Share As a follow-up to the UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development held on 17-19 May 2021, and in line with the Berlin Declaration, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of Cambodia and the UNESCO Phnom Penh Office co-organized a national consultation on ESD for 2030 on 5 July 2021. Over 180 participants from MoEYS, concerned government ministries, development partners, representatives from NGOs, universities, education institutes took part in the online event. The national consultation discussed the needs, achievements, challenges, available resources and concrete implementation plans of the new ESD for 2030 framework and agreed on the Country Initiative for ESD 2030 around its five Priority Action Areas, namely (1) Advancing policy; (2) Transforming learning environments; (3) Building capacities of educators; (4) Empowering and mobilizing youth; and (5) Accelerating local level actions. Good practices and country level experiences in ESD were also shared, including the whole-city approach for ESD promotion in Okayama, Japan.