Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

i'm brianna keilar with john berman on this day. it is a critical day for the january 6th investigation. the committee threatening action against anyone who defies their subpoenas. and the biden white house rejecting donald trump's efforts to keep documents under seal. plus, democrats possibly inching closer to a compromise as we head into a key day for president biden's domestic agenda. and the reluctant warrior, in his own words. what colin powell told bob woodward about his health just months before his death. and truth, justice, and controversy. why superman's iconic motto is getting a rebrand. welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. it is tuesday, october 19th. later today, the january 6th committee decides whether long-time trump ally steve bannon gets referred to the department of justice for criminal contempt. bannon is citing executive privilege for refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena. but the white house, the biden white house, is not buying that argument. cnn has obtained a letter from the white house deputy counsel, and it states that the biden administration will not support any attempt by panbannon to ref cooperation. >> last night, donald trump did what he usually does when in a tight spot. he sued. he sued the january 6th committee and national archives in a bid to keep documents secret. the committee says trump is trying to stall. the white house is taking it one step further, accusing trump of abusing the office of the presidency and attempting to subvert a peaceful transfer of power. now, the national archives is scheduled to turn over documents early next month unless the courts intervene. i want to bring in cnn correspondent and "early start" anchor laura jarrett. laura, a big day. what can we expect? >> john, a big day indeed. later today, the january 6th committee will finally get to flex its muscle and send a message to witnesses who try to defy congressional subpoenas. lawmakers are tackling perhaps their easiest witness first, steve bannon. the one-time chief strategist to former president trump. someone who arguably has the weakest case for asserting executive privilege here. last night, the panel released a new report, making their case about why bannon should be held in criminal contempt of congress for flouting their document and interview requests, and revealing for the first time the full scope of their subpoena. at today's meeting, lawmakers will first vote on adopting the report out of committee. if it is adopted, it is then referred to the full house. the full house will then have to vote, and if it succeeds, speaker nancy pelosi will certify the report to the u.s. attorney's office in washington, d.c. that's what triggers prosecutors to bring the case to a grand jury. but the justice department will make its own decision about whether or not to bring charges here, which means the attorney general merrick garland could intervene if he wants to. historically, most people don't actually go to trial after their cases are referred to doj. even if steve bannon is ultimately charged here, any prosecution could take a while and he could obviously appeal. so there is a long road ahead here. >> laura, separate from this, very connected, former president trump sued the january 6th committee and national archives to try to keep the records from his presidency a secret. these records that they have specifically requested. what is going on here? >> right. this fight is all about what the former president was doing and saying leading up to the riot on january 6th. the problem for him is he isn't president anymore and doesn't have the records he wants to keep secret. they live in the national archives. the man who is president, president biden, is standing by his decision not to assert executive privilege over these materials. in a new statement late last night, more forceful in tone, trump's actions are called a unique and existential threat to our democracy. adding that the constitutional protections of executive privilege should not be used to shield information that reflects a clear and apparent effort to subvert the constitution itself. a stronger statement there from the white house. that, of course, isn't stopping trump. his lawyers are trying to argue the house requests are too broad. quote, untethered from legitimate legislative purpose. and he should have the ability to keep his diskcussions as president private. calendars, call logs, tweets, and other communications during the run-up to the riots on january 6th. now, the shekt elect committee going to fight the lawsuit, saying it is harder to imagine a more compelling public interest than trying to get answers to overturn the 2020 election. bottom line, the national archives says unless a court steps in, they're going to release these documents by november 12th. trump doesn't have much time. >> time is running out. the current white house weighed in as forcefully as it did, a i cusinge -- accusing the president of abusing his power. the president's executive privilege doesn't cover potential criminal activity. >> that's right. >> laura, thank you for that. >> let's talk about this with cnn political analyst david gregory and senior analyst laura coates. she is a former federal prosecutor. it is interesting to hear the white house responding, that essentially donald trump abused his power and they're not going to assert executive privilege. i don't know, laura, if that's unusual, or what is more unusual is donald trump's legal strategy here. >> well, the strategy, what strategy? the idea of trying to throw something at the wall to prevent what you no longer have? he can't veto legislation any longer. he is not the commander in chief any longer. he is no longer the president of the united states. those privileges now belong with the executive branch. but what is curious here is, remember, the executive privilege is about protecting, frankly, the presidency, not just the president who is the forward-thinking approach because you want to have communications meant to advise the president or aid in his or eventually her perhaps deliberation. you want to have the forthright, candid conversation that privilege protects. here, you don't have people, like bannon, for example, who were involved in advisory positions in an official capacity. you don't have instances where you're just talking about a communication, as laura jarrett talked about. you're talking about call logs and different records that might actually address the presence of communication without the underlying substance of it. you have someone like former president trump who is attempting to still retain the powers that we lost when he lost the election. and the incumbent, realizing that in the overall grand scheme of things, there is a greater public interest in transparency than shielding what may have encouraged the actual insurrection. >> what do you think, david? seems like this is sort of just about trying to squirrel his way out of accountability. >> yeah. >> it is not actually a real legal approach. >> well, first of all, he'll find lawyers to make any argument once he has to fire some or others are disbarred. anyone who will bring a claim for him, he'll rely on. that's what's happening here. the legal strategy is what it is. it's made up because of what the president is. what's going on here, the president is trying to hide what he said, what he did, and what he wrote in the period around january 6th, and for good reason. look, he lost the presidency after one term. they lost congress as a result of his leadership. he may want to run again. he's gotten into enough trouble with even his voters around january 6th. i mean, yeah, there's a hard core, you know, loud group of people who will still support him, but he has alienated a lot of people. the more known about an effort to undermine our democracy, to undermine a free and fair election fromting validated, the worse it looks for him. it is obvious he wants to hide from that. i think an additional legal point is that the courts have an interest in claretity, institutional clarity around this. they want to resolve questions when there is an assault on our democracy and a free and fair election. they want it to be clear. can a former president assert privilege when the supreme c court -- no, on the current president has the ability to determine if something is worth shielding. >> the current white house saying here, to be clear, no, we're not going to assert executive privilege. >> right. >> donald trump abused his power. it would be weird if the white house didn't say that. >> right. because this is also a defense of a free and fair election, defense of our democratic system. this was so beyond the pale. the fact that trump is doing what he does, which is to attack the committee, a bipartisan committee that has republicans and that has to have the importance, the political importance. pa because if we can't get to the bottom of what happened january 6th, congress is useless. we don't have the ability for one branch to investigate the other. this was an abuse of power just based on everything we know now. based on what the president said out loud in front of god and everybody. so once you have added layers of conversations he was having, it'll become even clearer. again, we have plenty of clarity already. >> makes you wonder, laura, if the system is at all prepared to deal with a vexatious litigant like donald trump, or someone who is intransigent, like steve bannon or other aides refusing to comply. what happens with this contempt vote? is bannon looking at any consequences here? >> well, he should be. remember, i know that oftentimes people think of baseball as america's favorite past ime but it is litigation. normally, people thumb their nose, the last couple years they have been. but the idea of having a criminal referral to the department of justice, remember, if there was an everyday person outside the purview of a congressional select committee, you have a squad car go pick up the person you've subpoenaed. you have them appear and actually testify. a bold assertion of privilege is not going to be enough to shield their responsibility to comply with the subpoena. remember, everyone keeps talking about executive privilege. talking about trump and bannon as if you get to have a get out of subpoena free card. if you have a valid assertion of privilege, you've got to prove it. even then, you still have to show up and answer all of the questions that are not responsive or touch upon those areas of privilege. so you have a very high bar here for someone like bannon or when the supreme court already said, although a prior president could have some claim of privilege, they still have to prove it. there is still a lot of constraints on the ability to be able to assert it. there's a whole host of things that needs to be proven. most importantly, of course, as laura jarrett pointed out, the department of justice has to make an independent decision. if aindict, you have to go through a trial, which is the moment in time where the lawyers for the person who thumbed ed their nose can to provide an opportunity to avoid trial and present actual testimony. again, steve bannon has been quite vocal up until now, up until getting that subpoena, about his views. he has made public many of what he has eluded to the conversations being. if that's the case, he's already lost privilege by publicizing whatever it is he has to say. so we have perhaps a protracted litigation, but not one that should result in any way with steve bannon being able to thumb his nose at a congressional subpoena or a former president being able to say, i still want to be in the oval office, even though i'm not and the election was fair. >> remember, timing is important too, right? if we get to the point where hs t this is tied up in litigation, the midterm election -- politically, there is not enough subpoena support at the leadership level if they take over to keep the committee going. that'll be a sad reality. >> enough support? is there any? >> right. >> i want to ask your opinion, david, about this doj filing that speaks not only to the importance of looking back and holding people to account for their activities on january 6th, but why it is important for the future. part of this says the risk of future violence is fueled by a segment of the population that seems intent on lionizing the january 6th rioters and treating them as political heros instead of criminals, many of whom committed extreme acts of violence. >> it is an important political statement about making sure that people realize what happened on january 6th is not the end. it could be tame in comparison. we don't know what 2024 looks like. we don't know, now these forces have been unleashed and with a demagogic leader like trump, if he is involved again, you know, what could be whipped up. there's a lot of connective tissue through social media. we've seen this in our history where, you know, people who are determined to use violence and idealogical ends, you know, can band together. now it's even easier to do that. so i think there is no question, this is an important moment, which is why the fact that our political leadership is not really committed shoulder to shoulder to say, which cannot stand is what is so disturbing for our democracy right now and our -- because we don't have a political system that is strong enough and committed enough to protect our institutions. that's a sad state. voters can have something to do with this by speaking loudly about it. >> yeah. divisions in the country, do they have any interest in that? that's a big question. david, laura, thank you so much. >> thank you. new reports that the fda is planning to authorize a mix and match approach for americans seeking coronavirus booster shots. this will allow people to get a different brand of booster from the vaccine they initially received. cnn's elizabeth cohen joins us now. this has been one of the questions people asked for some time, elizabeth. >> john, that's right. people have wondered, well, if i got moderna first months ago, can i now get a booster with pfizer, if that's what is available near me? if i got pfizer, can i get moderna? if i got johnson & johnson, can i get either of the other two? so "the new york times" is reporting that it is expected that the new rule is going to be get whatever. boost with whatever. whatever you got originally, you can get any of the three as a booster. now, let's take a look at the study that started this off. this was the study that was announced at an fda vaccine adviser's meeting last week. what it found, it looked at 458 study participants, and they found that fipfizer and moderna recipients did well with any booster. folks who got johnson & johnson months ago, they got a better antibody response if you used a pfizer or moderna booster instead of a johnson & johnson booster. so the results of the study are sort of supplemented with what infectious disease experts tell me that it sort of makes sense. it makes sense that it doesn't matter what you got months ago. any of the companies' boosters will work. when you get a booster will depend on what type of shot you got in the beginning. pfizer, it is after six months and only for certain people at high risk of covid complications. moderna looks like it'll be the same. for johnson & johnson, it looks like the instructions will be to get a booster two months after you got your johnson & johnson shot. that's for everyone. it doesn't matter who you are. two months after johnson & johnson, get a booster who matter who you are. john? >> this is why all of this is of particular interest for those 16 million people or so who did get the johnson & johnson vaccine. thank you so much. bernie sanders and joe manchin putting on a show of unity for the cameras. look at that, arm in arm. what happened behind closed doors? what are key progressives hearing about possible progress? two key democrats join us. plus, standoffs mounting between law enforcement and vaccine enforcement in several of america's major cities. the gang that kidnapped 16 american missionmissionaries, 1 canadian mission tary, made the demands. hear what they are. s your busin. knows... your... business! expert bookkeepers who understand your business. intuit quickbooks live bookkeeping. your eyes. beautiful on the outside, but if you have diabetes, there can be some not-so-pretty stuff going on, on the inside. it's true, if you have diabetes, you know high blood sugar is the root of the problem. but that excess sugar can cause the blood vessels to be seriously damaged. and when that happens, this could happen, vision loss or even blindness. that's right, diabetic retinopathy is a leading cause of blindness for adults in the u.s. but even though you can't see it, there is something you can do about it. remember this: now is the time to get your eyes checked. eye care is an incredibly important part of your long-term diabetes management. see a path forward with actions and treatments that may help your eyes— and protect against vision loss. just say to yourself, “now eye see.” then—go see an eye care specialist. visit to get the facts about diabetes, your eyes, and what you can do next—to take control of your sight. brought to you by regeneron. wealth is breaking ground on your biggest project yet. worth is giving the people who build it a solid foundation. wealth is shutting down the office for mike's retirement party. worth is giving the employee who spent half his life with you, the party of a lifetime. wealth is watching your business grow. worth is watching your employees grow with it. principal. for all it's worth. you have the best pizza in town and the worst wait times. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit this halloween, xfinity rewards is offering up some spooky-good perks. like the chance to win a universal parks & resorts trip to hollywood or orlando to attend halloween horror nights. or xfinity rewards members, get the inside scoop on halloween kills. just say "watch with" into your voice remote for an exclusive live stream with jamie lee curtis. a q&a with me! join for free on the xfinity app. our thanks your rewards. a key meeting last night as talks over president biden's sweeping economic a igenda reaca critical point. bernie sanders and joe manchin appearing with their arms around each other outside the capitol. >> we're talking. we're talking. >> looks like all peace and harmony. now, manchin earlier in the day responded to sanders' claim that he's getting in the way. >> you're holding up the biden agenda. >> 52 senators who don't agree, okay? there's two that want to work something out if possible, in a rational, reasonable way. that's all. >> today, the president is bringing over two groups of house democrats to the white house, meeting separately with moderates and progressives, to see if they can move toward common ground. joining me now, two progressive democrats, congresswoman cori bush of missouri and jamal bowman of new york. thank you both for being with me this morning. housekeeping first. joe manchin and bernie sanders meeting behind closed doors yesterday. we know joe manchin yet with pramila jayapal who leads the progressive caucus. what is your take on these meetings? >> having the meetings, great. let's have the meetings. also, what comes out of it? are we bringing home climate action? that's the question. are we bringing home free community college? are we bringing home what we need for our care economy, those investments we need right now for our communities. the talks are great. let's talk and act. let's talk and move. the clock is ticking. people need help right now. >> the president meeting today with a group of moderate democrats and progressive democrats. are either of you going? >> no. we haven't been invited to the meeting. that's unfortunate because there have been multiple meetings, and neither myself nor cori bush or other members of the squad have been invited to any of these meetings. it's unacceptable. it's frustrating. when we talk about our districts, we center racial justice and racial equality. we center economic justice. she talks about st. louis. cori talks about st. louis. i talk about the bronx, mt. vernon, yonkers. it is great to have the conversations, but we can't cut resources from black women, black people, from the latino community, from the indigenous community, from our seniors. i hate that we continue to cut resources to our most vulnerable communities while continuing to respond to special interests and what they want us to do in congress. >> you haven't been part of the talks. why do you think that is? >> haven't been part of those talks. you know, i think part of it is, first of all, we've been very, very clear and very vocal about what we want to see. but i think that there is something to be said about having people that talked about being the people that they serve. you know, i've talked about being unhoused. you've talked about issues where you have been -- had to be in -- you were in a shootout before, in more than one shootout. we have lived the life that the people in our communities have lived. very recently. we're not very disconnected from it. like a year ago, you know? and we are the folks that should be at the tables as well because weir talk we're talking about vinvestment for them. if you're not listening to the people in your community, who are we representing? people who are representing the broad vast of the country should be at the tables. >> senator manchin talks about the expansion of medicare toden. new family leave. community college. aggressive climate measures, he wants to dial that back, congressman. >> we're focused on bottom-up economics. centering the grassroots. making sure we center those who are vulnerable. cutting back on medicare expansion, we cut back on seniors, people who need health care. if you work in this country, if you work full time, you should have access to quality health care, dental, optical, and hearing. the climate crisis is here. hurricane ida just destroyed new york and new jersey. 50 people were killed. we got to go big on climate change. obviously, we have to take care of our children. if we don't take care of our children, there is no future democracy. how are we going to negotiate and cut back on any of that? >> and we talk about -- people want to talk about the violence. the violence. crime is up. violence is up. you want to pull out the investment? we're talking about billions of dollars that will go into communities for violence intervention. why are we -- so we fuss about what we don't want to see, but we won't fund what we know would help. those are the things we have to talk about. our care economy. you know, we don't want to make sure that mom has someone at home that can stay there to help take care of her while you go to work? we don't want to keep grandma in the home? you know, we should do that. how are we taking care of our community members that are living disabled? >> how do you reach a deal then, short of somehow just changing joe manchin's mind? >> we keep doing what we've been doing, but you also have to -- we have to reach those communities, to have the communities reach their legislators. that's the thing. when people call our offices and say, from our districts, this is what we want -- now, i can't talk about what happened with certain ones in their states, but in our districts, when they call us and say, no, i want you to vote this way, that's how we move. >> why do you laugh when i said changing joe manchin's mind? >> well, you know, joe manchin and others like him have a certain perspective that i think is incorrect. he thinks investing in a bottom-up economy is entitlement. he claims he's worried about inflation. i think we need to have a conversation about the special int interest that support joe manchin and others. this way, it is better for the gdp and economy going forward, and it is better for our well-being. when you put money in people's pockets, they spend that money. it creates demand, which creates supply, which creates jobs. we have to make sure we're putting money in people's pockets and lifting them out of a global pandemic. look at what we've gone through over the last 18 months. >> you talk about the people in your districts, what they're asking for. how do you tell them that the possibility of nothing is better than the possibility of everything? >> why is that the possibility? i'm sorry, cori. go ahead. >> well, if it is a $1.5 trillion plan to gets to the floor, will you vote against it. >> that's the expectation. the expectation is we will give you crumbs and expect you to be happy. what we're seeing is i cadidn't come to congress to give crumbs to my community. st. louis is number one and two or homicide. number one for police murder. number one for the murder of children. we keep having the issues. we have issues with black children being ten times as likely to go to the emergency room for asthma than white children. how do we fix those things? you have to put the money there. so i didn't come to congress to sit back and accept those crumbs. give my folks the meal. that is why we are here, to push that. >> don't ask us why aren't we willing to compromise. ask joe manchin, is he okay with violence in our communities continuing, public housing falling apart, black and brown people disproportionately dying from covid, the climate crisis. ask him to go bigger instead of asking us to go smaller. >> to be clear, we're asking every member, you know, where they're going to go and where the possible agreements can be reached. paul earlier talked about progress versus perfection. >> ha. that's not even -- we're talking about a package that is not even perfection. >> $3.5 trillion was the compromise. >> right, that's the compromise. >> president biden came in at 6 tri trillion dollars. >> joe manchin would say $1.5 trillion isn't crumbs. >> we're paying for $1.5 trillion, first of all, so we have the offsets. this is key. >> tell joe manchin to come to my district. >> that's right. >> tell him to come to my district, meet with me, and i'll take him to see what happens when you give a little of -- you give a little of something and you expect people to live off of that. what will happen is, $1.5 trillion or whatever it turns out to be that he wants, we can't expect other investments, other big investments to come right after that. it'll be a, oh, we did something for you. >> we spend $7.6 trillion on the military alone every ten years. >> yeah. >> it is okay for us to spend that money. no one bats an eye. but we're looking to spend $3.5 trillion over ten years, most of it paid for on a bottom-up economy to target those most vulnerable, and we have a problem with that? black and brown people, black and brown women, indigenous people, poor people, we always have to wait. you always ask, not you, the government always ask us to kick the can down the road for the most vulnerable people. to me, that's unacceptable. >> again, the prospect of getting nothing. if it is an issue of what you think should happen versus what can happen, you would vote no on $2 trillion? >> because what we've been seeing is, we don't want any programs cut, period. no programs cut. >> no cuts on anything of the $3.5 trillion? >> no cuts of programs, but we are willing to say, if we have to cut years on some of the programs to make this work, then okay. there may be some areas that instead of being a ten-year investment can be five years or seven years or eight years. we're willing to do that. but don't cut our programs. how do you tell that person working nin the child care center, no, not you, you wait. you wait until whenever. we don't know when this will come around, but we want the money to be there to pay for the folks that are fixing our roads and bridges. do we need that? absolutely. we want that investment for them. we also need our investments in housing. we also need investments in our schools. we also need those investments in climate action. we need the clean electricity. >> and the majority of the american people are with us. the majority of democrats are with us. there are just a few who are holding it up. it's not us. the majority of the american people are living paycheck to paycheck. the child tax credit, the temporary one, lifted 50% of children out of poverty. we're looking to extend that to make it permanent. more money in people's pockets, more spending, petterbetter eco more jobs. >> i have to let you go do your jobs, though you're not going to the meeting, but is the white housologic -- house listening to you? >> bring us to the table. why not? jamal, why can't you go? >> i can go right now. >> maybe -- >> let's make it happen. >> all right. we'll see if the white house responds to your offer to come to the meeting today. you freed up your calendar. representative, representative, thank you for being with us. >> thank you. >> thank you. a cnn exclusive, president joe biden takes questions from the american people. perhaps you can submit a question. anderson cooper moderates the cnn presidential town hall with joe biden, thursday night at 8:00. a conservative radio host and vaccine skeptic reveals he has covid. why he says he got it on purpose and what he did to catch it. and holding out for a hero. >> i'm vengeance. >> i thought we were talking about bonnie tyler. i got excited there for a second. why batman and superman are still cultural flash points decades later. we're carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. this is the new world of work. each day looks different than the last. but, whatever work becomes, the world works with servicenow. bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? 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according to the "baltimore sun," the union sent letters to members friday, telling them not to disclose vaccine status due to collective bargaining issues. as of last week, about 64% of the police department's 3,000 employees were vaccinated. now the focus is on baltimore's police force to see if those numbers change and how that could impact the safety of the city. conservative radio host and vaccine skeptic dennis praeger says he got covid and he did it on purpose. listen to this. >> it is infinitely preferable to have natural immunity than vaccine immunity. and that is what i hoped for the entire time. hence i so engaged with str strangers, constantly hugging them, taking photos with them, knowing that i was making myself very susceptible to getting covid. which is indeed, as bizarre as it sounded, what i wanted. >> all right. joining me now, brian stelter, cnn chief media correspondent and anchor of "reliable sources." sanjay and other doctors will say this is an awful idea. >> yes. this is the illogical extreme. he is not the only right-wing radio host that pushes this narrative that you should go out and get covid. he says it has happened to him and he is doing okay. he is taking one of those cocktails of drugs that's recommended by fringe doctors. this is really about owning the limits. whatever biden says, whatever the government says, they do the opp opposite. it is contrarianism that makes people sick. if colin powell's death can remind everyone, we are in this together. we need to reduce cases so the immunocompromised have a better staying healthy. these people do the opposite. >> keeping people healthy sis te number one priority. >> i would have thought so. we started with the slogan, we are all in this together, and right-wing media figures are trying to pull us aapart. puerto rico's vaccination rates are so much higher than in the mainland. because you don't have the right-wing radio nonsense. you don't have the partisanship that's poisoned everything. figures like praeger are a part of the problem. same overnight on fox news. the narrative by tucker kcarlso and others, powell's death shows there are problems with the vaccine. this narrative is prolonging the pandemic. it is that simple and awful. they are prolonging the pandemic. >> will cane was on yesterday. all we know about powell initially was that he passed away and that it was from complications from covid. turned out, multiple myeloma, parkinson's disease, things that weaken your immune system, and he couldn't get the booster. it absolutely explains what happens there. >> reminder, you don't know everything right away. took a couple hours to find out about powell's medical history, to know the facts. the people who jump to conclusions and make assumptions, that's the problem. >> there will be, again, doctors who says this shows we should all get vaccinated. it is more reason to get vaccinated, to protect people like colin powell, who are immunocompromised. >> let's protect each other. sadly, this conversation is not what is airing on fox. every once in a while, a doctor says the right thing on air. for the most part, it's the tucker carlsons of the world who are dragging us backwards. >> i want to ask you about b batman. >> please. >> the batman in this case. the trailer is out for the new batman movie. >> we need a hero. >> yes. >> fear is a tool. when that light hits the sky, it's not just a call. >> all right. people go nuts over batman trailers. >> this is a big deal. cnn's parent company, warner brothers, reintroducing batman. it's been a decade since there has been a batman film. way too long. warner brothers under pressure positive reboot this franchise, to bring it back in a big way. i think there's been a really positive overall reaction. you're the big fan. tell us. >> we had to endure ben affleck, and i say that lovingly. but we needed a new batman. hopefully this is it. batman and superman, and i say this as a marvel fan. they're dc heros but different. they're decades older. i think they represent something different in american history. you know, superman is very much a messiah figure. batman is the vigilante. people get more worked up about them than i think other superheros. superman, first of all, bisexual, changing the motto from truth, justice, and the american way, to truth, justice, and a better tomorrow. >> yes. >> that's days of programming on fox news. >> a better tomorrow, yes. the american way part of the phrase came during world war ii. it was a logical move when, you know, this was this world war. i think now thee message is, ths is a global franchise looking to the future. that kind of ethnonationalism, you know, perhaps is not the right style going forward. i think it is about appealing to a global box office. hey, who can argue against a better tomorrow? what's so bad about a better tomorrow? sounds vague and simple. >> are you against a better tomorrow? anybody against a better tomorrow? tonight at 9:00 p.m. brian stelter, thank you very much. >> thanks. the governor's race in virginia heating up. candidate youngkin wants trump's voters to turn out. why is he not inviting the former president to join him on the campaign trail? ahmaud arbery killed while jogging. in the day of the trial, issues like black lives matter and the confederate flag. 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>> the person campaigning here is glenn youngkin. i'm on the ballot. i'm running against terry mcauliffe. terry mcauliffe wants anybody but terry mcauliffe to campaign. he's inviting the world to come here. >> i saw a woman at his rally wearing a t-shirt with the white house on it, referring to the white house as stolen property. i see youngkin as both trying to appeal to them as well as recognizing that he needs largely white virginians in the suburbs who may have voted for president biden because they thought that the former president was distasteful, but don't necessarily agree with democratic politics. and he thinks he can appeal to all of these constituencies by beating the drum on parental rights, for instance, by suggesting that parents have lost their ability to have agency when it comes to the direction of virginia public schools, especially amid the pandemic. so, brianna, a real test because if he is able to pull out an upset in virginia, and turn this state, other republicans will certainly try to replicate this model, this fine line that he's trying to walk. >> clearly democrats are worried or you wouldn't see all the big names out there for terry mcauliffe as well. eva, great reporting, thank you. we have some breaking news on that violent gang that kidnapped 16 american missionaries, one canadian one. they have named their price. this is going to be a big problem. it is very high. we will take you live to haiti. gabby petito's family finally bringing her home. their heart breaking new interview next. imagine having someone else do your books for you. as your quickbooks live bookkeeper, i'll categorize expenses, reconcile accounts, and close your books. cool. - yep. know where your business stands. intuit quickbooks live bookkeeping. your eyes. beautiful on the outside, but if you have diabetes, there can be some not-so-pretty stuff going on inside. it's true, with diabetic retinopathy, excess sugar can damage blood vessels, causing vision loss or even blindness. so remember this: now is the time to get your eyes checked. eye care is important to your long-term diabetes management. see a path forward with actions and treatments that may help your eyes— and protect against vision loss. visit and take control of your sight. alberto and i don't fit into those other family plans. that's why we love visible. they do things differently. yeah, it's wireless with unlimited data and if you join a group it's as low as $25/mo. all powered by verizon. 5g included. woo! just get together and save! we look goooood! what's everyone's handle? visible. unlimited data, as low as $25/mo all-in. powered by verizon, 5g included. wireless that gets better with friends. this morning, jury selection set to resume in the ahmaud arbery murder trial, the trial of the men accused of killing ahmaud arbery. three men are accused of chasing down and shooting the 25-year-old while he was jogging. yesterday prosecutors and defense attorneys argued over how much of the hundreds of potential jurors, how much they should be questioned about their views on race. cnn's martin savidge, who has been covering this from the very beginning, joins us now with the latest on what we're seeing. >> reporter: day one taught us one thing, this is going to be a difficult, slow and methodical process and as you say, it is going to focus mainly on the question of what the jurors' potential perceptions are on the race of race, racism, self-defense and on groups such as black lives matter. just to remind you, ahmaud arbery died february 20th -- february 23rd, 2020. he was gunned down while his family says he was jogging through a neighborhood. he was pursued by three white men. the men claim they thought arbery was a suspect in a series of break-ins in the neighborhood and two of the white men were armed. they used pickup trucks to eventually corral arbery in the neighborhood. arbery got into a struggle with travis mcmichael over a shotgun. travis mcmichael shot ahmaud arbery three times at point blank range, killing him. now, the defense maintains this was self-defense and they were attempting to conduct a citizens arrest. the prosecution says no. this was nothing but vigilanteism and racial pro profiling at its worst and all of it had been videotaped by one other suspect. the mother of ahmaud arbery says, look, just getting to day one of this trial is major progress. here's what she had to say. >> we're very thankful, the case has come from a very long way. pleased in the direction that the case is going. i never thought the day we would pick jurors would come and the day has finally come. >> reporter: just to give you an idea of what they're up against, normally in a trial in glen county, they would call 150 potential jurors. they have called 1,000 jurors. first 600 showed up yesterday and yesterday they barely got through questioning a group of the first 20. this is going to take a while. brianna? >> all right, martin, thank you so much for that report. gabby petito's heart broken family is finally bringing her home. they travelled to wyoming over the weekend to retrieve her remains and we're hearing from gabby's mother and stepfather in a new emotional interview. cnn's randi kaye joining us now from punta gorda, florida. tell us what they're saying. >> reporter: good morning, brianna. so the family of gabby petito spoke with "60 minutes" australia and it was a wide ranging interview. they talked about gabby was like as a child, how they're coping with her death. at one point her mom and stepfather got pretty emotional talking about what they think about gabby petito's final moments. watch this. >> i just -- i hope that she didn't suffer. and that she wasn't in any pain. >> just hoping that at that -- >> she was in a place that she wanted to be, looking at the beautiful mountains. >> randi? >> reporter: i'm sorry. i didn't hear -- i thought that was still playing there. i also -- i also -- there was some talking about she was -- her mom was speaking about the

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Ask , Member , Agreements , Package , Perfection , Paul , Progress Versus , Ha , 3 5 Trillion , District , Offsets , Isn T Crumbs , Little , Military , 6 Trillion , 7 6 Trillion , Vulnerable , Most , Bats , Government , Issue , Prospect , Trillion , 2 Trillion , Programs , Programs Cut , Cuts , Work , Some , Anything , Five , Child Care Center , Person Working Nin , Eight , Seven , Roads , Schools , Bridges , Majority , Few , Climate Action , Electricity , Paycheck , Poverty , Child Tax Credit , White Housologic , Table , Offer , Representative , Exclusive , Calendar , Town Hall , Anderson Cooper , Radio Host , Holding Out For A Hero , 8 , 00 , B Batman , Flash Points , Second , Bonnie Tyler , Car , Car Vending Machines , Company , License Plate , Carvana , 100 , Way , Techno Wizardry , Value , World , Last , Servicenow , Pay , Liberty Mutual , Liberty , Car Insurance , Limu , Bogeys , Helicopter , Woooooooooooooo , Woman , Tech , Chip , Insurance , Couple , Service , Windshield , Cost , Singers , Trust Safelite , Safelite , Safelite Repair , Farmers Market , Insurance Company Wasn T Fair , Firm , Accident Case , Worth H Barnes , Truck Hit , Barnes , Rich Barnes , I Didid T Kn Whahatmy C Caswa , T Ouour , Juryry Aorneneys Hehelpou , Best , Insurance Company Getenwasn T Fair Ity Y Cablele , Llll Theararnes Rmrm , Eight Hundred , Eight Million , Men , Coast To , Reporters , Chicago , Omar Jimenez , Vaccination Status , Police Officers , City , Mandate , Third , 500 , 4 , 13000 , Status , Lightfoot , Lowest , 64 , Officers , Seattle Police Department , Number , Monday Morning , Dan Simon , Seattle , Exemption , Process For Termination , Verification , City Employees , 98 , Calls , Level , Mobilization , Monday Night , 98 , 911 , 3 , Baltimore , Susanne Malveaux In Washington D C , 24 , Covid Test , City Workers , Law Enf Enforcement , Effect , Stand Off , Baltimore Sun , Collective Bargaining Issues , Letters , Union , Focus , 3000 , Police Force , Numbers , Safety , Skeptic Dennis Praeger , Vaccine Immunity , Immunity , Str Strangers , Photos , Brian Stelter , Bizarre , Anchor , Chief Media , Doctors , Yes , Extreme , Narrative , Sources , Sanjay , Drugs , Fringe Doctors , Cocktails , Limits , Contrarianism , Opp Opposite , Immunocompromised Have A Better Staying Healthy , Opposite , Media Figures , Sis Te , Priority , Together , Slogan , Partisanship , Mainland , Radio Nonsense , Vaccination Rates , Aapart , Puerto Rico , Problems , Powell , Fox News , Tucker Kcarlso , Figures , Multiple Myeloma , Will Cane , Turned Out , Parkinson S Disease , Immune System , Powell S , Reminder , Make , Assumptions , Conclusions , Each Other , Doctor , Airing , Air , Immunocompromised , Tucker Carlsons , Batman , Trailer , Tool , Fear , Hero , Movie , Hits , Sky , Call , Trailers , Parent Company , Reintroducing Batman , Warner Brothers , Franchise , Under Pressure , Reaction , Film , Big Fan , Ben Affleck , This Is It , American History , Marvel Fan , They Re Dc , Superheros , Messiah Figure , Vigilante , Bisexual , Programming , Phrase , World War Ii , Box Office , Style , Ths , Ethnonationalism , Race , Governor , Anybody , 9 , Ahmaud Arbery , Campaign , Candidate Youngkin , Virginia Heating Up , Jogging , Lives , Flag , Beep , Recording , Clapping , Birds Chirping , Phone Snaps , Ultra Soft , Family , Softness , Pillows , Charmin , Cushiony Softness , It Back , Soft , Holy Charmin , Go , Ubrelvy , Migraine Medicine , Serena , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , 10 , Migraine , Dose , Pill , Tracks , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Nausea , Older Medicines , Cgrp Protein , Cyp3a4 , Side Effects , Cyp3 , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Halloween , Terry Mcauliffe , Kamala Harris , Virginia On , Rice , High Stakes , Youngen Covets , Glenn Youngkin , Brianna , Needle , Thread , Virginia , Republican , Reference Point , Dance , Fine Line , Supporters , Campaign Trail , Relationship , Endorsement , Jeff Zeleny , Youngkin About Trump , T Shirt , Person Campaigning , Ballot , Rally , Virginians , Property , Suburbs , Parents , Politics , Instance , Constituencies , Rights , Drum , Direction , Upset , Virginia Public Schools , Great Reporting , Model , Breaking News , Names , Eva , Gabby Petito , Missionaries , Interview , Heart , Price , Haiti , Books , Bookkeeper , Expenses , Business Stands , Accounts , Yep , Inside , Control , Data , Family Plans , Alberto , Verizon , Mo , 25 , 5 , 5g , Save , Handle , Low , Friends , Mo All In , Visible , Jury Selection , Ahmaud Arbery Murder Trial , Potential Jurors , Killing , Defense Attorneys , Hundreds , Reporter , Martin Savidge , Difficult , Day One , Latest , Beginning , Jurors , Self Defense , Racism , Perceptions , February 20th , 20 , Neighborhood , Suspect , Break Ins , Series , February 23rd 2020 , 23 , Shotgun , Trucks , Ahmaud Arbery Three Times , Struggle , Travis Mcmichael , Killing Him , Point Blank Range , Profiling , Citizens Arrest , Vigilanteism , Mother , First 600 , Against , Glen County , 600 , 150 , 1000 , Stepfather , Randi Kaye , Wyoming , Punta Gorda , Florida , Point , Australia , 60 , Talking , Pain , Place , Mountains , I M Sorry ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

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i'm brianna keilar with john berman on this day. it is a critical day for the january 6th investigation. the committee threatening action against anyone who defies their subpoenas. and the biden white house rejecting donald trump's efforts to keep documents under seal. plus, democrats possibly inching closer to a compromise as we head into a key day for president biden's domestic agenda. and the reluctant warrior, in his own words. what colin powell told bob woodward about his health just months before his death. and truth, justice, and controversy. why superman's iconic motto is getting a rebrand. welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. it is tuesday, october 19th. later today, the january 6th committee decides whether long-time trump ally steve bannon gets referred to the department of justice for criminal contempt. bannon is citing executive privilege for refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena. but the white house, the biden white house, is not buying that argument. cnn has obtained a letter from the white house deputy counsel, and it states that the biden administration will not support any attempt by panbannon to ref cooperation. >> last night, donald trump did what he usually does when in a tight spot. he sued. he sued the january 6th committee and national archives in a bid to keep documents secret. the committee says trump is trying to stall. the white house is taking it one step further, accusing trump of abusing the office of the presidency and attempting to subvert a peaceful transfer of power. now, the national archives is scheduled to turn over documents early next month unless the courts intervene. i want to bring in cnn correspondent and "early start" anchor laura jarrett. laura, a big day. what can we expect? >> john, a big day indeed. later today, the january 6th committee will finally get to flex its muscle and send a message to witnesses who try to defy congressional subpoenas. lawmakers are tackling perhaps their easiest witness first, steve bannon. the one-time chief strategist to former president trump. someone who arguably has the weakest case for asserting executive privilege here. last night, the panel released a new report, making their case about why bannon should be held in criminal contempt of congress for flouting their document and interview requests, and revealing for the first time the full scope of their subpoena. at today's meeting, lawmakers will first vote on adopting the report out of committee. if it is adopted, it is then referred to the full house. the full house will then have to vote, and if it succeeds, speaker nancy pelosi will certify the report to the u.s. attorney's office in washington, d.c. that's what triggers prosecutors to bring the case to a grand jury. but the justice department will make its own decision about whether or not to bring charges here, which means the attorney general merrick garland could intervene if he wants to. historically, most people don't actually go to trial after their cases are referred to doj. even if steve bannon is ultimately charged here, any prosecution could take a while and he could obviously appeal. so there is a long road ahead here. >> laura, separate from this, very connected, former president trump sued the january 6th committee and national archives to try to keep the records from his presidency a secret. these records that they have specifically requested. what is going on here? >> right. this fight is all about what the former president was doing and saying leading up to the riot on january 6th. the problem for him is he isn't president anymore and doesn't have the records he wants to keep secret. they live in the national archives. the man who is president, president biden, is standing by his decision not to assert executive privilege over these materials. in a new statement late last night, more forceful in tone, trump's actions are called a unique and existential threat to our democracy. adding that the constitutional protections of executive privilege should not be used to shield information that reflects a clear and apparent effort to subvert the constitution itself. a stronger statement there from the white house. that, of course, isn't stopping trump. his lawyers are trying to argue the house requests are too broad. quote, untethered from legitimate legislative purpose. and he should have the ability to keep his diskcussions as president private. calendars, call logs, tweets, and other communications during the run-up to the riots on january 6th. now, the shekt elect committee going to fight the lawsuit, saying it is harder to imagine a more compelling public interest than trying to get answers to overturn the 2020 election. bottom line, the national archives says unless a court steps in, they're going to release these documents by november 12th. trump doesn't have much time. >> time is running out. the current white house weighed in as forcefully as it did, a i cusinge -- accusing the president of abusing his power. the president's executive privilege doesn't cover potential criminal activity. >> that's right. >> laura, thank you for that. >> let's talk about this with cnn political analyst david gregory and senior analyst laura coates. she is a former federal prosecutor. it is interesting to hear the white house responding, that essentially donald trump abused his power and they're not going to assert executive privilege. i don't know, laura, if that's unusual, or what is more unusual is donald trump's legal strategy here. >> well, the strategy, what strategy? the idea of trying to throw something at the wall to prevent what you no longer have? he can't veto legislation any longer. he is not the commander in chief any longer. he is no longer the president of the united states. those privileges now belong with the executive branch. but what is curious here is, remember, the executive privilege is about protecting, frankly, the presidency, not just the president who is the forward-thinking approach because you want to have communications meant to advise the president or aid in his or eventually her perhaps deliberation. you want to have the forthright, candid conversation that privilege protects. here, you don't have people, like bannon, for example, who were involved in advisory positions in an official capacity. you don't have instances where you're just talking about a communication, as laura jarrett talked about. you're talking about call logs and different records that might actually address the presence of communication without the underlying substance of it. you have someone like former president trump who is attempting to still retain the powers that we lost when he lost the election. and the incumbent, realizing that in the overall grand scheme of things, there is a greater public interest in transparency than shielding what may have encouraged the actual insurrection. >> what do you think, david? seems like this is sort of just about trying to squirrel his way out of accountability. >> yeah. >> it is not actually a real legal approach. >> well, first of all, he'll find lawyers to make any argument once he has to fire some or others are disbarred. anyone who will bring a claim for him, he'll rely on. that's what's happening here. the legal strategy is what it is. it's made up because of what the president is. what's going on here, the president is trying to hide what he said, what he did, and what he wrote in the period around january 6th, and for good reason. look, he lost the presidency after one term. they lost congress as a result of his leadership. he may want to run again. he's gotten into enough trouble with even his voters around january 6th. i mean, yeah, there's a hard core, you know, loud group of people who will still support him, but he has alienated a lot of people. the more known about an effort to undermine our democracy, to undermine a free and fair election fromting validated, the worse it looks for him. it is obvious he wants to hide from that. i think an additional legal point is that the courts have an interest in claretity, institutional clarity around this. they want to resolve questions when there is an assault on our democracy and a free and fair election. they want it to be clear. can a former president assert privilege when the supreme c court -- no, on the current president has the ability to determine if something is worth shielding. >> the current white house saying here, to be clear, no, we're not going to assert executive privilege. >> right. >> donald trump abused his power. it would be weird if the white house didn't say that. >> right. because this is also a defense of a free and fair election, defense of our democratic system. this was so beyond the pale. the fact that trump is doing what he does, which is to attack the committee, a bipartisan committee that has republicans and that has to have the importance, the political importance. pa because if we can't get to the bottom of what happened january 6th, congress is useless. we don't have the ability for one branch to investigate the other. this was an abuse of power just based on everything we know now. based on what the president said out loud in front of god and everybody. so once you have added layers of conversations he was having, it'll become even clearer. again, we have plenty of clarity already. >> makes you wonder, laura, if the system is at all prepared to deal with a vexatious litigant like donald trump, or someone who is intransigent, like steve bannon or other aides refusing to comply. what happens with this contempt vote? is bannon looking at any consequences here? >> well, he should be. remember, i know that oftentimes people think of baseball as america's favorite past ime but it is litigation. normally, people thumb their nose, the last couple years they have been. but the idea of having a criminal referral to the department of justice, remember, if there was an everyday person outside the purview of a congressional select committee, you have a squad car go pick up the person you've subpoenaed. you have them appear and actually testify. a bold assertion of privilege is not going to be enough to shield their responsibility to comply with the subpoena. remember, everyone keeps talking about executive privilege. talking about trump and bannon as if you get to have a get out of subpoena free card. if you have a valid assertion of privilege, you've got to prove it. even then, you still have to show up and answer all of the questions that are not responsive or touch upon those areas of privilege. so you have a very high bar here for someone like bannon or when the supreme court already said, although a prior president could have some claim of privilege, they still have to prove it. there is still a lot of constraints on the ability to be able to assert it. there's a whole host of things that needs to be proven. most importantly, of course, as laura jarrett pointed out, the department of justice has to make an independent decision. if aindict, you have to go through a trial, which is the moment in time where the lawyers for the person who thumbed ed their nose can to provide an opportunity to avoid trial and present actual testimony. again, steve bannon has been quite vocal up until now, up until getting that subpoena, about his views. he has made public many of what he has eluded to the conversations being. if that's the case, he's already lost privilege by publicizing whatever it is he has to say. so we have perhaps a protracted litigation, but not one that should result in any way with steve bannon being able to thumb his nose at a congressional subpoena or a former president being able to say, i still want to be in the oval office, even though i'm not and the election was fair. >> remember, timing is important too, right? if we get to the point where hs t this is tied up in litigation, the midterm election -- politically, there is not enough subpoena support at the leadership level if they take over to keep the committee going. that'll be a sad reality. >> enough support? is there any? >> right. >> i want to ask your opinion, david, about this doj filing that speaks not only to the importance of looking back and holding people to account for their activities on january 6th, but why it is important for the future. part of this says the risk of future violence is fueled by a segment of the population that seems intent on lionizing the january 6th rioters and treating them as political heros instead of criminals, many of whom committed extreme acts of violence. >> it is an important political statement about making sure that people realize what happened on january 6th is not the end. it could be tame in comparison. we don't know what 2024 looks like. we don't know, now these forces have been unleashed and with a demagogic leader like trump, if he is involved again, you know, what could be whipped up. there's a lot of connective tissue through social media. we've seen this in our history where, you know, people who are determined to use violence and idealogical ends, you know, can band together. now it's even easier to do that. so i think there is no question, this is an important moment, which is why the fact that our political leadership is not really committed shoulder to shoulder to say, which cannot stand is what is so disturbing for our democracy right now and our -- because we don't have a political system that is strong enough and committed enough to protect our institutions. that's a sad state. voters can have something to do with this by speaking loudly about it. >> yeah. divisions in the country, do they have any interest in that? that's a big question. david, laura, thank you so much. >> thank you. new reports that the fda is planning to authorize a mix and match approach for americans seeking coronavirus booster shots. this will allow people to get a different brand of booster from the vaccine they initially received. cnn's elizabeth cohen joins us now. this has been one of the questions people asked for some time, elizabeth. >> john, that's right. people have wondered, well, if i got moderna first months ago, can i now get a booster with pfizer, if that's what is available near me? if i got pfizer, can i get moderna? if i got johnson & johnson, can i get either of the other two? so "the new york times" is reporting that it is expected that the new rule is going to be get whatever. boost with whatever. whatever you got originally, you can get any of the three as a booster. now, let's take a look at the study that started this off. this was the study that was announced at an fda vaccine adviser's meeting last week. what it found, it looked at 458 study participants, and they found that fipfizer and moderna recipients did well with any booster. folks who got johnson & johnson months ago, they got a better antibody response if you used a pfizer or moderna booster instead of a johnson & johnson booster. so the results of the study are sort of supplemented with what infectious disease experts tell me that it sort of makes sense. it makes sense that it doesn't matter what you got months ago. any of the companies' boosters will work. when you get a booster will depend on what type of shot you got in the beginning. pfizer, it is after six months and only for certain people at high risk of covid complications. moderna looks like it'll be the same. for johnson & johnson, it looks like the instructions will be to get a booster two months after you got your johnson & johnson shot. that's for everyone. it doesn't matter who you are. two months after johnson & johnson, get a booster who matter who you are. john? >> this is why all of this is of particular interest for those 16 million people or so who did get the johnson & johnson vaccine. thank you so much. bernie sanders and joe manchin putting on a show of unity for the cameras. look at that, arm in arm. what happened behind closed doors? what are key progressives hearing about possible progress? two key democrats join us. plus, standoffs mounting between law enforcement and vaccine enforcement in several of america's major cities. the gang that kidnapped 16 american missionmissionaries, 1 canadian mission tary, made the demands. hear what they are. s your busin. knows... your... business! expert bookkeepers who understand your business. intuit quickbooks live bookkeeping. your eyes. beautiful on the outside, but if you have diabetes, there can be some not-so-pretty stuff going on, on the inside. it's true, if you have diabetes, you know high blood sugar is the root of the problem. but that excess sugar can cause the blood vessels to be seriously damaged. and when that happens, this could happen, vision loss or even blindness. that's right, diabetic retinopathy is a leading cause of blindness for adults in the u.s. but even though you can't see it, there is something you can do about it. remember this: now is the time to get your eyes checked. eye care is an incredibly important part of your long-term diabetes management. see a path forward with actions and treatments that may help your eyes— and protect against vision loss. just say to yourself, “now eye see.” then—go see an eye care specialist. visit to get the facts about diabetes, your eyes, and what you can do next—to take control of your sight. brought to you by regeneron. wealth is breaking ground on your biggest project yet. worth is giving the people who build it a solid foundation. wealth is shutting down the office for mike's retirement party. worth is giving the employee who spent half his life with you, the party of a lifetime. wealth is watching your business grow. worth is watching your employees grow with it. principal. for all it's worth. you have the best pizza in town and the worst wait times. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit this halloween, xfinity rewards is offering up some spooky-good perks. like the chance to win a universal parks & resorts trip to hollywood or orlando to attend halloween horror nights. or xfinity rewards members, get the inside scoop on halloween kills. just say "watch with" into your voice remote for an exclusive live stream with jamie lee curtis. a q&a with me! join for free on the xfinity app. our thanks your rewards. a key meeting last night as talks over president biden's sweeping economic a igenda reaca critical point. bernie sanders and joe manchin appearing with their arms around each other outside the capitol. >> we're talking. we're talking. >> looks like all peace and harmony. now, manchin earlier in the day responded to sanders' claim that he's getting in the way. >> you're holding up the biden agenda. >> 52 senators who don't agree, okay? there's two that want to work something out if possible, in a rational, reasonable way. that's all. >> today, the president is bringing over two groups of house democrats to the white house, meeting separately with moderates and progressives, to see if they can move toward common ground. joining me now, two progressive democrats, congresswoman cori bush of missouri and jamal bowman of new york. thank you both for being with me this morning. housekeeping first. joe manchin and bernie sanders meeting behind closed doors yesterday. we know joe manchin yet with pramila jayapal who leads the progressive caucus. what is your take on these meetings? >> having the meetings, great. let's have the meetings. also, what comes out of it? are we bringing home climate action? that's the question. are we bringing home free community college? are we bringing home what we need for our care economy, those investments we need right now for our communities. the talks are great. let's talk and act. let's talk and move. the clock is ticking. people need help right now. >> the president meeting today with a group of moderate democrats and progressive democrats. are either of you going? >> no. we haven't been invited to the meeting. that's unfortunate because there have been multiple meetings, and neither myself nor cori bush or other members of the squad have been invited to any of these meetings. it's unacceptable. it's frustrating. when we talk about our districts, we center racial justice and racial equality. we center economic justice. she talks about st. louis. cori talks about st. louis. i talk about the bronx, mt. vernon, yonkers. it is great to have the conversations, but we can't cut resources from black women, black people, from the latino community, from the indigenous community, from our seniors. i hate that we continue to cut resources to our most vulnerable communities while continuing to respond to special interests and what they want us to do in congress. >> you haven't been part of the talks. why do you think that is? >> haven't been part of those talks. you know, i think part of it is, first of all, we've been very, very clear and very vocal about what we want to see. but i think that there is something to be said about having people that talked about being the people that they serve. you know, i've talked about being unhoused. you've talked about issues where you have been -- had to be in -- you were in a shootout before, in more than one shootout. we have lived the life that the people in our communities have lived. very recently. we're not very disconnected from it. like a year ago, you know? and we are the folks that should be at the tables as well because weir talk we're talking about vinvestment for them. if you're not listening to the people in your community, who are we representing? people who are representing the broad vast of the country should be at the tables. >> senator manchin talks about the expansion of medicare toden. new family leave. community college. aggressive climate measures, he wants to dial that back, congressman. >> we're focused on bottom-up economics. centering the grassroots. making sure we center those who are vulnerable. cutting back on medicare expansion, we cut back on seniors, people who need health care. if you work in this country, if you work full time, you should have access to quality health care, dental, optical, and hearing. the climate crisis is here. hurricane ida just destroyed new york and new jersey. 50 people were killed. we got to go big on climate change. obviously, we have to take care of our children. if we don't take care of our children, there is no future democracy. how are we going to negotiate and cut back on any of that? >> and we talk about -- people want to talk about the violence. the violence. crime is up. violence is up. you want to pull out the investment? we're talking about billions of dollars that will go into communities for violence intervention. why are we -- so we fuss about what we don't want to see, but we won't fund what we know would help. those are the things we have to talk about. our care economy. you know, we don't want to make sure that mom has someone at home that can stay there to help take care of her while you go to work? we don't want to keep grandma in the home? you know, we should do that. how are we taking care of our community members that are living disabled? >> how do you reach a deal then, short of somehow just changing joe manchin's mind? >> we keep doing what we've been doing, but you also have to -- we have to reach those communities, to have the communities reach their legislators. that's the thing. when people call our offices and say, from our districts, this is what we want -- now, i can't talk about what happened with certain ones in their states, but in our districts, when they call us and say, no, i want you to vote this way, that's how we move. >> why do you laugh when i said changing joe manchin's mind? >> well, you know, joe manchin and others like him have a certain perspective that i think is incorrect. he thinks investing in a bottom-up economy is entitlement. he claims he's worried about inflation. i think we need to have a conversation about the special int interest that support joe manchin and others. this way, it is better for the gdp and economy going forward, and it is better for our well-being. when you put money in people's pockets, they spend that money. it creates demand, which creates supply, which creates jobs. we have to make sure we're putting money in people's pockets and lifting them out of a global pandemic. look at what we've gone through over the last 18 months. >> you talk about the people in your districts, what they're asking for. how do you tell them that the possibility of nothing is better than the possibility of everything? >> why is that the possibility? i'm sorry, cori. go ahead. >> well, if it is a $1.5 trillion plan to gets to the floor, will you vote against it. >> that's the expectation. the expectation is we will give you crumbs and expect you to be happy. what we're seeing is i cadidn't come to congress to give crumbs to my community. st. louis is number one and two or homicide. number one for police murder. number one for the murder of children. we keep having the issues. we have issues with black children being ten times as likely to go to the emergency room for asthma than white children. how do we fix those things? you have to put the money there. so i didn't come to congress to sit back and accept those crumbs. give my folks the meal. that is why we are here, to push that. >> don't ask us why aren't we willing to compromise. ask joe manchin, is he okay with violence in our communities continuing, public housing falling apart, black and brown people disproportionately dying from covid, the climate crisis. ask him to go bigger instead of asking us to go smaller. >> to be clear, we're asking every member, you know, where they're going to go and where the possible agreements can be reached. paul earlier talked about progress versus perfection. >> ha. that's not even -- we're talking about a package that is not even perfection. >> $3.5 trillion was the compromise. >> right, that's the compromise. >> president biden came in at 6 tri trillion dollars. >> joe manchin would say $1.5 trillion isn't crumbs. >> we're paying for $1.5 trillion, first of all, so we have the offsets. this is key. >> tell joe manchin to come to my district. >> that's right. >> tell him to come to my district, meet with me, and i'll take him to see what happens when you give a little of -- you give a little of something and you expect people to live off of that. what will happen is, $1.5 trillion or whatever it turns out to be that he wants, we can't expect other investments, other big investments to come right after that. it'll be a, oh, we did something for you. >> we spend $7.6 trillion on the military alone every ten years. >> yeah. >> it is okay for us to spend that money. no one bats an eye. but we're looking to spend $3.5 trillion over ten years, most of it paid for on a bottom-up economy to target those most vulnerable, and we have a problem with that? black and brown people, black and brown women, indigenous people, poor people, we always have to wait. you always ask, not you, the government always ask us to kick the can down the road for the most vulnerable people. to me, that's unacceptable. >> again, the prospect of getting nothing. if it is an issue of what you think should happen versus what can happen, you would vote no on $2 trillion? >> because what we've been seeing is, we don't want any programs cut, period. no programs cut. >> no cuts on anything of the $3.5 trillion? >> no cuts of programs, but we are willing to say, if we have to cut years on some of the programs to make this work, then okay. there may be some areas that instead of being a ten-year investment can be five years or seven years or eight years. we're willing to do that. but don't cut our programs. how do you tell that person working nin the child care center, no, not you, you wait. you wait until whenever. we don't know when this will come around, but we want the money to be there to pay for the folks that are fixing our roads and bridges. do we need that? absolutely. we want that investment for them. we also need our investments in housing. we also need investments in our schools. we also need those investments in climate action. we need the clean electricity. >> and the majority of the american people are with us. the majority of democrats are with us. there are just a few who are holding it up. it's not us. the majority of the american people are living paycheck to paycheck. the child tax credit, the temporary one, lifted 50% of children out of poverty. we're looking to extend that to make it permanent. more money in people's pockets, more spending, petterbetter eco more jobs. >> i have to let you go do your jobs, though you're not going to the meeting, but is the white housologic -- house listening to you? >> bring us to the table. why not? jamal, why can't you go? >> i can go right now. >> maybe -- >> let's make it happen. >> all right. we'll see if the white house responds to your offer to come to the meeting today. you freed up your calendar. representative, representative, thank you for being with us. >> thank you. >> thank you. a cnn exclusive, president joe biden takes questions from the american people. perhaps you can submit a question. anderson cooper moderates the cnn presidential town hall with joe biden, thursday night at 8:00. a conservative radio host and vaccine skeptic reveals he has covid. why he says he got it on purpose and what he did to catch it. and holding out for a hero. >> i'm vengeance. >> i thought we were talking about bonnie tyler. i got excited there for a second. why batman and superman are still cultural flash points decades later. we're carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. this is the new world of work. each day looks different than the last. but, whatever work becomes, the world works with servicenow. bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? 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according to the "baltimore sun," the union sent letters to members friday, telling them not to disclose vaccine status due to collective bargaining issues. as of last week, about 64% of the police department's 3,000 employees were vaccinated. now the focus is on baltimore's police force to see if those numbers change and how that could impact the safety of the city. conservative radio host and vaccine skeptic dennis praeger says he got covid and he did it on purpose. listen to this. >> it is infinitely preferable to have natural immunity than vaccine immunity. and that is what i hoped for the entire time. hence i so engaged with str strangers, constantly hugging them, taking photos with them, knowing that i was making myself very susceptible to getting covid. which is indeed, as bizarre as it sounded, what i wanted. >> all right. joining me now, brian stelter, cnn chief media correspondent and anchor of "reliable sources." sanjay and other doctors will say this is an awful idea. >> yes. this is the illogical extreme. he is not the only right-wing radio host that pushes this narrative that you should go out and get covid. he says it has happened to him and he is doing okay. he is taking one of those cocktails of drugs that's recommended by fringe doctors. this is really about owning the limits. whatever biden says, whatever the government says, they do the opp opposite. it is contrarianism that makes people sick. if colin powell's death can remind everyone, we are in this together. we need to reduce cases so the immunocompromised have a better staying healthy. these people do the opposite. >> keeping people healthy sis te number one priority. >> i would have thought so. we started with the slogan, we are all in this together, and right-wing media figures are trying to pull us aapart. puerto rico's vaccination rates are so much higher than in the mainland. because you don't have the right-wing radio nonsense. you don't have the partisanship that's poisoned everything. figures like praeger are a part of the problem. same overnight on fox news. the narrative by tucker kcarlso and others, powell's death shows there are problems with the vaccine. this narrative is prolonging the pandemic. it is that simple and awful. they are prolonging the pandemic. >> will cane was on yesterday. all we know about powell initially was that he passed away and that it was from complications from covid. turned out, multiple myeloma, parkinson's disease, things that weaken your immune system, and he couldn't get the booster. it absolutely explains what happens there. >> reminder, you don't know everything right away. took a couple hours to find out about powell's medical history, to know the facts. the people who jump to conclusions and make assumptions, that's the problem. >> there will be, again, doctors who says this shows we should all get vaccinated. it is more reason to get vaccinated, to protect people like colin powell, who are immunocompromised. >> let's protect each other. sadly, this conversation is not what is airing on fox. every once in a while, a doctor says the right thing on air. for the most part, it's the tucker carlsons of the world who are dragging us backwards. >> i want to ask you about b batman. >> please. >> the batman in this case. the trailer is out for the new batman movie. >> we need a hero. >> yes. >> fear is a tool. when that light hits the sky, it's not just a call. >> all right. people go nuts over batman trailers. >> this is a big deal. cnn's parent company, warner brothers, reintroducing batman. it's been a decade since there has been a batman film. way too long. warner brothers under pressure positive reboot this franchise, to bring it back in a big way. i think there's been a really positive overall reaction. you're the big fan. tell us. >> we had to endure ben affleck, and i say that lovingly. but we needed a new batman. hopefully this is it. batman and superman, and i say this as a marvel fan. they're dc heros but different. they're decades older. i think they represent something different in american history. you know, superman is very much a messiah figure. batman is the vigilante. people get more worked up about them than i think other superheros. superman, first of all, bisexual, changing the motto from truth, justice, and the american way, to truth, justice, and a better tomorrow. >> yes. >> that's days of programming on fox news. >> a better tomorrow, yes. the american way part of the phrase came during world war ii. it was a logical move when, you know, this was this world war. i think now thee message is, ths is a global franchise looking to the future. that kind of ethnonationalism, you know, perhaps is not the right style going forward. i think it is about appealing to a global box office. hey, who can argue against a better tomorrow? what's so bad about a better tomorrow? sounds vague and simple. >> are you against a better tomorrow? anybody against a better tomorrow? tonight at 9:00 p.m. brian stelter, thank you very much. >> thanks. the governor's race in virginia heating up. candidate youngkin wants trump's voters to turn out. why is he not inviting the former president to join him on the campaign trail? ahmaud arbery killed while jogging. in the day of the trial, issues like black lives matter and the confederate flag. 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>> the person campaigning here is glenn youngkin. i'm on the ballot. i'm running against terry mcauliffe. terry mcauliffe wants anybody but terry mcauliffe to campaign. he's inviting the world to come here. >> i saw a woman at his rally wearing a t-shirt with the white house on it, referring to the white house as stolen property. i see youngkin as both trying to appeal to them as well as recognizing that he needs largely white virginians in the suburbs who may have voted for president biden because they thought that the former president was distasteful, but don't necessarily agree with democratic politics. and he thinks he can appeal to all of these constituencies by beating the drum on parental rights, for instance, by suggesting that parents have lost their ability to have agency when it comes to the direction of virginia public schools, especially amid the pandemic. so, brianna, a real test because if he is able to pull out an upset in virginia, and turn this state, other republicans will certainly try to replicate this model, this fine line that he's trying to walk. >> clearly democrats are worried or you wouldn't see all the big names out there for terry mcauliffe as well. eva, great reporting, thank you. we have some breaking news on that violent gang that kidnapped 16 american missionaries, one canadian one. they have named their price. this is going to be a big problem. it is very high. we will take you live to haiti. gabby petito's family finally bringing her home. their heart breaking new interview next. imagine having someone else do your books for you. as your quickbooks live bookkeeper, i'll categorize expenses, reconcile accounts, and close your books. cool. - yep. know where your business stands. intuit quickbooks live bookkeeping. your eyes. beautiful on the outside, but if you have diabetes, there can be some not-so-pretty stuff going on inside. it's true, with diabetic retinopathy, excess sugar can damage blood vessels, causing vision loss or even blindness. so remember this: now is the time to get your eyes checked. eye care is important to your long-term diabetes management. see a path forward with actions and treatments that may help your eyes— and protect against vision loss. visit and take control of your sight. alberto and i don't fit into those other family plans. that's why we love visible. they do things differently. yeah, it's wireless with unlimited data and if you join a group it's as low as $25/mo. all powered by verizon. 5g included. woo! just get together and save! we look goooood! what's everyone's handle? visible. unlimited data, as low as $25/mo all-in. powered by verizon, 5g included. wireless that gets better with friends. this morning, jury selection set to resume in the ahmaud arbery murder trial, the trial of the men accused of killing ahmaud arbery. three men are accused of chasing down and shooting the 25-year-old while he was jogging. yesterday prosecutors and defense attorneys argued over how much of the hundreds of potential jurors, how much they should be questioned about their views on race. cnn's martin savidge, who has been covering this from the very beginning, joins us now with the latest on what we're seeing. >> reporter: day one taught us one thing, this is going to be a difficult, slow and methodical process and as you say, it is going to focus mainly on the question of what the jurors' potential perceptions are on the race of race, racism, self-defense and on groups such as black lives matter. just to remind you, ahmaud arbery died february 20th -- february 23rd, 2020. he was gunned down while his family says he was jogging through a neighborhood. he was pursued by three white men. the men claim they thought arbery was a suspect in a series of break-ins in the neighborhood and two of the white men were armed. they used pickup trucks to eventually corral arbery in the neighborhood. arbery got into a struggle with travis mcmichael over a shotgun. travis mcmichael shot ahmaud arbery three times at point blank range, killing him. now, the defense maintains this was self-defense and they were attempting to conduct a citizens arrest. the prosecution says no. this was nothing but vigilanteism and racial pro profiling at its worst and all of it had been videotaped by one other suspect. the mother of ahmaud arbery says, look, just getting to day one of this trial is major progress. here's what she had to say. >> we're very thankful, the case has come from a very long way. pleased in the direction that the case is going. i never thought the day we would pick jurors would come and the day has finally come. >> reporter: just to give you an idea of what they're up against, normally in a trial in glen county, they would call 150 potential jurors. they have called 1,000 jurors. first 600 showed up yesterday and yesterday they barely got through questioning a group of the first 20. this is going to take a while. brianna? >> all right, martin, thank you so much for that report. gabby petito's heart broken family is finally bringing her home. they travelled to wyoming over the weekend to retrieve her remains and we're hearing from gabby's mother and stepfather in a new emotional interview. cnn's randi kaye joining us now from punta gorda, florida. tell us what they're saying. >> reporter: good morning, brianna. so the family of gabby petito spoke with "60 minutes" australia and it was a wide ranging interview. they talked about gabby was like as a child, how they're coping with her death. at one point her mom and stepfather got pretty emotional talking about what they think about gabby petito's final moments. watch this. >> i just -- i hope that she didn't suffer. and that she wasn't in any pain. >> just hoping that at that -- >> she was in a place that she wanted to be, looking at the beautiful mountains. >> randi? >> reporter: i'm sorry. i didn't hear -- i thought that was still playing there. i also -- i also -- there was some talking about she was -- her mom was speaking about the

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Squad , Districts , About St , Louis , Equality , Bronx , Yonkers , Vernon , Community , Resources , Women , Seniors , Interests , You Haven T , Issues , Shootout , Unhoused , Shootout Before , Tables , Vinvestment , Senator Manchin Talks , Vast , Expansion , Back , Family Leave , Climate Measures , Medicare Toden , Health Care , Congressman , Bottom Up Economics , Grassroots , Hearing , Climate Crisis , Dental , Optical , Climate Change , Hurricane Ida , 50 , Care , Crime , Investment , Billions , Violence Intervention , Dollars , Fund , Mom , Grandma , Deal , Mind , Community Members , Thing , Say , States , Offices , Legislators , Doing , Ones , Perspective , Bottom Up Economy , Entitlement , Inflation , Petterbetter , Pockets , Jobs , Economy , Supply , Demand , Forward , Gdp , Pandemic , 18 , Possibility , Nothing , Plan , Floor , 1 5 Trillion , 5 Trillion , Expectation , Crumbs , Number One , Murder , Police , Homicide , Emergency Room , Asthma , Ten , Housing , Aren T , Meal , Ask , Member , Agreements , Package , Perfection , Paul , Progress Versus , Ha , 3 5 Trillion , District , Offsets , Isn T Crumbs , Little , Military , 6 Trillion , 7 6 Trillion , Vulnerable , Most , Bats , Government , Issue , Prospect , Trillion , 2 Trillion , Programs , Programs Cut , Cuts , Work , Some , Anything , Five , Child Care Center , Person Working Nin , Eight , Seven , Roads , Schools , Bridges , Majority , Few , Climate Action , Electricity , Paycheck , Poverty , Child Tax Credit , White Housologic , Table , Offer , Representative , Exclusive , Calendar , Town Hall , Anderson Cooper , Radio Host , Holding Out For A Hero , 8 , 00 , B Batman , Flash Points , Second , Bonnie Tyler , Car , Car Vending Machines , Company , License Plate , Carvana , 100 , Way , Techno Wizardry , Value , World , Last , Servicenow , Pay , Liberty Mutual , Liberty , Car Insurance , Limu , Bogeys , Helicopter , Woooooooooooooo , Woman , Tech , Chip , Insurance , Couple , Service , Windshield , Cost , Singers , Trust Safelite , Safelite , Safelite Repair , Farmers Market , Insurance Company Wasn T Fair , Firm , Accident Case , Worth H Barnes , Truck Hit , Barnes , Rich Barnes , I Didid T Kn Whahatmy C Caswa , T Ouour , Juryry Aorneneys Hehelpou , Best , Insurance Company Getenwasn T Fair Ity Y Cablele , Llll Theararnes Rmrm , Eight Hundred , Eight Million , Men , Coast To , Reporters , Chicago , Omar Jimenez , Vaccination Status , Police Officers , City , Mandate , Third , 500 , 4 , 13000 , Status , Lightfoot , Lowest , 64 , Officers , Seattle Police Department , Number , Monday Morning , Dan Simon , Seattle , Exemption , Process For Termination , Verification , City Employees , 98 , Calls , Level , Mobilization , Monday Night , 98 , 911 , 3 , Baltimore , Susanne Malveaux In Washington D C , 24 , Covid Test , City Workers , Law Enf Enforcement , Effect , Stand Off , Baltimore Sun , Collective Bargaining Issues , Letters , Union , Focus , 3000 , Police Force , Numbers , Safety , Skeptic Dennis Praeger , Vaccine Immunity , Immunity , Str Strangers , Photos , Brian Stelter , Bizarre , Anchor , Chief Media , Doctors , Yes , Extreme , Narrative , Sources , Sanjay , Drugs , Fringe Doctors , Cocktails , Limits , Contrarianism , Opp Opposite , Immunocompromised Have A Better Staying Healthy , Opposite , Media Figures , Sis Te , Priority , Together , Slogan , Partisanship , Mainland , Radio Nonsense , Vaccination Rates , Aapart , Puerto Rico , Problems , Powell , Fox News , Tucker Kcarlso , Figures , Multiple Myeloma , Will Cane , Turned Out , Parkinson S Disease , Immune System , Powell S , Reminder , Make , Assumptions , Conclusions , Each Other , Doctor , Airing , Air , Immunocompromised , Tucker Carlsons , Batman , Trailer , Tool , Fear , Hero , Movie , Hits , Sky , Call , Trailers , Parent Company , Reintroducing Batman , Warner Brothers , Franchise , Under Pressure , Reaction , Film , Big Fan , Ben Affleck , This Is It , American History , Marvel Fan , They Re Dc , Superheros , Messiah Figure , Vigilante , Bisexual , Programming , Phrase , World War Ii , Box Office , Style , Ths , Ethnonationalism , Race , Governor , Anybody , 9 , Ahmaud Arbery , Campaign , Candidate Youngkin , Virginia Heating Up , Jogging , Lives , Flag , Beep , Recording , Clapping , Birds Chirping , Phone Snaps , Ultra Soft , Family , Softness , Pillows , Charmin , Cushiony Softness , It Back , Soft , Holy Charmin , Go , Ubrelvy , Migraine Medicine , Serena , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , 10 , Migraine , Dose , Pill , Tracks , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Nausea , Older Medicines , Cgrp Protein , Cyp3a4 , Side Effects , Cyp3 , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Halloween , Terry Mcauliffe , Kamala Harris , Virginia On , Rice , High Stakes , Youngen Covets , Glenn Youngkin , Brianna , Needle , Thread , Virginia , Republican , Reference Point , Dance , Fine Line , Supporters , Campaign Trail , Relationship , Endorsement , Jeff Zeleny , Youngkin About Trump , T Shirt , Person Campaigning , Ballot , Rally , Virginians , Property , Suburbs , Parents , Politics , Instance , Constituencies , Rights , Drum , Direction , Upset , Virginia Public Schools , Great Reporting , Model , Breaking News , Names , Eva , Gabby Petito , Missionaries , Interview , Heart , Price , Haiti , Books , Bookkeeper , Expenses , Business Stands , Accounts , Yep , Inside , Control , Data , Family Plans , Alberto , Verizon , Mo , 25 , 5 , 5g , Save , Handle , Low , Friends , Mo All In , Visible , Jury Selection , Ahmaud Arbery Murder Trial , Potential Jurors , Killing , Defense Attorneys , Hundreds , Reporter , Martin Savidge , Difficult , Day One , Latest , Beginning , Jurors , Self Defense , Racism , Perceptions , February 20th , 20 , Neighborhood , Suspect , Break Ins , Series , February 23rd 2020 , 23 , Shotgun , Trucks , Ahmaud Arbery Three Times , Struggle , Travis Mcmichael , Killing Him , Point Blank Range , Profiling , Citizens Arrest , Vigilanteism , Mother , First 600 , Against , Glen County , 600 , 150 , 1000 , Stepfather , Randi Kaye , Wyoming , Punta Gorda , Florida , Point , Australia , 60 , Talking , Pain , Place , Mountains , I M Sorry ,

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