Chest Workout: 10 मिनट की इस एक्सरसाइज से छाती और कंधे बनेंगे चौड़े, अपर बॉडी दिखेगी एकदम टोन्ड
जब भी कोई पुरुष एक्सरसाइज करना शुरू करता है या जिम ज्वॉइन करता है तो ट्रेनर से सबसे पहले अपनी छाती को चौड़ा करने को कहता है। क्योंकि मर्दों की चौड़ी और मजबूत छाती न सिर्फ उनकी पर्सनेलिटी में चार चांद लगाती है बल्कि लड़कियों को भी खूब आकर्षित करती है। कुछ लड़कों को लगता है कि चेस्ट को चौड़ा कर
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These 4 Exercises Will Help to Banish Your Man Boobs
Sweat your way to a stronger, more proportional chest. Jan 14, 2021
While many guys exercise aiming to shed a few pounds from their waists or their bellies to slim down, others are more concerned about an area higher up the torso. A bigger issue would be a set of pecs, chest, and upper body that aren t just flabby or fatty–they re full and enlarged.
Prominent breasts in men, a.k.a. man boobs or moobs, are for some a major source of anxiety for the stigma they may face from other men in locker rooms, the beach or pool, or any other scenario where they might be expected to take off their shirt. Men with enlarged chests sometimes fear accusations of being grossly out of shape or mocked as looking effeminate. This shame can cause real hurt, as some men go to the extremes of wearing extra clothes, slouching, gaining more weight on purpose to hide the prominence, or never removing their shirt in public, no matter the c
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The Chest Exercises and Workouts You Need to Build Bigger Pecs
All the exercises and workouts you need to pump up those pecs, compiled by a cadre of fitness professionals 10/12/2020 Men s Health
For most guys, a chest workout involves alternating between three chest exercises: bench press completed in the flat, incline and decline positions. But it needn t be that way.
There are so many chest exercises and workouts to try, from bodyweight staples to twists on dumbbell classics, that building an impressive pair of pecs needn t be a chore. In fact, mixing up your workouts will mean you re hitting you chest from more angles than the humble bench press, as good as it is, is capable of. Doing that will result in a bigger, stronger upper torso, which in turn will (obviously) make you more adept at pushing heavy objects from barbells to broken-down cars.