Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

displaced by global warming as rising sea levels have destroyed many houses here on the coast lean. there is nothing left of where fisherman abdallah's house once stood. he said many who lost their homes have become climate refugees. there are a lot of young people who have already fled to spain because they are homeless, he says. they have lost their jobs. many of them are going. others have had to move to this tent camp miles away from the ocean, living in poverty with little hope for improvement. rising sea levels are a threat to coastal areas around the world. already causing an increase in severe flash flooding and storm surges like in the new york and new jersey area after hurricane ida in september. the world needs to act fast or risk having to completely abandon some coastal regions in the future, especially in had the u.s., says climate scientist. >> the entire east coast of the u.s., because of changes in the ocean currents, sea level is rising twice as fast as the east coast in the u.s. than globally. >> reporter: what is a dangerous projection in the world is already grim reality here in senegal, where the ocean that has defined the lives in this immunity for so long, is now drifting them into an uncertain future. and, womp, just to give a sense of the scale, 3,000 people have been displaced from this area alone. that doesn't even account for the people month have taken their boats and tried to flee to places like europe. we are hearing from folks on the ground said many who have tried have died along the way. wolf. >> fred pleitgen reporting for us. fred, thank you very much. "new day" continues right now. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. it is monday, november 1st. i'm brianna keilar with john berman. and wolf blitzer standing by in scotland, where president biden has just arrived for the climate summit. he will get to work about an hour from now in the opening session. overnight, the president rolled out a long-term strategy for 100% clean electricity by 2035 and net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. the plan includes converting to electric vehicles and buildings and reducing emissions from super pollutants. . >> this is a critical stop on the president's european visit. while there is big news on legislative agenda here at home, progressives signaling support for two historic bills on infrastructure and social programs. a vote now appears likely this week. we have brave heart wolf blitzer. >> reporter: indeed. all right, guys, thanks very much. the u.s. climate envoy, john kerry and his team, are already downplaying expectations for the climate summit. demand for oil is surging during a developing global energy crisis right now. china and russia, two of the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases are no-shows at this global climate summit here in scotland. natasha, update our viewers on the latest e. >> reporter: president biden and john kerry, global climate envoy, have arrived in glasgow where they will attempt to raise ambitions by other countries to combat climate change. the president is expected to make remarks later this morning and he is expected to make a personal commitment to fighting climate change, according to his national security adviser who spoke to reporters last night. the president has been talking up this legislation at home about this $550 billion that the legislation includes for climate investments, clean energy incentives. and he has been telling world leaders this is a framework that shows that the united states is really back a as a leader on climate change and trying to set an example for the global community about what the richer countries can do anyway to pour money into investments to have a chance at capping global warming to this 1.5 degree threshold and kind of, you know, eliminating dirty fossil fuels from the picture here. but the president is tamping down expectations the global community. he expressed disappointment to with regard what russia and china have not done. take a listen. >> with regard to the disappointment. the disappointment relates to the fact that russia and including not only russia but china basically didn't show up in terms of any commitments to deal with climate change. and there's a reason why people should be dispointed in that. i found it disappointed myself. >> reporter: now, wolf, this is the biggest test for his climate envoy, former secretary of state. and his team is also down playing expectations ahead of the summit, messaging it more as the beginning of a long process than as the culmination of kerry's efforts over the last eight or nine months. he is traveling the world trying to get commitments from foreign countries that are the biggest emitters. russia, china, india phoupbg them. he has been having a tough time, frankly, especially when it comes to china. that is largely because the relationship with china with the u.s. and china is at an all-time low right now. tensions are extremely high right now and china has said they cannot separate the climate issue from the broader commitments, the broader relationship between the u.s. and china. so a bit of tension there between kerry and the administration on the china policy that has thrown a ham strung in the works here. this is an attempt to raise the ambitions and show the world that the u.s. is back at the table here. one of the big questions they have is whether the u.s. is here to stay. >> reporter: yeah. there will be a lot of words that will be uttered here in scotland over the course of the next several days. the question is whether words will be packed up with action as you point out, billions and billions of dollars. natasha, thank you very much. brianna, we just showed viewers live pictures of president biden arriving here in scotland, edinburgh. he will be driving very nearby to glasgow for the actual summit. we're here, watching all of this unfold. our special coverage of course will continue in the meantime. back to you. thank you, wolf. we will check in throughout the show. back here in washington, democrats in congress are working on passing the president's build back better legislation. a house vote on the infrastructure bill that's already been passed in the senate could happen later this week. but considering the way things have played out these past weeks and months, it also could not. joining me to discuss is the chief deputy whip, congressman dan kill i did of michigan. thank you for being in studio. >> thank you very much. . >> the bill isn't final. that means a lot of furious lobbying is going on from people in your party hoping their pet provisions will still end up in the bill. do you think paid family leave or the ability of medicare to negotiate drug prices will end up finally in this bill? . >> i think there's a chance we will be able to make progress on drug pricing. a lot of discussion over the next couple of days we could come to an understanding that would not be precisely what the house would like to have, this expansive drug price expansion legislation that we already passed but take a big step towards that, maybe a narrower set of drugs, it would be suggest to negotiation, saving the government hundreds of billions of dollars over the years. but more importantly, saving consumers. so we think we can get there. it's possible. but what we have is pretty substantial as it is. i think part of the problem that we're all dealing with is we had a $3.5 trillion expectation. we have an agreement in principle around $3.5 trillion. this is a huge investment, reducing cost of health care, making sure people have adequate access to child care to get back in the workforce. sometimes we have to think about what we have and not so much what's not included. pass this. change the lives of so many americans. and then build on that. >> you said we have an agreement. i will say at this point senators sinema and manchin are not signed on. they have spoken positively about it. they are not to yes at this point in time. real quickly, abouting to the specifics on the drug pricing. is what you are saying that medicare could negotiate drugs on the market long enough that there are generic versions but not drugs that are pretty new so they have exclusivity. is that what you are saying? . >> that has been the crux of the debate. whether we should negotiate for a more narrow range of drugs for which the research has long been paid off. i think there is a debate as to whether or not we should have more patent protections, more exclusivity when there is still a lot of research. taking one example, insulin, we ought to be able to negotiate drug pricing for insulin. this is something americans know when they go to buy it over the counter cost far more than it cost the producers to deliver it to the market. we cannot have billions and billions of dollars of profits going to drug companies when people are having to essentially not taking their insulin. . >> or ration it. >> reporter: this is something most have experience with. . >> senator sanders said all 50 democratic senators need to agree on this before house progressives agree to vote yes. or before progressives agree to vote yes. do you agree with that? is that the order of things here? . >> that's where we are right now. and i think we're so close that i think we have to take this position. look, for most of us, we view the build back better and the bipartisan infrastructure bill as one big agenda. this is the biden agenda. he articulated on the campaign trail that we agreed with. and the fact that we really are so close to having a teal that has unfortunately just democrats moving forward together. really no republican support for the entire package. we're close. we just need to get the details right. not worry so much about the political dynamic in this moment. because the most el gentlemen message, political message, is the message delivered at the kitchen table. reducing the cost of child care, making drug prices more affordable. that's the most eloquent message we can deliver. in separately, the "washington post" has done pretty extraordinary reporting where they have constructed a comprehensive timeline before, during, and after january 6th. and one of the things is that president trump, for 187 minutes did nothing. he did nothing during that time even as so much was playing out on the hill. what is your reaction to learning that he did nothing, including sending no aid to congress? >> i wish i was surprised. for 41 of those 187 minutes i was trapped in the galley with police officers. who knows what they would have done to all of us. the fact that the president saw this as a confirmation of himself and not as an attack on our democracy tells you basically all you need to know about this person. this is the most self-centered, egoti egotistical, frightening person to ever hold public office and this reporting puts it in really stark form. it's frightening. . >> congressman, thank you for being with us this morning. zone. . >> tomorrow is the deadline to vote in two key governors's races. they could have a profound effect and offer a preview of the upcoming 2022 midterms. ron brownstein, senator editor at the atlantic and scholar in residence at christopher new part university, i feel we have learned a lot from virginia. what is the fact that it is so close the race in virginia in a state joe biden won by 10 points one year ago. . >> that's right. this is kind of i think a ghost of future christmas moment for democrats. what happens in virginia is not a guarantee of what will happen in the midterm. it is, in all likelihood, a preview of what will happen if the political environment does not improve for democrats. midterm elections are always tough. they are especially tough when the president's approval rating is sagging. as biden is 42% nationally, 43% in virginia in the "washington post" poll. so i think what this is is win or lose, if mcauliffe wins narrowly or loses narrowly, it sends the same message to democrats. out of self-interest they have to find a way to come together and help biden approve his approval rating. about us if they don't, it's going to be a very tough night. . >> sophia, what lessons are republicans like there i to take from glenn youngkin in virginia, win or lose at this moment? >> well, good morning, everybody. i think a couple things. if glenn youngkin wins, and i think there's a fair chance he could pull it off. i therive in loudoun county. it is where all the culture wars are being fought. glenn youngkin has done a good job, like him or not, catering to the trump pays, having our state senator who calls herself trump in heels, on his campaign, someone he patty in the primary. and he has done a really good job of using the wedge issues with the school board. there have been issues around transgender students and, you know, the roles that the county plays with respect to providing rooms and all of these things happening in loudoun county. and terry mcauliffe said he didn't think parents should be involved in the education debate. and glenn has used that effectively to rally independents. i think that's where this is going to head. they will be watching to see how you embrace trump in your primary and get a runaway from trump when you get to the general so you can get the independent voters pack. and i think he's probably done a good job. and i would say one other thing, go to christopher newport university. there is a great poll october 27th. it breaks all of this down, likely voters. and it's a dead heat right now. >> ron, why is new jersey seemingly at least a little different from what's happening in virginia. phil murphy running for re-election. that is a plus 16 state one year ago. murphy seems to be a little bit safer. yeah. it's funny. every four years of course we pay a lot of attention to virginia and new jersey typically gets less attention as the first off year election. it has to do with proximity. it is easier to get to virginia. new jersey is a more democratic state. we will be looking for two things on it of both states. one, do you see the usual imbalance in intensity with the party out of the white house, in this case the republicans, their base shows up more than the democratic base. and the other question is one we were just talking about in loudon county. to we see college educated voters who may have moved away from the republican party because they couldn't stand trump drift back even though, as we see in this "washington post" reporting, you know, trump's threat to american democracy is real and ongoing. such a critical issue for not only '22 but '24 is what do these republican-leaning voters, who moved away from the party, do. are they willing to cast votes for republicans who will enable and excuse what trump is doing. and in virginia, the answer seems to be more yes than no. . >> is trump losing potency as a voting issue, sophia? >> i think so. i live in loudon county, northern virginia. i'm one of those republicans, you all know this, moderate that moved away, never trumper. i refuse to have anything to do with anything about him. but someone like me is not going to vote for glenn youngkin, right, because i am not comfortable with the election integrity rhetoric that he opened up and the ties, the subtle hints of trumpism. and i think ron's right. the question is what will the moderate independent leaning republicans do? and i think they're come back home because of the cultural issues. and i have been screaming about this for a year. i don't think democrats have been paying attention how galvanized our country is and here in virginia on the culture wars. it's a big deal. i think if youngkin wins, that's why. . >> thank you very much. sophia is the author of "e blur bus one," retkofg our founder's vision for a united america. thank you both. >> thanks, john. alex baldwin breaking his silence in a tense exchange with reporters on the deadly shooting on the set of his film. and kenosha shooter kyle rittenhouse getting away with a controversial ruling by the judge. elon musk makes a $6 billion offer with a big catch. ♪ i had a dream that someday ♪ ♪ i would just fly, fly away ♪ this holiday season, give your family the gift that keeps on... going? our very own energizer bunny! energizer ultimate lithium. 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the day i arrived and started shooting, i took her to dinner with joel, the director. we were a very, very -- excuse me. we were a very, very, you know, well-oiled crew shooting a film together. there are accidents on film sets from time to time. but nothing like this. this is a one in a trillion. >> joining me now to discuss is california state senator dave cortezy. he is introducing legislation to ban live ammo on film sets. i would like for you to comment on alec baldwin. he said this is a one in a trillion event. do you think it is? >> no, i don't think it is. it's actually kind of disturbing to hear him framing or reframing the issue that way. the fact of the matter is, this wasn't a fluke or matter of chance. what happened is live ammunition was introduced onto a movie set. it shouldn't have been. a firearm was loaded with live ammunition. it shouldn't have been. that firearm was handed to him without it being checked. he didn't check it, obviously. he then pointed the firearm toward another human being, put his finger on the trigger, both of which are mistakes to anyone who knows anything about handling firearms. then he pulls the trigger of the firing pin with a live round in it and shoots it. all of those are mistakes. those are mistakes. those aren't matters of chance. if you correct even one of those mistakes in that sequence of events, thelalyna hutchins is sl alive. to say it is a matter of chance, i don't know if it's an attempt at a new anywhere active or revisionist history, or a man in a state of shock trying to defend his actions. we have to be concerned with workplace safety. i will be bringing legislation in california. >> walk us through this bill. what does it do? >> the bill, with just got the first draft last friday, just before the weekend from what we call leg council, legislative council in sacramento. we will begin moving through the process now and putting more and more details on the bill. so the bill is in its first draft form now. and what it intends to do in the state of california is create standards and remedies, best practices, which don't exit right now in california. there are regulations that the industry has, regulations in collective bargaining units with the unions. believe it or not, there's nothing in the labor and employment code that regulates the industry in terms of -- >> what would it do when it comes to firearms or prop guns? let's make a distinction between the two. live rounds, and blanks. what does this bill do? . >> first of all, there's no such thing as a prop gun. that doesn't exist. what there are are guns that have firing pins and can shoot live round that are used as props currently. and guns that can be dummy guns, plastic guns, whatever. this bill will clean that up and saying you don't bring live guns, that's what they call them in the industry, guns that can shoot a live round or live ammunition onto the set in the first place. if you do, there's remedies and penalties for that. in this case we know that crew members were beginning to raise safety measures on this set well before the hutchins tragedy. had they been able to go to a state agency at that point in time, bring code enforcement in, perhaps the site would have been red tagged. perhaps filming would have stopped until that had been cleaned up. those were remedies that we're going to be putting in place here in california. . >> we appreciate you talking to us about this bill. this incident raising so many questions about how to make it not happen again in the future. we appreciate you being with us. senator dave cortese. >> thank you very much. >> up next, why two college florida professors are blocked from testifying about voting rights. and what the judge in the kyle rittenhouse case is telling prosecutors they cannot do in court. as soon as i get back to the office. hey, i can help you do that right now. high thryv! thryv? yep. i'm the all-in-one management software built for small business. high 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to the 2020 election and the big lie that so many republicans believe the election was stolen from former president donald trump because of widespread voter fraud. we know there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud. but that didn't stop so many of those republican states that are controlled by republican legislature from passing laws -- pwafg pills thassing bails on v rights. take a look at the law passed in florida and some of the restrictions there. the changes we're seeing. new id requirements for voting by mail, limiting who can return a completed mail-in ballot, prohibiting the use of nonprofit and private funds to conduct elections, expanding partisan observation power during ballot tabulation, and creating additional restrictions for dropbox use. so those are some of the big changes we saw. and immediately after governor desantis signed that bill into law, we saw the lawsuits. that brings in florida professors, three tapped in to testify in this case believing the new voting bill was unconstitutional. the university of florida telling them, no, you are not allowed to participate in this trial. and here's why. take a look at the statement released from the university of florida saying they're not denying them their first amendment rights but simply the university denied requests of these full-time employees to under take outside paid work that is adverse to the university's interests as a state of florida institution. but, as you mentioned, john, we're hearing from the lawyer of those professors saying that they feel like their first amendment rights are being blocked. they said they will not back town on this attack from their academic freedoms to speak out on matters of great public importance. aclu coming out supporting the professors. we've reached out to the university, and specifically, john incident to note that the chair of the university of florida's board of trustees is a multimultiple they're, mega donor to the republican party, and supporter of governor desantis. we are waiting to hear back this morning. >> it will be interesting to see what they have to say on that front. nadia romero, thank you so much for that report. here in just a few hours, jury selection begins in the trial of kyle rittenhouse, the teenager who killed two people and wounded a third during unrest that followed the police shooting of jacob blake in kenosha, wisconsin last year. the defense claims that he acted in self-defense. the judge made pretrial headlines with a controversial ruling. and sara sidner has a preview. >> reporter: kyle rittenhouse became a household name last summer after this video emerged of the then 17-year-old with a semiautomatic weapon, dangling from his chest, walking right past police in kenosha, wisconsin, after he had just shot and killed two people and injured one. rittenhouse's attorney says he was in danger and acted in self-defense. rittenhouse said he was there to protect businesses during riots in kenosha. but he was charged in the case. he pleaded not guilty on all counts. some of the crucial evidence in the trial, live streams. prosecutors say after shooting and killing joseph rosen bomb, video shows rittenhouse is chased. anthony huber hits him with a skateboard and is shot and killed. >> he shot that guy in the stomach. then, gage goes towards rittenhouse and is shot in the arm. this is all happening after protests turned to riots in response to the police shooting of jacob blake. before jury selection, the judge in the case made a controversial ruling telling prosecutors they cannot refer to the three people rittenhouse shot as victims but rittenhouse's attorneys may refer to the people as looters, rioters and arsonists if there is evidence to prove it. . >> the evidence shows that any or more than one of these people were engaged in arson, rioting, or looting, then i'm not going to tell the defense they can't call them that. . >> i think, your honor, if i were able to not call a victim. >> this is a long held opinion of mine, which very few judges share with me. the word victim is a loaded, loaded word. and i think alleged victim is a cousin to it. >> a former prosecutor says the ruling is highly unusual. >> it begs the question of what else would you call someone who has been shot? they're not bullet recipients. if you're going to use the phrase loaded question, or loaded term. you've got to apply that equally across the board. and here there didn't seem to be any real explanation as to why what's good for the goose is not good for the gander. >> reporter: long-time criminal defense attorney dan adams has a different take. do you think the judge made the right call here? >> yes, i think the judge made the right call here. you can't be a victim unless there's has been a crime committed. and the decision whether a crime has been committed is the proof dance of the jury. >> i'm in constant pain, excruciating pain, pain that doesn't go away. >> reporter: he's the only person to survive being shot by rittenhouse and is expected to be called as a witness in the trial. sara sidner, cnn. our thanks to sara for that report. elon musk makes a $6 billion pledge to fight world hunger if, and it's a big if. first, a cnn correspondent turns her own devastating loss into a story of hope and faith. rene marsh will join us next. bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ your eyes. beautiful on the outside, but if you have diabetes, there can be some not-so-pretty stuff going on inside. it's true, with diabetic retinopathy, excess sugar can damage blood vessels, causing vision loss or even blindness. so remember this: now is the time to get your eyes checked. eye care is important to your long-term diabetes management. see a path forward with actions and treatments 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east." all profits go toward pediatric brain cancer research. rene, i have to say i've been so happy to have you back at work. we have missed you so much. we know you and your family have been through so much not only the last several months but the last several years. i wonder if you can tell us a little bit about how you decided to write this book. it was because something was missing in the library? >> yeah. first off, thank you for having me on to talk about this book. it means so much to me. it's so special to me. and how this book came to be is, you know, as we went through this cancer journey with blake, it was nearly two and a half years, everyone knows how, if you know blake, he loved to read. he loved books. we carry a stack of books to the hospital with us because we have 30-day stints in the hospital. we were going through a particularly tough time during his treatment. and all i had was the wheels on the bus, it'sy bitsy spider. i love those books but it wasn't feeding my soul at a time we were in blake's treatment. and i wanted a message of fighting spirit even when the odds looked stacked incredibly high against you. i decided i wanted to write a book that i could read to blake even when things don't look like they are going to work out, you still have hope. for me and my husband, it is what essentially helped us to survive that. >> such a beautiful little boy. >> thank you. >> up against a monster, which is really what blake is up against in this book. and i know at the time you wrote it you were reading about david and goliath in the bible. >> yeah. this was a point in blake's treatment where he was on life support. one of the chemo drugs triggered a near-fatal reaction. and i looked at my son laying on a table lifeless. but i continued to read to him every single day. and i wanted him to hear my voice every single day to know that i was still there. and the pwaobgtbooks, again, thd weren't what i needed in that very difficult moment. privately at night that is where -- that is the book that i was reading. and it gave me that hope to get to the next day. and it inspired me to believe that we were going to get through it. my little make is not here today. but after that stint on life support, we did have him for another year. and those are some of the most precious memories i have today. so that hope helped us to get to the next point. and those are the memories that i have in my heart today. >> it was an amazing comeback for blake. i remember you writing about it and having that year with him. this is about being able to keep fighting in his name. . >> yeah. yeah. so this book is a book about hope that any child can read, enjoy and be inspired by the greater mission of this book is to raise funds for pediatric brain cancer, specifically right now we are focused on raising money for research for pinioblastoma, which is the type he had. we learned quickly there is no research. that means there is no cure. that means that blake was never going to survive from the day we received that diagnosis. it hurts my heart to know today as i speak to you there are other children with this disease, sadly, because there is no research and no funding or not enough funding behind it, their fate may look a lot like blake. and i don't want that for any mom. and i don't want that for any dad. i want that child to be able to go to kindergarten, go to high school, go to college, get married. that's all i wanted to see for my son. so i will do everything in my power for the rest of my life to raise money for this cause. and i hope that when people get this book they will be inspired by the message but also have comfort in their heart to know they are helping other children in the hospital with cancer right now where doctors want to solve this disease but they just need the financial funding to do that. >> you talked so candid my through the course on social media of the battle that you were and i was so struck by some of your words, and what you said when he passed away, that you essentially had had this role of mother stolen from you. >> yes. >> i think it's something especially, i saw something that our colleague, andrew kaczynski, put on twitter where he was talking about the difference between halloween, for instance, for parents and that was something that really stuck with me, and your goal here is to make sure that other parents aren't in the same situation, but just tell us a little bit about finding that strength, something that you've talked about, finding that strength to shepherd blake through this. >> well, you're a mom, so you know that the love that you have for your child knows no limits, and i feel like that and felt like that with blake. i mean, there is nothing that i would not do for my son, and because he's not here in the physical sense, will not stop my love for him and also will not stop me fighting for him. this book is a reflection of my commitment to continuing to fight the disease that robbed me of my son. as far as the strength, you know, i have many moments of feeling broken, but i see my strength in my ability to piece myself back together each time so for anybody watching, we will have moments of brokenness, but the strength is putting yourself back together and as i like to say, working while you weep, and that's what this book is, a product of me working while i have been weeping. i do it for blake, and i hope i'm making him proud today and i do it for every child that is in the hospital, right now across america with this disease. i am here to fight for you and for your parents, so all of the research that this book will support is all listed on dive in, see what we plan on doing with the money here and yeah, is the only place you can purchase a book. >> it is a beautiful book with beautiful illustrations and a beautiful story and a beautiful little boy -- >> thank you. >> who is the protagonist. rene, thank you for sharing his story. >> thank you much. >> 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is terrifying this story, selena. >> reporter: brianna, it was a horrific attack on halloween at 8:00 p.m., witnesses say a man suddenly started attacking people with a large knife near the train station in western tokyo. the police arrested a 24-year-old man on the scene that witnesses say was dressed like the joker from batman, wearing a purple suit, a purple tie and bright green shirt. the man later told authorities he wanted to kill at least two people and wanted to get the death penalty. later witnesses uploaded video footage, you could see the chaotic scene playing out, people screaming, running for their lives, flames and smoke in the train car. authorities said the suspect used cigarette lighter fluid to set the train on fire. we spoke to a witness who said that he at first thought this was all some sort of halloween prank until he saw people rushing away from the attacker for their lives. the train made an emergency stop, people running out as fast as they could. this train was headed toward sh s shinjuku, a night life hot spot for party goers. at tack is part of several violent knife attacks in japan in recent years. this is considered one of the safest countries in the world, knife attacks are extremely rare, just one statistic for you in 2020 japan, a country under 26 million people, only seven gun related deaths compared to tens of thousands in the u.s. brianna? >> selena, thank you so much for that, selina wang live from tokyo. the world's richest man is responding to a plea for the world's super rich to help feed millions of starving people. the idea less than 2% of elon musk's net worth could help alleviate world hunger. christine romans joins us with that. >> a few super rich people could feed 42 starving people around the world, the plea from the head of the u.n. world food program on cnn last week. >> the billionaires need to step you of up on a one-time basis $6 billion to help 42 million people who are literally going to die if we don't reach them. it's not complicated. this is heartbreaking. i'm not asking them to do this every day, every week, every year, a perfect storm of conflict, climate change and covid. it's a one-time phenomena. >> david beasley singling out jeff bezos and elon musk. the bloomberg puts his net worth at $31 billion. the fore tune grew 9.3 billion alone in one day. over the weekweekend, musk responding to someone who tweeted that cnn story "if the u.n. can show on this twitter thread exactly how $6 billion will solve world hunger, i will sell tesla stock right now and do it." adding "details must be open sourced accountings so the public sees precisely how the money is bent." $6 billion is less than 2% of musk's fortune. beasley later replied let's talk. too m it's not as much as falcon heavy. is musk serious? the vast fortune grows. the net worth has doubled during the pandemic, th

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Terms , Show Up , Didn T , Secretary Of State , Test , Reason , Summit , Process , Beginning , Culmination , Efforts , Nine , Eight , Relationship , Tensions , Low , India , Phoupbg Them , Issue , Bit , Tension , Climate , Policy , Administration , Ham , Words , One , Attempt , Questions , Works , Table , Course , Question , Billions , Dollars , Action , Wall , Pictures , Edinburgh , Democrats , Build , House Vote , Coverage , Show , Congress , Washington , Things , Infrastructure Bill , Congressman Dan Kill , Senate , Studio , Lobbying , Michigan , Bill Isn T Final , Bill , Chance , Republican Party , Drug Prices , Ability , Pet Provisions , Family Leave , Medicare , Drug Pricing , Understanding , Progress , Discussion , Drugs , Government , Step , Hundreds , Negotiation , Problem , Part , Dealing , Expectation , Consumers , 3 5 Trillion , 5 Trillion , Cost , Agreement , Investment , Health Care , Principle , Child Care , Workforce , Access , Specifics , Point Senators Sinema , Real Quickly , Abouting , Manchin , Debate , Market , Exclusivity , Versions , Crux , Research , Insulin , Patent Protections , Range , Something , Profits , Producers , It , Drug Companies , Senators , Order , House Progressives , Senator Sanders , 50 , Most , Position , Biden Agenda , Teal , Campaign Trail , Package , El Gentlemen Message , Details , Kitchen Table , Dynamic , Washington Post , Prices , Drug , Message , Separately , Donald Trump , Timeline , January 6th , 187 , 6 , Reaction , Aid , Learning , The Hill , 41 , Attack , Confirmation , All Of Us , Police Officers , Saw , Galley , Person , Office , Democracy , Egoti Egotistical , Governors , Form , Congressman , Zone , Preview , Ron Brownstein , Midterms , Scholar , Effect , Races , Atlantic , 2022 , University , Northern Virginia , State , Race , Residence , Christopher New , 10 , Guarantee , Midterm , Likelihood , Ghost Of Future Christmas , Elections , Approval Rating , Sagging , Environment , Win , Terry Mcauliffe , Poll , 42 , 43 , Self Interest , Help , Lessons , Sophia , Glenn Youngkin , Glenn Youngkin Wins , Everybody , Loudoun County , Trump , State Senator , Job , Culture Wars , Someone , Issues , County , Campaign , Respect , Students , Roles , Primary , Heels , Wedge , School Board , Parents , Education Debate , Rooms , Glenn , Runaway , Independents , Voters , Thing , October 27th , Down , Christopher Newport University , 27 , Heat , Re Election , Phil Murphy , Plus 16 , Election , Attention , Safer , Proximity , Four , States , Intensity , Imbalance , White House , Case , Base , Couldn T Stand Trump Drift , Votes , Answer , Excuse , Leaning , 24 , 22 , Voting Issue , Potency , Anything , Never Trumper , Election Integrity Rhetoric , Trumpism , Ties , Hints , Deal , Country , Youngkin Wins , Alex Baldwin , Thanks , Silence , Author , Vision , Exchange , E Blur Bus One , Retkofg Our Founder , Kyle Rittenhouse , Judge , Ruling , Elon Musk , Shooting , Film , Set , Kenosha , Catch , Offer , Billion 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Him , Joseph Rosen , Gage , Stomach , Guy , Protests , Response , Arm , Victims , Rioters , Attorneys , Looters , Arsonists , People Rittenhouse , Rioting , Arson , Looting , Victim , Opinion , Judges , Honor , Mine , Loaded Word , Prosecutor , Cousin , Term , Board , Shot , Bullet Recipients , Phrase , Dan Adams , Take , Gander , Explanation , What S Good For The Goose , Crime , Dance , Jury , Decision , Witness , Pain , Doesn T Go Away , World Hunger , Sara , Big , If , Story , Correspondent Rene Marsh , Correspondent , Loss , Faith , First , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Bogeys , Limu , Six , Woooooooooooooo , Liberty , Eyes , Diabetes , Helicopter , Pay , Stuff , Outside , Diabetic Retinopathy , Inside , Vision Loss , Treatments , Diabetes Management , Path , Blindness , Sugar , Blood Vessels , Eye Care , Control , Sight , Visit Noweyesee Com , Investors , Element Securing Portfolios , Reward , Gold , Advantage , Cooks , Neighbors , Friends , Broadband Network , Clock , Capacity 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Weeping , Renemarsh Com , Dive In , Protagonist , Illustrations , The Miracle Workers Boy Versus Beast , Breakthrough , Back , Sleep Number , Bed , Sale , 360 , Tech , Chip , Interest , Sleep , Bases , Couple , Windshield , Trust Safelite , Plus , Ends Monday , Farmers Market , 200 , 1200 , 36 , Insurance , Service , Singers , Safelite , Safelite Repair , Cell Lung Cancer , Adult , Pd L1 , Combo , Yervoy , Opdivo , Option , Immune System , Alk , Egfr , Opdivo Plus Yervoy , Problems , Doctor , Parts , Eye Problems , Chest Pain , Irregular Heartbeat , Stomach Pain , Lead , Constipation , Breath , Body , Shortness , Fainting , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Dizziness , Cough , Memory Problems , Muscle Pain , Joint Pain , Nervous System Problems , Confusion , Conditions , Thirst , Appetite , Itching , Flushing , Rash , Weakness , Fever , Urine , Priceline , Stem Cell Transplant , Chest Radiation , Hotels , Organ , 60 , Trip , Dj , Customization , Throwback , Liberty Uh , Liberty Commuters , Train , 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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

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displaced by global warming as rising sea levels have destroyed many houses here on the coast lean. there is nothing left of where fisherman abdallah's house once stood. he said many who lost their homes have become climate refugees. there are a lot of young people who have already fled to spain because they are homeless, he says. they have lost their jobs. many of them are going. others have had to move to this tent camp miles away from the ocean, living in poverty with little hope for improvement. rising sea levels are a threat to coastal areas around the world. already causing an increase in severe flash flooding and storm surges like in the new york and new jersey area after hurricane ida in september. the world needs to act fast or risk having to completely abandon some coastal regions in the future, especially in had the u.s., says climate scientist. >> the entire east coast of the u.s., because of changes in the ocean currents, sea level is rising twice as fast as the east coast in the u.s. than globally. >> reporter: what is a dangerous projection in the world is already grim reality here in senegal, where the ocean that has defined the lives in this immunity for so long, is now drifting them into an uncertain future. and, womp, just to give a sense of the scale, 3,000 people have been displaced from this area alone. that doesn't even account for the people month have taken their boats and tried to flee to places like europe. we are hearing from folks on the ground said many who have tried have died along the way. wolf. >> fred pleitgen reporting for us. fred, thank you very much. "new day" continues right now. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. it is monday, november 1st. i'm brianna keilar with john berman. and wolf blitzer standing by in scotland, where president biden has just arrived for the climate summit. he will get to work about an hour from now in the opening session. overnight, the president rolled out a long-term strategy for 100% clean electricity by 2035 and net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. the plan includes converting to electric vehicles and buildings and reducing emissions from super pollutants. . >> this is a critical stop on the president's european visit. while there is big news on legislative agenda here at home, progressives signaling support for two historic bills on infrastructure and social programs. a vote now appears likely this week. we have brave heart wolf blitzer. >> reporter: indeed. all right, guys, thanks very much. the u.s. climate envoy, john kerry and his team, are already downplaying expectations for the climate summit. demand for oil is surging during a developing global energy crisis right now. china and russia, two of the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases are no-shows at this global climate summit here in scotland. natasha, update our viewers on the latest e. >> reporter: president biden and john kerry, global climate envoy, have arrived in glasgow where they will attempt to raise ambitions by other countries to combat climate change. the president is expected to make remarks later this morning and he is expected to make a personal commitment to fighting climate change, according to his national security adviser who spoke to reporters last night. the president has been talking up this legislation at home about this $550 billion that the legislation includes for climate investments, clean energy incentives. and he has been telling world leaders this is a framework that shows that the united states is really back a as a leader on climate change and trying to set an example for the global community about what the richer countries can do anyway to pour money into investments to have a chance at capping global warming to this 1.5 degree threshold and kind of, you know, eliminating dirty fossil fuels from the picture here. but the president is tamping down expectations the global community. he expressed disappointment to with regard what russia and china have not done. take a listen. >> with regard to the disappointment. the disappointment relates to the fact that russia and including not only russia but china basically didn't show up in terms of any commitments to deal with climate change. and there's a reason why people should be dispointed in that. i found it disappointed myself. >> reporter: now, wolf, this is the biggest test for his climate envoy, former secretary of state. and his team is also down playing expectations ahead of the summit, messaging it more as the beginning of a long process than as the culmination of kerry's efforts over the last eight or nine months. he is traveling the world trying to get commitments from foreign countries that are the biggest emitters. russia, china, india phoupbg them. he has been having a tough time, frankly, especially when it comes to china. that is largely because the relationship with china with the u.s. and china is at an all-time low right now. tensions are extremely high right now and china has said they cannot separate the climate issue from the broader commitments, the broader relationship between the u.s. and china. so a bit of tension there between kerry and the administration on the china policy that has thrown a ham strung in the works here. this is an attempt to raise the ambitions and show the world that the u.s. is back at the table here. one of the big questions they have is whether the u.s. is here to stay. >> reporter: yeah. there will be a lot of words that will be uttered here in scotland over the course of the next several days. the question is whether words will be packed up with action as you point out, billions and billions of dollars. natasha, thank you very much. brianna, we just showed viewers live pictures of president biden arriving here in scotland, edinburgh. he will be driving very nearby to glasgow for the actual summit. we're here, watching all of this unfold. our special coverage of course will continue in the meantime. back to you. thank you, wolf. we will check in throughout the show. back here in washington, democrats in congress are working on passing the president's build back better legislation. a house vote on the infrastructure bill that's already been passed in the senate could happen later this week. but considering the way things have played out these past weeks and months, it also could not. joining me to discuss is the chief deputy whip, congressman dan kill i did of michigan. thank you for being in studio. >> thank you very much. . >> the bill isn't final. that means a lot of furious lobbying is going on from people in your party hoping their pet provisions will still end up in the bill. do you think paid family leave or the ability of medicare to negotiate drug prices will end up finally in this bill? . >> i think there's a chance we will be able to make progress on drug pricing. a lot of discussion over the next couple of days we could come to an understanding that would not be precisely what the house would like to have, this expansive drug price expansion legislation that we already passed but take a big step towards that, maybe a narrower set of drugs, it would be suggest to negotiation, saving the government hundreds of billions of dollars over the years. but more importantly, saving consumers. so we think we can get there. it's possible. but what we have is pretty substantial as it is. i think part of the problem that we're all dealing with is we had a $3.5 trillion expectation. we have an agreement in principle around $3.5 trillion. this is a huge investment, reducing cost of health care, making sure people have adequate access to child care to get back in the workforce. sometimes we have to think about what we have and not so much what's not included. pass this. change the lives of so many americans. and then build on that. >> you said we have an agreement. i will say at this point senators sinema and manchin are not signed on. they have spoken positively about it. they are not to yes at this point in time. real quickly, abouting to the specifics on the drug pricing. is what you are saying that medicare could negotiate drugs on the market long enough that there are generic versions but not drugs that are pretty new so they have exclusivity. is that what you are saying? . >> that has been the crux of the debate. whether we should negotiate for a more narrow range of drugs for which the research has long been paid off. i think there is a debate as to whether or not we should have more patent protections, more exclusivity when there is still a lot of research. taking one example, insulin, we ought to be able to negotiate drug pricing for insulin. this is something americans know when they go to buy it over the counter cost far more than it cost the producers to deliver it to the market. we cannot have billions and billions of dollars of profits going to drug companies when people are having to essentially not taking their insulin. . >> or ration it. >> reporter: this is something most have experience with. . >> senator sanders said all 50 democratic senators need to agree on this before house progressives agree to vote yes. or before progressives agree to vote yes. do you agree with that? is that the order of things here? . >> that's where we are right now. and i think we're so close that i think we have to take this position. look, for most of us, we view the build back better and the bipartisan infrastructure bill as one big agenda. this is the biden agenda. he articulated on the campaign trail that we agreed with. and the fact that we really are so close to having a teal that has unfortunately just democrats moving forward together. really no republican support for the entire package. we're close. we just need to get the details right. not worry so much about the political dynamic in this moment. because the most el gentlemen message, political message, is the message delivered at the kitchen table. reducing the cost of child care, making drug prices more affordable. that's the most eloquent message we can deliver. in separately, the "washington post" has done pretty extraordinary reporting where they have constructed a comprehensive timeline before, during, and after january 6th. and one of the things is that president trump, for 187 minutes did nothing. he did nothing during that time even as so much was playing out on the hill. what is your reaction to learning that he did nothing, including sending no aid to congress? >> i wish i was surprised. for 41 of those 187 minutes i was trapped in the galley with police officers. who knows what they would have done to all of us. the fact that the president saw this as a confirmation of himself and not as an attack on our democracy tells you basically all you need to know about this person. this is the most self-centered, egoti egotistical, frightening person to ever hold public office and this reporting puts it in really stark form. it's frightening. . >> congressman, thank you for being with us this morning. zone. . >> tomorrow is the deadline to vote in two key governors's races. they could have a profound effect and offer a preview of the upcoming 2022 midterms. ron brownstein, senator editor at the atlantic and scholar in residence at christopher new part university, i feel we have learned a lot from virginia. what is the fact that it is so close the race in virginia in a state joe biden won by 10 points one year ago. . >> that's right. this is kind of i think a ghost of future christmas moment for democrats. what happens in virginia is not a guarantee of what will happen in the midterm. it is, in all likelihood, a preview of what will happen if the political environment does not improve for democrats. midterm elections are always tough. they are especially tough when the president's approval rating is sagging. as biden is 42% nationally, 43% in virginia in the "washington post" poll. so i think what this is is win or lose, if mcauliffe wins narrowly or loses narrowly, it sends the same message to democrats. out of self-interest they have to find a way to come together and help biden approve his approval rating. about us if they don't, it's going to be a very tough night. . >> sophia, what lessons are republicans like there i to take from glenn youngkin in virginia, win or lose at this moment? >> well, good morning, everybody. i think a couple things. if glenn youngkin wins, and i think there's a fair chance he could pull it off. i therive in loudoun county. it is where all the culture wars are being fought. glenn youngkin has done a good job, like him or not, catering to the trump pays, having our state senator who calls herself trump in heels, on his campaign, someone he patty in the primary. and he has done a really good job of using the wedge issues with the school board. there have been issues around transgender students and, you know, the roles that the county plays with respect to providing rooms and all of these things happening in loudoun county. and terry mcauliffe said he didn't think parents should be involved in the education debate. and glenn has used that effectively to rally independents. i think that's where this is going to head. they will be watching to see how you embrace trump in your primary and get a runaway from trump when you get to the general so you can get the independent voters pack. and i think he's probably done a good job. and i would say one other thing, go to christopher newport university. there is a great poll october 27th. it breaks all of this down, likely voters. and it's a dead heat right now. >> ron, why is new jersey seemingly at least a little different from what's happening in virginia. phil murphy running for re-election. that is a plus 16 state one year ago. murphy seems to be a little bit safer. yeah. it's funny. every four years of course we pay a lot of attention to virginia and new jersey typically gets less attention as the first off year election. it has to do with proximity. it is easier to get to virginia. new jersey is a more democratic state. we will be looking for two things on it of both states. one, do you see the usual imbalance in intensity with the party out of the white house, in this case the republicans, their base shows up more than the democratic base. and the other question is one we were just talking about in loudon county. to we see college educated voters who may have moved away from the republican party because they couldn't stand trump drift back even though, as we see in this "washington post" reporting, you know, trump's threat to american democracy is real and ongoing. such a critical issue for not only '22 but '24 is what do these republican-leaning voters, who moved away from the party, do. are they willing to cast votes for republicans who will enable and excuse what trump is doing. and in virginia, the answer seems to be more yes than no. . >> is trump losing potency as a voting issue, sophia? >> i think so. i live in loudon county, northern virginia. i'm one of those republicans, you all know this, moderate that moved away, never trumper. i refuse to have anything to do with anything about him. but someone like me is not going to vote for glenn youngkin, right, because i am not comfortable with the election integrity rhetoric that he opened up and the ties, the subtle hints of trumpism. and i think ron's right. the question is what will the moderate independent leaning republicans do? and i think they're come back home because of the cultural issues. and i have been screaming about this for a year. i don't think democrats have been paying attention how galvanized our country is and here in virginia on the culture wars. it's a big deal. i think if youngkin wins, that's why. . >> thank you very much. sophia is the author of "e blur bus one," retkofg our founder's vision for a united america. thank you both. >> thanks, john. alex baldwin breaking his silence in a tense exchange with reporters on the deadly shooting on the set of his film. and kenosha shooter kyle rittenhouse getting away with a controversial ruling by the judge. elon musk makes a $6 billion offer with a big catch. ♪ i had a dream that someday ♪ ♪ i would just fly, fly away ♪ this holiday season, give your family the gift that keeps on... going? our very own energizer bunny! energizer ultimate lithium. 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the day i arrived and started shooting, i took her to dinner with joel, the director. we were a very, very -- excuse me. we were a very, very, you know, well-oiled crew shooting a film together. there are accidents on film sets from time to time. but nothing like this. this is a one in a trillion. >> joining me now to discuss is california state senator dave cortezy. he is introducing legislation to ban live ammo on film sets. i would like for you to comment on alec baldwin. he said this is a one in a trillion event. do you think it is? >> no, i don't think it is. it's actually kind of disturbing to hear him framing or reframing the issue that way. the fact of the matter is, this wasn't a fluke or matter of chance. what happened is live ammunition was introduced onto a movie set. it shouldn't have been. a firearm was loaded with live ammunition. it shouldn't have been. that firearm was handed to him without it being checked. he didn't check it, obviously. he then pointed the firearm toward another human being, put his finger on the trigger, both of which are mistakes to anyone who knows anything about handling firearms. then he pulls the trigger of the firing pin with a live round in it and shoots it. all of those are mistakes. those are mistakes. those aren't matters of chance. if you correct even one of those mistakes in that sequence of events, thelalyna hutchins is sl alive. to say it is a matter of chance, i don't know if it's an attempt at a new anywhere active or revisionist history, or a man in a state of shock trying to defend his actions. we have to be concerned with workplace safety. i will be bringing legislation in california. >> walk us through this bill. what does it do? >> the bill, with just got the first draft last friday, just before the weekend from what we call leg council, legislative council in sacramento. we will begin moving through the process now and putting more and more details on the bill. so the bill is in its first draft form now. and what it intends to do in the state of california is create standards and remedies, best practices, which don't exit right now in california. there are regulations that the industry has, regulations in collective bargaining units with the unions. believe it or not, there's nothing in the labor and employment code that regulates the industry in terms of -- >> what would it do when it comes to firearms or prop guns? let's make a distinction between the two. live rounds, and blanks. what does this bill do? . >> first of all, there's no such thing as a prop gun. that doesn't exist. what there are are guns that have firing pins and can shoot live round that are used as props currently. and guns that can be dummy guns, plastic guns, whatever. this bill will clean that up and saying you don't bring live guns, that's what they call them in the industry, guns that can shoot a live round or live ammunition onto the set in the first place. if you do, there's remedies and penalties for that. in this case we know that crew members were beginning to raise safety measures on this set well before the hutchins tragedy. had they been able to go to a state agency at that point in time, bring code enforcement in, perhaps the site would have been red tagged. perhaps filming would have stopped until that had been cleaned up. those were remedies that we're going to be putting in place here in california. . >> we appreciate you talking to us about this bill. this incident raising so many questions about how to make it not happen again in the future. we appreciate you being with us. senator dave cortese. >> thank you very much. >> up next, why two college florida professors are blocked from testifying about voting rights. and what the judge in the kyle rittenhouse case is telling prosecutors they cannot do in court. as soon as i get back to the office. hey, i can help you do that right now. high thryv! thryv? yep. i'm the all-in-one management software built for small business. high 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to the 2020 election and the big lie that so many republicans believe the election was stolen from former president donald trump because of widespread voter fraud. we know there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud. but that didn't stop so many of those republican states that are controlled by republican legislature from passing laws -- pwafg pills thassing bails on v rights. take a look at the law passed in florida and some of the restrictions there. the changes we're seeing. new id requirements for voting by mail, limiting who can return a completed mail-in ballot, prohibiting the use of nonprofit and private funds to conduct elections, expanding partisan observation power during ballot tabulation, and creating additional restrictions for dropbox use. so those are some of the big changes we saw. and immediately after governor desantis signed that bill into law, we saw the lawsuits. that brings in florida professors, three tapped in to testify in this case believing the new voting bill was unconstitutional. the university of florida telling them, no, you are not allowed to participate in this trial. and here's why. take a look at the statement released from the university of florida saying they're not denying them their first amendment rights but simply the university denied requests of these full-time employees to under take outside paid work that is adverse to the university's interests as a state of florida institution. but, as you mentioned, john, we're hearing from the lawyer of those professors saying that they feel like their first amendment rights are being blocked. they said they will not back town on this attack from their academic freedoms to speak out on matters of great public importance. aclu coming out supporting the professors. we've reached out to the university, and specifically, john incident to note that the chair of the university of florida's board of trustees is a multimultiple they're, mega donor to the republican party, and supporter of governor desantis. we are waiting to hear back this morning. >> it will be interesting to see what they have to say on that front. nadia romero, thank you so much for that report. here in just a few hours, jury selection begins in the trial of kyle rittenhouse, the teenager who killed two people and wounded a third during unrest that followed the police shooting of jacob blake in kenosha, wisconsin last year. the defense claims that he acted in self-defense. the judge made pretrial headlines with a controversial ruling. and sara sidner has a preview. >> reporter: kyle rittenhouse became a household name last summer after this video emerged of the then 17-year-old with a semiautomatic weapon, dangling from his chest, walking right past police in kenosha, wisconsin, after he had just shot and killed two people and injured one. rittenhouse's attorney says he was in danger and acted in self-defense. rittenhouse said he was there to protect businesses during riots in kenosha. but he was charged in the case. he pleaded not guilty on all counts. some of the crucial evidence in the trial, live streams. prosecutors say after shooting and killing joseph rosen bomb, video shows rittenhouse is chased. anthony huber hits him with a skateboard and is shot and killed. >> he shot that guy in the stomach. then, gage goes towards rittenhouse and is shot in the arm. this is all happening after protests turned to riots in response to the police shooting of jacob blake. before jury selection, the judge in the case made a controversial ruling telling prosecutors they cannot refer to the three people rittenhouse shot as victims but rittenhouse's attorneys may refer to the people as looters, rioters and arsonists if there is evidence to prove it. . >> the evidence shows that any or more than one of these people were engaged in arson, rioting, or looting, then i'm not going to tell the defense they can't call them that. . >> i think, your honor, if i were able to not call a victim. >> this is a long held opinion of mine, which very few judges share with me. the word victim is a loaded, loaded word. and i think alleged victim is a cousin to it. >> a former prosecutor says the ruling is highly unusual. >> it begs the question of what else would you call someone who has been shot? they're not bullet recipients. if you're going to use the phrase loaded question, or loaded term. you've got to apply that equally across the board. and here there didn't seem to be any real explanation as to why what's good for the goose is not good for the gander. >> reporter: long-time criminal defense attorney dan adams has a different take. do you think the judge made the right call here? >> yes, i think the judge made the right call here. you can't be a victim unless there's has been a crime committed. and the decision whether a crime has been committed is the proof dance of the jury. >> i'm in constant pain, excruciating pain, pain that doesn't go away. >> reporter: he's the only person to survive being shot by rittenhouse and is expected to be called as a witness in the trial. sara sidner, cnn. our thanks to sara for that report. elon musk makes a $6 billion pledge to fight world hunger if, and it's a big if. first, a cnn correspondent turns her own devastating loss into a story of hope and faith. rene marsh will join us next. bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ your eyes. beautiful on the outside, but if you have diabetes, there can be some not-so-pretty stuff going on inside. it's true, with diabetic retinopathy, excess sugar can damage blood vessels, causing vision loss or even blindness. so remember this: now is the time to get your eyes checked. eye care is important to your long-term diabetes management. see a path forward with actions and treatments 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east." all profits go toward pediatric brain cancer research. rene, i have to say i've been so happy to have you back at work. we have missed you so much. we know you and your family have been through so much not only the last several months but the last several years. i wonder if you can tell us a little bit about how you decided to write this book. it was because something was missing in the library? >> yeah. first off, thank you for having me on to talk about this book. it means so much to me. it's so special to me. and how this book came to be is, you know, as we went through this cancer journey with blake, it was nearly two and a half years, everyone knows how, if you know blake, he loved to read. he loved books. we carry a stack of books to the hospital with us because we have 30-day stints in the hospital. we were going through a particularly tough time during his treatment. and all i had was the wheels on the bus, it'sy bitsy spider. i love those books but it wasn't feeding my soul at a time we were in blake's treatment. and i wanted a message of fighting spirit even when the odds looked stacked incredibly high against you. i decided i wanted to write a book that i could read to blake even when things don't look like they are going to work out, you still have hope. for me and my husband, it is what essentially helped us to survive that. >> such a beautiful little boy. >> thank you. >> up against a monster, which is really what blake is up against in this book. and i know at the time you wrote it you were reading about david and goliath in the bible. >> yeah. this was a point in blake's treatment where he was on life support. one of the chemo drugs triggered a near-fatal reaction. and i looked at my son laying on a table lifeless. but i continued to read to him every single day. and i wanted him to hear my voice every single day to know that i was still there. and the pwaobgtbooks, again, thd weren't what i needed in that very difficult moment. privately at night that is where -- that is the book that i was reading. and it gave me that hope to get to the next day. and it inspired me to believe that we were going to get through it. my little make is not here today. but after that stint on life support, we did have him for another year. and those are some of the most precious memories i have today. so that hope helped us to get to the next point. and those are the memories that i have in my heart today. >> it was an amazing comeback for blake. i remember you writing about it and having that year with him. this is about being able to keep fighting in his name. . >> yeah. yeah. so this book is a book about hope that any child can read, enjoy and be inspired by the greater mission of this book is to raise funds for pediatric brain cancer, specifically right now we are focused on raising money for research for pinioblastoma, which is the type he had. we learned quickly there is no research. that means there is no cure. that means that blake was never going to survive from the day we received that diagnosis. it hurts my heart to know today as i speak to you there are other children with this disease, sadly, because there is no research and no funding or not enough funding behind it, their fate may look a lot like blake. and i don't want that for any mom. and i don't want that for any dad. i want that child to be able to go to kindergarten, go to high school, go to college, get married. that's all i wanted to see for my son. so i will do everything in my power for the rest of my life to raise money for this cause. and i hope that when people get this book they will be inspired by the message but also have comfort in their heart to know they are helping other children in the hospital with cancer right now where doctors want to solve this disease but they just need the financial funding to do that. >> you talked so candid my through the course on social media of the battle that you were and i was so struck by some of your words, and what you said when he passed away, that you essentially had had this role of mother stolen from you. >> yes. >> i think it's something especially, i saw something that our colleague, andrew kaczynski, put on twitter where he was talking about the difference between halloween, for instance, for parents and that was something that really stuck with me, and your goal here is to make sure that other parents aren't in the same situation, but just tell us a little bit about finding that strength, something that you've talked about, finding that strength to shepherd blake through this. >> well, you're a mom, so you know that the love that you have for your child knows no limits, and i feel like that and felt like that with blake. i mean, there is nothing that i would not do for my son, and because he's not here in the physical sense, will not stop my love for him and also will not stop me fighting for him. this book is a reflection of my commitment to continuing to fight the disease that robbed me of my son. as far as the strength, you know, i have many moments of feeling broken, but i see my strength in my ability to piece myself back together each time so for anybody watching, we will have moments of brokenness, but the strength is putting yourself back together and as i like to say, working while you weep, and that's what this book is, a product of me working while i have been weeping. i do it for blake, and i hope i'm making him proud today and i do it for every child that is in the hospital, right now across america with this disease. i am here to fight for you and for your parents, so all of the research that this book will support is all listed on dive in, see what we plan on doing with the money here and yeah, is the only place you can purchase a book. >> it is a beautiful book with beautiful illustrations and a beautiful story and a beautiful little boy -- >> thank you. >> who is the protagonist. rene, thank you for sharing his story. >> thank you much. >> 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is terrifying this story, selena. >> reporter: brianna, it was a horrific attack on halloween at 8:00 p.m., witnesses say a man suddenly started attacking people with a large knife near the train station in western tokyo. the police arrested a 24-year-old man on the scene that witnesses say was dressed like the joker from batman, wearing a purple suit, a purple tie and bright green shirt. the man later told authorities he wanted to kill at least two people and wanted to get the death penalty. later witnesses uploaded video footage, you could see the chaotic scene playing out, people screaming, running for their lives, flames and smoke in the train car. authorities said the suspect used cigarette lighter fluid to set the train on fire. we spoke to a witness who said that he at first thought this was all some sort of halloween prank until he saw people rushing away from the attacker for their lives. the train made an emergency stop, people running out as fast as they could. this train was headed toward sh s shinjuku, a night life hot spot for party goers. at tack is part of several violent knife attacks in japan in recent years. this is considered one of the safest countries in the world, knife attacks are extremely rare, just one statistic for you in 2020 japan, a country under 26 million people, only seven gun related deaths compared to tens of thousands in the u.s. brianna? >> selena, thank you so much for that, selina wang live from tokyo. the world's richest man is responding to a plea for the world's super rich to help feed millions of starving people. the idea less than 2% of elon musk's net worth could help alleviate world hunger. christine romans joins us with that. >> a few super rich people could feed 42 starving people around the world, the plea from the head of the u.n. world food program on cnn last week. >> the billionaires need to step you of up on a one-time basis $6 billion to help 42 million people who are literally going to die if we don't reach them. it's not complicated. this is heartbreaking. i'm not asking them to do this every day, every week, every year, a perfect storm of conflict, climate change and covid. it's a one-time phenomena. >> david beasley singling out jeff bezos and elon musk. the bloomberg puts his net worth at $31 billion. the fore tune grew 9.3 billion alone in one day. over the weekweekend, musk responding to someone who tweeted that cnn story "if the u.n. can show on this twitter thread exactly how $6 billion will solve world hunger, i will sell tesla stock right now and do it." adding "details must be open sourced accountings so the public sees precisely how the money is bent." $6 billion is less than 2% of musk's fortune. beasley later replied let's talk. too m it's not as much as falcon heavy. is musk serious? the vast fortune grows. the net worth has doubled during the pandemic, th

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Quickly , Abouting , Manchin , Debate , Market , Exclusivity , Versions , Crux , Research , Insulin , Patent Protections , Range , Something , Profits , Producers , It , Drug Companies , Senators , Order , House Progressives , Senator Sanders , 50 , Most , Position , Biden Agenda , Teal , Campaign Trail , Package , El Gentlemen Message , Details , Kitchen Table , Dynamic , Washington Post , Prices , Drug , Message , Separately , Donald Trump , Timeline , January 6th , 187 , 6 , Reaction , Aid , Learning , The Hill , 41 , Attack , Confirmation , All Of Us , Police Officers , Saw , Galley , Person , Office , Democracy , Egoti Egotistical , Governors , Form , Congressman , Zone , Preview , Ron Brownstein , Midterms , Scholar , Effect , Races , Atlantic , 2022 , University , Northern Virginia , State , Race , Residence , Christopher New , 10 , Guarantee , Midterm , Likelihood , Ghost Of Future Christmas , Elections , Approval Rating , Sagging , Environment , Win , Terry Mcauliffe , Poll , 42 , 43 , Self Interest , Help , Lessons , Sophia , Glenn Youngkin , Glenn Youngkin Wins , Everybody , Loudoun County , Trump , State Senator , Job , Culture Wars , Someone , Issues , County , Campaign , Respect , Students , Roles , Primary , Heels , Wedge , School Board , Parents , Education Debate , Rooms , Glenn , Runaway , Independents , Voters , Thing , October 27th , Down , Christopher Newport University , 27 , Heat , Re Election , Phil Murphy , Plus 16 , Election , Attention , Safer , Proximity , Four , States , Intensity , Imbalance , White House , Case , Base , Couldn T Stand Trump Drift , Votes , Answer , Excuse , Leaning , 24 , 22 , Voting Issue , Potency , Anything , Never Trumper , Election Integrity Rhetoric , Trumpism , Ties , Hints , Deal , Country , Youngkin Wins , Alex Baldwin , Thanks , Silence , Author , Vision , Exchange , E Blur Bus One , Retkofg Our Founder , Kyle Rittenhouse , Judge , Ruling , Elon Musk , Shooting , Film , Set , Kenosha , Catch , Offer , Billion , 6 Billion , Family , Gift , Dream , Holiday Season , Aa Battery , Energizer Bunny , Snowball Splat , Energizer Ultimate Lithium , Windshield Wiper , Retirement Plan , Voya , Confidence , Solutions , Special Needs , Well Invested , Kevin , Xfinity , Everything , Wherever , Curfew Breakers , Hoss , Dog , Unlocks , Deliveries , Solution , Pros , Home Security , Instant , Cameras , Xfinity Home , 0 , Death , Prop Gun , Gun , Baldwin , Halyna Hutchins , Movie Set , Prop , Friend , Joel , Dinner , Well Oiled Crew Shooting A Film Together , Accidents , Dave Cortezy , California State Senator , Film Sets , Event , Ammo , It Shouldn T , Matter , Ammunition , Wasn T A Fluke , Firearm , Trigger , Mistakes , Firearms , Finger , Both , Human Being , Anyone , Round , Events , Firing Pin , Sequence , Thelalyna Hutchins , Aren T Matters , Sl , Man , History , State Of Shock , Actions , California , Workplace Safety , The First Draft Last Friday , Leg Council , Legislative Council , Sacramento , Remedies , More , Draft , Best Practices , Industry , Regulations , Employment Code , Collective Bargaining Units , Unions , Labor , Don T Exit , Guns , Rounds , Blanks , Distinction , Props , Firing Pins , Whatever , Place , Crew Members , Penalties , Safety Measures , Point , Code Enforcement In , Filming , State Agency , Site , Tragedy , Red , Hutchins , Incident , Professors , State Of Florida , Dave Cortese , Voting Rights , Up Next , Prosecutors , Court , All In One , Small Business , Management Software , High Thryv , Thryv , Yep , Granddaughter , Retirement , Steps , Demo , Grandpa , Ow , Dose , Migraine Medicine , Migraine , Don T , Tracks , Inhibitors , Ubrelvy , 2 , Cyp3 , Time , Nausea , Tiredness , Side Effects , Feet , Beat , Essential , Sustainability , Cisco , 2040 , Collaboration Tools , Power , Intelligence , Planet , Waste , Workplace , Meeting Human Needs , Ancestry , Walk , Photo , Bridge , The Bridge , Tepechitlan , Woman , Holiday , Nose , Bonds , Papa , University Of Florida , Fire , Lawyer , Morning , Speech , Exercise , Three , Cnn , Voting Rights Case , Nadia Romero , Evidence , Voter Fraud , President , Didn T Stop , Big Lie , 2020 , Legislature , Passing Laws , Pills Thassing , Some , Funds , Look , Restrictions , Law , Use , Voting , Mail , Id Requirements , V Rights , Ballot , Desantis , Observation Power , Ballot Tabulation , Big Changes We Saw , Trial , Voting Bill , Lawsuits , Work , Amendment , Rights , Statement , Requests , Interests , Employees , Institution , Town , Public , Matters , Chair , Importance , Freedoms , Board Of Trustees , John Incident , Aclu , Supporter , Multimultiple , Donor , Report , Jury Selection , Police Shooting , Front , Unrest , Third , Self Defense , Defense , Headlines , Wisconsin , Sara Sidner , Video , Police , Chest , Household Name , Semiautomatic Weapon , 17 , Rittenhouse , Riots , Attorney , Danger , Businesses , Counts , Streams , Anthony Huber , Shows Rittenhouse , Bomb , Skateboard , Him , Joseph Rosen , Gage , Stomach , Guy , Protests , Response , Arm , Victims , Rioters , Attorneys , Looters , Arsonists , People Rittenhouse , Rioting , Arson , Looting , Victim , Opinion , Judges , Honor , Mine , Loaded Word , Prosecutor , Cousin , Term , Board , Shot , Bullet Recipients , Phrase , Dan Adams , Take , Gander , Explanation , What S Good For The Goose , Crime , Dance , Jury , Decision , Witness , Pain , Doesn T Go Away , World Hunger , Sara , Big , If , Story , Correspondent Rene Marsh , Correspondent , Loss , Faith , First , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Bogeys , Limu , Six , Woooooooooooooo , Liberty , Eyes , Diabetes , Helicopter , Pay , Stuff , Outside , Diabetic Retinopathy , Inside , Vision Loss , Treatments , Diabetes Management , Path , Blindness , Sugar , Blood Vessels , Eye Care , Control , Sight , Visit Noweyesee Com , Investors , Element Securing Portfolios , Reward , Gold , Advantage , Cooks , Neighbors , Friends , Broadband Network , Clock , Capacity , Network , End , Husband , Son , Grief , Cancer Research , Brain Cancer , Oregon , Book , Children , Boy , Monster , Pediatric Brain Cancer Research , Miracle Workers , Miracle , Big East , First Off , Library , Cancer , Books , Everyone , Hospital , Treatment , Wheels On The Bus , Stack , It Sy Bitsy Spider , 30 , Wasn T Feeding My Soul , Odds , Fighting Spirit , Reading , The Bible , David And Goliath , Life Support , Chemo Drugs , Table Lifeless , Thd Weren T , Voice , Pwaobgtbooks , Memories , Make , Stint , Heart , Fighting , Name , Comeback , Child , Mission , Pediatric Brain Cancer , Type , Cure , Diagnosis , Pinioblastoma , Disease , Funding , Fate , Mom , College , Life , High School , Kindergarten , Dad , Cause , Comfort , Social Media , Doctors , Battle , My , Role , Mother , Andrew Kaczynski , Colleague , Halloween , Instance , Difference , Yes , Twitter , Strength , Goal , Situation , Love , Limits , Reflection , Anybody , Moments Of Brokenness , My Son , Product , Weeping , Renemarsh Com , Dive In , Protagonist , Illustrations , The Miracle Workers Boy Versus Beast , Breakthrough , Back , Sleep Number , Bed , Sale , 360 , Tech , Chip , Interest , Sleep , Bases , Couple , Windshield , Trust Safelite , Plus , Ends Monday , Farmers Market , 200 , 1200 , 36 , Insurance , Service , Singers , Safelite , Safelite Repair , Cell Lung Cancer , Adult , Pd L1 , Combo , Yervoy , Opdivo , Option , Immune System , Alk , Egfr , Opdivo Plus Yervoy , Problems , Doctor , Parts , Eye Problems , Chest Pain , Irregular Heartbeat , Stomach Pain , Lead , Constipation , Breath , Body , Shortness , Fainting , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Dizziness , Cough , Memory Problems , Muscle Pain , Joint Pain , Nervous System Problems , Confusion , Conditions , Thirst , Appetite , Itching , Flushing , Rash , Weakness , Fever , Urine , Priceline , Stem Cell Transplant , Chest Radiation , Hotels , Organ , 60 , Trip , Dj , Customization , Throwback , Liberty Uh , Liberty Commuters , Train , Knife , Joker , Japan , Condition , Suspect , Stabbing , Seleina Wang , 70 , Station , Brianna , Witnesses , Selena , 8 , 00 , Authorities , Suit , Train Station , Scene , Shirt , Purple Tie , Western Tokyo , Batman , Death Penalty , Train Car , Flames , Smoke , Cigarette , Video Footage , Chaotic Scene Playing Out , People Screaming , On Fire , Attacker , Emergency Stop , Halloween Prank , Sort , Knife Attacks , Tack , Party Goers , Night Life Hot Spot , Sh S Shinjuku , Statistic , Deaths , Tens Of Thousands , Seven , 26 Million , Plea , Idea , Feed Millions , Selina Wang , Net Worth , Christine Romans , Billionaires , Head , Basis , U N World Food Program , 42 Million , David Beasley , Storm , Conflict , Phenomena , Climate Change And Covid , Bloomberg , Fore Tune , Jeff Bezos , 1 Billion , 31 Billion , 9 3 Billion , Musk , Stock , Weekweekend , Tesla , Fortune , Accountings , Let S Talk , Th , Pandemic , Falcon Heavy ,

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