In 2005, I published a book attacking the dogma then bleeding over from pop psychology into American society-at-large. My primary target was the self-esteem movement, which had been entrenched in scho
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Amy Morin is an author, psychotherapist, and host of The Verywell Mind Podcast.
In a recent survey, Morin found that Gen Z respondents reported more mental health challenges than other generations.
To better support young workers, Morin says employers should provide stress management resources.
You might expect older generations to be the most stressed out from the pandemic. After all, COVID put them at the highest risk for serious illness or even death. But it turns out, Gen Z may be experiencing the greatest mental health challenges right now.
Despite being digital natives who are used to working online, the under-24 crowd has experienced significant psychological distress during lockdown. Consequently, younger workers may need more support than employers anticipate.
Verywell Launches The Verywell Mind Mental Health Tracker
Young Adults Struggle With Perceptions Associated With Seeking Mental Health Help
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The Verywell Mind Mental Health Tracker, a monthly report that measures Americans stress, moods, and the mental health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The first wave of results revealed that nearly twice as many young adults (Gen Z and Millennials) are stressed compared to Boomers (62% vs. 35%), particularly about jobs, finances, and re-entering the post-pandemic world. They also struggle more with feelings of hopelessness, anxiety, and the potential stigma associated with seeking professional help.