another plane suddenly in its past. gio benitez standing by. the major storm hitting the west at this hour. the last in a brutal pattern of extreme weather. los angeles with more rain this month than all of last year. the new system moving coast to coast now, reaching the east by thursday. ginger zee timing it all out. the war in ukraine. the death toll rising from a russian missile strike on an apartment building in dnipro. at least 40 people killed, a dozen missing. while the u.s. is now training ukrainian forces here on american soil. matt gutman on the ground. news on the chilling plane crash in nepal, killing at least 69 people. authorities recovering the black boxes from the crash site. italy s most wanted mafia boss behind bars tonight after 30 years in hiding. back in the u.s., a university of alabama basketball player charged with murder, allegedly firing into a car near campus, killing a woman in the passenger seat. his coach coming before the cameras toda
(man) for our not-so-small business too. (vo) get internet that keeps your business ready for anything. from verizon. ugh-ipstated. feeling igwehed down by b aackedup gut mi ralax is difrefent. witorks naturally wh itthe water in your body to unbcklo your g.ut .free yo gurut. and your mood will follow. to the iexnd now. sketball great maya moore is official lyreriting. she as two-time ncaa and fourim-te bawn champion, and two-time olympic gold medalist. moeor is consireded one ofhe t greatest players in the game. she stepped away to focus on social justice suises, helngpi erovturn the wronglfu conctviion ofon jathan ironsho w is now her husban d. a> passingo t note. film lenegdin ga lobrloigida has ed. she soared to fame in the u.s. in the 5019s, -scotarring thwi
shpuing it west elas wl. so, guwiys, thho tse withth ostwe o elements aayt pl, eth idea of stthe orpum shing out to a is not en veon the tables a possibility. e fiofcial forecasnet co wlil shouow y ts.hi mean, tomorr ow toy,da is alrely your day lato pn. tomorrow, exyou ece utthat plan. by sy,unda y roue going to get a ndfall. think lit sik6:e 00 a.m. withnf raialpul shing into long iansld, bctut aualal ndfalb ou2:t 00 p.m., anywhere ,from y, fire islaupnd, tarowds the hamptons, thand ent ipushes ndinla wh itthe bigger etsffec. so s theto srmurge we always ta autbo storm surgehe tbi ggt esstorm surge oiis gngo t be on the ereastn desi of whererev imat kes landfall, maybe e-thre tsio x-foot storm sue rgon the western side, is where you oire gng to get the biesggt rain, tree ds goown, power ouestrag asi posbityli as we.llso whae ve a hurricane, obably a tecagory 1, moving into torhe nthstea. jim,t thas e thvery latest. wel arstt watching tthhis ing getting e,clos bthy e time you toge