Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20240709

again, and all of this over covid-19 protocol discrepancies. a new hearing is now pending, but the australian open starts monday, and as of now djokovic is scheduled to play. cnn's paula hancocks is in melbourne where djokovic will soon be detained. scott mcclean is in djokovic's home country of serbia. there's been moralies in this story than tennis matches. why did djokovic's visa get revoked again, and walk us through what we expect to happen in the coming hours. >> reporter: well, aina, in about three hours time we're expecting novak djokovic to go to an undisclosed location and to be interviewed once again by immigration officials. we know at that point he'll also be detained. he will then be accompanied by two australian border force officials to go to his -- his lawyer's office. this is all what we have learned from the friday night emergency hearing, and then at about 10:15 a.m., so that's just about seven, eight hours away from now will be the initial hearing from the federal court of australia. it has been referred to a higher court, and that hearing will start in just a matter of hours. now, of course, djokovic is due to play on monday, and his lawyers have also pointed out at this emergency hearing that time is of the essence, that if it's going to in his favor they would like it to happen as soon as possible given that he's playing on monday. what they would obviously hope for at this point is some kind of a bridging visa which means an individual, while their case is pending and being drawn through the courts, they can actually work during that time. of course, for djokovic work is being on the courts so this is the best case scenario for lawyers at this point. but what we have heard from the minister himself in this statement was that they cancelled the visa on grounds of health and good order, also pointing out it was in the public necessity that they -- and the public interest that they decided that it needed to be cancelled. >> let's dive in a little bit deeper because scott, australian administration officials have been investigating a series of errors, discrepancies in his test, that pcr test as well as travel documents. walk us through all of that. >> reporter: yeah. there are undoubtedly a lot of questions for novak djokovic right now, not only in australia but back here in serbia. let mow remind you of the timeline. december 14th is the day he attended the basketball game where he believes he got infected with the coronavirus. two days later, december 16th he took a pcr test and also attended several public events that day. december 17th he went to another public event, this one maskless, with children, and that is the day that he says he got the result, that he received the result of that test but not until after that event. he also broke quarantine the next day, but that is a separate issue. the point is that today public health officials and the prime minister's office say there is simply no way on earth that he was not notified of that positive test on the day that the result came back, on december 16th. the time stamp on his certificate shows 8:19 p.m. they say that the system is ought made the, that the result would have come back a few minutes after that. certainly not the next day, the question is whether novak djokovic would have checked his phone for the text message or email that he would have gotten. only he would know the answer to that. there are questions about the pcr test on the 16th of december that we know that australian bothered force has been investigating as well, and today the prime minister's office said that they believe that public health officials in this country, the public health institute, the bureaucrats, have been contacted to try to clarify that. one of the discrepancies or the oddities is that on the i.d. number on that december 16th positive test. it is a higher number than the negative test that he got in december 22nd. why is that important? well, those numbers appear to be chronological, and so it doesn't make sense to have a higher number on december 16th. that number appears as if the test was taken on december 26th. well, today officials say that, look, it's a pretty simple thing to explain. the tests were done at different labs, there's nothing to see here. however, there were also some questions around the qr code that was published in court documents that they say about 100,000 people scanned. well, because of that web traffic that led to you a page showing the test result, they actually had to switch over the servers, and so for a time that positive test result on the 16th was actually showing negative. they say it was simply because of the server, nothing else. >> wow, that is so complicated. >> here in serbia the government has managed to explain -- yeah. the government has managed to explain a lot of things here on behalf of novak djokovic. they just wish that he would return the favor and get vaccinated because they say the numbers here would be a heck of a lot higher if he was a role model and if he actually got vaccinated himself. >> so assuming that hoe knew about this positive test when he at the very least went to this interview on the 18th, will djokovic face a fine or any legal trouble for breaking isolation? >> i asked that question today at a press conference and the short answer today, 1-800-a is no because serbia has prosecuted people in the past. they have given hefty fines in the tens of thousands of dollars to high-profile people and have also given other people jail time, several years of jail time for breaking quarantine at the heist pandemic. and so the reason why novak djokovic will not face prosecution is because this was not during a state of emergency. they say that there is no legal mechanism to actually prosecute him retrospectively in the absence >> scott, i'm going to interrupt you to go to the white house and president biden speaking about infrastructure today. >> one of the things we haven't gotten done, we'll get a lot of them done, i might add, but this is something we did get done and some enormous country to the country. one of the reasons i put mitch landrieu in charge of implementing the infrastructure bill is because he gets it. he's a former mayor who knows that the real measure is not the to score some partisan points. seas did we fix the problem? did we fix the problem? this is all about fixing the problem. i ran the president to unite the country. this bipartisan infrastructure law i signed two months ago unites us around things we all depend on. whether you're in rural kentucky or downtown philadelphia, you should be able to turn on a faucet and drink clean water. students should be able to get the internet at home instead of having to drive to a fast food parking lot. people need good jobs. mitch has told me about the man he met in jackson, mississippi who told him, quote, i don't mind working three jobs. i just don't want one pay wreck across all three jobs. you know, we've heard it said talent is equally distributed, but opportunity is not. when we invest in infrastructure, we're really investing in opportunity. these are investments that will build a better america. sounds like hyperbole, but it's real, so today want to talk about the progress we made in two months since i signed the bill into law and to make a big announcement as well. here's some of what we've done so far. the department of transportation has released nearly $53 billion, billion, to states to modernize highways so you have to leave 30 minutes earlier to get to work just because of a traffic jam. that's going to be figured. we've announced more than 240 million in grants to improve ports in 19 states to speed up and strengthen our supply chains, lower cost and get you the things you need more quickly. we've announced $3 billion for over 3,000 airports around the country to make them more modern, safe and sustainable, and we're kick off the largest investment and affordable reliable high-speed internet in our nation's history, $65 billion to get over corner of our country connected, urban, rural and suburban. our infrastructure work also protects health, cleans up the environment and helps us fight climate change. across this country people have been struck and they -- and -- they have been struck by all the changes that are needed. they are stuck. they are angry and sickened by the broken water and sewer systems, polluted water from the faucets, raw sewage in their backyards. i want you to know i see you. i hear you. we understand, and i've seen around we understand the damage done in places like flint, michigan and jackson, mississippi, so we've already announced over $7 billion in clean water funding to states so they can fix and upgrade their aging water and sewer systems. it's going to take some time, but the money is there, and they are getting the money. our children deserve no less. we've also released an action falloon replace all of our nation's lead pipes in the next decade. this is the united states of america, for god sake. everyone in this country should be able to turn on the faucet and drink clean water. and it's time to get back to the business of cleaning up the hazardous waste sites that poisoner land and water and have stricken entire communities, and getting back to holding polluters accountable to keep that pollution from happening in the first place. the environmental protection agency has announced $1 billion to clean up 49 superfund sites in 24 states. we're talking about cleaning up rivers in ohio, chemical plants and sites in florida, polluted lakes in michigan, and many more. this is long overdue. we have to stick with it. the department of interior is launching a program to cap and plug orphaned oil and gas wells that are spewing methane into the air and are dangerous. many of these wells are in southwestern pennsylvania and northeastern ohio, but there are hundreds of thousands of them all across the nation. capping them is going to create quality jobs, just as it took to dig the well, union jocks, union jobs to close the well to keep it safe. one of the ways we're going to reichard my goal of 100% carbon pollution-free carbon electricity by 2035 is by wind energy. i visited a renewable energy lab in colorado about a month ago and saw technologies being developed there, and just this week the department of interior also announced the largest ever offshore wind lease sale which could generate enough clean energy to power nearly 2 million homes and create thousand of jobs in manufacturing, construction, operations and maintenance. that's just the beginning. jobs that can't be outsourced. we've also seen the impact of extreme weather, taking down transmission lines, leaving cities and communities dark for weeks so the department of energy launched a new initiative to speed up our efforts to strengthen our energy grid with new and upgraded transmission lines anders to keeping the power flowing for americans with cleaner, cheaper and more reliable energy, and that's going to happen. it's going to make a big difference. i also want to be clear. we're in this win, and, you know, there's -- there's a lot of work under way, and it's going to create a whole lot of jobs, and that brings me an announcement i want to make today. it's just part of the infrastructure bill. my bipartisan infrastructure law includes the largest investment in our nation's bridges since the creation of interstate highway system. bridges to connect us, bridges to make america work. across our country right now there are 45,000 bridges, 45,000, that are in poor condition. we're seeing photos of some of them behind me and all 50 states, and i've had a chance to see some of them myself as i've traveled the country are. i was up in new hampshire and visiting a bridge where if it's not upgraded, weight restrictions could mean school buses and fire trucks would have to travel an additional ten miles out of their way to get to the other side of the river to deal with getting to school and/or putting out a fire. in new jersey, i just visited the busiest rail bridge in the western hemisphere, but because it's not tall enough for ship traffic, it needs to swing open to let barges through, and sometimes when it closes the rails need to be manually sledgehammered back into place. this slows commerce and increase costs. i went down to louisiana and saw the i-10 bridge. i stood with the mayor and looked at that bridge, and it's 20 years past its planned life and handling more than double the number of crossings it was designed to handle, and it's two lanes narrower than the interstate that feeds into it causing backups and accidents. today the secretary of transportation, pete buttigieg, is in philadelphia at the martin luther king bridge which crosses the schuylkill river. the bridge is to longer safe for vehicles even though it used to carry 25,000 vehicles a day. as we prepare to celebrate dr. king's birthday, we're also remind that had too often bridges and highways were built through the heart of historic communities, particularly black communities, cutting off families, churches and businesses. we're going to use our infrastructure investments to reconnect communities. one thing i'm certain of. everyone out there knows what i'm talking about. people have written me about bridges they depend on. one man told me that the bridge he traveled on every day is a tragedy waiting to happen. one woman wrote that a bridge near the center of her town had to be closed, and now -- now drivers and tourists bypass downtown consequently devastating local buses, and one person wrote to mow to say, quote, this is your chance to show the people in my area that they matter to you, end of quote. i hear you. i hear you. you do matter to me, and we are going to get it done. my infrastructure law includes a total of $40 billion in funding for bridge improvements. $12.5 billion that have is going to replace the most economically significant bridges in the country. these are bridges like, and i've seen them, the brent spence bridge connecting ohio and kentucky, the i-5 columbia river crossing, connecting washington and oregon, and, you know, the -- the bridge connecting minnesota and wisconsin, but about two-thirds of the bridges in need of repair in this country are considered what they call off system because they are not directly connected to interstate highway system. these are the bridges that are often overlooked when decisions are being made, but they are essential for small towns, rural towns, farmers, to get their products to market, small businesses to be able to serve of customers. these are the bridges that when they are closed shut off deliveries and routes to school, work and home. they create longer delays for first responders when every second counts. so we've included $27.5 billion for smaller bridges, including dedicated funding for those offsystem bridges that i just described, and because maintaining these bridges is off the responsibility of counties or towns whose budgets are stretched thin already, we decided to get rid of the requirement that counties or towns share in the cost. the federal government is going to pay for 100% of the cost for repairing these small bridges. today we're releasing the first year of that program which is $5.5 billion. $5.5 billion to states and tribes to repair and rebuild bridges to make them safer and more usable. this is an investment that's going help connect entire towns and regions to new opportunities. with this investment, we're sending the message to those communities and to the people who call them home you matter. we're building back and building back better with you. we're making sure that you're not left behind and left out. i'll end with this. these investments are consequential. we're just getting started. we're building back better than ever before. clean water for every american. we're -- we've never done that before. now we're going do it. high-speed internet for every american. we've never done that. now we are. connecting forgotten communities, capping wells that are dangerous, strengthening our power grid to make it more resilient to extreme weather changes. these are investments -- these are investments our country has never fully made. now we are. you know, and we've arrived at this by a bipartisan agreement. there's nothing beyond our capacity when we work together. when we get this done, we'll get back to beating the world again. we've once again be number one in the world instead of where we sit now at number 13 in terms of the quality of our infrastructure. that's going to mean more jobs, good-paying jobs, safer communities and lower costs. we can do this. this is what a better america is going to look like. i want to thank you all for listening, and we've got a lot of work to do and the reason i asked mitch to do this is because he knows how to get things done. i want every penny watched how this is spent, just like when i did the recovery act in our -- in the last administration. it matters. it matters so thank you all very much. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> the president updating all of us in how the administration plans to implement the bipartisan infrastructure law and specifically plans for rebuilding or replacing the nation's brinchlgts i want to bring in cnn's chief white house correspondent kaitlyn collins and cnn political correspondent abby philip and cnn an lives and historian and professor. this was a challenging week for the president. was this meant to be a reset? >> notice the first thing he said came out of the gate, talking about disappoint meant and things that they, that the biden administration has not gotten done, but he was pointing to this infrastructure bill as something that they have gotten done that he said is of enormous consequence to the country, and, of course, laying out there what exactly this bill looks like what, it's going to do. mitch landrieu is the one overseeing the implementation of this bill, but that quote coming right out of the gate for the president does show what a week it's been and how challenging this week has been for the biden administration, because he said there talking about disappointment and things that they haven't gotten done. he said we are going to get a lot of them done, i might add, but there are big questions about how they are going to get those things done because when it comes to the rest of the president's legislative agenda on capitol hill, it's either stalled or pretty much all but doomed, and i'm talking about that expansive economic and climate bill known as the build back better agenda here in washington that, of course, was stalled after senator manchin said in december that he could not support it as it stood right then. this week, of course, we saw what happened with that forceful call by president biden to get voting rights legislation passed by creating an exception to the filibuster. that is something that both senator manchin and senator sinema of arizona said they would the not be supporting to change the 60-vote threshold to get that massed with just democrats. it has been a very challenging week for the white house. i think part of this was president biden highlighting something that they have gotten passed through congress. >> yeah. >> of course, that was the bipartisan infrastructure plan. >> right, and so, abby, this was one of the big wins for this administration. it was a bipartisan win, but as kaitlyn points out, since then he is build back better plan was basically squashed. voting rights legislation facing a dead end right now. the supreme court ruling just yesterday against his employer vaccine and testing requirements, covid still raging, inflation is hitting record highs. do you think he'll be successful in turning the conversation, turning the focus back to infrastructure? >> you know, i don't really think so frankly. i mean, by its very nature infrastructure is one of those things that it's almost like a slow kraut. you can get that money into the states. these projects begin but people might not feel it for quite some time. you added to that the fact that we're in an election year. that is mid-term election cycle, and virtually every president sees their agenda come to a screeching halt at the top of a mid-term election cycle, and increasingly as you get towards november, so president biden is -- is in some ways not in a different position than a lot of his predecessors have been in, but he's facing a really -- some of these things are headwinds that he can control, some are not, but he's facing a really tough way forward, especially given how narrow his majorities are in both the house and senate. there's really just outside a huge change of mind from manchin and sinema, there's really not a whole lot of hope for bipartisanship or progress on major legislation. >> julian, you say don't count biden out. past presidents have had lows like this and their administrations have still gone on to second terms, reagan, clinton, among others. what is it going to take for president biden to turn things around? >> well, i'm not clear he can turn it around in the next year. i think going into the mid terms it's going to be difficult. it's really a question of can he and how does he turn it around going into the re-election period? part of it is circumstance. look, if the pandemic finally starts to calm, if the policies are able to contain this, i think many people in this country will be feeling a lot better about the state of the union come 2023 and 2024, containing inflation also something that is manageable, and i think that's another area where some administrative presidential muscle or areas of the country where people in the country are more enthused about the president. >> thanks for joining us. following a massive development in the january 6th investigation, shattering the notion that the attacks were la normal tourist visit. soon, the leader of the far right extremist group the oath keeplers face a federal judge as he and ten others now face seditious conspiracy charges. plus, what does the house minority leader have to hide? kevin mccarthy still refusing to cooperate despite previously saying that trump told him he was at least partially responsible for the attacks. we've got the sound and we'll bring you exactly what mccarthy said next. you're in the cnn newsroom. stay right there. i lost 26 pounds and i feel incredible. with the new personalpoints program, i answered questions about my goals and the foods i love. i like that the ww personalpoints plan is built just for me. don't pay until spring! join today at hurry! offer ends january 17th! looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? once-weekly ozempic® can help. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower 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>> well, ana, we expect that this is going to be a procedural step here before stuart rhodes is transferred to washington where he is going to face these charges. this is essentially his initial -- his initial appearance which is just a procedural step, and then, as you said, you know, these are some very serious charges that the federal government is now saying essentially that this was a conspiracy that -- that spanned from right after the election to even after january 6th, and i'll read you just a couple of passages from the indictment and two days after the presidential election rhodes urged his followers, according to prosecutors, to refuse to accept joe biden's election. he said we aren't getting through without a civil war. too late for that. prepare your mind, body and spirit, according to prosecutors, and then on december 22nd, according to -- to prosecutors, rhodes said that if biden were -- were able to assume the presidency, quote, we will have to do bloody, massively bloody revolution against them. that's what's going to have to happen. according to prosecutors, ana, even after january 6th, after the -- after the insurrection, the riot at building, the capitol building, they went back to virginia and -- and continued to plot for what they said was going to be civil war 2.0. again, this is from the court documents. >> wow, and we have this just in to cnn, trump's former acting defense secretary, christopher miller we're learning is meeting virtually right now with the january 6th committee. what more do you know? >> yeah, christopher miller, if you remember, was installed after the election, ana, and we -- this is -- he's an important witness for this committee because he can tell them a little bit about his conversations with the former president about getting the national guard sent to washington to the capitol to help protect that building. one of those conversations about, again, this is -- this is a witness who has testified i think to other committees before, but obviously this committee wants to talk a little bit about, you know, the frame of mind of the president, what exactly was he look for in these key days around january 6th? >> evan perez, thank you so much. for much more on this and more, let bring in a pair of cnn legal analysts, former white house ethics czar who is also special counsel for the house democrats in trump's first impeachment trial, norm eisen, and i should mention you're also part of a team working with the d.c. attorney general on its civil lawsuit against the oath keepers. also, with us, former fbi special agent and lawyer and lecturer at yale law school, arba rangapa. talk about this oath keeper's case than new seditious conspiracy charge. it is a rare charge. it is an escalation in terms of how the doj is now prosecuting people related to the riot, and we have so many more details. so what is the significance, as you see it, of this move? >> well, ana, seditious conspiracy is, as you've already noted, a very serious charge. it's rare because it's harder to prove. it carries a very long sentence, up to 20 years in prison, but i think what makes it especially significant and different from the other charges is that it's a political crime. in addition to going to jail, it carries a stigma of being branded as a traitor to the country, and i think for that reason that it's also very rarely used because you are, you know, basically being declared as a traitor and i think it's flitting in this case because what we see in this indictment is that these people were not just there, you know, causing chaos and disrupting congress' proceedings. they had planned for violence in the seat of our government, and i think that we are just lucky that there were not more casualties that day. so i think that there is a symbolic statement that's being made by these charges for this particular group in calling them, you know, basically traitors. >> based on the evidence that has been made public so far, arba, does the doj have a solid case? what stands out to you? >> yes. what stands out to me here is that, you know, in addition to showing that the oath keepers, the defendants in this case plan to use force. i mean, there is ample evidence here of them obtaining firearms, ammunition, you know, transactional data, recruiting members, training, the intention here is very clear. there is the voluminous data or voluminous communications that are detailed in this indictment about precisely what their objective was, and i think being able to spell out that their intent was to stop this peaceful transfer of power is what makes this a very, very strong case for the government. >> norm, january 6th committee, the member jamie raskin who is on that house committee said this about the charges last night. >> i hope that this arrest and this prosecution will shut up those of-of-of our colleagues who keep saying, well, if it was a conspiracy, how come there are no conspiracy charges, if it was sedition, how come there are no sedition charges? there you go and we've got those with undoubtedly a lot more to come soon. >> for the commit, a lot is pushing back against falsehoods. how important, norm, is this case in countering the idea that the capitol idea was just a spur of the moment event where emotions ran high and people got out of control? >> ana, it's very important because of the detail, the planning for violence, the violent behavior on january 6th and then the ongoing alleged, we do have to remember these are allegations, the ongoing alleged planning against the government. this was -- january 1th was the furthest thing possible from had a normal tourist visit, and the complaint is important for another reason. it sets up a model. if we find that others high up in the government were similarly planning to attack the peaceful transition of power and should have known that violence was involved or even encouraged it, this is one of the charges that commentators have been urging be looked at, so we'll be watching the hearings of the january 6th committee and its interim report expected this summer to see whether they refer anyone else, including those who may have been positions of power, for conspiracy or sedition charges to doj. >> and so that brings us to some interesting remarks by the house minority leader kevin mccarthy. he's been, you know, dodging the commit essentially and trying to rewrite history in what he has said. we've discovered a radio interview with a local station in bakersfield, california, on january 12th. this was last year about a week after the insurrection where he said this. >> i say he has responsibility. he told me personally that he does have some responsibility. i think a lot of people do. >> he's talking about then president trump. there was also a call with house republicans five days after the insurrection, and cnn has obtained mccarthy's exact quote. he says let me be clear to you, and i have been very clear to the president. he bears responsibility for his words and actions, no ifs, ands or buts. i asked him personally today if he holds responsibility for what happened, if he feels bad about what happened. he told me he does have some responsibility for what happened, but he needs to acknowledge that, ent quote. arba, does the committee need mccarthy to corroborate these remarks and his conversation in person? do they need to be able to question him about this, or does the evidence stand alone? >> well, i mean, the evidence itself is quite damning but, yes, absolutely. he needs to explain why -- why he was saying that and especially what his conversation was with prusk that -- where president trump ostensibly claimed responsibility. you know, kind of going back to the big picture of what we see with the oath keepers, i mean, this indictment doesn't lay out any direct involvement of trump in this particular conspiracy so far, but i will say that one thing that becomes very clear in how the oath keepers executed their plan was that they needed this mob, ana. they needed the mob tactically to overwhelm barricades and police and strategically provide cover for them, so when trump was exhorting his followers to go to the capitol to, you know, march on these legislators, he was at least indirectly helping this event unfold so i think mccarthy definitely needs to clarify what he meant when he was saying that trump is responsible. >> and in that same kerm radio interview, norm, mccarthy also said he spoke to the president during the riot, calling on him to bring in the national guard. since he discussed the contents of those conversations publicly, norm, can his house colleagues force him to testify? what are the next steps? >> well, it is customary when there is a matter of urgency for the house, the usual example is ethics violations, ana, for the house to demand that members testify and for the members to comply. if mccarthy continues to refuse to cooperate, which is a shocking abdication of his duty as the minority leader, one of our most senior american officials, his government was attacked. the place where he does his government work was attacked, and he's refusing to cooperate after previously saying he had nothing to hide. that's shocking, but if he persists, then the committee will face a fork in the road. they could attempt to discipline him internally via house vote, or they could seek to subpoena and then have him held in contempt, perhaps even criminal contempt. steve bannon is being prosecuted in that direction, so the committee will face some tough choices. it is important for them to take this seriously because mccarthy has very critical evidence. >> and, again, mccarthy wants to be the next speaker of the house should the house change hands in the mid-term elections. got to get to one more quick thing because we're also now learning in the weeks after the 2020 election trump allies tried to submit bogus electoral college certificates declaring that trump won seven states that he actually lost, and this week an arizona republican who was involved in this scheme was pressed about who was directing this effort. watch. >> well, i'm simply -- i was one of the electors, right. i'm not in recall cha of the electors. >> how did you hear about it? >> how would you hear about it? >> you need ask the party chair. >> how did you hear about the plan? just told to be somewhere. >> you would need to ask the party chair. >> you're the person who received the call. you showed up, right? how did you know to show up that day? >> as you said, can you go ahead and ask the party chair the logistics of it. >> asked them how you got a phone call to go somewhere? do you not know how you arrived at a place. >> thank you. appreciate the question. >> you really don't know how you got a call? >> have a great one. >> arba, this appears to have been a coordinated multi-state effort. there were seven states involved here. is this illegal? >> on its face it certainly seems to. i mean, forging official documents and trying to submit them to be used as a part of an official proceeding. i think that warrants definitely an investigation. he's definitely provided some leads suggesting in his case at least that this was coordinated by the arizona, you know, the party chair, but i think it also reveals, that you know, all of these different pieces that we've seen snippets of, you know, this was a coordinated plan that was going down to the state level and with many more people involved than just the people who were in washington, d.c. on that day. so i -- i will be interested to see how all of these pieces are put together. >> and we can't wait for those public hearings where we see what the committee really knows. we've seen just snippets as you point out. my thanks to both of you. it's always great to speak with you. happy friday. her name is now synonymous with president biden's stalled agenda, but after delivering a fatal blow to democrats' voting rights legislation, will progressives back an effort to primary arizona senator kyrstin sinema in arizona congressman ruben gallego joins us next. let's ask him. inkled skin in... crepe corrector lotion... only from gold bond. a lot of people think dealing with copd is a walk in the park. if i have something to help me breathe better, everything will be fun and nice. but i still have bad days... flare-ups, (cough cough) which can permanently damage my lungs. my lungs need protection against flare-ups. so it's time to get real. because in the real world... our lungs deserve the real protection of breztri. breztri gives you better breathing... symptom improvement, and flare-up protection. it's the first and only copd medicine proven to reduce flare-ups by 52%. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition... or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling... problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. for real protection, ask your doctor about breztri. i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. what are the three ps? 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>> 2024 is a long time from now. i'm focusing on 2022. i never say no to the future, and i think also right now you hear a lot of arizonans that are very unhappy with the fact that she is blocking voting rights legislation. so i'll, you know, keep my ears open. i'll condition to have my public meeting, something show should try to do once in a while and then i'll make a determination after 2022. >> do you think she should be replaced? >> look, i think at this point right now she is really disappointing a lot of arizonans. this is not a progressive thing. there's nothing progressive about being promoting rights. it's actually a very american patriotic patriotic thing and the fact that she's using an archaic rule to find the constitution to stop voting rights is very problematic for a lot of arizonans. >> i do want to play her reasons. so our viewers understand where she's coming from. so here is part of her announcement she made yesterday when she said she would not support a change of rules. >> if they could -- if they can make these maps work, if they could make these maps drawn to their favor and they hold on to power, that is perfectly fine. what i just wonder is what would you say. >> i would say first america is only going to get more diverse. it is not going to stop getting more diverse. at a certain point you have to deal with america as it is. and second, i would say, ultimately, if you don't start trying to compete for the votes of a more diverse america, you're ultimately consigning yourself to oblivion. there are in texas and georgia that republicans are multi-racial coalitions are being effective and electing candidates or coming close to electing candidates and those are dismantled in redistricting, parts of them are pulled out and stuffed in a different district but some are left in the district but fak filled with more conservative rural white voters and that may buy some republicans some time but they would leave the district mostly as it was and say, gosh, we are only -- we only lost 10 t,000 votes, let's find latinos or asians or get 10,000 people. so they decided they're the party of white people. but white people are declining, the number of white people in our country fell and it will fall again this coming decade by all projections. republicans are playing a game but their playing a short game because the long game doesn't favor that kind of tactic and the sooner they realize that, the better off they will be as a party and we will be as a country. >> do democrats gerrymander too. are they engaged in some of the same conduct. >> a lot of evidence shows that both parties if they have a for ow veers, something she said in 2010. >> before the democrats took the senate into 2008, that the republicans controlled the senate for quite sometime. in fact, since 1994. they never managed to have a lot of votes so it is still available and we'll use it for good rather than for evil. >> so again, that was before she was in office. we reached out to sinema for comment and they won't give us anything on the record. but congressman, how do you square those comments before she was a senator with what she said yesterday? >> well, look, i've known senator sinema since we were both in our mid-20s and starting out in politics here in arizona. the only consistency about her roles and positions is inconsistency. so i don't have to -- for her. she has to -- for again the voters of arizona and i hope she'll come and take the time to talk to them so she could hear what they are thinking. >> you both represent arizonans and she's making a political calculation that this isn't what her and your constituents want. >> i think that is true. but i think it is actually 100% missing the mark and she came to spoke to arizonans and it was an unscripted way. tomorrow i'm having a rally where the king family and other civil rights leaders to zpres our need for vote rights. athere are so many people that to tell her what position is inconsistent with what arizona needs or wants right now. >> mark kelly is also undecided on the filibuster telling politico, i've never ben been part of an organization where it is hard to do things. so if there is a real proposal, i'll look at in the best interest of the country. now kelly is up for re-election november and sinema isn't up until 024. what are you saying to him. >> i haven't heard the definitive no, unless sinnema, who -- aim sure he does have town halls and we do see him out here talking to people and i'm sure push comes to shove, when that vote should show up, he'll do the right thing. >> i just have 30 seconds left but i'm curious, piv ofting to a completely different topic what, do you make of kevin mccarthy's behavior and his refusal to cooperate with the committee. >> kevin is a coward. if he goes to that committee, he'll have to options. number one he has to perjure himself to protect donald trump or tell the truth and pis off donald trump and he can't be speaker. he will do whatever he can, he'll sell and do whatever we can to become speaker of the house and that is what you're seeing today. >> congressman, thank you so much for your time. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> and that does it for us today. see you back here monday. the news continues right after this. you don't get much time for yourself. so when you do, make it count with crest pro-health. it protects the 8 areas dentists check for a healthier mouth. the #1 toothpaste brand in america. crest. what can i du with less asthma? 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(sighs wearily) here i'll take that! (excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. liz, you nerd, cough if you're in here! shh! i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. what about rob's dry cough? works on that too, and lasts 12 hours. 12 hours?! who studies that long? mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs. hello, everyone, thanks for joining us on "newsroom," i'm alisyn camerota. >> i'm victor blackwell. a short time from now the leader of the oath keepers is due to appear in federal court. stewart rhodes is one of 11 defendants who are charged with sedition for involvement in the january 6 insurrection. >> these are the most significant charges in the investigation so far. prosecutors say rhodes and

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Djokovic Work , On Grounds , The Public Interest , Let , Necessity , Dive , Lot , December 16th Positive Test , Pcr Test , Administration , Travel Documents , Errors , Questions , Basketball Game , Timeline , Mow , Coronavirus , December 16th , December 14th , 14 , 16 , Event , Result , Children , Events , Maskless , December 17th , 17 , One , Quarantine , Public Health , Issue , Prime Minister S Office , Earth , System , Certificate , On December 16th , Stamp , 8 , Question , Answer , Phone , Text Message , Email , 16th Of December , Country , Well , Bureaucrats , Force , Public Health Institute , Number , Numbers , Test , Doesn T , Oddities , I D , December 22nd , 22 , Thing , Nothing , Tests , Labs , Qr Code , December 26th , 26 , People , Court Documents , Web Traffic , Test Result , Servers , Page , 100000 , Nothing Else , Negative , Wow , Things , Role Model , Behalf , Heck , Interview , Hoe , Trouble , Fine , 18 , Isolation , Press Conference , 800 , 1 , Reason , Prosecution , 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Falsehoods , Spur Of The Moment , Planning , Behavior , Out Of Control , Alleged , Detail , Because , Visit , Tourist , Complaint , January 1th , Model , Commentators , Hearings , Transition , Positions , Summer , Anyone , Report , Remarks , Radio Interview , Station , On January 12th , Bakersfield , California , January 12th , Five , Actions , Words , Ifs , Buts , Ands , Committee Need Mccarthy , Prusk , Involvement , Trump , The Big Picture , Mob , Legislators , Capitol To , Barricades , Cover , Kerm Radio Interview , Contents , House Colleagues , Ethics Violations , Example , Steps , Urgency , Abdication , Duty , Contempt , Road , Fork , House Vote , Choices , Direction , Steve Bannon , Elections , Speaker , House Change Hands , 2020 , Effort , Electoral College , Scheme , Republican , Allies , Party Chair , Somewhere , Electors , Watch , Cha , Logistics , Phone Call , Great One , Investigation , Documents , Proceeding , Pieces , Snippets , Least , Estate , Level , Name , Both , Ruben Gallego , Progressives , Kyrstin Sinema , Blow , Copd , Bond , Walk In The Park , Inkled , Crepe Corrector Lotion , Next , Protection , Lungs , Flare Ups , Everything , Cough , Breathing , Breztri , Medicine , Real Protection Of Breztri , Flare Up Protection , Symptom Improvement , Won T , Asthma , Breathing Problems , High Blood Pressure , Heart Condition , Rescue Inhaler , Thrush , Osteoporosis , Pneumonia , 52 , Chest Pain , Mouth , Problems , Pain , Eye , Tongue , Life Insurance , Colonial Penn , Price , Budget , Ps , 85 , 95 , 9 95 , 54 , 65 , Medications , 80 , Rate , Health Questions , Lifetime Rate Lock , Exam , Acceptance , Information , Beneficiary Planner , Calling , Dove 0 , 0 , Kinder On Skin , Moisturizers , 48 , Chuck Schumer , Voting Legislation , Moderates , The Party , Passage , Hopes , Pope , Reit Rated , Majority , Filibuster Rules , Arizonans , Investigate Legislation , 2022 , Ears , Determination , Rights , Progressive , Constitution , Rule , Viewers , Maps Work , Rules , Votes , Candidates , Coalitions , Oblivion , Texas , Georgia , District , Voters , Fak , Redistricting , Gosh , Party , Latinos , Asians , 10000 , 000 , Game , Projections , Tactic , Ow Veers , Parties , Conduct , 2010 , 1994 , 2008 , Comment , Comments , Record , Evil , Anything , Senator Sinema , Consistency , Politics , Inconsistency , Roles , Don T Have To , Calculation , Constituents , Mark , Rally , Athere , Vote Rights , Leaders , Needs , Mark Kelly , Organization , Interest , Proposal , Politico , No , Sinema Isn T Up , 024 , Sinnema , Vote , Aim , Town Halls , Sure Push Comes To Shove , Who , Topic , Piv Ofting , Coward , Tell The Truth , Refusal , Options , Kevin , Pis Off Donald Trump , News , It Count , Crest Pro Health , Crest , Yoga , Brand , Du More Beginners , Du , Surprise Parties , Asthma Attacks , You Guys , Aww , Types , Steroids , Add On , Treatment , Lung Function , Numbness , Breath , Asthma Treatments , Tingling , Shortness , Limbs , Rash , Protein , Asthma Specialist , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Works , Sugar , Nutrients , Rob , Phlegmy Cough , Mucinex , Nerd , Liz , Mucinex Dm , Coughs , Newsroom , Hello , Alisyn Camerota , Victor Blackwell , 11 , January 6 ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20240709

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again, and all of this over covid-19 protocol discrepancies. a new hearing is now pending, but the australian open starts monday, and as of now djokovic is scheduled to play. cnn's paula hancocks is in melbourne where djokovic will soon be detained. scott mcclean is in djokovic's home country of serbia. there's been moralies in this story than tennis matches. why did djokovic's visa get revoked again, and walk us through what we expect to happen in the coming hours. >> reporter: well, aina, in about three hours time we're expecting novak djokovic to go to an undisclosed location and to be interviewed once again by immigration officials. we know at that point he'll also be detained. he will then be accompanied by two australian border force officials to go to his -- his lawyer's office. this is all what we have learned from the friday night emergency hearing, and then at about 10:15 a.m., so that's just about seven, eight hours away from now will be the initial hearing from the federal court of australia. it has been referred to a higher court, and that hearing will start in just a matter of hours. now, of course, djokovic is due to play on monday, and his lawyers have also pointed out at this emergency hearing that time is of the essence, that if it's going to in his favor they would like it to happen as soon as possible given that he's playing on monday. what they would obviously hope for at this point is some kind of a bridging visa which means an individual, while their case is pending and being drawn through the courts, they can actually work during that time. of course, for djokovic work is being on the courts so this is the best case scenario for lawyers at this point. but what we have heard from the minister himself in this statement was that they cancelled the visa on grounds of health and good order, also pointing out it was in the public necessity that they -- and the public interest that they decided that it needed to be cancelled. >> let's dive in a little bit deeper because scott, australian administration officials have been investigating a series of errors, discrepancies in his test, that pcr test as well as travel documents. walk us through all of that. >> reporter: yeah. there are undoubtedly a lot of questions for novak djokovic right now, not only in australia but back here in serbia. let mow remind you of the timeline. december 14th is the day he attended the basketball game where he believes he got infected with the coronavirus. two days later, december 16th he took a pcr test and also attended several public events that day. december 17th he went to another public event, this one maskless, with children, and that is the day that he says he got the result, that he received the result of that test but not until after that event. he also broke quarantine the next day, but that is a separate issue. the point is that today public health officials and the prime minister's office say there is simply no way on earth that he was not notified of that positive test on the day that the result came back, on december 16th. the time stamp on his certificate shows 8:19 p.m. they say that the system is ought made the, that the result would have come back a few minutes after that. certainly not the next day, the question is whether novak djokovic would have checked his phone for the text message or email that he would have gotten. only he would know the answer to that. there are questions about the pcr test on the 16th of december that we know that australian bothered force has been investigating as well, and today the prime minister's office said that they believe that public health officials in this country, the public health institute, the bureaucrats, have been contacted to try to clarify that. one of the discrepancies or the oddities is that on the i.d. number on that december 16th positive test. it is a higher number than the negative test that he got in december 22nd. why is that important? well, those numbers appear to be chronological, and so it doesn't make sense to have a higher number on december 16th. that number appears as if the test was taken on december 26th. well, today officials say that, look, it's a pretty simple thing to explain. the tests were done at different labs, there's nothing to see here. however, there were also some questions around the qr code that was published in court documents that they say about 100,000 people scanned. well, because of that web traffic that led to you a page showing the test result, they actually had to switch over the servers, and so for a time that positive test result on the 16th was actually showing negative. they say it was simply because of the server, nothing else. >> wow, that is so complicated. >> here in serbia the government has managed to explain -- yeah. the government has managed to explain a lot of things here on behalf of novak djokovic. they just wish that he would return the favor and get vaccinated because they say the numbers here would be a heck of a lot higher if he was a role model and if he actually got vaccinated himself. >> so assuming that hoe knew about this positive test when he at the very least went to this interview on the 18th, will djokovic face a fine or any legal trouble for breaking isolation? >> i asked that question today at a press conference and the short answer today, 1-800-a is no because serbia has prosecuted people in the past. they have given hefty fines in the tens of thousands of dollars to high-profile people and have also given other people jail time, several years of jail time for breaking quarantine at the heist pandemic. and so the reason why novak djokovic will not face prosecution is because this was not during a state of emergency. they say that there is no legal mechanism to actually prosecute him retrospectively in the absence >> scott, i'm going to interrupt you to go to the white house and president biden speaking about infrastructure today. >> one of the things we haven't gotten done, we'll get a lot of them done, i might add, but this is something we did get done and some enormous country to the country. one of the reasons i put mitch landrieu in charge of implementing the infrastructure bill is because he gets it. he's a former mayor who knows that the real measure is not the to score some partisan points. seas did we fix the problem? did we fix the problem? this is all about fixing the problem. i ran the president to unite the country. this bipartisan infrastructure law i signed two months ago unites us around things we all depend on. whether you're in rural kentucky or downtown philadelphia, you should be able to turn on a faucet and drink clean water. students should be able to get the internet at home instead of having to drive to a fast food parking lot. people need good jobs. mitch has told me about the man he met in jackson, mississippi who told him, quote, i don't mind working three jobs. i just don't want one pay wreck across all three jobs. you know, we've heard it said talent is equally distributed, but opportunity is not. when we invest in infrastructure, we're really investing in opportunity. these are investments that will build a better america. sounds like hyperbole, but it's real, so today want to talk about the progress we made in two months since i signed the bill into law and to make a big announcement as well. here's some of what we've done so far. the department of transportation has released nearly $53 billion, billion, to states to modernize highways so you have to leave 30 minutes earlier to get to work just because of a traffic jam. that's going to be figured. we've announced more than 240 million in grants to improve ports in 19 states to speed up and strengthen our supply chains, lower cost and get you the things you need more quickly. we've announced $3 billion for over 3,000 airports around the country to make them more modern, safe and sustainable, and we're kick off the largest investment and affordable reliable high-speed internet in our nation's history, $65 billion to get over corner of our country connected, urban, rural and suburban. our infrastructure work also protects health, cleans up the environment and helps us fight climate change. across this country people have been struck and they -- and -- they have been struck by all the changes that are needed. they are stuck. they are angry and sickened by the broken water and sewer systems, polluted water from the faucets, raw sewage in their backyards. i want you to know i see you. i hear you. we understand, and i've seen around we understand the damage done in places like flint, michigan and jackson, mississippi, so we've already announced over $7 billion in clean water funding to states so they can fix and upgrade their aging water and sewer systems. it's going to take some time, but the money is there, and they are getting the money. our children deserve no less. we've also released an action falloon replace all of our nation's lead pipes in the next decade. this is the united states of america, for god sake. everyone in this country should be able to turn on the faucet and drink clean water. and it's time to get back to the business of cleaning up the hazardous waste sites that poisoner land and water and have stricken entire communities, and getting back to holding polluters accountable to keep that pollution from happening in the first place. the environmental protection agency has announced $1 billion to clean up 49 superfund sites in 24 states. we're talking about cleaning up rivers in ohio, chemical plants and sites in florida, polluted lakes in michigan, and many more. this is long overdue. we have to stick with it. the department of interior is launching a program to cap and plug orphaned oil and gas wells that are spewing methane into the air and are dangerous. many of these wells are in southwestern pennsylvania and northeastern ohio, but there are hundreds of thousands of them all across the nation. capping them is going to create quality jobs, just as it took to dig the well, union jocks, union jobs to close the well to keep it safe. one of the ways we're going to reichard my goal of 100% carbon pollution-free carbon electricity by 2035 is by wind energy. i visited a renewable energy lab in colorado about a month ago and saw technologies being developed there, and just this week the department of interior also announced the largest ever offshore wind lease sale which could generate enough clean energy to power nearly 2 million homes and create thousand of jobs in manufacturing, construction, operations and maintenance. that's just the beginning. jobs that can't be outsourced. we've also seen the impact of extreme weather, taking down transmission lines, leaving cities and communities dark for weeks so the department of energy launched a new initiative to speed up our efforts to strengthen our energy grid with new and upgraded transmission lines anders to keeping the power flowing for americans with cleaner, cheaper and more reliable energy, and that's going to happen. it's going to make a big difference. i also want to be clear. we're in this win, and, you know, there's -- there's a lot of work under way, and it's going to create a whole lot of jobs, and that brings me an announcement i want to make today. it's just part of the infrastructure bill. my bipartisan infrastructure law includes the largest investment in our nation's bridges since the creation of interstate highway system. bridges to connect us, bridges to make america work. across our country right now there are 45,000 bridges, 45,000, that are in poor condition. we're seeing photos of some of them behind me and all 50 states, and i've had a chance to see some of them myself as i've traveled the country are. i was up in new hampshire and visiting a bridge where if it's not upgraded, weight restrictions could mean school buses and fire trucks would have to travel an additional ten miles out of their way to get to the other side of the river to deal with getting to school and/or putting out a fire. in new jersey, i just visited the busiest rail bridge in the western hemisphere, but because it's not tall enough for ship traffic, it needs to swing open to let barges through, and sometimes when it closes the rails need to be manually sledgehammered back into place. this slows commerce and increase costs. i went down to louisiana and saw the i-10 bridge. i stood with the mayor and looked at that bridge, and it's 20 years past its planned life and handling more than double the number of crossings it was designed to handle, and it's two lanes narrower than the interstate that feeds into it causing backups and accidents. today the secretary of transportation, pete buttigieg, is in philadelphia at the martin luther king bridge which crosses the schuylkill river. the bridge is to longer safe for vehicles even though it used to carry 25,000 vehicles a day. as we prepare to celebrate dr. king's birthday, we're also remind that had too often bridges and highways were built through the heart of historic communities, particularly black communities, cutting off families, churches and businesses. we're going to use our infrastructure investments to reconnect communities. one thing i'm certain of. everyone out there knows what i'm talking about. people have written me about bridges they depend on. one man told me that the bridge he traveled on every day is a tragedy waiting to happen. one woman wrote that a bridge near the center of her town had to be closed, and now -- now drivers and tourists bypass downtown consequently devastating local buses, and one person wrote to mow to say, quote, this is your chance to show the people in my area that they matter to you, end of quote. i hear you. i hear you. you do matter to me, and we are going to get it done. my infrastructure law includes a total of $40 billion in funding for bridge improvements. $12.5 billion that have is going to replace the most economically significant bridges in the country. these are bridges like, and i've seen them, the brent spence bridge connecting ohio and kentucky, the i-5 columbia river crossing, connecting washington and oregon, and, you know, the -- the bridge connecting minnesota and wisconsin, but about two-thirds of the bridges in need of repair in this country are considered what they call off system because they are not directly connected to interstate highway system. these are the bridges that are often overlooked when decisions are being made, but they are essential for small towns, rural towns, farmers, to get their products to market, small businesses to be able to serve of customers. these are the bridges that when they are closed shut off deliveries and routes to school, work and home. they create longer delays for first responders when every second counts. so we've included $27.5 billion for smaller bridges, including dedicated funding for those offsystem bridges that i just described, and because maintaining these bridges is off the responsibility of counties or towns whose budgets are stretched thin already, we decided to get rid of the requirement that counties or towns share in the cost. the federal government is going to pay for 100% of the cost for repairing these small bridges. today we're releasing the first year of that program which is $5.5 billion. $5.5 billion to states and tribes to repair and rebuild bridges to make them safer and more usable. this is an investment that's going help connect entire towns and regions to new opportunities. with this investment, we're sending the message to those communities and to the people who call them home you matter. we're building back and building back better with you. we're making sure that you're not left behind and left out. i'll end with this. these investments are consequential. we're just getting started. we're building back better than ever before. clean water for every american. we're -- we've never done that before. now we're going do it. high-speed internet for every american. we've never done that. now we are. connecting forgotten communities, capping wells that are dangerous, strengthening our power grid to make it more resilient to extreme weather changes. these are investments -- these are investments our country has never fully made. now we are. you know, and we've arrived at this by a bipartisan agreement. there's nothing beyond our capacity when we work together. when we get this done, we'll get back to beating the world again. we've once again be number one in the world instead of where we sit now at number 13 in terms of the quality of our infrastructure. that's going to mean more jobs, good-paying jobs, safer communities and lower costs. we can do this. this is what a better america is going to look like. i want to thank you all for listening, and we've got a lot of work to do and the reason i asked mitch to do this is because he knows how to get things done. i want every penny watched how this is spent, just like when i did the recovery act in our -- in the last administration. it matters. it matters so thank you all very much. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> the president updating all of us in how the administration plans to implement the bipartisan infrastructure law and specifically plans for rebuilding or replacing the nation's brinchlgts i want to bring in cnn's chief white house correspondent kaitlyn collins and cnn political correspondent abby philip and cnn an lives and historian and professor. this was a challenging week for the president. was this meant to be a reset? >> notice the first thing he said came out of the gate, talking about disappoint meant and things that they, that the biden administration has not gotten done, but he was pointing to this infrastructure bill as something that they have gotten done that he said is of enormous consequence to the country, and, of course, laying out there what exactly this bill looks like what, it's going to do. mitch landrieu is the one overseeing the implementation of this bill, but that quote coming right out of the gate for the president does show what a week it's been and how challenging this week has been for the biden administration, because he said there talking about disappointment and things that they haven't gotten done. he said we are going to get a lot of them done, i might add, but there are big questions about how they are going to get those things done because when it comes to the rest of the president's legislative agenda on capitol hill, it's either stalled or pretty much all but doomed, and i'm talking about that expansive economic and climate bill known as the build back better agenda here in washington that, of course, was stalled after senator manchin said in december that he could not support it as it stood right then. this week, of course, we saw what happened with that forceful call by president biden to get voting rights legislation passed by creating an exception to the filibuster. that is something that both senator manchin and senator sinema of arizona said they would the not be supporting to change the 60-vote threshold to get that massed with just democrats. it has been a very challenging week for the white house. i think part of this was president biden highlighting something that they have gotten passed through congress. >> yeah. >> of course, that was the bipartisan infrastructure plan. >> right, and so, abby, this was one of the big wins for this administration. it was a bipartisan win, but as kaitlyn points out, since then he is build back better plan was basically squashed. voting rights legislation facing a dead end right now. the supreme court ruling just yesterday against his employer vaccine and testing requirements, covid still raging, inflation is hitting record highs. do you think he'll be successful in turning the conversation, turning the focus back to infrastructure? >> you know, i don't really think so frankly. i mean, by its very nature infrastructure is one of those things that it's almost like a slow kraut. you can get that money into the states. these projects begin but people might not feel it for quite some time. you added to that the fact that we're in an election year. that is mid-term election cycle, and virtually every president sees their agenda come to a screeching halt at the top of a mid-term election cycle, and increasingly as you get towards november, so president biden is -- is in some ways not in a different position than a lot of his predecessors have been in, but he's facing a really -- some of these things are headwinds that he can control, some are not, but he's facing a really tough way forward, especially given how narrow his majorities are in both the house and senate. there's really just outside a huge change of mind from manchin and sinema, there's really not a whole lot of hope for bipartisanship or progress on major legislation. >> julian, you say don't count biden out. past presidents have had lows like this and their administrations have still gone on to second terms, reagan, clinton, among others. what is it going to take for president biden to turn things around? >> well, i'm not clear he can turn it around in the next year. i think going into the mid terms it's going to be difficult. it's really a question of can he and how does he turn it around going into the re-election period? part of it is circumstance. look, if the pandemic finally starts to calm, if the policies are able to contain this, i think many people in this country will be feeling a lot better about the state of the union come 2023 and 2024, containing inflation also something that is manageable, and i think that's another area where some administrative presidential muscle or areas of the country where people in the country are more enthused about the president. >> thanks for joining us. following a massive development in the january 6th investigation, shattering the notion that the attacks were la normal tourist visit. soon, the leader of the far right extremist group the oath keeplers face a federal judge as he and ten others now face seditious conspiracy charges. plus, what does the house minority leader have to hide? kevin mccarthy still refusing to cooperate despite previously saying that trump told him he was at least partially responsible for the attacks. we've got the sound and we'll bring you exactly what mccarthy said next. you're in the cnn newsroom. stay right there. i lost 26 pounds and i feel incredible. with the new personalpoints program, i answered questions about my goals and the foods i love. i like that the ww personalpoints plan is built just for me. don't pay until spring! join today at hurry! offer ends january 17th! looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? once-weekly ozempic® can help. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower 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>> well, ana, we expect that this is going to be a procedural step here before stuart rhodes is transferred to washington where he is going to face these charges. this is essentially his initial -- his initial appearance which is just a procedural step, and then, as you said, you know, these are some very serious charges that the federal government is now saying essentially that this was a conspiracy that -- that spanned from right after the election to even after january 6th, and i'll read you just a couple of passages from the indictment and two days after the presidential election rhodes urged his followers, according to prosecutors, to refuse to accept joe biden's election. he said we aren't getting through without a civil war. too late for that. prepare your mind, body and spirit, according to prosecutors, and then on december 22nd, according to -- to prosecutors, rhodes said that if biden were -- were able to assume the presidency, quote, we will have to do bloody, massively bloody revolution against them. that's what's going to have to happen. according to prosecutors, ana, even after january 6th, after the -- after the insurrection, the riot at building, the capitol building, they went back to virginia and -- and continued to plot for what they said was going to be civil war 2.0. again, this is from the court documents. >> wow, and we have this just in to cnn, trump's former acting defense secretary, christopher miller we're learning is meeting virtually right now with the january 6th committee. what more do you know? >> yeah, christopher miller, if you remember, was installed after the election, ana, and we -- this is -- he's an important witness for this committee because he can tell them a little bit about his conversations with the former president about getting the national guard sent to washington to the capitol to help protect that building. one of those conversations about, again, this is -- this is a witness who has testified i think to other committees before, but obviously this committee wants to talk a little bit about, you know, the frame of mind of the president, what exactly was he look for in these key days around january 6th? >> evan perez, thank you so much. for much more on this and more, let bring in a pair of cnn legal analysts, former white house ethics czar who is also special counsel for the house democrats in trump's first impeachment trial, norm eisen, and i should mention you're also part of a team working with the d.c. attorney general on its civil lawsuit against the oath keepers. also, with us, former fbi special agent and lawyer and lecturer at yale law school, arba rangapa. talk about this oath keeper's case than new seditious conspiracy charge. it is a rare charge. it is an escalation in terms of how the doj is now prosecuting people related to the riot, and we have so many more details. so what is the significance, as you see it, of this move? >> well, ana, seditious conspiracy is, as you've already noted, a very serious charge. it's rare because it's harder to prove. it carries a very long sentence, up to 20 years in prison, but i think what makes it especially significant and different from the other charges is that it's a political crime. in addition to going to jail, it carries a stigma of being branded as a traitor to the country, and i think for that reason that it's also very rarely used because you are, you know, basically being declared as a traitor and i think it's flitting in this case because what we see in this indictment is that these people were not just there, you know, causing chaos and disrupting congress' proceedings. they had planned for violence in the seat of our government, and i think that we are just lucky that there were not more casualties that day. so i think that there is a symbolic statement that's being made by these charges for this particular group in calling them, you know, basically traitors. >> based on the evidence that has been made public so far, arba, does the doj have a solid case? what stands out to you? >> yes. what stands out to me here is that, you know, in addition to showing that the oath keepers, the defendants in this case plan to use force. i mean, there is ample evidence here of them obtaining firearms, ammunition, you know, transactional data, recruiting members, training, the intention here is very clear. there is the voluminous data or voluminous communications that are detailed in this indictment about precisely what their objective was, and i think being able to spell out that their intent was to stop this peaceful transfer of power is what makes this a very, very strong case for the government. >> norm, january 6th committee, the member jamie raskin who is on that house committee said this about the charges last night. >> i hope that this arrest and this prosecution will shut up those of-of-of our colleagues who keep saying, well, if it was a conspiracy, how come there are no conspiracy charges, if it was sedition, how come there are no sedition charges? there you go and we've got those with undoubtedly a lot more to come soon. >> for the commit, a lot is pushing back against falsehoods. how important, norm, is this case in countering the idea that the capitol idea was just a spur of the moment event where emotions ran high and people got out of control? >> ana, it's very important because of the detail, the planning for violence, the violent behavior on january 6th and then the ongoing alleged, we do have to remember these are allegations, the ongoing alleged planning against the government. this was -- january 1th was the furthest thing possible from had a normal tourist visit, and the complaint is important for another reason. it sets up a model. if we find that others high up in the government were similarly planning to attack the peaceful transition of power and should have known that violence was involved or even encouraged it, this is one of the charges that commentators have been urging be looked at, so we'll be watching the hearings of the january 6th committee and its interim report expected this summer to see whether they refer anyone else, including those who may have been positions of power, for conspiracy or sedition charges to doj. >> and so that brings us to some interesting remarks by the house minority leader kevin mccarthy. he's been, you know, dodging the commit essentially and trying to rewrite history in what he has said. we've discovered a radio interview with a local station in bakersfield, california, on january 12th. this was last year about a week after the insurrection where he said this. >> i say he has responsibility. he told me personally that he does have some responsibility. i think a lot of people do. >> he's talking about then president trump. there was also a call with house republicans five days after the insurrection, and cnn has obtained mccarthy's exact quote. he says let me be clear to you, and i have been very clear to the president. he bears responsibility for his words and actions, no ifs, ands or buts. i asked him personally today if he holds responsibility for what happened, if he feels bad about what happened. he told me he does have some responsibility for what happened, but he needs to acknowledge that, ent quote. arba, does the committee need mccarthy to corroborate these remarks and his conversation in person? do they need to be able to question him about this, or does the evidence stand alone? >> well, i mean, the evidence itself is quite damning but, yes, absolutely. he needs to explain why -- why he was saying that and especially what his conversation was with prusk that -- where president trump ostensibly claimed responsibility. you know, kind of going back to the big picture of what we see with the oath keepers, i mean, this indictment doesn't lay out any direct involvement of trump in this particular conspiracy so far, but i will say that one thing that becomes very clear in how the oath keepers executed their plan was that they needed this mob, ana. they needed the mob tactically to overwhelm barricades and police and strategically provide cover for them, so when trump was exhorting his followers to go to the capitol to, you know, march on these legislators, he was at least indirectly helping this event unfold so i think mccarthy definitely needs to clarify what he meant when he was saying that trump is responsible. >> and in that same kerm radio interview, norm, mccarthy also said he spoke to the president during the riot, calling on him to bring in the national guard. since he discussed the contents of those conversations publicly, norm, can his house colleagues force him to testify? what are the next steps? >> well, it is customary when there is a matter of urgency for the house, the usual example is ethics violations, ana, for the house to demand that members testify and for the members to comply. if mccarthy continues to refuse to cooperate, which is a shocking abdication of his duty as the minority leader, one of our most senior american officials, his government was attacked. the place where he does his government work was attacked, and he's refusing to cooperate after previously saying he had nothing to hide. that's shocking, but if he persists, then the committee will face a fork in the road. they could attempt to discipline him internally via house vote, or they could seek to subpoena and then have him held in contempt, perhaps even criminal contempt. steve bannon is being prosecuted in that direction, so the committee will face some tough choices. it is important for them to take this seriously because mccarthy has very critical evidence. >> and, again, mccarthy wants to be the next speaker of the house should the house change hands in the mid-term elections. got to get to one more quick thing because we're also now learning in the weeks after the 2020 election trump allies tried to submit bogus electoral college certificates declaring that trump won seven states that he actually lost, and this week an arizona republican who was involved in this scheme was pressed about who was directing this effort. watch. >> well, i'm simply -- i was one of the electors, right. i'm not in recall cha of the electors. >> how did you hear about it? >> how would you hear about it? >> you need ask the party chair. >> how did you hear about the plan? just told to be somewhere. >> you would need to ask the party chair. >> you're the person who received the call. you showed up, right? how did you know to show up that day? >> as you said, can you go ahead and ask the party chair the logistics of it. >> asked them how you got a phone call to go somewhere? do you not know how you arrived at a place. >> thank you. appreciate the question. >> you really don't know how you got a call? >> have a great one. >> arba, this appears to have been a coordinated multi-state effort. there were seven states involved here. is this illegal? >> on its face it certainly seems to. i mean, forging official documents and trying to submit them to be used as a part of an official proceeding. i think that warrants definitely an investigation. he's definitely provided some leads suggesting in his case at least that this was coordinated by the arizona, you know, the party chair, but i think it also reveals, that you know, all of these different pieces that we've seen snippets of, you know, this was a coordinated plan that was going down to the state level and with many more people involved than just the people who were in washington, d.c. on that day. so i -- i will be interested to see how all of these pieces are put together. >> and we can't wait for those public hearings where we see what the committee really knows. we've seen just snippets as you point out. my thanks to both of you. it's always great to speak with you. happy friday. her name is now synonymous with president biden's stalled agenda, but after delivering a fatal blow to democrats' voting rights legislation, will progressives back an effort to primary arizona senator kyrstin sinema in arizona congressman ruben gallego joins us next. let's ask him. inkled skin in... crepe corrector lotion... only from gold bond. a lot of people think dealing with copd is a walk in the park. if i have something to help me breathe better, everything will be fun and nice. but i still have bad days... flare-ups, (cough cough) which can permanently damage my lungs. my lungs need protection against flare-ups. so it's time to get real. because in the real world... our lungs deserve the real protection of breztri. breztri gives you better breathing... symptom improvement, and flare-up protection. it's the first and only copd medicine proven to reduce flare-ups by 52%. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition... or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling... problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. for real protection, ask your doctor about breztri. i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. what are the three ps? 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>> 2024 is a long time from now. i'm focusing on 2022. i never say no to the future, and i think also right now you hear a lot of arizonans that are very unhappy with the fact that she is blocking voting rights legislation. so i'll, you know, keep my ears open. i'll condition to have my public meeting, something show should try to do once in a while and then i'll make a determination after 2022. >> do you think she should be replaced? >> look, i think at this point right now she is really disappointing a lot of arizonans. this is not a progressive thing. there's nothing progressive about being promoting rights. it's actually a very american patriotic patriotic thing and the fact that she's using an archaic rule to find the constitution to stop voting rights is very problematic for a lot of arizonans. >> i do want to play her reasons. so our viewers understand where she's coming from. so here is part of her announcement she made yesterday when she said she would not support a change of rules. >> if they could -- if they can make these maps work, if they could make these maps drawn to their favor and they hold on to power, that is perfectly fine. what i just wonder is what would you say. >> i would say first america is only going to get more diverse. it is not going to stop getting more diverse. at a certain point you have to deal with america as it is. and second, i would say, ultimately, if you don't start trying to compete for the votes of a more diverse america, you're ultimately consigning yourself to oblivion. there are in texas and georgia that republicans are multi-racial coalitions are being effective and electing candidates or coming close to electing candidates and those are dismantled in redistricting, parts of them are pulled out and stuffed in a different district but some are left in the district but fak filled with more conservative rural white voters and that may buy some republicans some time but they would leave the district mostly as it was and say, gosh, we are only -- we only lost 10 t,000 votes, let's find latinos or asians or get 10,000 people. so they decided they're the party of white people. but white people are declining, the number of white people in our country fell and it will fall again this coming decade by all projections. republicans are playing a game but their playing a short game because the long game doesn't favor that kind of tactic and the sooner they realize that, the better off they will be as a party and we will be as a country. >> do democrats gerrymander too. are they engaged in some of the same conduct. >> a lot of evidence shows that both parties if they have a for ow veers, something she said in 2010. >> before the democrats took the senate into 2008, that the republicans controlled the senate for quite sometime. in fact, since 1994. they never managed to have a lot of votes so it is still available and we'll use it for good rather than for evil. >> so again, that was before she was in office. we reached out to sinema for comment and they won't give us anything on the record. but congressman, how do you square those comments before she was a senator with what she said yesterday? >> well, look, i've known senator sinema since we were both in our mid-20s and starting out in politics here in arizona. the only consistency about her roles and positions is inconsistency. so i don't have to -- for her. she has to -- for again the voters of arizona and i hope she'll come and take the time to talk to them so she could hear what they are thinking. >> you both represent arizonans and she's making a political calculation that this isn't what her and your constituents want. >> i think that is true. but i think it is actually 100% missing the mark and she came to spoke to arizonans and it was an unscripted way. tomorrow i'm having a rally where the king family and other civil rights leaders to zpres our need for vote rights. athere are so many people that to tell her what position is inconsistent with what arizona needs or wants right now. >> mark kelly is also undecided on the filibuster telling politico, i've never ben been part of an organization where it is hard to do things. so if there is a real proposal, i'll look at in the best interest of the country. now kelly is up for re-election november and sinema isn't up until 024. what are you saying to him. >> i haven't heard the definitive no, unless sinnema, who -- aim sure he does have town halls and we do see him out here talking to people and i'm sure push comes to shove, when that vote should show up, he'll do the right thing. >> i just have 30 seconds left but i'm curious, piv ofting to a completely different topic what, do you make of kevin mccarthy's behavior and his refusal to cooperate with the committee. >> kevin is a coward. if he goes to that committee, he'll have to options. number one he has to perjure himself to protect donald trump or tell the truth and pis off donald trump and he can't be speaker. he will do whatever he can, he'll sell and do whatever we can to become speaker of the house and that is what you're seeing today. >> congressman, thank you so much for your time. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> and that does it for us today. see you back here monday. the news continues right after this. you don't get much time for yourself. so when you do, make it count with crest pro-health. it protects the 8 areas dentists check for a healthier mouth. the #1 toothpaste brand in america. crest. what can i du with less asthma? 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