Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240708 : comparemela

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240708

she says that it is a message of solidarity with ukraine telling zelenskyy that our commitment is to be there for you up ntil the fight is done. to the south a glimmer of hope is emerging for people trapped in mariupol. after weeks under siege and numerous failed evacuation attempts, around 20 civilians managed to leave saturday, but that is just a tiny fraction of the thousands that are said to still be stuck in the city. meantime missile strikes hammered southern and eastern ukraine, in odesa witnesses reported hearing several explosions. and ukrainian military says that the runway at odesa's airport had been destroyed. and ukraine's president vowed to rebuild. >> translator: we are restoring electricity supply, communications, water supply and gas supply. we are doing everything to return normal medicine, educational services, access to financial institutions. we are restoring roads. of course there is still a lot of work ahead. the occupiers are still on our land and still do not recognize the apparent failure of their so-called operation. >> for more on the visit to kyiv by u.s. lawmakers, we want to bring in matt rivers who is joining us from the capital. and nancy pelosi, we didn't know anything about it, it was under some kind of an information blackout. and it seems now that the visit is over that they posted the videos. how significant is it given the kind of dignitaries that have come to kyiv in recent weeks? >> reporter: i think it is very significant. look at what happened over the last week. it was just a week ago that i was in this same position doing live shots about the secretary of state and secretary of defense from the united states coming here to meet with president zelenskyy. and then a few days later you had president biden reaffirming his support for ukraine by even increasing the support by asking congress for additional support. and then now here is nancy pelosi with a senior congressional delegation. the united states is sending a message, clearly that they are in it for the long haul to support ukraine. we saw the video that president zelenskyy put out announcing that the meeting had taken place. in that meeting he strongly thanked the united states saying that the united states is a, quote, leader in supporting ukraine in its fight against russia. clearly very appreciative of the fact that the speaker of the house came here on this unannounced visit. meanwhile we heard from the speaker herself in that meeting. i'd like to play you some of what she said. >> we believe that we are visiting you to say thank you for your fight for freedom, and your fight is a fight for everyone. and so our commitment is to be there for you until the fight is done. >> reporter: until the fight is done is what she's saying. of course she's just continuing the strong showing of public support for ukraine that we heard from president biden. it was just a few days ago that he specifically requested from congress some $33 billion in additional aid for ukraine, that money, that funding will go toward a mixture of humanitarian aid and heavy weaponry, the kind of weaponry that ukraine has been asking for for a long time. and of course pelosi will play a key role in getting that request through congress, turning it into a legislative package that president biden would eventually sign and send those weapons here to ukraine zelenskyy so long has been asking for. and this visit following normally what we see, that when there is a high level vip delegation, due to security concerns, generally those meetings are not announced until after they happen. that did not happen last week when president zelenskyy announced that the secretary of state and secretary of defense were coming before they arrived. clearly they are working out how to have the visits and announcing it later. >> and nancy pelosi has tweeted a video and also says that they want to continue the visit in poland, obviously talking to that nato ally about what comes next and what more that they can do. and i know you've been on the ground for some weeks now and following the situation in pec mariupol closely. every day we think there is hope for an evacuation. 20 people when there are thousands in desperate need. are we hearing anything on the ground that that perhaps was some kind of a test run to being have a e evacuate more civilians? >> reporter: we are certainly seeing it as such. it is difficult to get information out of mariupol because the communication infrastructure has been damaged. that 20 people figure coming from a commander inside that azovstal steel plant complex which is where the civilians and fighters, the last remaining ukrainian resistance pocket is located. with the commander saying that 20 people got out with the goal of getting to the city of zaporizhzhia. but we can't verify that they made it there. but there is so much more need, but 20 people is the best news we've heard out of mariupol in weeks. >> matt, thanks so much. notice that i know that you will stay on stop of what is going on there. joining me now from london is a research fellow and director of the ukraine forum at chatham house. and i thank you for joining us as we have this breaking news, u.s. house speaker nancy pelosi was on the ground there in kyiv. you know, it perhaps is symbolic, but how important do you think these visits are, and what kind of a message do you think it sends to russia cr crucially? >> these visits are very important and we've seen not just only u.s. high level officials, but also european union, president of the european union, head of the council, head of the foreign affairs, they are all coming to show they stand with ukraine and ukrainian people. remember, we are seeing the largest conflict on the european continent since the second world war and there was a feeling where ukrainians were saying that pe are on our own with this dark force that president putin unleashed on ukraine. and these visits exactly demonstrate that ukraine is not alone, that there is a 40 country strong coalition supporting financially, militarily with humanitarian aid and that ukraine can win and can persevere and defeat russia. >> i want to talk about what is going on in mariupol. we were talking to matt about those 20 civilians that were evacuated. do you have any hope that there will be a breakthrough here? i'll note that it seemed that in some way shape or form, the u.n. s secretary-general had gone to see putin last week and seemed to have some kind of an understanding. and yet we entered the same demoralizing cycle where they announced that there might be a humanitarian corridor and then no one is rescued. >> it is very heartbreaking. from the very early days of this war, we were trying all the effort possible, through civil societies, through experts understanding conflicts, how to help ukrainians, humanitarian efforts to evacuate civilians. and all the feel who understand how russia fights say it is close to impossible because russia uses civilians as hostages. they do not respect geneva conventions. they actually want to inflict the civilian damage to put pressure on the top leadership of whenever they are fighting the war, to capitulate. and this is exactly the pain putin wants to inflict on president zelenskyy, on ukrainian armed forces to break their backs, to say, look, if you want to save your women and children, you have to back off, you have to let us win. that is why there is very little hope that russians will respect any kind of rules and save civilian lives. it is heartbreaking. >> and given that, though, and as well as ukrainian defenses have held up until now, there does seem to be this issue of whether or not russia is trying to escalate things further. widen their assault. we've had the port city of odesa struck a few times now, we had the incident earlier in the week that happened in moldova, still not clear what those explosions there were about. what is the capacity for russia to continue this in the months to come, meaning to continue to press forward in the east but at the same time have these destabilizing strikes not just in odesa, perhaps moldova, but also in the capital kyiv? i mean, they had missile strikes there when the u.n. s secretary-general was visiting. >> i think they have the capacity to press. russian armed forces are ten times larger in manpower than ukraine, they have much more armored tanks, armored vehicles. but some experts say that they are running out of high precision ballistic missiles. think about it, they have fired over 1300 missiles on ukraine cities. so they are doing a mass destruction by missiles. some places like mariupol, 80% destroyed. smaller towns, 70%, 60% of civilian housing is destroyed. and they will continue this of course as much as they can. but also as much as ukrainian armed forces will allow. that is why that meeting that took place in ramstein last week with a very strong coalition of 40 nations setting up a special ukrainian coordination task force to provide rapidly ukrainian air defense, a counter-navy, you know, equipment. and more armored vehicles, more tanks. this will change the situation on the ground and clearly will allow ukrainians to contain russian aggression not to allow putin to have any victory that is solid and convincing and also possibly counterattack in the south around kherson. so we'll see a lot of battles going on in the southeastern of ukraine. >> it was interesting that nato meeting earlier in the week, it does seem that that is a pivot in terms of strategy going forward. appreciate your input. and now, when we come back, more deadly violence in the middle east, clashes between israeli forces and palestinians break out as two separate shootings kill people on both sides of the conflict. we'll have that for you straight ahead. it's everywhere. but for someone to be able to work from here, there has to be someone here making sure everything is safe. secure. consistetent. so log in from here. or here. assurered that someone is here ready to fix anything.g. anytime. anywhere. even here. that's because nobody... and i mean nobody... makes hybrid work, work better. israeli police arrested two palestinians they say are suspects in the killing of an israeli guard late friday night. earlier they detained two others in connection with the attack. this comes during a rise in violence that started in early march. in a separate incident, the palestinian authority of health said saturday that israeli forces shot and killed a palestinian man in the west bank. the israeli military says it was conducting counterterrorism activity when a number of people through molotov cocktails at the soldiers. journalist elliott gotkin is joining us. this to and fro is fairly familiar, as they say the suspects are in custody. but it has to be an unnerving situation for all at this point. >> of course it is a concern. before the past month began, there was hope that there wouldn't be an uptick this violence, there were calls to ensure that there was a peaceful month of ramadan and also passover and easter, which all kind of coincided at the same time this year. unfortunately, that hasn't been the case. we have seen clashes between israeli security forces and worshippers and palestinians. and as you say in this latest incident, we saw gunmen killing an israeli security guard north of jerusalem. n now, according to the security forces, this guard actually put himself between the gunman and a female security guard who reportedly was his fiance to protect her and she was unharmed. and as you said, the suspects were detained later on saturday. and then in a separate incident, we also had clashes between security forces and palestinians, a 27-year-old palestinian man was killed, and then there were further clashes with security forces at that man's funeral. unfortunately there seems no sign that this uptick in violence that we've seen is going to be abating anytime soon. we've seen 13 israelis and two foreign workers in israel killed by palestinians or israeli arabs over the past month, we've seen 31 palestinians killed in clashes with israeli security forces since march 22. but if there is a positive, it is that we haven't seen a wide scale escalation of the sort we saw almost a year ago when of course there was a major conflict between israel and the hamas-run gaza strip. and we saw major clashes inside israel too. that hasn't happened. so i suppose you look for positives wherever you can find them. >> absolutely. and as you point out, the violence certainly about this time last year was quite grave. and again we'll continue to keep an eye on this. appreciate the update. meantime police in afghanistan say an explosion in a residential neighborhood killed one and wounded three others on saturday, the incident highlights the growing security concerns in the afghan capital. a day earlier an explosion at a mosque killed at least ten and wounded dozens more. arwa damon reports a wave of deadly attacks in recent weeks has people increasingly on edge. >> reporter: at this packed marketplace in kabul, shoppers wander through the stalls of dried fruits, nuts and sweets. they are preparing for the holiday. but despite the bustling scene, the anticipation of laughter and love-filled gatherings with friends and family. there is an inescapable sense of caution, unease. this is a crowded public space. and in afghanistan, that means potential danger. >> translator: the security situation is still not good. there is some security but the kind of security the people were expecting is still not there. >> reporter: this was the first ramadan in afghanistan since the taliban regained control of the country last summer. and even though the taliban said that it would bring security to the country and protect its often-targeted minorities like shia communities, a series of brutal attacks have rattled several afghan cities in recent weeks. mosques have been targeted especially during friday prayers. on friday, a blast ripped through a mosque in kabul. witnesses say there were so many wounded, it took hours to transport the victims to hospital. there was a similar attack the previous week at a mosque in the north of the country. killing at least 33 people. the fear so pervasive, worshippers say it is never far from their minds. >> translator: i was very much preoccupied with thoughts and fear. i was thinking a suicide attacker explosion will happen at any moment now. or the mosque will be attacked. not only me, but every afghan has this fear in his heart. >> reporter: the taliban could be demmed the attacks on the two mosques and also targeted recently a school and a learning facility in a shia neighborhood in kabul where at least six people died nearly two weeks ago. ♪ the isis affiliate in afghanistan which often targets shia has claimed responsibility for several attacks during the ramadan period. >> translator: how long will such incidents continue? afghanistan situation is so bad. we have no secure place to live. >> reporter: many are questioning if the taliban government can actually live up to its promises to bring stability to the country. and so as afghans celebrate this year, that sense of apprehension they have lived with for so long, it just continues. arwa damon, cnn. mean time, it has been hotter than normal spring in parts of the world. on friday two cities in pakistan set a new record for the highest temperature in the northern hemisphere for that date, 47 degrees celsius or 116.6 degrees fahrenheit, to be exact. at the same time the minister of climate change warns of possible glacial floods in the area due to the heatwave. and india as well, temperatures during the prolonged heatwave have been above average by several degrees since march. particularly in northern and northwestern regions including new delhi. monsoon winds and rains are expected to bring some relief, but that won't happen before june. universal studios beijing will be closed starting today because of the covid-19 outbreak. the theme park did not say when it might reopen. and after several weeks in lockdown, shanghai reported nearly 7900 new covid cases saturday and 38 deaths. but those numbers are down slightly over the past few days. now, shanghai is the engine of china's $18 trillion economy. and the city's strict covid lockdown could come at a heavy cost. kristie lu stout explains for us. >> reporter: it is china's biggest and most affluent city, and the streets have been empty for weeks. shanghai is battling its worst ever covid-19 outbreak determined to crush it with its zero covid policy. it comes at a steep cost to its economy and has implications for the world. >> we're forecasting that the lockdown in shanghai will rock china's economy, you know, shanghai is an economic powerhouse, it holds one of the two stock exchanges, shanghai's port counts for something like 3% of global through-put at any given time. >> reporter: shanghai is home to the world's biggest container port, and it remains operational, but according to logistics platform project 44, on april 18, some ships had been diverted away due to truck shortages. but the containers are piling up at the port waiting on average for 12 days before they are picked up and delivered compared to just over four days in late march. shanghai is also a major aviation hub, but the outbreak has forced the suspension of many flights causing air freight rates to sky rocket. all of this is putting even more pressure on global supply chains. >> this is having a supply shock, a lot of these shipments now can't leave the ports, can't leave the airports in shanghai. and these are goods which are ultimately going to europe and the u.s. it is going to push prices up, we're going to see more inflationary pressure. >> reporter: the zero covid strategy has also forced many factories in shanghai to suspend operations. the apple supplier pegatron has suspended production. and volkswagen and tesla factories have been shut for weeks. production has resumed at tesla with elon musk saying that tesla shanghai is coming back with a vengeance. but the company warned it too is not immune from supply chain problems. >> authorities in shanghai are trying to get essential production plants open under what they call a closed loop system. that means that their staff actually sleep on the premises, on the factory floors, eat there, don't leave them, don't go home. but the problem is that there is a lot of staff who don't want to do that and there is a shortage of parts to get the factories reopened. so it will be a global problem. >> reporter: an analyst warns that the economic pain caused by zero covid strategy could spiral under control saying that implementing the strategy in an excessive manner by itself could lead to disruption on the supply chain, mass unemployment, and this could translate into social sp political instability, exactly what the zero covid strategy wants to avoid. and yet there is still no end in sight. bottom line from china watchers to the world, brace yourselves for the fallout. kristie lu stout, cnn, hong kong. and i want to thank you for joining us. for international viewers, "inside africa" is next. but watching here in the united states or canada, i will be right back and we'll bring you up-to-date on the latest in ukraine. stay with us. do you find yourself buried in paper? this is the end. the end of paper. the epson rapid rereceipt smart organizer easiy scans all your documents. paper goes in and stress goes away. it's the only solution on the market specifically designed to extract and digitize key data trapped on receipts and invoices and it integrates with financial software like quickbooks and turbotax. transform paper documents like contracts, tax records, warranties, wills even recipes into searchable pdfs. so the information is always right at 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will include not only civilians but also wounded troops. and zelenskyy is warning russia that its military is in for more losses in the invasion continues. listen. >> translator: the russian command is well aware that thousands more russian soldiers will be killed and thousands more will be wounded in the coming weeks. but why do the russian soldiers themselves need this? why do their families need this? russian commanders lie to their soldiers saying that they will face some serious responsibility for refusing to fight. >> meantime russian military unit accused of atrocities in bucha has been redeployed near kharkiv according to the head of ukraine's renlgional administration in that city. they have liberated several towns in recent weeks, but as we hear in this report, russian artillery is not giving a break to kharkiv. >> reporter: this is what living on the frontline of russia's invasion looks like. homes in kharkiv no longer resemble that. a child's toy disfigured. a metaphor for so many child childhoods. and yet the people fleeing a nearby village, the city offers relative safety. this woman's home was burned last night. the house burned down, we have no place to say, she says. it is scary. meanwhile russia released this footage of a ballistic missile launch as it concentrates its offensive on the east of uk ukraine. they have enough artillery and aircraft to destroy the entire donbas says ukraine's president just as they destroyed mariupol, the city now a russian concentration camp he says in the middle of ruins. this is what he is talking about. a seaside city now apocalyptic. >> every day people are dying and every day they have less food, water, medicine. >> reporter: the wives of ukrainian troops trapped there are calling for international help to evacuate both civilians and soldiers. >> mariupol have to have a chance and to not only civilians, we come here to rescue our soldiers too bec because -- sorry. >> reporter: julia like so many ukrainians wants the world to listen and take action. >> and our thanks there to rebecca of it ghchlt. as she was telling us, millions are forced to flee their homes. and alex and his family are among those who have been forced to run. we first introduced you to alex last month on cnn. he is a father of three, using social media to document daily life raising a family, if you can believe it, in a warzone. here is a video he posted singing a beatles tune to his newborn son. ♪ yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away, now it looks as though they are here to stay, oh, i believe in yesterday ♪ ♪ suddenly ♪ >> such a beautiful video. and there is another one that he shared, he says it shows what is left of his apartment building after a russian attack. we checked in with ale lex saturday and he says that he will not let the war dampen his spirits. >> this has lasted for eight years, not just months. so we are kind of used to that. of course it is a totally different level. but, you know, we're going to stay as long as needed. ukrainians are ready to survive, ukrainians are ready to fight. and we will fight to the end. if it takes months or years, doesn't matter. we need to liberate our land. >> as you can imagine from what we've shown you here on cnn, the number of ukrainians who have fled their country because of war continues to grow. it now stands at more than 5.4 million people, that is according to a u.n. estimate. and that is roughly the same as the respective populations of slovakia or norway. think of it. the u.n. also says far more ukrainians are stranded near ba battlelines because of security concerns and damage to roads and bridges. actress jolel angelina joli meantime was seen in lviv saturday. she visited children at a boarding school, a medical institution and also went to a train station to meet with the displaced. she expressed her gratitude to the volunteers. >> very complicated at this time. >> yes. >> but i imagine just to have a room where somebody shows that they care and is listening is so important. >> ukrainian journalist says that she ran into jolie during a coffee run on the outskirts of lviv. and many people inside the cafe didn't even notice her. the u.n.'s refugee agency says that they are not involved in jolie's visit and she is in ukraine in her personal capacity. actor orlando bloom has been meeting with ukrainian refugees as well paying a visit to those who fled moldova. and he says their new reality is in his words heartwrenching. he told jim acosta it is partly because the refugees complaint imagine what is next. >> it was just so painful to see just the fear and shteer terror. the feeling of war, but where do they go from there, where do they find a home and where do they relocate and how long will that be for. they all want to return to their home in ukraine, they don't want to leave their partners behind. unicef has done a remarkable job of setting up what is called blue dots. a child friendly space for the women and children to go to. >> and bloom also says that he met a family whose town was bombed just the night before. and they escaped with little more than the clothes on their backs. unfortunately, those stories all-too common. if you would like to safely and securely help people in ukraine who might be in need of shelter, food and water, please go to you will find several ways to help and tens of thousands of you have already done so. parts of the u.s. hit by almost two dozen tornadoes this weekend. i'll remind you the weekend isn't over. the latest on the storms sweeping the country from the cnn weather center, that is ahead. with age comes more... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a a powerful .5% retinol that's alslso gentle on skin. for r wrinkle results in one week. neutrogena®. fofor people with skin. i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy fe insurance if on a fixed budget,5, 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terrible. a lot of tears. so it is just hard to see. >> it certainly is hard. cnn meteorologist derek van dam is joining me now. you feel for those people. unfortunately more severe weather to come? >> yeah, i was listening to that brave woman who endured the tornado and the sights and sounds are familiar to myself as well, on the ground for multiple tornado aftermaths and just hearings sounds of the alarms in the background, seeing the homes destroyed. and that is the scene when you see the tornado or moments just after the end of the tornado. and what struck kansas friday evening, what is terrifying thing to witness and be a part of. fortunately there weren't fatalities, but our hearts go out to the people who were injured within that particular storm. national weather service issued a statement saying that that was actually an ef-3, that is an enhanced fujita scale that is measuring the wind and damage from the tornado. and get that, 165-mile-per-hour winds out of that tornado at least possible. we're about 120% of average for tornados. it has been an extremely active very busy spring season for the country. it was a bit of a reprieve yesterday because we only had six tornado reports including one just west of downtown chicago. but nonetheless, it has been extremely active. and like paula mentioned, it won't stop here. we have a multiday severe weather event taking place from today right through monday once again. and by monday afternoon and evening, the same areas that got struck so hard in kansas, the andover region, will be under an enhanced risk for severe storms again. but today texas panhandle, keep an eye to the sky. amarillo, lubbock to mid land. there were stronger storms across louisiana and northern mississippi, but they have died down. we don't have the daytime heating from the sun. but that will change this afternoon all thanks to this low pressure system that is actually attached to this cold front and that is going to bring us our next round of severe weather from today right into monday. so very busy weather continuing once again. >> yeah, a lot to keep track of there and we hope certainly that it does not turn out to be severe. derek, appreciate it. mean time the country music world is remembering one of it most iconic singers. ♪ train your heart and mind, love can build a bridge ♪ >> naomi judd passed away suddenly saturday at the age of 76. the judds rose to fame with hits like "love can billed a bridge" and "mama he's crazy." they went on to win countless awards and of course become country music reoyalty. >> wou >> wouldher daughters saying th today we sisters experienced a tragedy. we lost our beautiful mother to the disease of mental illness. we are shattered. we are in unknown territory. a ton of celebrities have taken to social media to express their condolences, carrie underwood tweeting country music lost a true legend. sing with the angels. and they were a dynamic duo with five grammy awards with a ton of hit songs, 14 number one songs in their decades-long career. and sunday they were supposed to be inducted into the country music hall of fame. back to you. >> and we will be right back after a short break. ♪ love can build a bridge, don't you think it's time ♪ are you a christian author with a book that you're ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! sglee . actor johnny depp oand ambe heard had a bitter divorce and their court case is revealing just how troubled their marriage was. polo sandoval wraps up the week. >> it was back to the witness stand for actor johnny depp at the start of week three in his defamation case against ex-wife amber heard. both are accusing the other of acts of physical violence during their relationship. they have both denied the allegations. >> the only person that i have ever abused in my life is myself. >> depp is suing heard for $50 million over a 2018 "washington post" op-ed in which she described herself as a public figure representing domestic abuse. depp not mentioned but he maintains that it cost him lucrative acting gigs. and he referred to his marriage to heard as horrific. he also recalled a recorded conversation between the two actors after an incident in which part of depp's finger was severed off by a bottle allegedly thrown by heard. >> i really did think that i was going to lose my life and i thought that you would do it on accident. and i told you that. i said oh, my god, i thought -- >> [ bleep ] a finger, man, come on. i had a [ bleep ] can thrown at my nose. >> it was a fair fight. see what the jury and judge think. tell the world, johnny, tell them johnny depp, i, johnny depp, i'm a victim too of domestic violence. and it is a fair fight. >> what did you say in response when ms. heard said tell the world, johnny, tell them johnny depp, i, johnny depp, a man, i'm a victim too of domestic violence. >> i said yes. i am. >> reporter: during cross-examination, heard's attorney brought up a barrage of bad press that predated the op-ed that he argued may have been what derailed depp's career. >> where did it all go wrong for johnny depp? after a string of flops and a ton of bad press, johnny depp's star power looks as wobbly as jack sparrow on a plank. did i read that right? >> you read that very well. >> reporter: tuesday a forensic psychologist told a jury that heard suffers from several personality disorders and that she does not suffer from post-traumatic stress from her marriage to depp. >> one of the primary things i learned is that she had a very sophisticated way of minimizing any personal problems. >> reporter: heard's lawyers in turn grilled the psychologist about possible bias toward depp and questioned her analysis. also this week, heard's op-ed piece dominated testimony as the jury was told about the aclu's involvement in helping her draft it. you see heard continues to be an ambassador for the organization focusing on women's rights. depp's attorney brought up internal aclu emails showing people inside the organization knew when heard wrote about alleged abuse in her marriage, she was referencing depp. >> is it also true that there were some at the aclu who expressed their belief that excising those references to her marriage and divorce from johnny depp made the op-ed less impactful, correct? >> correct. >> reporter: that line of questioning could be significant because depp claims the public knew who heard was writing about in her essay. however, it will be up to the jury to decide if that is heard's fault and if it is defamation. heard is expected to take the stand as her side's first witness with weeks still to go in the trial. it is unclear when that will be. elon musk was listed as a potential witness in this case. he dated amber heard not long after her marriage to depp ended. also according to testimony from the aclu attorney, he donated about half a million dollars to the aclu, part of a larger pledge from heard. however sources close to musk's legal term confirm that he will likely not testify, though they did not say exactly why. already the jury has heard from about two witnesses in addition to johnny depp and the list of witnesses continues to grow. polo sandoval, cnn, new york. to washington now and the annual white house correspondence association dinner. and it made a grand return saturday after a two year hiatus because of the pandemic. it featured president biden, journalists, government officials and, yes, celebrities. the night was filled with jokes, roasting mr. biden, the republican party, and the news media, including cnn. here is part of mr. biden's lighthearted speech. >> i'm really excited to be here tonight with you. only group of americans with a lower approval rating than i have. this is the first time a president attended this dinner in six years. [ applause ] it is understandable. we had a horrible plague followed by two years of covid. >> all right. the dinner is not just a party, it of course honors journalists for their work, raises money importantly for scholarships and pays tribute to the first amendment which protects freedom of speech and the media in the united states. now, supporting relief efforts in ukraine can now be as easy as, yep, ordering a beer. anheuser-busch is brewing a popular ukrainian beer to sell in the united states. the lager will be sold in numerous cities starting this month. profits will benefit people impacted by the war and plus the company will donate at least $5 million to aid groups. okay. i'm paula newton. we'll have more of our breaking news coverage from the war in ukraine in a moment. stay with us. this is cnn. as a business owner, your bottom line is always top of mind. so start saving by switching to the mobile service designed for small business: comcast business mobile. flexible data plans mean you can get unlimited data or pay by the gig. all on the most reliable 5g network. with no line activation fees or term contracts... saving you up to $500 a year. and it's only available to comcast business internet customers. so boost your bottom line by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities.™ . this is cnn breaking news. >> hello, and a warm welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm paula newton live in atlanta, and we begin with an unannounced visit to ukraine's capitol by a group of u.s. lawmakers led by speaker of the house nancy pelosi. this post shows a delegation

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240708

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she says that it is a message of solidarity with ukraine telling zelenskyy that our commitment is to be there for you up ntil the fight is done. to the south a glimmer of hope is emerging for people trapped in mariupol. after weeks under siege and numerous failed evacuation attempts, around 20 civilians managed to leave saturday, but that is just a tiny fraction of the thousands that are said to still be stuck in the city. meantime missile strikes hammered southern and eastern ukraine, in odesa witnesses reported hearing several explosions. and ukrainian military says that the runway at odesa's airport had been destroyed. and ukraine's president vowed to rebuild. >> translator: we are restoring electricity supply, communications, water supply and gas supply. we are doing everything to return normal medicine, educational services, access to financial institutions. we are restoring roads. of course there is still a lot of work ahead. the occupiers are still on our land and still do not recognize the apparent failure of their so-called operation. >> for more on the visit to kyiv by u.s. lawmakers, we want to bring in matt rivers who is joining us from the capital. and nancy pelosi, we didn't know anything about it, it was under some kind of an information blackout. and it seems now that the visit is over that they posted the videos. how significant is it given the kind of dignitaries that have come to kyiv in recent weeks? >> reporter: i think it is very significant. look at what happened over the last week. it was just a week ago that i was in this same position doing live shots about the secretary of state and secretary of defense from the united states coming here to meet with president zelenskyy. and then a few days later you had president biden reaffirming his support for ukraine by even increasing the support by asking congress for additional support. and then now here is nancy pelosi with a senior congressional delegation. the united states is sending a message, clearly that they are in it for the long haul to support ukraine. we saw the video that president zelenskyy put out announcing that the meeting had taken place. in that meeting he strongly thanked the united states saying that the united states is a, quote, leader in supporting ukraine in its fight against russia. clearly very appreciative of the fact that the speaker of the house came here on this unannounced visit. meanwhile we heard from the speaker herself in that meeting. i'd like to play you some of what she said. >> we believe that we are visiting you to say thank you for your fight for freedom, and your fight is a fight for everyone. and so our commitment is to be there for you until the fight is done. >> reporter: until the fight is done is what she's saying. of course she's just continuing the strong showing of public support for ukraine that we heard from president biden. it was just a few days ago that he specifically requested from congress some $33 billion in additional aid for ukraine, that money, that funding will go toward a mixture of humanitarian aid and heavy weaponry, the kind of weaponry that ukraine has been asking for for a long time. and of course pelosi will play a key role in getting that request through congress, turning it into a legislative package that president biden would eventually sign and send those weapons here to ukraine zelenskyy so long has been asking for. and this visit following normally what we see, that when there is a high level vip delegation, due to security concerns, generally those meetings are not announced until after they happen. that did not happen last week when president zelenskyy announced that the secretary of state and secretary of defense were coming before they arrived. clearly they are working out how to have the visits and announcing it later. >> and nancy pelosi has tweeted a video and also says that they want to continue the visit in poland, obviously talking to that nato ally about what comes next and what more that they can do. and i know you've been on the ground for some weeks now and following the situation in pec mariupol closely. every day we think there is hope for an evacuation. 20 people when there are thousands in desperate need. are we hearing anything on the ground that that perhaps was some kind of a test run to being have a e evacuate more civilians? >> reporter: we are certainly seeing it as such. it is difficult to get information out of mariupol because the communication infrastructure has been damaged. that 20 people figure coming from a commander inside that azovstal steel plant complex which is where the civilians and fighters, the last remaining ukrainian resistance pocket is located. with the commander saying that 20 people got out with the goal of getting to the city of zaporizhzhia. but we can't verify that they made it there. but there is so much more need, but 20 people is the best news we've heard out of mariupol in weeks. >> matt, thanks so much. notice that i know that you will stay on stop of what is going on there. joining me now from london is a research fellow and director of the ukraine forum at chatham house. and i thank you for joining us as we have this breaking news, u.s. house speaker nancy pelosi was on the ground there in kyiv. you know, it perhaps is symbolic, but how important do you think these visits are, and what kind of a message do you think it sends to russia cr crucially? >> these visits are very important and we've seen not just only u.s. high level officials, but also european union, president of the european union, head of the council, head of the foreign affairs, they are all coming to show they stand with ukraine and ukrainian people. remember, we are seeing the largest conflict on the european continent since the second world war and there was a feeling where ukrainians were saying that pe are on our own with this dark force that president putin unleashed on ukraine. and these visits exactly demonstrate that ukraine is not alone, that there is a 40 country strong coalition supporting financially, militarily with humanitarian aid and that ukraine can win and can persevere and defeat russia. >> i want to talk about what is going on in mariupol. we were talking to matt about those 20 civilians that were evacuated. do you have any hope that there will be a breakthrough here? i'll note that it seemed that in some way shape or form, the u.n. s secretary-general had gone to see putin last week and seemed to have some kind of an understanding. and yet we entered the same demoralizing cycle where they announced that there might be a humanitarian corridor and then no one is rescued. >> it is very heartbreaking. from the very early days of this war, we were trying all the effort possible, through civil societies, through experts understanding conflicts, how to help ukrainians, humanitarian efforts to evacuate civilians. and all the feel who understand how russia fights say it is close to impossible because russia uses civilians as hostages. they do not respect geneva conventions. they actually want to inflict the civilian damage to put pressure on the top leadership of whenever they are fighting the war, to capitulate. and this is exactly the pain putin wants to inflict on president zelenskyy, on ukrainian armed forces to break their backs, to say, look, if you want to save your women and children, you have to back off, you have to let us win. that is why there is very little hope that russians will respect any kind of rules and save civilian lives. it is heartbreaking. >> and given that, though, and as well as ukrainian defenses have held up until now, there does seem to be this issue of whether or not russia is trying to escalate things further. widen their assault. we've had the port city of odesa struck a few times now, we had the incident earlier in the week that happened in moldova, still not clear what those explosions there were about. what is the capacity for russia to continue this in the months to come, meaning to continue to press forward in the east but at the same time have these destabilizing strikes not just in odesa, perhaps moldova, but also in the capital kyiv? i mean, they had missile strikes there when the u.n. s secretary-general was visiting. >> i think they have the capacity to press. russian armed forces are ten times larger in manpower than ukraine, they have much more armored tanks, armored vehicles. but some experts say that they are running out of high precision ballistic missiles. think about it, they have fired over 1300 missiles on ukraine cities. so they are doing a mass destruction by missiles. some places like mariupol, 80% destroyed. smaller towns, 70%, 60% of civilian housing is destroyed. and they will continue this of course as much as they can. but also as much as ukrainian armed forces will allow. that is why that meeting that took place in ramstein last week with a very strong coalition of 40 nations setting up a special ukrainian coordination task force to provide rapidly ukrainian air defense, a counter-navy, you know, equipment. and more armored vehicles, more tanks. this will change the situation on the ground and clearly will allow ukrainians to contain russian aggression not to allow putin to have any victory that is solid and convincing and also possibly counterattack in the south around kherson. so we'll see a lot of battles going on in the southeastern of ukraine. >> it was interesting that nato meeting earlier in the week, it does seem that that is a pivot in terms of strategy going forward. appreciate your input. and now, when we come back, more deadly violence in the middle east, clashes between israeli forces and palestinians break out as two separate shootings kill people on both sides of the conflict. we'll have that for you straight ahead. it's everywhere. but for someone to be able to work from here, there has to be someone here making sure everything is safe. secure. consistetent. so log in from here. or here. assurered that someone is here ready to fix anything.g. anytime. anywhere. even here. that's because nobody... and i mean nobody... makes hybrid work, work better. israeli police arrested two palestinians they say are suspects in the killing of an israeli guard late friday night. earlier they detained two others in connection with the attack. this comes during a rise in violence that started in early march. in a separate incident, the palestinian authority of health said saturday that israeli forces shot and killed a palestinian man in the west bank. the israeli military says it was conducting counterterrorism activity when a number of people through molotov cocktails at the soldiers. journalist elliott gotkin is joining us. this to and fro is fairly familiar, as they say the suspects are in custody. but it has to be an unnerving situation for all at this point. >> of course it is a concern. before the past month began, there was hope that there wouldn't be an uptick this violence, there were calls to ensure that there was a peaceful month of ramadan and also passover and easter, which all kind of coincided at the same time this year. unfortunately, that hasn't been the case. we have seen clashes between israeli security forces and worshippers and palestinians. and as you say in this latest incident, we saw gunmen killing an israeli security guard north of jerusalem. n now, according to the security forces, this guard actually put himself between the gunman and a female security guard who reportedly was his fiance to protect her and she was unharmed. and as you said, the suspects were detained later on saturday. and then in a separate incident, we also had clashes between security forces and palestinians, a 27-year-old palestinian man was killed, and then there were further clashes with security forces at that man's funeral. unfortunately there seems no sign that this uptick in violence that we've seen is going to be abating anytime soon. we've seen 13 israelis and two foreign workers in israel killed by palestinians or israeli arabs over the past month, we've seen 31 palestinians killed in clashes with israeli security forces since march 22. but if there is a positive, it is that we haven't seen a wide scale escalation of the sort we saw almost a year ago when of course there was a major conflict between israel and the hamas-run gaza strip. and we saw major clashes inside israel too. that hasn't happened. so i suppose you look for positives wherever you can find them. >> absolutely. and as you point out, the violence certainly about this time last year was quite grave. and again we'll continue to keep an eye on this. appreciate the update. meantime police in afghanistan say an explosion in a residential neighborhood killed one and wounded three others on saturday, the incident highlights the growing security concerns in the afghan capital. a day earlier an explosion at a mosque killed at least ten and wounded dozens more. arwa damon reports a wave of deadly attacks in recent weeks has people increasingly on edge. >> reporter: at this packed marketplace in kabul, shoppers wander through the stalls of dried fruits, nuts and sweets. they are preparing for the holiday. but despite the bustling scene, the anticipation of laughter and love-filled gatherings with friends and family. there is an inescapable sense of caution, unease. this is a crowded public space. and in afghanistan, that means potential danger. >> translator: the security situation is still not good. there is some security but the kind of security the people were expecting is still not there. >> reporter: this was the first ramadan in afghanistan since the taliban regained control of the country last summer. and even though the taliban said that it would bring security to the country and protect its often-targeted minorities like shia communities, a series of brutal attacks have rattled several afghan cities in recent weeks. mosques have been targeted especially during friday prayers. on friday, a blast ripped through a mosque in kabul. witnesses say there were so many wounded, it took hours to transport the victims to hospital. there was a similar attack the previous week at a mosque in the north of the country. killing at least 33 people. the fear so pervasive, worshippers say it is never far from their minds. >> translator: i was very much preoccupied with thoughts and fear. i was thinking a suicide attacker explosion will happen at any moment now. or the mosque will be attacked. not only me, but every afghan has this fear in his heart. >> reporter: the taliban could be demmed the attacks on the two mosques and also targeted recently a school and a learning facility in a shia neighborhood in kabul where at least six people died nearly two weeks ago. ♪ the isis affiliate in afghanistan which often targets shia has claimed responsibility for several attacks during the ramadan period. >> translator: how long will such incidents continue? afghanistan situation is so bad. we have no secure place to live. >> reporter: many are questioning if the taliban government can actually live up to its promises to bring stability to the country. and so as afghans celebrate this year, that sense of apprehension they have lived with for so long, it just continues. arwa damon, cnn. mean time, it has been hotter than normal spring in parts of the world. on friday two cities in pakistan set a new record for the highest temperature in the northern hemisphere for that date, 47 degrees celsius or 116.6 degrees fahrenheit, to be exact. at the same time the minister of climate change warns of possible glacial floods in the area due to the heatwave. and india as well, temperatures during the prolonged heatwave have been above average by several degrees since march. particularly in northern and northwestern regions including new delhi. monsoon winds and rains are expected to bring some relief, but that won't happen before june. universal studios beijing will be closed starting today because of the covid-19 outbreak. the theme park did not say when it might reopen. and after several weeks in lockdown, shanghai reported nearly 7900 new covid cases saturday and 38 deaths. but those numbers are down slightly over the past few days. now, shanghai is the engine of china's $18 trillion economy. and the city's strict covid lockdown could come at a heavy cost. kristie lu stout explains for us. >> reporter: it is china's biggest and most affluent city, and the streets have been empty for weeks. shanghai is battling its worst ever covid-19 outbreak determined to crush it with its zero covid policy. it comes at a steep cost to its economy and has implications for the world. >> we're forecasting that the lockdown in shanghai will rock china's economy, you know, shanghai is an economic powerhouse, it holds one of the two stock exchanges, shanghai's port counts for something like 3% of global through-put at any given time. >> reporter: shanghai is home to the world's biggest container port, and it remains operational, but according to logistics platform project 44, on april 18, some ships had been diverted away due to truck shortages. but the containers are piling up at the port waiting on average for 12 days before they are picked up and delivered compared to just over four days in late march. shanghai is also a major aviation hub, but the outbreak has forced the suspension of many flights causing air freight rates to sky rocket. all of this is putting even more pressure on global supply chains. >> this is having a supply shock, a lot of these shipments now can't leave the ports, can't leave the airports in shanghai. and these are goods which are ultimately going to europe and the u.s. it is going to push prices up, we're going to see more inflationary pressure. >> reporter: the zero covid strategy has also forced many factories in shanghai to suspend operations. the apple supplier pegatron has suspended production. and volkswagen and tesla factories have been shut for weeks. production has resumed at tesla with elon musk saying that tesla shanghai is coming back with a vengeance. but the company warned it too is not immune from supply chain problems. >> authorities in shanghai are trying to get essential production plants open under what they call a closed loop system. that means that their staff actually sleep on the premises, on the factory floors, eat there, don't leave them, don't go home. but the problem is that there is a lot of staff who don't want to do that and there is a shortage of parts to get the factories reopened. so it will be a global problem. >> reporter: an analyst warns that the economic pain caused by zero covid strategy could spiral under control saying that implementing the strategy in an excessive manner by itself could lead to disruption on the supply chain, mass unemployment, and this could translate into social sp political instability, exactly what the zero covid strategy wants to avoid. and yet there is still no end in sight. bottom line from china watchers to the world, brace yourselves for the fallout. kristie lu stout, cnn, hong kong. and i want to thank you for joining us. for international viewers, "inside africa" is next. but watching here in the united states or canada, i will be right back and we'll bring you up-to-date on the latest in ukraine. stay with us. do you find yourself buried in paper? this is the end. the end of paper. the epson rapid rereceipt smart organizer easiy scans all your documents. paper goes in and stress goes away. it's the only solution on the market specifically designed to extract and digitize key data trapped on receipts and invoices and it integrates with financial software like quickbooks and turbotax. transform paper documents like contracts, tax records, warranties, wills even recipes into searchable pdfs. so the information is always right at 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will include not only civilians but also wounded troops. and zelenskyy is warning russia that its military is in for more losses in the invasion continues. listen. >> translator: the russian command is well aware that thousands more russian soldiers will be killed and thousands more will be wounded in the coming weeks. but why do the russian soldiers themselves need this? why do their families need this? russian commanders lie to their soldiers saying that they will face some serious responsibility for refusing to fight. >> meantime russian military unit accused of atrocities in bucha has been redeployed near kharkiv according to the head of ukraine's renlgional administration in that city. they have liberated several towns in recent weeks, but as we hear in this report, russian artillery is not giving a break to kharkiv. >> reporter: this is what living on the frontline of russia's invasion looks like. homes in kharkiv no longer resemble that. a child's toy disfigured. a metaphor for so many child childhoods. and yet the people fleeing a nearby village, the city offers relative safety. this woman's home was burned last night. the house burned down, we have no place to say, she says. it is scary. meanwhile russia released this footage of a ballistic missile launch as it concentrates its offensive on the east of uk ukraine. they have enough artillery and aircraft to destroy the entire donbas says ukraine's president just as they destroyed mariupol, the city now a russian concentration camp he says in the middle of ruins. this is what he is talking about. a seaside city now apocalyptic. >> every day people are dying and every day they have less food, water, medicine. >> reporter: the wives of ukrainian troops trapped there are calling for international help to evacuate both civilians and soldiers. >> mariupol have to have a chance and to not only civilians, we come here to rescue our soldiers too bec because -- sorry. >> reporter: julia like so many ukrainians wants the world to listen and take action. >> and our thanks there to rebecca of it ghchlt. as she was telling us, millions are forced to flee their homes. and alex and his family are among those who have been forced to run. we first introduced you to alex last month on cnn. he is a father of three, using social media to document daily life raising a family, if you can believe it, in a warzone. here is a video he posted singing a beatles tune to his newborn son. ♪ yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away, now it looks as though they are here to stay, oh, i believe in yesterday ♪ ♪ suddenly ♪ >> such a beautiful video. and there is another one that he shared, he says it shows what is left of his apartment building after a russian attack. we checked in with ale lex saturday and he says that he will not let the war dampen his spirits. >> this has lasted for eight years, not just months. so we are kind of used to that. of course it is a totally different level. but, you know, we're going to stay as long as needed. ukrainians are ready to survive, ukrainians are ready to fight. and we will fight to the end. if it takes months or years, doesn't matter. we need to liberate our land. >> as you can imagine from what we've shown you here on cnn, the number of ukrainians who have fled their country because of war continues to grow. it now stands at more than 5.4 million people, that is according to a u.n. estimate. and that is roughly the same as the respective populations of slovakia or norway. think of it. the u.n. also says far more ukrainians are stranded near ba battlelines because of security concerns and damage to roads and bridges. actress jolel angelina joli meantime was seen in lviv saturday. she visited children at a boarding school, a medical institution and also went to a train station to meet with the displaced. she expressed her gratitude to the volunteers. >> very complicated at this time. >> yes. >> but i imagine just to have a room where somebody shows that they care and is listening is so important. >> ukrainian journalist says that she ran into jolie during a coffee run on the outskirts of lviv. and many people inside the cafe didn't even notice her. the u.n.'s refugee agency says that they are not involved in jolie's visit and she is in ukraine in her personal capacity. actor orlando bloom has been meeting with ukrainian refugees as well paying a visit to those who fled moldova. and he says their new reality is in his words heartwrenching. he told jim acosta it is partly because the refugees complaint imagine what is next. >> it was just so painful to see just the fear and shteer terror. the feeling of war, but where do they go from there, where do they find a home and where do they relocate and how long will that be for. they all want to return to their home in ukraine, they don't want to leave their partners behind. unicef has done a remarkable job of setting up what is called blue dots. a child friendly space for the women and children to go to. >> and bloom also says that he met a family whose town was bombed just the night before. and they escaped with little more than the clothes on their backs. unfortunately, those stories all-too common. if you would like to safely and securely help people in ukraine who might be in need of shelter, food and water, please go to you will find several ways to help and tens of thousands of you have already done so. parts of the u.s. hit by almost two dozen tornadoes this weekend. i'll remind you the weekend isn't over. the latest on the storms sweeping the country from the cnn weather center, that is ahead. with age comes more... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a a powerful .5% retinol that's alslso gentle on skin. for r wrinkle results in one week. neutrogena®. fofor people with skin. i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy fe insurance if on a fixed budget,5, 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the mobile service designed for small business: comcast business mobile. flexible data plans mean you can get unlimited data or pay by the gig. all on the most reliable 5g network. with no line activation fees or term contracts... saving you up to $500 a year. and it's only available to comcast business internet customers. so boost your bottom line by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities.™ cleanup is under way in kansas after at least seven tornadoes swept through the state friday night. on saturday crews worked get the power back up in the area. city officials say several people had minor injuries, but thankfully no deaths were reported. dozens of homes meantime were hit and the extent of the damage is still being assessed. >> it is really sad. i hate seeing my family cry because they lost everything. i hate that all these things are like gone. i keep thinking like what now and like i have nothing, but like trying to stay positive because last night was really terrible. a lot of tears. so it is just hard to see. >> it certainly is hard. cnn meteorologist derek van dam is joining me now. you feel for those people. unfortunately more severe weather to come? >> yeah, i was listening to that brave woman who endured the tornado and the sights and sounds are familiar to myself as well, on the ground for multiple tornado aftermaths and just hearings sounds of the alarms in the background, seeing the homes destroyed. and that is the scene when you see the tornado or moments just after the end of the tornado. and what struck kansas friday evening, what is terrifying thing to witness and be a part of. fortunately there weren't fatalities, but our hearts go out to the people who were injured within that particular storm. national weather service issued a statement saying that that was actually an ef-3, that is an enhanced fujita scale that is measuring the wind and damage from the tornado. and get that, 165-mile-per-hour winds out of that tornado at least possible. we're about 120% of average for tornados. it has been an extremely active very busy spring season for the country. it was a bit of a reprieve yesterday because we only had six tornado reports including one just west of downtown chicago. but nonetheless, it has been extremely active. and like paula mentioned, it won't stop here. we have a multiday severe weather event taking place from today right through monday once again. and by monday afternoon and evening, the same areas that got struck so hard in kansas, the andover region, will be under an enhanced risk for severe storms again. but today texas panhandle, keep an eye to the sky. amarillo, lubbock to mid land. there were stronger storms across louisiana and northern mississippi, but they have died down. we don't have the daytime heating from the sun. but that will change this afternoon all thanks to this low pressure system that is actually attached to this cold front and that is going to bring us our next round of severe weather from today right into monday. so very busy weather continuing once again. >> yeah, a lot to keep track of there and we hope certainly that it does not turn out to be severe. derek, appreciate it. mean time the country music world is remembering one of it most iconic singers. ♪ train your heart and mind, love can build a bridge ♪ >> naomi judd passed away suddenly saturday at the age of 76. the judds rose to fame with hits like "love can billed a bridge" and "mama he's crazy." they went on to win countless awards and of course become country music reoyalty. >> wou >> wouldher daughters saying th today we sisters experienced a tragedy. we lost our beautiful mother to the disease of mental illness. we are shattered. we are in unknown territory. a ton of celebrities have taken to social media to express their condolences, carrie underwood tweeting country music lost a true legend. sing with the angels. and they were a dynamic duo with five grammy awards with a ton of hit songs, 14 number one songs in their decades-long career. and sunday they were supposed to be inducted into the country music hall of fame. back to you. >> and we will be right back after a short break. ♪ love can build a bridge, don't you think it's time ♪ are you a christian author with a book that you're ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! sglee . actor johnny depp oand ambe heard had a bitter divorce and their court case is revealing just how troubled their marriage was. polo sandoval wraps up the week. >> it was back to the witness stand for actor johnny depp at the start of week three in his defamation case against ex-wife amber heard. both are accusing the other of acts of physical violence during their relationship. they have both denied the allegations. >> the only person that i have ever abused in my life is myself. >> depp is suing heard for $50 million over a 2018 "washington post" op-ed in which she described herself as a public figure representing domestic abuse. depp not mentioned but he maintains that it cost him lucrative acting gigs. and he referred to his marriage to heard as horrific. he also recalled a recorded conversation between the two actors after an incident in which part of depp's finger was severed off by a bottle allegedly thrown by heard. >> i really did think that i was going to lose my life and i thought that you would do it on accident. and i told you that. i said oh, my god, i thought -- >> [ bleep ] a finger, man, come on. i had a [ bleep ] can thrown at my nose. >> it was a fair fight. see what the jury and judge think. tell the world, johnny, tell them johnny depp, i, johnny depp, i'm a victim too of domestic violence. and it is a fair fight. >> what did you say in response when ms. heard said tell the world, johnny, tell them johnny depp, i, johnny depp, a man, i'm a victim too of domestic violence. >> i said yes. i am. >> reporter: during cross-examination, heard's attorney brought up a barrage of bad press that predated the op-ed that he argued may have been what derailed depp's career. >> where did it all go wrong for johnny depp? after a string of flops and a ton of bad press, johnny depp's star power looks as wobbly as jack sparrow on a plank. did i read that right? >> you read that very well. >> reporter: tuesday a forensic psychologist told a jury that heard suffers from several personality disorders and that she does not suffer from post-traumatic stress from her marriage to depp. >> one of the primary things i learned is that she had a very sophisticated way of minimizing any personal problems. >> reporter: heard's lawyers in turn grilled the psychologist about possible bias toward depp and questioned her analysis. also this week, heard's op-ed piece dominated testimony as the jury was told about the aclu's involvement in helping her draft it. you see heard continues to be an ambassador for the organization focusing on women's rights. depp's attorney brought up internal aclu emails showing people inside the organization knew when heard wrote about alleged abuse in her marriage, she was referencing depp. >> is it also true that there were some at the aclu who expressed their belief that excising those references to her marriage and divorce from johnny depp made the op-ed less impactful, correct? >> correct. >> reporter: that line of questioning could be significant because depp claims the public knew who heard was writing about in her essay. however, it will be up to the jury to decide if that is heard's fault and if it is defamation. heard is expected to take the stand as her side's first witness with weeks still to go in the trial. it is unclear when that will be. elon musk was listed as a potential witness in this case. he dated amber heard not long after her marriage to depp ended. also according to testimony from the aclu attorney, he donated about half a million dollars to the aclu, part of a larger pledge from heard. however sources close to musk's legal term confirm that he will likely not testify, though they did not say exactly why. already the jury has heard from about two witnesses in addition to johnny depp and the list of witnesses continues to grow. polo sandoval, cnn, new york. to washington now and the annual white house correspondence association dinner. and it made a grand return saturday after a two year hiatus because of the pandemic. it featured president biden, journalists, government officials and, yes, celebrities. the night was filled with jokes, roasting mr. biden, the republican party, and the news media, including cnn. here is part of mr. biden's lighthearted speech. >> i'm really excited to be here tonight with you. only group of americans with a lower approval rating than i have. this is the first time a president attended this dinner in six years. [ applause ] it is understandable. we had a horrible plague followed by two years of covid. >> all right. the dinner is not just a party, it of course honors journalists for their work, raises money importantly for scholarships and pays tribute to the first amendment which protects freedom of speech and the media in the united states. now, supporting relief efforts in ukraine can now be as easy as, yep, ordering a beer. anheuser-busch is brewing a popular ukrainian beer to sell in the united states. the lager will be sold in numerous cities starting this month. profits will benefit people impacted by the war and plus the company will donate at least $5 million to aid groups. okay. i'm paula newton. we'll have more of our breaking news coverage from the war in ukraine in a moment. stay with us. this is cnn. as a business owner, your bottom line is always top of mind. so start saving by switching to the mobile service designed for small business: comcast business mobile. flexible data plans mean you can get unlimited data or pay by the gig. all on the most reliable 5g network. with no line activation fees or term contracts... saving you up to $500 a year. and it's only available to comcast business internet customers. so boost your bottom line by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities.™ . this is cnn breaking news. >> hello, and a warm welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm paula newton live in atlanta, and we begin with an unannounced visit to ukraine's capitol by a group of u.s. lawmakers led by speaker of the house nancy pelosi. this post shows a delegation

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Judd , The Judds Rose To Fame , 76 , Reoyalty , Awards , Tragedy , Th , Saying , Mother , Disease , Mental Illness , Wou Wouldher Daughters , Celebrities , Ton , Condolences , Legend , Territory , Carrie Underwood , Grammy Awards , Career , Angels , Hit Songs , Duo , Number One , Five , 14 , Country Music Hall Of Fame , It S Time , Publisher , Author , Book , Kit , Christian , Johnny Depp , Oand Ambe Heard , Divorce , Sglee , Marriage , Amber Heard , Court Case , Defamation Case , Witness Stand For Actor , Polo Sandoval , Person , Both , In My Life , Allegations , Acts , Relationship , Other , Washington Post , 50 Million , 2018 , 0 Million , Abuse , It Cost , Figure , Acting Gigs , Op Ed In , Finger , Bottle , Actors , Conversation , Bleep , Accident , Come On , God , Jury , Domestic Violence , Victim , Nose , Think , Judge , Ms , Cross Examination , Attorney , Barrage , Press , Go , String , Bad Press , Flops , Star Power , Op Ed , Plank , Personality Disorders , Tuesday A Forensic 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