Yes, I get It. Yes, I It. I get It. I get It. You love me. What can You do . HappY tuesdaY, everYone. So Kamala HarrIs Is In the mIddle of a MedIa BlItz. Shes The VIew, 60 mInutes,a me stephen colbert, howard stern. Shes been In front of more old than BrIan Stelters. Boxers. Last nIght she made o a dIsastrous, paInful appearance on 60 mInutes. It was so bad Joe BIden turned over In hIs grave. And after that traInwreck, HarrIs Appeare D The VIew where she saId she wouldnt have done anYthIng dIfferentlY the Joe BIden durIng the last four Years. Well, except PIck A Better VIce PresIdent. A fun sIde note, when the secret servIce patted Down Better Vr found a foot long bratwurst and £14 of kIelbasa. S ecre but be remIss If we dIdnt wIsh joY a happY bIrthdaY. She turned 82 YesterdaY to celebrate, she hIt a pInatatd full of sardInes. Her cake dIdnt have anY candles In case WhoopI Goldberg breaks wInddated. MeanwhIle, TIm Walz vIsIted JImmY KImmel show Last NIght, revealed he saved Carmelas N
Jesse Hello Everybody Am aan Jesse Watters along with Thepi Judge during bureau, Haroldna Pford Jr. And greg gutfeld. Ld 5 00 i. N new York City and this is the five. Somebody is panicking, after treating the present they have cooties and democrats freaking a out about her lack ofbi visibility, Kamala Harrilis is t fleeing the zone with the bladel of a Backtoback Media interviews who took with friendlys, She will be chattin with the ladies on the view, with Radio Jock Howard stern and speak to the ultimate Liberalts Kids Up Stephen Colbert. Getting his already for all these hardhittingal sit Downs Y appearing ondo Something Calledl the call her daddy podcast, watch. Y imou curious, you do not do too many long form interviews,u what madwae you want to do call her Daddy Today . You and while i think you and your listeners have really got this thing writing, which is one of the best ways to communicate with people is to be real. Un this itrs a moment in the county where people really want
Yes get. I knOw. AwesOme. Thank yOu. In all hOnesty, thIs success Is gettIng kInd Of bOrIng. Happy mOnday, everyOne. SO thIs frIdayIn, JOker TwO arrIves In Theaters and Its abOut a Mentally Ily Mn Man WhO TerrOrIzes SOcIety wIth hIs mentally unstable female sIdekIck. Terr Or but mOsT Of yOu have alreas seen It. Yeah, yOu saw thaT One cOmIng. That was after The crOwds lIke, Oh, here we gO. GO earlIer tOday, presIdent bIden delIvered remarks On The devastatIOn caused by hurrIcane aIleen helene. He cOmfOrted vIctImsd re by Theh Of hOw he Once survIved a flOOd In an are c. RepOrtedly, TIm Walz Is nervOus abOut tOmOrrOws. TOmOrrOw nIghts vIc E PresIdent Ial debate. He has been thIs nervOus sInce that tIme. He ran OuT Of tampOn al debats. TampOn Jen PsakI tOld yOung dOug that he has, quOte, reshaped The perceptIOn Of masculInIty. Thats true. Back In The Old days, a guy lIke that mIght have talked The Nann A Quy KeepIng The baby. Ke Oh. ArcheOlOgIsts In chIna have a 3600 year Old mummy that w
Okay. Okay. All rIght. Good afternoon. Theyre. All rIgh gought. L stay but. But only for one drInk. S Its frIday, so you knowo Yo What that means. Lets welcome tonIghts guests. HIs razors are the opposIte of act, not terrIble. ComedIan and founder of Wester N Razor company davId angelo. She says bless your heart. Before she rIps you apart. Cohost the Bottom LIne at fox busIness. Do you gIve a call and he madesI hIs bones kIll It. Bad guys wIth drones, Fox NatIonal SecurIty Analyst and Fox News ContrIbutor brad kItzmIller, comIccontrI[cht from havIng scabIes to makIng babIes. New york tImes best SellIng Author bucks. ThIs contrIbutor got to. Ats my favorIte rhyme scabIes In babIes Is accurate awesome. All rIght. Thaaccurate some news storIes, lets do thIs. Yeah. The Open Dregs leftovers. Mm yeah, Its leftovers the where I read the jokes we dId use thIs week. And as always Its my fIrst tIme readIng them. So If they , well send Joe Mackeyd not to vIew dresseda cupcake. Donald trump Is pla
In a ready Gun Position or actual fire position. Okay. Al standby with me, frank if you will, please. For All Of You, we are at the top of the hour, 4 00 p. M. East coast, 1 00 p. M. Out west. We will let you know what we are seeing right now. This is clearly a secured roadway very near to the Trump International Golf Course in West Palm Beach, florida. Why is it like this . Because just over two hours ago we were told that former E President Donald trump, while playing somewhere between the fifth or sixth hole on the Golf Course on Trump International that there were shots fired, initially the plan to just get the former president to safety. O we can confirm he is safe. The White House has been alerted about this. They are aware and expressed their gratitude he is safe. We do not know where he is right now. It is largely presumed he may be back at maralago. That is on the other side of this bridge you see. That is about a 10 Minute Drive from the Trump International Golf Course, we ar