Transcripts For CNN The Movies 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN The Movies 20240708

♪ ♪ ♪ [ sound of gunfire ] as far back as i can remember, i always wanted to be a gangster. >> "goodfellas" is like, fasten your seatbelts, i'm going to kick the shit out of you for two and a half hours and you're going to love it. >> there have been so many gangster movies, so many mob movies. is it really possible that in 1990 martin scorsese will be able to make a gangster movie that has something to say that hasn't already been said a million times? >> it's going to be a good summer. >> and you watch the movie and you're like, yeah. >> see you later, thanks. >> what are you doing? you're leaving your car? >> he watches the car for me. >> we tried to capture the exuberance of that world. it's dangerous and threatening, but they're having a wonderful time. >> over there. >> oh, thanks a lot. >> "goodfellas" was the nuts and bolts of the mob. it was the mob as a job. >> what do you do? >> what? >> what do you do? >> i'm in construction. >> and the balance of these two families, of your mob family and your real family, and the way that the two start to bleed into each other. >> here, hide this. are you all right? are you all right? >> yeah, yeah. >> "goodfellas" was based on a book called "wiseguys." and i read it and i said, you know what, what if i play this guy, jimmy the chin? >> what did i tell you? what did i tell you? you don't buy anything, you hear me? don't buy anything. >> it's a true story. it is the nature of that lifestyle. >> christmas. your share. just a little taste. >> you have to be clever enough, let alone have the audacity, the discretion. but ultimately not being afraid of the violence. >> i couldn't believe what i just heard, spider, this is for you. that-a-boy. >> the dangerous enjoyment of it. you can be enjoying it and suddenly somebody gets shot in the chest. >> what's the world coming to? [ sound of gunfire ] >> then it's not funny. there is a price for everything you do. >> all right. you all know the drill. >> in the '90s, there's a host of movies in which people operate outside the system. we love the idea of the outlaw. it's one of the reasons we go to the movies. >> merry christmas. >> merry christmas to you, officer. >> you go to the movies to see people violate the mores and laws of society. >> i'm going to take one of those big envelopes and put as many 100s, 50s, and 20s as you can pack into it. >> in the '90s we were really rooting for criminals to get away with it. >> would you like a cigarette, nick? >> we wanted the bad guys to be the good guys. it was the era when the antihero was on the rise. >> you have something against ice cubes? >> i like rough edges. >> "in basic instinct" the character is a sociopath. and sociopaths are as dangerous as that character is. when i played the part, i needed to understand the sociopathic mind. and that is a very scary thing. >> "silence of the lambs," i remember waiting for it with bated breath to come out. nothing prepared me for how jonathan shot walking to meet hannibal lecter. >> good morning. >> dr. lecter, my name is clarice starling. may i speak with you? >> this is a horror film that is also an actor's piece. >> closer. >> told by the close-up master of all time. the tension, it just kept rising and rising. >> most serial killers keep some sort of trophies of their victims. >> i didn't. >> no. no, you ate yours. >> "silence of the lambs" is about this eerie dance between clarice starling and hannibal lecter. >> people will say we're in love. >> and manages to take elements of the horror movie and even the gothic iconography and put it into a real world thriller. >> you still wake up sometimes, don't you, wake up in the dark, and hear the scream of the lambs. >> yes. >> "silence of the lambs" becomes one of three films ever to win best picture, best actress, best director, best adapted screenplay, and then anthony hopkins wins best actor for playing hannibal lecter with maybe 16 minutes of screen time. >> how did darryl let you go? >> because i didn't ask him. >> shit, thelma. >> the thing i love about "thelma and louis" is it was a love story between two women. that was one of the great female buddy movies of all time. >> two friends decide to get away and things go off the rails really, really quickly. >> shut up! you hear me? shut up! >> please, please don't hurt me! >> you let her go, you [ bleep ] or i'm going to splatter your ugly face all over this nice car. >> i was driving home one night and the idea just hit me. two women go on a crime spree. >> good morning, ladies and gentlemen, this is a robbery. >> it wasn't just the idea. i kind of saw the whole movie in one flash. >> goddamn, you bitch! >> i don't think he's going to apologize. >> nah, i don't think so. [ sound of gunfire ] [ screaming ] >> it's an odyssey of two women on the last journey. they would not know it was the last journey, therefore the journey had to be magnificent. >> a lot of women looked at this film and thought, i can relate to those women. i know what they're going through. i can understand the choices they make. >> let's keep going. >> what do you mean? >> go! >> they looked at each other and they both knew. >> are you sure? >> it's kind of the culmination of both our lives and we have no choice. let's go. >> i can't imagine the movie would have had any power at all had we not ended it that way. >> i have no enemies here. >> no? wait a while. >> "shawshank redemption" is the perfect prison film. >> for a good prison movie you need a warden whose corrupt. >> i wouldn't worry about this contract. >> you need some claustrophobia, you want the audience to feel like they're trapped. and then there has to be hope. >> here. a little parole rejection present. >> the audience has to hope for something better for these characters that they fall for. >> it's a love story between two men spending 20, 30 years in prison, getting to know each other. >> the funny thing is, on the outside, i was an honest man, straight as an arrow. i had to come to prison to be a crook. >> ha! >> watching each other's lives rotate through this system. >> "shawshank redemption" is about seeking justice in an imperfect world. and when the convicts win, you have a sense of relief and that somehow justice has been done. ♪ trying to make it real ♪ ♪ compared to what sock it to me ♪ >> in vegas, everybody's got to watch everybody else. >> "casino" was the story of the hubris of these two men, joe's character and bob's character. >> look at this place, it's made of money. you know what the best part is, nobody's going to know what we're doing. >> and poor sharon who is thrown in the middle of it. >> working for marty is a big thing. he was very open, supportive, encouraging, and so present with me. >> can i trust you? answer me. can i trust you? >> sharon stone is in the great tradition of crawford and the great divas. and i had to learn how to bring out what i needed through her. [ screaming ] >> with marty, because his films are so daring and the violence is so violent, and because everything that you do is so true, you have to be willing to kind of let your guts come out. >> just get out of here. >> fine. i'm taking -- >> you're not taking her. you're stoned. you're a junkie. get out of here. [ bleep ]. damn you. >> ultimately they're given characters and like adam and eve they're banished from paradise because they blew it. wahoooo! (vo) you can be well-groomed. or even well-spoken. (man) ooooooo. (vo) but there's just something about being well-adventured. 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[echoing] get a quote today. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ we have liftoff. >> "apollo 13" was a real turning point for me and an eye opener. i learned the power of a true story. >> this is houston. say again, please. >> houston, we have a problem. >> just believing in the story and not theatricalizing it. my mantra was, just show it. >> we're not going to have enough power left to get home. >> we know they're going to be saved. but the thing we care about is, how are they going to be saved? what do these people have to do to save them? that is what's riveting. >> the '90s brought us a new look at some previously thought to be well-known stories. >> come on, jack. >> when you look at the film "jfk," the movie is about what we can trust and who we can trust. >> why was kennedy killed? who benefited? who has the power to cover it up? >> and oliver stone is saying, you can't trust anybody. >> ten, nine, eight, seven -- >> the nation was captivated by this game show, and it becomes the story about the truth and the perversion of truth in the name of entertainment. kids would run to do their homework to be like charles van doren. >> what about herbert -- >> i love him. people don't like him. kids don't look up to him. >> if you were a kid, would you want to be an annoying jewish guy with a side wall haircut? >> as i kid, i lived through that "quiz show" period. >> three points. >> i wanted john turturro to play herb stempel, a guy from a lower class area and rose to fame. and then certain people were beginning to get tired of him because he wasn't that pleasant to look at but nobody could beat the guy. he was so sharp. that's when they came up with the idea, let's find someone that looks good and we'll give him the answers. >> you are our new champion for $20,000. >> and that cruelty was something i wanted to show. the power of money and personality. so to me, that was a story that really had to be told. >> we didn't land on plymouth rock. plymouth rock landed on us, landed right on top of us. >> "malcolm x" is spike lee's epic. it really felt like the film that he was made to make. and i think he felt a certain urgency in making it. >> spike had the good fortune of casting denzel washington at the pinnacle of his movie stardom. i think it's his best performance. >> denzel washington is one of the all-time greats. what he does in his artistry, painting a portrait of an individual, it's astounding. >> if the so-called negro in america was truly an american citizen, we wouldn't have a racial problem. if the emancipation proclamation was authentic, we wouldn't have a race problem. >> watching a guy like denzel as malcolm x, top of the game, intimidating in many ways. >> mr. becket, come in. >> when we made "philadelphia," he was malcolm x already. that was like starting a movie with marlon brando and having just seen "the godfather" the night before. >> what happened to your face? >> i have aids. >> oh. oh, i'm sorry. >> "philadelphia" was an important film. denzel washington represents the audience's apprehension with people with aids. >> how did they find out you have the aids? >> one of the partners noticed a lesion on my forehead. >> so as his character spends more time with tom hanks, we're starting to see him as more than his sexuality or his disease. >> let's get it out of the closet because this case is not just about aids, is it? so let's talk about what this case is really all about. the general public's hatred, our loathing, our fear of homosexuals. >> he can bring the audience on that journey to say we don't need to fear people. we don't need to despise or stigmatize them. >> my name is forrest, forrest gump. >> forrest gump. >> it's a very rare thing for me to read a script and not be able to put it down. ♪ >> "forrest gump" is a marvelous look at how history happens. >> forrest gump, john lennon. >> it's a delightful play on the contingency and accident that shapes our world. >> we were the first americans to visit the land of china like a million years or something like that. somebody said world peace was in our hands. but all i did was play ping-pong. >> that film embodies everything that makes tom great. he's a fantastic dramatic actor. he's a magnificent comedy actor. i can't think of another actor living or dead who could have ever done that part. >> by the 1990s, the median age of the people who served in world war ii was around 70. they were growing old, and they were disappearing. and there was a powerful sense of nostalgia. and we saw a lot of retrospective looks at aspects of world war ii. this was the time when people started talking about the greatest generation. >> "saving private ryan" was a film that i was going to make someday in my life. my dad used to have his band of brothers from the air corps come over to the house every year. the first time i ever heard grown men cry was at these reunions. it was all about the trauma they had suffered in world war ii. >> i'll see you on the beach. >> i felt it was necessary for me to tell the experience of veterans and what they had gone through when they were a little bit older than i was at the time. [ sound of gunfire ] >> when moviegoers saw the men disembark, the bullets were going through the water and hitting them in the water. there was a powerful realism to that. it's spielberg saying, what does it feel like to have gone on that beach? your nose is pressed right into the savagery. >> in "private ryan," at the beginning, it was fantastic. i was ill for two weeks after that watching that. i couldn't believe he did that. >> sir, i don't have a good feeling about this one. >> when was the last time you felt good about anything? >> this ability to entertain and reach audiences more than one way with the same movie, "saving private ryan" is a great example of that because it's exciting, it's thrilling, it's suspenseful. but it also is a reminder of the price of that kind of warfare, the cost to the soul, and who winds up living and dying and bearing those scars in that kind of a conflict. >> what is that? >> of course. >> that's a nice sheen on it. >> thank you. >> very nice. >> i'd say i'd get you one but the man who made it is probably dead, i don't know. >> my family, when i was growing up, talked about the holocaust, although they never used that word, they used to call it the great murders. i shot the whole film very documentary style. it was the first film i had ever shot like that. and it became less of a film, more of just a life journey, a living, learning experience making that film. we all felt we were shooting in a graveyard. and so the amount of reverence of the crew and the cast. i cast liam neeson at the last minute based on a play i saw him in on broadway. and i thought he was the best possible schindler i could possibly find, and he was. >> he saved my life. god bless you. god bless you. >> oskar schindler was a deal maker and he didn't really care that much for his workers. but there was an inevitable metamorphosis based on the encroaching holocaust and what he was witnessing that unlocked his empathy. instead of being just someone who gathers wealth for his own pleasure, he started to spend his money to save lives. >> i could have got more. i could have got more. >> the totality of the meaning of that film, the fact that it created awareness in the world of an era in history that had been forgotten, that it denied the deniers, it allowed us to really mean it when we say never again. "schindler's list" ias the greatest experience i've ever had as a filmmaker. we'll pay off your phone up to $800. you can keep your phone. keep your number. and get your employees connected on the largest and fastest 5g network. plus, we give you $200 in facebook ads on us! so you can reach more customers, create more opportunities, and make this the best year for your business yet. visit your local t-mobile store today. i didn't know my genetic report could tell me i was prone to harmful blood clots. i travel a ton, so this info was kind of life changing. maybe even lifesaving. ♪do you know what the future holds?♪ ♪ ♪ to all the kisses... ...that led... this one. celebrate every kiss, with kay. ♪ just put your little hand in mine ♪ "groundhog day" was a very character driven comedy. the bill murray character just keeps waking up. >> hey, phil? >> and having to relive the same day. >> now, don't you tell me you don't remember me because i sure as heck fire remember you. >> not a chance. >> ned! >> usually when there's some kind of strange convention, it's explained. >> phil connors, i thought that was you. >> you're in a time machine or somebody cast a spell. >> phil connors! >> but this just happened. and nobody minded. >> phil connors. >> ned? >> the movie is perfect. it's also so obviously for bill. >> bill, like the groundhog bill? >> yeah, like the groundhog bill. >> look for your shadow there, pal! >> morons, your bus is leaving. >> it's hard to be a likeable dick and then win the audience over by the end. bill is really good at that. >> oh, thank you, young man. >> it's nothing, ma'am, i had the tire and the jack. just be comfortable, all right? >> to me, bill murray is one of the great comedy actors that has ever been. >> how long will you be staying with us? >> indefinitely. i'm being sued for divorce. >> he's picky, which is perfect, because then he finds his way into somebody really extraordinary. >> what's the secret, max? >> the secret? >> yeah. you seem to have it pretty figured out. >> secret, i don't know. i think you've just got to find something you love to do and then do it for the rest of your life. >> wes anderson, his films are like opening a jewelry box and you can take out all the little trinkets and look at them, and they're sparkly and joyful. >> what's going on in here? >> it's so rare when someone comes along and actually creates their own aesthetic, which is truly unique. >> i really related to "rushmore" in terms of having bad grades and not being good in school but having like a passion for something. >> all right, next scene. >> frank, you're on stage right with a bag of cocaine. >> when "rushmore" came out, i wrote a fan letter to wes. it was the perfect film, laugh out loud humor with actual pathos. >> i like your nurse's uniform. >> these are o.r. scrubs. >> oh, are they? >> comedy in the '90s will be gigantic. >> shall we shag now or shall we shag later? >> it's going to be over the top and it's going to fill the frame. >> why don't you just go home? that's your home. are you too good for your home? answer me! >> and you're going to get adam sandler knocking out one movie after the next. >> sidney and scott are newlyweds. whoopedy-doo! >> if you look at the scenes that are memorable from something like "wayne's world," they're big scenes. that's the heads bobbing back and forth. they're not afraid to do something big to get a laugh. and then all of a sudden, one day, this guy, who is as big as the screen, shows up. and it's jim carrey. and he turned into a top hollywood star because he is unafraid to be big. even as he's doing these over the top things where you think, well, he's talking through his behind, i'm not going to watch this. >> excuse me, i would like to "ass" you a few questions. >> yet there you are, you're watching, and you're laughing. ♪ just like me they long to be ♪ >> oh, no. >> i don't have to be too intellectual about it, i just laughed my ass off. >> ow! >> part of it was, i can't believe they're doing that. >> what's that bubble there? >> what do you think? it's a -- >> how in the hell did you -- >> the farrelly brothers pushed the rules so far. that you can do that? >> "something about mary" is this kind of anarchic comedy that has this really joyous heart to it. >> maybe you should move down here and marry me. >> introduced cameron diaz as the cool girl. >> i'll have the double decaf cappuccino. >> i'll have a half double decap half caf with a twist of lemon. >> you had lots and lots of really funny, bankable people doing wonderful movies. >> my first day as a woman, i'm getting hot flashes. >> hello, peter. what's happening? >> umm, i'm going to need you to go ahead and come in tomorrow. so if you could be here around 9:00, that would be great, okay? >> "office space" is not as acclaimed as it should be. it was not a big hit. but there's so much modern comedy in that movie. it was wonderful. >> nina speaking. just a moment. >> "office space" did such a great job in completely lampooning office life. technology had made these cubicle lands, and "office space" really captured that. >> i'm thinking i might take that new chick from logistics. if things go well, i maybe showing her my "oh" face, oh, oh, oh. you know what i'm talking about. >> jennifer aniston was in it and she worked at a place like tgif's. >> we need to talk about your flair. >> really? >> being somebody who had waitressed who is like, put that flair on and show what you're really like. and she's like, here's my flair. >> all right. there's ply flair, okay, and this is my expressing myself, okay? ♪ teacher's pet, i want to be teacher's pet ♪ ♪ i want to be huddled and cuddled as close to you as i can get ♪ >> christopher guest is considered the master of the mockumentary. he comes up with characters that are profoundly silly. >> when we were on "snl" together chris did a movie with marty and harry called "synchronized swimming." >> i've been doing shakespeare in the park. if i ever do that again, i'm going to kill myself with a vegematic. >> that's where the character in "waiting for guffman" was born. >> a tube of chapstick. not really much to call my own. and then basically being slammed down for ten or so years, you know, off-off-off-broadway and then enough is enough, okay, i get the joke. >> chris surrounds himself with great, funny people. eugene, fred willard, catherine o'hara. >> so nervous. >> you're going to be great. if there's an empty space, just say a line, that's what i like to do, even if it's from another show. >> chris works in miniature. chris is very much like peter sellers, such fine tastes and when it hits right, it's amazing. >> and that's the way it is? then i just hate you and i hate your ass face. (vo) for me, one of the best things about life is that we keep moving forward. we discover exciting new technologies. redefine who we are and how we want to lead our lives. basically, choose what we want our future to look like. so what's yours going to be? ever wonder what everyone's doing on their phones? they're banking, with bank of america. his girlfriend just caught the bouquet, so he's checking in on that ring fund. that photographer? he's looking for something a little more zen, so he's thinking, “i'll open a yoga studio.” and as for the father of the bride? he's checking to see if he's on track to do this all over again... and again. bank of america's digital tools are so impressive, you just can't stop banking. i remember coming out of seeing "do the right thing" and that day i went to my dorm and started writing "boyz in the hood." >> my momma say a bullet ain't got a name on it. >> i ain't afraid to get shot. >> some of what i was doing was inspired by what truffaut did with "the 400 blows," what rob reiner did with "stand by me." but those movies didn't come from where i was standing from. >> we got a call. >> that was an hour ago. >> whoa, we didn't ask you that. >> i decided to have a black cop be more than the white partner in the scenes where he's encountering the black residents. >> something wrong? >> something wrong? yeah. it's just too bad you don't know what it is. >> the same black cop encounters him years later when he's a teenager and profiles him. >> i didn't do nothing. >> you think you're tough. you think you're tough, huh? oh, you're scared now, huh? i like that. >> singleton was nominated for two academy awards, best original screenplay and the youngest person ever nominated for best director. >> it was an era when a lot of people were playing attention to black film. there's this famous moment when "the new york times" magazine does this cover story. you really had for the first time a large collection of black filmmakers documenting what was going on in the culture. >> you got to be ready to stand up and die for that shit like blizzard did if you want some juice. >> blizzard? blizzard ain't sticking up for nothing now. >> that's because we wasn't there to back him up. if he was there -- >> there would be five instead of one. >> he was a phenomenal actor. we had a similar vision of what we wanted to do as young men coming into this whole entertainment world together. my attitude was, i got my robert de niro. i got the dude i want to do multiple movies with. >> people don't realize how theatrical the gangster rap thing was. >> tupac, ice-t, ice cube. they were also storytellers. when it came time for them to go to hollywood, they were all convincing on screen. >> craig. craig. >> hold up. i gave him a heartbeat. >> man, that's what it's supposed to do. >> it was one of those films that made me excited about being in the film industry. >> hi, you guys. >> hey. >> cube at the time transitioning from music into filmmaking. the way it got sold at sundance. it was just a sort of quintessential independent cinema coming to the mainstream and then of course it went on to do so well. >> ladies, ladies, ladies, i know you'll be in attendance. i know you'll be in attendance. >> did you hear anything about a party today? >> huh-uh. >> "house party" is just a fun, silly teen comedy. >> ladies. >> dragon breath. >> who you talking too? >> kid 'n play who were a musical duo were playing two teenagers looking to have a fun time. dad's away, let's throw a party. >> scandalous. >> having a movie like that premier at sundance really showed the possibilities that indie black filmmaking can have. >> what? >> don't answer me what. turn the goddamnn tv off. >> i'm watching the knicks. >> i don't care what it is. no tv on a school night. >> we talked about the spike lee films and the john singleton films but also it was a period when black female filmmakers are making some really interesting things. you have "daughters of the dust," julie dash's film, examining black culture that harkens back several hundred years. that is beautiful. the one directed by leslie harris -- >> you're too cute to be a gentlemen, right? >> come on. you don't have to be like that. >> whatever, whatever. >> it's a quote, unquote hood movie but it's a hood movie from the perspective of a young girl. people think of new black realism as the hood genre. but actually there's a range of socioeconomic experience being shown in black cinema of the '90s. ♪ bow wow wow ♪ whether we're talking about some of the black romantic comedies, family films like "soul food" or films like "waiting to exhale" or "how stella got her groove back." >> good morning. >> that i think of companion films that celebrate sisterhood. that's another element that hadn't made its way into mainstream cinema. >> hello. hello. >> from the early days of will smith's career, he was incredibly smart about figuring out how to become the superstar he wanted to become. and he chose the one role he thought nobody would expect him to play. a gay hustler in "six degrees of separation." >> i pick a name. tell me anything about them. where they live, secrets, everything. >> and for a name you get a piece of my clothes. >> will smith became a triple threat. there aren't many who can do action, drama, and comedy. >> now, back up. put the gun down. and give me a pack of tropical fruit bubbleicious. >> and will smith is that guy. >> i would say that tom cruise is the first person to figure out the power of using the international box office to turn yourself into the biggest star anyone has ever seen. will smith looked at that and said, i'm going to do the same thing. what translates abroad, movies with sci-fi aliens so that's what he did. >> welcome to earth. >> he becomes so successful that the july 4th weekend was blocked out for will smith movies. >> you know what the difference is between you and me? i make this look good. ♪takes everything you've got♪ ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? ♪ ♪ ♪ sometimes you want to go ♪ ♪where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ ♪and they're always glad you came ♪ (vo) america's most reliable network is going ultra! with verizon 5g ultra wideband now in many more cities so you can do more. hey, it's mindy! downloading a movie up to 10 times faster than before. oh, is that the one where the mom becomes a... (mindy) yep! (vo) i knew it! and claire in hd clarity. steve, is that jelly? this place is packed! you couldn't even send a text in a crowd before. now look at david with the connection. posting like crazy! (david) it's wild. (vo) 5g ultra wideband is now in more and more places. verizon is going ultra, so you can too. ♪ [upbeat music] ♪ [sound of tape application] i just need you to sign option three. [cheering] ♪ [upbeat music] ♪ for everything we need. for everything we want. for everything we do. [cheering] we're all better off with an ally. ♪ oh, marco's pepperoni magnifico. classic and old world pepperoni® on one pizza—and a large is just $9.99 when ordered online?! the phrase “slice of heaven” comes to mind... marco's. pizza lovers get it. ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. and being so nervous making this movie with him was hysterical. we didn't have a complete script. i remember one day looking at richard, what are we doing? what scene are we doing? >> geary, be funny, action! >> well done. [ applause ] >> did we think it was going to be a huge success? >> not necessarily. >> hi, look, do you remember me the. >> yeah, i am sorry. i was in here yesterday and you would not wait on me. >> oh. >> work on commission, right? >> yes. >> huge mistake. i have to go shopping now. >> "pretty woman" made julia robert a star. >> gary said, just touch it, the most amazing thing you have ever seen and he said to richard. >> we fall for her and we fall for a ton of brick. >> oh my god. it is the bride and the woman she will never live up to you. >> he rises to the decade but end with three mega rom-coms. >> can i help you at all. >> i will just look around. >> richard chris said he wrote it with me in mind and i love when writers say that, i don't care if it is true. >> it is hard to find really great original material that holds a real performance and the comedy and physical comedy and some thread of love you are trying to accomplish. >> and i am also just a girl standing in front of a boy. >> romantic comedy was a genre that i love, they were making a resurgence at the time when i was the ready. >> the romance comedy gets a jump start, you have a number of people who were in-depth at the performance of romantic comedy. you have sandra bullock and you have hughes grant and you have meg ryan and you have tom hanks. >> could it be that you need someone just as much as jo jonah does? >> yes. >> nor efron prepares movies like no other directors i would work with. every line was specifically found or written or perfected. >> it was me. #. >> imagine. >> nora efron was unafraid to take something that felt familiar but covered it in unfamiliar territory. >> i certainly hope so. >> will she scratch up your back? >> what? >> in movies, women always scratch the men's back and scream and stuff when women have sex. >> how do you know this? >> dad had cable. >> you saw on screen families who are not the traditional family. >> the great thing about nora is when she was talking about the dynamics between men and women who are atraktracted to each ot and searching for each other and don't really know it. she was a genius. >> i am the guy that you don't usually see. >> i am the ones behind the scenes. i want to write a movie that begins where an '80s movie ended. >> what's going on? >> they fired jerry mcguyer. >> the script went right to tom cr cruise. >> i love this script. i will read it with you and you tell me if i am right for it. >> don't worry. i am not going to do what you all think i am going to do. and basically i have been geeking out over his performance ever since. >> jerry, mcguire, how are you doing? >> how am i doing? i will tell you what i am doing, i am sweating, dude. >> cuba and tom just deliriously happy actors. they were landing blows on each other. >> jerry, you better yell. >> show me the money! >> that scene just kind of exploded. >> calculongratulations you arel my agent. >> that film really spoke to me so deeply because a single mom with this precocious little kid and bringing a guy into that picture. i love how much cameron believers in romance. >> i was so anxious to do one line. "you complete me." there were times i read that on the script and thought fantastic and other times, is this too che cheesy and he told tom that. just give me a shot at it. if you don't want to use it, don't use it. >> i love you. you complete me. just shut up. >> you had me at hello. >> i look around and everybody is crying. >> the grizzles and guys holding cable are like and i was like noti think it is going to work. ♪ to all the kisses -- we strip in the community garden. i've been stripping here for years. i strip before take-off. breathe right strips open your nose for relief you can feel right away, helping you take in air more easily, wherever you are. we're getting destroyed out there. we need a plan! i have a plan... right now at t-mobile customers on magenta max can get the new iphone 13 and t-mobile will pay for it! upgrade to the iphone 13 on us. we're carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. this guy is going through all the eggs. >> he's been going through for 20 minutes now. >> he said he has to find the perfect dozen. >> each egg has to be perfect. >> in the '90s you can feel the excitement of something happening here. genuine and independent film movement. sundance, i felt like i was growing up in apart of the major film industry. as time went on, i became aware of other stories that could be told. they would be told people less incline to be commercially attractive. they were different, they were off beat. it was stories i felt should be told. >> women are lonely in the '90s, it is our new phase. we'll live. >> they were not looking at who made the movies. they were looking at the movies. they had a commitment of showing films with specific authentic voices. >> there was a sudden recognition because of the success of films that came out of that festival and it drove such a profound change into main line hollywood. >> hey man, gyou got a joint? >> no, not on me, man. >> it would be a lot cooler if he did. >> just like "american gra graffiti," this complete euphoric look of young people before they have to become adults. >> other high school movies, there is a million of them but very view that gives you an honest depiction of that time in your life. >> whoo! >> and you see all these fantastic actors who started out dazed and confused. >> that's what i love about these high school girls. i get older and they stay the same age. >> richard casts all these fabulous girls. those characters i adored. they felt like real girls to me. >> the older you get, more are going to try to get you followed and follow. you got to keep living, man. >> it is lightning in a bottle. >> all right, everybody cuff up some greens. come on. throw in a buck. >> no, i don't tip. >> you don't tip? >> no, i don't believe in it. >> i read "reservoir dawn," i thought it was written somebody that's 67 years old and kind of gotten out of jail and wrote his life story. >> the guy that pushed it through to us that allowed us to discover quinton tarantino. >> it is easy for you to say you missed the whife. you got a cool sounding name. >> nobody is trading with anybody. it was clearly focused on violence which was prevalent in our country. it was a breakthrough moment. >> so bad. the bad as opposed to good? >> here violence and brutal violence comes with a heavy at times dose of comedy. >> you know what they call quarter pound of a cheese in france. >> no. >> tell them vincent. >> royal with cheese. >> you know why they call it that? >> because of the metric system? >> check out the big brain on brad. >> "pulp fiction" was his fever dream of the screen play. it was this wild harry bug, it was like a tarantula. my god, look at the size of that thing. >> that's a possibility. >> look at what john travolta does and uma thurman. >> it rewrote the rules, the way you can make films. >> uconn cyou constantly have t attention, you have all these characters connected and you have to figure out as the movie goes on. >> i love you pumpkin. >> i love you honey-bunny. >> you know a tarantino film the minute you see it. it is such a fan-fair of a new kind of film maker. >> in la, it kind of became a phenomenon. >> so -- what do you guys do? >> well, i am al comedian. when i start writing "swingers," i didn't know it was going to be a movie or a full script. i had fun and i kept going with it. >> you want to talk to a man, i don't want you to be in the guy pg-13 movie. i want you to be in the rated r movie. you are a bad man. you are a bad man. bad man. >> what sort of that in the comedy sensibility and of course we were influential. kevin smith and tarantino and the movie finally came out, it hit the culture in a big way. >> baby, it is not that hard. >> you want in? >> 310. 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"the little mermaid" was a hit that show what these movies can do. ♪ and that kicked off a total revolution in the animation world. >> and now we invite you to relax and let us pull up a chair ass the dining room proudly presents your dinner. ♪ when audience see these movies, they have not seen animations like these in decades. ♪ in the studio we examined the templates of "snow white," "pinocchio" and "dumbo" and "bambi." >> we turn disney animation to its fundamental. >> 10,000 years will give you a crick in the neck. >> because they are none with cleverness and great use of music which disney specialized in. they capture the same magic. "the lion king" is interesting because it is an old tale that's retold in different ways. it emerged to something special and became big. ♪ ♪ ♪ it means no worries ♪ ♪ for the rest of your day ♪ oh i just cannot wait ♪ ♪ to be king ♪ >> people were ready for that kind of story and that kind of epic scale. you can see the beginning of cg in the background for certain things like the stampede. it is one of those things where the stars are aligning and it hits a culture in a way that's impactful. pixar changed the game. i remember i see "toy story" and i saw it twice. >> there is no science of intelligent life anywhere. >> the comedy was not talking down to kids, it was for everybody. >> we are all very impressed with andy's new toy. >> toy? >> t-o-y. >> i think the word you are searching for is space ranger. >> the word i am searching for, i can't say because there is pre-school toys getting kind of tanked, are ya? >> the technology for me was nice and interesting. what blew me away was new characters. >> to infinity and beyond. >> the film was contemporary and not a musical and it was done with all of this sincerity of the walt era. >> you actually think you are the buzz lightyear. >> all these times i thought i was an act. hey guys, look, it is the real buzz lightyear. >> i think pixar beautifully written. >> if you knew him, you should understand. andy is a real special kid and to him you are his buddy and best friend. when andy plays with you it is like -- even though you are not moving, you feel like you are alive because that's how he sees you. >> you absolutely believe these characters had an internal life. they felt like being a toy was a job that they were proud of. that was just a brilliant premise. it was executed perfectly. there is something that's so beautiful about bringing objects to life. drawing animation is the same kind. there is something of stop motion is so pure and strong. >> what's this? what's this? ♪ ♪ there is white things in the air, i can't believe ♪ ♪ my eyes ♪ >> tim burton managed to take the most -- and making it so fun. >> no one has that aesthetic. >> you don't have to wonder 10 seconds if it is a tim burton's film. >> i have a present for you. >> edward scissor's hands. >> a father creates a boy but dies before he can put his hands-on. >> "edward's scissor hands." i will be darn ed. >> with tim and his kyle clark, there is always a connection with him and johnny depth. >> there is kind of a way of speaking without speaking and communicating which is why he's edward's scissor hands. >> i feel some connection to him or winona ryder. >> so we'll be working together? >> really? well, my next one will be better. hello? edward is such a sweet movie and yet it is not clawing. it is just completely cool and crazy. he's a monster. can you imagine what that guy would look like in a movie. >> johnny depp plays edward. his character is so perfect. you just love him for his enthusiasm. >> all right, man. prepare for scene 32. mr. wood. where is the office? >> we all feel that. any time it is going to be the greatest and most amazing things. >> ed wood was not made as a joke. it was lovely made in appreciation of what that guy had done. >> these actors really love their crafts. they're kind of weird and sort of sense of family you get in films. it felt really close to me. it felt like my own life. a bunch of weirdos trying to make movies, this is the one. this is the one i will be remembered for. redefine who we are and how we want to lead our lives. basically, choose what we want our future to look like. so what's yours going to be? okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ at intra-cellular therapies, we're inspired by our circle. a circle that includes our researchers, driven by our award-winning science, who uncover new medicines to treat mental illness. it includes the compassionate healthcare professionals, the dedicated social workers, and the supportive peer counselors we work with to help improve - and even change - people's lives. moving from mental illness to mental wellness starts in our circle. this is intra-cellular therapies. ♪ oh! go home. bad wolf. when you think of the ''90s, yo think of kevin costner and mel gibson and you think of clint eastwood who finally gets his due in the '90s. " "unforgiven" is a miraculous film. it is landed on this moment of frailty. >> my agent called, hey, clint eastwood made an offer. >> clint eastwood, eastwood? >> oh shucks, tell him i will think about it. >> i remember it was beaming. well, not two. >> play like that no more, man. ain't no tracy killing fools. >> clint eastwood and morgan freeman have been professional killers. they are sick of violence and they don't want to do it anymore but they got dragged back into it. >> i killed one man and ch children. i killed about everything that walks and falls at one time or another. i am here to kill you. what did you do to ned? >> clint may be the best director i have ever worked with. i love the way he does it. he's quick and decisive. beautiful. >> ayou're a director in this period like michael mann who are the rebels. the guy is just doing it differently. >> i don't understand. >> there is a dead man on the other end of this. >> he provides us an opportunity to finally see robert dinero and al pacino on screen together and doing a scene together. >> what do you say i will buy you a cup of coffee. >> the scene in the diner, we know there was a next. >> it is one of my favorites between these two guys kocoming together. i do what i do best. i take scores. >> i will not he hassitate. >> people want to see great actors. >> guys like michael mann will always punch you in the gut. they'll make a movie but it will have truth to it. "fargo" is a perfect movie in every way. the performances are absolutely perfect. >> it was written for me, i got excited. >> we got a shooting. these folks drove by. >> it is works of literature. the scene where marge is interrogating the two strippers. >> hey, they said they're going to the twins city. >> oh yeah? >> is that useful to you? >> oh i bet cha. >> it was punctuated and written in the rhythm that we played it. >> and the oscar goes to "fargo," "fargo" really gets embraced. everyone loves this movie. what do they do? they do something completely different. >> sometimes there is a man, he's the man for his time and place. >> one of my favorite stories was how long it took for him to do it. >> how could he not? >> obviously he came to that conclusion himself. >> wait, let me strike something to you. i am not mr. labowski. i am the dude, that's what you call me. that or his dudeness or duder or el duderino if you are not into the whole brevity thing. >> it was the only time i had not been able to look at an actor in the eye because he's so funny. >> jeffery, love me. >> that's my robe. >> nick labowski is the most quotable movies of my generation. >> they are revolutionary bomb th throwers. you are pleased that the bombs landed on your front porch. they kept control of their films from the beginning and allowing any genre they wanted to go into. >> where i grew up it was sat -- ill not know what the difference was when it was a van. that was where "boogie night" came from. >> who's dirt dickler. >> when i got paul's script for "boogie night." i said are you punking me? >> no, there is not. no, that's the contract. i said well, i am in. >> i used to argue with paul that amber should die. >> she would, she probably would. i don't know if she would survivored all of that. >> i will ask you if you are my mom, and you will say yes, are you my mom? >> she assumes the mantle of parenting in this world. >> she's not actually talking care of them, she's play-acting. >> we are talking about coming to an agreement of andrew. >> this thing that i love of the scene is she's fighting for custody. the judge turns to her, have you been arrested? what was the charge? >> amber's sobbing. that's it, she's somebody that's not responsible enough to parent. >> you don't have to be interested in photography. the moral center of the movie is about all these broken humans trying to make themselves whole by finding a stitch together family when they don't have an tw actual family of their own. >> i am not sure if there is a higher compliment, his imprint is on his films. >> come on, frank. what are you doing? we're carvana, the company >> what am i doing? >> yeah. >> i am quietly judging you. way. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. we're getting destroyed out there. we need a plan! i have a plan... right now at t-mobile customers on magenta max can get the new iphone 13 and t-mobile will pay for it! upgrade to the iphone 13 on us. [vocalizing] [sound of dental machine] open here you go buddy. thank you. ah, thank you. have a good one. you too. [singing] happy birthday you may kiss the bride. [cheering and clapping] [cheering] ♪ good job. we love you, mom. we love you, dad. [sound of ocean] oh my god. that's our baby girl. [sound of heartbeat on ultrasound] ♪ i strip on public transit. i strip with the guys. i strip all by myself. breathe right strips open your nose for relief you can feel right away, helping you take in air more easily, day or night. after 40, we need anti-aging care that works. revitalift night serum with pure retinol from l'oreal. in a clinical test 100% of women showed reduction of wrinkles. even deep wrinkles. revitalift night serum with pure retinol from l'oreal paris. the piano was uncompromising. you feel the weight of the fabric and the dampness of the air and the moss. >> a film maker in new zealand. starring holly hunter and a very - the kind of intimacy that jane pulls us into as an audience. she has a voice not to be debied. denied. >> it is an extraordinary performance and also holly is a very accomplished pianist. it is one of those perfect roles for the perfect actor. this movie established jane champion. she became the second woman to be nominated for directing tt. the '90s was the best time for women directors. they made it really enjoyable. >> you were hanging out with other makers, wow, how many movies can i make and how many women can i work with? >> they don't want to be acknowledged as a female director. i fought my whole career to be acknowledged as a film maker and not a black film maker. >> don't call me a female director, i am a director. >> i am a bad therapist. >> do thank you hear me? >> i am making these people worse. >> walking and talking was inspired at the time. my best friend was getting married. >> so fake looking. >> we are engage d. we are going to get married. >> are you crazy? >> i had sex with you two weeks ago and now you asked why i have not rented lately? >> oh, i don't know what to say. >> i don't know anyone who's better at setting up that kind of situation that makes us all squirm because they're so human. >> i don't know why she's going out with high school boys, they're like dogs. they're like these creatures that jump and slobbers all over you. >> when i was writing "clueless" i hung around beverly schools a lot. you heard the vernacular. in conclusion, it does not say rsvp on the statute of liberty. [ applause ] >> thank you very much. >> she's giving these girls their own vocabulary. hello, it was his 50th birthday. whatever. >> oh my god. i am totally bugging. they're changing the lexicon of teen girls all over the world. >> do you have any idea who you are talking about? >> no. >> even though cher is this fantastic and gorgeous creation, amy is still able to see her as a real girl. she didn't turn her into just as punch line. >> in "a league of their own." penny marshals looks at the role of women, changing role of women in world war ii. men was fighting for the battlefield but there is still as hunger of professional baseball. a league of their own was about women of baseball players. it is iconic and the lines are iconic and performances are iconic. >> i told them it was our patriotic duty to get out of the kitchen and go to work. and we'll send the men back to the kitchen. >> what do we do? "a league of their own" was a movie that female empowerment and how powerful women are when they unite and how many stories we still have to tell. >> she's under it. [ applause ] >> oh, what did she do? and...throug h the subaru share the love event, we are proud to have donated over two hundred and twenty five million dollars to charity. you can get a car from any company, but none will make a difference like subaru. (jeff) thank you. (bonnie) thank you. (robert) thank you. subaru. more than a car company. lisa here, has had many jobs. and all that experience has led her to a job that feels like home. with home instead, you too can become a caregiver to older adults. apply today. ♪ ♪making your way in the world today♪ ♪takes everything you've got♪ ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? ♪ ♪ ♪ sometimes you want to go ♪ ♪where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ ♪and they're always glad you came ♪ i have love "the detetermin" but the sequel blew it out of the water as far as i was concerned. >> that truck. you watch that chase today, it is powerful cinema. >> come with me if you want to liver. >> it is okay, mom. >> its got ideas of space travel and all what kind sci-fi. >> gywhen james cameron got to "t-2" he was interested in expanding his palette. it was widely ground breaking. >> cameron was working with industrial light and magic. >> they're inventing this process of cgi as they went. >> when you first heard steven spielberg would be making a movie about a place where dinosaurs were brought to life, your first respond would be i can't wait to see that. >> where did it go? amazing how long it takes before the t-rex comes out. he makes you wait for it. and wait for it. and wait for it. i don't know what a dinosaur really looks like in real life, i think it looks like jurassic park. >> boy, i hate being right all the time. what steven spielberg innately understands that dinosaurs are awesome. >> it was the same glowing that i had as a 7-year-old watching "jaws" for the first time. you see those dinosaurs eating the leaves off the tree. >> that's what spielberg does as a film maker, he makes you go -- >> what that technology can do for their story telling. "titanic" is a throw back to so many ways to the big bluster in the '60s and '50s. it talked about cleopatra. we are putting everything on this giant boat, is it going to stick? it is budget. leonardo dicaprio, his "romeo and juliet" had not come out yet. there were some nervousness. the studio thought they were in terrible trouble. it was going to be an enormous disaster and it turned out to be the biggest movie of all time. >> i am the king of the world! >> whoo hoo! "ti "titanic" had everything. it was an epic, old fashion movie. an action movie. it also had a love story at the heart of it. >> i am jack dawson. >> it was irresistible. >> it was jack and rose and sexy. >> leo was gorgeous and kate winslet. they were just this vivian, lee, clark gaible kind of pairing. >> "titanic" is this moment where james cameron is st straddling these two worlds. from this moment on, '97, the world goes computer. >> you have to let it all go, neo, fear, doubt and disbelief. free your mind. "the matrix" changes everything. you have the embrace of eastern cinema into western cannon. and you have got them making their actors do the stunts themselves. keanu reeves had already done "point break." he'd already done "speed." but this is a different level of action star he's transforming into. this was six months of training every actor had to go through. one of the things you get when you're having the actors do their own stunts, you can film closeups of the face while a punch is being taken, while a punch is being thrown. the action itself becomes storytelling. >> as cgi gets better, we become a little more sophisticated in our tastes when we see computer-generated effects because each year they get more real and lifelike. >> how? >> he is the one. ...that led... this one. celebrate every kiss, with kay. we strip in the community garden. i've been stripping here for years. i strip before take-off. breathe right strips open your nose for relief you can feel right away, helping you take in air more easily, wherever you are. (vo) for me, one of the best things about life is that we keep moving forward. we discover exciting new technologies. redefine who we are and how we want to lead our lives. basically, choose what we want our future to look like. so what's yours going to be? read my eyes. they tell my story. and the story of voluminous original, america's number one mascara ...creamy formula for 5x the volume. voluminous original mascara by l'oréal. my eyes are saying you're worth it. i was injured in a car crash. i had no idea how much my case was worth. i called the barnes firm. when a truck hit my son, i had so many questions about his case. i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could've made. your case is often worth more than insuran call the barnes firm to find out i could've made. what your case could be worth. we will help get you the best result possible. ♪ the barnes firm, injury attorneys ♪ call one eight hundred,est resul eight million ♪ i want to tell you my secret now. >> okay. >> i see dead people. >> i remember in '99, everyone i knew, everyone in our crowd, was working on something that felt exciting and felt like it had a generational voice in it. >> i'm scared to close my eyes. scared to open them. >> it was very clear that something was in the water that year. ♪ here i come to save the day ♪ >> it felt like the final exam for the 20th century. the bell's about to ring and everyone's trying to get their thing in before the century ends. you have this interesting combination of young filmmakers swinging for the fences and showing people what they can do, as well as more established figures like michael mann trying to find their gear. >> i have to put my family's welfare on the line. and what are you putting up? words. >> while you've been dicking around some [ bleep ] company golf tournaments, i've been out in the world giving my word and backing it up with action. >> i'd stack '99 up against any year in american filmmaking in terms of a real cohort of great filmmakers dropping really significant work. >> hey, mr. mcallister. >> not wasting any time, are you, tracy? >> you know what they say about the early bird. >> yeah, i do. >> "election" is the second movie of alexander payne. it's about this high school student council election in omaha. reese witherspoon is tracy flick. she is someone you almost want to root for because of her passion and her drive. and yet also, she has a little bit too much ambition. >> they know this country was built by people just like me who work very hard and don't have everything handed to them on a silver spoon. >> what's brilliant about "election" is you are getting voice-over from three or four different perspectives. >> who knew how high she would climb in life, how many people would suffer because of her. i had to stop her. >> alexander payne made a very american movie, and the performances in "election" of matthew broderick and reese witherspoon are terrific. >> looks like you could use a cupcake. >> it's a remarkable film. >> who are you? >> "boys don't cry" is based on a true story about brandon tina, a young man who was a trans man living in a small community. he fell in love with a woman. they had a relationship, and other people discovered that this was a trans man and not a cis man, and sexually assaulted and murdered him. "boys don't cry," a phenomenal movie. no studio would have made that movie. it was a game changer in terms of american cinema, between what was made before and what was made afterwards. >> 1999 was just such a great year in independent cinema. you look at that lineup of films from "virgin suicides" to "three kings" to "being john malkovich." >> there's a tiny door in my room, it's a portal. it takes you to john malkovich. you see the world through john malkovich's eyes, then after about 15 minutes you're spit out on the side of the new jersey turnpike. >> it's a great combination. spike jones and charlie kaufman and they remind people movies can be so much more. >> what happens when a man goes through his own portal? >> we'll see. >> it's a meta fictional dive into literally the brain of john malkovich who was in the movie playing himself. >> malkovich, malkovich. ♪ malkovich ♪ >> it's one of those movies that's impossible to describe. it just sounds like you're piling one absurdity upon another. but it somehow all coheres into just this crazy and beautiful film. >> i want you to do me a favor. >> yeah, sure. >> i want you to hit me as hard as you can. >> what? >> i want you to hit me as hard as you can. >> sometimes a piece of material finds a filmmaker who is uniquely possessed of the chops to do it right. >> ow! >> "fight club" was hard to imagine anybody who had a better dna than him for that film. >> the first rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club. second rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club. >> we were doing the kind of film we'd all hoped to do. >> trust me. everything's going to be fine. >> i thought "fight club" could be one of those things that becomes a marker for the way we felt at a certain time. it connected right where we wanted it to connect, and it's still growing. and that's exciting, for me, that's the highest aspiration. >> in the '90s, you get these trends and these moments that are going to carry on for the next few decades. you have this moment of really promising black filmmakers who are coming up. you have women's voices coming more to the forefront in that they're writing films and in cases directing films. you're also sort of getting big blockbusters, as hollywood will always have. it lays the groundwork for what we're going to see for the next 20 years. >> you want answers? >> i think i'm entitled. >> you want answers? >> i want the truth! >> you can't handle the truth! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

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Character , Part , Sociopath , Sociopaths , Instinct , Sociopathic Mind , Rough Edges , Thing , Lambs , Silence , Nothing , Bated Breath , Hannibal Lecter , Actor , Horror Film , Piece , My Name , Clarice Starling , Closer , Close Up Master , Dr , Serial Killers , Sort , Tension , Trophies , Silence Of The Lambs , Victims , Dance , We Love You , Horror Movie , Elements , Iconography , Thriller , Films , Scream , Best Picture , Don T You , Wake Up In The Dark , Best Actress , Yes , Three , Best Director , Best Actor , Best Adapted Screenplay , Anthony Hopkins , 16 , Love Story , Buddy Movies , Female , Thelma , Thelma And Louis , Things , Face , Friends , Me , Let Her Go , Rails , Bleep , It Wasn T , Robbery , Flash , Crime Spree , Saw , Ladies And Gentlemen , Screaming , Odyssey Of Two Women On The Last Journey , Miraculous Film , Journey , Thought , Choices , Go , Kind , Lives , Power , Choice , Culmination , Let S Go , Prison Film , Enemies , Shawshank Redemption , Audience , Prison 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Show , Kids , Perversion , Kid , Points , Side Wall Haircut , Quiz Show , Jewish , Herb Stempel , John Turturro , Rose , Area , Fame , Class , Wasn T That Pleasant , Someone , Personality , Cruelty , Answers , Champion , 0000 , 20000 , Us , Malcolm X , Top , Epic , Spike Lee , We Didn T Land On Plymouth Rock , Plymouth Rock , Performance , Denzel Washington , Urgency , Movie Stardom , Casting , Fortune , Pinnacle , Spike , Artistry , Portrait , Individual , Negro In America , Greats , Painting , American Citizen , Race Problem , The Game , Emancipation Proclamation , Mr , Becket , Philadelphia , Godfather , Marlon Brando , Aids , People With Aids , Apprehension , Partners , Forehead , Disease , Lesion , Sexuality , Tom Hanks , Case , General Public , Fear , Closet , Hatred , Homosexuals , Loathing , Forrest Gump , Forrest , Script , Play , John Lennon , Wall , Hands , Land , Americans , Contingency , World Peace , Accident , Play Ping Pong , He S A Magnificent Comedy Actor , Tom , Actor Living , Dead , Age , Old , Nostalgia , World War Ii , 70 , Generation , Aspects , Retrospective , Dad , Time , In My Life , House , Men Cry , Saving Private Ryan , Air Corps , Band Of Brothers , Experience , Veterans , On The Beach , Reunions , Trauma , Moviegoers , Bullets , Men Disembark , Water , Spielberg , Realism , Beach , Nose , Meg Ryan , Savagery , Ability , Audiences , I Don T , Feeling , Sir , Reach , Movie , Example , Reminder , Suspenseful , Course , Cost , Soul , Warfare , Conflict , Scars , Word , Holocaust , Don T Know , Nice Sheen On It , Film , More , Life Journey , Murders , Style , Liam Neeson , Shooting , Cast , Felt , Graveyard , Crew , Amount , Reverence , Life , Schindler , God Bless You , On Broadway , Oskar Schindler , Deal Maker , Workers , Metamorphosis , Pleasure , Wealth , Empathy , Deniers , Awareness , Totality , History , Fact , Meaning , Film Maker , Phone , Ias , Schindler S List , 800 , 00 , Number , Employees , Customers , Largest , 5g Network , Opportunities , Business , Facebook , 5 , 200 , Ton , T Mobile , Life Changing , Blood Clots , Info , Report , Kisses , Led , Kiss , With Kay , Hand , Groundhog Day , Phil Connors , Bill Murray , Heck Fire , Chance , Time Machine , Convention , Ned , Cast A Spell , Bill , Groundhog , There , Groundhog Bill , Dick , Shadow , Morons , Bus , The End , Pal , Young Man , Comedy Actors , Tire , Ma Am , Secret , Divorce , Jewelry Box , Rest , I Don T Know , Trinkets , Wes Anderson , Aesthetic , What S Going On , Scene , Right , Terms , Rushmore , Passion , School , Frank , Grades , Bag , Stage , Cocaine , Uniform , Fan Letter , Humor , Pathos , Nurse , Scrubs , O R , Frame , Scenes , Adam Sandler , Newlyweds , Sidney , Scott , Whoopedy Doo , Wayne S World , Laugh , Heads Bobbing Back And Forth , Screen , Star , Jim Carrey , Questions , Ass , Behind , Brothers , Ass Off , Bubble , Hell , Farrelly , Rules , Heart , Decaf Cappuccino , Cool Girl , Half , Twist , Lemon , Cameron Diaz , Caf , Lots , Hello , Flashes , Peter Sellers , Umm , Office Space , Hit , Speaking , Nina , 9 , Technology , Office , Cubicle Lands , Jennifer Aniston , Oh , Chick , Logistics , Tgif S , Show , Flair , Ply Flair , Teacher S Pet , Cuddled , Richard Chris , Christopher Guest , Master , Mockumentary , Snl , Shakespeare In The Park , Synchronized Swimming , Vegematic , Tube , Chapstick , Waiting For Guffman , Born , Joke , Space , Fred Willard , Off Broadway , Catherine O Hara , Eugene , Line , Tastes , Ass Face , Technologies , Everyone , Doing , Girlfriend , Photographer , Banking , Phones , Bank Of America , Ring Fund , Wonder , Bouquet , Tools , Track , Thinking , Yoga Studio , Zen , Father Of The Bride , Stop Banking , Do The Right Thing , Dorm , Bullet Ain T , Name , Some , Shot , Writing , Boyz In The Hood , Truffaut , Momma , Black , Partner , Cop , Movies Didn T , Blows , Call , Stand By Me , Rob Reiner , 400 , Residents , Teenager , Huh , Person , Best Original Screenplay , Playing Attention To Black Film , Singleton , Academy Awards , Filmmakers , Culture , Cover Story , The New York Times , Magazine , Collection , Blizzard Ain T , Juice , Blizzard , Five , Dude , Entertainment , Attitude , Vision , Robert De Niro , Hollywood , Gangster Rap Thing , Storytellers , Ice T , Ice Cube , Tupac , Heartbeat , Craig , Film Industry , Filmmaking , Music , Sundance , Cinema , Transitioning , Cube , Mainstream , You Guys , Hi , Attendance , Teen Comedy , Ladies , Fun , House Party , Huh Uh , Silly , Kid N Play Who Were A Musical Duo Playing Two Teenagers Looking , Dragon Breath , Possibilities , Party , Premier , Away , Scandalous , Care , John Singleton Films , Spike Lee Films , School Night , Indie , Tv , Knicks , Me What , Goddamnn , Tv Off , Examining Black Culture , Julie Dash , Daughters Of The Dust , Hood , Quote , Gentlemen , Leslie Harris , Girl , Perspective , Black Realism , Range , Black Cinema Of The 90s , Hood Genre , Bow Wow , Companion Films , Comedies , How Stella Got Her Groove Back , Family Films , Soul Food , Waiting To Exhale , Will Smith , Career , Sisterhood , Hadn T , Element , Superstar , Mainstream Cinema , Role , Gay Hustler , Six Degrees Of Separation , Six , Action , Many , There Aren T , Secrets , Clothes , Triple Threat , Drama , Pack , Tom Cruise , Fruit Bubbleicious , Gun Down , Box Office , Star Anyone , Sci Fi Aliens , Difference , Will Smith Movies , Look Good , Earth , July 4th , 4 , Worries , Break , Ultra , Network , 5g , Cities , Ultra Wideband , Verizon , Mindy , Claire In Hd Clarity , Mom Becomes A , Yep , 10 , Connection , Crowd , Places , Jelly , Text , Steve , David , Cheering , Tape Application , Ally , Pizza Lovers , Marco S , Phrase , Slice Of Heaven , Marco , Pepperoni Magnifico , Old World Pepperoni , 9 99 , 99 , Feel , Sugar , Electorlytes , Powder Packs , Pedialyte , Richard , Applause , Geary , Commission , Julia Robert A Star , Mistake , Shopping , Pretty Woman , Bride , Oh My God , Brick , End , Rom Coms , Mind , Material , Writers , Thread , Girl Standing , Front , Genre , Boy , Romantic Comedy , Romance Comedy , Jump Start , Resurgence , Sandra Bullock , Hughes Grant , Nora Efron , Directors , Jo Jonah , Back , Territory , Sex , Stuff , Cable , Screen Families , Dynamics , Genius , Ones , Atraktracted , Jerry Mcguyer , 80 , Think , Don T Worry , Tom Cr Cruise , Sweating , Geeking , Mcguire , Actors , Landing , Cuba , Agent , Calculongratulations You Arel , Mom , Picture , Romance , Believers , I Love You , Grizzles , Air , Community Garden , Take Off , Plan , Magenta , Iphone 13 , Carvana , Company , Car Vending Machines , License Plate , Techno Wizardry , Spot , Offer , Value , Students , Recording Artist , Recording , Internet , Millions , Elodia , 1 , 10 Million , Comcast , Projectup , Billion , 1 Billion , Eggs , Egg , Excitement , Movement , Incline , Off Beat , Voices , Commitment , Phase , Recognition , Who , Gyou , Change , Festival , Main Line , Cooler , Adults , High School , Depiction , American Gra Graffiti , Dazed And Confused , Girls , High School Girls , Bottle , Everybody Cuff , Throw , Tip , Greens , Buck , Reservoir Dawn , Life Story , Jail , Quinton Tarantino , 67 , Trading , Cool Sounding Name , Whife , Country , Breakthrough , Heavy , Cheese , Metric System , Pound , Royal , France , Them Vincent , Pulp Fiction , Brain On Brad , Screen Play , Fever Dream , God , Tarantula , Possibility , Size , John Travolta , Uma Thurman , Uconn Cyou Constantly Have T Attention , Fan Fair , Goes On , Pumpkin , Bunny , Al Comedian , Phenomenon , La , Swingers , Guy Pg 13 , Baby , Comedy Sensibility , Kevin Smith , Well Mannered , 310 , Watch , Latitude , Emergency Location , Responder , Owner , Apple , 47 7 , Radius , Message , 17 5 , Forty One , Leg , Back Pain Relief , Pain Radiating , Announcer , Magnilife , Retailer , The Little Mermaid , Animation World , Chair Ass , Dining Room , Revolution , Animations , Dinner , Studio , Templates , Snow White , Bambi , Its Fundamental , Pinocchio , Dumbo , 10000 , None , Use , Neck , Cleverness , Crick , Disney Specialized In , The Lion King , Tale , Magic , Retold , Big , King , Beginning , Background , Cg , Epic Scale , Stampede , Stars , Impactful , Science , Toy Story , Game , Anywhere , Pixar , Andy , Toy , Space Ranger , Toys , Musical , Beyond , Infinity , Sincerity , Buzz Lightyear , Walt , Act , Best Friend , Buddy , Premise , Drawing Animation , Stop Motion , Objects , Tim Burton , Eyes , Edward Scissor , No One , Most , Present , Father , Hands On , Edward S Scissor Hands , Johnny Depp , Ed , Depth , Kyle Clark , He S Edward Scissor Hands , Winona Ryder , Monster , Plays Edward , Wood , Enthusiasm , 32 , Appreciation , Ed Wood , Bunch , Crafts , Weirdos , The One , Nutrition , Mission , Strength , Energy , Minerals , Vitamins , Protein , Woo Hoo , 27 , Circle , Therapies , Mental Illness , Researchers , Professionals , Healthcare , Medicines , Social Workers , Peer Counselors , Mental Illness To Wellness , Go Home , Bad Wolf , Clint Eastwood , 0s , Due , Kevin Costner , Mel Gibson , Unforgiven , Frailty , Oh Shucks , Eastwood , Killers , Tracy Killing Fools , Morgan Freeman , Another , Children , Ch , Clint May , Director , Decisive , Beautiful , Ayou , Michael Mann , Opportunity , Rebels , Cup , On Screen , Coffee , Al Pacino , Diner , Favorites , Next , Guys Kocoming , Scores , Gut , Performances , Truth , Fargo , Works , Folks , Literature , Strippers , Cha , Twins , City , Rhythm , Oscar , Conclusion , Wait , Dudeness , Duder , El Duderino , Labowski , Robe , Eye , Jeffery , Brevity , Nick Labowski , My Generation , Control , Bomb , Bombs , Porch , Th Throwers , Boogie Night , Van , Dirt Dickler , Sat , Paul , Amber , Play Acting , Mantle , Parenting , Fighting , Custody , Judge , Agreement , Andrew , Charge , Sobbing , Humans , Center , Photography , Stitch , Tw , Compliment , Imprint , Vocalizing , Birthday , Clapping , Dental Machine , Baby Girl , Ultrasound , Sound Of Ocean , Transit , Wrinkles , Test , Revitalift Night Serum , Pure Retinol , L Oreal , L Oreal Paris , Reduction , 40 , Piano , Fabric , Weight , Dampness , Intimacy , Moss , New Zealand , Holly Hunter , Jane Champion , Voice , Holly , Debied , Pianist , Roles , Directing Tt , Women Directors , Makers , Me A Female , Therapist , Walking , Talking , Anyone , Situation , High School Boys , Dogs , Squirm , Creatures , Schools , Clueless , Vernacular , Beverly , Vocabulary , Rsvp , Statute , Liberty , Teen Girls , Whatever , Lexicon , A League Of Their Own , Amy , Punch Line , Penny Marshals , Gorgeous Creation , Role Of Women In World War Ii , Hunger , Battlefield , Professional Baseball , Kitchen , Baseball Players , Lines , Duty , Empowerment , Love Event , And Throug H , Charity , Jeff , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Lisa , Car Company , Jobs , Bonnie , Caregiver , The World Today , Sequel , The Detetermin , Liver , Truck , Chase , Got Ideas , Space Travel , Sci Fi , James Cameron , T 2 , Gywhen , 2 , Process , Cgi , Palette , Industrial Light And Magic , Dinosaurs , T Rex , Dinosaur , Jurassic Park , 7 , Jaws , Tree , Leaves , Titanic , Story Telling , Big Bluster In The 60s And 50s , Cleopatra , 60 , Boat , Leonardo Dicaprio , Budget , Nervousness , Romeo And Juliet , Trouble , Disaster , Whoo Hoo , Action Movie , Old Fashion Movie , Jack Dawson , Leo , Pairing , Lee , Kate Winslet , Vivian , Clark Gaible , Worlds , Computer , 97 , Go , Doubt , Neo , Disbelief , The Matrix , Stunts , Embrace , Eastern Cinema , Western Cannon , Keanu Reeves , Level , Point Break , Action Star He S Transforming Into , Punch , Storytelling , Closeups , Training , Effects , Mascara , Formula , Volume , Voluminous Original , Voluminous Original Mascara , Firm , Son , Truck Hit , Worth , Car Crash , Barnes , Best , Result , Injury Attorneys , Est Resul , Eight Million , Eight Hundred , 99 , Bell S , Exam , 20th Century , Combination , Gear , Words , Figures , Fences , Welfare , Work , Dicking , Golf Tournaments , Cohort , Mcallister , Election , High School Student Council Election , Bird , Tracy , Alexander Payne , Reese Witherspoon , Bit , Omaha , Drive , Ambition , Tracy Flick , Silver Spoon , Perspectives , Voice Over , Four , Looks , Matthew Broderick , Love , Community , Cupcake , Boys Don T Cry , Based On A True Story , Brandon Tina , Relationship , Cis , Lineup , Game Changer , American Cinema , 1999 , Portal , John Malkovich , Door , Room , Being John Malkovich , Three Kings , Virgin Suicides , Side , New Jersey Turnpike , Charlie Kaufman , Spike Jones , 15 , Meta , Brain , Dive , Absurdity , Favor , Fight Club , Rule , Dna , Connect , Marker , Aspiration , Trends , Forefront , Writing Films , Cases , Groundwork , Blockbusters ,

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Transcripts For CNN The Movies 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN The Movies 20240708

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♪ ♪ ♪ [ sound of gunfire ] as far back as i can remember, i always wanted to be a gangster. >> "goodfellas" is like, fasten your seatbelts, i'm going to kick the shit out of you for two and a half hours and you're going to love it. >> there have been so many gangster movies, so many mob movies. is it really possible that in 1990 martin scorsese will be able to make a gangster movie that has something to say that hasn't already been said a million times? >> it's going to be a good summer. >> and you watch the movie and you're like, yeah. >> see you later, thanks. >> what are you doing? you're leaving your car? >> he watches the car for me. >> we tried to capture the exuberance of that world. it's dangerous and threatening, but they're having a wonderful time. >> over there. >> oh, thanks a lot. >> "goodfellas" was the nuts and bolts of the mob. it was the mob as a job. >> what do you do? >> what? >> what do you do? >> i'm in construction. >> and the balance of these two families, of your mob family and your real family, and the way that the two start to bleed into each other. >> here, hide this. are you all right? are you all right? >> yeah, yeah. >> "goodfellas" was based on a book called "wiseguys." and i read it and i said, you know what, what if i play this guy, jimmy the chin? >> what did i tell you? what did i tell you? you don't buy anything, you hear me? don't buy anything. >> it's a true story. it is the nature of that lifestyle. >> christmas. your share. just a little taste. >> you have to be clever enough, let alone have the audacity, the discretion. but ultimately not being afraid of the violence. >> i couldn't believe what i just heard, spider, this is for you. that-a-boy. >> the dangerous enjoyment of it. you can be enjoying it and suddenly somebody gets shot in the chest. >> what's the world coming to? [ sound of gunfire ] >> then it's not funny. there is a price for everything you do. >> all right. you all know the drill. >> in the '90s, there's a host of movies in which people operate outside the system. we love the idea of the outlaw. it's one of the reasons we go to the movies. >> merry christmas. >> merry christmas to you, officer. >> you go to the movies to see people violate the mores and laws of society. >> i'm going to take one of those big envelopes and put as many 100s, 50s, and 20s as you can pack into it. >> in the '90s we were really rooting for criminals to get away with it. >> would you like a cigarette, nick? >> we wanted the bad guys to be the good guys. it was the era when the antihero was on the rise. >> you have something against ice cubes? >> i like rough edges. >> "in basic instinct" the character is a sociopath. and sociopaths are as dangerous as that character is. when i played the part, i needed to understand the sociopathic mind. and that is a very scary thing. >> "silence of the lambs," i remember waiting for it with bated breath to come out. nothing prepared me for how jonathan shot walking to meet hannibal lecter. >> good morning. >> dr. lecter, my name is clarice starling. may i speak with you? >> this is a horror film that is also an actor's piece. >> closer. >> told by the close-up master of all time. the tension, it just kept rising and rising. >> most serial killers keep some sort of trophies of their victims. >> i didn't. >> no. no, you ate yours. >> "silence of the lambs" is about this eerie dance between clarice starling and hannibal lecter. >> people will say we're in love. >> and manages to take elements of the horror movie and even the gothic iconography and put it into a real world thriller. >> you still wake up sometimes, don't you, wake up in the dark, and hear the scream of the lambs. >> yes. >> "silence of the lambs" becomes one of three films ever to win best picture, best actress, best director, best adapted screenplay, and then anthony hopkins wins best actor for playing hannibal lecter with maybe 16 minutes of screen time. >> how did darryl let you go? >> because i didn't ask him. >> shit, thelma. >> the thing i love about "thelma and louis" is it was a love story between two women. that was one of the great female buddy movies of all time. >> two friends decide to get away and things go off the rails really, really quickly. >> shut up! you hear me? shut up! >> please, please don't hurt me! >> you let her go, you [ bleep ] or i'm going to splatter your ugly face all over this nice car. >> i was driving home one night and the idea just hit me. two women go on a crime spree. >> good morning, ladies and gentlemen, this is a robbery. >> it wasn't just the idea. i kind of saw the whole movie in one flash. >> goddamn, you bitch! >> i don't think he's going to apologize. >> nah, i don't think so. [ sound of gunfire ] [ screaming ] >> it's an odyssey of two women on the last journey. they would not know it was the last journey, therefore the journey had to be magnificent. >> a lot of women looked at this film and thought, i can relate to those women. i know what they're going through. i can understand the choices they make. >> let's keep going. >> what do you mean? >> go! >> they looked at each other and they both knew. >> are you sure? >> it's kind of the culmination of both our lives and we have no choice. let's go. >> i can't imagine the movie would have had any power at all had we not ended it that way. >> i have no enemies here. >> no? wait a while. >> "shawshank redemption" is the perfect prison film. >> for a good prison movie you need a warden whose corrupt. >> i wouldn't worry about this contract. >> you need some claustrophobia, you want the audience to feel like they're trapped. and then there has to be hope. >> here. a little parole rejection present. >> the audience has to hope for something better for these characters that they fall for. >> it's a love story between two men spending 20, 30 years in prison, getting to know each other. >> the funny thing is, on the outside, i was an honest man, straight as an arrow. i had to come to prison to be a crook. >> ha! >> watching each other's lives rotate through this system. >> "shawshank redemption" is about seeking justice in an imperfect world. and when the convicts win, you have a sense of relief and that somehow justice has been done. ♪ trying to make it real ♪ ♪ compared to what sock it to me ♪ >> in vegas, everybody's got to watch everybody else. >> "casino" was the story of the hubris of these two men, joe's character and bob's character. >> look at this place, it's made of money. you know what the best part is, nobody's going to know what we're doing. >> and poor sharon who is thrown in the middle of it. >> working for marty is a big thing. he was very open, supportive, encouraging, and so present with me. >> can i trust you? answer me. can i trust you? >> sharon stone is in the great tradition of crawford and the great divas. and i had to learn how to bring out what i needed through her. [ screaming ] >> with marty, because his films are so daring and the violence is so violent, and because everything that you do is so true, you have to be willing to kind of let your guts come out. >> just get out of here. >> fine. i'm taking -- >> you're not taking her. you're stoned. you're a junkie. get out of here. [ bleep ]. damn you. >> ultimately they're given characters and like adam and eve they're banished from paradise because they blew it. wahoooo! (vo) you can be well-groomed. or even well-spoken. (man) ooooooo. (vo) but there's just something about being well-adventured. (vo) adventure has a new look. discover more in the all-new subaru forester wilderness. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru. my family's been devastated by covid-19. and we're not alone. we've all had to find new ways to keep going. and cue has made that easier. with cue, you get lab-quality covid-19 test results in just 20 minutes. speed and accuracy. it's just for the nba; it's for you too. cue health. the official covid-19 home test of the nba. go cue. go you. (burke) this is why you want farmers claim forgiveness... [echoing] claim forgiveness-ness, your home premium won't go up just because of this. (woman) wow, that's something. (burke) you get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. [echoing] get a quote today. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ we have liftoff. >> "apollo 13" was a real turning point for me and an eye opener. i learned the power of a true story. >> this is houston. say again, please. >> houston, we have a problem. >> just believing in the story and not theatricalizing it. my mantra was, just show it. >> we're not going to have enough power left to get home. >> we know they're going to be saved. but the thing we care about is, how are they going to be saved? what do these people have to do to save them? that is what's riveting. >> the '90s brought us a new look at some previously thought to be well-known stories. >> come on, jack. >> when you look at the film "jfk," the movie is about what we can trust and who we can trust. >> why was kennedy killed? who benefited? who has the power to cover it up? >> and oliver stone is saying, you can't trust anybody. >> ten, nine, eight, seven -- >> the nation was captivated by this game show, and it becomes the story about the truth and the perversion of truth in the name of entertainment. kids would run to do their homework to be like charles van doren. >> what about herbert -- >> i love him. people don't like him. kids don't look up to him. >> if you were a kid, would you want to be an annoying jewish guy with a side wall haircut? >> as i kid, i lived through that "quiz show" period. >> three points. >> i wanted john turturro to play herb stempel, a guy from a lower class area and rose to fame. and then certain people were beginning to get tired of him because he wasn't that pleasant to look at but nobody could beat the guy. he was so sharp. that's when they came up with the idea, let's find someone that looks good and we'll give him the answers. >> you are our new champion for $20,000. >> and that cruelty was something i wanted to show. the power of money and personality. so to me, that was a story that really had to be told. >> we didn't land on plymouth rock. plymouth rock landed on us, landed right on top of us. >> "malcolm x" is spike lee's epic. it really felt like the film that he was made to make. and i think he felt a certain urgency in making it. >> spike had the good fortune of casting denzel washington at the pinnacle of his movie stardom. i think it's his best performance. >> denzel washington is one of the all-time greats. what he does in his artistry, painting a portrait of an individual, it's astounding. >> if the so-called negro in america was truly an american citizen, we wouldn't have a racial problem. if the emancipation proclamation was authentic, we wouldn't have a race problem. >> watching a guy like denzel as malcolm x, top of the game, intimidating in many ways. >> mr. becket, come in. >> when we made "philadelphia," he was malcolm x already. that was like starting a movie with marlon brando and having just seen "the godfather" the night before. >> what happened to your face? >> i have aids. >> oh. oh, i'm sorry. >> "philadelphia" was an important film. denzel washington represents the audience's apprehension with people with aids. >> how did they find out you have the aids? >> one of the partners noticed a lesion on my forehead. >> so as his character spends more time with tom hanks, we're starting to see him as more than his sexuality or his disease. >> let's get it out of the closet because this case is not just about aids, is it? so let's talk about what this case is really all about. the general public's hatred, our loathing, our fear of homosexuals. >> he can bring the audience on that journey to say we don't need to fear people. we don't need to despise or stigmatize them. >> my name is forrest, forrest gump. >> forrest gump. >> it's a very rare thing for me to read a script and not be able to put it down. ♪ >> "forrest gump" is a marvelous look at how history happens. >> forrest gump, john lennon. >> it's a delightful play on the contingency and accident that shapes our world. >> we were the first americans to visit the land of china like a million years or something like that. somebody said world peace was in our hands. but all i did was play ping-pong. >> that film embodies everything that makes tom great. he's a fantastic dramatic actor. he's a magnificent comedy actor. i can't think of another actor living or dead who could have ever done that part. >> by the 1990s, the median age of the people who served in world war ii was around 70. they were growing old, and they were disappearing. and there was a powerful sense of nostalgia. and we saw a lot of retrospective looks at aspects of world war ii. this was the time when people started talking about the greatest generation. >> "saving private ryan" was a film that i was going to make someday in my life. my dad used to have his band of brothers from the air corps come over to the house every year. the first time i ever heard grown men cry was at these reunions. it was all about the trauma they had suffered in world war ii. >> i'll see you on the beach. >> i felt it was necessary for me to tell the experience of veterans and what they had gone through when they were a little bit older than i was at the time. [ sound of gunfire ] >> when moviegoers saw the men disembark, the bullets were going through the water and hitting them in the water. there was a powerful realism to that. it's spielberg saying, what does it feel like to have gone on that beach? your nose is pressed right into the savagery. >> in "private ryan," at the beginning, it was fantastic. i was ill for two weeks after that watching that. i couldn't believe he did that. >> sir, i don't have a good feeling about this one. >> when was the last time you felt good about anything? >> this ability to entertain and reach audiences more than one way with the same movie, "saving private ryan" is a great example of that because it's exciting, it's thrilling, it's suspenseful. but it also is a reminder of the price of that kind of warfare, the cost to the soul, and who winds up living and dying and bearing those scars in that kind of a conflict. >> what is that? >> of course. >> that's a nice sheen on it. >> thank you. >> very nice. >> i'd say i'd get you one but the man who made it is probably dead, i don't know. >> my family, when i was growing up, talked about the holocaust, although they never used that word, they used to call it the great murders. i shot the whole film very documentary style. it was the first film i had ever shot like that. and it became less of a film, more of just a life journey, a living, learning experience making that film. we all felt we were shooting in a graveyard. and so the amount of reverence of the crew and the cast. i cast liam neeson at the last minute based on a play i saw him in on broadway. and i thought he was the best possible schindler i could possibly find, and he was. >> he saved my life. god bless you. god bless you. >> oskar schindler was a deal maker and he didn't really care that much for his workers. but there was an inevitable metamorphosis based on the encroaching holocaust and what he was witnessing that unlocked his empathy. instead of being just someone who gathers wealth for his own pleasure, he started to spend his money to save lives. >> i could have got more. i could have got more. >> the totality of the meaning of that film, the fact that it created awareness in the world of an era in history that had been forgotten, that it denied the deniers, it allowed us to really mean it when we say never again. "schindler's list" ias the greatest experience i've ever had as a filmmaker. we'll pay off your phone up to $800. you can keep your phone. keep your number. and get your employees connected on the largest and fastest 5g network. plus, we give you $200 in facebook ads on us! so you can reach more customers, create more opportunities, and make this the best year for your business yet. visit your local t-mobile store today. i didn't know my genetic report could tell me i was prone to harmful blood clots. i travel a ton, so this info was kind of life changing. maybe even lifesaving. ♪do you know what the future holds?♪ ♪ ♪ to all the kisses... ...that led... this one. celebrate every kiss, with kay. ♪ just put your little hand in mine ♪ "groundhog day" was a very character driven comedy. the bill murray character just keeps waking up. >> hey, phil? >> and having to relive the same day. >> now, don't you tell me you don't remember me because i sure as heck fire remember you. >> not a chance. >> ned! >> usually when there's some kind of strange convention, it's explained. >> phil connors, i thought that was you. >> you're in a time machine or somebody cast a spell. >> phil connors! >> but this just happened. and nobody minded. >> phil connors. >> ned? >> the movie is perfect. it's also so obviously for bill. >> bill, like the groundhog bill? >> yeah, like the groundhog bill. >> look for your shadow there, pal! >> morons, your bus is leaving. >> it's hard to be a likeable dick and then win the audience over by the end. bill is really good at that. >> oh, thank you, young man. >> it's nothing, ma'am, i had the tire and the jack. just be comfortable, all right? >> to me, bill murray is one of the great comedy actors that has ever been. >> how long will you be staying with us? >> indefinitely. i'm being sued for divorce. >> he's picky, which is perfect, because then he finds his way into somebody really extraordinary. >> what's the secret, max? >> the secret? >> yeah. you seem to have it pretty figured out. >> secret, i don't know. i think you've just got to find something you love to do and then do it for the rest of your life. >> wes anderson, his films are like opening a jewelry box and you can take out all the little trinkets and look at them, and they're sparkly and joyful. >> what's going on in here? >> it's so rare when someone comes along and actually creates their own aesthetic, which is truly unique. >> i really related to "rushmore" in terms of having bad grades and not being good in school but having like a passion for something. >> all right, next scene. >> frank, you're on stage right with a bag of cocaine. >> when "rushmore" came out, i wrote a fan letter to wes. it was the perfect film, laugh out loud humor with actual pathos. >> i like your nurse's uniform. >> these are o.r. scrubs. >> oh, are they? >> comedy in the '90s will be gigantic. >> shall we shag now or shall we shag later? >> it's going to be over the top and it's going to fill the frame. >> why don't you just go home? that's your home. are you too good for your home? answer me! >> and you're going to get adam sandler knocking out one movie after the next. >> sidney and scott are newlyweds. whoopedy-doo! >> if you look at the scenes that are memorable from something like "wayne's world," they're big scenes. that's the heads bobbing back and forth. they're not afraid to do something big to get a laugh. and then all of a sudden, one day, this guy, who is as big as the screen, shows up. and it's jim carrey. and he turned into a top hollywood star because he is unafraid to be big. even as he's doing these over the top things where you think, well, he's talking through his behind, i'm not going to watch this. >> excuse me, i would like to "ass" you a few questions. >> yet there you are, you're watching, and you're laughing. ♪ just like me they long to be ♪ >> oh, no. >> i don't have to be too intellectual about it, i just laughed my ass off. >> ow! >> part of it was, i can't believe they're doing that. >> what's that bubble there? >> what do you think? it's a -- >> how in the hell did you -- >> the farrelly brothers pushed the rules so far. that you can do that? >> "something about mary" is this kind of anarchic comedy that has this really joyous heart to it. >> maybe you should move down here and marry me. >> introduced cameron diaz as the cool girl. >> i'll have the double decaf cappuccino. >> i'll have a half double decap half caf with a twist of lemon. >> you had lots and lots of really funny, bankable people doing wonderful movies. >> my first day as a woman, i'm getting hot flashes. >> hello, peter. what's happening? >> umm, i'm going to need you to go ahead and come in tomorrow. so if you could be here around 9:00, that would be great, okay? >> "office space" is not as acclaimed as it should be. it was not a big hit. but there's so much modern comedy in that movie. it was wonderful. >> nina speaking. just a moment. >> "office space" did such a great job in completely lampooning office life. technology had made these cubicle lands, and "office space" really captured that. >> i'm thinking i might take that new chick from logistics. if things go well, i maybe showing her my "oh" face, oh, oh, oh. you know what i'm talking about. >> jennifer aniston was in it and she worked at a place like tgif's. >> we need to talk about your flair. >> really? >> being somebody who had waitressed who is like, put that flair on and show what you're really like. and she's like, here's my flair. >> all right. there's ply flair, okay, and this is my expressing myself, okay? ♪ teacher's pet, i want to be teacher's pet ♪ ♪ i want to be huddled and cuddled as close to you as i can get ♪ >> christopher guest is considered the master of the mockumentary. he comes up with characters that are profoundly silly. >> when we were on "snl" together chris did a movie with marty and harry called "synchronized swimming." >> i've been doing shakespeare in the park. if i ever do that again, i'm going to kill myself with a vegematic. >> that's where the character in "waiting for guffman" was born. >> a tube of chapstick. not really much to call my own. and then basically being slammed down for ten or so years, you know, off-off-off-broadway and then enough is enough, okay, i get the joke. >> chris surrounds himself with great, funny people. eugene, fred willard, catherine o'hara. >> so nervous. >> you're going to be great. if there's an empty space, just say a line, that's what i like to do, even if it's from another show. >> chris works in miniature. chris is very much like peter sellers, such fine tastes and when it hits right, it's amazing. >> and that's the way it is? then i just hate you and i hate your ass face. (vo) for me, one of the best things about life is that we keep moving forward. we discover exciting new technologies. redefine who we are and how we want to lead our lives. basically, choose what we want our future to look like. so what's yours going to be? ever wonder what everyone's doing on their phones? they're banking, with bank of america. his girlfriend just caught the bouquet, so he's checking in on that ring fund. that photographer? he's looking for something a little more zen, so he's thinking, “i'll open a yoga studio.” and as for the father of the bride? he's checking to see if he's on track to do this all over again... and again. bank of america's digital tools are so impressive, you just can't stop banking. i remember coming out of seeing "do the right thing" and that day i went to my dorm and started writing "boyz in the hood." >> my momma say a bullet ain't got a name on it. >> i ain't afraid to get shot. >> some of what i was doing was inspired by what truffaut did with "the 400 blows," what rob reiner did with "stand by me." but those movies didn't come from where i was standing from. >> we got a call. >> that was an hour ago. >> whoa, we didn't ask you that. >> i decided to have a black cop be more than the white partner in the scenes where he's encountering the black residents. >> something wrong? >> something wrong? yeah. it's just too bad you don't know what it is. >> the same black cop encounters him years later when he's a teenager and profiles him. >> i didn't do nothing. >> you think you're tough. you think you're tough, huh? oh, you're scared now, huh? i like that. >> singleton was nominated for two academy awards, best original screenplay and the youngest person ever nominated for best director. >> it was an era when a lot of people were playing attention to black film. there's this famous moment when "the new york times" magazine does this cover story. you really had for the first time a large collection of black filmmakers documenting what was going on in the culture. >> you got to be ready to stand up and die for that shit like blizzard did if you want some juice. >> blizzard? blizzard ain't sticking up for nothing now. >> that's because we wasn't there to back him up. if he was there -- >> there would be five instead of one. >> he was a phenomenal actor. we had a similar vision of what we wanted to do as young men coming into this whole entertainment world together. my attitude was, i got my robert de niro. i got the dude i want to do multiple movies with. >> people don't realize how theatrical the gangster rap thing was. >> tupac, ice-t, ice cube. they were also storytellers. when it came time for them to go to hollywood, they were all convincing on screen. >> craig. craig. >> hold up. i gave him a heartbeat. >> man, that's what it's supposed to do. >> it was one of those films that made me excited about being in the film industry. >> hi, you guys. >> hey. >> cube at the time transitioning from music into filmmaking. the way it got sold at sundance. it was just a sort of quintessential independent cinema coming to the mainstream and then of course it went on to do so well. >> ladies, ladies, ladies, i know you'll be in attendance. i know you'll be in attendance. >> did you hear anything about a party today? >> huh-uh. >> "house party" is just a fun, silly teen comedy. >> ladies. >> dragon breath. >> who you talking too? >> kid 'n play who were a musical duo were playing two teenagers looking to have a fun time. dad's away, let's throw a party. >> scandalous. >> having a movie like that premier at sundance really showed the possibilities that indie black filmmaking can have. >> what? >> don't answer me what. turn the goddamnn tv off. >> i'm watching the knicks. >> i don't care what it is. no tv on a school night. >> we talked about the spike lee films and the john singleton films but also it was a period when black female filmmakers are making some really interesting things. you have "daughters of the dust," julie dash's film, examining black culture that harkens back several hundred years. that is beautiful. the one directed by leslie harris -- >> you're too cute to be a gentlemen, right? >> come on. you don't have to be like that. >> whatever, whatever. >> it's a quote, unquote hood movie but it's a hood movie from the perspective of a young girl. people think of new black realism as the hood genre. but actually there's a range of socioeconomic experience being shown in black cinema of the '90s. ♪ bow wow wow ♪ whether we're talking about some of the black romantic comedies, family films like "soul food" or films like "waiting to exhale" or "how stella got her groove back." >> good morning. >> that i think of companion films that celebrate sisterhood. that's another element that hadn't made its way into mainstream cinema. >> hello. hello. >> from the early days of will smith's career, he was incredibly smart about figuring out how to become the superstar he wanted to become. and he chose the one role he thought nobody would expect him to play. a gay hustler in "six degrees of separation." >> i pick a name. tell me anything about them. where they live, secrets, everything. >> and for a name you get a piece of my clothes. >> will smith became a triple threat. there aren't many who can do action, drama, and comedy. >> now, back up. put the gun down. and give me a pack of tropical fruit bubbleicious. >> and will smith is that guy. >> i would say that tom cruise is the first person to figure out the power of using the international box office to turn yourself into the biggest star anyone has ever seen. will smith looked at that and said, i'm going to do the same thing. what translates abroad, movies with sci-fi aliens so that's what he did. >> welcome to earth. >> he becomes so successful that the july 4th weekend was blocked out for will smith movies. >> you know what the difference is between you and me? i make this look good. ♪takes everything you've got♪ ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? ♪ ♪ ♪ sometimes you want to go ♪ ♪where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ ♪and they're always glad you came ♪ (vo) america's most reliable network is going ultra! with verizon 5g ultra wideband now in many more cities so you can do more. hey, it's mindy! downloading a movie up to 10 times faster than before. oh, is that the one where the mom becomes a... (mindy) yep! (vo) i knew it! and claire in hd clarity. steve, is that jelly? this place is packed! you couldn't even send a text in a crowd before. now look at david with the connection. posting like crazy! (david) it's wild. (vo) 5g ultra wideband is now in more and more places. verizon is going ultra, so you can too. ♪ [upbeat music] ♪ [sound of tape application] i just need you to sign option three. [cheering] ♪ [upbeat music] ♪ for everything we need. for everything we want. for everything we do. [cheering] we're all better off with an ally. ♪ oh, marco's pepperoni magnifico. classic and old world pepperoni® on one pizza—and a large is just $9.99 when ordered online?! the phrase “slice of heaven” comes to mind... marco's. pizza lovers get it. ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. and being so nervous making this movie with him was hysterical. we didn't have a complete script. i remember one day looking at richard, what are we doing? what scene are we doing? >> geary, be funny, action! >> well done. [ applause ] >> did we think it was going to be a huge success? >> not necessarily. >> hi, look, do you remember me the. >> yeah, i am sorry. i was in here yesterday and you would not wait on me. >> oh. >> work on commission, right? >> yes. >> huge mistake. i have to go shopping now. >> "pretty woman" made julia robert a star. >> gary said, just touch it, the most amazing thing you have ever seen and he said to richard. >> we fall for her and we fall for a ton of brick. >> oh my god. it is the bride and the woman she will never live up to you. >> he rises to the decade but end with three mega rom-coms. >> can i help you at all. >> i will just look around. >> richard chris said he wrote it with me in mind and i love when writers say that, i don't care if it is true. >> it is hard to find really great original material that holds a real performance and the comedy and physical comedy and some thread of love you are trying to accomplish. >> and i am also just a girl standing in front of a boy. >> romantic comedy was a genre that i love, they were making a resurgence at the time when i was the ready. >> the romance comedy gets a jump start, you have a number of people who were in-depth at the performance of romantic comedy. you have sandra bullock and you have hughes grant and you have meg ryan and you have tom hanks. >> could it be that you need someone just as much as jo jonah does? >> yes. >> nor efron prepares movies like no other directors i would work with. every line was specifically found or written or perfected. >> it was me. #. >> imagine. >> nora efron was unafraid to take something that felt familiar but covered it in unfamiliar territory. >> i certainly hope so. >> will she scratch up your back? >> what? >> in movies, women always scratch the men's back and scream and stuff when women have sex. >> how do you know this? >> dad had cable. >> you saw on screen families who are not the traditional family. >> the great thing about nora is when she was talking about the dynamics between men and women who are atraktracted to each ot and searching for each other and don't really know it. she was a genius. >> i am the guy that you don't usually see. >> i am the ones behind the scenes. i want to write a movie that begins where an '80s movie ended. >> what's going on? >> they fired jerry mcguyer. >> the script went right to tom cr cruise. >> i love this script. i will read it with you and you tell me if i am right for it. >> don't worry. i am not going to do what you all think i am going to do. and basically i have been geeking out over his performance ever since. >> jerry, mcguire, how are you doing? >> how am i doing? i will tell you what i am doing, i am sweating, dude. >> cuba and tom just deliriously happy actors. they were landing blows on each other. >> jerry, you better yell. >> show me the money! >> that scene just kind of exploded. >> calculongratulations you arel my agent. >> that film really spoke to me so deeply because a single mom with this precocious little kid and bringing a guy into that picture. i love how much cameron believers in romance. >> i was so anxious to do one line. "you complete me." there were times i read that on the script and thought fantastic and other times, is this too che cheesy and he told tom that. just give me a shot at it. if you don't want to use it, don't use it. >> i love you. you complete me. just shut up. >> you had me at hello. >> i look around and everybody is crying. >> the grizzles and guys holding cable are like and i was like noti think it is going to work. ♪ to all the kisses -- we strip in the community garden. i've been stripping here for years. i strip before take-off. breathe right strips open your nose for relief you can feel right away, helping you take in air more easily, wherever you are. we're getting destroyed out there. we need a plan! i have a plan... right now at t-mobile customers on magenta max can get the new iphone 13 and t-mobile will pay for it! upgrade to the iphone 13 on us. we're carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. this guy is going through all the eggs. >> he's been going through for 20 minutes now. >> he said he has to find the perfect dozen. >> each egg has to be perfect. >> in the '90s you can feel the excitement of something happening here. genuine and independent film movement. sundance, i felt like i was growing up in apart of the major film industry. as time went on, i became aware of other stories that could be told. they would be told people less incline to be commercially attractive. they were different, they were off beat. it was stories i felt should be told. >> women are lonely in the '90s, it is our new phase. we'll live. >> they were not looking at who made the movies. they were looking at the movies. they had a commitment of showing films with specific authentic voices. >> there was a sudden recognition because of the success of films that came out of that festival and it drove such a profound change into main line hollywood. >> hey man, gyou got a joint? >> no, not on me, man. >> it would be a lot cooler if he did. >> just like "american gra graffiti," this complete euphoric look of young people before they have to become adults. >> other high school movies, there is a million of them but very view that gives you an honest depiction of that time in your life. >> whoo! >> and you see all these fantastic actors who started out dazed and confused. >> that's what i love about these high school girls. i get older and they stay the same age. >> richard casts all these fabulous girls. those characters i adored. they felt like real girls to me. >> the older you get, more are going to try to get you followed and follow. you got to keep living, man. >> it is lightning in a bottle. >> all right, everybody cuff up some greens. come on. throw in a buck. >> no, i don't tip. >> you don't tip? >> no, i don't believe in it. >> i read "reservoir dawn," i thought it was written somebody that's 67 years old and kind of gotten out of jail and wrote his life story. >> the guy that pushed it through to us that allowed us to discover quinton tarantino. >> it is easy for you to say you missed the whife. you got a cool sounding name. >> nobody is trading with anybody. it was clearly focused on violence which was prevalent in our country. it was a breakthrough moment. >> so bad. the bad as opposed to good? >> here violence and brutal violence comes with a heavy at times dose of comedy. >> you know what they call quarter pound of a cheese in france. >> no. >> tell them vincent. >> royal with cheese. >> you know why they call it that? >> because of the metric system? >> check out the big brain on brad. >> "pulp fiction" was his fever dream of the screen play. it was this wild harry bug, it was like a tarantula. my god, look at the size of that thing. >> that's a possibility. >> look at what john travolta does and uma thurman. >> it rewrote the rules, the way you can make films. >> uconn cyou constantly have t attention, you have all these characters connected and you have to figure out as the movie goes on. >> i love you pumpkin. >> i love you honey-bunny. >> you know a tarantino film the minute you see it. it is such a fan-fair of a new kind of film maker. >> in la, it kind of became a phenomenon. >> so -- what do you guys do? >> well, i am al comedian. when i start writing "swingers," i didn't know it was going to be a movie or a full script. i had fun and i kept going with it. >> you want to talk to a man, i don't want you to be in the guy pg-13 movie. i want you to be in the rated r movie. you are a bad man. you are a bad man. bad man. >> what sort of that in the comedy sensibility and of course we were influential. kevin smith and tarantino and the movie finally came out, it hit the culture in a big way. >> baby, it is not that hard. >> you want in? >> 310. 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"the little mermaid" was a hit that show what these movies can do. ♪ and that kicked off a total revolution in the animation world. >> and now we invite you to relax and let us pull up a chair ass the dining room proudly presents your dinner. ♪ when audience see these movies, they have not seen animations like these in decades. ♪ in the studio we examined the templates of "snow white," "pinocchio" and "dumbo" and "bambi." >> we turn disney animation to its fundamental. >> 10,000 years will give you a crick in the neck. >> because they are none with cleverness and great use of music which disney specialized in. they capture the same magic. "the lion king" is interesting because it is an old tale that's retold in different ways. it emerged to something special and became big. ♪ ♪ ♪ it means no worries ♪ ♪ for the rest of your day ♪ oh i just cannot wait ♪ ♪ to be king ♪ >> people were ready for that kind of story and that kind of epic scale. you can see the beginning of cg in the background for certain things like the stampede. it is one of those things where the stars are aligning and it hits a culture in a way that's impactful. pixar changed the game. i remember i see "toy story" and i saw it twice. >> there is no science of intelligent life anywhere. >> the comedy was not talking down to kids, it was for everybody. >> we are all very impressed with andy's new toy. >> toy? >> t-o-y. >> i think the word you are searching for is space ranger. >> the word i am searching for, i can't say because there is pre-school toys getting kind of tanked, are ya? >> the technology for me was nice and interesting. what blew me away was new characters. >> to infinity and beyond. >> the film was contemporary and not a musical and it was done with all of this sincerity of the walt era. >> you actually think you are the buzz lightyear. >> all these times i thought i was an act. hey guys, look, it is the real buzz lightyear. >> i think pixar beautifully written. >> if you knew him, you should understand. andy is a real special kid and to him you are his buddy and best friend. when andy plays with you it is like -- even though you are not moving, you feel like you are alive because that's how he sees you. >> you absolutely believe these characters had an internal life. they felt like being a toy was a job that they were proud of. that was just a brilliant premise. it was executed perfectly. there is something that's so beautiful about bringing objects to life. drawing animation is the same kind. there is something of stop motion is so pure and strong. >> what's this? what's this? ♪ ♪ there is white things in the air, i can't believe ♪ ♪ my eyes ♪ >> tim burton managed to take the most -- and making it so fun. >> no one has that aesthetic. >> you don't have to wonder 10 seconds if it is a tim burton's film. >> i have a present for you. >> edward scissor's hands. >> a father creates a boy but dies before he can put his hands-on. >> "edward's scissor hands." i will be darn ed. >> with tim and his kyle clark, there is always a connection with him and johnny depth. >> there is kind of a way of speaking without speaking and communicating which is why he's edward's scissor hands. >> i feel some connection to him or winona ryder. >> so we'll be working together? >> really? well, my next one will be better. hello? edward is such a sweet movie and yet it is not clawing. it is just completely cool and crazy. he's a monster. can you imagine what that guy would look like in a movie. >> johnny depp plays edward. his character is so perfect. you just love him for his enthusiasm. >> all right, man. prepare for scene 32. mr. wood. where is the office? >> we all feel that. any time it is going to be the greatest and most amazing things. >> ed wood was not made as a joke. it was lovely made in appreciation of what that guy had done. >> these actors really love their crafts. they're kind of weird and sort of sense of family you get in films. it felt really close to me. it felt like my own life. a bunch of weirdos trying to make movies, this is the one. this is the one i will be remembered for. redefine who we are and how we want to lead our lives. basically, choose what we want our future to look like. so what's yours going to be? okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ at intra-cellular therapies, we're inspired by our circle. a circle that includes our researchers, driven by our award-winning science, who uncover new medicines to treat mental illness. it includes the compassionate healthcare professionals, the dedicated social workers, and the supportive peer counselors we work with to help improve - and even change - people's lives. moving from mental illness to mental wellness starts in our circle. this is intra-cellular therapies. ♪ oh! go home. bad wolf. when you think of the ''90s, yo think of kevin costner and mel gibson and you think of clint eastwood who finally gets his due in the '90s. " "unforgiven" is a miraculous film. it is landed on this moment of frailty. >> my agent called, hey, clint eastwood made an offer. >> clint eastwood, eastwood? >> oh shucks, tell him i will think about it. >> i remember it was beaming. well, not two. >> play like that no more, man. ain't no tracy killing fools. >> clint eastwood and morgan freeman have been professional killers. they are sick of violence and they don't want to do it anymore but they got dragged back into it. >> i killed one man and ch children. i killed about everything that walks and falls at one time or another. i am here to kill you. what did you do to ned? >> clint may be the best director i have ever worked with. i love the way he does it. he's quick and decisive. beautiful. >> ayou're a director in this period like michael mann who are the rebels. the guy is just doing it differently. >> i don't understand. >> there is a dead man on the other end of this. >> he provides us an opportunity to finally see robert dinero and al pacino on screen together and doing a scene together. >> what do you say i will buy you a cup of coffee. >> the scene in the diner, we know there was a next. >> it is one of my favorites between these two guys kocoming together. i do what i do best. i take scores. >> i will not he hassitate. >> people want to see great actors. >> guys like michael mann will always punch you in the gut. they'll make a movie but it will have truth to it. "fargo" is a perfect movie in every way. the performances are absolutely perfect. >> it was written for me, i got excited. >> we got a shooting. these folks drove by. >> it is works of literature. the scene where marge is interrogating the two strippers. >> hey, they said they're going to the twins city. >> oh yeah? >> is that useful to you? >> oh i bet cha. >> it was punctuated and written in the rhythm that we played it. >> and the oscar goes to "fargo," "fargo" really gets embraced. everyone loves this movie. what do they do? they do something completely different. >> sometimes there is a man, he's the man for his time and place. >> one of my favorite stories was how long it took for him to do it. >> how could he not? >> obviously he came to that conclusion himself. >> wait, let me strike something to you. i am not mr. labowski. i am the dude, that's what you call me. that or his dudeness or duder or el duderino if you are not into the whole brevity thing. >> it was the only time i had not been able to look at an actor in the eye because he's so funny. >> jeffery, love me. >> that's my robe. >> nick labowski is the most quotable movies of my generation. >> they are revolutionary bomb th throwers. you are pleased that the bombs landed on your front porch. they kept control of their films from the beginning and allowing any genre they wanted to go into. >> where i grew up it was sat -- ill not know what the difference was when it was a van. that was where "boogie night" came from. >> who's dirt dickler. >> when i got paul's script for "boogie night." i said are you punking me? >> no, there is not. no, that's the contract. i said well, i am in. >> i used to argue with paul that amber should die. >> she would, she probably would. i don't know if she would survivored all of that. >> i will ask you if you are my mom, and you will say yes, are you my mom? >> she assumes the mantle of parenting in this world. >> she's not actually talking care of them, she's play-acting. >> we are talking about coming to an agreement of andrew. >> this thing that i love of the scene is she's fighting for custody. the judge turns to her, have you been arrested? what was the charge? >> amber's sobbing. that's it, she's somebody that's not responsible enough to parent. >> you don't have to be interested in photography. the moral center of the movie is about all these broken humans trying to make themselves whole by finding a stitch together family when they don't have an tw actual family of their own. >> i am not sure if there is a higher compliment, his imprint is on his films. >> come on, frank. what are you doing? we're carvana, the company >> what am i doing? >> yeah. >> i am quietly judging you. way. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. we're getting destroyed out there. we need a plan! i have a plan... right now at t-mobile customers on magenta max can get the new iphone 13 and t-mobile will pay for it! upgrade to the iphone 13 on us. 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[sound of heartbeat on ultrasound] ♪ i strip on public transit. i strip with the guys. i strip all by myself. breathe right strips open your nose for relief you can feel right away, helping you take in air more easily, day or night. after 40, we need anti-aging care that works. revitalift night serum with pure retinol from l'oreal. in a clinical test 100% of women showed reduction of wrinkles. even deep wrinkles. revitalift night serum with pure retinol from l'oreal paris. the piano was uncompromising. you feel the weight of the fabric and the dampness of the air and the moss. >> a film maker in new zealand. starring holly hunter and a very - the kind of intimacy that jane pulls us into as an audience. she has a voice not to be debied. denied. >> it is an extraordinary performance and also holly is a very accomplished pianist. it is one of those perfect roles for the perfect actor. this movie established jane champion. she became the second woman to be nominated for directing tt. the '90s was the best time for women directors. they made it really enjoyable. >> you were hanging out with other makers, wow, how many movies can i make and how many women can i work with? >> they don't want to be acknowledged as a female director. i fought my whole career to be acknowledged as a film maker and not a black film maker. >> don't call me a female director, i am a director. >> i am a bad therapist. >> do thank you hear me? >> i am making these people worse. >> walking and talking was inspired at the time. my best friend was getting married. >> so fake looking. >> we are engage d. we are going to get married. >> are you crazy? >> i had sex with you two weeks ago and now you asked why i have not rented lately? >> oh, i don't know what to say. >> i don't know anyone who's better at setting up that kind of situation that makes us all squirm because they're so human. >> i don't know why she's going out with high school boys, they're like dogs. they're like these creatures that jump and slobbers all over you. >> when i was writing "clueless" i hung around beverly schools a lot. you heard the vernacular. in conclusion, it does not say rsvp on the statute of liberty. [ applause ] >> thank you very much. >> she's giving these girls their own vocabulary. hello, it was his 50th birthday. whatever. >> oh my god. i am totally bugging. they're changing the lexicon of teen girls all over the world. >> do you have any idea who you are talking about? >> no. >> even though cher is this fantastic and gorgeous creation, amy is still able to see her as a real girl. she didn't turn her into just as punch line. >> in "a league of their own." penny marshals looks at the role of women, changing role of women in world war ii. men was fighting for the battlefield but there is still as hunger of professional baseball. a league of their own was about women of baseball players. it is iconic and the lines are iconic and performances are iconic. >> i told them it was our patriotic duty to get out of the kitchen and go to work. and we'll send the men back to the kitchen. >> what do we do? "a league of their own" was a movie that female empowerment and how powerful women are when they unite and how many stories we still have to tell. >> she's under it. [ applause ] >> oh, what did she do? and...throug h the subaru share the love event, we are proud to have donated over two hundred and twenty five million dollars to charity. you can get a car from any company, but none will make a difference like subaru. (jeff) thank you. (bonnie) thank you. (robert) thank you. subaru. more than a car company. lisa here, has had many jobs. and all that experience has led her to a job that feels like home. with home instead, you too can become a caregiver to older adults. apply today. ♪ ♪making your way in the world today♪ ♪takes everything you've got♪ ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? ♪ ♪ ♪ sometimes you want to go ♪ ♪where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ ♪and they're always glad you came ♪ i have love "the detetermin" but the sequel blew it out of the water as far as i was concerned. >> that truck. you watch that chase today, it is powerful cinema. >> come with me if you want to liver. >> it is okay, mom. >> its got ideas of space travel and all what kind sci-fi. >> gywhen james cameron got to "t-2" he was interested in expanding his palette. it was widely ground breaking. >> cameron was working with industrial light and magic. >> they're inventing this process of cgi as they went. >> when you first heard steven spielberg would be making a movie about a place where dinosaurs were brought to life, your first respond would be i can't wait to see that. >> where did it go? amazing how long it takes before the t-rex comes out. he makes you wait for it. and wait for it. and wait for it. i don't know what a dinosaur really looks like in real life, i think it looks like jurassic park. >> boy, i hate being right all the time. what steven spielberg innately understands that dinosaurs are awesome. >> it was the same glowing that i had as a 7-year-old watching "jaws" for the first time. you see those dinosaurs eating the leaves off the tree. >> that's what spielberg does as a film maker, he makes you go -- >> what that technology can do for their story telling. "titanic" is a throw back to so many ways to the big bluster in the '60s and '50s. it talked about cleopatra. we are putting everything on this giant boat, is it going to stick? it is budget. leonardo dicaprio, his "romeo and juliet" had not come out yet. there were some nervousness. the studio thought they were in terrible trouble. it was going to be an enormous disaster and it turned out to be the biggest movie of all time. >> i am the king of the world! >> whoo hoo! "ti "titanic" had everything. it was an epic, old fashion movie. an action movie. it also had a love story at the heart of it. >> i am jack dawson. >> it was irresistible. >> it was jack and rose and sexy. >> leo was gorgeous and kate winslet. they were just this vivian, lee, clark gaible kind of pairing. >> "titanic" is this moment where james cameron is st straddling these two worlds. from this moment on, '97, the world goes computer. >> you have to let it all go, neo, fear, doubt and disbelief. free your mind. "the matrix" changes everything. you have the embrace of eastern cinema into western cannon. and you have got them making their actors do the stunts themselves. keanu reeves had already done "point break." he'd already done "speed." but this is a different level of action star he's transforming into. this was six months of training every actor had to go through. one of the things you get when you're having the actors do their own stunts, you can film closeups of the face while a punch is being taken, while a punch is being thrown. the action itself becomes storytelling. >> as cgi gets better, we become a little more sophisticated in our tastes when we see computer-generated effects because each year they get more real and lifelike. >> how? >> he is the one. ...that led... this one. celebrate every kiss, with kay. we strip in the community garden. i've been stripping here for years. i strip before take-off. breathe right strips open your nose for relief you can feel right away, helping you take in air more easily, wherever you are. (vo) for me, one of the best things about life is that we keep moving forward. we discover exciting new technologies. redefine who we are and how we want to lead our lives. basically, choose what we want our future to look like. so what's yours going to be? read my eyes. they tell my story. and the story of voluminous original, america's number one mascara ...creamy formula for 5x the volume. voluminous original mascara by l'oréal. my eyes are saying you're worth it. i was injured in a car crash. i had no idea how much my case was worth. i called the barnes firm. when a truck hit my son, i had so many questions about his case. i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could've made. your case is often worth more than insuran call the barnes firm to find out i could've made. what your case could be worth. we will help get you the best result possible. ♪ the barnes firm, injury attorneys ♪ call one eight hundred,est resul eight million ♪ i want to tell you my secret now. >> okay. >> i see dead people. >> i remember in '99, everyone i knew, everyone in our crowd, was working on something that felt exciting and felt like it had a generational voice in it. >> i'm scared to close my eyes. scared to open them. >> it was very clear that something was in the water that year. ♪ here i come to save the day ♪ >> it felt like the final exam for the 20th century. the bell's about to ring and everyone's trying to get their thing in before the century ends. you have this interesting combination of young filmmakers swinging for the fences and showing people what they can do, as well as more established figures like michael mann trying to find their gear. >> i have to put my family's welfare on the line. and what are you putting up? words. >> while you've been dicking around some [ bleep ] company golf tournaments, i've been out in the world giving my word and backing it up with action. >> i'd stack '99 up against any year in american filmmaking in terms of a real cohort of great filmmakers dropping really significant work. >> hey, mr. mcallister. >> not wasting any time, are you, tracy? >> you know what they say about the early bird. >> yeah, i do. >> "election" is the second movie of alexander payne. it's about this high school student council election in omaha. reese witherspoon is tracy flick. she is someone you almost want to root for because of her passion and her drive. and yet also, she has a little bit too much ambition. >> they know this country was built by people just like me who work very hard and don't have everything handed to them on a silver spoon. >> what's brilliant about "election" is you are getting voice-over from three or four different perspectives. >> who knew how high she would climb in life, how many people would suffer because of her. i had to stop her. >> alexander payne made a very american movie, and the performances in "election" of matthew broderick and reese witherspoon are terrific. >> looks like you could use a cupcake. >> it's a remarkable film. >> who are you? >> "boys don't cry" is based on a true story about brandon tina, a young man who was a trans man living in a small community. he fell in love with a woman. they had a relationship, and other people discovered that this was a trans man and not a cis man, and sexually assaulted and murdered him. "boys don't cry," a phenomenal movie. no studio would have made that movie. it was a game changer in terms of american cinema, between what was made before and what was made afterwards. >> 1999 was just such a great year in independent cinema. you look at that lineup of films from "virgin suicides" to "three kings" to "being john malkovich." >> there's a tiny door in my room, it's a portal. it takes you to john malkovich. you see the world through john malkovich's eyes, then after about 15 minutes you're spit out on the side of the new jersey turnpike. >> it's a great combination. spike jones and charlie kaufman and they remind people movies can be so much more. >> what happens when a man goes through his own portal? >> we'll see. >> it's a meta fictional dive into literally the brain of john malkovich who was in the movie playing himself. >> malkovich, malkovich. ♪ malkovich ♪ >> it's one of those movies that's impossible to describe. it just sounds like you're piling one absurdity upon another. but it somehow all coheres into just this crazy and beautiful film. >> i want you to do me a favor. >> yeah, sure. >> i want you to hit me as hard as you can. >> what? >> i want you to hit me as hard as you can. >> sometimes a piece of material finds a filmmaker who is uniquely possessed of the chops to do it right. >> ow! >> "fight club" was hard to imagine anybody who had a better dna than him for that film. >> the first rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club. second rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club. >> we were doing the kind of film we'd all hoped to do. >> trust me. everything's going to be fine. >> i thought "fight club" could be one of those things that becomes a marker for the way we felt at a certain time. it connected right where we wanted it to connect, and it's still growing. and that's exciting, for me, that's the highest aspiration. >> in the '90s, you get these trends and these moments that are going to carry on for the next few decades. you have this moment of really promising black filmmakers who are coming up. you have women's voices coming more to the forefront in that they're writing films and in cases directing films. you're also sort of getting big blockbusters, as hollywood will always have. it lays the groundwork for what we're going to see for the next 20 years. >> you want answers? >> i think i'm entitled. >> you want answers? >> i want the truth! >> you can't handle the truth! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

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Network , Opportunities , Business , Facebook , 5 , 200 , Ton , T Mobile , Life Changing , Blood Clots , Info , Report , Kisses , Led , Kiss , With Kay , Hand , Groundhog Day , Phil Connors , Bill Murray , Heck Fire , Chance , Time Machine , Convention , Ned , Cast A Spell , Bill , Groundhog , There , Groundhog Bill , Dick , Shadow , Morons , Bus , The End , Pal , Young Man , Comedy Actors , Tire , Ma Am , Secret , Divorce , Jewelry Box , Rest , I Don T Know , Trinkets , Wes Anderson , Aesthetic , What S Going On , Scene , Right , Terms , Rushmore , Passion , School , Frank , Grades , Bag , Stage , Cocaine , Uniform , Fan Letter , Humor , Pathos , Nurse , Scrubs , O R , Frame , Scenes , Adam Sandler , Newlyweds , Sidney , Scott , Whoopedy Doo , Wayne S World , Laugh , Heads Bobbing Back And Forth , Screen , Star , Jim Carrey , Questions , Ass , Behind , Brothers , Ass Off , Bubble , Hell , Farrelly , Rules , Heart , Decaf Cappuccino , Cool Girl , Half , Twist , Lemon , Cameron Diaz , Caf , Lots , Hello , Flashes , Peter Sellers , Umm , Office Space , Hit , Speaking , Nina , 9 , Technology , Office , Cubicle Lands , Jennifer Aniston , Oh , Chick , Logistics , Tgif S , Show , Flair , Ply Flair , Teacher S Pet , Cuddled , Richard Chris , Christopher Guest , Master , Mockumentary , Snl , Shakespeare In The Park , Synchronized Swimming , Vegematic , Tube , Chapstick , Waiting For Guffman , Born , Joke , Space , Fred Willard , Off Broadway , Catherine O Hara , Eugene , Line , Tastes , Ass Face , Technologies , Everyone , Doing , Girlfriend , Photographer , Banking , Phones , Bank Of America , Ring Fund , Wonder , Bouquet , Tools , Track , Thinking , Yoga Studio , Zen , Father Of The Bride , Stop Banking , Do The Right Thing , Dorm , Bullet Ain T , Name , Some , Shot , Writing , Boyz In The Hood , Truffaut , Momma , Black , Partner , Cop , Movies Didn T , Blows , Call , Stand By Me , Rob Reiner , 400 , Residents , Teenager , Huh , Person , Best Original Screenplay , Playing Attention To Black Film , Singleton , Academy Awards , Filmmakers , Culture , Cover Story , The New York Times , Magazine , Collection , Blizzard Ain T , Juice , Blizzard , Five , Dude , Entertainment , Attitude , Vision , Robert De Niro , Hollywood , Gangster Rap Thing , Storytellers , Ice T , Ice Cube , Tupac , Heartbeat , Craig , Film Industry , Filmmaking , Music , Sundance , Cinema , Transitioning , Cube , Mainstream , You Guys , Hi , Attendance , Teen Comedy , Ladies , Fun , House Party , Huh Uh , Silly , Kid N Play Who Were A Musical Duo Playing Two Teenagers Looking , Dragon Breath , Possibilities , Party , Premier , Away , Scandalous , Care , John Singleton Films , Spike Lee Films , School Night , Indie , Tv , Knicks , Me What , Goddamnn , Tv Off , Examining Black Culture , Julie Dash , Daughters Of The Dust , Hood , Quote , Gentlemen , Leslie Harris , Girl , Perspective , Black Realism , Range , Black Cinema Of The 90s , Hood Genre , Bow Wow , Companion Films , Comedies , How Stella Got Her Groove Back , Family Films , Soul Food , Waiting To Exhale , Will Smith , Career , Sisterhood , Hadn T , Element , Superstar , Mainstream Cinema , Role , Gay Hustler , Six Degrees Of Separation , Six , Action , Many , There Aren T , Secrets , Clothes , Triple Threat , Drama , Pack , Tom Cruise , Fruit Bubbleicious , Gun Down , Box Office , Star Anyone , Sci Fi Aliens , Difference , Will Smith Movies , Look Good , Earth , July 4th , 4 , Worries , Break , Ultra , Network , 5g , Cities , Ultra Wideband , Verizon , Mindy , Claire In Hd Clarity , Mom Becomes A , Yep , 10 , Connection , Crowd , Places , Jelly , Text , Steve , David , Cheering , Tape Application , Ally , Pizza Lovers , Marco S , Phrase , Slice Of Heaven , Marco , Pepperoni Magnifico , Old World Pepperoni , 9 99 , 99 , Feel , Sugar , Electorlytes , Powder Packs , Pedialyte , Richard , Applause , Geary , Commission , Julia Robert A Star , Mistake , Shopping , Pretty Woman , Bride , Oh My God , Brick , End , Rom Coms , Mind , Material , Writers , Thread , Girl Standing , Front , Genre , Boy , Romantic Comedy , Romance Comedy , Jump Start , Resurgence , Sandra Bullock , Hughes Grant , Nora Efron , Directors , Jo Jonah , Back , Territory , Sex , Stuff , Cable , Screen Families , Dynamics , Genius , Ones , Atraktracted , Jerry Mcguyer , 80 , Think , Don T Worry , Tom Cr Cruise , Sweating , Geeking , Mcguire , Actors , Landing , Cuba , Agent , Calculongratulations You Arel , Mom , Picture , Romance , Believers , I Love You , Grizzles , Air , Community Garden , Take Off , Plan , Magenta , Iphone 13 , Carvana , Company , Car Vending Machines , License Plate , Techno Wizardry , Spot , Offer , Value , Students , Recording Artist , Recording , Internet , Millions , Elodia , 1 , 10 Million , Comcast , Projectup , Billion , 1 Billion , Eggs , Egg , Excitement , Movement , Incline , Off Beat , Voices , Commitment , Phase , Recognition , Who , Gyou , Change , Festival , Main Line , Cooler , Adults , High School , Depiction , American Gra Graffiti , Dazed And Confused , Girls , High School Girls , Bottle , Everybody Cuff , Throw , Tip , Greens , Buck , Reservoir Dawn , Life Story , Jail , Quinton Tarantino , 67 , Trading , Cool Sounding Name , Whife , Country , Breakthrough , Heavy , Cheese , Metric System , Pound , Royal , France , Them Vincent , Pulp Fiction , Brain On Brad , Screen Play , Fever Dream , God , Tarantula , Possibility , Size , John Travolta , Uma Thurman , Uconn Cyou Constantly Have T Attention , Fan Fair , Goes On , Pumpkin , Bunny , Al Comedian , Phenomenon , La , Swingers , Guy Pg 13 , Baby , Comedy Sensibility , Kevin Smith , Well Mannered , 310 , Watch , Latitude , Emergency Location , Responder , Owner , Apple , 47 7 , Radius , Message , 17 5 , Forty One , Leg , Back Pain Relief , Pain Radiating , Announcer , Magnilife , Retailer , The Little Mermaid , Animation World , Chair Ass , Dining Room , Revolution , Animations , Dinner , Studio , Templates , Snow White , Bambi , Its Fundamental , Pinocchio , Dumbo , 10000 , None , Use , Neck , Cleverness , Crick , Disney Specialized In , The Lion King , Tale , Magic , Retold , Big , King , Beginning , Background , Cg , Epic Scale , Stampede , Stars , Impactful , Science , Toy Story , Game , Anywhere , Pixar , Andy , Toy , Space Ranger , Toys , Musical , Beyond , Infinity , Sincerity , Buzz Lightyear , Walt , Act , Best Friend , Buddy , Premise , Drawing Animation , Stop Motion , Objects , Tim Burton , Eyes , Edward Scissor , No One , Most , Present , Father , Hands On , Edward S Scissor Hands , Johnny Depp , Ed , Depth , Kyle Clark , He S Edward Scissor Hands , Winona Ryder , Monster , Plays Edward , Wood , Enthusiasm , 32 , Appreciation , Ed Wood , Bunch , Crafts , Weirdos , The One , Nutrition , Mission , Strength , Energy , Minerals , Vitamins , Protein , Woo Hoo , 27 , Circle , Therapies , Mental Illness , Researchers , Professionals , Healthcare , Medicines , Social Workers , Peer Counselors , Mental Illness To Wellness , Go Home , Bad Wolf , Clint Eastwood , 0s , Due , Kevin Costner , Mel Gibson , Unforgiven , Frailty , Oh Shucks , Eastwood , Killers , Tracy Killing Fools , Morgan Freeman , Another , Children , Ch , Clint May , Director , Decisive , Beautiful , Ayou , Michael Mann , Opportunity , Rebels , Cup , On Screen , Coffee , Al Pacino , Diner , Favorites , Next , Guys Kocoming , Scores , Gut , Performances , Truth , Fargo , Works , Folks , Literature , Strippers , Cha , Twins , City , Rhythm , Oscar , Conclusion , Wait , Dudeness , Duder , El Duderino , Labowski , Robe , Eye , Jeffery , Brevity , Nick Labowski , My Generation , Control , Bomb , Bombs , Porch , Th Throwers , Boogie Night , Van , Dirt Dickler , Sat , Paul , Amber , Play Acting , Mantle , Parenting , Fighting , Custody , Judge , Agreement , Andrew , Charge , Sobbing , Humans , Center , Photography , Stitch , Tw , Compliment , Imprint , Vocalizing , Birthday , Clapping , Dental Machine , Baby Girl , Ultrasound , Sound Of Ocean , Transit , Wrinkles , Test , Revitalift Night Serum , Pure Retinol , L Oreal , L Oreal Paris , Reduction , 40 , Piano , Fabric , Weight , Dampness , Intimacy , Moss , New Zealand , Holly Hunter , Jane Champion , Voice , Holly , Debied , Pianist , Roles , Directing Tt , Women Directors , Makers , Me A Female , Therapist , Walking , Talking , Anyone , Situation , High School Boys , Dogs , Squirm , Creatures , Schools , Clueless , Vernacular , Beverly , Vocabulary , Rsvp , Statute , Liberty , Teen Girls , Whatever , Lexicon , A League Of Their Own , Amy , Punch Line , Penny Marshals , Gorgeous Creation , Role Of Women In World War Ii , Hunger , Battlefield , Professional Baseball , Kitchen , Baseball Players , Lines , Duty , Empowerment , Love Event , And Throug H , Charity , Jeff , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Lisa , Car Company , Jobs , Bonnie , Caregiver , The World Today , Sequel , The Detetermin , Liver , Truck , Chase , Got Ideas , Space Travel , Sci Fi , James Cameron , T 2 , Gywhen , 2 , Process , Cgi , Palette , Industrial Light And Magic , Dinosaurs , T Rex , Dinosaur , Jurassic Park , 7 , Jaws , Tree , Leaves , Titanic , Story Telling , Big Bluster In The 60s And 50s , Cleopatra , 60 , Boat , Leonardo Dicaprio , Budget , Nervousness , Romeo And Juliet , Trouble , Disaster , Whoo Hoo , Action Movie , Old Fashion Movie , Jack Dawson , Leo , Pairing , Lee , Kate Winslet , Vivian , Clark Gaible , Worlds , Computer , 97 , Go , Doubt , Neo , Disbelief , The Matrix , Stunts , Embrace , Eastern Cinema , Western Cannon , Keanu Reeves , Level , Point Break , Action Star He S Transforming Into , Punch , Storytelling , Closeups , Training , Effects , Mascara , Formula , Volume , Voluminous Original , Voluminous Original Mascara , Firm , Son , Truck Hit , Worth , Car Crash , Barnes , Best , Result , Injury Attorneys , Est Resul , Eight Million , Eight Hundred , 99 , Bell S , Exam , 20th Century , Combination , Gear , Words , Figures , Fences , Welfare , Work , Dicking , Golf Tournaments , Cohort , Mcallister , Election , High School Student Council Election , Bird , Tracy , Alexander Payne , Reese Witherspoon , Bit , Omaha , Drive , Ambition , Tracy Flick , Silver Spoon , Perspectives , Voice Over , Four , Looks , Matthew Broderick , Love , Community , Cupcake , Boys Don T Cry , Based On A True Story , Brandon Tina , Relationship , Cis , Lineup , Game Changer , American Cinema , 1999 , Portal , John Malkovich , Door , Room , Being John Malkovich , Three Kings , Virgin Suicides , Side , New Jersey Turnpike , Charlie Kaufman , Spike Jones , 15 , Meta , Brain , Dive , Absurdity , Favor , Fight Club , Rule , Dna , Connect , Marker , Aspiration , Trends , Forefront , Writing Films , Cases , Groundwork , Blockbusters ,

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