of danger on your mind as you're there on the ground? >> it was always on our mind, we were in kharkiv, that was exactly brought to us by the fire chief there. they had a rocket attack on a highly populated market, fire department showed up, they're doing what firefighters do, trying to fight fire and help treat as many victims as they could, after about 15 minutes on scene, russians fired a secondary attack, which wounded multiple firefighters and killed one. >> and i understand, eric, you plan to go back to ukraine at some point. you're back in the u.s. now, but you're going to go back? >> yes, we have enough funds to launch a second team, which we're working on now. we're continuing to fund-raise. our ultimate goal is to send a total of four teams. so working on that right now and we'll see when we're going to launch them. there is some -- now that all the team is back, we're going to sit back and do a good after action review to see what we can do to improve and better serve while we're over there. >> how can people help who may be watching at home saying, wow, this is incredible. what can people do for you? >> we have a fund-raising page set up, under task force joint guardian. you can donate there. and also if you're a firefighter with equipment you want to donate, you can reach out to us on facebook, on project joint guardian. we actually had 26 pallets of cargo that were donated technical rescue equipment from brand-new to used that was personally hand delivered to fire departments in the kyiv region while we were there. >> terrific. thank you for all that you're doing, please stay safe and come back and update us on how things are going. eric hilley, thank you. >> thank you. have a good morning. president biden is considering cutting $10,000 from student debt. but some say that's just not enough and some say, well, might be a little too much. up next, what borrowers need to know about the possible changes. and country music has lost one of its legendary voices, naomi judd. ahead this hour, we remember her, and her standout career. ad! now get double best western rewards points on every stay. and with rewards points that never expire, you get free nights fast! book now at lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. tastes great in our iced coffees too. which makes waking up at a.m. to milk the cows a litt easier. 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[irish music plays] nice. what's going on here? i said get a pro. i did get a pro. orkin pro. i got you. got ants? don't call any pro, call the orkin pro. orkin. the best in pests. big news for the millions of americans who hold student loan debt. president biden now says he will have an answer on how he plans to reduce that burden in the coming weeks. he is signaling that he is open to forgiving at least $10,000 in debt for borrowers. but no commitment yet on how he might get it done. student debt expert michael kitchen joining us now to talk us through all of this. he is a senior managing editor at student loan hero. good morning to you. thank you for joining us. let's get straight to it. higher education is more expensive than ever. i remember when i graduated, many moons ago, i could barely make rent. and that was when, you know, college was much cheaper. can you talk, first, about the average debt borrowers are saddled with and how this generation is really struggling? >> yes, definitely. that's why this is such a big issue. student loan debt does affect a lot of people who pursue higher education. so the number being bandied about right now, $10,000, that's what joe biden talked about as a candidate. if that were to happen, if it were $10,000 in forgiveness, that could zero student loans for about a third of all federal borrowers. it wouldn't be nothing. it would be something of a big deal, but, of course, you know, that leaves something like two-thirds who would still owe money, if student loans were forgiven on that level. we don't know, you know, how much it would be, if anything at all. >> i mean, how would that work, though? let's say president biden, you know, goes for the $10,000 debt cancellation student loan debt cancellation. don't you think -- do you think he should take a more targeted approach, especially for, you know saddled with much higher debt. that may not make a dent for some borrowers. >> it seems likely that more probably they would do a means test, rather than in terms of how much debt you actually had. it might be more tied to income. but you know, again, it is still not too clear at this point. yeah, of course, there are a lot of people out there who will have to, you know, continue paying, and right now repayment on federal debt, federal student loans has been frozen, it is extended multiple times since the middle of 2020. but at this point, repayment is set to start in september, and it is -- if they do something, if there is some sort of forgiveness, it is less likely they'll extend it again. people would need to get ready for that, you know, especially if they have more than $10,000 in debt. >> what do you expect to happen after this freeze on the federal student loan payments expires at the end of august? you're mentioning this, the freeze started in march of 2020 and extended six times. it has been a large help to people who have been able to pay off other debts and make their mortgage or rent payments. what do you expect to happen once this extension ends? >> well, yeah, of course, you know, it depends on your case. a lot of people and certainly you know all the surveys that we have done at student loan have showed that, you know, quite a large -- a sizable majority in any case of student loan borrowers do struggle with repayment. now, there have been other changes made pretty recently, you know, to some of the programs that, you know, could offer other avenues for forgiveness. for example, if you do still have debt, you definitely -- if you're struggling with it, you would want to look at income driven repayment, which is where they cap your repayment each month at a given percentage of -- an affordable percentage of your disposable income. so, you know, there are ways to make it affordable and with income driven repayment, you do get forgiven after 20 or 25 years depending which exact program you go on. and they have tried to make some of these programs a little bit easier to comply with and to get forgiveness from. so there are definitely options out there. but you do want to get ready. >> okay, that's good to know. that there is that particular option out there. president biden's administration has forgiven $16 billion in federal student loan debt since he took office. can you tell us more about that and who would benefit from that? >> sure. yeah, well, you know, some of these programs, they have been quite strict. there is one forgiveness program, public service loan forgiveness, where if you work for any sort of government agency, federal, state, local, so teachers, some people in law enforcement have student loans or if you work for any sort of nonprofit, then you could get forgiveness after ten years. well, specifically 120 fpayment. but it was incredibly difficult to get forgiveness in the past. recently the department of education said they're going to look at this and again a lot of people are now receiving, who, you know, were turned away or said there was a problem with their application, they had been on the wrong repayment program, or, you know, some is have not been dotted in some way, they're getting another chance. people are finding forgiveness through that, through making it a little bit more easy to get through that program. same thing with income driven repayment, it is a little bit technical, won't go into details, but basically they made some changes that a lot more people are now qualified for forgiveness through that. >> you know what, something needs to be done quickly to address all the deb saddled wit. michael kitchen, thank you so much. >> thank you. coming up, remembering country star naomi judd. we'll look back at her extraordinary life and career. you don't know how much pressure you put on your septic system. but rid-x does. in a 21 month study, scientists proved that rid- x redus up to 20% of waste build up ery month. take the pressure off with rid-x. you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need? 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security. and you choose fiber solutions with speeds up to 10 gigs available to more small businesses than any other provider. the choice is clear: get unbeatable business solutions from the most innovative company. get a great deal on this limited time price with internet and voice for just $49.99 a month for 24 months with a 2-year price guarantee. call today. sad news to report this morning, country music legend naomi judd has died at the age of 76. her family made the announcement yesterday, and said her death was due to mental illness. >> judd and her daughter wynona are known for dominating the country music charts in the 1980s, winning five grammy awards and selling more than 20 million records. cnn's chloe melas has more now on judd's life and legacy. ♪ love can build a bridge ♪ >> country music legend naomi judd was one half of the duo the judds. ♪ your heart ♪ >> naomi judd was born diana alan judd in kentucky in january 1946, according to the judds' official website. the family moved to tennessee where naomi judd worked as a nurse. by 1980, she began pursuing a musical career for herself and wynona, the pair making appearances on a local morning show as a professional act. eventually they produced a string of major hits, their first single had a dream for the heart released in 1983, reached number 17 on the billboard country chart. ♪ mama he's crazy ♪ >> their next single "mama he's crazy" became the anynumber one song on country radio and won their first grammy in 1984. over the course of seven years, the judds won five grammys and had 14 number one singles. they sold more than 20 million records. >> which one is cole porter. >> ashley judd became a celebrity in her own right as an actress. hepatitis c forced her to retire from performing in 1990. >> we don't have a cure yet. it is a virus that causes cancer. it is a virus that causes miy liver disease. >> the duo's final single, in 2016, naomi judd opened up about mental illness, during an appearance on "good morning america," saying she was diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety. the singer said at the time she would not leave the house for three weeks, and not get out of my pajamas and not practice normal hygiene. the same year she wrote a book titled "river of time: my descent into depression and how i emerge with hope," explaining her struggles. >> there are certain things i do every day to help me get out of the depression. the stigma is horrible. and that's why i try to shout it from the rooftops and tell everybody, hey, if it happened to me, it can happen to you, the good news, the spoiler alert, is that i'm recovering, i'm healing. >> the judds completed what was billed as a farewell tour in 2011. >> the iconic duo, the judds. >> they announced earlier this year a final tour scheduled to begin in september. >> the final tour. >> they performed together powerbally for the first time in years in april at the cmt music awards. country music hall of fame described their music as characterized by distinctive harmonies, with powerful lead vocals and acoustic accompaniments, with elements of traditional folk, blues, and family harmony. >> i get out there on the highways and i'm just a student of human behavior. life is absolutely fascinating. life is so unpredictable. and we don't know. someone said it's not how many breaths you take, it's how many moments take your breath away. ♪ daddy ♪ >> they were scheduled to be inducted into the country music all of fame tonight. ♪ tell me about the good old days ♪ >> what a life. thanks to chloe melas for that piece. next hour of "new day" starts right now. good morning, everyone. it is sunday, may 1st. i'm laura jarrett here in new york. >> good to be with you, laura. i'm amara walker in atlanta. thank you for waking up with us. boris and christi are off. breaking news, high level show of support from the u.s. to ukraine. >> yeah, house speaker nancy pelosi led the first official u.s. delegation to ukraine since the war began. she is the highest ranking u.s. official to go there. president volodymyr zelenskyy says the visit is an important sign of the u.s. commitment to ukraine. in a news conference just a short time ago, speaker losey was aske

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Everyone , Amara Walker , May 1st , 1 , Sunday May 1st , Ukraine , U S , Level , Support , Sunday , Breaking News , Show , Laura Jarrett , May , Boris Sanchez , Christi Paul , Visit , War , Nancy Pelosi , Volodymyr Zelenskyy , Official , Delegation , Russia , Ranking , Commitment , Message , Sign , News Conference , Hand , Subjects , Discussion , Assistance , Unity , Security , Victory , People , Congress Of The United States , Leadership , Appreciation , Admiration , Developments , President , Meeting , Way , Evacuation Efforts , Steel Plant , Cnn , First , Report , Mariupol , Correspondent Matt Rivers , Course , Details , Reporter , Secretary Of State , Administration , Antony Blinken , Kyiv , Speaker , Members , Several , Secretary Of Defense , Speaker Of The House , None , Tweet , Lloyd Austin , Pelosi , Video , Fight , Bit , Quote , Effort , Leader , Fight For Freedom , Joe Biden , Aid , Showing , Public , 33 Billion , 3 Billion , Country , Kind , Weaponry , Funding , Mixture , Package , Request , Role , Trip , Areas , Visits , Security Risk , Kinds , Announcement , Vip Trips , Security Norms , Case , Sides , Didn T , Secretary , Blinken , Defense Austin , Evacuations , Commander , Poland , Round , Civilians , Hundreds , Images , Buildings , Devastation , Missiles , Many , Correspondent Isa Soares , Complex , Doing , Latest , Basement , Deep Down , Lviv , 4 , Situation , Azovstal Steel Plant , Reporting , Hope , City , Breakthrough , Glimmer , Of Mariupol , Screen , 25 , Children , Condition , Terms , Evacuation , Feeling , Place , Whereabouts , Zaporizhzhia , 20 , Plant , Ceo , Families , Conditions , Two , Russians , Food , Circling Mariupol , Water , Shelling , Sunlight , 50 , Sense , Satellite Images , Fact , Encircling , Some , Soldiers , Injuries , One , 600 , Part , It Hasn T , Plan , Evacuation Plan , Mp , Fraction , A Thousand , City Council , Nazis , 100 , Occupiers , Mayor , Mariupol Residents , 100000 Stuck Inside Mariupol , 20000 , 10000 , 100000 , Top , Holdout , Risk , Being , Immigration Bill , Capitol Hill , Guest , Allies , Donate , Ukrainians , Cities , Control , Sledgehammers , South , Can T Retake , Weapons , Slugfest , Stockpiles , Nato , Ukraine Doesn T , Odds , Artillery , Munitions , Aair , Zero , It , Bing West , Military Aid , Military , 40 Billion , Billion , 4 Billion , 0 Billion , Equipment , Sir , Reagan , Call Sign Chaos , Attacks , Logistics , Region , Shipments , Supply Lines , Infrastructure , Donbas , Train Stations , Momentum , Sports , Airports , Flow , World War I , Explosives , 100 Million , Ways , Shells , Issue , Germany , Rest , Others , Job , United , West , Word , Nature , Number , Refugees , Border , Europe , Roads , Favor , Solidarity , Judgment , Money , Pressure , Isn T , Fracture , Natural Gas , Supply Line , Alliance , Putin , Bulgaria , We Don T Find Out , Bizarre , Thanks , Conversation , Actress , Angelina Jolie , Boarding School , Institution , Missile Strike , Journalist , Train Station , Safety , Coffee Run , Spokeswoman , Dinner , Poll Numbers , Personal , Sport , White House Correspondents , Group , Media , Approval Rating , Jab , Zingers , Americans , Naomi Judd , Life , Country Music , World , Voices , Mark , Loss , Entertainment Industry , Someone , Neuroscientist , Tv , Trelegy , Copd , Brain Performance , Memory Supplements , Science , Indicators , Neuriva Plus , Neuriva , Yes , Birds Flyin , Six , Driftin , What S Next , Coughing , Power , Won T , Medicines , Inhaler , Rescue Inhaler , Flare Ups , Lung Function , Copd Medicine , Three , Doctor , Swelling , High Blood Pressure , Breathing , Heart Condition , Breathing Problems , Chest Pain , Osteoporosis , Pneumonia , Thrush , Mouth , Tongue , Pain , Stand , Vision Changes , Trelegy Com , Eye , Problems Urinating , Save , Mission , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Some Rinvoq , Symptoms , Rinvoq , Ra , Pill , Stiffness , Fatigue , Infections , Ability , Attack , Joints , Immune System , Tb , Fatal , Blood Clots 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Italy , Oliver Martini , Preview , Sitting Ducks , Lake , Idea , The Real Thing , Businessman , Ducks , North , Doge , Most , Thousands , Eat , Mallards , Danger , Lot , Episode , Specimens , Unendangered , 00 , 9 , T Arom , Senses , Mintnt , Mood , Air Wick , Citrus , Shipping Manager , Find Themself , Candidates , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Indeed Instant Match , Adventures , Prom Dresses , Meningitis , Teen , Vaccination , Consequences , Survivors , Up To , Meningitis B , 5 , Vaccines , Ratings , Reviews , Angi , Meningitis B , Pay , Happiness , Angi Com , Person , Shooting , Mississippi , Investigators , Music Festival , Five , Crowd , Hospital , Each Other , Authorities , Mud Bud Music Festival In Jackson , Four , 10 , Act , Officer , Coward , Shooters , Behalf , Age , Scene , Manhunt , Questioning , Fairgrounds , Vicki White , Pair , Inmate , Corrections Officer , Evaluation , Capital Murder , County Sheriff , Health Evaluation , Nadia Romero , Sheriff , Casey 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Travels , Crohn S Disease , Relief , Tracks , Ulcerative Colitis , Moderate , Move , Dose , Stelara , Cancer , Infection , Vaccine , Serious , Treatment , Injections , Skin Growths , Sores , Pres , Remission , Brain Condition , Cost Support Options , Janssen , Lung Inflammation , Home , Care , Safe , Bottom , Mountains , Tops , Guy , Adults , The Ocean , Jeff , Investors , Investing , Interest , Millennials , 85 , Investments , Data , Account , Sustainability , Information , Trends , Decisions , Conservation , Types , Investment Decisions , Data Privacy , Diversity , Water Usage , Land Use , Variables , Consumer Trust , Impact , Issues , Niche , Markets , Morgan Stanley , Scale , Form , Courtney Thompson , Four Dollars , Clearchoice , Implants , Bite , Let S Dig In , Chow Down , Consultation , Love , Teeth , Menu , Chuckles , Forces , Fire , Teams , California Man , Rescue , Aftermath , Invasion , Siege , Life Saving Skills , Everyone Else , Eric Hilley , Missions , Project Guardians , Times , Working , Australia , Bucha , 11 , Nine , Towns , Hostomel , Kharkiv , Heart , Apartment Buildings , Veteran , High Rise , Aren T Military Targets , Investigation , Sites , War Crimes , Bodies , Knee , Crimes , Police , Help , Neighbors , Emergency Personnel , Rubble , Easter Sunday , Rescue Forces , Complications , Site , Responders , Mind , There , Rocket Attack , Ground , Type , Feat , Fire Department , Market , Treat , Victims , 15 , Team , Funds , Back , Goal , Action Review , Total , Page , Task Force Joint Guardian , Pallets , Firefighter , Technical Rescue Equipment , Cargo , On Project Joint Guardian , Facebook , 26 , Fire Departments , Morning , Terrific , Borrowers , Say , Student Debt , Little , Cutting , Up Next , 0000 , Changes , Points , Standout Career , Western , Rewards Points , Milk , Lactose , Coffees , Stay , Lactaid , Bestwestern Com , Man , Litt , Moo , Lik5 , Lit , We Havd Of Being Flashy , Sexy , Mabel , Booking Accommodation , Booking Stuff , Ha , 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Freeze , Student Loan Payments , The End , March Of 2020 , Surveys , Debts , Mortgage , Extension , Payments , Student Loan Hero Com Have , Programs , Struggle , Student Loan Borrowers , Large , Majority , Example , Avenues , Percentage , Month , Disposable Income , Program , Options , Option , 6 Billion , 16 Billion , Public Service Loan Forgiveness , Government Agency , Estate , Nonprofit , Law Enforcement , Teachers , Fpayment , 120 , Ten , Department Of Education , Who , Chance , Problem , Application , Is , Technical , Won T Go , Deb , Coming Up , Remembering Country Star , Wit , Career , Study , Septic System , Scientists , Build Up Ery , Redus , 21 , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Rid X , First Time , Scarf , Backpack , Tux , Marco , Nice , Wow , Dude , Whines , Feel , Electorlytes , Sugar , Powder Packs , Pedialyte , Mindset , Foods , Me Ww , Weight , Eating Habits , Flexibility , Exercise , Ww , James , 69 , Restrictions , Aura , Knowing , Ww Works , Ww Com Offer Ends May 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2016 , Book , Struggles , Hygiene , Pajamas , Descent , River Of Time , Spoiler Alert , Everybody , Stigma , Rooftops , Tour , Farewell Tour , 2011 , Country Music Hall Of Fame , Powerbally , Harmonies , Cmt Music Awards , Student , Accompaniments , Highways , Family Harmony , Human Behavior , Elements , Lead Vocals , Folk , Blues , Breath , Breaths , Daddy , Fame Tonight , The Good Old Days , Piece , New York , Laura , High Level , Christi , Boris , Amara Walker In Atlanta , Speaker Losey ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul And Boris Sanchez 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Boris Sanchez 20240708

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says the visit is an important sign of the u.s. commitment to ukraine. in a news conference, speaker pelosi underscored the message behind the visit. >> our discussion centered around the subjects at hand, as you would suspect. security, humanitarian assistance, economic assistance, and eventually rebuilding when victory is won. we're proud to convey to him a message of unity from the congress of the united states, a message of appreciation from the american people for his leadership and admiration to the people of ukraine. >> we're also following new developments on what is left of that steel plant in mariupol. evacuation efforts are under way. we will have the latest coming up in a live report. first, we want to get more on speaker pelosi's congressional delegation and that meeting with president zelenskyy. cnn correspondent matt rivers has the details. >> reporter: well, it has been about a week now since the last time a senior delegation came here to do kyiv from the united states to meet with president zelenskyy and his administration. last week, of course, it was secretary of state antony blinken and secretary of defense lloyd austin. this week it is a u.s. congressional delegation, that was led by none other than speaker of the house nancy pelosi. she was joined by several other senior members of congress, this was an unannounced visit that we found out about from a tweet from president zelenskyy, president zelenskyy putting out a video of this meeting, where you can see him greeting speaker of the house pelosi as well as these other members of congress, who joined her. zelenskyy in a meeting thanking pelosi for what he called the united states strong support for ukraine in its fight against russia, calling the united states a, quote, leader in the effort to support ukraine. meanwhile, in that meeting we heard from speaker pelosi herself. here is a little bit of what she had to say. >> we are visiting you to say thank you for your fight for freedom, that your fight is a fight for everyone. and so our commitment is to be there for you until the fight is done. >> reporter: so that is speaker pelosi continuing with the same showing of public support you heard recently from president biden. remember, it was a few days ago that biden requested $33 billion in additional aid from congress. that funding would go toward a mixture of humanitarian aid and the kind of heavy weaponry that ukraine has been asking for a long time that it says it desperately needs in its continued fight against russia all over this country. pelosi, of course, would play a major role in getting that request through congress, getting it turned into a legislative package, that president biden could sign and send that kind of aid and weaponry here to ukraine as president zelenskyy is hoping for. interestingly, this trip did follow the kind of security norms that we're used to with high level vip trips to areas with a security risk. this announcement of her visit coming after the meeting was over, which is generally what we see in these kinds of visits. of course, that didn't happen last week when secretary of state blinken and secretary of defense austin came here. president zelenskyy announced their visit before they arrived, but this time that not being the case. both sides announcing the visit after it had already concluded, with speaker of the house pelosi saying this congressional delegation will continue their trip in poland where they are expected to meet with that country's president. laura, amara. >> matt rivers, thank you for that. ukrainian commander says a new round of evacuations has begun at that steel plant in mariupol where hundreds of civilians have been trapped for weeks. we're getting new ground level images that show just the devastation. look at that. many of the buildings in this sprawling complex have been reduced to rubble by russian missiles. >> correspondent isa soares joining us now from lviv with the latest. we know, isa, that hundreds of people were trapped deep down in that basement, some as young as i believe 4 months old. what do we know about how they are doing, did they survive, and what is the latest on the evacuation efforts? >> reporter: good morning to you, amara, good morning, laura, the situation as we have been reporting on for several weeks now inside the azovstal steel plant is incredibly dire. but what we received, what we heard of yesterday was a small breakthrough, a glimmer of hope if you can call it that. we have heard from the azovstal commander inside the azovstal steel plant, a large complex as you look on your screen. it makes 25% of the whole city of mariupol. and what he said is that that evacuation took place yesterday, where 20 civilians, mostly women and children, were evacuated. now, in terms of their whereabouts, if they made it to zaporizhzhia and their condition, how they're feeling, how they're doing, we do not have the details. but, of course, a glimmer of hope for those families and people who have been in there for more than two months now. we know the conditions are dire. we know -- i've been speaking to those inside the steel plant and i've been speaking to the ceo of the steel plant, and he told me they had water and food for about two weeks or so inside that complex. and so -- and they have been there 50 plus days without any sunlight, and running desperately running out of food. we have also seen intense shelling, we have seen the russians have been circling mariupol and encircling that steel plant, really battering the plant in the last few days. in fact, we have got satellite images that gives you a sense of just how much force they have thrown at the steel plant itself. leaving really those inside struggling to deal with some of the injuries. we know there are about 600 or so soldiers, that's coming directly from one of ukrainian soldiers inside that steel plant. they are wounded. 600 of them. they are hoping, amara, they're hoping that as part of the evacuation plan, that the soldiers can also come out and also be part of this, but an mp talking to me in the last few hours said, look, while this is part of the plan, it hasn't been agreed upon. we don't know what's going to happen to the soldiers that have been wounded. as well as we don't know what will happen to those who will stay inside. will they surrender? or will they stay inside? let me give you a sense, this is a small fraction of what we're hearing. a thousand people inside a steel plant, 100 plus thousand in the stiff mariupol hoping to get out, hoping to evacuate. we have heard from the city council directly, i'll read it to you. in two years, he says, nazis killed 10,000 civilians in mariupol and the russian occupiers killed over 20,000 mariupol residents in two months. this is what we hear directly from the mayor of mariupol. 100,000 stuck inside mariupol. we're hoping, waiting for a way out. >> glad you're keeping on that, that they're still so many people stuck inside that city and, of course, the steel plant, the last ukrainian holdout in mariupol. we'll stay on top of that. isa soares, thank you so much. well, military and humanitarian aid for ukraine could be at risk of being bogged down in the immigration bill on capitol hill. but it is a delay ukraine can hardly afford as you would imagine. our next guest writes this, this is a war with sledgehammers, ukrainians can't retake cities in the east and south without massive support, far beyond the paltry aid the allies have supplied to donate -- to date, excuse me. having conceded control of the aair, the odds of ukraine taking back cities held by the russians are low and approach zero without massive artillery. ukraine doesn't have the weapons or stockpiles of munitions for the slugfest that has begun. the u.s. and nato must urgently provide $40 billion in military aid, not $4 billion. and as we know, president biden is requesting an additional $33 billion in aid, much of it to the military. joining me is bing west, former assistant secretary of defense under president reagan. he's also co-author of "call sign chaos." good morning, sir. you're calling on nato allies to send much more heavy equipment into ukraine. we know this war, especially in key areas, like the donbas region, is coming down to logistics, right, and how quickly the ukrainians are going to be able to receive these shipments and turn them around and use them. look, we have seen consistent attacks on ukraine's supply lines and its infrastructure, like ports, airports and train stations. are you concerned about how at t the attacks might interrupt the flow of weapons and the momentum of the ukrainians? >> positively. we're into a war now that is like world war i. i don't think people have yet grasped how big this is going to be. we're talking about 100 million pounds of high explosives being used inside ukraine by russia and the ukrainians. it's going to be a slugfest. and if russia can cut the logistics, then russia can prevail. but the ukrainians have shown that they're very clever about pulling off different ways of getting the shells there, so the real issue becomes whether the rest of the united -- the rest of nato helps the way the united states is. the united states is doing a great job. germany and the others, not so much. >> well, germany did recently relent and now they have decided to send in, you know, heavy weapons. the west is realizing that -- to use your word, it is going to be a long drawn out slugfest, right? does that change the nature of how nato allies will have to support ukraine from here on out? >> it certainly does. it means that they're going to have to recognize that this war could go on, say at least for another year. we don't know when it will end. but all along the border, it's going to be extremely heavy and the number of refugees coming into europe is going to be stunning. so we're just really at the start of this, and right now everyone's in favor of ukraine. i hope we can continue to have that kind of solidarity. but all the roads point back in my judgment toward germany. because germany is giving more money to russia that we're fighting than they're giving by far to ukraine. so germany really isn't standing up yet. and they're going to come under more pressure with more refugees. so how europe responds is going to be critical. the united states is standing strong. good for the united states. now i want to see if europe will stand as strong. >> are you concerned that we might see a fracture in the nato alliance if and when putin decides to potentially cut off the natural gas supply line to germany as it just did this past week in poland and bulgaria. >> that would be a very telling issue if that happened. that would be very telling. i don't know how germany would respond to that. let's hope we don't find out, but it's bizarre that germany is giving so much money to russia every single day for the natural gas that they're helping russia fight the war. it's a bizarre situation. >> well, we're going to have to leave it there, bing west. appreciate the conversation. thanks so much. >> thank you. >> actress and activist angelina jolie made an unexpected visit to ukraine saturday. she visited a boarding school and medical institution in lviv and also met with children that were hurt by a russian missile strike on a train station. that was helping people flee to safety. >> that's right. a ukrainian journalist said she was on a coffee run when she spotted jolie. but a spokeswoman says that her travels to the country are, quote, personal. president biden proved he was the good sport last night at the white house correspondents' dinner by acknowledging his recent poll numbers. >> i'm really excited to be here tonight with the only group of americans with a lower approval rating than i have. >> little jab at the media. we'll bring you the best zingers and serious moments as well ahead this hour. >> and later, the world of country music is mourning the loss of one of its legendary voices. we'll look at the life of naomi judd and the mark she made on the entertainment industry. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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>> cnn's priscilla alvarez is with us now. good morning. president biden very self-deprecating, also plenty of jabs at the gop, but he also struck a really serious note about press freedom. >> well, as you heard there, the overarching theme of the night was democracy and freedom of the press. but biden certainly packed in his jokes. he took a swipe at the republican party at the start, going after his predecessor former president donald trump as well as kevin mccarthy. take a listen. >> this is the first time the president has attended this dinner in six years. [ applause ] it is understandable, we had a horrible plague, followed by two years of covid. i'm not really here to roast the gop. that's not my style. besides, there is nothing i can say about the gop that kevin mccarthy hasn't already put on tape. >> but it wasn't just the gop, biden also acknowledged that there is also been pushback by democrats and he said he would sort out partisan gridlock in his second term in office. biden also took -- poked fun at his age and said that he remembered being at the first annual dinner in 1924. that's not the case, but it was notable that he was the first president in six years to attend the white house correspondents' dinner, and that in and of itself received applause given world events and crackdown on journalists across the world. that was really what the night summed up to be. it was a little bit of normalcy, in what has been a long pandemic and a difficult year. and biden had fun with that yesterday as did trevor noah. >> yeah, he had me there for a quick second when he said 1924, i had to do the math, and i was, like -- we know the president is speaking today at a memorial service for former vice president walter mondale. what do we expect for that? >> he'll likely recall him as a dear friend and mentor. that's what he said when he passed away last year. you'll recall walter ma er mons then vice president for jimmy carter. biden said that mondale defined vice presidency as a full partnership. we'll likely hear more about that today and then later today he'll also return and head to alabama later in the week. >> all right, priscilla alvarez, thank you so much. all right, and now a quick reminder, the second season of "stanley tucci: searching for italy" premieres tonight. here is a preview. >> i had no idea we would start with a lake full of sitting ducks. actually they decoys and they'll encourage the real thing to stop by. my host, oliver martini, aptly named, is by day a top businessman. in the past, he might have made doge. >> ducks arrive from the north. and they stay here. >> thousands of them. >> yes. >> now we try to catch some. otherwise you don't eat. >> most of the ducks are mallards. and so numerous they're officially listed as unendangered. obviously these particular specimens are in quite a lot of danger. >> you can watch the brand-new episode tonight at 9:00 p.m. right here on cnn. curated with citrus and mintnt to uplift the senses anand transform your mood. air wick essential mist t arom. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit from prom dresses to workouts and new adventures you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. with angi, you can connect with and see ratings and reviews. and when you book and pay throug you're covered by our happiness check out today. angi... and done. investigators say one person was killed and at least five others injured in a shooting at a music festival in mississippi. >> the shooting happened last night at the mud bud music festival in jackson. authorities say around 10:00 p.m., two or three people in the crowd began shooting at each other. four people were taken to the hospital where they are in now stable condition. the authorities believe the person killed was shot by an officer and may have been one of the shooters. >> i think that it is a very coward and very selfish act on behalf of those that are involved to involve so many innocent people, innocent lives, that are here again to enjoy themselves and have fun here on the fairgrounds. >> two people, both under age, were taken in for questioning and several weapons were found at the scene. right now a manhunt is under way for a corrections officer and an inmate charged with capital murder. the two were last seen on friday morning after veteran officer vicki white was supposed to be driving the inmate to court for a mental evaluation. >> officials say the pair never made it there and, get this, it turns out there was never a health evaluation even scheduled. the local county sheriff says officer white is likely in danger. cnn's nadia romero has the details on this case. >> reporter: the search continues for corrections officer vicki white and inmate casey white, who both disappeared on friday. now, the inmate and the corrections officer are not related according to the sheriff's office. the sheriff's office with the fbi both working on the case. let's start with 38-year-old casey white. you see him here with two very distinctive looks. one with the shaven head, no facial hair, and a more recent picture of him with hair and a beard. also you'll notice he's 6'9". that means he should stick out in almost any crowd. he was already serving a 75 year prison sentence for various charges like robbery and attempted murder. and on friday, corrections officer vicki white removed him from the jail, supposedly to take him to the county courthouse for a mental evaluation, but the sheriff says there was no evaluation or hearing scheduled. sheriff also says vicki white should have known the policy to have two sworn officers escorting the inmate. sheriff singleton says he doesn't know if officer white is an accomplice or hostage. >> was she overpowered and kidnapped? and the other, of course, obvious question is did she assist the inmate in escaping? if she did, did she do it willingly or was she coerced or threatened somehow? >> the escape has the ridgeway family on edge. take a look. this is connie ridgeway, and she was murdered in her apartment back in 2015. and you can see pictures of her with both of her sons, austin and cameron. well, in 2020, prosecutors say the escape inmate, he told the sheriff's office he killed her. wafs says he pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. here's ridgeway's son austin williams explaining why he wants to see casey white back behind bars. >> i see a very troubled person, you know, i see someone who is really is, like, you know, you want someone to be rehabilitated. but at this point, it is someone very troubled and needs to be put away from human society. >> sheriff's office says escaped inmate casey white should be considered armed and dangerous. laura, amara? >> nadia, thank you for that report. to the midwest now, a new video showing how bad the damage and devastation is in kansas after a powerful tornado tore through the wichita area friday night. the twister touched down in sedgwick county before traveling over to andover, with nearly a thousand buildings in its path. >> dozens of structures were leveled in the city, and you can see in this drone footage, downed trees, roofs ripped off of homes and debris just scattered everywhere. luckily there were no deaths and only a handful of injuries were reported. the city's fire chief says the recovery will take years. still ahead, a group of california firefighters putting their lives in danger to help others in ukraine. we'll tell you about their extraordinary efforts next. h ca. everything was all good but then things hit a slight snag. ok so they were trying to verify my employment status while i was at work, in a giant hole, in a mine. but then something amamazing happened. hello? 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[ chuckles ] >> ...a "love my new teeth" day. because your clearchoice day is the day everything is back on the menu. a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. welcome back. while ukrainian forces are defending against russia's invasion, civilians are left to deal with the aftermath. ukraine's fire and rescue teams have come under siege like everyone else, leaving them with damaged equipment. a california man led a group of firefighters on their mission to bring their life saving skills and badly needed equipment to these war torn cities of ukraine. joining me now is eric hilley, the project coordinator for project guardians. eric, thank you so much for getting up bright and early on a sunday for us. tell us about these missions to ukraine, i know you spent a lot of time in particular working in bucha. how many times have you sent people to ukraine and what did you see? >> well, this was the first mission we sent, we sent 11 firefighters, nine from the united states, one from australia, and one from germany. we were there for three weeks in country, working in kyiv, bucha, hostomel and kharkiv area. what we saw was -- it was heart breaking. you saw whole towns and cities that were completely destroyed, leveled, high rise apartment buildings that were completely burned out, and it is heart breaking as a veteran because these aren't military targets. those are civilian towns that were completely destroyed. >> and, of course, intertwined with this effort to recover bodies and to help people is this ongoing investigation into possible war crimes. you're knee deep in sites of crimes. how does that impact your work? >> it was tough. the bodies we located we were told once we were able to get them exposed, to leave them alone and don't touch them because ukraine police officials would be by to do their investigation. one of the bodies we recovered on easter sunday, talking to the neighbors and their -- the person was screaming and crying for help in the rubble for two days before he died. rescue forces and emergency personnel were unable to get in because that area was under russian control. >> complications on top of complications. you know, we have reported on russian forces attacking at least one site twice in an effort to kill first responders. this is, you know, no easy feat. how much is that type of danger on your mind as you're there on the ground? >> it was always on our mind, we were in kharkiv, that was exactly brought to us by the fire chief there. they had a rocket attack on a highly populated market, fire department showed up, they're doing what firefighters do, trying to fight fire and help treat as many victims as they could, after about 15 minutes on scene, russians fired a secondary attack, which wounded multiple firefighters and killed one. >> and i understand, eric, you plan to go back to ukraine at some point. you're back in the u.s. now, but you're going to go back? >> yes, we have enough funds to launch a second team, which we're working on now. we're continuing to fund-raise. our ultimate goal is to send a total of four teams. so working on that right now and we'll see when we're going to launch them. there is some -- now that all the team is back, we're going to sit back and do a good after action review to see what we can do to improve and better serve while we're over there. >> how can people help who may be watching at home saying, wow, this is incredible. what can people do for you? >> we have a fund-raising page set up, under task force joint guardian. you can donate there. and also if you're a firefighter with equipment you want to donate, you can reach out to us on facebook, on project joint guardian. we actually had 26 pallets of cargo that were donated technical rescue equipment from brand-new to used that was personally hand delivered to fire departments in the kyiv region while we were there. >> terrific. thank you for all that you're doing, please stay safe and come back and update us on how things are going. eric hilley, thank you. >> thank you. have a good morning. president biden is considering cutting $10,000 from student debt. but some say that's just not enough and some say, well, might be a little too much. up next, what borrowers need to know about the possible changes. and country music has lost one of its legendary voices, naomi judd. ahead this hour, we remember her, and her standout career. ad! now get double best western rewards points on every stay. and with rewards points that never expire, you get free nights fast! book now at lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. tastes great in our iced coffees too. which makes waking up at a.m. to milk the cows a litt easier. 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[irish music plays] nice. what's going on here? i said get a pro. i did get a pro. orkin pro. i got you. got ants? don't call any pro, call the orkin pro. orkin. the best in pests. big news for the millions of americans who hold student loan debt. president biden now says he will have an answer on how he plans to reduce that burden in the coming weeks. he is signaling that he is open to forgiving at least $10,000 in debt for borrowers. but no commitment yet on how he might get it done. student debt expert michael kitchen joining us now to talk us through all of this. he is a senior managing editor at student loan hero. good morning to you. thank you for joining us. let's get straight to it. higher education is more expensive than ever. i remember when i graduated, many moons ago, i could barely make rent. and that was when, you know, college was much cheaper. can you talk, first, about the average debt borrowers are saddled with and how this generation is really struggling? >> yes, definitely. that's why this is such a big issue. student loan debt does affect a lot of people who pursue higher education. so the number being bandied about right now, $10,000, that's what joe biden talked about as a candidate. if that were to happen, if it were $10,000 in forgiveness, that could zero student loans for about a third of all federal borrowers. it wouldn't be nothing. it would be something of a big deal, but, of course, you know, that leaves something like two-thirds who would still owe money, if student loans were forgiven on that level. we don't know, you know, how much it would be, if anything at all. >> i mean, how would that work, though? let's say president biden, you know, goes for the $10,000 debt cancellation student loan debt cancellation. don't you think -- do you think he should take a more targeted approach, especially for, you know saddled with much higher debt. that may not make a dent for some borrowers. >> it seems likely that more probably they would do a means test, rather than in terms of how much debt you actually had. it might be more tied to income. but you know, again, it is still not too clear at this point. yeah, of course, there are a lot of people out there who will have to, you know, continue paying, and right now repayment on federal debt, federal student loans has been frozen, it is extended multiple times since the middle of 2020. but at this point, repayment is set to start in september, and it is -- if they do something, if there is some sort of forgiveness, it is less likely they'll extend it again. people would need to get ready for that, you know, especially if they have more than $10,000 in debt. >> what do you expect to happen after this freeze on the federal student loan payments expires at the end of august? you're mentioning this, the freeze started in march of 2020 and extended six times. it has been a large help to people who have been able to pay off other debts and make their mortgage or rent payments. what do you expect to happen once this extension ends? >> well, yeah, of course, you know, it depends on your case. a lot of people and certainly you know all the surveys that we have done at student loan have showed that, you know, quite a large -- a sizable majority in any case of student loan borrowers do struggle with repayment. now, there have been other changes made pretty recently, you know, to some of the programs that, you know, could offer other avenues for forgiveness. for example, if you do still have debt, you definitely -- if you're struggling with it, you would want to look at income driven repayment, which is where they cap your repayment each month at a given percentage of -- an affordable percentage of your disposable income. so, you know, there are ways to make it affordable and with income driven repayment, you do get forgiven after 20 or 25 years depending which exact program you go on. and they have tried to make some of these programs a little bit easier to comply with and to get forgiveness from. so there are definitely options out there. but you do want to get ready. >> okay, that's good to know. that there is that particular option out there. president biden's administration has forgiven $16 billion in federal student loan debt since he took office. can you tell us more about that and who would benefit from that? >> sure. yeah, well, you know, some of these programs, they have been quite strict. there is one forgiveness program, public service loan forgiveness, where if you work for any sort of government agency, federal, state, local, so teachers, some people in law enforcement have student loans or if you work for any sort of nonprofit, then you could get forgiveness after ten years. well, specifically 120 fpayment. but it was incredibly difficult to get forgiveness in the past. recently the department of education said they're going to look at this and again a lot of people are now receiving, who, you know, were turned away or said there was a problem with their application, they had been on the wrong repayment program, or, you know, some is have not been dotted in some way, they're getting another chance. people are finding forgiveness through that, through making it a little bit more easy to get through that program. same thing with income driven repayment, it is a little bit technical, won't go into details, but basically they made some changes that a lot more people are now qualified for forgiveness through that. >> you know what, something needs to be done quickly to address all the deb saddled wit. michael kitchen, thank you so much. >> thank you. coming up, remembering country star naomi judd. we'll look back at her extraordinary life and career. you don't know how much pressure you put on your septic system. but rid-x does. in a 21 month study, scientists proved that rid- x redus up to 20% of waste build up ery month. take the pressure off with rid-x. you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need? 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family moved to tennessee where naomi judd worked as a nurse. by 1980, she began pursuing a musical career for herself and wynona, the pair making appearances on a local morning show as a professional act. eventually they produced a string of major hits, their first single had a dream for the heart released in 1983, reached number 17 on the billboard country chart. ♪ mama he's crazy ♪ >> their next single "mama he's crazy" became the anynumber one song on country radio and won their first grammy in 1984. over the course of seven years, the judds won five grammys and had 14 number one singles. they sold more than 20 million records. >> which one is cole porter. >> ashley judd became a celebrity in her own right as an actress. hepatitis c forced her to retire from performing in 1990. >> we don't have a cure yet. it is a virus that causes cancer. it is a virus that causes miy liver disease. >> the duo's final single, in 2016, naomi judd opened up about mental illness, during an appearance on "good morning america," saying she was diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety. the singer said at the time she would not leave the house for three weeks, and not get out of my pajamas and not practice normal hygiene. the same year she wrote a book titled "river of time: my descent into depression and how i emerge with hope," explaining her struggles. >> there are certain things i do every day to help me get out of the depression. the stigma is horrible. and that's why i try to shout it from the rooftops and tell everybody, hey, if it happened to me, it can happen to you, the good news, the spoiler alert, is that i'm recovering, i'm healing. >> the judds completed what was billed as a farewell tour in 2011. >> the iconic duo, the judds. >> they announced earlier this year a final tour scheduled to begin in september. >> the final tour. >> they performed together powerbally for the first time in years in april at the cmt music awards. country music hall of fame described their music as characterized by distinctive harmonies, with powerful lead vocals and acoustic accompaniments, with elements of traditional folk, blues, and family harmony. >> i get out there on the highways and i'm just a student of human behavior. life is absolutely fascinating. life is so unpredictable. and we don't know. someone said it's not how many breaths you take, it's how many moments take your breath away. ♪ daddy ♪ >> they were scheduled to be inducted into the country music all of fame tonight. ♪ tell me about the good old days ♪ >> what a life. thanks to chloe melas for that piece. next hour of "new day" starts right now. good morning, everyone. it is sunday, may 1st. i'm laura jarrett here in new york. >> good to be with you, laura. i'm amara walker in atlanta. thank you for waking up with us. boris and christi are off. breaking news, high level show of support from the u.s. to ukraine. >> yeah, house speaker nancy pelosi led the first official u.s. delegation to ukraine since the war began. she is the highest ranking u.s. official to go there. president volodymyr zelenskyy says the visit is an important sign of the u.s. commitment to ukraine. in a news conference just a short time ago, speaker losey was aske

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Package , Request , Role , Trip , Areas , Visits , Security Risk , Kinds , Announcement , Vip Trips , Security Norms , Case , Sides , Didn T , Secretary , Blinken , Defense Austin , Evacuations , Commander , Poland , Round , Civilians , Hundreds , Images , Buildings , Devastation , Missiles , Many , Correspondent Isa Soares , Complex , Doing , Latest , Basement , Deep Down , Lviv , 4 , Situation , Azovstal Steel Plant , Reporting , Hope , City , Breakthrough , Glimmer , Of Mariupol , Screen , 25 , Children , Condition , Terms , Evacuation , Feeling , Place , Whereabouts , Zaporizhzhia , 20 , Plant , Ceo , Families , Conditions , Two , Russians , Food , Circling Mariupol , Water , Shelling , Sunlight , 50 , Sense , Satellite Images , Fact , Encircling , Some , Soldiers , Injuries , One , 600 , Part , It Hasn T , Plan , Evacuation Plan , Mp , Fraction , A Thousand , City Council , Nazis , 100 , Occupiers , Mayor , Mariupol Residents , 100000 Stuck Inside Mariupol , 20000 , 10000 , 100000 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Times , Working , Australia , Bucha , 11 , Nine , Towns , Hostomel , Kharkiv , Heart , Apartment Buildings , Veteran , High Rise , Aren T Military Targets , Investigation , Sites , War Crimes , Bodies , Knee , Crimes , Police , Help , Neighbors , Emergency Personnel , Rubble , Easter Sunday , Rescue Forces , Complications , Site , Responders , Mind , There , Rocket Attack , Ground , Type , Feat , Fire Department , Market , Treat , Victims , 15 , Team , Funds , Back , Goal , Action Review , Total , Page , Task Force Joint Guardian , Pallets , Firefighter , Technical Rescue Equipment , Cargo , On Project Joint Guardian , Facebook , 26 , Fire Departments , Morning , Terrific , Borrowers , Say , Student Debt , Little , Cutting , Up Next , 0000 , Changes , Points , Standout Career , Western , Rewards Points , Milk , Lactose , Coffees , Stay , Lactaid , Bestwestern Com , Man , Litt , Moo , Lik5 , Lit , We Havd Of Being Flashy , Sexy , Mabel , Booking Accommodation , Booking Stuff , Ha , 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Freeze , Student Loan Payments , The End , March Of 2020 , Surveys , Debts , Mortgage , Extension , Payments , Student Loan Hero Com Have , Programs , Struggle , Student Loan Borrowers , Large , Majority , Example , Avenues , Percentage , Month , Disposable Income , Program , Options , Option , 6 Billion , 16 Billion , Public Service Loan Forgiveness , Government Agency , Estate , Nonprofit , Law Enforcement , Teachers , Fpayment , 120 , Ten , Department Of Education , Who , Chance , Problem , Application , Is , Technical , Won T Go , Deb , Coming Up , Remembering Country Star , Wit , Career , Study , Septic System , Scientists , Build Up Ery , Redus , 21 , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Rid X , First Time , Scarf , Backpack , Tux , Marco , Nice , Wow , Dude , Whines , Feel , Electorlytes , Sugar , Powder Packs , Pedialyte , Mindset , Foods , Me Ww , Weight , Eating Habits , Flexibility , Exercise , Ww , James , 69 , Restrictions , Aura , Knowing , Ww Works , Ww Com Offer Ends May 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2016 , Book , Struggles , Hygiene , Pajamas , Descent , River Of Time , Spoiler Alert , Everybody , Stigma , Rooftops , Tour , Farewell Tour , 2011 , Country Music Hall Of Fame , Powerbally , Harmonies , Cmt Music Awards , Student , Accompaniments , Highways , Family Harmony , Human Behavior , Elements , Lead Vocals , Folk , Blues , Breath , Breaths , Daddy , Fame Tonight , The Good Old Days , Piece , New York , Laura , High Level , Christi , Boris , Amara Walker In Atlanta , Speaker Losey ,

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