Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20240709

the wrong direction which is why in new york city multiple broadway shows have cancelled performances this week because of covid infections two months after being reopening and despite vaccine requirements for cast, crew and audience members. the metropolitan opera announcing it will require all eligible audience members and employees to receive a booster shot. colleges, including princeton, cornell and others are shifting the last days of fall semester online, and today france just announced it is banning all non-essential travel from the united kingdom which just broke its daily record for new cases. the head of the eu commission warning the omicron variant is set to become the dominant variant in europe by mid-january. cnn's paolo sandoval is joining us in new york where entertainment, education to government services are all being upended. let's go one by one here. first, several broadway shows cancelled again. the met soon to require boosters. what else are you learning? >> yeah. on its surface you may get that feeling at least that we're taking a step back but it's important to point out these are sporadic cancellations that we've seen. just a few select shows because of these breakthrough cases that have been report among some of the cast and crew at some of these popular showers, very popular shows. "hamilton," "ain't too proud," "doubtfire" and the list goes on. they want to be able to substitute some of the employees and cast members so as a result they have cancelled a few select shoes. nonetheless, it's certainly not good news for an industry that was hit particularly hard just months after its return after the pandemic forced the closure of broadway for obviously a long time here so certainly a concern but nonetheless something that authorities are monitoring here in new york city as more of the cancellations are very possible with more of these breakthrough cases reported in broadway. >> we're also learning, paolo, that the manhattan d.a.'s office has had an outbreak now causing staffing short action and other disruptions. what more do you know? >> right. it was described as a material uptick in covid-positive cases here that were detected with the district attorney's office in a letter that was sent to staff. they said that many of those cases have been relatively mild to moderate and they do expect obviously full recovery for those individuals there, and yes it's led to staff shortages so they are trying to keep up obviously with the case load and then they are also recommending against staff attending off site holiday parties. they believe that that is what this uptick in cases is linked to. >> a holiday party. there you go. paolo, you are also there on nyu's campus right now. we talked about colleges there. they are not requiring but are strongly urging faculty to change final calls to remote or online formats, plus, a new booster requirement? >> yeah. it's a considerate acceleration in the number of cases that they have noticed here on the nyu campus, and really there are multiple schools also that are going in that direction where they are recommending that faculty simply go back to remote for their final exams. i've spoken to a lot of students this morning and this afternoon, ana, and they are largely -- they agree with the step to ensure the safety of these students. especially before they head home for the holidays so that's kind of what we're hearing here but statement one of the student you're about to hear from is more concerned about the spring and wants to make sure that these kinds of steps or at least that nyu continues to take steps to ensure the safety of faculty and staff after the holiday season. >> i feel likeful cases are high a little bit, yes, because i'm going to be a t.a. next semester so i would be interacting with a lot of students and if cases are high i would prefer to go online but only in that sort of case because i do value, you know, in-person teaching, but if it needs to be, it needs to be type of thing. >> so there's a safety and there's obviously the convenience. we'll take you to final remotely. that's why students do want to go with this and finally to put a button on this, ana, they are also on board with the fact that they will be required to upload proof of their booster by the start of the spring semester. >> paolo sandoval. thank you. let's tune to dr. peter hotez, professor and dean at baylor college of medicine. doctor, first, just how concerned are you right now with what you're seeing? >> reporter: yeah, no, it's very distressing because we knew an omicron wave was coming because it was picked up in the united kingdom, but, you know, in the past, ana, for the delta variant, once it picked up in the uk we had four to six weeks before it really started climbing here and that happened with both previous variants, so on that basis i would have thought, okay, maybe towards the end of january, but this thing is so aggressive and so highly transmissible, this is why we're seeing it now, especially in new york and new jersey where dr. walensky said a couple of days ago about that about 13% of the variants now in new york and new jersey are the omicron variant, and it could be double that by now. >> just yesterday, u.s. researchers report the omicron variant is markedly resistant to four major vaccines used globally, plus every authorized antibody treatment, so for people who may say this doesn't sound good but it looks like omicron is resulting in mostly mild illness, so how worried should i really be, what say you? >> well, clearly, just having two doses of either the mrna vaccines will not be adequate. you're going to see a lot of symptomatic breakthrough infections and even potentially some hospitalizations. once you get that third dose, and as dr. fauci has been saying all workers you get a big 30 to 40fold rights with spillover to the omicron variant so no question you'll be better off. having said that with the third immunization, data coming out of uk health security agency said about 70% to 75 protection against symptomatic illness so not quite as good as it is against the other variants. that's point up. point two, that level of protection is -- may be the best case scenario because it starts to decline after a few months based on data coming out of germany, so that's why this is going to be so problematic is we will see breakthrough symptomatic illness, hopefully not much in the way of hospitalizations, but it will force us to be cautious, and the other concern that i have is among our health care workers, health care providers who got boosted maybe a couple of months ago, the first to adopt that third immunization. are they having wasn'ting protection and do we have to worry about maintaining the health care workforce during this surge? that's one of may biggest worries. should we even think about a second booster for health care providers and i think all of this needs to be put on the table. remember, we don't have the pfizer drug, paxlovid and won't have an omicron-specific booster so we have to deal with the cards that we're dealt with. >> right. >> and maybe a second booster is in the cards. >> i think it's so important to put everything out there, to bes a transparent as possible. information is power, and yet a lot of americans are just so tired of all of this, right? many have done everything you tell them to do. they have got their three shots. they have been wearing masks but now they hear of more shutdowns, more restrictions. we've been told we're beyond the point of snuffing out covid entirely, right? y with ear going have to live with it, so the question is how can we get there, to live with it and still have a sense of normalcy? >> well, again, i think we have to max out our ability to advantagesate the american country. you've got one part of the country that's all in on health and metrical interventions, they will do what's recommended by the centers for disease control and if they say you need boosters, you need boosters and we have are a percentage. question that's not abiding by anything. we've seen deaths climb among those populations. it's terrible, 150,000 unvaccinated americans have lost their lives since june over the last six months, and those are lives that did not have to be lost, but they were lost because of defiance over getting vaccinated, and that number is an end number, it's about to double because the institute for health metrix say we can go from 800,000 to 1 million and that will be all among the unvaccinated or overwhelmingly. >> cdv adviser are meeting today to weigh whether a faction eshould be released to certain populations? does it make sense to just take j&j off the payable? >> as i sake to say. it doesn't take much even for a good vaccine to be taken off the market because of public perception and it took two fits. one is the fact that almost of our vaccine effectiveness data is coming out of the criminal and the uk and the vaccine is not used in those two din industries from. they haven't happy with had a they got and then the cdc throws on this data and then you have a very serious event, higher in young women because they are on pir croat an now the dcc has to take a look at it. public perception will not tolerate the vaccine. >> it was an advantage over the moderna vaccines because it helps stipulate the production of cells that the mrna vaccines don't do as well. >> i want to squeeze in one final question because, of course, it's the holidays and more people are traveling. i want you to listen to something. the ceos of southwest and american airlines said yesterday about masks on planes. >> yeah, think the base very strong that masks don't add much in the air cabin environment. it's very safe compared to any other indoor setting. >> i agree. dr. hote zoo, would you get on a plane now or in the coming weeks without a mask? >> no. and we have data from the national academy of public sinces, a we also have, you know, randomized clinical trial designs that were common bangladesh and the data supports the use of masks. why say this now when we have the most translistable acceleration and some of these ceos have the intelligence of a door jon. >> thanks so much. >> the dow is relatively flat, just about 70 points right now in the wake of big investments jobless claims rose slightly to 206,000. still down significantly from where the year started, and it's still remaining close to a 52-year low. this is a the federal reserve just announced it is preparing to take action on inflation meaning interest rates are going up. let's bring in justin wolfers, a professor of economics and public policy at the university of michigan. good to see you again, justin. it was just a few months ago that you'll recall that the fed said that inflation was transitory. no more. what do the moves say to you? >> i think it's remarkable the grave continuity that the fed is doing. the fed published their forecast and while they see inflation being high in 2021, the year that's almost over. they see inflation back down to 2.6% next year, 2.3% the year after, 2.1% the year after so the truth is that the fed's own models, on forecasts suggest that much of the talk about inflation is somewhat, well, inflated. 2% something inflation is a rate that you barely notice. i'm not saying that we don't have inflation now. of course we do, and of course your viewers. coming out of academics, it all points to inflation coming down relatively soon. >> okay. a lot of people though don't feel like this is a new deal. a new cnn poll shows 75% of americans are worried about the state of the economy in their community and when asked to rank the severity of issues affecting the economy, here's what they say. 80% say rising cost of food and other everyday items, 77% say rising cost of housing. 70% site rising costs gas as a major problem. you've described the concerns about inflation as divorced from reality, but what do you say to people who have those genuine concerns? >> i should be more careful. what i mean to say, is yes, prices are rights right now. yes it feels painful, but help is on the way. this is just the groans of an economy reopening and sometimes demands get ahead of supply. we're trying to turn the "titanic" around and the reality is prices are rising right now, but most experts seem to expect inflation to hit much more livable levels any time now, so let's -- you know, we have a vicious loop where the media, we're telling people that inflation sheer and it's very painful and people have been telling us that inflation is here and it's very painful. that's true. the bigger question for our viewers is how long is this going to be here and the answer seems to be in a year's time this will just be a memory. >> okay. >> i hope that's the case. >> what grade would you give the economy right now? >> you know, i think we're all the way up to a b-plus and i'm going to tell you i'm not a guy who gives easy grades. you know, we are still, you know, unemployment is down to 4.something and inflation is projected to get to normal pretty soon and that b-plus means that the economy won't get all the help that they have been giving it. if we manage to keep on the current trajectory we'll get back to our pre-pandemic levels within just a few months. i might have hoped that we get there quicker but i'm pleased to see that we're getting there and people who want jobs are increasingly able to find them. >> justin wolfers, really appreciate it. thanks so much for being here with us. >> always good fun, ana. we have some breaking news now. the justice department no longer planning payouts to settle lawsuits with migrant families, families that were victimized by the trump white house's family separation policy. i want to bring in cnn's evan perez. etch, there were negotiations, so how did this reversal come about? >> well, the justice department is not saying exactly why they are no longer doing this, but you can see what happened in the past few weeks with the criticism coming from not only members of coming but also on right wing television, you know, assailing the president for pursuing this course of action which was, as you remember, payments of up to 450,000 for these families, you know, whose children were taken away from them. now the justice department says that they are discontinuing those talks according to the lawyers on the other side. we've got a response from the aclu just a few minutes ago. they say the u.s. government deliberately bowsed young children and yet the biden administration has allowed politics to stand in the waive making it right, and that's shameful. bholt tom line, ana, one of the things we heard from officials in the justice department was the reason to pursue these settlements was that if you go to -- to litigate this. to fight this out in court. the taxpayers are going to end up paying a lot more for -- for what happened during the trump administration, and so now that this is the course that they are going to take, i think that you can guess how this is going to work out. as many as 3,000 kids were taken from their families during this -- this trump administration policy. the biden administration has reversed that obviously, and they are trying to reunite some of those families, but it's a very, very sly painstaking process. ana? >> yeah. at last check there were still more that be 200 children whose parents had still not been made contact with, that they were trying to put them back together. thanks so much, evan perez, for that update. a stunning admission from a sitting member of congress. the gop's jim jordan now revealing he was the lawmaker who sent a coup plan to former trump chief of staff mark meadows. how he's trying to explain it away ahead. plus, she's the ex-cop who claims she meant to use her toyser when she officially shot an unarmed black man with her gun. now kim potter is set to testify in her own defense any moment, and soon president biden will present the medal of honor to three american heroes. we'll bring that to you live. firefighter maggie gronewald knows how to handle dry weather... ...and dry, cracked skin. new gold bond advanced healing ointment. restore healthy skin, with no sticky feeling. gold bond. champion your skin. hi susan! honey? yeah? i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad... try this robitussin honey. the real honey you love... plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? 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>> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ today new evidence that among those who tried to overthrow the presidential election were people elected to protect america's democracy. republican congressman jim jordan confirms he is one of the lawmakers who has had his texts revealed by the january 6th committee. the day before the capitol riot jordan texted trump's then chief of staff mark meadows a literal coup plan. it reads in part, quote, on january 6th, 2021 vice president mike pence as president of the senate should call out all electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all. jordan has tried to defend that coup plan saying it was actually written by someone else. he just forwarded it to meadows. jordan is also upset that only part of that text was read out loud by the committee saying important context was left out. either way, it's another example of established and sometimes elected republicans waging a campaign to arguably steal the election. again, that confirms jordan communicated with meadows. here's what jordan has said when asked about his communications with the president himself on the day of the riot. >> did you talk to the former president that day? >> i talked to the former president umpteen times, thousand -- on january 6th? >> countless times. i never talk about what we talk about because i don't think that's appropriate, just like i don't talk about what happens in republican conferences. i talked to the president numerous times. i continue to talk to the president since he left office. >> on january 6th? >> yes, i talked -- i've talked to the president -- i can't remember all the days i've talked to him but i've certainly talked to the. >> did you speak with president trump on january 6th? >> yeah, i spoke with the president last week. i speak with the president all the time. i spoke with him on january 6th. i talk with president trump all the time. i don't think that's unusual. i would expect members of congress to talk with the president of the united states when they are trying to get done the things they told the voters in their district to do. i -- i'm actually kind of amazed sometimes that people. of course i talk to the president all the time. i talked with him last week. >> on january 6th did you speak with him before, during or after the capitol was attacked? >> i'd have -- i spoke with him that day after. i think after. i don't know if i spoke with him in the morning. i just don't know. i mean, i don't know when those conversations happened, but what i know with spoke with him all the time. >> did you talk to the former president before, during or after the attack on the capitol? >> of course i've talked to the president. of course i've talked to the p.i've been clear about that. of course i talk to the p.i've been clear about that. i don't recall the number of times. >> was it before, during or after the attack -- >> i talked to the president after the attack. >> not before or during? >> right. >> and you -- >> i've been clear about that. >> we'll lit decide if any of that is clear, and let's not forgot republican leaders wanted jordan on the committee to investigate the insurrection. let's break it all down with cnn political commentator and former republican congressman charlie didn't and lawmaker and former federal prosecutor kim whaley. congressman, a sitting member of congress from your party, the ranking member of the house judiciary committee, making real efforts to overturn the will of the people. i'm just going to ask you directly how big of a threat to democracy is jim jordan? >> well, sadly, there are far too many members who believe this false narrative, that the president -- the former president has been pushing that the election was stolen, and they were trying to obviously overturn the results out of many states, including mine of pennsylvania where the count was in fact certified and litigated. so it's quite clear to me that too many members on my side of the aisle are engaging in this anti-democratic behavior, and it's -- it's -- it is stunning and shocking but sadly perhaps not as surprising as one would think and, you know, some are just resistant to the facts. the facts are just not going to persuade them. i think jim jordan sincerely believes that the election was stolen and that -- that president biden is not a legitimate president. >> so is he a threat to democracy? >> well, i would say that, you know, he and others who continue to push this false narrative are taking this country dangerously close to a precipice that we don't want to get anywhere near. i am very worried about democratic back sliding. i would like to think that our institutions are strong and that they will hold, but i don't know how much of this our nation can take, and i think -- i implore people like jim jordan and other republicans to step back and, you know, move on and acknowledge reality and the facts. they have to stop and stop pandering to the president. their loyalty should be to the constitution and to the rule of law and not to a former disgraced president. >> kim, this is indeed another case of shocking but not surprising to learn that jim jordan is somebody who sent this message. in july congresswoman liz cheney said jordan could be a material witness in the committee's probe because he was involved in the meetings in the run up to january 6 and his planning for the day and the election certification. do you expect he'll be called to testify before his colleagues? >> i would expect yes. clearly he has material information about the planning and more and more of it is coming out that people within the white house, people within the united states congress were part of a deliberate effort to, let's be clear, not take the election from one party or another but take the election from the american people, from the voters. that's a very scary thing, and so, yes, he should be called and voters should go to the polls at every opportunity and frankly purge these people from the united states government because i agree with the congressman. we are dangerously close to the end of american democracy and we're watching it unfold now in real time the facts that we all witnessed on january 6th and the problem is, ana, is at the state level what's been politicized is our secretaries of state election officials whose job it is the next round to count and certify the votes. so this is no longer a debate about who gets to vote which has been the fight since the dawning of the republic, but whose vote actually count, and right now we're turning from we the people into we the powerful and the question is what's the accountability for people like jim jordan but also how do we stop this train, this freight train that's moving us off the cliff and those are two separate questions and i don't have any easy answers anymore, ana. when i hear something like that it makes my heart sink. >> we don't even know who all was involved. now we have jim jordan's name but we don't know all of them. do you think that there's a strategy behind the committee not sharing the names of other lawmakers who were sending messages to mark meadows? >> i think the committee at this point has so much information that they need to process and they need to process it very, very rapidly. so, sure. they want to get this information from these key witnesses but they are getting an avalanche, i would guess, of documents, testimony, texts, and they have until really november, the mid-terms to process all of this, and, of course, the committee has no actual power to enforce the law. the question will become will this turn into something that the justice department will ping and actually prosecute, not just the hundreds of insurrectionists, but people, you know, from the leadership down that were involved in the planning of this, and so far frankly merrick garland has been supercede in some instances by judges who thought that the justice department's recommendations for sentencing for people who were on the ground climbing through the cap toll were too low so i really hope -- i hope the justice department is going to wake up like the american people and see what a threat this is because, aprila, this is bad news not for my generation necessarily but for my children and my grandchildren. we've enjoyed democracy that is people choose their leaders for over 230 years. when that goes, we all will lose, not just democrats. everybody will lose. >> and the threat hasn't passed as you point out. it's not over just because trump is now out of office. congressman, mitch mcconnell surprisingly weighed in on the january 6th investigation saying he's watching closely for the big reveal of who is behind all the messages. i wonder if other republican lawmakers share that curiosity because up until now it seems that other than liz cheney and adam kinzinger, most have been actively trying to prevent the truth from coming out. >> well, look, mitch mcconnell, let's remember. he stood up very strongly at the time. he insisted that this was going to be a defining vote, that members needed to vote to certify the election, that this was a very big deal, and i -- he meant it and he still means it, and i think that even many members in the house who voted against certification, you know, will also acknowledge privately that, you know, that this is -- this is a terrible situation that happened and that -- and i think they are also very concerned about what some of their colleagues may have done to aid and assist in any of these insurrectionists who committed crimes on the day of the assault on the capitol. >> are they concerned enough to speak out? are they concerned enough to do anything about it, or are they just drunk on power and are going to keep their mouth shut because they don't want to get ousted from their seat? >> i think many are clearly concerned about their constituents who, unfortunately, because there's been pushback, they believe this big lie. they believe this false narrative, and so, you know, they kind of feel almost powerless to do anything about it because they worry if they speak up too much, they will be prime rid and defeated and treated like liz cheney and adam kinzinger and i think that is their fear, but i've always said if more them spoke up, if hundreds -- if over 100 of them spoke up and just spoke the truth you can't take out everybody, and so i think there's power in numbers. >> mother in numbers. >> yeah. that's it. >> kim, you've called this a red flag moment for american democracy, and i think a lot of people are becoming desensitized to it all. what's your message to our viewers right now about why this matters so much? >> the whole concept of american democracy is that we get to be the bosses of our own government, that we get to basically hire and fire people who have tremendous power over us and our children. if that goes, many things that we -- that we consider just the right of being americans, the ability to speak freely, the ability to associate with whom we want, the ability to practice the religion that we want, these things that to americans are as basic as breathing, they could go and they could go rapidly. that's happened at other parts of the globe and so just like -- i mean, mothers and fathers and grandparents out there, just like you hold your 4-year-old's hand when they cross the street. even if they are having a temper tantrum, you still hang on because their safety is that important to you. preserving american democracy should be that vital to every single person who has enjoyed our freedoms for now several hundred years, but as ben franklin thought we have it so long as we can keep, it i'm parafederation, but this is our birth right. this is a privilege and we have to join hands and protect it. >> kim. just one more quick question, if you will, you know, when we talk about accountability, we've learned oral argots for three lawsuits aimed at holding former president trump and his closest advisers accountable for the insurrection. oral arguments will take place on sxwraer 10. now, a d.c. district judge will term if those lawsuits will go forward. how could what we learned maybe this past week impact that decision, if at all? >> well, i think the federal judiciary so far with frankly perhaps the except of the newest appointees on the supreme court who are very disappointing in terms of ideology, frankly, the federal courts understand the stakes here. i've looked at those cases. i've looked at those motions, and as congressman didn't indicated, mitch mcconnell sort of pointed to civil litigation as a moefns accountability. all of these lawsuits seek to hold donald trump, rudy giuliani and others aable under federal civil rights laws, under assault and battery laws, other ways of basically saying, no, going forward. here's an unjunction. can't do it next time. here's some damages. the d.c. government also filed similar lawsuits. they are arguing first amendment. they are argue immunity. they are arguing a lot of threshold protections that frankly, ana, we haven't seen anything like this in our -- in recent memory, this kind of a coup or an attack on the capitol, an attack on democracy itself, so the arguments that old laws don't fit these new -- these new circumstances, i don't think it's going to work, and then the question will be what will these cases, these litigants, find out in discovery? will jim jordan and others be brought before depositions in federal court? and holding someone in contempt of court is a much faster process if they refuse to comply than contempt of congress which has squishier constitutional implications that i think have allowed people to get around their obligation under the constitution to give the american people their story. >> we'll be watching closely and reporting it all out. thanks so much, kim whaley and charlie didn't, good to have you here. appreciate the discussion. soon, president biden will present the medal of honor to three men who served in iraq or afghanistan. their incredible stories of sacrifice and courage just ahead. every day in business brings something new. so get the flexibility of the new mobile service designed for your small business. introducing comcast business mobile. you get the most reliable network with nationwide 5g included. and you can get unlimited data for just $30 per line per month when you get four lines or mix and match data options. available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. 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>> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ serena: it's my 3:10 no-exit-in-sight migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. serena: ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. former police officer kimberly potter says she will take the stand in her trial as she faced manslaughter charges for killing daunte wright, unarmed black man during a traffic stop just outside of minneapolis. potter maintains she meant to draw her taser to stop wright but accidentally pulled her gun and fired and killed him. cnn correspondent adrianne broaddus is outside the course howth. the defence just began make its case today. fill us in. >> reporter: ana, they did, calling their first witness to the stand, a veteran when it comes to law enforcement. his name is steven iams. he has more than 40 years of experience in law enforcement, and he's trained other police officers around the world in at least 33 countries he's testified. he spent most of the morning talking about taser training, and like the other use of force expert that we heard from yesterday he testified saying he believed potter intended to pull her taser, but that's not the crux of the case. he has not said why she pulled her gun instead. he also testified saying potter did what she was trained to do. listen in. >> was the warning taser, taser, taser reasonable under the circumstances of this case? >> that's specifically taught in the lesson plan. number of reasons, it's not really for the suspect. it's more for the officers and others around the event to understand that a taser is just about to be deployed. >> we heard testimony yesterday that the taser in this case was or the assumed use of the taser was too close to -- to mr. wright to be effective in its impact. do you agree or disagree with that? >> that's completely untrue. >> reporter: during cross-examination the prosecution pushing back a little bit. it's important to underscore the prosecution rested its case this morning after calling more than 20 witnesses, including daunte wright's mother and his father. court resumes after lunch today, and i also want to point out this use of force expert that's testifying today. the first witness the defense called said he had open heart surgery last week. ana? >> thank you for that update. i want to bring in cnn legal analyst and criminal defense attorney joey jackson now. joey, potter says she is going to take the stabbed. good idea? >> ana, good to be with you, i think it's fraught with difficulty for the following reason. if you take the stand in the case, and i understand the significance of it, right? let's talk about that first. there's something called symmetry, and you know that a jury notwithstanding the fact that they will be instructed that a defendant doesn't need to. you're to draw no adverse inference from the fact that they don't. people want to see both sides of the equation so there's that imperative, i get it. there's the imperative of humanizing her and i'm sure they will relay that to the video. there's a videotape where she's pretty much saying, ana, i should kill myself. that's how badly she feels about what occurred but in the event she takes the stand she will have to admit to the material elementsch these charges. what do i mean? i mean as follows. you've been an officer for quite some time. isn't that right? you've been an officer for a couple of decades, more like a quarter of a century and had repeated training as it relates to taser training, not once, not twice, but several times, and you use a tears, it's on the non-dominant side, correct, but you mistook that for your gun or vice versa. you did that, didn't you? and in the event she says yes that's an admission. remember what she's charged with. she's charged with the first count of being reckless with using the taser instead of the firearm, and if the jury doesn't conclude she's reckless and consciously disregarded the risk and made the mistake they will certainly conclude she's negligent, not careless and will you have to make the admission that you're reckless or negligent? and her attorneys argued she would have been justified in using lethal force because daunte wright was trying to move away, drive away, but she concluded that it wasn't necessary, so she's going have to admit and thereby undermine what her defense team is saying. the fact is you didn't use lethal force because you didn't think that it was necessary, correct? you didn't think it was justified. from your perspective you didn't conclude that that is a reasonable thing to do. answer yes. i get why she wants to testify, but in the event that she does goes to the admission of the establishment of the prosecution's case and that goes to the word that we use or the jury will use guilty, and so it's a big ring. >> okay. so you just laid out a lot of things that we will be listening for, joey jackson, when potter takes the stand. thank you. >> always. unprecedented and historic. that is how meteorologists are describing severe weather after tornadoes and hurricane force winds left a trail of damage all across the country. i've been ad with chasing the big idaho potato truck. have we seen the worst of it? i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. knowing where you came from, .. .. “wow, i'm learning about my family.” yeah, yep. which one, what'd you find? lorraine banks, look, county of macomb, michigan? look at grandma... hey grandma! unbelievable. everybody deserves to know who they are and where they came from. this whole journey has been such a huge gift for our family. ♪ >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ meet chef clem, owner of doughn't be sour, a sourdough doughnut company. she was flying back from a conference, when she got a text: she needed a bigger fridge asap if she was going to fulfill her orders. so she used her american express business platinum card® to earn more points on the big-ticket purchase. she got the new fridge, fulfilled the orders, and with her extra points, she got new equipment that allowed her to expand her business by rolling out a new product. get the card built for business. by american express. ♪ you pour your heart into everything you do, which is a lot. so take care of that heart with lipton. because sippin' on unsweetened lipton can help support a healthy heart. lipton. stop chuggin'. start sippin'. to be a thriver with metastatic breast cancer means asking for what we want. and need. and we need more time. so, we want kisqali. women are living longer than ever before with kisqali when taken with an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant in postmenopausal women with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer. kisqali is a pill that's significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant alone. kisqali can cause lung problems, or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. avoid grapefruit during treatment. ask your doctor about living longer with kisqali. (man) so when in doubt, just say, "let me talk to my manager." next, carvana's 100% online shopping experience. oh, man. carvana lets people buy a car-- get this-- from their couch. oh, how disruptive. no salesman there to help me pick out the car i need. how does anyone find a car on this site without someone like us checking in? she's a beauty, huh? oh, golly! (laughter) i can help you find the color you want. that sounds nice. let me talk to my manager. (vo) buy your next car 100% online. with carvana. more than 500,000 customers are still without power after record-setting winds across the midwest and the great plains. it's like something out of a movie. look at the sheer ferocity of this storm in eastern colorado. gusts up to 107 miles an hour reported there. it wasn't just colorado. nine states recorded hurricane-strength wind gusts. there was an extremely rare december tornado in minnesota, first time ever, in fact, and the 20th billion-dollar plus disaster of the year. tom sater joins us. this month we're up to 116. >> five times the amount. when you're trying to connect climate change with tornadoes, we have a limited database, really, with this, ana. we have much more information from hurricanes with ship logs back to the 1800s. open your eyes and jump on, it begins with the woormt. memphis hit 80 degrees last friday. omaha, 74 yesterday. their average high is 38. they hit about -- 61 was the previous record, so, again, blowing it out of the wart, but two, a couple things hat. first on the left-hand side of your screen, extreme fire threats. with you one five that grew to 125 acres? less than two hours s. numerous evacuations and burned instruments, a level 4 out of 5 up to the north, in fact the first time ever for minnesota. rough weather across the line with severe weather. here is the blowing dust and sand you were showing. this town of guymon, they were evacuated. we had a thunderstorm drop a tornado in parts of nebraska. when you have a super cell drop a tornado. they're moving fast. this one was moving at 100 miles an hour. you can't even believe that could happen. we had tornado warnings in nebraska, in the northeast, 150 smiles to the west snow squall warnings at the same time. they closed schools down from way through nebraska, and for good reasons. 54 reports were at hurricane strength, over 74 miles per hour. that's an all-time record for the u.s. for any month. we had over 100 warnings l.a. friday. you got another 74 warnings. just amazing the winds, and now we're still see strong winds in this area. second billion dollar u.s. disaster in less chance a week. it will be winding down. >> just crazy how scary all of it. th thank you, tom sater. any moment president biden will serve the medal of honor to three american heroes. two of the three are receives the awar post-humously. oren, this president will now have his second medal of honor ceremony. the first was in may for a veteran of the korean war. tells more about the recipients. these are all three incredible stories that deserve much more time. one of these goes back 16 years to october 17th, 2005. sergeant first-class cash was in iraq, not his first deemployment when he bradley fighting vehicle was hid by a roadside bomb. it ignited the gas tank, yet cash went back over and over again, even as he began to suffer severe burns to pull out six men, as well as an iraqi interpreter. he succumbed to his wounds a few weeks later. he was initially awarded the silver star. he family and many others lobbied for the medal of hon art that his sister will receive today. in 2013, master sergeant earl plumbly was in afghanistan when the base he was an. he was armed with only a pistol. i spoke with hem yesterday. it was all of seven minutes. he too was at first awarded a silver star, but upon review, he'll receive the medal of honor in a few moments. it was says first-class chris tore solis, who was also in afghanistan when he and his men went to attack an enemy position. they came under heavy fire when one of the soldiers he was serving with was injured. the medevac helicopter came in, solis put himself in the way to defend the helicopter himself and the men on it. when he had the chance to get on the helicopter, it would put it in danger. he signalled them to fly away. he suck come to the wounds he suffered that day. i had a chance to speak with his wife. she always told him come home, do not be a hero, and he said it was not a promise he could keep. it's chilling, inspirational, just incredible the bravery and the sacrifice of all of them. general marks, talk to us a bit more about the significance of this particular honor, the medal of honor. >> well, it's quite significant. just look at the image we have in front of us. look who are up close to the stage where the president is about to conduct the ceremony. all of those are medal of honor recipients who come to honor their brothers. america still has incredible patriots that continue to serve and step forward. secondly, there is no limit to the selflessness and sacrifice and the men, and in the case of one woman during the civil war, will step up to do to protect their brothers and sisters in harm's way. the third thing is, good on d.d d.o.d to continue this process, and come back and say it deserves the medal o

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Infections , Workers , Spillover , Big 30 To 40fold Rights , Fauci , 30 , Data , Protection , Health , Immunization , Security Agency , 75 , 70 , Point Two , Point , Case Scenario , Way , Health Care Providers , Breakthrough , Health Care Workers , Germany , Health Care Workforce , Surge , Wall , Cards , Won T , Needs , Worries , Table , Paxlovid , Pfizer Drug , Information , Power , Everything , It , Question , Masks , Shots , Restrictions , Shutdowns , Ear , The Point Of Snuffing Out Covid , Three , Ability , Sense , Normalcy , Country , Part , Interventions , The American , Centers For Disease Control , Anything , Populations , Percentage , 150000 , Lives , Unvaccinated Americans , Defiance , Institute , Meeting , Unvaccinated , Adviser , Cdv , Health Metrix , 1 Million , 800000 , Faction Eshould , Vaccine , It Doesn T , Payable , J , Perception , Vaccine Effectiveness Data , Market , Public , Fits , Din , They Haven T , Industries , Event , Women , Dcc , Pir Croat , Look , 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Congress , Stories , Men , Sacrifice , Afghanistan , Iraq , Courage , Discussion , Line , Lines , Small Business , Flexibility , Network , Comcast Business Mobile , Nationwide 5g , 0 , Business , Contract , Customers , Internet , Term , Mix , Match Data Options , Fees , Possibilities , Comcast Business , Vo , Subaru , Retailers , Meals , Feeding America , That S Why , One Hundred And Fifty Million , Love Event , Charity , Car Company , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Creams , Jar , Hydration , Collagen Peptide , Cream , Regenerist Retinol24 , Olay , Red Jar , Vitamin C , 00 , Skin Shop , Cash Cellis , Lim Plumlee , Al Win , Pay , Gasps , Spider Man , Sleep Number , Bed , Pressure Points , Holiday Savings Event , Sleep , Weekend Special , Movements , Miss , Temperature Balancing , 50 , 360 , Ends Monday , 48 , Everyone , Mission , Strength , Vitamins , Nutrition , Energy , Minerals , Whoo Hoo , 27 , Man , Rock Music Man , Chances , 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Firearm , The Jury Doesn T , Vice Versa , Didn T You , Attorneys , Negligent , Mistake , Risk , Defense Team , Wasn T , Perspective , Potter , Listening , Ring , Word , Establishment , Tornadoes , Meteorologists , Damage , Trail , Hurricane Force Winds , Worst , Seal , Grown In Idaho , Family , Grandma , County Of Macomb , Michigan , Yep , Lorraine Banks , Unbelievable , Journey , My Truck Is Livelihood , Gift , Ohhh Cool , Chef Clem , Doughn T , Conference , Sourdough Doughnut Company , Card , Orders , Fridge , Purchase , American Express , Rolling Out , Equipment , Product , Care , Breast Cancer , On Unsweetened Lipton , Thriver , Lipton , Sippin , Start Sippin , Stop Chuggin , Aromatase Inhibitor , Fulvestrant , Hr , Kisqali , Liver Problems , Heartbeat , Lung Problems , Blood Cell , Death , Disease , Skin Reactions , Symptoms , Eyes , Change , Pain , Loss , Appetite , Dizziness , Urine , Yellowing , Fever , Bleeding , Bruising , Breastfeeding , Chills , Grapefruit , Manager , Doubt 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Star , Hon Art , 2013 , Pistol , Hem Yesterday , Chris Tore Solis , Review , Seven , Medevac Helicopter , Enemy Position , Soldiers , Chance , Helicopter , Danger , Hero , Wife , General Marks , Promise , Inspirational , Bravery , Stage , Honor , Front , Image , Patriots , Brothers , Limit , Woman , Selflessness , Brothers And Sisters In Harm S Way , Civil War , Medal O , D O ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20240709

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the wrong direction which is why in new york city multiple broadway shows have cancelled performances this week because of covid infections two months after being reopening and despite vaccine requirements for cast, crew and audience members. the metropolitan opera announcing it will require all eligible audience members and employees to receive a booster shot. colleges, including princeton, cornell and others are shifting the last days of fall semester online, and today france just announced it is banning all non-essential travel from the united kingdom which just broke its daily record for new cases. the head of the eu commission warning the omicron variant is set to become the dominant variant in europe by mid-january. cnn's paolo sandoval is joining us in new york where entertainment, education to government services are all being upended. let's go one by one here. first, several broadway shows cancelled again. the met soon to require boosters. what else are you learning? >> yeah. on its surface you may get that feeling at least that we're taking a step back but it's important to point out these are sporadic cancellations that we've seen. just a few select shows because of these breakthrough cases that have been report among some of the cast and crew at some of these popular showers, very popular shows. "hamilton," "ain't too proud," "doubtfire" and the list goes on. they want to be able to substitute some of the employees and cast members so as a result they have cancelled a few select shoes. nonetheless, it's certainly not good news for an industry that was hit particularly hard just months after its return after the pandemic forced the closure of broadway for obviously a long time here so certainly a concern but nonetheless something that authorities are monitoring here in new york city as more of the cancellations are very possible with more of these breakthrough cases reported in broadway. >> we're also learning, paolo, that the manhattan d.a.'s office has had an outbreak now causing staffing short action and other disruptions. what more do you know? >> right. it was described as a material uptick in covid-positive cases here that were detected with the district attorney's office in a letter that was sent to staff. they said that many of those cases have been relatively mild to moderate and they do expect obviously full recovery for those individuals there, and yes it's led to staff shortages so they are trying to keep up obviously with the case load and then they are also recommending against staff attending off site holiday parties. they believe that that is what this uptick in cases is linked to. >> a holiday party. there you go. paolo, you are also there on nyu's campus right now. we talked about colleges there. they are not requiring but are strongly urging faculty to change final calls to remote or online formats, plus, a new booster requirement? >> yeah. it's a considerate acceleration in the number of cases that they have noticed here on the nyu campus, and really there are multiple schools also that are going in that direction where they are recommending that faculty simply go back to remote for their final exams. i've spoken to a lot of students this morning and this afternoon, ana, and they are largely -- they agree with the step to ensure the safety of these students. especially before they head home for the holidays so that's kind of what we're hearing here but statement one of the student you're about to hear from is more concerned about the spring and wants to make sure that these kinds of steps or at least that nyu continues to take steps to ensure the safety of faculty and staff after the holiday season. >> i feel likeful cases are high a little bit, yes, because i'm going to be a t.a. next semester so i would be interacting with a lot of students and if cases are high i would prefer to go online but only in that sort of case because i do value, you know, in-person teaching, but if it needs to be, it needs to be type of thing. >> so there's a safety and there's obviously the convenience. we'll take you to final remotely. that's why students do want to go with this and finally to put a button on this, ana, they are also on board with the fact that they will be required to upload proof of their booster by the start of the spring semester. >> paolo sandoval. thank you. let's tune to dr. peter hotez, professor and dean at baylor college of medicine. doctor, first, just how concerned are you right now with what you're seeing? >> reporter: yeah, no, it's very distressing because we knew an omicron wave was coming because it was picked up in the united kingdom, but, you know, in the past, ana, for the delta variant, once it picked up in the uk we had four to six weeks before it really started climbing here and that happened with both previous variants, so on that basis i would have thought, okay, maybe towards the end of january, but this thing is so aggressive and so highly transmissible, this is why we're seeing it now, especially in new york and new jersey where dr. walensky said a couple of days ago about that about 13% of the variants now in new york and new jersey are the omicron variant, and it could be double that by now. >> just yesterday, u.s. researchers report the omicron variant is markedly resistant to four major vaccines used globally, plus every authorized antibody treatment, so for people who may say this doesn't sound good but it looks like omicron is resulting in mostly mild illness, so how worried should i really be, what say you? >> well, clearly, just having two doses of either the mrna vaccines will not be adequate. you're going to see a lot of symptomatic breakthrough infections and even potentially some hospitalizations. once you get that third dose, and as dr. fauci has been saying all workers you get a big 30 to 40fold rights with spillover to the omicron variant so no question you'll be better off. having said that with the third immunization, data coming out of uk health security agency said about 70% to 75 protection against symptomatic illness so not quite as good as it is against the other variants. that's point up. point two, that level of protection is -- may be the best case scenario because it starts to decline after a few months based on data coming out of germany, so that's why this is going to be so problematic is we will see breakthrough symptomatic illness, hopefully not much in the way of hospitalizations, but it will force us to be cautious, and the other concern that i have is among our health care workers, health care providers who got boosted maybe a couple of months ago, the first to adopt that third immunization. are they having wasn'ting protection and do we have to worry about maintaining the health care workforce during this surge? that's one of may biggest worries. should we even think about a second booster for health care providers and i think all of this needs to be put on the table. remember, we don't have the pfizer drug, paxlovid and won't have an omicron-specific booster so we have to deal with the cards that we're dealt with. >> right. >> and maybe a second booster is in the cards. >> i think it's so important to put everything out there, to bes a transparent as possible. information is power, and yet a lot of americans are just so tired of all of this, right? many have done everything you tell them to do. they have got their three shots. they have been wearing masks but now they hear of more shutdowns, more restrictions. we've been told we're beyond the point of snuffing out covid entirely, right? y with ear going have to live with it, so the question is how can we get there, to live with it and still have a sense of normalcy? >> well, again, i think we have to max out our ability to advantagesate the american country. you've got one part of the country that's all in on health and metrical interventions, they will do what's recommended by the centers for disease control and if they say you need boosters, you need boosters and we have are a percentage. question that's not abiding by anything. we've seen deaths climb among those populations. it's terrible, 150,000 unvaccinated americans have lost their lives since june over the last six months, and those are lives that did not have to be lost, but they were lost because of defiance over getting vaccinated, and that number is an end number, it's about to double because the institute for health metrix say we can go from 800,000 to 1 million and that will be all among the unvaccinated or overwhelmingly. >> cdv adviser are meeting today to weigh whether a faction eshould be released to certain populations? does it make sense to just take j&j off the payable? >> as i sake to say. it doesn't take much even for a good vaccine to be taken off the market because of public perception and it took two fits. one is the fact that almost of our vaccine effectiveness data is coming out of the criminal and the uk and the vaccine is not used in those two din industries from. they haven't happy with had a they got and then the cdc throws on this data and then you have a very serious event, higher in young women because they are on pir croat an now the dcc has to take a look at it. public perception will not tolerate the vaccine. >> it was an advantage over the moderna vaccines because it helps stipulate the production of cells that the mrna vaccines don't do as well. >> i want to squeeze in one final question because, of course, it's the holidays and more people are traveling. i want you to listen to something. the ceos of southwest and american airlines said yesterday about masks on planes. >> yeah, think the base very strong that masks don't add much in the air cabin environment. it's very safe compared to any other indoor setting. >> i agree. dr. hote zoo, would you get on a plane now or in the coming weeks without a mask? >> no. and we have data from the national academy of public sinces, a we also have, you know, randomized clinical trial designs that were common bangladesh and the data supports the use of masks. why say this now when we have the most translistable acceleration and some of these ceos have the intelligence of a door jon. >> thanks so much. >> the dow is relatively flat, just about 70 points right now in the wake of big investments jobless claims rose slightly to 206,000. still down significantly from where the year started, and it's still remaining close to a 52-year low. this is a the federal reserve just announced it is preparing to take action on inflation meaning interest rates are going up. let's bring in justin wolfers, a professor of economics and public policy at the university of michigan. good to see you again, justin. it was just a few months ago that you'll recall that the fed said that inflation was transitory. no more. what do the moves say to you? >> i think it's remarkable the grave continuity that the fed is doing. the fed published their forecast and while they see inflation being high in 2021, the year that's almost over. they see inflation back down to 2.6% next year, 2.3% the year after, 2.1% the year after so the truth is that the fed's own models, on forecasts suggest that much of the talk about inflation is somewhat, well, inflated. 2% something inflation is a rate that you barely notice. i'm not saying that we don't have inflation now. of course we do, and of course your viewers. coming out of academics, it all points to inflation coming down relatively soon. >> okay. a lot of people though don't feel like this is a new deal. a new cnn poll shows 75% of americans are worried about the state of the economy in their community and when asked to rank the severity of issues affecting the economy, here's what they say. 80% say rising cost of food and other everyday items, 77% say rising cost of housing. 70% site rising costs gas as a major problem. you've described the concerns about inflation as divorced from reality, but what do you say to people who have those genuine concerns? >> i should be more careful. what i mean to say, is yes, prices are rights right now. yes it feels painful, but help is on the way. this is just the groans of an economy reopening and sometimes demands get ahead of supply. we're trying to turn the "titanic" around and the reality is prices are rising right now, but most experts seem to expect inflation to hit much more livable levels any time now, so let's -- you know, we have a vicious loop where the media, we're telling people that inflation sheer and it's very painful and people have been telling us that inflation is here and it's very painful. that's true. the bigger question for our viewers is how long is this going to be here and the answer seems to be in a year's time this will just be a memory. >> okay. >> i hope that's the case. >> what grade would you give the economy right now? >> you know, i think we're all the way up to a b-plus and i'm going to tell you i'm not a guy who gives easy grades. you know, we are still, you know, unemployment is down to 4.something and inflation is projected to get to normal pretty soon and that b-plus means that the economy won't get all the help that they have been giving it. if we manage to keep on the current trajectory we'll get back to our pre-pandemic levels within just a few months. i might have hoped that we get there quicker but i'm pleased to see that we're getting there and people who want jobs are increasingly able to find them. >> justin wolfers, really appreciate it. thanks so much for being here with us. >> always good fun, ana. we have some breaking news now. the justice department no longer planning payouts to settle lawsuits with migrant families, families that were victimized by the trump white house's family separation policy. i want to bring in cnn's evan perez. etch, there were negotiations, so how did this reversal come about? >> well, the justice department is not saying exactly why they are no longer doing this, but you can see what happened in the past few weeks with the criticism coming from not only members of coming but also on right wing television, you know, assailing the president for pursuing this course of action which was, as you remember, payments of up to 450,000 for these families, you know, whose children were taken away from them. now the justice department says that they are discontinuing those talks according to the lawyers on the other side. we've got a response from the aclu just a few minutes ago. they say the u.s. government deliberately bowsed young children and yet the biden administration has allowed politics to stand in the waive making it right, and that's shameful. bholt tom line, ana, one of the things we heard from officials in the justice department was the reason to pursue these settlements was that if you go to -- to litigate this. to fight this out in court. the taxpayers are going to end up paying a lot more for -- for what happened during the trump administration, and so now that this is the course that they are going to take, i think that you can guess how this is going to work out. as many as 3,000 kids were taken from their families during this -- this trump administration policy. the biden administration has reversed that obviously, and they are trying to reunite some of those families, but it's a very, very sly painstaking process. ana? >> yeah. at last check there were still more that be 200 children whose parents had still not been made contact with, that they were trying to put them back together. thanks so much, evan perez, for that update. a stunning admission from a sitting member of congress. the gop's jim jordan now revealing he was the lawmaker who sent a coup plan to former trump chief of staff mark meadows. how he's trying to explain it away ahead. plus, she's the ex-cop who claims she meant to use her toyser when she officially shot an unarmed black man with her gun. now kim potter is set to testify in her own defense any moment, and soon president biden will present the medal of honor to three american heroes. we'll bring that to you live. firefighter maggie gronewald knows how to handle dry weather... ...and dry, cracked skin. new gold bond advanced healing ointment. restore healthy skin, with no sticky feeling. gold bond. champion your skin. hi susan! honey? yeah? i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad... try this robitussin honey. the real honey you love... plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? 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>> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ today new evidence that among those who tried to overthrow the presidential election were people elected to protect america's democracy. republican congressman jim jordan confirms he is one of the lawmakers who has had his texts revealed by the january 6th committee. the day before the capitol riot jordan texted trump's then chief of staff mark meadows a literal coup plan. it reads in part, quote, on january 6th, 2021 vice president mike pence as president of the senate should call out all electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all. jordan has tried to defend that coup plan saying it was actually written by someone else. he just forwarded it to meadows. jordan is also upset that only part of that text was read out loud by the committee saying important context was left out. either way, it's another example of established and sometimes elected republicans waging a campaign to arguably steal the election. again, that confirms jordan communicated with meadows. here's what jordan has said when asked about his communications with the president himself on the day of the riot. >> did you talk to the former president that day? >> i talked to the former president umpteen times, thousand -- on january 6th? >> countless times. i never talk about what we talk about because i don't think that's appropriate, just like i don't talk about what happens in republican conferences. i talked to the president numerous times. i continue to talk to the president since he left office. >> on january 6th? >> yes, i talked -- i've talked to the president -- i can't remember all the days i've talked to him but i've certainly talked to the. >> did you speak with president trump on january 6th? >> yeah, i spoke with the president last week. i speak with the president all the time. i spoke with him on january 6th. i talk with president trump all the time. i don't think that's unusual. i would expect members of congress to talk with the president of the united states when they are trying to get done the things they told the voters in their district to do. i -- i'm actually kind of amazed sometimes that people. of course i talk to the president all the time. i talked with him last week. >> on january 6th did you speak with him before, during or after the capitol was attacked? >> i'd have -- i spoke with him that day after. i think after. i don't know if i spoke with him in the morning. i just don't know. i mean, i don't know when those conversations happened, but what i know with spoke with him all the time. >> did you talk to the former president before, during or after the attack on the capitol? >> of course i've talked to the president. of course i've talked to the p.i've been clear about that. of course i talk to the p.i've been clear about that. i don't recall the number of times. >> was it before, during or after the attack -- >> i talked to the president after the attack. >> not before or during? >> right. >> and you -- >> i've been clear about that. >> we'll lit decide if any of that is clear, and let's not forgot republican leaders wanted jordan on the committee to investigate the insurrection. let's break it all down with cnn political commentator and former republican congressman charlie didn't and lawmaker and former federal prosecutor kim whaley. congressman, a sitting member of congress from your party, the ranking member of the house judiciary committee, making real efforts to overturn the will of the people. i'm just going to ask you directly how big of a threat to democracy is jim jordan? >> well, sadly, there are far too many members who believe this false narrative, that the president -- the former president has been pushing that the election was stolen, and they were trying to obviously overturn the results out of many states, including mine of pennsylvania where the count was in fact certified and litigated. so it's quite clear to me that too many members on my side of the aisle are engaging in this anti-democratic behavior, and it's -- it's -- it is stunning and shocking but sadly perhaps not as surprising as one would think and, you know, some are just resistant to the facts. the facts are just not going to persuade them. i think jim jordan sincerely believes that the election was stolen and that -- that president biden is not a legitimate president. >> so is he a threat to democracy? >> well, i would say that, you know, he and others who continue to push this false narrative are taking this country dangerously close to a precipice that we don't want to get anywhere near. i am very worried about democratic back sliding. i would like to think that our institutions are strong and that they will hold, but i don't know how much of this our nation can take, and i think -- i implore people like jim jordan and other republicans to step back and, you know, move on and acknowledge reality and the facts. they have to stop and stop pandering to the president. their loyalty should be to the constitution and to the rule of law and not to a former disgraced president. >> kim, this is indeed another case of shocking but not surprising to learn that jim jordan is somebody who sent this message. in july congresswoman liz cheney said jordan could be a material witness in the committee's probe because he was involved in the meetings in the run up to january 6 and his planning for the day and the election certification. do you expect he'll be called to testify before his colleagues? >> i would expect yes. clearly he has material information about the planning and more and more of it is coming out that people within the white house, people within the united states congress were part of a deliberate effort to, let's be clear, not take the election from one party or another but take the election from the american people, from the voters. that's a very scary thing, and so, yes, he should be called and voters should go to the polls at every opportunity and frankly purge these people from the united states government because i agree with the congressman. we are dangerously close to the end of american democracy and we're watching it unfold now in real time the facts that we all witnessed on january 6th and the problem is, ana, is at the state level what's been politicized is our secretaries of state election officials whose job it is the next round to count and certify the votes. so this is no longer a debate about who gets to vote which has been the fight since the dawning of the republic, but whose vote actually count, and right now we're turning from we the people into we the powerful and the question is what's the accountability for people like jim jordan but also how do we stop this train, this freight train that's moving us off the cliff and those are two separate questions and i don't have any easy answers anymore, ana. when i hear something like that it makes my heart sink. >> we don't even know who all was involved. now we have jim jordan's name but we don't know all of them. do you think that there's a strategy behind the committee not sharing the names of other lawmakers who were sending messages to mark meadows? >> i think the committee at this point has so much information that they need to process and they need to process it very, very rapidly. so, sure. they want to get this information from these key witnesses but they are getting an avalanche, i would guess, of documents, testimony, texts, and they have until really november, the mid-terms to process all of this, and, of course, the committee has no actual power to enforce the law. the question will become will this turn into something that the justice department will ping and actually prosecute, not just the hundreds of insurrectionists, but people, you know, from the leadership down that were involved in the planning of this, and so far frankly merrick garland has been supercede in some instances by judges who thought that the justice department's recommendations for sentencing for people who were on the ground climbing through the cap toll were too low so i really hope -- i hope the justice department is going to wake up like the american people and see what a threat this is because, aprila, this is bad news not for my generation necessarily but for my children and my grandchildren. we've enjoyed democracy that is people choose their leaders for over 230 years. when that goes, we all will lose, not just democrats. everybody will lose. >> and the threat hasn't passed as you point out. it's not over just because trump is now out of office. congressman, mitch mcconnell surprisingly weighed in on the january 6th investigation saying he's watching closely for the big reveal of who is behind all the messages. i wonder if other republican lawmakers share that curiosity because up until now it seems that other than liz cheney and adam kinzinger, most have been actively trying to prevent the truth from coming out. >> well, look, mitch mcconnell, let's remember. he stood up very strongly at the time. he insisted that this was going to be a defining vote, that members needed to vote to certify the election, that this was a very big deal, and i -- he meant it and he still means it, and i think that even many members in the house who voted against certification, you know, will also acknowledge privately that, you know, that this is -- this is a terrible situation that happened and that -- and i think they are also very concerned about what some of their colleagues may have done to aid and assist in any of these insurrectionists who committed crimes on the day of the assault on the capitol. >> are they concerned enough to speak out? are they concerned enough to do anything about it, or are they just drunk on power and are going to keep their mouth shut because they don't want to get ousted from their seat? >> i think many are clearly concerned about their constituents who, unfortunately, because there's been pushback, they believe this big lie. they believe this false narrative, and so, you know, they kind of feel almost powerless to do anything about it because they worry if they speak up too much, they will be prime rid and defeated and treated like liz cheney and adam kinzinger and i think that is their fear, but i've always said if more them spoke up, if hundreds -- if over 100 of them spoke up and just spoke the truth you can't take out everybody, and so i think there's power in numbers. >> mother in numbers. >> yeah. that's it. >> kim, you've called this a red flag moment for american democracy, and i think a lot of people are becoming desensitized to it all. what's your message to our viewers right now about why this matters so much? >> the whole concept of american democracy is that we get to be the bosses of our own government, that we get to basically hire and fire people who have tremendous power over us and our children. if that goes, many things that we -- that we consider just the right of being americans, the ability to speak freely, the ability to associate with whom we want, the ability to practice the religion that we want, these things that to americans are as basic as breathing, they could go and they could go rapidly. that's happened at other parts of the globe and so just like -- i mean, mothers and fathers and grandparents out there, just like you hold your 4-year-old's hand when they cross the street. even if they are having a temper tantrum, you still hang on because their safety is that important to you. preserving american democracy should be that vital to every single person who has enjoyed our freedoms for now several hundred years, but as ben franklin thought we have it so long as we can keep, it i'm parafederation, but this is our birth right. this is a privilege and we have to join hands and protect it. >> kim. just one more quick question, if you will, you know, when we talk about accountability, we've learned oral argots for three lawsuits aimed at holding former president trump and his closest advisers accountable for the insurrection. oral arguments will take place on sxwraer 10. now, a d.c. district judge will term if those lawsuits will go forward. how could what we learned maybe this past week impact that decision, if at all? >> well, i think the federal judiciary so far with frankly perhaps the except of the newest appointees on the supreme court who are very disappointing in terms of ideology, frankly, the federal courts understand the stakes here. i've looked at those cases. i've looked at those motions, and as congressman didn't indicated, mitch mcconnell sort of pointed to civil litigation as a moefns accountability. all of these lawsuits seek to hold donald trump, rudy giuliani and others aable under federal civil rights laws, under assault and battery laws, other ways of basically saying, no, going forward. here's an unjunction. can't do it next time. here's some damages. the d.c. government also filed similar lawsuits. they are arguing first amendment. they are argue immunity. they are arguing a lot of threshold protections that frankly, ana, we haven't seen anything like this in our -- in recent memory, this kind of a coup or an attack on the capitol, an attack on democracy itself, so the arguments that old laws don't fit these new -- these new circumstances, i don't think it's going to work, and then the question will be what will these cases, these litigants, find out in discovery? will jim jordan and others be brought before depositions in federal court? and holding someone in contempt of court is a much faster process if they refuse to comply than contempt of congress which has squishier constitutional implications that i think have allowed people to get around their obligation under the constitution to give the american people their story. >> we'll be watching closely and reporting it all out. thanks so much, kim whaley and charlie didn't, good to have you here. appreciate the discussion. soon, president biden will present the medal of honor to three men who served in iraq or afghanistan. their incredible stories of sacrifice and courage just ahead. every day in business brings something new. so get the flexibility of the new mobile service designed for your small business. introducing comcast business mobile. you get the most reliable network with nationwide 5g included. and you can get unlimited data for just $30 per line per month when you get four lines or mix and match data options. available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. 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>> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ serena: it's my 3:10 no-exit-in-sight migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. serena: ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. former police officer kimberly potter says she will take the stand in her trial as she faced manslaughter charges for killing daunte wright, unarmed black man during a traffic stop just outside of minneapolis. potter maintains she meant to draw her taser to stop wright but accidentally pulled her gun and fired and killed him. cnn correspondent adrianne broaddus is outside the course howth. the defence just began make its case today. fill us in. >> reporter: ana, they did, calling their first witness to the stand, a veteran when it comes to law enforcement. his name is steven iams. he has more than 40 years of experience in law enforcement, and he's trained other police officers around the world in at least 33 countries he's testified. he spent most of the morning talking about taser training, and like the other use of force expert that we heard from yesterday he testified saying he believed potter intended to pull her taser, but that's not the crux of the case. he has not said why she pulled her gun instead. he also testified saying potter did what she was trained to do. listen in. >> was the warning taser, taser, taser reasonable under the circumstances of this case? >> that's specifically taught in the lesson plan. number of reasons, it's not really for the suspect. it's more for the officers and others around the event to understand that a taser is just about to be deployed. >> we heard testimony yesterday that the taser in this case was or the assumed use of the taser was too close to -- to mr. wright to be effective in its impact. do you agree or disagree with that? >> that's completely untrue. >> reporter: during cross-examination the prosecution pushing back a little bit. it's important to underscore the prosecution rested its case this morning after calling more than 20 witnesses, including daunte wright's mother and his father. court resumes after lunch today, and i also want to point out this use of force expert that's testifying today. the first witness the defense called said he had open heart surgery last week. ana? >> thank you for that update. i want to bring in cnn legal analyst and criminal defense attorney joey jackson now. joey, potter says she is going to take the stabbed. good idea? >> ana, good to be with you, i think it's fraught with difficulty for the following reason. if you take the stand in the case, and i understand the significance of it, right? let's talk about that first. there's something called symmetry, and you know that a jury notwithstanding the fact that they will be instructed that a defendant doesn't need to. you're to draw no adverse inference from the fact that they don't. people want to see both sides of the equation so there's that imperative, i get it. there's the imperative of humanizing her and i'm sure they will relay that to the video. there's a videotape where she's pretty much saying, ana, i should kill myself. that's how badly she feels about what occurred but in the event she takes the stand she will have to admit to the material elementsch these charges. what do i mean? i mean as follows. you've been an officer for quite some time. isn't that right? you've been an officer for a couple of decades, more like a quarter of a century and had repeated training as it relates to taser training, not once, not twice, but several times, and you use a tears, it's on the non-dominant side, correct, but you mistook that for your gun or vice versa. you did that, didn't you? and in the event she says yes that's an admission. remember what she's charged with. she's charged with the first count of being reckless with using the taser instead of the firearm, and if the jury doesn't conclude she's reckless and consciously disregarded the risk and made the mistake they will certainly conclude she's negligent, not careless and will you have to make the admission that you're reckless or negligent? and her attorneys argued she would have been justified in using lethal force because daunte wright was trying to move away, drive away, but she concluded that it wasn't necessary, so she's going have to admit and thereby undermine what her defense team is saying. the fact is you didn't use lethal force because you didn't think that it was necessary, correct? you didn't think it was justified. from your perspective you didn't conclude that that is a reasonable thing to do. answer yes. i get why she wants to testify, but in the event that she does goes to the admission of the establishment of the prosecution's case and that goes to the word that we use or the jury will use guilty, and so it's a big ring. >> okay. so you just laid out a lot of things that we will be listening for, joey jackson, when potter takes the stand. thank you. >> always. unprecedented and historic. that is how meteorologists are describing severe weather after tornadoes and hurricane force winds left a trail of damage all across the country. i've been ad with chasing the big idaho potato truck. have we seen the worst of it? i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. knowing where you came from, .. .. “wow, i'm learning about my family.” yeah, yep. which one, what'd you find? lorraine banks, look, county of macomb, michigan? look at grandma... hey grandma! unbelievable. everybody deserves to know who they are and where they came from. this whole journey has been such a huge gift for our family. ♪ >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ meet chef clem, owner of doughn't be sour, a sourdough doughnut company. she was flying back from a conference, when she got a text: she needed a bigger fridge asap if she was going to fulfill her orders. so she used her american express business platinum card® to earn more points on the big-ticket purchase. she got the new fridge, fulfilled the orders, and with her extra points, she got new equipment that allowed her to expand her business by rolling out a new product. get the card built for business. by american express. ♪ you pour your heart into everything you do, which is a lot. so take care of that heart with lipton. because sippin' on unsweetened lipton can help support a healthy heart. lipton. stop chuggin'. start sippin'. to be a thriver with metastatic breast cancer means asking for what we want. and need. and we need more time. so, we want kisqali. women are living longer than ever before with kisqali when taken with an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant in postmenopausal women with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer. kisqali is a pill that's significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant alone. kisqali can cause lung problems, or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. avoid grapefruit during treatment. ask your doctor about living longer with kisqali. 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(vo) buy your next car 100% online. with carvana. more than 500,000 customers are still without power after record-setting winds across the midwest and the great plains. it's like something out of a movie. look at the sheer ferocity of this storm in eastern colorado. gusts up to 107 miles an hour reported there. it wasn't just colorado. nine states recorded hurricane-strength wind gusts. there was an extremely rare december tornado in minnesota, first time ever, in fact, and the 20th billion-dollar plus disaster of the year. tom sater joins us. this month we're up to 116. >> five times the amount. when you're trying to connect climate change with tornadoes, we have a limited database, really, with this, ana. we have much more information from hurricanes with ship logs back to the 1800s. open your eyes and jump on, it begins with the woormt. memphis hit 80 degrees last friday. omaha, 74 yesterday. their average high is 38. they hit about -- 61 was the previous record, so, again, blowing it out of the wart, but two, a couple things hat. first on the left-hand side of your screen, extreme fire threats. with you one five that grew to 125 acres? less than two hours s. numerous evacuations and burned instruments, a level 4 out of 5 up to the north, in fact the first time ever for minnesota. rough weather across the line with severe weather. here is the blowing dust and sand you were showing. this town of guymon, they were evacuated. we had a thunderstorm drop a tornado in parts of nebraska. when you have a super cell drop a tornado. they're moving fast. this one was moving at 100 miles an hour. you can't even believe that could happen. we had tornado warnings in nebraska, in the northeast, 150 smiles to the west snow squall warnings at the same time. they closed schools down from way through nebraska, and for good reasons. 54 reports were at hurricane strength, over 74 miles per hour. that's an all-time record for the u.s. for any month. we had over 100 warnings l.a. friday. you got another 74 warnings. just amazing the winds, and now we're still see strong winds in this area. second billion dollar u.s. disaster in less chance a week. it will be winding down. >> just crazy how scary all of it. th thank you, tom sater. any moment president biden will serve the medal of honor to three american heroes. two of the three are receives the awar post-humously. oren, this president will now have his second medal of honor ceremony. the first was in may for a veteran of the korean war. tells more about the recipients. these are all three incredible stories that deserve much more time. one of these goes back 16 years to october 17th, 2005. sergeant first-class cash was in iraq, not his first deemployment when he bradley fighting vehicle was hid by a roadside bomb. it ignited the gas tank, yet cash went back over and over again, even as he began to suffer severe burns to pull out six men, as well as an iraqi interpreter. he succumbed to his wounds a few weeks later. he was initially awarded the silver star. he family and many others lobbied for the medal of hon art that his sister will receive today. in 2013, master sergeant earl plumbly was in afghanistan when the base he was an. he was armed with only a pistol. i spoke with hem yesterday. it was all of seven minutes. he too was at first awarded a silver star, but upon review, he'll receive the medal of honor in a few moments. it was says first-class chris tore solis, who was also in afghanistan when he and his men went to attack an enemy position. they came under heavy fire when one of the soldiers he was serving with was injured. the medevac helicopter came in, solis put himself in the way to defend the helicopter himself and the men on it. when he had the chance to get on the helicopter, it would put it in danger. he signalled them to fly away. he suck come to the wounds he suffered that day. i had a chance to speak with his wife. she always told him come home, do not be a hero, and he said it was not a promise he could keep. it's chilling, inspirational, just incredible the bravery and the sacrifice of all of them. general marks, talk to us a bit more about the significance of this particular honor, the medal of honor. >> well, it's quite significant. just look at the image we have in front of us. look who are up close to the stage where the president is about to conduct the ceremony. all of those are medal of honor recipients who come to honor their brothers. america still has incredible patriots that continue to serve and step forward. secondly, there is no limit to the selflessness and sacrifice and the men, and in the case of one woman during the civil war, will step up to do to protect their brothers and sisters in harm's way. the third thing is, good on d.d d.o.d to continue this process, and come back and say it deserves the medal o

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Insurrectionists , Assault , Crimes , Constituents , Mouth , Seat , Pushback , Feel , Big Lie , Numbers , Mother , Fear , Hundreds , 100 , Red Flag , Fire , Concept , Matters , Bosses , Religion , Parts , Grandparents , Mothers , Fathers , Globe , Person , Preserving American Democracy , Temper Tantrum , Freedoms , The Street , Birth , Privilege , Hands , Ben Franklin , Parafederation , Oral Argots , Oral Arguments , Advisers , Place , Impact , District Judge , Decision , D C , Sxwraer 10 , 10 , Newest Appointees On The Supreme Court , Courts , Terms , Judiciary , Ideology , Stakes , Motions , Donald Trump , Moefns Accountability , Litigation , Civil Rights Laws , Rudy Giuliani , Laws , Immunity , Damages , Battery , Ways , Unjunction , Amendment , Circumstances , Coup , Protections , Threshold , We Haven T , Arguments , Democracy Itself , Someone , Holding , Contempt Of Court , Work , Federal Court , Discovery , Litigants , Depositions , Story , Obligation , Implications , Contempt Of Congress , Stories , Men , Sacrifice , Afghanistan , Iraq , Courage , Discussion , Line , Lines , Small Business , Flexibility , Network , Comcast Business Mobile , Nationwide 5g , 0 , Business , Contract , Customers , Internet , Term , Mix , Match Data Options , Fees , Possibilities , Comcast Business , Vo , Subaru , Retailers , Meals , Feeding America , That S Why , One Hundred And Fifty Million , Love Event , Charity , Car Company , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Creams , Jar , Hydration , Collagen Peptide , Cream , Regenerist Retinol24 , Olay , Red Jar , Vitamin C , 00 , Skin Shop , Cash Cellis , Lim Plumlee , Al Win , Pay , Gasps , Spider Man , Sleep Number , Bed , Pressure Points , Holiday Savings Event , Sleep , Weekend Special , Movements , Miss , Temperature Balancing , 50 , 360 , Ends Monday , 48 , Everyone , Mission , Strength , Vitamins , Nutrition , Energy , Minerals , Whoo Hoo , 27 , Man , Rock Music Man , Chances , Protein , Livelihood , Truck , Expert Service , Matter , Friend , Migraine Medicine , Ubrelvy , Serena , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , 3 , Pill , Tiredness , Migraine , Inhibitors , Cause , Tracks , Nausea , Cgrp Protein , Older Medicines , Cyp3a4 , Side Effects , Cyp3 , Kimberly Potter , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Taser , Daunte Wright , Stand , Stop Wright , Manslaughter Charges , Traffic Stop , Trial , Minneapolis , Adrianne Broaddus , Defence , Course Howth , Experience , Witness , Law Enforcement , The Stand , Police Officers , Countries , Steven Iams , 33 , Force , Expert , Taser Training , Crux , Officers , Lesson Plan , Reasons , Suspect , Warning Taser , Mr , Prosecution , Father , 20 , Joey Jackson , Heart Surgery , Testifying Today , Analyst , Significance , Good , Stabbed , Idea , Difficulty , Sides , Jury , Defendant , Inference , Symmetry , Equation , Doesn T Need To , Imperative , Videotape , Saying , Video , Isn T , Officer , Charges , Material , Training , Tears , Firearm , The Jury Doesn T , Vice Versa , Didn T You , Attorneys , Negligent , Mistake , Risk , Defense Team , Wasn T , Perspective , Potter , Listening , Ring , Word , Establishment , Tornadoes , Meteorologists , Damage , Trail , Hurricane Force Winds , Worst , Seal , Grown In Idaho , Family , Grandma , County Of Macomb , Michigan , Yep , Lorraine Banks , Unbelievable , Journey , My Truck Is Livelihood , Gift , Ohhh Cool , Chef Clem , Doughn T , Conference , Sourdough Doughnut Company , Card , Orders , Fridge , Purchase , American Express , Rolling Out , Equipment , Product , Care , Breast Cancer , On Unsweetened Lipton , Thriver , Lipton , Sippin , Start Sippin , Stop Chuggin , Aromatase Inhibitor , Fulvestrant , Hr , Kisqali , Liver Problems , Heartbeat , Lung Problems , Blood Cell , Death , Disease , Skin Reactions , Symptoms , Eyes , Change , Pain , Loss , Appetite , Dizziness , Urine , Yellowing , Fever , Bleeding , Bruising , Breastfeeding , Chills , Grapefruit , Manager , Doubt 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Star , Hon Art , 2013 , Pistol , Hem Yesterday , Chris Tore Solis , Review , Seven , Medevac Helicopter , Enemy Position , Soldiers , Chance , Helicopter , Danger , Hero , Wife , General Marks , Promise , Inspirational , Bravery , Stage , Honor , Front , Image , Patriots , Brothers , Limit , Woman , Selflessness , Brothers And Sisters In Harm S Way , Civil War , Medal O , D O ,

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