Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

♪ good morning to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. it is monday, january 17th. i'm john berman. brianna is working nights this week. here with me, kasie hunt. >> great to see you, john. great to be back. >> you have had kind of an adventure. >> it has been an adventure, yes. i had brain surgery back in october. this is my first day back, and i'm thrilled to spend it with you. >> i'm so glad you're here. i know you just want to know the news, so i won't bug you. great to have you back. >> thanks, john. >> r50 million people are facing weather alerts as a storm batters the east coast. freezing rain, ice and snow stretching as far as florida. governor kemp staying for people to stay off the roads. high winds and sleet across northern georgia. more of the same in north carolina, where conditions turned deadly. a tractor trailer slid off the highway killing two people. multiple tornados touched down in southwest florida. in south carolina, the national guard had to be called in to assist stranded drivers, black ice and snow. and the state remained in threat this morning. coming up next, nearly 3 million people are under high wind warnings, including new york and boston. philadelphia could also get some snow. and travel is of course being disrupted. more than 1,200 flights were canceled today. cnn of course has every angle covered here. palo sandoval on the ground in pittsburgh. pete muntean at reagan international airport. and jennifer gray tracking from atlanta. first to polo. what are you seeing there? >> reporter: travel certainly treacherous. that is the word being described by authorities in pennsylvania to describe -- that's the word being used to describe many of the roadways. behind me, plowing operations have continued not just on the road but also on the sidewalks here. pittsburgh city officials have been struggling to keep up the with the snowfall that really started yesterday. we have experienced some lulls here. it still continues at this hour. they put out an advisory locally saying they still expect two to three inches today as well. so that certainly will make travel treacherous not just here but surrounding areas. school, just like much of the country here, has not been scheduled for today. so that at least will keep the school buses off the road. for folks who have to get to work, that is a big concern. that's why authorities are recommending if you don't have to head out, simply stay at home. . >> stay home. that's some good advice. >> yeah. travel is treacherous if you can do it at all. the mayor of reagan national airport who is there this morning, pete muntean. i imagine with unhappy constituents, pete. >> reporter: it is so true, john. a lot of people flying home on the last day of this long weekend, a i federal holiday. the snow came for a lot of major hubs for the airlines. according to flight aware, 1,200 flights canceled today so far. it is early yet. 3,500 canceled yesterday. that is the highest number we have seen since january 3rd. the big issue here is that the snow went for a place like charlotte. typically does not get much in the way of snow. big hub for american airlines. 90% of all flights canceled yesterday. a i third of all flights canceled today out of charlotte. the airport just posted an update. it said it is open and anticipates resuming full operations by this afternoon. the good news here, american airlines, united, southwest e and delta have all issued travel waivers. folks impacted by the storm can rebook free of charge. john. >> this has been one of the most trying stretches i can remember, pete, from before christmas until now. it's just thing after thing after thing. thanks for being with us. appreciate it. >> wonder how charlotte fares against washington, d.c.? jennifer gray has the forecast. this storm heading up towards the northeast. i know it is freezing rain here in new york city. what can people across the country expect? >> reporter: well, guys, it is going to be a cold rain. the heavier snowfall in interior new england and appalachians. the winter weather advisories extending up to new england. you can see what's happening now. cold rain through philadelphia, new york city, boston even. and the i-9 5 corridor, that's where we expect it to remain. you can see the rain ending from philadelphia for the time being, a little bit of a break. and then we will see more. off and on rain showers. very cold rain. and the pink is the frozen precipitation. we could get a quick blast on the backside as we go into this evening as this is wrapping up. but we are going to get most of the accumulation across well interior portions of new england. could see anywhere from, say, two to four inches, possibly up to a foot for those higher elevations. guys. >> yikes. jennifer, thank you so much. >> it was pouring. it was pouring. it was gross and pouring and awful. >> i wasn't sure the weather could be any worse here in new york when i walked out the door at 4:30 this morning. >> everything is a little bit worse at 4:30 in general. that goes without saying. the fbi has identified the suspect who held four people hostage for nearly 11 hours on saturday at a texas synagogue. chilling new audio has been released of the gunman ranting during the ordeal. president biden has called the attack an act of terror. cnn's natasha chen live in colleyville, texas, with the very latest. natasha. >> reporter: john, the audio matches what law enforcement sources told our colleague josh campbell. when negotiators had conversations with the suspect throughout the standoff, he seemed to not want to leave the building alive. he ultimately died when the rescue team moved in. they recovered a gun from the suspect but no explosives. the fbi has identified 44-year-old british national malik faisalachim. the 11-hour standoff ended after a hostage team shot and killed him. all four hostages are safe and unharmed. it began during the synagogue's live stream of its saturday morning sabbath. in the feed you can hear him speaking. it is unclear who he is speaking to. he can be heard saying he plans to die . >> reporter: in a statement top cnn, the rabbi said in the last hour of our hostage crisis, the gunman became increasingly belligerent and threatening. >> this is the first time that anyone had abl can recall a hostage taking at a synagogue. but unfortunately jewish sites have been targeted again and again and again by extremists over the years. >> reporter: according to officials, he entered the united states legally in december. he was vetted and cleared prior to his arrival at jfk in new york five weeks ago. federal authorities do not believe this was part of a greater plot, but they are questioning how he was able to travel to texas. we were a weigh station for him. he had a plan. he was very quiet. he was in and out. now the fbi is conducting a global investigation to try to determine a motive. >> i'm not ready to add any more about the incident. they were specifically focused on one issue. >> reporter: according to two law enforcement sources, one possible motive was a desire to free siddiqui, who is serving an 8 6-year sense for the attempted murder and armed attack of u.s. service members. the fbi is working with uk and israeli authorities on this case. act rim's family say they do not condone any of these activities. they mentioned he has mental health issues, but did not elaborate on that, john. >> my heart goes out to all the people affected. we'll have much more on this ahead. >> reporter: thanks. and of course so much jewish synagogues have to plan for these kinds of things. that says a lot about where we are as a country. let's turn now to something lighter than that. berman's eagles, my patriots both out. . >> it was not even close. it took some of the sting out of it knowing at least the patriots never had a chance. >> yeah. look, as an eagles fan we were all happy just to be there. i don't think at the beginning of the season any of us thought we would make it. hey, i will take this. no one is more heartbroken this morning than dallas cowboys fans after their chaotic final few seconds. >> andy scholes here with the "bleacher report". hey, andy. >> reporter: yeah, guys. if you have a cowboys fan in your life, i would say be extra nice to them today. >> why? >> reporter: because they have had a lot of brutal playoff losses over the years. >> andy, the cowboys froze him. what happened was it came down to the last few minutes of the game. dallas had the ball with 40 seconds left. no time outs. they were driving towards the end zone. the second to last play, dak prescott runs the ball. they have no time outs left. they can't stop the clock. they have to get another play off but they can't because the ref can't get to the ball. it's not a play unless the ref touches it? so the game just ended. and the cowboys lost 23-17. jimmy garoppolo and the 49 he was win the game. you can tell how disappointing it was. >> i have never seen it come down the way it has come down, the collision between the umpire and the quarterback. we were trying to get inside the 30 yard line to set up the last play. mechanics were intact from our end of it. the communication that i was getting on the sideline. but they next thing i know the were walking off the field. >> reporter: thanks for filling in there. i'm back. they will play the packers next weekend. chiefs down 7-0 in the second quarter. but then they flipped the switch. patrick mahomes threw five touchdowns passes in less than 11 minutes of game time. chiefs scored 35 unanswered. 42-21. with the steelers eliminated, ben roethlisberger has likely played the final game of his career. tom brady and the bucs in a dominant performance over the eagles. brady looking for his eighth super bowl title. hooked up with gronkowski for the 105th time they have hooked up for a touchdown. bucs win 31-15. as we mentioned, the only team that looked worse than the eagles was the patriots. the bills played the first ever perfect offensive game on saturday. not just the playoffs. i'm talking about ever. no punts. no field goals. no turnovers. all touchdowns until they took a knee at the end of the game. berman, how in the world does this happen to bill belichick and the patriots in the playoffs, no less? . >> i don't have an answer. >> karma. karma is the answer. >> i mean, every decade it happens. they have to lose. they have to lose once, and then they will win six more in a row. andy, it was terrible. just terrible. not as bad as the way dallas lost. >> i didn't know you could play a perfect offensive football game. >> the bills did it to the patriots. the silver lining is at least you're not a cowboys fan this morning. >> thank you. . >> this is why we can be friends, because you're not a cowboys fan. this morning a test of loyalty, long-stewing resentment, wielding the knife. with he go behind the rising tensions between donald trump and governor ron desantis. plus -- >> we're not going to teach our children to view everything through ahlens of race. >> the new governor of virginia ruffling feathers invoking the words of martin luther king to mandate what he thinks should not be taught in school. president biden ending his first year with so many challenges. why it is leaving democrats panicked and frustrated. why does walgreens offer prescription copays as low as zero dollars? 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"the times" has a great take on this this morning. we have been seeing this brewing for some time. trump made the comment about people who wouldn't say whether they are boostered or not. he was clearly talking about desantis. desantis talked about how trump wouldn't listen to him in the early days of the pandemic. the fact that he is not backing down from this fight i think is interesting. your take. >> yeah. especially when you talk about these back scene issues. it's interesting to see desantis has moved to the right of trump himself. and it's not surprising there would be a clash with these two men. they are similar in terms of temperament, political position and the kind of voters they appeal to. and now we have this added layer of desantis refusing to say whether or not he intends to run in 2024 essentially, presumably challenging trump for the republican primary. and also in terms of trump and the way that he is seeing this, you know, desantis could present a middle ground, acceptable alternative to those who are committed to trumpism but perhaps turned off from some of the more toxic elements like the association with the insurrection, qanon. so you can definitely understand why trump's ego has a problem here. and he likes to claim that he made desantis. so we know that trump is very, very big on loyalty. so the fact that he won't say whether or not he intends to challenge him is really apparently getting under the former president's skin. >> yeah. and there are very few others talked about as potential republican hopefuls who haven't been willing to go out and say, of course i would defer to mr. trump. mara, let's talk about the current president of the united states, joe biden. democrats of course sometimes mocked for worrying too much. but now the worry is so pervasive it has made its way to "snl". let's take a look. >> well, just like everybody else, president biden's new year's resolutions fell apart in the third week of january. the supreme court struck down his vaccine mandate, the voting rights bill got blocked, and his approval level is so low it has gone into power save mode. he needs more time. he might be more of an acquired test. unfortunately most americans recently lost their sense of taste. >> pretty rough. pretty rough. and also litting right at the -- hitting the nail on the head, americans very unhappy with how things are going with covid. the president ran on that government competence could get us out of this pandemic. where does biden stand right now, and what do democrats need to be doing as they face the 2020 midterms and of course the 2024 election? >> reporter: yeah. there's a lot of frustration here over what biden has not been able to accomplish. i mean, think of where we were around the inauguration roughly this time last year in the promises he was making, to get covid under control, control a sense of national unity and stability after four years of chaos. and to pass this really ambitious legislative agenda consisting of infrastructure, social spending programs, and voting rights. now, look at where we are today. covid continues to run rampant. the supreme court just struck down part of that vaccine mandate. inflation is at a 40-year high. and build back better and voting rights are all but dead. now, there have been some really significant accomplishments. we can look at the bipartisan support for infrastructure which passed, the stimulus bill. but the failures have been pretty spectacular as well. the failure of build back better i think is going to be the most consequential when it comes to the midterms. that is the one piece of legislation that could have had an immediate positive impact on people's lives. when we look at the handling of covid recently, it has been just abyss mal. we have had two years 20 figure out how to get testing right to make it widespread, free and rapid. and the best the white house can do is say you could get reimbursed if you can find one and it might take 12 days to get to you. they can be attributed to manchin and sinema, but a lot of it biden has to own. >> there was a decision to focus on vaccination not testing. that led to partly where we are. a lot of democrats that i have been talking to are throwing up flags, especially those who have to run for re-election in 2022. they just weren't talking enough about the economy and inflation. and of course i think that makes it even less likely build back better gets passed. mara, thank you so much for being with us. coming up here next, north korea conducting a fourth missile test this week, signaling a rise in tensions in the korean peninsula. he survived a whole bunch of scandals, but this might be different. it just isn't going away. why his leadership position is getting more vulnerable by the second. ♪ ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ healthier starts when excuses end. what? 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is this the final straw? >> reporter: good morning. thanks for having me. it is different this time. the scandal has plagued boris johnson in the past, but it was very much baked into his personality and who he was. voters knew that when they went to the polling booths in december 2019, and he won a huge majority, 80-seat majority. it was thought even by his opposition, up until months ago that boris johnson would hold the title of prime minister essentially as long as he wanted. the conservatives were likely to win the next election and he could be there the better part of a decade. but a few weeks has been a lifetime on this side of the pond. the people drafting the rules at 10 downing street are the ones breaking the rules with drinks, parties behind the downing is street walls. has the public absolutely infuriated. and boris johnson attending even one of the events has people angrier. >> it's one thing to apologize to tens of millions of people but not thing when you have to apologize to the queen. one of these parties took place the night before prince philip's funeral. there was an apology for that right now. >> this is quite grotesque. leadership comes from the top. clearly there was a culture that led people working in downing street to think that was an acceptable thing to do. reports there was a wheelie suitcase brought to the local shops to fill up with wine. they actually bought a wine cooler during lockdown to store all the booze they were bringing back to have these parties. one took place the night before prince philip's funeral. there is a shot of the queen sitting by herself socially distanced at her husband's funeral. they were married for 70 years. it pulls on heart strings because it is the queen. she it is felt she represented all the people who lost loved ones but couldn't mourn them. it is particularly compelling. it is important to remind american audiences that the uk and u.s. have a shared experience of lockdown. here in the uk, we had more lockdowns. and they were much more intense. we actually legislated who you could or could not have in your home. close family, friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, partners. it was illegal for them to come into your home for the better part of a year in the uk in many circumstances. we would send the police after people if they did so. to think this isn't a matter of a few people having a few glasses of wine in a boozy culture. we brought in such strict laws for the public, to think the people who were crafting the laws were breaking them almost simultaneously has people up in arms. >> boris johnson, the prime minister, in trouble. we will see if it gets worse for him. kate andrews, thank you very much. i know it is not supposed to be the main takeaway but i'm fixated on the wheelie bag and wondering if that's something that i can incorporate. an aside. not the main part of the story. >> it surprises me not at all that such a things exists as someone who lived there at least a year. can you imagine? can you imagine if that happened here, lockdowns so severe because friends were coming to their homes and the president of the united states was behind closed doors have a great time? forget it. it would not fly. >> you would have to put something in the wheelie bag to protect the bottles. again, not the main part of the story. i'm focused on the wrong thing. omicron showing signs of slowing down in major cities. are we hitting a turning point with the virus? prince harry doesn't feel safe bringing his family to the uk. why he wants to pay for his own police protection after he split up with his royal family. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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>> well, it's a winter virus. independent what variant is circulating in this country -- remember, if you look last year, december, january, february, we didn't have much in the way of vaccinations, population immunity from natural infection. still, by mid-february, you saw a dramatic decline in the number of hospitalizations, number of deaths deaths. specifically told any date in the immediate future where we will be reviewing these data. so we'll see. in terms of the measures in terms of going back to will could, i agree with you completely. i think for of most part we need to have children back in school. i mean, they have suffered this lack of socialization more than anyone else. practical guidelines just to the extent that you can mask wear, mask wear. to the extent you can social distance, social distance. do the best to get back in there. we're almost there. i think within the next three, four, five weeks, you will see a dramatic decline. we will feel better as we get into spring, summer, early fall and presumably next winter we will see a surge less than this surge. >> one thing you watch carefully, though, as great as it would be for children under 5 to take the vaccine, in older children eligible now, it is not like there is a giant massive uptake. it's half or less depending what age group. >> it is frustrating. we talk about how desperately we want a vaccine for children and then we get them and don't use them. 50% of 12 to 15-year-olds have been vaccinated, which means 50% haven't. 20% to 30% of 5 to 11-year-olds srs vaccinated. we have had a vaccine available since the middle of november. 75% of children in that age group aren't vaccinated. what's frustrating is when i'm service at children's hospital of philadelphia, with he admit a lot of children. and none of them are vaccinated. none of the parents, siblings, which is where they get it from. you have to administer it. >> that is the frustrating part. let's talk about new information we are learning. a study out about nba players. and that has been a leading indicator, actually, in so many ways throughout this pandemic. but the study found that many of these players were still infected even after five days of having the virus. what does this mean in the context of the cdc guidelines that reduced that quarantine period from 10 to 5 days. >> i think the problem with that study was the test they use to see whether or not you were covid positive was a pcr test, which looks for viral jean ohm. what you want to know is infectious virus. the quantity of infectious virus being see kraoetd? neither the antigen or pcr tests tell you that. the degree to which you are infectious. they found there is not a great correlation. especially for people who are vaccinated. if you are vaccinated, you will shed far less virus for far shorter period of time. that was the problem with the study. i like the cdc guidelines initially, which if you're covid positive or symptomatic, quarantine yourself until you're not symptomatic anymore, and then mask. the testing, especially the pcr testing, can be misleading. >> dr. paul offit, thank you for your expertise and being here today. >> thank you. >> ghislaine maxwell is dropping to keep the men's names secret. why? lindsey vonn joins "new day" on her mental health struggles. and the winter olympics in china just weeks from now. 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yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. nurse mariyam sabo knows a moment this pure... ...demands a lotion this pure. new gold bond pure moisture lotion. 24-hour hydration. no parabens, dyes, or fragrances. gold bond. champion your skin. lindsey vonn is a four-time olympian, gold medalist, most decorated skier of all time. she's out with her memoir called "rise." never before told stories about her life and career, her struggles with depression, and the decisions that helped her break down barriers on and off the slopes. lindsey vonn joins me now. it's so great to meet you. and this book, i have to say, it's really revealing, particularly the way you talk about your retirement from competitive skiing. it's been hard. >> thanks. yeah. it was definitely a hard transition for me. i really thought it would be much easier. because, you know, i had set things up so i would be, you know, very busy with my schedule and business. but it was very difficult. you know, i've been skiing my whole life since i was 2 1/2 years old. and, you know, in retirement, i basically woke up one day and something that i relied on so heavily in my life was no longer there. so it took me a while. but i'm in a great place now. and i think that was an important part of my story and for me to express that in my book. . >> it's interesting. i actually associate you with overcoming adversity with your injuries. my wife, who tore her acl, looked to your example for how to come back from that. it's one thing trying to defeat physical adversity here. but when it's emotional, it's different. >> yeah, definitely. i think that it was actually easier for me to overcome my physical injuries as opposed to some of the psychological ones. i think i had definitely low moments in my life and my career. and i think that was also brought on by some of my physical injuries. you know, my back-to-back acl surgeries in 2013 was really difficult. and then missing the olympics. having to watch it on tv. i don't know, for some reason that was a really tough time for me. not for some reason. it was just a really tough time. but i think that, you know, all of those instances made me more motivated to come back from skiing. and skiing was really what got me through all those tough times which, again, is why it was so hard to retire because i no longer had that as an emotional crutch. . >> is it going to be hard for you to watch the olympics next month? >> i'm definitely going to be jealous of the athletes because i miss the competition, skiing fast, the adrenalin and everything that comes along with it. but i'm in such a great place that i am genuinely happy for my teammates and everyone that's competing. all the women that i mentor with team usa and also from other nations. i will be jealous, i'll be cheering ferociously. >> a question about the olympics. how hard do you think it will be with the covid situation? you' don't have to worry about competing. >> mr. i was actually testing with some of the competitors just this morning. there's been so many cases of covid the last few weeks. with china's no tolerance policy, if they get it, they can't come in the country. everyone is on pins and needles trying to manage it, make sure they don't get it and compare to compete in the biggest moment of their careers. . >> finally, there's the political angle here, which is that china is accused of genocide for its treatment of the uighers here. i know athletes want to focus on their competition and exactly the task at hand. i know that athletes care a lot about the situation in the world. so how do you juggle that, the competition combined with what you know is going on in the nation where you're competing? >> there is so much going on with china and the olympics there. athletes are not a stranger to those types of conversations. i think we're in a position where we're on a global stage. and i think it's every athlete's choice whether they speak out or don't speak out. because ultimately that has a huge weight that comes with it. and that can affect their performance again in a competition they have been looking forward to their entire lives. it's definitely a balance, a delicate situation. and i don't envy the athletes being in that position. >> you're an inspiration to so many. thank you so much for what you're doing now. really appreciate it. >> thank you. i appreciate it. welcome to our viewers in the united states and all around the world. the nation marks dr. martin luther king jr. day. i'm john berman. brianna is working nights this week. kasie hunt back for hour two. >> let's keep going. >> i did text you over the weekend to warn you i am a monday sister. you handled it well. >> it's been awful s

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United States , John Berman , Viewers , All Around The World , Brianna , Kasie Hunt , January 17th , Monday January 17th , 17 , Adventure , Kind , Back , Brain Surgery , Yes , People , Thanks , Storm , East Coast , Weather , News , Snow , More , Freezing Rain , Governor , Roads , Ice , Winds , Conditions , Sleet , Same , North Carolina , Southwest Florida , Northern Georgia , Highway , Black Ice , Tractor Trailer , Tornados , National Guard , South Carolina , Stranded Drivers , Two , Course , Boston , New York , Estate , Philadelphia , Travel , Threat , Wind Warnings , 3 Million , Ground , Cnn , Pete Muntean , Jennifer Gray , Tracking , Angle , Pittsburgh , Reagan International Airport , Palo Sandoval , 1200 , Reporter , Authorities , Word , Pennsylvania , Atlanta , First To Polo , Snowfall , Road , Many , Officials , Sidewalks , Roadways , Plowing Operations , City , Advisory , Lulls , Three , Country , Folks , School , Concern , Work , Areas , School Buses , Home , Advice , Constituents , Mayor , Ai Federal Holiday , Flights , Flight , Airlines , Hubs , The Last Day , Place , Number , Issue , Charlotte , 3 , 3500 , January 3rd , Way , Airport , Ai , Update , Big Hub For American , 90 , Charge , United , American Airlines , Southwest E , Delta , Issued Travel Waivers , One , Thing , Stretches , Wonder How Charlotte Fares , Northeast , Guys , Forecast , Washington D C , Rain , Interior , Winter Weather , New England , Appalachians , Corridor , Cold Rain , I 9 , 9 , 5 , Rain Ending , Break , Rain Showers , Most , Anywhere , Backside , Precipitation , Blast , Portions , Pink , Accumulation , Foot , Elevations , Four , Suspect , Everything , Fbi , Door , Saying , Texas Synagogue , 11 , 30 , 4 , Joe Biden , Attack , Act , Audio , Gunman Ranting , Ordeal , Terror , Natasha Chen Live In Colleyville , Texas , Standoff , Law Enforcement Sources , Josh Campbell , Audio Matches , Conversations , Building , Negotiators , Rescue Team , Explosives , Gun , British , Malik Faisalachim , 44 , Stream , Synagogue , Hostages , Unharmed , Hostage Team Shot , Sabbath , Feed , In A Statement , Hostage Crisis , Rabbi , Time , Abl , Gunman , Anyone , Hostage Taking , Sites , Extremists , Arrival , Jewish , Jfk , Part , Questioning , Plot , Five , Weigh Station , Plan , Motive , Investigation , Incident , Sense , Desire , Siddiqui , Service Members , Attempted Murder , 6 , 8 , Case , Family , Activities , Israeli , Act Rim , Heart , Mental Health , Issues , Things , Something , Kinds , Synagogues , Some , Patriots , Eagles , Fan , Chance , Sting , Cowboys , Fans , Bleacher Report , Andy , Season , Dallas Cowboys , Life , Them , Playoff Losses , Game , Ball , Dallas , Dak Prescott , End Zone , Second To Last Play , 40 , Play , Ref , Clock , Jimmy Garoppolo , 23 , 49 , It , Come Down , End , Line , Quarterback , Umpire , Mechanics , Communication , Sideline , Walking , The Field , Chiefs , Touchdowns , Packers , Switch , Patrick Mahomes , 0 , 7 , Career , Ben Roethlisberger , Bucs , Performance , Steelers , Tom Brady , 35 , 21 , 42 , Super Bowl , Brady Looking , Touchdown , Gronkowski , Win , 105 , 15 , 31 , Team , Playoffs , Bills , Punts , Field Goals , World , Answer , Karma , Turnovers , Knee , The End , Bill Belichick , Row , Offensive Football Game , Lost , Six , Friends , Silver Lining , Cowboys Fan , Ron Desantis , Long Stewing Resentment , Tensions , Loyalty , Donald Trump , Knife , President , Children , Words , Martin Luther King , Race , Ahlens , Feathers , Virginia , Biden Ending , Democrats , Walgreens , Medicare , Prescription Copays , Low , Challenges , Zero Dollars , Zero , Save , Prescriptions , Asthma , Nunormal , Anything , Nucala , Add On Treatment , Infections , Infection , Help , Doctor , Trouble , Mouth , Reactions , Breathing , Breathing Problems , Injection Site Reactions , Headache , Swelling , Tongue , Face , Shingles , Don T Stop Steroids , Fatigue , Back Pain , Asthma Specialist , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Car Insurance , Limu Emu , Doug , Limu , Personal Record , Limu Emu Squawks , Thirty Four , Liberty , Pay , Vo , Technologies , Lives , Led , Kisses , Me And You , Kiss , With Kay , Trees , Green Red , What A Wonderful World , King , Detan , New York Times , Mara , Take , The Times , Host , Run , Journalist , Podcast , Let Trump Go Relatively Unopposed , 2024 , Trump , Comment , Wouldn T , Brewing , Right , Pandemic , Fact , Back Scene Issues , Fight , Voters , Position , Terms , Men , Clash , Temperament , Layer , Primary , Republican , Problem , Insurrection , Ego , Trumpism , Alternative , Elements , Association , Qanon , Skin , Others , Whether , Mr , Hopefuls , Haven T , Say , President Of The United States , Let S Talk , Worry , Resolutions , Snl , Take A Look , Everybody Else , Voting Rights , Vaccine Mandate , Level , Supreme Court , Power Save Mode , Approval , Bill Got Blocked , Covid , Head , Taste , Nail , Election , Government Competence , Midterms , Frustration , 2020 , Control , Unity , Making , Inauguration , Stability , Infrastructure , Agenda , Chaos , Social Spending Programs , Inflation , Support , Stimulus Bill , High , Failures , Accomplishments , Piece , Failure , Build , Handling , Impact , Legislation , Best , Figure , Rapid , White House , Abyss Mal , 20 , Manchin , Sinema , 12 , Decision , Vaccination , Economy , Flags , Re Election , 2022 , Rise , Missile Test , Korean Peninsula , North Korea , Scandals , Leadership Position , Second , Bunch , Healthier , Card , Fee , Omc , How Bizarre , Offer , Room , Excuses , Kids , Extrabucks , Wellness Support Products , Cvs , 10 , Someone , Northwestern Mutual , Mom , Planning , Version , Migraine Medicine , Ubrelvy , Ingestion , Dose , Migraine , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Don T , Enamel , Tracks , Older Medicines Ubrelvy , Side Effects , Repair Toothpaste , Basis , Pronamel , Cyp3 , 2 , Toothpaste , Pronamel Repair , Bottom Line , Business Owner , Mind , Wall , Comcast Business Mobile , Data , Term , Contracts , Service , Data Plans , Gig , Network , Line Activation Fees , Business , Comcast Business , Internet , Customers , Powering Possibilities , 00 , 500 , Boris Johnson , Pressure Mounting , Government , Missile , Teams , Signals , Globe , Russia , Fred Pleitgen In Moscow , Spokesman Peskov , Interview , Talks , Agreement , Sort , Quote , Very Disturbing , Kremlin , Russians , Security Guarantees , Border , Troops , Nato , Message , Missile Tests , Sanctions , Ukrainians , Missiles , Fourth , Details , Altitude , Launch , South Korea , Japan , Operation , Landing , Queen , Philip , Funeral , Arms , Nation , Death , Opposition Party , Premiership , Step Down , Measures , Downing , Loyalties , Narrative , Purge , Staff , Question , Kate Andrews , Citizens , Prime Minister , Rope , Economics , States , Comparisons , Miss , Straw , Isn T , Point , Scandal , Personality , Polling Booths , 2019 , December 2019 , Majority , Opposition , Conservatives , 80 , Lifetime , Ones , Rules , Side , Pond , Downing Street , 10 Downing Street , Parties , Public , Street Walls , Events , Drinks , Tens , Millions , Culture , Leadership , Top , Apology , Wheelie , Shops , Booze , Wine Cooler , Suitcase , Shot , Heart Strings , Husband , 70 , Couldn T , Audiences , Loved Ones , Lockdowns , Partners , Lockdown , Experience , Girlfriends , Boyfriends , Circumstances , Police , Glasses , Matter , Isn T A , Laws , Story , Wheelie Bag , Takeaway , Aside , Homes , Signs , Doors , Bottles , Omicron , Prince , Virus , Police Protection , Royal Family , Cities , Safe , Turning Point , Owner , Future , Investor , Tools , Access , Vanguard , Protein , Nutrients , Energy , Health , Sugar , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Candidates , Visit Indeed Com Hire Psoriasis , Taking Off , Cosentyx , Psoriasis , Fail , Hope , Try , Vaccine , Symptoms , Ability , Risk , Reaction , Tuberculosis , Crohn S Disease , Move , Breaking Point , Rhythm , Blend , Dermatologist , Emergen C , Odds , Fanduel , Emergen C On Fanduel Sportsbook , Playoff Game , Catch , Feel , Bet , , 1 , 50 , 150 , Insurance Company Wasn T Fair , Barnes Firm , Firm , Call , Truck Hit , Hit , Worth , Barnes , Injury Attorneys , Accident Case , Result , Rich Barnes , Eight Hundred , Eight Million , Surgeon General , Spots , Evidence , Omicron Wave , Warpbsd , Cases , Nwarned , Places , Worst , Water , Winter Virus , Hospitalizations Plateaued , Waefts , Vaccinations , Population Immunity , Variant , December , Mid February , Decline , Deaths , Hospitalizations , Guidelines , Extent , Distance , Mask Wear , Socialization , Anyone Else , Lack , Winter , Spring , Surge , Group , Uptake , Middle , Aren T Vaccinated , 75 , Siblings , None , Children S Hospital Of Philadelphia , Study , Players , Indicator , Information , Ways , Learning , Nba , Context , Pcr Test , Positive , Quantity , Ohm , Degree , Pcr Tests , Correlation , Antigen , Kraoetd , Symptomatic , Cdc , Testing , Pcr Testing , Paul Offit , Dr , Names , Ghislaine Maxwell , Expertise , Secret , Lindsey Vonn , China , Struggles , Winter Olympics , Cars , Car Buying , Announcer , Car Vending Machines , Financing , Budget , Browse , Carvana , 100 , Numbers , Aren T , Down Payment , Payment , Penny , Credit Score , Ride , Psoriatic Arthritis , Tremfya , Joints , Adults , Emerge Tremfyant , Patients , Circle , Therapies , Science , Medicines , Researchers , Mental Illness , Peer Counselors , Healthcare , Social Workers , Mental Illness To Wellness , Professionals , Brains , Hair , Ears , Soul , Ready , Set , Sale , Price Guarantee , Voice , New Start , 4 99 , 64 99 , Expert Team , Backing , Deal , Installation , Prepaid Card , Value , 24 7 , Possibilities , Eight , John Dose Secret , Court , Jury , Counts , Sexual Abuse , Trafficking , Documents , Lawsuit , Girls , Accuser , Kara , Virginia Due Fray , Attorneys , Records , Trial , Lawyers , Privacy Rights , Name , Wish , Wrongdoing , Due Fray , Report , Kara Scannell , Embarrassment , Lawyer , Maxwell , Epstein , Skier , Shroefps , Winter Storm Puzzling , Olympic , Tv Host , Epic Rant , Power , Thousands , Pummeling , Unvaccinated , Video , Customization , Dj , Throwback , Hoabout , Memories , Cooking , Advisor , Heartburn , Kitchen , Upset Stomach , Generation , Action , Pepto Bismol , Relief , Narrator , Coating , Soothing , Greatest , Beach , Diarrheaaaa , Preacher , Office , Tyranny , Oval , Bridge , Nuclear War , Selma , Alabama , Generations , Gate , Continent , Enemy Superpower Tear , West Berlin , Freedom , Passing The Freedom To Vote Act , Democracy , Leaders , Justice , The Call , Ideals , Age , Voting Rights Act , High Protein , Muscle Health , Immune Support , Boost , 16 , Go On , 05 , Pill , Migraine Strikes , Cgrp Protein , Tv , Abbvie , Neuroscientist , Cause , Neuriva Plus , Cyp3a4 , Brain Performance , Memory Supplements , Indicators , Neuriva , Nurse Mariyam Sabo , Bond , Pure , Lotion , Moisture , Hydration , Parabens , Fragrances , Dyes , 24 , Olympian , Medalist , Decisions , Stories , Memoir , Depression , Slopes , Barriers , Skiing , Book , Retirement , Transition , Schedule , 2 1 , Injuries , Adversity , Wife , Acl , Example , Acl Surgeries , 2013 , Olympics , Reason , Instances , I Don T Know , Times , Crutch , Competition , Athletes , Skiing Fast , Adrenalin , Everyone , Teammates , Nations , Women , Team Usa , Situation , Competitors , Careers , Policy , Tolerance , Pins , Needles , Treatment , Hand , Uighers , Genocide , Task , Stranger , Types , Weight , Athlete , Stage , Choice , Balance , Inspiration , Don T Envy , Nation Marks , Jr , Weekend , Sister , Text ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

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♪ good morning to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. it is monday, january 17th. i'm john berman. brianna is working nights this week. here with me, kasie hunt. >> great to see you, john. great to be back. >> you have had kind of an adventure. >> it has been an adventure, yes. i had brain surgery back in october. this is my first day back, and i'm thrilled to spend it with you. >> i'm so glad you're here. i know you just want to know the news, so i won't bug you. great to have you back. >> thanks, john. >> r50 million people are facing weather alerts as a storm batters the east coast. freezing rain, ice and snow stretching as far as florida. governor kemp staying for people to stay off the roads. high winds and sleet across northern georgia. more of the same in north carolina, where conditions turned deadly. a tractor trailer slid off the highway killing two people. multiple tornados touched down in southwest florida. in south carolina, the national guard had to be called in to assist stranded drivers, black ice and snow. and the state remained in threat this morning. coming up next, nearly 3 million people are under high wind warnings, including new york and boston. philadelphia could also get some snow. and travel is of course being disrupted. more than 1,200 flights were canceled today. cnn of course has every angle covered here. palo sandoval on the ground in pittsburgh. pete muntean at reagan international airport. and jennifer gray tracking from atlanta. first to polo. what are you seeing there? >> reporter: travel certainly treacherous. that is the word being described by authorities in pennsylvania to describe -- that's the word being used to describe many of the roadways. behind me, plowing operations have continued not just on the road but also on the sidewalks here. pittsburgh city officials have been struggling to keep up the with the snowfall that really started yesterday. we have experienced some lulls here. it still continues at this hour. they put out an advisory locally saying they still expect two to three inches today as well. so that certainly will make travel treacherous not just here but surrounding areas. school, just like much of the country here, has not been scheduled for today. so that at least will keep the school buses off the road. for folks who have to get to work, that is a big concern. that's why authorities are recommending if you don't have to head out, simply stay at home. . >> stay home. that's some good advice. >> yeah. travel is treacherous if you can do it at all. the mayor of reagan national airport who is there this morning, pete muntean. i imagine with unhappy constituents, pete. >> reporter: it is so true, john. a lot of people flying home on the last day of this long weekend, a i federal holiday. the snow came for a lot of major hubs for the airlines. according to flight aware, 1,200 flights canceled today so far. it is early yet. 3,500 canceled yesterday. that is the highest number we have seen since january 3rd. the big issue here is that the snow went for a place like charlotte. typically does not get much in the way of snow. big hub for american airlines. 90% of all flights canceled yesterday. a i third of all flights canceled today out of charlotte. the airport just posted an update. it said it is open and anticipates resuming full operations by this afternoon. the good news here, american airlines, united, southwest e and delta have all issued travel waivers. folks impacted by the storm can rebook free of charge. john. >> this has been one of the most trying stretches i can remember, pete, from before christmas until now. it's just thing after thing after thing. thanks for being with us. appreciate it. >> wonder how charlotte fares against washington, d.c.? jennifer gray has the forecast. this storm heading up towards the northeast. i know it is freezing rain here in new york city. what can people across the country expect? >> reporter: well, guys, it is going to be a cold rain. the heavier snowfall in interior new england and appalachians. the winter weather advisories extending up to new england. you can see what's happening now. cold rain through philadelphia, new york city, boston even. and the i-9 5 corridor, that's where we expect it to remain. you can see the rain ending from philadelphia for the time being, a little bit of a break. and then we will see more. off and on rain showers. very cold rain. and the pink is the frozen precipitation. we could get a quick blast on the backside as we go into this evening as this is wrapping up. but we are going to get most of the accumulation across well interior portions of new england. could see anywhere from, say, two to four inches, possibly up to a foot for those higher elevations. guys. >> yikes. jennifer, thank you so much. >> it was pouring. it was pouring. it was gross and pouring and awful. >> i wasn't sure the weather could be any worse here in new york when i walked out the door at 4:30 this morning. >> everything is a little bit worse at 4:30 in general. that goes without saying. the fbi has identified the suspect who held four people hostage for nearly 11 hours on saturday at a texas synagogue. chilling new audio has been released of the gunman ranting during the ordeal. president biden has called the attack an act of terror. cnn's natasha chen live in colleyville, texas, with the very latest. natasha. >> reporter: john, the audio matches what law enforcement sources told our colleague josh campbell. when negotiators had conversations with the suspect throughout the standoff, he seemed to not want to leave the building alive. he ultimately died when the rescue team moved in. they recovered a gun from the suspect but no explosives. the fbi has identified 44-year-old british national malik faisalachim. the 11-hour standoff ended after a hostage team shot and killed him. all four hostages are safe and unharmed. it began during the synagogue's live stream of its saturday morning sabbath. in the feed you can hear him speaking. it is unclear who he is speaking to. he can be heard saying he plans to die . >> reporter: in a statement top cnn, the rabbi said in the last hour of our hostage crisis, the gunman became increasingly belligerent and threatening. >> this is the first time that anyone had abl can recall a hostage taking at a synagogue. but unfortunately jewish sites have been targeted again and again and again by extremists over the years. >> reporter: according to officials, he entered the united states legally in december. he was vetted and cleared prior to his arrival at jfk in new york five weeks ago. federal authorities do not believe this was part of a greater plot, but they are questioning how he was able to travel to texas. we were a weigh station for him. he had a plan. he was very quiet. he was in and out. now the fbi is conducting a global investigation to try to determine a motive. >> i'm not ready to add any more about the incident. they were specifically focused on one issue. >> reporter: according to two law enforcement sources, one possible motive was a desire to free siddiqui, who is serving an 8 6-year sense for the attempted murder and armed attack of u.s. service members. the fbi is working with uk and israeli authorities on this case. act rim's family say they do not condone any of these activities. they mentioned he has mental health issues, but did not elaborate on that, john. >> my heart goes out to all the people affected. we'll have much more on this ahead. >> reporter: thanks. and of course so much jewish synagogues have to plan for these kinds of things. that says a lot about where we are as a country. let's turn now to something lighter than that. berman's eagles, my patriots both out. . >> it was not even close. it took some of the sting out of it knowing at least the patriots never had a chance. >> yeah. look, as an eagles fan we were all happy just to be there. i don't think at the beginning of the season any of us thought we would make it. hey, i will take this. no one is more heartbroken this morning than dallas cowboys fans after their chaotic final few seconds. >> andy scholes here with the "bleacher report". hey, andy. >> reporter: yeah, guys. if you have a cowboys fan in your life, i would say be extra nice to them today. >> why? >> reporter: because they have had a lot of brutal playoff losses over the years. >> andy, the cowboys froze him. what happened was it came down to the last few minutes of the game. dallas had the ball with 40 seconds left. no time outs. they were driving towards the end zone. the second to last play, dak prescott runs the ball. they have no time outs left. they can't stop the clock. they have to get another play off but they can't because the ref can't get to the ball. it's not a play unless the ref touches it? so the game just ended. and the cowboys lost 23-17. jimmy garoppolo and the 49 he was win the game. you can tell how disappointing it was. >> i have never seen it come down the way it has come down, the collision between the umpire and the quarterback. we were trying to get inside the 30 yard line to set up the last play. mechanics were intact from our end of it. the communication that i was getting on the sideline. but they next thing i know the were walking off the field. >> reporter: thanks for filling in there. i'm back. they will play the packers next weekend. chiefs down 7-0 in the second quarter. but then they flipped the switch. patrick mahomes threw five touchdowns passes in less than 11 minutes of game time. chiefs scored 35 unanswered. 42-21. with the steelers eliminated, ben roethlisberger has likely played the final game of his career. tom brady and the bucs in a dominant performance over the eagles. brady looking for his eighth super bowl title. hooked up with gronkowski for the 105th time they have hooked up for a touchdown. bucs win 31-15. as we mentioned, the only team that looked worse than the eagles was the patriots. the bills played the first ever perfect offensive game on saturday. not just the playoffs. i'm talking about ever. no punts. no field goals. no turnovers. all touchdowns until they took a knee at the end of the game. berman, how in the world does this happen to bill belichick and the patriots in the playoffs, no less? . >> i don't have an answer. >> karma. karma is the answer. >> i mean, every decade it happens. they have to lose. they have to lose once, and then they will win six more in a row. andy, it was terrible. just terrible. not as bad as the way dallas lost. >> i didn't know you could play a perfect offensive football game. >> the bills did it to the patriots. the silver lining is at least you're not a cowboys fan this morning. >> thank you. . >> this is why we can be friends, because you're not a cowboys fan. this morning a test of loyalty, long-stewing resentment, wielding the knife. with he go behind the rising tensions between donald trump and governor ron desantis. plus -- >> we're not going to teach our children to view everything through ahlens of race. >> the new governor of virginia ruffling feathers invoking the words of martin luther king to mandate what he thinks should not be taught in school. president biden ending his first year with so many challenges. why it is leaving democrats panicked and frustrated. why does walgreens offer prescription copays as low as zero dollars? 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"the times" has a great take on this this morning. we have been seeing this brewing for some time. trump made the comment about people who wouldn't say whether they are boostered or not. he was clearly talking about desantis. desantis talked about how trump wouldn't listen to him in the early days of the pandemic. the fact that he is not backing down from this fight i think is interesting. your take. >> yeah. especially when you talk about these back scene issues. it's interesting to see desantis has moved to the right of trump himself. and it's not surprising there would be a clash with these two men. they are similar in terms of temperament, political position and the kind of voters they appeal to. and now we have this added layer of desantis refusing to say whether or not he intends to run in 2024 essentially, presumably challenging trump for the republican primary. and also in terms of trump and the way that he is seeing this, you know, desantis could present a middle ground, acceptable alternative to those who are committed to trumpism but perhaps turned off from some of the more toxic elements like the association with the insurrection, qanon. so you can definitely understand why trump's ego has a problem here. and he likes to claim that he made desantis. so we know that trump is very, very big on loyalty. so the fact that he won't say whether or not he intends to challenge him is really apparently getting under the former president's skin. >> yeah. and there are very few others talked about as potential republican hopefuls who haven't been willing to go out and say, of course i would defer to mr. trump. mara, let's talk about the current president of the united states, joe biden. democrats of course sometimes mocked for worrying too much. but now the worry is so pervasive it has made its way to "snl". let's take a look. >> well, just like everybody else, president biden's new year's resolutions fell apart in the third week of january. the supreme court struck down his vaccine mandate, the voting rights bill got blocked, and his approval level is so low it has gone into power save mode. he needs more time. he might be more of an acquired test. unfortunately most americans recently lost their sense of taste. >> pretty rough. pretty rough. and also litting right at the -- hitting the nail on the head, americans very unhappy with how things are going with covid. the president ran on that government competence could get us out of this pandemic. where does biden stand right now, and what do democrats need to be doing as they face the 2020 midterms and of course the 2024 election? >> reporter: yeah. there's a lot of frustration here over what biden has not been able to accomplish. i mean, think of where we were around the inauguration roughly this time last year in the promises he was making, to get covid under control, control a sense of national unity and stability after four years of chaos. and to pass this really ambitious legislative agenda consisting of infrastructure, social spending programs, and voting rights. now, look at where we are today. covid continues to run rampant. the supreme court just struck down part of that vaccine mandate. inflation is at a 40-year high. and build back better and voting rights are all but dead. now, there have been some really significant accomplishments. we can look at the bipartisan support for infrastructure which passed, the stimulus bill. but the failures have been pretty spectacular as well. the failure of build back better i think is going to be the most consequential when it comes to the midterms. that is the one piece of legislation that could have had an immediate positive impact on people's lives. when we look at the handling of covid recently, it has been just abyss mal. we have had two years 20 figure out how to get testing right to make it widespread, free and rapid. and the best the white house can do is say you could get reimbursed if you can find one and it might take 12 days to get to you. they can be attributed to manchin and sinema, but a lot of it biden has to own. >> there was a decision to focus on vaccination not testing. that led to partly where we are. a lot of democrats that i have been talking to are throwing up flags, especially those who have to run for re-election in 2022. they just weren't talking enough about the economy and inflation. and of course i think that makes it even less likely build back better gets passed. mara, thank you so much for being with us. coming up here next, north korea conducting a fourth missile test this week, signaling a rise in tensions in the korean peninsula. he survived a whole bunch of scandals, but this might be different. it just isn't going away. why his leadership position is getting more vulnerable by the second. ♪ ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ healthier starts when excuses end. what? 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is this the final straw? >> reporter: good morning. thanks for having me. it is different this time. the scandal has plagued boris johnson in the past, but it was very much baked into his personality and who he was. voters knew that when they went to the polling booths in december 2019, and he won a huge majority, 80-seat majority. it was thought even by his opposition, up until months ago that boris johnson would hold the title of prime minister essentially as long as he wanted. the conservatives were likely to win the next election and he could be there the better part of a decade. but a few weeks has been a lifetime on this side of the pond. the people drafting the rules at 10 downing street are the ones breaking the rules with drinks, parties behind the downing is street walls. has the public absolutely infuriated. and boris johnson attending even one of the events has people angrier. >> it's one thing to apologize to tens of millions of people but not thing when you have to apologize to the queen. one of these parties took place the night before prince philip's funeral. there was an apology for that right now. >> this is quite grotesque. leadership comes from the top. clearly there was a culture that led people working in downing street to think that was an acceptable thing to do. reports there was a wheelie suitcase brought to the local shops to fill up with wine. they actually bought a wine cooler during lockdown to store all the booze they were bringing back to have these parties. one took place the night before prince philip's funeral. there is a shot of the queen sitting by herself socially distanced at her husband's funeral. they were married for 70 years. it pulls on heart strings because it is the queen. she it is felt she represented all the people who lost loved ones but couldn't mourn them. it is particularly compelling. it is important to remind american audiences that the uk and u.s. have a shared experience of lockdown. here in the uk, we had more lockdowns. and they were much more intense. we actually legislated who you could or could not have in your home. close family, friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, partners. it was illegal for them to come into your home for the better part of a year in the uk in many circumstances. we would send the police after people if they did so. to think this isn't a matter of a few people having a few glasses of wine in a boozy culture. we brought in such strict laws for the public, to think the people who were crafting the laws were breaking them almost simultaneously has people up in arms. >> boris johnson, the prime minister, in trouble. we will see if it gets worse for him. kate andrews, thank you very much. i know it is not supposed to be the main takeaway but i'm fixated on the wheelie bag and wondering if that's something that i can incorporate. an aside. not the main part of the story. >> it surprises me not at all that such a things exists as someone who lived there at least a year. can you imagine? can you imagine if that happened here, lockdowns so severe because friends were coming to their homes and the president of the united states was behind closed doors have a great time? forget it. it would not fly. >> you would have to put something in the wheelie bag to protect the bottles. again, not the main part of the story. i'm focused on the wrong thing. omicron showing signs of slowing down in major cities. are we hitting a turning point with the virus? prince harry doesn't feel safe bringing his family to the uk. why he wants to pay for his own police protection after he split up with his royal family. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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>> well, it's a winter virus. independent what variant is circulating in this country -- remember, if you look last year, december, january, february, we didn't have much in the way of vaccinations, population immunity from natural infection. still, by mid-february, you saw a dramatic decline in the number of hospitalizations, number of deaths deaths. specifically told any date in the immediate future where we will be reviewing these data. so we'll see. in terms of the measures in terms of going back to will could, i agree with you completely. i think for of most part we need to have children back in school. i mean, they have suffered this lack of socialization more than anyone else. practical guidelines just to the extent that you can mask wear, mask wear. to the extent you can social distance, social distance. do the best to get back in there. we're almost there. i think within the next three, four, five weeks, you will see a dramatic decline. we will feel better as we get into spring, summer, early fall and presumably next winter we will see a surge less than this surge. >> one thing you watch carefully, though, as great as it would be for children under 5 to take the vaccine, in older children eligible now, it is not like there is a giant massive uptake. it's half or less depending what age group. >> it is frustrating. we talk about how desperately we want a vaccine for children and then we get them and don't use them. 50% of 12 to 15-year-olds have been vaccinated, which means 50% haven't. 20% to 30% of 5 to 11-year-olds srs vaccinated. we have had a vaccine available since the middle of november. 75% of children in that age group aren't vaccinated. what's frustrating is when i'm service at children's hospital of philadelphia, with he admit a lot of children. and none of them are vaccinated. none of the parents, siblings, which is where they get it from. you have to administer it. >> that is the frustrating part. let's talk about new information we are learning. a study out about nba players. and that has been a leading indicator, actually, in so many ways throughout this pandemic. but the study found that many of these players were still infected even after five days of having the virus. what does this mean in the context of the cdc guidelines that reduced that quarantine period from 10 to 5 days. >> i think the problem with that study was the test they use to see whether or not you were covid positive was a pcr test, which looks for viral jean ohm. what you want to know is infectious virus. the quantity of infectious virus being see kraoetd? neither the antigen or pcr tests tell you that. the degree to which you are infectious. they found there is not a great correlation. especially for people who are vaccinated. if you are vaccinated, you will shed far less virus for far shorter period of time. that was the problem with the study. i like the cdc guidelines initially, which if you're covid positive or symptomatic, quarantine yourself until you're not symptomatic anymore, and then mask. the testing, especially the pcr testing, can be misleading. >> dr. paul offit, thank you for your expertise and being here today. >> thank you. >> ghislaine maxwell is dropping to keep the men's names secret. why? lindsey vonn joins "new day" on her mental health struggles. and the winter olympics in china just weeks from now. 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yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. nurse mariyam sabo knows a moment this pure... ...demands a lotion this pure. new gold bond pure moisture lotion. 24-hour hydration. no parabens, dyes, or fragrances. gold bond. champion your skin. lindsey vonn is a four-time olympian, gold medalist, most decorated skier of all time. she's out with her memoir called "rise." never before told stories about her life and career, her struggles with depression, and the decisions that helped her break down barriers on and off the slopes. lindsey vonn joins me now. it's so great to meet you. and this book, i have to say, it's really revealing, particularly the way you talk about your retirement from competitive skiing. it's been hard. >> thanks. yeah. it was definitely a hard transition for me. i really thought it would be much easier. because, you know, i had set things up so i would be, you know, very busy with my schedule and business. but it was very difficult. you know, i've been skiing my whole life since i was 2 1/2 years old. and, you know, in retirement, i basically woke up one day and something that i relied on so heavily in my life was no longer there. so it took me a while. but i'm in a great place now. and i think that was an important part of my story and for me to express that in my book. . >> it's interesting. i actually associate you with overcoming adversity with your injuries. my wife, who tore her acl, looked to your example for how to come back from that. it's one thing trying to defeat physical adversity here. but when it's emotional, it's different. >> yeah, definitely. i think that it was actually easier for me to overcome my physical injuries as opposed to some of the psychological ones. i think i had definitely low moments in my life and my career. and i think that was also brought on by some of my physical injuries. you know, my back-to-back acl surgeries in 2013 was really difficult. and then missing the olympics. having to watch it on tv. i don't know, for some reason that was a really tough time for me. not for some reason. it was just a really tough time. but i think that, you know, all of those instances made me more motivated to come back from skiing. and skiing was really what got me through all those tough times which, again, is why it was so hard to retire because i no longer had that as an emotional crutch. . >> is it going to be hard for you to watch the olympics next month? >> i'm definitely going to be jealous of the athletes because i miss the competition, skiing fast, the adrenalin and everything that comes along with it. but i'm in such a great place that i am genuinely happy for my teammates and everyone that's competing. all the women that i mentor with team usa and also from other nations. i will be jealous, i'll be cheering ferociously. >> a question about the olympics. how hard do you think it will be with the covid situation? you' don't have to worry about competing. >> mr. i was actually testing with some of the competitors just this morning. there's been so many cases of covid the last few weeks. with china's no tolerance policy, if they get it, they can't come in the country. everyone is on pins and needles trying to manage it, make sure they don't get it and compare to compete in the biggest moment of their careers. . >> finally, there's the political angle here, which is that china is accused of genocide for its treatment of the uighers here. i know athletes want to focus on their competition and exactly the task at hand. i know that athletes care a lot about the situation in the world. so how do you juggle that, the competition combined with what you know is going on in the nation where you're competing? >> there is so much going on with china and the olympics there. athletes are not a stranger to those types of conversations. i think we're in a position where we're on a global stage. and i think it's every athlete's choice whether they speak out or don't speak out. because ultimately that has a huge weight that comes with it. and that can affect their performance again in a competition they have been looking forward to their entire lives. it's definitely a balance, a delicate situation. and i don't envy the athletes being in that position. >> you're an inspiration to so many. thank you so much for what you're doing now. really appreciate it. >> thank you. i appreciate it. welcome to our viewers in the united states and all around the world. the nation marks dr. martin luther king jr. day. i'm john berman. brianna is working nights this week. kasie hunt back for hour two. >> let's keep going. >> i did text you over the weekend to warn you i am a monday sister. you handled it well. >> it's been awful s

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