Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240709 : compareme

Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240709

could a bob dole a model of decorum get nominated in his party? no way. which is why his passing should be reason to hit the pause button. a reflection point as to bhutsz what's changed since people like him ran for auflgsz out of a sense of duty and obligation. bob dole ran to serve, not be. he cast more than 12,000 votes in congress. and while a loyal republican, was not always predictable. he hoopposed many of the great society programs of lbj and supported the civil rights act of 1964 and the voting rights act of 1965. he joined forces with democratic senator, daniel patrick moynihan in 1983 to save social security and it was dole who handed reagan a veto proof votes to make martin luther king day a national holiday. your time was to bide your team, get choice kmcommittee assignmes and get things done. today it's easier and potentially quicker to get your job. get on cable television, become a fundraising magnet. in short, you act like a talk show host. why spend time trying to pass complex legislation, when you can be a verbal or social media bomb thrower? it's hard for me to imagine senator bob dole in the same capitol building with house member, who likened one of her colleagues on the other side of the aisle to terrorists or paul gosar, who tweeted an anime murder fantasy video that depicts him killing a congresswoman or marjorie taylor greene who relates wearing a mask to holocaust. and gop minority leader mccarthy singled out democrats and talked about their behavior, which he said didn't set the conduct for gosar and talked about maxine waters, and hakim jeffreys and so it goes. dole was so much that is missing today. not the least of which is p pragmatistism and we don't have to speculate as to what dole would have thought about the news of the day. it turns out that he left behind his final words. a column written by the late senator dole, that "washington post" says was drafted early in 2021 to be published around the time of his death. so, listen on the late senator in his own words. quote, i watched the january 6th riots at the capitol. i thought of the symbol of our democracy consumed by hatred and violence. there's been talk about what it will take to heal our country. we've heard many of the leaders express bipartisanship. but we must remember it's the minimum we should expect from ourselves. america has never achieved greatness when republicans and democrats simply manage to work together or tall ralt each other. when we prioritize principals or humanity and we accomplish far more of a nation. i will count on tomorrow's leaders to stand up for what is right for america with full optimism and faith in our nation's humanity. i know they will. powerful, right? we do have some breaking news tonight that's related to january 6th. it's exclusive to cnn. we've learned former chief of staff to vice pence is cooperating with the january 6th committee. that's a significant development that will give investigators insight into one of the highest ranking trump officials. he's a first-hand witness to what the panel is looking into. but will dole's final words resonate with both sides of a deeply polarized washington today? that's my question. i'm wondering what you're thinking. what your answer might be to the issue. i want you to reach out via social media, just like i do on saturday mornings and i'll do my best to share responses. thoughts from a long of the time friend of senator dole, former missouri senator and former u.s. ambassador at the united nations. thank you so much for being here. have you got it worked out yet whose words were they and what context were they offered? >> classic bob dole as you just pointed ow in your commentary, which was right on. so, when dole was the republican leader in the senate his idea is to get as many as he could. in the leader's office, there was a relatively tall room with the large table. and when there was a contentious issue in the senate, he would get everybody he could grab, who was concerned about that issue, all the different points of view, and he would invite them to go in the room and the room had a large table and the senators would sit around it, a bunch of staffers on the outicide and it's extremely crowded. if it had any air conditioning, i wasn't aware of it. it was almost an unbearable hot box. we stayed in the room and hashed out the issues. i can remember staggering out of the room, into the republican cloak room and here would be bob dole. and he'd be sitting in an over stuffed leather chair and he would always say the same thing. got it worked out yet? and that was his method. politics was about working things out and keeping people in a room until they got it worked out. and that was when government functioned and that's when the united states senate functioned. >> senator, you heard me tie his passing to a by gone era and bring it to the current events in washington. how worried are you about the fate of democracy in the united states? >> well, i think that one of the points of the country is to keep everything together and that's the point of politics and our governmental structure. it's not just ramming things through and taking pr positions and making speeches and getting yourself on a news program. it's about trying to hash through difficult subjects, bring america together, keep it together, reach compromise. and that's what politics is and should be about and that's the way madison threw it up. when he drafted the constitution. >> i know this cuts close to home for you because of an endorsement you made you wish you hadn't made. i'm referring to senator josh holly. i see that tied because of the role he played and fighting the election outcome of 2020. how worried are you about the fate of democracy in the united states? >> well, i am because i think there's a political style now and particularly in my party, to be willing to attack the constitutional structure. january 6th was an example of that but that wasn't all of it. it was beginning, even before the election, of calling into question the legitimacy of the election, claiming that election would bestolen. claiming that the president wasn't a legitimately elected president. and that's a very serious thing to do to the country. it's not just something to do to democrats or to joe biden. it's an attack on the whole constitutional system and on the concept that government drives, it's [ inaudible ] so, yes, i am concerned about it and it is a -- it's a different chapter in american politics and it's not a good chapter. >> take the final 60 seconds and tell us how the centrists sees control of the debate from the extremists in america. >> i wish i knew the answer to that because i believe that there are an awful lot of people in our country who are not on the extremes. i think that they don't agree with biden's, say, economic policies and they certainly don't agree with the style of don don. and they've been pretty well [ inaudible ] politics and somehow it's important for the senate to assert itself because that's where the action should be. >> i happen to think it's where the greatest numbers are, if we would only seize control of this conversation. nice to see you. thank you for being here. i really appreciate it. >> thank you. >> what are your thoughts? i'll try to read some throughout the course of the program. what do we have, gang? decency in decline in american politics? the decline process is over, dude. the decline is past tense, done. not on my watch. the decline has been going on the last 30 years. it gegts timed to when senator dole thad power he had in the 1980s. 60% of the united states senate, according to the national journal in that era, comprised of moderates, like dole. one more, if we have time for it. he endorsed donald trump in 2016 in and in the end, that's all that matters. he did but not in 2020. he'd seen enough. in a country that is sadly almost numb to school shootings, the developments in the michigan case are almost surreal. the 15-year-old suspect's parents captured in a warehouse after a man hunt. tonight, the oakland county sheriff is here to update us and including the response to warning signs and that's next. ♪day to night to morning,♪ ♪keep with me in the moment♪ ♪i'd let you had i known it, why don't you say so?♪ ♪didn't even notice,♪ ♪no punches left to roll with♪ ♪you got to keep me focused♪ [coins clinking in jar] ♪ you can get it if you really want it, by jimmy cliff ♪ [suitcase closing] [gusts of wind] [ding] we strip in the community garden. i've been stripping here for years. i strip before take-off. breathe right strips open your nose for relief you can feel right away, helping you take in air more easily, wherever you are. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ with chase security features, guidance and convenience, banking feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. we're carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance so they only pay for what they need. 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>> well, it was his face. it was restricted insecured space. so, he gave them access to that space. it appears before they were actually wanted. but was with them again after they were wanted and so, we're attempting to determine if he knew any of those facts and if so, when he knew it. the part of the search warrant they're executing and working on as we speak, is to collect and seize digital devices to see if there's anything that will cooperate some of the information that he gave in our investigative interview earlier this afternoon. he is cooperating and so is his attorney. >> and sheriff, as you and i speak, all three family members, incarcerated in the same facility. what kind of unique dynamic does that present to you? >> it's something that our professional corrections staff is used to dealing with. a lot of high profile individuals and cases have gone through our facility and they would all be segregated individually anyway. one is a juvenile and would not be around and allowed to be with adults. and the male and female populations are separated. none of them will be interacting or seeing each other? >> you know attention is being focussed on our school. before what would have been the protocol police would have followed if you get a report from a school that says we're concerned about a particular student? >> that school and school district has one of my deputies as a school resource officer, who is in that school nearly constantly. so, our protocols would have triggered had they invited us in. especially the second meeting. he would have ascertained if he was any concern, safety or threat to the school at the moment. based on the kinds of things that they saw and heard and we now know, we would have asked that the school have him removed from the school until we can make sure the situation is stable and not a threat or a danger to himself or others. a follow-on protocol we have is we go to their home, speak to the parents, and determine access and availability of weapons. as an example, the day after the shooting, we had another school district with a different 15-year-old person. the school district edid in fact contact us. we made interviews, determined the 15-year-old had said threatening things. met with the parents, who were super cooperative. checked the house. there were weapons for safe keeping. we took them into custody and arrested the 15-year-old. that would have been our protocol, had we been involved in the meeting the day prior. >> so glad you spelled that out. thank you for your time. >> thank you, sir. >> as i said a lot of our attention, we just heard the latest on the investigation. but now our attention shifts to the school. prosecutors are looking into school officials's level of culpability in this. i want to bring in a school safety consultant. that would be chris dorn, the senior analyst for safe haven's international. thanks for being here. react to what the sheriff just had to say as it applies to your area of expertise. >> well, it's very troubling, of course, but not surprising. this is a common problem we see with schools, dealing with the kind of threat assessment situations where law enforcement -- i shouldn't say typically but often not involved as they should be. >> i want to put up on the timeline, on the screen and go over some of the key points with a special focus on one day. so, i think viewers are familiar with the basics, the 26th dad buys the gun. the son posts the photo of the gun on social media. 27th, the mom posts about the gun on social media. 29th is the day the teacher sees him searching online, on the phone for ammunition. the school contacts the parents, no reply. then mom texts the son, lol, laugh out loud, i'm not mad at you. you have to learn not to get caught. teacher finds crumbley's drawing showing bullet holes and blood everywhere and a person appeared to have been shot twice and bleeding. he takes him and his backpack to the office. he goes back to class and then comes the mayhem. what was the protocol, in your opinion, that should have been followed on the 30th of november? >> ideally would have had been further along before we got to that point and identified some of the things we're seeing. but the point where we have these threatening information, such as the threats, the information about weapons and firearms, some of the other signs, we would want to bring in an assessment team to have someone from the education background looking at the situation and someone from mental health and law the enforcement and that's the chance for the law enforcement officer to see there's a problem here. >> look, i know hindsight is 2020 and i don't want to pile on. but you call the cops, right? >> that's typically what we hope to have happen. but it's very challenging for schools because educators aren't designed to look for the danger, to look for the next active shooter. their job is to educate and nurture kids. >> but in a circumstance like this, don't you look in that student's locker, ask what's in the backpack and seek to inspect it? >> hopefully by that point, we're having law enforcement present and they can do that search. we want to have law enforcement present for any search of a weapon. >> what's the take away, as your expertise as one that provides guidance to schools, what are you saying? >> look at what we have in place for threat assessment, look at resources in the district and outside the district. when we receive these different pieces that we're seeing now on a list, when that information comes about the first time, is that information in the right place? >> a shooting like this is a rarity, thank god. but i discussed this on radio and i was surprised how many shared anecdotally situations in which they've been called upon to make this kind of an assessment. it happens with some regulate air, right? >> yeah, it's sfairly common an we have to keep in mind ritsdser not just looking for the active shooter. it's looking for the student doing self-harm behavior, committing suicide. it's a harm reduction process. these things happen all the time and it's difficult to be the one person to decide is this student a threat or not? >> i should also say it seems after the gunman started what he was doing that the response seemed appropriate on the part of the school and the students. would you agree with that and if not, explain why. >> it's hard to say so far. some of the reports we've heard are concerning. students arming themselves with s scissors. barricading, sometimes, can be more dangerous than help. if the door can be simply locked. i'm interested to see what comes out as far as the response. >> me to. i want to know everything. i appreciate your time. what are your thoughts? reach out on social media. this comes from twitter, i think. will we actually see any change from the parents being arrested? what does this mean for the future? do we know if safety will win over politics? i think the easy call -- i should say it this way. i think the easy call in this case seems to be that the parents acted with negligence. whether that rises to a criminal standard, whether they were legally complicit, that's an open question in my mind. i need more factz bfs before i weigh in on that. and the school, what was the response during the course of those two interactions and i'm not satisfied. the expert wasn't satisfied, and i'm not sure about the sheriff that they did exactly what they should have done sinin a situat like this. should natural immunity be tre treated the same. nyquil severe gives you powerful relief for your worst cold and flu symptoms, on sunday night and every night. nyquil severe. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, best sleep with a cold, medicine. before nexium 24hr, anna could only imagine a comfortable night's sleep without frequent heartburn waking her up. now, that dream... . her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? 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>> yes, actually, i would tell him to treat the people who have been recovered from covid the same as the vaccinated. why? because at this point, december 2021, we have a lot of data that, not just immunologically shows that people who have recovered from covid have strong immunity and i mean b-cell data just this week actually and t-cell data, those are called memory cells. antibodies will actually be higher if you've had a severe infection. lower if you've had a mild infection. but they come down after vaccination anyway. it's about what is cellular memory. >> isn't it, dr., gandhi, a very individualized process? in other words, millions have gotten the vaccine and there's a ton of data as to what we can expect in those cases. but for those that have had it, how do we really know, inlay terms, that they're resistant to getting the virus again? is there a way to measure it? >> there's not because, like i said, the antibodies will come down, given your distance from when you've been infected and how severe it was. so, what they're doing in europe, you showed a map, is they're accepting a pcr of a covid positive test in the past as saying you've had an immunity, recovered. that's good enough for us. and switzerland is the one looking at the longest. they have a 365-day period after you've recovered from covid that you count as vaccinated. >> it's pretty jarring to see that map. i had no idea until recent developments. but it's jarring to see what an out liar the united states is. we're listing the all the eu and noneu countries that do it differently. why the disconnect? why doesn't the united states go the way of those nations, in your opinion? >> i can't quite figure it out. it seem as little bit political and i'm not sure what the politics means. but i will tell you no one in europe is good immunologists and i they know what they're talking about. >> thank you for your time. why is a former democratic governor and presidential candidate telling people to hit the road. he's going to tell us why he thinks so many on the left need to take a real detour. that's next. 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>> you can go back and half of america hasn't had a pay increase in real terms in 40 years. it's democrats fighting for the middle class to have a better life. time and time again what we see is -- and the divides are greater and greater. but if you're voting your economic interests, health care interests, education interests, that's where we've always been and that's urban and rural. we got to make sure we're talking to folks about the issues they're speaking about at the bar or maybe their own kitchen table or the diner, across the fence line and most of the issues are, look, am i in a safe community, do i have a decent job? how are my kids doing? can i do something better for them than me? clean air and water. those are the issues we need to focus on. >> you said they allowed them selves to be type cast, elitest. what in that isn't correct? >> from my perspective, all of it. i think, at the end of the day, the democratic party is and should be and has been one that's going to fight for people to make sure that their lives can be improved and that's economically. the base of that is economic. so, look, i don't view most democrats, certainly that i know in places like montana or around the country as sort of the elitest and certainly not coastal. but look, we need do both. this isn't an either or. do you bring out the base or persuade voters that used to be voting with us? we have to do boeth to be successful. >> i think many democrats look at the most prominent of democrats and don't see themselves. those with command of the microphones are not represerepr representative of the sort of people they're talking about. make sure you're reaching out to me during the course of social media. i want to show you what may be the most unusual card this holiday season. this is a from a united states congressman posting for all the world to see. what do you think when you see it? here to show us what the attention-getting move may really mean and that's next. from fidelity. ng t ben isn't worried about retirement because his plan is backed by the team at fidelity. a group of investment professionals manages ben's ira for him, analyzing market conditions and helping him stay on target. he gets one-on-one coaching when he wants some advice, and can adjust his plan whenever he needs to. and now he's so prepared for retirement, ben is feeling totally zen. that's the planning effect from fidelity. i thought i was managing my moderate to severe crohn's disease. then i realized something was missing... my symptoms were keeping me from being there for her. so, i talked to my doctor and learned humira is the #1 prescribed biologic for people with crohn's disease. humira helps people achieve remission that can last. and the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief in as little as 4 weeks. humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. be there for you, and them. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. learn how abbvie could help you save on humira. as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? 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only partially answered by the fact that the dad is the republican member of congress. whether you think it's second amendment bruvotto, it did come days after america's latest school shooting. he's not a brand-name republican troll like greene or gosar. he's presumably a smart guy. a tech guy with a masters degree from mit and the kind of congressman that voted against giving capitol police officers the congressional gold medal, voted against antilynching laws and tweeted and then deleted a comparison between vaccine mandates and the haul cost. and yet, he's largely flown under the radar because he's considered a run of the mill wing nut by the standards in congress. and that's the problem. because the palpable weirdness of picturing your family with automatic weapons for christmas cards is to show you're on the list, with the base or both. his district is rated r plus 18, which is 18% republican registration advantage. in other words, the only meaningful election for him is the primary, if he wants to stay in power. now, consider the flip side. the plight of the few republicans who stood up for real principals and condemned attempts to overturn the election at the behest of a mob. they now have targets on their back from trumpests and republicans. they represent gop districts in states biden won. a adam kinsinger decided not to run again and both won districts that biden won easily and now they're facing possible extinction by redistricting while carter members of the said digs caucus look likely to emerge unscathed from the process. think about the message that sends. trying to overturn an election is politically safer than standing up for basic principles of our democracy because we need more independent minded folks in congress, not less. take text as that gave two congressional seats due to massive population growth in usu urban areas. people increase the number of safe gop districts while reducing competitive districts strong voting rights challenge from the doj today or states like ohio, which voted for non-partisan redistricting 2018 overwhelmingly only to have the state gop push through an absurd 13-2 map which is now headed to the state supreme court. in fact, out of the nine states that have completed their congressional maps today, there are only ten competitive congressional seats out of 116. that's roughly half the number of competitive seats from the same states in the last election cycle according to an analysis. anyone in with an interest in this smooth process democracy should see the danger. bipartisan is the way most meaningful legislation passes from the criminal justice reform and renegeuation under trump but swing states have declined. get this, there were 164 swing seats back in 1997. by 2017, it was down to 72. with seats skyrocketing for both parties and about to get worse. the decline in swing districts led to the decline in centrists lawmakers from both parties and that's a decline for the whole republic, not just the republican party and that's your reality check, michael? >> i said in bob dole eas's era way to stay in washington was to get something done. you under scored the point i made today because you need a clever christmas card and everything you said made sense to me with one addition, i'm sure it's a fundraising magnet as a result for him. >> 100%. troll play to the base, you don't have to ever worry about a competitive general election. that makes people more crazy. >> john avalon, thank you. appreciate it. >> thanks, michael. >> we'll be back with some of your social media reaction. you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your discover card. [coins clinking in jar] ♪ you can get it if you really want it, by jimmy cliff ♪ [suitcase closing] [gusts of wind] [ding] - san francisco can have criminal justice reform and public safety. but district attorney chesa boudin is failing on both. - the safety of san francisco is dependent upon chesa being recalled as soon as possible. - i didn't support the newsom recall but this is different. - chesa takes a very radical perspective and approach to criminal justice reform, which is having a negative impact on communities of color. - i never in a million years thought that my son, let alone any six-year-old, would be gunned down in the streets of san francisco and not get any justice. - chesa's failure has resulted in increase in crime against asian americans. - the da's office is in complete turmoil at this point. - for chesa boudin to intervene in so many cases is both bad management and dangerous for the city of san francisco. - we are for criminal justice reform. chesa's not it. recall chesa boudin now. so let's take a look at some of the social media reaction to tonight's program. what do we got? >> smerconish the opening segment seemed full of both sides, the five ds that minor l called out did what they -- i get it. you're saying why did you mention the ds? i'll tell you exactly why. i think this partisanship is a pox on both their houses. thank you for giving me the chance to say that. i'll also say that the conduct that i identified boebert marjorie taylor greene worse than what i mentioned from the democrats but i'm sorry, i'm an equal opportunity offender. i also asked your thoughts on the deadly mass shooting in michigan and if the school should be held accountable. here are responses. if all other circumstances were the same and crumbley were a black, latino or asian kid he would have been searched, suspended or expelled and then arrested for having a gun on school grounds because he was white and assumed not to be a threat. tony, you might be right. here is my reaction. if the circumstances we think we know about the timeline apply to someone who is pink, brown or any other color, that backpack ought to be searched and the kid gets sent home from school. to me that seems quite obvious. i said earlier the case against the parents is certainly one of negligence maybe a criminal level of complicity but i'm really troubled by the school given the diagrams that he had and the facts that have come out so far. so we'll stay tuned. one more if i've got time for it. i think i do. no, schools have kids all the time with violent and gun references. they were taking the proper steps and it all happened fast. ethan told them the drawings were a video game he was designing. they did their best. i'm sure they're heart broken. punish the parents. i'm sure all the folks in the school community are hurt and suffering and i'm sure those in the guidance counselor's office that met with him are upset about this. we still need to stop what went on here in two successive days, what's unclear wherether it was the same teacher that made the reports. in two days you had concerns about this young man one searching for ammunition and a second bloody images and you can't take his word for it i wish to some day design video games. you also weighed in about our electoral reality. i think i've got time for this. this is fun. thank you. electoral reform is the seemingly the only solution open primaries and rank choice voting would be a good start need to create an incentive structure to move politicians away from the fringes. all of that is true. gerrymandering is playing a role and media polarization the biggest driver or all and self-sorting. we're making a conscious choice to live with the like minded. that's gerrymandering and that's problematic. "don lemon tonight" starts now. don? >> i thought i was brave, right? you're so brave to read those comments. i hear you on "smerconish" on the weekend and your radio show. why are you so brave? why do you do it? i get a lot out of it. >> i get a kick out of it. the spontaneous of it, i don't know if anybody would watch if i had my choice and i'd sit here for an hour and go through those complaining and try to respond in realtime. i get a thrill out of it, what can i say? >> this is

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Lawmakers , Swing Districts Led , Republic , Michael , General Election , Play , Result , Addition , Clever , Reaction , Thank You , John Avalon , Crazy , Discover Card , Purchases , Justice , Chesa Boudin , Public Safety , San Francisco , Color , Being , Communities , Impact , Didn T Support The Newsom , Failure , Asian Americans , Streets Of San Francisco , Six , A Million , Turmoil , Management , Da S Office , Recall , Segment , Ds , Partisanship , Houses , Pox , Minor L , Five , Marjorie Taylor , Boebert , Kid , Circumstances , Offender , Accountable , Black , Asian , Tony , Gun On School Grounds , Complicity , Brown , Steps , References , Ethan , School Community , Video Game , Best , Suffering , Drawings , Guidance Counselor , Wherether , Word , Searching , Concerns , Video Games , Images , Primaries , Start , Choice Voting , Incentive Structure , Solution , Gerrymandering , Politicians , Self Sorting , Driver , Fringes , Minded , Media Polarization , Don Lemon Tonight , Radio 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Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240709

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could a bob dole a model of decorum get nominated in his party? no way. which is why his passing should be reason to hit the pause button. a reflection point as to bhutsz what's changed since people like him ran for auflgsz out of a sense of duty and obligation. bob dole ran to serve, not be. he cast more than 12,000 votes in congress. and while a loyal republican, was not always predictable. he hoopposed many of the great society programs of lbj and supported the civil rights act of 1964 and the voting rights act of 1965. he joined forces with democratic senator, daniel patrick moynihan in 1983 to save social security and it was dole who handed reagan a veto proof votes to make martin luther king day a national holiday. your time was to bide your team, get choice kmcommittee assignmes and get things done. today it's easier and potentially quicker to get your job. get on cable television, become a fundraising magnet. in short, you act like a talk show host. why spend time trying to pass complex legislation, when you can be a verbal or social media bomb thrower? it's hard for me to imagine senator bob dole in the same capitol building with house member, who likened one of her colleagues on the other side of the aisle to terrorists or paul gosar, who tweeted an anime murder fantasy video that depicts him killing a congresswoman or marjorie taylor greene who relates wearing a mask to holocaust. and gop minority leader mccarthy singled out democrats and talked about their behavior, which he said didn't set the conduct for gosar and talked about maxine waters, and hakim jeffreys and so it goes. dole was so much that is missing today. not the least of which is p pragmatistism and we don't have to speculate as to what dole would have thought about the news of the day. it turns out that he left behind his final words. a column written by the late senator dole, that "washington post" says was drafted early in 2021 to be published around the time of his death. so, listen on the late senator in his own words. quote, i watched the january 6th riots at the capitol. i thought of the symbol of our democracy consumed by hatred and violence. there's been talk about what it will take to heal our country. we've heard many of the leaders express bipartisanship. but we must remember it's the minimum we should expect from ourselves. america has never achieved greatness when republicans and democrats simply manage to work together or tall ralt each other. when we prioritize principals or humanity and we accomplish far more of a nation. i will count on tomorrow's leaders to stand up for what is right for america with full optimism and faith in our nation's humanity. i know they will. powerful, right? we do have some breaking news tonight that's related to january 6th. it's exclusive to cnn. we've learned former chief of staff to vice pence is cooperating with the january 6th committee. that's a significant development that will give investigators insight into one of the highest ranking trump officials. he's a first-hand witness to what the panel is looking into. but will dole's final words resonate with both sides of a deeply polarized washington today? that's my question. i'm wondering what you're thinking. what your answer might be to the issue. i want you to reach out via social media, just like i do on saturday mornings and i'll do my best to share responses. thoughts from a long of the time friend of senator dole, former missouri senator and former u.s. ambassador at the united nations. thank you so much for being here. have you got it worked out yet whose words were they and what context were they offered? >> classic bob dole as you just pointed ow in your commentary, which was right on. so, when dole was the republican leader in the senate his idea is to get as many as he could. in the leader's office, there was a relatively tall room with the large table. and when there was a contentious issue in the senate, he would get everybody he could grab, who was concerned about that issue, all the different points of view, and he would invite them to go in the room and the room had a large table and the senators would sit around it, a bunch of staffers on the outicide and it's extremely crowded. if it had any air conditioning, i wasn't aware of it. it was almost an unbearable hot box. we stayed in the room and hashed out the issues. i can remember staggering out of the room, into the republican cloak room and here would be bob dole. and he'd be sitting in an over stuffed leather chair and he would always say the same thing. got it worked out yet? and that was his method. politics was about working things out and keeping people in a room until they got it worked out. and that was when government functioned and that's when the united states senate functioned. >> senator, you heard me tie his passing to a by gone era and bring it to the current events in washington. how worried are you about the fate of democracy in the united states? >> well, i think that one of the points of the country is to keep everything together and that's the point of politics and our governmental structure. it's not just ramming things through and taking pr positions and making speeches and getting yourself on a news program. it's about trying to hash through difficult subjects, bring america together, keep it together, reach compromise. and that's what politics is and should be about and that's the way madison threw it up. when he drafted the constitution. >> i know this cuts close to home for you because of an endorsement you made you wish you hadn't made. i'm referring to senator josh holly. i see that tied because of the role he played and fighting the election outcome of 2020. how worried are you about the fate of democracy in the united states? >> well, i am because i think there's a political style now and particularly in my party, to be willing to attack the constitutional structure. january 6th was an example of that but that wasn't all of it. it was beginning, even before the election, of calling into question the legitimacy of the election, claiming that election would bestolen. claiming that the president wasn't a legitimately elected president. and that's a very serious thing to do to the country. it's not just something to do to democrats or to joe biden. it's an attack on the whole constitutional system and on the concept that government drives, it's [ inaudible ] so, yes, i am concerned about it and it is a -- it's a different chapter in american politics and it's not a good chapter. >> take the final 60 seconds and tell us how the centrists sees control of the debate from the extremists in america. >> i wish i knew the answer to that because i believe that there are an awful lot of people in our country who are not on the extremes. i think that they don't agree with biden's, say, economic policies and they certainly don't agree with the style of don don. and they've been pretty well [ inaudible ] politics and somehow it's important for the senate to assert itself because that's where the action should be. >> i happen to think it's where the greatest numbers are, if we would only seize control of this conversation. nice to see you. thank you for being here. i really appreciate it. >> thank you. >> what are your thoughts? i'll try to read some throughout the course of the program. what do we have, gang? decency in decline in american politics? the decline process is over, dude. the decline is past tense, done. not on my watch. the decline has been going on the last 30 years. it gegts timed to when senator dole thad power he had in the 1980s. 60% of the united states senate, according to the national journal in that era, comprised of moderates, like dole. one more, if we have time for it. he endorsed donald trump in 2016 in and in the end, that's all that matters. he did but not in 2020. he'd seen enough. in a country that is sadly almost numb to school shootings, the developments in the michigan case are almost surreal. the 15-year-old suspect's parents captured in a warehouse after a man hunt. tonight, the oakland county sheriff is here to update us and including the response to warning signs and that's next. ♪day to night to morning,♪ ♪keep with me in the moment♪ ♪i'd let you had i known it, why don't you say so?♪ ♪didn't even notice,♪ ♪no punches left to roll with♪ ♪you got to keep me focused♪ [coins clinking in jar] ♪ you can get it if you really want it, by jimmy cliff ♪ [suitcase closing] [gusts of wind] [ding] we strip in the community garden. i've been stripping here for years. i strip before take-off. breathe right strips open your nose for relief you can feel right away, helping you take in air more easily, wherever you are. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ with chase security features, guidance and convenience, banking feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. we're carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? 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>> well, it was his face. it was restricted insecured space. so, he gave them access to that space. it appears before they were actually wanted. but was with them again after they were wanted and so, we're attempting to determine if he knew any of those facts and if so, when he knew it. the part of the search warrant they're executing and working on as we speak, is to collect and seize digital devices to see if there's anything that will cooperate some of the information that he gave in our investigative interview earlier this afternoon. he is cooperating and so is his attorney. >> and sheriff, as you and i speak, all three family members, incarcerated in the same facility. what kind of unique dynamic does that present to you? >> it's something that our professional corrections staff is used to dealing with. a lot of high profile individuals and cases have gone through our facility and they would all be segregated individually anyway. one is a juvenile and would not be around and allowed to be with adults. and the male and female populations are separated. none of them will be interacting or seeing each other? >> you know attention is being focussed on our school. before what would have been the protocol police would have followed if you get a report from a school that says we're concerned about a particular student? >> that school and school district has one of my deputies as a school resource officer, who is in that school nearly constantly. so, our protocols would have triggered had they invited us in. especially the second meeting. he would have ascertained if he was any concern, safety or threat to the school at the moment. based on the kinds of things that they saw and heard and we now know, we would have asked that the school have him removed from the school until we can make sure the situation is stable and not a threat or a danger to himself or others. a follow-on protocol we have is we go to their home, speak to the parents, and determine access and availability of weapons. as an example, the day after the shooting, we had another school district with a different 15-year-old person. the school district edid in fact contact us. we made interviews, determined the 15-year-old had said threatening things. met with the parents, who were super cooperative. checked the house. there were weapons for safe keeping. we took them into custody and arrested the 15-year-old. that would have been our protocol, had we been involved in the meeting the day prior. >> so glad you spelled that out. thank you for your time. >> thank you, sir. >> as i said a lot of our attention, we just heard the latest on the investigation. but now our attention shifts to the school. prosecutors are looking into school officials's level of culpability in this. i want to bring in a school safety consultant. that would be chris dorn, the senior analyst for safe haven's international. thanks for being here. react to what the sheriff just had to say as it applies to your area of expertise. >> well, it's very troubling, of course, but not surprising. this is a common problem we see with schools, dealing with the kind of threat assessment situations where law enforcement -- i shouldn't say typically but often not involved as they should be. >> i want to put up on the timeline, on the screen and go over some of the key points with a special focus on one day. so, i think viewers are familiar with the basics, the 26th dad buys the gun. the son posts the photo of the gun on social media. 27th, the mom posts about the gun on social media. 29th is the day the teacher sees him searching online, on the phone for ammunition. the school contacts the parents, no reply. then mom texts the son, lol, laugh out loud, i'm not mad at you. you have to learn not to get caught. teacher finds crumbley's drawing showing bullet holes and blood everywhere and a person appeared to have been shot twice and bleeding. he takes him and his backpack to the office. he goes back to class and then comes the mayhem. what was the protocol, in your opinion, that should have been followed on the 30th of november? >> ideally would have had been further along before we got to that point and identified some of the things we're seeing. but the point where we have these threatening information, such as the threats, the information about weapons and firearms, some of the other signs, we would want to bring in an assessment team to have someone from the education background looking at the situation and someone from mental health and law the enforcement and that's the chance for the law enforcement officer to see there's a problem here. >> look, i know hindsight is 2020 and i don't want to pile on. but you call the cops, right? >> that's typically what we hope to have happen. but it's very challenging for schools because educators aren't designed to look for the danger, to look for the next active shooter. their job is to educate and nurture kids. >> but in a circumstance like this, don't you look in that student's locker, ask what's in the backpack and seek to inspect it? >> hopefully by that point, we're having law enforcement present and they can do that search. we want to have law enforcement present for any search of a weapon. >> what's the take away, as your expertise as one that provides guidance to schools, what are you saying? >> look at what we have in place for threat assessment, look at resources in the district and outside the district. when we receive these different pieces that we're seeing now on a list, when that information comes about the first time, is that information in the right place? >> a shooting like this is a rarity, thank god. but i discussed this on radio and i was surprised how many shared anecdotally situations in which they've been called upon to make this kind of an assessment. it happens with some regulate air, right? >> yeah, it's sfairly common an we have to keep in mind ritsdser not just looking for the active shooter. it's looking for the student doing self-harm behavior, committing suicide. it's a harm reduction process. these things happen all the time and it's difficult to be the one person to decide is this student a threat or not? >> i should also say it seems after the gunman started what he was doing that the response seemed appropriate on the part of the school and the students. would you agree with that and if not, explain why. >> it's hard to say so far. some of the reports we've heard are concerning. students arming themselves with s scissors. barricading, sometimes, can be more dangerous than help. if the door can be simply locked. i'm interested to see what comes out as far as the response. >> me to. i want to know everything. i appreciate your time. what are your thoughts? reach out on social media. this comes from twitter, i think. will we actually see any change from the parents being arrested? what does this mean for the future? do we know if safety will win over politics? i think the easy call -- i should say it this way. i think the easy call in this case seems to be that the parents acted with negligence. whether that rises to a criminal standard, whether they were legally complicit, that's an open question in my mind. i need more factz bfs before i weigh in on that. and the school, what was the response during the course of those two interactions and i'm not satisfied. the expert wasn't satisfied, and i'm not sure about the sheriff that they did exactly what they should have done sinin a situat like this. should natural immunity be tre treated the same. nyquil severe gives you powerful relief for your worst cold and flu symptoms, on sunday night and every night. nyquil severe. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, best sleep with a cold, medicine. before nexium 24hr, anna could only imagine a comfortable night's sleep without frequent heartburn waking her up. now, that dream... . her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? 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>> yes, actually, i would tell him to treat the people who have been recovered from covid the same as the vaccinated. why? because at this point, december 2021, we have a lot of data that, not just immunologically shows that people who have recovered from covid have strong immunity and i mean b-cell data just this week actually and t-cell data, those are called memory cells. antibodies will actually be higher if you've had a severe infection. lower if you've had a mild infection. but they come down after vaccination anyway. it's about what is cellular memory. >> isn't it, dr., gandhi, a very individualized process? in other words, millions have gotten the vaccine and there's a ton of data as to what we can expect in those cases. but for those that have had it, how do we really know, inlay terms, that they're resistant to getting the virus again? is there a way to measure it? >> there's not because, like i said, the antibodies will come down, given your distance from when you've been infected and how severe it was. so, what they're doing in europe, you showed a map, is they're accepting a pcr of a covid positive test in the past as saying you've had an immunity, recovered. that's good enough for us. and switzerland is the one looking at the longest. they have a 365-day period after you've recovered from covid that you count as vaccinated. >> it's pretty jarring to see that map. i had no idea until recent developments. but it's jarring to see what an out liar the united states is. we're listing the all the eu and noneu countries that do it differently. why the disconnect? why doesn't the united states go the way of those nations, in your opinion? >> i can't quite figure it out. it seem as little bit political and i'm not sure what the politics means. but i will tell you no one in europe is good immunologists and i they know what they're talking about. >> thank you for your time. why is a former democratic governor and presidential candidate telling people to hit the road. he's going to tell us why he thinks so many on the left need to take a real detour. that's next. 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>> you can go back and half of america hasn't had a pay increase in real terms in 40 years. it's democrats fighting for the middle class to have a better life. time and time again what we see is -- and the divides are greater and greater. but if you're voting your economic interests, health care interests, education interests, that's where we've always been and that's urban and rural. we got to make sure we're talking to folks about the issues they're speaking about at the bar or maybe their own kitchen table or the diner, across the fence line and most of the issues are, look, am i in a safe community, do i have a decent job? how are my kids doing? can i do something better for them than me? clean air and water. those are the issues we need to focus on. >> you said they allowed them selves to be type cast, elitest. what in that isn't correct? >> from my perspective, all of it. i think, at the end of the day, the democratic party is and should be and has been one that's going to fight for people to make sure that their lives can be improved and that's economically. the base of that is economic. so, look, i don't view most democrats, certainly that i know in places like montana or around the country as sort of the elitest and certainly not coastal. but look, we need do both. this isn't an either or. do you bring out the base or persuade voters that used to be voting with us? we have to do boeth to be successful. >> i think many democrats look at the most prominent of democrats and don't see themselves. those with command of the microphones are not represerepr representative of the sort of people they're talking about. make sure you're reaching out to me during the course of social media. i want to show you what may be the most unusual card this holiday season. this is a from a united states congressman posting for all the world to see. what do you think when you see it? here to show us what the attention-getting move may really mean and that's next. from fidelity. ng t ben isn't worried about retirement because his plan is backed by the team at fidelity. a group of investment professionals manages ben's ira for him, analyzing market conditions and helping him stay on target. he gets one-on-one coaching when he wants some advice, and can adjust his plan whenever he needs to. and now he's so prepared for retirement, ben is feeling totally zen. that's the planning effect from fidelity. i thought i was managing my moderate to severe crohn's disease. then i realized something was missing... my symptoms were keeping me from being there for her. so, i talked to my doctor and learned humira is the #1 prescribed biologic for people with crohn's disease. humira helps people achieve remission that can last. and the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief in as little as 4 weeks. humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. be there for you, and them. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. learn how abbvie could help you save on humira. as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? 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only partially answered by the fact that the dad is the republican member of congress. whether you think it's second amendment bruvotto, it did come days after america's latest school shooting. he's not a brand-name republican troll like greene or gosar. he's presumably a smart guy. a tech guy with a masters degree from mit and the kind of congressman that voted against giving capitol police officers the congressional gold medal, voted against antilynching laws and tweeted and then deleted a comparison between vaccine mandates and the haul cost. and yet, he's largely flown under the radar because he's considered a run of the mill wing nut by the standards in congress. and that's the problem. because the palpable weirdness of picturing your family with automatic weapons for christmas cards is to show you're on the list, with the base or both. his district is rated r plus 18, which is 18% republican registration advantage. in other words, the only meaningful election for him is the primary, if he wants to stay in power. now, consider the flip side. the plight of the few republicans who stood up for real principals and condemned attempts to overturn the election at the behest of a mob. they now have targets on their back from trumpests and republicans. they represent gop districts in states biden won. a adam kinsinger decided not to run again and both won districts that biden won easily and now they're facing possible extinction by redistricting while carter members of the said digs caucus look likely to emerge unscathed from the process. think about the message that sends. trying to overturn an election is politically safer than standing up for basic principles of our democracy because we need more independent minded folks in congress, not less. take text as that gave two congressional seats due to massive population growth in usu urban areas. people increase the number of safe gop districts while reducing competitive districts strong voting rights challenge from the doj today or states like ohio, which voted for non-partisan redistricting 2018 overwhelmingly only to have the state gop push through an absurd 13-2 map which is now headed to the state supreme court. in fact, out of the nine states that have completed their congressional maps today, there are only ten competitive congressional seats out of 116. that's roughly half the number of competitive seats from the same states in the last election cycle according to an analysis. anyone in with an interest in this smooth process democracy should see the danger. bipartisan is the way most meaningful legislation passes from the criminal justice reform and renegeuation under trump but swing states have declined. get this, there were 164 swing seats back in 1997. by 2017, it was down to 72. with seats skyrocketing for both parties and about to get worse. the decline in swing districts led to the decline in centrists lawmakers from both parties and that's a decline for the whole republic, not just the republican party and that's your reality check, michael? >> i said in bob dole eas's era way to stay in washington was to get something done. you under scored the point i made today because you need a clever christmas card and everything you said made sense to me with one addition, i'm sure it's a fundraising magnet as a result for him. >> 100%. troll play to the base, you don't have to ever worry about a competitive general election. that makes people more crazy. >> john avalon, thank you. appreciate it. >> thanks, michael. >> we'll be back with some of your social media reaction. you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your discover card. [coins clinking in jar] ♪ you can get it if you really want it, by jimmy cliff ♪ [suitcase closing] [gusts of wind] [ding] - san francisco can have criminal justice reform and public safety. but district attorney chesa boudin is failing on both. - the safety of san francisco is dependent upon chesa being recalled as soon as possible. - i didn't support the newsom recall but this is different. - chesa takes a very radical perspective and approach to criminal justice reform, which is having a negative impact on communities of color. - i never in a million years thought that my son, let alone any six-year-old, would be gunned down in the streets of san francisco and not get any justice. - chesa's failure has resulted in increase in crime against asian americans. - the da's office is in complete turmoil at this point. - for chesa boudin to intervene in so many cases is both bad management and dangerous for the city of san francisco. - we are for criminal justice reform. chesa's not it. recall chesa boudin now. so let's take a look at some of the social media reaction to tonight's program. what do we got? >> smerconish the opening segment seemed full of both sides, the five ds that minor l called out did what they -- i get it. you're saying why did you mention the ds? i'll tell you exactly why. i think this partisanship is a pox on both their houses. thank you for giving me the chance to say that. i'll also say that the conduct that i identified boebert marjorie taylor greene worse than what i mentioned from the democrats but i'm sorry, i'm an equal opportunity offender. i also asked your thoughts on the deadly mass shooting in michigan and if the school should be held accountable. here are responses. if all other circumstances were the same and crumbley were a black, latino or asian kid he would have been searched, suspended or expelled and then arrested for having a gun on school grounds because he was white and assumed not to be a threat. tony, you might be right. here is my reaction. if the circumstances we think we know about the timeline apply to someone who is pink, brown or any other color, that backpack ought to be searched and the kid gets sent home from school. to me that seems quite obvious. i said earlier the case against the parents is certainly one of negligence maybe a criminal level of complicity but i'm really troubled by the school given the diagrams that he had and the facts that have come out so far. so we'll stay tuned. one more if i've got time for it. i think i do. no, schools have kids all the time with violent and gun references. they were taking the proper steps and it all happened fast. ethan told them the drawings were a video game he was designing. they did their best. i'm sure they're heart broken. punish the parents. i'm sure all the folks in the school community are hurt and suffering and i'm sure those in the guidance counselor's office that met with him are upset about this. we still need to stop what went on here in two successive days, what's unclear wherether it was the same teacher that made the reports. in two days you had concerns about this young man one searching for ammunition and a second bloody images and you can't take his word for it i wish to some day design video games. you also weighed in about our electoral reality. i think i've got time for this. this is fun. thank you. electoral reform is the seemingly the only solution open primaries and rank choice voting would be a good start need to create an incentive structure to move politicians away from the fringes. all of that is true. gerrymandering is playing a role and media polarization the biggest driver or all and self-sorting. we're making a conscious choice to live with the like minded. that's gerrymandering and that's problematic. "don lemon tonight" starts now. don? >> i thought i was brave, right? you're so brave to read those comments. i hear you on "smerconish" on the weekend and your radio show. why are you so brave? why do you do it? i get a lot out of it. >> i get a kick out of it. the spontaneous of it, i don't know if anybody would watch if i had my choice and i'd sit here for an hour and go through those complaining and try to respond in realtime. i get a thrill out of it, what can i say? >> this is

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Adults , Attention , Interacting , None , Juvenile , Populations , School , Protocol , Student , School District , Report , Meeting , Protocols , School Resource Officer , Safety , Threat , Situation , Kinds , Concern , Weapons , Danger , Follow On , Others , Access , Availability , Fact , Shooting , Person , Interviews , School District Edid , White House , Safe Keeping , Custody , Met , Latest , Level , Chris Dorn , School Officials , School Safety Consultant , Safe Haven S International , Culpability , Prosecutors , Expertise , Problem , Thanks , React , Area , Schools , Law Enforcement , Timeline , Threat Assessment Situations , Screen , Son , December 27th , Photo , Mom Posts , Gun On Social Media , Focus , Viewers , Basics , 26th Dad , 27 , 26 , Teacher , Ammunition , School Contacts , Mom , Phone , Reply , 29 , Crumbley , Blood , Drawing Showing Bullet Holes , Everywhere , Backpack , Opinion , Bleeding , Mayhem , 30th Of November , Someone , Threats , Background , Mental Health , Law , Signs , Assessment Team , Education , Firearms , Chance , Law Enforcement Officer , Enforcement , Cops , Don T Want To Pile On , Shooter , Educators , Kids , Circumstance , Nurture , Locker , Weapon , Search , Place , District , List , Pieces , Time , Threat Assessment , Resources , Situations , Rarity , Radio , Anecdotally , God , Mind , Assessment , Sfairly , Gunman , Student A Threat , Harm Reduction Process , Suicide , Students , Reports , Door , S Scissors , Barricading , Change , Reach Out On Social Media , Twitter , Call , Negligence , Mean , Standard , Factz , Interactions , Situat , Expert Wasn T , Sinin , Two , Immunity , Same , Tre , Symptoms , Cold , Flu , Sunday Night , Sleep , Medicine , Nighttime , Head , Coughing , Sniffling , Aching , Sneezing , Stuffy , Heartburn , Anna , Reality , Night , Dream , Nexium 24hr , 24 , Man , Experts , It Starts , Windshield , Safelite , Acid , Story , Night Protection , My Truck Is Livelihood , Healthier , Service , Eyes , Girl , Singers , Whatcha , Safelite Repair , Credit , Internet , Emergency Broadband Benefit Program , Xfinity , Internet Service , Equipment , Xfinity Mobile , 5 , 50 , 0 , Click , Store , Vaccine Mandate , Insuring , Health And Safety First , Folks , Vaccination , Sector , Everyone , Anybody , Employees , Vaccine Battle , Subject , Covid , Opportunity , Punishment , Incident , Testing , Businesses , Restrictions , Unvaccinatered , Look , Vatican , Infectious Disease , Pond , Vaccinated , De Blasio , Expert , University Of California At San Francisco , Data , Yes , December 2021 , T Cell Data , Shows , Memory Cells , B Cell , Infection , Antibodies , Memory , Process , Vaccine , Ton , Millions , Isn T It , Inlay , Dr , Gandhi , Virus , Distance , Terms , Map , Test , Enough , Pcr , Switzerland , Europe , 365 , Eu , Noneu , Nations , Disconnect , Doesn T , Immunologists , Politics , Governor , Candidate , Need , Detour , Road , My Name Is Cherrie , Sam , On The Beach , Granddaughters , Daughters , Hi , Oregon Coast , 53 , 76 , Life , Puzzle Pieces , Memories , Taking Prevagen , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Biktarvy , Hiv , Hugo , Living , Treatment , Amount , Side Effects , Kidney Problems , Lab Test , Kidney Failure , Pill , Cure , Doctor , Liver Problems , Build Up , Lactic Acid , Rifampin , Dofetilide , Medicines , Kidney , Breastfeeding , Hepatitis B , Hepatitis , Headache , Diarrhea , Nausea , Equivalent , Banks , Democrats , Areas , Track , Census , Left , Play Book , Intrenched , Number , Elections , Degetting , 42 Million , City , Guest , Alarm , To Be With You , Genesis , Theres , Article , Tie , House Of Representatives , New Jersey , Countries , Virginia , 2008 , 70 , 45 , 95 , Obama , Counties , Seats , Lives , Discussion , Matter , 900 , Places , Cities , South Dakota , North Dakota , Louisiana , Voters , Bullock , Critics , Comments , Increase , Class , America Hasn T , Half , 40 , Interests , Education Interests , Health Care Interests , Greater , Divides , Community , Most , Kitchen Table , Fence Line , Diner , Bar , Elitest , Water , Selves , Perspective , Wall , Isn T , Base , Sort , Montana , Both , Either , Command , Voting , Boeth , Prominent , Microphones , Card , Posting , Representative , United States Congressman , Holiday Season , Ng T Ben Isn , Plan , Fidelity , Retirement , Move , Market Conditions , Group , Target , Investment Professionals , Advice , Coaching , Ira , Crohn S Disease , Planning Effect , Moderate , Zen , Remission , Humira , Humira Saw , Symptom , Majority , Biologic , 1 , 4 , Infections , Reactions , Nervous System Problems , Liver , Heart Failure , Have , Ability , Lymphoma , Cancers , Tuberculosis , Sores , Tb , Gastroenterologist , I Don T , Chances , Bull Rider , Turn , Hang On , Tex , Record , Wooo , Woooooo , Yeaa , 665 Dollars , 665 , Liberty , Aspirin , Aspirin Capsule , Vazalore , Ulcers , Stomach , Family , Congressman , Thomas Massy Digging In , Gun Toting , Reality Check , Stance , Show Everything , Snap Shots , Season , Outrage , Christmas Cards , Guy , War , Will , War On Christmas , Home Front , Earth , Hell , Dad , Sane Sentian Being , Resembleing , Member , School Shooting , Troll , Second Amendment Bruvotto , Tech Guy , Police Officers , Smart Guy , Masters Degree , Medal , Mit , Comparison , Tweeted , Laws , Haul Cost , Radar , Antilynching , Automatic Weapons , Weirdness , The Standards , Run Of The Mill , Wing Nut , Registration Advantage , Primary , 18 , Plus 18 , Flip Side , Attempts , Plight , Districts , Back , Targets , Behest , Mob , Trumpests , Adam Kinsinger , Message , Members , Digs , Extinction , Caucus , Carter , Principles , Safe , Text , Population Growth , Usu Urban Areas , Voting Rights , State , Push , State Supreme Court , Ohio , Doj , 2 , 13 , 2018 , States , Maps , 116 , Nine , Ten , Electoral Reform , Interest , Criminal Justice , Analysis , Cycle , Anyone , Swing States , Swing Seats , Renegeuation , 1997 , 164 , 2017 , 72 , Parties , Lawmakers , Swing Districts Led , Republic , Michael , General Election , Play , Result , Addition , Clever , Reaction , Thank You , John Avalon , Crazy , Discover Card , Purchases , Justice , Chesa Boudin , Public Safety , San Francisco , Color , Being , Communities , Impact , Didn T Support The Newsom , Failure , Asian Americans , Streets Of San Francisco , Six , A Million , Turmoil , Management , Da S Office , Recall , Segment , Ds , Partisanship , Houses , Pox , Minor L , Five , Marjorie Taylor , Boebert , Kid , Circumstances , Offender , Accountable , Black , Asian , Tony , Gun On School Grounds , Complicity , Brown , Steps , References , Ethan , School Community , Video Game , Best , Suffering , Drawings , Guidance Counselor , Wherether , Word , Searching , Concerns , Video Games , Images , Primaries , Start , Choice Voting , Incentive Structure , Solution , Gerrymandering , Politicians , Self Sorting , Driver , Fringes , Minded , Media Polarization , Don Lemon Tonight , Radio Show , Weekend , Kick , Complaining , Realtime , Thrill ,

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