Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240708 : com

Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240708

and a new online craze, daredevil pilots on a mission for social media clicks. but now the feds are cracking down. welcome to "the lead." i'm jake tapper. we start today with our world lead and a massive request from joe biden who asked congress for $33 billion to support ukraine. a clear sign as he sees this war as existential to democracies beyond ukraine. >> cost of this fight is not cheap, but it will be most costly to allow this to happen. we either back the ukrainian people as they defend their country, or we stand by as the russians continue their atrocities and aggression in ukraine. >> this proposal is now in the hands of congress, where already some republicans are raising concerns about the size and scope of the package. the proposal includes more than $20 billion in military and security aid. $8.5 billion in economic health for the ukrainian government and civilians. and $3 billion for humanitarian assistance. ukrainian leaders say more aid and weapons can not arrive soon enough. with russia intensifying its attacks in the east and south of that country. mariupol police say the city's steel plant where hundreds of innocent civilians, as well as soldiers are sheltering, mariupol is suffering the heaviest air strikes so far from the russians, and the russian forces executed ukrainians who were attempting to surrender in the east we're told. also this afternoon, the mayor of kyiv confirming two russian strikes in the ukrainian capital after a meeting between the ukrainian president and the u.n. secretary-general. let's get straight to cnn's sam kylie who is live for us in ukraine. the u.s. says it also has credible reports of ukrainians killed execution style with their hands bound. how does that fit in with the larger picture of russian tactics in this war? >> reporter: this claim coming from the united states' new ambassador for international human rights. now, she's saying that they have this credible evidence, jake, of a group of fighters, of soldiers from the ukrainian armed forces atemtempting to surrender. if the allegations are correct, successfully surrendering in that these bodies were found with their hands tied and shot execution style. the nature of that evidence, we have not yet learned from the united states. of course, we have had no corroboration here on the ground. but it is the sort of thing now that one would be -- it would be natural frankly to expect after what happened in bucha with the murder of civilians in an area under russian control. with recent reporting now from anderson cooper and others of the murders there, and have been very carefully cataloged. the naming indeed of ten people involved in human rights abuses from the russian armed forces are already being named by investigators here in ukraine. it should be understood that this is the sort of thing that the russians were quick likely to do, given the use of bombardment of civilian areas, all of which are illegal under international law. >> the city where you are would be russia's strategic prize for russia's battle for eastern crime. are they making any progress on the ground near you? >> reporter: yes, they are, jake. they captured a day and a half or so ago a town and pressing on. those two towns that are to the north. essentially what the russians are doing, if young imagine a map of ukraine with an area like that, surrounded on three sides. it's a big area, the russians are fighting across a front of more than 500 miles. coming in from the north, they are trying to press down towards the southeast towards my location now. and they're trying to cut this location off with a thrust due south, potentially trying to meet up with troops, if their troops can be released or they have advances up from mariupol. now, that's quite a big ambition. in the meantime, they are incrementally trying to capture towns along the northern side of the river. the concern, i think, for supporters of ukraine in the international community and ukrainian government itself is that the russians may -- even if the russians were stopped at the river, they will have expanded territory under pro russian control, dig in and prove very difficult to dislodge. one of the reasons the ukrainians are keen to see this bill going through the u.s. congress and to see the additional money being promised from other european allies is they know they have a small amount of time before the russians consolidate, to get that more modern, superior weaponry into the hands of the outnumbered ukrainian soldiers before it's too late and the russians start overwhelming them. at the moment, it's fairly evenly balanced. but it is just about the moment in the russian's favor. they are slowly advancing, jake. >> cnn's sam kylie live for us in ukraine. thank you so much. joe biden today calling on congress to approve the additional $33 billion in aid for ukraine as quickly as possible. cnn's caitlin collins takes a closer look at what is in this funding request and the twhous push to get it across the finish line. >> reporter: joe biden asking congress for a $33 billion boost to ukraine. >> it's going to keep weapons and ammunition flowing without interruption through the brave ukrainian fighters and continue to deliver assistance to the ukrainian people. >> reporter: the price tag for the new funding is more than double the last aid package, and could last ukraine for the next five months. as biden says the cost of this fight isn't cheap. >> it will be more costly if which allow it to happen. we either back the ukrainian people as they defend their country or stand by as the russians continue their atrocities and aggression in ukraine. >> reporter: of the $33 billion that he's asking congress for, over $20 billion is for military assistance, $8.5 billion to keep the ukrainian government running. if approved, it would bring the spending on the war in ukraine to nearly $50 billion. >> we're not attacking russia. we're helping ukraine defend itself. >> reporter: biden asking lawmakers to act quickly, but it remains to seen if it's tied up this covid-19 funding and immigration. >> on both ukraine funding and covid funding, republican obstruction will not serve the american people. >> reporter: today, biden asked for the power to sell off the assets of russian oligarchs, and use the proceeds to help ukraine. >> we're going to see their yachts, luxury homes. >> reporter: after rejecting moscow's claim that nato is fighting a proxy war with russia, biden condemned the nuclear saber rattling from high-ranking russians. >> no one should make idle comments about the use of nuclear weapons or the possibility. it's irresponsible. >> reporter: biden speaking hours after trevor reed, the former u.s. marine he freed from russian detention, touched down on u.s. soil for the first time since 2019. when it comes to this $33 billion request that he's made, the white house is putting a deadline on when they want congress to pass that new number. they only have about $250 million left in the authority that joe biden has to send more military assistance to ukraine. one thing she did say that will be very important for lawmakers who are listening in, they don't necessarily believe it needs to be tied to the covid-19 funding. that is something that could complicate it. how congress handles it remains to be seen. >> kaitlan collins, thank you so much. joining us now is ned price. thank you for joining us. this is obviously a massive ask, $33 billion. senate republican whip john thune said there's big interest to give ukraine more aid, but these numbers kind of get eye popping after a while. eye guarantees congress will pass this? >> we know that congress has generously already supported our strategy in ukraine, and we're requesting this because it will allow us to continue that strategy, a strategy that has proven effective. just think about where we are. we're more than two months into this conflict. we have every indication to believe that vladamir putin, within a couple of days, or a matter of a few weeks, thought that he would be the de facto leader of ukraine, with a proxy government installed. instead, his forces have been pushed out of large forces of the country. his forces concentrating in the south and the east. the fact is ukrainians have been able with their grit and courage, have been able to repel russian forces. but a key enabler has been the assistance we've been able to provide. $3.8 billion since february 24th when the invasion began. as you heard from kaitlan, much of this will go to additional security assistance. $20.5 billion to provide the ukrainians over the coming months with what they will need for the battle in the east. the battle in the south. the battle in the donbas, where the russians are now concentrating their firepower. >> and you refer to the united states as a key enabler of the ukrainian military, the ukrainian people. let's talk about the key enabler of the russians, because today russian state energy gas giant reported record profits in 2021. isn't it a fact that this war is likely going to continue until the europeans stop paying, i've heard estimates of up to $1 billion a day to russia for russian fuel? >> we have seen significant steps. of course, the united states has taken significant steps in the form of an executive order the president signed a number of weeks ago. but we've been clear, this country, with the energy infrastructure we have here, can do things others can't, including countries in europe. still, we have seen countries in the european union take important steps away from importing russian fossil fuels. we have a two-prong strategy. we are surging assets and energy, including liquid natural gas and oil to our partners and allies in europe. we're doing that including by undertaking coordinated draw downs from strategic petroleum reserves, doing this with countries around the world. that's in the near term to offset any energy price shocks and to make sure that the global supply of energy is steady. we're also for the that the that we have emerged through this winter. so as the temperatures get warmer, the dependance on russian oil will lessen even further. over the longer term, we have established a program, a task force in fact, with the european union, to affect this transition away from russian fossil fuels fully, and to move in the direction of renewables. we want to see to it, that no country, in europe or anywhere else around the globe, can ever again be held hostage to russian energy flows. we have seen russia weaponize energy flows before. that's what they have done to ukraine. we want to see to it they can't do this ever again. >> trevor reed is now back in the u.s. after nearly three years of being detained in russia, which is great news. but we should note u.s. citizen paul whelan, another former marine, who is still imprisoned in russia, released a statement saying why was i left behind? while i am pleased trevor is home, i have been held on a fictitious charge for 40 months. why hasn't more been done to secure my release. do you have an answer for mr. whelan and his family or mr. brittney griner and her family? >> he's right. it's a case we're working on and working on the case of brittney griner, as well. look, this president has made a clear commitment to bring home americans who are unjustly detained, held hostage around the world. we made good on that commitment once again yesterday. that adds to the countries from which we brought home americans who have been unjustly detained from afghanistan, venezuela, haiti, burma and as of yesterday, russia. trevor reed is reunited with his family in texas where he arrived this morning. but we made clear yesterday that our work is not finished. it is not finished in russia or countries across the world that are unjustly holding americans against their will. when it comes to paul whelan, we are working with his family and doing everything we can to try to get him -- see him released from russian custody as soon as we can. when it comes to brittney griner, we are working closely with her team and network, with the wnba, providing precisely all the forms of support we can. a senior embassy official was able to visit her. we are continuing to press the russians to live up to their obligation to provide us with regular, consistent consular access and every american. >> ned price, thank you so much. there's the emotional scars of this war. a 12-year-old girl kidnapped and rescued. how this invasion is leaving a lasting impact on some of its youngest victims. plus, the u.s. economy shrinking for the first time since the early days of the covid pandemic. what this might mean as some economists warn a recession may be near. this dad and daughter were driving when they got a crack in their windshield. 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the next quarter is very un unlikely to be negative, as well. there were unique factors about this set of numbers. however, if you look, jake, at the wider economic position, there is cause for concern. while the white house has tried to spin this as a one off, they cannot ignore the fact that more and more private economists, those working for big banks and the like, are now saying a recession in the u.s. is likely next year, as the fed raises interest rates. so it is a murky picture, which this particular number today, while maybe not crucially important, is giving a bell of alarm. >> we should note, as presidents do, the number that are not all bad were emphasized by mr. biden today. take a listen. >> yeah. >> i'm not concerned about a recession. i mean, you're always concerned about a recession, but the gdp, you know, 1.4%. but here's the deal. but last quarter, consumer business and business investment increased at a significant rate, both for leisure, as well as hard products, number one. number two, the -- unemployment is at the lowest rate since 1970. >> how do you explain this mixed pitch? what is your response to what you heard there? >> he says he's not concerned too much about a recession. there's not much he can do about it any way, to be blunt. first of all, there's the underlying economic situation. make a list here. inflation already in the system from the monetary policy of the last few years. you have the supply short from covid. the high oil prices from the ukraine war. the ukraine war itself and the problems of european slowdown. you then got worries about what will happen next. and you've got china currently on shutdown. now, put all that together, throw in the fed, which is absolutely terrified now by 8.5% inflation rate in the united states, the highest for 40 years, and talk of a half percentage rate rises for the foreseeable next few meetings. no, there's not a lot the president could do even if he wanted to. this is a cake that is well and truly baking at the moment, the ingredients are all there, and it really just depends on how the fed is going to move as a result of the way they see it rising at the moment. >> richard quest, thank you for your insight as always. coming up, the news many young kids have been waiting to hear. the first covid vaccine ready for children 5 and younger. but how long until shots can be approved to go into those little arms? 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johnson & johnson, are made to protect against the original strain that came out of china. and the vaccines were very good at preventing serious disease caused by the subsequent strains, alpha, delta. but these vaccines are not as preventing against the newer variants, the omicron, these ba-2 subvariants. so what those subvariants are, it's just what you would expect. what you would also expect is that these children would be expected against severe disease. >> what sort of timetable should parents expect for the fda to grant emergency approval? moderna applied today, so what is the timeline do you think? >> i think it's likely the advisory committee will consider this in june, and then we need to see all the data to see if we do recommend it. then it goes to the fda and it agrees with that recommendation or doesn't, then to the centers for disease control and preventions advisory committee, which would again agree or not. once considered by the fda advisory committee, a week or week and a half assuming everything goes smooth. >> the fda advisory committee won't consider it until june? it's april right now. does it take a month to review the data? why the delay? >> the fda makes those decisions. they usually set aside dates in may, june, and forward and take those dates away as we get closer. right now, the meetings that are scheduled are scheduled in june. >> okay. i would just say -- >> why not until joune? you have to ask the fda. >> on behalf of my staff with two children under the age of 5, if anyone from the fda is listening, maybe before june would be good. pfizer will submit its data and fauci is weighing to consider emergency use authorization for both vaccines for young kids. could that slow down the process further given that pfizer hasn't submitted anything yet? >> i'm not sure i understand why. the moderna vaccine is a two dose vaccine which has been completed and submitted to the fda. the pfizer vaccine is a three-dose vaccine. we certainly have considered vaccines separately before. we considered the pfizer and moderna vaccine separately. so i'm not sure where the feeling is we can't do that separately. i think the american public could understand there are differences among those or between those vaccines, as long as we explain it well. >> dr. fauci caused a stir after he appeared to declare the covid pandemic over. he clarified by saying the country is moving into a transitional phase of the pandemic. are we still in the pandemic? how will we know when we're not? >> well, so right now we have about 90% population immunity, from vaccination or natural infection or both. and what you're seeing is -- when you see outbreaks now, for example, an outbreak in new york city or philadelphia, what you don't see subsequent to those outbreaks is a dramatic increase in hospitalization or death, that's good. these vaccines are doing what you want them to do, which is to protect against serious illness. the definition of moving beyond that into an endemic or epidemic period, you go about your day normally. two years before this pandemic hit, influenza caused 800,000 hospitalizations and 60,000 deaths in the united states. that didn't change the way we live, work, or play because we accept that. we'll get to that with this virus. where we go about our life as normal and just accept that level of illness. >> thank you so much. coming up, mid-air stunt pilots armed with go pros. stay with us. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of f brain performan. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. ♪ ♪ we believe there's an innovator in all of us. ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. here's to real flavors... real meals. real good. all of knorr's high quality pasta and rice sides are now made with no artificial flavors or preservatives. knorr. taste for good. 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and then sunday, an out of control cessna crashed into the arizona desert. >> we're both here and good to go. everybody is safe and sound and i guess that's the important part. >> reporter: the two veteran skydivers survived the stunt, which required two diving planes to be empty, under the control of autopilot. but days before, the faa denied the request to be exempt from the rule that requires pilots at the controls all the time. aikens did not return our multiple requests for comment. >> i can't defend it. and i don't think they can, either. >> reporter: he says the faa will likely pursue larger punishment. especially since the agency just revoked the silence of trevor jacob, whose "i trashed my plane" youtube video has been teen more than 2 million times. the faa says he purposely caused the crash, jumping out while holding a camera attached to a selfie stick. >> he needed someone to put the brake on him. now the faa is. >> reporter: now experts fear flying has found itself at the center of over the top viral video culture, where competition for clicks is coming before good judgment. >> everyone is trying to one-up, which means you have to do the most outlandish thing. you have to do the most eye popping thing, something that will grab attention. >> reporter: red bull sponsored sunday's event, and hulu streamed it live. both declined comment. trevor jacob did not reply to our request for comment. we did speak to trent palmer, who is appealing the faa decision to have his pilot license suspended. he said he was following faa rules, even though he was flying low. >> interesting. thank you so much. now to carlton mccoy, a classically trained chef, and an expert traveler. now, in the all-new cnn original series "nomad with carlton mccoy" he takes us on a global exploration of food, music, art to discover the universal thread that is connect us all. here's a preview of his trip to the suburbs of paris. >> reporter: this isn't like a tour or anything like that. i'm here to meet with someone super special. chef francis oge, a chef here at the palace kitchen. >> it doesn't work like a regular restaurant or hotel. this is the first house of france, and we are like a display for the world. >> the chef is a first generation immigrant. he grew up in the suburbs but now cooks for the president and his wife. >> it's a pleasure to meet you. i'll be honest, i was fan boying out on your instagram. i also love like very or nate, classical french cuisine. it's about as classy as young get. food that people don't know how to cook anymore. >> today, he's preparing an old school french dish we both love. >> like a thousand leaves. >> yes, exactly. >> now, the host of "nomad carlton mccoy." so you grew up in d.c., you learned how to cook from your grandmother. you got a scholarship to the culinary school of america. only the second african american to earn the title master somelieere. >> i will say i'm very pronun pronunciation, it's not an easy word. but no, i think from where i was raised in looking at where i am now, i think that journey is giving me a pretty unique perspective on the wealth, being able to travel and cross thresholds of class and race and culture. i think my perspective in a way of connecting with people through cultural lenses, whether through food, beverage, art or music, it's become incredibly important to me. and i'm excited to, i guess, sort of show the world how i travel. >> what do you want viewers to take away from your show? >> i want them to be challenged to explore outside. when we look at paris, a lot of people think they understand. if you step outside those normals where people tend to go, you realize there are parts of parisian stories and history that aren't told, and they're equally authentic parisian identities. they just tend to be from immigrant groups, most of which have been there off for three, four generations. that really excited me. not to discount the discount what we would call a normal parisian. but it just added to the excitement and what made paris a special city. >> in this first episode, you visit the paris suburbs. there's this evolution of french identity underway. the idea of what french culture is, is changing, being redefined. so what did you find there? >> we found what you often see when, again, anywhere in the world. you realize that the concept of national identity is evolving very quickly around the world. and we realize that this vietnamese family, who had been in paris for three, four generations, that was also parisian. and we went to a soccer game where you had these families who had, again, been in the suburb for three, four generations. ancestors came from different countries around africa. that was a very authentic parisian experience. instead of making people afraid of that, if we wanted to open it up and say this is an exciting new frontier for you to explore when you go to these places to say hey, look, this is now making its way into the main stream, crossing the periphery of the city and making its way to downtown paris, so that it's now on the main stages. for me, that's something we should be excited about. also to look at what am i not exploring in my own hometown? >> the series premieres sunday at 10:00 p.m. eastern only on cnn. come back soon. best of luck. coming up, the source of all that u.s. military equipment headed to ukraine. cnn digs into how defense contractors will make a profit. stay with us. at you've saved, what you'll need, and help you build a flexible plan for cash flow designed to o last. so you can go from saving... to l living. 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>> reporter: it happened a little under four hours. president zelenskyy said there were five missiles launched at the city, one struck a 25-story apartment building, causing damage and a fire that was put out. search and rescue operations are under way say officials, but the tally is that six people were injured. president zelenskyy says this is a russian aterm to humiliate, in his words, the united nations. of course, he had just wrapped up a meeting with the u.n. secretary-general when these strikes took place. one of his advisers tweeted that on tuesday, antonio guterres was in moscow meeting with putin, and today, explosions above his head. postcard from moscow? the timing is interesting, because you recall earlier this week, russia launched a series of strikes aimed at ukraine's rail infrastructure in several places across the country. those strikes came just hours after the u.s. delegation of secretaries of state and defense had left the country safely by rail. jake? >> local

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, Trials , Medications , Drug , Prescriptions , Singlecare , Medicare , Singlecare Price First , Options , Visit Singlecare Com , Midterms , Struggle , Making Bank , Wars , Democrats Zeroing In On Gas Places , 194 , Plant , Officials , Fighting , Hurt , Missile Strikes , Scott Mcclain , Fire , Zelenskyy , Missiles , Apartment Building , Damage , Operations , Search And Rescue , 25 , Aterm , Tally , Words , Advisers , Head , Timing , Moscow , On Tuesday , Antonio Guterres , Postcard , Estate , Defense , Secretaries , Rail Infrastructure , Rail , Delegation , Local ,

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Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240708

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and a new online craze, daredevil pilots on a mission for social media clicks. but now the feds are cracking down. welcome to "the lead." i'm jake tapper. we start today with our world lead and a massive request from joe biden who asked congress for $33 billion to support ukraine. a clear sign as he sees this war as existential to democracies beyond ukraine. >> cost of this fight is not cheap, but it will be most costly to allow this to happen. we either back the ukrainian people as they defend their country, or we stand by as the russians continue their atrocities and aggression in ukraine. >> this proposal is now in the hands of congress, where already some republicans are raising concerns about the size and scope of the package. the proposal includes more than $20 billion in military and security aid. $8.5 billion in economic health for the ukrainian government and civilians. and $3 billion for humanitarian assistance. ukrainian leaders say more aid and weapons can not arrive soon enough. with russia intensifying its attacks in the east and south of that country. mariupol police say the city's steel plant where hundreds of innocent civilians, as well as soldiers are sheltering, mariupol is suffering the heaviest air strikes so far from the russians, and the russian forces executed ukrainians who were attempting to surrender in the east we're told. also this afternoon, the mayor of kyiv confirming two russian strikes in the ukrainian capital after a meeting between the ukrainian president and the u.n. secretary-general. let's get straight to cnn's sam kylie who is live for us in ukraine. the u.s. says it also has credible reports of ukrainians killed execution style with their hands bound. how does that fit in with the larger picture of russian tactics in this war? >> reporter: this claim coming from the united states' new ambassador for international human rights. now, she's saying that they have this credible evidence, jake, of a group of fighters, of soldiers from the ukrainian armed forces atemtempting to surrender. if the allegations are correct, successfully surrendering in that these bodies were found with their hands tied and shot execution style. the nature of that evidence, we have not yet learned from the united states. of course, we have had no corroboration here on the ground. but it is the sort of thing now that one would be -- it would be natural frankly to expect after what happened in bucha with the murder of civilians in an area under russian control. with recent reporting now from anderson cooper and others of the murders there, and have been very carefully cataloged. the naming indeed of ten people involved in human rights abuses from the russian armed forces are already being named by investigators here in ukraine. it should be understood that this is the sort of thing that the russians were quick likely to do, given the use of bombardment of civilian areas, all of which are illegal under international law. >> the city where you are would be russia's strategic prize for russia's battle for eastern crime. are they making any progress on the ground near you? >> reporter: yes, they are, jake. they captured a day and a half or so ago a town and pressing on. those two towns that are to the north. essentially what the russians are doing, if young imagine a map of ukraine with an area like that, surrounded on three sides. it's a big area, the russians are fighting across a front of more than 500 miles. coming in from the north, they are trying to press down towards the southeast towards my location now. and they're trying to cut this location off with a thrust due south, potentially trying to meet up with troops, if their troops can be released or they have advances up from mariupol. now, that's quite a big ambition. in the meantime, they are incrementally trying to capture towns along the northern side of the river. the concern, i think, for supporters of ukraine in the international community and ukrainian government itself is that the russians may -- even if the russians were stopped at the river, they will have expanded territory under pro russian control, dig in and prove very difficult to dislodge. one of the reasons the ukrainians are keen to see this bill going through the u.s. congress and to see the additional money being promised from other european allies is they know they have a small amount of time before the russians consolidate, to get that more modern, superior weaponry into the hands of the outnumbered ukrainian soldiers before it's too late and the russians start overwhelming them. at the moment, it's fairly evenly balanced. but it is just about the moment in the russian's favor. they are slowly advancing, jake. >> cnn's sam kylie live for us in ukraine. thank you so much. joe biden today calling on congress to approve the additional $33 billion in aid for ukraine as quickly as possible. cnn's caitlin collins takes a closer look at what is in this funding request and the twhous push to get it across the finish line. >> reporter: joe biden asking congress for a $33 billion boost to ukraine. >> it's going to keep weapons and ammunition flowing without interruption through the brave ukrainian fighters and continue to deliver assistance to the ukrainian people. >> reporter: the price tag for the new funding is more than double the last aid package, and could last ukraine for the next five months. as biden says the cost of this fight isn't cheap. >> it will be more costly if which allow it to happen. we either back the ukrainian people as they defend their country or stand by as the russians continue their atrocities and aggression in ukraine. >> reporter: of the $33 billion that he's asking congress for, over $20 billion is for military assistance, $8.5 billion to keep the ukrainian government running. if approved, it would bring the spending on the war in ukraine to nearly $50 billion. >> we're not attacking russia. we're helping ukraine defend itself. >> reporter: biden asking lawmakers to act quickly, but it remains to seen if it's tied up this covid-19 funding and immigration. >> on both ukraine funding and covid funding, republican obstruction will not serve the american people. >> reporter: today, biden asked for the power to sell off the assets of russian oligarchs, and use the proceeds to help ukraine. >> we're going to see their yachts, luxury homes. >> reporter: after rejecting moscow's claim that nato is fighting a proxy war with russia, biden condemned the nuclear saber rattling from high-ranking russians. >> no one should make idle comments about the use of nuclear weapons or the possibility. it's irresponsible. >> reporter: biden speaking hours after trevor reed, the former u.s. marine he freed from russian detention, touched down on u.s. soil for the first time since 2019. when it comes to this $33 billion request that he's made, the white house is putting a deadline on when they want congress to pass that new number. they only have about $250 million left in the authority that joe biden has to send more military assistance to ukraine. one thing she did say that will be very important for lawmakers who are listening in, they don't necessarily believe it needs to be tied to the covid-19 funding. that is something that could complicate it. how congress handles it remains to be seen. >> kaitlan collins, thank you so much. joining us now is ned price. thank you for joining us. this is obviously a massive ask, $33 billion. senate republican whip john thune said there's big interest to give ukraine more aid, but these numbers kind of get eye popping after a while. eye guarantees congress will pass this? >> we know that congress has generously already supported our strategy in ukraine, and we're requesting this because it will allow us to continue that strategy, a strategy that has proven effective. just think about where we are. we're more than two months into this conflict. we have every indication to believe that vladamir putin, within a couple of days, or a matter of a few weeks, thought that he would be the de facto leader of ukraine, with a proxy government installed. instead, his forces have been pushed out of large forces of the country. his forces concentrating in the south and the east. the fact is ukrainians have been able with their grit and courage, have been able to repel russian forces. but a key enabler has been the assistance we've been able to provide. $3.8 billion since february 24th when the invasion began. as you heard from kaitlan, much of this will go to additional security assistance. $20.5 billion to provide the ukrainians over the coming months with what they will need for the battle in the east. the battle in the south. the battle in the donbas, where the russians are now concentrating their firepower. >> and you refer to the united states as a key enabler of the ukrainian military, the ukrainian people. let's talk about the key enabler of the russians, because today russian state energy gas giant reported record profits in 2021. isn't it a fact that this war is likely going to continue until the europeans stop paying, i've heard estimates of up to $1 billion a day to russia for russian fuel? >> we have seen significant steps. of course, the united states has taken significant steps in the form of an executive order the president signed a number of weeks ago. but we've been clear, this country, with the energy infrastructure we have here, can do things others can't, including countries in europe. still, we have seen countries in the european union take important steps away from importing russian fossil fuels. we have a two-prong strategy. we are surging assets and energy, including liquid natural gas and oil to our partners and allies in europe. we're doing that including by undertaking coordinated draw downs from strategic petroleum reserves, doing this with countries around the world. that's in the near term to offset any energy price shocks and to make sure that the global supply of energy is steady. we're also for the that the that we have emerged through this winter. so as the temperatures get warmer, the dependance on russian oil will lessen even further. over the longer term, we have established a program, a task force in fact, with the european union, to affect this transition away from russian fossil fuels fully, and to move in the direction of renewables. we want to see to it, that no country, in europe or anywhere else around the globe, can ever again be held hostage to russian energy flows. we have seen russia weaponize energy flows before. that's what they have done to ukraine. we want to see to it they can't do this ever again. >> trevor reed is now back in the u.s. after nearly three years of being detained in russia, which is great news. but we should note u.s. citizen paul whelan, another former marine, who is still imprisoned in russia, released a statement saying why was i left behind? while i am pleased trevor is home, i have been held on a fictitious charge for 40 months. why hasn't more been done to secure my release. do you have an answer for mr. whelan and his family or mr. brittney griner and her family? >> he's right. it's a case we're working on and working on the case of brittney griner, as well. look, this president has made a clear commitment to bring home americans who are unjustly detained, held hostage around the world. we made good on that commitment once again yesterday. that adds to the countries from which we brought home americans who have been unjustly detained from afghanistan, venezuela, haiti, burma and as of yesterday, russia. trevor reed is reunited with his family in texas where he arrived this morning. but we made clear yesterday that our work is not finished. it is not finished in russia or countries across the world that are unjustly holding americans against their will. when it comes to paul whelan, we are working with his family and doing everything we can to try to get him -- see him released from russian custody as soon as we can. when it comes to brittney griner, we are working closely with her team and network, with the wnba, providing precisely all the forms of support we can. a senior embassy official was able to visit her. we are continuing to press the russians to live up to their obligation to provide us with regular, consistent consular access and every american. >> ned price, thank you so much. there's the emotional scars of this war. a 12-year-old girl kidnapped and rescued. how this invasion is leaving a lasting impact on some of its youngest victims. plus, the u.s. economy shrinking for the first time since the early days of the covid pandemic. what this might mean as some economists warn a recession may be near. this dad and daughter were driving when they got a crack in their windshield. 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the next quarter is very un unlikely to be negative, as well. there were unique factors about this set of numbers. however, if you look, jake, at the wider economic position, there is cause for concern. while the white house has tried to spin this as a one off, they cannot ignore the fact that more and more private economists, those working for big banks and the like, are now saying a recession in the u.s. is likely next year, as the fed raises interest rates. so it is a murky picture, which this particular number today, while maybe not crucially important, is giving a bell of alarm. >> we should note, as presidents do, the number that are not all bad were emphasized by mr. biden today. take a listen. >> yeah. >> i'm not concerned about a recession. i mean, you're always concerned about a recession, but the gdp, you know, 1.4%. but here's the deal. but last quarter, consumer business and business investment increased at a significant rate, both for leisure, as well as hard products, number one. number two, the -- unemployment is at the lowest rate since 1970. >> how do you explain this mixed pitch? what is your response to what you heard there? >> he says he's not concerned too much about a recession. there's not much he can do about it any way, to be blunt. first of all, there's the underlying economic situation. make a list here. inflation already in the system from the monetary policy of the last few years. you have the supply short from covid. the high oil prices from the ukraine war. the ukraine war itself and the problems of european slowdown. you then got worries about what will happen next. and you've got china currently on shutdown. now, put all that together, throw in the fed, which is absolutely terrified now by 8.5% inflation rate in the united states, the highest for 40 years, and talk of a half percentage rate rises for the foreseeable next few meetings. no, there's not a lot the president could do even if he wanted to. this is a cake that is well and truly baking at the moment, the ingredients are all there, and it really just depends on how the fed is going to move as a result of the way they see it rising at the moment. >> richard quest, thank you for your insight as always. coming up, the news many young kids have been waiting to hear. the first covid vaccine ready for children 5 and younger. but how long until shots can be approved to go into those little arms? 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johnson & johnson, are made to protect against the original strain that came out of china. and the vaccines were very good at preventing serious disease caused by the subsequent strains, alpha, delta. but these vaccines are not as preventing against the newer variants, the omicron, these ba-2 subvariants. so what those subvariants are, it's just what you would expect. what you would also expect is that these children would be expected against severe disease. >> what sort of timetable should parents expect for the fda to grant emergency approval? moderna applied today, so what is the timeline do you think? >> i think it's likely the advisory committee will consider this in june, and then we need to see all the data to see if we do recommend it. then it goes to the fda and it agrees with that recommendation or doesn't, then to the centers for disease control and preventions advisory committee, which would again agree or not. once considered by the fda advisory committee, a week or week and a half assuming everything goes smooth. >> the fda advisory committee won't consider it until june? it's april right now. does it take a month to review the data? why the delay? >> the fda makes those decisions. they usually set aside dates in may, june, and forward and take those dates away as we get closer. right now, the meetings that are scheduled are scheduled in june. >> okay. i would just say -- >> why not until joune? you have to ask the fda. >> on behalf of my staff with two children under the age of 5, if anyone from the fda is listening, maybe before june would be good. pfizer will submit its data and fauci is weighing to consider emergency use authorization for both vaccines for young kids. could that slow down the process further given that pfizer hasn't submitted anything yet? >> i'm not sure i understand why. the moderna vaccine is a two dose vaccine which has been completed and submitted to the fda. the pfizer vaccine is a three-dose vaccine. we certainly have considered vaccines separately before. we considered the pfizer and moderna vaccine separately. so i'm not sure where the feeling is we can't do that separately. i think the american public could understand there are differences among those or between those vaccines, as long as we explain it well. >> dr. fauci caused a stir after he appeared to declare the covid pandemic over. he clarified by saying the country is moving into a transitional phase of the pandemic. are we still in the pandemic? how will we know when we're not? >> well, so right now we have about 90% population immunity, from vaccination or natural infection or both. and what you're seeing is -- when you see outbreaks now, for example, an outbreak in new york city or philadelphia, what you don't see subsequent to those outbreaks is a dramatic increase in hospitalization or death, that's good. these vaccines are doing what you want them to do, which is to protect against serious illness. the definition of moving beyond that into an endemic or epidemic period, you go about your day normally. two years before this pandemic hit, influenza caused 800,000 hospitalizations and 60,000 deaths in the united states. that didn't change the way we live, work, or play because we accept that. we'll get to that with this virus. where we go about our life as normal and just accept that level of illness. >> thank you so much. coming up, mid-air stunt pilots armed with go pros. stay with us. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of f brain performan. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. ♪ ♪ we believe there's an innovator in all of us. ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. here's to real flavors... real meals. real good. all of knorr's high quality pasta and rice sides are now made with no artificial flavors or preservatives. knorr. taste for good. 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office, he dissolved the unit and stopped me from collaborating with the police on my cases. now home and car break-ins are on the rise because repeat offenders know they can get away with it. chesa boudin is failing to do his job. there's a better way to keep san francisco safe. recall chesa boudin now. eninternational lead, aviatn authorities are landing hard in a rash of what the faa says are made for clicks mid-air stunts. sunday, two pilots attempted a mid-airplane swap. a stunt that ended in a crash that left both pilots unharmed. but many fear flying is the latest frontier for this viral video culture, desperate for attention. >> reporter: they are high-flying spectacles meant to attract millions of views. now those behind them have become the newest targets of federal authorities. the faa has cracked down following three incidents. suspending the license of a youtube pilot, the faa said flew too low, revoking the license of the parachuter who jumped out of a airplane crashing, and then sunday, an out of control cessna crashed into the arizona desert. >> we're both here and good to go. everybody is safe and sound and i guess that's the important part. >> reporter: the two veteran skydivers survived the stunt, which required two diving planes to be empty, under the control of autopilot. but days before, the faa denied the request to be exempt from the rule that requires pilots at the controls all the time. aikens did not return our multiple requests for comment. >> i can't defend it. and i don't think they can, either. >> reporter: he says the faa will likely pursue larger punishment. especially since the agency just revoked the silence of trevor jacob, whose "i trashed my plane" youtube video has been teen more than 2 million times. the faa says he purposely caused the crash, jumping out while holding a camera attached to a selfie stick. >> he needed someone to put the brake on him. now the faa is. >> reporter: now experts fear flying has found itself at the center of over the top viral video culture, where competition for clicks is coming before good judgment. >> everyone is trying to one-up, which means you have to do the most outlandish thing. you have to do the most eye popping thing, something that will grab attention. >> reporter: red bull sponsored sunday's event, and hulu streamed it live. both declined comment. trevor jacob did not reply to our request for comment. we did speak to trent palmer, who is appealing the faa decision to have his pilot license suspended. he said he was following faa rules, even though he was flying low. >> interesting. thank you so much. now to carlton mccoy, a classically trained chef, and an expert traveler. now, in the all-new cnn original series "nomad with carlton mccoy" he takes us on a global exploration of food, music, art to discover the universal thread that is connect us all. here's a preview of his trip to the suburbs of paris. >> reporter: this isn't like a tour or anything like that. i'm here to meet with someone super special. chef francis oge, a chef here at the palace kitchen. >> it doesn't work like a regular restaurant or hotel. this is the first house of france, and we are like a display for the world. >> the chef is a first generation immigrant. he grew up in the suburbs but now cooks for the president and his wife. >> it's a pleasure to meet you. i'll be honest, i was fan boying out on your instagram. i also love like very or nate, classical french cuisine. it's about as classy as young get. food that people don't know how to cook anymore. >> today, he's preparing an old school french dish we both love. >> like a thousand leaves. >> yes, exactly. >> now, the host of "nomad carlton mccoy." so you grew up in d.c., you learned how to cook from your grandmother. you got a scholarship to the culinary school of america. only the second african american to earn the title master somelieere. >> i will say i'm very pronun pronunciation, it's not an easy word. but no, i think from where i was raised in looking at where i am now, i think that journey is giving me a pretty unique perspective on the wealth, being able to travel and cross thresholds of class and race and culture. i think my perspective in a way of connecting with people through cultural lenses, whether through food, beverage, art or music, it's become incredibly important to me. and i'm excited to, i guess, sort of show the world how i travel. >> what do you want viewers to take away from your show? >> i want them to be challenged to explore outside. when we look at paris, a lot of people think they understand. if you step outside those normals where people tend to go, you realize there are parts of parisian stories and history that aren't told, and they're equally authentic parisian identities. they just tend to be from immigrant groups, most of which have been there off for three, four generations. that really excited me. not to discount the discount what we would call a normal parisian. but it just added to the excitement and what made paris a special city. >> in this first episode, you visit the paris suburbs. there's this evolution of french identity underway. the idea of what french culture is, is changing, being redefined. so what did you find there? >> we found what you often see when, again, anywhere in the world. you realize that the concept of national identity is evolving very quickly around the world. and we realize that this vietnamese family, who had been in paris for three, four generations, that was also parisian. and we went to a soccer game where you had these families who had, again, been in the suburb for three, four generations. ancestors came from different countries around africa. that was a very authentic parisian experience. instead of making people afraid of that, if we wanted to open it up and say this is an exciting new frontier for you to explore when you go to these places to say hey, look, this is now making its way into the main stream, crossing the periphery of the city and making its way to downtown paris, so that it's now on the main stages. for me, that's something we should be excited about. also to look at what am i not exploring in my own hometown? >> the series premieres sunday at 10:00 p.m. eastern only on cnn. come back soon. best of luck. coming up, the source of all that u.s. military equipment headed to ukraine. cnn digs into how defense contractors will make a profit. stay with us. at you've saved, what you'll need, and help you build a flexible plan for cash flow designed to o last. so you can go from saving... to l living. 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>> reporter: it happened a little under four hours. president zelenskyy said there were five missiles launched at the city, one struck a 25-story apartment building, causing damage and a fire that was put out. search and rescue operations are under way say officials, but the tally is that six people were injured. president zelenskyy says this is a russian aterm to humiliate, in his words, the united nations. of course, he had just wrapped up a meeting with the u.n. secretary-general when these strikes took place. one of his advisers tweeted that on tuesday, antonio guterres was in moscow meeting with putin, and today, explosions above his head. postcard from moscow? the timing is interesting, because you recall earlier this week, russia launched a series of strikes aimed at ukraine's rail infrastructure in several places across the country. those strikes came just hours after the u.s. delegation of secretaries of state and defense had left the country safely by rail. jake? >> local

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Squawks , Teeth Sensitivity , Gum Issues , Hand In , Patients , Liberty , Payor , Sensitivity , Gum , Effect , Oral Health , Brushing , Relief , Environment , Sensodyne , Man , Everywhere , Question , Travel , Share , Johnny Cash , Shipping , Lighting , Sale , Outdoor Furniture , Wayfair , 80 , 65 , Company , Emergency Use Authorization , 51 , 37 , Adults , Results , Member , Fda S Advisory Committee , Pretty Poornumbers , Omicron Wave , Vaccines , Pfizer , Given , Johnson , Strain , Disease , Strains , Alpha , Delta , Subvariants , Variants , Omicron , Ba 2 Subvariants , Timeline , Timetable , Grant Emergency Approval , Moderna Applied Today , Committee , Data , Recommendation , Centers For Disease Control , Fda Advisory Committee Won T , Preventions Advisory Committee , Fda Advisory Committee , Delay , Decisions , June , Listening , Behalf , Age , Staff , Joune , Anything , Fauci , Pfizer Hasn T , Process , Dose Vaccine , Moderna Vaccine Separately , Separately , Feeling , Dr , Stir 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Needs , Lots , Businesses , Business Solutions , Choice , Fiber Solutions , Provider , Gigs , Speeds , 10 , Repeat Offenders , GascÓn , Car Break Ins , Organized Crime Rings , Call Today , Price Guarantee , Voice , 49 99 , 9 99 , Chesa Boudin , Unit , Office , Collaborating , Police , Cases , Rise , Safe , Job , Recall , San Francisco , Rash , Authorities , Eninternational Lead , Aviatn , Stunt , Faa , Crash , Clicks , Pilots , Flying , Fear , Swap , Stunts , Sunday , Frontier , Video Culture , Views , Spectacles , License , Pilot , Targets , Incidents , Youtube , Out Of Control Cessna , Everybody , Airplane Crashing , Parachuter , Sound , Arizona Desert , Skydivers , Part , Autopilot , Diving Planes , Comment , Rule , Requests , Aikens , I Trashed My Plane , Trevor Jacob , Agency , Punishment , Silence , 2 Million , Times , Camera , Brake , Center , Selfie Stick , Eye Popping Thing , Competition , Judgment , Trent Palmer , Event , Red Bull Sponsored Sunday , Hulu , Nomad Carlton Mccoy 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, Trials , Medications , Drug , Prescriptions , Singlecare , Medicare , Singlecare Price First , Options , Visit Singlecare Com , Midterms , Struggle , Making Bank , Wars , Democrats Zeroing In On Gas Places , 194 , Plant , Officials , Fighting , Hurt , Missile Strikes , Scott Mcclain , Fire , Zelenskyy , Missiles , Apartment Building , Damage , Operations , Search And Rescue , 25 , Aterm , Tally , Words , Advisers , Head , Timing , Moscow , On Tuesday , Antonio Guterres , Postcard , Estate , Defense , Secretaries , Rail Infrastructure , Rail , Delegation , Local ,

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