Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

require a weakening of senate filibuster rules to pass. the president will say, quote, the next few days when these bills come to a vote will mark a turning point in this nation. will we choose democracy over autocracy, light over shadow, justice over injustice? i know where i stand, the president will say, i will not yield. i will not flinch. i will defend your right to vote in our democracy against all enemies foreign and domestic. >> the president's speech will be notable for who will not be attending as well. stacey abrams, who has been at the forefront of voting rights fight, says she has a scheduling conflict. and that's something that a lot of people have raised an eyebrow at. and a coalition of voting rights groups plans to boycott the event. here's what the founder of black voters matter told us here on "new day" just moments ago. >> we would have loved that the president used the presidency as a bully pulpit for the last seven, eight months while we have been fighting for voting rights, getting arrested outside the white house begging him to do so. but we don't need another speech, we don't need him to come to georgia and use is as a prop. what we need is work. >> joining us is democratic congresswoman joyce beatty of ohio, the chair of the congressional black caucus. she will be traveling with the president and vice president on air force one today to this event. congresswoman, thank you so much for being with us. tell us, first, what you're expecting to hear and why you think this is so important that the president says it in atlanta. >> i think it is very important that the president is going to be explicitly clear. he has already said that he will not yield and he will not stand up. vice president harris has consistently made that same statement. i'm honored to travel there to the cradle of civil rights, the home of martin luther king jr., the district that john lewis, who fought so hard, almost gave his life for voting rights. and i think it speaks to not only the south, but to the american people that this is step one. this is getting a movement started. and from there, he has been very clear that we will make changes to the filibuster, and that will relax it to allow us to bring this to a vote. the congressional black caucus has been extremely strong in saying that we have done our job in the house. speaker pelosi has called for the vote. we passed it. we had an incredible meeting with senator schumer who has made a commitment to bring it up, to have debate, and to have the vote. and so i think it is important for the nation to know that this is only the beginning of the process. >> you've seen the frustration from this coalition of voting rights groups that are boycotting this. we spoke with the head of black voters matter, and he said he doesn't want another photo-op, he wants legislation. what do you say to that? >> i don't disagree with him. but what i don't agree with is that this is a photo-op. this is taking some of the most powerful members who have been standing up for voting rights now. if we were only going to atlanta and that was it, but we have a commitment from the president of the united states that he is about change. he is about voting rights. so i think it is important that we are doing this, i understand the frustration. we are all frustrated. frustrated that democrats have done their job. the house has done their job. and now we are asking those senators who have been in opposition to do their job. it is extremely frustrating because four republican presidents, democrat -- the last democratic president, but four republican presidents have reauthorized this in a bipartisan way. so there is a lot of frustration that all of a sudden as a result i believe of our last president that we are trying to walk this down and not pass voting rights. something that is so important and something that is our democracy, our right to vote. maybe the real question is why are my republican colleagues not wanting us to have voting rights. could it be because we vote, we win, and we stand up for the american people? >> well, your democratic colleagues on the senate side are giving you problems certainly when it comes to the filibuster. i know we may be hearing more details from the president on that today. but do you expect to hear anything from him about, you know, the changes he would like to see and changes that would actually be accepted by moderate democrats in the senate? >> oh, i think absolutely. he's been very clear. we have options. there could be a car valve for it. we have options that i think he will discuss and this is not new. we have made changes to the filibuster in the recent ask for judges and justices. so i am very hopeful and that's why it is important to go not only to atlanta, but for all of our members of congress on the house and the senate side, to get the people excited. and at the end of the day, i know we will all come together. and there is enough room at the table for everyone. >> are you disappointed stacey abrams won't be there? >> i'm not disappointed. stacey is a good friend. she had some calendar adjustments. she has a big job to do. she's running for governor. and certainly there is no one who has been any stronger than standing up for voting rights. certainly as you know, when the president and the vice president are traveling together, there is not a lot of notice you can give to people. so i understand that she has an issue, but she is staying strong, with us, with the congressional black caucus, and fighting for justice. don't read too much into it. stacey abrams is all about the voting rights act. >> all right. congresswoman joyce beatty, thank you so much. >> thank you. a new development overnight. a source tells cnn the australian border force is investigating whether tennis star novak djokovic submitted a false travel declaration ahead of arrival in australia. this is just the latest wrinkle after a judge reinstated djokovic's visa and ordered him to be freed. cnn's paula hancocks live in melbourne with the latest here. >> reporter: we saw novak djokovic on the court today, practicing. he's clearly trying to move on and mentally prepare for the australian open, which starts next week. but this is not over yet. as you say, a source close to the investigation is saying that the australia border force is looking into his travel declaration to see if there was false information on it. now, what we say is that one of the questions is have you or do you intend to travel in the 14 days before arrival in australia? djokovic ticked the box that said no. but in fact there have been photos that have emerged of him both in spain and serbia in the 14 days before coming to australia. so this is something that the australia border force is looking into at this point. and, remember, we still haven't heard from the immigration minister, alex hawk, he still reserves the right to personally intervene and to cancel djokovic's visa. we heard from his office today and they say that they are still considering the situation in due process. now, it is something that is just continuing to roll here as djokovic does try and move forward and say that he does want to stay in australia. there are still many questions. the prime minister of australia and serbia spoke by telephone today as well. prime minister scott morrison talking about the nondiscriminatory policy of the border controls here in australia due to covid-19. and he has been very vocal all along saying rules are rules, there are no exceptions. john? >> all the way up to that level. leaders of nations talking about this. it could all still go sideways based on questions of honesty. paula hancocks, thank you very much. breaking overnight, a reprieve for parents in chicago. they're waking up to the news that finally teachers in the city reached a deal amid their dispute over coronavirus safeguards. teachers will be back in the classrooms today. students will return tomorrow after four days off. actually five days after tomorrow. joining me now, to discuss the impact this had on her family is a mother of a 9 and 12-year-old in the chicago area schools. thank you so much for being with us this morning. your reaction to the news that there is a deal that your children will be back in school tomorrow. >> yes. i'm naturally i'm very relieved and my first reaction was yea. and i think that says it all about this school closure is that it is purely emotional on my part because there hasn't been any communication about really what's going on and when, you know, since last wednesday we heard that, of course, we hear in the news, but officially it was not communicated to us that school would be closed until 6:30 a.m. of the same day that it was going to be closed. and so since then every day we hear that school is going to be closed, the afternoon of the day before that it is going to be closed. so there is really have been no time to prepare and so we had to drop everything to make sure that our children are -- in my case, my child is taken care of, and engaged during the day. and it is great news that it is going to be open on wednesday. at the same time, i'm very anxious and so is my 12-year-old who goes to chicago public schools, that, you know, we're anxious about if and when this is going to happen again at no notice whatsoever. and so that's very disconcerting. >> look, you know, i'm sure you -- we all are grateful for teachers and the work that they do. but what impact has this had on your family? and, you know, what is your desire to see going forward? there is a pandemic out there, but what do you want to see measures being taken here? >> yes. well, it had -- just thinking of this immediate school closure, first of all, no online learning, it was just, like, oh, we're shutting down, and there is nothing for the kids to do from the schools -- the school district. it's been, you know, thoughts about the past year and how hard it was for my 12-year-old who was online, all the time, it was very challenging, you know. he was at the point where he needed more social interaction from his peers, and he -- it was completely isolating. and since school was on -- it was very unhealthy. right. we all know as adults what the impact of being on the screen for hours on end is on our lives, let alone a 12-year-old who needs movement and peer interaction. and so, you know, the academic lag is obvious. but the emotional and just social impact is just unsurmounted. it was very difficult on our family. and for this, you know, i used to be a teacher and i think about families where parents cannot afford to stay at home and they have to go to work. so the kids have to take care of themselves. and in many cases take care of their younger siblings. special ed or special needs community, these kids are -- have challenges, regulation -- regulating their emotions and so think about -- i think about how hard it was on all of us this year during the pandemic and you put that on a child who has emotion regulation issues, and it's just terrible. going forward, what i do -- i stepped back a bit from this sudden closure of schools and i was, as a parent, left with no power, nowhere to voice my concerns, nowhere to ask questions really about when is this going to end. and so i had a chance to step back and say, you know what, this is not going to happen again. we as parents and the students as well should be an equal partner in this decision. and i don't -- by all means, i don't want it to sound aspirational. really, i had a shift in my mindset that if parents expect the three key leaders here, the city, the school district leadership and the teachers union, if we expect them to collaborate and keep the show running for our kids to go to school in person, the -- i think that more people would -- i don't know -- figure out a way to stand up to this kind of unprofessional behavior. >> yeah, parents take a stand, ultimately people will listen. thank you for being with us. we wish you best of luck going forward. >> thank you. what a game. did you see this? for first time in more than four decades, the bulldogs are college football's top dog. georgia defeating the alabama crimson tide 33-18 with a fourth quarter comeback, leaving star bulldogs quarterback stetson bennett fighting back tears. >> i love these guys. and then, you know, the tears afterwards, that just hit me. you know, i hadn't cried in i don't know, years, but that just came over me. that's what -- you put as much time as we do into this thing, you know, blood, sweat, tears, you know, it means something. >> a parade for the newly minted national champs scheduled for saturday. i don't mean to sound gleeful, kaitlan collins is in mourning today, i think it is great when an underdog turns it around. >> small school, the plucky kids from georgia. no, it was a great game. stetson bennett played a great game there. he does not use a smartphone. he uses a flip phone. i'll throw that out there. >> is that true? >> that's true. >> maybe that's the key. he's not distracted. >> he says so. >> well, sorry, kaitlan. i want to make that official. sorry, kaitlan. a republican senator committing a cardinal trump sin. just telling the truth about the election. we'll have the latest on this escalating feud. plus, swinging for the fences. meet the 34-year-old who just made history in professional baseball. i've always been running. to meetings. errands. now i'm running for me. i've always dreamed of seeing the world. but i'm not chasing my dream anymore. i made a financial plan to live it every day. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at when you're looking for answers, it's good to have help. because the right information, at the right time, may make all the difference. at humana, we know that's especially true when you're looking for a medicare supplement insurance plan. that's why we're offering "seven things every medicare supplement should have". it's yours free, just for calling the number on your screen. and when you call, a knowledgeable licensed agent-producer can answer any questions you have, and help you choose the plan that's right for you. the call is free, and there's no obligation. you see, medicare covers only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you! that's why so many people purchase medicare supplement insurance plans like those offered by humana. they're designed to help you save money and pay some of the costs medicare doesn't. depending on the medicare supplement plan you select, you could have no deductibles or copayments for doctor visits, hospital stays, emergency care and more! you can keep the doctors you have now, ones you know and trust, with no referrals needed. plus you can get medical care anywhere in the country, even when you're traveling. with humana, you get a competitive monthly premium and personalized service from a healthcare partner working to make healthcare simpler and easier for you. you can choose from a wide range of standardized plans. each one is designed to work seamlessly with medicare, and help save you money. so how do you find the plan that's right for you? one that fits your needs and your budget? call humana now at the number on your screen for this free guide! it's just one of the ways that humana is making healthcare simpler. and when you call, a knowledgeable licensed agent-producer can answer any questions you have, and help you choose the plan that's right for you. the call is free and there's no obligation. you know medicare won't cover all your medical costs. so call now, and see why a medicare supplement plan from a company like humana just might be the answer. new reporting from the "new york times" that in plea negotiations, federal prosecutors began asking for defense lawyers for some of those charged in the january 6th cases whether their clients would admit in sworn statements they stormed the capitol, believing, and this is key, that trump wanted them to stop pence, the vice president then, from certifying the election. joining me now is ryan goodman, professor at the nyu school of law. professor, you find this reporting to be really interesting and perhaps revealing. why? >> that's right. up until now we had no public sign that the department of justice was in fact investigating former president trump and this really is the first strong indication that they have in their cross hairs in a certain sense trump and his activities that they would be in fact asking these lower level individuals, foot soldier and the like, whether or not they would commit in writing and in plea agreements to seeing that they were there at the behest of trump or they thought the president wanted them there. that's very significant. it shows that they're really thinking about him in particular as the new york times reports. >> and the connection with trump wanting them there and the specific act is also important. that specific act would be to block the proceedings that were happening, yes? >> that's right. and it sounds very much like a convergence of the theory that the select committee is working with that they're asking that whether or not trump wanted them there to block the proceedings and to put pressure specifically on mike pence and that seems to be what the select committee is also looking to as whether or not trump -- how culpable he was for what occurred that day. >> because there is a law about blocking proceedings. that's -- the issue here, they're trying to get the people to sign statements that would show or might show that an actual law was broken. >> 100%. in fact, a great number of the people who have been charged have been charged with that very law. obstruction of the congressional proceedings. and that's what liz cheney has hinted at. she's raised the question, you know, can former president trump be found liable under that law for aiding and abetting or -- and inciting or being engaged in a conspiracy as a federal crime. >> and not for something you have this federal judge in the civil case now talking in language very similar to that as well, that trump's words may have sent people to the capitol and the fact that he did nothing for so long to stop them might lend weight to that as well. >> yes. i thought it was a remarkable hearing in which the judge is in some sense providing us all a road map for how he may decide, how the select committee may work, and how the department of justice may work, that the inaction of the president is not just a failure to act, but it actually is a strong suggestion or indication as a matter of evidence that there was an agreement and that what the people did that day, the rioters, was in agreement with him, and what he wanted them to do. >> i'll follow this language very carefully. it may point, everyone, in the direction of where things are going. ryan goodman, thank you so much for joining us this morning. >> thank you. so convicted fraudster paul manafort has landed a book deal, but will selling a book that could be filled with lies be enough to buy him another ostrich jacket? and a right wing commentator says she would rather die than take the covid vaccine. john avlon looks at the sad trend of anti-vaxxers who are doing just that. narrator: on a faraway beach, the generation called "our greatest" saved the world from tyranny. in an office we know as "oval," a new-generation president faced down an imminent threat of nuclear war. on a bridge in selma, alabama, the preacher of his time marched us straight to passing voting rights for every american. at a gate in west berlin, a late-generation american president demanded an enemy superpower tear down a wall and liberate a continent. american generations answering the call of their time with american ideals. freedom. liberty. justice. for today's generation of leaders, the call has come again to protect our freedom to vote, to fortify our democracy by passing the freedom to vote act and the john lewis voting rights act because america - john lewis: we are not going back, we are going forward. when you have xfinity, you have entertainment built in. which is kind of nice. ah, what is happening. binge-watching is in the bag, when you find all your apps, all in one place. find live sports faster just by using your voice... sports on now. touchdown irish! [cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. former trump campaign manager turned convicted felon turned presidential pardon recipient paul manafort is getting a book deal. the publisher shimon & schuster calls it -- joining us now is brian stelter, cnn chief media correspondent and the anchor of "reliable sources" on cnn. i just wonder what you think about this. clearly simon & schuster is targeting a certain audience, but may be one that likes to consume bs. >> they're in a very interesting bind here because they have a relationship with sky horse, who will put this become out and simon & schuster has to distribute t. the book popped up on the website this week and it raised a lot of eyebrows. what is this book, what is this deal? it will come out this year. i suspect manafort wants to tell a positive story, rebut what he thinks are lies. what i noticed about the trump memoirs, former trump insiders who write books, these are not huge hits. mark meadows' book did not sell gangbusters. peter navarro's didn't sell very well. there doesn't seem to be a big audience for these not really tell-alls. let manafort make his case, tell his story. so far the books have not done well. what i do think is notable, there is some other books in the works by other reporters. you know how "peril", these books landed big last year. there is more of them. that is what i'm going to keep my eye on. manafort can spend his bs but there is more to come on trump reveals by some of the authors that are in the reality-based world, not the manafort world. >> keeping your eye on secrets, i love that. i want you to react to a moment from the white house briefing room yesterday. watch. >> i'm triple vaxxed, still got covid. you're triple vaxxed, still got covid. why is the president still referring to this as a pandemic of the unvaccinated? >> there is a huge difference between that and being unvaccinated. you're 17 times more likely to go to the hospital if you're not vaccinated. 20 times more likely to die. and those are significant serious statistics. so, yes, the impact for people who are unvaccinated is far more dire than those who are vaccinated. >> brian, you'll be shocked to know the questioner was peter ducey of fox. >> peter ducey of fox. fox, which purposefully airs briefings up until peter ducey's question. so that the fox audience can see ducey sparring with jen psaki. she had the important answer that i hope the fox audience heard, that, okay, not the pandemic, it is mass death of the unvaccinated. is that what they want biden to say. almost in real trouble is unvaccinated. i think peter ducey should listen to his father, steve ducey, who said last week, he said, i talked to a doctor, he said, the vaccines are like a kevlar vest. it won't stop you from getting shot, but it will probably stop you from getting killed. that's great advice from dad. maybe peter should call his dad. >> maybe. or just listen to him, right? at his place of work. what is the difference between being vaccinated or unvaccinated? life or death, there you go. pretty good answer from jen psaki. brian, thank you so much. so a tragic trend, public personalities downplaying covid, trashing the vaccine, some are dying of covid. john avlon with a reality check. >> as omicron rages across the country, confusion reigns to many folks as well. after all, breakthrough cases are rising fast, and that's causing some people to get cynical while others double down on vaccine disinformation. folks like right wing commentator candace owens who told followers that she wouldn't take the vaccine, even on her death bed. that echoes blusters from sarah palin who said she would only get a shot, quote, over my dead body. now, this would seem to be tempting fate. given that nearly 840,000 americans have died from covid, including more than 300,000 after vaccines became widely available. and that's the tragedy here. because even as the u.s. is poised to break covid hospitalization rates due to omicron, the vast majority are among the unvaccinated. who are also 20 times more likely to die of covid than those who are fully vaccinated and boosted. and despite those terrible odds, some people still seem willing to die to own the -- which means they're willing to die for a lie. many of them have been misled by right wing media, fallen prey to conspiracy entrepreneurs or partisan grifters. but perhaps the most damning proof point is the number of prominent anti-vaxxers who died of covid during this pandemic. and it is a long list. but i think it is important to say their names. not to shame them, but so others don't die in vain. because some tried to warn their followers they were wrong in their final days, like nashville radio host phil valentine. in fact, local right wing radio lost a number of vocal anti-vaxx advocates like florida's dick farrell and mark burnier, who both died in august. farrell, a news max host called covid a scamdemic on air. from his sick bed, he texted a friend to get the shot, saying that he regretted not getting one himself. covid also came for anti-vaxx christian radio host pastor bob enart and jimmy deyoung who called the vaccine "government control." far right podcast host douglas kazuma caught covid at a qanon conference and blamed it on an there and todd tucker died of covid after ridiculing vaccines on facebook. the most influential of these folks was marcus lamb, the 64-year-old co-founder of christian tv network daystar, who told people to pray rather than get vaccinated. and, of course, the feedback loop between right wing media and republicans is strong. and so we have seen vocal anti-vaxx politicos pass as well. like 52-year-old washington state senator doug erickson, a staunch conservative who led trump's campaign in his state. or michigan official william hartman, a vaccine opponent who you might remember tried to block joe biden's election win in detroit. or texas republican official h. scott aply who mocked vaccines and masks on social media. he was 45. all this tragic misinformation has a downstream effect. on people like 30-year-old mask opponent caleb wallace, founder of a group called the san antonio freedom defenders. or the minnesota anti-mask doctor christopher foley who pushed unproven alternative treatments. or more recently the 46-year-old orange county deputy d.a. kelly ernie who looked to a future in republican politics, her husband said she was not vaccinated. all of these are tragedies. unnecessary losses that brought heart break to their family and friends. and they're sadly not isolated. at a time when conspiracy theories persist, despite a rising death toll among the unvaccinated, there are many, many more cases we could mention. but what more evidence could anti-vaxx skeptics really need? don't let yourself be a statistic. because let's face it, these people died for a lie. it is a stark and painful reminder that disinformation and misinformation can be deadly. especially during a pandemic. and that's your reality check. >> john avlon, thank you very much. pope francis jumps with both feet into two huge debates. and we have new details on the sudden death of bob saget, including what police found when they entered his hotel room. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? you got it. ♪ liberty, liberty - liberty, liberty ♪ uh, i'll settle for something i can dance to. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ (music) ♪ i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ trelegy for copd. 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>> yes. we're seeing the numbers and we're seeing the impact very much on the ground. and i'll tell you, you know, it is not only the fact that hospital beds are being taken up by covid positive patients, displacing the heart attacks and the strokes and the appendicitis cases, et cetera. but also this virus is spreading so fast that we have a lot of medical staff out. you know, it is hard for me to blame the community necessarily on this, we have to remember that this is a disaster, a disaster response that became politicized. and unfortunately that continues to be the case. so this should be another wake-up call for anybody out there with a public platform that is raising questions about the efficacy of the vaccine because it continues to cost lives and while, you know, we have been in this situation of overwhelmed hospitals in the past, the difference now is it is simply because the unvaccinated refuse to take that step. and i don't think that's necessarily a bottom up thing. i think we all know that's a topdown narrative that has now been per petuated politically fr a while. >> raising the threat level to red, what does that mean? >> it is signaling to the community where we are, and we have certain thresholds. and so, you know, we have been hit with this omicron wave, just as every other community in our nation. but until very recently we only saw that reflected, you know, mostly in the case counts, which, of course, impact our economy. people out sick, but not so much the hospitals. just yesterday we crossed a threshold where over 18% of our icu hospital beds are right now being taken up by covid patients and so that was the threshold to say, okay, red alert, this is the toughest level because it means that we're not having enough beds for everybody else. and so, you know, the governor removed my authority to do really anything policy-wise, but it goes back to mixed messaging. my job at county executive is to make sure to the community where we are. i'm saying get vaccinated. even if you are vaccinated, wear a mask. and policies like we're distributing rapid tests to schools so they can make sure that the kids who have a close contact, but who are not signi significansick themselves can continue with their education. i hope it is a way for the community to see we're in a tough situation again, we can make it the last time, we are at red, if people do their part and get their vaccine and just use common sense measures when out and about. >> yeah. all great advice, judge, thank you for being with us. >> thank you. here's what else to watch today. developing overnight, more trouble for tennis star novak djokovic. why he's now being investigated for potentially lying on travel documents. the transplant of a pig heart into a human. that, plus the pope sounding the alarm on cancel culture. >> are you ready to start a great career? 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about here in the united states. it is slightly different given who he was talking to. what do you mean? >> i think so. i think audience is really important. the pope was addressing ambassadors this time. he's talking to the world, anytime the pope open his mouth, we all get to pay attention. he's an important guy. but this particular audience are people who are doing negotiations or who are involved in conversations of different government levels, people who have access to the leaders of nations. and so him saying, look, cancel culture can sometimes limit our perspectives, cancel culture can prevent us from dialogue, that is different than the cancel culture we sometimes think about here, which is don't buy these beans or let's tear down this statue. >> and also obviously cancel culture in theory important to the pope because of the issues of redemption that are so important to the faith, yes? >> absolutely. we as catholics, i say that as a catholic, i say that to people who are curious about catholicism, the pope is reminding us that cancel culture would basically freeze somebody at the worst moment of their life, what they said, what they have done, maybe judge something with the historical perspective that isn't actually taking into account what was going on in the world at the time or what was the common belief or the common system, even if we know now it is wrong, we're freezing someone, we're not allowing the opportunity for -- i'll use the big catholic buzzword, mercy, the chance to listen. pope francis from the get-go, we had pope francis as a pope for a while, pope francis from the start talked about dialogue. that's been the big theme of his papacy, how do we talk to people. if i decide i'm canceling you, i'm not listening to you, not dialoguing with you, later on in the speech he talks about how that prey vents countries that e much smaller from ever coming to the table. >> i'm struck by the way the pope talks about vaccinations. he's adamant. he's adamant in support of it. >> he is. the pope and the catholic leaders across the world have said we have a responsibility to care for others. we have a responsibility to care for our world. we are not isolated people. vaccination as of this point proves to be the best way to slow the spread, to use that buzzword. so we should consider it. the vatican has been very clear that mandates and forcing someone this and could potentially violate someone's conscience, that's a bit of a gray area. but pope francis is vaccinated. pope benedict xvi is vaccinated. so, yes, he's never really wavered on the point that you should receive the vaccine. i'm triple vaccinated. we're excited about that in our home. i think that's something catholics should be more vocal about at times this is not something that violated my conscience and the pope happens to agree with me. >> he revels in the science, which i find very interesting. katie mcgrady, you did it again. you won yourself another ticket to "new day" here in the future. look forward to speaking to you again. >> thanks so much, john. appreciate it. president biden heading to georgia today to push voting rights legislation. why voting rights activists are boycotting his speech. and meet the woman who just hit a line drive through baseball's glass ceiling. ♪ got my hair ♪ ♪ got my head ♪ ♪ got my brains ♪ ♪ got my ears ♪ ♪ got my heart ♪ ♪ got my soul ♪ ♪ got my mouth ♪ ♪ i got life ♪ at fidelity, your dedicated advisor will work with you on a comprehensive wealth plan across your full financial picture. a plan with tax-smart investing strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn. this is the planning effect. so history made, the new york yankees tapping the first female manager of a minor league baseball team. 34-year-old rachel balkovec will be the manager of the tampa tarpons. she joined the organization in 2019 as the first woman to be a full time hitting coach in minor league baseball. she dreams of becoming a general manager one day. she said she's probably had to work a little harder than a male counterpart, but views that as an advantage. congratulations to he ss to her yankees. >> big congrats. scientists taught goldfish how to drive. maybe there is hope for me. not only can they drive, but some of them are pretty good at it, maybe better than some humans. take a look here. don't expect to see a fish in the furious movie coming out anymore soon. you should get that dad joke. i got the dad joke there. israeli researchers have successfully trained these goldfish to drive on land. they used this remote sensing technology which helps them navigate their vehicle. >> we used six fish and they were all able to learn the task to some extent. there were very good fish that were doing excellent and there were mediocre fish that were showed controlling of the vehicle, but were less proficient in driving. >> the mediocre fish were off in boston where they're terrible drivers. where the fish from dictates how it can drive. >> maybe the ones from d.c. weren't merging very well. >> clearly. they're sick of the circles. they can't handle the circles. they go around and around and around. all this and they put a pig heart in a human. the animal kingdom is having a big morning. >> coming through for us. cnn's coverage continues right now. very good tuesday morning to you. i'm jim sciutto. >> and i'm bianna golodryga. we're following breaking news this morning. the u.s. has now surpassed the highest number of covid-19 hospitalizations ever. that's according to the department of health and human services. there are just under 146,000 people currently hospitalized with covid-19. that's about twice as many as just two weeks ago. now most of these people are unvaccinated. let's take a look at this gr

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Force One , First , One , Home , Rights , Statement , Cradle , The District , Martin Luther King Jr , John Lewis , Who , Life , Movement , Changes , South , In The House , Commitment , Senator Schumer , Meeting , Debate , Speaker Pelosi , Frustration , Head , Process , Voting Rights Groups , Beginning , Some , Photo Op , Matter , Legislation , President , It , Members , Change , Job , House , Presidents , Senators , Opposition , Four , Way , Wall , Result , Question , Colleagues , Republican , Side , Details , Problems , Anything , Options , Car Valve , Judges , Justices , Ask , Congress , Room , Friend , Everyone , Stacey Abrams Won T , Table , Governor , Calendar Adjustments , Don T , Issue , Notice , Source , Border Force , Development , Voting Rights Act , Australian , Judge , Djokovic , Tennis Star Novak Djokovic , Arrival , Visa , Wrinkle , Paula Hancocks , False Travel Declaration , We Saw Novak Djokovic , Court , Australian Open , Melbourne , Practicing , Questions , Information , Investigation , Fact , Photos , Box , Serbia , Spain , 14 , Point , Alex Hawk , We Still Haven T Heard , Immigration Minister , Situation , Office , Due Process , Prime Minister , Scott Morrison , Policy , Controls , Border , Covid 19 , Telephone Today , 19 , Level , Leaders , Nations , Rules , Honesty , Exceptions , Parents , News , Deal , Students , In The City , Reprieve , Dispute , Classrooms , Chicago , Coronavirus Safeguards , Schools , Impact , Area , Family , Mother , Five , 12 , 9 , Yes , Children , Reaction , Yea , School Closure , Part , Communication , Last , Nyu School Of Law , Course , 30 , 6 , Afternoon , Case , Child , Everything , Care Of , Chicago Public Schools , Pandemic , Desire , Measures , Learning , Down , Kids , Nothing , School District , Thoughts , Interaction , Peers , Screen , Adults , Lives , Peer , Academic Lag Is Obvious , Teacher , Families , Unsurmounted , Care , Cases , Special Needs Community , Siblings , Special Ed , Regulation , 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Vaccinations , Talks , Prey Vents , Responsibility , Conscience , Vatican , Vaccination , Buzzword , Mandates , Spread , Benedict Xvi , Vocal , Georgia Today To Push Voting Rights Legislation , Voting Rights Activists , Ticket , Thanks , The Future , Woman , Heart , Hair , Baseball , Ears , Brains , Line Drive , Glass Ceiling , Soul , Wealth , Picture , Planning Effect , Investing Strategies , Manager , Minor League Baseball , New York Yankees , General Manager , Hitting Coach , Organization , Tampa Tarpons , Rachel Balkovec , 2019 , Goldfish , Counterpart , Congratulations , Congrats , Scientists , Advantage , Fish , Humans , Hope , Take A Look , Movie , Researchers , Technology , Vehicle , Dad Joke , Remote Sensing , Land , Israeli , Extent , Task , Six , Boston , Driving , Drivers , Weren T , D C , Morning , Coverage , Animal Kingdom , Breaking News , Jim Sciutto , Bianna Golodryga , Look , Department Of Health And Human Services , Gr , 146000 ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

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require a weakening of senate filibuster rules to pass. the president will say, quote, the next few days when these bills come to a vote will mark a turning point in this nation. will we choose democracy over autocracy, light over shadow, justice over injustice? i know where i stand, the president will say, i will not yield. i will not flinch. i will defend your right to vote in our democracy against all enemies foreign and domestic. >> the president's speech will be notable for who will not be attending as well. stacey abrams, who has been at the forefront of voting rights fight, says she has a scheduling conflict. and that's something that a lot of people have raised an eyebrow at. and a coalition of voting rights groups plans to boycott the event. here's what the founder of black voters matter told us here on "new day" just moments ago. >> we would have loved that the president used the presidency as a bully pulpit for the last seven, eight months while we have been fighting for voting rights, getting arrested outside the white house begging him to do so. but we don't need another speech, we don't need him to come to georgia and use is as a prop. what we need is work. >> joining us is democratic congresswoman joyce beatty of ohio, the chair of the congressional black caucus. she will be traveling with the president and vice president on air force one today to this event. congresswoman, thank you so much for being with us. tell us, first, what you're expecting to hear and why you think this is so important that the president says it in atlanta. >> i think it is very important that the president is going to be explicitly clear. he has already said that he will not yield and he will not stand up. vice president harris has consistently made that same statement. i'm honored to travel there to the cradle of civil rights, the home of martin luther king jr., the district that john lewis, who fought so hard, almost gave his life for voting rights. and i think it speaks to not only the south, but to the american people that this is step one. this is getting a movement started. and from there, he has been very clear that we will make changes to the filibuster, and that will relax it to allow us to bring this to a vote. the congressional black caucus has been extremely strong in saying that we have done our job in the house. speaker pelosi has called for the vote. we passed it. we had an incredible meeting with senator schumer who has made a commitment to bring it up, to have debate, and to have the vote. and so i think it is important for the nation to know that this is only the beginning of the process. >> you've seen the frustration from this coalition of voting rights groups that are boycotting this. we spoke with the head of black voters matter, and he said he doesn't want another photo-op, he wants legislation. what do you say to that? >> i don't disagree with him. but what i don't agree with is that this is a photo-op. this is taking some of the most powerful members who have been standing up for voting rights now. if we were only going to atlanta and that was it, but we have a commitment from the president of the united states that he is about change. he is about voting rights. so i think it is important that we are doing this, i understand the frustration. we are all frustrated. frustrated that democrats have done their job. the house has done their job. and now we are asking those senators who have been in opposition to do their job. it is extremely frustrating because four republican presidents, democrat -- the last democratic president, but four republican presidents have reauthorized this in a bipartisan way. so there is a lot of frustration that all of a sudden as a result i believe of our last president that we are trying to walk this down and not pass voting rights. something that is so important and something that is our democracy, our right to vote. maybe the real question is why are my republican colleagues not wanting us to have voting rights. could it be because we vote, we win, and we stand up for the american people? >> well, your democratic colleagues on the senate side are giving you problems certainly when it comes to the filibuster. i know we may be hearing more details from the president on that today. but do you expect to hear anything from him about, you know, the changes he would like to see and changes that would actually be accepted by moderate democrats in the senate? >> oh, i think absolutely. he's been very clear. we have options. there could be a car valve for it. we have options that i think he will discuss and this is not new. we have made changes to the filibuster in the recent ask for judges and justices. so i am very hopeful and that's why it is important to go not only to atlanta, but for all of our members of congress on the house and the senate side, to get the people excited. and at the end of the day, i know we will all come together. and there is enough room at the table for everyone. >> are you disappointed stacey abrams won't be there? >> i'm not disappointed. stacey is a good friend. she had some calendar adjustments. she has a big job to do. she's running for governor. and certainly there is no one who has been any stronger than standing up for voting rights. certainly as you know, when the president and the vice president are traveling together, there is not a lot of notice you can give to people. so i understand that she has an issue, but she is staying strong, with us, with the congressional black caucus, and fighting for justice. don't read too much into it. stacey abrams is all about the voting rights act. >> all right. congresswoman joyce beatty, thank you so much. >> thank you. a new development overnight. a source tells cnn the australian border force is investigating whether tennis star novak djokovic submitted a false travel declaration ahead of arrival in australia. this is just the latest wrinkle after a judge reinstated djokovic's visa and ordered him to be freed. cnn's paula hancocks live in melbourne with the latest here. >> reporter: we saw novak djokovic on the court today, practicing. he's clearly trying to move on and mentally prepare for the australian open, which starts next week. but this is not over yet. as you say, a source close to the investigation is saying that the australia border force is looking into his travel declaration to see if there was false information on it. now, what we say is that one of the questions is have you or do you intend to travel in the 14 days before arrival in australia? djokovic ticked the box that said no. but in fact there have been photos that have emerged of him both in spain and serbia in the 14 days before coming to australia. so this is something that the australia border force is looking into at this point. and, remember, we still haven't heard from the immigration minister, alex hawk, he still reserves the right to personally intervene and to cancel djokovic's visa. we heard from his office today and they say that they are still considering the situation in due process. now, it is something that is just continuing to roll here as djokovic does try and move forward and say that he does want to stay in australia. there are still many questions. the prime minister of australia and serbia spoke by telephone today as well. prime minister scott morrison talking about the nondiscriminatory policy of the border controls here in australia due to covid-19. and he has been very vocal all along saying rules are rules, there are no exceptions. john? >> all the way up to that level. leaders of nations talking about this. it could all still go sideways based on questions of honesty. paula hancocks, thank you very much. breaking overnight, a reprieve for parents in chicago. they're waking up to the news that finally teachers in the city reached a deal amid their dispute over coronavirus safeguards. teachers will be back in the classrooms today. students will return tomorrow after four days off. actually five days after tomorrow. joining me now, to discuss the impact this had on her family is a mother of a 9 and 12-year-old in the chicago area schools. thank you so much for being with us this morning. your reaction to the news that there is a deal that your children will be back in school tomorrow. >> yes. i'm naturally i'm very relieved and my first reaction was yea. and i think that says it all about this school closure is that it is purely emotional on my part because there hasn't been any communication about really what's going on and when, you know, since last wednesday we heard that, of course, we hear in the news, but officially it was not communicated to us that school would be closed until 6:30 a.m. of the same day that it was going to be closed. and so since then every day we hear that school is going to be closed, the afternoon of the day before that it is going to be closed. so there is really have been no time to prepare and so we had to drop everything to make sure that our children are -- in my case, my child is taken care of, and engaged during the day. and it is great news that it is going to be open on wednesday. at the same time, i'm very anxious and so is my 12-year-old who goes to chicago public schools, that, you know, we're anxious about if and when this is going to happen again at no notice whatsoever. and so that's very disconcerting. >> look, you know, i'm sure you -- we all are grateful for teachers and the work that they do. but what impact has this had on your family? and, you know, what is your desire to see going forward? there is a pandemic out there, but what do you want to see measures being taken here? >> yes. well, it had -- just thinking of this immediate school closure, first of all, no online learning, it was just, like, oh, we're shutting down, and there is nothing for the kids to do from the schools -- the school district. it's been, you know, thoughts about the past year and how hard it was for my 12-year-old who was online, all the time, it was very challenging, you know. he was at the point where he needed more social interaction from his peers, and he -- it was completely isolating. and since school was on -- it was very unhealthy. right. we all know as adults what the impact of being on the screen for hours on end is on our lives, let alone a 12-year-old who needs movement and peer interaction. and so, you know, the academic lag is obvious. but the emotional and just social impact is just unsurmounted. it was very difficult on our family. and for this, you know, i used to be a teacher and i think about families where parents cannot afford to stay at home and they have to go to work. so the kids have to take care of themselves. and in many cases take care of their younger siblings. special ed or special needs community, these kids are -- have challenges, regulation -- regulating their emotions and so think about -- i think about how hard it was on all of us this year during the pandemic and you put that on a child who has emotion regulation issues, and it's just terrible. going forward, what i do -- i stepped back a bit from this sudden closure of schools and i was, as a parent, left with no power, nowhere to voice my concerns, nowhere to ask questions really about when is this going to end. and so i had a chance to step back and say, you know what, this is not going to happen again. we as parents and the students as well should be an equal partner in this decision. and i don't -- by all means, i don't want it to sound aspirational. really, i had a shift in my mindset that if parents expect the three key leaders here, the city, the school district leadership and the teachers union, if we expect them to collaborate and keep the show running for our kids to go to school in person, the -- i think that more people would -- i don't know -- figure out a way to stand up to this kind of unprofessional behavior. >> yeah, parents take a stand, ultimately people will listen. thank you for being with us. we wish you best of luck going forward. >> thank you. what a game. did you see this? for first time in more than four decades, the bulldogs are college football's top dog. georgia defeating the alabama crimson tide 33-18 with a fourth quarter comeback, leaving star bulldogs quarterback stetson bennett fighting back tears. >> i love these guys. and then, you know, the tears afterwards, that just hit me. you know, i hadn't cried in i don't know, years, but that just came over me. that's what -- you put as much time as we do into this thing, you know, blood, sweat, tears, you know, it means something. >> a parade for the newly minted national champs scheduled for saturday. i don't mean to sound gleeful, kaitlan collins is in mourning today, i think it is great when an underdog turns it around. >> small school, the plucky kids from georgia. no, it was a great game. stetson bennett played a great game there. he does not use a smartphone. he uses a flip phone. i'll throw that out there. >> is that true? >> that's true. >> maybe that's the key. he's not distracted. >> he says so. >> well, sorry, kaitlan. i want to make that official. sorry, kaitlan. a republican senator committing a cardinal trump sin. just telling the truth about the election. we'll have the latest on this escalating feud. plus, swinging for the fences. meet the 34-year-old who just made history in professional baseball. i've always been running. to meetings. errands. now i'm running for me. i've always dreamed of seeing the world. but i'm not chasing my dream anymore. i made a financial plan to live it every day. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at when you're looking for answers, it's good to have help. because the right information, at the right time, may make all the difference. at humana, we know that's especially true when you're looking for a medicare supplement insurance plan. that's why we're offering "seven things every medicare supplement should have". it's yours free, just for calling the number on your screen. and when you call, a knowledgeable licensed agent-producer can answer any questions you have, and help you choose the plan that's right for you. the call is free, and there's no obligation. you see, medicare covers only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you! that's why so many people purchase medicare supplement insurance plans like those offered by humana. they're designed to help you save money and pay some of the costs medicare doesn't. depending on the medicare supplement plan you select, you could have no deductibles or copayments for doctor visits, hospital stays, emergency care and more! you can keep the doctors you have now, ones you know and trust, with no referrals needed. plus you can get medical care anywhere in the country, even when you're traveling. with humana, you get a competitive monthly premium and personalized service from a healthcare partner working to make healthcare simpler and easier for you. you can choose from a wide range of standardized plans. each one is designed to work seamlessly with medicare, and help save you money. so how do you find the plan that's right for you? one that fits your needs and your budget? call humana now at the number on your screen for this free guide! it's just one of the ways that humana is making healthcare simpler. and when you call, a knowledgeable licensed agent-producer can answer any questions you have, and help you choose the plan that's right for you. the call is free and there's no obligation. you know medicare won't cover all your medical costs. so call now, and see why a medicare supplement plan from a company like humana just might be the answer. new reporting from the "new york times" that in plea negotiations, federal prosecutors began asking for defense lawyers for some of those charged in the january 6th cases whether their clients would admit in sworn statements they stormed the capitol, believing, and this is key, that trump wanted them to stop pence, the vice president then, from certifying the election. joining me now is ryan goodman, professor at the nyu school of law. professor, you find this reporting to be really interesting and perhaps revealing. why? >> that's right. up until now we had no public sign that the department of justice was in fact investigating former president trump and this really is the first strong indication that they have in their cross hairs in a certain sense trump and his activities that they would be in fact asking these lower level individuals, foot soldier and the like, whether or not they would commit in writing and in plea agreements to seeing that they were there at the behest of trump or they thought the president wanted them there. that's very significant. it shows that they're really thinking about him in particular as the new york times reports. >> and the connection with trump wanting them there and the specific act is also important. that specific act would be to block the proceedings that were happening, yes? >> that's right. and it sounds very much like a convergence of the theory that the select committee is working with that they're asking that whether or not trump wanted them there to block the proceedings and to put pressure specifically on mike pence and that seems to be what the select committee is also looking to as whether or not trump -- how culpable he was for what occurred that day. >> because there is a law about blocking proceedings. that's -- the issue here, they're trying to get the people to sign statements that would show or might show that an actual law was broken. >> 100%. in fact, a great number of the people who have been charged have been charged with that very law. obstruction of the congressional proceedings. and that's what liz cheney has hinted at. she's raised the question, you know, can former president trump be found liable under that law for aiding and abetting or -- and inciting or being engaged in a conspiracy as a federal crime. >> and not for something you have this federal judge in the civil case now talking in language very similar to that as well, that trump's words may have sent people to the capitol and the fact that he did nothing for so long to stop them might lend weight to that as well. >> yes. i thought it was a remarkable hearing in which the judge is in some sense providing us all a road map for how he may decide, how the select committee may work, and how the department of justice may work, that the inaction of the president is not just a failure to act, but it actually is a strong suggestion or indication as a matter of evidence that there was an agreement and that what the people did that day, the rioters, was in agreement with him, and what he wanted them to do. >> i'll follow this language very carefully. it may point, everyone, in the direction of where things are going. ryan goodman, thank you so much for joining us this morning. >> thank you. so convicted fraudster paul manafort has landed a book deal, but will selling a book that could be filled with lies be enough to buy him another ostrich jacket? and a right wing commentator says she would rather die than take the covid vaccine. john avlon looks at the sad trend of anti-vaxxers who are doing just that. narrator: on a faraway beach, the generation called "our greatest" saved the world from tyranny. in an office we know as "oval," a new-generation president faced down an imminent threat of nuclear war. on a bridge in selma, alabama, the preacher of his time marched us straight to passing voting rights for every american. at a gate in west berlin, a late-generation american president demanded an enemy superpower tear down a wall and liberate a continent. american generations answering the call of their time with american ideals. freedom. liberty. justice. for today's generation of leaders, the call has come again to protect our freedom to vote, to fortify our democracy by passing the freedom to vote act and the john lewis voting rights act because america - john lewis: we are not going back, we are going forward. when you have xfinity, you have entertainment built in. which is kind of nice. ah, what is happening. binge-watching is in the bag, when you find all your apps, all in one place. find live sports faster just by using your voice... sports on now. touchdown irish! [cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. former trump campaign manager turned convicted felon turned presidential pardon recipient paul manafort is getting a book deal. the publisher shimon & schuster calls it -- joining us now is brian stelter, cnn chief media correspondent and the anchor of "reliable sources" on cnn. i just wonder what you think about this. clearly simon & schuster is targeting a certain audience, but may be one that likes to consume bs. >> they're in a very interesting bind here because they have a relationship with sky horse, who will put this become out and simon & schuster has to distribute t. the book popped up on the website this week and it raised a lot of eyebrows. what is this book, what is this deal? it will come out this year. i suspect manafort wants to tell a positive story, rebut what he thinks are lies. what i noticed about the trump memoirs, former trump insiders who write books, these are not huge hits. mark meadows' book did not sell gangbusters. peter navarro's didn't sell very well. there doesn't seem to be a big audience for these not really tell-alls. let manafort make his case, tell his story. so far the books have not done well. what i do think is notable, there is some other books in the works by other reporters. you know how "peril", these books landed big last year. there is more of them. that is what i'm going to keep my eye on. manafort can spend his bs but there is more to come on trump reveals by some of the authors that are in the reality-based world, not the manafort world. >> keeping your eye on secrets, i love that. i want you to react to a moment from the white house briefing room yesterday. watch. >> i'm triple vaxxed, still got covid. you're triple vaxxed, still got covid. why is the president still referring to this as a pandemic of the unvaccinated? >> there is a huge difference between that and being unvaccinated. you're 17 times more likely to go to the hospital if you're not vaccinated. 20 times more likely to die. and those are significant serious statistics. so, yes, the impact for people who are unvaccinated is far more dire than those who are vaccinated. >> brian, you'll be shocked to know the questioner was peter ducey of fox. >> peter ducey of fox. fox, which purposefully airs briefings up until peter ducey's question. so that the fox audience can see ducey sparring with jen psaki. she had the important answer that i hope the fox audience heard, that, okay, not the pandemic, it is mass death of the unvaccinated. is that what they want biden to say. almost in real trouble is unvaccinated. i think peter ducey should listen to his father, steve ducey, who said last week, he said, i talked to a doctor, he said, the vaccines are like a kevlar vest. it won't stop you from getting shot, but it will probably stop you from getting killed. that's great advice from dad. maybe peter should call his dad. >> maybe. or just listen to him, right? at his place of work. what is the difference between being vaccinated or unvaccinated? life or death, there you go. pretty good answer from jen psaki. brian, thank you so much. so a tragic trend, public personalities downplaying covid, trashing the vaccine, some are dying of covid. john avlon with a reality check. >> as omicron rages across the country, confusion reigns to many folks as well. after all, breakthrough cases are rising fast, and that's causing some people to get cynical while others double down on vaccine disinformation. folks like right wing commentator candace owens who told followers that she wouldn't take the vaccine, even on her death bed. that echoes blusters from sarah palin who said she would only get a shot, quote, over my dead body. now, this would seem to be tempting fate. given that nearly 840,000 americans have died from covid, including more than 300,000 after vaccines became widely available. and that's the tragedy here. because even as the u.s. is poised to break covid hospitalization rates due to omicron, the vast majority are among the unvaccinated. who are also 20 times more likely to die of covid than those who are fully vaccinated and boosted. and despite those terrible odds, some people still seem willing to die to own the -- which means they're willing to die for a lie. many of them have been misled by right wing media, fallen prey to conspiracy entrepreneurs or partisan grifters. but perhaps the most damning proof point is the number of prominent anti-vaxxers who died of covid during this pandemic. and it is a long list. but i think it is important to say their names. not to shame them, but so others don't die in vain. because some tried to warn their followers they were wrong in their final days, like nashville radio host phil valentine. in fact, local right wing radio lost a number of vocal anti-vaxx advocates like florida's dick farrell and mark burnier, who both died in august. farrell, a news max host called covid a scamdemic on air. from his sick bed, he texted a friend to get the shot, saying that he regretted not getting one himself. covid also came for anti-vaxx christian radio host pastor bob enart and jimmy deyoung who called the vaccine "government control." far right podcast host douglas kazuma caught covid at a qanon conference and blamed it on an there and todd tucker died of covid after ridiculing vaccines on facebook. the most influential of these folks was marcus lamb, the 64-year-old co-founder of christian tv network daystar, who told people to pray rather than get vaccinated. and, of course, the feedback loop between right wing media and republicans is strong. and so we have seen vocal anti-vaxx politicos pass as well. like 52-year-old washington state senator doug erickson, a staunch conservative who led trump's campaign in his state. or michigan official william hartman, a vaccine opponent who you might remember tried to block joe biden's election win in detroit. or texas republican official h. scott aply who mocked vaccines and masks on social media. he was 45. all this tragic misinformation has a downstream effect. on people like 30-year-old mask opponent caleb wallace, founder of a group called the san antonio freedom defenders. or the minnesota anti-mask doctor christopher foley who pushed unproven alternative treatments. or more recently the 46-year-old orange county deputy d.a. kelly ernie who looked to a future in republican politics, her husband said she was not vaccinated. all of these are tragedies. unnecessary losses that brought heart break to their family and friends. and they're sadly not isolated. at a time when conspiracy theories persist, despite a rising death toll among the unvaccinated, there are many, many more cases we could mention. but what more evidence could anti-vaxx skeptics really need? don't let yourself be a statistic. because let's face it, these people died for a lie. it is a stark and painful reminder that disinformation and misinformation can be deadly. especially during a pandemic. and that's your reality check. >> john avlon, thank you very much. pope francis jumps with both feet into two huge debates. and we have new details on the sudden death of bob saget, including what police found when they entered his hotel room. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? you got it. ♪ liberty, liberty - liberty, liberty ♪ uh, i'll settle for something i can dance to. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ (music) ♪ i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ trelegy for copd. 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>> yes. we're seeing the numbers and we're seeing the impact very much on the ground. and i'll tell you, you know, it is not only the fact that hospital beds are being taken up by covid positive patients, displacing the heart attacks and the strokes and the appendicitis cases, et cetera. but also this virus is spreading so fast that we have a lot of medical staff out. you know, it is hard for me to blame the community necessarily on this, we have to remember that this is a disaster, a disaster response that became politicized. and unfortunately that continues to be the case. so this should be another wake-up call for anybody out there with a public platform that is raising questions about the efficacy of the vaccine because it continues to cost lives and while, you know, we have been in this situation of overwhelmed hospitals in the past, the difference now is it is simply because the unvaccinated refuse to take that step. and i don't think that's necessarily a bottom up thing. i think we all know that's a topdown narrative that has now been per petuated politically fr a while. >> raising the threat level to red, what does that mean? >> it is signaling to the community where we are, and we have certain thresholds. and so, you know, we have been hit with this omicron wave, just as every other community in our nation. but until very recently we only saw that reflected, you know, mostly in the case counts, which, of course, impact our economy. people out sick, but not so much the hospitals. just yesterday we crossed a threshold where over 18% of our icu hospital beds are right now being taken up by covid patients and so that was the threshold to say, okay, red alert, this is the toughest level because it means that we're not having enough beds for everybody else. and so, you know, the governor removed my authority to do really anything policy-wise, but it goes back to mixed messaging. my job at county executive is to make sure to the community where we are. i'm saying get vaccinated. even if you are vaccinated, wear a mask. and policies like we're distributing rapid tests to schools so they can make sure that the kids who have a close contact, but who are not signi significansick themselves can continue with their education. i hope it is a way for the community to see we're in a tough situation again, we can make it the last time, we are at red, if people do their part and get their vaccine and just use common sense measures when out and about. >> yeah. all great advice, judge, thank you for being with us. >> thank you. here's what else to watch today. developing overnight, more trouble for tennis star novak djokovic. why he's now being investigated for potentially lying on travel documents. the transplant of a pig heart into a human. that, plus the pope sounding the alarm on cancel culture. >> are you ready to start a great career? 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about here in the united states. it is slightly different given who he was talking to. what do you mean? >> i think so. i think audience is really important. the pope was addressing ambassadors this time. he's talking to the world, anytime the pope open his mouth, we all get to pay attention. he's an important guy. but this particular audience are people who are doing negotiations or who are involved in conversations of different government levels, people who have access to the leaders of nations. and so him saying, look, cancel culture can sometimes limit our perspectives, cancel culture can prevent us from dialogue, that is different than the cancel culture we sometimes think about here, which is don't buy these beans or let's tear down this statue. >> and also obviously cancel culture in theory important to the pope because of the issues of redemption that are so important to the faith, yes? >> absolutely. we as catholics, i say that as a catholic, i say that to people who are curious about catholicism, the pope is reminding us that cancel culture would basically freeze somebody at the worst moment of their life, what they said, what they have done, maybe judge something with the historical perspective that isn't actually taking into account what was going on in the world at the time or what was the common belief or the common system, even if we know now it is wrong, we're freezing someone, we're not allowing the opportunity for -- i'll use the big catholic buzzword, mercy, the chance to listen. pope francis from the get-go, we had pope francis as a pope for a while, pope francis from the start talked about dialogue. that's been the big theme of his papacy, how do we talk to people. if i decide i'm canceling you, i'm not listening to you, not dialoguing with you, later on in the speech he talks about how that prey vents countries that e much smaller from ever coming to the table. >> i'm struck by the way the pope talks about vaccinations. he's adamant. he's adamant in support of it. >> he is. the pope and the catholic leaders across the world have said we have a responsibility to care for others. we have a responsibility to care for our world. we are not isolated people. vaccination as of this point proves to be the best way to slow the spread, to use that buzzword. so we should consider it. the vatican has been very clear that mandates and forcing someone this and could potentially violate someone's conscience, that's a bit of a gray area. but pope francis is vaccinated. pope benedict xvi is vaccinated. so, yes, he's never really wavered on the point that you should receive the vaccine. i'm triple vaccinated. we're excited about that in our home. i think that's something catholics should be more vocal about at times this is not something that violated my conscience and the pope happens to agree with me. >> he revels in the science, which i find very interesting. katie mcgrady, you did it again. you won yourself another ticket to "new day" here in the future. look forward to speaking to you again. >> thanks so much, john. appreciate it. president biden heading to georgia today to push voting rights legislation. why voting rights activists are boycotting his speech. and meet the woman who just hit a line drive through baseball's glass ceiling. ♪ got my hair ♪ ♪ got my head ♪ ♪ got my brains ♪ ♪ got my ears ♪ ♪ got my heart ♪ ♪ got my soul ♪ ♪ got my mouth ♪ ♪ i got life ♪ at fidelity, your dedicated advisor will work with you on a comprehensive wealth plan across your full financial picture. a plan with tax-smart investing strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn. this is the planning effect. so history made, the new york yankees tapping the first female manager of a minor league baseball team. 34-year-old rachel balkovec will be the manager of the tampa tarpons. she joined the organization in 2019 as the first woman to be a full time hitting coach in minor league baseball. she dreams of becoming a general manager one day. she said she's probably had to work a little harder than a male counterpart, but views that as an advantage. congratulations to he ss to her yankees. >> big congrats. scientists taught goldfish how to drive. maybe there is hope for me. not only can they drive, but some of them are pretty good at it, maybe better than some humans. take a look here. don't expect to see a fish in the furious movie coming out anymore soon. you should get that dad joke. i got the dad joke there. israeli researchers have successfully trained these goldfish to drive on land. they used this remote sensing technology which helps them navigate their vehicle. >> we used six fish and they were all able to learn the task to some extent. there were very good fish that were doing excellent and there were mediocre fish that were showed controlling of the vehicle, but were less proficient in driving. >> the mediocre fish were off in boston where they're terrible drivers. where the fish from dictates how it can drive. >> maybe the ones from d.c. weren't merging very well. >> clearly. they're sick of the circles. they can't handle the circles. they go around and around and around. all this and they put a pig heart in a human. the animal kingdom is having a big morning. >> coming through for us. cnn's coverage continues right now. very good tuesday morning to you. i'm jim sciutto. >> and i'm bianna golodryga. we're following breaking news this morning. the u.s. has now surpassed the highest number of covid-19 hospitalizations ever. that's according to the department of health and human services. there are just under 146,000 people currently hospitalized with covid-19. that's about twice as many as just two weeks ago. now most of these people are unvaccinated. let's take a look at this gr

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