Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240708 : com

Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240708

that means 30% of the people in these bags have deliberate gunshot wounds to the head. we witnessed a continuous cycle. shuffling bodies from vehicles to storage to autopsy to storage and ultimately, preparation for burial. usually, it will be their second. most have been exhumed from temporary graves. families buy new clothes for those as a gesture of respect. but they often go unworn. they can only be laid inside the kochbl. the conditions of the bodies means dressing them is impossible. among those lying here, waiting to be collected, his family says he was killed when munitions struck his home in a small remote village. his wife victoria survived, only to endure a form of hell. intense fighting that she couldn't escape the house. victoria's brother igor says my sister had to step over her husband's body for two weeks. she had to go through it to get to food or water. the room is still covered in blood. she is very bad now. very bad. i don't know how she will live with this loss. others who grieve are living through a different form of hell. they can't find the body of the person they love. vladimir is searching for his brother leonid. he shows us where he was shot and killed. where he was buried in a shallow makeshift grave before officials exhumed the body and took it away. so vladimir has taken leave from active duty to travel through devastated communities, going from morgue to morgue, but no one can help. eventually, he is directed to a police office with a central list of the dead. he is told his brother probably hasn't been processed yet. vladimir must return to the war. he doesn't know when he will be able to come back, even if leonid's body is found. it hurts a lot, he says. it hurts a lot but we don't give up. russia has left so much death behind in areas near kyiv. some people must wait their turn to grieve. jake, at these morgues, we see prosecutors working to record and investigate crimes in the hope of one day holding someone accountable. they know it won't be easy. president putin helped prove that by now giving an award to russia's 64th separate guard motor brigade. a unit, according to the ukrainian government, which was directly involved in the atrocities in bucha. according to putin's award, they deserve commemoration for courage and professionalism. for astute and bold action during russia's special military operation in ukraine. >> they're proud of it. phil black reporting live for us. thank you. so much. this is the only ukrainian member of congress and just returned from a trip to ukraine where she was able to visit the town of bucha, the region of ch chernihiv. this is your first interview since you got back. i want to ask but the devastation you saw in and around chernihiv, a city in northern ukraine near the borders of belarus and russia. you sent as you video of a woman telling you what happened in her small village. what did she and other survivors tell you? >> thank you for having me. i grew up in chernihiv originally. a big part of my life. and i have to tell you, you know, the city is heroic to hold the ground for over a month and really helped save kyiv. but the destruction was just unbelievable. most villages almost burned to the ground. so from over 700 people, they only have, you know, less than 40 that are still left there. and some of them living in the basements and sheds. others just try to come clean their rubbles. she said they were bombing. bombing nonstop and then one day, it was something that almost burned the whole village to the ground. she was showing that she has nothing left, a place to live. it is a pretty miserable place. that's a lot of, a lot of villages. they tortured people, held them in the basement in a large group. the destruction of the city is almost 70% of the city has left destruction. no water they had for two weeks in the siege. these people are heroic. they are real heroes. >> we have some video you took in that village. craters from shelling just steps from a play ground where kids were playing. buildings and homes bombed beyond recognition hour. difficult and surreal was this for you to see in person? >> i really can't believe things like that are happening in the 21st century. you read things like that about world war ii. my grandma, who is is 95, said this destruction, this area hasn't seen even during stalin times and world war ii. this is a tragedy of women and children. you look at the kids playing in the rubble. really in the rubbles and women are trying to get their life together and figure out how they can live with the children. i just cannot believe that one person can hold the whole world hostage. we see what is happening in mariupol. a tunon of women and children wl be killed. bombs to kill children that are hiding on the ground. this is atrocities. this is not a war. this is a genocide of the people. >> this is a hospital in chernihiv with a crater just outside. you showed us this video of a well that residents dug by hand. what happened there? >> well, when you look at the city, you notice that they tried to have hospitals, schools, libraries, they tried to hit stores with food. the people didn't have water infrastructure so they ran out. they had by hand to dig a well to supply with it water. the last two weeks of siege. they didn't have any water and there are over 100,000 people still left in the city and they didn't allow humanitarian corridors. any people they bombed the main bridge, and then there was a pedestrian bridge. anyone who tried to get on that bridge, they would shoot them. no one would get out so they had to do something to survive. with no water, you cannot survive for a long time butterfly people tried to do anything they could. and they were able to supply some water for the people. >> so the biden administration is sending more military aid, $2.6 billion total so far since the invasion. i've heard some ukrainian officials say they really think some of the european countries are not even remotely coming close to doing what they need to do to help stop this, as you put it, a genocide. especially germany still buying all of that russian fuel that is paying for this war. who do you want to act more and what do you want them to do? >> i think the west, if we do not want to destabilize the world and have this crisis and war continue even further, we have to get serious and put pressure on putin to get to the table. and unfortunately, the only pressure he will understand now is mill pressure. if we supply proper weapons in western europe, in eastern europe, to help ukrainian people to fight this war, and stop him, then we will have a resolution and discussion. but as of right now, he is killing people. he will kill more people and he is not going to stop. we need to think about implication of the world economy and what they will do to the rest of the world and this instability. it will have implications. by the end of the year, this crisis will have the world on fire. so i think it is a very serious situation, and strong and decisive actions now is extremely important. it is not a joke situation. we need to push on europe and lead them. but also some other countries too. >> the mayor of mykolaiv said russian forces are ruining his city, committing genocide. take a listen. >> i can call this a genocide. they should all over the city, the districts, and they should in our apartment, apartment blocks. yesterday, they bombarded the kindergarten. >> i heard some commentators on the left and the right saying this is not a genocide. you say it is a genocide. why? >> well, if you are trying to target civilians and kill a lot of them because you cannot suppress them. because the people want to be with us. they want to be a free country. they don't want the socialist come nixt dictatorship. that is the definition of what genocide is. you target to kill people and throw the bombs in mariupol, to kill them. if you go shoot people in head and put their hands to the back, i mean, this is not a war. and i think this is investigation had to happen. and i think united nations as organization is become very dysfunctional. and it is the questions we need to ask. it has to be either reformed or dissolved because it is not doing the job to bring peace and stability. i think these are serious issues and a lot of people are dying and a lot more are going to die if we don't figure out how to deal with the situation sooner than later. >> thank you. so. i'm glad you're home safe. apartment buildings turned into heeaps of stone. play grounds destroyed. plus, florida's governor taking on the happiest place on earth. what will his fight with disney score him political points or might it back fire? stay with us. 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it's horrible. this woman says of the bombardment -- >> translator: to be honest, we are not well. i have mental problems after air strikes. that's for sure. i'm really scared. when i hear a plane, i just run away. >> reporter: and jake, even though russian general said they would allow civilians to leave, we're hearing the exact opposite from the ukrainian president. president zelenskyy tonight in his nightly address saying the russians are preventing any humanitarian corridors from being opened out of mariupol. as for tomorrow, still no word as to whether any humanitarian corridors in mariupol, or any other part of country will be open. >> thank you. so for that report. we have seen the horrific images from bucha of mass graves and executions a few miles down the road. russian soldiers left a similar path of death and destruction in another town myself visit to borde borodidianka. cha ching. and this mom, well, she's setting an appointment here, so her son can get set up there and start his own financial journey. that's because these moms all have chase. smart bankers. convenient tools. one bank with the power of both. chase. make more of what's yours. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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>> reporter: well, their calling it racist, authoritarian, unconstitutional and that's just what i can say on camera here. democrats say that this proposal from governor ron desantis would not only add more republican seats but it would diminish black representation in congress for the state of florida. there are currently five black members of congress from florida. four of them are democrats. this ma'am proposal would eliminate two of those seats. representative val demings' seats. the reason is he wanted a race neutral map that he felt adhered to the u.s. constitution. but democrats have that not only do they feel this would be in violation of the voting rights agent but also in violation of florida's own state constitution which mandates the protection of those minority districts. jake, it will likely pass out of this special session late this week. and then it will likely end up in court. >> and dieian, there is another big story going on in tallahassee. governor desantis is changing it to include a review of walt disney world and the special status that walt disneyworld has in florida. tell us about that. >> reporter: that special status a special district that essentially allows them to operate as their own government around the orlando area theme park. this all stems from that so called don't say gay bill earlier this year that prevents teachers in schools from talking about gender identity and sexual orientation. disney spoke out afterward. at this point, i spoke to the bill's sponsor. he said that this wasn't necessarily retaliation, but that after disney did that, and said they would stop donating in the state of florida, that they started looking into the state's, one of the largest attractions and employers and that's where this came from. >> i think had disney not done what they had done, we wouldn't have gone and taken a look at special distributions and realized we had this issue with these pre constitution special districts. that wouldn't have happened. when you addiction bee's nest, sometimes things come out. and that has absolutely happen here. >> reporter: democrats say that this particular bill seems to be in direct only significance of existing statutes, jake, that would allow the residents of that special district to have to vote to get rid of it. but it does appear that it will pass out. >> interesting. thank you. so. let's discuss. we'll start with you. is governor desantis taking on disney for the right reasons? just because they criticized the legislation? what do you think? >> i think politicians' motives are always mixed, or usually mixed. the funny thing about this is that disney's special status, its co-mingling of power, has had these gad fly critics, mostly on the left. now it is paubl governor, pretty strayed forward, political motel vegases, who has it -- motivations, who has it in his targets. >> so maybe not the worst thing in the world. >> i think there's a strong case that the privileges don't make sense. this has been something people have just second as a fact of life in florida politics for decades now. now all of a sudden, because of the way the politics of desantis and disney have played out, it is up for grabs again. >> but they're not looking at where they are given governmental power. how is this for irony? at the villages, you've been there. it is the most gargantuan retirement community. >> keep going. >> they have the same type of special corporate governmental power but they tend to be very conservative. so desantis isn't going after them. so it is a novel thing, going after the largest employer in your state. in my home state, it cost his own state 477 million of economic activity. it is a new republican strategy is to attack the economic end gins of their states. >> people used to want republicans to be less corporate. >> hements talked about taking twitter to task to stop elon musk from buying the company. it is that. why florida would have anything to do with that is beyond me. but perhaps it is the larger goal for governor desantis which could be 2024, further down the line, but it seems like he's hitting all these cultural touchstone issues. it seems to be part of a larger and more national, let's say, message. >> do i see lots of conservative activists really liking what they see out of governor desantis. >> they would like it. i don't see disney eliciting a whole lot of sympathy. just because you can doesn't mean you should. and in governor desantis' case, not only on this issue but the redistricting. i rebel lastier when congressman james comber of kentucky, they were talking about chewing up louisville. which is a very liberal district. and he said, don't get cute. because these things can end up in rt. could it looks like governor desantis is not all that worried about the potential for this ending up in court but it could have other impacts. could it possiblyize the black electorate in florida who feel put off by this and feel as though they are going to end up without accurate reflective representation. >> right. there are two glblack districts that he's keeping. he's getting rid of two other and then a republican african american, too. it's not like he's getting all of them but he is talking about getting rid of two of them. >> and he feels as if if there are court challenges, the supreme court in florida will support him in this decision. >> or the federal courts too. he's making a stand that federal law trumps state law when it comes to these state issues. >> but politically, it doesn't come without any risks. >> right. the back lash. in terms of redistricting, you see it all over the map. republicans or democrats. people getting super aggressive. nobody even trying to hide it anymore. am i wrong? >> no. you're right. a democratic controlled state looks like it will be extraordinarily been official. >> illinois got rid of adam kinsinger's seat. >> and very often they'll do that because he's retiring. >> he's retiring because trump hates him. >> the big constraint on how aggressive the parties have been on districting has been incumbent protection. styles incouumbents want more i their district, even if you are fewer seats you can contest. >> i want to turn to covid. than he, they said the biden administration would likely appeal this judge's ruling to end the mask mandate for public transit. 51% of americans in a poll last month wanted this mandate for transit to go away. over and over, we've seen people celebrating on transit. do you think the biden administration runs a risk of pissing off voters, not just republicans, even independents and democrats by insisting on this mask mandate. >> yes. that's what secretary becerra is saying. you also had jen psaki saying they are waiting to see what doj would say. and then you have president biden saying, it is up to you whether you wear a mask or not. so they're all over the ma'am. and that they're following cdc guidance. there seem to be a science-based, we'll follow the science, but there is also political. some politics going on, too. i know, i'm everyone at the table. and they are looking at the polls. they are looking at the back lash. and they said they will extend it for two weeks or whatever it was. >> it was supposed to expire may 3rd anyway. did the biden administration completely mishandle this saying it was going to end anyway. it was supposed to end may 3rd. now the judge gets rid of it and biden doesn't get the credit even if they don't challenge it. >> right. republicans are declaring this a political victory because this feeds into their longstanding narrative that president biden has overreached in the pandemic. this issue doesn't always fall so neatly on political lines. there are perhaps some conservatives that have children, young children, who can't get vaccinated, who might be worried about this. or republicans who have family members with underlying health conditions that maybe don't feel great about getting on a plane without people wearing a mask. so i think the politics of this are not always so cut and dry. >> that's right. and i totally agree with that and i think there are democrats sick and tired of the mandates and felt a little liberated if they were on some of these flights where the announcement was made mid flight. i don't think it has to have been a political loss for the biden administration. i think the biden administration in a way was let off the hook here. it could say to some of its most hard core supporters who want these things to stay on indefinitely, look, this is a judge. this is out of our hands. and meanwhile, the public is removed, the irritant for the public is removed. >> i suspect they're happy with the politics of it for the reasons they said. but there is a legality here. the cdc and the biden administration has to have the power to impose certain mandates for public health emergencies. >> without worrying about a judge. >> without a trump judge in florida throwing it out for the whole country. so there is the authority. the republican health authority. i suspect they want to defend. i would be, i can't speak to it. i would be happy to see the mandate go away right now for politics. >> it didn't get rid of it before my nine-hour flight from germany but that's another matter. coming up, he was poise ob, poisoned. a real life thriller. that's's next. there has to be se making sure everything is safe. secure. consistent. so log in from here. or here. assured that someone is here ready to fix anything. anytime. anywhere. even here. that's because nobody... and i mean nobody... makes hybrid work, work better. ready to style in just one step? 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come on, poisoned? seriously. >> the kremlin and russia security services deny they played any role in his poisoning, like they denied they would invade ukraine. joining us, matthew chance who reported extensively on russia and putin for years. matthew, good to see you. alexei navalny is in prison, served a year of an 11 year sentence, and now russia is waging a war against ukraine. what role does he play today? >> that's a good question. it was debatable. i covered navalny for years as well. it was debatable what role he played before the war, it was never entirely clear, how many russians supported his anti-corruption campaign. he attracted attention into investigations into the wealth, unexplained wealth of russian officials and particularly of vladimir putin and that made him a lot of enemies in the country, not the least of whom is vladimir putin. but i think what's important about russia, about alexei navalny now as we are sort of in this new phase really of russia's relationship with the rest of the world in the middle of the horrific invasion of ukraine, he is a reminder that many, many russians do not support vladimir putin. there are many millions of people in the country who are fundamentally opposed to the regime of vladimir putin now and to the way the kremlin operates and of course to the actions it takes overseas, and i think sometimes in the global coverage of the crisis in ukraine, the conflict there, the invasion, and of the massive sanctions that have been imposed against russia because of this, you know, obviously very justifiable, given the human rights abuses that have been taking place, there's a tendency to forget that russia isn't monolithic, that there are millions inside the country who have bravely stood against the kind of policies that russia has been embarked on in ukraine and elsewhe elsewhere around the world and domestically. >> what does the future hold for navalny, do you see him getting out of prison and playing a role in russian politics? >> it is not clear. look, because we're in this whole new world of russia right now, i think that you know on one hand, you know, alexei navalny continues to be a reminder, if we needed one, or at least a foreshadow of the kind of ruthlessness vladimir putin is prepared to adopt and government of russia is prepared to adopt towards its enemies, toward people it sees as traitors. this photoforeshadow on the med within russia, foreshadow the conflict in ukraine now looking back on it, but there's still a big question mark hanging over what role alexei navalny will be able to play in the future. what role vladimir putin is going to have in the future. certainly it seems that any prospect of russia rehabilitating itself, having sanctions lifted in some significant way looks pretty unlikely at the moment with vladimir putin at the helm, but it is still not entirely clear whether the future of russia will be vladimir putin and people around vladimir putin, whether the future of russia will be this sort of more liberal anti-corruption campaign who are personified and led by alexei navalny. >> matthew chance, thank you so much. tune in, all new cnn film navalny premiers sunday 9:00 p.m. eastern here on cnn. netflix did something it hasn't done since 2011, might mean bad news for some users. that's next. you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need? 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Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240708

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that means 30% of the people in these bags have deliberate gunshot wounds to the head. we witnessed a continuous cycle. shuffling bodies from vehicles to storage to autopsy to storage and ultimately, preparation for burial. usually, it will be their second. most have been exhumed from temporary graves. families buy new clothes for those as a gesture of respect. but they often go unworn. they can only be laid inside the kochbl. the conditions of the bodies means dressing them is impossible. among those lying here, waiting to be collected, his family says he was killed when munitions struck his home in a small remote village. his wife victoria survived, only to endure a form of hell. intense fighting that she couldn't escape the house. victoria's brother igor says my sister had to step over her husband's body for two weeks. she had to go through it to get to food or water. the room is still covered in blood. she is very bad now. very bad. i don't know how she will live with this loss. others who grieve are living through a different form of hell. they can't find the body of the person they love. vladimir is searching for his brother leonid. he shows us where he was shot and killed. where he was buried in a shallow makeshift grave before officials exhumed the body and took it away. so vladimir has taken leave from active duty to travel through devastated communities, going from morgue to morgue, but no one can help. eventually, he is directed to a police office with a central list of the dead. he is told his brother probably hasn't been processed yet. vladimir must return to the war. he doesn't know when he will be able to come back, even if leonid's body is found. it hurts a lot, he says. it hurts a lot but we don't give up. russia has left so much death behind in areas near kyiv. some people must wait their turn to grieve. jake, at these morgues, we see prosecutors working to record and investigate crimes in the hope of one day holding someone accountable. they know it won't be easy. president putin helped prove that by now giving an award to russia's 64th separate guard motor brigade. a unit, according to the ukrainian government, which was directly involved in the atrocities in bucha. according to putin's award, they deserve commemoration for courage and professionalism. for astute and bold action during russia's special military operation in ukraine. >> they're proud of it. phil black reporting live for us. thank you. so much. this is the only ukrainian member of congress and just returned from a trip to ukraine where she was able to visit the town of bucha, the region of ch chernihiv. this is your first interview since you got back. i want to ask but the devastation you saw in and around chernihiv, a city in northern ukraine near the borders of belarus and russia. you sent as you video of a woman telling you what happened in her small village. what did she and other survivors tell you? >> thank you for having me. i grew up in chernihiv originally. a big part of my life. and i have to tell you, you know, the city is heroic to hold the ground for over a month and really helped save kyiv. but the destruction was just unbelievable. most villages almost burned to the ground. so from over 700 people, they only have, you know, less than 40 that are still left there. and some of them living in the basements and sheds. others just try to come clean their rubbles. she said they were bombing. bombing nonstop and then one day, it was something that almost burned the whole village to the ground. she was showing that she has nothing left, a place to live. it is a pretty miserable place. that's a lot of, a lot of villages. they tortured people, held them in the basement in a large group. the destruction of the city is almost 70% of the city has left destruction. no water they had for two weeks in the siege. these people are heroic. they are real heroes. >> we have some video you took in that village. craters from shelling just steps from a play ground where kids were playing. buildings and homes bombed beyond recognition hour. difficult and surreal was this for you to see in person? >> i really can't believe things like that are happening in the 21st century. you read things like that about world war ii. my grandma, who is is 95, said this destruction, this area hasn't seen even during stalin times and world war ii. this is a tragedy of women and children. you look at the kids playing in the rubble. really in the rubbles and women are trying to get their life together and figure out how they can live with the children. i just cannot believe that one person can hold the whole world hostage. we see what is happening in mariupol. a tunon of women and children wl be killed. bombs to kill children that are hiding on the ground. this is atrocities. this is not a war. this is a genocide of the people. >> this is a hospital in chernihiv with a crater just outside. you showed us this video of a well that residents dug by hand. what happened there? >> well, when you look at the city, you notice that they tried to have hospitals, schools, libraries, they tried to hit stores with food. the people didn't have water infrastructure so they ran out. they had by hand to dig a well to supply with it water. the last two weeks of siege. they didn't have any water and there are over 100,000 people still left in the city and they didn't allow humanitarian corridors. any people they bombed the main bridge, and then there was a pedestrian bridge. anyone who tried to get on that bridge, they would shoot them. no one would get out so they had to do something to survive. with no water, you cannot survive for a long time butterfly people tried to do anything they could. and they were able to supply some water for the people. >> so the biden administration is sending more military aid, $2.6 billion total so far since the invasion. i've heard some ukrainian officials say they really think some of the european countries are not even remotely coming close to doing what they need to do to help stop this, as you put it, a genocide. especially germany still buying all of that russian fuel that is paying for this war. who do you want to act more and what do you want them to do? >> i think the west, if we do not want to destabilize the world and have this crisis and war continue even further, we have to get serious and put pressure on putin to get to the table. and unfortunately, the only pressure he will understand now is mill pressure. if we supply proper weapons in western europe, in eastern europe, to help ukrainian people to fight this war, and stop him, then we will have a resolution and discussion. but as of right now, he is killing people. he will kill more people and he is not going to stop. we need to think about implication of the world economy and what they will do to the rest of the world and this instability. it will have implications. by the end of the year, this crisis will have the world on fire. so i think it is a very serious situation, and strong and decisive actions now is extremely important. it is not a joke situation. we need to push on europe and lead them. but also some other countries too. >> the mayor of mykolaiv said russian forces are ruining his city, committing genocide. take a listen. >> i can call this a genocide. they should all over the city, the districts, and they should in our apartment, apartment blocks. yesterday, they bombarded the kindergarten. >> i heard some commentators on the left and the right saying this is not a genocide. you say it is a genocide. why? >> well, if you are trying to target civilians and kill a lot of them because you cannot suppress them. because the people want to be with us. they want to be a free country. they don't want the socialist come nixt dictatorship. that is the definition of what genocide is. you target to kill people and throw the bombs in mariupol, to kill them. if you go shoot people in head and put their hands to the back, i mean, this is not a war. and i think this is investigation had to happen. and i think united nations as organization is become very dysfunctional. and it is the questions we need to ask. it has to be either reformed or dissolved because it is not doing the job to bring peace and stability. i think these are serious issues and a lot of people are dying and a lot more are going to die if we don't figure out how to deal with the situation sooner than later. >> thank you. so. i'm glad you're home safe. apartment buildings turned into heeaps of stone. play grounds destroyed. plus, florida's governor taking on the happiest place on earth. what will his fight with disney score him political points or might it back fire? stay with us. 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it's horrible. this woman says of the bombardment -- >> translator: to be honest, we are not well. i have mental problems after air strikes. that's for sure. i'm really scared. when i hear a plane, i just run away. >> reporter: and jake, even though russian general said they would allow civilians to leave, we're hearing the exact opposite from the ukrainian president. president zelenskyy tonight in his nightly address saying the russians are preventing any humanitarian corridors from being opened out of mariupol. as for tomorrow, still no word as to whether any humanitarian corridors in mariupol, or any other part of country will be open. >> thank you. so for that report. we have seen the horrific images from bucha of mass graves and executions a few miles down the road. russian soldiers left a similar path of death and destruction in another town myself visit to borde borodidianka. cha ching. and this mom, well, she's setting an appointment here, so her son can get set up there and start his own financial journey. that's because these moms all have chase. smart bankers. convenient tools. one bank with the power of both. chase. make more of what's yours. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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("this little light of mine") - [narrator] in the world's poorest places, they're shunned, outcast, living in pain. you can reach out and change the life of a suffering child right now. a surgery that takes as little as 45 minutes and your act of love can change a child's life forever. please call or visit now. thousands of children are waiting. i didn't know my genetic report could tell me i was prone to harmful blood clots. i travel a ton, so this info was kind of life changing. maybe even lifesaving. ♪do you know what the future holds?♪ ♪ ♪ ♪i'm so defensive,♪ ♪i got bongos thumping in my chest♪ ♪and something tells me they don't beat me♪ ♪ ♪ ♪he'd better not take the ring from me.♪ in our politics lead, florida lawmakers are back in tallahassee for a special session after republican governor desantis vetoed. he instead propose ad new one that would shift power in north and central florida. cnn's diane gallagher is in tallahassee. a special session just started. what are democrats saying about desantis' map? >> reporter: well, their calling it racist, authoritarian, unconstitutional and that's just what i can say on camera here. democrats say that this proposal from governor ron desantis would not only add more republican seats but it would diminish black representation in congress for the state of florida. there are currently five black members of congress from florida. four of them are democrats. this ma'am proposal would eliminate two of those seats. representative val demings' seats. the reason is he wanted a race neutral map that he felt adhered to the u.s. constitution. but democrats have that not only do they feel this would be in violation of the voting rights agent but also in violation of florida's own state constitution which mandates the protection of those minority districts. jake, it will likely pass out of this special session late this week. and then it will likely end up in court. >> and dieian, there is another big story going on in tallahassee. governor desantis is changing it to include a review of walt disney world and the special status that walt disneyworld has in florida. tell us about that. >> reporter: that special status a special district that essentially allows them to operate as their own government around the orlando area theme park. this all stems from that so called don't say gay bill earlier this year that prevents teachers in schools from talking about gender identity and sexual orientation. disney spoke out afterward. at this point, i spoke to the bill's sponsor. he said that this wasn't necessarily retaliation, but that after disney did that, and said they would stop donating in the state of florida, that they started looking into the state's, one of the largest attractions and employers and that's where this came from. >> i think had disney not done what they had done, we wouldn't have gone and taken a look at special distributions and realized we had this issue with these pre constitution special districts. that wouldn't have happened. when you addiction bee's nest, sometimes things come out. and that has absolutely happen here. >> reporter: democrats say that this particular bill seems to be in direct only significance of existing statutes, jake, that would allow the residents of that special district to have to vote to get rid of it. but it does appear that it will pass out. >> interesting. thank you. so. let's discuss. we'll start with you. is governor desantis taking on disney for the right reasons? just because they criticized the legislation? what do you think? >> i think politicians' motives are always mixed, or usually mixed. the funny thing about this is that disney's special status, its co-mingling of power, has had these gad fly critics, mostly on the left. now it is paubl governor, pretty strayed forward, political motel vegases, who has it -- motivations, who has it in his targets. >> so maybe not the worst thing in the world. >> i think there's a strong case that the privileges don't make sense. this has been something people have just second as a fact of life in florida politics for decades now. now all of a sudden, because of the way the politics of desantis and disney have played out, it is up for grabs again. >> but they're not looking at where they are given governmental power. how is this for irony? at the villages, you've been there. it is the most gargantuan retirement community. >> keep going. >> they have the same type of special corporate governmental power but they tend to be very conservative. so desantis isn't going after them. so it is a novel thing, going after the largest employer in your state. in my home state, it cost his own state 477 million of economic activity. it is a new republican strategy is to attack the economic end gins of their states. >> people used to want republicans to be less corporate. >> hements talked about taking twitter to task to stop elon musk from buying the company. it is that. why florida would have anything to do with that is beyond me. but perhaps it is the larger goal for governor desantis which could be 2024, further down the line, but it seems like he's hitting all these cultural touchstone issues. it seems to be part of a larger and more national, let's say, message. >> do i see lots of conservative activists really liking what they see out of governor desantis. >> they would like it. i don't see disney eliciting a whole lot of sympathy. just because you can doesn't mean you should. and in governor desantis' case, not only on this issue but the redistricting. i rebel lastier when congressman james comber of kentucky, they were talking about chewing up louisville. which is a very liberal district. and he said, don't get cute. because these things can end up in rt. could it looks like governor desantis is not all that worried about the potential for this ending up in court but it could have other impacts. could it possiblyize the black electorate in florida who feel put off by this and feel as though they are going to end up without accurate reflective representation. >> right. there are two glblack districts that he's keeping. he's getting rid of two other and then a republican african american, too. it's not like he's getting all of them but he is talking about getting rid of two of them. >> and he feels as if if there are court challenges, the supreme court in florida will support him in this decision. >> or the federal courts too. he's making a stand that federal law trumps state law when it comes to these state issues. >> but politically, it doesn't come without any risks. >> right. the back lash. in terms of redistricting, you see it all over the map. republicans or democrats. people getting super aggressive. nobody even trying to hide it anymore. am i wrong? >> no. you're right. a democratic controlled state looks like it will be extraordinarily been official. >> illinois got rid of adam kinsinger's seat. >> and very often they'll do that because he's retiring. >> he's retiring because trump hates him. >> the big constraint on how aggressive the parties have been on districting has been incumbent protection. styles incouumbents want more i their district, even if you are fewer seats you can contest. >> i want to turn to covid. than he, they said the biden administration would likely appeal this judge's ruling to end the mask mandate for public transit. 51% of americans in a poll last month wanted this mandate for transit to go away. over and over, we've seen people celebrating on transit. do you think the biden administration runs a risk of pissing off voters, not just republicans, even independents and democrats by insisting on this mask mandate. >> yes. that's what secretary becerra is saying. you also had jen psaki saying they are waiting to see what doj would say. and then you have president biden saying, it is up to you whether you wear a mask or not. so they're all over the ma'am. and that they're following cdc guidance. there seem to be a science-based, we'll follow the science, but there is also political. some politics going on, too. i know, i'm everyone at the table. and they are looking at the polls. they are looking at the back lash. and they said they will extend it for two weeks or whatever it was. >> it was supposed to expire may 3rd anyway. did the biden administration completely mishandle this saying it was going to end anyway. it was supposed to end may 3rd. now the judge gets rid of it and biden doesn't get the credit even if they don't challenge it. >> right. republicans are declaring this a political victory because this feeds into their longstanding narrative that president biden has overreached in the pandemic. this issue doesn't always fall so neatly on political lines. there are perhaps some conservatives that have children, young children, who can't get vaccinated, who might be worried about this. or republicans who have family members with underlying health conditions that maybe don't feel great about getting on a plane without people wearing a mask. so i think the politics of this are not always so cut and dry. >> that's right. and i totally agree with that and i think there are democrats sick and tired of the mandates and felt a little liberated if they were on some of these flights where the announcement was made mid flight. i don't think it has to have been a political loss for the biden administration. i think the biden administration in a way was let off the hook here. it could say to some of its most hard core supporters who want these things to stay on indefinitely, look, this is a judge. this is out of our hands. and meanwhile, the public is removed, the irritant for the public is removed. >> i suspect they're happy with the politics of it for the reasons they said. but there is a legality here. the cdc and the biden administration has to have the power to impose certain mandates for public health emergencies. >> without worrying about a judge. >> without a trump judge in florida throwing it out for the whole country. so there is the authority. the republican health authority. i suspect they want to defend. i would be, i can't speak to it. i would be happy to see the mandate go away right now for politics. >> it didn't get rid of it before my nine-hour flight from germany but that's another matter. coming up, he was poise ob, poisoned. a real life thriller. that's's next. there has to be se making sure everything is safe. secure. consistent. so log in from here. or here. assured that someone is here ready to fix anything. anytime. anywhere. even here. that's because nobody... and i mean nobody... makes hybrid work, work better. ready to style in just one step? introducing new tresemme one step stylers. tolly effortless. styling has never been easier. get help managing your money for the life -- and years -- ahead. with fidelity income planning, we'll look at what you've saved, what you'll need, and help you build a flexible plan for cash flow designed to last. so you can go from saving... to living. russia and only significance leader and fierce putin critic alexei navalny has been in jail for more than a year. the story of how navalny ended up there after surviving an alleged murder attempt and tracking down his own would be assassins is told with the urgency and drama of a spy thriller. in the new cnn film, navalny. here's a preview. >> the room of a comatose patient, you just tell him his story. i would say, don't worry. putin tried to kill. and he opened his blue eyes wide and looked at me and said very clear, [ speaking in foreign language ] >> come on, poisoned? i don't believe it. he is back. this is alexei. putin is supposed to be not if you want to kill someone, just shoot them. jesus christ, real alexei. it is the whole idea of poisoning with a chemical weapon, this is why this is so smart. even reasonable people refuse to believe like what? come on, poisoned? seriously. >> the kremlin and russia security services deny they played any role in his poisoning, like they denied they would invade ukraine. joining us, matthew chance who reported extensively on russia and putin for years. matthew, good to see you. alexei navalny is in prison, served a year of an 11 year sentence, and now russia is waging a war against ukraine. what role does he play today? >> that's a good question. it was debatable. i covered navalny for years as well. it was debatable what role he played before the war, it was never entirely clear, how many russians supported his anti-corruption campaign. he attracted attention into investigations into the wealth, unexplained wealth of russian officials and particularly of vladimir putin and that made him a lot of enemies in the country, not the least of whom is vladimir putin. but i think what's important about russia, about alexei navalny now as we are sort of in this new phase really of russia's relationship with the rest of the world in the middle of the horrific invasion of ukraine, he is a reminder that many, many russians do not support vladimir putin. there are many millions of people in the country who are fundamentally opposed to the regime of vladimir putin now and to the way the kremlin operates and of course to the actions it takes overseas, and i think sometimes in the global coverage of the crisis in ukraine, the conflict there, the invasion, and of the massive sanctions that have been imposed against russia because of this, you know, obviously very justifiable, given the human rights abuses that have been taking place, there's a tendency to forget that russia isn't monolithic, that there are millions inside the country who have bravely stood against the kind of policies that russia has been embarked on in ukraine and elsewhe elsewhere around the world and domestically. >> what does the future hold for navalny, do you see him getting out of prison and playing a role in russian politics? >> it is not clear. look, because we're in this whole new world of russia right now, i think that you know on one hand, you know, alexei navalny continues to be a reminder, if we needed one, or at least a foreshadow of the kind of ruthlessness vladimir putin is prepared to adopt and government of russia is prepared to adopt towards its enemies, toward people it sees as traitors. this photoforeshadow on the med within russia, foreshadow the conflict in ukraine now looking back on it, but there's still a big question mark hanging over what role alexei navalny will be able to play in the future. what role vladimir putin is going to have in the future. certainly it seems that any prospect of russia rehabilitating itself, having sanctions lifted in some significant way looks pretty unlikely at the moment with vladimir putin at the helm, but it is still not entirely clear whether the future of russia will be vladimir putin and people around vladimir putin, whether the future of russia will be this sort of more liberal anti-corruption campaign who are personified and led by alexei navalny. >> matthew chance, thank you so much. tune in, all new cnn film navalny premiers sunday 9:00 p.m. eastern here on cnn. netflix did something it hasn't done since 2011, might mean bad news for some users. that's next. you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need? 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