Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With Abby Phillip 202407

Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With Abby Phillip 20240709

mcconnell by the way. ducey has been a terrible, terrible representative of your state. >> "inside politics," the biggest stories sourced by the best reporters now. ♪ welcome to "inside politics" 1u7d. i'm abby phillip. thank you for being here sunday. president joe biden will mark one week in office this week and his domestic agenda hit a brick wall. in just the past days, the supreme court struck down his vaccine mandate on big businesses and criticized for being off the road on covid and inflation hits a 40-year high and as the country celebrates martin luther king day, biden's bill is on the cusp of defeat. >> the law not who can vote who gets to count the vote, count the vote, count the vote. i don't know if we can get it done, but i know one thing, as long as i have a breath in me, as long as i'm in the white house, as long as i'm engaged at all, i'm going to fight the way these senate legislate bills are moving. joining us now with their reporting and insight toluse olorunnipa of the "the washington post", melanie zanona from politico and seung min kim. thank you for being here. what do you see this bill doing? >> first, they will attack reporting rights legislation that republicans don't support so that will fail and then they're going to try to tie to break the senate rules and that's going to fail because sinema and manchin don't really support it. and he's going to force other members to walk the plank, breaking the filibuster openly knowing it's 23409 going to work. it shows he's in a tough spot right now. he doesn't have a lot of options. he himself is up for re-election this year. he's under a lot of pressure to show the case. the base. and they're trying to exhaust options before they move ahead with something more modest that will get the support of republicans. >> i think that would be the strategic play perhaps is show it's going to fail, it has to fail and seung min, there's talk of several groups, frankly, of senators working on more modest proposals maybe to reform the electoral count act and smaller bits of this. what does that potentially look like? and can democrats really trust republicans to come to the available on these issues and actually vote for that? >> right, there have been discussions following up in the senate over the last couple of weeks about the electoral voting count act, very obscure 19th century law that sets up the process for presidential election results to be certified in congress and republicans i have uk thatalked to expressed interest, for example, in clarifying the vice president's role in this, you remember the scrutiny the vice president came under about his power he did not have but conservatives asserted he did, to overturn election results. there's talk about clarifying the vice president's role in that process, perhaps make it harder for election results in a state to be challenged so you don't need just one house member and one senator to be able to create this process to try to overturn a fake result. republicans have actually said we're not trying to supplant voting rights efforts democrats are pushing here because we all know that is set for failure at some point early this week, but after we see the collapse of voting rights efforts in the shape that democrats want, it is a question whether the white house and senior democrats will get on forward by bipartisan efforts. their stance is there has been certainly not a replacement for the broader efforts of what they want to do but once it's very clear, more clear it's not going to advance in this congress but maybe they get on with the smaller changes. >> there are some election experts who say this is the fast-moving train that is headed directly for us in the next election. all of these statewide efforts to potentially just overthrow the next election. but for democrats there's another problem that they have. there's a quinnipiac poll out this week asking voters about whether they trust that their vote will be protected and it's actually democrats and black voters who are the most confident in their right to vote being protected, contrary to the rhetoric you're hearing from a lot of democrats. that seems to be a real political problem when it comes to will to get some of this stuff done, margaret. president biden, in addition to being in a tough spot on voting rights, he was just frankly embarrassed by sinema and manchin this past week with the way they pushed back on him so publicly, just as he was in the middle of this massive push. is biden just at this point out of juice and out of the -- the voters are not necessarily even with the democrats on this issue? >> i mean, certainly e., it's n the way the president wants to spend their one-year mark in office. but i think it's a turning point if you look at the calendar. these elections are about to start happening. primaries are gathering steam now. even if congress were to have 50-plus-1 to change the rules to move forward, they would be in terms of time dealing with legislation in states. what we're beginning to see now is back in the states on two fronts, both by sitting democratic governors, democratic election officials and candidates for democrats in offices in key states, pennsylvania, nevada, wisconsin, to try to fortify the voting rights laws, protect voting rights laws or block restrictive laws in those states and nationwide effort by voting reform advocates and electoral advocates, civil rights leaders, people like michelle obama and her group, to try to maximize turnout and enthusiasm because there's basically a recognition at this point the magic is not happening in congress. >> at least at the federal level. also in response to president biden's speech on voting rights in atlanta, republicans came out and they said, we don't recognize this guy who gave this speech, claiming he went too far. take a listen. >> restoring the soul of america has become this, agree with me or you're a big ott. >> president biden goes down the same tragic road taken by president trump, casting doubt on the reliability of american elections. i expected more of president biden. >> i mean, beyond the stunning, you know, equivalency being made here between trying to literally overturn an election putting forward legislation to protect the vote, do you feel that president biden is in position where republicans are going to argue he's maybe not the moderate he campaigned on in his first election? >> yes, that is exactly what is happening. that is exactly what's going to happen over the next several months as they go to the midterms. they have seen the president's approval rating has fallen over the course of his presidency and he lost support from some of the moderate voters, independent voters, in part because of his policies, in part because of the fact we're still dealing with the coronavirus crisis. but a lot of these republicans are saying biden is catering to a small subset in office, he's focusing on the less and littles and pushing forth rhetoric that pushes away suburban voters who don't like hearing if you don't support some of these voting right changes, you're on the side of bull connor and segregationists from the past. that has pushed away a lot of these republican lawmakers who needed an excuse to go against some of these voting rights issues, even though they're already opposed, and this has given them an easy option to say biden's rhetoric is too inflammatory. he's much more like trump than the uniter he said he would be. that's facetious in a way but something they used as cover and to drill home on the fact biden is struggling to gain the support of some of the moderate voters that pushed him into office. the fact we're still dealing with falling approval ratings at the one-year mark of his presidency, makes it harder for biden to counter some of the claims coming from the right. >> and we should also point out, abby, "the washington post" and others have said mcconnell wanted to see biden on the hill and tell him he wasn't comparing him to segregationists. and that recognizes they have a good work together with president biden, but that is it just ringing hollow? >> yes, i think that's what you are trying to see the next election to push president biden to the left. we will see if that works. coming up -- the biden administration promises free covid tests for everyone. but what took so long? dove 0% is different. we left aluminum out and put 48 hour freshness and 1 quarter moisturizers in. dove 0% aluminum deodorant lasting protection that's kinder on skin. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you could fret about that email you just sent. ...with a typo. aaaand most of the info is totally outdated. orrrr... you could use slack. and edit your message after it's sent. 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>> it certainly is. we've had rapid tests in the united states for almost a year. the test was given the okay by the fda for almost a year. and many have been urging the government to do this because it was seen that these rapid tests were really the tools to keep businesses open and keep -- keep the pandemic at bay. but they've come to the party very, very late. so the government's website will open on wednesday. we're told initially there will be about 50 million tests available for shipment. each home can order up to four tests, and it will take about 7 to 12 days for these tests to be shipped. so we're really talking about getting tests into homes really beginning in february. and for a large part of this country that's been hit the hardest, particularly the sort of upper midwest, northeast, mid-atlantic, most of omicron will be waning by then, gladly waning by then. but it's a welcome step but we need more. and we really need tests available at your corner stores. readily available to pick up. because when you need to test, you can't wait 12 days. now, hopefully many homes will go ahead and acquire a supply but this is really a bit late. >> you can't wait 12 days and four tests is probably not enough for most families. seung min, it's not just, you know, people out in the world wondering what took so long. several democrats sent a letter over to the white house asking that very question, and vice president harris was asked in a recent interview about whether they should have anticipated this and acted sooner. listen. >> they're going to out -- they've been ordered. i have to look at the current information. i think it's going to be by next week but soon, absolutely soon. and it is a matter of urgency for us. >> should we have done that sooner? >> we are doing it. >> but should we have done it sooner? >> we are doing it. >> so vice president harris didn't want to play ball at the end there but it's a real question not just about this wave but the one that is to come that we don't even know about. is there a recognition in the white house they were late on this and perhaps they missed an opportunity to get ahold of this virus? >> they won't say it publicly but, sure, that does seem to be the sentiment among a broad array of people in washington. what i found fascinating about that letter from senate democrats to the administration was just how stark in their language and in their disappointment about the administration's covid response. they used the word, quote, grave concern about the preparedness of the biden administration for handling the latest wave, and not only from inm.a. and manchin, frequent thorns in the side of the administration, but senator from indiana, who is vulnerable in his re-election and senators who come from purple, more moderate states. it is a sign that democrats, even if they are allies with the administration, are feeling pressure from back home, are feeling the political heat and trying to pre-distance themselves from the administration's response a bit and we will see how much that pushes the administration to change their response or if more democrats are being critical of what the white house is doing. >> also this week the supreme court struck down the biden administration's attempt to mandate vaccines at large corporations. dr. reiner, we're at the stage now where a lot of people are talking about what living with covid looks like. covid as perhaps an endemic virus. is it too early to think about that, especially when we are kind of stuck in the '60s when it comes to vaccinations? is there anything we can do at this point to move the needle and put this virus behind us? >> it's actually worse than being stuck in the 60% range. the cdc has steadfastly refused to call fully vaccinated what it really should be, three doses, two mrna plus one or two j&j plus one. but if you use what most of us believe fully vaccinated is, three doses, the united states has only vaccinated 24% of the population. if you want to understand why we have a million cases per day, actually many more of that if you include rapid tests at home, it's because we only fully vaccinated 24% of the population. until we do much better than that, this virus is going to be not endemic, it's going to continue to be a pandemic. but eventually this surge will end starting to dip now in places unmistakably like washington and new york, little bit in massachusetts now and maryland. and eventually this pandemic phase will end, and we will he have to learn to live with endemic covid. you can already see the possibility of us having a society where there are low levels of covid, your vaccines will protect you from getting really sick so if you get covid, it will be like having a smiled case of the flu. and we will learn to live with it. but we're going to need to learn our lessons from this pandemic because there will be another pathogen. our cdc needs to be rebuilt. our surveillance systems need to be rebuilt and we need to really look at what this shows about how dysfunctional american medicine has become. >> there's no question about that. thank you, dr. reiner, for joining us this morning. coming up next for us, donald trump returns to the stage as he tries to cement himself as the 2024 gop front-runner. can anyone stand in his way? 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>> abby, donald trump is clearly trying to clear the field or at least make sure everybody knows if he wants to run, he can be the guide who ziez who the nominee is for the party and desantis has always been the republican in the early polling who has given trump the most run for his money and i think that's clearly why you're seeing all of this play out fairly publicly. it's almost becoming a competition who can present themselves as the more anti-mandate vaccination freedom sort of candidate, and that's why we've seen desantis seeming like he would be open to defying the supreme court, vis-a-vis certain mandates that are still standing. but, look, here's really what we're seeing is in congress this playing out really two different ways depending on if you're in the house or if you're in the senate. while donald trump has certainly taken on mitch mcconnell, i just don't see any evidence that mitch mcconnell is at risk of his leadership being at stake. if the republicans were to return to control of the senate or in the other scenario, where as in the house, you see it play out quite differently. there would clearly be a leadership battle for the speakership if republicans took control and kevin mccarthy wavered in his support for donald trump and that's part of why you see things looking very different in terms of how the house republican leader is kind of conducting his public messaging in recent days. >> and while all of this is happening, there is the january 6th investigation in congress into real attempts to subvert the last election and indictments being handed down for judicious conspiracy. where does this put republicans? there seems to be further actions that implicate republicans and there's no further hands being dealt to him? >> this is a big deal that prosecutors view the attack on the capitol an organized assault, attempt to overturn the elections and prevent a peaceful transfer of power. these were military groups that showed up in military gear, using military formations and stocking up on weapons. so it cannot hold this is just a protest gone wrong. so i think the question to answer if there was any coordination between trump associates and white house officials, that is certainly something the select committee is looking into. when it comes to republican cooperation and what to do there, kevin mccarthy sees zero political upside to participating. look what happened to mark meadows who only briefly participated and he landed himself in hot water there. if anything, i think mccarthy could improve his standings with his right claims if he goes toe to toe with the committee. i do not expect republican cooperation here but it is going to be a distraction for republicans. they want to be talking about ig in else right now besides january 6th. >> i don't actually recommend people listen to the avalanche of lies last night but it's notable how much effort went into defending these january 6th defendants and saying that they were being held as political prisoners. it's a window into where this is all headed for republicans. thanks for being with us on all of this. seung min, we will get you in on the next one. coming up next for us, the prices are rising for the american consumer and republicans see a political opening. - i'm norm. - i'm szasz. 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protect our freedom to vote, to fortify our democracy by passing the freedom to vote act and the john lewis voting rights act because america - john lewis: we are not going back, we are going forward. plaque psoriasis, the burning, itching. the pain. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. ♪ you pour your heart into everything you do, which is a lot. so take care of that heart with lipton. because sippin' on unsweetened lipton can help support a healthy heart. lipton. stop chuggin'. start sippin'. as president biden ends his first year in office, he's hoping that voters think less about what he hasn't done and more about what he has. like bipartisan infrastructure. >> there's a lot of talk about disappointments and things we haven't gotten done. we're going to get a lot of them done, i might add, but this is something we did get done and it's of enormous consequence to the country. >> but voters are focused elsewhere heading into a critically important midterm year. 54% of americans now say the economy is getting worse. so, margaret, i think many of us would not have blamed the biden administration for thinking that infrastructure was an important priority, but voters are focused right now on the economy, on keeping schools open, you know, on this inflation that is affecting their day-to-day lives. did they maybe prioritize the wrong thing? >> well, i think biden had to do what he did going out of the gate, which is try to contain both the virus and economic indications of the pandemic. but the most recent figures, cpi rate of inflation, worse inflation since 1982, those are not the kind of headlines that instill confidence in people. there are a lot of signs that some of this may be getting under control, those gas prices are down at least for now. the rate of food increases slowing down by -- and by springtime could be in a different economic picture. i think the question is another shoe going to drop and trigger the bottom? which is a pandemic in itself. we have lived now for two years through a health crisis that won't go away despite all of these steps. there's vaccine and boosters and yet omicron breaks through. so people are living their daily lives thinking if i listen to what public officials say, if i do what they say, it still might not be better. if you apply that kind of psychology to the economy, there is a real concern if the numbers seem like they're getting better, they might not really be getting better but when you think they're bad, they're bad. i think there's an economy that goes beyond health and affects everybody's life in general. >> to your point this has been a tough winter and the pandemic was around everything. the garbage piling up as omicron takes its toll. texas schools struggling to take open. bus drivers and teachers call out sick. there's a sense this is prevailing in people's day-to-day lives. and in virginia you see the consequence of a loss, what it looks like. you have glen youngen in his first orders putting into place executive orders rolling back mask mandates, banning critical race theories. so things are very high for democrats going into the midterms. this is a window of what america would look like if republicans are able to take over. >> yes, republicans are salivating at the idea that they will be able to take power in not only some of the statehouses but congress in 2024 in the midterms. they can be confident at what happened in virginia. the power in the virginia and statehouse in the senate and the governorship and able to do a lot over four years and now voters voted a different way. we have a new governor and that governor can use his executive authorities to do things a lot differently and roll back some of the things democrats have fought for for quite a long time. and democrats who have been in power for congress just going on four years now could see a lot of what they have pushed for and a lot of things they had voted for and a lot of the things they had fought for slipped away if republicans take over, if they start reversing some of these situations and the idea of pushing forward the biden agenda could be an open-and-shut case if they lose the house. we saw that under the obama administration. they had two years of the you house and senate and once they lost the house, it was much harder to get legislation through. democrats have a lot to be fearful of and it's something they're looking to try to change before november. >> the question for biden is, what are his voters feeling? and there were some hypotheticals and stories over the past week, one young democrats of america activist says, i don't know if the right word is apt pilotic or demoralized. we're down. we're not seeing the results. and there's a nevada voter who says she leans republican but has voted democrat recently who says, instead of things getting better, it's getting worse every time. i don't know if it's the president or what happened but under trump, it was so much better. seung min, what is the biden answer to all of this? he's got a press conference coming up where some of these questions are going to be asked. how is the white house seeing the job that they have to do and do they have enough time to turn it around before it's too late? >> certainly aside from the basic kind of goal that they laid out in the administration turning -- shutting down the pandemic, turning the economy around, i think you're going to see a stepped-up messaging effort on the part of the president, on the part of the administration, particularly as we're in a midterm year. obviously we know congressional mid-terms are inherently a referendum on the party in charge of the white house. and that's kind of difficult to change. but the more that's president can do in terms of taking his administration's accomplishments and contracting it with a republican agenda or republican issues on certain issues, i think that's one thing you will start to see the president do more and more. for example, talk about the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package and saying there was money in that legislation that republicans did not support that got your schools back open, that had the child tax credit provision that significantly -- put a significant dent on child poverty. the problem is in terms of accomplishments, in terms of getting things done, it does look so difficult in this midterm election year even with just democrats. i think you're going to hear more just kind of having to find ways especially to motivate and jazz up these voters, particularly in the important states like arizona and georgia. these are critical senate battle crowds, especially if republicans take back the house, which most people project. a democratic senate is going to be a firewall against a lot of things and that's why making sure their voters get excited in both states and are motivated to go out and knock on doors, really critical for this november. >> the voters who put joe biden in the white house want to see what they were promised, and i think that's what you're hearing a lot from democrats this week. coming up next for us -- how a divided nation is marking martin luther king day. psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff,... ...swollen, painful. emerge tremfyant®. tremfya® is approved to help reduce joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. some patients even felt less fatigued. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a 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effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. ♪ lisa here, has had many jobs. she's worked in retail during the holidays. as a barista during rush hour. and a nanny to a couple of rambunctious kids. now, all that experience has led her to a job that feels like home. with home instead, you too can become a caregiver to older adults, with a career that makes a difference. ♪ apply today. ♪ i recommend nature made vitamins, because i trust their quality. they were the first to be verified by usp, an independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards. nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. are you a christian author with a book that you're ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! it is has been nearly 60 years since civil rights icon reverend dr. martin luther king, jr., said this. >> i have a dream. that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. >> this weekend, the country honors king, his words, his actions, and his sacrifice, which helped put black americans on a long path to equality, but his son, martin luther king iii, says please don't celebrate my father this weekend unless you can honor his legacy and pass a voting rights bill. cnn's national politics reporter evan mccann jinzoins our conversation. he thinks his parents would be rolling over in their graves if they saw what was going on now. do you think as a nation on voting, on policing, are we backsliding? >> well, certainly that is the sentiment of activists that we are regressing and i think as we ask ourselves this question, we have to recognize there are limits to representation. people think what we advanced so far because they see certain people of color in high-profile positions about you that doesn't necessarily mean that systemically our institutions aren't worth examination. so i think that is what he is speaking to there. i will also say that if we're thinking about members of congress and what they are doing to honor dr. king's legacy, a really good example of that was last year, when congresswoman corey bush slept on the steps of the capitol to call attention to the lapsing federal eviction moratorium, that is in the spirit of dr. king and is an example of the direct action that he would have taken if he were alive today. >> it's in that spirit that mlk iii and other activists went to arizona, senator keir spin sinema would not get rid of the filibuster to pass voting rights. a lot of directing this lesser-known quote of mlk's has her, in his letter from a birming jail" i have almost reached the regrettable:00 collusion that the negro's great stumbling block is not the white city's counselor or the ku klux klan but the white moderate more devoted to order than to justice." eva, those are strong words to direct at someone from your own party. do you think it is warranted, given the position that sinema and also joe manchin are taking? >> for her part, senator sinema would say that comparison is unfair, that she is standing on principle in support of this senate rule. the fuss race came, she was having conversations with activists and comes out on the senate floor and gives this robust speech against the filibuster felt like a stick in the eye and ultimately the activists say when bipartisanship is prized above all else and often black america's issues are often on the chopping block, and so that is where that frustration is coming from. >> and tulu, you're writing a book about a man central to the last few years, george floyd, in terms of this conversation about policing. but at the same time, we've seen what seems to be a real backlash critical race theory has become a big issue. these voting rights bills, policing reform has basically gone nowhere. where are we in terms of george floyd's legacy? >> in the sum of 2021, george floyd's death brought together a wide swathe of political interests, moderates, suburbanites, even people in the suburban league opened their eyes systemic racism exists in policing in a number of institutions across the country but we have seen in the last year and a half things have shifted and a backlash to the protests that we saw that brought a lot of people together, the largest civil rights movement since the 1960s, that brought together so many different people. now we are seeing a splintering, seeing the pushback, seeing people try to take advantage of the fact that some americans aren't comfortable with the kind of conversations and changes that are being sought and when it comes to things like critical race theory, that has been exploited, the idea that people are learning about the origins of the country and some of the sins of the past has been exploited by a number of people who wanted to take political advantage of the fact that they see that there can be political benefits from exploiting some of the changes that have taken place and some of the concerns out there among parents and among people that see change happening very quickly. so we are seeing a backlash. we are seeing the kinds of divisions that king worried about and the kinds of problems that make it very difficult for there to be lasting change and we haven't seen the kind of change that people were talking about in the aftermath of george floyd's death, when we thought there would be policing changes, thought there would be more conversations about systemic racism and legislation to address the things that happened after, in the aftermath of george floyd's death. instead, we're getting people back into their camps and lots of conversations about how to take advantage of this politically. >> you know, as we all know, backlash as is as american as progress is to race in this country. eva and toluse, thank you for being with us on this mlk weekend. that's it for "inside politics sunday." join us back here every sunday at 8:00 a.m. eastern time and also the weekday show as well at noon eastern time and don't forget, you can also listen to our podcast, download "inside politics" wherever you get your podcasts. coming up next, "state of the union" with jake tapper and tai in a bash, guests including congress mon jim clyburn and republican bill cassidy. thank you for joining me here on my first sunday back. we'll see you back 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, 1 9 Trillion , Jazz , States , Firewall , Georgia , Battle Crowds , Doors , Nation , Psoriatic Arthritis , Diabetes , Glucose Numbers , System , Musician , Challenge , Scan , Austin James , Fingersticks , My Name , Libre 2 , 2 , A1c , Mystery , 6 7 , 8 2 , Lisa , Nanny , Couple , Experience , Jobs , Holidays , Retail , Barista , Kids , Rush Hour , Career , Caregiver , Nature , Vitamins , Organization , Standards , Quality , Pharmacist , Vitamin , Purity , Usp , Book , Supplement , Brand , Author , Christian , Publisher , Martin Luther King Jr , Kit , Country Honors King , Children , Color , Words , I Have A Dream , Content , Character , Legacy , Weekend , Father , Voting Rights Bill , Path , Equality , Sacrifice , Son , Mccann Jinzoins , Politics , Cnn , Activists , Policing , Graves , Regressing , Limits , Positions , Representation , Systemically Our Institutions Aren T Worth Examination , King S , Spirit , Attention , Eviction Moratorium , Lapsing , Congresswoman Corey Bush , Action , Mlk Iii , Keir Spin Sinema , Quote Of Mlk S , A Birming Jail , Counselor , Someone , Collusion , Eva , Great Stumbling Block , Regrettable , White City , Ku Klux Klan , Negro , 00 , Comparison , Principle , Conversations , Fuss Race , Rule , Eye , Floor , Stick , Frustration , Bipartisanship , Man , Tulu , Chopping Block , Civil Rights Movement , Race Theory , George Floyd , Voting Rights Bills , Policing Reform , Death , Nowhere , Sum , 2021 , Racism , Swathe , Moderates , Interests , Institutions , League , Suburbanites , Splintering , Protests , 1960 , Advantage , Pushback , Aren T , Benefits , Origins , Sins , Learning , Kinds , Concerns , Divisions , Change , Aftermath , Problems , Policing Changes , Camps , Lots , Progress , Podcasts , Eastern Time , Don T , Weekday Show , Podcast , 8 , Bill Cassidy , State Of The Union , Guests , Bash , Tai , Jim Clyburn , Jake Tapper , Mon , Sunday , Nothing , Plan , Skyrizi , Hand In , Starter Doses , 4 , 10 , 90 , 9 , Chills , Tuberculosis , Sweats , Fevers , Muscle Aches , Points , Coughs , Dermatologist , Ice Cream , Shopping , Clothes , 28 , Foods , Sandwiches , Pay , Avocado , Make , Opinion , 17 , January 17th , Plan B , House Minority Whip , Omicron Peaks ,

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Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With Abby Phillip 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With Abby Phillip 20240709

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mcconnell by the way. ducey has been a terrible, terrible representative of your state. >> "inside politics," the biggest stories sourced by the best reporters now. ♪ welcome to "inside politics" 1u7d. i'm abby phillip. thank you for being here sunday. president joe biden will mark one week in office this week and his domestic agenda hit a brick wall. in just the past days, the supreme court struck down his vaccine mandate on big businesses and criticized for being off the road on covid and inflation hits a 40-year high and as the country celebrates martin luther king day, biden's bill is on the cusp of defeat. >> the law not who can vote who gets to count the vote, count the vote, count the vote. i don't know if we can get it done, but i know one thing, as long as i have a breath in me, as long as i'm in the white house, as long as i'm engaged at all, i'm going to fight the way these senate legislate bills are moving. joining us now with their reporting and insight toluse olorunnipa of the "the washington post", melanie zanona from politico and seung min kim. thank you for being here. what do you see this bill doing? >> first, they will attack reporting rights legislation that republicans don't support so that will fail and then they're going to try to tie to break the senate rules and that's going to fail because sinema and manchin don't really support it. and he's going to force other members to walk the plank, breaking the filibuster openly knowing it's 23409 going to work. it shows he's in a tough spot right now. he doesn't have a lot of options. he himself is up for re-election this year. he's under a lot of pressure to show the case. the base. and they're trying to exhaust options before they move ahead with something more modest that will get the support of republicans. >> i think that would be the strategic play perhaps is show it's going to fail, it has to fail and seung min, there's talk of several groups, frankly, of senators working on more modest proposals maybe to reform the electoral count act and smaller bits of this. what does that potentially look like? and can democrats really trust republicans to come to the available on these issues and actually vote for that? >> right, there have been discussions following up in the senate over the last couple of weeks about the electoral voting count act, very obscure 19th century law that sets up the process for presidential election results to be certified in congress and republicans i have uk thatalked to expressed interest, for example, in clarifying the vice president's role in this, you remember the scrutiny the vice president came under about his power he did not have but conservatives asserted he did, to overturn election results. there's talk about clarifying the vice president's role in that process, perhaps make it harder for election results in a state to be challenged so you don't need just one house member and one senator to be able to create this process to try to overturn a fake result. republicans have actually said we're not trying to supplant voting rights efforts democrats are pushing here because we all know that is set for failure at some point early this week, but after we see the collapse of voting rights efforts in the shape that democrats want, it is a question whether the white house and senior democrats will get on forward by bipartisan efforts. their stance is there has been certainly not a replacement for the broader efforts of what they want to do but once it's very clear, more clear it's not going to advance in this congress but maybe they get on with the smaller changes. >> there are some election experts who say this is the fast-moving train that is headed directly for us in the next election. all of these statewide efforts to potentially just overthrow the next election. but for democrats there's another problem that they have. there's a quinnipiac poll out this week asking voters about whether they trust that their vote will be protected and it's actually democrats and black voters who are the most confident in their right to vote being protected, contrary to the rhetoric you're hearing from a lot of democrats. that seems to be a real political problem when it comes to will to get some of this stuff done, margaret. president biden, in addition to being in a tough spot on voting rights, he was just frankly embarrassed by sinema and manchin this past week with the way they pushed back on him so publicly, just as he was in the middle of this massive push. is biden just at this point out of juice and out of the -- the voters are not necessarily even with the democrats on this issue? >> i mean, certainly e., it's n the way the president wants to spend their one-year mark in office. but i think it's a turning point if you look at the calendar. these elections are about to start happening. primaries are gathering steam now. even if congress were to have 50-plus-1 to change the rules to move forward, they would be in terms of time dealing with legislation in states. what we're beginning to see now is back in the states on two fronts, both by sitting democratic governors, democratic election officials and candidates for democrats in offices in key states, pennsylvania, nevada, wisconsin, to try to fortify the voting rights laws, protect voting rights laws or block restrictive laws in those states and nationwide effort by voting reform advocates and electoral advocates, civil rights leaders, people like michelle obama and her group, to try to maximize turnout and enthusiasm because there's basically a recognition at this point the magic is not happening in congress. >> at least at the federal level. also in response to president biden's speech on voting rights in atlanta, republicans came out and they said, we don't recognize this guy who gave this speech, claiming he went too far. take a listen. >> restoring the soul of america has become this, agree with me or you're a big ott. >> president biden goes down the same tragic road taken by president trump, casting doubt on the reliability of american elections. i expected more of president biden. >> i mean, beyond the stunning, you know, equivalency being made here between trying to literally overturn an election putting forward legislation to protect the vote, do you feel that president biden is in position where republicans are going to argue he's maybe not the moderate he campaigned on in his first election? >> yes, that is exactly what is happening. that is exactly what's going to happen over the next several months as they go to the midterms. they have seen the president's approval rating has fallen over the course of his presidency and he lost support from some of the moderate voters, independent voters, in part because of his policies, in part because of the fact we're still dealing with the coronavirus crisis. but a lot of these republicans are saying biden is catering to a small subset in office, he's focusing on the less and littles and pushing forth rhetoric that pushes away suburban voters who don't like hearing if you don't support some of these voting right changes, you're on the side of bull connor and segregationists from the past. that has pushed away a lot of these republican lawmakers who needed an excuse to go against some of these voting rights issues, even though they're already opposed, and this has given them an easy option to say biden's rhetoric is too inflammatory. he's much more like trump than the uniter he said he would be. that's facetious in a way but something they used as cover and to drill home on the fact biden is struggling to gain the support of some of the moderate voters that pushed him into office. the fact we're still dealing with falling approval ratings at the one-year mark of his presidency, makes it harder for biden to counter some of the claims coming from the right. >> and we should also point out, abby, "the washington post" and others have said mcconnell wanted to see biden on the hill and tell him he wasn't comparing him to segregationists. and that recognizes they have a good work together with president biden, but that is it just ringing hollow? >> yes, i think that's what you are trying to see the next election to push president biden to the left. we will see if that works. coming up -- the biden administration promises free covid tests for everyone. but what took so long? dove 0% is different. we left aluminum out and put 48 hour freshness and 1 quarter moisturizers in. dove 0% aluminum deodorant lasting protection that's kinder on skin. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you could fret about that email you just sent. ...with a typo. aaaand most of the info is totally outdated. orrrr... you could use slack. and edit your message after it's sent. [sigh of relief.] slack. where the future works. for people living with h-i-v, keep being you. and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. meet jeff. in his life, he's been to the bottom of the ocean. the tops of mountains. the er... twice. and all the places this guy runs off to. like jeff's, a life well lived should continue at home. home instead offers customized services from personal care to memory care, so older adults can stay home, stay safe, and stay happy. home instead. to us, it's personal. johnson & johnson is the world's largest healthcare company. building a future where cancers can be cured. strokes can be reversed. joints can be 3-d printed. and there isn't one definition of what well feels like. there are millions. we're using our world to make your world a world of well. starting on wednesday president biden says you'll be able to order free at-home covid tests on a government website and every household can order four at a time and health insurance are also required now to cover the cost if you buy them yourselves. the administration has been under fire though from some democrats for being behind the curve on the issue of tests. of course, president biden disagrees. >> when i got here, we were going through 2 million tests a day. this month it's estimated that we will hit approximately 15 million tests a day and we'll have over 375 million at-home rapid tests in january alone. that's a huge leap. >> biden also promised to make high-quality masks available for free as well. dr. jonathan reiner joins our conversation on this, along with seung min kim. doctor, the omicron wave is here. it's more like a tsunami, and we have the masks, we have medical personnel being deployed to hospitals that are overwhelmed. you've got the covid test. but is all of this a little bit too late for this particular wave? >> it certainly is. we've had rapid tests in the united states for almost a year. the test was given the okay by the fda for almost a year. and many have been urging the government to do this because it was seen that these rapid tests were really the tools to keep businesses open and keep -- keep the pandemic at bay. but they've come to the party very, very late. so the government's website will open on wednesday. we're told initially there will be about 50 million tests available for shipment. each home can order up to four tests, and it will take about 7 to 12 days for these tests to be shipped. so we're really talking about getting tests into homes really beginning in february. and for a large part of this country that's been hit the hardest, particularly the sort of upper midwest, northeast, mid-atlantic, most of omicron will be waning by then, gladly waning by then. but it's a welcome step but we need more. and we really need tests available at your corner stores. readily available to pick up. because when you need to test, you can't wait 12 days. now, hopefully many homes will go ahead and acquire a supply but this is really a bit late. >> you can't wait 12 days and four tests is probably not enough for most families. seung min, it's not just, you know, people out in the world wondering what took so long. several democrats sent a letter over to the white house asking that very question, and vice president harris was asked in a recent interview about whether they should have anticipated this and acted sooner. listen. >> they're going to out -- they've been ordered. i have to look at the current information. i think it's going to be by next week but soon, absolutely soon. and it is a matter of urgency for us. >> should we have done that sooner? >> we are doing it. >> but should we have done it sooner? >> we are doing it. >> so vice president harris didn't want to play ball at the end there but it's a real question not just about this wave but the one that is to come that we don't even know about. is there a recognition in the white house they were late on this and perhaps they missed an opportunity to get ahold of this virus? >> they won't say it publicly but, sure, that does seem to be the sentiment among a broad array of people in washington. what i found fascinating about that letter from senate democrats to the administration was just how stark in their language and in their disappointment about the administration's covid response. they used the word, quote, grave concern about the preparedness of the biden administration for handling the latest wave, and not only from inm.a. and manchin, frequent thorns in the side of the administration, but senator from indiana, who is vulnerable in his re-election and senators who come from purple, more moderate states. it is a sign that democrats, even if they are allies with the administration, are feeling pressure from back home, are feeling the political heat and trying to pre-distance themselves from the administration's response a bit and we will see how much that pushes the administration to change their response or if more democrats are being critical of what the white house is doing. >> also this week the supreme court struck down the biden administration's attempt to mandate vaccines at large corporations. dr. reiner, we're at the stage now where a lot of people are talking about what living with covid looks like. covid as perhaps an endemic virus. is it too early to think about that, especially when we are kind of stuck in the '60s when it comes to vaccinations? is there anything we can do at this point to move the needle and put this virus behind us? >> it's actually worse than being stuck in the 60% range. the cdc has steadfastly refused to call fully vaccinated what it really should be, three doses, two mrna plus one or two j&j plus one. but if you use what most of us believe fully vaccinated is, three doses, the united states has only vaccinated 24% of the population. if you want to understand why we have a million cases per day, actually many more of that if you include rapid tests at home, it's because we only fully vaccinated 24% of the population. until we do much better than that, this virus is going to be not endemic, it's going to continue to be a pandemic. but eventually this surge will end starting to dip now in places unmistakably like washington and new york, little bit in massachusetts now and maryland. and eventually this pandemic phase will end, and we will he have to learn to live with endemic covid. you can already see the possibility of us having a society where there are low levels of covid, your vaccines will protect you from getting really sick so if you get covid, it will be like having a smiled case of the flu. and we will learn to live with it. but we're going to need to learn our lessons from this pandemic because there will be another pathogen. our cdc needs to be rebuilt. our surveillance systems need to be rebuilt and we need to really look at what this shows about how dysfunctional american medicine has become. >> there's no question about that. thank you, dr. reiner, for joining us this morning. coming up next for us, donald trump returns to the stage as he tries to cement himself as the 2024 gop front-runner. can anyone stand in his way? 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>> abby, donald trump is clearly trying to clear the field or at least make sure everybody knows if he wants to run, he can be the guide who ziez who the nominee is for the party and desantis has always been the republican in the early polling who has given trump the most run for his money and i think that's clearly why you're seeing all of this play out fairly publicly. it's almost becoming a competition who can present themselves as the more anti-mandate vaccination freedom sort of candidate, and that's why we've seen desantis seeming like he would be open to defying the supreme court, vis-a-vis certain mandates that are still standing. but, look, here's really what we're seeing is in congress this playing out really two different ways depending on if you're in the house or if you're in the senate. while donald trump has certainly taken on mitch mcconnell, i just don't see any evidence that mitch mcconnell is at risk of his leadership being at stake. if the republicans were to return to control of the senate or in the other scenario, where as in the house, you see it play out quite differently. there would clearly be a leadership battle for the speakership if republicans took control and kevin mccarthy wavered in his support for donald trump and that's part of why you see things looking very different in terms of how the house republican leader is kind of conducting his public messaging in recent days. >> and while all of this is happening, there is the january 6th investigation in congress into real attempts to subvert the last election and indictments being handed down for judicious conspiracy. where does this put republicans? there seems to be further actions that implicate republicans and there's no further hands being dealt to him? >> this is a big deal that prosecutors view the attack on the capitol an organized assault, attempt to overturn the elections and prevent a peaceful transfer of power. these were military groups that showed up in military gear, using military formations and stocking up on weapons. so it cannot hold this is just a protest gone wrong. so i think the question to answer if there was any coordination between trump associates and white house officials, that is certainly something the select committee is looking into. when it comes to republican cooperation and what to do there, kevin mccarthy sees zero political upside to participating. look what happened to mark meadows who only briefly participated and he landed himself in hot water there. if anything, i think mccarthy could improve his standings with his right claims if he goes toe to toe with the committee. i do not expect republican cooperation here but it is going to be a distraction for republicans. they want to be talking about ig in else right now besides january 6th. >> i don't actually recommend people listen to the avalanche of lies last night but it's notable how much effort went into defending these january 6th defendants and saying that they were being held as political prisoners. it's a window into where this is all headed for republicans. thanks for being with us on all of this. seung min, we will get you in on the next one. coming up next for us, the prices are rising for the american consumer and republicans see a political opening. - i'm norm. - i'm szasz. [norm] and we live in columbia, missouri. we do consulting, but we also write. [szasz] we take care of ourselves constantly; it's important. we walk three to five times a week, a couple miles at a time. - we've both been taking prevagen for a little more than 11 years now. after about 30 days of taking it, we noticed clarity that we didn't notice before. - it's still helping me. i still notice a difference. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. narrator: on a faraway beach, the generation called "our greatest" saved the world from tyranny. in an office we know as "oval," a new-generation president faced down an imminent threat of nuclear war. on a bridge in selma, alabama, the preacher of his time marched us straight to passing voting rights for every american. at a gate in west berlin, a late-generation american president demanded an enemy superpower tear down a wall and liberate a continent. american generations answering the call of their time with american ideals. freedom. liberty. justice. for today's generation of leaders, the call has come again to protect our freedom to vote, to fortify our democracy by passing the freedom to vote act and the john lewis voting rights act because america - john lewis: we are not going back, we are going forward. plaque psoriasis, the burning, itching. the pain. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. ♪ you pour your heart into everything you do, which is a lot. so take care of that heart with lipton. because sippin' on unsweetened lipton can help support a healthy heart. lipton. stop chuggin'. start sippin'. as president biden ends his first year in office, he's hoping that voters think less about what he hasn't done and more about what he has. like bipartisan infrastructure. >> there's a lot of talk about disappointments and things we haven't gotten done. we're going to get a lot of them done, i might add, but this is something we did get done and it's of enormous consequence to the country. >> but voters are focused elsewhere heading into a critically important midterm year. 54% of americans now say the economy is getting worse. so, margaret, i think many of us would not have blamed the biden administration for thinking that infrastructure was an important priority, but voters are focused right now on the economy, on keeping schools open, you know, on this inflation that is affecting their day-to-day lives. did they maybe prioritize the wrong thing? >> well, i think biden had to do what he did going out of the gate, which is try to contain both the virus and economic indications of the pandemic. but the most recent figures, cpi rate of inflation, worse inflation since 1982, those are not the kind of headlines that instill confidence in people. there are a lot of signs that some of this may be getting under control, those gas prices are down at least for now. the rate of food increases slowing down by -- and by springtime could be in a different economic picture. i think the question is another shoe going to drop and trigger the bottom? which is a pandemic in itself. we have lived now for two years through a health crisis that won't go away despite all of these steps. there's vaccine and boosters and yet omicron breaks through. so people are living their daily lives thinking if i listen to what public officials say, if i do what they say, it still might not be better. if you apply that kind of psychology to the economy, there is a real concern if the numbers seem like they're getting better, they might not really be getting better but when you think they're bad, they're bad. i think there's an economy that goes beyond health and affects everybody's life in general. >> to your point this has been a tough winter and the pandemic was around everything. the garbage piling up as omicron takes its toll. texas schools struggling to take open. bus drivers and teachers call out sick. there's a sense this is prevailing in people's day-to-day lives. and in virginia you see the consequence of a loss, what it looks like. you have glen youngen in his first orders putting into place executive orders rolling back mask mandates, banning critical race theories. so things are very high for democrats going into the midterms. this is a window of what america would look like if republicans are able to take over. >> yes, republicans are salivating at the idea that they will be able to take power in not only some of the statehouses but congress in 2024 in the midterms. they can be confident at what happened in virginia. the power in the virginia and statehouse in the senate and the governorship and able to do a lot over four years and now voters voted a different way. we have a new governor and that governor can use his executive authorities to do things a lot differently and roll back some of the things democrats have fought for for quite a long time. and democrats who have been in power for congress just going on four years now could see a lot of what they have pushed for and a lot of things they had voted for and a lot of the things they had fought for slipped away if republicans take over, if they start reversing some of these situations and the idea of pushing forward the biden agenda could be an open-and-shut case if they lose the house. we saw that under the obama administration. they had two years of the you house and senate and once they lost the house, it was much harder to get legislation through. democrats have a lot to be fearful of and it's something they're looking to try to change before november. >> the question for biden is, what are his voters feeling? and there were some hypotheticals and stories over the past week, one young democrats of america activist says, i don't know if the right word is apt pilotic or demoralized. we're down. we're not seeing the results. and there's a nevada voter who says she leans republican but has voted democrat recently who says, instead of things getting better, it's getting worse every time. i don't know if it's the president or what happened but under trump, it was so much better. seung min, what is the biden answer to all of this? he's got a press conference coming up where some of these questions are going to be asked. how is the white house seeing the job that they have to do and do they have enough time to turn it around before it's too late? >> certainly aside from the basic kind of goal that they laid out in the administration turning -- shutting down the pandemic, turning the economy around, i think you're going to see a stepped-up messaging effort on the part of the president, on the part of the administration, particularly as we're in a midterm year. obviously we know congressional mid-terms are inherently a referendum on the party in charge of the white house. and that's kind of difficult to change. but the more that's president can do in terms of taking his administration's accomplishments and contracting it with a republican agenda or republican issues on certain issues, i think that's one thing you will start to see the president do more and more. for example, talk about the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package and saying there was money in that legislation that republicans did not support that got your schools back open, that had the child tax credit provision that significantly -- put a significant dent on child poverty. the problem is in terms of accomplishments, in terms of getting things done, it does look so difficult in this midterm election year even with just democrats. i think you're going to hear more just kind of having to find ways especially to motivate and jazz up these voters, particularly in the important states like arizona and georgia. these are critical senate battle crowds, especially if republicans take back the house, which most people project. a democratic senate is going to be a firewall against a lot of things and that's why making sure their voters get excited in both states and are motivated to go out and knock on doors, really critical for this november. >> the voters who put joe biden in the white house want to see what they were promised, and i think that's what you're hearing a lot from democrats this week. coming up next for us -- how a divided nation is marking martin luther king day. psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff,... ...swollen, painful. emerge tremfyant®. tremfya® is approved to help reduce joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. some patients even felt less fatigued. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a 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effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. ♪ lisa here, has had many jobs. she's worked in retail during the holidays. as a barista during rush hour. and a nanny to a couple of rambunctious kids. now, all that experience has led her to a job that feels like home. with home instead, you too can become a caregiver to older adults, with a career that makes a difference. ♪ apply today. ♪ i recommend nature made vitamins, because i trust their quality. they were the first to be verified by usp, an independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards. nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. are you a christian author with a book that you're ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! it is has been nearly 60 years since civil rights icon reverend dr. martin luther king, jr., said this. >> i have a dream. that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. >> this weekend, the country honors king, his words, his actions, and his sacrifice, which helped put black americans on a long path to equality, but his son, martin luther king iii, says please don't celebrate my father this weekend unless you can honor his legacy and pass a voting rights bill. cnn's national politics reporter evan mccann jinzoins our conversation. he thinks his parents would be rolling over in their graves if they saw what was going on now. do you think as a nation on voting, on policing, are we backsliding? >> well, certainly that is the sentiment of activists that we are regressing and i think as we ask ourselves this question, we have to recognize there are limits to representation. people think what we advanced so far because they see certain people of color in high-profile positions about you that doesn't necessarily mean that systemically our institutions aren't worth examination. so i think that is what he is speaking to there. i will also say that if we're thinking about members of congress and what they are doing to honor dr. king's legacy, a really good example of that was last year, when congresswoman corey bush slept on the steps of the capitol to call attention to the lapsing federal eviction moratorium, that is in the spirit of dr. king and is an example of the direct action that he would have taken if he were alive today. >> it's in that spirit that mlk iii and other activists went to arizona, senator keir spin sinema would not get rid of the filibuster to pass voting rights. a lot of directing this lesser-known quote of mlk's has her, in his letter from a birming jail" i have almost reached the regrettable:00 collusion that the negro's great stumbling block is not the white city's counselor or the ku klux klan but the white moderate more devoted to order than to justice." eva, those are strong words to direct at someone from your own party. do you think it is warranted, given the position that sinema and also joe manchin are taking? >> for her part, senator sinema would say that comparison is unfair, that she is standing on principle in support of this senate rule. the fuss race came, she was having conversations with activists and comes out on the senate floor and gives this robust speech against the filibuster felt like a stick in the eye and ultimately the activists say when bipartisanship is prized above all else and often black america's issues are often on the chopping block, and so that is where that frustration is coming from. >> and tulu, you're writing a book about a man central to the last few years, george floyd, in terms of this conversation about policing. but at the same time, we've seen what seems to be a real backlash critical race theory has become a big issue. these voting rights bills, policing reform has basically gone nowhere. where are we in terms of george floyd's legacy? >> in the sum of 2021, george floyd's death brought together a wide swathe of political interests, moderates, suburbanites, even people in the suburban league opened their eyes systemic racism exists in policing in a number of institutions across the country but we have seen in the last year and a half things have shifted and a backlash to the protests that we saw that brought a lot of people together, the largest civil rights movement since the 1960s, that brought together so many different people. now we are seeing a splintering, seeing the pushback, seeing people try to take advantage of the fact that some americans aren't comfortable with the kind of conversations and changes that are being sought and when it comes to things like critical race theory, that has been exploited, the idea that people are learning about the origins of the country and some of the sins of the past has been exploited by a number of people who wanted to take political advantage of the fact that they see that there can be political benefits from exploiting some of the changes that have taken place and some of the concerns out there among parents and among people that see change happening very quickly. so we are seeing a backlash. we are seeing the kinds of divisions that king worried about and the kinds of problems that make it very difficult for there to be lasting change and we haven't seen the kind of change that people were talking about in the aftermath of george floyd's death, when we thought there would be policing changes, thought there would be more conversations about systemic racism and legislation to address the things that happened after, in the aftermath of george floyd's death. instead, we're getting people back into their camps and lots of conversations about how to take advantage of this politically. >> you know, as we all know, backlash as is as american as progress is to race in this country. eva and toluse, thank you for being with us on this mlk weekend. that's it for "inside politics sunday." join us back here every sunday at 8:00 a.m. eastern time and also the weekday show as well at noon eastern time and don't forget, you can also listen to our podcast, download "inside politics" wherever you get your podcasts. coming up next, "state of the union" with jake tapper and tai in a bash, guests including congress mon jim clyburn and republican bill cassidy. thank you for joining me here on my first sunday back. we'll see you back 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Group , Advocates , Enthusiasm , Least , Response , Guy , Speech , Speech On Voting Rights , Listen , Level , Atlanta , Soul , Big Ott , Trump , Reliability , Casting Doubt , Stunning , Forward , Mid Terms , Position , Yes , Part , Fact , Course , Policies , Approval Rating , Coronavirus Crisis , Hearing , Littles , Catering , Subset , Lawmakers , Segregationists , Voting Rights Issues , Excuse , Bull Connor , Home , Uniter , Option , Cover , Approval Ratings , Others , Biden On The Hill , Work , Biden To The Left , Works , Covid Tests , Everyone , Coming Up , Protection , Moisturizers , Kinder On Skin , Dove 0 , 0 , 48 , Google , H I V , Message , Slack , Email , Info , Typo , Aaaand , Orrrr , Sigh Of Relief , Biktarvy , Doctor , Treatment , Adults , Pill , Cure , Virus , Side Effects , Lab Test , Amount , Can , Sex , Research , Liver Problems , Kidney Problems , Medicines , Kidney , Hepatitis , Breastfeeding , Kidney Failure , Lactic Acid , Buildup , Rifampin , Dofetilide , Headache 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Disappointment , Quote , Language , Preparedness , Covid Response , Joe Manchin , Thorns , Indiana , Inm A , Feeling Pressure , Back Home , Sign , Purple , Heat , Allies , Attempt , Covid , Stage , Vaccines , Corporations , Kind , Anything , Vaccinations , Needle , Stuck , Range , 60 , Cdc , Doses , Plus One , Mrna , J , Three , More , Population , 24 , Cases , Is , A Million , Places , Phase , Endemic Covid , Massachusetts , New York , Maryland , Possibility , Flu , Society , Levels , Surveillance Systems , Pathogen , Lessons , Medicine , 2024 , Anyone , Front Runner , Help , Patients , What Medicare Doesn T , Medicare Supplement , Specialist , Anywhere , Medicare , Aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan , Unitedhealthcare , The Tightness , Decision Guide , Call Unitedhealthcare , Symptoms , Infections , Reactions , Moderate , Plaque Psoriasis , Tremfya , Skin , Risk , Emerge Tremfyant , Pain , 16 , Infection , Ability , Eyes , Ingredients , Sandpaper , Emails , Combo , Eye Drops , Biotrue Hydration Boost , Strypaper , Preservatives , Electrolyte , Moisturizer , Antioxidant , Tears , Biology , Bio True , Ww , Ww Personalpoints Program , James Corden , Pizza , Oh God , Same , App , Plans , Trial , 14 , Parents , Control , Security , Family Safe Browsing , Family , Pause Wifi , Xfinity Xfi , Peace Of Mind , Rally , Arizona , Familiar Grievances Last Night , 2022 , Liz Cheney , Beauty , Adam Kinzinger , Handful , Lies , Avalanche , Parade , Toe Lieu , Head , Nominee , Races , Boss , Running , Antics , 2020 , Leader , Contrast , Reason , Punches , Things , Person , 15000 , Number , Party , Hose , Hint , Comeback , Dwindling , Retirement , Exits , Ron Desantis , It , Shoulder , Clash , Florida , Each Other , Subsweet War , Threat , Didn T , Lockdowns , History , Florida Down , Go , Field , Everybody , Guide , Polling , Who Ziez , Money , Competition , Run , Mandates , Candidate , Anti Mandate Vaccination Freedom Sort , Vis A , House , Ways , Leadership , Evidence , Stake , Leadership Battle , Scenario , Messaging , House Republican Leader , Speakership , Kevin Mccarthy , Attempts , Indictments , Investigation , Happening , January 6th , 6 , Actions , Conspiracy , Capitol , Hands , Deal , Transfer , Prosecutors , Attack , Assault , Protest , Military Formations , Military Gear , Stocking , Weapons , Cooperation , Committee , Associates , Coordination , Upside , Zero , Mark Meadows , Toe To , Standings , Water , Claims , Effort , Distraction , Ig , Else , Window , Defendants , Prisoners , Thanks , Consumer , Opening , Prices , Times , Consulting , Szasz , Missouri , Columbia , Five , Difference , Prevagen , Clarity , Healthier Brain , 30 , 11 , Generation , Greatest , Beach , Narrator , Tyranny , Oval , Nuclear War , Gate , Preacher , Enemy Superpower Tear , Bridge , Selma , Alabama , West Berlin , Justice , Freedom , Generations , Call , Ideals , Continent , Liberty , Democracy , Back , The Call , Voting Rights Act , John Lewis , Burning , Itching , Everything , Heart , On Unsweetened Lipton , Lipton , Sippin , Stop Chuggin , Start Sippin , Infrastructure , Haven T , Disappointments , Black Americans , Consequence , Midterm , Elsewhere , 54 , Economy , Keeping Schools , Priority , Lives , Headlines , Indications , Cpi Rate , Figures , 1982 , Food , Confidence , Signs , Rate , Gas Prices , Springtime , Shoe , Picture , Steps , Breaks , Health Crisis , Boosters , Numbers , Psychology , Health , Life In General , Winter , Schools , Garbage , Toll , Teachers , Bus Drivers , Texas , Glen Youngen , Loss , Sense , Virginia , Place , Race Theories , Back Mask Mandates , Executive Orders , Orders , Idea , Statehouses , Statehouse , Governorship , Young Democrats Of America Activist , Authorities , Over , Situations , Biden Agenda , Results , Apt Pilotic , Voter , Answer , Job , Press Conference , Questions , Goal , Difficult , Charge , Referendum , Accomplishments , Dent , Child Tax Credit Provision , Child Poverty , Package , 9 Trillion , 1 9 Trillion , Jazz , States , Firewall , Georgia , Battle Crowds , Doors , Nation , Psoriatic Arthritis , Diabetes , Glucose Numbers , System , Musician , Challenge , Scan , Austin James , Fingersticks , My Name , Libre 2 , 2 , A1c , Mystery , 6 7 , 8 2 , Lisa , Nanny , Couple , Experience , Jobs , Holidays , Retail , Barista , Kids , Rush Hour , Career , Caregiver , Nature , Vitamins , Organization , Standards , Quality , Pharmacist , Vitamin , Purity , Usp , Book , Supplement , Brand , Author , Christian , Publisher , Martin Luther King Jr , Kit , Country Honors King , Children , Color , Words , I Have A Dream , Content , Character , Legacy , Weekend , Father , Voting Rights Bill , Path , Equality , Sacrifice , Son , Mccann Jinzoins , Politics , Cnn , Activists , Policing , Graves , Regressing , Limits , Positions , Representation , Systemically Our Institutions Aren T Worth Examination , King S , Spirit , Attention , Eviction Moratorium , Lapsing , Congresswoman Corey Bush , Action , Mlk Iii , Keir Spin Sinema , Quote Of Mlk S , A Birming Jail , Counselor , Someone , Collusion , Eva , Great Stumbling Block , Regrettable , White City , Ku Klux Klan , Negro , 00 , Comparison , Principle , Conversations , Fuss Race , Rule , Eye , Floor , Stick , Frustration , Bipartisanship , Man , Tulu , Chopping Block , Civil Rights Movement , Race Theory , George Floyd , Voting Rights Bills , Policing Reform , Death , Nowhere , Sum , 2021 , Racism , Swathe , Moderates , Interests , Institutions , League , Suburbanites , Splintering , Protests , 1960 , Advantage , Pushback , Aren T , Benefits , Origins , Sins , Learning , Kinds , Concerns , Divisions , Change , Aftermath , Problems , Policing Changes , Camps , Lots , Progress , Podcasts , Eastern Time , Don T , Weekday Show , Podcast , 8 , Bill Cassidy , State Of The Union , Guests , Bash , Tai , Jim Clyburn , Jake Tapper , Mon , Sunday , Nothing , Plan , Skyrizi , Hand In , Starter Doses , 4 , 10 , 90 , 9 , Chills , Tuberculosis , Sweats , Fevers , Muscle Aches , Points , Coughs , Dermatologist , Ice Cream , Shopping , Clothes , 28 , Foods , Sandwiches , Pay , Avocado , Make , Opinion , 17 , January 17th , Plan B , House Minority Whip , Omicron Peaks ,

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